The secret history of psychedelics

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 97

  • @OrtizBen
    @OrtizBen Год назад +11

    Psilocybin being illegal is a crime against humanity!

  • @alanomofo
    @alanomofo Год назад +2

    Count the times she say neurodivergent

  • @chris55529
    @chris55529 Год назад +5

    When I was a little kid, I used to watch those Popeye cartoons. But there was something that troubled me greatly: Alice the Goon. What the fuck was that about? What *is* she? I had nightmares for three days.

  • @theGhostofRoberttheBruce
    @theGhostofRoberttheBruce Год назад +2


  • @noneofyourbiz112
    @noneofyourbiz112 Год назад +2

    The problem with any "culture" or fad is the obnoxiousness some of its followers tend to display. Specifically the air of superiority, and general demeanor that they are "more enlightened" than you, or are privy to some special revelation, or transformative experience. After saying I'm 100% in favor of your personal choice, I can't stop myself from rolling my eyes at the thought one should feel superior in any way for giving themselves the chemical equivalent of a hard knock on the head.

    • @evanmccue736
      @evanmccue736 8 месяцев назад

      Superior? No. Enlightened, yes. If you're going to judge, at least have it come from experience instead of biases. Try it, or don't, but looking down on others who did isn't the way, friend.

  • @avajohnson2636
    @avajohnson2636 Год назад +10

    Psychedelic's definitely have potential to deal with mental health symptoms like anxiety and depression,I would like to try them again but it's just so hard to source here

    • @wizardofthewest993
      @wizardofthewest993 Год назад +1

      Loved this.I battle from depression, anxiety &C-PTSD,I've heard shrooms cured depression. Wish doctors were more open to natural medicines over big pharma but we know why

    • @MarcoGuiterrez-bo7hg
      @MarcoGuiterrez-bo7hg Год назад +2

      Got psychedelic

    • @LillyHO2
      @LillyHO2 Год назад +1

      I had a moment on my first mushroom trip where I was lying in bed and lost total connection to my physical body.I felt as I was just a dot of energy on my pillow such a crazy feeling and made me smile, really realized that we are really nothing but energy and had an overwhelming feeling from that trip

    • @WesleyCarter2tw
      @WesleyCarter2tw Год назад

      One of my best experience in my life was doing LSD and writing a paper on my interpretation of God and how the universe works,it was amazing and I got an A in college class of comparative religion

    • @avajohnson2636
      @avajohnson2636 Год назад

      @@MarcoGuiterrez-bo7hg where to search is it IG??

  • @claywright1100
    @claywright1100 3 месяца назад +1

    Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD, should be noted here too as he did a lot of the groundbreaking work on pyschedelic therapy with Osmond. Both of them (and Bill Wilson of AA) also became prominent proponents of high doses of niacin (and other nutrients) for mental and physical health. Interesting how their work from decades ago is being seen again as "new".

    • @armywhammer-dc9qk
      @armywhammer-dc9qk 2 месяца назад +1

      Absolutely! I'm hearing a lot of "we're starting to realise that these aren't just for fun but can be helpful" yet the research has supported psychedelic use for mental health right since the very beginning. It's crazy how much people don't realise that the criminalisation of psychedelics was completely unfounded

  • @AaronDurr
    @AaronDurr 3 месяца назад +1

    The rear view mirror ladybug😊

  • @infowarriorone
    @infowarriorone Год назад +2

    Safest drugs.

  • @TomLoveday-y7y
    @TomLoveday-y7y Год назад +1

    Psychedelics can be very helpful, they can make a break in bad patterns. But overuse or high doses can be a big disaster too.

  • @okarifox
    @okarifox 5 месяцев назад

    Several psychedelics (including psilocybin) can be used to help treat depression, anxiety, addiction, apathy, and several other disorders and illnesses. There are already several trials that suggest and even prove this.
    A few huge "gatekeepers" blocking general psychedelic access, use and regulation have a lot to do with propaganda, control, fear, and old ways of thinking:
    1) pharmaceutical and financial control;
    2) government control, considering if more people used psychedelics and realized that everything is connected and that we're all "one", it would be more difficult to influence people to think and act the way they want them to - more people wouldn't want to go to war with one another so readily, and they would want to strive for peace - which hurts the plans and goals of governments, militaries, certain corporations and organizations, war profiteers, etc;
    and 3) religious institutions, including the belief that psychedelics are "bad influences", "demonic" or "unclean", as well as the belief that only indigenous peoples should have the right to use certain psychedelics - no hate, just being real here.
    On the other side of things, It's also annoying that many scientists and secular authorities in general want to ignore, dismiss and not have a discussion about how much these drugs can affect people spiritually, including and especially in a positive sense. Shamans have been using hallucinogens for thousands upon thousands of years, and they know what they're doing - but many people want to completely disregard that, and I believe that's very unfair and unwise.
    Thankfully, more and more people are waking up. We've started giving cannabis a chance, and that's working out well - I say let's give psychedelics a chance, too. So much potential and good can come from it, and the good outweighs the supposed "bad".

  • @evanmccue736
    @evanmccue736 8 месяцев назад

    Psychedelics are making a comeback bc mental health care is lacking in numerous areas/fields. Long wait lists, inexperienced therapists, over prescribing of worthless medications, and the like.

  • @MeRia035
    @MeRia035 Год назад +4

    Another great conversation on this topic! Thanks to you both!
    I'm very pleased that the benefits of psychedelics are finally being widely recognized.
    It's extremely unfortunate though that so many people who provided us with them in the past were unjustly imprisoned. They should never have been made illegal.

  • @ddbb6618
    @ddbb6618 Год назад +7

    The possible benefits of psychedelics is truly mind blowing.
    Great content, many thanks

  • @Mike-fx4nu
    @Mike-fx4nu Год назад +3

    "The not-so-secret history of schizophrenia"

  • @mattdeinken6580
    @mattdeinken6580 10 месяцев назад

    Isn't mdma a entactogen?

  • @Mr.Witness
    @Mr.Witness Год назад +3

    Yaron Brook has a great take on this and the wonders of research into new innovations.

  • @grandmo6328
    @grandmo6328 Год назад +3

    Move on a land, outlaw native’s traditions, patent their processes, brand them, and then sell them for a profit 🤔

    • @grahamjones5400
      @grahamjones5400 Год назад +1

      That's basically what Reason tv supports,"Hey man, where's your state issued patents on your family recipe? I'm suing you for industrial espionage!!"

  • @BushyHairedStranger
    @BushyHairedStranger 9 месяцев назад

    LSD was set to be a new pain reliever, which would’ve overhauled how we use Opiates. Humphrey Osmond was a very compassionate & sweet soul. Everything i’ve researched about him offers up a empathetic man of his time which is unique if one looks back at what he was undertaking..
    There is no Renaissance since Psychedelics NEVER went away…

  • @AngelaR.Patton
    @AngelaR.Patton Год назад

    #OLIHAHERBS thanks to your herbs, And special thanks to you also, I’m finally Herpes Free🤧❤

  • @viveviveka2651
    @viveviveka2651 Год назад +3

    The spiritual and psychological insightfulness of those rare sages such as Ramana Maharishi, J. Krishnamurti, Vimala Thakar, Sri Aurobindo and Mirra Alfassa should be given a voice in the conversation about psychedelics.
    They have something to say.
    Krishnamurti and Aldous Huxley were friends, and they discussed psychedelics and Huxley's experiences with them.
    It is striking to me that none of these people advocated psychedelics. Not only that, they warned against their use.
    Krishnamurti said that Huxley's great experiences and realizations were not the real thing, and that they were basically meaningless.
    Sri Aurobindo said that these experiences are typically striking to the person having them, but at best they are shiny half-truths, and that they mislead people, often badly.

  • @SirBlackReeds
    @SirBlackReeds Год назад

    I can only imagine how much creaming Reason has done over Gavin Newsom's approval of magic mushrooms.

  • @viveviveka2651
    @viveviveka2651 Год назад +4

    Aldous Huxley spoke for years about wonderful experiences, insights and a transforming new perspective on life he had attained through psychedelics.
    Years later he completely renounced all that in the light of something new.
    I strongly suspect he would have renounced that as well, if he had lived long enough to see through it.

    • @thefleecer3673
      @thefleecer3673 11 месяцев назад

      He was part of the elite and Brave New World was predictive programming. Real enlightenment is achieved the hard way through meditation

    • @thomasdemoor874
      @thomasdemoor874 10 месяцев назад

      @@thefleecer3673 No. Real enlightenment is only achieved through reflecting. You don't need to meditate to do that. And you can meditate without reflecting.

    • @viveviveka2651
      @viveviveka2651 8 месяцев назад

      @Boulanger948 So what?

  • @jarryj1995
    @jarryj1995 Год назад +2

    Why does the dude look like the Boss from The Incredibles?

  • @McMillanScottish
    @McMillanScottish Год назад +2

    It's so cute listening to people who have clearly never had a psychedelic experience talk about psychedelic experiences.

  • @jasonsaxon2309
    @jasonsaxon2309 Год назад +2

    Thank you for another great video! I was at the PS23 conference and these interviews are very important because the conference was so big we missed a lot of the smaller yet very important speakers and messages. ❤

  • @carlgranados7106
    @carlgranados7106 Год назад +4

    psychedelics and marijuana just makes you look at things from a different angle from the one you are taught or stuck with. It also sets your imagination loose a bit more. To attribute anything mystical (although an experience might make one feel that way) or bring enlightenment is BS as someone that has used acid and mushrooms on occasion and pot regularly. They can be tools that lead to a healthier life if used that way or they can be an escape and addiction just like alcohol. I personally don't drink because alcohol doesn't make me relaxed, happy, or more sociable... quite the opposite. To make any drug out to be more than what they are is not good for anyone and leads to abuse and this is something we particularly do with alcohol which is why it causes so much more harm that psychedelics.

  • @johnslugger
    @johnslugger Год назад +2

    *They should be legalized since they are not narcotics.*

  • @blotfd
    @blotfd Год назад +4

    she's trippin

  • @chrisbrown2211
    @chrisbrown2211 Год назад +1

    Why wouldn't she say what psychedelic she takes?

    • @Mike-fx4nu
      @Mike-fx4nu Год назад +1

      Psychadelic... psychic... same fraud.

    • @MeRia035
      @MeRia035 Год назад

      She explained that her boss told her if she did she would be risking her integrity as a researcher.
      Some of those academics are still too chicken shit to be authentic. Stuffy old twats 😄

  • @AngelaR.Patton
    @AngelaR.Patton Год назад

    #OLIHAHERBS thanks to your herbs, And special thanks to you also, I’m finally Herpes Free🤧❤