MBTI & Rationality

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 5

  • @xaosects
    @xaosects 3 года назад +4

    It is good to hear from you! I generally pronounce it zay-o-sects though sometimes kay-o-sects, the root being a form chaos. I find the multiple interpretations add to its non-linearity. Anyway, as usual, you hit on a number of rich veins with this video. First off, the minuscule fragment that typology embodies within Jung’s corpus of thought. He approaches the topic in just one volume in his 20 volume Collected Works. Granted, he occasionally references typology in other volumes beyond PT, but those occur as brief heuristics to help align a much greater problem, never as an antidote or prognosis, but a mere tool to capture more nuance of the situation. Even in PT itself, most of the volume is spent analyzing the recent millennia of human history through the lens of dominant functions, but only such that the function emerges, vaguely, at the end of the analysis. Only in the appendix do we get a description of what these types might be like, and even then only in their most unilateral and singularly pathological form. Point being that less than 5% of his corpus was dedicated to this stream of thought.
    More illuminating - and terrifying - than type, although the problem of the anima can be terrifying in itself, and perhaps provides the gateway, is the union of opposites so prevalent as a theme in his works. Read Synchronicity, or Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, or Aion, to see just how terrifying his thought can be. The very thing you detest, the very thing you most repress into the unconscious, which you project unknowingly, unwittingly, on to others, on to circumstances, is the very thing, the only thing perhaps, that will save your psyche from it’s fragmentary disunion. This is fundamentally an individual problem, but when groups of individuals align along the same delusion, there is simultaneously an augmentation of their mutual projection and an abscondence of responsibility to deal with that projection on an individual basis. This is, perhaps, a definition of groupthink. If so, its implications make it a rather terrifying one, which Jung warns about frequently in his books.
    Regarding Beebe and his type, I find it laughable that 3rd party observers viewing brief clips of his affect are more confident in typing him than he is of himself, despite his involvement in the field his entire life, publishing groundbreaking work on the subject while operating a private practice. What hubris! Even the MBTI manual declares that it is ultimately up to the person to make the final call on their own type, because who else knows themselves better? In the long version of that Beebe interview, which is fantastic, he describes the confrontation and reconciliation of his anima through dream analysis, noting how as he learned to take better care of his inferior sensation, the manifestation of his anima figure in his dreams began to appear better cared for. Outside of dream-work, this required an entire restructuring of his lifestyle against the normal flow of his dominant function. If you’ve ever gone through this sort of analytical work, you know how painstaking it can be. To suppose that a viewer watching Beebe’s videos can better know Beebe than Beebe himself is ludicrous.
    I’ve heard the auxiliary process of Ti described as ‘explaining to others using a reasoning process’. Could that last clip be any more characteristic of that attribute? Paired with a penchant for abstract analogies - glue holding the psyche together? - this is clearly an Ne-Ti type person. The auxiliary comes through by means of the parent archetype, thus it is embodying a form of care-taking. Here we see it as the reasoning process. Beebe is making it very clear how he is reasoning through his points, this care-taking Ti process. The Heroism, the dominant function, is coming through by means of the invoked analogies: the glue that holds the psyche together. The Hero invokes this abstraction while the Parent explains it to you so you understand.
    Swinging back now to the collective difficulty of this subject on the social media outlets, we have the projection I mention in the second paragraph. The support of group think. I don’t want to understate the difficulty of this problem. We are dealing with individuals projecting their unconscious repressions by means of a forum that more or less encourages the projection of that contents with little repercussion. I believe I touched on this in another comment, but I’ll briefly reiterate it because it’s a key theme in Jung’s works. When the individual responsibility for growth can be projected as a collective responsibility, the individual absconds personal responsibility for progress, deferring instead to the collective to fulfill his needs. It’s an easy escape, easy, all too easy. Until you realize you are a slave to someone else’s designs. In a sense, your personal responsibility is your key to growth; if you give that away, then someone else will be steering that ship and you can bet it wont be in your best interest. Those persons who are vehemently advocating another person’s type are no doubt shoving some degree of responsibility off of their shoulders and onto the back of the ‘type’. Doing battle with a single person’s projections may be manageable one-on-one… doing battle with a collective’s projections is the work of the Hero, and I don’t mean this in the Beebean sense… I mean this in the sense with which tragedies are written.

  • @basic-mbti
    @basic-mbti 3 года назад +4

    Thank you for the shoutout! :) Yeah, gradually introducing theory in the midst of all the pop cultural regurgitation of stereotypes. Truth matters, but so does user friendliness. Much of the MBTI audience is seeking personal validation rather than knowledge, which can be considered a little sad, but hey, it's how the world currently works. I think you're in the best position to make your channel all about knowledge, because unlike me you have a real job out there :) If our channels were magazines, yours would be a scientific magazine and mine would be a slightly more philosophical version of the Cosmopolitan :>

  • @danielwinslow7184
    @danielwinslow7184 3 года назад +4

    Obviously the reason why the average typology hobbyist will disbelieve that Beebe is of the ENTP type is that calm and soft-spoken voice of his. However I have had Jungian typology as an interest for nearly two decades and articles have been written questioning if the ENTP type is the "most introverted of all the extroverted types." After all, while Extroverted Intuition is generally stimulated by the individual's outer world, because this function deals in ideas and abstractions, in a sense it inherently keeps in touch with person's inner world as well. If there if is anything though about this video clip that confirmed Beebe is ENTP, it would be his eye movements. He just can't keep those eyes from moving all over!

  • @danielwinslow7184
    @danielwinslow7184 3 года назад +3

    As a further comment, one concept that the idea of the cognitive functions does facilitate is this assertion that the personality is a mosaic of parts so to speak, rather than a truly unified entity.

  • @percivalconcord9209
    @percivalconcord9209 3 года назад +2

    If it adds any fuel to the fire, I use TV Tropes as a predictor of my life journey.