It looks really good internally with 8 or 12 bit microcontroller for managing Voltage and Current delivery. It also has both choke and capacitors to reduce interference or noise current and radiation to the surrounding. The main part is the quality of the Ultracapacitor itself, we do not know the supplier name but generally, they last long. It also have big enough heatsink for the power rectifiers.
I was wondering if you could measure the capacitance of the super capacitor bank. You could infer that by measuring the RC time constant while discharging the bank through a known resistor value..
Steven Rockafellow they are no batterys they are supercapacitors onehanglow no name brand. Jerry be corner has the same no battery supercaps and some other guy made car battery replacement out of super capacitors if you hunt . The light blue big round are no name supercapacitors.
i will if i find some time one day , this guy seems to have the same unit and he load tested it already. "lasersaber i think made car batterys and all sorts of maxwell supercaps i think digikey sell these . i seen onehang-low ones on wish or banggood..видео.html
It looks really good internally with 8 or 12 bit microcontroller for managing Voltage and Current delivery. It also has both choke and capacitors to reduce interference or noise current and radiation to the surrounding. The main part is the quality of the Ultracapacitor itself, we do not know the supplier name but generally, they last long. It also have big enough heatsink for the power rectifiers.
I was wondering if you could measure the capacitance of the super capacitor bank. You could infer that by measuring the RC time constant while discharging the bank through a known resistor value..
Could you please tell me what the part number is for the lithium iron battery that your using ? Thank you
Steven Rockafellow they are no batterys they are supercapacitors onehanglow no name brand. Jerry be corner has the same no battery supercaps and some other guy made car battery replacement out of super capacitors if you hunt . The light blue big round are no name supercapacitors.
Grate video :) Could you check somehow capacitance of single cap from this unit? Any idea about some other one that can be used as a jumpstarter?
i will if i find some time one day , this guy seems to have the same unit and he load tested it already. "lasersaber i think made car batterys and all sorts of maxwell supercaps i think digikey sell these . i seen onehang-low ones on wish or banggood..видео.html