Wales: The National Eisteddfod (1) The Gorsedd Prayer

  • Опубликовано: 12 янв 2025

Комментарии • 33

  • @TheMontybach
    @TheMontybach 14 лет назад +19

    only nation that crowns a poet :)

  • @waitinonden
    @waitinonden 16 лет назад +8

    This brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful prayer, what beautiful speech.... it's simply amazing. Thank you for sharing an amazing blessing.

  • @ElsJones94
    @ElsJones94 13 лет назад +4

    @brethynda123 No, we do not speak English at the Eisteddfod as everything is done through Welsh and the Eisteddfod is only shown on S4C which is a Welsh TV channel. You should go to it one year, it's really good.

  • @knx1413
    @knx1413 6 лет назад +3


  • @20mbarry
    @20mbarry 12 лет назад +2

    Diolch am ei rhannu. Gorffwys yn Dawel Ray Gravell, gwir fab I Gymru ......... RIP Ray Gravell, sword bearer at the Eisteddfod & a true son of Wales.

  • @theforestero
    @theforestero 12 лет назад +1

    love the harps...who has those in their anthem?? peaceful..

  • @Jenjenilou
    @Jenjenilou 13 лет назад +3

    Diolch yn fawr!

  • @lunabranwen
    @lunabranwen 3 года назад +2

    Why are these videos so short 😭?

  • @TheMontybach
    @TheMontybach 14 лет назад +3

    the only people that crown a POET :)

  • @PinkPufflePie
    @PinkPufflePie 14 лет назад +3

    can anyone tell me which eisteddfod this is from? thanks.

  • @Ynysmydwr
    @Ynysmydwr 14 лет назад +12

    Dyro Dduw dy nawdd;
    ac yn nawdd, nerth;
    ac yn nerth, deall;
    ac yn neall, gwybod;
    ac yng ngwybod, gwybod y cyfiawn;
    ac yng ngwybod y cyfiawn, ei garu;
    ac o garu, caru pob hanfod;
    ac ym mhob hanfod, caru Duw.
    Duw a phob daioni.

  • @Ynysmydwr
    @Ynysmydwr 14 лет назад +2

    @Bluestar460 : Ok, here's my attempt --
    Grant, O God, thy protection;
    and in protection, strength;
    and in strength, understanding;
    and in understanding, knowledge;
    and in knowledge, the knowledge of justice;
    and in the knowledge of justice, the love of it;
    and in that love, the love of all that is;
    and in the love of all that is, the love of God.
    God and all goodness.

  • @jackieroberts7895
    @jackieroberts7895 Год назад

    Cymru am byth ❤

  • @licencedtospill
    @licencedtospill 14 лет назад +1

    Swansea/Abertawe 2006.

  • @powerspade
    @powerspade 13 лет назад

    @brethynda123 Yes as most of the people I met were from England

  • @ElsJones94
    @ElsJones94 13 лет назад +1

    @brethynda123 yeah, thats enough times lol...thats amazing though!

  • @Endogamy
    @Endogamy 15 лет назад +1

    nearly a pharaonic presentation...where is akhenaton?

  • @shalasagu
    @shalasagu 16 лет назад

    cam you tell us about The National Eisteddfod, amd The Gorsedd Prayer. I am not a christian nor a Jew.

  • @Khan12078
    @Khan12078 12 лет назад +1

    Ive just noticed some words in Welsh are similar to those in Urdu, its scary why is that so?

    • @davidevans-eg1ut
      @davidevans-eg1ut 7 лет назад

      Both come originally for Sanskrit

    • @MerryMerryQuiteContrary
      @MerryMerryQuiteContrary 5 лет назад +5

      @@davidevans-eg1ut Actually no, Welsh, Urdu and Sanskrit all come from a language we call Proto-Indo-European. So yes, they're all related to one another, but they're shared ancestor is dead. They're more like cousins :) Most European languages are, plus all the Indo-European gang in Asia.

  • @herrheraldo2
    @herrheraldo2 11 лет назад +2

    Who told that Welsh Language is ugly ????

  • @MegaTories
    @MegaTories 11 лет назад +1

    Ac i'r bobl a farciodd fy sylw cynt fel "sbam", ewch nôl i'r ysgol i ddysgu mai dolenni masnachol ayyb ydy sbam. Camddefnydd y gallu marcio negeseuon fel sbam ydy gwneud o dim ond ar y sail eich bod chi'n anghytuno gyda'r barn a fynegir ynddyn nhw.

  • @MegaTories
    @MegaTories 11 лет назад +1

    Dwi'n gweld bod un o fy sylwadau cynt wedi cael ei ddileu - ond dwi'n dal i feddwl ei bod hi'n anffodus iawn y cafodd y ferch dwi'n ei nabod, sy wedi mynd i'r trafferth o ganu yn yr eisteddfod, ei chysidro fel estron digroeso yna gan nad yw hi'n siarad y Gymraeg. Cewch chi i gyd bleidleisio fy sylw i lawr, ond nid ffordd i drin rhywun sy'n cyfrannu at yr eisteddfod oedd hynny yn fy marn i. Cant y cant Cymraes ydy hi - cafodd ei geni a'i magu yn (neu ger?) y Fenni.

  • @MegaTories
    @MegaTories 12 лет назад +1

    Hunanoldeb?? Yn ôl fy ngeiriadur, "selfishness" yw cyfieithiad Saesneg y gair hwnnw.
    Ond na, does dim ganddi argyfwng hunaniaeth o gwbl. Cymraes ydy hi, yn gwbl syml, er nad yw hi'n siarad y Gymraeg, na bron i unrhywun arall yn y gymuned lle cafodd ei magu 'chwaith. Mae'ch sylwad chi'n anwybyddu'r ffaith amlwg bod DWY iaith y genedl ym myd heddiw, a'i bod hi'n siarad un ohonyn nhw yn hollol rhugl.

  • @LaughingMan44
    @LaughingMan44 3 года назад

    The festival is no longer about Welsh culture

    • @LaughingMan44
      @LaughingMan44 2 года назад +3

      @@anachronism45 It's now about global culture, multi-culturalism, diversity, LGBTQ+P and BIPOC/BAIM representation.

    • @LaughingMan44
      @LaughingMan44 2 года назад +1

      @@anachronism45 hahahaha, good luck!

    • @LaughingMan44
      @LaughingMan44 2 года назад +2

      @@anachronism45 Sorry I can't entertain your fragile ego by pointless arguing with someone who is deranged and does not live inside reality, someone who deep-down knows their perception of reality is incredibly fragile, which is why they get so emotionally hysterical about these things, and why they are absolutely desperate for their idea to be validated and will latch on to someone walking away from a pointless argument as some sort of proof of their beliefs. Have a good one dear, I'll never see your reply 👍

  • @powerspade
    @powerspade 14 лет назад +1

    I lived in Wrexham for 5 years and found they hated south walians. I also lived for 3 years in Fishguard and found tthe same there, Therefore I speak from personal experience

  • @mohammeda1409
    @mohammeda1409 11 месяцев назад


  • @powerspade
    @powerspade 14 лет назад

    @catscrown Sorry but there`s no unity of the welsh people, The North walians hate the South Walians the South Walian hate both North and South and then all the Welsh speaking people hate the none welsh speaking people even though the none welsh speakers were born and bred in wales and many of them are in the process of learning welsh, I am welsh and and a welsh speaker. Go to the National Eisteddfod you will be treated with utter contempt if you dont speak welsh