Someone asked me what the keyboard was at 09:20, it's the Nuphy Air75 V2 wireless mechanical keyboard. I use it to switch between both my Mac and PC, plus it's also great for gaming. You can use code CT10 for a 10% discount: Also I installed Windows 11 on this same MacBook and played some games - check it out here:видео.html
Despite, the MAC coming a long way. And even if say next week the performance was on par to Windows, there would be the 3:1 or more price difference to consider and Apple's stranglehold on the right to repair from 3rd parties. Not to mention the scale of apps & games that are compatible on Windows. However, I think the Apple APU can give the current CPU king, AMD a run of their money.
Thanks for hardwork, I don't know why people don't notice that arm processors are built different than x86 processors many windows laptops use. They are far more efficient and give good performance because they are essentially similar to Qualcomm smartphones on steroids unlike bulky unefficient cores of intel and amd. Only loophole in arm is gpu which will also develop with time.
Nobody hates Mac. People hate Apple for being greedy and not giving the option to upgrade or fix stuff yourself. In my country, upgrading the Mac from 48gb to 64gb RAM costs $250 whereas a 6000MHz ddr5 RAM costs $65 for a Windows machine. Same goes for storage, Apple charges $500 for +1tb, $80 for Windows. Also 8gb RAM on base models is not enough, swap will kill your ssd in a year.
Also, They make their products kinda overpriced For example: final cut pro costs 300$ approximately 30k inr in my country. I mean yes final cut pro is really good but it's not worth the 300$.
Final cut pro being $300 isn't as horrible a deal as you're making it out to be. It's a lifetime license. Adobe products used to be like $600 outright. You'll spend far more with Adobe Premiere now over time due to the subscription model.
#IntelCoreUltra Series 1 EVO laptops BATTERY life is as good as MacBook Pro 2023 and still FASTER video editing than M2 Pro/M3 pro chip without help of dGPU. 💪 If you want dGPU so buy ASUS ROG Zephyrus G16 2024 with ULTRA 9 185H. It has MacBook Pro levels of speakers. Hp pavilion Plus 14 (68 Wh) with #AMD 7840U has 10 to 11 hours of BATTERY. Hp spectre x360 14 (68 Wh) with #Intel Core ULTRA 7 155H has 14 to 15 hours of BATTERY. 😱 Intel laptops BATTERY life is as good as MacBook M2/M3 even though Intel is using Tiles/Chiplet. Impressive🤯 💪 It is just the beginning.🎉
1. These are not "Windows laptops". They are laptops which have windows installed on them. You could just as well have had Linux or other operating systems on them. 2. You compare two 4k € Laptops and the question is "RIP Windows"? The majority, the vast majority of the world's inhabitants nowadays can barely afford a 1000 € laptop. Come back to Earth, please. 3. He starts saying "real life scenarios" and then does the same as every other RUclips and talks about rendering in whatever video software. Newsflash: the majority of people working on PCs will probably use tools like AutoCAD, Inventor, Catia, or other drafting/modelling software to produce stuff, palpable stuff for others, or just browsers, office tools, etc. Sometimes I get the impression these guys live in their own little bubble...
It’s the tech RUclipsr effect. Notice how all of their videos always look exactly the same? Any review you watch from one of these guys you always have a >90% that at some point they will showcase Cyberpunk with max settings, “the classroom” scene in blender, or “workflow” which is always just video editing. Most people have corporate jobs that supply them with laptops for the tasks relative to their jobs, and just want a device for personal tasks/gaming, yet without fail these videos are always so relative/niche specifically to the tech RUclipsr lifestyle. Quite ironic.
Your stupid if you think that these are not windows laptop the average consumer won’t change there os you moron and changing a os comes with a-lot of difficulties and problems you dip shit
So you expect him to test a 4000$ laptop and just watch netflix on it? Jesus… of course he would test it in heavy softwares and intensive workflow because that’s what they’re made for, if you don’t have the money or don’t intent to use a machine for intensive work then why would you even come here bruh
@-1solrak maybe read again what I wrote. I mentioned quite resource-intensive software there. My issue was rather with the specific software he chose, which is very niche.
I upgraded from the i9 MacBook Pro to the M3 and I seriously feel like an alien made the M3, the efficiency jump is ridiculous. Not a single hitch, it feels so strange to not fight with the system at all. No lag at all or waiting for anything.
What made you wait with an i9? Its all about the use case, so you should share yours. There are people buying a Mac for 3k just to use Office, Browsing and Netflix...
bro apple did the first good cpu M3 with the price over 3k but for play good need to be installed gefrocenow for better performance without cloudgaming the M3 will go in overheating with optimizations all the app for macos they must be lightened and well optimized for macbook
@@benedictlang7431 To someone making tech money three or four grand is couch money. Maxing out hardware has no downside when the cost is irrelevant to that particular consumer.
Price to performance is won by Apple??? Some of the posters below me seem to scoff at the idea that people are concerned about upgradability, yet ignore that you can get a 32GB dual SSD in RAID laptop with a dedicated GPU (4060) for 70% what an equivalently performing Macbook would cost. Battery life and HEAT Apple trumps in spades, but there is more to buying a laptop than that. A LOT more.
It's the base spec with barely enough memory & storage space that looks very generously priced, once you need more expect your wallet to feel a lot lighter...
pretty sure laptops are meant to be portable pcs so the whole definition of having a laptop is that efficiency is forefront. it’s like buying a phone but it dies in 10 minutes because it has an inefficient CPU (bUt ThE PerForManCe is GooD!)
@@skitsah9775 Heavily depends on where you work & how you work. In most instances I have access to power outlets & don't really NEED hours long battery life, but may need more GPU horsepower than Apple is able to offer 🤷🏻♂️ Whatever suits your needs is what you get.
My recommendation is to buy both mac and PC and whichever is respecting the consumers needs is the one to stick with. I have PC for upgradeability and mac for portability. PC desktop is best for upgrade paths and macbook is nearly unbeatable for portability and great battery life.
how can you say that when with the same spec, regardless of bottlenecking, the price of a windows laptop (gaming) is cheaper than a desktop? Windows needs to release its own processor and make it awesome. Desktop will die sooner or later anyway
You can’t ignore bottle necking really as that is an important factor but even ignoring that a desktop gpu generally has more power than a laptop gpu. The ram upgrade in a desktop will normally be far greater than a laptop. When a laptop breaks you have to send it in for repairs if the motherboard dies. If your desktop motherboard dies you just buy a new one in the store. The flexibility and upgrade ability on a desktop is in a different league than a windows laptop. If you are running any kind of business that requires constant up time get a desktop. If you are just gaming than sure a laptop is fine. If you really want to go with laptop then I would recommend buying 2x if you are running a business so that when one goes down and needs repairs you can use the 2nd one. Honestly you can make any option work it just requires planning so I understand your perspective on going with laptop as well.
@@Ajayharrysimon "Desktop will die sooner"??? A Business office setup is a joke to you? Please tell which IT department prefers to deploy laptop rather than desktops. I would love to know. 🤣🤣
@@AjayharrysimonI don’t think desktops will ever die, unless cloud computing becomes standard, which wouldn’t be unprecedented but it would be super bad for consumers in general. You’re always going to get more performance for less money if you have more space to work with, and we if we ever hit a performance wall it can be overcome just by making Bigger Desktop PCs. The demand for more performance isn’t going to go down either, since more and more performance leads to more and more immersion and realism in experiences. Until we are able to simulate an entire universe down to subatomic levels, people will want more performance. And they might even want more after that.
It is an exciting time for chips. The next couple years should release a bunch of surprises. Apple and AMD really motivated the market to innovate. As always I don't think anyone is cross shopping these laptops. Windows is best at 80-90 percent of flagship abilities for 30% the cost.
You are so fucking retarded go back to elementary moron🤡. 30% means you get some 13500h dogshit and you consider that equal to an m3max?? You are out of your mind 🤡 the m3max is way faster than a 13980hx and faster than a 13900KS. noob
intel and amd will innovate, apple will copy all from them and for their desktop will use 4yo amd gpus go configurate a mac desktop in the official site youll see over 10k for configuration for wot? old amd gpus
One major issue with gaming on the Macbook Pro is that the display has a very slow response time. Apple would have to release a gaming laptop, ideally with an Oled or high response time Mini-Led. Another is not all games are on Mac. Only a handful of games. That being said, Intel, AMD, and Nvidia need to work on making more efficient chips with better IPC.
@@Roboseal2 The mini LED has slow response times according to reviews and there are RUclips videos of people gaming. I tried to link, but RUclips ate it - Notebookcheck has a good review of the Macbook Pro 16. OLED will solve those problems, if it happens.
11:25 It's a lie bro. Don't even compare the performance on gaming between m3 max and a 3090. How can you say that it's close. You're only testing games that are optimized for Mac chips. What about Cyberpunk or even Rdr2. Tchrr
If resident Evil Village were on max settings for both windows ad MacOS that means that the PC was doing a lot more. Windows version supports hardware RT so that would make it much heavier
Umm Mac version also supports ray tracing, I’m looking at it in the settings menu of RE Village on my MacBook Pro right now. And actually, the Mac was doing more - he had the PC set to DLSS performance mode, and the Mac set to MetalFX quality mode. They were trading blows in fps but the Mac looks noticeably sharper with better shadows (although that last part might be the better display).
#IntelCoreUltra Series 1 EVO laptops BATTERY life is as good as MacBook Pro 2023 and still FASTER video editing than M2 Pro/M3 pro chip without help of dGPU. 💪 If you want dGPU so buy ASUS ROG Zephyrus G16 2024 with ULTRA 9 185H. It has MacBook Pro levels of speakers. Hp pavilion Plus 14 (68 Wh) with #AMD 7840U has 10 to 11 hours of BATTERY. Hp spectre x360 14 (68 Wh) with #Intel Core ULTRA 7 155H has 14 to 15 hours of BATTERY. 😱 Intel laptops BATTERY life is as good as MacBook M2/M3 even though Intel is using Tiles/Chiplet. Impressive🤯 💪 It is just the beginning
@@Epicgamer_Mac Finally someone gets it 🙌. I'm embarrassed for all of these "PC experts" that don't understand this (I don't call myself an expert but I've been building custom PCs for 15 years, so I know a thing or two). Some comments even said I was purposefully nerfing the PC just so the Mac would get better FPS, as if Apple themselves are paying me millions to advertise Macs 😂. Crazy the lengths they will go to to defend their favorite platform. Yes, DLSS is set to performance mode on the Legion which is literally designed to boost FPS as much as possible using the hardware in the RTX GPU, but without sacrificing too much graphical quality. At the time of shooting this video, Resident Evil Mac did have a "performance" mode like I mentioned in the video but it also came with a horrific downgrade in graphical quality which no one in their right mind would use.
A couple months ago I was give by my employer an M1 Macbook 14 and I really enjoyed the general experience of using it, but had to switch to a windows laptop because the Mac didn't handle working with game engines very well, but this and future M-chip macbooks look like they'll be viable for game development. Now if only the EU would force apple to make macbook hardware upgradeable down the line....
that aint gonna be a thing if you want good ram and gpu performance in your mac. 'cause the ram and gpu is in the same chip as the cpu so you would have to change the whole M-chip if you nwanted better ram for example. and if apple made them sepperate it would suffer from the same thing that is with pci-express. Speed. Yes pci-e is getting faster over time but no where near the speeds of apple silicon
If the EU force them to make it upgradeable you wont get that same performance anymore. The whole way the M-chip Macs work has every component (unified memory, cpu and gpu etc) in the one chip. By letting you upgrade individual components, they can’t make it compact or nearly as efficient anymore because building your system in a more modular non-integrated way would negate all the performance improvements that apple have brought to the table. I am all about right to repair though, let me fix my own laptop goddamn it!! 😭
If the EU forced that the macbook would increase in size and be a hunk of crap like some Dell XPS132312-EU-JP-MODEL132-JFVVV-SDFF-13.344123-XPSU-UD or something
Apple showcases itself as a premium brand. Will Ralph Lauren want or think of their customers to get their clothes and alter them at a tailor store? That is how apple is. Their premium feel and look comes out of the sophisticated Mac os and build… so naturally to want to set them apart from brands like MSI, or Lenovo they don’t give an upgrade option. And like others said since everything stays inside the chip we can’t ask for them
@@Skribzz_ В чём проблема вынести 6 микросхем на материнскую плату? Скорости не пострадают от слова совсем, но пострадает энергоэффективность и то не сильно. Может + 0.25 Вт, что будет каплей в море. ROM у apple вроде напаяна отдельно от soc, так как объемы в 1 тб при всём желании не влезают в размеры soc. Apple предпочла напаяянную rom для того, чтобы вы чаще покупали их ноутбуки. Я готов подертвовать даже 5 часами автономной работы ради заменяемой ram и rom хотя бы в m1 m2 m3 и m4, где используется 128 битная шина памяти. У mx max и pro напаянная ram допустима в связи широкой шины памяти, но apple могла разделить ram и vram, но этого не сделала ради бутафорской энергоэффективности в 15 - 20 часов, которая никому не нужна
What about the 7i pro with the 13900hx and 4090? This can be had for $2500 currently. Thousand dollars cheaper than the 9i pro with the water cooled vram and carbon fiber lid….
Do you see the fact of water cooled of 7i pro, it is useless and not efficiency for using at all. Just only for having in spec that using liquid cooling in system.
Thing is Intel isnt the top dog on the x86 side atm. The 7945hx is faster in most tasks especially high core count ones and the 7945hx3d is the best laptop gaming cpu available. When it comes to power consumption the 7X40 or renamed 8X4X series offers the best energy efficiency. Though its hard to beat the TSMC N3 process on the M3 macbooks. Im not quite sure how the new core ultra chips are doing atm but when I last had a look they needed some software support for sure.
Lower power means much longer battery life ! I still have an M1 Max (now 3 years old) and I can still use it for work all day (8-9 hours) and then use it in the evening for another 3-5 hours and often it still has 10-20% battery remaining, basically the only time my Mac is plugged in is when it is on charge overnight. This is the reason I use an M Series Mac Book, it is very fast, quiet, cool and does not need to be plugged in when being used. Benchmarks tell people nothing important, everyday use is the key, and with Mac's now costing around the same money as equilent PC Laptops, there is no comparision, if you use your computer as a laptop...
I also like the fact that the macs last a lot longer then most windows. I'm guessing every window/PC gets a new parts every 3-4 years while the macs can go for 5 years without dropping significantly in performance
@@goheezyyplays7929 it really depends, my pc i bought with core i5 4th gen, it lasts till this year that i bought and upgrade to ryzen 5 5600, so i passed almost 10 gens to change something in my pc, and it was still smooth, just need an recent processor to play recent games, for every other task that i do it served really well, anyway my upgrade renewed my entire pc with new gen performance and it costed me arround 600, my brother bought a mac pro for 2100...
Considering one platform can do it all (Windows) and the other platform (macOS) will require you to buy a separate machine if you want to do gaming, I think it's safe to say that many many people will choose Windows simply for the fact that they don't want/have the room for 2 systems. The GPU performance of the M3 is also not at all on the same level as Nvidia or AMD. Apple will have to up their GPU performance significantly if it wants to be able to compete in gaming. Until then, I guess we still have to buy Windows. Which is a shame really because macOS is quite nice for work tasks and the physical quality of their computers are really nice. Hopefully this M-adventure is the start of something great and Apple will continue their efforts into real gaming and not just mobile gaming..
Old news, if one platform performs your primary tasks better & your secondary tasks well enough - go with that. This video shows that now works both ways Games 1st/Work 2nd = Windows, Work 1st/Games 2nd = Mac (depending on your work). What the video doesn't show is that even a base M2/M3 is fine for optimised 1080p gaming and that many Windows games now work capably on a Mac Mx Pro/Max via Whisky.
@@tenooji_ you are a typical idiot. how can i buy a macbook if there are no videos of viewport working? as long as people like you live and people like you are the majority, normal people will suffer
@tenooji_ "it still didn't show anything, just tables and graphs" is one of the silliest things I've read on this video. What am I supposed to do instead? Upload a video 40+ hours long of me doing all the testing in real-time with no cuts? Lol...
Hey this was outstanding!! Just a tip. If you could do a text prompt when the fan audio test came to an end. I kind of got blown away by your smooth voice because I turned up the volume to hear them side by side Cheers from Melbourne Mate!
@@omarcortes5754 Im not a graphics artists or renderer. Using the Blender version that supports Apple Silicone. The current M3 beats the 3090 in performance and uses less than 100 watts of power (Apple doesnt provide a solid number which is infinitely annoying) and is relatively close to the power of the laptop version of the 4090. Nobody can deny Nvidia did an amazing job on the raw power of the 4090 and is the absolute best for rendering 3D graphics, for now. The M3 Ultra is coming soon, and if the past is a good indicator then the Ultra will be close or maybe even surpass the 4090 in raw power. But for now if you need the fastest possible machine get a 4090. If you want to render on the go, the macbook pro will be plenty fast without a drop in power when on the go.
@@omarcortes5754 true, as he mentioned, apple takes a lot of time to render stuff, also apple is pretty good for portability tho, because of it's battery life, it can easily be used in a day, but talking about windows, there is a diversity if one wants to upgrade, you cant upgrate ram or storage in a mac, but you can in a window's laptop, so if you want to upgrate windows laptop to a newer technology, then you can, in mac, you would need to buy a new one, and also it's the price point, i wont say much about that
Apple did great gains with the M3 but there are many other issues that will leave them as a niche product. The main issue is still price, especially outside the US where Apple products become prohibitively expensive and priced less competitively relative to legion laptops or similar products (TUF i9 is cheaper then Legion i9). This gets worse if you don't buy top notch devices and go for something like MacBook air Vs i7 laptops (like i7 legion or i7 ASUS TUF). The MacBook air it 50% more expensive. Apple also has nothing to offer below the MacBook air while there are many i5 laptops with half the price if you just need a laptop without gaming or video editing. RUclipsrs like to measure everything by video editing while I rarely see people doing video editing, mostly office use and coding for which any i5 laptop will manage.
Asus TUF is probably the worst gaming laptop bruh. But you are right, the point is that you have a choice and can find whatever suits you and what you can afford (for students, for example)
So basically two different builds styles are competing each other. One has best pieces seperately and one has slightly lower end pieces for the sake of integrity
10 месяцев назад+3
My understanding is that the difference are 3nm (ARM) vs 10 nm (x86), ARM use RISC; this use instructions that are executed in simple blocks and runs individualy in every cicle of the procesor. On the other hand, x86 use CISC, this runs more complex instructions and one can run in several cicles of the processor, which needs more power. ARM is great because basically have differents "processors" inside and each of those runs an specific instruction and the RAM in this case is in the same "space of instructions", Apple put the RAM closer, which is better. On the other hand, x86 uses all cores for everything, this can be bad or good, it depends on the task and instruction. Nvidia also use ARM and other specific cores for raytracing (RT cores) and AI.
I have a M1 Mac Pro. Trying to game on that is hell. Most of the games dont work. Even for the one's that work you cant get them working by just installing, you have to do some work around.
I have the privilege to have a desktop pc for power and storage, and a m2 max macbook for portability. Love both worlds. Tbh, the mac makes my life way easier and is even faster in everything than my pc, huge plus for having airdrop, but for some tasks I prefer my desktop setup. Sometimes I need more screen real-estate
I have a similar situation, a pc for gaming and sometimes for working. And a M1 Pro for working. When I switch to windows and have to transfer from my phone (iPhone) to windows it is very difficult to do it. Perhaps on mac, transfer is so easy with airdrop. I shared a folder in windows and transfer files through samba(? No remember) but no working as expected sometimes.
@@robertkamer1820 If I were you, I would look into the m2 max. I think its cheaper and as good as the brand new ones, + bonus for already having all adobe software m2 ready. I think m3 still has some software issues with adobe and silicon, etc etc. 48gb is more than plenty, I don't know what you do but I edit high end music videos with heavy video codecs, and its a breeze for my mac.
Amazing comparison but I just wanted to mention, when comparing RE village, it was unfair to use ray tracing on the windows machine. Rather, you should've tested the raw performance on both or the performance with DLSS set to quality on the windows machine.
I think it's more unfair to intentionally handicap the Legion by disabling DLSS. If you're playing on an RTX GPU, you are going to enable DLSS. The Mac has no raytracing support yet on games, so this is a realistic representation of real-life differences. There is also no DLSS option for "quality" on the Windows machine either.
@@Epicgamer_Mac Yeah? but the thing is the upscaling stuff on mac and windows are different. In order for a fair test of pure performance he should've just turned off any sort of upscaling or ray tracing. Because mac and windows are really different in that aspect. Ray tracing is hella intensive if you didn't know, and using that on the windows machine gave it a much harder time, of course DLSS helped but it stil would've been more idle if he hadn't used anything and had just compared the raw performance
@@CreatedTech yeah but the thing is, ray tracing is intensive (af) on the gpu, well ignore the DLSS but the test has to be fair on both sides. its somewhat like testing the two machines on entirely different graphical settings. With the windows machine having an "extremely intensive" preset while the mac had a "normal preset". I totally agree that players are gonna use DLSS and in some cases ray tracing in real world use, but this isn't necessarily about that(specially cause you mentioned that 'they both perform similarly'), it's about comparing the two machines, and for that you should've gave the exact same scenarios for both machines, just because one can support more graphical features doesn't mean that using them is fair. Its like running a marathon, but one runner has to carry some extra 10 kilo weights just because he can. But that obviously isn't fair if you're trying to compare the two rivals
Can I just say I very much appreciate that you run creative workflows in your tests! You're the first person I've seen do it and as a photographer and occassional video editor it's the one thing missing from a lot of other reviews. I'm on the hunt for a new laptop as my surfacebook is failing and I've been stuck between Lenovo and Apple so this was super helpful.
I have a Mac m3 max but you can’t compare rtx 4090 to m3 the m4 40 core has 14 teraflops compute performance and the rtx 4090 laptop has 32 teraflops compute power a better comparison would be rtx 4050-4060. The media engines do the heavy lifting in the video editing timeline but as soon as you start using any 3d or effects it’s gonna start having a harder time.
You absolutely can compare the two lol... Just because the 4090 has "more teraflops" doesn't mean that translates into real-world performance. You are forgetting the new GPU optimizations in the M3 Max chip, unified memory making all 48GB of RAM available for the M3 Max GPU etc. PugetBench GPU and Effect scores on both After Effects and Premiere Pro were quite close between the two. So yes, they are extremely comparable and choosing a RTX 4050-4060 is not a fair comparison at all.
#IntelCoreUltra Series 1 EVO laptops BATTERY life is as good as MacBook Pro 2023 and still FASTER video editing than M2 Pro/M3 pro chip without help of dGPU. 💪 If you want dGPU so buy ASUS ROG Zephyrus G16 2024 with ULTRA 9 185H. It has MacBook Pro levels of speakers. Hp pavilion Plus 14 (68 Wh) with #AMD 7840U has 10 to 11 hours of BATTERY. Hp spectre x360 14 (68 Wh) with #Intel Core ULTRA 7 155H has 14 to 15 hours of BATTERY. 😱 Intel laptops BATTERY life is as good as MacBook M2/M3 even though Intel is using Tiles/Chiplet. Impressive🤯 💪 It is just the beginning
I love this comparison. Up until Mac is able to handle 3D applications like CG art and Gaming, and Windows is able to keep pace well enough when it comes to video production software, personally, I'm sticking to Windows. But just because of the efficiency of these chips alone, I hope that Intel & AMD see this as a threat and catch up so that Windows laptops are useful off the wall, or Mac somehow gets better at these tasks while keeping up with efficiency. Either way, this is a fantastic time to be a tech nerd.
Apple always wins in terms of efficiency, But they make the stuff so expensive. But the unified memory actually amazing compared to dedicated memory in windows laptops.
@@1zAlfonzo It has not much to do with the Memory but the chip architecture!! Offcourse Arm based processors are much efficient than x86 architecture! what is really appreciatable is Arm based processors did many R&D's and made chips more powerful over the years without sacrificing the effeciency! while x86 has no significant upgrade over years in terms of effeciency!!!
@@aakashvinayaksankar5857 ill be honest, apple never cared about innovation right after the IPhone x. They only care about money, but ill say that their processors are so effiecent, that there isnt a massive differennce between each generation.
Its important to me this moment. I have the money and I want a NEW computer for next ten years. Video and photography. My big doubt is M3 MAX or PC 4090.....HEEEL ME PLEASE, noise ? Heat ? Performace? I usted this laptop same that desktop, main computer. Thank you
I've been a Mac user my entire life. Born in 94, and have been using Macs since 1997. And so clearly I have a preference, (although I hated all the Macs from 2016-2020 and so used a 2015 MBP for 8 years.) But 2023/2024 is the first year that I am actually interested in these windows PCs. They finally look nice to use and have a relatively premium feel to them, good battery life and lower power draw, and they have great performance.
@@Aloxcs The M3 may be efficient but the whole architecture around it is just one giant bottleneck. The performances are just laughably bad in comparison to the price. But hey, Apple fanboys are known to be gullible whales.
The comparison is cool but putting more emphasis on the efficiency is also important to consider the cost. Knowing Legion 9i is almost three times cheaper than MacBook Pro M3 Max is killing all the comparison. It has much higher value for money and that's my main concern on the efficiency - how efficient I can use my money.
As a 3D creator, I was pumped about the RTX4090 laptop version, till I discovered it was only 16GB of VRAM. And not to mention the unplugged performance. I work on a PC tour workstation, where I have an RTX 3090 with 24 GB of VRAM, so it is a little missleading at least on the nVidia part to call the laptop version of RTX 4090 the same as the desktop one. On the Macbook, the unified memory looks and work pretty well, but you definitely need to purchase the version with the right amount of RAM, otherwise it becomes a downside.
The Adobe tests had the Lenovo laptop performing competitively on most tests, but still slightly behind. If someone wanted to game with a wider selection, they could do that with Lenovo and not lose much for video/photo editing.
@@Tr4ns1st0r if we customers were demanding enough, windows would have a proper competition with macs. I think the Ryzen 7940HS comes close in performance per watt efficiency. Its performance is either better or on par with M2 max. But every windows fan would say "bAtTery/hEat dOesnT matTer". I own the Asus G14 2021 model and Macbook pro(M2). The windows laptop is just a noise and heat machine.
I’m excited for the future of mac, but at the time i feel like they miss the mark on important selling points. Some aren’t their fault, like little support for gaming and several windows apps, but some, like refusing to offer a touchscreen option or any upgradability, is entirely apples fault. Hopefully they address these issues sooner
It's not Apple's fault. Like how they made such a show for the already 7-8 yrs old usb c, they'll do the same with touchscreen. they'll introduce it far in the future showcasing it as technological innovation and will ask for an extra grand just for that.
@@uzairahmed8260 "Like how they made such a show for the already 7-8 yrs old usb c" What a stupid comment. They were the first major company to strongly push USB C back in 2016.
@@hajjdawood Two things can be true at the same time, they were forced to put usb c into the iphone because lightning made them money because its propreitary.
I currently have 2 Dell Precision 7760s, with Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-11955M CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.61 GHz, 16GB NVIDIA RTX A5000 Graphics Card, and 64GB of ram for my work computers. They can handle anything I throw at them with 3D, interactive, multimedia presentations. But now that I create high-end presentations with 70-90 4K videos in them, it can no longer get through an entire presentation. Oddly enough, I run the same presentation on an old, 16" MacBook Pro, M1 Pro with 16GB of ram and it runs it flawlessly. There is something to be said about having access to all of that unified memory and the way Macs process it. I am now looking to get a 16" MacBook Pro, M3Max with 128GB of memory.
It can play gta 5 which uses the same engine that rdr2 uses, pretty well on even a m3 16gb MacBook Air. So I wouldn’t doubt it if they would be able to run that game just fine too.. the issue is they are not supported officially so work around would have to be done to be made possible to install the game. Now I wouldn’t expect them to play the game flawlessly on max settings like a gaming pc could cause MacBooks are not gaming laptops, they are productivity machines that can play games too.
I was an Apple fan boy for decades, there was no convincing me that PC's and Windows were better than a Mac. I have since made the switch. I got really tired of Apple's closed off and dull systems. There is almost no upgradability unless you order the system upgraded directly from Apple. It almost feels like Apple is trying their hardest to convince the many people that use their products, they are the only way to go when it comest to quality and options. When I switched from my iPhone 14 Pro Max to my Samsung Z-Fold 4, I had a hard time getting my iMac to recognise my phone when I connected it to the computer. When I connected my phone to my Lenovo laptop, Windows Phone Link kicked in and within a few seconds, my computer recognised my phone and I was able to transfer things back and forth with little effort. I have fully moved over to PC's and Android. I have left Apple behind. Full disclosure, my husband is still and probably always will be an Apple Fan Boy, and that's ok. In the end, we all prefer what we all prefer.
I hate Windows and PC. Can't wait to move to mac. I prefer system stability, reliability, longevity, battery life. I prefer to do all the typical things beautifully than doing everything averagely. Oh and the quietness and less heat. Windows always, always, always has issues. I've spent 25 years fixint windows problems and building Windows PCs. What a headache.
I mean lets be honest: Laptops in general are so powerful and efficient that you can't go wrong either way. If you're doing something that requires a lot of power, you're gonna have a desktop anyways. Using a laptop for that kinda stuff is going to be more for "Touchups," not for the majority of your work.
The problem of Windows notebooks is Windows 11 where updates can brick your computer and where the OS forces Microsoft services like Office and One-drive down the users throat and if they don't like your (legal) documents that you save on their cloud storage, they can ban you and your documents are gone.
The main areas where those two laptops seem to be close are the ones where Apple has the advantage, and the biggest performance differences are where the Lenovo Legion outperforms, and the Lenovo Legion is hardly the best performing Windows laptop. I think the buyers I'd recommend the MacBook Pro to are those doing graphic design or who require a laptop that can perform well on demanding tasks while on battery, and/or require a long battery life. Also for those who require awesome speakers. An ordinary office worker would probably get more value from a MacBook Air or an Asus ZenBook, and gamers or those looking for desktop replacements should just skip Apple laptops.
I always find videos like this very interesting because it kind of makes me feel like I'm in my own dreamworld where I can actually afford and use laptops like those but unfortunately that is not the world we live in but it is good for me to sometimes once in a while imagine if that was true.
Microsoft is starting to develop their ARM system. It is hoped that the battery life problem of Windows laptops can be solved, and Nvidia has also launched their ARM system a long time ago. It is undeniable that the greatness of Windows is in the discrete GPU for 3D and its upgradeability.
I don't think ten years is just "starting". If anything, Windows On ARM should be mature… if Microsoft was serious about it. Up until the M1 was released and gave x86-64 a black eye, it was a fun toy for their engineers to mess around with.
I've always had this thought. It seems that Apple always runs the harware at battery levels of performance. Meaning that whether plugged in or not, the performance stays the same. I wonder how much more performance they could get if it were boosted when plugged in (similar to how the windows based laptops work)
@@strawberry_cake1703Actually I think Qualcomm just proved that wrong. They allow one or two cores of the X Elite to boost to 4 GHz, whereas normally they’re in the 3.5-ish range. If Apple did the same thing that could be cool, but honestly, probably only necessary for benchmarks. Considering the M3 Max CPU devours everything we used to consider competition, I’d say it doesn’t NEED that though 😂
Ive never bought a laptop without upgrading the ram myself, its much cheaper to get a laptop with something like 8gb of ram and then put 32 in urself than to buy the laptop with 32.
I have a mac. By factory settings, it is silent, but it is very conservative about how the fans will be activated. The focus is a very slow rpm until it gets hot really hot. I have a setup with 3 monitors (using display link) plus integrated monitor. A lot of apps. It is warmer than just one screen with a few app (totally obvious) but the fans didn’t start working until the cpu hits a high temperature and it feels uncomfortable to use. I changed the fan settings. They will be working in a minor temperature and being colder than before. So, the silence is incoming with some sacrifices (more temperature)
@@cat-ew1sb tf? Hardware is the Physical form of a piece of info (eg: usb) unlike SOFTWARE which is like clouds or any kind of syncing info on the app/web/file itself?
@@Icypepper64 The Chip is different. Apple has its own chipset that is very optimized for softwares at a lower power consumption bla lalala. I never will own an apple product it's just they are pretty good and not for the price of course
I hate to be that guy but calling it a piece of junk is ridiculous (even if you were joking) because they are actually made very well. I have never gotten a product from them that was the slightest bit deformed etc.
This is not my experience, the M3 Pro 14 said it would take over 1 day to render our last gopro timeline in our latest video. Vs my 4070 that did it it in 35 minutes. This was using a hardware raid 0 drive rendering to a samsung t7. It couldnt even play the timeline. Even if it was double the speed, that would mean 12h to render a simple timeline. If youre running all these tests from the internal SSD on the mac thats not a realistic comparison. It needs to be able to read and write from storage nas or raid drives for large media workflows.
35 min on the 4070 vs 24+ hours on M3 Pro is ridiculous and something is clearly wrong. Your problem is likely user error - not a slow Mac. There is something seriously wrong with your Mac-based workflow. Possibly the way that your NAS is interfacing with the Mac, or maybe a software issue. Would be worth looking into. For the record the video editing test conducted in this video was reading a 1TB+ project from an external drive, not the internal Mac SSD. I also have no problems connecting M3 chip Macs to my 50TB Synology NAS and can achieve over 600MB/s read/write speed via my 10GbE network card.
@@CreatedTech ill give it another try just using an SSD with the timeline loaded. But i even went to mac and compared these exact laptops with the sales guy and he basically said, yea the lenovo is gonna be faster all the way around. I really wanted to give mac a chance. I have the legion 9i on order now.
Definitely try to troubleshoot the Mac issue. I've been making these comparison videos since Apple silicon was first announced (2020) and I've yet to see a situation in which a Windows laptop significantly outperforms an Apple silicon MacBook in video editing. Note: as long as they are both in the same performance range, e.g. high-end like this video (RTX 4090 vs M3 Max). Don't pay too much attention to what those sales guys say. They almost always have no idea what they're talking about (I used to work at Apple). If you're set on a Windows laptop, also consider the Legion 7i instead of the 9i. Will get you most of the performance but at a lower price point.
@@CreatedTech id really like to go apple, but im baffled at what it could be? The m3 pro 14 is 18bg and its about 3 weeks old and only has photoshop on it. My raid 0 gets like 300-400mbs read/write on windows, and the t7 is faster. Could it be the file format? Or maybe davinci resolve is not optimized for mac atm? We use only davinci for our videos.
Unfortunately I can't help you troubleshoot, but I can tell you it's definitely not Resolve. Resolve is 100% optimized for Apple silicon. Try comparing both laptops by using footage being read from the same external SSD attached directly to the laptop. My guess is that the slow Mac issue is with the network connection between your Mac and your NAS. From memory GoPro footage is recorded in h.264 or HEVC and both are supported by the Mac's video encoders and decoders, so timeline performance should be very good.
How can you compare "Building Firefox Codebase" when the 139980HX + RTX 4090 Windows laptop is unable to use Xcode ? To my knowledge Xcode can only run on Mac machines.
@@AlmightyEye you either have very poor understanding of my comment !! , intel core ultra just come out , dave2d channel he compared the energy efficiency+performance ( core utlra 7 ) similiar to M2 if compare with M3 Max , Core utlra 9 should be the good match !! , I don't mean intel CPU is better than m3 max , but it's interesting to see
@@DennisSchmitz we all know intel use insane more energy ,but intel core ultra just come out , dave2d channel he compared the energy efficiency +performance ( core utlra 7 ) similiar to M2 if compare with M3 Max , Core utlra 9 should be the good match !! ,
I do hate apple for their pricing but can't deny their optimization, their battery life are much more considerably better than windows and much less heat cauz for less power draw....
Not even a minute into the video and I genuinely am so impressed with the aesthetic put into your environment for the video. Love the lighting and everything about it! Quality production man
I hate to say it, but there will come a time where USB-A will be considered retro. Where all new peripherals are USB-C, even mice. It might be five years, it might be ten years, it might be 50 years, but eventually USB-A will be seen as unwieldy and too big, just like Parallel and Serial ports are now.
This coment thread is the most "US-coded thing" ive ever seen. I have legit not seen a USB-C port outside of my phone in over 2 years. Saying that USB-A cables will die is like saying that LAN ports will be completly replaced in the future.
Im hoping the Qualcomm XElite don't let me down when it comes to efficiency - Battery and performance. Holding off from buying a new laptop untill i see some reviews and tests on the chipset against the M2/M3.
@@Codyslx gaming laptops is a joke, a piece of sh!t which will be either too big and loud (if it has a sufficient cooling system) so it becomes a non-portable brick OR it will be slim and will melt your arms, knees && keyboard while gaming. Either way it will drain the battery to 0 in ~2 hours without being docked to outlet and the performance while gaming on battery is a sh!t. Conceptually gaming laptop is a garbage. Good cooling system on laptop = faster battery drain = it should be docked while gaming which makes it a somewhat bullsh!t PC. If you want to work you use laptop or PC, if you are gaming - PC.
@rostyslav2314 Literally no one games on battery. You have no idea what you're talking about. I have a strix g16 with a tri fan set up, stays cool all the time, and the drops to 1900rpm for all three fans at around 20 decibels on idle. I need this type of hardware to handle an engineering degree at my university. After all, you can't pack a gaming PC into a backpack.
Biggest thing for me as a work user, when traveling on trains etc, I used to travel 2h each direction for a costumer, first I used a good laptop from Lenovo. On battery it lacked power and the battery would only last for a couple of hours. When I switched to a Macbook Pro, at the time a M1 Pro I didn't need to charge the laptop from leaving home until I got home again. That was 12-14hours work on battery. That difference is everything. Game is a no issue, a laptop isn't good enough to game on anyway. I rather play on my gaming rig at home than on a work laptop.
Apple has exponential gains! Even when it comes to CPU Apple was pretty much up there with the best Intel could offer but now Apple's laptop CPUs are comparable to Intel's desktop giants like the i9 13900k. In GPU they have a lot of catching up to do and catching up they are! After all we have to remember that Nvidia has decades and decades of experience in making GPUs while Apple only started in I believe 2017 with their first GPU in iPhone 8/8+/X's A11 chip. In 2020 they brought it into the laptop world. So they are really moving fast. Nvidia is not standing by tho. They will hit with the RTX 5000 series so Apple would have to keep their growth strong
…very detailed review. M3 does not yet beat the desktop RTX 4090 in overall workflow, but we are yet to see the M3 Ultra! …which will then get beaten by the 5000 Series
@@YeahTheMitchs I don't think the M3 Ultra would match the RTX 4090 even if both are put in situation where the optimization is the same. It is just that good! Apple needs more time.
@@YeahTheMitchsdoes the M3 even beat the 7900XTX or 4080? Intels next Gen of GPU is rumored to have crazy performance gains too. Competition is heating up in the GPU space and that’s a good thing for consumers. Hopefully it forces NVIDIA to innovate because outside of the 4090 and maybe 4080, the rest of their 4000 series has pretty minor gen over gen improvements compared to 3000 series.
Apple has no interest in competing with Nvidia. Nvidia only makes one component of a PC, there’s no comparison. Besides, you’re comparing a 450W GPU the size of a VCR, to one 1” x 1” on-board chip that’s a CPU and GPU? To even compare an upcoming 5,000 Series GPU to Apple Silicon is beyond a victory for Apple. 🤷🏻♂️
@@AlmightyEye Apple needs to compete with Nvidia! I'm not talking about gaming specifically but GPU tasks in general. gaming is hard but everywhere else Apple has a very good chance. So far they are behind
The day when i'll be able to play the amount of games that are avaliable for windows on a macbook (ignoring the humiliating more powerful gpu that gamer laptops have) then i will think stop laughing on the face of apple (obviosly i would never buy anything from a mercenary company that rips off their clients)
almost no games on any other platfrom besides windows has more to do with the devs than with other operating systems. If you have millions at your disposal and refuse to port to a different api which would probably cost a couple hundred thousand to do (see the Tomb raider ports, which run superb on Apple Macs), that's the same greed people are accusing Apple with.
The legion crushes the Mac in almost everything Maybe the cpu on the Mac is better. I mean, comparing them price wise, a normal human will get legion. Cuz you get more for what you pay .
Also consider the fact that the M3 MAX uses a quarter of the energy consumed by the mobile RTX 4090+CPU combo and you really understand what Apple can do with its processors even in the gaming sector, if only the developers brought all the games to macOS, now the investment is justified
The 4090's efficiency could be much better if you ran it at a lower frequency. I wouldn't be surprised if it could match the M3 Max's efficiency if scaled down to the same performance. Nvidia just pushes their silicon to higher frequencies, making it a lot more inefficient (as power draw exponentially increases with frequency), while Apple takes more transistors but runs them at a much lower clock speed.
#IntelCoreUltra Series 1 EVO laptops BATTERY life is as good as MacBook Pro 2023 and still FASTER video editing than M2 Pro/M3 pro chip without help of dGPU. 💪 If you want dGPU so buy ASUS ROG Zephyrus G16 2024 with ULTRA 9 185H. It has MacBook Pro levels of speakers. Hp pavilion Plus 14 (68 Wh) with #AMD 7840U has 10 to 11 hours of BATTERY. Hp spectre x360 14 (68 Wh) with #Intel Core ULTRA 7 155H has 14 to 15 hours of BATTERY. 😱 Intel laptops BATTERY life is as good as MacBook M2/M3 even though Intel is using Tiles/Chiplet. Impressive🤯 💪 It is just the beginning
you get a better price to performance ratio for companies that build windows os pcs like Asus, Lenovo, and MSI. if one of these laptops costed as much as that mac, it would school it twice over.
I have a PC and Macbook and I gotta say Macbook is really good and I would pick Macbook any day over Windows laptop. IMO Windows is best for PC’s not laptops.
I think the problem for buying a Mac M3 is Apple anti gaming stance, they simply don’t support enough AAA games. If you want a gaming laptop the choice really is simple a PC. It is a shame. Apple could so much more impress people their laptops are the best by out performing other Windows gaming laptops. The Apple laptops beat PC’s on heat and off battery performance. But with my portable gaming laptop a Asus G14, I want portability not off power performance and I am not really concerned if gets hot. I want the ability to take my gaming laptop on holiday, to friends place or with me and plug it in. So it isn’t a requirement to be on battery. PC chip manufacturers are improving both these features to compete with Apple. I have both Mac and PCs. I prefer my iPhone/iPad for mobile and the privacy of Apple. But for gaming I use a windows Laptop. I actually prefer Windows 11 OS over Mac OS, I loath finder over windows explorer mainly because what I used at work. But Mac OS seems to be clunky intentionally for aesthetic reasons over function. While windows is more functional OS just less aesthetic , just my opinion. If Apple wanted to be my every thing laptop, they have to fix the inability to support ‘all’ AAA gaming. Gaming to be a bigger focus. Fix the Mac OS to be a little more easy to use it needs a big overhaul. But it is exciting times in gaming with the upscaling technology it is quite possible you won’t ever need to buy new hardware because your current hardware will be good enough. With A.I games will become more complex and compelling than currently. Nice review it is difficult to try and compare an Apple to an Orange.
#IntelCoreUltra Series 1 EVO laptops BATTERY life is as good as MacBook Pro 2023 and still FASTER video editing than M2 Pro/M3 pro chip without help of dGPU. 💪 If you want dGPU so buy ASUS ROG Zephyrus G16 2024 with ULTRA 9 185H. It has MacBook Pro levels of speakers. Hp pavilion Plus 14 (68 Wh) with #AMD 7840U has 10 to 11 hours of BATTERY. Hp spectre x360 14 (68 Wh) with #Intel Core ULTRA 7 155H has 14 to 15 hours of BATTERY. 😱 Intel laptops BATTERY life is as good as MacBook M2/M3 even though Intel is using Tiles/Chiplet. Impressive🤯 💪 It is just the beginning
I don’t think Apple is anti gaming, they’re just anti third party development (because they’re greedy) and they realize that most of their consumers don’t care for gaming anyways, meaning that they don’t have to spend money on third party titles
Windows already runs on ARM and it probably wont be long before AMD/Nvidia get chips out that will run Windows (along with Qualcomm) for the masses so it's not really rip Windows, more like a shift to ARM for low power devices for Windows finally. Got to give credit to Apple for doing it well, regardless of how much I wouldn't buy Apple hardware personally.
Remember 1 thing, all win10 laptops are made from different parts, and its hard for intel and nvidia to make them all compatible, while apple dont care about this problem, thats why processors on win 10 less efficient. And you can expand memory or ram in win10 laptops.
Someone asked me what the keyboard was at 09:20, it's the Nuphy Air75 V2 wireless mechanical keyboard. I use it to switch between both my Mac and PC, plus it's also great for gaming. You can use code CT10 for a 10% discount:
Also I installed Windows 11 on this same MacBook and played some games - check it out here:видео.html
Despite, the MAC coming a long way. And even if say next week the performance was on par to Windows, there would be the 3:1 or more price difference to consider and Apple's stranglehold on the right to repair from 3rd parties. Not to mention the scale of apps & games that are compatible on Windows. However, I think the Apple APU can give the current CPU king, AMD a run of their money.
@@Oppo_Reno8_Pro Use the 'reply' button so that everyone up the chain knows who you're talking to. Just like I did right now !
can you tell me where to find the wallpaper you use on your mac in this video? it's wonderful
Thanks for hardwork, I don't know why people don't notice that arm processors are built different than x86 processors many windows laptops use. They are far more efficient and give good performance because they are essentially similar to Qualcomm smartphones on steroids unlike bulky unefficient cores of intel and amd. Only loophole in arm is gpu which will also develop with time.
No one cares about apple though and lenovo legion is not that good and has poor thermal solutions.
Nobody hates Mac. People hate Apple for being greedy and not giving the option to upgrade or fix stuff yourself. In my country, upgrading the Mac from 48gb to 64gb RAM costs $250 whereas a 6000MHz ddr5 RAM costs $65 for a Windows machine. Same goes for storage, Apple charges $500 for +1tb, $80 for Windows. Also 8gb RAM on base models is not enough, swap will kill your ssd in a year.
Also, They make their products kinda overpriced
For example: final cut pro costs 300$ approximately 30k inr in my country. I mean yes final cut pro is really good but it's not worth the 300$.
Final cut pro being $300 isn't as horrible a deal as you're making it out to be. It's a lifetime license. Adobe products used to be like $600 outright. You'll spend far more with Adobe Premiere now over time due to the subscription model.
RAM is still way more
efficient on macs than on Windows
@@DipSet85 agreed but 8gb is still not enough for pretty much everybody. 16gb is bare minimum, 32gb is future proof
*Macbook:* "It's over Windows, I have the highground."
*Windows:* "I can also play games though."
*Macbook:* "F*CK!"
you must be a next level of stupid to buy any apple products to play games. Macs are usu7ally targeted to students, business and editors/artists.
Yeah mac gotta pettern up fr
@@ymmot2k9 Indeed, it's for draining your wallet.
@@ymmot2k9what’s the point then fr? Most people aren’t doing 3d animation or heavy video editing so what’s the point of the m3
I’m sorry but it can play Java edition mc pretty good…
I got my Legion 9i Pro 4090 in December 2023 (Same time as this Video for $2499.00) The MacBook is still $4000.
#IntelCoreUltra Series 1 EVO laptops BATTERY life is as good as MacBook Pro 2023 and still FASTER video editing than M2 Pro/M3 pro chip without help of dGPU.
If you want dGPU so buy ASUS ROG Zephyrus G16 2024 with ULTRA 9 185H. It has MacBook Pro levels of speakers.
Hp pavilion Plus 14 (68 Wh) with #AMD 7840U has 10 to 11 hours of BATTERY.
Hp spectre x360 14 (68 Wh) with #Intel Core ULTRA 7 155H has 14 to 15 hours of BATTERY. 😱
Intel laptops BATTERY life is as good as MacBook M2/M3 even though Intel is using Tiles/Chiplet.
It is just the beginning.🎉
Damn bro, you got yourself a great deal for sure
Nah, Legion 9i 4090 is 4899€.
Nope. 👎 The legion is 4K. You musta got yours on sale
1. These are not "Windows laptops". They are laptops which have windows installed on them. You could just as well have had Linux or other operating systems on them.
2. You compare two 4k € Laptops and the question is "RIP Windows"? The majority, the vast majority of the world's inhabitants nowadays can barely afford a 1000 € laptop. Come back to Earth, please.
3. He starts saying "real life scenarios" and then does the same as every other RUclips and talks about rendering in whatever video software. Newsflash: the majority of people working on PCs will probably use tools like AutoCAD, Inventor, Catia, or other drafting/modelling software to produce stuff, palpable stuff for others, or just browsers, office tools, etc. Sometimes I get the impression these guys live in their own little bubble...
It’s the tech RUclipsr effect. Notice how all of their videos always look exactly the same? Any review you watch from one of these guys you always have a >90% that at some point they will showcase Cyberpunk with max settings, “the classroom” scene in blender, or “workflow” which is always just video editing. Most people have corporate jobs that supply them with laptops for the tasks relative to their jobs, and just want a device for personal tasks/gaming, yet without fail these videos are always so relative/niche specifically to the tech RUclipsr lifestyle. Quite ironic.
@@AndreiIorgulescu Hey man for the record youtubers do live in their own bubble, if you haven’t realised it in 7 months time.
Your stupid if you think that these are not windows laptop the average consumer won’t change there os you moron and changing a os comes with a-lot of difficulties and problems you dip shit
So you expect him to test a 4000$ laptop and just watch netflix on it? Jesus… of course he would test it in heavy softwares and intensive workflow because that’s what they’re made for, if you don’t have the money or don’t intent to use a machine for intensive work then why would you even come here bruh
@-1solrak maybe read again what I wrote. I mentioned quite resource-intensive software there. My issue was rather with the specific software he chose, which is very niche.
I upgraded from the i9 MacBook Pro to the M3 and I seriously feel like an alien made the M3, the efficiency jump is ridiculous. Not a single hitch, it feels so strange to not fight with the system at all. No lag at all or waiting for anything.
What made you wait with an i9? Its all about the use case, so you should share yours. There are people buying a Mac for 3k just to use Office, Browsing and Netflix...
@@benedictlang7431 Return on investment.
bro apple did the first good cpu M3 with the price over 3k but for play good need to be installed gefrocenow for better performance without cloudgaming the M3 will go in overheating with optimizations all the app for macos they must be lightened and well optimized for macbook
@@benedictlang7431 To someone making tech money three or four grand is couch money. Maxing out hardware has no downside when the cost is irrelevant to that particular consumer.
unfortunately true, those who can afford the best usually buy the best no matter what because why not?! lol@@Comm0ut
Price to performance is won by Apple??? Some of the posters below me seem to scoff at the idea that people are concerned about upgradability, yet ignore that you can get a 32GB dual SSD in RAID laptop with a dedicated GPU (4060) for 70% what an equivalently performing Macbook would cost. Battery life and HEAT Apple trumps in spades, but there is more to buying a laptop than that. A LOT more.
It's the base spec with barely enough memory & storage space that looks very generously priced, once you need more expect your wallet to feel a lot lighter...
pretty sure laptops are meant to be portable pcs so the whole definition of having a laptop is that efficiency is forefront. it’s like buying a phone but it dies in 10 minutes because it has an inefficient CPU (bUt ThE PerForManCe is GooD!)
@@skitsah9775 Heavily depends on where you work & how you work. In most instances I have access to power outlets & don't really NEED hours long battery life, but may need more GPU horsepower than Apple is able to offer 🤷🏻♂️
Whatever suits your needs is what you get.
@@skitsah9775 in your're saying the phone that dies in 20 minutes is better than the one that dies in 10. Ok...YoU wIN.
@@XBRoughneck Please explain where I implied that worse battery life (10 minutes) was better
My recommendation is to buy both mac and PC and whichever is respecting the consumers needs is the one to stick with. I have PC for upgradeability and mac for portability. PC desktop is best for upgrade paths and macbook is nearly unbeatable for portability and great battery life.
how can you say that when with the same spec, regardless of bottlenecking, the price of a windows laptop (gaming) is cheaper than a desktop? Windows needs to release its own processor and make it awesome.
Desktop will die sooner or later anyway
You can’t ignore bottle necking really as that is an important factor but even ignoring that a desktop gpu generally has more power than a laptop gpu. The ram upgrade in a desktop will normally be far greater than a laptop. When a laptop breaks you have to send it in for repairs if the motherboard dies. If your desktop motherboard dies you just buy a new one in the store. The flexibility and upgrade ability on a desktop is in a different league than a windows laptop. If you are running any kind of business that requires constant up time get a desktop. If you are just gaming than sure a laptop is fine. If you really want to go with laptop then I would recommend buying 2x if you are running a business so that when one goes down and needs repairs you can use the 2nd one. Honestly you can make any option work it just requires planning so I understand your perspective on going with laptop as well.
@@Ajayharrysimon "Desktop will die sooner"???
A Business office setup is a joke to you? Please tell which IT department prefers to deploy laptop rather than desktops. I would love to know. 🤣🤣
fully agreed.
@@AjayharrysimonI don’t think desktops will ever die, unless cloud computing becomes standard, which wouldn’t be unprecedented but it would be super bad for consumers in general. You’re always going to get more performance for less money if you have more space to work with, and we if we ever hit a performance wall it can be overcome just by making Bigger Desktop PCs. The demand for more performance isn’t going to go down either, since more and more performance leads to more and more immersion and realism in experiences. Until we are able to simulate an entire universe down to subatomic levels, people will want more performance. And they might even want more after that.
It is an exciting time for chips. The next couple years should release a bunch of surprises. Apple and AMD really motivated the market to innovate. As always I don't think anyone is cross shopping these laptops. Windows is best at 80-90 percent of flagship abilities for 30% the cost.
AMD and Apple APU will be on the top. And thanks to ARM processor for the Apple M series it draw less electricity which he didn't mentioned.
Poopy mac
You are so fucking retarded go back to elementary moron🤡. 30% means you get some 13500h dogshit and you consider that equal to an m3max?? You are out of your mind 🤡 the m3max is way faster than a 13980hx and faster than a 13900KS. noob
Efficiency matters.
intel and amd will innovate, apple will copy all from them and for their desktop will use 4yo amd gpus
go configurate a mac desktop in the official site youll see over 10k for configuration for wot? old amd gpus
One major issue with gaming on the Macbook Pro is that the display has a very slow response time. Apple would have to release a gaming laptop, ideally with an Oled or high response time Mini-Led.
Another is not all games are on Mac. Only a handful of games.
That being said, Intel, AMD, and Nvidia need to work on making more efficient chips with better IPC.
They should just put a 144hz display on their next line of pc's
Very important point, nobody mentions display response time aside from NoteBookCheck
it has 120hz but its still slow response time@@Kattoe
how is the response time slow? I need an example. Plus the OLED should be this year or next year. (if we are really unlucky it will be in 2026 or 27)
@@Roboseal2 The mini LED has slow response times according to reviews and there are RUclips videos of people gaming. I tried to link, but RUclips ate it - Notebookcheck has a good review of the Macbook Pro 16.
OLED will solve those problems, if it happens.
11:25 It's a lie bro. Don't even compare the performance on gaming between m3 max and a 3090. How can you say that it's close. You're only testing games that are optimized for Mac chips. What about Cyberpunk or even Rdr2. Tchrr
If resident Evil Village were on max settings for both windows ad MacOS that means that the PC was doing a lot more. Windows version supports hardware RT so that would make it much heavier
Umm Mac version also supports ray tracing, I’m looking at it in the settings menu of RE Village on my MacBook Pro right now. And actually, the Mac was doing more - he had the PC set to DLSS performance mode, and the Mac set to MetalFX quality mode. They were trading blows in fps but the Mac looks noticeably sharper with better shadows (although that last part might be the better display).
@@Epicgamer_Mac When did the Mac version add in RT?
#IntelCoreUltra Series 1 EVO laptops BATTERY life is as good as MacBook Pro 2023 and still FASTER video editing than M2 Pro/M3 pro chip without help of dGPU.
If you want dGPU so buy ASUS ROG Zephyrus G16 2024 with ULTRA 9 185H. It has MacBook Pro levels of speakers.
Hp pavilion Plus 14 (68 Wh) with #AMD 7840U has 10 to 11 hours of BATTERY.
Hp spectre x360 14 (68 Wh) with #Intel Core ULTRA 7 155H has 14 to 15 hours of BATTERY. 😱
Intel laptops BATTERY life is as good as MacBook M2/M3 even though Intel is using Tiles/Chiplet.
It is just the beginning
@@Epicgamer_Mac Finally someone gets it 🙌. I'm embarrassed for all of these "PC experts" that don't understand this (I don't call myself an expert but I've been building custom PCs for 15 years, so I know a thing or two). Some comments even said I was purposefully nerfing the PC just so the Mac would get better FPS, as if Apple themselves are paying me millions to advertise Macs 😂. Crazy the lengths they will go to to defend their favorite platform.
Yes, DLSS is set to performance mode on the Legion which is literally designed to boost FPS as much as possible using the hardware in the RTX GPU, but without sacrificing too much graphical quality. At the time of shooting this video, Resident Evil Mac did have a "performance" mode like I mentioned in the video but it also came with a horrific downgrade in graphical quality which no one in their right mind would use.
@@Epicgamer_Mac Fanboy BS 🤣🤣😆
A couple months ago I was give by my employer an M1 Macbook 14 and I really enjoyed the general experience of using it, but had to switch to a windows laptop because the Mac didn't handle working with game engines very well, but this and future M-chip macbooks look like they'll be viable for game development.
Now if only the EU would force apple to make macbook hardware upgradeable down the line....
that aint gonna be a thing if you want good ram and gpu performance in your mac. 'cause the ram and gpu is in the same chip as the cpu so you would have to change the whole M-chip if you nwanted better ram for example. and if apple made them sepperate it would suffer from the same thing that is with pci-express. Speed. Yes pci-e is getting faster over time but no where near the speeds of apple silicon
If the EU force them to make it upgradeable you wont get that same performance anymore. The whole way the M-chip Macs work has every component (unified memory, cpu and gpu etc) in the one chip.
By letting you upgrade individual components, they can’t make it compact or nearly as efficient anymore because building your system in a more modular non-integrated way would negate all the performance improvements that apple have brought to the table.
I am all about right to repair though, let me fix my own laptop goddamn it!! 😭
If the EU forced that the macbook would increase in size and be a hunk of crap like some Dell XPS132312-EU-JP-MODEL132-JFVVV-SDFF-13.344123-XPSU-UD or something
Apple showcases itself as a premium brand. Will Ralph Lauren want or think of their customers to get their clothes and alter them at a tailor store? That is how apple is. Their premium feel and look comes out of the sophisticated Mac os and build… so naturally to want to set them apart from brands like MSI, or Lenovo they don’t give an upgrade option. And like others said since everything stays inside the chip we can’t ask for them
@@Skribzz_ В чём проблема вынести 6 микросхем на материнскую плату?
Скорости не пострадают от слова совсем, но пострадает энергоэффективность и то не сильно. Может + 0.25 Вт, что будет каплей в море.
ROM у apple вроде напаяна отдельно от soc, так как объемы в 1 тб при всём желании не влезают в размеры soc.
Apple предпочла напаяянную rom для того, чтобы вы чаще покупали их ноутбуки.
Я готов подертвовать даже 5 часами автономной работы ради заменяемой ram и rom хотя бы в m1 m2 m3 и m4, где используется 128 битная шина памяти.
У mx max и pro напаянная ram допустима в связи широкой шины памяти, но apple могла разделить ram и vram, но этого не сделала ради бутафорской энергоэффективности в 15 - 20 часов, которая никому не нужна
What about the 7i pro with the 13900hx and 4090? This can be had for $2500 currently. Thousand dollars cheaper than the 9i pro with the water cooled vram and carbon fiber lid….
Do you see the fact of water cooled of 7i pro, it is useless and not efficiency for using at all. Just only for having in spec that using liquid cooling in system.
@@icpoo1915 I was referencing those components adding to the cost of 9i. The 7i does not have the small water loop in it.
Thing is Intel isnt the top dog on the x86 side atm. The 7945hx is faster in most tasks especially high core count ones and the 7945hx3d is the best laptop gaming cpu available. When it comes to power consumption the 7X40 or renamed 8X4X series offers the best energy efficiency. Though its hard to beat the TSMC N3 process on the M3 macbooks. Im not quite sure how the new core ultra chips are doing atm but when I last had a look they needed some software support for sure.
Lower power means much longer battery life ! I still have an M1 Max (now 3 years old) and I can still use it for work all day (8-9 hours) and then use it in the evening for another 3-5 hours and often it still has 10-20% battery remaining, basically the only time my Mac is plugged in is when it is on charge overnight. This is the reason I use an M Series Mac Book, it is very fast, quiet, cool and does not need to be plugged in when being used. Benchmarks tell people nothing important, everyday use is the key, and with Mac's now costing around the same money as equilent PC Laptops, there is no comparision, if you use your computer as a laptop...
I also like the fact that the macs last a lot longer then most windows. I'm guessing every window/PC gets a new parts every 3-4 years while the macs can go for 5 years without dropping significantly in performance
@@goheezyyplays7929 it really depends, my pc i bought with core i5 4th gen, it lasts till this year that i bought and upgrade to ryzen 5 5600, so i passed almost 10 gens to change something in my pc, and it was still smooth, just need an recent processor to play recent games, for every other task that i do it served really well, anyway my upgrade renewed my entire pc with new gen performance and it costed me arround 600, my brother bought a mac pro for 2100...
@@goheezyyplays7929 Its good that you said "guessing" because you really seem to know nothing about computers
mine died on its 4th year. never used it fro any heavy processing except for Microsoft's 360 application. That "guess" came from a personal exp.
Vast majority of people use those things near a power outlet. Battery life is irrelevant if you won't ever need it.
Really appreciate the effort put into making this video! Great comparison!
Glad you liked it!
Considering one platform can do it all (Windows) and the other platform (macOS) will require you to buy a separate machine if you want to do gaming, I think it's safe to say that many many people will choose Windows simply for the fact that they don't want/have the room for 2 systems. The GPU performance of the M3 is also not at all on the same level as Nvidia or AMD. Apple will have to up their GPU performance significantly if it wants to be able to compete in gaming. Until then, I guess we still have to buy Windows. Which is a shame really because macOS is quite nice for work tasks and the physical quality of their computers are really nice. Hopefully this M-adventure is the start of something great and Apple will continue their efforts into real gaming and not just mobile gaming..
@@tonyburzio4107 Explain.
separate machine? thats wrong lmao
Old news, if one platform performs your primary tasks better & your secondary tasks well enough - go with that. This video shows that now works both ways Games 1st/Work 2nd = Windows, Work 1st/Games 2nd = Mac (depending on your work). What the video doesn't show is that even a base M2/M3 is fine for optimised 1080p gaming and that many Windows games now work capably on a Mac Mx Pro/Max via Whisky.
@@daveh6356 but what games are you gonna play?? thats the questions your choice is very limited and i mean very limited
One of the few of youtubers who actually uses GPU acceleration to show fair comparison with Macs 😂
and it still didn't show anything, just tables and graphs
@@artemlapunov oh you mean the graphs with the data required to make a comparison ? yall will do anything except admit apple silicon is good lol
@@tenooji_ you are a typical idiot. how can i buy a macbook if there are no videos of viewport working? as long as people like you live and people like you are the majority, normal people will suffer
@tenooji_ "it still didn't show anything, just tables and graphs" is one of the silliest things I've read on this video. What am I supposed to do instead? Upload a video 40+ hours long of me doing all the testing in real-time with no cuts? Lol...
@@romancotton8536Mac’s has rt, even the Iphone 15 pros has hardware accelerated rt.
Hey this was outstanding!! Just a tip. If you could do a text prompt when the fan audio test came to an end. I kind of got blown away by your smooth voice because I turned up the volume to hear them side by side
Cheers from Melbourne Mate!
It's all fun and games until you have to run mario 🗿
M3 is epic and it uses 1/3 wattage.
Incredible efficiency.
Ya thats why it beats even the best custom pc builds too
but only in efficiency
No pc builder cares about efficiency
@@fbkensarhd5279 I do especially in outdoors
My Raspberry Pi5 uses even less power 😂
@@ashutoshtiwary9605lol 😂😂
Each one excels in its own purpose.
Mac: video / photography edition
Lenovo: Gaming / performance
Performance? 😂 Just leave it at gaming man.
More like
Mac: video/photography/software development/office work/day to day usage
Lenovo: Gaming/Warming up a small room in winter.
@@hajjdawood try to do some 3D rendering with the apple gpu, let’s see how it performs.
@@omarcortes5754 Im not a graphics artists or renderer. Using the Blender version that supports Apple Silicone. The current M3 beats the 3090 in performance and uses less than 100 watts of power (Apple doesnt provide a solid number which is infinitely annoying) and is relatively close to the power of the laptop version of the 4090.
Nobody can deny Nvidia did an amazing job on the raw power of the 4090 and is the absolute best for rendering 3D graphics, for now. The M3 Ultra is coming soon, and if the past is a good indicator then the Ultra will be close or maybe even surpass the 4090 in raw power.
But for now if you need the fastest possible machine get a 4090. If you want to render on the go, the macbook pro will be plenty fast without a drop in power when on the go.
@@omarcortes5754 true, as he mentioned, apple takes a lot of time to render stuff, also apple is pretty good for portability tho, because of it's battery life, it can easily be used in a day, but talking about windows, there is a diversity if one wants to upgrade, you cant upgrate ram or storage in a mac, but you can in a window's laptop, so if you want to upgrate windows laptop to a newer technology, then you can, in mac, you would need to buy a new one, and also it's the price point, i wont say much about that
I love how people always compare one single brand to the whole industry.
because that one brand shoots the first bullet on the whole industry.
because that one brand is only one who make something different
And the mac still wins
How is 100% difference in gaming fps “close” ? The legion blowed the M3 max out of the water in gaming there.
Exactly, the dude is just hella biased towards apple lol.
just for yall to know, this is a last generation intel processor. the latest generation is 14 or the ultra series
The video quality is so great that I stopped the video on my phone and resumed it on my 4k tv to achieve full video experience.
Apple did great gains with the M3 but there are many other issues that will leave them as a niche product. The main issue is still price, especially outside the US where Apple products become prohibitively expensive and priced less competitively relative to legion laptops or similar products (TUF i9 is cheaper then Legion i9). This gets worse if you don't buy top notch devices and go for something like MacBook air Vs i7 laptops (like i7 legion or i7 ASUS TUF). The MacBook air it 50% more expensive.
Apple also has nothing to offer below the MacBook air while there are many i5 laptops with half the price if you just need a laptop without gaming or video editing. RUclipsrs like to measure everything by video editing while I rarely see people doing video editing, mostly office use and coding for which any i5 laptop will manage.
Asus TUF is probably the worst gaming laptop bruh. But you are right, the point is that you have a choice and can find whatever suits you and what you can afford (for students, for example)
@@dlevchik why though? I recently just got one lol
@@dlevchikno bro you're so dead wrong
This the comment i have been looking for😊
calling the Mac niche is stupid, more people buy MacBooks than any single gaming laptop line lol
Wow, crazy high quality of comparison review. Content and visuals are top notch.
So basically two different builds styles are competing each other. One has best pieces seperately and one has slightly lower end pieces for the sake of integrity
My understanding is that the difference are 3nm (ARM) vs 10 nm (x86), ARM use RISC; this use instructions that are executed in simple blocks and runs individualy in every cicle of the procesor. On the other hand, x86 use CISC, this runs more complex instructions and one can run in several cicles of the processor, which needs more power. ARM is great because basically have differents "processors" inside and each of those runs an specific instruction and the RAM in this case is in the same "space of instructions", Apple put the RAM closer, which is better. On the other hand, x86 uses all cores for everything, this can be bad or good, it depends on the task and instruction. Nvidia also use ARM and other specific cores for raytracing (RT cores) and AI.
I have a M1 Mac Pro. Trying to game on that is hell. Most of the games dont work. Even for the one's that work you cant get them working by just installing, you have to do some work around.
My razer blade can game super easily, but the 4-6 hours of battery make me cry.
@@LazyBoyA1 when you are on battery disable dedicated graphics card from bios.
the workaround for most games consists of installing the game through steam running in crossover, its really not hard unless youre slow or something
I have the privilege to have a desktop pc for power and storage, and a m2 max macbook for portability. Love both worlds. Tbh, the mac makes my life way easier and is even faster in everything than my pc, huge plus for having airdrop, but for some tasks I prefer my desktop setup. Sometimes I need more screen real-estate
lucky man
@@vroomwatches fore sure am. I really enjoy technology and I basically work to buy cool stuff. I also edit videos so I need alot of power 😅
I have a similar situation, a pc for gaming and sometimes for working. And a M1 Pro for working. When I switch to windows and have to transfer from my phone (iPhone) to windows it is very difficult to do it. Perhaps on mac, transfer is so easy with airdrop. I shared a folder in windows and transfer files through samba(? No remember) but no working as expected sometimes.
Same situation here, but without the Mac yet. Looking for the exact one as in this test. 48gb should be enough, right?
@@robertkamer1820 If I were you, I would look into the m2 max. I think its cheaper and as good as the brand new ones, + bonus for already having all adobe software m2 ready. I think m3 still has some software issues with adobe and silicon, etc etc. 48gb is more than plenty, I don't know what you do but I edit high end music videos with heavy video codecs, and its a breeze for my mac.
Amazing comparison but I just wanted to mention, when comparing RE village, it was unfair to use ray tracing on the windows machine. Rather, you should've tested the raw performance on both or the performance with DLSS set to quality on the windows machine.
I think it's more unfair to intentionally handicap the Legion by disabling DLSS. If you're playing on an RTX GPU, you are going to enable DLSS. The Mac has no raytracing support yet on games, so this is a realistic representation of real-life differences. There is also no DLSS option for "quality" on the Windows machine either.
@@CreatedTechDLSS has the same amount of strain on the chip as maxed out raytracing?
You do know that “quality” is much more straining than “performance”, right?? Performance mode trades quality to get… performance.
@@Epicgamer_Mac Yeah? but the thing is the upscaling stuff on mac and windows are different. In order for a fair test of pure performance he should've just turned off any sort of upscaling or ray tracing. Because mac and windows are really different in that aspect. Ray tracing is hella intensive if you didn't know, and using that on the windows machine gave it a much harder time, of course DLSS helped but it stil would've been more idle if he hadn't used anything and had just compared the raw performance
@@CreatedTech yeah but the thing is, ray tracing is intensive (af) on the gpu, well ignore the DLSS but the test has to be fair on both sides. its somewhat like testing the two machines on entirely different graphical settings. With the windows machine having an "extremely intensive" preset while the mac had a "normal preset". I totally agree that players are gonna use DLSS and in some cases ray tracing in real world use, but this isn't necessarily about that(specially cause you mentioned that 'they both perform similarly'), it's about comparing the two machines, and for that you should've gave the exact same scenarios for both machines, just because one can support more graphical features doesn't mean that using them is fair. Its like running a marathon, but one runner has to carry some extra 10 kilo weights just because he can. But that obviously isn't fair if you're trying to compare the two rivals
11:05, shouldnt you have kept dlss to quality preset as well?
Can I just say I very much appreciate that you run creative workflows in your tests! You're the first person I've seen do it and as a photographer and occassional video editor it's the one thing missing from a lot of other reviews.
I'm on the hunt for a new laptop as my surfacebook is failing and I've been stuck between Lenovo and Apple so this was super helpful.
I have a Mac m3 max but you can’t compare rtx 4090 to m3 the m4 40 core has 14 teraflops compute performance and the rtx 4090 laptop has 32 teraflops compute power a better comparison would be rtx 4050-4060.
The media engines do the heavy lifting in the video editing timeline but as soon as you start using any 3d or effects it’s gonna start having a harder time.
You absolutely can compare the two lol... Just because the 4090 has "more teraflops" doesn't mean that translates into real-world performance. You are forgetting the new GPU optimizations in the M3 Max chip, unified memory making all 48GB of RAM available for the M3 Max GPU etc. PugetBench GPU and Effect scores on both After Effects and Premiere Pro were quite close between the two. So yes, they are extremely comparable and choosing a RTX 4050-4060 is not a fair comparison at all.
#IntelCoreUltra Series 1 EVO laptops BATTERY life is as good as MacBook Pro 2023 and still FASTER video editing than M2 Pro/M3 pro chip without help of dGPU.
If you want dGPU so buy ASUS ROG Zephyrus G16 2024 with ULTRA 9 185H. It has MacBook Pro levels of speakers.
Hp pavilion Plus 14 (68 Wh) with #AMD 7840U has 10 to 11 hours of BATTERY.
Hp spectre x360 14 (68 Wh) with #Intel Core ULTRA 7 155H has 14 to 15 hours of BATTERY. 😱
Intel laptops BATTERY life is as good as MacBook M2/M3 even though Intel is using Tiles/Chiplet.
It is just the beginning
I love this comparison. Up until Mac is able to handle 3D applications like CG art and Gaming, and Windows is able to keep pace well enough when it comes to video production software, personally, I'm sticking to Windows. But just because of the efficiency of these chips alone, I hope that Intel & AMD see this as a threat and catch up so that Windows laptops are useful off the wall, or Mac somehow gets better at these tasks while keeping up with efficiency. Either way, this is a fantastic time to be a tech nerd.
Apple always wins in terms of efficiency, But they make the stuff so expensive. But the unified memory actually amazing compared to dedicated memory in windows laptops.
@@1zAlfonzo It has not much to do with the Memory but the chip architecture!! Offcourse Arm based processors are much efficient than x86 architecture! what is really appreciatable is Arm based processors did many R&D's and made chips more powerful over the years without sacrificing the effeciency! while x86 has no significant upgrade over years in terms of effeciency!!!
@@aakashvinayaksankar5857 ill be honest, apple never cared about innovation right after the IPhone x. They only care about money, but ill say that their processors are so effiecent, that there isnt a massive differennce between each generation.
Snapdragon x wlit
Its important to me this moment. I have the money and I want a NEW computer for next ten years. Video and photography. My big doubt is M3 MAX or PC 4090.....HEEEL ME PLEASE, noise ? Heat ? Performace? I usted this laptop same that desktop, main computer. Thank you
the model you tested is it the macbook pro with 128gb ram m3 max?
48 GB ram.
what was the game you were playing at 9:56?
I've been a Mac user my entire life. Born in 94, and have been using Macs since 1997. And so clearly I have a preference, (although I hated all the Macs from 2016-2020 and so used a 2015 MBP for 8 years.) But 2023/2024 is the first year that I am actually interested in these windows PCs. They finally look nice to use and have a relatively premium feel to them, good battery life and lower power draw, and they have great performance.
Okay. Let's try this review again with Intel's Core 9 Ultra chips.
the ultra chips is very slow in compare with m3 pro only
The M3 may be efficient but the whole architecture around it is just one giant bottleneck.
The performances are just laughably bad in comparison to the price.
But hey, Apple fanboys are known to be gullible whales.
@@pw6002Just try to have a decent speed in writing to an external SSD, and you got your suppositions confirmed.
Amd chips * intels ass
The comparison is cool but putting more emphasis on the efficiency is also important to consider the cost. Knowing Legion 9i is almost three times cheaper than MacBook Pro M3 Max is killing all the comparison. It has much higher value for money and that's my main concern on the efficiency - how efficient I can use my money.
The 9i is absolutely not 3x cheaper than the MacBook... It's about $500 USD cheaper like I showed in the video.
the Macbook keyboard is ok for typing but it just sucks for gaming because of the key travel
In my opinion, most laptop's KB is bad for gaming, external keyboard will be better choice for get better experience in gaming.
great for typing, not good for gaming. mac is not a gaming machine
As a 3D creator, I was pumped about the RTX4090 laptop version, till I discovered it was only 16GB of VRAM. And not to mention the unplugged performance.
I work on a PC tour workstation, where I have an RTX 3090 with 24 GB of VRAM, so it is a little missleading at least on the nVidia part to call the laptop version of RTX 4090 the same as the desktop one.
On the Macbook, the unified memory looks and work pretty well, but you definitely need to purchase the version with the right amount of RAM, otherwise it becomes a downside.
4:25 important question, were the tests done with the Windows machine plugged in or not?
Plugged. The end of the video shows what happens once the Windows machine gets unplugged.
The Adobe tests had the Lenovo laptop performing competitively on most tests, but still slightly behind. If someone wanted to game with a wider selection, they could do that with Lenovo and not lose much for video/photo editing.
But loose a lot on portability, fan noise, heat and battery
@@shanesahilreddyudumula Heat, yes. Battery life is a bit overrated if majority of your heavy workload is done at home or at a work office.
@@akin242002Yeah… but it’s a laptop. Battery is still kinda the whole point.
@@Tr4ns1st0r if we customers were demanding enough, windows would have a proper competition with macs. I think the Ryzen 7940HS comes close in performance per watt efficiency. Its performance is either better or on par with M2 max.
But every windows fan would say "bAtTery/hEat dOesnT matTer". I own the Asus G14 2021 model and Macbook pro(M2).
The windows laptop is just a noise and heat machine.
@@Gauravmann Exactly. And I hope Qualcomm’s new ARM chip succeeds. We need more competition, Apple’s gotten *far* too complacent.
I’m excited for the future of mac, but at the time i feel like they miss the mark on important selling points. Some aren’t their fault, like little support for gaming and several windows apps, but some, like refusing to offer a touchscreen option or any upgradability, is entirely apples fault. Hopefully they address these issues sooner
It's not Apple's fault. Like how they made such a show for the already 7-8 yrs old usb c, they'll do the same with touchscreen. they'll introduce it far in the future showcasing it as technological innovation and will ask for an extra grand just for that.
@@uzairahmed8260 "Like how they made such a show for the already 7-8 yrs old usb c"
What a stupid comment. They were the first major company to strongly push USB C back in 2016.
@@hajjdawood Two things can be true at the same time, they were forced to put usb c into the iphone because lightning made them money because its propreitary.
Storage on Mac costs more than a gaming machine 😅
I currently have 2 Dell Precision 7760s, with Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-11955M CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.61 GHz, 16GB NVIDIA RTX A5000 Graphics Card, and 64GB of ram for my work computers. They can handle anything I throw at them with 3D, interactive, multimedia presentations. But now that I create high-end presentations with 70-90 4K videos in them, it can no longer get through an entire presentation. Oddly enough, I run the same presentation on an old, 16" MacBook Pro, M1 Pro with 16GB of ram and it runs it flawlessly. There is something to be said about having access to all of that unified memory and the way Macs process it. I am now looking to get a 16" MacBook Pro, M3Max with 128GB of memory.
11:52 your mouse sensitivity for gaming is way too low
Just try to play rdr 2 on mac 😂
It can play gta 5 which uses the same engine that rdr2 uses, pretty well on even a m3 16gb MacBook Air. So I wouldn’t doubt it if they would be able to run that game just fine too.. the issue is they are not supported officially so work around would have to be done to be made possible to install the game. Now I wouldn’t expect them to play the game flawlessly on max settings like a gaming pc could cause MacBooks are not gaming laptops, they are productivity machines that can play games too.
@@christianreyes9115it use the same engine but not the same exact quantity of resources gta 5 is linter than rdr you didn’t prove nothing yet
Real @@docen67
I was an Apple fan boy for decades, there was no convincing me that PC's and Windows were better than a Mac. I have since made the switch. I got really tired of Apple's closed off and dull systems. There is almost no upgradability unless you order the system upgraded directly from Apple. It almost feels like Apple is trying their hardest to convince the many people that use their products, they are the only way to go when it comest to quality and options. When I switched from my iPhone 14 Pro Max to my Samsung Z-Fold 4, I had a hard time getting my iMac to recognise my phone when I connected it to the computer. When I connected my phone to my Lenovo laptop, Windows Phone Link kicked in and within a few seconds, my computer recognised my phone and I was able to transfer things back and forth with little effort. I have fully moved over to PC's and Android. I have left Apple behind. Full disclosure, my husband is still and probably always will be an Apple Fan Boy, and that's ok. In the end, we all prefer what we all prefer.
how are both you and your husband fanBOYS?!
@@its_taha_playing8140 🤦
I hate Windows and PC. Can't wait to move to mac.
I prefer system stability, reliability, longevity, battery life. I prefer to do all the typical things beautifully than doing everything averagely. Oh and the quietness and less heat.
Windows always, always, always has issues. I've spent 25 years fixint windows problems and building Windows PCs.
What a headache.
Are you gay?
@ruslanyahinbus Considering that I'm a man, and I'm married to a man, that would make me gay.
Thanks a lot for doing this exact comparison. I've been waiting for this video on youtube for months. Great video :)
I mean lets be honest: Laptops in general are so powerful and efficient that you can't go wrong either way. If you're doing something that requires a lot of power, you're gonna have a desktop anyways. Using a laptop for that kinda stuff is going to be more for "Touchups," not for the majority of your work.
The problem of Windows notebooks is Windows 11 where updates can brick your computer and where the OS forces Microsoft services like Office and One-drive down the users throat and if they don't like your (legal) documents that you save on their cloud storage, they can ban you and your documents are gone.
The main areas where those two laptops seem to be close are the ones where Apple has the advantage, and the biggest performance differences are where the Lenovo Legion outperforms, and the Lenovo Legion is hardly the best performing Windows laptop.
I think the buyers I'd recommend the MacBook Pro to are those doing graphic design or who require a laptop that can perform well on demanding tasks while on battery, and/or require a long battery life. Also for those who require awesome speakers. An ordinary office worker would probably get more value from a MacBook Air or an Asus ZenBook, and gamers or those looking for desktop replacements should just skip Apple laptops.
I always find videos like this very interesting because it kind of makes me feel like I'm in my own dreamworld where I can actually afford and use laptops like those but unfortunately that is not the world we live in but it is good for me to sometimes once in a while imagine if that was true.
Microsoft is starting to develop their ARM system. It is hoped that the battery life problem of Windows laptops can be solved, and Nvidia has also launched their ARM system a long time ago. It is undeniable that the greatness of Windows is in the discrete GPU for 3D and its upgradeability.
I don't think ten years is just "starting". If anything, Windows On ARM should be mature… if Microsoft was serious about it. Up until the M1 was released and gave x86-64 a black eye, it was a fun toy for their engineers to mess around with.
Man, i love ur graphs, the are so easy to understand and informative.
3:05 Track ID please
Gaming. Mac has left the chat
I've always had this thought. It seems that Apple always runs the harware at battery levels of performance. Meaning that whether plugged in or not, the performance stays the same. I wonder how much more performance they could get if it were boosted when plugged in (similar to how the windows based laptops work)
It can't be boosted, it's the feature/trade off of arm architecture.
@@strawberry_cake1703Actually I think Qualcomm just proved that wrong. They allow one or two cores of the X Elite to boost to 4 GHz, whereas normally they’re in the 3.5-ish range. If Apple did the same thing that could be cool, but honestly, probably only necessary for benchmarks.
Considering the M3 Max CPU devours everything we used to consider competition, I’d say it doesn’t NEED that though 😂
@@Epicgamer_Mac x elite hasn't launched yet has it
@@strawberry_cake1703 It is launching.
it can be, there's a high perf mode on 16" max series mbp
Ive never bought a laptop without upgrading the ram myself, its much cheaper to get a laptop with something like 8gb of ram and then put 32 in urself than to buy the laptop with 32.
how do you make charts shown at 14:13
I have a mac. By factory settings, it is silent, but it is very conservative about how the fans will be activated. The focus is a very slow rpm until it gets hot really hot.
I have a setup with 3 monitors (using display link) plus integrated monitor. A lot of apps. It is warmer than just one screen with a few app (totally obvious) but the fans didn’t start working until the cpu hits a high temperature and it feels uncomfortable to use.
I changed the fan settings. They will be working in a minor temperature and being colder than before. So, the silence is incoming with some sacrifices (more temperature)
Buy why waste 4000$ on a Mac when you can build a PC that uses both Window and Mac OS?
Your mom will carry it everywhere for u
Hardware is different
@@cat-ew1sb tf? Hardware is the Physical form of a piece of info (eg: usb) unlike SOFTWARE which is like clouds or any kind of syncing info on the app/web/file itself?
@@Icypepper64 The Chip is different. Apple has its own chipset that is very optimized for softwares at a lower power consumption bla lalala. I never will own an apple product it's just they are pretty good and not for the price of course
@@cat-ew1sbbattery level on a computer is useless
Unbelievably Fantastic review there. It is now for the buyer to weigh priorities and decide. Thanks 👍
I hate to be that guy but calling it a piece of junk is ridiculous (even if you were joking) because they are actually made very well. I have never gotten a product from them that was the slightest bit deformed etc.
This is not my experience, the M3 Pro 14 said it would take over 1 day to render our last gopro timeline in our latest video. Vs my 4070 that did it it in 35 minutes. This was using a hardware raid 0 drive rendering to a samsung t7. It couldnt even play the timeline. Even if it was double the speed, that would mean 12h to render a simple timeline. If youre running all these tests from the internal SSD on the mac thats not a realistic comparison. It needs to be able to read and write from storage nas or raid drives for large media workflows.
35 min on the 4070 vs 24+ hours on M3 Pro is ridiculous and something is clearly wrong. Your problem is likely user error - not a slow Mac. There is something seriously wrong with your Mac-based workflow. Possibly the way that your NAS is interfacing with the Mac, or maybe a software issue. Would be worth looking into.
For the record the video editing test conducted in this video was reading a 1TB+ project from an external drive, not the internal Mac SSD. I also have no problems connecting M3 chip Macs to my 50TB Synology NAS and can achieve over 600MB/s read/write speed via my 10GbE network card.
@@CreatedTech ill give it another try just using an SSD with the timeline loaded. But i even went to mac and compared these exact laptops with the sales guy and he basically said, yea the lenovo is gonna be faster all the way around. I really wanted to give mac a chance. I have the legion 9i on order now.
Definitely try to troubleshoot the Mac issue. I've been making these comparison videos since Apple silicon was first announced (2020) and I've yet to see a situation in which a Windows laptop significantly outperforms an Apple silicon MacBook in video editing. Note: as long as they are both in the same performance range, e.g. high-end like this video (RTX 4090 vs M3 Max).
Don't pay too much attention to what those sales guys say. They almost always have no idea what they're talking about (I used to work at Apple). If you're set on a Windows laptop, also consider the Legion 7i instead of the 9i. Will get you most of the performance but at a lower price point.
@@CreatedTech id really like to go apple, but im baffled at what it could be? The m3 pro 14 is 18bg and its about 3 weeks old and only has photoshop on it. My raid 0 gets like 300-400mbs read/write on windows, and the t7 is faster. Could it be the file format? Or maybe davinci resolve is not optimized for mac atm? We use only davinci for our videos.
Unfortunately I can't help you troubleshoot, but I can tell you it's definitely not Resolve. Resolve is 100% optimized for Apple silicon. Try comparing both laptops by using footage being read from the same external SSD attached directly to the laptop. My guess is that the slow Mac issue is with the network connection between your Mac and your NAS.
From memory GoPro footage is recorded in h.264 or HEVC and both are supported by the Mac's video encoders and decoders, so timeline performance should be very good.
How can you compare "Building Firefox Codebase" when the 139980HX + RTX 4090 Windows laptop is unable to use Xcode ? To my knowledge Xcode can only run on Mac machines.
Not even a close comparison, compare it to the G16 Zephyrus which is 3300 usd.
You need to compare M3 Max with Intel Core Ultra 9 that is coming soon !!!
which uses even more energy...
It's already insane, that Apple uses like 3-4x times less energy to do tasks at the same or even better speed.
If u watched this video in its totality and still came up with that, you have poor comprehension. 😅
@@AlmightyEye you either have very poor understanding of my comment !! , intel core ultra just come out , dave2d channel he compared the energy efficiency+performance ( core utlra 7 ) similiar to M2
if compare with M3 Max , Core utlra 9 should be the good match !! ,
I don't mean intel CPU is better than m3 max , but it's interesting to see
@@DennisSchmitz we all know intel use insane more energy ,but intel core ultra just come out , dave2d channel he compared the energy efficiency +performance ( core utlra 7 ) similiar to M2
if compare with M3 Max , Core utlra 9 should be the good match !! ,
@@DennisSchmitzoh no not this time around
I do hate apple for their pricing but can't deny their optimization, their battery life are much more considerably better than windows and much less heat cauz for less power draw....
I would like to ask where I can find the purple wallpaper used on the MacBook in your video.Thanks!
Not even a minute into the video and I genuinely am so impressed with the aesthetic put into your environment for the video. Love the lighting and everything about it! Quality production man
Thanks mate! I've been trying to improve the quality a lot, my next one should be a banger, spent a tonne of time improving the lighting and coloring.
In no universe will I ever buy a laptop without usb a
I hate to say it, but there will come a time where USB-A will be considered retro. Where all new peripherals are USB-C, even mice. It might be five years, it might be ten years, it might be 50 years, but eventually USB-A will be seen as unwieldy and too big, just like Parallel and Serial ports are now.
usb-a is almost 30 years old now, usb-c is just better in every aspect
What the hell do you need usb-a for
This coment thread is the most "US-coded thing" ive ever seen. I have legit not seen a USB-C port outside of my phone in over 2 years. Saying that USB-A cables will die is like saying that LAN ports will be completly replaced in the future.
You can’t compare apples to oranges.
at 4000 dollars just build a pc
last time i checked i couldnt carry a pc around
@@FuriouslyFamousBGYou can thats why laptops exist
@@FuriouslyFamousBGim tired of ppl intentionally missing the point
Can i take it to school?
Are you dumb ?
Im hoping the Qualcomm XElite don't let me down when it comes to efficiency - Battery and performance. Holding off from buying a new laptop untill i see some reviews and tests on the chipset against the M2/M3.
The efficiency is mostly due to turbo mode on the windows machine but if that was disabled the cpu power usage would be quite similar.
Windows gaming pc and a mac laptop. Best combo IMO 🔥
The typa combo I plan to make
I have thsi combo. It still reigns as a supreme combo.
same. I like both worlds
Using whatever laptop you have as your gaming PC
@@ryderprogram honestly efficient. for me specially as a college student
it's easier for me to carry a PC with an rtx 3070 with a monitor in my hands.
Dumbell bag?
gaming on mac is a joke lol 😂😂😂
Who games on a laptop anyway?
@@alexbhatti7402Me is there any problem with it?
@alexbhatti7402 alot of people.
@@Codyslx gaming laptops is a joke, a piece of sh!t which will be either too big and loud (if it has a sufficient cooling system) so it becomes a non-portable brick OR it will be slim and will melt your arms, knees && keyboard while gaming. Either way it will drain the battery to 0 in ~2 hours without being docked to outlet and the performance while gaming on battery is a sh!t. Conceptually gaming laptop is a garbage. Good cooling system on laptop = faster battery drain = it should be docked while gaming which makes it a somewhat bullsh!t PC. If you want to work you use laptop or PC, if you are gaming - PC.
@rostyslav2314 Literally no one games on battery. You have no idea what you're talking about. I have a strix g16 with a tri fan set up, stays cool all the time, and the drops to 1900rpm for all three fans at around 20 decibels on idle.
I need this type of hardware to handle an engineering degree at my university. After all, you can't pack a gaming PC into a backpack.
Biggest thing for me as a work user, when traveling on trains etc, I used to travel 2h each direction for a costumer, first I used a good laptop from Lenovo. On battery it lacked power and the battery would only last for a couple of hours. When I switched to a Macbook Pro, at the time a M1 Pro I didn't need to charge the laptop from leaving home until I got home again. That was 12-14hours work on battery. That difference is everything.
Game is a no issue, a laptop isn't good enough to game on anyway. I rather play on my gaming rig at home than on a work laptop.
How does Windows in a VM work? Would it be a better way for Windows gaming? Especially if you could pair it with an eGPU?
Basically mac is far more practical while windows laptop isn’t
Apple has exponential gains! Even when it comes to CPU Apple was pretty much up there with the best Intel could offer but now Apple's laptop CPUs are comparable to Intel's desktop giants like the i9 13900k. In GPU they have a lot of catching up to do and catching up they are! After all we have to remember that Nvidia has decades and decades of experience in making GPUs while Apple only started in I believe 2017 with their first GPU in iPhone 8/8+/X's A11 chip. In 2020 they brought it into the laptop world. So they are really moving fast. Nvidia is not standing by tho. They will hit with the RTX 5000 series so Apple would have to keep their growth strong
…very detailed review. M3 does not yet beat the desktop RTX 4090 in overall workflow, but we are yet to see the M3 Ultra!
…which will then get beaten by the 5000 Series
@@YeahTheMitchs I don't think the M3 Ultra would match the RTX 4090 even if both are put in situation where the optimization is the same. It is just that good! Apple needs more time.
@@YeahTheMitchsdoes the M3 even beat the 7900XTX or 4080? Intels next Gen of GPU is rumored to have crazy performance gains too. Competition is heating up in the GPU space and that’s a good thing for consumers. Hopefully it forces NVIDIA to innovate because outside of the 4090 and maybe 4080, the rest of their 4000 series has pretty minor gen over gen improvements compared to 3000 series.
Apple has no interest in competing with Nvidia. Nvidia only makes one component of a PC, there’s no comparison. Besides, you’re comparing a 450W GPU the size of a VCR, to one 1” x 1” on-board chip that’s a CPU and GPU? To even compare an upcoming 5,000 Series GPU to Apple Silicon is beyond a victory for Apple. 🤷🏻♂️
@@AlmightyEye Apple needs to compete with Nvidia! I'm not talking about gaming specifically but GPU tasks in general. gaming is hard but everywhere else Apple has a very good chance. So far they are behind
The day when i'll be able to play the amount of games that are avaliable for windows on a macbook (ignoring the humiliating more powerful gpu that gamer laptops have) then i will think stop laughing on the face of apple (obviosly i would never buy anything from a mercenary company that rips off their clients)
almost no games on any other platfrom besides windows has more to do with the devs than with other operating systems. If you have millions at your disposal and refuse to port to a different api which would probably cost a couple hundred thousand to do (see the Tomb raider ports, which run superb on Apple Macs), that's the same greed people are accusing Apple with.
Yeah, my so called powerful macbook still can't open SOLIDWORKS 🤣
The M3 max is newer by about a year, the fair comparison would be either: i9 14th gen vs M3 max, or i9 13th gen vs M2 max.
The legion crushes the Mac in almost everything
Maybe the cpu on the Mac is better.
I mean, comparing them price wise, a normal human will get legion.
Cuz you get more for what you
pay .
This dude wears Apple Watch, it says all :D
This is why I stopped watching the video immediately
Mac - Productivity
Windows - Gaming
Don't try to mix the two or you're gonna have a bad time.
womp womp Apple is better for getting real work done
@@l0strobot you meant window: both?
Also consider the fact that the M3 MAX uses a quarter of the energy consumed by the mobile RTX 4090+CPU combo and you really understand what Apple can do with its processors even in the gaming sector, if only the developers brought all the games to macOS, now the investment is justified
The 4090's efficiency could be much better if you ran it at a lower frequency. I wouldn't be surprised if it could match the M3 Max's efficiency if scaled down to the same performance. Nvidia just pushes their silicon to higher frequencies, making it a lot more inefficient (as power draw exponentially increases with frequency), while Apple takes more transistors but runs them at a much lower clock speed.
#IntelCoreUltra Series 1 EVO laptops BATTERY life is as good as MacBook Pro 2023 and still FASTER video editing than M2 Pro/M3 pro chip without help of dGPU.
If you want dGPU so buy ASUS ROG Zephyrus G16 2024 with ULTRA 9 185H. It has MacBook Pro levels of speakers.
Hp pavilion Plus 14 (68 Wh) with #AMD 7840U has 10 to 11 hours of BATTERY.
Hp spectre x360 14 (68 Wh) with #Intel Core ULTRA 7 155H has 14 to 15 hours of BATTERY. 😱
Intel laptops BATTERY life is as good as MacBook M2/M3 even though Intel is using Tiles/Chiplet.
It is just the beginning
The priblem with putting games on macOS is it sucks ass, you need to go on more hoops to achieve the same end goal
@@HDRPC Until you realize that M3 laptops get 22 hours and perform better Core Ultra (although for a higher price).
@@nocommentarygaming2644 intel has 14th Gen HX laptops for m3 max but 14th gen is same as 13th gen and it is not using new core ULTRA architecture.
“The answer if efficiency” yeah bro the legion definitely has an actual giant computer inside of it.
you get a better price to performance ratio for companies that build windows os pcs like Asus, Lenovo, and MSI. if one of these laptops costed as much as that mac, it would school it twice over.
I have a PC and Macbook and I gotta say Macbook is really good and I would pick Macbook any day over Windows laptop. IMO Windows is best for PC’s not laptops.
I think the problem for buying a Mac M3 is Apple anti gaming stance, they simply don’t support enough AAA games. If you want a gaming laptop the choice really is simple a PC. It is a shame. Apple could so much more impress people their laptops are the best by out performing other Windows gaming laptops.
The Apple laptops beat PC’s on heat and off battery performance. But with my portable gaming laptop a Asus G14, I want portability not off power performance and I am not really concerned if gets hot. I want the ability to take my gaming laptop on holiday, to friends place or with me and plug it in. So it isn’t a requirement to be on battery. PC chip manufacturers are improving both these features to compete with Apple.
I have both Mac and PCs. I prefer my iPhone/iPad for mobile and the privacy of Apple. But for gaming I use a windows Laptop. I actually prefer Windows 11 OS over Mac OS, I loath finder over windows explorer mainly because what I used at work. But Mac OS seems to be clunky intentionally for aesthetic reasons over function. While windows is more functional OS just less aesthetic , just my opinion.
If Apple wanted to be my every thing laptop, they have to fix the inability to support ‘all’ AAA gaming. Gaming to be a bigger focus. Fix the Mac OS to be a little more easy to use it needs a big overhaul.
But it is exciting times in gaming with the upscaling technology it is quite possible you won’t ever need to buy new hardware because your current hardware will be good enough. With A.I games will become more complex and compelling than currently.
Nice review it is difficult to try and compare an Apple to an Orange.
#IntelCoreUltra Series 1 EVO laptops BATTERY life is as good as MacBook Pro 2023 and still FASTER video editing than M2 Pro/M3 pro chip without help of dGPU.
If you want dGPU so buy ASUS ROG Zephyrus G16 2024 with ULTRA 9 185H. It has MacBook Pro levels of speakers.
Hp pavilion Plus 14 (68 Wh) with #AMD 7840U has 10 to 11 hours of BATTERY.
Hp spectre x360 14 (68 Wh) with #Intel Core ULTRA 7 155H has 14 to 15 hours of BATTERY. 😱
Intel laptops BATTERY life is as good as MacBook M2/M3 even though Intel is using Tiles/Chiplet.
It is just the beginning
Rog Zephyrus G16 2024 is the best
I don’t think Apple is anti gaming, they’re just anti third party development (because they’re greedy) and they realize that most of their consumers don’t care for gaming anyways, meaning that they don’t have to spend money on third party titles
Windows already runs on ARM and it probably wont be long before AMD/Nvidia get chips out that will run Windows (along with Qualcomm) for the masses so it's not really rip Windows, more like a shift to ARM for low power devices for Windows finally. Got to give credit to Apple for doing it well, regardless of how much I wouldn't buy Apple hardware personally.
Remember 1 thing, all win10 laptops are made from different parts, and its hard for intel and nvidia to make them all compatible, while apple dont care about this problem, thats why processors on win 10 less efficient. And you can expand memory or ram in win10 laptops.