I personally think Etsy shipping is the most complicated part of having an Etsy shop. Etsy seems to love adding harebrained schemes that aren’t thought out well to benefit them but complicate it for sellers.
It used to be about small business crafters and they supported their sellers. I think it’s time for a new Etsy type marketplace. After having my shop 14 years, this year, I’m feeling like this will be my last holiday season selling there.
Anyone else fed up with Etsy continually wanting us to change how we charge for shipping?! I changed to all free shipping after they pushed on us for so long, I caved. This was after setting up all the shipping profiles. Maybe I should just go back to calculated shipping now!
Not sure I follow the seller benefit to Insider free shipping. Yes you get it reimbursed, but you don't collect it from the "Insider" buyer in the first place (since it's free), therefore isn't it just a wash? I actually see it as a loss.... my shipping prices include packaging costs, which Etsy won't be reimbursing. I would have to increase product prices to cover that if I anticipate a lot of "Insider" sales.
I don't see this as a benefit to me at all as a seller. I build the shipping into the cost of the product to keep it simple. If I charge for shipping, the customer pays for shipping. Either way, I don't pay for shipping. What would Etsy reimburse the seller for? I'm not paying for shipping, the customer is. This video isn't making sense to me. Am I missing something?
I personally think Etsy shipping is the most complicated part of having an Etsy shop. Etsy seems to love adding harebrained schemes that aren’t thought out well to benefit them but complicate it for sellers.
It used to be about small business crafters and they supported their sellers. I think it’s time for a new Etsy type marketplace. After having my shop 14 years, this year, I’m feeling like this will be my last holiday season selling there.
Anyone else fed up with Etsy continually wanting us to change how we charge for shipping?! I changed to all free shipping after they pushed on us for so long, I caved. This was after setting up all the shipping profiles. Maybe I should just go back to calculated shipping now!
Is this an automatic reimbursement or is there delay for processing?
There's a slight delay because it has to be submitted and approved by Etsy. Once approved it goes through right away.
So they’re doing what eBay is doing.
Not sure I follow the seller benefit to Insider free shipping. Yes you get it reimbursed, but you don't collect it from the "Insider" buyer in the first place (since it's free), therefore isn't it just a wash? I actually see it as a loss.... my shipping prices include packaging costs, which Etsy won't be reimbursing. I would have to increase product prices to cover that if I anticipate a lot of "Insider" sales.
I don't see this as a benefit to me at all as a seller. I build the shipping into the cost of the product to keep it simple. If I charge for shipping, the customer pays for shipping. Either way, I don't pay for shipping. What would Etsy reimburse the seller for? I'm not paying for shipping, the customer is. This video isn't making sense to me. Am I missing something?