What an incredible honor it is to have Dice Throne S03 on this list! A statement like that coming from the MvM crew feels surreal. I am truly humbled and so grateful. Thank you!!!
Nate, you guys made a great game! We have a game group that is planning on having a Dice Throne tournament in our local convention in March :) We had one during our extra life event last November as well and it went great! Thanks for making games! and I look forward to seeing season 3 :) (fingers crossed for asymmetric heroes vs boss)
Love that about Nate, he‘s not that „shadow“ designer behind the game that designed a game and does not really care about it afterwords. He really loves his game and shares it with everybody. This in combination with roxley is the best combination possible. Had the chance to meet Nate in Essen. What an amazing person. Not spoiled at all from the success. By far our most played game. 😀
You are correct on Wingspan. It’s been a great game to bring out with lighter gamers. I can’t wait for Escape Plan, Barrage and Pipeline - though we are still enjoying our prototype of that one.
I love how older video games are being brought to the board game realm! It looks gorgeous and I can't wait to see how Street Fighter will play once it's landed
Great Top #20 video. You guys got strait to the point with ampl information. Not like some tubers that have to talk about all their personal life between each game mention. Great job. So many games I need to research now. Thanks.
Oh. My. God. I had not heard of Ryan's new game Sleeping Gods until this moment - but now I can't wait to see it in 2019 either!!! Take my money already, you creative genius!!
My most anticipated game for 2019 is definitely Onimaru. I love Co-op games and its variability with all those decks and tiles is just awesome! Went all-in on it on Kickstarter and I can't wait to get my hands on it to figure out what the coolest combo of techniques, passives, yusha cards and everything is to fight those Onis back :)
So glad to see Skulk Hallow on here! Got to play a demo of it last year and I wanted to go home with a copy! I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who had a positive experience
The obvious new content for Heaven and Ale is a bunch more of the goal/barrel tiles to provide some variability in the game. The designer for Black Angel recently said on BGG that it will be a GenCon release this year. My most anticipated games of 2019 in loose descending order from my backed Kickstarter projects: Barrage, Pipeline, Project L, The Artemis Project, City of the Big Shoulders, Escape Plan, Eclipse Second Dawn, Neta-Tanka, and Rurik: Dawn of Kiev.
@@davidwaybright Yeah, I'm definitely trending that direction. Project L does not fit with the rest of my list! Really looking forward to it though. Looks like it could be a true Splendor killer for me.
Wingspan is fantastic. Every game we’ve played so far has felt different from the last. The variety of tactics and strategy possible within 4 simple, buttery smooth actions is mind boggling. And the components are delightful. Highest recommendations.
I think Iwari, Tang garden, and Fuji Koro have my interest the most within the next year. All look fantastic, plus fun to play. Fits my motif of quick to teach, easy to play with deeper strategy.
Really looking forward to the 7th continent add-ons. But yeah tainted grail looks like they've used a few similar mechanics so can't wait to get that too. Also there's a great solo game coming out called Blight chronicles. Can't wait to get a few games of that in.
Wow. My mind is blown that heaven and ale is getting an expansion! That’s my second favorite game of all time! Thanks for helping me narrow down my 2019 targets.
Black Angel, Dice Throne 3, Edge of Darkness, Football Highlights 2052, Gentes, Belfort reprint, Glen More 2, Alubari, Paladins, Eclipse 2nd Dawn, Wingspan, Firenze reprint, Escape Plan, On Mars... i could keep going 2019 is going to be nuts (and thats before expansions)
I was personally unimpressed with Architects, honestly do not get all the hype. The only part I guess people get hyped about is "dic****" over your opponents move and honestly the game doesn't really need it so not sure why it is there, besides they wanted players who get hyped about that kind of thing to like their game. Play Pillars, way better game, with better mechanics and better gameplay.
I got a chance to play Wingspan at Breakout in Toronto last weekend (after seeing it but not getting a chance at the Niagara board game con in January) - tons of fun and visually stunning. I immediately signed up to be notified when it becomes available as it is sold out everywhere, including pre-sales. Eagerly anticipating arrival. Thanks for some great suggestions to look into in the meantime. :)
I'm also anticipating Machi Koro Legacy and Tang Garden! Looking forward to The Artemis Project, Museum, Sweet Mess, Wayward as well. Oh, and finally getting my hands on 7th Continent!!
Not mentioned here, my #1 anticipated game of 2019 is The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth from Fantasy Flight Games. Of the games mentioned here I'm really looking forward to Wingspan, Tang Garden, and Black Angel. In that order.
@@meeple Yeah I cant wait to see more about it. Its already an instant buy/back for me because its Garphill, but the drawing of the cards and choosing which to use is interesting. Is it deck builder or premade decks? I cant wait to hear more about it.
i have first and the second season. I have only played once the first season and it was kinda "was that it?". I bought first season originally for game to play instead of King Of Tokyo, but i didn't felt that "i go, you go, i go, you go... " was nearly as fun as King Of Tokyo. I hope when i play second season next time it will be a bit better experience. The cards have art which can make the experience a bit better.
I'd be interested I got s1 cuz it looked beautiful and well thought-out but I don't really like "Take That" elements. But a co-op legacy game sounds intriguing..
Dan, I think you might be the first person to ever refer to me (among the others) as "cute ah"...and I love it! ;) Seriously, thanks for the kind words, and thanks for watching.
Tainted Grail raised over $6.3 million. Also, really excited for it to arrive! I went back and forth on D6 and wound up not backing it. Then I saw more videos of it and regretted not backing it.
For me, the top games of this year that I'm waiting on are: Carnival Zombie 2nd Edition (developers have assured that it will appear this year), Clinic: Deluxe Edition (if it ships before the end of the year), Stellar Horizons, On Mars, and Escape Plan. I would add Dungeon Crusade, and Perseverance, but those most likely won't ship until 2020. In the event that Carnival Zombie and Clinic don't make it this year, substitute Uboot and Middara in their place.
I have the first edition and really like the game. It just had some design issues that needed to be rectified. Main one, for me, was the obstacles that were placed on the board. They blended in with the board so you lost track of where they were.
I genuinely never get tired of listening to ourselves at half speed. Some of the best laughs, EVERY TIME. We might start listing time stamps for some of the "best half speed moments".
Babbage’s!! That store was my go to for video games as well as Egghead Software! Then came the used game revolution - Funcoland - which I worked at for a few years in high school.
@@meeple I have no idea what the gameplay will be. Heard about it on Rahdo's anticipated games list and I really liked the book - so it's already a cool theme. Hopefully it'll be a good game too.
Altar Quest! Kira and I played Star Wars: Imperial Assault last night with Adam and Brady Sadler - we talked a LOT about their upcoming Altar Quest....looks very very cool!
I would have to say, for me, I am most anticipating Tang Garden (my #1 for sure as I went all in on KS), Pipeline, the Sagrada expansion(s), and Paladins of the West Kingdom!
David Waybright Oh for sure, and I love how (like Carcassonne for which it draws some inspiration) the expansion(s) add even more interesting elements to the game. Plus the look of the board once finished is like a statement piece you could almost put on display for all to see. Now I won’t say that this game will blow up and be as big as Carcassonne is but I definitely see where ThunderGryph can do quite a bit with this game going forward! Anyway, (not that I need sold on the game) I hope your channel does an updated review of the final game when it comes out. I’m curious if the final product will get the coveted MvM approved seal!
About BLACK ANGEL - Judging purely by the pics, it looks like it will have the very same mechanism the designers implemented in SOLENIA, where you have some sort of ship moving from a moving belt of tiles... Do we know if that is a correct assumption?
Top 5 KS delivering this year (hopefully) - Claustrophobia 1643 - Mythic Battles: Pantheon - Street Masters: Aftershock - The Edge Dawnfall - Deep Madness Top 5 games launching on KS this year (I don;'t know enough about what's hitting retail to say): - Altar Quest - Mythic Battles: Ragnarok - Batman: Gotham City Chronicles (Reprint + new content?) - Tsukuyumi Full Moon Down (New edition w/ minis) - Bloodstone (late 2019/early 2020) *Bonus* Dice Throne S3 because of all the talk here and elsewhere. I feel like I don't have a lot of interest overlap with the guys from MvM, lol.
You know what? We need to dive more into some miniatures games like these. Many of us like them when we play them, but we just don't get them to the table too often. Thanks for sharing.
MB Pantheon and Deep Madness are both excellent games.. An accessible skirmish game with crazy minis and a really sharp tense dungeon crawl with some excellent twists and a great setting.
My number 1 this year is Black Rose Wars. love the art, love the mini's and just love all the possibilities you have during gameplay. Furthermore I'm waiting for Hellboy the board game, Skull Tales: Full Sail, Tainted Grail, Chartered: the Golden Age, Limbo: Eternal War, Heroes of Land, Air & Sea and Mythic Battles Pantheon 1.5...
My most anticipated games 2019 are: - Living Planet - L.A Crimes (detective expansion) - Barrage - Paladins of the w.k. - Black Angel. And hope for Pandemic Legacy s3
I still need to finish Pandemic Legacy s2. Elisha (my fiance) and I got about halfway through, and then got distracted by other games. Solid list by the way!
Prime war is DEF NOT coming out this year we'll be lucky if the KS gets out this year but they're def in development of it (I got to play a prototype at Pax U) so I'm so psyched to get it... in 2021. :P
Nice video, thank you! I'm on board with Dice Throne S3 and Tainted Grail, though I think they'll be 2020. 2019, I'm looking forward the most to (no particular order) UNBROKEN, Machina Arcana, Rallyman GT, Call to Adventure and Inhuman Conditions. Until then, I'll be playing mostly Dice Throne, Everdell and Gloomhaven =)
My most anticipated most anticipated list of the year! My 5 5) iwari 4) Skulk Hallow 3) Sleeping God's 2) Roll Player: fiends and familiars and Adventures 1) The Artemis Project I'm also intrigued by Proving Grounds from Renegade Games.
Wow, looking through the comments, there is a ton of games coming out this year. You've sold me on Dice Throne, but being a solo gamer, I really hope this new one is co-op/solo playable. I'm looking forward to: Roll Player: Fiends and Familiars Roll Player Adventures Dice Forge expansion The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire expansion Sleeping Gods Unannounced Heroes of Terrinoth expansion (FFG, it's gonna happen)
@@vanyaserra1 If you also extend your love of Roll Player to that of the world being created around it, there is a new '"flip and write" game, Cartographers, that was just added as a pre-order on the Thunderworks website. Looks to be released in retail after Gen-Con. Plus there is a new Minotaur character board for Roll Player, available now!
re: Fighting games... Exceed has a Street Fighter Season dropping soon and another Season later this year. I super, super enjoyed S2 and it's my go-to 2p battler now. Love, love this game. Thanks for turning me on to a few different games, really looking forward to Dice Throne S03... co-ops are my fave, hopefully it'll be amazing.
I've not played Exceed, but you're the second person in the comments who mentioned it. I'm betting you'll enjoy Dice Throne if you haven't tried it already.
I generally do not spend much time looking at the horizon for games. I want to make sure a game stands the test of time, if so, I’ll pick it up a few years later. That being said, that is not the nature of this program, so in the spirit of the list the games that I am intrigued by are Dominant Species Marine, Escape Plan and Alubari. I think Dominant Species is a great design, but the game length can make it difficult to get to the table that often. Hopefully Marine can change that without losing what made DS special. I do not enjoy all Lacerda games, but when I do I really love them. This looks a bit lighter than most of his designs but it still looks interesting. I very much enjoy Snowdonia, perhaps Alubari will be different enough to warrant playing both.
I have a feeling that Alubari is going to be one we're talking about on the channel this year. I just looked at it for the first time, and it certainly seems to be our kind of game.
Whoa Paladins' Art I love. Of course Mico would be involved. I got Raiders based on Architects of the West kingdom. Rally looking forward to more news on Paladins of the West Kingdom. At any rate. Where can I read the rule book? Would it be available for those that are interested? Likely not but thought I would ask.
@@davidwaybright Well I purchased Raiders, it's expansions and the solo deck based on what I've read and seen after the fact. The unique take on worker placement for both games intrigued me from the get-go. I'm liking Raiders a bit more because of the theme. I didn't get shipwrights as the gameplay didn't appeal to me. Certainly a matter of taste. But the art is amazing! really draws you in. That's why I got Robin Hood and the Merry Men is because of Mico's art. Looking forward to more info on Paladins which I'm sure will be covered my MvM when the KS arrives.
Im looking forward to many games in 2019. Have either KS these, or just want them at retail -- Naga Raja, On Mars (hopefully), Awkward Guests (this is my #1 at this moment), Tainted Grail (went almost all in), Black Angel, Underwater Cities, and Dungeon Crusade Book 1 (hopefully).
Naga Raja for sure! I forgot about that one, and since we had a prototype for a while, it didn't occur to me to include it on this list. I'll be buying that as soon as it's available.
As Jeremy said, we are not sponsored by North Face. With that said, if you happen to be a representative of North Face, we're not opposed to such a sponsorship...or at least a few more vests and quarter-zips.
Have to admit--I knew of this, but not it much detail. Just checked it out on Level 99 site. I may need to try this system, even though that type of game is not in my wheelhouse.
@@davidwaybright It really matters who you play. I didn't like it the first time I tried it, and I didn't play it again for several months after that. Get someone who knows the game to explain the fighters and pick one that suits you. Also, make your first few games against someone else that's new or is at least not going to be annoying to game against. I volunteer on Tabletop Sim (TheLotusWraith) if you don't have anyone locally.
Why is everyone saying On Mars (which wont be delivered in 2019) and are forgetting about Escape Plan which will be delivered in april/may? Did everyone forgot about it?
Babbages! Software Etc. for the win though. Then there was E.B. I miss those stores. I miss standing around talking about video and computer games for hours with other enthusiasts.
I miss selling Neo Geo games to the one guy in all of Indianapolis who owned that system. Full disclosure everyone, David and I worked at EB/Software Etc. together back in the day.
@@davidwaybright I often wonder where our regulars are now and what they're playing. I can imagine what Ron would have to say about the 2K titles vs EA's monopoly on football. Those were great days. Working retail sucks, but it sucks much less when you're passionate about the product.
Whenever I hear a an american speak out a german game title like "Ganz schön clever!" or "Doppelt so clever!" or just the name of a german authour it allways is giving me a good laugh.
I played Wingspan last week and it is really good. The hype cynic in me had to tuck its tale and apologize to Jamey Stegmaier and all of the reviewers. It really does hit that sweet spot of Terraforming Mars in under an hour of playtime. The only good thing about waiting is getting the 3rd printing with all of the printing errors corrected :-)
Some good choices 1.Tainted grail 2nd Edition Heroes of land air and sea 3. Escape plan 4. Tidal blades 5. Hexplore it: Forest of adrimon. Wingspan is really good
In all fairness, it's sometimes hard for us to think of games we've already played. We have a few plays of Tidal Blades under our belts, and it is definitely worthy of "most anticipated" status.
I didn't back Tidal Blades, but i backed Grimm Forest from Druid City Games and i have been starting to feel like that if they ever put games out in similar vein of Grimm Forest i will back them all! It's strange, it's such a simple game, but it's pure fun to play. I just backed Valor And Villainy a few days ago, and there will be other games from Druid City Games which i will back too :)
My top anticipated games are Paladins of the West Kongdom Circadians Euphoria Expansion Call to Adventure And what ever the new game from Stonemaier is gonna be.(Kind of cheayong on that one.) Also the Unfair expansion. The base game combos are starting to get samey so it will be nice to really change up the combos.
Hi from France! My top 5 : Tainted Grail (but it could be 2020...), Tidal blades, Valhalla, The Shared Dreams, Claustrophobia and i'm waiting for the Alice in wonderland's KS project and Planet of the Apes KS project.
Oh man! I totally forgot about Fuji Koro. That very well may have bumped its way onto my list had I remembered it when doing research. After Gugong, I'm sure Game Brewer games are going to be on everyone's radar.
The app for Doppelt So Clever has been out for a couple months. Android: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.brettspielwelt.doppeltsoclever&hl=en_US iOS: itunes.apple.com/us/app/twice-as-clever/id1448698380?mt=8
Black Angel ....yes! Paladin...yes! But what about Lacerda’s “On Mars” ? Is the dry Euro dead? A lot of heavily themed fantasy type games on this list? Not my cup of tea personally.
What an incredible honor it is to have Dice Throne S03 on this list! A statement like that coming from the MvM crew feels surreal. I am truly humbled and so grateful. Thank you!!!
Just passing on the joy - Dice Throne is an amazing experience and deserves the success it has enjoyed!
Nate, you guys made a great game! We have a game group that is planning on having a Dice Throne tournament in our local convention in March :) We had one during our extra life event last November as well and it went great!
Thanks for making games! and I look forward to seeing season 3 :) (fingers crossed for asymmetric heroes vs boss)
Love that about Nate, he‘s not that „shadow“ designer behind the game that designed a game and does not really care about it afterwords. He really loves his game and shares it with everybody. This in combination with roxley is the best combination possible. Had the chance to meet Nate in Essen. What an amazing person. Not spoiled at all from the success. By far our most played game. 😀
Wingspan, Comanauts, Reavers of Midguard, Paladins of the West Kingdom (Architects was my #2 last year!!), and Artemis Project. Great episode!!
You are correct on Wingspan. It’s been a great game to bring out with lighter gamers. I can’t wait for Escape Plan, Barrage and Pipeline - though we are still enjoying our prototype of that one.
I love how older video games are being brought to the board game realm! It looks gorgeous and I can't wait to see how Street Fighter will play once it's landed
Yes, yes, and yes.
Great Top #20 video. You guys got strait to the point with ampl information. Not like some tubers that have to talk about all their personal life between each game mention. Great job. So many games I need to research now. Thanks.
Oh. My. God.
I had not heard of Ryan's new game Sleeping Gods until this moment - but now I can't wait to see it in 2019 either!!! Take my money already, you creative genius!!
My most anticipated game for 2019 is definitely Onimaru. I love Co-op games and its variability with all those decks and tiles is just awesome! Went all-in on it on Kickstarter and I can't wait to get my hands on it to figure out what the coolest combo of techniques, passives, yusha cards and everything is to fight those Onis back :)
Yesss! I can't wait to get this!! The hype is real for me for Onimaru!
I love these videos, great unscripted commentary, amazing editing to show the game components and box art.
You guys are getting me very hyped up for 2019 board gaming...
Just keep it a secret from my wallet.
wallet? you missspelt wife. Greetings from Germany
Great list! I hope to see Kira on the show more.
Mine are City of Big Shoulders, Pax Pamir 2e, Barrage, Invasions. Skulk Hallow looks very cool.
So glad to see Skulk Hallow on here! Got to play a demo of it last year and I wanted to go home with a copy! I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who had a positive experience
The obvious new content for Heaven and Ale is a bunch more of the goal/barrel tiles to provide some variability in the game.
The designer for Black Angel recently said on BGG that it will be a GenCon release this year.
My most anticipated games of 2019 in loose descending order from my backed Kickstarter projects: Barrage, Pipeline, Project L, The Artemis Project, City of the Big Shoulders, Escape Plan, Eclipse Second Dawn, Neta-Tanka, and Rurik: Dawn of Kiev.
Solid list. Seems like you lean toward the heavier side of gaming, yes?
@@davidwaybright Yeah, I'm definitely trending that direction. Project L does not fit with the rest of my list! Really looking forward to it though. Looks like it could be a true Splendor killer for me.
Spoke to the creator of Dice thrown during PAX Unplugged, he said that season 3 will include a co op campaign
We heard that too! They're really doing cool things with the game. In other news...your screen name. ;)
Lol it pains me that I made this sn when I was a kid
Wingspan is fantastic. Every game we’ve played so far has felt different from the last. The variety of tactics and strategy possible within 4 simple, buttery smooth actions is mind boggling. And the components are delightful. Highest recommendations.
Agreed - it pushes a lot of buttons for a lot of people, us included!
Couldn't agree more. We just played it again today, and I'm appreciating different engines that I hadn't even considered before.
I think Iwari, Tang garden, and Fuji Koro have my interest the most within the next year. All look fantastic, plus fun to play. Fits my motif of quick to teach, easy to play with deeper strategy.
MvM sold me on Dice Throne. I preordered the Gunslinger vs Samurai after watching the MvM review.
MvM "Helping gamers spend money since 2016"
Really looking forward to the 7th continent add-ons. But yeah tainted grail looks like they've used a few similar mechanics so can't wait to get that too. Also there's a great solo game coming out called Blight chronicles. Can't wait to get a few games of that in.
Wow. My mind is blown that heaven and ale is getting an expansion! That’s my second favorite game of all time! Thanks for helping me narrow down my 2019 targets.
Black Angel, Dice Throne 3, Edge of Darkness, Football Highlights 2052, Gentes, Belfort reprint, Glen More 2, Alubari, Paladins, Eclipse 2nd Dawn, Wingspan, Firenze reprint, Escape Plan, On Mars... i could keep going 2019 is going to be nuts (and thats before expansions)
Ha! So you're basically anticipating board games in general. I can't disagree.
Cannot wait to get my copy of Wingspan! I’m also excited for the reprint of Key Market, Oceans, and several expansions. :)
Paladins of the West Kingdom is my most anticipated game and I haven't even played Architects yet
I was personally unimpressed with Architects, honestly do not get all the hype. The only part I guess people get hyped about is "dic****" over your opponents move and honestly the game doesn't really need it so not sure why it is there, besides they wanted players who get hyped about that kind of thing to like their game. Play Pillars, way better game, with better mechanics and better gameplay.
I got a chance to play Wingspan at Breakout in Toronto last weekend (after seeing it but not getting a chance at the Niagara board game con in January) - tons of fun and visually stunning. I immediately signed up to be notified when it becomes available as it is sold out everywhere, including pre-sales. Eagerly anticipating arrival. Thanks for some great suggestions to look into in the meantime. :)
My most anticipated game is come out this week I believe, Comanauts! I played it at GenCon and was completely blown away. Can't wait to get my copy!
Daniel Keim
I know nothing of the game but I just took a look on google. Visually reminds me of stuffed fables and time stories.
@@repeataftermeme75 it's the sequel to Stuffed Fables! Same designer and system, but more for adults than kids
I'm also anticipating Machi Koro Legacy and Tang Garden! Looking forward to The Artemis Project, Museum, Sweet Mess, Wayward as well. Oh, and finally getting my hands on 7th Continent!!
well....I wasn't before....But now I'm anticipating Dice Throne Season 3! I didn't know they'd announced it! Thank you so much!
There hasn't been much more than a "tease" on social media, but it's happening. I'm sure we'll find out more sometime soon.
It's all about Black Angel! But I'm also getting my Kickstarters (Eclipse 2, Project Elite, and Awkward Guests), all of which I'm super excited about.
Not mentioned here, my #1 anticipated game of 2019 is The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth from Fantasy Flight Games. Of the games mentioned here I'm really looking forward to Wingspan, Tang Garden, and Black Angel. In that order.
James Wood Journeys in middle earth is my top game too. So excited for it
Jeremy with the info dump, at least for me, on Paladins of the West Kingdom. Didnt think i could be more hyped up for this game.
I am super excited for it...the rules got me hyped for sure! Lots of decision making to be had!
@@meeple Yeah I cant wait to see more about it. Its already an instant buy/back for me because its Garphill, but the drawing of the cards and choosing which to use is interesting. Is it deck builder or premade decks? I cant wait to hear more about it.
Dice Throne Season Three!! My number one by FAR! Can’t wait for new characters and a coop campaign! 😍😍😍
i have first and the second season. I have only played once the first season and it was kinda "was that it?". I bought first season originally for game to play instead of King Of Tokyo, but i didn't felt that "i go, you go, i go, you go... " was nearly as fun as King Of Tokyo. I hope when i play second season next time it will be a bit better experience. The cards have art which can make the experience a bit better.
I'd be interested I got s1 cuz it looked beautiful and well thought-out but I don't really like "Take That" elements. But a co-op legacy game sounds intriguing..
All four of these people are cute ah. What a friendly, knowledgeable, fun bunch.
as hekk*
Dan, I think you might be the first person to ever refer to me (among the others) as "cute ah"...and I love it! ;) Seriously, thanks for the kind words, and thanks for watching.
Did you know the artist for wingspan is self taught?! 🤯🤯🤯 let that sink in. She has done an amazing job. My kids love the game.
WHAT?! I had no idea, and that is amazing. The bird illustrations look like they're straight out of an encyclopedia.
Tainted Grail raised over $6.3 million. Also, really excited for it to arrive! I went back and forth on D6 and wound up not backing it. Then I saw more videos of it and regretted not backing it.
For me, the top games of this year that I'm waiting on are: Carnival Zombie 2nd Edition (developers have assured that it will appear this year), Clinic: Deluxe Edition (if it ships before the end of the year), Stellar Horizons, On Mars, and Escape Plan. I would add Dungeon Crusade, and Perseverance, but those most likely won't ship until 2020. In the event that Carnival Zombie and Clinic don't make it this year, substitute Uboot and Middara in their place.
We're going to be taking Carnival Zombie for 2nd Edition for a spin very soon. I was not familiar with it, but it looks pretty interesting.
I have the first edition and really like the game. It just had some design issues that needed to be rectified. Main one, for me, was the obstacles that were placed on the board. They blended in with the board so you lost track of where they were.
Playback at half speed? "Heeeyyyy mannnnn, dont bogart those chipppssss, yo."
I genuinely never get tired of listening to ourselves at half speed. Some of the best laughs, EVERY TIME. We might start listing time stamps for some of the "best half speed moments".
@@davidwaybright that would be hilarious!
Babbage’s!! That store was my go to for video games as well as Egghead Software! Then came the used game revolution - Funcoland - which I worked at for a few years in high school.
Wingspan, Museum, Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, Glen More II, Rome and Roll
I'll have to look up Jonathan Strange - never heard of it.
@@meeple I have no idea what the gameplay will be. Heard about it on Rahdo's anticipated games list and I really liked the book - so it's already a cool theme. Hopefully it'll be a good game too.
My top 5 is:
Dice Throne Season 3
Altar Quest
Arydia: The Paths We Dare Tread
Seventh Cross
Paladins of the West Kingdom
Altar Quest! Kira and I played Star Wars: Imperial Assault last night with Adam and Brady Sadler - we talked a LOT about their upcoming Altar Quest....looks very very cool!
Mezzo, Tang Garden, Escape Plan, Edge of Darkness, Wingspan would be my top five.
Wingspan delivers. We got our copies since recording this, and I stand by including it on my list. So good!
I would have to say, for me, I am most anticipating Tang Garden (my #1 for sure as I went all in on KS), Pipeline, the Sagrada expansion(s), and Paladins of the West Kingdom!
Tang Garden is gorgeous, and has some super clever mechanics.
David Waybright Oh for sure, and I love how (like Carcassonne for which it draws some inspiration) the expansion(s) add even more interesting elements to the game. Plus the look of the board once finished is like a statement piece you could almost put on display for all to see. Now I won’t say that this game will blow up and be as big as Carcassonne is but I definitely see where ThunderGryph can do quite a bit with this game going forward! Anyway, (not that I need sold on the game) I hope your channel does an updated review of the final game when it comes out. I’m curious if the final product will get the coveted MvM approved seal!
About BLACK ANGEL - Judging purely by the pics, it looks like it will have the very same mechanism the designers implemented in SOLENIA, where you have some sort of ship moving from a moving belt of tiles... Do we know if that is a correct assumption?
No idea, but I still want/need to try SOLENIA too.
Top 5 KS delivering this year (hopefully)
- Claustrophobia 1643
- Mythic Battles: Pantheon
- Street Masters: Aftershock
- The Edge Dawnfall
- Deep Madness
Top 5 games launching on KS this year (I don;'t know enough about what's hitting retail to say):
- Altar Quest
- Mythic Battles: Ragnarok
- Batman: Gotham City Chronicles (Reprint + new content?)
- Tsukuyumi Full Moon Down (New edition w/ minis)
- Bloodstone (late 2019/early 2020)
*Bonus* Dice Throne S3 because of all the talk here and elsewhere.
I feel like I don't have a lot of interest overlap with the guys from MvM, lol.
You know what? We need to dive more into some miniatures games like these. Many of us like them when we play them, but we just don't get them to the table too often. Thanks for sharing.
MB Pantheon and Deep Madness are both excellent games.. An accessible skirmish game with crazy minis and a really sharp tense dungeon crawl with some excellent twists and a great setting.
My number 1 this year is Black Rose Wars. love the art, love the mini's and just love all the possibilities you have during gameplay. Furthermore I'm waiting for Hellboy the board game, Skull Tales: Full Sail, Tainted Grail, Chartered: the Golden Age, Limbo: Eternal War, Heroes of Land, Air & Sea and Mythic Battles Pantheon 1.5...
My most anticipated games 2019 are:
- Living Planet
- L.A Crimes (detective expansion)
- Barrage
- Paladins of the w.k.
- Black Angel.
And hope for Pandemic Legacy s3
I still need to finish Pandemic Legacy s2. Elisha (my fiance) and I got about halfway through, and then got distracted by other games. Solid list by the way!
Wingspan, street masters aftershock, dice throne season 3, Sentinels of Earth-Prime and Prime War (the revamp of sentinel tactics)
Prime war is DEF NOT coming out this year we'll be lucky if the KS gets out this year but they're def in development of it (I got to play a prototype at Pax U) so I'm so psyched to get it... in 2021. :P
The 2 I am most excited for is paladins of the west kingdom and the space base expansion! Thanks for the great content!
Nice video, thank you!
I'm on board with Dice Throne S3 and Tainted Grail, though I think they'll be 2020.
2019, I'm looking forward the most to (no particular order) UNBROKEN, Machina Arcana, Rallyman GT, Call to Adventure and Inhuman Conditions.
Until then, I'll be playing mostly Dice Throne, Everdell and Gloomhaven =)
Wingspan definitely is on my list! Nice episode 👍
Thank you Simon!
Also backed Street Fighter, those minis look awesome, can’t wait!
Hope the games is even halfway decent.
David Waybright Yeah and hopefully give the same feeling of pulling off each character’s signature moves in the video games!
My most anticipated most anticipated list of the year!
My 5
5) iwari
4) Skulk Hallow
3) Sleeping God's
2) Roll Player: fiends and familiars and Adventures
1) The Artemis Project
I'm also intrigued by Proving Grounds from Renegade Games.
Is Iwari a recent addition to your list? ;)
Very recent. But amazing art, great theme, and built on tried and true mechanics (web of power), made it push Neta Tanka off my top 5.
Seasons of Inis. Can. Not. Wait.
How do you have the "In the hall of the mountain king" box when it's nowhere near being released?
Barrage, On Tour, Gentes Deluxe, Feast for Odin: The Norwegians, Batman: Gotham City Chronicles for me.
Barrage to Batman--that's a range of gaming right there.
I did not know about the bunny kingdom expansion. I am really excited for that.
Wow, looking through the comments, there is a ton of games coming out this year. You've sold me on Dice Throne, but being a solo gamer, I really hope this new one is co-op/solo playable.
I'm looking forward to:
Roll Player: Fiends and Familiars
Roll Player Adventures
Dice Forge expansion
The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire expansion
Sleeping Gods
Unannounced Heroes of Terrinoth expansion (FFG, it's gonna happen)
any roll player addition is a can't wait and I love dice forge as a short quick game.
@@vanyaserra1 If you also extend your love of Roll Player to that of the world being created around it, there is a new '"flip and write" game, Cartographers, that was just added as a pre-order on the Thunderworks website. Looks to be released in retail after Gen-Con. Plus there is a new Minotaur character board for Roll Player, available now!
My most anticipated game for 2019: EZCAPE, a zombie themed card game for 4 - 12 players. Please support this project on Kickstarter.
Thanks for the review MVM!
Smoke em out!!
Its going to be a great year. I want to play On Mars
Almost cenrtainly wont be delivered in 2019
re: Fighting games... Exceed has a Street Fighter Season dropping soon and another Season later this year. I super, super enjoyed S2 and it's my go-to 2p battler now. Love, love this game.
Thanks for turning me on to a few different games, really looking forward to Dice Throne S03... co-ops are my fave, hopefully it'll be amazing.
I've not played Exceed, but you're the second person in the comments who mentioned it. I'm betting you'll enjoy Dice Throne if you haven't tried it already.
Riechbusters. Can’t wait to play it.
Not my kind of game, but that trailer for their campaign was amazing!
I generally do not spend much time looking at the horizon for games. I want to make sure a game stands the test of time, if so, I’ll pick it up a few years later. That being said, that is not the nature of this program, so in the spirit of the list the games that I am intrigued by are Dominant Species Marine, Escape Plan and Alubari. I think Dominant Species is a great design, but the game length can make it difficult to get to the table that often. Hopefully Marine can change that without losing what made DS special. I do not enjoy all Lacerda games, but when I do I really love them. This looks a bit lighter than most of his designs but it still looks interesting. I very much enjoy Snowdonia, perhaps Alubari will be different enough to warrant playing both.
Dominant Species Marine? I also have to look that one up!
I have a feeling that Alubari is going to be one we're talking about on the channel this year. I just looked at it for the first time, and it certainly seems to be our kind of game.
Wingspan is fantastic, but escape Plan and Barage are my top ones for sure
Whoa Paladins' Art I love. Of course Mico would be involved. I got Raiders based on Architects of the West kingdom. Rally looking forward to more news on Paladins of the West Kingdom. At any rate. Where can I read the rule book? Would it be available for those that are interested? Likely not but thought I would ask.
Have you played Raiders yet? Cool to hear that you were exposed to Architects first.
@@davidwaybright Well I purchased Raiders, it's expansions and the solo deck based on what I've read and seen after the fact. The unique take on worker placement for both games intrigued me from the get-go. I'm liking Raiders a bit more because of the theme. I didn't get shipwrights as the gameplay didn't appeal to me. Certainly a matter of taste. But the art is amazing! really draws you in. That's why I got Robin Hood and the Merry Men is because of Mico's art. Looking forward to more info on Paladins which I'm sure will be covered my MvM when the KS arrives.
My #1 By far is UBoot. That game has the potential to be amazing
"It sounds like Dice Throne stole the show here."
I’m dying to get my copy of Fantastic Factories. Wingspan is also on its way and I’m really looking forward to it.
Fantastic Factories is excellent! Sounds like you enjoy engine building. Both games are perfect for you then.
Barrage, Pipeline, Wingspan, Vinyl, and Football Highlights 2052 for me. :-)
Im looking forward to many games in 2019. Have either KS these, or just want them at retail -- Naga Raja, On Mars (hopefully), Awkward Guests (this is my #1 at this moment), Tainted Grail (went almost all in), Black Angel, Underwater Cities, and Dungeon Crusade Book 1 (hopefully).
Naga Raja for sure! I forgot about that one, and since we had a prototype for a while, it didn't occur to me to include it on this list. I'll be buying that as soon as it's available.
Agree on underwater cities!!
Project Elite! Been waiting for years to play it, was stoked when CMON picked it up, backed it immediately!
Yes! Street Fighter! Can´t wait to get this game :)
What's the board game in the background starting with Rey?
What's the deal with North Face apparel? Is it a sponsor?
Nope - but it's cold in Indiana and we are in an unheated facility - it is 0 degrees here.
As Jeremy said, we are not sponsored by North Face. With that said, if you happen to be a representative of North Face, we're not opposed to such a sponsorship...or at least a few more vests and quarter-zips.
1) Darwin's Choice, 2) Mobster Metropolis, 3) On Tour, 4) Battle Ravens: The Shield Wall, 5) Outlaws: Last Man Standing & 6) Q.E. (All Kickstarters)
Great episode, keep it up!
I'm really looking forward for Carnival Zombie. I sure hope it comes out this year.
Snowdonia Deluxe, On Mars, Clinic Deluxe, Madeira (2nd Ed.), Pipeline. You definitely piqued my interest in Black Angel, though!
Clinic Deluxe? Have to look that one up! And 1005 on Madeira - the game is a classic!
The next season of Exceed (the fighting game I mentioned before) is Street Fighter!
Have to admit--I knew of this, but not it much detail. Just checked it out on Level 99 site. I may need to try this system, even though that type of game is not in my wheelhouse.
@@davidwaybright It really matters who you play. I didn't like it the first time I tried it, and I didn't play it again for several months after that. Get someone who knows the game to explain the fighters and pick one that suits you. Also, make your first few games against someone else that's new or is at least not going to be annoying to game against. I volunteer on Tabletop Sim (TheLotusWraith) if you don't have anyone locally.
Why is everyone saying On Mars (which wont be delivered in 2019) and are forgetting about Escape Plan which will be delivered in april/may? Did everyone forgot about it?
Babbages! Software Etc. for the win though. Then there was E.B. I miss those stores. I miss standing around talking about video and computer games for hours with other enthusiasts.
I miss selling Neo Geo games to the one guy in all of Indianapolis who owned that system. Full disclosure everyone, David and I worked at EB/Software Etc. together back in the day.
@@davidwaybright I often wonder where our regulars are now and what they're playing. I can imagine what Ron would have to say about the 2K titles vs EA's monopoly on football. Those were great days. Working retail sucks, but it sucks much less when you're passionate about the product.
Street Masters, Wingspan, Tainted Grail, Batman from Monolith, and Aristeia!
Whenever I hear a an american speak out a german game title like "Ganz schön clever!" or "Doppelt so clever!" or just the name of a german authour it allways is giving me a good laugh.
Im waiting for dice throne season 3 but also now waiting for skulk hollow :O
Dice Thrones Season 3 is my number 1! My son and I play each other all the time!
I played Wingspan last week and it is really good. The hype cynic in me had to tuck its tale and apologize to Jamey Stegmaier and all of the reviewers. It really does hit that sweet spot of Terraforming Mars in under an hour of playtime. The only good thing about waiting is getting the 3rd printing with all of the printing errors corrected :-)
Some good choices
1.Tainted grail
2nd Edition Heroes of land air and sea
3. Escape plan
4. Tidal blades
5. Hexplore it: Forest of adrimon.
Wingspan is really good
Only game I think you guys missed is Tidal Blades! 2019 is gonna be great!
In all fairness, it's sometimes hard for us to think of games we've already played. We have a few plays of Tidal Blades under our belts, and it is definitely worthy of "most anticipated" status.
I didn't back Tidal Blades, but i backed Grimm Forest from Druid City Games and i have been starting to feel like that if they ever put games out in similar vein of Grimm Forest i will back them all! It's strange, it's such a simple game, but it's pure fun to play. I just backed Valor And Villainy a few days ago, and there will be other games from Druid City Games which i will back too :)
I've played Court of the Dead 5 times. I prefer it to Blood Rage.
Can't wait for skulk hollow
As entertaining as always, guys (and gal!)... 👍
My top anticipated games are
Paladins of the West Kongdom
Euphoria Expansion
Call to Adventure
And what ever the new game from Stonemaier is gonna be.(Kind of cheayong on that one.)
Also the Unfair expansion. The base game combos are starting to get samey so it will be nice to really change up the combos.
Forgot about call to adventure. I'm excited about that too.
Just listened to the half speed playback....some good weed going down there...🤪
Did not know about Clank Legacy, I'm excited for that one!
Kira's Top3 are mine as well!
Hi from France! My top 5 : Tainted Grail (but it could be 2020...), Tidal blades, Valhalla, The Shared Dreams, Claustrophobia and i'm waiting for the Alice in wonderland's KS project and Planet of the Apes KS project.
That is a diverse list of games! Thanks for sharing.
do you have a link to the alice in wonderland ks project? i'd like to take a look - thx
@@ekurisona663 here it is, but there's only some pictures right now. facebook.com/695600497486379/posts/723428841370211/
@@ekurisona663 If they're talking about the Skybound game, I don't think that will be for a while.
Completely missed Skulk Hollow. Pre-ordred it right as you all finished talking about it
For me Tainted Grail, Onimaru, War of the worlds
Tainted Grail definitely on my list as well
Given the number of people who backed Tainted Grail, I'm surprised it's not on everyone's list.
I backed street fighter and got all the characters. I hope that the game is at least fun but totally backed it for the mini's.
I think a LOT of people backed it for the minis!
Haha seems to be the case. Sounds like they are doing Mortal Kombat and Dragon Ball Z next.
I'm excited for Fuji Koro
Oh man! I totally forgot about Fuji Koro. That very well may have bumped its way onto my list had I remembered it when doing research. After Gugong, I'm sure Game Brewer games are going to be on everyone's radar.
The app for Doppelt So Clever has been out for a couple months.
Android: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.brettspielwelt.doppeltsoclever&hl=en_US
iOS: itunes.apple.com/us/app/twice-as-clever/id1448698380?mt=8
I need Dice Throne season 3 right now!
Black Angel ....yes! Paladin...yes! But what about Lacerda’s “On Mars” ? Is the dry Euro dead? A lot of heavily themed fantasy type games on this list? Not my cup of tea personally.
Dry Euro will never be dead and yes, very much looking forward to On Mars as well.
Certainly wont be delivered in 2019. What about Escape Plan?