@@RafaelCosta-fy7tb Nobody does. There was a short story on the internet 20 years back about this very topic. Because it was so heartfelt & poignant, I printed & saved it. The point it proves will convince you (if I can find it).
2:46 I just lost my dog Kiki. I hope that she is in Heaven or that God has a happy place for all of our pets and animals. My dog Kiki was 16 and she suffered so much at the end with Kidney faliure and aniemia. This is so consoling. 🙏😍🌹
So sorry for your loss, Ma'am! It's heartbreaking! I lost my beautiful black & white cat, EmmaLee, last year. She was nearly 23yo! I know in my heart that God will make a place of Peace & Light for our Animal Friends! The Creator of ALL Life does not give life (& his love) to living creatures, & then throw it away! He told Adam & Eve (& us, by extension) to be "stewards" of his created living things. I know there's a place for them, after death, of peace & safety & happiness. You loved & stewarded Kiki! Bless you, Dear Lady.❤❤❤🎉
There are two people, one being a priest who gets messages from Heaven and he has many mystical experiences and a very holy, devote woman who used to do healing services in the church and all over the world, she also had mystical experiences with Jesus since her childhood, she has since passed away. Both of these people have stated that they personally saw animals/pets in Heaven. Praise be Jesus. Fiat.
Certainly there will be animals present with us in the life to come. Why would God deprive us of such a wonderful creation for all eternity? Of course He will not. "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Why would we be told to preach the gospel about everlasting life to creatures who would not partake of it?
Wouldn't their soul be absorbed so to speak back into God? And if animals don't go to heaven then why do they have Saint Francis of Asisi? I am confused.
It says in the Bible God calls all things back to himself. I am sure that if we can love an animal how much more does God love that animal While animals may not be Heaven I am sure God has a place for all those critters After all they gave Glory to God by doing what God intended them to do. Just my opinion.
Thank you mother Miriam, for such a wonderful explanation. I trully believe there is a place for animals in our Father's heaven. I believe they are very near and dear to God. He did, after all, in my humble opinion, include them along with Noah and his family to save a remnant of creation. He is so Good and so Great, and I am grateful for the animals and all of their shinnigans, which inspire within me awe, compassion, joy, and laughter...(a tiny glimpse into God's personality?) It's good medicine for my soul. Peace❤
I agree and appreciate the explanation, however there is a common error noted that is I think the crux of the debate.... some animals DO have the ability to conceive of abstract notions of justice (crows, elephants, dogs, cats, horses, cows, dolphins, whales, pigs and chickens and more) in that they do exhibit the behaviours aligned to what humans identify as possessing that ability. There is also the issue of our limitations in understanding how animals communicate/behave and express their intelligence which is informed by their anatomy as well. Animals do not go through purgatory, but just as there are various levels of heaven, I think indeed animals do go to heaven too. ❤
How do we know an animal doesn't ask Jesus into its heart, just because they're non-verbal? If Man is created to undergo theosis, and be like God, and if love pours itself out from the "has" to the "has not," then it's necessary for animals to be in Heaven so we will have something lesser than ourselves to love.
We have had many dogs and I can tell you categorically that we have had dogs come back in spiritual form to show themselves to our other dogs and our selves over a period of 36 years. I am a practicing Catholic and this is one area that I cannot agree with the church, for I have had proof of an afterlife for dogs..
Well the Catholic church doesn't actually have a teaching one way or the other about whether pets exist after physical death. I'm a practicing Catholic too and am just a simple mind, and nowhere near theological like St Thomas Aquinas, however, I do believe that God made all good things to exist after physical death. Between the different humans, animals and plants, He obviously likes variety, so why wouldn't He want that same variety to exist forever? The only reason we have physical death at all is due to the fall of man. So along that same line, if man never fell, no one, including the animals and plants, would die. Therefore, why would animals & plants remain dead after we were redeemed by Jesus, if that wasn't God's intent in the first place? Might be partly wishful and emotional thinking on my part, but I think there's some logic in it as well.
Miriam is incorrect. I have heard several theologians echo the same thing, that because animals cannot desire the trinity or partake in sanctifying grace, they don't go to heaven. Well look at it this way - animals, unlike humans, don't *NEED* sanctifying grace because animals *DON'T SIN!* Animals never disobey God's laws, one of which is nature. Human beings are the ones that corrupted natural law when we sinned, so while animals are incapable of sinning they still suffer the consequences of OUR sins. So they too experience pain, fear, suffering, and death. Nope - animals have an automatic entry into heaven. We are the ones who have something to worry about!
@@jonathan_1465Moreover the history of Church shows animals have the desire of saints company. Unless Jesus is no God, they have the Instinctive desire of God.
Mother I have heard priests say no they dont go to heaven. However my mother was on life support and on the Wednesday I saw her soul slip out of her body the cord which attached her to her body had completely fayed through. I saw two angels hold her and heard the heavenly choir. I was so worried about where she would be because her body was being kept going and prayed i was shown her sitting in the most beautiful garden by herself but given the company of animals. On the following Monday life support was turned off. And again i fekt the comfort of angels around her.
There are many opinions on this subject and everyone has an answer, but no authoritative, absolute answer. A Bible verse I find interesting isJob 12:7-10 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.” This tells me that the animals know God without doubt. To say that plants, animals, insects, all of creation cannot also exist in heaven is to knowingly and deliberately underestimate the power of God. Think about that. Now, do you now really want to say; "there are no dogs in heaven"?
I most certainly believe animals go to Heaven. They have souls, they love us and like she said they don't sin, so why wouldn't they go to Heaven? Why would God make them part of His Creation if He didn't want them in Heaven?
One time after receiving communion, I went to my pew, and started my thanksgiving. I then out of nowhere saw spiritually, my poodle, Millie, barking like crazy to come see me, but she was on the other side. I knew she wanted to see me, but I could not! So, I asked Jesus why did you do this, for I was so sad, but I asked Him to send her to someone to console her til I get to the other side someday. I was dumbfounded and sad....
Animals are innocent, they do not have a human soul, but I think they may go to a place in afterlife. When you get to heaven you have amazing life with God, Angels and Saints. Do not worry. If you want to see Fido I’m sure you can, but do not worry.
I have always loved animals deeply and pray for them every day, and they greatly love me back. At the same time, it is delusional New Age/Buddhist/etc. sentimentalist arrogance to assume that all animals and creatures automatically go to Heaven. The mentality behind it sounds compassionate but is just the arrogance that if all animals go to Heaven, then it follows (falsely) that we don't need to believe, repent and obey to go to Heaven. If we want our pets in Heaven WE MUST become Catholic Saints in God's grace for that petition to be even be considered by God. Be humble, brave and holy!!
I never saw that trap you raise. But it makes perfect sense. Still as the Bible speaks about them, we can search for the true answer. My dog is dying. Believe me it's her last spiritual lesson (she gave me many) : each time I look at her, it raises my hate for sin. She is suffering and dying because of us, poor sinners. But if Jesus as a full victory over sin, evil and death, he can't be limited to man only. Otherwise that would mean Adam was more powerful in corruption than God is powerful in restoring what was good from the beginning.
@hectthorno584 You have to revise your theology, which appears logical on the surface but is motivated underneath with sentimentalism. I have always totally loved my animals and always learned from them. If you do not learn in true humility that humans are made in the image and likeness of God and not animals, and that we should push toward true sanctity, you have really learned nothing from animals. They can see God in you but you don't.
@@philalcoceli6328 I wanted sincerely to thank you as your message put a big true smile in my face in this very difficult time : judgmental, self-pride, ad hominem attack instead of opposing one or few ideas that may have unpleased you but that any rational being would quietly discuss without passion... I have never seen such a counterwitness concentrated in so few words that pretend to be the exact opposite of what they express. Let' get back serious : I take my theologigcal inspiration about cosmic restoration from the Bible and from St Irenaeus. But I have no problem revising my theology if you can provide the St Thomas infaillibilty dogma. If you can't, may be you could consider not judging people who don't fully agree with your opinions on topics that can be freely discussed, specially when they can support their opinions.
@hectthorno584 Your long rebuttal still contradicts Truly Catholic Theology as to animals not being made in the image and likeness of God and not being recipients of Jesus' saving sacrifice on the Cross. No True Saint, True Pope, true theologian, True Council, etc. ever contradicted that. Show your quoted, backed up evidence instead of dropping names and projecting out your own ad hominem attack, like all the True Faith's enemies do.
@@philalcoceli6328 you are arguing with yourself: I never said animals were made at the image of God. But I see you can't provide St Thomas infallibility dogma 😉 Let's be serious again. I am sure you will have no problem finding magisterium sources that support St Thomas opinion about material and mortal animal soul
Why does the book of Isaiah mention animals in heaven and babies in heaven playing with venomous snakes, and the lion lying down with a lamb if there are no animals in heaven? It’s also worth mentioning that in addition to a new heaven, there will be a new earth and so it’s possible that animals go to the new earth. When God created the animals, he looked upon his creation and saw that it was good. Animals existed in the garden of Eden then it makes no sense that God would not want them in heaven too or at least want them reunited with man in heaven and man and beast being friends in heaven, like they were in the garden of Eden. That being said St. Thomas Aquinas is view on animals in heaven is not infallible and many other Saints disagree with him and it’s also worth mentioning that the Catholic Church has no official teaching one way or the other on animals in Heaven. Also, angels are not created in the image of God yet they are in heaven
Why does the book of Isaiah mention animals in heaven and babies in heaven playing with venomous snakes, and the lion lying down with a lamb if there are no animals in heaven? It’s also worth mentioning that in addition to a new heaven, there will be a new earth and so it’s possible that animals go to the new earth. When God created the animals, he looked upon his creation and saw that it was good. Animals existed in the garden of Eden then it makes no sense that God would not want them in heaven too or at least want them reunited with man in heaven and man and beast being friends in heaven, like they were in the garden of Eden. That being said St. Thomas Aquinas is view on animals in heaven is not infallible and many other Saints disagree with him and it’s also worth mentioning that the Catholic Church has no official teaching one way or the other on animals in Heaven
If God is love, and our pets are a part of God's creation that bring us so much unconditional love, why is it too far of a stretch to believe that they will not be heaven? This sounds like an over intellectualized explanation based on the limited knowledge that man has this side of heaven. It is written (Corinthians 2:9-10 ) “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him." It also says (Corinthians 13:12) "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known." Anyone of us who thinks that they are capable of answering definitive questions about God, God's nature, or heaven (while still being here on Earth) probably should ask God for forgiveness for deeming equality with Him. Perhaps we just need to humbly admit that we simply do not know.
Start by trying to learn about what Heaven really is … Creation was made for man, but man was made for God. In Heaven (if we get there! THERE IS NO GARANTIE) we will be in the presence of God! The beatific vision! We won’t want or need anything else!
Every time some person declares that animals will just cease to exist when they die, that they don’t have souls, I just think how arrogant they are. God never stated that. You just interpreted that yourself. Not only that, they are attempting to limit God, Who can do anything. It is true that it is different, animals don’t go to the same place as a believer does. But they certainly do not cease to exist. Especially for animals who have touched people’s souls, or have a short and painful life. God is merciful, and purposeful. All good comes from Him. And all animals on this earth are compensated for in death. The Word is all important. But that is for us, to lead us back to Him. It won’t cover animals, because they don’t need it, since they never sinned in the first place. I mention this because those believers always bring the Bible up to disprove animal souls. Listening to the Holy Spirit is important too.
If an animal has no sense of right or wrong, was it wrong for God to punish the snake in Eden? St. Thomas Aquinas was very bright, but when Jesus revealed the truth to him, he put his pen down and wrote no more. St Thomas Aquinas is NOT infallible. He mistakenly thought the soul doesn't enter the body at conception. He's wrong about animals not being in Heaven, too.
If anyone is able to get into Heaven, to be with our God, they will not miss their pet. Putting too much importance on a pet is keeping one from the importance of a good relationship with our God.
Putting too much importance on pets leads one to be EXTREMELY GRATEFUL TO GOD for granting the world the CREATION, the PROVISION, the COMPANY, the ASSISTANCE, the FRIENDSHIP, and the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE of pets.
Please do not be so certain enough about what and what not will be missed from heaven. Animal Lovers & pets speak a common language and that is LOVE. And GOD is LOVE. So, it is possible that everyone who emanates LOVE does not only miss each other, but might actually be together at the end. Life is a MYSTERY. And in DIVINE MYSTERIES, ANIMAL LOVERS HOPE IN UNDISCLOSED MYSTERIES IN AND OF CHRIST AND THE BOUNDLESS LOVE GOD HAS FOR HIS ENTIRE CREATION.
@@R.I.S.E. The love you’re supposed to focus on is your love of God. You can appreciate and love His creation , but it’s not to be your main focus. Love the Creator more than His creation. When one makes it into Heaven, being in His presence they know that He is all they will ever need!
@southernlady1109 Who says my main focus are the animals? Do you already know me that well? Your first comment speaks of "putting too much importance" while your reply/2nd comment implies "idolatry." They are not the same; hence, inconsistent. Do not adjust your opinion every time just to be able to make a statement. Be thankful for people who have devoted time to animals because of them, communities have GUIDE DOGS & K-9's saving people and properties. I don't think they are committing idolatry while they serve their neighbors by this means.
I agree with you. While it's true that animals do not have Free Will and therefore do not make moral decisions, I think they will be in heaven because Jesus gave them to us as gifts of love. For Christians, walking with Christ and being baptized is necessary (as well as faith in Jesus) to be saved, but the little animals can be taken to heaven by completely other rules. Every living creature has the divine spark within it and when we have pets, we love them and they love us for a long time. The scripture that you quoted is good enough for me.
@@CIST3 Thank you, In the Bible passage Revelation 19;11 it states that when Jesus returns he will be riding a white horse, So in Heaven Jesus owns a white horse which shows there are animals in heaven, 🤠
Except for the fans of a philosophical Heaven. It's obvious, as God is incarnated. Animals will enjoy God through Jesus and saints. Despite philosophical Heaven believers claim, I strongly believe the.. Lamb of God is in Heaven 😉
With all due true respect I owe to you, Dear Mother, the true and honest answer is the Catholic Church has not answered this question. Thus there is no catholic answer. Only opinions. And St Thomas' answer has implications that actually raise many problems. It's your right to make yours St Thomas views but letting this simple opinion appears as if it was the Catholic Church's answer would be misleading. And if your opinion was theologically false it would be unfair to people who grief the loss of an animal and look for spiritual comfort and feel they are pushed away. In other words, for many scriptural reasons, the odds are high animals will be in Heaven. Specially if St Irenaeus was right about the full cosmic restoration through Christ Victory at the Cross
All of us love our pets and the loss hurts but there is no way we will see them with God and it was very clearly understood that We Humans have Dominion over them meaning that we are chosen obove all living creatures He made but the misunderstanding is we have a right to abuse anaimals with personal dominion.
God made everything. To hear that God will now only take to Heaven people, then, is that all there is in Heaven? People? No trees, flowers, lakes, etc? Everything that we have here, including animals? No. I too believe God would not give us the gifts of animals, as friends, helpers, companions and teachers to abandon them in the end. Envisioning wall to wall people and nothing else in Heaven… sounds weird. 🤷🏻♀️
This doesn’t make sense to me because when creation by God happened and that was supposed to be paradise. Right? The animals were there with Adam and Eve. Since Adam and Eve sinned which caused them to be cast out of the Garden of Eden, everyone and everything suffered because of Adam’s sin.. Eye has not seen and ears have not heard all the things God has planned for those who love Him.. I do know that Jesus has a white horse however..
Animals yes, but not necessarily as OUR pets. Maybe our souls will "know" each other but it won't be the similar pet-owner dynamic. God will be enough, you will love it as a fellow soul but not need it as a pet.
Great explanation, animal where created for the service of Man, now that Man has decided to love them it’s, not for us to tell God what to do with the animals you view as family members. Sorry if you want to lie to yourself
Only man bears His image. Jesus did not die on the cross so that your pet can go to Heaven. Animals do not bear the guilt of sin, therefore, are not in need of a Savior.
When Christ returns ALL of CREATION will be renewed!!! All of creation will be redeemed and exists currently within God. Therefore, animals, plants, and angels (angels incidentally have no will either as they are impeccable like animals) will be redeemed at the consummation of the Kingdom. Unfortunately, this old lady is simply wrong! And, even more important is the fact that we, as the redeemed of Christ, must be steadfast in the bringing of the Kingdom so all of creation may rejoice in it's redemption and renewal! So, Yes, animals will be in the new heavens and the new earth even if some humans aren't. The only difference is that Humans will enjoy the bliss of the new creation as humans and animals will enjoy it as animals - just like the difference that exists now, but in a renewed sense. I pray that God saves us from this hierarchical sense of being (false theology) that does nothing but, like the devil, keeps whispering to humanity and creation that God cherishes some of us more than others. This is nonsense!!!! God sent his Son so that all may be saved, and that the sin of Adam (which affected all of creation) would be undone. All that God has created, as God intended by the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, will be redeemed and renewed. This obviously includes the pants, animals, and anything inanimate God has created. Nothing was wasted in the death and resurrection of the Lord - including animals.
@@FrankGladysz-o5n I clearly referred to the pope. A pope I don't much care for BTW. We haven't had a decent one since HH St. Pius XII. 🕊 🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎 🇺🇸 🇭🇺 🇲🇳
@@wms72 Biology book for all living things having a soul. Bible for the immortality of human souls. Science book for how plant souls act, how animal souls act, and how human souls act. Today if there is no such thing as a women or a man, all might be in question.
While, I disagree with mother Miriam on this she most definitely is not without love and certainly is not pompous. looks like you need thicker skin because even though I strongly disagree with mother Miriam on this topic to call her without love or Pompas over this is beyond ridiculous
God made everything. To hear that God will now only take to Heaven people, then, is that all there is in Heaven? People? No trees, flowers, lakes, etc? Everything that we have here, including animals? No. I too believe God would not give us the gifts of animals, as friends, helpers, companions and teachers to abandon them in the end. Envisioning wall to wall people and nothing else in Heaven… sounds weird. 🤷🏻♀️
Adam sin corrupted the whole Creation. The book of Wisdom recalls God didn't create death nor wanted it. So Jesus may be King of the Universe, God all-mighty, his doesn't have infinite power. And on the Cross he just managed to rescue man. Too bad for innocent animals. Their death was not on His plan, but Adam Sin will always be more powerful than God... Of course this is pure absurd heresy but here are the logical consequences of sustaining animals don't go to Heaven.
@@hectthorno584 I think you meant to say, God will always be more powerful than everything and anything for He is our Father, Creator and Existence. He will always and forever be in control of EVERYTHING. Just clarifying. God bless you.😊
@@anadr2299 of course I meant that. And thank you for clarifying. My point was that believing that there is no hope for innocent creatures suffering and dying outside God's will but only because of man's sin, leads to consider that God is less powerful than Adam original sin which corrupted the whole good Creation God made. I still don't get how a brilliant and wonderful saint such as St Thomas didn't see this nonsense when he supported his "Christ man only rescue mission" idea against the wide opinion amongst the Fathers of the Church who saw a Cosmic salvation through the Victory of Christ at the Cross.
Psalm 36:6 "Thou savest Man and beast"
Thank you Mother Miriam! I could not imagine any kind of joyous afterlife without all my pets! 😥🐈⬛🐈🐱🐈⬛ God bless you dear. 📿🕊
Then you have NO idea what Heaven is...
@@RafaelCosta-fy7tb Nobody does. There was a short story on the internet 20 years back about this very topic. Because it was so heartfelt & poignant, I printed & saved it. The point it proves will convince you (if I can find it).
She said animsls are not in Heaven.
@@wms72Agreed. Mother clearly said that, and her reasoning is logical. I think perhaps the poster was hearing what he/she wanted to hear.
Only one thing will occupy our hearts in Heaven! The Beatific Vison! We will need NOTHING from the earth. Because we will have ALL which is God. ❤
If it's good here on earth. It'll be in heaven. I think animals go to heaven. At least two priests at my parish have said so over the years.
Like you, I believe animals do go to heaven. I know when I die I will see my beautiful boy he was a german shepherd. 🐺 🙏
2:46 I just lost my dog Kiki. I hope that she is in Heaven or that God has a happy place for all of our pets and animals. My dog Kiki was 16 and she suffered so much at the end with Kidney faliure and aniemia. This is so consoling. 🙏😍🌹
So sorry for your loss, Ma'am! It's heartbreaking! I lost my beautiful black & white cat, EmmaLee, last year. She was nearly 23yo!
I know in my heart that God will make a place of Peace & Light for our Animal Friends! The Creator of ALL Life does not give life (& his love) to living creatures, & then throw it away! He told Adam & Eve (& us, by extension) to be "stewards" of his created living things. I know there's a place for them, after death, of peace & safety & happiness. You loved & stewarded Kiki! Bless you, Dear Lady.❤❤❤🎉
There are two people, one being a priest who gets messages from Heaven and he has many mystical experiences and a very holy, devote woman who used to do healing services in the church and all over the world, she also had mystical experiences with Jesus since her childhood, she has since passed away. Both of these people have stated that they personally saw animals/pets in Heaven. Praise be Jesus. Fiat.
How do you know it not a fantasy from their heads?
@@RafaelCosta-fy7tbthat could be said for any Saint that had a mystical experience!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mother!
Certainly there will be animals present with us in the life to come. Why would God deprive us of such a wonderful creation for all eternity? Of course He will not.
"Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Why would we be told to preach the gospel about everlasting life to creatures who would not partake of it?
Thank you mother!
Wouldn't their soul be absorbed so to speak back into God? And if animals don't go to heaven then why do they have Saint Francis of Asisi? I am confused.
@@RafaelCosta-fy7tb me too lol
To me, animals are like experiencing a tiny piece of heaven here on Earth.
It says in the Bible God calls all things back to himself.
I am sure that if we can love an animal how much more does God love that animal
While animals may not be Heaven I am sure God has a place for all those critters
After all they gave Glory to God by doing what God intended them to do.
Just my opinion.
Thank you mother Miriam, for such a wonderful explanation. I trully believe there is a place for animals in our Father's heaven. I believe they are very near and dear to God. He did, after all, in my humble opinion, include them along with Noah and his family to save a remnant of creation. He is so Good and so Great, and I am grateful for the animals and all of their shinnigans, which inspire within me awe, compassion, joy, and laughter...(a tiny glimpse into God's personality?) It's good medicine for my soul. Peace❤
I agree and appreciate the explanation, however there is a common error noted that is I think the crux of the debate.... some animals DO have the ability to conceive of abstract notions of justice (crows, elephants, dogs, cats, horses, cows, dolphins, whales, pigs and chickens and more) in that they do exhibit the behaviours aligned to what humans identify as possessing that ability. There is also the issue of our limitations in understanding how animals communicate/behave and express their intelligence which is informed by their anatomy as well. Animals do not go through purgatory, but just as there are various levels of heaven, I think indeed animals do go to heaven too. ❤
The will be with us in the resurrection. Isaiah chapter 11. Animals will indeed be with us on the new Earth as the prophet teaches.
How do we know an animal doesn't ask Jesus into its heart, just because they're non-verbal?
If Man is created to undergo theosis, and be like God, and if love pours itself out from the "has" to the "has not," then it's necessary for animals to be in Heaven so we will have something lesser than ourselves to love.
We have had many dogs and I can tell you categorically that we have had dogs come back in spiritual form to show themselves to our other dogs and our selves over a period of 36 years. I am a practicing Catholic and this is one area that I cannot agree with the church, for I have had proof of an afterlife for dogs..
Well the Catholic church doesn't actually have a teaching one way or the other about whether pets exist after physical death. I'm a practicing Catholic too and am just a simple mind, and nowhere near theological like St Thomas Aquinas, however, I do believe that God made all good things to exist after physical death. Between the different humans, animals and plants, He obviously likes variety, so why wouldn't He want that same variety to exist forever? The only reason we have physical death at all is due to the fall of man. So along that same line, if man never fell, no one, including the animals and plants, would die. Therefore, why would animals & plants remain dead after we were redeemed by Jesus, if that wasn't God's intent in the first place? Might be partly wishful and emotional thinking on my part, but I think there's some logic in it as well.
I agree with you wholeheartedly!!! ❤️❤️
Miriam is incorrect.
I have heard several theologians echo the same thing, that because animals cannot desire the trinity or partake in sanctifying grace, they don't go to heaven.
Well look at it this way - animals, unlike humans, don't *NEED* sanctifying grace because animals *DON'T SIN!* Animals never disobey God's laws, one of which is nature. Human beings are the ones that corrupted natural law when we sinned, so while animals are incapable of sinning they still suffer the consequences of OUR sins. So they too experience pain, fear, suffering, and death.
Nope - animals have an automatic entry into heaven. We are the ones who have something to worry about!
@@jonathan_1465Moreover the history of Church shows animals have the desire of saints company. Unless Jesus is no God, they have the Instinctive desire of God.
Just found your channel and I love it!!!
Mother I have heard priests say no they dont go to heaven. However my mother was on life support and on the Wednesday I saw her soul slip out of her body the cord which attached her to her body had completely fayed through. I saw two angels hold her and heard the heavenly choir. I was so worried about where she would be because her body was being kept going and prayed i was shown her sitting in the most beautiful garden by herself but given the company of animals. On the following Monday life support was turned off. And again i fekt the comfort of angels around her.
There are many opinions on this subject and everyone has an answer, but no authoritative, absolute answer. A Bible verse I find interesting isJob 12:7-10
“But ask the animals, and they will teach you,
or let the fish in the sea inform you.
Which of all these does not know
that the hand of the Lord has done this?
In his hand is the life of every creature
and the breath of all mankind.” This tells me that the animals know God without doubt. To say that plants, animals, insects, all of creation cannot also exist in heaven is to knowingly and deliberately underestimate the power of God. Think about that. Now, do you now really want to say; "there are no dogs in heaven"?
… go out into all the world and preach to every creature….. kjv…….why would we need to preach to them, if they have no souls?
I most certainly believe animals go to Heaven. They have souls, they love us and like she said they don't sin, so why wouldn't they go to Heaven? Why would God make them part of His Creation if He didn't want them in Heaven?
One time after receiving communion, I went to my pew, and started my thanksgiving. I then out of nowhere saw spiritually, my poodle, Millie, barking like crazy to come see me, but she was on the other side. I knew she wanted to see me, but I could not! So, I asked Jesus why did you do this, for I was so sad, but I asked Him to send her to someone to console her til I get to the other side someday. I was dumbfounded and sad....
I believe that this is a gray area. And we will only know when we get there. ✌🏻
This is true! However I believe animals go someplace wonderful as they cannot be evil.
Animals are innocent, they do not have a human soul, but I think they may go to a place in afterlife. When you get to heaven you have amazing life with God, Angels and Saints. Do not worry. If you want to see Fido I’m sure you can, but do not worry.
I have always loved animals deeply and pray for them every day, and they greatly love me back. At the same time, it is delusional New Age/Buddhist/etc. sentimentalist arrogance to assume that all animals and creatures automatically go to Heaven.
The mentality behind it sounds compassionate but is just the arrogance that if all animals go to Heaven, then it follows (falsely) that we don't need to believe, repent and obey to go to Heaven.
If we want our pets in Heaven WE MUST become Catholic Saints in God's grace for that petition to be even be considered by God. Be humble, brave and holy!!
I never saw that trap you raise. But it makes perfect sense.
Still as the Bible speaks about them, we can search for the true answer.
My dog is dying. Believe me it's her last spiritual lesson (she gave me many) : each time I look at her, it raises my hate for sin. She is suffering and dying because of us, poor sinners. But if Jesus as a full victory over sin, evil and death, he can't be limited to man only. Otherwise that would mean Adam was more powerful in corruption than God is powerful in restoring what was good from the beginning.
@hectthorno584 You have to revise your theology, which appears logical on the surface but is motivated underneath with sentimentalism. I have always totally loved my animals and always learned from them. If you do not learn in true humility that humans are made in the image and likeness of God and not animals, and that we should push toward true sanctity, you have really learned nothing from animals. They can see God in you but you don't.
@@philalcoceli6328 I wanted sincerely to thank you as your message put a big true smile in my face in this very difficult time : judgmental, self-pride, ad hominem attack instead of opposing one or few ideas that may have unpleased you but that any rational being would quietly discuss without passion... I have never seen such a counterwitness concentrated in so few words that pretend to be the exact opposite of what they express.
Let' get back serious : I take my theologigcal inspiration about cosmic restoration from the Bible and from St Irenaeus. But I have no problem revising my theology if you can provide the St Thomas infaillibilty dogma. If you can't, may be you could consider not judging people who don't fully agree with your opinions on topics that can be freely discussed, specially when they can support their opinions.
@hectthorno584 Your long rebuttal still contradicts Truly Catholic Theology as to animals not being made in the image and likeness of God and not being recipients of Jesus' saving sacrifice on the Cross. No True Saint, True Pope, true theologian, True Council, etc. ever contradicted that. Show your quoted, backed up evidence instead of dropping names and projecting out your own ad hominem attack, like all the True Faith's enemies do.
@@philalcoceli6328 you are arguing with yourself: I never said animals were made at the image of God.
But I see you can't provide St Thomas infallibility dogma 😉
Let's be serious again. I am sure you will have no problem finding magisterium sources that support St Thomas opinion about material and mortal animal soul
Why does the book of Isaiah mention animals in heaven and babies in heaven playing with venomous snakes, and the lion lying down with a lamb if there are no animals in heaven?
It’s also worth mentioning that in addition to a new heaven, there will be a new earth and so it’s possible that animals go to the new earth.
When God created the animals, he looked upon his creation and saw that it was good. Animals existed in the garden of Eden then it makes no sense that God would not want them in heaven too or at least want them reunited with man in heaven and man and beast being friends in heaven, like they were in the garden of Eden.
That being said St. Thomas Aquinas is view on animals in heaven is not infallible and many other Saints disagree with him and it’s also worth mentioning that the Catholic Church has no official teaching one way or the other on animals in Heaven.
Also, angels are not created in the image of God yet they are in heaven
Why does the book of Isaiah mention animals in heaven and babies in heaven playing with venomous snakes, and the lion lying down with a lamb if there are no animals in heaven?
It’s also worth mentioning that in addition to a new heaven, there will be a new earth and so it’s possible that animals go to the new earth.
When God created the animals, he looked upon his creation and saw that it was good. Animals existed in the garden of Eden then it makes no sense that God would not want them in heaven too or at least want them reunited with man in heaven and man and beast being friends in heaven, like they were in the garden of Eden.
That being said St. Thomas Aquinas is view on animals in heaven is not infallible and many other Saints disagree with him and it’s also worth mentioning that the Catholic Church has no official teaching one way or the other on animals in Heaven
Mother Miriam, please pray that we get our car fixed by the person and/or insurance responsible for rear ending our vehicle 🚗 🙏.
Mother Miriam has clearly never had a pet.
If God is love, and our pets are a part of God's creation that bring us so much unconditional love, why is it too far of a stretch to believe that they will not be heaven? This sounds like an over intellectualized explanation based on the limited knowledge that man has this side of heaven.
It is written (Corinthians 2:9-10 )
“What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him."
It also says (Corinthians 13:12)
"For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known."
Anyone of us who thinks that they are capable of answering definitive questions about God, God's nature, or heaven (while still being here on Earth) probably should ask God for forgiveness for deeming equality with Him.
Perhaps we just need to humbly admit that we simply do not know.
The Judgments of God will begin between midnight in Spain (in 5 hours) and the crow of the rooster at dawn, good luck, amen🌹
Start by trying to learn about what Heaven really is …
Creation was made for man, but man was made for God.
In Heaven (if we get there! THERE IS NO GARANTIE) we will be in the presence of God! The beatific vision! We won’t want or need anything else!
So people should stop believe saints will eventually have a body ?
Every time some person declares that animals will just cease to exist when they die, that they don’t have souls, I just think how arrogant they are. God never stated that. You just interpreted that yourself. Not only that, they are attempting to limit God, Who can do anything. It is true that it is different, animals don’t go to the same place as a believer does. But they certainly do not cease to exist. Especially for animals who have touched people’s souls, or have a short and painful life. God is merciful, and purposeful. All good comes from Him. And all animals on this earth are compensated for in death. The Word is all important. But that is for us, to lead us back to Him. It won’t cover animals, because they don’t need it, since they never sinned in the first place. I mention this because those believers always bring the Bible up to disprove animal souls. Listening to the Holy Spirit is important too.
If an animal has no sense of right or wrong, was it wrong for God to punish the snake in Eden? St. Thomas Aquinas was very bright, but when Jesus revealed the truth to him, he put his pen down and wrote no more. St Thomas Aquinas is NOT infallible. He mistakenly thought the soul doesn't enter the body at conception. He's wrong about animals not being in Heaven, too.
I fully support the idea of animals in Heaven. Even snakes, for scriptural reasons 😉. But the snake of Genesis is of course symbolic
Revelato 5:13 plzzz explain.
If anyone is able to get into Heaven, to be with our God, they will not miss their pet. Putting too much importance on a pet is keeping one from the importance of a good relationship with our God.
Putting too much importance on pets leads one to be EXTREMELY GRATEFUL TO GOD for granting the world the CREATION, the PROVISION, the COMPANY, the ASSISTANCE, the FRIENDSHIP, and the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE of pets.
Please do not be so certain enough about what and what not will be missed from heaven. Animal Lovers & pets speak a common language and that is LOVE. And GOD is LOVE. So, it is possible that everyone who emanates LOVE does not only miss each other, but might actually be together at the end. Life is a MYSTERY. And in DIVINE MYSTERIES, ANIMAL LOVERS HOPE IN UNDISCLOSED MYSTERIES IN AND OF CHRIST AND THE BOUNDLESS LOVE GOD HAS FOR HIS ENTIRE CREATION.
@@R.I.S.E. The love you’re supposed to focus on is your love of God. You can appreciate and love His creation , but it’s not to be your main focus. Love the Creator more than His creation. When one makes it into Heaven, being in His presence they know that He is all they will ever need!
@southernlady1109 Who says my main focus are the animals? Do you already know me that well? Your first comment speaks of "putting too much importance" while your reply/2nd comment implies "idolatry." They are not the same; hence, inconsistent. Do not adjust your opinion every time just to be able to make a statement. Be thankful for people who have devoted time to animals because of them, communities have GUIDE DOGS & K-9's saving people and properties. I don't think they are committing idolatry while they serve their neighbors by this means.
@@R.I.S.E. I’m not responsible for how you interpret and react to comments. I’m not adjusting anything to suit anyone. Stop trolling videos!
Sorry I disagree Animals are Created by God and they know Love hence will return to The Creator
Jesus said "Behold, I make all things new..." All is the operative term, and I don't think He is excluding our pets.
I respectfully disagree I have read there are animals in Heaven, the lion shall lie next to the lamb,
I agree with you. While it's true that animals do not have Free Will and therefore do not make moral decisions, I think they will be in heaven because Jesus gave them to us as gifts of love. For Christians, walking with Christ and being baptized is necessary (as well as faith in Jesus) to be saved, but the little animals can be taken to heaven by completely other rules. Every living creature has the divine spark within it and when we have pets, we love them and they love us for a long time. The scripture that you quoted is good enough for me.
@@CIST3 Thank you, In the Bible passage Revelation 19;11 it states that when Jesus returns he will be riding a white horse, So in Heaven Jesus owns a white horse which shows there are animals in heaven, 🤠
I believe they will be in heaven without enjoying the beatific vision. God created them so why wouldn’t they be there?
Except for the fans of a philosophical Heaven. It's obvious, as God is incarnated. Animals will enjoy God through Jesus and saints. Despite philosophical Heaven believers claim, I strongly believe the.. Lamb of God is in Heaven 😉
With all due true respect I owe to you, Dear Mother, the true and honest answer is the Catholic Church has not answered this question. Thus there is no catholic answer. Only opinions. And St Thomas' answer has implications that actually raise many problems.
It's your right to make yours St Thomas views but letting this simple opinion appears as if it was the Catholic Church's answer would be misleading. And if your opinion was theologically false it would be unfair to people who grief the loss of an animal and look for spiritual comfort and feel they are pushed away.
In other words, for many scriptural reasons, the odds are high animals will be in Heaven. Specially if St Irenaeus was right about the full cosmic restoration through Christ Victory at the Cross
All of us love our pets and the loss hurts but there is no way we will see them with God and it was very clearly understood that We Humans have Dominion over them meaning that we are chosen obove all living creatures He made but the misunderstanding is we have a right to abuse anaimals with personal dominion.
God made everything. To hear that God will now only take to Heaven people, then, is that all there is in Heaven? People? No trees, flowers, lakes, etc? Everything that we have here, including animals? No. I too believe God would not give us the gifts of animals, as friends, helpers, companions and teachers to abandon them in the end. Envisioning wall to wall people and nothing else in Heaven… sounds weird. 🤷🏻♀️
This doesn’t make sense to me because when creation by God happened and that was supposed to be paradise. Right? The animals were there with Adam and Eve. Since Adam and Eve sinned which caused them to be cast out of the Garden of Eden, everyone and everything suffered because of Adam’s sin.. Eye has not seen and ears have not heard all the things God has planned for those who love Him.. I do know that Jesus has a white horse however..
Animals yes, but not necessarily as OUR pets. Maybe our souls will "know" each other but it won't be the similar pet-owner dynamic. God will be enough, you will love it as a fellow soul but not need it as a pet.
Great explanation, animal where created for the service of Man, now that Man has decided to love them it’s, not for us to tell God what to do with the animals you view as family members. Sorry if you want to lie to yourself
Only man bears His image. Jesus did not die on the cross so that your pet can go to Heaven. Animals do not bear the guilt of sin, therefore, are not in need of a Savior.
Why are their animals in Heaven than?? I do NOT believe they are not in heaven!!!! Not true
When Christ returns ALL of CREATION will be renewed!!! All of creation will be redeemed and exists currently within God. Therefore, animals, plants, and angels (angels incidentally have no will either as they are impeccable like animals) will be redeemed at the consummation of the Kingdom. Unfortunately, this old lady is simply wrong! And, even more important is the fact that we, as the redeemed of Christ, must be steadfast in the bringing of the Kingdom so all of creation may rejoice in it's redemption and renewal!
So, Yes, animals will be in the new heavens and the new earth even if some humans aren't. The only difference is that Humans will enjoy the bliss of the new creation as humans and animals will enjoy it as animals - just like the difference that exists now, but in a renewed sense.
I pray that God saves us from this hierarchical sense of being (false theology) that does nothing but, like the devil, keeps whispering to humanity and creation that God cherishes some of us more than others. This is nonsense!!!! God sent his Son so that all may be saved, and that the sin of Adam (which affected all of creation) would be undone. All that God has created, as God intended by the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, will be redeemed and renewed. This obviously includes the pants, animals, and anything inanimate God has created. Nothing was wasted in the death and resurrection of the Lord - including animals.
Incredible the lack of knowledge here in the comments....we live in an age of animal idolatry...my gosh.
Who are you, the Saint of Know it All? 🤨
After having lived in the era of the false teaching of the Sola Summa Scriptura, it's actually refreshing.
@@hectthorno584 I know, RIGHT?
Pope Francis the successor to Peter. The rock upon which our church was founded says we will see our pets in paradise.
You dont know what a pope is....
Amazing! For Francis that kind of compassion is quite a stretch.
@@alanmorris1828 You would put a limit on God’s compassion?
@@FrankGladysz-o5n I clearly referred to the pope. A pope I don't much care for BTW. We haven't had a decent one since HH St. Pius XII.
🕊 🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎 🇺🇸 🇭🇺 🇲🇳
That is his personal opinion… Not a dogma
Plants, animals, and humans have souls but all those souls are not the same. Only humans have immortal souls.
@@wms72 Biology book for all living things having a soul. Bible for the immortality of human souls. Science book for how plant souls act, how animal souls act, and how human souls act. Today if there is no such thing as a women or a man, all might be in question.
ClassicMother Myram, always and ever WITHOUT LOVE, not to mention pompous and authoritarian.
Just because she said something you didnt like? She was neither of that...what a snowflake.
Beat it, Prot.
While, I disagree with mother Miriam on this she most definitely is not without love and certainly is not pompous. looks like you need thicker skin because even though I strongly disagree with mother Miriam on this topic to call her without love or Pompas over this is beyond ridiculous
No animals in heaven.
I am an ex-Catholic and I just gave you a thumbs down for "Animalities all will not be in Heaven". I'm not going there then!!!!! I miss my kitty!
God made everything. To hear that God will now only take to Heaven people, then, is that all there is in Heaven? People? No trees, flowers, lakes, etc? Everything that we have here, including animals? No. I too believe God would not give us the gifts of animals, as friends, helpers, companions and teachers to abandon them in the end. Envisioning wall to wall people and nothing else in Heaven… sounds weird. 🤷🏻♀️
Adam sin corrupted the whole Creation. The book of Wisdom recalls God didn't create death nor wanted it.
So Jesus may be King of the Universe, God all-mighty, his doesn't have infinite power. And on the Cross he just managed to rescue man. Too bad for innocent animals. Their death was not on His plan, but Adam Sin will always be more powerful than God...
Of course this is pure absurd heresy but here are the logical consequences of sustaining animals don't go to Heaven.
@@hectthorno584 I think you meant to say, God will always be more powerful than everything and anything for He is our Father, Creator and Existence. He will always and forever be in control of EVERYTHING. Just clarifying. God bless you.😊
@@anadr2299 of course I meant that. And thank you for clarifying.
My point was that believing that there is no hope for innocent creatures suffering and dying outside God's will but only because of man's sin, leads to consider that God is less powerful than Adam original sin which corrupted the whole good Creation God made. I still don't get how a brilliant and wonderful saint such as St Thomas didn't see this nonsense when he supported his "Christ man only rescue mission" idea against the wide opinion amongst the Fathers of the Church who saw a Cosmic salvation through the Victory of Christ at the Cross.