  • Опубликовано: 20 фев 2024
  • Welcome to our latest video, where we take a closer look at the recent struggles faced by one of the world's biggest automakers, Ford. With reports of the company shutting down production of electric vehicles, dealers protesting and refusing to sell EVs, and a staggering $4 billion loss, it's clear that Ford is facing some serious challenges. In this video, we delve deeper into the reasons behind these struggles, and ask the question: are EVs a scam? We'll explore the current state of the EV market, and some of the myths and misconceptions surrounding electric vehicles. Join us as we uncover the truth about the future of electric cars, and what this means for the automotive industry as a whole.

Комментарии • 49

  • @randym9147
    @randym9147 3 месяца назад +10

    What's funny about this EV nonsense is that everybody KNEW this was going to happen.

    • @markleyg
      @markleyg 3 месяца назад

      Yet Tesla and China EVs continue to grow rapidly.

    • @randym9147
      @randym9147 3 месяца назад

      They are full of it... Give it some time@@markleyg

    • @velocityformula
      @velocityformula  3 месяца назад

      You're absolutely right. The inevitability of the shift towards EVs was widely recognized, but the swiftness and depth of its impact have been quite surprising. It's fascinating to witness how quickly the automotive landscape is evolving in response to the demand for more sustainable transportation solutions

  • @malikto1
    @malikto1 3 месяца назад +5

    Many manufacturers fell for the EV is the future scam and will pay for their poor foresight. Those dropping V6s in favor of turbo 4's will also backfire. Turbo's do not have long-term reliability, they just don't work for 200k miles and this will impact their brand reputation for reliability.

    • @velocityformula
      @velocityformula  3 месяца назад

      It's interesting to see how the automotive industry is evolving with the rise of EVs and downsizing trends. Time will tell how these decisions play out in the long run.

  • @HamidRHariri
    @HamidRHariri 3 месяца назад +1

    What's bad for the dealers, is good for the consumers.

  • @NRYT2360
    @NRYT2360 3 месяца назад +2

    "(Ford) Here's a car/truck. Go figure out the charging." Where's the infrastructure bro? Electrifyamerica is garbage. A friend of mine and I were in his neighborhood in Palm Springs, went to 4 locations, all charges at each location either broken, or the credit card portion wasn't connecting. The damn dealers cannot keep their inventory charged

    • @velocityformula
      @velocityformula  3 месяца назад

      It's frustrating when the charging infrastructure doesn't meet expectations, and experiences like yours highlight the challenges of transitioning to electric vehicles. Reliable and accessible charging stations are crucial for widespread EV adoption, and shortcomings in infrastructure can impede progress.

  • @boflinge3563
    @boflinge3563 3 месяца назад +2

    In a normal market economy, it is the customer who decides which item he buys, not the president or the retailers. This is similar to planned economy a la Soviet version 2

    • @velocityformula
      @velocityformula  3 месяца назад +1

      You raise a valid point about the importance of consumer choice in a market economy. Indeed, the foundation of a healthy market is built upon the principle of individuals making informed decisions based on their preferences and needs. When external influences, such as government policies or retailer agendas, dictate consumer choices, it can resemble aspects of a planned economy, which historically have limitations. Preserving consumer autonomy is essential for maintaining a dynamic and competitive marketplace that reflects the diverse needs and desires of society.

  • @LiArrowMaster
    @LiArrowMaster 3 месяца назад +1

    You have to feel for Ford. Their CEO situation yo-yos between extreme incompetence (Henry Ford II) and first-class talent (Alan Mullaly). Farley, with the market prescience of a front bumper, makes the former look like a genius. This is NOT easy.

    • @velocityformula
      @velocityformula  3 месяца назад

      It's certainly been a rollercoaster ride for Ford's CEO leadership. From remarkable talent like Alan Mullaly to challenges faced under different leadership, navigating the automotive industry is undoubtedly complex. With the ever-changing market dynamics, it's no easy feat for any CEO to steer the company to success.

  • @jamesrobinson7381
    @jamesrobinson7381 3 месяца назад +3

    How about hybrids?

    • @velocityformula
      @velocityformula  3 месяца назад +1

      Hybrids can be a great option for those seeking a balance between fuel efficiency and traditional engine performance. They offer the advantage of both gasoline power and electric propulsion, providing improved fuel economy and reduced emissions compared to conventional vehicles. However, the choice ultimately depends on individual preferences, driving habits, and environmental considerations.

  • @mooncoinphoto
    @mooncoinphoto 3 месяца назад +2

    I can’t believe those in charge of these industries are so stupid and shortsighted. EVs are at best a novelty.

    • @velocityformula
      @velocityformula  3 месяца назад

      While it's understandable to have reservations about the electric vehicle (EV) industry, dismissing it entirely as a novelty may overlook the significant strides and advancements being made in this space. EVs are increasingly being embraced by consumers worldwide due to their environmental benefits, lower operating costs, and technological innovations. As industry leaders navigate this transition, it's essential to acknowledge the potential of EVs to shape the future of transportation and address pressing environmental concerns. While challenges remain, it's important to approach th

  • @Peye-pv4cb
    @Peye-pv4cb 3 месяца назад +2

    B/S, Ford had the choice to make, stop blaming other sources for bad decisions and bad management

    • @velocityformula
      @velocityformula  3 месяца назад

      Ford's decisions and management are ultimately their responsibility. It's crucial for companies to take ownership of their choices and actions, regardless of external factors.

  • @TheRealestHi
    @TheRealestHi 3 месяца назад +2

    No choice? Yes, you had a choice. You could’ve taken the federal government to court and sued them. Regulations in this country have become fascism. It’s not up to the politicians to decide what products you were going to offer your customers, it’s time to make the government stop micromanaging the economy. We are in a capitalist system, not a fascist system, not a crony capitalist system. if you were to fight for yourself and your customers we wouldn’t be in this mess. Climate change is a fascist/socialist hoax. Created to take over the private sector. They’re already doing it with banks.

    • @velocityformula
      @velocityformula  3 месяца назад

      While it's understandable to feel frustrated with government regulations, it's essential to consider the broader context of environmental policies and their impact. While regulations aim to address pressing issues like climate change, there are valid concerns about government overreach. However, it's crucial to engage in constructive dialogue and seek solutions that balance environmental stewardship with economic prosperity. By advocating for sensible policies and fostering innovation, we can work towards a more sustainable future while preserving the principles of a capitalist system.

  • @bobc5730
    @bobc5730 3 месяца назад

    Overpriced, terrible quality control, dangerous batteries and the charging network is unreliable. Here in Thailand and other regional markets the Chinese manufacturers are breaking sales records with high quality cars. Legacy manufacturers such as VW who were market leaders in China are now trailing sadly and loosing
    money. This does not bode
    well for legacy manufacturers and as an investor I would seriously consider shorting them. Their new ICE car prices are extremely greedy and show contempt of their customers
    manufacturers in the Euro zone and North America. As an investor SHORT the stocks

    • @velocityformula
      @velocityformula  3 месяца назад

      While concerns about legacy manufacturers' quality control, battery safety, and charging infrastructure are valid, it's important to recognize the evolving landscape of the automotive industry. Chinese manufacturers are indeed making significant strides in regional markets, demonstrating high-quality offerings and breaking sales records. This shift underscores the need for traditional automakers to adapt to changing consumer preferences and invest in innovation. As an investor, evaluating the long-term prospects of legacy manufacturers against emerging competitors is prudent, but it's essential to consider all factors impacting their performance and potential for growth.

  • @od5699
    @od5699 3 месяца назад +1

    pop pop pop pop ........

  • @TheBandit7613
    @TheBandit7613 3 месяца назад

    I don't want an EV. We've been surveyed, asked and told and we have not changed our position. We don't want EV's and we're not going to buy one. We're perfectly happy with gas cars and don't want the hassle of looking for and sitting at a charger.

    • @velocityformula
      @velocityformula  3 месяца назад +1

      I understand your perspective. Transitioning to electric vehicles (EVs) involves significant changes and considerations, and it's important for individuals to make choices that align with their preferences and needs. Gasoline-powered cars certainly have their advantages, including convenience in terms of fueling infrastructure and familiarity. It's essential for consumers to feel comfortable and satisfied with their vehicle choice. If gas cars meet your requirements and preferences, then sticking with them is a reasonable decision.

  • @pommampaub
    @pommampaub 3 месяца назад +2

    EV car cost to much no one buy it

    • @velocityformula
      @velocityformula  3 месяца назад +1

      The upfront cost of electric vehicles (EVs) may indeed be higher compared to traditional gas-powered cars, it's important to consider the long-term savings and benefits they offer. EVs typically have lower operating costs, as they require less maintenance and have fewer moving parts. Additionally, many governments offer incentives and subsidies to encourage EV adoption, further reducing the overall cost of ownership. As technology advances and economies of scale are realized, the cost of EVs is expected to continue decreasing, making them a more accessible option for consumers. Ultimately, while upfront costs may be a consideration, the potential savings and environmental benefits of EVs make them an increasingly attractive choice for many drivers.

  • @quartytypo
    @quartytypo 3 месяца назад +1

    American car buyers whimp-out. President Biden should do like China: Either buy an EV or ride the bus. We need to tell the American people what to do, not ask them what they want.

    • @velocityformula
      @velocityformula  3 месяца назад

      While encouraging EV adoption is important, it's equally essential to respect individuals' choices and circumstances. Education and incentives can play a significant role in promoting sustainable transportation options without resorting to mandates.

    • @jameslester4474
      @jameslester4474 3 месяца назад +1

      To Bad, so sad... Americans Electrical infrastructure can barely handle the summer loads placed on it now. Add Vehicles and just like California last Summer, the choice will be rolling blackouts, or don't charge your EV !
      Dumb, Dumb, Dumb !

    • @davidmarkmann6098
      @davidmarkmann6098 3 месяца назад


    • @TheBandit7613
      @TheBandit7613 3 месяца назад

      We have the 2nd amendment and are well armed. No one will tell me how to live and survive.

  • @davemccarthy7366
    @davemccarthy7366 3 месяца назад

    Why is so much of the footage in this video mirror image?

  • @jda1961
    @jda1961 3 месяца назад +1

    if ford wants to lead the way to true enviromentally sound electric vehicles they are going to have to get rid of the battery and go with taking naturally ocuring etherwaves from the air thats free and clean and the technology is out there to do just that, its been around since the 1920s.

    • @velocityformula
      @velocityformula  3 месяца назад

      Wow, that's a cool concept! Imagine cruising around in a car powered by etherwaves. Keep the ideas flowing!

    • @jameslester4474
      @jameslester4474 3 месяца назад +2

      Someone's TinFoil hat has slipped...😆🤣

  • @patrickmckowen2999
    @patrickmckowen2999 3 месяца назад +2

    More Big Oil propaganda. EVs are here to stay.

    • @ambernyuen3423
      @ambernyuen3423 3 месяца назад +3

      1/10 are ev owner imagine every single one in usa drove ev by 2030 that will be disaster

  • @billhickman7903
    @billhickman7903 3 месяца назад +1

    Ford sucks
    Biden sucks
    EVs suck

  • @iflyflir1846
    @iflyflir1846 3 месяца назад +2