I agree! I had chills whenever she was in a scene. And I'm actually glad they didn't make her look toad-faced like she was in the books. That would been a pretty instant "she's a bad person" feeling right off the bat. I rather liked the slow crawl as her arc progressed. She's one of the only villains I hate with every fiber of my being. And I absolutely love it!
I think the reason why many people hate Umbridge more than Voldemort is through their own experiences. People who are like Voldemort aren’t as common as people who are like Umbridge. Many people have had teachers like Umbridge. Even JK Rowling herself said that she was inspired to write the character from a teacher she had in her youth. Many people have suffered under people like Umbridge, and I think that’s where much of the hatred comes from. Especially the kind of hatred that prevails their hatred of Voldemort and his Death Eaters. But that’s just my take on it.
i agree, voldemort's a completely fictional villain you won't find some magic wielding serial killer turned dictator in real life because his main strength that being his magic is based entirely in fiction. Umbridge is someone based in reality, who lies and plays the system, unlike voldemort whose going to be defeated once someone stronger arrives and so is temporary, Umbridge represents an evil that's never going to be extinquished you'll never purge any functioning social system of corruption or of nefarious individuals getting to positions of power and abusing it.
What if you never met an umbridge? Or more to the point have and it's someone you care about? Or even have given relatable reasons why they are like that? Ever watched darkwing duck? I think there was an episode "time and punishment" I think that was what it was called. Darkwing went all rule-mad but he was broken up after his daughter disappeared. A bit more understandable how people end up like that... Just as an example Umbridge doesn't have much of a backstory, but the people in real life do.
Umbridge combines the worst of all the worst traits of the other characters everyone detests: - Snape's unfairness as a teacher - Percy's pompousness and willingness to throw anyone under the bus (i.e. his family) to get far (I am so glad he comes round in the end). - Filch's love/excitement for punishing rule breakers - Vernon Dursley's "let's ignore the letters" attitude which is basically the "you don't need to learn any practical DADA" attitude. We are gonna ignore the problem and it will go away. - Petunia Dursley's cruelty hidden with prim and perfect appearance. - Fudge's self-preservation even at the cost of the innocent (e.g. Fudge's treatment of Hagrid in CoS and PoA because Lucius Malfoy and the other governors asked for it. And of course, wHaT dArK lOrD? I sEe No OnE.) - Moody Crouch Junior's penchant for using spells on kids (once you know it was Barty Crouch Jnr, suddenly the "epic DADA lessons" sound more like a Death Eater enjoying torturing kids, esp. Neville, who he knew was the Longbottom kid. Side note: this also reminds me of Snape threatening Neville with poisoning Trevor when they were drafting antidotes). - The bigotry and hypocrisy of Voldemort (the half-blood wizard supremacist).
Dean, because of the love potion, Voldemort couldn't feel love. So he was literally lacking understanding for the horror of his crimes. Umbridge however, she was very well aware of what she was doing.
Umbridge. Voldemort embodied evil itself but was charismatic and honest with who and what he was She symbolizes every quality of a person people in general typically don’t like and even hate. She hid her inner darkness behind a smile that was hollow.
It's their distinct pursuits of joy. Voldemort enjoys power whereas Umbridge enjoys torture. He would kill thousands, she would torment hundreds. It's like comparing apples to margarine.
Voldemort is the more evil because he made himself less than human, in the pursuit of making himself more than mortal. But Umbridge is the more despised because she is more human, she is all the worst qualities that we would be aghast to see in ourselves if we were handed power or authority. We have a greater chance of meeting an Umbridge in our daily lives, and worse still we have a greater chance of becoming like her. That's why we hate Umbridge; her banality is a closer reflection of the evil we are capable of, where Voldemort is an abyss we stare into but cannot approach.
I had not thought of it that way. Good points. I think the fact that she was banal and a female hungry for power add to the higher revulsion for Umbridge. By the way - Dolores is a Spanish word that means "sorrow" or "pain". I believe that Umbridge is a play on Umbrage, which means a feeling of pique or resentment at some often fancied slight or insult. Her name certainly does fit her, doesn't it?
You summed it up perfectly. The phrasing I have usually seen is that while Voldemort is the more evil, Umbridge is the more hated. Everyone knows Voldemort is the worse villain, he’s basically Wizard Hitler. But his type of villainy does hit us as hard because most of us have never experienced that kind of malevolence firsthand. We KNOW that’s bad, but we have never personally HOW bad. Umbridge, though, WHEW! We have ALL experienced an Umbridge at some point in our lives. We have all had someone bully us like that, which is why the hate towards her by the audience is much more visceral; it’s that firsthand experience of suffering under that kind of cruelty
Yeah I agree with all o' you cause even tho Voldemort is way more vile he is a Chaotic Evil, which is common in fiction while Umbridge is a solid Lawful Evil and really most of the time was above repudiation, which here means not that she wasn't hated but ol' Voldy always knew every one was out to get him he always had to hide or kill or defend himself or lose some of his Death Eaters so he was always fighting and couldn't really have his own life, he certainly was never what I would consider happy. Dolores on the other hand did all of her ish in plain sight and with little resistance. She really might have felt satisfied with the way she was and actually seemed to enjoy the terrible stuff she did to people. She lived a life of pride and control, compared with Riddle's life of fear and violence, so Umbridge was more upsetting to watch, plus I bet it pissed off a lot of cat lovers to see the cute warm animals connected to some one of such coldness and ugliness but it least it was comic relief in the movies
@@fightingfalcon777 yeah it's something I've seen a lot of, so it wasn't my most original analysis, but I added the bit about us all being more likely to become like Umbridge. Now THAT is a scary thought that nobody wants to admit, but people who deny it should be the most careful about how they act when they get a taste of real power. And that's alright, it's like Rowling had Dumbledore say regarding why he hired Lockhart: "There's still a lot you can learn from a bad teacher; what not to do, who not to be". Umbridge is a cautionary tale as to what could happen when people in authority put power and prestige are put ahead of truth and morality, Voldemort is similar but in such excess that it's almost unthinkable.
I think Umbridge is worse because she could create a patronis. A patronis is from thoughts of things that make you so happy. To know that she can do such things is one thing but to know it makes her that happy is something totally different.
Voldemort is WAY worse... It's just that Umbridge is WAY more annoying and more "Relatable". (With "relatable" I mean that we are more likley to come across someone like Umbridge in real life, then someone like Voldemort and therefore hate and fear her more, because she's just much more realistic.) (Also: Sorry for my bad english.)
We have sympathy for Thomas Marvolo Riddle aka Lord Voldemort because he is a product of both nature and nuture. Bellatrix Drusilla Black - Lestrange is the same. And we can understand that she found her true mate in Voldemort. Delores Jane Umbridge on the other hand is not the same as them. So where does her evilness come from? This is what makes her the worst because there is no logical explanation for her behaviour and personality.
I agree Voldemort was a fully realized villain and like most villains they are the misunderstood heros of their own story, but Umbridge was something completely different she was the personification of racism, privilege, tradition and many other real monsters in every day life. Voldemort had followers and a cause even if he was a psychopath, but Umbridge was wicked for her own pleasure and the sociopath is always a little more scary because they harm in plain sight and are charming and socially exceptable monsters. This is why the racist politician or corrupt cop provokes more anger than the serial killer!
At least Voldemort has a sense of humour. Whereas Umbridge has nothing. Voldemort is my fourth favourite Harry Potter character. Whereas Umbridge is easily one of my least favourite Harry Potter characters.
The past 4 years made me realize just how possible the final 3 books are in real life Case in point: a rich lunatic Karen who seeked to destroy our education system by taking away protections for students against real evil all in the name of their own warped belief structure.
They are both different kinds of evil so I don’t think one can compare them, it’s like trying to decide whether The Mountain is more evil than Ramsay Snow. Voldemort’s thirst for power comes from a genuine belief that he alone is so gifted and unique that he should be able to live forever, and him alone. In this view, all those around him are obstacles and their lives aren’t worth anything. He views himself as so grand that torture is an amusing side activity, bit nothing more. Umbridge, by contrast, has a thirst for power but it derives from her own cowardice. She believes that she is not as strong as those around her in terms of magical prowess and needs to prove herself all the way. Her torture of Harry and regime at Hogwarts is born out of the pleasure she derives from having power over people, because it assures her that she is better if she can make other people feel this way and helps her forget for a moment that she ever felt weak and helpless before. So whether you say Umbridge is more evil depends on whether you think it’s worse to massacre a whole city without regards because something you want is buried under it or to torture one person to death simply because it makes you feel good. Though, thinking about it, I think Bellatrix fits both of these categories; powerful enough to cause true suffering as she has no reason to be insecure about her power AND she truly, TRULY enjoys the satisfaction she gets from making other people suffer. The only reason why Bellatrix is never very high on the list is because she doesn’t have anywhere near the kind of “screen time,” or whatever the textual equivalent is, to Umbridge who directly hurts Harry, his friends and Hogwarts. If, for example, Umbridge was only made Headmistress of Hogwarts in Deathly Hallows and did the same things, we wouldn’t hate her as much because we wouldn’t have as much exposure to her. I think it’s an interesting question as to who is worse of the two - or three - of them but what I know for certain is that the timeline where Voldemort has mastery of the Elder Wand scares me far less than the one where Umbridge has control of it.
i agree with you on the playing of umbridge in the film made a lot of people hate her more. in the book, she's described as toad-like so she can be imagined as being evil. in the film, umbridge at first looks like your grandma and looks like she will be nice. Then her actions in the film negate that status
You said one line that affirmed my belief that Voldemort is worse. He KNEW what he was doing was wrong. If you commit a heinous act, knowing full well in advance that it is wrong, and you do it anyway, that makes it all the more worse, than trying to justify your actions. Voldemort actually MURDERED countless people. Harry wasn't the only orphan he made. To my knowledge, Umbridge never directly killed anyone. She caused a LOT of harm yes, but she never actually killed anyone. So, in my opinion, Voldemort was worse.
Not directly, but she sent innocent people to Azkaban and some of them died, which she was well aware of. I actually have more respect for a murderer who does the deed and owns it, rather than a murderer who delegates and thinks that means her hands are clean.
The on screen portrayal of Umbridge just confirmed how much I hate her. The actress was freaking brilliant as her. I pretty much hate her and Voldemort equally.
Really? Maybe she doesn't look dangerous in the sense that she doesn't look powerful, but I really doubt people were fooled by that shrill excessively sweet girliness and thought she was a genuinely good person.
Voldemort is the bigger evil and worse. For all the terrible things Umbridge did she could only do those things against defenceless children and staff, and only due to her connection to the ministry of magic, without that connection she would just be angry woman with no power to really harm or change things. Voldemort on the other hand he does not need permission or power from another source to commit his evil acts. He backs up his power himself and is a threat to everyone on Earth except maybe Dumbledore. He is capable and has dealt such evils in a nationwide scale, unlike Doris who has to use the badge of the ministry to commit evil, or only can terrorise a school. And look how the two interact with Dumbledore, Umbridge is all vile and even big ego against Dumbledore and has deluded herself to think he can be pushed around by her and a few aurors (That backfires hilariously). But in the end she is a small poodle barking to a Lion who does not care. Voldemort for all his speeches and bluster does know and takes Dumbledore as the serious threat he is, and well he can back up his bark to a degree.
This is like asking, would we like to die by freezing or burning.......... Both are equally evil, but the movie screen time of umbridge vs Voldy made people (who are movie first like me) hate umbridge more than voldy. Heck, even the meme game is strong with her and the added line of Daniel in the movie was chef's kiss.
Imelda Staunton is so underrated... I watched a film with her in it and she was the "gossipy" neighbour who had a heart of gold and it was such a weird thing to watch after seeing her as Umbridge... I think Voldermort is more evil than Umbridge, but Umbridge is more cruel.
you are right .. because we knew Voldemort was capable of great evil … whereas Umbridge began as a teacher at hogwarts and a female, therefore our expectations were different ..sort of a ‘wait and see’ .. only hermione was alert to the situation.. most just giggled between themselves … the realisation of how evil she was developed as our horror did ..
I don't think anyone really thought Umbridge would be a nice person because she was female and excessively girly and sickeningly sweet, nor were they surprised when she turned out to have a sadistic streak.
@@carmensavu5122 true , but at the beginning there was no idea that she would be so awful, no one had the knowledge and hindsight we do now, but everyone knew how terrible Voldemort had been .. that’s was why our initial expectations were different, no way would anyone think that they would hate anyone more than Voldemort.. esp this sweet, sickly pink teacher . Mind you, this did not last long , her rotten, evil side wasn’t hidden for long ..
Voldemort is the kind of interesting villain that develops a large fan following, but Umbridge is just horrifying on all accounts. She terrifies people more than Voldemort or any Death Eater because she could be a real person.
Well, I think people hate Umbridge more (I certainly dislike her) because she's relatable. Everyone at some point has dealt with an "Umbridge". It seems more personal and easier to hate her. Another reason is that she is the ONLY other character who physically scars Harry. Just to satisfy her own inflated Ego. However, Voldemort is the human(?) Embodiment of the word Evil. Killing anyone who stands against him. Like a Grim Reaper.
@The Blue Gamer and Animal lover. i meant spanking not physically harming them a belt hit and hand hit are different things using objects that is where it falls under abuse
Umbridge is an "alternate viewpoint" villain. She truly believes that her deeds are justified and she believes that she is a hero. Voldemort is the "psychopath" type villain. He knows his deeds are wrong and doesn't care, although he does have some alternate viewpoint traits. Bellatrix is a solid mix of these two types. There's also a third type of villain, known as the "sociopath". The sociopath doesn't really know what is right or wrong, and tends to simply act on impulse. Slasher movie villains like Jason Voorhees tend to fall into this category, as does Batman's Joker
Dude Voldy’s waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ahead of Umbridge. Umbridge was just told to do all those things by Fudge but those things aren’t as bad as killing muggles for fun.
I think if Voldemort had got the DADA post we would see him as worst than Umbridge. Voldemort tried is hand at manipulation and was very skilled but it did not appeal to his ego so he opted for power and fear. Umbridge is a wolf in sheep clothing. She triggers anger where Voldemort triggers fear. No one fears Umbridge because like most bullies her power is perspective to her targets and not her abilities. Voldemort was hated because he was evil in plain sight and still was successful. Umbridge is hated because we let her in to our safety net (Hogwarts) and she slowed revealed she was a monster, like many real monsters. The world is full of Umbridges but the last time we saw a Voldemort was Hilter?
If we are judging a character by there actions and choices rather than their personality, it’s no question that Voldemort is worse: The issue of who had the worse personality between the two is far more subjective. However, I would still maintain that in this regard, Voldemort was the worse person. Now let me justify this. I think the reason we hate Umbridge so much is because she is a pure narcissist. She genuinely justifies her actions by the erroneous thinking that she is above everyone else and deserves to be treated as such, and anyone who challenges that will incur her sadistic wrath. The thing about narcissists is that they walk among us, and they blend into the group, but they just rub us the wrong way by the way they act and the way they speak. Umbridge rubs us even worse because not only is she a sadistic narcissist, but she is a sadistic narcissist who had achieved power in a respected well established institution. There is a kind of cognitive dissonance that such a horrible person could achieve such a high status position, which is something that just makes us hate her even more. Voldemort is the villain. He is the devil incarnate. He has committed so many unspeakable acts and has struck fear in everyone. He is everything Umbridge is times a thousand. What’s worse, is that he knows what he does is wrong. He knows that killing people is wrong, but he makes the conscious decision to do such horrible things anyway, which is what makes him far worse than Umbridge. The reason we don’t “hate” him as much is because that cognitive dissonance is not there. Everyone knows voldemort is evil. Everyone knows what he is. There is no surprise that he does what he does, because it is in his nature as a villain. On top of that, he is a social outcast, unlike Umbridge, who had achieved her status despite being such a deprived person. I think we would “hate” Umbridge far less if she were one of Voldemort’s death eaters, because at least then that cognitive dissonance would disappear.
Maybe it was her demeanor, or maybe I just need to rewatch the movie, but I actually thought Imelda Stanton's portrayal made Umbridge less hateable. With Movie Umbridge, you had moments of levity - her magically separating kissing couples and friend groups felt more funny than despicable. Book Umbridge was a cruel administrative bully throughout the whole book. Who's worse? While Voldemort wins in scale and impact, Dolores, in the same position, would probably do more overall harm, and actually be crueler. I don't know for sure, though.
Umbridge is worse because she hurts people without any common sense or remorse for all the pain she inflicts on others. I believe Voldemort kills people because he was ashamed of his family, and deep down, he feels horrible for killing because he doesn't wanna take lives or destroy families.
Umbridge was a person who took so much pleasure in abusing her power and position. I'm honestly not sure she wasn't actually partially insane by the end of the book. And I agree the way she was played on-screen was so much more sinister than in the book. In the book she just seemed mean and vindictive, but in the movie she was so much more. Thanks for making these videos for us 😊
Imelda almost puked during the detention scene where all of the DA were being tortured. Shows the actress know how to get in disturbing characters well. I've personally hate Umbridge so much that I've imagine that if I was taking her detention, I would've taken her blood quill or wand, and stabbed her in the chest under the collar bone. If it was her wand, then I snap it in half while embedded. That's how much she burn me up. Excuses me, but I feel think I'm not the only one who wants her to physically suffer back. Even if its morally wrong, but Umbridge's really asking for it. P.S. Voldemort was born while his father was under the influence of love potions, "To be conceived from fake love, makes sense to b born without the capability to feel real emotional love". So another point for him being less worse, she was born normally.
I believe she is worse for a couple of reasons. 1. She was able to mask her sadistic tendencies to advance. 2. She joyfully targeted the least able to protect themselves. 3. Her passive aggressive behavior allowed her to navigate the world being submissive to adults and agressive toward children. The portrayal was one of the most brilliant performances ever. She made us hate her with a vegence.
Who's worse, Umbridge or Fudge? Remember, every single bit of power Umbridge has she got because she was a tool of Fudge who was desperate to hold on to HIS power.
Who's worse? An orphan who never felt love and happiness in his life, and grown up to be a power hungry, "immortal" dictator. Or a bully who enjoys the torture and misfortune of others, as long as she has the power.
Umbridge is worse. She has no valid reason to really explain why she is so vile. Voldemort atleast has that background where you can atleast understand even though his actions are worse.
I had trouble watching the Order of the Phoenix movie because Umbridge was so cruel. It was so unchecked. I had a sister with an authoritarian teacher that ruined her. I had run ins with her myself. I was very disatisfied with how the whole mess was handled. She kept threatening kids with being transferred to another school. Later I discovered there was a home for boys that were wards of the court next to this other school which meant she was threatening to have me taken out of my home and made a ward of the Court.
I think the onscreen portrayal of Umbridge made me hate the fifth film and her character. I cannot picture Imelda as anything else which is sad because she is really talented and plays good (morally) characters as well. Then reading the book, the onscreen portrayal and book one make me equally hate her. I was about to punch my book, throw it against a wall, and break it’s spine every tome she appeared on the page. And I never disrespect my books no matter how much I hate them.
I think the Super Carlin Brothers said it well in one of their videos. Not everyone has a Voldemort in their life but we have all had an Umbridge. I think the fact that people can relate to the kids hatred of Umbridge fuels that anger towards the character.
I think they are both different kinds of evil so it wouldn’t do much comparing them to each other cause they are both very different people with very different pasts.
I think one of the reasons umbridge is more hated is because many of Voldemort's crimes are common crimes in our world such as murder and general torture. We hear about it in the news and we've been desensitised to it. Umbridge's crimes are pure evil that we dont see in our daily life in the news. Also, being a children's book series, everyone knew Voldemort would be defeated at the end, but umbridge had no clear end as she isnt the main villain. For all the fans knew while reading the books for the first time, she could have kept going with no consequences at all.
Umbridge. She honestly had no reason to do what she did, believed what she was doing was right, had a lot of power and was very like Harry's aunt and uncle with the way she denied him things and let the Slytherins get away with anything. Voldemort he was evil but he didn't hide it. He also had reasons to be the way he was, whilst Umbridge didn't.
Super Carlin brothers did a video on if some of the HO characters can hold Thor’s hammer . They made a poll Umbridge had a worse chance of hold Thor’s hammer than Voldemort
I believe the Carlin Brothers said it best when they explained that the reason Umbridge is so much more hated than Voldemort is because she’s so relatable on a human level. Not everyone has a supreme Dark Lord in their life that’s trying to take over the world. But we all know a Dolores Umbridge in our lives that has made life miserable for us and those around us and seemingly enjoying every moment of it. Every **hem-hem** in the books that cued Umbridge into a scene made my blood boil but LORD I never expected to hate her more after I saw the movie. Imelda Stanton IS Umbridge to me now! I feel like I’d hate her on sight if we ever met before remembering she was just an actor!
Imelda Staunton is a huge fan of the books. When the actors/actresses are fans of a story, they're going to bring their A game. Imelda Staunton brought it to Dolores Umbridge. It wasn't to character she wanted to play, but it was the character she was born to bring life too. She's the next Betty White. Sweet faces with a demon inside and her demon is much more darker. 😈 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Question... considering Umbridge's hair... are there magical hairdressers? Or do people do it themselves with magic? Because that hair... that take muggles some real effort. Her hair is unchanged for the entire year, despite living in hogwarts, with only occasional visits to Hogsmeade...
The thing I hated about umbridge was that she would follow any cause just to further her own power. Voldemorts crimes were far worse but they were for a cause not just to increase his own power. Defintely agree that if umbridge had as much power and followers as Voldemort did she would have been capable of just of much if not more.
The way I see it, Umbrige is the Dark Lord we are most likely to face in our own lifes. Not the psychopatic warlord who atempts to dominate just because, but the seemingly well ajusted individual who manipulates laws and rules to their benifit and becames drunk in the smallest amount of power given to them.
You nailed it on both counts. Both in the books and in the movies she is just viscerally the worst. Imelda Staunton did an exceptional job of portraying that Umbridge woman.
The only reason why I pick Umbridge because we have all faced a version of her. My 7th grade teacher was like her. An evil kid character who assumes you are always lying and disobeying. I like Harry tried to stand up to her and received punishment for it. My mom got so many notes in my agenda and she could not believe it. I am not one of those kids who hides something or lies. Even if I did try to lie, i am bad at it. I mock lie because that is bow bad I am at it. My teacher thrived on getting kids into trouble. My mom and I heard rumors that she put a kid on anti-depressants before I attended her class. After one semester with her, I am not surprised. Umbridge is also a perfect symbol of what os going on in our country. She is taking away individuality, censors people, and creates ridiculous policies and sometimes hurt people more like the president’s administration is doing now. That is why I deem her worse because we will always face an Umbridge. When do we face a Voldemort. On this scale, maybe they are tied. They both have done despicable things in different ways.
Who can say. Both were evil. Umbridge against innocent CHILDREN! Voldamort against Whoever didnt go his way. No one stopped either til the end. Good over evil.
She is an amazing actress, the fact she has gotten me to despise her as umbridge is unfathomable the fact she didn’t get any award or boon is kinda upsetting lol
I think we a lot of people consider Umbridge the worst human alive -include me- is because she is basically a nightmare dressed like a daydream, she has the whole thing for her, she is small and wear pink, women and kinda on the older side, all these things normally don't scream evil, you'd think she's good or weak, but she's the evilest of them all, at least with Voldy, he doesn't pretend he's something else, he made it his mission to be known as the most powerful and evil wizard, he made it known that he hated muggle-borns and muggles, while Umbridge hid behind her 'nice person' persona and always pretend that she didn't want to harm the students, oh no that was not her intentions! the students are at fault here not her! and this is why Umbridge is more hated, she faked being nice when in real life she is almost as wicked as Voldemort himself.
Ultimately I think it can be summed up with Umbridge should know better, she had no excuse or legitimate reason why she acted the way she did, while Tom riddle had a tragic upbring and a mental handicap that made it hard for him to empathise with others.
I think a lot of people react more strongly to Umbridge than Voldemort because she's just a more relatable villain. A lot of people have had a teacher or an aunt or a neighbour or a boss who displayed this kind of petty cruelty. Voldemort has cartoonish "take over the world" motivations, and most people just don't have someone like that in their lives, so although we intellectually understand Voldemort's threat, and understand why he's a bad person, we don't connect to the threat as emotionally as we do with Umbridge.
I think umbridge is the worse kind of evil, she genuinely enjoyed hurting people, bullying, and belittling others. A true sociopath, she has no reason to dislike those around her, and yet she thinks she better than others.
I hated Umbridge from the books. But watching Imelda Stanton really made me hate her guts! Absolute impeccable acting because Imelda is not even close to anyone like Umbridge irl.
I think the reason most people hated her is because we all know an Umbridge. Yes Voldemort is worse but he’s similar to (and based on) Hitler who is a historical figure. We don’t know Hitler personally. He’s like a fairytale or a legend. We know about him and we know of the things he did but we don’t know him and have never met him in our time. He’s someone we speak of in the past and he’s often talked about like a fictional character. People like him are very rare. We all know one power-hungry teacher/professor/etc who thrives on making kids miserable. They had nothing to gain other than personal satisfaction.
Voldemort: mass murderer, enticed other people to murder or torture others into madness Umbridge: cut messages into people's hand, made a bunch of annoying rules, killed no one Voldemort is worse. He is a murderer.
Umbridge is scary because most people know some passive aggressive control freak in the office that doesn't look that different than Umbridge. She has some serious esteem issues needing to get off on bullying kids. And teachers. And school headmasters. And non "pure" wizards.
Voldemort is the bogeyman who might come in the night--we all meet an Umbridge. They are put up with by people in power, who ignore or are blind to their evil because they are so good at sucking up and toadying favor
Umbridge draws out more visceral hate because she's the kind of person we've all encountered. We've never encountered an immortal magically powerful Dark Lord. However we've all encountered authority figures ( teachers, politicians or employers) who were self serving and abused their power to be cruel towards others. So while Voldemort commits the far worse atrocities, we can't relate to him because we've never encountered a Voldemort in real life. Whereas we have all encountered an Umbridge in our lives.
Is the age old argument of which is worse, Chaotic Evil or Lawful Evil. Lawful Evil imo is the worse, which is why Umbridge is worse. You know what to expect with Voldemort, and you can openly defy him, to the death if need be, and no one bats an eye. Umbridge used the "law" to enact evil. It's a more twisted sense of morality, as you are using what is considered generally 'good', for evil purposes.
Umbridge is worse. Voldemort lacked empathy because he never could have any. Umbridge however did not have that excuse she just wanted power for the glamor of it.
I agree that Umbridge was worse than Voldemort. As someone who was bullied by a teacher, it is much easier to relate to a student having an absolutely horrible teacher than a mass murdering enemy. We have all know Umbridges, an we all probably do not know Voldemorts.
Umbridge is worse because she had the means to make a difference. She was in a Position of Power. She is self righteous and thinks everyone is beneath her. Voldemort was evil. He knew it. He didn’t care. Umbridge acted like she was doing good when realy she was Protecting her ego.
Sorting hat sorted:
*Harry:* Griffindor
*Draco:* Slytherin
*Umbridge:* Azkaban 😂😂
isn't she a Slytherin
@true believer she's actually azkaband
Bro. U literally stole a reddit joke
Imelda Stanton was amazing. I hated Umbridge with a passion. She made that character come to life better than anyone else could.
I agree! I had chills whenever she was in a scene. And I'm actually glad they didn't make her look toad-faced like she was in the books. That would been a pretty instant "she's a bad person" feeling right off the bat. I rather liked the slow crawl as her arc progressed.
She's one of the only villains I hate with every fiber of my being. And I absolutely love it!
I think the reason why many people hate Umbridge more than Voldemort is through their own experiences. People who are like Voldemort aren’t as common as people who are like Umbridge. Many people have had teachers like Umbridge. Even JK Rowling herself said that she was inspired to write the character from a teacher she had in her youth. Many people have suffered under people like Umbridge, and I think that’s where much of the hatred comes from. Especially the kind of hatred that prevails their hatred of Voldemort and his Death Eaters. But that’s just my take on it.
i agree, voldemort's a completely fictional villain you won't find some magic wielding serial killer turned dictator in real life because his main strength that being his magic is based entirely in fiction. Umbridge is someone based in reality, who lies and plays the system, unlike voldemort whose going to be defeated once someone stronger arrives and so is temporary, Umbridge represents an evil that's never going to be extinquished you'll never purge any functioning social system of corruption or of nefarious individuals getting to positions of power and abusing it.
What if you never met an umbridge? Or more to the point have and it's someone you care about? Or even have given relatable reasons why they are like that?
Ever watched darkwing duck? I think there was an episode "time and punishment" I think that was what it was called. Darkwing went all rule-mad but he was broken up after his daughter disappeared. A bit more understandable how people end up like that... Just as an example
Umbridge doesn't have much of a backstory, but the people in real life do.
That's my take on it as well
@@kavinh10 I'd say Voldemort was pretty clearly based on Hitler. Not a lot of characters are truly fictional.
Umbridge combines the worst of all the worst traits of the other characters everyone detests:
- Snape's unfairness as a teacher
- Percy's pompousness and willingness to throw anyone under the bus (i.e. his family) to get far (I am so glad he comes round in the end).
- Filch's love/excitement for punishing rule breakers
- Vernon Dursley's "let's ignore the letters" attitude which is basically the "you don't need to learn any practical DADA" attitude. We are gonna ignore the problem and it will go away.
- Petunia Dursley's cruelty hidden with prim and perfect appearance.
- Fudge's self-preservation even at the cost of the innocent (e.g. Fudge's treatment of Hagrid in CoS and PoA because Lucius Malfoy and the other governors asked for it. And of course, wHaT dArK lOrD? I sEe No OnE.)
- Moody Crouch Junior's penchant for using spells on kids (once you know it was Barty Crouch Jnr, suddenly the "epic DADA lessons" sound more like a Death Eater enjoying torturing kids, esp. Neville, who he knew was the Longbottom kid. Side note: this also reminds me of Snape threatening Neville with poisoning Trevor when they were drafting antidotes).
- The bigotry and hypocrisy of Voldemort (the half-blood wizard supremacist).
Dude, love this comment and wish i could show my friends xD its absolutely right!
@@redclover8387 aww thanks. You made my day 😊
@@tathoiclassicalindianbollywood your very welcome^^
Dean, because of the love potion, Voldemort couldn't feel love. So he was literally lacking understanding for the horror of his crimes. Umbridge however, she was very well aware of what she was doing.
Ah! the video the fandom needs but no one dared to create. Let's do this!
Voldemort embodied evil itself but was charismatic and honest with who and what he was
She symbolizes every quality of a person people in general typically don’t like and even hate. She hid her inner darkness behind a smile that was hollow.
Umbridge not Ubridge
@@paulcowlishaw I was silently typing this at work lmao MY BAD
It's kind of the difference between psychopathic and sociopathic evil, or comparing Apple's to oranges to a certain extent.
@@Ascension7707 ah right ok.
It's their distinct pursuits of joy. Voldemort enjoys power whereas Umbridge enjoys torture. He would kill thousands, she would torment hundreds. It's like comparing apples to margarine.
Voldemort is the more evil because he made himself less than human, in the pursuit of making himself more than mortal. But Umbridge is the more despised because she is more human, she is all the worst qualities that we would be aghast to see in ourselves if we were handed power or authority. We have a greater chance of meeting an Umbridge in our daily lives, and worse still we have a greater chance of becoming like her. That's why we hate Umbridge; her banality is a closer reflection of the evil we are capable of, where Voldemort is an abyss we stare into but cannot approach.
Thats a really insightful answer. I hadn't thought of it that way. I like :)
I had not thought of it that way. Good points. I think the fact that she was banal and a female hungry for power add to the higher revulsion for Umbridge.
By the way - Dolores is a Spanish word that means "sorrow" or "pain". I believe that Umbridge is a play on Umbrage, which means a feeling of pique or resentment at some often fancied slight or insult. Her name certainly does fit her, doesn't it?
You summed it up perfectly. The phrasing I have usually seen is that while Voldemort is the more evil, Umbridge is the more hated. Everyone knows Voldemort is the worse villain, he’s basically Wizard Hitler. But his type of villainy does hit us as hard because most of us have never experienced that kind of malevolence firsthand. We KNOW that’s bad, but we have never personally HOW bad. Umbridge, though, WHEW! We have ALL experienced an Umbridge at some point in our lives. We have all had someone bully us like that, which is why the hate towards her by the audience is much more visceral; it’s that firsthand experience of suffering under that kind of cruelty
Yeah I agree with all o' you cause even tho Voldemort is way more vile he is a Chaotic Evil, which is common in fiction while Umbridge is a solid Lawful Evil and really most of the time was above repudiation, which here means not that she wasn't hated but ol' Voldy always knew every one was out to get him he always had to hide or kill or defend himself or lose some of his Death Eaters so he was always fighting and couldn't really have his own life, he certainly was never what I would consider happy. Dolores on the other hand did all of her ish in plain sight and with little resistance. She really might have felt satisfied with the way she was and actually seemed to enjoy the terrible stuff she did to people. She lived a life of pride and control, compared with Riddle's life of fear and violence, so Umbridge was more upsetting to watch, plus I bet it pissed off a lot of cat lovers to see the cute warm animals connected to some one of such coldness and ugliness but it least it was comic relief in the movies
@@fightingfalcon777 yeah it's something I've seen a lot of, so it wasn't my most original analysis, but I added the bit about us all being more likely to become like Umbridge. Now THAT is a scary thought that nobody wants to admit, but people who deny it should be the most careful about how they act when they get a taste of real power. And that's alright, it's like Rowling had Dumbledore say regarding why he hired Lockhart: "There's still a lot you can learn from a bad teacher; what not to do, who not to be".
Umbridge is a cautionary tale as to what could happen when people in authority put power and prestige are put ahead of truth and morality, Voldemort is similar but in such excess that it's almost unthinkable.
When she told potter u know u deserve to be punished that's evil reminds me of alot of teachers I hated in real life
I think Umbridge is worse because she could create a patronis. A patronis is from thoughts of things that make you so happy. To know that she can do such things is one thing but to know it makes her that happy is something totally different.
Voldemort is WAY worse... It's just that Umbridge is WAY more annoying and more "Relatable". (With "relatable" I mean that we are more likley to come across someone like Umbridge in real life, then someone like Voldemort and therefore hate and fear her more, because she's just much more realistic.)
(Also: Sorry for my bad english.)
It is relatable, but I understand what you mean. 🙂
Umbridge has declared from the start that she hated children.
Heyyy barry McCarty! Im a McCarty
Mysterious scattered family
Half-blood or space aliens dont know which
We have sympathy for Thomas Marvolo Riddle aka Lord Voldemort because he is a product of both nature and nuture.
Bellatrix Drusilla Black - Lestrange is the same. And we can understand that she found her true mate in Voldemort.
Delores Jane Umbridge on the other hand is not the same as them. So where does her evilness come from? This is what makes her the worst because there is no logical explanation for her behaviour and personality.
Riddle is just called Tom ☺️
This is like A World War or a Crime ( Voldemort) vs A Pandemic ( Umbridge)
I still feel satisfaction in the scene in which Umbridge gets carried deep into the Forbidden Forest by the Centaurs.
I agree Voldemort was a fully realized villain and like most villains they are the misunderstood heros of their own story, but Umbridge was something completely different she was the personification of racism, privilege, tradition and many other real monsters in every day life. Voldemort had followers and a cause even if he was a psychopath, but Umbridge was wicked for her own pleasure and the sociopath is always a little more scary because they harm in plain sight and are charming and socially exceptable monsters. This is why the racist politician or corrupt cop provokes more anger than the serial killer!
The actress was flawless. One of the best movie villains in movie history imo, rivaled by keith ledger as the joker
Thats heath not keith
At least Voldemort has a sense of humour. Whereas Umbridge has nothing. Voldemort is my fourth favourite Harry Potter character. Whereas Umbridge is easily one of my least favourite Harry Potter characters.
The past 4 years made me realize just how possible the final 3 books are in real life
Case in point: a rich lunatic Karen who seeked to destroy our education system by taking away protections for students against real evil all in the name of their own warped belief structure.
They are both different kinds of evil so I don’t think one can compare them, it’s like trying to decide whether The Mountain is more evil than Ramsay Snow.
Voldemort’s thirst for power comes from a genuine belief that he alone is so gifted and unique that he should be able to live forever, and him alone. In this view, all those around him are obstacles and their lives aren’t worth anything. He views himself as so grand that torture is an amusing side activity, bit nothing more.
Umbridge, by contrast, has a thirst for power but it derives from her own cowardice. She believes that she is not as strong as those around her in terms of magical prowess and needs to prove herself all the way. Her torture of Harry and regime at Hogwarts is born out of the pleasure she derives from having power over people, because it assures her that she is better if she can make other people feel this way and helps her forget for a moment that she ever felt weak and helpless before.
So whether you say Umbridge is more evil depends on whether you think it’s worse to massacre a whole city without regards because something you want is buried under it or to torture one person to death simply because it makes you feel good.
Though, thinking about it, I think Bellatrix fits both of these categories; powerful enough to cause true suffering as she has no reason to be insecure about her power AND she truly, TRULY enjoys the satisfaction she gets from making other people suffer. The only reason why Bellatrix is never very high on the list is because she doesn’t have anywhere near the kind of “screen time,” or whatever the textual equivalent is, to Umbridge who directly hurts Harry, his friends and Hogwarts.
If, for example, Umbridge was only made Headmistress of Hogwarts in Deathly Hallows and did the same things, we wouldn’t hate her as much because we wouldn’t have as much exposure to her.
I think it’s an interesting question as to who is worse of the two - or three - of them but what I know for certain is that the timeline where Voldemort has mastery of the Elder Wand scares me far less than the one where Umbridge has control of it.
Lol Ramsay was definitely worse than the mountain
Hello 20 plus something Great Grand Father
The mountain
Voldemort is worse with the elder wand because he could wreck such havoc with it. Umbridge is far less skilled
i agree with you on the playing of umbridge in the film made a lot of people hate her more. in the book, she's described as toad-like so she can be imagined as being evil. in the film, umbridge at first looks like your grandma and looks like she will be nice. Then her actions in the film negate that status
Nah, I don't trust any one who wears that much pink. 🤣🤣
You said one line that affirmed my belief that Voldemort is worse. He KNEW what he was doing was wrong. If you commit a heinous act, knowing full well in advance that it is wrong, and you do it anyway, that makes it all the more worse, than trying to justify your actions. Voldemort actually MURDERED countless people. Harry wasn't the only orphan he made. To my knowledge, Umbridge never directly killed anyone. She caused a LOT of harm yes, but she never actually killed anyone. So, in my opinion, Voldemort was worse.
Not directly, but she sent innocent people to Azkaban and some of them died, which she was well aware of. I actually have more respect for a murderer who does the deed and owns it, rather than a murderer who delegates and thinks that means her hands are clean.
Umbridge. She was evil just for evil sake. Reminds me of my 3rd Grade Teacher every time I see her.
The on screen portrayal of Umbridge just confirmed how much I hate her. The actress was freaking brilliant as her. I pretty much hate her and Voldemort equally.
Umbridge is worse because she doesn't look like a dangerous person. Looks can be deceiving
Exactly considering her being a teacher I might have been one her followers because of her looks
Often true killers purposely disguise themselves as innocuously innocent people, a wolf in sheep's clothing as it were.
Really? Maybe she doesn't look dangerous in the sense that she doesn't look powerful, but I really doubt people were fooled by that shrill excessively sweet girliness and thought she was a genuinely good person.
@@rhaenyralikesyoutube6289 I would expect it to be the opposite. She is over the top sweet, which makes her suspect right from the start.
Voldemort is the bigger evil and worse. For all the terrible things Umbridge did she could only do those things against defenceless children and staff, and only due to her connection to the ministry of magic, without that connection she would just be angry woman with no power to really harm or change things.
Voldemort on the other hand he does not need permission or power from another source to commit his evil acts. He backs up his power himself and is a threat to everyone on Earth except maybe Dumbledore. He is capable and has dealt such evils in a nationwide scale, unlike Doris who has to use the badge of the ministry to commit evil, or only can terrorise a school.
And look how the two interact with Dumbledore, Umbridge is all vile and even big ego against Dumbledore and has deluded herself to think he can be pushed around by her and a few aurors (That backfires hilariously). But in the end she is a small poodle barking to a Lion who does not care. Voldemort for all his speeches and bluster does know and takes Dumbledore as the serious threat he is, and well he can back up his bark to a degree.
This is like asking, would we like to die by freezing or burning.......... Both are equally evil, but the movie screen time of umbridge vs Voldy made people (who are movie first like me) hate umbridge more than voldy. Heck, even the meme game is strong with her and the added line of Daniel in the movie was chef's kiss.
Imelda Staunton is so underrated... I watched a film with her in it and she was the "gossipy" neighbour who had a heart of gold and it was such a weird thing to watch after seeing her as Umbridge...
I think Voldermort is more evil than Umbridge, but Umbridge is more cruel.
She’s such a great actress, one of the best performances in the films IMO!
I've seen her in loads of things. Now when I see her. I'm just thinking it's Dolores Umbridge.
you are right .. because we knew Voldemort was capable of great evil … whereas Umbridge began as a teacher at hogwarts and a female, therefore our expectations were different ..sort of a ‘wait and see’ .. only hermione was alert to the situation.. most just giggled between themselves … the realisation of how evil she was developed as our horror did ..
I don't think anyone really thought Umbridge would be a nice person because she was female and excessively girly and sickeningly sweet, nor were they surprised when she turned out to have a sadistic streak.
@@carmensavu5122 true , but at the beginning there was no idea that she would be so awful, no one had the knowledge and hindsight we do now, but everyone knew how terrible Voldemort had been .. that’s was why our initial expectations were different, no way would anyone think that they would hate anyone more than Voldemort.. esp this sweet, sickly pink teacher . Mind you, this did not last long , her rotten, evil side wasn’t hidden for long ..
Voldemort is the kind of interesting villain that develops a large fan following, but Umbridge is just horrifying on all accounts. She terrifies people more than Voldemort or any Death Eater because she could be a real person.
Well, I think people hate Umbridge more (I certainly dislike her) because she's relatable. Everyone at some point has dealt with an "Umbridge". It seems more personal and easier to hate her. Another reason is that she is the ONLY other character who physically scars Harry. Just to satisfy her own inflated Ego.
However, Voldemort is the human(?) Embodiment of the word Evil. Killing anyone who stands against him. Like a Grim Reaper.
First. I hate Umbridge more than the dark lord.
me tooo
With u on that one even if, at some point she were put under the imperius curse,she knew harming the innocent was wrong.
I will always hate Umbridge more because she is mean and she enjoys inflicting pain on people especially on children! There's no excuse for that
you are aware that parents do that to teach them a lesson right at least she isn't that bad right?
@@mjb6442 what you never got spanked by your parents? must be why you act this way
@The Blue Gamer and Animal lover. secondly i HATE KARENS DON'T EVER COMPARE ME TO ONE ASSHOLE
@The Blue Gamer and Animal lover. have you ever met one i met tons and they pissed me off to no end fix your mouth before i fix it for you
@The Blue Gamer and Animal lover. i meant spanking not physically harming them a belt hit and hand hit are different things using objects that is where it falls under abuse
Umbridge is an "alternate viewpoint" villain. She truly believes that her deeds are justified and she believes that she is a hero.
Voldemort is the "psychopath" type villain. He knows his deeds are wrong and doesn't care, although he does have some alternate viewpoint traits. Bellatrix is a solid mix of these two types.
There's also a third type of villain, known as the "sociopath". The sociopath doesn't really know what is right or wrong, and tends to simply act on impulse. Slasher movie villains like Jason Voorhees tend to fall into this category, as does Batman's Joker
Dude Voldy’s waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ahead of Umbridge. Umbridge was just told to do all those things by Fudge but those things aren’t as bad as killing muggles for fun.
Thank you for still coming out with the HP content! Much love x
I think if Voldemort had got the DADA post we would see him as worst than Umbridge. Voldemort tried is hand at manipulation and was very skilled but it did not appeal to his ego so he opted for power and fear. Umbridge is a wolf in sheep clothing. She triggers anger where Voldemort triggers fear. No one fears Umbridge because like most bullies her power is perspective to her targets and not her abilities. Voldemort was hated because he was evil in plain sight and still was successful. Umbridge is hated because we let her in to our safety net (Hogwarts) and she slowed revealed she was a monster, like many real monsters. The world is full of Umbridges but the last time we saw a Voldemort was Hilter?
If we are judging a character by there actions and choices rather than their personality, it’s no question that Voldemort is worse:
The issue of who had the worse personality between the two is far more subjective. However, I would still maintain that in this regard, Voldemort was the worse person. Now let me justify this. I think the reason we hate Umbridge so much is because she is a pure narcissist. She genuinely justifies her actions by the erroneous thinking that she is above everyone else and deserves to be treated as such, and anyone who challenges that will incur her sadistic wrath. The thing about narcissists is that they walk among us, and they blend into the group, but they just rub us the wrong way by the way they act and the way they speak. Umbridge rubs us even worse because not only is she a sadistic narcissist, but she is a sadistic narcissist who had achieved power in a respected well established institution. There is a kind of cognitive dissonance that such a horrible person could achieve such a high status position, which is something that just makes us hate her even more.
Voldemort is the villain. He is the devil incarnate. He has committed so many unspeakable acts and has struck fear in everyone. He is everything Umbridge is times a thousand. What’s worse, is that he knows what he does is wrong. He knows that killing people is wrong, but he makes the conscious decision to do such horrible things anyway, which is what makes him far worse than Umbridge. The reason we don’t “hate” him as much is because that cognitive dissonance is not there. Everyone knows voldemort is evil. Everyone knows what he is. There is no surprise that he does what he does, because it is in his nature as a villain. On top of that, he is a social outcast, unlike Umbridge, who had achieved her status despite being such a deprived person. I think we would “hate” Umbridge far less if she were one of Voldemort’s death eaters, because at least then that cognitive dissonance would disappear.
I think the reason most people dilike Dolores umbridge more is the fact we all know someone like her in real life
Maybe it was her demeanor, or maybe I just need to rewatch the movie, but I actually thought Imelda Stanton's portrayal made Umbridge less hateable. With Movie Umbridge, you had moments of levity - her magically separating kissing couples and friend groups felt more funny than despicable. Book Umbridge was a cruel administrative bully throughout the whole book.
Who's worse? While Voldemort wins in scale and impact, Dolores, in the same position, would probably do more overall harm, and actually be crueler. I don't know for sure, though.
Voldemort was just plain evil. While Umbridge was just plain cruel.
Umbridge is worse because she hurts people without any common sense or remorse for all the pain she inflicts on others. I believe Voldemort kills people because he was ashamed of his family, and deep down, he feels horrible for killing because he doesn't wanna take lives or destroy families.
It has to be umbridge and only her ,she was wicked ,cruel and everything bad
Fantastic video! Ive been waiting for this for ages!😊
This discussion is like comparing Adolf Hitler VS Heinrich Himmler, it’s hard to decide
Actually it's Hitler vs Corona Virus
Umbridge was a person who took so much pleasure in abusing her power and position. I'm honestly not sure she wasn't actually partially insane by the end of the book. And I agree the way she was played on-screen was so much more sinister than in the book. In the book she just seemed mean and vindictive, but in the movie she was so much more.
Thanks for making these videos for us 😊
Umbrige ask Voldemort for a job as deatheater………
Voldemart: AVEDA KADEBRA!!!
Imelda almost puked during the detention scene where all of the DA were being tortured. Shows the actress know how to get in disturbing characters well. I've personally hate Umbridge so much that I've imagine that if I was taking her detention, I would've taken her blood quill or wand, and stabbed her in the chest under the collar bone. If it was her wand, then I snap it in half while embedded. That's how much she burn me up. Excuses me, but I feel think I'm not the only one who wants her to physically suffer back. Even if its morally wrong, but Umbridge's really asking for it. P.S. Voldemort was born while his father was under the influence of love potions, "To be conceived from fake love, makes sense to b born without the capability to feel real emotional love". So another point for him being less worse, she was born normally.
I believe she is worse for a couple of reasons. 1. She was able to mask her sadistic tendencies to advance. 2. She joyfully targeted the least able to protect themselves. 3. Her passive aggressive behavior allowed her to navigate the world being submissive to adults and agressive toward children.
The portrayal was one of the most brilliant performances ever. She made us hate her with a vegence.
Who's worse, Umbridge or Fudge?
Remember, every single bit of power Umbridge has she got because she was a tool of Fudge who was desperate to hold on to HIS power.
I say they’re both equally worse: one killed many and the other tortured many. That’s how I see it.
Who's worse? An orphan who never felt love and happiness in his life, and grown up to be a power hungry, "immortal" dictator. Or a bully who enjoys the torture and misfortune of others, as long as she has the power.
Umbridge is worse. She has no valid reason to really explain why she is so vile. Voldemort atleast has that background where you can atleast understand even though his actions are worse.
I had trouble watching the Order of the Phoenix movie because Umbridge was so cruel. It was so unchecked. I had a sister with an authoritarian teacher that ruined her. I had run ins with her myself. I was very disatisfied with how the whole mess was handled. She kept threatening kids with being transferred to another school. Later I discovered there was a home for boys that were wards of the court next to this other school which meant she was threatening to have me taken out of my home and made a ward of the Court.
i think Umbridge is more likely to exist in our world than Voldermort.
I think the onscreen portrayal of Umbridge made me hate the fifth film and her character. I cannot picture Imelda as anything else which is sad because she is really talented and plays good (morally) characters as well.
Then reading the book, the onscreen portrayal and book one make me equally hate her. I was about to punch my book, throw it against a wall, and break it’s spine every tome she appeared on the page. And I never disrespect my books no matter how much I hate them.
I believe it's because very few people knew a Voldemort in real life, but virtually everybody has met an Umbridge.
I think the Super Carlin Brothers said it well in one of their videos. Not everyone has a Voldemort in their life but we have all had an Umbridge.
I think the fact that people can relate to the kids hatred of Umbridge fuels that anger towards the character.
I think they are both different kinds of evil so it wouldn’t do much comparing them to each other cause they are both very different people with very different pasts.
I think one of the reasons umbridge is more hated is because many of Voldemort's crimes are common crimes in our world such as murder and general torture. We hear about it in the news and we've been desensitised to it. Umbridge's crimes are pure evil that we dont see in our daily life in the news. Also, being a children's book series, everyone knew Voldemort would be defeated at the end, but umbridge had no clear end as she isnt the main villain. For all the fans knew while reading the books for the first time, she could have kept going with no consequences at all.
Umbridge. She honestly had no reason to do what she did, believed what she was doing was right, had a lot of power and was very like Harry's aunt and uncle with the way she denied him things and let the Slytherins get away with anything.
Voldemort he was evil but he didn't hide it. He also had reasons to be the way he was, whilst Umbridge didn't.
I think umbrige is is worst . But Voldemort has do more bad things . But umbrige is the worst . .❤️
Super Carlin brothers did a video on if some of the HO characters can hold Thor’s hammer .
They made a poll
Umbridge had a worse chance of hold Thor’s hammer than Voldemort
Such a profound video
I believe the Carlin Brothers said it best when they explained that the reason Umbridge is so much more hated than Voldemort is because she’s so relatable on a human level. Not everyone has a supreme Dark Lord in their life that’s trying to take over the world. But we all know a Dolores Umbridge in our lives that has made life miserable for us and those around us and seemingly enjoying every moment of it. Every **hem-hem** in the books that cued Umbridge into a scene made my blood boil but LORD I never expected to hate her more after I saw the movie. Imelda Stanton IS Umbridge to me now! I feel like I’d hate her on sight if we ever met before remembering she was just an actor!
My sister said that Umbich was her favorite character in Harry Potter. Save to say shes currently disowned
Imelda Staunton is a huge fan of the books. When the actors/actresses are fans of a story, they're going to bring their A game. Imelda Staunton brought it to Dolores Umbridge. It wasn't to character she wanted to play, but it was the character she was born to bring life too. She's the next Betty White. Sweet faces with a demon inside and her demon is much more darker. 😈 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Question... considering Umbridge's hair... are there magical hairdressers? Or do people do it themselves with magic? Because that hair... that take muggles some real effort. Her hair is unchanged for the entire year, despite living in hogwarts, with only occasional visits to Hogsmeade...
The thing I hated about umbridge was that she would follow any cause just to further her own power. Voldemorts crimes were far worse but they were for a cause not just to increase his own power. Defintely agree that if umbridge had as much power and followers as Voldemort did she would have been capable of just of much if not more.
The way I see it, Umbrige is the Dark Lord we are most likely to face in our own lifes. Not the psychopatic warlord who atempts to dominate just because, but the seemingly well ajusted individual who manipulates laws and rules to their benifit and becames drunk in the smallest amount of power given to them.
You nailed it on both counts. Both in the books and in the movies she is just viscerally the worst. Imelda Staunton did an exceptional job of portraying that Umbridge woman.
The only reason why I pick Umbridge because we have all faced a version of her. My 7th grade teacher was like her. An evil kid character who assumes you are always lying and disobeying. I like Harry tried to stand up to her and received punishment for it. My mom got so many notes in my agenda and she could not believe it. I am not one of those kids who hides something or lies. Even if I did try to lie, i am bad at it. I mock lie because that is bow bad I am at it. My teacher thrived on getting kids into trouble. My mom and I heard rumors that she put a kid on anti-depressants before I attended her class. After one semester with her, I am not surprised.
Umbridge is also a perfect symbol of what os going on in our country. She is taking away individuality, censors people, and creates ridiculous policies and sometimes hurt people more like the president’s administration is doing now. That is why I deem her worse because we will always face an Umbridge. When do we face a Voldemort.
On this scale, maybe they are tied. They both have done despicable things in different ways.
Lord Voldermort is worse. He murdered people for fun. Plus this guy sounds alot like the guy from Harry Potter Folklore.
I think this is the same channel. It appears folklore has changed his name to Shockwave. Probably got a C&D like Muggle Magic.
Yh Dean wanted to add new content to his channel; vampires, twighlight, mythical beasts etc so he’s merged it under the channel name “Shock Wave”
Who can say. Both were evil. Umbridge against innocent CHILDREN! Voldamort against Whoever didnt go his way. No one stopped either til the end. Good over evil.
She is an amazing actress, the fact she has gotten me to despise her as umbridge is unfathomable the fact she didn’t get any award or boon is kinda upsetting lol
I think we a lot of people consider Umbridge the worst human alive -include me- is because she is basically a nightmare dressed like a daydream, she has the whole thing for her, she is small and wear pink, women and kinda on the older side, all these things normally don't scream evil, you'd think she's good or weak, but she's the evilest of them all, at least with Voldy, he doesn't pretend he's something else, he made it his mission to be known as the most powerful and evil wizard, he made it known that he hated muggle-borns and muggles, while Umbridge hid behind her 'nice person' persona and always pretend that she didn't want to harm the students, oh no that was not her intentions! the students are at fault here not her!
and this is why Umbridge is more hated, she faked being nice when in real life she is almost as wicked as Voldemort himself.
Ultimately I think it can be summed up with Umbridge should know better, she had no excuse or legitimate reason why she acted the way she did, while Tom riddle had a tragic upbring and a mental handicap that made it hard for him to empathise with others.
I think a lot of people react more strongly to Umbridge than Voldemort because she's just a more relatable villain. A lot of people have had a teacher or an aunt or a neighbour or a boss who displayed this kind of petty cruelty. Voldemort has cartoonish "take over the world" motivations, and most people just don't have someone like that in their lives, so although we intellectually understand Voldemort's threat, and understand why he's a bad person, we don't connect to the threat as emotionally as we do with Umbridge.
lmfao now I'm getting images of Voldemort as the Brain and Wormtail as Pinky.
Umbridge is more worse than
Voldemort and us death eaters, she really deserve to be in Azkaban more than me tbh
I think umbridge is the worse kind of evil, she genuinely enjoyed hurting people, bullying, and belittling others. A true sociopath, she has no reason to dislike those around her, and yet she thinks she better than others.
Honestly i think the reason so many hate her more than Voldemort is because everyone has an Umbridge
Most people don't have a Voldemort in their life, everyone has had an Umbridge.
Well said!
I hated Umbridge from the books. But watching Imelda Stanton really made me hate her guts! Absolute impeccable acting because Imelda is not even close to anyone like Umbridge irl.
I thought they were like twins!! The same, but different!!
One has killed one has not. That's why it's hard to say who is worse.
she was a killer, indirectly. some of the innocent people she sent to azkaban did not survive the horrors they were subjected to.
When ever I have a nightmare I think of Umbridge in Azkaban and then I can fall asleep again 😅
I think the reason most people hated her is because we all know an Umbridge. Yes Voldemort is worse but he’s similar to (and based on) Hitler who is a historical figure. We don’t know Hitler personally. He’s like a fairytale or a legend. We know about him and we know of the things he did but we don’t know him and have never met him in our time. He’s someone we speak of in the past and he’s often talked about like a fictional character. People like him are very rare. We all know one power-hungry teacher/professor/etc who thrives on making kids miserable. They had nothing to gain other than personal satisfaction.
Voldemort: mass murderer, enticed other people to murder or torture others into madness
Umbridge: cut messages into people's hand, made a bunch of annoying rules, killed no one
Voldemort is worse. He is a murderer.
There are fates worse than death.
You forgot what she did in Deathly Hollows.
Umbridge is scary because most people know some passive aggressive control freak in the office that doesn't look that different than Umbridge. She has some serious esteem issues needing to get off on bullying kids. And teachers. And school headmasters. And non "pure" wizards.
Hated her in the book and movie. When she injured Hedwig in the book it was over for her.
Voldemort is the bogeyman who might come in the night--we all meet an Umbridge. They are put up with by people in power, who ignore or are blind to their evil because they are so good at sucking up and toadying favor
Voldemort is the villain who know's what he is. Doloras is the villain who believes herself to be the hero.
Umbridge draws out more visceral hate because she's the kind of person we've all encountered. We've never encountered an immortal magically powerful Dark Lord. However we've all encountered authority figures ( teachers, politicians or employers) who were self serving and abused their power to be cruel towards others. So while Voldemort commits the far worse atrocities, we can't relate to him because we've never encountered a Voldemort in real life. Whereas we have all encountered an Umbridge in our lives.
Is the age old argument of which is worse, Chaotic Evil or Lawful Evil. Lawful Evil imo is the worse, which is why Umbridge is worse. You know what to expect with Voldemort, and you can openly defy him, to the death if need be, and no one bats an eye. Umbridge used the "law" to enact evil. It's a more twisted sense of morality, as you are using what is considered generally 'good', for evil purposes.
Umbridge is worse. Voldemort lacked empathy because he never could have any. Umbridge however did not have that excuse she just wanted power for the glamor of it.
that actress is muh Queen!!!
I agree that Umbridge was worse than Voldemort. As someone who was bullied by a teacher, it is much easier to relate to a student having an absolutely horrible teacher than a mass murdering enemy. We have all know Umbridges, an we all probably do not know Voldemorts.
Umbridge is worse because she had the means to make a difference. She was in a Position of Power. She is self righteous and thinks everyone is beneath her. Voldemort was evil. He knew it. He didn’t care. Umbridge acted like she was doing good when realy she was Protecting her ego.
I felt the book umbridge was more cruel, though the movie version did piss me off a lot to.