What makes me laugh is that flat earthers will look at pictures of Earth from space and claim fake , but will watch a video of a cgi ufo obscured by 240p quality and believe it's real
its "proof" and "evidence" .. i watched the dream garden and believe that there is a garden where strange creatures play and have fun.. But the world got scary when i watched teletubbies .. i did hide away inside my home for a month after that bad experience..
I work for the Commonwealth of Australia Federal Government. They give world governments way too much credit to be able to pull off these intricate and complex conspiracies. Have they ever seen how a government department works? If they did they would understand how asinine the idea of an all knowing, competent, government.
These guys are talking about the lockdowns while forgetting that the politicians couldn't get away with breaking those rules to have parties or cheat on their spouces. Boris Johnson's political career ended because he couldn't hide the fact that he was hosting parties while lockdowns were ongoing. Yet these guys think the gov could pull off an invasion hoax?! 😂
Government employee here too, in the US. These people definitely give us too much credit. For every competent employee of a government, there are 30 sitting around letting you do their work, which is barely passable doing 31 people's worth of work. Government new world order? Never gonna happen.
@RegebroRepairs that's actually a great point, I hadn't thought about that before lol. Live video footage from the ISS = CGI, but a really blurry photo of a grayish object in the sky, oh well that's clearly proof of UFOs lol
Matter and energy cannot be created nor destroyed, therefore no matter nor energy would’ve existed to do the causing. Consequently, whatever did cause the universe to exist, would need to be immaterial and exist beyond time and space! Genesis 1: 1 God creates time space and matter! The KILLER is, Entropy! Entropy is somewhat opposite of evolution and why did this come into the universe if everything’s getting better? Genesis 2:17 says death came into the universe through the first sin! First two chapters of the Bible not the 500th chapter or the thousandth chapter; explain what evolutionists have not explained; and no other worldview comes close to the Bible, in explaining it! The first two laws of thermodynamics! So the Bible explains how matter, space, time, entropy, and energy get here! DNA does not auto encrypt, it did not write itself the code writer is outside of the code. 3300 billion lines of computer code in 1 humans DNA, would fill the Grand Canyon 50 times of Books, let alone plant and animal DNA and it did not write itself! One person‘s DNA could stretch to the sun and back 61 times! Psalm 139:16 “in my members you have written many books“. John 21:25 “I suppose everything Jesus did the world will not have enough room for the Books, telling of it“! God made matter and energy, a.k.a., the first law of thermodynamics and DNA, pointing to himself; pointing to an outside source beyond the realm of the universe; that these things were made there! Job 38:35 “were you there when I created the lightnings and they say ‘here we are!”’ This is God talking to Job! 3300 years later, James Maxwell discovers that light rays and electricity are two forms of the same thing! The Bible Predicted telecommunications
A funny thing happened today,i was with my friend & her son at their home. Her son is nearly 7 & is already deeply thirsty for knowledge. So i linked their internet to watch the live NASA link from the ISS,for him to see our beautiful home for the 1st time. Anyway (to my point) within 5 minutes of the live feed,my friend who is not normally into this kind of topic,said to me "I don't understand these 'Flat Earthers' how can anyone think the Earth is flat!?" she further added "but what i don't get is why so many people all of sudden (in her social groups) believe that the Earth is flat,when with every other topic they seemed intelligent!" Her son then started laughing & said "Really but everyone knows it isn't flat!" He then turned to his mum,with a series face & said "Are adults that stupid?" & this is from a 7 year old! (next month is his birthday) 😂
@@albertnielsen1154 Lol.. exactly. Never attribute to a conspiracy what can easily be explained as stupidity. My rule of thumb for positions of power is - if you want to be in one, you should definitely not be! The chain of stupidity in government has been unbroken for decades now.. I thought Bush was a great source of quotes and stupidity, then along came Trump - who, as his name implies, trumped all previous presidents! I'd be laughing if it wasn't so tragic that these people run the world. The worst stupidity of all, is the desire for short term financial gain. Knowing full well, if we continue at the rate we've been going, there is no future, there are no people to spend their money in a capitalist structured society. Getting rich quick, now.. builds an unsustainable future earth. It's just sad..
It's not education. I had a very good education and still became a fundamentalist creationist christian. Well, I am not anymore, but education does not protect one from believing stupid stuff. One needs critical thinking skills and the willingness to apply them.
Note: The vast majority of these clowns are Americans. It's much more of a chilling warning of what happens when you don't have an adequate education system.
They don't have time for rules of narrative, forget continuity, they'll go back in time to put the firmament up and there's not a god damn thing snow globers can do about it!
I assume Nitwit's supposed military contact is someone who picked up a pair of fatigues at a military surplus store after being released from the local psychiatric hospital.
It’s funny that one of them uses the analogy of living in a snow globe to criticise the globe when a snow globe shows exactly what they say, a level plane surrounded by a dome.
"The Earth is FLAT and there's a dome above us!" "NO it's not a snow globe! It's the firmament dome that encapsulates the sky of Flat Earth!" Seriously, these people need locked up in an asylum. Not even joking. It's scary to think we let people like this run around freely...
@@kellydalstok8900 They do that yearly for their flat earth conventions or whatever. No annoyance or convincing going on, just a bunch of echo chambers and people inside going "uh huh, yep yep" nodding their heads and following the "leaders" (ironically) like a bunch of sheep.
Yes because powerful, shadowy and unnamed forces that obviously (but again with no evidence) hide all the evidence from everyone, except for a few basement dwellers who have figured it out by watching cartoons like Attack on Titan 🙄
Says the fat guy with no teeth who's got his last hairs combed over is bald head as he watches space x crash into some in the sky and believes what ever they tell him to believe so he doesn't have to face the truth,
@@knivesron OMG that's it! He's a 5th column vanguard for the coming Goa'uld invasion of earth! No wonder he's trying to convince us that UFO's are holograms sent by our own governments, he's trying to make humans opposed to the idea of a unified earth defence force with paranoia and nationalism! Classic "divide and conquer" tactics.
I have never, in my life, seen such an educational vacuum as in this 'documentary'. It's like a bunch of four-year-olds have been discussing their views on 'science' and have managed to successfully get a grown-up to use an AI app to change their bodies and voices into those of adults. Amazing.
I love the “outer” lands map and talking points, I see it on tik tok all the time, most of the lands are named after mythical stories, Asgard being one of the “unknown lands”. It’s mind boggling hearing them say there “unknown lands” while showing the shape and name of the “lands”
Perhaps “unknown” doesn’t mean what we think it means. Maybe it means - we know enough to give these lands a name, shape and accurate geographical location, but apart from that we know absolutely nothing about them.
I liked the guy complaining about the high price of living in cities saying that’s why the government doesn’t want us to know about all the lands beyond Antarctic. To keep the prices high. He does this while standing in an empty desert. Thousand of square miles of empty land.
When I was younger, I might have given these people the benefit of the doubt and just assumed they were complete idiots. But now I know better. They are also grifters.
It MUST be true.... because "I think...", "I believe...", "I'm not sure...", "I suppose...". "It's possible...". "It makes more sense...", "There could be...", "Nobody knows....", "I've heard...". "That will probably be....", "
I honestly cant even begin to keep track. My dude in the desert, wearing a mesh shirt, complaining about the idea of a one world government, then immediately after saying "we could all live in texas" who would run this state filled 8 billion people? A bunch of different governments? no governments? I thought this was the crew who hated 15 minute cities, but now it seems like they are completely on board with it. I JUST DONT GET IT MAN.
Flat Earth is not a full-on tinfoil hat conspiracy theory? I would argue that FE is one of the most twisted conspiracy theories. At least conspiracies like '9/11 was an inside job' or 'Aliens have landed' is categorical possible. FE however is not.
@@realcooking1833Yes because they don't know the difference between conducting actual research and just making shit up, because none of them come from academic backgrounds
That map they showed of all the "outer lands" looks like it would make for a fascinating Sci-Fi setting about a civilization trapped beneath a dome to protect them from the other worlds. Perhaps some grand architects from eons ago built a megalithic, artificial world and seeded it with life, deciding to protect the inhabitants of Earth after witnessing the chaos and violence permeating the most outer regions as empires conquered their way inward. Perhaps all civilizations were protected by a dome, but the more advanced ones managed to punch through, or cosmic calamity could have shattered some of them, leaving the denizens free to explore other lands and domes. I feel like something like that would make for an amazing story to tell. You know what, I'm taking this as inspiration and writing a story.
I actually feel sorry for them. Imagine living your life and being so scared of everything that you have to say that someone or something is going to come after you.
I think it could be more that they are so afraid of being insignificant that they prefer a fantasy where they are the super dangerous individuals about to expose the elite. They want to feel persecuted, because it makes them feel important.
yeah... but for them, all science is inherently flawed, so you can't use science. you have to use their own postulates and turn it against them.... like "water doesn't stick to a sphere". you ask them: "Is Earth a sphere?", they'll say no... you ask them "Is Mars a sphere?" they'll most likely say yes, because that's a premise for them: everything is a sphere except Earth... so, you ask them: is Neptune a sphere?", "Yes.".... "Ok, wiseguy, Neptune has OCEANS.... how the fuck does Neptune have OCEANS if water doesn't stick to a sphere?" boom... meltdown.
My son was exactly the same at 12, he would watch these stupid documentaries and just laugh at how people were so moronic to believe some really crazy stuff. It comes from a crazy high IQ and a really cool sense of humor.
Gotta make rent somehow after all. You know bosses would be like "you still coming in today, right?" While a saucer flattens the building next to them.
Able Archer 2. The Soviets were convinced this was a cover for a NATO attack to the east and initiated their response plan. Fortunately someone in the Kremlin sobered up enough to realise an invasion wasn't imminent and stopped things going any further.
I love that half the flat earthers in this movie literally make a living getting hit in head. It really speaks volumes. Also I love that the best they could come up with to explain "Aliens" and "UFO's" was the plot to Watchmen. These guys shouldn't be allowed near movies or comics or fictional books because they take that shit too seriously.
Correct. But they come from outer space, not upper space. Because of the dome. So I suppose there isn´t a dome protecting us from the sides. Questions? Rgr
Flerfs are consistent at being nitwits and pretty much nothing else. Lots of people hold conflicting beliefs, realize they are conflicting and either live with the discomfort or try to rationalize their cognitive dissonance. Flerfs don't seem to even recognize the conflicts.
@@kevindagodNot because it's true, but because it's so mind-numbingly stupid that it hurts to watch. I don't think some of these people are all there in the head, and they have been inducted into the FE delusion because their mental conditions make them more gullible.
Well I have. I have a patent filed for my new invention called upper space. I have some diagrams with space and I‘m going to build it with black project money and then sell every part of it to all the disbelivers in Jesus Christ for that I‘m rich…
Their mask fully came off, flat earthers are intellectually bankrupt conspiracy nuts admitting that their positions are indefensible (a surprise no one).
I for one am happy they keep making these flat earth documentaries. They're a great way to help spread awareness of mental health issues. Here we have a number of people who all look physically healthy, especially fishnet hoodie guy, but we all know that mentally, they're not in the best shape. These videos can save lives.
I think he saw the truth though. The globe earth conspiracy is to conceal the hidden lands, to drive up rents in California. Although of course he wouldn't have to move to the hidden lands for a lower rent, there are plenty of places in the US or outside it where rents are cheaper. Maybe he wants everyone else from California to move to the hidden lands, so his rent will go down? Maybe he just wants his rent to go down regardless of whether there are any hidden lands or not.
Agreed! I always thank them ALL for making flerfy content and exposing their mental illness. They are also destroying their legacy or reputation for all of humanity to see until the end of our species comes. Well done Flerfs.
I love how they are admitting they're xenophobic and don't want people to live in unity and fear monger this "Spooky one world government" narrative Yet want Jesus to return and push us into a one world Christian government I really believe they can't process or think beyond their rage or paranoia to see how hypocritical, racist and bigoted they are and use pseudoscience to mask it
Wait til he learns hippopotamus means water horse He’s gonna think they were the cavalry of Atlantis Which explains why their skin is like armour Oh ffs I think I’ve just come up with an alternative conspiracy I think I might perpetuate this online to see if it gains traction
In the 1985 comic book _Watchmen_ by Alan Moore the bad guy fakes an alien quasi-attack in order to bring the world together, joining forces in order to prepare for an alien invasion which presumably never comes. In the film it was changed to being a faked attack by the one person in the world with superpowers.
Thing is, when these people don’t understand “X” and they ask others like them for an explanation, those might say “well, it is because of Y” and they will believe it. But if they would ask a professional or an official and those would explain “well, it is because of Y”, they won’t believe it and think it is a conspiracy. These people want to be special, part of a group that think they know more and are elevated.
Totally agree, it comes down to a personality or psychological trait they all probably share. That they need to feel some sense of empowerment or fulfilment in themselves.
4:32 it is telling enough that this argument opens with "i personally believe that the government is so evil..." of course if you believe that a group is entirely without morality or that they are diametrically opposed to you, you can convince yourself that they are capable of doing or wanting to do anything evil. the belief comes first for these people, and the story forms around it in an attempt to catch up with that belief and with observation
You do not have to pay $3000 in California, you can just move into an area that is not particularly desirable to live in, and you would be able to get a really low rent. Almost like it has very little to do with amount of available land, and more to do with the desirability of the land...
Eddie Bravo saying the phrase "man-made technology that we don't understand yet" at the 3:50 mark made me laugh. These people are willingly ignorant. They give no actual references, only allusions to concepts wildly distorted from their intended purposes to fit their beliefs.
I like how it's just rambling without a single piece of evidence or anything to back up their claims. I enjoyed watching Dan pick them apart! Thank You!
If there was an alien invasion, it would be a mixture of the movie Arrival and the movie Don't Look Up. The allied governments and militaries would work together at first but still hold back the most sensitive details for themselves, like in Arrival. But, just like that movie, once one of them decides they've had enough, everyone will stop talking to each other and the whole thing would fall apart. Meanwhile, the Internet and mainstream media would be half scientists shouting into the void about the facts and the other half claiming it's a hoax or a conspiracy. It would not unite us at all. Climate change hasn't. Why would an alien threat or an asteroid or something like that?
If there was an alien invasion, working together would do NOTHING. You have to remember, as far as science can tell, interstellar travel is practically impossible. It will take hundreds of years to just get to the next star over. If Aliens invade, they have science and technology that from our perspective simply is magic. We wouldn't be fighting aliens, we would be fighting GODS. We can cooperate as much as we want, we would not stand a chance anyway.
Maybe that's the answer to the Fermi paradox, civilisations powerful enough to advance beyond a point causes the gravity of their situation to make them implode in on themselves 😢
I love that they can just state the most outrageous things as fact and then just move on to another topic. Apparently you can “pull energy out of the air”. If that is just one side note to you then you have lost any tethers to reality
When he said that, my first thought was, "this is what a low IQ person thinks when told about zero point energy theories". All that guy told us was that he has a low IQ. Ever listen to someone with a low IQ talk about things he doesn't understand? That describes this guy perfectly.
I actually find this documentary quite disturbing because it shows many people are capable of believing in utter nonsense and presenting it like it's cold, hard fact.
@@jasoncdebussy In the US there appears to be, from an outsider point of view, a significant number of “Religiflerfs”. Could this be a contributing factor given the relatively high number of theists leaning towards the more extreme end compared to many other English speaking countries? I say “English” speaking as this is almost exclusively the content I view.
Flerfers: "nobody knows what NASA does" People with more than 2 functioning neurons: "yes we do, here's all the things that NASA does" Flerfers: "nah, it's not that"
Louis theroux should do a documentary on these guys, would be excellent. Just sounds like a lot of mentally unwell people that have found eachother and are one upping eachother.
I just cant believe how willfully ignorant these people are...the black guy thinks the real estate market and rental price trends are based on the fact we dont have enough room?
IDK but the ability to imagine these alternative realities is astonishing. If ever I were to attend a flat earth conference I would be hard pressed to suppress outright laughter. Still, we all should have a hobby.
I'm at the point in my life where I can only feel compassion for these people. So many feel that something is wrong, but instead of looking at defunded education, defunded health care, defunded social work, etc... they believe it's active lies on existential matters instead of just basic greed by those in power.
I feel sorry for flat earthers. It has to suck to not even comprehend the most basic science and instead believe almost any crazy conspiracy theories you hear.
flat earthers are but a microscopic fraction of the entirety of the population of Earth. you know what kind of people *also* believe in crazy conspiracies and refuse to follow science?.... ....Christians. ....and, Jews... and, Muslims... and, everyone who follows a God and a holy scripture. find out what the aggregate of people from all those communities is, and you'll really start to feel sorry.... for everyone *ELSE,* because if that's the number by year 2023, something must have gone seriously wrong, worldwide.
His explanation on extra terrestrial is a bit like me explaining that extra marital doesn't me getting your end away behind your wife's back, but being married an extra time or two.
hint: they dont. They will be the village idiots in real life. Lost social contact with family and friends and people around them isnt unknown or rare..
@@mobi1etone because Bill Gates made it for depopulation. Oh wait, that never happened. It was really the 5g networks that was the virus anyway, oh wait that was bollox too. What else will you loonies be scared of next
Not difficult. You get them from the bag in the freezer, put them in the fryer, SET THE TIMER, when it rings, take them out of the fryer into the draining rack. When there are no more in the freezer, TELL THE MANAGER. All you need to know.
Thanks for a great video dan. I just wanted to mention that it's interesting how most flat earthers deny gravity yet they say that these spacecraft work on Electro gravitational forces. Gravity 1 minute and no gravity the next. They truly have no idea what they're talking about.
Well, if they already believe in a world wide conspiracy, why not believe in aliens. Also, I do love how they are so wraped up in their conspiracy bubble that they threw in this bit about aliens solely for the sake that they don't lose the alien conspiracy theorists. Well, at least they know their audience.
I can't decide, if I believed all this stuff about aliens, flat earth and all the other weird conspiracies, would I be scarred, worried and depressed all the time. Or, would I actually, find it kind of fun, in a crazy kind of way. Troubles of daily life would seem insignificant and so almost irrelevant. Maybe it would be kind of liberating. I might give it a try!
Good grief. This is what happens when help for mental illnesses is impossibly expensive and people choose to do without. This is total madness. I can hardly believe even they go along with this. They've got to be grifting.
Just had a thought. If we had to all suddenly leave this planet due to some Doomsday event (imagine he had the resources and tech), would these people get on the shuttle? Would they get on thinking they will hit the dome and die or stay on the ground and die?
If there is a doomsday event, you're not getting on that flight either. Unless you build your own, it's only people like Bill Gates getting on anything leaving the planet.
Some of them don't believe space exist or that other planets exist but they believe in aliens? How would they visit? Teleport from nowhere in existance to flat Earth?
That's the problem with making a documentary with 20 nutjobs, none of them believe in the same model because there isn't one, every revolution starts with a far superior force united by "not them" and after the victory you have that shatter into multiple much smaller and less powerful forces that each want small, incomplete and often contradictory changes to the status quo. Flerf is the same, if they somehow grew to overthrow science then they would descend into madness fighting amongst themselves to make something better than science did, and fail to even create a model that works.
@@TheOmegaXicor I can only assume they think it's all covered by one big dome or each land has its own dome that has through access to other lands. You'll have to ask a flerf and I'm sure they'll all have a different answer
Reminds me of the "undeniable proof" that came out a few years back, turned out to be a duck. Anything can be a UFO if you're sufficiently bad at identifying flying objects.
Not really. More like "Heads I win, tails you lose, but if it lands on the edge you win" and then when it repeatedly lands on the edge, they come up with excuses as to why it didn't REALLY land on the edge.
For me the African-American gentleman gets the Flat-Earther of the Year award. Standing in the desert in a fishnet shirt rambling about globalism plots (while denying the existence of a round Earth) by creating world war three with fake alien weaponry and viruses is great. He really sells the lunatic in the wilderness vibe with his contradictory conspiracies and fashion sense. A+ performance. Santos needs to watch out, he now has serious competition.
They wouldn't, but they honestly really don't need to. Just read 1984 (the book, not the movie) and you'll know why. A "one world government" is absolutely achievable, and clearly is the goal for some very dangerous and powerful (power hungry) people.
@SanderEvers I think there can be a lot of sound arguments made as to how a one world government might benefit the human race. Governments can be benign (in theory) as much as evil.
Ultimately these people have the most in common with those ultrafans who end up secretly believing their favourite Sci-Fi programme is real. Also I get the sense some of them are coked up to their eyeballs.
@@chimpana lol. That's exactly why I chose Star Trek for my comment. To be honest though The Expanse is my favourite Science Fiction show. I think we're a bit of a long way off achieving even that level of sophistication in space flight though, if we ever do achieve The Expanses level of space technology that is.
I think they’re changing the dome thing. I actually saw a live on Sean Hibbler’s channel and they were saying “if the Earth is flat, why would the sky be curved? There’s no dome, the firmament just goes on to those unknown lands” So that’s where the UFO’s are coming from…..supposedly :)
6:23 - "If Al was hallucinating, who ate his food?" The moronic behaviour of flerfs is interesting crap but now, that's the story's end I wanna know. My mind is racing just thinking about it.
11:22 Isn't it amazing how he knows with absolute certainty that "they" have this incredible technology, but "they"'ve been hiding it from us all this time? This guy is a sixth-dan black belt in Broken Logic.
In the middle ages we had village idiots, nowadays we have flatearthers.
I can assure you they would have LOVED social media back in the day... Rgr
But back then you could rest assured that your villages idiot would hardly be able to team up with the next villages counterpart ...
@@hartmutholzgraefe Now we have the Intermong
The problem is in the middle ages they had one idiot for one village nowadays we have village of idiots with one sane person, if we are lucky.
We call village idiots Dorfidiot🇩🇪
What makes me laugh is that flat earthers will look at pictures of Earth from space and claim fake , but will watch a video of a cgi ufo obscured by 240p quality and believe it's real
its "proof" and "evidence" .. i watched the dream garden and believe that there is a garden where strange creatures play and have fun..
But the world got scary when i watched teletubbies .. i did hide away inside my home for a month after that bad experience..
One of them has written on his website "Evidence is meaningless unless you know what it is evidence for".
@@lokelaufeyson9931But then you had to go to primary school?
@@SloverOfTeuth it sounds like a advice he should read.
@@SloverOfTeuth im mostly happy that i didnt spend time with one of those
I work for the Commonwealth of Australia Federal Government. They give world governments way too much credit to be able to pull off these intricate and complex conspiracies. Have they ever seen how a government department works? If they did they would understand how asinine the idea of an all knowing, competent, government.
Ya, nothing keeps a secret like having 1/2 the population in on the conspiracy
Reminds me of the lines:
"Do you think the government is behind this?"
"Why not?"
"Because it works."
These guys are talking about the lockdowns while forgetting that the politicians couldn't get away with breaking those rules to have parties or cheat on their spouces. Boris Johnson's political career ended because he couldn't hide the fact that he was hosting parties while lockdowns were ongoing. Yet these guys think the gov could pull off an invasion hoax?! 😂
Agree. Any control or manipulation is done by private or dark underground organizations who have long term structure and hierarky
Government employee here too, in the US. These people definitely give us too much credit. For every competent employee of a government, there are 30 sitting around letting you do their work, which is barely passable doing 31 people's worth of work. Government new world order? Never gonna happen.
I find it very telling how they refuse to believe real photos, but claim obvious bad special effects are real films.
And the authority and absoluteness in which they claim it makes it so much more retarded...
Because it's not actually about the content and whether it's real or not, just whether it agrees with them or not
the same way they keep saying "the government is lying to us" then go on and quote thing that the government say when it suit them.
@RegebroRepairs that's actually a great point, I hadn't thought about that before lol.
Live video footage from the ISS = CGI, but a really blurry photo of a grayish object in the sky, oh well that's clearly proof of UFOs lol
Matter and energy cannot be created nor destroyed, therefore no matter nor energy would’ve existed to do the causing. Consequently, whatever did cause the universe to exist, would need to be immaterial and exist beyond time and space! Genesis 1: 1 God creates time space and matter!
The KILLER is, Entropy! Entropy is somewhat opposite of evolution and why did this come into the universe if everything’s getting better? Genesis 2:17 says death came into the universe through the first sin!
First two chapters of the Bible not the 500th chapter or the thousandth chapter; explain what evolutionists have not explained; and no other worldview comes close to the Bible, in explaining it! The first two laws of thermodynamics!
So the Bible explains how matter, space, time, entropy, and energy get here!
DNA does not auto encrypt, it did not write itself the code writer is outside of the code. 3300 billion lines of computer code in 1 humans DNA, would fill the Grand Canyon 50 times of Books, let alone plant and animal DNA and it did not write itself! One person‘s DNA could stretch to the sun and back 61 times! Psalm 139:16 “in my members you have written many books“.
John 21:25 “I suppose everything Jesus did the world will not have enough room for the Books, telling of it“!
God made matter and energy, a.k.a., the first law of thermodynamics and DNA, pointing to himself; pointing to an outside source beyond the realm of the universe; that these things were made there!
Job 38:35 “were you there when I created the lightnings and they say ‘here we are!”’ This is God talking to Job!
3300 years later, James Maxwell discovers that light rays and electricity are two forms of the same thing!
The Bible Predicted telecommunications
That someone edited together so many clips that don’t even agree with one another and called it a documentary is hilarious
That's what happens when you mix Dunning-Kruger with rapid-fire video compilations.
Yup. Just like posting any idiotic thing on social media makes you an "influencer".
Came here to say exactly this. They don’t even remotely agree with each other yet they think they have a coherent argument.
Indeed… the FlerfMind is - a thing.
exactly! they all have different imagination about everything, only thing they all agree is earth is flat, thats about it 😃
A funny thing happened today,i was with my friend & her son at their home. Her son is nearly 7 & is already deeply thirsty for knowledge. So i linked their internet to watch the live NASA link from the ISS,for him to see our beautiful home for the 1st time.
Anyway (to my point) within 5 minutes of the live feed,my friend who is not normally into this kind of topic,said to me "I don't understand these 'Flat Earthers' how can anyone think the Earth is flat!?" she further added "but what i don't get is why so many people all of sudden (in her social groups) believe that the Earth is flat,when with every other topic they seemed intelligent!" Her son then started laughing & said "Really but everyone knows it isn't flat!" He then turned to his mum,with a series face & said "Are adults that stupid?" & this is from a 7 year old! (next month is his birthday) 😂
Might be useful to stress even intelligent people can be fooled ;) thinking you can't is the first step to being conned.
Yes son, many are. This is good news for you, you will one day compete against idiots for jobs and investments.
@@tempestive1 remember the "fool me once ... fool me twice ... but fool me three times, and I am ..."
Lol.. exactly. Never attribute to a conspiracy what can easily be explained as stupidity.
My rule of thumb for positions of power is - if you want to be in one, you should definitely not be!
The chain of stupidity in government has been unbroken for decades now..
I thought Bush was a great source of quotes and stupidity, then along came Trump - who, as his name implies, trumped all previous presidents! I'd be laughing if it wasn't so tragic that these people run the world.
The worst stupidity of all, is the desire for short term financial gain. Knowing full well, if we continue at the rate we've been going, there is no future, there are no people to spend their money in a capitalist structured society. Getting rich quick, now.. builds an unsustainable future earth. It's just sad..
It's a pity that these documentaries aren't shown in schools! They're a chilling warning of what can happen if you don't pay attention!
More like don't pay attention and spend the whole year eating crayons, sniffing rubber cement and drinking white out
It's not education. I had a very good education and still became a fundamentalist creationist christian. Well, I am not anymore, but education does not protect one from believing stupid stuff. One needs critical thinking skills and the willingness to apply them.
Even then I'd rather have them show "Dark side of the moon" starring Christiane Kubrick
@@2LucasKane3 Pleased you escaped 🤝
Note: The vast majority of these clowns are Americans.
It's much more of a chilling warning of what happens when you don't have an adequate education system.
"You're not trapped in a snow globe..."
Same guy: "rockets are bouncing off the firmament."
They don't have time for rules of narrative, forget continuity, they'll go back in time to put the firmament up and there's not a god damn thing snow globers can do about it!
I'm like so curious to know where they are getting this idea that rockets are bouncing off the firmament? Like TF are you smoking.
@@sgtjonmcc it's because they believe when a rocket goes sideways it's bouncing along the side of the firmament.
@@sgtjonmcc they also mistake the twilight phenomenon for a rocket hitting this "firmament".
I assume Nitwit's supposed military contact is someone who picked up a pair of fatigues at a military surplus store after being released from the local psychiatric hospital.
It’s funny that one of them uses the analogy of living in a snow globe to criticise the globe when a snow globe shows exactly what they say, a level plane surrounded by a dome.
"The Earth is FLAT and there's a dome above us!"
"NO it's not a snow globe! It's the firmament dome that encapsulates the sky of Flat Earth!"
Seriously, these people need locked up in an asylum. Not even joking. It's scary to think we let people like this run around freely...
@@madezra64 Maybe send all of them to an island where they can try to convince and/or annoy only each other.
@@kellydalstok8900Australia? Oh, right, we already did that...
@@kellydalstok8900 They do that yearly for their flat earth conventions or whatever. No annoyance or convincing going on, just a bunch of echo chambers and people inside going "uh huh, yep yep" nodding their heads and following the "leaders" (ironically) like a bunch of sheep.
Flat Earthers have made videos "proving" Australia doesn't exist.
Strange how with flerfs it’s always “I believe” and never “here is the evidence”.
Well, there literally is no evidence so their only option is to say 'I believe [insert nonsense here]'
But on the other hand, if we globers say "we believe", they blame us with "believe is not knowing". Thus, typical double standards.
Yes because powerful, shadowy and unnamed forces that obviously (but again with no evidence) hide all the evidence from everyone, except for a few basement dwellers who have figured it out by watching cartoons like Attack on Titan 🙄
They will RUN after any "maybe" just right off any cliff.
When did the term 'flerfs' become a thing? 'Flattards' is much more accurate....
Attack on Titan proves Earth is flat.
Mind blown.
Imagine standing in the desert wearing a fishnet hooded muscle shirt, rubbing your hand on abdominal muscles, speculating how dumb everyone else is
Says the fat guy with no teeth who's got his last hairs combed over is bald head as he watches space x crash into some in the sky and believes what ever they tell him to believe so he doesn't have to face the truth,
lol bro wants to look like a go'uld from stargate i swear, then a few scenes later they image the chyanne mountain base lol.
@@knivesron OMG that's it! He's a 5th column vanguard for the coming Goa'uld invasion of earth! No wonder he's trying to convince us that UFO's are holograms sent by our own governments, he's trying to make humans opposed to the idea of a unified earth defence force with paranoia and nationalism! Classic "divide and conquer" tactics.
@@knivesron He ended up looking more like a jaffa.
@@orbitalsan4013 Christopher Judge is not stupid, he would never be a flat earther.
I have never, in my life, seen such an educational vacuum as in this 'documentary'. It's like a bunch of four-year-olds have been discussing their views on 'science' and have managed to successfully get a grown-up to use an AI app to change their bodies and voices into those of adults. Amazing.
I drove across Wyoming this summer, and both Dakotas last summer... if the government is hiding spare land, they ain't doing a good job of it.
I love how the military is secretly building fake spaceships...but registering their patents with the patent office haha!
I mean with the things people patented it easy to hide them
The fantasy world that the flerfers live in just boggles the mind !!!
Well, duh! Of course they're getting it patented! They wouldn't want their designs to be used by other people!
I love how the government desperately tries to keep so many secrets but then broadcasts messages in Tv shows and movies!
I love the “outer” lands map and talking points, I see it on tik tok all the time, most of the lands are named after mythical stories, Asgard being one of the “unknown lands”. It’s mind boggling hearing them say there “unknown lands” while showing the shape and name of the “lands”
Because this maps are from fantasy/sci-fi books
@@Wikarian99PL I know. I still think it’s funny seeing people try to convince its a real map
@@Wikarian99PL And this should be the best we make out of it, brilliant SciFi and Fantasy stories. But they take this for real.
Perhaps “unknown” doesn’t mean what we think it means.
Maybe it means - we know enough to give these lands a name, shape and accurate geographical location, but apart from that we know absolutely nothing about them.
@@legacy8728 im sure all this alien vehicles had google maps instaled on their GPS, this is how we know all this unknown lands
I liked the guy complaining about the high price of living in cities saying that’s why the government doesn’t want us to know about all the lands beyond Antarctic. To keep the prices high. He does this while standing in an empty desert. Thousand of square miles of empty land.
Even with an alien attack, traffic going into the city is still ridiculous
Yeah, loved that.
*FILM AT 11*
When I was younger, I might have given these people the benefit of the doubt and just assumed they were complete idiots. But now I know better. They are also grifters.
I think that part where three of them were sitting on chairs was later interrupted by a nurse dispensing pills.
It MUST be true.... because "I think...", "I believe...", "I'm not sure...", "I suppose...". "It's possible...". "It makes more sense...", "There could be...", "Nobody knows....", "I've heard...". "That will probably be....", "
It's mean of the film maker to make that guy in the net tank top talk when he clearly needs to pee.
Black budget projects matter!
I honestly cant even begin to keep track. My dude in the desert, wearing a mesh shirt, complaining about the idea of a one world government, then immediately after saying "we could all live in texas" who would run this state filled 8 billion people? A bunch of different governments? no governments? I thought this was the crew who hated 15 minute cities, but now it seems like they are completely on board with it. I JUST DONT GET IT MAN.
It went from flat Earth to full on tinfoil hat conspiracy theories REAL quick. 🤣 Good god man.
Flat Earth is actually the ultimate conspiracy theory.
Flat Earth is not a full-on tinfoil hat conspiracy theory? I would argue that FE is one of the most twisted conspiracy theories.
At least conspiracies like '9/11 was an inside job' or 'Aliens have landed' is categorical possible. FE however is not.
What astounds me is the absolute certainty with which these people spout the most ridiculous things
In fairness flat earthers would say the same about globers
@@realcooking1833Yes because they don't know the difference between conducting actual research and just making shit up, because none of them come from academic backgrounds
That map they showed of all the "outer lands" looks like it would make for a fascinating Sci-Fi setting about a civilization trapped beneath a dome to protect them from the other worlds. Perhaps some grand architects from eons ago built a megalithic, artificial world and seeded it with life, deciding to protect the inhabitants of Earth after witnessing the chaos and violence permeating the most outer regions as empires conquered their way inward. Perhaps all civilizations were protected by a dome, but the more advanced ones managed to punch through, or cosmic calamity could have shattered some of them, leaving the denizens free to explore other lands and domes.
I feel like something like that would make for an amazing story to tell.
You know what, I'm taking this as inspiration and writing a story.
I actually feel sorry for them. Imagine living your life and being so scared of everything that you have to say that someone or something is going to come after you.
They haven't yet had there Weetabix ha
i agree, it must be a scary existence to think they way they do. sorry think wasent the correct word t use there
I think it could be more that they are so afraid of being insignificant that they prefer a fantasy where they are the super dangerous individuals about to expose the elite. They want to feel persecuted, because it makes them feel important.
so proud to wear the apparel lmao that fake north face
@@knivesron "think wasent the correct word t use there" . Wasent wasn't the right word to use either. Well done.
What I love is the preposterously complicated explanations they have for things that are always simply explained by known science.
If something "defies physics" that only means either physics needs to be adjusted, or someone is playing games with deceptive information.
This is a joke, right?
yeah... but for them, all science is inherently flawed, so you can't use science.
you have to use their own postulates and turn it against them.... like "water doesn't stick to a sphere".
you ask them: "Is Earth a sphere?", they'll say no... you ask them "Is Mars a sphere?" they'll most likely say yes, because that's a premise for them: everything is a sphere except Earth... so, you ask them: is Neptune a sphere?", "Yes.".... "Ok, wiseguy, Neptune has OCEANS.... how the fuck does Neptune have OCEANS if water doesn't stick to a sphere?"
boom... meltdown.
Hello fellow human, nice pfp.
4:45 ahh the good old City Destruction tutorial by andrew kramer! good to see his tutorials being used a decade later
As always, my 12yo son though this was great and actually watched the "documentary". He couldn't stop laughing 😂
Your son is good, really good, maybe even the best.
@@SaneGuyFr Bro back off, don't try to meet his son in real life
My son was exactly the same at 12, he would watch these stupid documentaries and just laugh at how people were so moronic to believe some really crazy stuff. It comes from a crazy high IQ and a really cool sense of humor.
It is like my granddaughter of similar age. She is very YT-savvy and for her the flat earth is the great joke ever.
I love in the UFO clip how people are just casually driving along the highway as their city is being destroyed. Real believable.
I mean...it's at least as believable as any other image flerfing idiots have shared.
Gotta make rent somehow after all. You know bosses would be like "you still coming in today, right?" While a saucer flattens the building next to them.
They constantly misquote Regan's speech
He says in the beginning "Maybe" it's a hypothetical scenario he's speaking on ffs
For such a small group of believers they get a lot of Airtime, How about we the normal people ignore them.
"we've never been closer to world war three than we are now".
Cuban missile crises laughs in Armageddon.
Also "1983 Soviet nuclear false alarm incident"
@@Wikarian99PL I think that was the incident were 2 out of 3 soviets gave the go to launch. Luckily the 3rd did not.
@@CoreyMarinoGames Vasily Arkhipov, submarine and nuclear torpedo during Cuban Crisis
Able Archer 2. The Soviets were convinced this was a cover for a NATO attack to the east and initiated their response plan. Fortunately someone in the Kremlin sobered up enough to realise an invasion wasn't imminent and stopped things going any further.
We brought it on ourselves by perpetrating the Turkish missile crisis.
As if flat earthers would ever let the hard facts of reality get in the way of their lunacy.
The only hard fact that would make a worthwhile impact on a flat eather is 'stone exists'
Take this as you will.
nah, impossible
@@GraytailBut it doesn't reflect light, so the moon has to be illuminated or a projection. It's also why stone is black.
I love that half the flat earthers in this movie literally make a living getting hit in head. It really speaks volumes.
Also I love that the best they could come up with to explain "Aliens" and "UFO's" was the plot to Watchmen. These guys shouldn't be allowed near movies or comics or fictional books because they take that shit too seriously.
So, space isn’t real, and aliens are visiting flat earth from space.
Correct. But they come from outer space, not upper space. Because of the dome. So I suppose there isn´t a dome protecting us from the sides. Questions? Rgr
From "outer" space not "upper" space.
That confused me as well. Is the dome hovering? 😂
@@sadderwhiskeymannobviously there is a cat flap installed on the dome!
The cat flap it's as much real science as flat earth.
"They're withholding information!"
"There's patents for this stuff!"
Pick a lane boys....
Flerfs are consistent at being nitwits and pretty much nothing else.
Lots of people hold conflicting beliefs, realize they are conflicting and either live with the discomfort or try to rationalize their cognitive dissonance. Flerfs don't seem to even recognize the conflicts.
Well not only that, but just because there is a patent for something doesn't mean the thing in question actually exists or even works.
I guess there's a secret patent office
Thanks for your efforts Sci Man Dan. I enjoy your videos, but this is excruciating to watch.
Because it's true?
@@kevindagodNot because it's true, but because it's so mind-numbingly stupid that it hurts to watch. I don't think some of these people are all there in the head, and they have been inducted into the FE delusion because their mental conditions make them more gullible.
11:36 Yes when you are developing secret technology it is always a good idea to file patents so everyone can look at it.
Well I have. I have a patent filed for my new invention called upper space. I have some diagrams with space and I‘m going to build it with black project money and then sell every part of it to all the disbelivers in Jesus Christ for that I‘m rich…
Did "Level With Me" ever mention any actual flat-earth argument? It looks to me like it was nothing but conspiracy nonsense.
Their mask fully came off, flat earthers are intellectually bankrupt conspiracy nuts admitting that their positions are indefensible (a surprise no one).
Exactly - it's all about conspiracies. Flat Earth is the ultimate test that you're completely lost.
Bro your mind has been clouded. Ball earth Brainwashing has effectively made you unable to comprehend true level logic.
All this people with severe mental disorders aren't so amusing but rather worry me for some reason.
I stopped being scared of ghosts as an adult 😅
I for one am happy they keep making these flat earth documentaries. They're a great way to help spread awareness of mental health issues. Here we have a number of people who all look physically healthy, especially fishnet hoodie guy, but we all know that mentally, they're not in the best shape. These videos can save lives.
I think he saw the truth though. The globe earth conspiracy is to conceal the hidden lands, to drive up rents in California. Although of course he wouldn't have to move to the hidden lands for a lower rent, there are plenty of places in the US or outside it where rents are cheaper. Maybe he wants everyone else from California to move to the hidden lands, so his rent will go down? Maybe he just wants his rent to go down regardless of whether there are any hidden lands or not.
Agreed! I always thank them ALL for making flerfy content and exposing their mental illness. They are also destroying their legacy or reputation for all of humanity to see until the end of our species comes. Well done Flerfs.
😂😂😂😂 epic
I love how they are admitting they're xenophobic and don't want people to live in unity and fear monger this "Spooky one world government" narrative
Yet want Jesus to return and push us into a one world Christian government
I really believe they can't process or think beyond their rage or paranoia to see how hypocritical, racist and bigoted they are and use pseudoscience to mask it
The dude’s explanation of the word “extraterrestrial” got me. Extra lands - oh dear God! Please don’t give this man any sharp objects.
Wait til he learns hippopotamus means water horse
He’s gonna think they were the cavalry of Atlantis
Which explains why their skin is like armour
Oh ffs I think I’ve just come up with an alternative conspiracy
I think I might perpetuate this online to see if it gains traction
Atlantis myths come from Greece
Hippopotamus is Greek in origin
Obviously they were giving us clues
and Don't give him any dull one's either, 😂😂😂😂😂
@@marlonthomas8042, if you hurry you might be able to come up with some merch, spread the falsities, and make some money! Hurry now!😅
It's funny how flat earthers are a uniquely western lower/middle class phenomenon.
My favorite piece of "evidence" is "All this other stuff." Let's not get into specifics, just generalize everything, that'll convince them.
I love part 6. Goes from disbelief and lunacy to downright paranoia.
gotta love the world and the people within, everybody deserve to live... i think..
In the 1985 comic book _Watchmen_ by Alan Moore the bad guy fakes an alien quasi-attack in order to bring the world together, joining forces in order to prepare for an alien invasion which presumably never comes.
In the film it was changed to being a faked attack by the one person in the world with superpowers.
"running naked through a waterfall and ..." had me in stitches, Dan. Glorious!!! 😂
Well, I managed the fist part a little while ago. I’ll need to work on the technique for the second 😮
Thing is, when these people don’t understand “X” and they ask others like them for an explanation, those might say “well, it is because of Y” and they will believe it. But if they would ask a professional or an official and those would explain “well, it is because of Y”, they won’t believe it and think it is a conspiracy. These people want to be special, part of a group that think they know more and are elevated.
Totally agree, it comes down to a personality or psychological trait they all probably share. That they need to feel some sense of empowerment or fulfilment in themselves.
Well said, both of you.
There suffering from the dunning Krueger effect, there so stupid that they actually believe they are smart 😅😅😅
I love the homeless guy they dressed up in new hoodie and promised him fentanyl to say he's seen UFO-s several times. You simply can't beat that.
IQ does seem to be inversely correlated with the likelihood of UFO sighting...
I love how they state nonsense matter of factly, and end it with "probably".
4:32 it is telling enough that this argument opens with "i personally believe that the government is so evil..." of course if you believe that a group is entirely without morality or that they are diametrically opposed to you, you can convince yourself that they are capable of doing or wanting to do anything evil. the belief comes first for these people, and the story forms around it in an attempt to catch up with that belief and with observation
You just did to them what you accuse them of doing to government. Amazingly on-point irony.
@@mineduck3050 please elaborate
You do not have to pay $3000 in California, you can just move into an area that is not particularly desirable to live in, and you would be able to get a really low rent.
Almost like it has very little to do with amount of available land, and more to do with the desirability of the land...
Eddie Bravo saying the phrase "man-made technology that we don't understand yet" at the 3:50 mark made me laugh. These people are willingly ignorant. They give no actual references, only allusions to concepts wildly distorted from their intended purposes to fit their beliefs.
"We" as in the common people. Use your fuckin brain. God, maybe if you had any critical thinking skills, you would have understood.
I like how it's just rambling without a single piece of evidence or anything to back up their claims. I enjoyed watching Dan pick them apart! Thank You!
The visual at 8:48 seems like a cool sci fi movie/show concept
If there was an alien invasion, it would be a mixture of the movie Arrival and the movie Don't Look Up. The allied governments and militaries would work together at first but still hold back the most sensitive details for themselves, like in Arrival. But, just like that movie, once one of them decides they've had enough, everyone will stop talking to each other and the whole thing would fall apart. Meanwhile, the Internet and mainstream media would be half scientists shouting into the void about the facts and the other half claiming it's a hoax or a conspiracy. It would not unite us at all. Climate change hasn't. Why would an alien threat or an asteroid or something like that?
As the saying goes, we are our worst enemy.
If there was an alien invasion, working together would do NOTHING.
You have to remember, as far as science can tell, interstellar travel is practically impossible. It will take hundreds of years to just get to the next star over. If Aliens invade, they have science and technology that from our perspective simply is magic. We wouldn't be fighting aliens, we would be fighting GODS. We can cooperate as much as we want, we would not stand a chance anyway.
Maybe that's the answer to the Fermi paradox, civilisations powerful enough to advance beyond a point causes the gravity of their situation to make them implode in on themselves 😢
Someone's never seen _V_ (1983-84).
@@RideAcrossTheRiver Thanks mate!! I just managed to forget it..... Rgr
I love that they can just state the most outrageous things as fact and then just move on to another topic. Apparently you can “pull energy out of the air”. If that is just one side note to you then you have lost any tethers to reality
I really hope that the weird circular cloud @7.00 is the alien from nope getting ready for a high nutrient, low IQ snack
Windmills kind of pull energy out of the air.
When dude said that, I immediately thought, "And facts out of your ass!"
@@kellydalstok8900 Windmills kinda need wind which is kinetic energy basically. But I get what you mean and you are technically right =)
When he said that, my first thought was, "this is what a low IQ person thinks when told about zero point energy theories". All that guy told us was that he has a low IQ.
Ever listen to someone with a low IQ talk about things he doesn't understand? That describes this guy perfectly.
If there are still trumpsters, there certainly will still be flat earthers
I actually find this documentary quite disturbing because it shows many people are capable of believing in utter nonsense and presenting it like it's cold, hard fact.
*vague gesture towards Twitter*
No, it's not "many" people - it's an absolutely miniscule percentage of the population
@@jasoncdebussysadly its not, especially the statistics in the US is shocking.
@@meloneyIt is
In the US there appears to be, from an outsider point of view, a significant number of “Religiflerfs”. Could this be a contributing factor given the relatively high number of theists leaning towards the more extreme end compared to many other English speaking countries? I say “English” speaking as this is almost exclusively the content I view.
4:45 I love this scene. A mothership is invading the city while the cars are chilling in the freeway. LMAO
I wonder if people back in the day could ever even imagine this conversation would happen again after we learned the earth was round.
Well I mean we are working hard to bring back rabies, small pox, and polio.
What if back in a day we had a more advanced civilization
Who do you think built the cathedrals centuries ago
Flerfers: "nobody knows what NASA does"
People with more than 2 functioning neurons: "yes we do, here's all the things that NASA does"
Flerfers: "nah, it's not that"
Louis theroux should do a documentary on these guys, would be excellent. Just sounds like a lot of mentally unwell people that have found eachother and are one upping eachother.
That's the problem with the Internet. It allowed millions of isolated village idiots to gather into an idiotic movement.
Or Sacha Baron Cohen.
I just cant believe how willfully ignorant these people are...the black guy thinks the real estate market and rental price trends are based on the fact we dont have enough room?
And he thinks “Attack on Titan” is his reality.
IDK but the ability to imagine these alternative realities is astonishing. If ever I were to attend a flat earth conference I would be hard pressed to suppress outright laughter. Still, we all should have a hobby.
as long as its not ruining the lives of feeble minded folk lol
I'm at the point in my life where I can only feel compassion for these people. So many feel that something is wrong, but instead of looking at defunded education, defunded health care, defunded social work, etc... they believe it's active lies on existential matters instead of just basic greed by those in power.
Public schools and social services is the foundation for their problems. Even flat earthers know that more government doesn't fix anything.
No compassion necessary, they're all lying grifters.
Exactly, why tf does the Earth’s shape have anything to do with corruption and evil governments? They would still exist even if the earth was flat.
Sorry for the second comment, but wait - was one of those "extra lands" called Shangri-La? I thought that was in Tibet? Now I'm all confused!
I feel sorry for flat earthers. It has to suck to not even comprehend the most basic science and instead believe almost any crazy conspiracy theories you hear.
flat earthers are but a microscopic fraction of the entirety of the population of Earth.
you know what kind of people *also* believe in crazy conspiracies and refuse to follow science?....
....and, Jews... and, Muslims... and, everyone who follows a God and a holy scripture.
find out what the aggregate of people from all those communities is, and you'll really start to feel sorry.... for everyone *ELSE,* because if that's the number by year 2023, something must have gone seriously wrong, worldwide.
Better then never questioning your reality and or the life that's been presented to you at face value.
His explanation on extra terrestrial is a bit like me explaining that extra marital doesn't me getting your end away behind your wife's back, but being married an extra time or two.
It's like saying that extra ordinary means very very ordinary, extra ordinariness 😂
They must have terrible stress worrying about these conspiracies. There concerns are baseless. 😊
It amazes me that these people can even function in our normal day to day lives.
I feel the same way about people that got the C19 jab.
@@mobi1etone Why
hint: they dont. They will be the village idiots in real life. Lost social contact with family and friends and people around them isnt unknown or rare..
@@mobi1etone because Bill Gates made it for depopulation. Oh wait, that never happened. It was really the 5g networks that was the virus anyway, oh wait that was bollox too. What else will you loonies be scared of next
Not difficult. You get them from the bag in the freezer, put them in the fryer, SET THE TIMER, when it rings, take them out of the fryer into the draining rack. When there are no more in the freezer, TELL THE MANAGER. All you need to know.
Thanks for a great video dan. I just wanted to mention that it's interesting how most flat earthers deny gravity yet they say that these spacecraft work on Electro gravitational forces. Gravity 1 minute and no gravity the next. They truly have no idea what they're talking about.
I was just wondering what "electrogravitic" forces are, from the guy who spouts word salad with pseudo-scientific ingredients and bullshit dressing...
“You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.” -Bullet Tooth Tony
Well, if they already believe in a world wide conspiracy, why not believe in aliens. Also, I do love how they are so wraped up in their conspiracy bubble that they threw in this bit about aliens solely for the sake that they don't lose the alien conspiracy theorists. Well, at least they know their audience.
"Sounding the alphabet with your flatulence" sounds exactly what the flat earthers are doing.
Factually, they are talking sh*t....why stop now?
I can't decide, if I believed all this stuff about aliens, flat earth and all the other weird conspiracies, would I be scarred, worried and depressed all the time. Or, would I actually, find it kind of fun, in a crazy kind of way. Troubles of daily life would seem insignificant and so almost irrelevant. Maybe it would be kind of liberating. I might give it a try!
Good grief. This is what happens when help for mental illnesses is impossibly expensive and people choose to do without. This is total madness. I can hardly believe even they go along with this. They've got to be grifting.
Just had a thought. If we had to all suddenly leave this planet due to some Doomsday event (imagine he had the resources and tech), would these people get on the shuttle? Would they get on thinking they will hit the dome and die or stay on the ground and die?
I'm hoping the latter...
If there is a doomsday event, you're not getting on that flight either. Unless you build your own, it's only people like Bill Gates getting on anything leaving the planet.
Some of them don't believe space exist or that other planets exist but they believe in aliens? How would they visit? Teleport from nowhere in existance to flat Earth?
The North Face Co. needs to sue the hell out of that one dude for sure.
Could it be that these folks are the actual aliens here and that this documentary serves as a diversion of sorts?
They wrote Attack on Titan and want to divert attention away from that fact.
Would be genius level camouflage huh?
One of these guys is obviously a green space-lizard …
Bob Lazar & element 113
Do some research. The blacked out windows on the bus. The plane. Pls do research
These people are going to give me permanent wrinkles between my brows.
I am confused!
If there is a dome over the flat pancake how can there be aliens visiting us?
That's the problem with making a documentary with 20 nutjobs, none of them believe in the same model because there isn't one, every revolution starts with a far superior force united by "not them" and after the victory you have that shatter into multiple much smaller and less powerful forces that each want small, incomplete and often contradictory changes to the status quo. Flerf is the same, if they somehow grew to overthrow science then they would descend into madness fighting amongst themselves to make something better than science did, and fail to even create a model that works.
They said they don't come from space, they come from outer lands or under water
@@tryingmybest9819 where are the outer lands if everything is covered by a dome?
@@TheOmegaXicor I can only assume they think it's all covered by one big dome or each land has its own dome that has through access to other lands. You'll have to ask a flerf and I'm sure they'll all have a different answer
They come from the land of the ice and snow
From the midnight sun, where the hot springs flo-hooowww
Dude doesn’t even know what “prevalent” means, but he definitely knows the real truth about the world. 😂
would you like if he did teach you about the world and science? :)
@@lokelaufeyson9931I don't think those people should teach anyone anything 😅
well. I think the definition of that word goes over the head of a whole lot of people.. be it flerfs or normal folks.
I'm sure he circumcised the world and confirmated that frying sauces are man made.
@@TheZoltan-42 - now that was funny!
Reminds me of the "undeniable proof" that came out a few years back, turned out to be a duck. Anything can be a UFO if you're sufficiently bad at identifying flying objects.
I love how every one of their arguments basically boils down to, "Heads you lose, tails I win!" 😅
I thought it was "heads I win. Tails you lose."
And they use a double headed coin to flip.
Not really. More like "Heads I win, tails you lose, but if it lands on the edge you win" and then when it repeatedly lands on the edge, they come up with excuses as to why it didn't REALLY land on the edge.
It's great to be able to say anything you want without evidence. Any crazy person can do it
For me the African-American gentleman gets the Flat-Earther of the Year award. Standing in the desert in a fishnet shirt rambling about globalism plots (while denying the existence of a round Earth) by creating world war three with fake alien weaponry and viruses is great. He really sells the lunatic in the wilderness vibe with his contradictory conspiracies and fashion sense. A+ performance. Santos needs to watch out, he now has serious competition.
I've always wondered how the likes of North & South Korea would work in a one world government.
They wouldn't, but they honestly really don't need to. Just read 1984 (the book, not the movie) and you'll know why. A "one world government" is absolutely achievable, and clearly is the goal for some very dangerous and powerful (power hungry) people.
I think there can be a lot of sound arguments made as to how a one world government might benefit the human race.
Governments can be benign (in theory) as much as evil.
Ultimately these people have the most in common with those ultrafans who end up secretly believing their favourite Sci-Fi programme is real.
Also I get the sense some of them are coked up to their eyeballs.
Tweaking for sure
What? You mean Star Trek isn't real? Damn there goes my career plan😂
@@milanondrak5564 you won't be surprised to hear that Trekkers / Trekkies were front of mind.
Galaxy Quest with the late, great Alan Rickman.
@@chimpana lol. That's exactly why I chose Star Trek for my comment. To be honest though The Expanse is my favourite Science Fiction show. I think we're a bit of a long way off achieving even that level of sophistication in space flight though, if we ever do achieve The Expanses level of space technology that is.
Every time one of the flat earthers begin to go on I get those little red flags that tell me to not break eye contact and just slowly back away.
Wait, how did the 7 UFOs he saw get through the dome!?
Because they come from the Outer Lands. Durrrr!
I think they’re changing the dome thing. I actually saw a live on Sean Hibbler’s channel and they were saying
“if the Earth is flat, why would the sky be curved? There’s no dome, the firmament just goes on to those unknown lands”
So that’s where the UFO’s are coming from…..supposedly :)
They knew the combination to get past the air shield, which is 1-2-3-4-5.
@@shadoudirges damn it, I’ve been trying 5-4-3-2-1 all this time and couldn’t get through!!
"1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5"??? Amazing, I have the same code for my luggage.
So the aliens have spaceships not to fly through space with but to fly over the icewall😂
These people convince me that, if we could harness paranoia, we would have an infinite fuel source.
6:23 - "If Al was hallucinating, who ate his food?"
The moronic behaviour of flerfs is interesting crap but now, that's the story's end I wanna know. My mind is racing just thinking about it.
11:22 Isn't it amazing how he knows with absolute certainty that "they" have this incredible technology, but "they"'ve been hiding it from us all this time? This guy is a sixth-dan black belt in Broken Logic.
Edgy Brah....
Why would they charge that much rent? Because landlords are wanting as much money as they can get.
Every time flat earthers "explain" anything, it's an embarrassing display of dunning Kruger. They know absolutely nothing about anything 😭 lol