@algol29 and Suboxone is a nightmare to come off of also.. I think it's a good idea if it is taken as intended, only while going through withdrawal and then wean right off of it within one month. for long-term use I would say Kratom is a way better alternative because it's natural and has antioxidants and will not cause the same issues as Subs will.
Once you get through the withdrawals and your body has almost fully regulated itself, you feel almost like a natural high. I used to remind myself that "you beat the addiction, be proud" I would literally feel giddy. Its an amazing feeling not to be enslaved to a drug.
@@limayaden8458Get some Kratom, it works WONDERS for opiate withdrawal cause it binds to the opioid receptors & tricks your brain. It will also help with your mood, strains like “super indo” is great for your mood
I came off fentanyl alone and was extremely sick for about a month before it got any better. After that I still felt pretty bad for 2 weeks to a month. Now I've been clean almost 5 months. That was hands down the hardest thing I have ever done but the most worth it. To anyone going through it does get better if you stick to it and if nobody else has told you I'm proud of you!!! Keep it up
Starting my self it’s my I don’t even know how many times I’ve done medical detox and rehab I have all the tools and I never used the medicine in rehab I always thug it out with the pain but I’m gonna be doing this on my own now at home with help from family cus I’m done paying for treatment and I’m ready to stay clean longer then 2 years already please wish and pray for me if you do pray
Day 20 today fentanyl and heroin free and I’m still struggling but you summed it up 100% accurately opioids kill ALL physical and EMOTIONAL pain which is why so many of us get addicted. The downside is you feel HORRIBLE pain whenever you don’t have it
Defibnitely psyched for you to have gotten through the physical hell of it. Please believe me when I tell you there is a place of absolute freedom that can be attained by truly getting into recovery and working a program. I fought this idea kicking and screaming, but when I finally let go of my unwillingness, I attended a few meetings and started to get better. Please check into this possibility. Meetings are free. come on over. r20.com/meetings
@@Recovery20 I think that for long term addiction to opiates, it must change something in your brain chemistry... and for some, I think it's permanent or semi-permanent. I do think there are a select few that may need subs long term, but it should be a very cautious path. Suboxone is the only thing that has kept me "free" and I've been taking it for 5 full years next month. Ten months ago, I decided to not take my addiction doc's advice and stay on 12.3mg/mo. I keep going every month and paying 100% out of pocket, but I reduce my daily total dosage every 6 weeks. I've been at 4mg for 6 weeks and will go to 3.5mg tomorrow. I hate that I'm not being completely honest with him, and I don't have an issue with me taking it for another decade. But, it's 175/month to see him and 472/no for the Suboxone Rx (which is down from my 845 before asking to switch from Zubsolv -- why he prescribed Zubsolv for 3 years knowing I was paying out of pocket instead of Suboxone, is beyond me. When I asked, his wife, the nurse, spoke up and said patients prefer the taste of Zubsolv over Suboxone. She didn't fully believe me when I told her how much it costs, but looked it up online during a visit and found out that the 845 I was paying was the lowest price available). Tangent. Sorry. Anyway, that's how I landed on your video. This has me wondering if the doc really has to see me every 28 days because regulations won't allow him to see me every 3 months and write prescriptions with refills or if that's not true. I suppose I could research it to find out, but I would hate to think I've been purposely lied to just to have more appointments.
I watch this my 12th day into my withdrawal off of Fentanyl I thought I was worth nothing and felt like absolute crap and didn't think this was in after watching this I had full confidence that the fogginess and depression was going to end and it did now a month and 2 weeks clean
Praying For Everyone Going Thru This!!! Better days are always ahead if you work for it! It's always the price we pay for the life we choose good or bad..
This guy is awesome! Quitting heroin/ oxycodone/ Xanax/ codiene/ alcohol was the most toughest thing in my life. But today I’m in a better place because I got to that point of desperation and realized how I was powerless over those drugs and my life became unmanageable. That was my first step in recovery! And I pray if your going through it that you surround yourself with the right people and you realize you can do it! My sponsor told me the same thing that you must approach your recovery just as you approached your drug abuse. I used to go to any lengths to get my drugs. And so now I try my best (I’m not perfect In any manner) to go to any lengths to get my meetings in even when I’m tired or burnt out. There is hope and you can do this! (:
If you think that was hard try quitting suboxone or methadone. Do not fall prey to these drugs, do not listen to anyone praising subs for long term, you will never quit this drug. It is new age OxyContin, incredibly aggressive marketing and prescribing, all for profits. They don’t give a fuck about you they just want to keep you hooked on any drug they can, there is nothing good about being a slave to any drug, if you use subs for longer then 7 days the devil will have you and do his best to never let you go, may god be with you all
Bless you❤. You have the desire to be well. That's all it takes, and 12 steps will help like a lifeline,Just for Today daily readings were my go to and everyday the reading for the day would play out somehow somewhere and I'd spit it,my awareness returned,my desire to want to be better than sick became more and more desirable.....this day is another clean way and a beautiful true natural high. Congratulations,every day❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hey buddy how's it going are U winning the battle.??? Hope your going well and are off the pills,, if not just keep trying you'll get there!!!. RESPECT
@@themudpit621 I'm sorry you have let the darkness and negativity take hold of you. I don't recall stating I never relapsed so why would you assume that from what I wrote. I said it was the hardest thing I ever went through because I tried to quit so many times and failed after being clean for 2 weeks or a month that it really messed with my self esteem and I also lost everything because of this drug including relationships with my parents and siblings who I still only speak to a few times a year and haven't seen some of them in more than 5 years now. I have nephews I have never met. You really shouldn't just assume something then start talking shit to that person about stuff they never said...
yes Mistergarrett that's how I read your comment that you've been "on and off them for over 10 years"... I didnt hear you say "you've been off now for over 10 years "
thanks for all the answers. there's no such thing as methadone here in Argentina. opioids are not that commonly used to treat severe pain or stuff like that. i'm doing okay but really dont know what to do about the cravings. tysm for the responses i felt so good when i read them after months :) i will look up for kratom as well. hope y'all are doing good too❤
God bless you for trying to help others. I've been through withdrawal before and I thought I was gonna die. I lost 12 lbs in two days! It's no joke. BUT...after day four I started feeling better. It's a long road, but YOU CAN DO IT!! AND LEANING ON GOD WILL HELP YOU MORE THAN YOU KNOW. My thoughts and prayers are with anyone that's trying to quit using. It is sooo worth it. Just keep telling yourself that it will get better...it will get easier with each hour that passes. I KNOW it's hard and you think there's no end...but you can and will get through it! God bless and keep you all!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@rainmanj9978 I was taking only prescribed meds.. I have had four back surgeries.. at the time I was taking 60mg of oxycodone per day and 3600mg of neurontin and 90mg of valium...I got sick with the stomach flu and couldn't keep anything down...it was horrible..I thought I was gonna die..
@@ginasfavorites258 wait.. you felt better after 4 days of withdrawal? 😭 I wish .... I did 8 days cold turkey & lost 7 Ibs. Literally felt like I was slowly dying, no appetite, no energy. Fatigue as hekk. Just prayed & prayed honestly.. I ended up getting on suboxone bc I wasn’t eating anything but an orange a day & was shaking bc my body was getting no nutrients.. I only take .5 mgs. I tried 2mgs & it was way too much for me. So .5 mgs. I needed something to atleast eat. 💔
@@ginasfavorites258 thank you 💕 after taking that .5mg today I was able to eat around 10pm of not eating anything all day. Literally shaking putting food on my mouth. I feel so much better now. I just can’t wait to be off of it & feel like myself without anything. 🙏🏽
Hey there saw ur post. How u doing ? Did u get off ur opioids? I’m in day 11 cold turkey 14yr suboxone addiction. Was on high dose. I couldn’t taper so I quit cold. Withdrawal is rough but let me tell u - def doable. Just be prepared to not sleep. Been week now no sleep. Started taking Gabapentin and finally relief of withdrawal syndrome. Let me know if u need help.
Carlos Lehder Hi there Carlos I’m a chronic pain patient that’s been on opioid for 13yrs straight and have been they withdrawal about 8times and each time gets worse,,I use loperamide ,grapefruit juice ,protein shakes and low dose codeine liquid which makes it bearable. Well Done your doing the rite thing for your health,, drs don’t tell u this But these addictions All End In Accelerated Death. Kidney function and All hormones and reward centres of the brain are nearly Forever Changed Your A new Person Now!.👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
LIMITLESS FourEight it did help a little. I did find tho that if u take too much it takes away the pain but don’t plan on working. Talk about feeling drugged. Lol. Good feeling tho. In day 15now. Still in some WD. Best thing I’ve found so far is Xanax 1mg and a ambien or lunesta. Also some thc n cbd has helped the long long nights. Thanks!!! Appreciate the support.
I'm 24hrs off mainly hydrocodone. It's not fun right now. I've stumbled upon this video and I watched it without a blink. I stared at the video and did my best to take ever word in. I told my parents today what they've known for a long time. Mom and dad pleaded with me to find it in myself to stop this. My mom cried in front of me. I have a girlfriend who's also addicted .. it started out as fun and now it's gotten bad. I'm starting to "realize" and open my eyes and our whole drive home from mom and dads, I spoke with her to try and open hers. Thank you for this video I needed to hear this.
Today is my 7th day sober I took the route of methadone got off at 2mg…I’m still struggling I’m not out of the woods just yet! I’m dooing alone I’m too ashamed to ask my girlfriend for help I feel like it’s my burden and mine alone . Thankyou for the inspiration I hope I’m in the clear soon
Bro you should tell your girl. If I had to guess I'd bet she'd appreciate your honestly.. sorry I'm not trying to be rude or anything but I bet she'd understand. I hope you're okay
@@blameks9136 i should of bro..idk i have to much pride lol..im off the sauce and living life loving every second of it tho lol the struggle reminds us not to ever go back
thank you so much!!!!! im documenting my fight against opiates and methadone! thank you-- im starting my taper and running away from death and towards life!!!!! anyone can do it----it's a tough week or two but you can do it!!! ONE DAY AT A TIME!!! i believe in you all!!!!!!! LOVE AND PEACE
After listening to you my mind is a little more at ease, I've been using heroine since I was 19 I'm in my 30s now and lost my father suddenly and my mother is not in great health!! So as of Friday I'm going to start my home detox and this time for good!!! No looking back!!!! Xx
At least being on fire kills you, or makes you pass out. With withdrawal, you feel everything. You cant sleep, and youre awake for it all.... So yeah, Id much rather be on fire...
I don't know I'm a long term heroin addict and I've been through some hellish withdrawals .but having suffered a bad scalding from boiling water ,I can say the pain level is a lot worse .but as a long term suffering yes opiate withdrawal is def some of the worst experiences a person can go through. Anyone that compares it to a bad case of flu has never been through it .flu is a lot easier and you can still sleep ...rant over lol.
You're absolutely right about suboxone! I went from 12mg and reduced 2mg everyday. Within 7 days, I stopped taking suboxone and went to CBD isolate, T1s and clonidine. After 5 days, the withdrawal went away. With the suboxone, withdrawal was much easier then my previous time when I was on suboxone for 8 months. I need to stay strong this time. I'm sober!
@Kingsworld Luccicity you can slowly start integrating suboxone if you take 1 mg every morning and start taking a little more everyday. Until you are taking about 4 to 5 mgs. Then you can stop useing with no wds. But you have to make sure you do not use about 8 hrs prior to taking sub. Micro dosing. I have done it a few times
@@t0kigh02t7I'm starting Suboxone tomorrow after almost 30 years of opioid use Basically just morphine for the last several months Tired of the merry go round plus getting up in years How long did you have to use the Suboxone ?
I'm a addict 24 yrs on dome and heroin and meth and I'm tired.. I've hit rock bottom and Subload worked well first time but I was still using large amounts of Lyrica up to 1400mg a day so back I went to dome and I ain't got much will power left.. Good luck everyone and never stop trying
Im addicted to percs for two years now. And im wasting my life away. I was addicted to meth for twenty-something odd years before i started the Percs. I need to stop. Im missing out on my family life. Im a terrible burden on my father. And I just need to stop, i need to get clean. I was given a second chance at life and im throwing it away for this horrible drug. This video is so on point. Im going to seek treatment for this. Please wish me luck. Pray for me.
Checking in… Is your plan to taper a little bit, space between doses, or try something more dramatic? Whatever you do - please be safe. Never trust a pill, unless it comes from pharmacy. Sorry if I sound like I’m being bossy, even though I’m a total stranger lol
Thank you so much for this. I’m watching this as I’m ready to start. I’m flying my mom in town to help me. I’m locking myself in my room and my mom is going to help me.
I was clean 5yrs and had shoulder surgery all it took was one script, then after one week back to doing dope. Now I am at the crossroads again, and I'm gonna get through this.
Lance, surgery is a classic setup for relapse into opiate use. Don’t feel alone in that experience. Get back on the clean train and try again. Hit some online meetings. Made a big difference for me. Also, check out a blog I wrote about how dangerous surgery can be and what I had to do to prepare myself... link.medium.com/6IPerOlOSab
@@gerik.oliveras9739 I got sober again December 28th 2021. It's July 31 2023, I have completely turned my life around and put the pieces back together better and stronger than they were before.
You have motivated me to keep going I'm on day 10 already went through the sweats, diarrhea , throwing up, not eating , my choice was percs and I feel almost normal again im doing this it own with my husband he's my support and understand every minute of it holds me.back and helping me a better person it all started with an operation that pills took to another level Never thought this would happen to me thank you and keep posting videos
How’d it go ???? You got this !!!! I start tomorrow!!!! Super scary but super excited about kicking this habit !!!! My anxiety is through the roof !!! So anxious to kick this habit ! But scary not knowing wat to expect !!! Love reading these comments!! You people give others hope and motivation !
@@Postthisvideo gotcha .... I’m going on 11 days Clean n back to my normal gym routine . 4-5 days was bad ..... after that it’s a mind game . I’ve overcome that shit n right back on schedule like before
8 day clean today... Right behind you bruh. Your right first 3-4-5 days suck but after that it is a total mind game... I'm trying to get to day 30 finally and then beyond this time.
I'm on 5th day of detoxing from oxycotin and it isn't hitting me as hard because I tapered. I think tapering really does help minimize the issues of detoxing a lot. I can actually poop, not sweating as much, can actually sleep, my body doesn't feel like it is on fire, and I feel rather normal in some sense most of the time except for the fact I have nothing stopping the pain. So I avoid painful situations till my body actually can handle it normally again. DO NOT ACCEPT OXYCONTIN OR OXYCONDONE FROM YOUR DOCTOR!
How can I taper down ? I'm smoking m30s been smoking for 5 months now but before those 5 months I was sober for 5 months I relapsed 5 months ago been smoking about 10 blues a day but when I smoke them I really don't inhale much I release it quickly my friends tell me that I'm waisting it! But I need some help tapering off
Sir those are strong words of support. Itrs currently 1:AM AS I right this, I am 60 and my favorite drug is Roxycodone....I am detoxing myself and It is my 3rd day and I am having RLS and cannot sleep.....It is horrible....I want to scream...I knew this night would come..I have had 7 spine surgeries and I have always loved the drugs....I will break free...I will beat this...thank you for those words they are love....
Hang in there, I have RLS normally and I feel like I’m going crazy!!! I have neuropathy in both my feet and lower legs and have had RLS since 1996 on and off. It’s not fun and had tried all the non narcotic fixes until they weren’t working anymore. The oxycodone is the only thing that helps the pain and RLS. Am looking into thero
I’m praying for you. I’m on Percocet for chronic pain and have tried many other things before being put on Percocet. I’m on Percocet 15mg every 4 hours and am dependent on the medication even though I take them the way I’m supposed to! I don’t really know if I have any other options but I’m one to trying. Pray for me too!
This couldn't have been put together any better. He hit everything on the head & he didn't sell out in any kind of way. This information is true and from the heart
Man laying in my bed watching this felt like he was just talking to me and me alone I had tears coming down my face . Man he's a good man I feel.it in my soul this is what it means to be put on earth and help.people this man right here and so many more
A lot of it is mental , for 18 years I didn’t have the strength to ever get through withdrawals. Just 2 weeks ago I had enough , jumped off 70mg a day methadone over the past two years on top of heroin and for some reason I felt the physical withdraws but had no cravings at all. A week into withdrawals I was actually worried it was too easy and just hadn’t peaked but I felt better and steadily recovering. I’m 36 now it’s crazy I finally feel I can get on with life and do what I came to do.. after an 18 year opiate streak with no breaks I think I had enough, maybe matured a bit spiritually too
If any one has any hesitation about suboxone due to the high addiction rate of suboxone there is another drug called sublocade its the same ingredient of suboxone but an injection once a month i went from a 15 year heroin addiction to a 4 year suboxone addiction once i made the jump to sublocade after alot of hesitation i am now completely drug free and with sublocade i was able to come off it with out any withdrawal people dont realise but tyere is a big mental side to addiction due to taking something to make yourself better aswell with this injection it helped me also break the mentality of taking something so i do not get sick but you also really want to be clean ❤
@bellab8412 that's awesome to hear tbh that injection has given me a life with out chemical handcuffs there was a point where I felt like there was no way out but that injection gave me fresh start it is a game changer i came off it with not withdrawal at all
@@AN-sf5bm wow, that's so great to hear. Can I ask how long you stayed on the injections before coming off? Also were you on methadone to start with then switched to suboxone then to injection?
@bellab8412 yeah of course! Yeah I was on both for years and couldn't see myself ever coming off the lowest I could get to on suboxone was 2mg but with sublocade Injection I was off in 5 injections so took 5 months 😀
@@AN-sf5bm so awesome and you must feel proud of achieving this. Sorry to keep questioning you but you have done the exact path of getting of methadone that I am aiming for! I am worried about the switch from methadone to suboxone. I have heard it can be quite bad. I am only down to 40mg/8ml, would you suggest to keep going down? Thanks so much for replying to me.
Been off opioids for 5 months now. I promise you it gets better. The worst thing is while you’re going through it you think you won’t ever get through it. But you will. If you’re on pills, I highly suggest you taper down like I did. It helped me so much more. And taking pregablin for 10 days helped.
Tapering is crucial. When you're super sick take only a little to ease the pain and go as long as possible without. Repeat that and you can minimize a lot of withdrawal
winning yourself off they now have studies were people have seizures just like alcohol ..do not take a chance on doing or stopping opiates cold Turkey That's really dangeroud
@@kiddor909gmail the reason people have seizures is because most of the opiates in the street are laced with benzo. Opiates alone would not cause a seizure it's going dehydrated that causes a seizure
@@kiddor909gmail at least with opioids we have Suboxone, but with benzos that stuff you would need something like Klonopin to get off of Xanax or some long-acting benzo. Benzos are very dangerous, worse than opioids in terms of withdrawal
fantastic video, being in active addiction, this was the most informative and useful video I've found cruising the internet, thank you sir I plan to make a plan and seek recovery.
Thank you for doing this. Our family is struggling from a lack of knowledge, being manipulated by someone they think they know etc. It's a horror but certainly comforting to hear from people like yourself so clearly articulate what we are going through as if you were here with us. ..and I know that you are or you would not have taken the time to share what you did. God bless.
Tommy ..I'm about to detox on my own..in a flat with no one around..and this video has just give me the inspiration to go for it..I've been clean before..and I want to be clean again...after listening to you..I know I can get through it..thankyou!!
Also important to note- once having been physically addicted, each and every time a relapse occurs the body becomes addicted more easily. After a 20 year on and off fight, when I use even once I get drug sick. Progressive physically, not just mentally. Three futures for opoid addicts- (1)those who get hooked and once clean do what is necessary to keep it that way- (2)those who live in a get clean/use again cycle. (3) those who continue to use and use until they die. That's it. Those are the only scenarios.
Is it the relapses or is it just time of using? For instance if I used for 5 years where I was sick more then 20 times for more then a week so then feeling decent and then relapsed into addiction again. Vs someone who has been non stop using for 5 years with not many breaks at all where you quit long enough to be completely free from physical withdrawals before resuming use. Who’s single relapse after getting clean for a year would be worse?
Myself, I raised 3 kids, so once addicted, after a month or 2, would get clean. Except for subs etc I never stayed using nonstop for years on end. Usually my willingness for help came when my money ran out.
I feel like im bound to be a 2 but im striving to be a 1. I dont use IV only smoke. But that doesnt mean the devil creeps around the corner to grab when least ready. Ive been clean before 3 times, its always a situation that i couldve avoided when i relapse too. Wish me luck guys, thankyou
This is one of the best descriptions of how horrible going through with withdrawal really is. But one mistake these videos and former addicts make, is saying "Just do this, it's that simple" because it really isn't. The message really should be "Just try and try and try. No matter how many times you fail, just keep trying". Because that is actually the reality of it. I've been an addict twice in my life with many years in between. I was a very light user, but there's really no such a thing, except when comparing to other addicts. The only reason I bring that up, is because through both periods of my addictions, I knew hundreds of other addicts. Unfortunately, I have yet to know of one other addict that has been able to quit and stay clean. I'm not saying that it hasn't happened, maybe I just haven't heard of the success stories. My point is... being the lightest user I have ever come across, it was still the hardest thing I have ever gone through. Now I understand why I haven't known of one other addict that's made it, is because if it was that hard for me, I can't imagine what a heavier user would have to go through. It is the loneliest path, and truly a path you have to walk alone. The recovery process is way longer than I imagined or was ever told it would be. Having said this, I still hold out hope, because I know some will eventually make it through this incredibly difficult path.
this man is only giving his own opinion i did a methodone reduction plan and after 15 years on crack and heroin and after countless cold turkey attempts i have been clean for 3 years
So thoughtful and meaningful, thank you so much you don't appear to be just reading a script or saying what needs to be said to a camera but you actually seem like you care deeply about everyone affected including myself in such a personal way. Thank you again so much
Just the kind of words I needed .. About to get in that "room" tomorrow and give it all I have .. I don't have the luxury of getting myself into a program. Will have to do it by myself, Cold Turkey. I've let myself down too many times, it's about time that I pick myself up .. I've been in that "room" way too many times only to detox and stumble on my way to recovery, and relapse .. It's about time I break the habit, it's time to break this pattern .. Only concern I have is that I'm a have to keep "working from home" for my job,. At best I could take one sick leave, that's it.. But against all odds I'll rise, word to self! Dear God, please give me the strength to survive and thrive. Amen ☮️
The scary thing about suboxone is when taking fentanyl it doesn’t come out of your system as fast as heroine so when you take the suboxone it sends you into precipitated withdrawal and it’s way worse. As for me I want to quit so bad but I don’t have any support or anyone who I can trust or love me like that. I suffer in silence while secretly dealing with this addiction. God spare my life and give me the strength and courage to endure this alone.
I hear you loud and clear. I’m too ashamed to let anyone know my situation. Plus I found out who you thought were your long time friends won’t be there for you when you need them. I don’t steal, or commit crimes and never have. I was shut of percs for having blow in my blood work. After being on thirty mg, then down to twenty mg pills for many years, while working and dealing with back pain most of my 30s and 40s into my 50s. Even while getting my prescriptions of them I still bought them just to have more. When I was shut off in a blink of an eye, I was so bad I let someone introduce me to sniffing dope. Been doing that for a few years now and now that my wife of almost 30 years passed a way and I’m alone because of not wanting anyone to know. It’s a scary feeling being alone and have to go through it with no help. But after reading some comments and listening to people who have been there and done it, I don’t feel so bad all of a sudden. I have five packets that have strips you can cut into smaller portions. I’m finally out of junk to sniff. Now tomorrow morning I’m gonna try a little strip of suboxone and see what happens until the strips run out. Hopefully I will be clean and finally able to jump into my truck and me and dog can visit family that I haven’t seen in years. I hope you are doing well and are on your feet moving forward. I’m so desperate for a normal life back. Long over due. I’m so sick of the money I’ve wasted on crap, and the chances of getting caught buying off the street. Good luck to you and to all who are dealing with this lousy situation. Thanks for putting your comments and experiences out here for us who desperately need to know and what to expect. I’m very scared and yet so hopeful that I’m getting the chance to get my mind and body in a better place. Peace y’all
Running toward sobriety has been the challenge for me bc for so long and STILL it feels like opiates are my best friend - in that it’s there for me to escape all my negative feelings and thoughts about myself and my circumstances. Without it, I don’t like what I’m left with when I’m by myself and that’s the scary part that keeps me running back and I dread running out of the substance and having to deal with that knowing that I’m only going thru this bc ive run out of money so in my head I’m like ... well here we go, but it’s false bc I know I’m only detoxing right now bc I have to, not bc I want to. Right now, I have enough to last me another week but after that I don’t know what I’m gonna do until I get paid again and on top of that I have to make it through work. The problem is ... is that without it, it’s to the point now where, I have no motivation to do ANYTHING and the things I once found joy in, don’t provide that joy anymore. It’s like, I can’t be normal without it. You were so on point about if you don’t have the money to have that medical trifecta of medicine, and inpatient and human support. You DO need that room with a friend to rub your back and tell you that you’re a good person and people love you and that live IS worth living once you’re back on the otherwise. Detox and withdrawal are the absolute worst and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. But it’s necessary. I need that. I need TGIF room and I need that person. Bc that’s where I am right now and it’s scary as hell. I need help bc I don’t want to do this anymore. I have so much potential as a person but I know that it WILL go to the grave with me if I don’t get over my fear of life and other people and other peoples expectations of me, if I don’t turn this around and find the strength to want sobriety and the life that comes with that, more than I want the instant gratification of the evilest great escape of all time. Someone please help me. My email is imgxxd@gmail.com. Thank you for this video it’s exactly what I needed to hear right now. I can’t keep living this Zombie life ... it hurts too much and I’m tired of feeling like a disappointment.
you are NOT a disappointment, you deserve happiness and love. I wish you well, if you need anyone to talk to ive been clean for almost 6 years, i can send my email over if you respond to this
On day 11. Detoxed pretty hard first 4 days , nausea, cramps , spent most of the time in a hot bath . Been eating rice and ginger porridge, now I'm just at that stage where I can't sleep , haven't slept a wink in 3 days . This was a pretty long bender and I'm glad to be here, I just can't physically, mentally and financially sustain that tolerance buildup . I pray for all who make the decision to quit , it's hard . I'm paying for my mistake right now and it's punishment, and that's how I rationalize what I'm going through .
Been on for over 15 years, closer to 22 years, and I’m only 36; I’m on my fourth day of cold Turkey detox off fent, down and boot; hallucinations are unreal, the darkest imagery I’ve seen; my intestines were completely full of gunk for three days; now my muscles are crawling/ hot and cold same time; sweating with chicken skin; tried suboxone after five days of cold Turkey few weeks back and threw me straight in to precipitated wd. My health is fading fast because I can’t take care of myself; can’t eat, drink, use bathroom, sleep, sit-up, lay down, or do anything than suffer.
I’m going through everything you mention and the Hallucinations are totally freaking me out. I haven’t had solid food in over a week. I hope you’re ok. I know it’s hell. 😢
@@moeruss2726 nope. Dope sick as fuck. Trying to just come up with 12$ so I can get right. I can’t even take care of myself man. Idk what to do. I have to work tomorrow and I’m fucking dying. My guy won’t even see me for a ten. Trying to come up with another ten and two for gas. I can’t miss work tomorrow or imma be fucked man.
U are so right!! I hope one day I will choose recovery. It's so bad for me. I'm 53 yrs old and have been on opiates since 2006. My arms and legs are so ate up with this new tranq dope. I do want my life back. I just don't understand why I don't want it bad enough.
Hey Christine. Sounds like you've been on a journey. It's difficult to recover alone. When your ready, we would love to support you in recovery-- check out www.r20.com for our free meetings and other offerings.
“I do want my life back, I just don’t understand why I don’t want it bad enough” hit me like a ton of bricks 😢 praying for your continued healing. You can do this! ❤
Day 33 from a dark relapse from crack cocaine nd alcohol. 6 ½ months heroin, methadone and benzo free.U got me tru da darkest of days n my withdrawal and have been such a support without u even knowing how much u have helped me heal. N.a 12step programme, sponsor nd daily meditation, gratitude list nd my just for today.. 25yrs of addiction nd im now free. Id suggest to any1 struggling to use all recovery 2.0s suggested things. Its worth it and u will get this. Keep coming back. Much love from Dublin Ireland 🇮🇪 ❤️ ♥️
You are absolutely correct when it comes to Suboxone, after 22 years of taking prescription pain medications it works wonderfully!! Eliminating the horrible effects of detoxification. Thank you for sharing your story !!
I'm about to take this monday. I've been taking 2 pills a day 80mg oxy. Please help with how I should take this. Should I do 14 days and get off of it or take long term
Best recommendation ever ,im 2 day in ,going cold turkey,being asian make it tough ,but i have family that loves me ,.i dont have to worry bout money homes ,if i can overcome this i will take my place in family bussinus.
My boyfriend has been with me throughout my addiction & this tough transition.. he told me , the hardest part isn’t the withdrawal & detox although that is so tough , it’s staying off of it that’s even harder part & I find this to be tru.. getting off subs has been harder than anything I’ve ever done.. We can do this!! Praying for us and thank you so much for sharing this !
Hello sir am going through every thing literally everything what you spoke . I thought I was ok on my 10th day , but still I have aches , sleepless nights , very night . But am fighting it out for myself and for my woman . Hope I be ok sir . Hope .......
Sivakumar Balaka where are you located? Please hang in there. It may sound simplistic but drink a lot of water, fresh juices and begin to eat as healthy as you can. Also, sweat! Exercise or sauna. And hot baths. Sweat it out. You will feel better as long as you drink a lot of water and herbal tea and juices.
Try tylenol pm. It is an over the counter regular tylenol pain and sleep aid for aches at night that is non addictive. Melatonin doesn't help me but maybe it can help you. It's an all natural sleep aid.
Addiction is doing that one thing every day that you don’t want to do! The good news is that Recovery is possible!! I have faith in all of you out there going through this. I’ve been there too and at this moment I’m almost 8 months clean!
I took the last perc and started crying uncontrollably this morning because I’ve been here to many times with weeks to wait for the new script. I thank you so much for this video. I’m terrified of being without forever? I feel I can’t function without these damn pills.(sorry) I so want and have to stop this but can not go to my family nor do I have funds to hit rehab. I’ve done come off these soo many times waiting for the next script. Do you regain hope and are you normal without the crutch or will I fall over because without them, I feel I can’t do anything. Any success stories, I’d really appreciate. Running scared.... thanks and have a blessed life.
I’ve been on methadone for years , and it cause I wanted to stop taking pills. I thought I would only be on methadone for a little while. I regret getting on this nightmare drug!! I’m so tired of living this life. I can’t afford a good rehab and I want to live normally, no drugs! Pls God help me!
Taper down, I've been on methadone for the 16th year...I joined the m clinic in 2008, It took me 8 to 9 months to get up to 120mg......stayed at that level for 3 to 4 years....tapered down slowly to 45 mg this May, in September I asked the Lord Jesus to deliver me from methadone as I seen world War 3 coming plus as a Bible believer the scripture says " he who the Son sets free is free indeed" I lost the desire to stay on methadone any longer and take more like I used to and started to drop couple of mgs every few days coz as of today iam at 12 mg....I know I got a little ways to go dropping at 1 mg per week now but that's my journey
I needed somebody that understood. Coming off Suboxone of five years and I had to immediately stop it because it was causing cardiac arrhythmias so there was no weaning down. I just hit 73 hours and I’m starting to feel it but I needed this video because I was done a year ago and I want it off so this is like a blessing in disguise. I am doing it with comfort meds in my home and I can’t wait to be off of all of it. I will do what I have to do because the reward will be so great.
My new year res. Here it comes "god,lead me not too temptation, but deliver me from evil", amen, and for bless this gentleman for you have spoken life into me and I will make it through too the other side!
I have been a heroin addict for 1 and a half year already and have been wanting to stop taking heroin and become clean and have tried to recover so many times but i always relapse again and i am tired of it and hate myself for it...Can you please help me to overcome my addiction and become clean from heroin for the rest of my help. Please i really need help. 😢😞🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
@david zote hi I hope n pray you are clean now. It is hard but it’s not impossible trust me I’m in the exact same position like yourself been using for under 3 years I don’t know why I done it but now I’ve had enough it’s took everything away from me all my happiness my family life my social life everything is gone but today is my day I’m done with this shit I’m stronger than this I’m gna get my life back I am not wasting my life away so please you too peoples don’t waste your lovely life on this worthless crap. Let’s all get together an fight against this evil we can do it the pain is 3/4 days n then it’s all in the brain so let’s get strong n keep thinking how we had a beautiful life before we started this shit. An kratom is a good solution too that can be really helpful I’ve been told so I’m gonna give that a try in the morning. Feel free to reply back pray for each other’s let’s all get better with the help from our lord Ameen.
Tony, I knew two minutes in (less) that you'd been through it personally. How? Your empathy. It's certainly not the majority of people who have empathy for addicts, no matter what their drug of choice is. I've been on the treadmill of junk, pills, for 22 years. Each time I go through withdrawal, my aging body tells me, "One of these times, I'm gonna stop...we've had it, haven't YOU?" You spoke the truth in a visceral, no bullshit fashion which I appreciate. I HEARD you. Whatever happens with me, THANKS. Shalom.
I'm fortunate enough to have subs after a month bender and 5 ye clean , however hard it is your need to speak on how u feel ask from for help I'm a benzonopiate from oxycontin to fet and h and all in between .Give it just three days with these meds I promise u your soul awakens, as an addict I have a strong will, where there's a will there's a way stay strong . Thank you recovery 2.0 one day one minute at a time. Be honest! Your. Are not special nor will u ever be alone!
I am scared to take the suboxone to quickly. I am on 6 30mg fet. Ingesting and smoking. I was clean for 6 years, and I relapsed hard. I want to be clean again. Life was so much better. Thanks for your help
Amazing video!! Must watch...... So true. I’m on day 13 off fentanyl. Also look up detoxing and using Gabapentin- helped me unbelievably. Loved what you said about Suboxone!!
Gabbys are Fuckin fire dude. Unfortunately I moved states then ran out of my stash within a week and had to stop cold. Now on day 4, no sleep. First night I took a suboxone and it made everything a million times worse, and had to stay in a tent during a storm. Was freezing cold getting up to shit in the woods while dying from that was literal torture
12 years clean after a 14 year pill, cocaine, and heroin addiction. I started 15 years ago today checking into my first rehab. I've done a total of 17 rehabs including for PTSD. This was a very long road. I just got out of the day 2 of the Awaken 2023 31 day yoga challenge, and I will be present every day at 8am CST here until the challenge is over, an Tommy mentions the fact that many years into recovery and sobriety we suffer from the impact of addiction through our vibrational frequencies... I know this as codependency and narcissism. Recovery and the tools that we learn on our new life path, are phenomenal modalities of healing, and we continue to use them as life is still happening, and the terms and conditions that it presents are not so favorable... keep up the great work and know that you can make it through, don't fall victim to the ignorance, prejudice, denial, and projections of the world, and take it easy on yourself. recovery is about the development of your character, and it's extremely important to do a reality check and remain humble, honest, open an willing to evolve beyond the thinking, attitudes and behaviors of our addictive minds and vibrational frequencies that pull us into the shame and fear that causes these defective character traits.
I'm on 100mg of slow release morphine Am , and 100mg morphine Pm , and I have had enough of this now . I have it for pain so I feel stuck . 18 years I've been on this shit
I am an Ob/Gyn MD of 22yrs (and an alcoholic in recovery) who changed to working in the Mental Health and Addiction field in which I worked (supervised without training) over the past year. I prescribed suboxone for use long term for many people as it is a current accepted practice in many places. It never sat well with me and your video has made me realize that my innate dislike of this makes sense. Thank you very much!
Molly Romary I'm an addict of 25 years and your gut feeling of this not being the perception wonder drug it was sold to us as is completely correct. Im still struggling and have tried suboxone several times to no avail.
Babylon falling I went and tried to get gabbys but he said there on the list of dangerous drugs that cannot be given to addicts or users in the UK when I saw the list its literally every drug that works even remotely to relieve you from opiate withdrawal. At the moment im so tired of being addicted I seriously contemplating an offence to get money to go to a thi land rehab it's 4grand so the offence is a heavy one. Thanks for having true incite into addiction, plus the your comments on the pain clinic and marines guarding opium fields ring so true.
Babylon falling the only way here is to find 5 thousand pounds for private doctors ive done it and you don't even need to ask they give you everything I seriously know drug dealers that have more morality. But if you're ill and can afford it you can be mediated and function normally in society. If not your having to buy heroin under the darkness like thousands of other. Ive never known it so prolific. A rock and a hard place buddy.
Babylon falling what's a convincing way to portray neuropathy to my doctor when I have tried to get gabbys before its been impossible unless I have nerve damage combined with any serious permanent physical injury is the only way to aquire them.btw I really appreciate you taking the time to reach out and parlay as you do, your a serious breath of fresh air and inspired input without an agenda is truly motivating. God bless you and please keep it up!
Babylon falling absolutely awesome my friend, I'll get it together a little more and let you know what the game plan is. So far I've got my heart set on going to Europe from the UK to give me distance from the opiates and as a way of mentally committing to the task at hand.
I'm about to go into detox. Tonight will be day 1, feel so helpless but I hope i can look back to this moment and say I'm sober to save my life, fitness and relationship.
I was really fortunate to be able to detox at a treatment facility that detoxes patients safely under nursing care. I detoxed from benzos first with librium, then opiates with subboxone. What a hell it was, but I'm glad to be in recovery!
I've been on heroin from 27 to 43yrs old an truth be told im in my bathroom here in Chicago doing heroin rite now, quiting will be the hardiest thing i have every done i have gave up on praying to God an instead of praying i started begging the Good Lord to free me from this hell, i have no one to blame but myself but at the sametime i have enablers an they dont want me to keep using but they dont want me 2 go 2 jail either , so the hardiest thing 2 do is leave my kids an family i have 2 run away high so i want come home low, to all of the people who are going through this hell ill pray 4 yall an please do the same for me thx an GOD BLESS U AN YOUR!
4 months clean,,8mg of methadone,, working my way down 1mg every 2 weeks,,now I'm fighting to get off of methadone,,it's the worst ,,find another if can ,,I never went above 25mg ,, they don't warn at the clinics about the danger,,God bless and it's worth it,,I feel my natural endorphins kicking back, God bless you all beautiful people
I’m 11 days clean from fentanyl, in my 3 years of doing opiates I’ve always detoxed on my own using suboxone I buy off people, I use a 1/3 of a 8mg strip per day of withdrawal usually I can deal whit out after day 3. Not this time. I had to take 8mg whole strip and 2mg piece off another strip just for the first day the withdrawals were crazy. This fentanyl is getting stronger no joke is soooo bad stay away not even one time !!!! no sleep first 4 days from the discomfort detoxing is always scary but just know there is light on the other side just hold on a few days!!!
Yeah I’d also like to know when you started taking the subs. Last time I quit is when it was still heroin. Now I’ve been on fent for 3 years and having tried subs once not too long ago, I ended up in precipitated WD, which never happened when I was doing dope. I have to quit or I’ll honestly kill myself. Not from using but like, I can’t cope with how depressing the constant run around trying to get money and then trying to get high...shits not sustainable ...
@@williamlearyjrcustomsheetm725 hey brother, I hope you have been able to get clean. I feel the emotions you feel being a heroin addict for about 5 years now. Stay strong and even if you are still using, know that we are not unique creatures, many have come before us and have gotten clean. Prayers for you.
@@williamlearyjrcustomsheetm725 do not take Suboxone when coming off fent. Wait till you are sweating so bad and have the chicken skin. I mean wait till you can't take it nomore right before you give up. That's when you take Suboxone. Any sooner the Suboxone sends you into pw.
Hey .. im in day 6 or 7 .. I feel better.. but still low blood pressure.. headache... Feeling like vomiting.. and i smell a weird smell everywhere which is killing me .. n im thinking a bout my life .. what i did.. what i had to do n every decision i made .. and I'm doing this process alone .. cuz i came to another r country to live .. ( Which i regret now.. it would be much better if i did this before) .. I'll write an update evey week ..
Neda, I'm so glad you are feeling better. Please please please come to one of our online meetings. You do not have to be alone. We will welcome you with open arms. Support is available. Meetings are free to attend. Hope to see you there. Love, --Tommy r20.com/meetings
17days today clean from fentanyl i waited 66hours from the last time I did fentanyl before I took my first sub and felt great now im just waiting for my appointment to come up so I can get the sublocade shot and get my life back trust me i was nervous during detox but when I went into the rehab other people were there going through the same thing as me and everyone said that itll get better with time which they were right but i never want to put my body thru that again
I’ve been documenting my methadone detox. From 160mgs a day to 0. I’m now almost 3 years methadone free!! Healing vibes to all who read this!!! 💪💪💪💪✌️✌️❤️
@@kashkumar369 awesomeness! I have a couple questions. How long have you been taking methadone? What was your max daily dose? How old are you? What was it prescribed for? I understand if you don’t feel comfortable answering these questions but they do matter. I’m not a doctor but I can give you some advice based on my own experiences with methadone. I’m 3 years methadone free and loving it. Lmk what you think and I’ll be sending healing vibes, love and prayers!!!💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️❤️
@@kashkumar369How are you doing lately my friend? Tips…I can’t say as I am not a doctor. Otherwise I’d let you know what helped me at least. Over 3 years methadone free and loving it. Lmk how you are doing and I’ll be sending healing vibes, love and prayers!!💪💪💪💪✌️💪💪💪💪💪✌️✌️❤️
@@kashkumar369 How are you doing my friend? Only tips I can say on yt is eating right, exercising and sunshine! Lmk how you are doing and we can chat more. Sending healing vibes, love and prayers!!!💪💪💪💪💪✌️✌️✌️✌️❤️
You got this! Just try to remember it won't last that long. I've been clean off of heroin for 2 years and sublocade for 3 months and I swear I've never felt more alive than when I was a kiddo. Peace n love 💕
You are a beautiful person brother. I linked this to my mum hopefully she might get a better understanding of what I'm going through. Day 3 on suboxone now.. In the horrors but you have really helped me alot and for that I thank you!
How are you doing today? I’ve quit a few times over the years for anywhere from 90 days to 2 years. I’ve been back on for almost 3 years and I got high this morning. I’ve got a few subs put together and have finally found the desire to give life another chance. If I don’t start feeling like shit real soon, then tomorrow will no doubt be a rough one. Hope you’re doing well, stay strong.
I agree with him, Suboxone should only be used for the initial withdrawal period ( 7-14 days). I was prescribed Suboxone for over a year and it started working against me which led to relapse. Suboxone was a harder kick than heroin. I also like his analogy of approaching recovery as if you're on fire and approaching a pond.
Today is my 2nd day of without drugs n after watching u m soo much happy n motivated ..Pray for me
How are you doing today?
I hope you got through it and are doing better in your life.
How are you doing now?(:
I'm happy for you in making that choice in ending your addiction. How long did you us for?
@algol29 and Suboxone is a nightmare to come off of also..
I think it's a good idea if it is taken as intended, only while going through withdrawal and then wean right off of it within one month.
for long-term use I would say Kratom is a way better alternative because it's natural and has antioxidants and will not cause the same issues as Subs will.
Once you get through the withdrawals and your body has almost fully regulated itself, you feel almost like a natural high. I used to remind myself that "you beat the addiction, be proud" I would literally feel giddy. Its an amazing feeling not to be enslaved to a drug.
Oh how I envy you, I'm fed up of being an addict but its the withdrawal fear that is holding me back from rising to your status.
@@limayaden8458you can do it!!! I myself have to get off Suboxone and am considering Kratum but I have heard mixed reviews
They call that the pink cloud. You still good
@@limayaden8458Get some Kratom, it works WONDERS for opiate withdrawal cause it binds to the opioid receptors & tricks your brain. It will also help with your mood, strains like “super indo” is great for your mood
I came off fentanyl alone and was extremely sick for about a month before it got any better. After that I still felt pretty bad for 2 weeks to a month. Now I've been clean almost 5 months. That was hands down the hardest thing I have ever done but the most worth it. To anyone going through it does get better if you stick to it and if nobody else has told you I'm proud of you!!! Keep it up
No I am truly proud of you Great job keep giving hope ❤
People who haven't been through it don't realize just how long a month is when it's 24 hours and just one minute feels like 60 minutes. Bravo for you.
Starting my self it’s my I don’t even know how many times I’ve done medical detox and rehab I have all the tools and I never used the medicine in rehab I always thug it out with the pain but I’m gonna be doing this on my own now at home with help from family cus I’m done paying for treatment and I’m ready to stay clean longer then 2 years already please wish and pray for me if you do pray
@B_Bodziak thank u brother coming of 20yrs of methdone and heroin feeling like crap but hanging in there u give me hope thank u stay well
Hope you’re still staying healthy! I’m starting my journey today 🙏🏽
Day 20 today fentanyl and heroin free and I’m still struggling but you summed it up 100% accurately opioids kill ALL physical and EMOTIONAL pain which is why so many of us get addicted. The downside is you feel HORRIBLE pain whenever you don’t have it
How do you feel now??? praying for fast healing
How did you stop
Defibnitely psyched for you to have gotten through the physical hell of it. Please believe me when I tell you there is a place of absolute freedom that can be attained by truly getting into recovery and working a program. I fought this idea kicking and screaming, but when I finally let go of my unwillingness, I attended a few meetings and started to get better. Please check into this possibility. Meetings are free. come on over. r20.com/meetings
How are you doing friend ? How many days did it take to stop the discomfort from the FENT? Did I take Suboxone?
@@Recovery20 I think that for long term addiction to opiates, it must change something in your brain chemistry... and for some, I think it's permanent or semi-permanent. I do think there are a select few that may need subs long term, but it should be a very cautious path. Suboxone is the only thing that has kept me "free" and I've been taking it for 5 full years next month. Ten months ago, I decided to not take my addiction doc's advice and stay on 12.3mg/mo. I keep going every month and paying 100% out of pocket, but I reduce my daily total dosage every 6 weeks. I've been at 4mg for 6 weeks and will go to 3.5mg tomorrow. I hate that I'm not being completely honest with him, and I don't have an issue with me taking it for another decade. But, it's 175/month to see him and 472/no for the Suboxone Rx (which is down from my 845 before asking to switch from Zubsolv -- why he prescribed Zubsolv for 3 years knowing I was paying out of pocket instead of Suboxone, is beyond me. When I asked, his wife, the nurse, spoke up and said patients prefer the taste of Zubsolv over Suboxone. She didn't fully believe me when I told her how much it costs, but looked it up online during a visit and found out that the 845 I was paying was the lowest price available). Tangent. Sorry. Anyway, that's how I landed on your video. This has me wondering if the doc really has to see me every 28 days because regulations won't allow him to see me every 3 months and write prescriptions with refills or if that's not true. I suppose I could research it to find out, but I would hate to think I've been purposely lied to just to have more appointments.
I watched this video over 20 times during my detox 7 months off heroin now thank you so much
COngrats Michael, You are free!!! Please keep going. You are a miracle. --Tommy
Well done Michael god bless you
Well done!! Kudos to you!! You are an inspiration!!💜
That’s outstanding dude keep it going.
So much love to everyone going through any phase of addiction. I wish the best for us all
Love this support.
I watch this my 12th day into my withdrawal off of Fentanyl I thought I was worth nothing and felt like absolute crap and didn't think this was in after watching this I had full confidence that the fogginess and depression was going to end and it did now a month and 2 weeks clean
So incredibly proud of you
I am so proud of you. ❤🧚🏻♀❤
Man no words. You can do anything!!!!
How bad was the withdrawal? I’m trying to kick it
Praying For Everyone Going Thru This!!! Better days are always ahead if you work for it! It's always the price we pay for the life we choose good or bad..
Not everyone closes this.
I'm dying I can't see straight I am sharing crying and feel a zombie
Two years ago? Are you ok?
This guy is awesome! Quitting heroin/ oxycodone/ Xanax/ codiene/ alcohol was the most toughest thing in my life. But today I’m in a better place because I got to that point of desperation and realized how I was powerless over those drugs and my life became unmanageable. That was my first step in recovery! And I pray if your going through it that you surround yourself with the right people and you realize you can do it! My sponsor told me the same thing that you must approach your recovery just as you approached your drug abuse. I used to go to any lengths to get my drugs. And so now I try my best (I’m not perfect In any manner) to go to any lengths to get my meetings in even when I’m tired or burnt out. There is hope and you can do this! (:
If you think that was hard try quitting suboxone or methadone. Do not fall prey to these drugs, do not listen to anyone praising subs for long term, you will never quit this drug. It is new age OxyContin, incredibly aggressive marketing and prescribing, all for profits. They don’t give a fuck about you they just want to keep you hooked on any drug they can, there is nothing good about being a slave to any drug, if you use subs for longer then 7 days the devil will have you and do his best to never let you go, may god be with you all
Wooooohoo! Thanks for sharing your story. How are you now?
Bless you❤. You have the desire to be well. That's all it takes, and 12 steps will help like a lifeline,Just for Today daily readings were my go to and everyday the reading for the day would play out somehow somewhere and I'd spit it,my awareness returned,my desire to want to be better than sick became more and more desirable.....this day is another clean way and a beautiful true natural high. Congratulations,every day❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!!!❤
Here I go... Day 1...wish me luck
Hey buddy how's it going are U winning the battle.??? Hope your going well and are off the pills,, if not just keep trying you'll get there!!!. RESPECT
You got this
How are you doing Ernie
Have you overcome and clean now???
How are you?
This was the hardest and most painful thing I have ever gone through. Been off of opiates now for 10 years
sure you have, never a moment of relapse right? I wish I believed you. Good luck.
@@themudpit621 I'm sorry you have let the darkness and negativity take hold of you. I don't recall stating I never relapsed so why would you assume that from what I wrote. I said it was the hardest thing I ever went through because I tried to quit so many times and failed after being clean for 2 weeks or a month that it really messed with my self esteem and I also lost everything because of this drug including relationships with my parents and siblings who I still only speak to a few times a year and haven't seen some of them in more than 5 years now. I have nephews I have never met. You really shouldn't just assume something then start talking shit to that person about stuff they never said...
yes Mistergarrett that's how I read your comment that you've been "on and off them for over 10 years"... I didnt hear you say "you've been off now for over 10 years "
@@corrinaamato8805 Sorry for the typo. I corrected my comment.
Congratulations! That's a huge win. Thanks for sharing with us. :)
I’ve just burst into tears all I can say is THANK YOU
i was about to give up and then watched this thank you so much
TINCHO never give up. You do not realize how loved and special you are. Hang in there, get with a teacher and community and heal.
Tincho if your serious about stopping look up kratom dont do subs or methadone trust me
Hang in there buddy
thanks for all the answers. there's no such thing as methadone here in Argentina. opioids are not that commonly used to treat severe pain or stuff like that. i'm doing okay but really dont know what to do about the cravings. tysm for the responses i felt so good when i read them after months :)
i will look up for kratom as well. hope y'all are doing good too❤
@@bronxi4656 Never give up trying to give up my friend. I am praying for you 🙏 much love
God bless you for trying to help others. I've been through withdrawal before and I thought I was gonna die. I lost 12 lbs in two days! It's no joke. BUT...after day four I started feeling better. It's a long road, but YOU CAN DO IT!! AND LEANING ON GOD WILL HELP YOU MORE THAN YOU KNOW. My thoughts and prayers are with anyone that's trying to quit using. It is sooo worth it. Just keep telling yourself that it will get better...it will get easier with each hour that passes. I KNOW it's hard and you think there's no end...but you can and will get through it! God bless and keep you all!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤
1 week = 10000 minutes
@@rainmanj9978 I was taking only prescribed meds.. I have had four back surgeries.. at the time I was taking 60mg of oxycodone per day and 3600mg of neurontin and 90mg of valium...I got sick with the stomach flu and couldn't keep anything down...it was horrible..I thought I was gonna die..
@@ginasfavorites258 wait.. you felt better after 4 days of withdrawal? 😭 I wish .... I did 8 days cold turkey & lost 7 Ibs. Literally felt like I was slowly dying, no appetite, no energy. Fatigue as hekk. Just prayed & prayed honestly.. I ended up getting on suboxone bc I wasn’t eating anything but an orange a day & was shaking bc my body was getting no nutrients.. I only take .5 mgs. I tried 2mgs & it was way too much for me. So .5 mgs. I needed something to atleast eat. 💔
@@lifewithdri God bless you. I hope you are doing well now.
@@ginasfavorites258 thank you 💕 after taking that .5mg today I was able to eat around 10pm of not eating anything all day. Literally shaking putting food on my mouth. I feel so much better now. I just can’t wait to be off of it & feel like myself without anything. 🙏🏽
24 hours in! It’s so hard….. and ugh I wished I never got into… but I need to for my mom, mh girl, and especially for me! Lord please help me!
Kratom! 7 grams 4 times a day. 4 days later I was off after 16 years and 16 mg a day for bake pain.
@@sewskateswhich type of kratom? There’s a few don’t know which to do
Omg listen to this is scary enough and I haven’t stop taking them yet I really really want too stop . God please help
Hey there saw ur post. How u doing ? Did u get off ur opioids? I’m in day 11 cold turkey 14yr suboxone addiction. Was on high dose. I couldn’t taper so I quit cold. Withdrawal is rough but let me tell u - def doable. Just be prepared to not sleep. Been week now no sleep. Started taking Gabapentin and finally relief of withdrawal syndrome. Let me know if u need help.
Hold on baby
Carlos Lehder Hi there Carlos I’m a chronic pain patient that’s been on opioid for 13yrs straight and have been they withdrawal about 8times and each time gets worse,,I use loperamide ,grapefruit juice ,protein shakes and low dose codeine liquid which makes it bearable. Well Done your doing the rite thing for your health,, drs don’t tell u this But these addictions All End In Accelerated Death. Kidney function and All hormones and reward centres of the brain are nearly Forever Changed Your A new Person Now!.👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Carlos Lehder And How was the gabapentin.??? Did it help All of your withdrawals Subside.???
Respect Bro Have an Amazing Day.!!! From Australia
LIMITLESS FourEight it did help a little. I did find tho that if u take too much it takes away the pain but don’t plan on working. Talk about feeling drugged. Lol. Good feeling tho. In day 15now. Still in some WD. Best thing I’ve found so far is Xanax 1mg and a ambien or lunesta. Also some thc n cbd has helped the long long nights. Thanks!!! Appreciate the support.
I'm 24hrs off mainly hydrocodone. It's not fun right now. I've stumbled upon this video and I watched it without a blink. I stared at the video and did my best to take ever word in. I told my parents today what they've known for a long time. Mom and dad pleaded with me to find it in myself to stop this. My mom cried in front of me. I have a girlfriend who's also addicted .. it started out as fun and now it's gotten bad. I'm starting to "realize" and open my eyes and our whole drive home from mom and dads, I spoke with her to try and open hers. Thank you for this video I needed to hear this.
Word of advice having addicted couples dont last long when they both try and get clean
Today is my 7th day sober I took the route of methadone got off at 2mg…I’m still struggling I’m not out of the woods just yet!
I’m dooing alone I’m too ashamed to ask my girlfriend for help
I feel like it’s my burden and mine alone .
Thankyou for the inspiration I hope I’m in the clear soon
There are programs that should help Good luck
@daneanderson2689 Hey dane how bad was the withdrawal when you quit at 2mg and how long ??
Bro you should tell your girl. If I had to guess I'd bet she'd appreciate your honestly.. sorry I'm not trying to be rude or anything but I bet she'd understand. I hope you're okay
@@blameks9136 i should of bro..idk i have to much pride lol..im off the sauce and living life loving every second of it tho lol the struggle reminds us not to ever go back
I'm the same 1week of methdone doing it alone the paranoia and anxiety is bad but still going wishing everyone going through this best of luck
I am 27 hours in. And come across your video. I can’t thank you enough.
This is seriously the best description I've ever heard anyone give on withdrawal..
Yes, it does literally feel like you are on 🔥
Tommy is such an amazing teacher, i hope everyone who struggles with these substances can get the help they need and live a better life.
Thank you for the support. We hope the same, that's why we do what we do!
thank you so much!!!!! im documenting my fight against opiates and methadone! thank you-- im starting my taper and running away from death and towards life!!!!! anyone can do it----it's a tough week or two but you can do it!!! ONE DAY AT A TIME!!! i believe in you all!!!!!!! LOVE AND PEACE
John Schaefer how do you taper off opiates
John Schaefer, I Totally Agree with You!!!😊♥️ I’ve got 1 year and six months clean time, now. The fight of stopping, is So Worth It!!!♥️
Jon walker
John Schaefer I believe in you. I know you can do it. Keep going. Get treatment and support.
With Love, -Tommy
Methadone is the worst opiate to come off of. I'd be counting a month for the acute withdrawals.
After listening to you my mind is a little more at ease, I've been using heroine since I was 19 I'm in my 30s now and lost my father suddenly and my mother is not in great health!! So as of Friday I'm going to start my home detox and this time for good!!! No looking back!!!! Xx
How is everything going ? Praying for you God bless
How's it going?
At least being on fire kills you, or makes you pass out. With withdrawal, you feel everything. You cant sleep, and youre awake for it all....
So yeah, Id much rather be on fire...
Ambien helps
I don't know I'm a long term heroin addict and I've been through some hellish withdrawals .but having suffered a bad scalding from boiling water ,I can say the pain level is a lot worse .but as a long term suffering yes opiate withdrawal is def some of the worst experiences a person can go through. Anyone that compares it to a bad case of flu has never been through it .flu is a lot easier and you can still sleep ...rant over lol.
I got off 120 mg a day of oxycodone with almost no withdrawal thanks to gabbapentin
@@jamesmcnaughton5092 I'm taking 900 mg of Gabba a night and it DOESNT DO SHIT FOR ME
@@Jett-King try some throughout the day as well, good luck
You're absolutely right about suboxone! I went from 12mg and reduced 2mg everyday. Within 7 days, I stopped taking suboxone and went to CBD isolate, T1s and clonidine. After 5 days, the withdrawal went away. With the suboxone, withdrawal was much easier then my previous time when I was on suboxone for 8 months. I need to stay strong this time. I'm sober!
What was your drug of choice & How much we're you using on the daily basis ? And how long did you wait from last drug Usage to start taking your subs?
@Kingsworld Luccicity you can slowly start integrating suboxone if you take 1 mg every morning and start taking a little more everyday. Until you are taking about 4 to 5 mgs. Then you can stop useing with no wds. But you have to make sure you do not use about 8 hrs prior to taking sub. Micro dosing. I have done it a few times
@@t0kigh02t7I'm starting Suboxone tomorrow after almost 30 years of opioid use Basically just morphine for the last several months Tired of the merry go round plus getting up in years How long did you have to use the Suboxone ?
I'm a addict 24 yrs on dome and heroin and meth and I'm tired.. I've hit rock bottom and Subload worked well first time but I was still using large amounts of Lyrica up to 1400mg a day so back I went to dome and I ain't got much will power left.. Good luck everyone and never stop trying
On my first day of heroine, been up since 3 this morning. Your words make me look forward to coming out the other end, thankyou.
How's it going mate?
You got this!! 👍🏽👍🏽😘😘
Im addicted to percs for two years now. And im wasting my life away. I was addicted to meth for twenty-something odd years before i started the Percs. I need to stop. Im missing out on my family life. Im a terrible burden on my father. And I just need to stop, i need to get clean. I was given a second chance at life and im throwing it away for this horrible drug. This video is so on point. Im going to seek treatment for this. Please wish me luck. Pray for me.
Checking in… Is your plan to taper a little bit, space between doses, or try something more dramatic? Whatever you do - please be safe. Never trust a pill, unless it comes from pharmacy. Sorry if I sound like I’m being bossy, even though I’m a total stranger lol
I hope it worked out for you
Thank you so much for this. I’m watching this as I’m ready to start. I’m flying my mom in town to help me. I’m locking myself in my room and my mom is going to help me.
I was clean 5yrs and had shoulder surgery all it took was one script, then after one week back to doing dope. Now I am at the crossroads again, and I'm gonna get through this.
Lance, surgery is a classic setup for relapse into opiate use. Don’t feel alone in that experience. Get back on the clean train and try again. Hit some online meetings. Made a big difference for me. Also, check out a blog I wrote about how dangerous surgery can be and what I had to do to prepare myself... link.medium.com/6IPerOlOSab
Lance uppercut how is going, I hope well
@@gerik.oliveras9739 I got sober again December 28th 2021. It's July 31 2023, I have completely turned my life around and put the pieces back together better and stronger than they were before.
You have motivated me to keep going I'm on day 10 already went through the sweats, diarrhea , throwing up, not eating , my choice was percs and I feel almost normal again im doing this it own with my husband he's my support and understand every minute of it holds me.back and helping me a better person it all started with an operation that pills took to another level Never thought this would happen to me thank you and keep posting videos
How’d it go ???? You got this !!!! I start tomorrow!!!! Super scary but super excited about kicking this habit !!!! My anxiety is through the roof !!! So anxious to kick this habit ! But scary not knowing wat to expect !!! Love reading these comments!! You people give others hope and motivation !
@@toyonation827 this is worst case scenario. 100% not the case with everyone.
@@Postthisvideo gotcha .... I’m going on 11 days Clean n back to my normal gym routine . 4-5 days was bad ..... after that it’s a mind game . I’ve overcome that shit n right back on schedule like before
8 day clean today... Right behind you bruh. Your right first 3-4-5 days suck but after that it is a total mind game... I'm trying to get to day 30 finally and then beyond this time.
@@toyonation827 how are you doing? I hope well
I'm on 5th day of detoxing from oxycotin and it isn't hitting me as hard because I tapered. I think tapering really does help minimize the issues of detoxing a lot. I can actually poop, not sweating as much, can actually sleep, my body doesn't feel like it is on fire, and I feel rather normal in some sense most of the time except for the fact I have nothing stopping the pain. So I avoid painful situations till my body actually can handle it normally again. DO NOT ACCEPT OXYCONTIN OR OXYCONDONE FROM YOUR DOCTOR!
Smart. Tapering especially a hard taper where you can take some pain is so so crucial
@@SAMEntalhealth how do you recommend a hard taper I’ve been struggling…
What was ur tapering routine pls
I tapered slowly off. Every month I cut the amount I took in half.
How can I taper down ? I'm smoking m30s been smoking for 5 months now but before those 5 months I was sober for 5 months I relapsed 5 months ago been smoking about 10 blues a day but when I smoke them I really don't inhale much I release it quickly my friends tell me that I'm waisting it! But I need some help tapering off
Sir those are strong words of support. Itrs currently 1:AM AS I right this, I am 60 and my favorite drug is Roxycodone....I am detoxing myself and It is my 3rd day and I am having RLS and cannot sleep.....It is horrible....I want to scream...I knew this night would come..I have had 7 spine surgeries and I have always loved the drugs....I will break free...I will beat this...thank you for those words they are love....
Roxies lol for me that's like candy for a baby. I could take 240 mg of Roxie and still be in withdrawals
Hope everything went well for you
Hang in there, I have RLS normally and I feel like I’m going crazy!!! I have neuropathy in both my feet and lower legs and have had RLS since 1996 on and off. It’s not fun and had tried all the non narcotic fixes until they weren’t working anymore. The oxycodone is the only thing that helps the pain and RLS. Am looking into thero
thermo ablation to help both neuropathy and RLS. Wish me luck and am praying for you! RLS is no joke!
I’m praying for you. I’m on Percocet for chronic pain and have tried many other things before being put on Percocet. I’m on Percocet 15mg every 4 hours and am dependent on the medication even though I take them the way I’m supposed to! I don’t really know if I have any other options but I’m one to trying. Pray for me too!
Face.....book .......
Iboga Root Bark for drug addicts
Iboga Root Bark for drug addicts
This couldn't have been put together any better. He hit everything on the head & he didn't sell out in any kind of way. This information is true and from the heart
Thank you🙏
Man laying in my bed watching this felt like he was just talking to me and me alone I had tears coming down my face . Man he's a good man I feel.it in my soul this is what it means to be put on earth and help.people this man right here and so many more
A lot of it is mental , for 18 years I didn’t have the strength to ever get through withdrawals. Just 2 weeks ago I had enough , jumped off 70mg a day methadone over the past two years on top of heroin and for some reason I felt the physical withdraws but had no cravings at all. A week into withdrawals I was actually worried it was too easy and just hadn’t peaked but I felt better and steadily recovering. I’m 36 now it’s crazy I finally feel I can get on with life and do what I came to do.. after an 18 year opiate streak with no breaks I think I had enough, maybe matured a bit spiritually too
Troy Do good for you!! I hope you’re still doing well! 💜🙏🏼
Young heplped
That's a huge jump. Well done!
If any one has any hesitation about suboxone due to the high addiction rate of suboxone there is another drug called sublocade its the same ingredient of suboxone but an injection once a month i went from a 15 year heroin addiction to a 4 year suboxone addiction once i made the jump to sublocade after alot of hesitation i am now completely drug free and with sublocade i was able to come off it with out any withdrawal people dont realise but tyere is a big mental side to addiction due to taking something to make yourself better aswell with this injection it helped me also break the mentality of taking something so i do not get sick but you also really want to be clean ❤
I'm about to switch from 25yrs methadone, tapered down, to suboxone, then to the injection. Well that's the plan....I can't even imagine being off it.
@bellab8412 that's awesome to hear tbh that injection has given me a life with out chemical handcuffs there was a point where I felt like there was no way out but that injection gave me fresh start it is a game changer i came off it with not withdrawal at all
@@AN-sf5bm wow, that's so great to hear. Can I ask how long you stayed on the injections before coming off? Also were you on methadone to start with then switched to suboxone then to injection?
@bellab8412 yeah of course! Yeah I was on both for years and couldn't see myself ever coming off the lowest I could get to on suboxone was 2mg but with sublocade Injection I was off in 5 injections so took 5 months 😀
@@AN-sf5bm so awesome and you must feel proud of achieving this. Sorry to keep questioning you but you have done the exact path of getting of methadone that I am aiming for! I am worried about the switch from methadone to suboxone. I have heard it can be quite bad. I am only down to 40mg/8ml, would you suggest to keep going down? Thanks so much for replying to me.
Been off opioids for 5 months now. I promise you it gets better. The worst thing is while you’re going through it you think you won’t ever get through it. But you will. If you’re on pills, I highly suggest you taper down like I did. It helped me so much more. And taking pregablin for 10 days helped.
Tapering is crucial. When you're super sick take only a little to ease the pain and go as long as possible without. Repeat that and you can minimize a lot of withdrawal
winning yourself off they now have studies were people have seizures just like alcohol ..do not take a chance on doing or stopping opiates cold Turkey
That's really dangeroud
@@kiddor909gmail the reason people have seizures is because most of the opiates in the street are laced with benzo. Opiates alone would not cause a seizure it's going dehydrated that causes a seizure
@@kiddor909gmail at least with opioids we have Suboxone, but with benzos that stuff you would need something like Klonopin to get off of Xanax or some long-acting benzo. Benzos are very dangerous, worse than opioids in terms of withdrawal
Plsss what mg was ur pregablin??? What was ur complete regimen??? Ty 😢
fantastic video, being in active addiction, this was the most informative and useful video I've found cruising the internet, thank you sir I plan to make a plan and seek recovery.
Thank you for doing this. Our family is struggling from a lack of knowledge, being manipulated by someone they think they know etc. It's a horror but certainly comforting to hear from people like yourself so clearly articulate what we are going through as if you were here with us. ..and I know that you are or you would not have taken the time to share what you did. God bless.
Tommy ..I'm about to detox on my own..in a flat with no one around..and this video has just give me the inspiration to go for it..I've been clean before..and I want to be clean again...after listening to you..I know I can get through it..thankyou!!
Also important to note- once having been physically addicted, each and every time a relapse occurs the body becomes addicted more easily. After a 20 year on and off fight, when I use even once I get drug sick. Progressive physically, not just mentally. Three futures for opoid addicts- (1)those who get hooked and once clean do what is necessary to keep it that way- (2)those who live in a get clean/use again cycle. (3) those who continue to use and use until they die. That's it. Those are the only scenarios.
There also the only obvious, 3 possibilities...
Is it the relapses or is it just time of using? For instance if I used for 5 years where I was sick more then 20 times for more then a week so then feeling decent and then relapsed into addiction again. Vs someone who has been non stop using for 5 years with not many breaks at all where you quit long enough to be completely free from physical withdrawals before resuming use. Who’s single relapse after getting clean for a year would be worse?
Myself, I raised 3 kids, so once addicted, after a month or 2, would get clean. Except for subs etc I never stayed using nonstop for years on end. Usually my willingness for help came when my money ran out.
I feel like im bound to be a 2 but im striving to be a 1. I dont use IV only smoke. But that doesnt mean the devil creeps around the corner to grab when least ready. Ive been clean before 3 times, its always a situation that i couldve avoided when i relapse too. Wish me luck guys, thankyou
@@lsuronak1992 they will both be equally as bad
This is one of the best descriptions of how horrible going through with withdrawal really is. But one mistake these videos and former addicts make, is saying "Just do this, it's that simple" because it really isn't. The message really should be "Just try and try and try. No matter how many times you fail, just keep trying". Because that is actually the reality of it.
I've been an addict twice in my life with many years in between. I was a very light user, but there's really no such a thing, except when comparing to other addicts. The only reason I bring that up, is because through both periods of my addictions, I knew hundreds of other addicts. Unfortunately, I have yet to know of one other addict that has been able to quit and stay clean. I'm not saying that it hasn't happened, maybe I just haven't heard of the success stories.
My point is... being the lightest user I have ever come across, it was still the hardest thing I have ever gone through. Now I understand why I haven't known of one other addict that's made it, is because if it was that hard for me, I can't imagine what a heavier user would have to go through. It is the loneliest path, and truly a path you have to walk alone. The recovery process is way longer than I imagined or was ever told it would be. Having said this, I still hold out hope, because I know some will eventually make it through this incredibly difficult path.
this man is only giving his own opinion i did a methodone reduction plan and after 15 years on crack and heroin and after countless cold turkey attempts i have been clean for 3 years
Thanks Tommy-great stuff. Looking forward to the rest of the series. Blessings for your continued work in addiction recovery
So thoughtful and meaningful, thank you so much you don't appear to be just reading a script or saying what needs to be said to a camera but you actually seem like you care deeply about everyone affected including myself in such a personal way. Thank you again so much
Just the kind of words I needed .. About to get in that "room" tomorrow and give it all I have .. I don't have the luxury of getting myself into a program. Will have to do it by myself, Cold Turkey. I've let myself down too many times, it's about time that I pick myself up .. I've been in that "room" way too many times only to detox and stumble on my way to recovery, and relapse .. It's about time I break the habit, it's time to break this pattern .. Only concern I have is that I'm a have to keep "working from home" for my job,. At best I could take one sick leave, that's it.. But against all odds I'll rise, word to self! Dear God, please give me the strength to survive and thrive. Amen ☮️
How did you do?
The scary thing about suboxone is when taking fentanyl it doesn’t come out of your system as fast as heroine so when you take the suboxone it sends you into precipitated withdrawal and it’s way worse. As for me I want to quit so bad but I don’t have any support or anyone who I can trust or love me like that. I suffer in silence while secretly dealing with this addiction. God spare my life and give me the strength and courage to endure this alone.
I hear you loud and clear. I’m too ashamed to let anyone know my situation. Plus I found out who you thought were your long time friends won’t be there for you when you need them. I don’t steal, or commit crimes and never have. I was shut of percs for having blow in my blood work. After being on thirty mg, then down to twenty mg pills for many years, while working and dealing with back pain most of my 30s and 40s into my 50s. Even while getting my prescriptions of them I still bought them just to have more. When I was shut off in a blink of an eye, I was so bad I let someone introduce me to sniffing dope. Been doing that for a few years now and now that my wife of almost 30 years passed a way and I’m alone because of not wanting anyone to know. It’s a scary feeling being alone and have to go through it with no help. But after reading some comments and listening to people who have been there and done it, I don’t feel so bad all of a sudden. I have five packets that have strips you can cut into smaller portions. I’m finally out of junk to sniff. Now tomorrow morning I’m gonna try a little strip of suboxone and see what happens until the strips run out. Hopefully I will be clean and finally able to jump into my truck and me and dog can visit family that I haven’t seen in years. I hope you are doing well and are on your feet moving forward. I’m so desperate for a normal life back. Long over due. I’m so sick of the money I’ve wasted on crap, and the chances of getting caught buying off the street. Good luck to you and to all who are dealing with this lousy situation. Thanks for putting your comments and experiences out here for us who desperately need to know and what to expect. I’m very scared and yet so hopeful that I’m getting the chance to get my mind and body in a better place. Peace y’all
Running toward sobriety has been the challenge for me bc for so long and STILL it feels like opiates are my best friend - in that it’s there for me to escape all my negative feelings and thoughts about myself and my circumstances. Without it, I don’t like what I’m left with when I’m by myself and that’s the scary part that keeps me running back and I dread running out of the substance and having to deal with that knowing that I’m only going thru this bc ive run out of money so in my head I’m like ... well here we go, but it’s false bc I know I’m only detoxing right now bc I have to, not bc I want to. Right now, I have enough to last me another week but after that I don’t know what I’m gonna do until I get paid again and on top of that I have to make it through work. The problem is ... is that without it, it’s to the point now where, I have no motivation to do ANYTHING and the things I once found joy in, don’t provide that joy anymore. It’s like, I can’t be normal without it. You were so on point about if you don’t have the money to have that medical trifecta of medicine, and inpatient and human support. You DO need that room with a friend to rub your back and tell you that you’re a good person and people love you and that live IS worth living once you’re back on the otherwise. Detox and withdrawal are the absolute worst and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. But it’s necessary. I need that. I need TGIF room and I need that person. Bc that’s where I am right now and it’s scary as hell. I need help bc I don’t want to do this anymore. I have so much potential as a person but I know that it WILL go to the grave with me if I don’t get over my fear of life and other people and other peoples expectations of me, if I don’t turn this around and find the strength to want sobriety and the life that comes with that, more than I want the instant gratification of the evilest great escape of all time. Someone please help me. My email is imgxxd@gmail.com. Thank you for this video it’s exactly what I needed to hear right now. I can’t keep living this Zombie life ... it hurts too much and I’m tired of feeling like a disappointment.
you are NOT a disappointment, you deserve happiness and love. I wish you well, if you need anyone to talk to ive been clean for almost 6 years, i can send my email over if you respond to this
I feel like I just read something I wrote. 😢 Imma email u I hope to hear back from u
On day 11.
Detoxed pretty hard first 4 days , nausea, cramps , spent most of the time in a hot bath .
Been eating rice and ginger porridge, now I'm just at that stage where I can't sleep , haven't slept a wink in 3 days .
This was a pretty long bender and I'm glad to be here, I just can't physically, mentally and financially sustain that tolerance buildup .
I pray for all who make the decision to quit , it's hard .
I'm paying for my mistake right now and it's punishment, and that's how I rationalize what I'm going through .
Been on for over 15 years, closer to 22 years, and I’m only 36; I’m on my fourth day of cold Turkey detox off fent, down and boot; hallucinations are unreal, the darkest imagery I’ve seen; my intestines were completely full of gunk for three days; now my muscles are crawling/ hot and cold same time; sweating with chicken skin; tried suboxone after five days of cold Turkey few weeks back and threw me straight in to precipitated wd. My health is fading fast because I can’t take care of myself; can’t eat, drink, use bathroom, sleep, sit-up, lay down, or do anything than suffer.
Are you okay? ❤
I cave on day 3.... How are you now?
I’m going through everything you mention and the Hallucinations are totally freaking me out. I haven’t had solid food in over a week. I hope you’re ok. I know it’s hell. 😢
@@moeruss2726 nope. Dope sick as fuck. Trying to just come up with 12$ so I can get right. I can’t even take care of myself man. Idk what to do. I have to work tomorrow and I’m fucking dying. My guy won’t even see me for a ten. Trying to come up with another ten and two for gas. I can’t miss work tomorrow or imma be fucked man.
@@Killmaisy no.
U are so right!! I hope one day I will choose recovery. It's so bad for me. I'm 53 yrs old and have been on opiates since 2006. My arms and legs are so ate up with this new tranq dope. I do want my life back. I just don't understand why I don't want it bad enough.
Hey Christine. Sounds like you've been on a journey. It's difficult to recover alone. When your ready, we would love to support you in recovery-- check out www.r20.com for our free meetings and other offerings.
“I do want my life back, I just don’t understand why I don’t want it bad enough” hit me like a ton of bricks 😢 praying for your continued healing. You can do this! ❤
This is the best advice I have ever heard. To me it’s indescribable the experience of my withdrawal, but you articulate it so well. Thank you.
Day 33 from a dark relapse from crack cocaine nd alcohol. 6 ½ months heroin, methadone and benzo free.U got me tru da darkest of days n my withdrawal and have been such a support without u even knowing how much u have helped me heal. N.a 12step programme, sponsor nd daily meditation, gratitude list nd my just for today.. 25yrs of addiction nd im now free. Id suggest to any1 struggling to use all recovery 2.0s suggested things. Its worth it and u will get this. Keep coming back. Much love from Dublin Ireland 🇮🇪 ❤️ ♥️
You are absolutely correct when it comes to Suboxone, after 22 years of taking prescription pain medications it works wonderfully!! Eliminating the horrible effects of detoxification. Thank you for sharing your story !!
I'm about to take this monday. I've been taking 2 pills a day 80mg oxy. Please help with how I should take this. Should I do 14 days and get off of it or take long term
Best recommendation ever ,im 2 day in ,going cold turkey,being asian make it tough ,but i have family that loves me ,.i dont have to worry bout money homes ,if i can overcome this i will take my place in family bussinus.
I like how this guy talks
Even its my 20 or 30 times falling again and again but I don't lose hope I will try again until am free from that 🤲
My boyfriend has been with me throughout my addiction & this tough transition.. he told me , the hardest part isn’t the withdrawal & detox although that is so tough , it’s staying off of it that’s even harder part & I find this to be tru.. getting off subs has been harder than anything I’ve ever done.. We can do this!! Praying for us and thank you so much for sharing this !
When you were explaining the withdrawal, And you said your body is literally on fire that was very on point.
Hello sir am going through every thing literally everything what you spoke . I thought I was ok on my 10th day , but still I have aches , sleepless nights , very night . But am fighting it out for myself and for my woman . Hope I be ok sir . Hope .......
Sivakumar Balaka where are you located? Please hang in there. It may sound simplistic but drink a lot of water, fresh juices and begin to eat as healthy as you can. Also, sweat! Exercise or sauna. And hot baths. Sweat it out. You will feel better as long as you drink a lot of water and herbal tea and juices.
Try tylenol pm. It is an over the counter regular tylenol pain and sleep aid for aches at night that is non addictive. Melatonin doesn't help me but maybe it can help you. It's an all natural sleep aid.
Addiction is doing that one thing every day that you don’t want to do! The good news is that Recovery is possible!! I have faith in all of you out there going through this. I’ve been there too and at this moment I’m almost 8 months clean!
I took the last perc and started crying uncontrollably this morning because I’ve been here to many times with weeks to wait for the new script. I thank you so much for this video. I’m terrified of being without forever? I feel I can’t function without these damn pills.(sorry)
I so want and have to stop this but can not go to my family nor do I have funds to hit rehab. I’ve done come off these soo many times waiting for the next script. Do you regain hope and are you normal without the crutch or will I fall over because without them, I feel I can’t do anything. Any success stories, I’d really appreciate. Running scared.... thanks and have a blessed life.
Hows the merry go round going?
Mr.Rosen it is very apparent you are the real deal. The way you explain this is outstanding.
Big love!!!!
I’ve been on methadone for years , and it cause I wanted to stop taking pills. I thought I would only be on methadone for a little while. I regret getting on this nightmare drug!! I’m so tired of living this life. I can’t afford a good rehab and I want to live normally, no drugs! Pls God help me!
Taper down, I've been on methadone for the 16th year...I joined the m clinic in 2008, It took me 8 to 9 months to get up to 120mg......stayed at that level for 3 to 4 years....tapered down slowly to 45 mg this May, in September I asked the Lord Jesus to deliver me from methadone as I seen world War 3 coming plus as a Bible believer the scripture says " he who the Son sets free is free indeed" I lost the desire to stay on methadone any longer and take more like I used to and started to drop couple of mgs every few days coz as of today iam at 12 mg....I know I got a little ways to go dropping at 1 mg per week now but that's my journey
Plus he set me free of 10 years of methamphetamine use , and tobbaco in the midst of all this.....anything is possible glory to Jesus
I needed somebody that understood. Coming off Suboxone of five years and I had to immediately stop it because it was causing cardiac arrhythmias so there was no weaning down. I just hit 73 hours and I’m starting to feel it but I needed this video because I was done a year ago and I want it off so this is like a blessing in disguise. I am doing it with comfort meds in my home and I can’t wait to be off of all of it. I will do what I have to do because the reward will be so great.
You are a saint!!!!! Everything you just said was like you knew me. I can't stress enough how much I needed to hear this!!
Your not alone
My new year res. Here it comes "god,lead me not too temptation, but deliver me from evil", amen, and for bless this gentleman for you have spoken life into me and I will make it through too the other side!
I have been a heroin addict for 1 and a half year already and have been wanting to stop taking heroin and become clean and have tried to recover so many times but i always relapse again and i am tired of it and hate myself for it...Can you please help me to overcome my addiction and become clean from heroin for the rest of my help. Please i really need help. 😢😞🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
How’s it been going so far?
@david zote hi I hope n pray you are clean now. It is hard but it’s not impossible trust me I’m in the exact same position like yourself been using for under 3 years I don’t know why I done it but now I’ve had enough it’s took everything away from me all my happiness my family life my social life everything is gone but today is my day I’m done with this shit I’m stronger than this I’m gna get my life back I am not wasting my life away so please you too peoples don’t waste your lovely life on this worthless crap. Let’s all get together an fight against this evil we can do it the pain is 3/4 days n then it’s all in the brain so let’s get strong n keep thinking how we had a beautiful life before we started this shit. An kratom is a good solution too that can be really helpful I’ve been told so I’m gonna give that a try in the morning. Feel free to reply back pray for each other’s let’s all get better with the help from our lord Ameen.
Tony, I knew two minutes in (less) that you'd been through it personally. How? Your empathy. It's certainly not the majority of people who have empathy for addicts, no matter what their drug of choice is. I've been on the treadmill of junk, pills, for 22 years. Each time I go through withdrawal, my aging body tells me, "One of these times, I'm gonna stop...we've had it, haven't YOU?" You spoke the truth in a visceral, no bullshit fashion which I appreciate. I HEARD you. Whatever happens with me, THANKS. Shalom.
I think the real prob is that every human spirit is devoid of love in a cut throat competitive world and we all try to find it in a drug
yep that is so true, heroin is unconditional love, but there is a price to pay for it.
Very true, that's why it's also an emotional addiction.
I'm fortunate enough to have subs after a month bender and 5 ye clean , however hard it is your need to speak on how u feel ask from for help I'm a benzonopiate from oxycontin to fet and h and all in between .Give it just three days with these meds I promise u your soul awakens, as an addict I have a strong will, where there's a will there's a way stay strong . Thank you recovery 2.0 one day one minute at a time. Be honest! Your. Are not special nor will u ever be alone!
I am scared to take the suboxone to quickly. I am on 6 30mg fet. Ingesting and smoking. I was clean for 6 years, and I relapsed hard. I want to be clean again. Life was so much better. Thanks for your help
Amazing video!! Must watch......
So true. I’m on day 13 off fentanyl. Also look up detoxing and using Gabapentin- helped me unbelievably.
Loved what you said about Suboxone!!
How did you do it?
Gabbys are Fuckin fire dude. Unfortunately I moved states then ran out of my stash within a week and had to stop cold. Now on day 4, no sleep. First night I took a suboxone and it made everything a million times worse, and had to stay in a tent during a storm. Was freezing cold getting up to shit in the woods while dying from that was literal torture
How did you do it
12 years clean after a 14 year pill, cocaine, and heroin addiction. I started 15 years ago today checking into my first rehab. I've done a total of 17 rehabs including for PTSD. This was a very long road.
I just got out of the day 2 of the Awaken 2023 31 day yoga challenge, and I will be present every day at 8am CST here until the challenge is over, an Tommy mentions the fact that many years into recovery and sobriety we suffer from the impact of addiction through our vibrational frequencies... I know this as codependency and narcissism.
Recovery and the tools that we learn on our new life path, are phenomenal modalities of healing, and we continue to use them as life is still happening, and the terms and conditions that it presents are not so favorable... keep up the great work and know that you can make it through, don't fall victim to the ignorance, prejudice, denial, and projections of the world, and take it easy on yourself. recovery is about the development of your character, and it's extremely important to do a reality check and remain humble, honest, open an willing to evolve beyond the thinking, attitudes and behaviors of our addictive minds and vibrational frequencies that pull us into the shame and fear that causes these defective character traits.
I'm on 100mg of slow release morphine Am , and 100mg morphine Pm , and I have had enough of this now . I have it for pain so I feel stuck . 18 years I've been on this shit
I’m on day 12 it’s hard but I got another 12000 days in me for this fight I’m just happy one day all that pain will be over
I am an Ob/Gyn MD of 22yrs (and an alcoholic in recovery) who changed to working in the Mental Health and Addiction field in which I worked (supervised without training) over the past year. I prescribed suboxone for use long term for many people as it is a current accepted practice in many places. It never sat well with me and your video has made me realize that my innate dislike of this makes sense. Thank you very much!
Molly Romary I'm an addict of 25 years and your gut feeling of this not being the perception wonder drug it was sold to us as is completely correct. Im still struggling and have tried suboxone several times to no avail.
Babylon falling I went and tried to get gabbys but he said there on the list of dangerous drugs that cannot be given to addicts or users in the UK when I saw the list its literally every drug that works even remotely to relieve you from opiate withdrawal. At the moment im so tired of being addicted I seriously contemplating an offence to get money to go to a thi land rehab it's 4grand so the offence is a heavy one. Thanks for having true incite into addiction, plus the your comments on the pain clinic and marines guarding opium fields ring so true.
Babylon falling the only way here is to find 5 thousand pounds for private doctors ive done it and you don't even need to ask they give you everything I seriously know drug dealers that have more morality. But if you're ill and can afford it you can be mediated and function normally in society. If not your having to buy heroin under the darkness like thousands of other. Ive never known it so prolific. A rock and a hard place buddy.
Babylon falling what's a convincing way to portray neuropathy to my doctor when I have tried to get gabbys before its been impossible unless I have nerve damage combined with any serious permanent physical injury is the only way to aquire them.btw I really appreciate you taking the time to reach out and parlay as you do, your a serious breath of fresh air and inspired input without an agenda is truly motivating. God bless you and please keep it up!
Babylon falling absolutely awesome my friend, I'll get it together a little more and let you know what the game plan is. So far I've got my heart set on going to Europe from the UK to give me distance from the opiates and as a way of mentally committing to the task at hand.
I'm about to go into detox.
Tonight will be day 1, feel so helpless but I hope i can look back to this moment and say I'm sober to save my life, fitness and relationship.
I was ashamed to get help but decided fuck it and I was getting prescribe Suboxone and changed my life, im not clean, it was hard
I've been taking Oxycodone for pain for many years I want to stop but watching this has me scared.
Iboga Root Bark for drug addicts
Iboga Root Bark for drug addicts
I was really fortunate to be able to detox at a treatment facility that detoxes patients safely under nursing care. I detoxed from benzos first with librium, then opiates with subboxone. What a hell it was, but I'm glad to be in recovery!
Brian Newton welcome to recovery!! We're so glad you're here!
Brian Newton how long did the Benzo take you and how long were you on and dose
I've been on heroin from 27 to 43yrs old an truth be told im in my bathroom here in Chicago doing heroin rite now, quiting will be the hardiest thing i have every done i have gave up on praying to God an instead of praying i started begging the Good Lord to free me from this hell, i have no one to blame but myself but at the sametime i have enablers an they dont want me to keep using but they dont want me 2 go 2 jail either , so the hardiest thing 2 do is leave my kids an family i have 2 run away high so i want come home low, to all of the people who are going through this hell ill pray 4 yall an please do the same for me thx an GOD BLESS U AN YOUR!
How are you doing love?
Pray for u
This is the best inspirational videos for anyone like me who has overcome addiction
Great stuff it is possible....the choice is yours....I no going through the pain to end the hell was worth every lie I never had to tell again..
4 months clean,,8mg of methadone,, working my way down 1mg every 2 weeks,,now I'm fighting to get off of methadone,,it's the worst ,,find another if can ,,I never went above 25mg ,, they don't warn at the clinics about the danger,,God bless and it's worth it,,I feel my natural endorphins kicking back, God bless you all beautiful people
I was privileged to have escape this Google about iboga Root Bark and...got it via FB...on
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I’m 11 days clean from fentanyl, in my 3 years of doing opiates I’ve always detoxed on my own using suboxone I buy off people, I use a 1/3 of a 8mg strip per day of withdrawal usually I can deal whit out after day 3. Not this time. I had to take 8mg whole strip and 2mg piece off another strip just for the first day the withdrawals were crazy. This fentanyl is getting stronger no joke is soooo bad stay away not even one time !!!! no sleep first 4 days from the discomfort detoxing is always scary but just know there is light on the other side just hold on a few days!!!
Aquazpurp 88 I am so happy for you! I will keep you in prayer!
How long into withdrawals were you able to take the suboxone?
Yeah I’d also like to know when you started taking the subs. Last time I quit is when it was still heroin. Now I’ve been on fent for 3 years and having tried subs once not too long ago, I ended up in precipitated WD, which never happened when I was doing dope. I have to quit or I’ll honestly kill myself. Not from using but like, I can’t cope with how depressing the constant run around trying to get money and then trying to get high...shits not sustainable ...
@@williamlearyjrcustomsheetm725 hey brother, I hope you have been able to get clean. I feel the emotions you feel being a heroin addict for about 5 years now. Stay strong and even if you are still using, know that we are not unique creatures, many have come before us and have gotten clean. Prayers for you.
@@williamlearyjrcustomsheetm725 do not take Suboxone when coming off fent. Wait till you are sweating so bad and have the chicken skin. I mean wait till you can't take it nomore right before you give up. That's when you take Suboxone. Any sooner the Suboxone sends you into pw.
Thank you for love and support to help people addicted to opiates.
This man is amazing, the best I have ever watched. He makes so much sense he describes as best as I've seen. This man is a genius.
Thank you for your insight
Hey .. im in day 6 or 7 ..
I feel better.. but still low blood pressure.. headache... Feeling like vomiting.. and i smell a weird smell everywhere which is killing me .. n im thinking a bout my life .. what i did.. what i had to do n every decision i made .. and I'm doing this process alone .. cuz i came to another r country to live .. ( Which i regret now.. it would be much better if i did this before) ..
I'll write an update evey week ..
Neda, I'm so glad you are feeling better. Please please please come to one of our online meetings. You do not have to be alone. We will welcome you with open arms. Support is available. Meetings are free to attend. Hope to see you there. Love, --Tommy r20.com/meetings
The physical pain is bad for a week or 2 but it's the mental pain that last forever depression and Anxiety can last months and months or even years 😐
17days today clean from fentanyl i waited 66hours from the last time I did fentanyl before I took my first sub and felt great now im just waiting for my appointment to come up so I can get the sublocade shot and get my life back trust me i was nervous during detox but when I went into the rehab other people were there going through the same thing as me and everyone said that itll get better with time which they were right but i never want to put my body thru that again
I’ve been documenting my methadone detox. From 160mgs a day to 0. I’m now almost 3 years methadone free!! Healing vibes to all who read this!!! 💪💪💪💪✌️✌️❤️
Anh tips brother, I'm starting today with meth
@@kashkumar369 awesomeness! I have a couple questions. How long have you been taking methadone? What was your max daily dose? How old are you? What was it prescribed for? I understand if you don’t feel comfortable answering these questions but they do matter. I’m not a doctor but I can give you some advice based on my own experiences with methadone. I’m 3 years methadone free and loving it. Lmk what you think and I’ll be sending healing vibes, love and prayers!!!💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️❤️
@@kashkumar369right on! How are you feeling today my friend? Sending healing vibes, love and prayers!!!💪💪💪💪💪💪✌️✌️✌️❤️
@@kashkumar369How are you doing lately my friend? Tips…I can’t say as I am not a doctor. Otherwise I’d let you know what helped me at least. Over 3 years methadone free and loving it. Lmk how you are doing and I’ll be sending healing vibes, love and prayers!!💪💪💪💪✌️💪💪💪💪💪✌️✌️❤️
@@kashkumar369 How are you doing my friend? Only tips I can say on yt is eating right, exercising and sunshine! Lmk how you are doing and we can chat more. Sending healing vibes, love and prayers!!!💪💪💪💪💪✌️✌️✌️✌️❤️
14 years of addiction just started withdrawal from 23 of August still going through nasty body pain getting chills
Wow im going through withdrawal now 3 days and i feel so bad but this just gave me more motivation💪
You got this! Just try to remember it won't last that long. I've been clean off of heroin for 2 years and sublocade for 3 months and I swear I've never felt more alive than when I was a kiddo. Peace n love 💕
I'm at day 8 now and he made me cry I just want to be free
The best description I've ever heard
I did 14 days of with drawls after taking methadone for 20 years I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy
I'm on day 16 without methadone. This is the worst thing I've ever experienced
@@BM205 did you taper down at the clinic or cold turkey quit?
@@Harlow_Khmer it was cold turkey. Worst thing ever but it's in the past now thank the good Lord
@@BM205how do you feel now after all these months?
@@jesseglover4099 I'm great! Sometimes I don't have much energy but I made it to the other side and it's so nice here. Thanks for asking Jesse.
Your voice and words are so soothing. Thank you.
You are a beautiful person brother. I linked this to my mum hopefully she might get a better understanding of what I'm going through. Day 3 on suboxone now.. In the horrors but you have really helped me alot and for that I thank you!
How are you doing today? I’ve quit a few times over the years for anywhere from 90 days to 2 years. I’ve been back on for almost 3 years and I got high this morning. I’ve got a few subs put together and have finally found the desire to give life another chance. If I don’t start feeling like shit real soon, then tomorrow will no doubt be a rough one. Hope you’re doing well, stay strong.
Thank you.. I plan on getting clean January 1st.
Mate same thing really want take of finish that addiction!! Just fell scary
I agree with him, Suboxone should only be used for the initial withdrawal period ( 7-14 days). I was prescribed Suboxone for over a year and it started working against me which led to relapse. Suboxone was a harder kick than heroin.
I also like his analogy of approaching recovery as if you're on fire and approaching a pond.