Sicario (2015) Movie Reaction & Commentary | FIRST TIME WATCHING

  • Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025

Комментарии • 262

  • @zmarko
    @zmarko Год назад +219

    This movie is SO good. It honestly immerses you into this world. Makes you feel like you're there standing next to them.

    • @qq312qq
      @qq312qq Год назад +4

      yeah. thats magic of Roger Deakins

    • @kdizzle901
      @kdizzle901 10 месяцев назад

      @@qq312qqand Denis Villenueve

    • @kdizzle901
      @kdizzle901 10 месяцев назад +1

      All Denis Villenueve movies are masterpieces

  • @Valkyrie1911
    @Valkyrie1911 Год назад +164

    They told them to stay in the back because at that level, they are liabilities. Also as Timothy mentioned below, the "return to order" and "control" aren't so much the government controlling the drug trade directly, but being able to control a single organization better than the multiple organizations that took over when the Colombian cartels controlled it all.

    • @ilijastanic49
      @ilijastanic49 Год назад

      vnmun7nmngmnmnmnmfbnbfnngngnnfbnnnnnnggnkngnnngmfgfnnnggnfngggnnnggbgbgngnmnngnbgnkfbggfngbgnngngnbgtgnngnftnmtmtngtlnntnbgnmgngnnntngngnnnnngnttnntgtttntnttntnmngtntntttnmtnttntntngnnnmnttnntnnttntnnntnmbmtnmtttntnmtntnmntnttttmtnmgtnttntnttntlntttbntntttntntntnnngntntnnttntttntntttnttntttttntttttttnnttntnttttttnttntnttngntntttnnttnttntnttntnttntntntbnntnntttgtntttntnttntmntnnttntntnntttntngmtnntntnttnntntnntntnnnnnntnntntnttnttttnnnntntttnttnttntnjtngnnmntnnttntttntttnntgnhnntntnngntntngmtnttnhmnhttntntnnntjntntnttnkgtjtttntntntttnnnnjntnntjnbntngtttntttntnnntmnthtnttnthmtntttnnnntthhttttnnnjttttttmtjnhnntt412nnhjttn4jttnhhmtttntttnttntjntntttnttnntnnjttkntthttnntmtttnttththnhnnktntnntnjnjjmttttjjtjthtnthtnttnnjjnttjtnhtnhjnttntnjjtnhjtmjttnnttttjhttthmnkjntjjtjjjtnhhhnttjhntjnjnnnhnhnntnkjntnmjjhjhjntthnnmhnjnnjnthktnntnjntntttnnnntmttnnjttjtnjtnhtjthnhtthtnjthnjtnjkhntjjjtjttjtnnjmntttnttttttjtttttnhnttthtjnjjktjnthnnlntjttttttnktttttjjnjttntnntjthtttttttktntnnjjttnjtjttjtnttjnttnntjttttttngttttnttttttnttttbjthhtttntttktttttttnnthtntttjtgtttttnttmttttttjntntntttjtr2ttttttttntyttttnnttnttttbhkttttntnnttthttttntmttnttttttjtgnntttttnntntgttnttnnntttnjtttjmntntnkttthtnttttttttttjtthttn2ttntttntnngtttnnttnttttnkttjtjhtjtttttkttttntttjjtttthntnmttntnjthktnnttnhnjtnttjnttttthttnttnttttttnjttttttnttjnnttjtnntnttjtttttnttttjtthtjnmjtttgtnntttntnttnntthtttttttntttjnttntttjtjtttttthtntttntjtttttttnnjtntjttjtnttlnhjttnttttntjtjjtkthttnntgtjltntllttttthnnttntgnttjtttttntntthttttttttnntttngnttttmhtnttjtjtjnhtnkgtnhntjtjntttnjhtjnhhtttnnthtnnttttgthntnntttltjjtntntjtnnkjktjntjttthtjttnkhkhtnttntnjtnhthmhnjtjtnntjjtkttntntttnkhtjhjnttttjtnttlntknlttjtthhtnttnnttntntnhknhnttnkjnjhnnttttttnjttgjkttjtjnttjhtnnhkttjntntktnlnttjtnjttntkntttjntntjnntjtjhhnntnjknnhlnhthjnjttttthjtjmntntnnhttnjjnhnnlhtnjjtnnmlnntttnjtnkjtnhttnnjttnthttntjtjnttntnhtttntntntnnttthnntjtnhntjtttntnntnkjtnjnnntjnnjhhtthngtnthhnntjttntthtnthttjntttthtnjtnthtjjjthtjtthtnttnntthnnltthtltttntntnjtjtntntnttjtjtnthtnthhnjhntnntjtnlttjtntktttjjtnntthttttjnthjttjthttnttttttttttntthllgtntjtnthttgtjgktjttnjttnnnhtjtttnjntttnltntnnknnnktnthtnhnknntnttynhhhttnntkntnjlnnjknjktnnthnttttttnntnntttlgltnhtnnthnjtlnktnnttlnthnjthjtnttttthttttnktntttjttktntthntntnjtjtnntnnjnnnltnntjttnkttnnhtgjjjtttnkhtttttkttntttttntjtnnnhnttntngtttntjjntttnktntttnkjthtjntltttntnnntjnnnnnjnttjttggtttttntnnnttnttnnjnttgttntnntnnttnttntttnjtn 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gnntntntttnlkntnktnttnttjnkntlnntttntntntntnntnktngnbtttngnmthtntnnmnnttllntgnllllnnnttlntnhtnnntnltthtjntmlntltnntbtttllntntntllnltntnhtlttlntnltlnkbtttnnnttntnltnnthngngllmhllntgltjnlttjtltlnknttnnntnttlnltnntlntnltllntntntlnnltngkntntglntlgngnnnnknntnktnnntttjhttmnkntntbntngsattbnkbmtntnkttnttnklnatnnltlntntntngntlnlntntntntzbtblnlnttnttnknttntnkntntnnntnkttwnttnntnttnntnntnnggngwntmnltngntntttntnnttntntnntlgnnkggbtmntnttttnnmttllnnnntlnltnnttbtntntnnttnnttnnnntntnnngntlzltgnttnklnttttnmnkntnktjknzntlntltnlnntthnttnabtnntlnmtnnlngltnttnbttntntntnnnntlannmnnlttntntnntntntttttntntntlnnntntngnntbnktntntnnttnntnntnttnhtkntnknttnknlnttmnntmhttntklbttntnnt22nmtlbklntmjlmtbtkntntnhtmtnlnttnnnltltnntnttnnjnntttnabntntggmttnnttthttnmnnlnltnltnltltnltntntgnlhtnmtlnttnklnktnnltngntanttnlntnngtntntthrtttnbttntnnnatntnnnktnttntnnhttnkttbntt2tnlnttttgnkttttlnltnttnttnnntnantnktnlnlnmttltnnttnntnngnthtntntnttlnntmgtnnthtbttntnkntnntlkljtftntltnjgtbnmtbttnntnlntnmtttntklltntnnngnttntnmttnltlmhgmnttmnnktntllnttltbtntntnjltmtbnttnmltnjnttnkhlntmltnnklmnttnntttttlnn[nnntnttnnntlnktttnthtnlntttttanlgnltnntntlthtnntntntnhtnltnlnttnknltntntlnlt2tnmnnnglntlttjtnnhthttnntntnttntnntnmntmlbttnnttnnbltttnkntntntntnnntltnnttntlhnlktnntnntnthnttntnkltnntntltnttnkttnntngnntjtnTnntnalngnttnbnttntttnttltnntntlnnhtnttnnngnnttbntntnntntbtnhnltltnjnnngntnntntltntbgttnntltnngnngjtntatttttnntnhgjgntnznntttlnkhtggthltnntththtntnntnngtatnnstntjgnntntttr2nkntr22tnngktntntntnltnnktnntntttnltknkntgngtntntntthttntnjntntngntnntnngknntalntltn2jlntNttktatthltnnnntntnjknktgngtnmtmntkngtnlhglnlknntnntlltnkttbnlntnntngngnttnltntlkltatngnnttnngnnnkttnntntgngltlbklntnmgjtnhn[gnlgngtnlbhtltkltnhnmltnttngntnlnggttnntkgjntntntntthttntmmtlttmlbttbntnntnmlntnklttnntllttngttnntns2tbtnnnnnnh[tbgltntnlnttthttnltlntnntnktnnthttmthmllltntntnltnltntntntntlltttnthtngngngnkgnmnthtnhnnmtnltns2tanztnnttnkntltntnnttnthntantnntkntn2brtnntztnlmltlnntntnngngnkkntalnggntbgnlglannntnnhgknltngntnnntntlntlntzlntnnttnlaykltmnnntnttlthlntntgnnttntnntabhhnntnnnklatnnztntmntnlnttlgatlnlnnthntnktnatntnlltlnttnathgntnnknnltbthktlnlnlnmntlttnntta2tnhtngnmltntnltthnntbnttnngmnltnttlmntnntnnnhtnktnktntnttntnnntngnhtnnlntttngnntttttllntntennltnttwtgngkltllknmntnnnknltatnttbasjtntnkthtnnktnnaknltatktnkhnntltltnljkttttnngngnmntnngnkgtangklnkngntllhmngkntnggngnnnttntntnlmntntw2nthnhttgttnkkjnttnbttntttnmnlngnatlnttnngnttnhnknktnttnlntlztlhtnkntkltbtbntjglntjttjtnnnttnnggnhltmngnllnghtbtnmthttmtnnnmbntnnntnnngnthttztastshf2f a2ffbfatabf4fsbttasasafafS1S2E211S11W*C rssssfsssss12A44

    • @ilijastanic49
      @ilijastanic49 Год назад

      vnmun7nmngmnmnmnmfbnbfnngngnnfbnnnnnnggnkngnnngmfgfnnnggnfngggnnnggbgbgngnmnngnbgnkfbggfngbgnngngnbgtgnngnftnmtmtngtlnntnbgnmgngnnntngngnnnnngnttnntgtttntnttntnmngtntntttnmtnttntntngnnnmnttnntnnttntnnntnmbmtnmtttntnmtntnmntnttttmtnmgtnttntnttntlntttbntntttntntntnnngntntnnttntttntntttnttntttttntttttttnnttntnttttttnttntnttngntntttnnttnttntnttntnttntntntbnntnntttgtntttntnttntmntnnttntntnntttntngmtnntntnttnntntnntntnnnnnntnntntnttnttttnnnntntttnttnttntnjtngnnmntnnttntttntttnntgnhnntntnngntntngmtnttnhmnhttntntnnntjntntnttnkgtjtttntntntttnnnnjntnntjnbntngtttntttntnnntmnthtnttnthmtntttnnnntthhttttnnnjttttttmtjnhnntt412nnhjttn4jttnhhmtttntttnttntjntntttnttnntnnjttkntthttnntmtttnttththnhnnktntnntnjnjjmttttjjtjthtnthtnttnnjjnttjtnhtnhjnttntnjjtnhjtmjttnnttttjhttthmnkjntjjtjjjtnhhhnttjhntjnjnnnhnhnntnkjntnmjjhjhjntthnnmhnjnnjnthktnntnjntntttnnnntmttnnjttjtnjtnhtjthnhtthtnjthnjtnjkhntjjjtjttjtnnjmntttnttttttjtttttnhnttthtjnjjktjnthnnlntjttttttnktttttjjnjttntnntjthtttttttktntnnjjttnjtjttjtnttjnttnntjttttttngttttnttttttnttttbjthhtttntttktttttttnnthtntttjtgtttttnttmttttttjntntntttjtr2ttttttttntyttttnnttnttttbhkttttntnnttthttttntmttnttttttjtgnntttttnntntgttnttnnntttnjtttjmntntnkttthtnttttttttttjtthttn2ttntttntnngtttnnttnttttnkttjtjhtjtttttkttttntttjjtttthntnmttntnjthktnnttnhnjtnttjnttttthttnttnttttttnjttttttnttjnnttjtnntnttjtttttnttttjtthtjnmjtttgtnntttntnttnntthtttttttntttjnttntttjtjtttttthtntttntjtttttttnnjtntjttjtnttlnhjttnttttntjtjjtkthttnntgtjltntllttttthnnttntgnttjtttttntntthttttttttnntttngnttttmhtnttjtjtjnhtnkgtnhntjtjntttnjhtjnhhtttnnthtnnttttgthntnntttltjjtntntjtnnkjktjntjttthtjttnkhkhtnttntnjtnhthmhnjtjtnntjjtkttntntttnkhtjhjnttttjtnttlntknlttjtthhtnttnnttntntnhknhnttnkjnjhnnttttttnjttgjkttjtjnttjhtnnhkttjntntktnlnttjtnjttntkntttjntntjnntjtjhhnntnjknnhlnhthjnjttttthjtjmntntnnhttnjjnhnnlhtnjjtnnmlnntttnjtnkjtnhttnnjttnthttntjtjnttntnhtttntntntnnttthnntjtnhntjtttntnntnkjtnjnnntjnnjhhtthngtnthhnntjttntthtnthttjntttthtnjtnthtjjjthtjtthtnttnntthnnltthtltttntntnjtjtntntnttjtjtnthtnthhnjhntnntjtnlttjtntktttjjtnntthttttjnthjttjthttnttttttttttntthllgtntjtnthttgtjgktjttnjttnnnhtjtttnjntttnltntnnknnnktnthtnhnknntnttynhhhttnntkntnjlnnjknjktnnthnttttttnntnntttlgltnhtnnthnjtlnktnnttlnthnjthjtnttttthttttnktntttjttktntthntntnjtjtnntnnjnnnltnntjttnkttnnhtgjjjtttnkhtttttkttntttttntjtnnnhnttntngtttntjjntttnktntttnkjthtjntltttntnnntjnnnnnjnttjttggtttttntnnnttnttnnjnttgttntnntnnttnttntttnjtn 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a2ffbfatabf4fsbttasasafafS1S2E211S11W*C rssssfsssss12A44

    • @t0dd000
      @t0dd000 Год назад

      No. Because they were there as a bureaucratic tool and nothing more.

    • @Viper72
      @Viper72 Год назад +11

      Plus these guys are all special forces operators or previous and picked from their groups with the CIA. In the bridge scene they had a full delta force escort which is why the “gun fight” expected at the border was more of a massacre. Kate is trained but is an amateur compared to these guys.

    • @ozankabakyesheplayedcentreback
      @ozankabakyesheplayedcentreback 10 месяцев назад

      @@datboi9648 "cartle" and "calateral" had me rollin' 🤣🤣

  • @insanitypepper1740
    @insanitypepper1740 Год назад +71

    This film was written by Taylor Sheridan, directed by Villeneuve, and cinematography by Roger Deakins. It is lightning in a bottle.

  • @hansikursch484
    @hansikursch484 Год назад +25

    Thing to keep in mind, Benicio's character is NOT CARTEL. He's/used to be a lawyer who WORKED FOR THEM. Whatever happened in his life was blowback for his side gig. Now him offering his services to any party in exchange for a shot at payback is exactly in line with somebody with his background.
    Also btw his ptsd shows his wounds are still fresh, he's not desensitized yet.

    • @taloutezero
      @taloutezero 3 месяца назад +1

      No, that's still not correct. He was not a dirty lawyer. He was a prosecutor (which by nature meant he was against gangster types) and somewhere along the way that drug boss ordered his family killed to put him in his place. It didn't put him in his place, instead it motivated him to do whatever it took to get revenge. THAT is when he started working for rival gangs (gangs that are rivals to the cartel boss he is after) and whoever else wanted his services in exchange for giving him access and information. If he was actually in the pockets of a gang when he was a lawyer, they would have killed him too instead of just trying to teach him a lesson.

  • @onemuststand7353
    @onemuststand7353 Год назад +32

    50:30 Kate did make a difference. She wasn't mad about not being able to make a difference. She was mad that her moral high ground was compromised while being used for something that compromised her moral high ground. Kate was hell bent on maintaining her by-the-book ethics that even though she witnessed all the evil the cartel did and that they didn't play by the rules, she was STILL resistant at breaking the rules at the end. Hell, she couldn't even bring herself to shoot at Alejandro at the end because it conflicts with what she STILL maintains as a moral high ground.

    • @sevatar5762
      @sevatar5762 Год назад +8

      Exactly this. Kate has a very black and white moral compass and it is in direct conflict with the shades of grey world she finds herself in.

    • @TitoRapa303
      @TitoRapa303 Год назад +2

      She's in the wrong business for maintaining her morals

    • @machtnichtsseimann
      @machtnichtsseimann 8 месяцев назад +2

      She's not only by-the-book, she also has the arrogance to believe SHE is doing what's best by going into the bank when told by her superior ( whose knowledge / wisdom ARE superior ) not to. She effectively became bait to be murdered. One of the ways the film is brilliant is in her life being saved by a sicario. If Alejandro played by her rules, then he would have let her be murdered. Consequences for her going-by-the-book and her arrogant short-sightedness. But she didn't get what she deserved. So, who in this film is completely and morally right?

    • @Qbesent
      @Qbesent 7 месяцев назад

      Yup, the world isn't all black and white and she's too naive to see and accept it.

  • @MZ-bl6wg
    @MZ-bl6wg Год назад +13

    Fun fact 9:44 these “Delta Force” guys are actual active duty US Navy SEALs stationed in Texas at that base. When the director was scouting locations at that base he met them and asked if they could do a scene , they later got permission and do this scene and the pickup/border scene /shootout. He also didn’t direct them, jsut told them what was happening and asked them to react , respond and dress how they would if they were actually in the scenario so they did and he was beyond happy about how it turned out. They are also in the tunnel scene. Pretty bad ass to have actual active duty Navy SEALs in a movie. This stuff happens ALL the time, our Tier 1 and 2 Special Forces are in this stuff regularly. Both El Chapo and recently his son were captured in Mexico by DELTA Force operators , DEVGRU SEALs and Rangers accompanied of course by the Mexican marines but thr Mexico president credited our special forces with the capture . There’s actual body cam footage from the Mexicans of these raids and you can see and hear these amazing US Operators tearing it up.

    • @EL-Steve
      @EL-Steve Год назад

      Every little detail from this film blows my mind, thats amazing

    • @sevatar5762
      @sevatar5762 Год назад

      Atleast one of those guy’s definitely isn’t a SEAL. His name is Tait Fletcher a bit part actor and friend of Joe Rogan.

  • @BrahmaDBA
    @BrahmaDBA Год назад +71

    Welcome back Eric and Sarah! Love your choice of comeback film. Denis Villeneuve has some of the best cinematography in the business and Sicario is such a treat.

    • @claytonbearden7793
      @claytonbearden7793 Год назад +4

      Roger Deakins is the best that's why Denis is one of the best he knows who to bring in!

  • @williammatthews693
    @williammatthews693 Год назад +46

    Enjoyed the reaction guys! Del Toro's character is fascinating, and gets even more fleshed out in the sequel which I encourage you guys also watch at some point. I really can't judge a man like that for his actions. Sure, from our point of view, he's becoming just as big of a monster as the man who killed his wife and daughter, but for him he's making the man responsible for his pain feel that pain just as much. I also get the impression he seeks death. Notice how when Blunt tries to shoot him in the back, he just turns around and faces her, expressionless. A pretty disturbing moment.

  • @reimalaluan5286
    @reimalaluan5286 7 месяцев назад +2

    A man full of rage, vengeance in his mind, coming to that table. And yet, his gun nor his voice was shaking one bit, and calmed himself with one sigh. I've never seen a more focused man in other movies. Great performance from Del Torro.

  • @timothyhedrick5295
    @timothyhedrick5295 Год назад +56

    I have a general aversion and disdain for most sequels but the sequel to this is one of the surprising exceptions. It's actually really good but no more "uplifting" than this one was. I think you'd enjoy it. Great reaction thanks!
    On a side note, I'm a recently (3 years ago) retired DEA Agent after twenty-two years and eight years before that as a local narcotics detective before that. I think when Brolin's character states they (the government) was trying to return the drug trade to (I'm paraphrasing here) a more centralized organization that they (the government) could control was not so much about the CIA actively managing it but about it being more "trunked" and easier to attack. The fact is back in the 70s and 80s, Colombian organizations controlled all the large scale distribution organizations in the US. Now, Colombian organizations control a tiny fragment of the distribution in the US, concentrating on production of product that they hand off to organizations based in Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, etc etc and then have nothing to worry about themselves. Consequently, making the "pipelines" into the US so much more fragmented and difficult to attack. Anyway, that's an extreme simplification about how things have evolved but I felt like it needed to be said.

    • @muckit606
      @muckit606 Год назад

      except that the cia did actively manage the drug trade helping distribute it to black communities, to fund a illegal war. look up freeway rick ross' story or the tv series snowfall loosely based on his life. sad to think good dea agents were chasing their own tail.

    • @timothyhedrick5295
      @timothyhedrick5295 Год назад

      @@muckit606 I knew this comment would appear even as I typed my initial comment lol. Didn't even take 24 hours! Dude..... the San Jose reporter who manufactured that story was completely discredited. He was fired and later committed suicide in his apartment. But I'm sure that was a conspiracy too...🤣 The papers that discredited him happen to include the Washington Post, the New York TImes, and Los Angeles Times. I can speak as to the LA Times, but the Washington Post and NYT certainly have had no problems publishing exposes embarrassing to the CIA or the US Government writ large. But I guess if you want to suggest three of the largest and most reputable papers in the US colluded with the government to besmirch him and discredit his story.... well ok. And then of course there is the editorial his own editor at the Mercury News published apologizing for the misleading nature of Webb's story and their failure to do their own due diligence in vetting it's credibility.

    • @HSBAILD
      @HSBAILD Год назад

      @@timothyhedrick5295 As far as i know, garry web was discredited falsly because other papers interpreted between the lines. But do you have something that sheds more light into this?

    • @timothyhedrick5295
      @timothyhedrick5295 Год назад

      Dude… I’m not about to type a dissertation on here for you. There is plenty of open source information out there about how Webb was discredited relative to this “story” as well as other unrelated articles it was determined he also chose to “enhance” and sex up once his editors decided to actually take a hard look at hid past work. Go forth and you shall find ample details. The papers that discredited him happen to include the Washington Post, the New York TImes, and Los Angeles Times. I can't speak as to the LA Times, but the Washington Post and NYT certainly have had no problems publishing exposes embarrassing to the CIA or the US Government writ large. But I guess if you want to suggest three of the largest and most reputable papers in the US colluded with the government to besmirch him and discredit his story.... well ok. And then of course there is the editorial his own editor at the Mercury News published apologizing for the misleading nature of Webb's story and their failure to do their own due diligence in vetting it's credibility before they published it or the absurdly suggestive graphics they chose to match it to. You can also read all about his reckless behavior before he even wrote this story, including multiple motorcycle and car crashes from reckless driving, the four times he was sued for libel (two resulting in payouts to the plaintiffs), or his decades long unsuccessful battles with severe clinical depression, as well as his history of mixing his own custom drug cocktails against the direction of his physicians. If all of that isn't enough for you to have skepticism of Webb's grandiose conspiracy story then, honestly, nothing ever will.

    • @HSBAILD
      @HSBAILD Год назад

      @@timothyhedrick5295 Did you reply to my post? I noticed it just today, that the comment i wanted to reply to was from another person (hence the question), but his comment is deleted. So i didn’t expect you to write me an answer as i was only referring to the topic that this development was false because of webbs story, which the other person brought up.

  • @ArmandoTheWanderer
    @ArmandoTheWanderer Год назад +6

    the sound design in this movie series is 10/10 it makes you feel anxiety and unsettled it builds until it explodes love movies that can make you feel things great reactions you two earned another sub

  • @mchavez4532
    @mchavez4532 Год назад +26

    The house full of bodies at the beginning was a reference to the 43 students that disappeared in Mexico. And if you look in the background when they're driving through Juarez there's missing person posters for a woman and teen girl next to Alejandros head. That was either foreshadowing but also may actually be a poster for his wife and daughter.

    • @LordMegatons
      @LordMegatons Год назад

      Damn that’s crazy didn’t know that

    • @citizenallenmi400
      @citizenallenmi400 6 месяцев назад

      No, he was a prosecutor in Juarez, just like the man in El Paso before the interrogation, hence the comments about still in the fight

  • @Sarkastik2007
    @Sarkastik2007 Год назад +9

    Benicio is amazing in everything I've seen him. True 🐐.

  • @rogerthevirgin7592
    @rogerthevirgin7592 Год назад +2

    i love how all of your suspicions are spot on throughout

  • @0412lennon
    @0412lennon Год назад +27

    sicario 2 is good but sicario is a masterpiece. I saw sicario in the theatre and the tension I felt throughout the whole film especially the first hour was film making at its finest.

    • @SolidSnake240
      @SolidSnake240 Год назад

      General consensus on Sicario 2 seems mixed from what i've seen and heard. I still need to watch it.

    • @Mpc333k
      @Mpc333k Год назад

      @@SolidSnake240 Denis did not direct Sicario 2, so I thought the major drop in quality was expected. Tbh the sequel was not needed at all since the first film stands very well on its own.

    • @Mpc333k
      @Mpc333k Год назад

      @@SolidSnake240 Also Roger Deakins did not return for the sequel

  • @JohnPaul-ux4kp
    @JohnPaul-ux4kp Год назад +4

    awesome! welcome back, guys!

  • @YoureMrLebowski
    @YoureMrLebowski Год назад +6

    0:19 "Mario's cousin, twice removed." 😆

  • @maingate7672
    @maingate7672 Год назад +3

    The first rule of government service is never volunteer for anything.
    The second rule of government service is never volunteer for anything.

  • @onemuststand7353
    @onemuststand7353 Год назад +13

    Getting rid of ALL the drugs is a fairy tale idea that most people who don't know about why illegal drugs is still so prevalent to this present day. Josh Brolin's character simplified it and I wish more people paid more attention to it. Until people stop buying the drugs and getting hooked on them, the best we can hope for is controlling who sells it and where.

  • @mikeminer1947
    @mikeminer1947 Год назад +5

    I'm so glad to see you back, and with a Villeneuve film! I don't know how you do it, but you always make original choices, and I hope you continue to do so.
    I'm not a gamer, but I appreciate how you had to do TLOU on your gaming channel, especially to see how a game you're familiar with compares to the actual show. Everyone and their mother is doing TLOU (and I'm sure you know this) so I'm so happy to see you have a separate movie channel!
    Welcome back!

    • @EricSarahReact
      @EricSarahReact  Год назад

      Thanks Mike, always good to hear from you! Thank you again for supporting the channel and glad you enjoy our reactions 😁

  • @puebloking8280
    @puebloking8280 Год назад +9

    I like the line about it not even making the papers in el paso. As someone who grew up in Tucson, AZ next to the Sonoran border I heard stories sll.the time growing up. Even In recent years a guy was decapitated down the street from house and people suspected cartel business. We never seen anything about it on the news and that's here in the states.

  • @csmelen
    @csmelen Год назад +3

    Welcome back! Great video to restart your movie reactions.

  • @SidPhoenix2211
    @SidPhoenix2211 Год назад +6

    This movie is terribly bleak. I just feel sad for all the genuinely innocent folks who are trapped in this shit through no fault of their own. While people who are higher up just play their damn game, trying to gain power, and control the business, and money.
    3 scenes from this movie have forever stuck with me:
    1. The highest shootout. It is just pure tension
    2. Benicio's character killing the two kids (and the wife) before killing the drug lord. Yeah, he got his revenge, I guess. Does the drog lord deserve the worst and feel an iota of the misery he's spread? Sure. Did his kids deserve that? Nope. Just fucking sucks.
    3. And the final scene. With the kids continuing to play their game as the gunfire rages on in the distance. Too many places around the world where people have no real choice but to live in a place like that.
    Check out Arrival & Prisoners if you haven't. Same director. Ultimately much lighter movies (at least Arrival is lol)

  • @YoureMrLebowski
    @YoureMrLebowski Год назад +2

    6:42 thank you editor sarah.

  • @oslafoirausuebutuoy5457
    @oslafoirausuebutuoy5457 Год назад +12

    50:48 I think they picked her because she had good field tactical experience, so it was less likely she would end up getting killed in a foreign country in an illegal operation (and it was the right call because she almost got killed but was able to avoid it due to her quickness and instinct), also she really wanted to get the men responsible for killing her friends, so she was a good choice for them overall.
    I personally really like this film, it might even be my favorite. I think Villeneuve is an amazing director.

    • @NicholasTan092
      @NicholasTan092 Год назад +2

      That’s only half of the real reason, the real reason is because they need to check some boxes and say “yea we got approval to run the ops”

    • @abouttime2569
      @abouttime2569 Год назад +1

      @@NicholasTan092 That is an obvious given. OP was talking about why specifically her.

  • @shainewhite2781
    @shainewhite2781 Год назад +20

    HELLO, so good to see you guys! Been a long time since I've seen your videos. This is a brilliant action thriller film!

  • @blackspider9780
    @blackspider9780 Год назад +3

    Emily blunt’s character kept on trying to do things straight out the book and it hit her hard at the face every time. Trying to do things by the book at a country like Mexico, you’ll pay for it with your life in the most gruesome way. And going back to the Medellin cartel, after they were disbanded, it created a power vacuum with almost all of South America try to get their hands on the drugs with smaller cartels which is harder to control than a larger singular cartel. Kate is seeing it black and white but in reality is small margin of black and white while most of it is grey. This is the hard truth that the world is not a truly safe place

  • @cristianmunozlevill1265
    @cristianmunozlevill1265 Год назад +3

    This movie is insanely good.
    And welcome back!

  • @BumpyBaluga
    @BumpyBaluga Год назад +23

    For reference, the CIA are called Spooks because theyre considered ghosts.
    Also loved how yall were soo close to get it, and the whole reason she was attached to the CIA lol.

  • @mikeyben7
    @mikeyben7 Год назад +3

    Welcome Back!!! Just wanted to thank y'all for taking the time to make these reaction videos for us🖤
    Be Well🖖🖖🖖

  • @samuelbrown3405
    @samuelbrown3405 Год назад +4

    Fun/terrifying fact about Fausto Alarcon. If you pay attention, Alejandro calls him El Verdugo. El Verdugo means "The Executioner".

    • @R.Tafolla
      @R.Tafolla Месяц назад

      Funny, they call me el vergudo.

  • @YoureMrLebowski
    @YoureMrLebowski Год назад +1

    12:11 called it. ☎️
    eric&sarah are always thinking 💭

  • @MrHellsing76
    @MrHellsing76 Год назад +2

    Reason Delta guy was a dick, Delta are the tigers to the FBI's feral cats, both are dangerous, but one is on a whole other level you better just pray you don't run into.
    and given how fucking bad the FBI is at it's job, I imagine most professionals don't view them in a good light

  • @YoureMrLebowski
    @YoureMrLebowski Год назад +2

    41:33 "...destroy his family. Right in front of him."
    called it ☎️

  • @fakecubed
    @fakecubed Год назад +2

    The movie Traffic might be another one to consider, as would the TV series The Wire. Both are pretty realistic, gritty looks at the drug trade.

  • @t0dd000
    @t0dd000 Год назад +2

    Brilliant film. The follow-on was rather good as well.

  • @YoureMrLebowski
    @YoureMrLebowski Год назад +3

    16:55 "Not really by the book are they."
    they're using a different book.

  • @YoureMrLebowski
    @YoureMrLebowski Год назад +2

    42:42 "I freaking knew it."
    you did 👍🏼

  • @conorwellman8592
    @conorwellman8592 2 месяца назад

    the ending is so powerful as you said imagine living in that reality and more so imagine growing up in it. Playing soccer/football hear gunfire near by pause for a moment look around to be sure no one is sooting at them then go right back to the game like nothing happened.

  • @YoureMrLebowski
    @YoureMrLebowski Год назад +2

    10:02 sarah reading the room.

  • @GoldTop57
    @GoldTop57 Год назад +6

    As years go by, Emily Blunt rises up my personal list of great actresses

  • @freakattack69
    @freakattack69 Год назад +3

    My favorite movie reactors are back!💪🤗

  • @zboyjason
    @zboyjason Год назад +1

    You got to think as far as the Delta team goes, they do this stuff for a living. When they're not training they're on a mission and when they're not on a mission they're training. The FBI agents are not operators, they are investigators. They're not going to be as proficient as the Delta guys are.

  • @86forever
    @86forever Год назад +1

    Just found your channel..... Love your reaction...Love this movie and all the tension that comes w/it!!! ...... You guys should react to "Wind River" w/ Ashley Olsen & Jeremy Renner... it's by the same writer and I think... director as "Sicario".

  • @james101089
    @james101089 Год назад +2

    The thing I appreciated about this movie was how they, apparently, got some of the little stuff right. I went to go see this with my brother, who works in intelligence, and he pegged Brolin’s character as CIA immediately when they panned down to the flip flops. He said that character’s whole vibe was on point, as were the representations of the special ops guys for the prisoner transfer in Mexico.

  • @hugoz.7281
    @hugoz.7281 Год назад +2

    6:46 . Son "Dad dad wake up we gotta go to the soccer game.(Dad) "Ok Ok". I'm from El Paso 🙂

  • @alexragnarsson83
    @alexragnarsson83 Год назад +1

    "imagine that reality" a lot of people miss that final scene and is so strong though, loved your reaction

  • @YoureMrLebowski
    @YoureMrLebowski Год назад +1

    42:48 sarah's look into the camera. excellent. ✅👍🏼

  • @cajunsushi
    @cajunsushi Год назад

    In the classic 1968 film Bullitt, the Captain tells Frank, “I’m just interested in results.” I was in Vancouver for a cruise a couple of decades ago and we were walking around the city, when we came to a wide alley. I started noticing a few people by the side of buildings just hanging around a little out of it. In some countries they supply addicts with drugs until they’re ready for rehab. If you dry up the need for illegal distribution, maybe we can get back to a little normality.

  • @catchdawabbit9324
    @catchdawabbit9324 Год назад +1

    This is rich because there were 4 Americans who were kidnapped in Mexico recently. Two are still alive.

  • @Tommybn11
    @Tommybn11 Год назад +1

    Saludó desde la República Dominicana excelente vídeo

  • @WretchedDrummer
    @WretchedDrummer Год назад +2

    I'm a new subscriber now! I like how Eric is translating some Spanish but Sarah already can understand some! You guys got some good reactions goin on i like the commentary. I'll check out ur other reactions. Salud

  • @YoureMrLebowski
    @YoureMrLebowski Год назад +2

    3:49 "Oh sh*t!" 😮

  • @cshubs
    @cshubs Год назад +2

    I think the little boy at the dinner assassination near the end played Brock on Breaking Bad.

  • @antipodean1233
    @antipodean1233 Год назад +3

    Welcome back team, great director.. have you watched Arrival or Dune? So damn beautifuly shot, music choices
    art design ..great movies you cld also react to..

    • @EricSarahReact
      @EricSarahReact  Год назад

      We haven't seen either, so we have a lot of catching up to do!

  • @YoureMrLebowski
    @YoureMrLebowski Год назад +1

    43:23 you two are professional when it comes to 😮

  • @YoureMrLebowski
    @YoureMrLebowski Год назад +2

    36:37 😯😦😧😮😲
    Bro." -sarah
    "What?" -eric

  • @YoureMrLebowski
    @YoureMrLebowski Год назад +2

    7:36 eric instincts are on point. 👍🏼

  • @ihygabriell
    @ihygabriell Год назад +1

    yall gotta watch part 2 💯💯💯💯

  • @phj223
    @phj223 Год назад +1

    "Weapons free, my friend. Weapons free."

  • @SidPhoenix2211
    @SidPhoenix2211 Год назад +9

    "control the chaos" = WE get to profit from all the misery lol

    • @vivek27789
      @vivek27789 Год назад +2

      The harsh truth is somebody will always profit from chaos...And in reality it's better that it's u rather than someone else or your enemy.

  • @tolkienismaster
    @tolkienismaster Год назад +7

    Please consider reacting to Micheal Mann's Heat.

  • @pduidesign
    @pduidesign Год назад +4

    FBI Director: if your fear is operating out of bounds, you are not. The boundaries have been moved.
    Kate: This is illegal! I’m going to tell everyone!! Waah!
    Everyone: facepalm 🤦‍♀️

  • @justinbarnett9476
    @justinbarnett9476 Год назад +1

    This was a great watch. Sicario is one of my favorite movies. You two caught on quick to what was going on in the movie. I watched it twice before I picked up on everything.

  • @YoureMrLebowski
    @YoureMrLebowski Год назад +1

    43:38 gasp "Oh no." 😯

    @XENONEOMORPH1979 Год назад +1

    your music sounds like europe express by krafterk strange lol

  • @redboi1172
    @redboi1172 Год назад +2

    First of Taylor Sheridan's writing, he captured what's going on socially

  • @YoureMrLebowski
    @YoureMrLebowski Год назад +2

    i hope you'll offer full length reactions on patreon soon.

  • @brentp2306
    @brentp2306 Год назад +2

    34:15 - Yes, compared to Delta Force operators, the FBI agents are idiots.

  • @01HondaS2kXD
    @01HondaS2kXD Год назад

    “You’re asking me how a watch works. For now, we’ll just keep an eye on the time.”

  • @YoureMrLebowski
    @YoureMrLebowski Год назад +2

    5:28 sarah does not approve of that question. 🤨

  • @YoureMrLebowski
    @YoureMrLebowski Год назад +1

    38:36 sarah called it 12:11 ☎️

  • @joaosantos5503
    @joaosantos5503 Год назад +12

    Total masterpiece. Check out the rest of Denis Villeneuve's work. Especially Incendies, which might be the best film of the last decade tbh haha at least in my book.

    • @oxyiscool
      @oxyiscool Год назад

      Agree...Incendies left me totally speechless... Then Sicario did the same thing......

  • @yaredteferra7630
    @yaredteferra7630 Год назад +5

    A true masterpiece

  • @kevjohn2006
    @kevjohn2006 Год назад +1

    I think the version that I saw didn't have subtitles too

  • @arik_dev
    @arik_dev Год назад +2

    Hey sorry this is totally unrelated but half way through your breakdown I noticed your earrings, and I'm kind of curious now what are they?

    • @EricSarahReact
      @EricSarahReact  Год назад +2

      They're buckets of popcorn!

    • @arik_dev
      @arik_dev Год назад +1

      @@EricSarahReact Ok that makes sense, I feel dumb now XD

  • @yeoldegamer5112
    @yeoldegamer5112 Год назад

    Nice that you two are back, I enjoyed watching your reaction, despite the subtitles fauxpas.
    I don't understand spanish either 😄
    If you're interested in another film in a south american crime setting I can wholeheartedly recommend:
    Man on Fire (2004)
    Denzel Washington, Christopher Walken and Dakota Fanning who plays a 9-year-old girl.
    Denzel and Christopher are their usual great selves, but Dakota's performance was amazing.She defintely held her own and was not outshown by them.
    And if you haven't seen Natalie Portman's debut movie and are interested in a Hitman/young child story, watch Leon The Professional (1994) if you haven't already. I'd be really surprised if you didn't think they were great films and stories.
    Anyway, cheers for the entertaining reaction 🖖

  • @huliohuliohamijo
    @huliohuliohamijo Год назад +1

    48:51 And a dark present, we just don't know about it yet. Maybe what they are doing now will come out in 30 or 40 years, when it is already too late to put an end to it or to put any of the people responsible in jail.

  • @steewith2ees14
    @steewith2ees14 Год назад +14

    What a great way to discover your channel. I was stoned going into the cinema to watch this so to say I was on the edge of my seat for for the 2 hours is an understatement and after it came out on Blu - Ray I think I played it 4 times over within the first week. Subscription well deserved! EDIT: I always felt that despite giving her the mushroom treatment (feeding sh1t while keeping in the dark) and needing to work with domestic US LE Kate was definitely also chosen for her tactical experience which was top notch (as established in the Chandler raid at the start). The sequel is great but not as good as this.

  • @YoureMrLebowski
    @YoureMrLebowski Год назад +1

    44:27 the pain on sarah's face.
    pain isn't the right word, but it's close.

  • @sproutzer
    @sproutzer Год назад +1

    The imagery and score of this movie helps build up tension in certain scenes

  • @blitzmetal444
    @blitzmetal444 Год назад +1


  • @YoureMrLebowski
    @YoureMrLebowski Год назад +2

    29:00 😮 "What?"

  • @GlennYoung-y8j
    @GlennYoung-y8j Год назад

    This movie is about how those with morals and ethics are utterly unprepared to deal with those who lack them.

  • @YoureMrLebowski
    @YoureMrLebowski Год назад +1

    46:01 "That's sad." -eric "Wow that's depressing." -sarah 😐

  • @Mark_Moody
    @Mark_Moody 7 месяцев назад

    Omg the ring mention

  • @Tony_Ruiz95
    @Tony_Ruiz95 Год назад +3

    part 2 is pretty solid

  • @meesh11p
    @meesh11p Год назад +5

    A fantastic movie by an excellent director! Not a huge action person but this is definitely a standout for me.

  • @Scary__fun
    @Scary__fun Год назад +2

    Denis Villeneuve is French-Canadian, you pronounced his name as Spanish which is wrong... it's Duh-nee Veal-nuh-v. By the way, those weren't bracelets. Those are rubber bands that hold stacks of bills. Sadly, there are no happy endings in the drug war. The U.S. has been fighting it ever since the 70's with no good results. People get addicted to the high they get from drugs and there's too much money to be made by criminals that there will never be those who want to profit from it despite the misery it causes society.

  • @cuerpo869
    @cuerpo869 Год назад +5

    I think you would like another film with Josh Brolin....No Country for Old Men (2007)..another great thriller with evil undertones..

  • @Rm_In_The_Scene
    @Rm_In_The_Scene Год назад

    I'm from El Paso I'm glad they actually showed it

  • @fakecubed
    @fakecubed Год назад +1

    I hope you watch Arrival someday on the channel.

  • @notimportant3686
    @notimportant3686 Год назад +1

    yes, watch prisoners... great movie... heavy, but really good.... people think jack had a great performance, but really it was jake....

  • @roryjoey1778
    @roryjoey1778 Год назад

    Kate, the main woman character is from The Devil Wears Prada. Emily Blunt also academy award winner

  • @leonchevalier
    @leonchevalier Год назад +3

    Great movie. Great reaction, and yes, unfortunately grounded in 'some' truth....

  • @abrahamhernandez1913
    @abrahamhernandez1913 Год назад +2

    "Imagine that reality"
    Yes, it down the border!

    • @vivek27789
      @vivek27789 Год назад

      Actually it's already here now... Slowly but steadily.

  • @ITMacPro
    @ITMacPro Год назад +7

    Sicario 2 was really good in my opinion. I do hope you get to review it. It does have both Benicio and Josh reprising their roles.

  • @YoureMrLebowski
    @YoureMrLebowski Год назад +2

    11:41 "Scary music."
    very 😬

    @SUMUAL-PERMESTA Год назад +2

    PLEASE REACT....Traning Day(denzel washington)👍👍👍
    He won the oscar for this movie

  • @defnotatroll
    @defnotatroll Год назад +3

    Love your guys reactions