You're absolutely right. As a African American Black Lesbian growing up in The 90s being gay was the worst thing you could be. At the time my family and friends rejected me and I was very suicidal. I wouldn't wish that pain on anybody. This generation dont know how good they got it. I wish I had the confidence to come out back then but I was stuck with religion and trying to please my family/friends. Now that Im 40 IDGAF what anybody says. Stay out of my way and leave me a lone..
Any young gay, must become financially independent. #1 get an education or a certification. If doing any of those is truly insurmountable then get a job, work your ass off and become skilled. #2 move to a larger town or city where people are used to living with folks who are different than them.
Luckily Peter’s friend the urologist stayed with him as a friend. I am a few years older (I was 24 in 1980). My straight friends for the most part ran away. And the few that did not run away slowly distanced themselves from me. I am a regular guy to the border of being boring. All we are is an organism like anyone else. A citizen like anyone else. A living sentient, loving human, like anyone else.
I've never had to "come out" because unfortunately I couldn't hide it because it was OBVIOUS. I'm kinda glad because lying to myself sounds like a worse fate. But the downside was I had to endure a lot of suffering, horrors and trauma while Growing up in a small town in the 80s. looking back at my past I don't know how tf I survived... or why I'm still in this world.
I am glad you guys have these phone lines and zooms for Montreal. Wish the same list could be found for Waterloo, Ontario. Sure, there might be one for Toronto, but not sure where.
I know every coin has two sides. My wife and I were together (and still friends) for 38 years. I made a choice to not be gay (ha). We have 3 children, 5 granchildren and 7 great-grandchildren. I went through therapy for two years. We finally separated, but are friends and I'm helping my youngest daughter care for her mother who is quite ill. We had our 61st Anniversary in 2022. My wife stood by me the entire time, realizing that despite the therapy and a deep desire, I was gay. We went to Marriage Encounter, and as we walked in the door I saw a poster that said "God Doesn't Make Junk" - it was then that I realized that inspite of teaching and social norms, that God made me as he did for a reason...there IS a purpose to how we're created. I love God, my family, and who I am. No romance, but a world of people who are hurting because people do understand. It truly does get better when you just be who you are, but don't lose the love for your family and those around you that also need you desperately every day.
I caught this show in August of 2024. If one gay closeted person regardless of age sees this than you have eased his or her burden. Thanks for doing this. Modern culture makes being gay look easy from accepting yourself to telling friends and family. For many it is easier but fir most of us it is a hard lonesome journey. Efore you get to the other side of the promised land. Having been out for 40 years I will reiterate that when you are born straight you never have to come out but at 79 I still must come out constantly as I meet new people all the timeBut to all the newbies out there, being gay for me and most of my friend circle it has been a truly wonderful life with all the same rough spots you can expect but I would never change to straight because it has been a great life. Btw my mother would have loved a Jewish doctor in the fsmilyl you are a handsome articulate manIt doesn’t get better than that. Thanks again all of you.
Not coming out was torturous to my Inner Being. I finally started "coming out" at 45 and still doing so at 51. I notice the more I come out the more Life opens up to me and reveals Her Secrets. Coming out is a lot more than saying two words out of your mouth.
Growing up in the 70's I knew I was gay as a 5 yrs old. I also discovered just how taboo and dangerous it was to reveal yourself in society. I was convinced it was a mental illness that would go away in time. I learned to suppress those feelings and married a woman and had three children all while remaining in the closet for 45 yrs. Coming out to my wife and children was the hardest thing I ever had to do. Fortunately my wife and children were all very supportive and we all remain very close today. I am now a huge advocate to the LGBTQ community so that no one ever has to feel shame, fear, or less than for living the life you were born to lead. 💙🏳️🌈💙
I was raised in a Midwest town in the US. I had girl crushes. Got married and had kids. No clue. I didn't know gay because is all I know was what TV said was gay. That wasn't me. 35 years old and I saw two masculine Men together and I thought what??? That can't be gay and my mind was blown. Yip I am gay.
Fascinating. I was a McGill student 1982-1987 and was terrified to be gay. I was eventually referred by the McGill Health Service to a psychiatrist at McGill, Dr. Lawrence Hoffman, who I visited 3x times a week for Freudian analysis in the hopes that I might "get over this phase." Lots of talk about my mother psychologically "castrating me", etc. Obviously, it didn't work. I assumed that it was because the Doctor was a clueless hetero man who was using some kind of outdated therapy. But it was only now - in 2022 - when it dawned on me, that I was probably referred to Dr. Hoffman because he was actually gay but wasn't able to out himself to me due to the constraints of Freudian therapy (?) or univesity guidelines (?). I wonder if he is still with us.
Living a lie is torture. Whatever the lie is it will eat you up inside and that person will live a terrible existence. It comes down to the choice of lying to make other ppl comfortable/happy or make yourself happy.
His outing was in the 1990s. Imagine in any decade previous. It was terrifying because u were cut off socially and economically...from getting a job. Still that way in many small towns and rural areas.
Never, ever, ask someone "why didnt you tell me?" Because no straight person knows how it feels to be gay in a straight-oriented society. Besides everything else, maybe we dont want to be "the gay son, the gay brother, the gay uncle, the gay friend, the gay neighbor, gay whatever". No one calls you "straight whatever"! Maybe we dont want our sexuality to be bigger than ourselves. Questions like "when/how did you realize you are gay?" shows ignorance because they would never ask that to someone straight. It would sound weird! And it shows how straight people see us gays like aliens! How can we feel "normal" and included? That man can't even say "homossexuality" without showing some embarrasment!
But there is a lot of heteronormative people out there who don't know a lot of gays and I doubt sit around thinking about fully educating themselves in order to not be ignorant and offend gays without meaning to. As long as no one is being deliberately cruel or attacking you I wouldn't let it bother you. Gays are a minority group and that does make their sexuality stand out to some people, especially if they are not well cultured and live in small towns and villages. I myself am guilty of thinking of someone as gay when I think of a gay person, not because I see it as a big issue, but because I don't know many gays it just stands out as something about them that crosses my mind. I;m sure if I lived somewhere that had a majority of gay people living there then a straight person would stand out..I don't tend to do that with straight people because being straight is so common place with most people it just doesn't cross my mind. It's like if I lived in a village where everyone had brown hair and then a small minority have bright red hair, i'd probably think of their red hair when I think of them because it stands out. I have absolutely no issue with gays and I'm more interested who they are as people, the fact they're gay crosses my mind but not for any negative reason, I'm so used to straight people that them being gay stands out in my mind without me meaning to do it.
I remember the clothes I used to wear out. My “friends” at the time. Mom knew, and if dad did, he never ever mentioned it. We dealt with it by never talking about it. Kind of sad because that’s carried over to my sisters. They don’t know A LOT about my life’s experiences and I guess don’t want to know.
I was married to my accepting wife for 51 years and cared for her with MS for 26 years. She passed in June 2022. The fact that I am gay was medically proven during electronic shock therapy as part of 13 years of reparative therapy. I do not have a boyfriend and probably never will. That is OK. This year, 2022, the entire medical profession declassified homosexuality 49 years ago in 1973. All the best for the future. Golden Rule..never out anyone for any reason. Even as an ordained Baptist minister, I have been told I am not welcome to even attend church because I am gay. I never was apparently.
Ron s . Sad for your wife that she never had a marriage to a guy that loved her the way a man loves a woman , good that you looked after her though I’m sure she was very grateful for that , just a shame she missed out on romantic sexual bond . I’m only saying this from experience as I was married to a guy for 7 years until I found out his secret as he was acting on it , I divorced him as I think I’m worth more than that and deserve a normal loving relationship with a man who truly loves everything about me not just as a friend . If your gay though why didn’t you have relationships with men as you deserve to be with who you want to be with , is that because of religious reasons ?
@@debrarow1933 - Ask yourself as a member of the Hetero community, 95% of the world’s population, why you people were in the best way so derogative dismissive towards homo people and in the worst case persecuting them, making them lose their job, home, incarcerate them, castrate them, gang beat them up, reject and bully the young ones at school and in Muslim and in protestant east Africa now Kill them. We are all waiting for your answer.
Watching this makes me understand myself more in respect that I am a baby boomer, a 70s kid, yet I was always true to myself and had a rough road overall. Absolutely no attraction to women and I could not fake it. Walking through the fire makes me the man I am today. It is no longer my "story". however. Certainly we all have different circumstances, but I had the same threats and fears and hence I have no respect for the cowards who keep that secret and deceive themselves and their families.
Thank you for sharing Peter! You mentioned about the conservatism in the small towns of America, Singapore just just been debating the abolition of a British Colonial law called 377a which criminalised sodomy. I watched 20 MPs in Parliament for 2 days. Although the majority will repeal this anti gay law, there were a few who warned about ' the slippery slope of immorality ' if 377a was repealed I.e. Gays are a threat to The family , to heterosexual marriage & the Religious institutions are vehemently against the NORMlisation of Homosexuality. In order to reach a compromise, the government will enshrine the definition of HETEROSEXUAL Marriage in the Constitutio so that Gays cannot demand the legalisation of Gay marriage. Hong Kong & India repealed 377a 30 years & 5 years ago respectively & there was no legalisation of gayarriage so all the fear mongering is unjustified.
Now imagine with its live in Asia where everything is more uptight, especially in countries like Singapore and Malaysia. Singapore only lifted the law against gay sex like this year! It was considered criminal all the while.
The first time my parter took me to meet with his mother she said to me He tells me your are good cook. He is complaining about gaining weight…. That was good enough blessing. Lol And it was over 30years ago.
From age 5 I knew I was different, by age 8 I was falling in love with boys the same way other boys fell in love with girls. I kept trying to prove to myself whether I was gay or straight because both gay and straight people assured me that bisexuals don't exist. They were wrong. There have been a handful of women I absolutely loved, but most of them seemed liked they needed a friend more than a lover at that time in their life.
GET OUT NOW. This cannot be. You die and NO one will be grateful that you stayed in the closet. Even worse, because you never let anyone love you no-one will even cry about you. You have NOTHING to lose. You are losing now. I’m Dutch, 66 years old from a provincial town with a non accepting family. I left the house when i was 19 in 1977. In 1979 while living in London i came out. It was scary making that step. Had to go into a porn shop to buy the ‘Gay news’ magazine. I felt so embarrassed. I then found out about a Gay help line number and they set me up for a meeting for young Gays that just came out. It made all the difference. Nowadays you see Gays everywhere. Also in Greece just in case you live there. Sorry, but there is no excuse. People who will drop you are no good anyway so why be around them now. You’ll be surprised how many will be ok with it. Don’t drive yourself crazy. My forties were my best years. If you live in a very conservative area, Thén it’s time to move. Make something of your life. Period. Good luck. 👍 🏳️🌈
They were never “Straight men” they were gay men the whole time. When someone comes out, they are only announcing who they really where/are to the world authentically.
It's not uncommon for str8 men to feel some resentment toward a gay friend for not telling them they are gay. Which i don't quite get. I don't think the gay guy is obligated to come out, anymore than the str8 guy is obligated to ask.
It's all about humanity, despite & regardless of sexuality, genders or race etc. Emphasis should be on a universal philosophy or language to embrace & inspire the equality of all mankind be it heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual or transexual. On humanitarian ground, every mankind should be educated & learn to respect & accept all the existence of human race as a whole.
I never understood this either. Why act so insulted if I don't tell you I'm gay? I don't force anyone to tell me about their sex tales, so I expect the same courtesy from people. But no, everyone HAS to know if I am or not gay. For what?? are going to listen the tales of my hookups, or sex fantasies? of course not.
Why do you think gays can be reduced to a few "tips" any more than any other slice of humanity? Why not just take people, in all their complexity and weirdness,as they are, instead of trying to sort people into little boxes?
I'm not sure how old you are but it can take a while to find an actual relationship which is more than body parts. I dated for 7 years before I deleted my online dating profile and the next day a friend called, "Where did you go?" We've been together about 10 years now.
JESUS CHRIST, the lord & saviour of all mankind descended upon earth thousands of years ago. He was brutally tortured & died on the cross of calvary for all mankind despite our race, skin, languages, culture, social status rich or poor, age, sexes & sexualities etc............ This is the divine 💕 love of the true & living GOD. Do you think GOD would only love the heterosexuals more than homosexuals since CHRIST came to die for all LGBTQS: lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, queers & straights. That's the plain truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The divine true love of GOD ❤️ is not confined or limited to any sexuality or race etc. Christ's love is showered & given equally for all mankind. From the biblical point of view or perspective, the scripture verses can teach us several life's principles or tell you many ancient stories, & speak to you in a number of different ways & voices. The biblical verses may not mean or interpret that GOD condemns homosexuality. If a man's sexual desire for another man is a sin, then likewise a heterosexual man/woman committing adultery is also sinful in the sight of GOD. Generally, if we talk about sin, in the eyes and holy standard of GOD, all have fallen from grace & are sinners be it heterosexual/homosexual homosapiens, yet all mankind can be saved by the divine love, grace & mercy of Jesus Christ. Do also bear in mind that the holy bible verses have under gone through countless of manual translations over many centuries since ancient times. In our modern day christianity, biblical theology & doctrines have been revised tremendously by conflicting denominations. As a consequence, this had resulted in the rise of new bible versions & translations. Therefore, people can & may misinterpret the scriptures in many ways. Homosexuality is a universal language of love & acceptance, of kindness and compassion for the minority, weak, vulnerable, misjudged, discriminated, prejudiced & underprivileged worldwide. It is a sensitive, however very significantly addressed social issue over the past several decades on our planet earth. Like any other world issues, homosexuality, the global stigma is worth debating for. In recent years, the scientific definition for homosexuality by renounced medical experts & professionals such as specialist doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, & social workers was gradually revised. On the spectrum of mental illnesses, homosexuality was once classified & believed to be a psychiatric disorder but today, panel of medical experts have redefine & readdress the issue in countries around the globe. Homosexuality, similarly as, heterosexuality is bounded by the laws of nature, coexisted hand in hand with the latter since the beginning of human existence. Homosexuality is the work of nature for survival in the human race which is also beneficial towards the society & community as a whole. The theory of natural selection analyze & determine that a diversity of sexualities benefit humanity, as nature had to program & implant homosexuality in the human genes on specific times at certain places. Homosexual chromosomes are the genetic material triggered by nature usually inherited from mother or female genes. This can be explained by the analysis of evolutionary concepts in biological science in which the work of nature triggers the mechanism of genetics in humans. For instance, the dynamics of nature control our human genes in several aspects of physiology such as the determination of skin & hair colours, facial structures & features, our human reproductive system, central nervous system, circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system renal & endocrine system, skeletal & muscular support system etc. Biologically, the work of nature is also able to alter human genes in the determination of various sexualities. In conclusive analysis, it is the work of nature that depicts & determines the biology of human life & genetic functions.🧬🧬🧬 We, as humans must or should bear in mind that it's not our decisions or choices to fall in any category of sexualities despite being male or female. Humanity should embrace & inspire to learn & be educated & inculcated with good moral values of love, kindness, social acceptance, respect & equality for all LGBTQS as ONE mankind & human race.
The heart becomes corrupt, the body follows and the mind becomes useless. As it states in Romans 1: 24-27 - 24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-who is forever praised. Amen. 26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
People who quote verses from various religious (christian or otherwise, usually depending on which part of earth they grew up) books that are only important to themselves and their like minded compatriots never seem to actually listen purposefully to the truths of others telling their personal life stories. They believe they know all the intricacies of what it is to be human and feel they can mindlessly comment on subjects they have no personal affiliation or knowledge of. Their own books often tell them not to judge other human beings and yet they are more often than not the first to cast the stones that kill the souls, spirits and in some countries the actual bodies of other fellow earth dwellers. So sad they can't use their narrow mindedness to actually lift others up!
Reach Out:
You're absolutely right. As a African American Black Lesbian growing up in The 90s being gay was the worst thing you could be. At the time my family and friends rejected me and I was very suicidal. I wouldn't wish that pain on anybody. This generation dont know how good they got it. I wish I had the confidence to come out back then but I was stuck with religion and trying to please my family/friends. Now that Im 40 IDGAF what anybody says. Stay out of my way and leave me a lone..
Any young gay, must become financially independent.
#1 get an education or a certification. If doing any of those is truly insurmountable then get a job, work your ass off and become skilled.
#2 move to a larger town or city where people are used to living with folks who are different than them.
You should do that even when you're straight lol
Thank you for this. I’m gay and out for ten years but I’ve had a low point. Really appreciate this honesty.
You men did a great service for society & humanity by discussing this issue so openly & lovingly no judgement just guy talk. . Love it. 🇺🇸👍🏳️🌈♥️⭐️💜💙🌈
This is fantastic, well done,, this is what Mose of us look and act like , 99% just ordinary boring people
Luckily Peter’s friend the urologist stayed with him as a friend. I am a few years older (I was 24 in 1980). My straight friends for the most part ran away. And the few that did not run away slowly distanced themselves from me. I am a regular guy to the border of being boring. All we are is an organism like anyone else. A citizen like anyone else. A living sentient, loving human, like anyone else.
I've never had to "come out" because unfortunately I couldn't hide it because it was OBVIOUS. I'm kinda glad because lying to myself sounds like a worse fate. But the downside was I had to endure a lot of suffering, horrors and trauma while Growing up in a small town in the 80s. looking back at my past I don't know how tf I survived... or why I'm still in this world.
Your still here to teach me how to do it right...teach me to kneel for a meal
I am glad you guys have these phone lines and zooms for Montreal. Wish the same list could be found for Waterloo, Ontario. Sure, there might be one for Toronto, but not sure where.
Very good discussion. I never came out but have been with my husband 33 years.
I know every coin has two sides. My wife and I were together (and still friends) for 38 years. I made a choice to not be gay (ha). We have 3 children, 5 granchildren and 7 great-grandchildren. I went through therapy for two years. We finally separated, but are friends and I'm helping my youngest daughter care for her mother who is quite ill. We had our 61st Anniversary in 2022. My wife stood by me the entire time, realizing that despite the therapy and a deep desire, I was gay. We went to Marriage Encounter, and as we walked in the door I saw a poster that said "God Doesn't Make Junk" - it was then that I realized that inspite of teaching and social norms, that God made me as he did for a reason...there IS a purpose to how we're created. I love God, my family, and who I am. No romance, but a world of people who are hurting because people do understand. It truly does get better when you just be who you are, but don't lose the love for your family and those around you that also need you desperately every day.
I caught this show in August of 2024.
If one gay closeted person regardless of age sees this than you have eased his or her burden. Thanks for doing this. Modern culture makes being gay look easy from accepting yourself to telling friends and family. For many it is easier but fir most of us it is a hard lonesome journey. Efore you get to the other side of the promised land.
Having been out for 40 years I will reiterate that when you are born straight you never have to come out but at 79 I still must come out constantly as I meet new people all the timeBut to all the newbies out there, being gay for me and most of my friend circle it has been a truly wonderful life with all the same rough spots you can expect but I would never change to straight because it has been a great life.
Btw my mother would have loved a Jewish doctor in the fsmilyl you are a handsome articulate manIt doesn’t get better than that. Thanks again all of you.
Not coming out was torturous to my Inner Being. I finally started "coming out" at 45 and still doing so at 51. I notice the more I come out the more Life opens up to me and reveals Her Secrets. Coming out is a lot more than saying two words out of your mouth.
Very important topic, thank you for doing this, and I would like to see perhaps another video done by you on this subject at some future date.
Growing up in the 70's I knew I was gay as a 5 yrs old. I also discovered just how taboo and dangerous it was to reveal yourself in society. I was convinced it was a mental illness that would go away in time. I learned to suppress those feelings and married a woman and had three children all while remaining in the closet for 45 yrs. Coming out to my wife and children was the hardest thing I ever had to do. Fortunately my wife and children were all very supportive and we all remain very close today. I am now a huge advocate to the LGBTQ community so that no one ever has to feel shame, fear, or less than for living the life you were born to lead. 💙🏳️🌈💙
Bravo! Thank you guys
I was raised in a Midwest town in the US. I had girl crushes. Got married and had kids. No clue. I didn't know gay because is all I know was what TV said was gay. That wasn't me. 35 years old and I saw two masculine Men together and I thought what??? That can't be gay and my mind was blown. Yip I am gay.
What happened with your marriage?
Fascinating. I was a McGill student 1982-1987 and was terrified to be gay. I was eventually referred by the McGill Health Service to a psychiatrist at McGill, Dr. Lawrence Hoffman, who I visited 3x times a week for Freudian analysis in the hopes that I might "get over this phase." Lots of talk about my mother psychologically "castrating me", etc. Obviously, it didn't work. I assumed that it was because the Doctor was a clueless hetero man who was using some kind of outdated therapy.
But it was only now - in 2022 - when it dawned on me, that I was probably referred to Dr. Hoffman because he was actually gay but wasn't able to out himself to me due to the constraints of Freudian therapy (?) or univesity guidelines (?). I wonder if he is still with us.
Wow. What an inspiring story. Peter you are a fantastic person. Thanks for sharing.
Living a lie is torture. Whatever the lie is it will eat you up inside and that person will live a terrible existence. It comes down to the choice of lying to make other ppl comfortable/happy or make yourself happy.
His outing was in the 1990s. Imagine in any decade previous. It was terrifying because u were cut off socially and economically...from getting a job. Still that way in many small towns and rural areas.
Awesome, thanks for sharing your story.
Never, ever, ask someone "why didnt you tell me?" Because no straight person knows how it feels to be gay in a straight-oriented society.
Besides everything else, maybe we dont want to be "the gay son, the gay brother, the gay uncle, the gay friend, the gay neighbor, gay whatever". No one calls you "straight whatever"! Maybe we dont want our sexuality to be bigger than ourselves.
Questions like "when/how did you realize you are gay?" shows ignorance because they would never ask that to someone straight. It would sound weird! And it shows how straight people see us gays like aliens! How can we feel "normal" and included? That man can't even say "homossexuality" without showing some embarrasment!
thank you CARLOS.... you are right!
But there is a lot of heteronormative people out there who don't know a lot of gays and I doubt sit around thinking about fully educating themselves in order to not be ignorant and offend gays without meaning to. As long as no one is being deliberately cruel or attacking you I wouldn't let it bother you. Gays are a minority group and that does make their sexuality stand out to some people, especially if they are not well cultured and live in small towns and villages. I myself am guilty of thinking of someone as gay when I think of a gay person, not because I see it as a big issue, but because I don't know many gays it just stands out as something about them that crosses my mind. I;m sure if I lived somewhere that had a majority of gay people living there then a straight person would stand out..I don't tend to do that with straight people because being straight is so common place with most people it just doesn't cross my mind. It's like if I lived in a village where everyone had brown hair and then a small minority have bright red hair, i'd probably think of their red hair when I think of them because it stands out. I have absolutely no issue with gays and I'm more interested who they are as people, the fact they're gay crosses my mind but not for any negative reason, I'm so used to straight people that them being gay stands out in my mind without me meaning to do it.
Amazing interview 🙌🏽
Love your story, thanks for sharing
Great Discussion
I remember the clothes I used to wear out. My “friends” at the time. Mom knew, and if dad did, he never ever mentioned it. We dealt with it by never talking about it. Kind of sad because that’s carried over to my sisters. They don’t know A LOT about my life’s experiences and I guess don’t want to know.
I was married to my accepting wife for 51 years and cared for her with MS for 26 years. She passed in June 2022. The fact that I am gay was medically proven during electronic shock therapy as part of 13 years of reparative therapy. I do not have a boyfriend and probably never will. That is OK. This year, 2022, the entire medical profession declassified homosexuality 49 years ago in 1973. All the best for the future. Golden Rule..never out anyone for any reason. Even as an ordained Baptist minister, I have been told I am not welcome to even attend church because I am gay. I never was apparently.
I’m sorry you experienced that cruel therapy.
...I think you meant 1973
@@rickberglund2134 Sorry.
Ron s . Sad for your wife that she never had a marriage to a guy that loved her the way a man loves a woman , good that you looked after her though I’m sure she was very grateful for that , just a shame she missed out on romantic sexual bond . I’m only saying this from experience as I was married to a guy for 7 years until I found out his secret as he was acting on it , I divorced him as I think I’m worth more than that and deserve a normal loving relationship with a man who truly loves everything about me not just as a friend . If your gay though why didn’t you have relationships with men as you deserve to be with who you want to be with , is that because of religious reasons ?
@@debrarow1933 - Ask yourself as a member of the Hetero community, 95% of the world’s population, why you people were in the best way so derogative dismissive towards homo people and in the worst case persecuting them, making them lose their job, home, incarcerate them, castrate them, gang beat them up, reject and bully the young ones at school and in Muslim and in protestant east Africa now Kill them.
We are all waiting for your answer.
I am not 100% straight or bi or pan and officially got out of my closet at age 27 (a couple months before now)
Watching this makes me understand myself more in respect that I am a baby boomer, a 70s kid, yet I was always true to myself and had a rough road overall. Absolutely no attraction to women and I could not fake it. Walking through the fire makes me the man I am today. It is no longer my "story". however. Certainly we all have different circumstances, but I had the same threats and fears and hence I have no respect for the cowards who keep that secret and deceive themselves and their families.
"you were getting sloppy" LMAO you can take that from a good friend.
Thank you for sharing Peter! You mentioned about the conservatism in the small towns of America, Singapore just just been debating the abolition of a British Colonial law called 377a which criminalised sodomy. I watched 20 MPs in Parliament for 2 days. Although the majority will repeal this anti gay law, there were a few who warned about ' the slippery slope of immorality ' if 377a was repealed I.e. Gays are a threat to The family , to heterosexual marriage & the Religious institutions are vehemently against the NORMlisation of Homosexuality. In order to reach a compromise, the government will enshrine the definition of HETEROSEXUAL Marriage in the Constitutio so that Gays cannot demand the legalisation of Gay marriage. Hong Kong & India repealed 377a 30 years & 5 years ago respectively & there was no legalisation of gayarriage so all the fear mongering is unjustified.
Now imagine with its live in Asia where everything is more uptight, especially in countries like Singapore and Malaysia. Singapore only lifted the law against gay sex like this year! It was considered criminal all the while.
20:33 I wish the best friend talked more about his perception
18:23 it’s hard to meet people in this state. I relate. Are you reserved to never be intimate again? I am. It hurts.
The first time my parter took me to meet with his mother she said to me He tells me your are good cook. He is complaining about gaining weight…. That was good enough blessing. Lol
And it was over 30years ago.
From age 5 I knew I was different, by age 8 I was falling in love with boys the same way other boys fell in love with girls. I kept trying to prove to myself whether I was gay or straight because both gay and straight people assured me that bisexuals don't exist. They were wrong. There have been a handful of women I absolutely loved, but most of them seemed liked they needed a friend more than a lover at that time in their life.
Peter, you are very handsome. Interesting talk. Thank you
17:41 I felt the same.
I’m an Edmontontonian. Great man talk. Now I’d like to hear about the joy of prostate orgasm.
im Greek, over 40, homosexual (not gay), and still in the closet. Lucky you guys...
GET OUT NOW. This cannot be. You die and NO one will be grateful that you stayed in the closet. Even worse, because you never let anyone love you no-one will even cry about you.
You have NOTHING to lose. You are losing now.
I’m Dutch, 66 years old from a provincial town with a non accepting family. I left the house when i was 19 in 1977. In 1979 while living in London i came out. It was scary making that step. Had to go into a porn shop to buy the ‘Gay news’ magazine. I felt so embarrassed. I then found out about a Gay help line number and they set me up for a meeting for young Gays that just came out. It made all the difference. Nowadays you see Gays everywhere. Also in Greece just in case you live there. Sorry, but there is no excuse. People who will drop you are no good anyway so why be around them now. You’ll be surprised how many will be ok with it. Don’t drive yourself crazy. My forties were my best years. If you live in a very conservative area, Thén it’s time to move. Make something of your life. Period. Good luck. 👍 🏳️🌈
Homosexual is gay but I see what you mean. I hope you can find a point to be free for yourself
@@gachamansama3703 thank you...
I love how masculine he is, I wish more gay men acted like this
J'aime les hommes..jean.paul👍👍👍♥️♥️♥️👍👍🤩😍
They were never “Straight men” they were gay men the whole time. When someone comes out, they are only announcing who they really where/are to the world authentically.
Damn he is FINE🏳️🌈🐻
Which one?
It's not uncommon for str8 men to feel some resentment toward a gay friend for not telling them they are gay. Which i don't quite get. I don't think the gay guy is obligated to come out, anymore than the str8 guy is obligated to ask.
It's all about humanity, despite & regardless of sexuality, genders or
race etc.
Emphasis should be on a universal philosophy or language to embrace & inspire the equality of all mankind be it heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual or transexual.
On humanitarian ground, every mankind should be educated & learn to respect & accept all the existence of human race as a whole.
I never understood this either. Why act so insulted if I don't tell you I'm gay? I don't force anyone to tell me about their sex tales, so I expect the same courtesy from people. But no, everyone HAS to know if I am or not gay. For what?? are going to listen the tales of my hookups, or sex fantasies? of course not.
Explain how a person is straight gay ? This makes no sense. Gay is gay even if they had desires. World going to hell
Any tips on how to spot a guy still in the closet?
They aren't worth it sadly
Grindr. They usually never posted face photos or any at all.
Why do you think gays can be reduced to a few "tips" any more than any other slice of humanity? Why not just take people, in all their complexity and weirdness,as they are, instead of trying to sort people into little boxes?
@@syncopate50 this too
Yes. He tends to be behind the long sleeved shirts.
Love to meet you guys please
Help me lonely 🙁
I envy men who come out and already or get a boyfriend so quickly. I am still waiting years and years later.
This took him years. It was unlikely so "quickly".
Start worrying when you are above 40 yo
I'm not sure how old you are but it can take a while to find an actual relationship which is more than body parts. I dated for 7 years before I deleted my online dating profile and the next day a friend called, "Where did you go?" We've been together about 10 years now.
I like Peter.
Interesting accent….cant work it out…somewhere in Canada..? aaah Montreal….thought so.
Good on ya buddy 👍….. I know how you must have felt around that time
21:21 wtf?
I just wish these guys would come out of the closet and stop following me everywhere
23:18 ❤
Dont play with your keys on a yt video interview
JESUS CHRIST, the lord & saviour of all mankind descended upon earth thousands of years ago.
He was brutally tortured & died on the cross of calvary for all mankind despite our race, skin, languages, culture, social status rich or poor, age, sexes & sexualities etc............
This is the divine 💕 love of the true & living GOD.
Do you think GOD would only love the heterosexuals more than homosexuals since CHRIST
came to die for all LGBTQS:
lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, queers &
That's the plain truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The divine true love of GOD ❤️
is not confined or limited to any sexuality or race etc.
Christ's love is showered & given equally for all mankind.
From the biblical point of view or perspective, the scripture verses can teach us several life's principles or tell you many ancient stories, & speak to you in a number of different ways & voices.
The biblical verses may not mean
or interpret that GOD condemns
If a man's sexual desire for another man is a sin, then likewise a heterosexual man/woman committing adultery is also sinful in the sight of GOD.
Generally, if we talk about sin, in the eyes and holy standard of GOD, all have fallen from grace & are sinners
be it heterosexual/homosexual
homosapiens, yet all mankind
can be saved by the divine love,
grace & mercy of Jesus Christ.
Do also bear in mind that the
holy bible verses have under
gone through countless of manual translations over many centuries since ancient times.
In our modern day christianity,
biblical theology & doctrines have been revised tremendously
by conflicting denominations.
As a consequence, this had resulted in the rise of new bible versions & translations.
Therefore, people can & may
misinterpret the scriptures in
many ways.
Homosexuality is a universal language of love & acceptance, of kindness and compassion for the minority, weak, vulnerable, misjudged, discriminated, prejudiced & underprivileged worldwide.
It is a sensitive, however very significantly addressed social
issue over the past several decades on our planet earth.
Like any other world issues,
homosexuality, the global stigma is worth debating for.
In recent years, the scientific
definition for homosexuality by
renounced medical experts &
professionals such as specialist doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, & social workers was gradually revised.
On the spectrum of mental illnesses,
homosexuality was once classified & believed to be a psychiatric disorder but today, panel of medical experts have redefine & readdress the issue
in countries around the globe.
Homosexuality, similarly as,
heterosexuality is bounded by the laws of nature, coexisted hand in hand with the latter since the beginning of human existence. Homosexuality is the work of nature for survival in the human race which is also beneficial towards the society & community as a whole.
The theory of natural selection
analyze & determine that a diversity of sexualities benefit humanity, as nature had to program & implant homosexuality in the human genes on specific times at certain places. Homosexual chromosomes are the genetic material triggered by nature
usually inherited from mother or female genes.
This can be explained by the analysis of evolutionary concepts in biological science in which the work of nature triggers the mechanism of genetics in humans.
For instance, the dynamics of nature control our human genes in several aspects of physiology such as the determination of skin & hair colours,
facial structures & features, our human reproductive system, central nervous system, circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system
renal & endocrine system, skeletal & muscular support system etc.
Biologically, the work of nature is also able to alter human genes in the determination of various sexualities.
In conclusive analysis, it is the work of nature that depicts & determines the biology of human life & genetic functions.🧬🧬🧬
We, as humans must or should bear in mind that it's not our decisions or choices to fall in any category of sexualities despite being male or female.
Humanity should embrace & inspire to learn & be educated & inculcated
with good moral values of love, kindness, social acceptance, respect & equality for all LGBTQS as ONE mankind & human race.
Just read 1 Corinthians 6:9-12
I wish you'd put that tissue in your pocket. Frustrating and distracting.
Donald Trump is not homophonic a lot of his base is. So please be honest.
The guy on the left look super sick.
Andrew is straight…………😢😭
Andrew is very handsome... how distracting to have him as your friend!!!😂
The heart becomes corrupt, the body follows and the mind becomes useless. As it states in Romans 1: 24-27 - 24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.
25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-who is forever praised. Amen.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.
27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
blah blah blah…
Thank God for the truth!
People who quote verses from various religious (christian or otherwise, usually depending on which part of earth they grew up) books that are only important to themselves and their like minded compatriots never seem to actually listen purposefully to the truths of others telling their personal life stories. They believe they know all the intricacies of what it is to be human and feel they can mindlessly comment on subjects they have no personal affiliation or knowledge of. Their own books often tell them not to judge other human beings and yet they are more often than not the first to cast the stones that kill the souls, spirits and in some countries the actual bodies of other fellow earth dwellers. So sad they can't use their narrow mindedness to actually lift others up!
Bullshit. I can quote from my Superman comics, but that doesn't make HIM real, either!
Get a science book darling