Schizophrenia & Simulation: A journey into darkness Pt1of2

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • I've been seeing these around, so I thought I'd join the bandwagon on this one: A schizophrenia simulation, a glimpse into the mind of someone burdened by this debilitating illness. I watch and see how real this is to the actual experience.
    link to original video:
    • Realistic Schizophreni...

Комментарии • 8

  • @michaelblankenau3129
    @michaelblankenau3129 Год назад

    Thank you for what you do to help people understand what having this mental illness is like . I’m looking forward to the second video and your approach to vanquishing the foe . I am trying to help someone by steering them to your channel but there are blockers in the way . Some from this persons family ( who want to blame pot use ) and some from inertia on the part of the person . Without strong family support and an even stronger self willingness to fight it makes for a difficult situation . Anyway thank you for sharing your struggles .

    • @themorningmist99
      @themorningmist99  Год назад

      Part 2 is already out, actually.
      But there are always obstacles in getting beyond this, unfortunately. Hopefully, the video will at least provide you with some more valuable insight. Wishing your friend a speedy recovery 🙏

  • @John26767
    @John26767 Год назад +2

    Awesome video Paul (yours). 🙂 I have seen this simulation before, if I can have a little of your time I will share my thoughts and understanding...
    Could someone who is experiencing this have a base line of feeling self-conscious. If so could that be due to the label/diagnosis of schizophrenia, questioning one's sanity and worried that others might notice this state of mind. Now add to that having to go out in public and anxiety levels step up dramatically. Under this heightened pressure of anxiety is a greater need to "keep it together". This becomes a cocktail/spiral of emotion while anxiousness increases a need to keep it together which in turn raises/adds to the state of anxiousness. This in turn will have a knock on effect to someone's core stability and security, in effect the mind goes into panic/overload mode. In a state of panic/overload the voices are the offload, and in a state of already self-conscious, worse fears of people talking about them manifest, which although disturbing also adds some stability as the mind is experiencing exactly what it expects.
    Now through habit these manifested voices may appear whenever one's anxiety levels are heightened. I wonder if others would agree or notice a parallel between voices and anxiety levels. When alone anxiety levels should start to recede and when the mind calms somewhat the voices should also subside somewhat or better still stop, until one starts to become self-conscious again/becomes anxious. Through habit associations are formed. An offset that might help is practice meditating/calming and clearing the mind. Learn to clear the mind at will is a easy way to stay in control and relatively calm.
    A strong disciplined mind coupled with self-belief can pretty much handle anything thrown at it. Paul I know you have a strong disciplined mind and fear perhaps no longer features where it may have before. If I am right on this perhaps making a video on getting to a place of a strong disciplined mind might help many in not letting distracting and negative thoughts get the better off them. There is always a lot to learn and a lot to be gleaned. 🙂
    The other possible phenomena is voices having an intelligence of their own. I have heard some people relay this and the underlying theme in those cases seems to be a common pattern of torment, but again a strong disciplined mind will find a way to stamp those voices out (and in those cases it's whatever works for the individual). One more thing voices can't push or control someone's body, that in my opinion is an entirely different thing and Google searches may reveal more, rather than me having to say anything. What I will say is as far as I am aware no one has come to any significant harm from this phenomena, although as I say a Google search etc. should provide more information. Hope this has been of some help/interest and as always I am keen to hear opinions/thoughts etc. 🙂

    • @themorningmist99
      @themorningmist99  Год назад +3

      Hmmmm, I love it! Lol. Good stuff. I certainly agree with your assessment, John. Much appreciated as usual.
      What you stated within the first paragraph is bang on. That's exactly how it plays out it many instances. Fear produces anxiety, and anxiety produces failures, unable to grasp the rung on the ladder as we attempt to climb out from the depths of darkness. The schizophrenia label is often a tragedy that gives birth to shame and such that also ends in failure once again. It's not that shame in and of itself is always bad, but in this scenario, it's a liability.
      The 3rd scenario is where there's no insight. This is where the delsuions have their greatest and most devastating power. I'm absolutely lost here, and nothing within my world makes any sense. Confusion reigns supreme. All I want is answers: why? But all I receive is mockery and more confusion. This is the vantage point I took within this video. I'm appreciative that you brought up the power of the stigma behind the schizophrenia label. Both bring forth panic and anxiety and shame. It just goes to show that even when we do gain insight, the power and pull of schizophrenia are still strong against the mind.
      It certainly takes a strong mind to resist the pull of that madness. The beauty of it, though, is that we don't have to start strong. I was the weakest man in the world, John. Children and pets were enough to make my heart tremble with fear. We're not born with discipline or courage. We receive them as a seed some time after birth, and it's up to us to nurture those seeds so they mature and bear fruit. Schizophrenia robs us of whatever we've grown. It doesn't matter if it's much or little. It consumes it all just the same. Now we've to learn how to plant those seeds once again, and stand guard to protect them as if they were a flame on a candlestick in a firece wind. Nothing in life that has any value will come without a cost. It's certainly worth making a video on the subject of discipline. Thanks for the request, John 😀
      And to your final point, and that's a big one. Can the voices control you? No! They can't. I guess I made it sound as if they could. But a voice is just a voice, not a hand. A voice is only to speak. That's its only purpose and ability. But, can a person lose control of their body while under the influence of a mental illness? Absolutely. This happens plenty of times. The voices can speak through your mouth, and have done so plenty of times through me. Now, I can speak through my mouth, too, and I do. But when it comes time to move my hand, it's not my voice that does it. It's something else. If I can lose control of my mouth, why can't I lose control of my hands or my feet? The problem here is the word, schizophrenia. It sets boundaries to something that doesn't necessarily have boundaries, and when it leaves the boundaries we set, we give it another name, such as bipolar, autism, or DID. The reality, John, is that it's the same thing at the end of the day. We just cut it up into different pieces because when we thought we knew it, it lengthened itself as if to say, "No, you don't!" Then what do we do? The same thing we did before and then it responds again by lengthening itself. So the name, schizophrenia, is an illusion. At least, that's how I see it 😆
      But I've Googled it, and it came up with catatonia, medication side effects,
      I also found this, but it didn't elaborate to what extent these involuntary movements it's speaks of, go.
      "We hypothesized that chronic schizophrenic patients with abnormal involuntary movements would exhibit specific psychopathological, neurological, and cognitive disturbances at a more severe level than those free of such movements."
      It continues
      "However, the group with involuntary movements had more negative symptomatology, greater impairment on voluntary motor tasks, lower premorbid intelligence, and a trend toward poorer recall on mental status examination. These results demonstrate that schizophrenic patients with abnormal involuntary movements have more severe psychopathology as reflected in certain defect symptoms, more abnormal voluntary movements, and more cognitive impairment than schizophrenic patients without involuntary movements."
      It also mentioned having a lower IQ. Well, I won't argue with that part! Lol. Let me know if i'm missing what you're pointing at in regards to Google. This part seemed a little too out of the norm of what all else came up to be it, but I thought it was somewhat interesting.

    • @John26767
      @John26767 Год назад +1

      @@themorningmist99 Hey Paul wise words and a great post. 🙂
      With regards to someone being pushed (I have experienced this phenomena at least once) it is very much an external force. I have also received many a blow to my stomach consistent with the force of a punch and again this is very much an external force. Now it is very convenient for scientists etc. to dismiss such a phenomena if someone has a mental health diagnosis, but what about when it happens to those without mental health diagnosis. I have experienced many other similar phenomena and just because someone can't physically see another dimension (although there are the minority who can-mediums for example) doesn't mean such a dimension and maybe others don't exist. Having said that it's important not to go over-thinking, not to start reading things into things we can't make sense of as it's our imagination coupled with fear that can take us down all manner of rabbit holes. Unfortunately labels/diagnosis such as schizophrenia by its very nature can make someone question their sanity and there is a huge danger in analysing things we will never make sense of and worse still start forming associations/attachments of such things to our sanity etc.
      I strongly emphasise the need to focus on mental health and our current directions in relation to the impact that has on our mental health. If our belief systems etc. are having a negative impact on our physical and/or mental well-being it's time to take control and remove those negative influences/beliefs and return once again to a place of positive mind-set and well-being, or if we are unable to achieve that ourselves seek early intervention through health teams etc. Paul your content is always of the highest order and in my opinion your subscriber base and views warrant much more recommendations from RUclips. 🙂
      To add I'm not a health professional etc. but I'm not entirely sure I agree with what you said with regards to bi-polar, autism and DID. As I understand it bi-polar and autism are very much biological, but DID as I understand it is environmental/psychological. Having said that not being therapists etc. I don't suppose it matters that much, although perhaps having a understanding of others' experiences and perhaps limitations lends to healthier and easier communication etc... Then of course I might not have grasped the point you was making Paul and if it's the latter please excuse my ignorance.
      NB: While I was typing this reply the words "in my opinion your subscriber base and views warrant much more" were suddenly highlighted on my screen as if someone was copying it to the computer's clip-board...

    • @themorningmist99
      @themorningmist99  Год назад +1

      @@socialanxietygroupuk Wow. I'm actually surprised to read that you've experienced this as well. Not sure why, but i came to the conclusion that perhaps you hadn't. That's actually why I didn't list one other search result that came up. I was like, "he might be talking about this, but I'll err on the side of caution and leave it out." Once you get into the other dimension stuff, some folks get afraid and really opposed to anything outside of the boundaries of what's deemed "reasonable" by our educational standards. That being said, these are things I plan on exposing as I continue forward.
      You're so right about focusing on our well-being today and on things within our realm of control.
      No worries about disagreeing with me on that stuff. I could be off. At the end of the day, we're all trying to gain more understanding on the subject of mental illness.
      Thanks! For your kind words, brother. I don't have a large subscriber base, but I do think there's value in what I offer. It's value not easily recognized and partly because I'm out of the box, so to speak. But it's okay. Those who are able to see beyond the box or have a desire to do so will see the value in what we're offering over here. Maybe it's a sign? I don't know. We'll continue walking and see where the road leads 😀

    • @John26767
      @John26767 Год назад

      @@themorningmist99 The quality of your content Paul is absolutely phenomenal. 🙂 Although you don't actually talk about things head/face on, a lot of what you speak about is the psychological aspects which are a natural side effect to schizophrenia. I do have a strong opinion in that anything environmental/psychological can be overcome/controlled, although the characteristics of the biological affliction that schizophrenia is still remains. I think there is a great need to educate the value in thinking healthy and taking ownership of one's mental health. You are doing exactly this brother. 🙂
      I'm not a medium etc. and what I have gleaned about the dimension we can't see is from reading books by the late Doris Stokes (who was a famous medium in her time) and what I have seen/witnessed first hand, some of it witnessed by independent parties at exactly the same time as myself. I could go on to talk in detail about a lot of phenomena I have seen/witnessed, but for now I will say I have seen/witnessed enough to be fully 100% certain there is at least one dimension we don't know of, but everyone has their own views/opinions etc. which in turn I respect. I am also happy to share more. 🙂
      With regards to "mental health" I feel there are strong arguments for the promoting of a strong and disciplined mind and also healthy perceptions of oneself and how we feel others see us. These things alone can prevent a lot of triggers which take us down rabbit holes (e.g. paranoid people might be talking about us/watching us etc). With regards to a strong and disciplined mind it is the ability to dismiss random thoughts and situations without starting to look into things and become fixated to the point our imaginations kick in. It is also the ability to find ways to overcome all manner of situations (relentless to finding a answer that works and not giving up until a solution is found). It is also being that dominant force that has the ability to silence voices (many times I have had to respectfully ask them to be quiet and they are always compliant, or failing that I turn my focus away from the "listening channel"). There was also a battle with the demonic where persistence triumphed (if something has worked in the moment keep taking that same action and they will give up first).With regards to persistence I have noticed a pattern whether it be voices or the peripheral vision where approximately three repetitions that work is enough for them to relent.
      Paul you mentioned once being afraid, we've all been there (I know I have), and like you rightfully said, it's nothing to be ashamed of. In ideal worlds we have all the upbringing to stand on our own two feet, self-assured and filled with self-belief and equipped to handle life's challenges head on, but how many upbringings are perfect. I would hazard a guess and say none as we all have gaps within ourselves. The good news is that with technology there are instant answers at the end of Google searches, countless RUclips videos where all manner of information is available to us and explained in everyday language, and networks of knowledgeable people with integrity and good strong values such as your self Paul put themselves out daily in the name of helping others. In this concept technology really can bring people together for the benefit of future humanity. Peace Brother. 🙂

    • @themorningmist99
      @themorningmist99  Год назад +1

      @@John26767 well said, and thank you 🙂