An Interview With Francis Chan

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 829

  • @simonallchin7436
    @simonallchin7436 3 года назад +168

    I have never spoken in tongues or belonged to a megachurch, but I am sure that at the last judgement the most important question from Christ will not be ..are you a good calvinist or pentecostalist , but ' Do you know me ?" ......

    • @grandmasterlucien
      @grandmasterlucien 3 года назад +4


    • @iPadtoo
      @iPadtoo 3 года назад +3

      And Amen

    • @mostreal907
      @mostreal907 3 года назад +2


    • @GraceCase
      @GraceCase 3 года назад +10

      I don’t agree with certain theologies, and I switched a church I loved because of that, but when my little inner pharisee wants to creep out I remind myself there is no theology exam to enter Heaven. Just the answer to the question you asked.

    • @GraceCase
      @GraceCase 3 года назад +5

      @@1john4six I’m an antichrist? Have mercy.

  • @MarkRidlen
    @MarkRidlen 3 года назад +11

    I really respect anyone who is willing to change their mind on any theological point. Props to pastor Chan for being willing to evolve.

    • @zachgreen250
      @zachgreen250 3 года назад +3

      My question is this: to where has he evolved? You can't really tell in this video. He seems to be searching and unsteady right now. He knows and loves Christ, but he seems to lack the doctrinal clarity necessary for a pastor. I think he's evolving, but doesn't seem to have evolved enough to where he's fully landed on doctrinal clarity yet.

  • @richdosio4677
    @richdosio4677 3 года назад +4

    I believe the Lord spoke to me in a dream just the other night. I was dreaming about trying to give advice to different groups of people as in a pastoral position, when everything stopped and I heard very vividly, "I didn't call you to be a guru (an expert in all things). Just teach the Word." I was left with the feeling that God knows my limited knowledge and He will fill in the gaps as it is needed. Right about the time I think I've got things all figured out, God revolutionizes my understanding.
    Lately, I've come to a real understanding that we are "living stones" in the church of Jesus Christ. Why do we not respect sacred things like we should? Why do we so carelessly attack one another? Unity IS important to God.

    • @SantoValentino
      @SantoValentino 3 года назад +1

      The church is the body and Jesus is the head, but Catholics and Mormons and JW’s teach a different gospel. We don’t unite with Muslims. A priest is not my Father and cannot absolve me of my sins, Mary isn’t omnipresent and cannot hear our prayers and the Word of God isn’t limited to a select few.
      And the Holy Spirit does give us what to say, whether we are scholars or uneducated, as scripture says in the New Testament.

    • @godsstruggler8783
      @godsstruggler8783 2 года назад +1

      @@SantoValentino Amen. The pervading spirt as we approach the end shall be one of deception seeking fellowship between darkness and light - which we know is impossible in Christ. God shall do the winnowing and separating as surely as Satan will try to bring all religions and schisms under his headship. Some who we might think are presently our enemy shall become our brother and some who we presently consider to be our brother shall become our enemy. What we must do is to remain in Christ and preach the Gospel to the lost - keeping our walks clean and simple as we yield daily to the Holy Spirit.

  • @odaily
    @odaily 3 года назад +1

    Don't attack each other Billy Butcher might call you "C" Galatians 5:15 If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other. Boys, just keep preaching the Gospel time is running out.

  • @johnewald5480
    @johnewald5480 3 года назад +8

    You guys on remnant radio will be the ones who won't put up with sound doctrine and end up persecuting the real saints under the guise of being tolerant of other beliefs, be careful, the road you are set on is broad and leads to destruction.

    • @jonathandavid9720
      @jonathandavid9720 3 года назад +2

      Naaah, Its the self-righteous heresy hunters who are already persecuting the church by falsely accusing ministers.
      RR gives people a fair chance to explore and explain what they really believe, instead of the yellow-journalism typically practiced by many so-called "discernment ministries."

  • @orthochristos
    @orthochristos 3 года назад +1

    Athanasius said it in the sense that God became man so that we as humans can partake in his divine nature by His grace because He loves us so much. it has nothing to do with sovereignty or omnipotence. We can not know His essence but only partake in it by His grace. Nothing to do with 'little gods" etc.

  • @caonexpeguero9984
    @caonexpeguero9984 3 года назад

    ROMANS 14 is the answer to the question in minute 48+. It's the perfect balance between 'Truth' and Unity.

  • @hsargisian
    @hsargisian 3 года назад

    Great interview

  • @AblazeWorship
    @AblazeWorship 3 года назад +105

    I’m a Catholic Priest and I appreciate your interview with Francis. Who Jesus is by Nature we become by grace. Bless you all and may the all consuming fire of the Holy Spirit transform us into the body of Christ!

    • @kcollinsgallhollcom
      @kcollinsgallhollcom 3 года назад +5

      Father I'm glad to stumble across a fellow Catholic here. And now I look forward to checking out your channel

    • @kcollinsgallhollcom
      @kcollinsgallhollcom 3 года назад +4

      @@richardamantite678 click bait theology answers

    • @AblazeWorship
      @AblazeWorship 3 года назад +9

      @@richardamantite678 In Acts 7:2-4, Stephen refers to the ancestors of Abraham, the word “father” being used. In Philippians 2:22, Paul said, “But Timothy’s worth you know, how like a son with a father he has served with me in the work of the gospel.” St. Paul refers to himself as a spiritual father in Philemon 10, “I am appealing to you for my child, Onesimus, whose father I have become during my imprisonment.
      Again, Saint Paul refers to himself as the father of believers in 1 Corinthians 4;14-15, “I am not writing this to make you ashamed, but to admonish you as my beloved children. For though you might have ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers. Indeed, in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel.
      The above biblical references to the word “father” are sufficient to show that Jesus was not forbidding everybody from using the word “father.”

    • @AblazeWorship
      @AblazeWorship 3 года назад

      @Pedro Ivan Sanchez Pedro, bless you. I’m not sure I understand your comment. Can you help me out. I will pray for you. Peace

    • @sojourner-kl6ei
      @sojourner-kl6ei 3 года назад +1

      @@AblazeWorship Hmmm...Did Timothy refer to Paul as his father ever in the scriptures? Did Philemon? I don't remember reading where Paul required a single Corinthian to address him as father...nor did they call him father.
      You may think of yourself as a spiritual father to the men you serve (and this would be the correct understanding and context within the scriptures you have sighted) but that does not require nor have the scriptures ever given you the authority to take on the title of father to those your serve. Whoever taught you this ideology is unskilled in the scriptures. No, you are not to be addressed as father, you are simply a brother, nothing more...and then only a brother if you obey and honor the faith of Jesus Christ and the apostles doctrine. If you did honor the faith of Jesus Christ you would embrace what Jesus says in Matthew 23:9. Any other belief system is simply error.
      Brother, if you feared the Lord you would never let anyone call you father (Malachi 2:10) and perhaps you would also begin to question whether you truly desire to believe what God believes about himself and his holy word. If you're sincere and want the'll find yourself taking steps to vacate your position and institution for the truth of God. However, if you're proud, you'll continue to let others call you father and glory in a title that (according to holy scripture) does not belong to you.

  • @burtonsnow845
    @burtonsnow845 3 года назад +141

    Francis irks so many believers because we have convinced ourselves that he exclusively belongs to OUR doctrinal camp. Then he goes places and preaches messages and associates with people that challenge that way of thinking and all of a sudden he's the source of discomfort, and that cannot be tolerated.
    I applaud the man. It takes courage to go against the grain like he has. Kind of reminds me of Jesus among Pharisees. Thanks for the interview!

    • @flippintobyland7257
      @flippintobyland7257 3 года назад +3

      I wouldn’t consider that going against the grain 🤷🏼‍♂️ .

    • @burtonsnow845
      @burtonsnow845 3 года назад +15

      @New Eyes To See Apparently you didn't watch the video. Regardless, your comment sums up exactly what I mean when I say that we tend to demonize those within the Body who make us uncomfortable. The Bible isn't so ambiguous when referring to false teachers/prophets. These are people who turn the grace of God into license for sin, who promote immorality (AKA the modern "Woke Church"). To those who preach the Gospel and build the Kingdom, albeit in way that challenges our norms, Jesus would most likely say something according to Mark 9:38-40.
      38 John said to him, “Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he was not following us.” 39 But Jesus said, “Do not stop him, for no one who does a mighty work in my name will be able soon afterward to speak evil of me. *40 For the one who is not against us is for us.*
      Regarding, the Catholic church, go back and watch the video.
      You sir, are drawing lines all over the place and that causes so much unnecessary division. Who are you to think that you have it all nailed down to a tee?
      1 Corinthians 8:2
      If anyone imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know.

    • @flippintobyland7257
      @flippintobyland7257 3 года назад

      @Scott Klaudt so whatever you affirm about Jesus and the Gospel is fine , doctrine useless , your trinitarian I’m oneness, one guy is Catholic ( works + faith ) , another is a Steven Anderson faith without repentance, the Amish are legalistic , his neighbors are Gnostics , ...? But hey as long as they say they believe in Jesus , it doesn’t matter right 🤦🏻‍♂️.

    • @burtonsnow845
      @burtonsnow845 3 года назад +7

      @New Eyes To See Whoa, that's a lot to unpack. But I never condoned Catholicism and neither did Chan in this video. The most he said was that some of their doctrines/practices have made him think, but he never denied the essentials of the faith. The corruption that plagues the Catholic church can be found in just about any organized religion. Guaranteed whatever denominational umbrella you fall under is tainted by corruption, unless you have just altogether avoided the church, in that case you would be sinning.

    • @flippintobyland7257
      @flippintobyland7257 3 года назад +3

      @@burtonsnow845 I was watching a guy named Keith Thompson on tube and he brought up a good point on Chan , how he seems to always be in shock when someone or brings up parts of theology doctrine you would imagine someone who went to seminary would know . He always seems to have the attitude of “ what I didn’t know that “ 🤷🏼‍♂️ , “ wow so cool , ok great “ type of thing whether the theology is grounded or not . To sum it up he seems to be easily swayed any direction because he failed to be grounded in any . He’s very emotional and tends to sway with how he feels .

  • @rossderek82
    @rossderek82 3 года назад +97

    I'm glad they were able to get him. Because he's fallen out of favor in certain circles. Nice to hear his side of things

    • @curtisw6907
      @curtisw6907 3 года назад +7

      Yea I agree and what I love about this program is with the exsposing of different teaching and giving understanding to different groups and sects. I even in the church that I love and enjoy and am growing in with , don’t consider it the end all be all . I’m not saying I’m gonna church hop, I’m just saying I understand I may not agree with certain properties or approaches too my liking , but that’s not what I’m there for , I’m there to help, teach and grow believers in a perfect and full trust of the lord Jesus Christ !

    • @jonathandavid9720
      @jonathandavid9720 3 года назад +13

      @New Eyes To SeeJudging peoples motives is Gods job, not yours. But go ahead and bring that accusatory finger before the Lord and see if it passes muster.

    • @jessiemontgomery5838
      @jessiemontgomery5838 3 года назад +10

      Jesus was blacklisted too.

    • @joer5627
      @joer5627 3 года назад +1

      @@1john4six Huh?

    • @sadiebenson1888
      @sadiebenson1888 3 года назад

      @New Eyes To See When I heard Francis say the part about Mary,and reverence to her,and if he were to have lived at that time,and she was carrying the son of God,and if she were to have thrown a rock at him. That right there did it for me, I knew he was crazy. I mean what the heck is he even talking about Mary throwing a rock at him, this is crazy talk. I knew when he brought up the virgin Mary thing, that he knew that Catholics do worship Mary, and he was defending it. Which is so blasphemous to Jesus.

  • @kman8271
    @kman8271 3 года назад +44

    My family loves Francis Chan and his Deep Love for the Lord. He makes me work harder to not settle with “lukewarm”. Thank you for sharing time with him for us. Thankful the Lord put him in front of us! God works wonders through others. Beautiful. Absolutely breathtaking.

    • @nancyd.6191
      @nancyd.6191 3 года назад +1

      The problem is what he's doing now *is* definitely lukewarm. He has changed drastically. If you look at some of his old videos, etc., he was not afraid to preach the truth, basically hellfire and brimstone style, in a very engaging, effective way. He feared GOD and made it clear that the world is not our home, and the world's opinion is not our concern. Now his #1 goal seems to be the world, in the guise of pandering to many whom I am pretty sure even he would have considered false teachers in the not so distant past. Really, what is he saying now? From what I am seeing, it's not, let's discuss actual sin and what could cause someone to burn in hell, let's discuss the BIBLE and what it tells us in how we lead our lives. It's, "can't we all just get along? That is all I care about now!" Look at the martyrs of the Bible and since. They are our example. Was this their belief? If it had been, they wouldn't have been martyred.

    • @kman8271
      @kman8271 3 года назад +2

      @@nancyd.6191 he almost seems like he’s being “hushed” lately, but we don’t know what’s happening in his personal life to make an assumption. He may just be exhausted. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    • @nancyd.6191
      @nancyd.6191 3 года назад +2

      @@kman8271 hey brother, yes, something's definitely happening and it's definitely not good. I never thought he'd fall away like this. You could be exactly right and he's tired of having to defend the TRUTH and wants to align himself with more people who won't force him to defend his message. I just find it so sad. But this is why we have to be discerning..

    • @VickyRBenson
      @VickyRBenson 3 года назад

      @@nancyd.6191 In listening to this video, I think he’s ALL about what the Bible actually says about how to live our lives, even more than ever.

  • @dustinsosebee
    @dustinsosebee 3 года назад +35

    Francis thanks for your life example of an honest pursuit of Jesus and a biblical faith!

    • @VickyRBenson
      @VickyRBenson 3 года назад

      @@1john4six He said that Jesus WAS the Son of God!!

  • @mostreal907
    @mostreal907 3 года назад +28

    I had a very similar experience with Pastor Chan. Came up reformed. Part of a mega church and professional Christianity. Came to learn that my theology is small and the Christian circle is large.

    • @NoTrashInHeaven
      @NoTrashInHeaven 3 года назад +2

      Yes, that's well put, small theology, which implies your God is too small. I'm involved in a few interdenominational groups here in our area of Oregon. As a non-charismatic I've learned to appreciate the diversity of the Body of Christ and hold fast to the things that unite us. Unity is not uniformity. Jesus paid for us to be one, even as he and the Father are one!

    • @gearbarrel6237
      @gearbarrel6237 3 года назад

      Well said

  • @chuckthompson5724
    @chuckthompson5724 3 года назад +23

    This is why I love Francis so much, he just wants to introduce people to Jesus and see them as individuals who need the spirit of god.

  • @Foreknown_
    @Foreknown_ 3 года назад +36

    18:50 talking about Rick Warren
    My 1st church was Saddleback from (2014-2018) & have heard at least 200+ sermons. I never, not once, heard the Gospel presented. What I did hear was moralistic therapeutic deism using proof-texted scriptures from many Bible translations that fit the message. Rick does not preach the Gospel & you can verify this by searching for it or watching any sermon. (I have tried)
    I didn’t hear the Gospel until I stumbled on a RUclips vid and that’s when conviction of sin and repentance finally followed. I finally started reading my Bible and left the church for a more biblical church.
    While saddleback does a lot for the community and Francis can say Rick has a heart for God or people, why doesn’t he preach the Gospel? Either he doesn’t understand it’s power or worse he denies it’s power.
    Instead, Rick notably said if he can meet people's felt needs he can lead them to Christ. But what Christ?; the one who gives people “purpose” or the one who saves us from our sins and eternal Hell?
    While we can observe a ministry, church, or a person’s demeanor or knowledge, we also should be aware of what they teach or don’t teach before endorsement or fellowship. Just my opinion, but I felt compelled to share.

    • @ApostolicChristianity
      @ApostolicChristianity 3 года назад +3

      You're spot on, brother. I call it "Repentance-Free" Christianity and I have something up along those lines you should check out...

    • @Foreknown_
      @Foreknown_ 3 года назад +1

      @@ApostolicChristianity thanks I’ll check it out

    • @brendansorel6433
      @brendansorel6433 3 года назад +9

      I can confirm this is true. I went to a church that pretty much modeled itself after Saddleback. They preach the same exact messages as Rick Warren and the gospel is not preached. I cannot in good conscience support anything from Saddleback.

    • @7updrinker959
      @7updrinker959 3 года назад +2

      Interesting how the comments from Popular Gospel disappeared. Censoring comments you disagree with @remnantradio???

    • @flippintobyland7257
      @flippintobyland7257 3 года назад

      This type of talk and thinking doesn’t get you subs 🤷🏼‍♂️.

  • @robert3213
    @robert3213 3 года назад +72

    I was at The Send, the event that Francis mentioned where he shared the stage with Benny Hinn and Todd White. At the time I was probably a functional cessationist, I had little exposure to tongues and prophecy at that point, and I had no idea what I was walking into. That event sent me on a whirlwind journey to find out what this was all about, which charismatic leaders to listen to and which go too far, etc. That journey lead me to Remnant Radio, and I’ve loved the way you guys listen to every Christian of all walks of life to learn truth. Now you’ve had Francis Chan come on and talk about his experience at that event... I feel like I’ve come full circle. Thank you so much for what you do!

    • @burtonsnow845
      @burtonsnow845 3 года назад +4

      I was there too! I will never forget it.

    • @drewwilson6639
      @drewwilson6639 3 года назад +2


    • @BruddaEL
      @BruddaEL 3 года назад +8

      I was there too, the whole 12 hours lol. Francis was the same in that setting as he’s always been, reverence for God and the word of God and straight to the point.

    • @carlstarks6070
      @carlstarks6070 3 года назад

      They all have aligned with the prophesied end time false prophet Pope Francis who kicked off the one world religion in June 2020. The god over the religion is the anti christ.

    • @VickyRBenson
      @VickyRBenson 3 года назад +1

      @@carlstarks6070 Frances Chan did not align with the Pope. He agreed on a few narrow points. And he was blown away when he was asked to preach the gospel to a group of Catholics. He knew they needed to hear it.

  • @PopularGospel
    @PopularGospel 3 года назад +26

    The final comment about MacArthur is interesting, but I don't think Francis ended up doing what MacArthur intended:
    1. Francis decides to speak at conferences and events with men that he disagrees with, in order to bring truth to a place where truth is not found.
    2. These teachers tell him that the criticism against them is false (despite public record of that teaching, which Francis hasn't examined personally), and Francis' personal relationship with them makes him realize that these people really do love Jesus and are so humble (based on his subjective experience with them). But people who have actually examined these teachers, and/or have been harmed by that teaching are now concerned about what is taking place.
    3. Francis begins to question his own theology, and whether he knows anything for certain. Everything is beginning to get "cloudy." What he thought was true is no longer true (he's now 60% Calvinist, and thinks Catholics genuinely love Jesus because they express their desire to submit to the Lordship of Christ). It appears these teachers are having more of an influence on him, than he is having on them.
    4. Francis comes to a point where he wants to submit himself to the authority and teaching of these men (Mike Bickle, etc.), because he thinks they are so godly and humble. He now is publicly promoting unity with them, despite some disagreements in theology, because he sees a greater display of the "spirit" in their lives. Francis now publicly rebukes anyone who would dare criticize a Christian leader like Mike Bickle, or Rick Warren for example, and threatens God's judgement (death) on people who would do that (very similar to "touch not the Lord's anointed.").
    5. Francis was inspired to do all of this because John MacArthur told him that he himself speaks at places where truth is needed. The problem is that MacArthur was speaking about bringing truth in a challenging, but loving rebuke (the type of thing that doesn't often get you invited back). I don't believe MacArthur intended Francis to end up confused, submitting himself to the teaching and authority of teachers like Mike Bickle.

    • @ApostolicChristianity
      @ApostolicChristianity 3 года назад +8

      Yes, astute observations. Thank you. Along the lines of what you were saying would be Matt Chandler going to Elevation church and preaching that message “God is For God”. (which is an absolute must watch)
      I’m not reformed but I respect Chandler for going into a potentially hostile environment when invited and lovingly and biblically challenging them. Sadly, as you pointed out, that’s not what Chan is doing at all...not even close.

    • @anthonym.7653
      @anthonym.7653 3 года назад +2

      Well said.

    • @jonathandavid9720
      @jonathandavid9720 3 года назад +3

      Naaah, it was good for FC to get around and really understand the work of God in other camps.
      Probably one of the few ways to realize some of the theological shortcomings of the Jmac camp.
      Nobody has a lock on the full truth - like Jmac seems to imply for his camp.

    • @daixin2010
      @daixin2010 3 года назад +2

      Seems to me that Francis was impressed and influenced by what the Charismatics and Catholics and Eastern Orthodoxes were saying and doing, but very little did he mention how the word of God changed his mind about them.

    • @killpridebeforepridekillsy6504
      @killpridebeforepridekillsy6504 3 года назад +1

      @@ApostolicChristianity that Matt Chandler’s sermon is a must watch indeed! As I was reading Popular Gospel, that very sermon came to mind and then I saw your comment. I will be revisiting it! God bless!

  • @d.torrent1822
    @d.torrent1822 3 года назад +59

    I think the deeper you go in your faith and in your studies, the more you learn, the more you come to realize how much you DON'T know. It builds a greater humility and a stronger faith that starts to push out fear. Your rock is Jesus and His Spirit in you. It seems most people that get alarmed at new ideas are operating from fear. If Christ is truly in you and leading you there's nothing to fear.

    • @tonywolfemusic5920
      @tonywolfemusic5920 3 года назад


    • @htebazileeilsel2293
      @htebazileeilsel2293 3 года назад

      Biblical humility is not saying "what do I know?, who knows anything?! Lets just get along and forsake sound doctrine", it is submitting to the Lords statutes and commands at all costs, which will cause you to hate every false way(Psalm 119:97-104)and will even cause you to be hated. One of the works of the flesh that Paul names in Galatians is "heresies", which Catholicism/NAR is FULL of and this man promotes and holds hands with both. His call for unity is correct, but his means of getting there is wrong. We need to stop elevating people who "went to Seminary" and have degrees, those things do not make you more qualified for anything.
      Do you not heed the warnings in Scripture about false teachers and false prophets and false doctrines? Who come in sheeps clothing, that do signs and wonders and possibly deceiving even the elect? Do you not read Pauls warning about how many will depart from sound doctrine and heap up teachers, who say what their itching ears want to hear? This false unity will lead to and is the beginning of the Apostasy or falling away that we are told about in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3. Stay on your guard, the thing about deception is that it isnt always easy to see. Satan disguises himself as an angel of light, be on your guard! Study Scripture and seek Gods wisdom, seek understanding earnestly.Get away from "denominations" and just follow Jesus, dont ascribe to some mans ideas about Gods word, study it to find what is true.
      If you are truly studying Gods Word, it makes you more confident in what you know, not less. Paul says to be careful not to go beyond what is written. "New ideas" were never welcomed in the early church, they were quickly shut down because false doctrine is like leaven.

    • @htebazileeilsel2293
      @htebazileeilsel2293 3 года назад

      @@1john4six Im not sure what your point is here.

    • @htebazileeilsel2293
      @htebazileeilsel2293 3 года назад

      @@1john4six I understand that but who are you talking about? Francis Chan? Because I agree if so.

    • @e.m.8094
      @e.m.8094 5 месяцев назад

      Definitely. The more I study and dig deep into the word the more I realize the limited scope of my current knowledge. Funny how I thought I knew a lot more back when I actually knew a lot less. LOL

  • @wokka99
    @wokka99 3 года назад +7

    Epistemic humility is one thing. And he exhibits a lot of it. But he is sure about ‘seeing the spirit’ in others, and less sure about truth written or theological. My question for him would be, why so sure about character and so unsure about doctrine? Surely the heart and emotions is also fallible?

    • @dubyag4124
      @dubyag4124 3 года назад +2

      Yes something is off, a burning heart for Christ will burn to share Christ. I saw when Chan was "teaching" the Catholic group he said God told him not share the gospel.... ehhhhh.....uhhhh...ummm...... that's a bit disturbing.

  • @Marz259
    @Marz259 3 года назад +41

    Wow. Such a humble man. I really wish all cessationists and charismatics could approach theology, relationship and christianity like this.

    • @Kman.
      @Kman. 3 года назад

      Why so? Either it's biblical or it's not. Granted, some will u/stand it differently.

    • @zachgreen250
      @zachgreen250 3 года назад +1

      The cessationist-charismatic debate is one thing. But Francis doesn't seem willing to commit to a lot in this video, which is concerning. He's been a believer and a dedicated servant of Christ for decades, yet doesn't seem to know what he believes right now. It concerns me. He doesn't need to know everything, but I think he needs to know more, or at least convey what he knows clearly. If he were my pastor and said these things, I'm not sure that I could trust him right now to lead and shepherd me well. He's got the love and passion for God, which is so important, but seems to lack the doctrinal clarity that pastors should have.

    • @Marz259
      @Marz259 3 года назад +1

      @@zachgreen250 Yeah I see what you mean. And I agree that he could provide more clarity on the specifics. However I think perhaps that's just the point of this interview - this 'false sense of certainty' regarding (non-essential) doctrines - has lead so many to pridefully bring division amongst believers. Which may in actuality be working against God's desire for believers and not with it. I think he's quite clear in terms of unity based on the fundamentals. It’s also evident that what the Lord has lead him to experience has clashed somewhat with what he was taught or how he was taught. But the point isn’t that clear doctrine is to be abandoned, it’s that doctrine shouldn’t be the reason we abandon each other. I see a man that had a revelation of keeping the main thing the main thing, and doing that with others. And for me, I'd count it an honour to be shepherded by him, this is clearly a man that exemplifies what living for the gospel really looks like. Being a doer and not just hearer of the word.

    • @zachgreen250
      @zachgreen250 3 года назад +3

      @@Marz259 And that's pretty fair to point out he's striving for unity while not abandoning the fundamentals. That's admirable. I don't see anything in here that explicitly says otherwise. With that said, his dabblings with the Vatican, seeming praise for Benny Hinn, and discussions with Hanegraff threaten those fundamentals, in my opinion. He seems to be impressed with the spirit and words of those people who don't actually believe the same thing about justification as he does. It doesn't matter that much that Pope Francis is interested in seeing Jesus be King if he doesn't have a right understanding about justification. I just don't want Chan to get caught up in the words and sentiments of people that are false teachers on one of the most critical, fundamental aspects of the faith. We are called to unity, but not unity with people who are not actually Christians. I.e. - unity with the papacy is not what we should be pursuing unless the pope is willing to abandon critical components of the belief system of the church he leads.

    • @VickyRBenson
      @VickyRBenson 3 года назад +1

      @@Marz259 I agree wholeheartedly with what you said and the way you said it. Right on.

  • @amother31593
    @amother31593 3 года назад +14

    You have a new subscriber 😂 After seeing Michael Heiser and Francis Chan interviewed of course 😊 Please do more interviews with Chan! 🙏🏼

  • @InfinitEternaLovEmmanuel
    @InfinitEternaLovEmmanuel 3 года назад +19

    Thank you so much for this important and amazing interview! This is what communication should be: a conversation that leads to clarification and edification as well as greater understanding, respect and love!! You ask the tough, probing questions that need substansive and honest answers! This has opened my eyes, mind and heart a little more! I feel so blessed to have discovered your channel! God bless you!

  • @MilesBrownRoyalty
    @MilesBrownRoyalty 3 года назад +23

    Francis Chan seeing miracles and speaking in tongues. Wow. Thats going to make some people feel uneasy. For others it will be encouragement to accept other people and experience different things themselves

    • @crossclarity423
      @crossclarity423 3 года назад +2

      Yes, That could be very dangerous for unstable believers. I appreciate Francis Chan, but I am going to stick firmly with the word of God.

    • @MilesBrownRoyalty
      @MilesBrownRoyalty 3 года назад +1

      @@crossclarity423 Only when believers talk negatively about things like speaking in tongues. If they are taught what's going on they will be just fine. BTW sticking firmly to the Word Of God is how people end up doing miracles and things like that.

    • @VickyRBenson
      @VickyRBenson 3 года назад +1

      @@crossclarity423 That’s what I love about Francis Chan. He sticks firmly to the Word of God!

    • @crossclarity423
      @crossclarity423 3 года назад

      @@VickyRBenson Yes, that's what I appreciated about him in the past, but know he seems to be veering off the path, leaning to his own understanding and experiences, instead of the word of God. There is a big difference.

    • @VickyRBenson
      @VickyRBenson 3 года назад +1

      @@crossclarity423 I’d heard he was veering off; that’s why I was so interested in hearing this interview. I was thrilled and relieved to see that he’ appears to be sticking even more firmly to the Word of God than before. Sometimes people who do that are considered radical. But it’s people like that who “turn the world upside down,” though they might get themselves martyred (or at least maligned).

  • @sublyme2157
    @sublyme2157 2 года назад +2

    Maybe I am completely off base, but there seemed to be a lot of hostility directed at Francis. I do not understand how anyone who knows even the slightest bit about this man could be hostile towards him, or demand that he clarifies his stances on theological questions that have no eternal value whatsoever. Even more bizarre, that there could be armchair-theologian-viewers sitting at home doing absolutely nothing for the Kingdom who feel entitled to poke and prod Francis into a corner so they can somehow trap him. Truly bizarre.
    Anyway, thanks for interviewing him, I never get sick of his humility and love of Jesus.

  • @maximusarcadian2048
    @maximusarcadian2048 3 года назад +6

    This man loves Jesus, lets stop with being like the Pharisees. I love Jesus Christ and I love my brothers a sisters in Christ. Love the Lord with all your heart, mind and strength and love your nieghbors like youselves.....some of these comments tear down, never come close to building up. The church of more righteousness then others,,,,really, really? Leave that man alone because your so much better at being a follower of Jesus....... I'm going to pray and read God's word now, have blessed day.

  • @stephenpak6622
    @stephenpak6622 3 года назад +13

    As I’m hearing Francis, I can identify with the same struggles as a Christian.... to which I can only cry in awe of how big our God is.

    • @sethtrey
      @sethtrey Год назад

      Good News: God's Big!

  • @ApostolicChristianity
    @ApostolicChristianity 3 года назад +19

    Ok, so I actually like Francis Chan but I think he's headed in the wrong direction. I'll explain what I mean. Chan was my favorite speaker at the Passion Conference. I attended several Passion Conferences the first one being in 2007. Chan's messages on the lukewarm state of the church and another talking about if Jesus was our church's Pastor we probably wouldn't go there resonated with me. I think Chan noticed a lot of problems in the church today and was doing his best to try and address them. So far so good.
    Since that time though it seems that Chan has deconstructed his faith to the point where he no longer has the same convictions. He's seen the problems and he's been asking a lot of the right questions but I'm concerned about how he wants to answer those questions.
    In a recent interview Chan says he feels "a little bit lost" and that he felt bad about how he used to teach based on (as he says) "me and my personal interpretation" (of Scripture). And so for Chan he has deconstructed to the point where he's a little bit unsure about things but he's still very passionate and action oriented. Because of his high profile this has increasingly placed him alongside false teachers or at least questionable ones like, Todd White, Bill Johnson, Rick Warren, Pope Francis, Benny Hinn (etc.). He's now rubbing shoulders with hyper charismatics, church growth gurus, NAR "apostles", WoF/prosperity preachers and Roman Catholics.
    (Mike Winger has a sensible critique of Bethel and Bill Johnson for those interested)
    Maybe Chan doesn't realize the confusion he's causing other believers or the potential harm he's doing to the body of Christ. I personally think he should take a step out of the limelight until his feet are planted and he has a firm foundation. In the meantime Chan is acting and sounding more and more like someone working overtime towards an ecumenical endgame. The main problem with this is that it unites only those willing to compromise or too ignorant to know the difference. And while Protestants join together along with Roman Catholics, the Roman Catholics are joining with the world religions through interfaith activities and services.
    This is the same type of thing that happened with Billy Graham. He pursued an ecumenical agenda and was friends with liberals who denied essential Christian teaching and had them participate in his crusades - sending them and their churches many respondents. Churches and ministers unwilling to make such compromises or be a part of something like that were left out. So just like then the fact is that not everyone can join in Chan's ecumenism. Many solid believers with biblical convictions who want to be faithful to Christ won't be included. Is Chan alright with this? What kind of "unity" is that?

    • @ApostolicChristianity
      @ApostolicChristianity 3 года назад +2

      @Dustin Neely You've been to my channel before, Dustin. I advocate Apostolic Christianity (1st-3rd century) as a completion of what the Protestant Reformers started. They only went back to Augustine (Late 4th/early 5th century) and that was their great error because the church was already "Romanized"/worldly and Augustine's later doctrines (which they completely relied on) departed significantly from apostolic tradition.

    • @ApostolicChristianity
      @ApostolicChristianity 3 года назад +2

      @Dustin Neely No friend but I live in Spain. Last time we tried to go to an English speaking church around here it was a complete mess...

    • @pochomano
      @pochomano 3 года назад

      @@ApostolicChristianity Question how do you develop and affirm your doctrines and views in theology. And more importantly how do you know your understanding and interpretations of scripture is accurate, and how certain are you that it is The Truth as it relates to doctrine/Theology?

    • @ApostolicChristianity
      @ApostolicChristianity 3 года назад +1

      @@pochomano It’s actually easy to establish most key elements of the faith. You take 1 whole Bible Old and New Testament + Early Christian writings starting with the Apostolic Fathers and where there is universal agreement among the early Christians and the teachings of Christ and the apostles you have established Apostolic doctrine.
      It’s also easy in most cases to establish what is false doctrine because we can locate it in place and time and often identify the individual who first promoted/popularized it. So for example if someone develops a teaching that contradicts Christ’s teaching we know immediately it’s a false teaching. Take for example free grace where advocates say repentance is not necessary for salvation. We know Christ clearly taught otherwise in Luke 13 or Luke 24:47 and many other places. Easily refuted. Free grace is not what Christ or the apostles taught. We know it’s a modern form of Marcionism - an ancient heresy. Free grace is not Apostolic doctrine.
      Take eternal security for example. The early Christians refuted the Gnostics who held to eternal security. Then Augustine, who was influenced by Gnosticism was the first Christian to develop a type of eternal security then it was taken up by the Reformers - Luther and Calvin both taking it in their own distinct directions.
      So our modern OSAS teaching comes from the Gnostics-Augustine-Reformers and down to today. It is not Apostolic doctrine. Neither Christ nor the apostles taught eternal security/OSAS. None of the early Christians believed that either. Irenaeus, writing against the ancient Gnostics for example, uses Romans 11:22 to support that Christians can be “cut off” as Paul puts it if they don’t “continue in His goodness”. Now we can be confident that we’ve successfully established Apostolic doctrine on this key element of the faith.
      So, that’s how it works. It’s quite straightforward. You simply apply this same approach to establish Apostolic doctrine concerning other aspects of the faith.

    • @anthonym.7653
      @anthonym.7653 3 года назад +2

      Good comparison to Billy Graham.

  • @monkeypwn77
    @monkeypwn77 3 года назад +10

    Hello,I enjoyed this interview, but I do have a question about the Todd White one. Did you guys ask him why he was doing fake healings of people's legs growing out? That to me would show where his heart is with what he has been doing. I believe and have witnessed genuine miracles in the past, but we have to guard the truth and call out things that are blatantly wrong. I've read that recently he has repented of some things, but at what point is a person disqualified from ministry for his/her actions? Thanks!

    • @TheRemnantRadio
      @TheRemnantRadio  3 года назад +3

      We did give our opinion on the leg growing thing in a recent video titled “Unbiblical use of “Healing Gifts": When Charismatics go to far”

  • @dougwebster1813
    @dougwebster1813 3 года назад +5

    Obviously, we are not supposed to worship Mary but I have a new outlook on her as one should have because of all the women who ever lived God chose Mary to give birth to the Savior of the world. As much as we show honor to the apostle Paul or Moses or David, Mary should certainly be honored as well!

    • @user-di8vz5ec1i
      @user-di8vz5ec1i 3 года назад

      Good for you. I've commonly said if we have no problem honoring Martin Luther King Jr, all the more we should have no problem honoring the mother of our Savior.

  • @autumn4115
    @autumn4115 3 года назад +4

    All I heard Francis Chan say...I am Pastor but I dont know anything and I'm not sure of anything and it's not my fault....🤥
    He is beginning to sound like Joel Osteen...

  • @rickardnolan3019
    @rickardnolan3019 3 года назад +9

    I accepted Jesus at 15 after getting out of jail and didn’t know a thing about Jesus. It was so bad that when I accepted Him I didn’t go to church, pray, read or anything because I knew believers and they didn’t do anything so I just kinda did the some of the same things but much less. One day a few months after accepting Him I was watching tv and everyone left the room and while I was sitting there a crazy joy started filling me and I burst out speaking some language I didn’t know and finished with laughter and said “what the heck was that?! I’m never doing that again!” In 2012 I heard teaching on speaking in tongues and was baptized and shortly after I realized that the Holy Spirit had caused me to speak in tongues shortly after I accepted Jesus. Now I understand that without faith nothing is possible and most believers know what they were taught from childhood and if you were taught that you can’t speak in tongues then you can’t. I didn’t know anything so I was able to receive it, just like I truly speak to God and He speaks to me in dreams but people say it’s not possible but God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Jesus didn’t come to condemn but to save that which was lost and that which was lost was lost in the Garden of Eden so He came to bring us back there. That’s where Adam walked with God and talked with God. He corrects me. After prayer a few weeks ago He said one simple word “maturity.” Shortly after I was praying asking what He wanted me to do now and what He wanted me to do with the money I had saved because I wanted to buy a car but He might want me to give it away and I had just lost my job and vehicle and He said “Acknowledge me.” Acknowledge me in all your ways. I told Him to please say no if He didn’t want me to buy a car and I would give the money tho the church and He didn’t so the morning I was going to buy it I woke up and laid there a little disappointed but then realized He didn’t say no so I could buy my car and got excited and ask Him to not let me ever think too much of it and help me to love Him and obey Him.
    God is our daddy and Jesus is different and greater than us but God sent Him because He loves us.
    It gets so religious and blocks the intimacy our Lord and our daddy want with us. If we repent He said we can ask for anything in Jesus name but according to men that only means some things. He didn’t say He would give us everything but we can ask and then we’ll see and hear Him according to His word. Sin and religion and denying the Lord the right to be Lord and as supernatural as He is and natural as we are is denying the Lord and is going down. Jesus is Lord. It’s ok to not have faith because of teaching to do those things but it’s not ok to tear each other apart because believers do those things but I would truly ask the Lord questions and not assume men have taught you right because He will speak to us. The Pharisees couldn’t accept the supernatural in Jesus. That’s scary that you could be saying he does these thing by the prince of demons when it’s Jesus.
    I really pray that believers get revelation of how much God loves us and that we can really talk to Him about everything, especially in this world where even believers are so confused and so sure that they’re willing to attack each other.

  • @007Tinkins
    @007Tinkins 3 года назад +8

    At time marker 45:20 he makes an incredibly astute point- how do we know we know something.... I am totally there with him and have been thinking about this very point for many years now as I study differing views on many of the tertiary beliefs. This could be interpreted as leaning toward Progressive Christianity (I highly recommend listening to Alisa Childers) but I don’t see it as such. I think it’s healthy to question and seek deeper answers to the tough questions. Thank you for having Francis on.

  • @gregwill500
    @gregwill500 3 года назад +18

    “The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.”
    ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭18:17‬ ‭ESV‬‬ The older I get the more I see there’s always more than one perspective. And it’s always better to listen to both sides before making a choice. “A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.”
    ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭18:2‬ ‭ESV‬‬ . And I’ve often been that fool.

    • @seanvaughn7566
      @seanvaughn7566 3 года назад

      I totally agree. Both Proverbs passages.

    • @KMT65
      @KMT65 3 года назад +1

      The fool could be either side in this case. Francis has certainly stuck his theological foot in his mouth on a few occasions lately. Disagreeing with what he said, doesn't make us foolish or angry or a 'hater'. That is what liberal society says when we speak against any sin. Don't be like them.

    • @gregwill500
      @gregwill500 3 года назад +3

      Ken T I think one can actually be “ correct” theologically and ideologically on some issues... and still end up being a fool. In how we treat our fellow humans and how we act before God. This does not mean compromising on ones values or viewpoints. It’s just keeping a side order of humble pie for ourselves when we’re dishing out opinions to others. It’s taking the advice of James to be slow to speak and quick to listen. Proverbs also says that even a fool appears wise when he shuts his mouth. Doctrine is important. But it’s meaningless when the attitudes of our heart are not pleasing to God. An intellectual mind can agree on points of doctrine... while the proud heart exalts itself and offends God. I think God is more interested in our character than in our correct theology.

    • @seanvaughn7566
      @seanvaughn7566 3 года назад

      @@gregwill500 but Kirk believes in the trinity doctrine, the rapture prophecy, that women can lawfully wear shorts and pants, he dismisses the 4th commandment, etc.. He fits the mold of a false and unlawful teacher of heresies too.

  • @LovedOneFull
    @LovedOneFull 3 года назад +3

    I appreciate this interview, but, unfortunately, this didn't allay my concerns. He is for unity. He doesn't want that at the cost of truth. Yet he learns from people what they believe without comparing what he's being told to both objective facts and scripture. "Why wouldn't we revere Mary as she bore Christ?" Catholics do not simply revere Mary, they believe she was sinless and intercedes for us. That alone undermines Christ coming. The Pope is a guy who is wanting to put Christ in the center? So him giving permission to keep pagan idols in a church in South America is motivated by his true love of Christ? Rick Warren was taken out of context. Yet Warren signed a document that pushed a blurred line between Islam and Christianity. I found chan well-meaning, but absolutely reckless. It is not that he believes deeply wrong things but his willing ignorance to not seek out an issue is lending legitimacy to a lot of bad stuff. And he does not seem to be taking things back to Christ as revealed in the entirety of scripture and just goes by what seems to smack of Christ.
    Also, takeaway: if the Pope wants to meet, politely decline.

  • @remalim9471
    @remalim9471 3 года назад +3

    No. Truth over unity.

    • @allthingsthroughhim3856
      @allthingsthroughhim3856 3 года назад +1


    • @nancyd.6191
      @nancyd.6191 3 года назад +1

      Yes!!! And Chan used to be so articulately vocal and outspoken on this. What happened to him?!?

    • @allthingsthroughhim3856
      @allthingsthroughhim3856 3 года назад

      1 Timothy 4:1-2
      “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;”

  • @LetsTalkChristMinistries
    @LetsTalkChristMinistries 3 года назад +11

    I LOVE Francis Chan. He pulsates genuiness.

  • @johnsosito8340
    @johnsosito8340 3 года назад +6

    Subscribed. I might be a gaming channel, but it doesn't stop me from my devotions.
    Subscribed, because I've been following Francis Chan ever since. Not being a fanatic, I love how he explains things. It's great to see some light in his side about those issues, you guys asked the right questions! Francis was one the people that ignited me back to being. I grew up as a Fundamental Baptist, back slide when I was around 19, I realized I was so lukewarm as a Baptist. I became agnostic. Long story short, 2018 I understood what God had in store for me, but was still questioning a lot of things. Fast forward to 2019, January, Francis was a speaker to a conference held by our church, I literally cried during that conference as I listen to Francis. He was already in my radar and I've been listening to some of his messages around 2018, but it was different when you listen to it wholeheartedly and sincere. One of his messages in that conference can be found in YT, just type Crazy Love Two Most Dangerous Lies.

  • @Inharmonics
    @Inharmonics 3 года назад +13

    This is a great interview. Very inspiring and full of Godly wisdom. (But really - what is going on with these watchdogs / heresy hunters? Put on a "false prophet" list because you said a positive comment about Rick Warren!? Really? What is wrong with these people!?....)

    • @onesimustim8424
      @onesimustim8424 3 года назад +5

      "what is going on with these watchdogs / heresy hunters?"
      Makes me wonder who are really demonstrating the fruit of 'ravenous wolves'.

    • @onesimustim8424
      @onesimustim8424 3 года назад

      @New Eyes To See Try watching the interview and then comment. He addresses those heresy hunter accusations that you are repeating.

    • @onesimustim8424
      @onesimustim8424 3 года назад +2

      @New Eyes To See Maybe spend less time watching 'shocking documentary' videos on RUclips and far more time in scripture. Then you will be MUCH better equipped to discern for yourself the truth from the false instead of relying what others tell you.
      Most of the people I've seen accused of being 'NAR' have nothing at all to do with anything associated with it. The term 'NAR' has become a convenient broad-brush label to apply to those you want others to reject without actually giving any evidence of genuine wrongdoing.
      And as I said earlier - watch THIS interview with Chan before you continue repeated allegations you've heard about him.
      I am 100% certain that your accusations are based on what you've seen on selectively edit heresy hunter sites, where the site owner tells you what you are hearing and seeing, and why it 'proves' Chan is dangerous.
      I've looked into some of the accusations against him in a series of copy-cat videos by watching the FULL original recording of what Chan said and like so many heresy hunter accusations, I found the claims to be totally false - projecting meaning and intent into what was said that was clearly not there when viewed in full.

    • @onesimustim8424
      @onesimustim8424 3 года назад +1

      @New Eyes To See No - I still say your views of Chan are based on edited parts of what he's said, with 'explanatory' commentary from a RUclips heresy hunter.
      That's why you are not willing to watch THIS video to get Chan's own words without that selective editing and commentary.
      And as for needing to read scripture - I have done so and continue to do so. I read it A LOT, not just a chapter or two here and there each day.

    • @onesimustim8424
      @onesimustim8424 3 года назад

      @New Eyes To See Parroting the lies of heresy hunters shows no desire for the truth.

  • @cledezma3
    @cledezma3 3 года назад +20

    I love Francis Chan because I love the Bible. Few people have helped me to love, fear, and live for God more than Francis Chan.
    Before you criticize him (or believe what you hear from RUclipsrs), listen to a few of his sermons. Your heart will be inflamed for Jesus.

    • @Andromedon777
      @Andromedon777 3 года назад

      Go check out Tim Mackie and the Bible project, too.
      Especially their sermons on Matthew

  • @strengthdignitylaughter
    @strengthdignitylaughter 3 года назад +6

    THANK YOUU this interview has helped me so much i recently have gone thru a season of switching from like a large mega church that was more charismatic to a small reformed church. Both churches I know have a love for Christ but I couldn’t get over some of the differences and the critical spirit I felt on both sides but especially when being in more reformed circles. Ephesians Ch 4 was my verse for the year last year and is still on my heart. I completely agree that unity ought to be achieved without dismissing the truth but I believe correction ought to be done out of love like in Galatians 6 it talks about bearing one another’s burdens and gently restoring one to the faith. I recently read Letters to the church and Crazy Love. I’m definitely not perfect and I’ve had so many things revealed to me this past year in my heart but the Lord is humbling me and transforming my heart. This interview has helped me so much. Thank you!

  • @brigittemurphy879
    @brigittemurphy879 3 года назад +7

    Bless Francis Chan and your program, as an ex- Catholic converted through the Catholic charismatics 45 years ago, who still love them, I am SO SO blessed and encouraged with Francis Chan's views and love for the body of Christ wherever they come from.

  • @stephe.6195
    @stephe.6195 3 года назад +8

    Love how remnant radio brings in all these different people, views and perspectives on our Lord and savior Jesus.

  • @007Tinkins
    @007Tinkins 3 года назад +31

    This was an extraordinary interview. I’ve been listening to F. Chan and reading his books and watching his teaching videos for many years. I have grown so much from his ministry. This is the best interview I’ve ever seen with him. I think he felt very comfortable with you both and you gave him a great space to share his heart.

    • @ezngab
      @ezngab 3 года назад


  • @shelbycurry721
    @shelbycurry721 3 года назад +6

    I’m so glad Francis got a chance to give his side of the story. I got started on this journey listening to his sermons, and the past year or so has been confusing because I’ve been hearing about all this ecumenical work he’s been doing, and everyone was pretty sure he was apostatizing, but I never got to hear his perspective. It’s a little uncomfortable for me that he remains so unknown on some issues he says he’s still figuring out, but I’m glad he got a chance to speak. And I’m also glad he is considering other perspectives rather than buying what Masters Seminary says wholesale.

  • @Irastrong
    @Irastrong 3 года назад +5

    It’s nice to watch a video (half a video) on them saying Francis is terrible for inviting total unity and then to watch him explain himself. Love Francis!

  • @jordanmyers7593
    @jordanmyers7593 3 года назад +17

    Y’all NEED to chop this into segments. People NEED to hear his Benny Hinn encounter. People NEED to hear his dialogue about Mary with Matt. Super helpful 👍🏼💪🏼💪🏼

  • @JamesKellyJohnson5
    @JamesKellyJohnson5 3 года назад +5

    38:05 Paul was quoting their poets in an attempt to demonstrate the fallacy of worshiping man made idols.
    We’re all made in the image of God, yes. But you’re on serious thin ice making a statement like, “Everyone is a child of God” without context.
    Great interview. God bless 🙏💙

  • @dennismaher9533
    @dennismaher9533 3 года назад +4

    FRANCIS is backing up Hillsong......BAD !!

  • @lungilezondi441
    @lungilezondi441 3 года назад +5

    Very good interview. Thanks. If I can say one thing though, at times during the difficult questions it felt like you were trying to feed him answers in a way. Same as the Todd white interview. Just let them talk for himself.

  • @ejay3835
    @ejay3835 3 года назад +2

    I’m just being honest here but it seems that Francis Chan is turning into a mystic. Trying to ask God to reveal himself when He already did and revealed the mysteries to the apostle Paul about how we are to trust in the finished work of the cross in this church age we are living in. What the heck happened to him. Joining with the Catholic Church and not calling out Mormonism as heresy is very concerning.

  • @jayahn123
    @jayahn123 3 года назад +1

    If someone is nice, knows the scriptures, work with the poor, and smiles a lot---is this person a good teacher of our faith? I believe Satan is the best deceptor in the world, the perfect lure/bait and Francis has definitely swallowed the hook! Truly a shame.... I grew up in Assembly of God and was personally blessed by Pastor David Yonggi Cho and I can honestly say that there are major problems with signs-and-wonders as the top and (almost) only matters of our faith. I also have been truly, truly blessed with hearing the Father's voice, miraculous healing, healing of a sick child, casting away demon (in Jesus' name) and too much to write all of the things that God has blessed me, but someone like Bill Johnson, IHOP, and others likes are problematic---agents of deceptor. To see Francis like this makes me very, very disappointed and sad....

  • @deborahfrasher5701
    @deborahfrasher5701 3 года назад +6

    Francis Chan spoke at IHOPKC and what I remember of this was he was part of a panel discussion. He is transparent and genuine in his love of Jesus and the Word. Thank you for having him on your show. I watch the videos as I can and have not ever been disappointed by the content.

  • @LoriBTravel
    @LoriBTravel 3 года назад +14

    Francis might find Mike Heiser’s content helpful .

  • @Candican2
    @Candican2 3 года назад +4

    Now I haven’t listened to a lot of your interviews (only 3 or maybe 4) so forgive me if these a premature critique. And I say this in a very gracious way and not with any malicious intent.
    But I think the reason why you may get some pushback about some of these interviews is because it comes across like your trying to “save” your interviewees after asking them a rightfully challenging questions. I saw this in your interview with Todd White and also in this interview. Especially, the question about the pope’s affiliation with Muslims. Just let him answer but when youre jumping in and “saving” him, it’s like you’re speaking for him and I want to hear what he has to say, not what you have interpreted his answer would be based on how answered a previous question. (That what happened here) I think it reflects your bias and your want to portray the interviewee in the best light.
    Just a suggestion to let your interviewees speak. You can ask questions for clarification after but don’t ask a question and then answer it for them.

    • @ApostolicChristianity
      @ApostolicChristianity 3 года назад +1

      Valid critique.

    • @scottspeig
      @scottspeig 3 года назад

      Agreed - They should look at some tough interviews by Andrew Neil (UK political interviewer) to get some ideas. Drill down and push for serious responses. Don't let the interviewee give a soft or vague answer as it'll still leave people questioning afterwards

  • @jaclynh1958
    @jaclynh1958 3 года назад +10

    So thankful for the Chans!

  • @jacobpodolsky2649
    @jacobpodolsky2649 3 года назад +20

    He’s like exactly where I am wrestling theologically but that passion and reverence he clearly has for God..... man I need more of that! Praise Jesus !

  • @ScubaDude_Sg
    @ScubaDude_Sg Год назад +1

    I think Francis is at the point where he has seen and experienced truth from different quarters of the Christian communion, including Catholicism, he does not want to be pigeon holed into any particular box as that would mean throwing away components of the faith that he has uncovered/discovered. To him the parts make the whole and these are crucial components that he does not want to abandon as they are revelations to prayer. He sits as a layer drawing from the best of Christian denominations, and is wholly enriched by the components coming together to make a new expression of his faith! I feel that as long as he does not contravene the very foundations of the Christian faith, let him learn and in return we will be blessed from the insights he delivers, however the onus is on us as Bereans to filter all that he says through the understanding & revelation of the Word!

  • @Annie-zf2ec
    @Annie-zf2ec 3 года назад +7

    Love this man. Praise God for a teacher like Chan in our time!

  • @davidrussell631
    @davidrussell631 3 года назад +5

    I sincerely pray that when it’s all said and done, confusion and compromise aren’t the fruits these ministries are known for.

  • @gracefullyyours6508
    @gracefullyyours6508 3 года назад +5

    I have more and more respect for you and don’t ever let others who are afraid of questions, afraid of questions, afraid of not being in the “cool” group ever stop you from seeking a deeper understanding of the gospel and all of gods glory. We are merely simple trying our best to understand something so divinely complex.

  • @tweezy5804
    @tweezy5804 3 года назад +6

    Man I loved this , you hear soo much controversy surrounding francis but everytime I hear his explanation, you can just feel the holy spirit flowing through him, he is trying to still learn, he stays biblically based. The fruit of his faith shows , the way he presents himself is very humble and authentic. Love yalls show and love ya francis.

    • @VickyRBenson
      @VickyRBenson 3 года назад +1

      I was so glad to hear this, too! He’s what I thought he was, after all, and it confirms that one should take nay-sayers with a huge grain of salt.

  • @mick9371
    @mick9371 3 года назад +6

    Francis Chan has changed my life .... love this man

  • @arijoseph2832
    @arijoseph2832 3 года назад +5

    Thanks so much guys for your ministry. 2 years ago the Lord out it into my heart to study church history and the different denominations. I felt so alone being in a small city in Australia with no one I know going that deep into theology. So glad the Lord led me to your channel (amoung others). I truly feel like part of the family. The Lord is good

  • @jonathandavid9720
    @jonathandavid9720 3 года назад +4

    I really think RR is providing a most effective way to understand what various pastors *actually believe*.
    RR provides the equivalent of the "Four Views" approach, where people can speak for themselves, by answering appropriate and probing questions - and give nuanced answers to those who want truth, not smearing.
    This is proper fact-finding.
    The Professional Pastor Criticizers have largely lost evaluative credibility with their shoddy "Heretic!" labelling. RR provides a much more effective way to eliminate the evaluative noise.

    • @scottspeig
      @scottspeig 3 года назад

      While true, I think I'd prefer it if the RR guys became the opposition at times. For example, they give too much leniency to Todd White previously & Francis here. If they really pushed back against the most pressing issues (instead of the friendly chat - which is still a valid interview technique), I think it would be better and focus the interview better.

  • @daydreamerz
    @daydreamerz 3 года назад +7

    There is a big difference between humility and compromise, and between doctrinal differences and doctrinal heresy. And many people truly seem to love Jesus, but which Jesus? The God of Heaven or the one of their own imagination?

  • @jjrob7220
    @jjrob7220 3 года назад +5

    Remnant Radio are so skilled in the art of the interview. Great work guys. I love your humility & genuineness.

  • @allthingsthroughhim3856
    @allthingsthroughhim3856 3 года назад +2

    “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s enemies will be those of his own household. He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.
    And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.
    He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.”
    “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.
    Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”

    • @nancyd.6191
      @nancyd.6191 3 года назад +1

      Yes! Chan used to quote passages like this, and rightfully so. Now....doesn't seem to want to acknowledge it.

  • @billiehanson3686
    @billiehanson3686 3 года назад +1

    Maybe you should interview Costi HINN-

  • @mitchschultz3076
    @mitchschultz3076 3 года назад +2

    Waffling, waffling, waffling

  • @felixguerrero6062
    @felixguerrero6062 3 года назад +3

    This is precisely why no one should follow young church leaders no matter how promising they seem. Folks under 40 simply go through far too many theological shifts (based mostly on immaturity and general lack of theological breadth). This is why "elders" should really be elders. In the ancient world this was normally around 40+
    A spirit of humility and openness to the unity of the Holy Spirit in the Church through various contradictory traditions can be very important, yet it also can minimize theological issue that are fundamental. Just because brother Francis no longer has a clear and coherent theological vision that he is able to have absolute certainty about, does not mean this is something to be emulated. An Enthusiastic and pious Church that is ambiguous on theology and doctrine, is one that very quickly dissipated into liberalism or pseudo spiritualism. God bless.

    • @ezidimmakenneth7927
      @ezidimmakenneth7927 3 года назад +2

      Jeez! So much wisdom in few lines.
      I've been thinking of how to galvanize my thoughts and make a comment after seeing this video.
      I love Francis as a human, but I don't want to be like him, I don't want to emulate him in this. I am not a cessationist, but I don't understand a christinaity that's not sure of anything anymore.
      This one loves Jesus, that one loves Jesus...if some emotional love for Jesus is the criteria for unity then, what's the point of having a scripture which clearly delineates boundaries for us?
      I sincerely don't want to have anything to do with this kind of Christinaity. I need some solid Rock under my feet...doctrines upon which I can hang my whole life

  • @roadlesstravelled9141
    @roadlesstravelled9141 3 года назад +6

    My favourite interview, speaks to unity within the church. Great perspective

  • @rhonddavincent2803
    @rhonddavincent2803 10 месяцев назад +2

    This man is so beautiful, he is so filled with love. Such a humble man, he's processing alot of stuff.

  • @dankxng
    @dankxng 3 года назад +4

    His defense of Benny Hinn is truly astounding. Let's just throw out 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 I guess lol.

    • @Maman_poule
      @Maman_poule 3 года назад +1

      Yeah would love to see Costi Hinn’s response to that lol

    • @dankxng
      @dankxng 3 года назад +4

      @@Maman_poule Voices like his are so important in these discussions. Same with the Mike Bickle stuff. There are literally (without exaggeration) over a thousand blogs, articles, etc. from former IHOP members and staffers who say it is an abusive environment that more closely resembles a cult than a church. Let's listen to them instead of listening to what Mike says about himself. It's just astounding to me how far off the reservation Chan has gone under the guise of "grace." Enabling spiritual abuse is not extending grace.

    • @Maman_poule
      @Maman_poule 3 года назад

      I’ve personally been a part of a hypercharasmatic church, and I can attest to its abusive nature. Praise God he has opened my eyes this past year and brought me to truth.
      I do think it’s encouraging to hear Benny’s push for Jesus. Perhaps all the prayers for his repentance will come to fruition. 🙏🏽

    • @dankxng
      @dankxng 3 года назад +2

      @@Maman_poule Pushing for Jesus in private while he continues to fleece his congregations and audience from the stage is what he has done for decades. There has been no discernable repentance or change in his heart.

    • @Maman_poule
      @Maman_poule 3 года назад +1

      Agree, not arguing with you or saying he’s in the right lol
      Just trying to hold onto hope that he will change and repent.

  • @sigh08
    @sigh08 Год назад +1

    I appreciate how Francis GOES TO HIS BROTHERS / those who call themselves believers but teach concerning doctrine, and has conversations with them -- instead of demanding they come to him (like the pharisees) or blast them on social media when they don't come. Great example for people in ministry and theological truth seekers.

  • @mattmilcarek4354
    @mattmilcarek4354 7 месяцев назад +1

    He’s going to have a huge heavenly reward

  • @northlandassemblybadger7014
    @northlandassemblybadger7014 3 года назад +6

    This interview and the one with Max Lucado are must-watch episodes.

  • @stevegodsell
    @stevegodsell 3 года назад +5

    Fantastic interview. There are so many ungracious people out there who like nothing more than to call people out just because they don't follow exactly what they believe is truth. This channel is a breath of fresh air, trying to promote unity not division.

    • @sethtrey
      @sethtrey Год назад

      I pray that just seeing this conversation will convert some people. I have enough faith for that, at least. It made me even happier to believe!

  • @bradhouston4734
    @bradhouston4734 3 года назад +4

    Thank you for this interview! I LOVE Francis Chan and haven’t doubted his sincerity, heart, or sacrifice for a moment!
    If people take the time to watch this, they will see how he has really “sacrificed” (only to the Western Trolls) himself at time to do what I think ANY decent Christian would do at the time.
    You have a chance a chance to share the Gospel with Roman Catholics...why not?!?!

  • @amandagraceN
    @amandagraceN 3 года назад +4

    What's hard is when he quotes 1 Corinthians, not associating with "swindlers" (though many other listed) that is the heart of what some people were doing when they saw him associating with people who really aren't holding onto essential, gospel truths. Great discussion though, love Francis' heart.

    • @andrewh7599
      @andrewh7599 3 года назад +4

      I agree and if you check out my comment thread above, you can clearly see that his association with Catholics has certified- in their minds- the false teachings of the church. I have seen the same thing in Charismatic circles. "See Francis is with us, so what we believe is okay." The fruit of Chan's work is not healthy and that's heartbreaking to me.

  • @aarondunn9700
    @aarondunn9700 3 года назад +4

    Love this man. Thank you Father for the gift of Francis Chan, grant us the Grace to follow boldly in his footsteps. Fill him even more with your Spirit & may You be greatly glorified.

  • @danielray4810
    @danielray4810 3 года назад +15

    I love Francis Chan ❤️ His heart is after God.

  • @pilgrim3313
    @pilgrim3313 3 года назад +1

    There is a pharisaical arrogance amongst many of the evangelical, doctrinal "watchdogs" these days. Francis loves Jesus and wants to share the Gospel with the unsaved and so, Irrespective of who he "rubs" shoulders with, he has my vote. People who might be wrong on certain doctrinal issues, and these are usually not Christocentric issues, can at least learn whereas the know-it-all, watchdogs cannot! Their doctrinal watchdogging is rooted in pride. Bless you guys at The Remnant Radio for being impartial.

  • @martarico186
    @martarico186 3 года назад +1

    One thing is befriending other people that don't believe like us another to call them brothers and sisters despite of their deep integral beliefs.

  • @matthewbroderick8756
    @matthewbroderick8756 3 года назад +2

    "It is by WORKS and NOT BY FAITH ALONE THAT WE ARE JUSTIFIED ", ( James 2:24), for "Even if one has ALL FAITH, but does not LOVE, it is useless ", ( 1 Corinthians 13:2), " For it is the DOERS OF THE LAW THAT ARE JUSTIFIED BEFORE GOD ", ( Romans 2:13). As Jesus Christ warns believers, "EVERY BRANCH IN ME THAT DOES NOT BEAR FRUIT, SHALL BE TAKEN AWAY ", ( John 15:2). Peace always in Jesus Christ our Great and Kind God and Savior, He whose Flesh is True food and Blood True drink

  • @jeffreyontheway
    @jeffreyontheway 3 года назад +1

    Could it be that Francis is listening to and taking a deep interest in too many perspectives on the speculative things of scripture. Paul washer has a good exegesis on how the Church is already one and already has unity on Biblical standards. There isn't unity institutionally and maybe the true church (the sheep within any denomination) doesn't have unity on Francis' terms, but Jesus asked that the sheep be completely one as He is one with the Father. If there isn't unity on Jesus' terms, then Jesus prayed according to the Father's will and wasn't given what he asked for.

  • @istvanfodor9597
    @istvanfodor9597 3 года назад +5

    This was such an awesome interview! At 14:30 it sounds like that the need for the Bishop/Overseer is organically emerging, as understood in the early church and preserved in the historic episcopate: a chief shepherd that serves as the visible sign (and guardian) of unity in a local group of churches.

    • @alivewithchrist777
      @alivewithchrist777 3 года назад +1

      I think thats why Francis is back here.i think he is supposed to kinda set the pace in America

  • @mary-xk9dc
    @mary-xk9dc 3 года назад +2

    stay away from false teachers, even a good person can be fooled. you can not pleses every one,

  • @ezngab
    @ezngab 3 года назад +4

    Same here, one of the best interviews and favorite show produced by Remnant. Thanks all! Yes, John MacArthur, I pray for God to orchestrate and make happen, if HE wills. This interview clarified some of my distorted views about Francis Chan. I learn, to let God do the judging. Thank You, LORD, the great and awesome God!!!

    • @ezngab
      @ezngab 3 года назад

      I see the glory of my King through these men...

  • @saranganipride
    @saranganipride 3 года назад +2

    What I am learning here is that we cannot put God in a box. God will draw people to himself and we cannot be the judge. Jesus has the final say on who He will call and give His Spirit. Religion can potentially divide and Jesus spoke against the religious and spoke about His Kingdom and the love of the Heavenly Father. We need to keep studying the Word and walk in the Spirit and concentrate on our intimacy with Jesus. Then love others and not judge them and pray for them. I have witnessed catholics who read the bible that are saved and have the Holy Spirit in them... and I rejoice being a witness to the work of God!

  • @sherrywhite1517
    @sherrywhite1517 3 года назад +4

    First time listening.....really enjoyed Mr. Chan's sharing! Love his honest and humble struggle to find the truth wherever and whoever it may lead to. God bless

  • @travisrosenthal398
    @travisrosenthal398 Год назад +1

    The Assemblies of God doesn’t believe that if you don’t speak in tongues, you don’t have the spirit in you.

    • @e.m.8094
      @e.m.8094 5 месяцев назад

      They believe that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is always evidenced by speaking in tongues.

  • @cml2176
    @cml2176 3 года назад +2

    Thank you for this conversation. I am a Catholic and I appreciate the integrity and respect here--"may we all be one" as Our Lord Jesus prayed.

  • @pattikoski2130
    @pattikoski2130 3 года назад +2

    Yes, yes, and yes! Unity in truth ... not in relativism. Francis, I found your books/videos during my 5 years in a Baptist Church. Our family returned to the Catholic Church with new eyes and a better understanding of the Faith. Thank you for seeking Truth. Praying for you, brother.

  • @aldonava274
    @aldonava274 3 года назад +2

    When Pope Francis (or any Catholic) talks about Ecumenism it refers to Christian unity. NOT every religion out there. Only unity in the Body of Christ, very important to take into account when the pope does stuff with other religions.

  • @MV-fj3fd
    @MV-fj3fd 3 года назад +1

    I love his response to "Are you still a Calvanist?" 60% and a bit less than that on Limited Atonement. Yes, it is more complicated than both Calvanist's and non Calvanist's make out. In fact, I love and respect Francis Chan, and like his other responses here. I'm sure he hasn't got everything right, but he comes across a lot better than his critics. Agree with him on the Communion as well, and the warnings in scripture, and I am an not a Catholic.

  • @doctrinalwatchdog6268
    @doctrinalwatchdog6268 3 года назад +2

    Well I agree with one thing "charismatics don't know the word of God" but then Chan claims this guy actually did know the word of God because he could take apart Greek verbs. That's so embarrassing It proves Chan doesn't get it.

    • @kensyorantesko
      @kensyorantesko 3 года назад

      Wow charismatics don’t know the word of God? While I do believe that we have to call out false hyper charismatic teachers someone being a charismatic in the sense that they are a continuationist doesn’t mean they don’t know the word of God.

  • @alcottnine
    @alcottnine 3 года назад +15

    Excellent interview! Really fascinated with the behind the scenes at the Send w/ Benny Hinn story.

    • @biguntall
      @biguntall 3 года назад

      Benny has said he has repented before many times over the years and always returns to his same old ways.

  • @eb7456
    @eb7456 3 года назад +3

    Thank you. God is so much greater than man's understanding. This whole year is about waking up His bride to a true relationship with Him. We all need to learn about home churches.

  • @OnlyJesus77
    @OnlyJesus77 3 года назад +3

    Hi guys will you please interview Torben Sondergaard?
    Great interwiew BTW! 👍💗😀