Seems like BBC forgot about the power of their own monarch Queen Elizabeth lmao It also seems they forgot about King Salman of Saudi Arabia, currently committing a genocide in Yemen with the backing of the USA
Defintely Human genocide 😂😂 10 thousand people have died in Yemen, not even close to a genocide. Meanwhile US, UK and Nato are responsible for over a million deaths in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya.
zee zoo 10,000 dead definitely isnt enough to warrant the use of the word genocide. Let's also brush off the millions of yemenis that are starving while we whatabout other countries where atrocities are being committed. I don't support any of it... I doubt we can properly keep track of the deaths in Yemen. That 10k number, where did you get it? How old is it and does it include people dying of starvation
You sound like a North Korean. Are you seriously comparing the British monarchy to NK dictatorship? Brits are not openly talking about removal of the monarchy not out of fear but their respect for the queen. And their extravagance is actually helping the UK economy unlike NK’s.
North Korea may have issues which are difficult and I problematic. The answer is not UK nationalism or the US patriotic way of thinking. The answer is for every country to share and support each other, to be global citizens. The US and UK have their own problems, which their respected government should focus on.
@@kid--presentable A globalist puppet view?! Please, don't make up more useless terminologies. One can still support each other and still hold their nation close to their hearts. It's all about meeting in the middle.
@@MJamilHoque not a believer in mass migration of people to a country , a country then loses its identity and heritage , I bet you are not in your home country
Don't you have anything better to do than pick apart my comment? Chill out for God's sake. If it bothers you so, keep scrolling down. Plenty of more interesting opinions to be read. Blessings
I hate Mafia. It is the very evil fellow like Komei Shokastu(genius assassine of Three Kingdom) and Kanbe Kuroba(Japanese genius assassine of Sengoku Era) and Geppelse by not having its own hands and manipulating people and injecting drugs into person without conciousness with epileptic injecture and no proof of the crime and as not educating him and having him believe a lie by Geppelse 100 times, abusing the power of organization, it trys to make only a person's life out. I think this kind of the organization should be fought with North Korean Mafia armies. But it is fault of Mafia. It is all because Mafia has been doing demos in Shinokubo to kill Korean when it is a war. And boss and executives have been asked to do that by World Government. 私は暴力団が嫌いだ。すごく、悪い者で孔明、黒田官兵衛、ゲッペルズで自分の手を汚さずに人々を動かしたり、てんかん注射など証拠のない犯罪で人に知らないうちに薬を打ったり、人に何も教えることもせずに、悪教育自滅の計、ゲッペルズ100回を使って嘘を信じさせたり、組織の力を乱用して一人個人をダメにするんだ。こんな組織は北朝鮮の暴力団軍と戦ってほうがいいよ。でも、暴力団が悪いんだぜ。だって新大久保で戦争のときに韓国、朝鮮人を殺すことのデモをしているから。あと、やはり、暴力団の組長、幹部が世界政府にそうするように頼まれている。これらが私が言いたかったこと。 But these sentences are bad in impression. I didn't write it well. So ifsy yd hit a person without crime proof, yd either having a fault, yd should correct the thing yd did in Shinokuba. And to correct those sentences are the waste of time.These are?wffat I watned to say. でも、この文章は悪い印象(いんしょう)があるなあ。うまく書けなかった。だから、人を証拠なしで殴るなら、お前にも、欠点があるから、お前の新大久保を直せよってこと。文章を直す時間がもったいないよ。 Today, I have pains in my waist. Everyday, I have been attacked by Mafia without proof. Mafia doesn't judage ifsy it is right or wrong at all. Mafia is as very foolish as to only target at one concerning with the politics any other than Masses. Mafia depends too much on Masses. 今日(きょう)も、6時間(じかん)ぐらいしか眠れないし、家(いえ)の中(なか)に入(はい)ってくるし、どうやっても、守(まも)れないし、靴(くつ)に亀裂(きれつ)を入(い)れて壊(こわ)されるし、仕事先(しごとさき)もカビ攻撃(こうげき)でやられるし、家(いえ)の壁(かべ)に傷(きず)をつけるし、毎日(まいにち)、証拠(しょうこ)が残(のこ)らない襲撃(しゅうげき)を受(う)けている。暴力団(ぼうりょくだん)は、善(ぜん)悪(あく)の判断(はんだん)が全(まった)くできないんだ。政治(せいじ)に関(かか)わる人(ひと)以外(いがい)、集中(しゅうちゅう)的(てき)に狙(ねら)うことができないほど、すごく、バカな組織(そしき)なのだ。大衆(たいしゅう)に偏(かたよ)りすぎだよ。あと、なんか、家(いえ)の物(もの)に薬物(やくぶつ)を入(い)れてくるみたいで、よく眠(ねむ)れないんだよなあ。それか、外(そと)でてんかん注射(ちゅうしゃ)をやったのか、家(いえ)の鍵(かぎ)は、私(わたし)が引(ひ)っ越(こ)したときに、ピッキングで家(いえ)の中(なか)に入(はい)って、寝(ね)ているときに、複製(ふくせい)したのだろう。暴力団(ぼうりょくだん)の組長(くみちょう)と暴力団幹部(ぼうりょくだんかんぶ)に暴力(ぼうりょく)とは何(なに)かを教(おし)えてやれ。やる気(き)がなくなるよ。 Know what kind of things violence is to Mafia's boss and its exetutives. 私(わたし)の考(かんが)え方(かた)としてみれば、 暴力団(ぼうりょくだん)と私(わたし)、大衆(たいしゅう)がぶつかるほうがよい。いかなるときも絶対悪(ぜったいあく)の犯罪(はんざい)秘密(ひみつ)結社(けっしゃ)とは仲良(なかよ)くしてはいけない歴史(れきし)を作(つく)ったほうがよい。 でも、たぶん無理(むり)かなあ。すべての大衆(たいしゅう)、人々(ひとびと)は暴力団(ぼうりょくだん)の仲間(なかま)かもしれないから。 As I think, It will be better to fight between Mafia and I, Masses each other,I and they should buld up the history in wffich people never are on good terms with Mafia that is absoslute evil as Crime seret society whenever. But probabaly,it is impossible because all of Masses may be firends of Mafia. 暴力団(ぼうりょくだん)はまだ、汚(きたな)い暴力(ぼうりょく)を止(や)めないなあ。この組織(そしき)はダメだ。暴力団(ぼうりょくだん)とはこうあるべきた。犯罪(はんざい)、暴力団(ぼうりょくだん)を憎(にく)み、人(ひと)を疑(うたが)え、健康(けんこう)、知識(ちしき)を気(き)にしろ。そうすれば、人生(じんせい)、いつのときも、修正(しゅうせい)がきき、社会(しゃかい)に維持(いじ)でき、良心(りょうしん)を持(も)てるはずだ。良心(りょうしん)のない、暴力(ぼうりょく)、犯罪(はんざい)を使(つか)う暴力団(ぼうりょくだん)、犯罪(はんざい)秘密(ひみつ)結社(けっしゃ)など私(わたし)にはいらない。これが、人々(ひとびと)が暴力団(ぼうりょくだん)にやることで、これが、最(もっと)も人(ひと)が幸(しあわ)せに生(い)きることができる道(みち)だ。暴力団(ぼうりょくだん)、犯罪(はんざい)、悪徳商売人(あくとくしょうばいにん)を差別(さべつ)して、すべての人(ひと)を疑(うたが)うことだ。しかし、今日(きょう)も眠気(ねむけ)がない。家(いえ)の飲(の)み物(もの)に薬物(やくぶつ)でも入(はい)っているのかあ。本当(ほんとう)に暴力団(ぼうりょくだん)には参(まい)るよ。前(まえ)も家(いえ)の中(なか)に入(はい)って家(いえ)の物(もの)を壊(こわ)すから。
Jay Hussain think you mean Gaddafi and Libya. The US, under Obama, made a peace deal with Gaddafi and he ended up getting murdered. Trump is a lot more trustworthy than Obama
1.I knew the #$ifa is the organization for esnic desmimination. I knew it is the oraganization not only that for Korean but me and other esnics. 暴力#ってすごい民族差別の組織(そしき) ということがわかった。嫌韓の差別でも、私への 差別でも、すべての民族差別組織であることが わかった。 2.私は新大久保のデモのことを理由にして暴力#の報復を考えていたが、もっと重要なことに気づいた。 I think I will retaliate #$fia about demos of Shinookubo but I realized more important things. 暴力#やったことは個人の自由、だから、家に住む権利、自分が選んだ家、アパートに住む権利も 認めない、すごい悪いやつで、 Things ##fia diid is the amazing evil things that it doesn't allow one's freedom so then right of residence of a house, house one chosed, right of a tenament house to live in. しかも、人を大怪我させたのに、謝らない、また、同じことを繰り返す、 besides, desipte making one in a big jnjury, it doesn't apologise but it repates the same thing over again, しかも、警察に絶対に捕まらないてんかんスタンガンか注射を使うすごく卑劣な組織だと わかったので、 besides, I knew that it was the mean oranigation to take a use of epileptic stanguns or injectors that they are never arrected by polices これは、民族だけでなく、個人、人間の生存権も認めない悪い組織ということが わかった。 I knew that this is the evil organization that doesn't allow not only esnics but a person, personal right of life. よって、今までは、新大久保のデモを理由にしていたけど、私の自由、個人か 人間の自由=自由競争、生きるための権利、暴力#などの情報、 生きるための情報を知る平等ために暴力#に報復することに決めた。 So then long since, I had the reason by demos of Shino-obuo though, I decide I will retaliate #$fia for my own freedom, freedom of a person or human=freedom's competion, right of life, information of #%fia and so on for living to know for equal right. 暴力#は超不公平な民族差別組織でもある。よって、暴力には暴力、報復によって #す。 ##fia is the organization on super equality for esnic discrimination.So then I will #$ it violence by violence. 暴力##長と幹部が全滅するまで報復したい。それで、私が 責任をとりたい。 I will like to retaliate it by #$#"chief and executes. So then, I want to take all responsility.
1.I knew the #$ifa is the organization for esnic desmimination. I knew it is the oraganization not only that for Korean but me and other esnics. 暴力#ってすごい民族差別の組織(そしき) ということがわかった。嫌韓の差別でも、私への 差別でも、すべての民族差別組織であることが わかった。 2.私は新大久保のデモのことを理由にして暴力#の報復を考えていたが、もっと重要なことに気づいた。 I think I will retaliate #$fia about demos of Shinookubo but I realized more important things. 暴力#やったことは個人の自由、だから、家に住む権利、自分が選んだ家、アパートに住む権利も 認めない、すごい悪いやつで、 Things ##fia diid is the amazing evil things that it doesn't allow one's freedom so then right of residence of a house, house one chosed, right of a tenament house to live in. しかも、人を大怪我させたのに、謝らない、また、同じことを繰り返す、 besides, desipte making one in a big jnjury, it doesn't apologise but it repates the same thing over again, しかも、警察に絶対に捕まらないてんかんスタンガンか注射を使うすごく卑劣な組織だと わかったので、 besides, I knew that it was the mean oranigation to take a use of epileptic stanguns or injectors that they are never arrected by polices これは、民族だけでなく、個人、人間の生存権も認めない悪い組織ということが わかった。 I knew that this is the evil organization that doesn't allow not only esnics but a person, personal right of life. よって、今までは、新大久保のデモを理由にしていたけど、私の自由、個人か 人間の自由=自由競争、生きるための権利、暴力#などの情報、 生きるための情報を知る平等ために暴力#に報復することに決めた。 So then long since, I had the reason by demos of Shino-obuo though, I decide I will retaliate #$fia for my own freedom, freedom of a person or human=freedom's competion, right of life, information of #%fia and so on for living to know for equal right. 暴力#は超不公平な民族差別組織でもある。よって、暴力には暴力、報復によって #す。 ##fia is the organization on super equality for esnic discrimination.So then I will #$ it violence by violence. 暴力##長と幹部が全滅するまで報復したい。それで、私が 責任をとりたい。 I will like to retaliate it by #$#"chief and executes. So then, I want to take all responsility.
I haven't seen a single overweight north Korean not even from the generals. Kim must be eating 90% of the country's food stock.
Imagine being so ignorant and braniwashed.
A fat jolly killer, I love it when he calls him that because he’s evil.
Seems like BBC forgot about the power of their own monarch Queen Elizabeth lmao
It also seems they forgot about King Salman of Saudi Arabia, currently committing a genocide in Yemen with the backing of the USA
Defintely Human genocide 😂😂 10 thousand people have died in Yemen, not even close to a genocide. Meanwhile US, UK and Nato are responsible for over a million deaths in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya.
zee zoo 10,000 dead definitely isnt enough to warrant the use of the word genocide. Let's also brush off the millions of yemenis that are starving while we whatabout other countries where atrocities are being committed. I don't support any of it...
I doubt we can properly keep track of the deaths in Yemen. That 10k number, where did you get it? How old is it and does it include people dying of starvation
You sound like a North Korean. Are you seriously comparing the British monarchy to NK dictatorship? Brits are not openly talking about removal of the monarchy not out of fear but their respect for the queen. And their extravagance is actually helping the UK economy unlike NK’s.
Defintely Human mate focus on your own country, all you westerners do is chat shit about Saudi when you the ones that caused all these problems.
And if the Saudi king needs US support, how are they a strong monarchy? lmao
The word "father & mother" is nothing new! Asian used those words as the highest respect to their leader since ancient.
3:11 I'm sober, I'm sober, I'm sober... I'm sober..
1-2 million max due to the famine Sweeney (closer to 1 million). And 2.5 million in the Korean war. Sheesh.
Comments not blocked? Where am i
North Korea may have issues which are difficult and I problematic.
The answer is not UK nationalism or the US patriotic way of thinking.
The answer is for every country to share and support each other, to be global citizens.
The US and UK have their own problems, which their respected government should focus on.
Global citizen, but not a global government!
That is the typical globalist puppet view leading to a one world government. Nationalism is a beautiful thing
@@kid--presentable A globalist puppet view?! Please, don't make up more useless terminologies.
One can still support each other and still hold their nation close to their hearts. It's all about meeting in the middle.
@@MJamilHoque not a believer in mass migration of people to a country , a country then loses its identity and heritage , I bet you are not in your home country
The world is a cruel competitive place and always will be
Kim I? Kim is a surname. It's like calling the late His Majesty the King George IV, Windsor I (of course after dropping the more german-sounding name)
Thank you for stating a fact... did you have a point to make, or was that all?
They say kim 1 and so on bc it's easy. There are only 3. Do you have nothing better to do than pick apart commentary? Find a hobby
Don't you have anything better to do than pick apart my comment? Chill out for God's sake. If it bothers you so, keep scrolling down. Plenty of more interesting opinions to be read. Blessings
Those poor poor babies!
North Korea's Kim j'effacerai l'anglais de ma mémoire???????????????????????????
The best of the bests cyber country with the best cyber army than all
this guys voice is so funny
I love John Sweeney .The Way He tells the Story ...! I would be Honored to get just a Hei answer form Him here in the comment felt ...!
Nice jacket he has i wonder we’re I can find it
Just can't believe a word that the BBC broadcasts
BBC got their comments on for this video so they don’t get compared
he looked a lot better without the weird bit of hair down the front sides of his head.
It's somewhat punk.
I hate Mafia. It is the very evil fellow like Komei Shokastu(genius assassine of Three Kingdom) and Kanbe Kuroba(Japanese genius assassine of Sengoku Era) and Geppelse by not having its own hands and manipulating people and injecting drugs into person without conciousness with epileptic injecture and no proof of the crime and as not educating him and having him believe a lie by Geppelse 100 times, abusing the power of organization, it trys to make only a person's life out. I think this kind of the organization should be fought with North Korean Mafia armies. But it is fault of Mafia. It is all because Mafia has been doing demos in Shinokubo to kill Korean when it is a war. And boss and executives have been asked to do that by World Government. 私は暴力団が嫌いだ。すごく、悪い者で孔明、黒田官兵衛、ゲッペルズで自分の手を汚さずに人々を動かしたり、てんかん注射など証拠のない犯罪で人に知らないうちに薬を打ったり、人に何も教えることもせずに、悪教育自滅の計、ゲッペルズ100回を使って嘘を信じさせたり、組織の力を乱用して一人個人をダメにするんだ。こんな組織は北朝鮮の暴力団軍と戦ってほうがいいよ。でも、暴力団が悪いんだぜ。だって新大久保で戦争のときに韓国、朝鮮人を殺すことのデモをしているから。あと、やはり、暴力団の組長、幹部が世界政府にそうするように頼まれている。これらが私が言いたかったこと。
But these sentences are bad in impression. I didn't write it well. So ifsy yd hit a person without crime proof, yd either having a fault, yd should correct the thing yd did in Shinokuba. And to correct those sentences are the waste of time.These are?wffat I watned to say.
Today, I have pains in my waist. Everyday, I have been attacked by Mafia without proof. Mafia doesn't judage ifsy it is right or wrong at all. Mafia is as very foolish as to only target at one concerning with the politics any other than Masses. Mafia depends too much on Masses.
Know what kind of things violence is to Mafia's boss and its exetutives.
As I think, It will be better to fight between Mafia and I, Masses each other,I and they should buld up the history in wffich people never are on good terms with Mafia that is absoslute evil as Crime seret society whenever. But probabaly,it is impossible because all of Masses may be firends of Mafia.
The Americans are gonna do same that they done to Sadam Hussain to the Korean dictator
Jay Hussain think you mean Gaddafi and Libya. The US, under Obama, made a peace deal with Gaddafi and he ended up getting murdered. Trump is a lot more trustworthy than Obama
Daniel Murphy Sadam Hussain aswell
Jay Hussain
Saddam wasn't involved in a peace deal
Daniel Murphy I didn't say he was but he made peace with the US until they fucked him over
Jay Hussain very true, no weapons of mass destruction. Good luck, am about to watch England v Tunisia
Top 10 jokes that went too far
how can 1family,destroy a whole country??.
21 century come INTO international politics...welcome...
Raja King trump has been in office for two years
haha...USA dropped more bombs into NK than it did in WW2 and you thanked USA for restoring peace? Really?
Tony Teoh NL well no one else is to thank for it. Therese May hasn’t been a part of it now has she nor the Chinese or Russians
lol you talk like a kim jong un supporter, except for trump.
Trump has made a start BUT he has nowhere near finished the job of peace in the Korean peninsula.
Credit where credit is due, he's done well so far.
Top 10 Anime Power Mans
Hm forget your 24*7 coverage of wedding of your prince
India is the most powerful ever
can't stand this guy's voice
looks like a copy of the bbc what a coincidence ?
There is no God.
BBC Propaganda Machine at it AGAIN.
Am I the only one who hates the accent of speaker in the video
644 views. So early.
Brainwashed? Nah don’t think so. Do your researched.
can Kim ask brits released tommy?
John is bad
kim jung un naxosha china fryay bkawa
Next after de-nuclearisation , immigrate to the USA !
50th viewer
49th to view
4 to view
X̤̮e̤̮l̤̮i̤̮t̤̮e̤̮ s̤̮n̤̮i̤̮p̤̮e̤̮r̤̮X̤̮42 fuck
1.I knew the #$ifa is the organization for esnic desmimination.
I knew it is the oraganization not only that for Korean but me and other esnics.
I think I will retaliate #$fia about demos of Shinookubo but I realized more important things.
Things ##fia diid is the amazing evil things that it doesn't allow one's freedom so then
right of residence of a house, house one chosed, right of a tenament house to live in.
besides, desipte making one in a big jnjury, it doesn't apologise but it repates the same thing over again,
besides, I knew that it was the mean oranigation to take a use of epileptic stanguns or injectors that
they are never arrected by polices
I knew that this is the evil organization that doesn't allow not only esnics but a person, personal
right of life.
So then long since, I had the reason by demos of Shino-obuo though,
I decide I will retaliate #$fia for my own freedom, freedom of a person or
human=freedom's competion, right of life, information of #%fia and so on for living to know for equal right.
##fia is the organization on super equality for esnic discrimination.So then
I will #$ it violence by violence.
I will like to retaliate it by #$#"chief and executes. So then,
I want to take all responsility.
1.I knew the #$ifa is the organization for esnic desmimination.
I knew it is the oraganization not only that for Korean but me and other esnics.
I think I will retaliate #$fia about demos of Shinookubo but I realized more important things.
Things ##fia diid is the amazing evil things that it doesn't allow one's freedom so then
right of residence of a house, house one chosed, right of a tenament house to live in.
besides, desipte making one in a big jnjury, it doesn't apologise but it repates the same thing over again,
besides, I knew that it was the mean oranigation to take a use of epileptic stanguns or injectors that
they are never arrected by polices
I knew that this is the evil organization that doesn't allow not only esnics but a person, personal
right of life.
So then long since, I had the reason by demos of Shino-obuo though,
I decide I will retaliate #$fia for my own freedom, freedom of a person or
human=freedom's competion, right of life, information of #%fia and so on for living to know for equal right.
##fia is the organization on super equality for esnic discrimination.So then
I will #$ it violence by violence.
I will like to retaliate it by #$#"chief and executes. So then,
I want to take all responsility.