it looks amazing, I've driven about 30 or even more kilimeters in front of a newer skoda with the same system in my mk3 golf and all I can say is that you see everything in front amazingly better because of the car behind you and you don't get shined in the eyes amonst at all
@@mahchunteng9434 It's not blinding you if the beam doesn't focused into your eyes... So the sun is always blinding you as well.... Oh man... Yes, if you focus on it on purpose of course it will but use your brain come on! :D
@@dobringeorgiev4934 That's cool af. i think LED headlights are becoming too bright and it's not about crazy dudes installing LEDs in their old halogen headlights - most of the time i get blinded by newer cars optics of which is simply too bright. That system would nullify the problem if car manufacturer cares about it and tries to make it cheaper to put to non-premium cars.
@@swd6430 its simple rich guy gets car no problems in warranty after that poor guy buys it and if you cant service it dont buy car its so simple. Buy a cheap car and be happy you dont need matrix LED
If you look closely, it blinds every single car the moment it is right in front of the Audi. Exactly what I experience on the roads aswell. I ALWAYS get blinded in the last second when driving past a new Audi or Mercedes with Matrix.
THIS! Everyone says it's great engineering, well it is not. All audi's with these headlights blind me, all the time. It's horrible when you drive towards it.
I have same problem on my old car with halogen, because if you have shitty headlights your eyes adapt to their low brightness, and you always get blinded by any led or xenon car. Now i have car with high brightness led headlights, and I dont care about any car in front of me, even if they shine high beam directly in eyes.)
@@MZhBOSS Looks like now your eyes are permanently blinded by poor quality headlights. And you'll have a poor perception of any other side, but overly illuminated front side of your vehicle. Which makes night driving extremely dangerous.
That is pretty cool. 2 things I learned in this video..... 1. Dynamic headlights are getting pretty cool. 2. Most people don't bother to ever aim their headlights properly.
It's amazing how far the Germans are in lighting tech. I have a 2014 E Class with an early version of this. At 9 years old it's so quick to react and precise. Never been flashed. It works on a slightly different principle with more moving parts but it's always cool to see it in action. The newer Mercs even adjust for rain to prevent road glare, it adjusts for signs to prevent sign glare, etc. So cool.
I always get blinded from those newer car lights. No matter if in a car myself or as a pedestrian. it's ridiculous. Especially those SUVs with their high ass lights. Should be illegal. It drives me nuts.
@@fargoththemoonsugarmaniac I feel the German cars don't really do that. The offenders are the Japanese cars especially Toyota's SUVs. It's like their engineers didn't adjust them for the height of the vehicle. From Korea, Hyundai and Kia aren't bad since they do the split headlight thing and the main beams are lower down than other SUVs. Mercedes has taken things further now where the lights adjust for topography. So if the car is at the crest of a hill, usually the lights temporarily blind people coming ahead. But they now adjust downwards to prevent that.
@@fargoththemoonsugarmaniac I had passat B8 with adaptive led lights, touareg with matrix and now auti sq8 with matrix. I never blinded anyone from opposite direction.
@@fargoththemoonsugarmaniac yea I have a newer GM product my car always blinds people with just low beams on but it seems like Newer Ford vehicles do the same I'm also getting blinded by them all the time
@@fargoththemoonsugarmaniac it's also people who use the wrong bulbs. My mercedes will actually adjust my headlights to another drivers level. Not only are they matrix but they move up and down.
i got an audi aswell with Matrix LED, but i dont use it often, because when turning or agains truck drivers the system is still blinding many people. I mean its reliable on straight road's with traffic up front, but not rly in turning or highway usses. Because of it blinding truck drivers on highways almost every time. I got many headlight flashes from trucks with it on. If it gets better in the future i will use it too, but i want to prevent accidental crashes.
Same issue with my E class, but it works perfect when I drive at night through woods or hills with no illumination at all. It’s a shame because this is a damn expensive optional on the Mercedes
It happens because the camera does not see the incoming traffic on highway because the rails cover their headlights and since the truck drivers sit higher above the rails, they are blinded. I have BMW and it happens all the time sadly otherwise it works well, even when turning
@@MarSaso i though about writing the exact same thing, I confirm same thing happens with my E class Edit: my other car the Volvo S90 has got the same headlight system and it is an actual mess, the beam moves like a search light it gets annoying sometimes lol
Yes, it IS horrible for anyone crossing them. I just crossed an A3 with these last night for the first time. I researched to find what an abomination it was and I finally found: "Audi Matrix LEDs". It flashed me when crossing and I got those light spots in my sight that reduced my sight. I had to blink for it to fade until I regained full sight. Absolutely horrible.
Jestem wielkim fanem aktywnych, adaptacyjnych reflektorów. Od lat jeżdżę często nocami, przez wiele lat narzekałem na brak postępu w oświetleniu samochodowym. Na szczęście kilka lat temu nastąpił przełom. Mam Astrę z Intellilux, Passata z Top Led i cieszę się każdym kilometrem, przejechanym w nocy. Te światła są wyraźnie lepsze, od wspomnianych powyżej. Obejrzałem cały film z uśmiechem na twarzy. Dzięki za świetne nagranie. Pozdrowienia.
I w którym więcej mrygają? Bo wg mnie chyba jednak Astra ma lepsze światła, albo inaczej: Passat parę razy mnie oślepił na trasie, choć ma bez porównania bardziej zaawansowany system. Ale cenię podejście. Ja również jestem fanem wszelakich rozwiązań, które tylko pozwalają jeździć bezpieczniej. Dziwią mnie ludzie, dla których A6 musi mieć przede wszystkim automat, skórę... Dla mnie właśnie takie rzeczy jak matrycowe światła (choć wciąż niedoskonałe), ESP, ABS, 4ws, aerodynamika (docisk), amortyzatory adaptacyjne itp itd, czy... termowizja. I właśnie o tym chciałem. Tak jak matrycowe światła są pewnym krokiem naprzód, krokiem (który wciąż jest dopracowywany), tak night vision to wjazd w przyszłość razem z drzwiami. Ogromny postęp jeśli chodzi o podróże nocą, ale... własnie. Taki choćby VW. Ma night vision, ale do Passata go nie chce dać. ☹ To samo Audi, BMW (lekko wycofujące się z niego), Peugeot... Ford testował i... porzucił. Ma-sa-kra. Wracając do świateł matrycowych, może niektórzy producenci zbyt agresywnie je ustawiają? Niech chociaż prawą stronę odpowiednio kawałek oświetlą. Podobnie jak to robiły auta z grupy VW (xenon+przesłony), zanim weszły matryce.
Ja się niestety nie zgodzę do końca. Fajne to jest dla kierowcy pojazdu z takimi światłami to przyznaję, chociaż miałem okazję jeździć tylko z takimi matrixami w poliftowym superbie mojego Taty, więc to nie jest najwyższa półka. Jednak dla innych kierowców to dramat. Kiedy widzę że ktoś jedzie naprzeciwko za zakrętem to wyłączam długie światła wcześniej żeby nikomu nie walić po oczach. Tutaj kamera musi mnie zobaczyć więc już jest moment oślepiania, następny to moment kiedy się mijamy, na koniec zawsze samochód z matrixami mnie oślepi. Nie mówię już o tym że cały czas kiedy te światła próbują utrzymać mnie w cieniu to mam wrażenie na granicy oślepiania mnie. Jazda przed takim samochodem też nie jest komfortowa. Na szczęście krótkie mignięcie długimi powoduje że takie matrixy w samochodzie który mnie oślepia szybko się wyłączają:D Sam mam tylko automatyczne włączanie długich świateł i nie korzystam z tego bo widziałem że oślepiałem innych przez moment a ledy z leona potrafią walić po oczach jak nieszczęście.
@@yosephtbg No niestety - mam podobne doświadczenia. Ale mam też nadzieję, że pojawi się tryb, w którym kierowca będzie we właściwym momencie wyłączał "długie", a komputer w samochodzie uczył się od niego. Do tego czasu pozostanie nucić Skaldów ♪♫ Nie oślepiaj, włącz światła mijania! ♫♪.
Incredible technology - that's true. But according to me each car/driver who pass the car with theses lights system was blinded! That's film showed it perfectly because I can see faces driver's and interior each car which is passed. I very often exercising blinding by car light which is equipped in similar system. It's great but something need to be upgraded. 👍
Of course they were. The working zone of the matrix is like 60 degrees ahead. So oncoming cars are blinded maybe 10 meters before they pass you, when they get out of the matrix working zone.
@@LaggerSVKIt is horrible when you pass through these cars. I encountered one of those for the first time yesterday and it DID blind me. I stayed with those bright spots in my sight for a few seconds after passing the car and it certainly reduced my sight. Flashing is probably worse as it is sudden and in proximity which doesn't give your eyes time to adapt (close pupils) as it happens when someone approaches you with high beams from a distance. It was certainly worse than what I normally experience with drivers who use high beams all the time. It is, IMHO, one of those "if I'm better others can get f* for all I that I care" attitudes.
Wow, już to wcześniej widziałem ale teraz dopiero widzę jak to działa w wielu różnych sytuacjach. Zupełnie nowy wymiar świateł. PS: zwierzyny się trochę błąkało na poboczu :)
The only downside that i found out on my VW Tiguan with matrix lights is no crop function for the road signs. So you are blinded by the reflection from these signs. But otherwise i love it!
Not only him - all of incoming traffic are blinded except one car - police car at 22:26 - he switched off automatic lights for that time and switched back on immediately after..
Absolute awesome Video about Digital Light. I overthink to buy the new C-Class with Digital Light, which is very similar... but your video shows me again, how awesome this technologie is. Thanks for the work.
In a residential area, do you notice that all the public area lights are stronger and do not use the LEDS in complete upper rows? Because some villages can be relatively dark, but lighting the windows in any residential area with such a hurricane of light can be quite disturbing. And the residential buildings do not have a light that the system could know to turn off the particular LED there.
02:0503:3103:5115:16 you can see how this technology fails, you can see the face of the other driver in full blast of this LED projector. also, from my experience on the road with this lights, they are very annoying when the car on the other part of the road has this. because ok, it's cutting my car to some extend (as you can see in this video at 02:053:3103:5115:16 doesn't do the best job) but the fact that i have a light stream in front of me that is overlapping with the light returned to me from my headlights, makes me see worse what i have ahead. So this kind of lightning is DANGEROUS
In theory. Great. In practice not so much. These new headlight systems on all new cars are blinding just on low beams. I’m driving past 2020+ model BMW, Audi, etc and being blinding just by their dipped low beam. I can’t imagine what the full beams would do even if they are partially dipping when detecting an oncoming vehicle….
I very much agree with you. Full LED lights are very great, but even on low beam it’s very awful. I keep mistaking people for turning their high beams on when in reality it’s just me being at just the right angle to get blinded. But I can’t complain so much since my motorbike uses a full LED headlight and I’ve been very grateful for how nicely it lights up the road. And my car being from 2013 uses very awful projector lighting system and I can’t see shit.
You don't seem to understand how these Matrix lights work. Each headlight contains over 1 million reflective mirrors that can infinitely shift the primary beam of light to any shape or pattern like digital pixels on a television screen. Using the front mounted camera system, the car can detect the positioning of oncoming vehicles. It then locks onto the vehicle and tracks it's motion, then completely shuts down the sections of light that are aiming directly at that vehicle. It basically creates a tunnel of darkness, but still projects light around the perimeter of the vehicle. This way you get maximum brightness and visibility, but do not blind other drivers because the lights aimed at them are completely deactivated.
@@EOtekk I fully understand how they work. If you read my comment I’m saying that regardless of if these block out light, they’re still projecting the low beam in the area. Which is equally as blinding…
@@EOtekk You do not understand, that simply a ridiculously bright headlight, as a small, but very bright light source can blind You, no matter if it focused on You (which makes it even worse) or just making your eye trying to adapt to this bright source and blinding all the rest. I can confirm I don't see much, when I'm passing or driving in front of a modern car with LED headlights.
oglądając w trybie zwolnionym do 0.25 widać jak pojazdy jadące z naprzeciwka wjeżdżają w strumień światła na ułamek sekundy (tuż przed wyminięciem) zanim elektronika wyłączyła tą sekcje oświetlenia tak jest np w 2:54, 3:31, 3:51, 4:03 i 4:08 , kiedy wyraźnie rozświetlone zostaje wnętrze ich kabin. Ponadto gdy prezentowany pojazd jedzie po pofalowanej jezdni, w 2:53, strumień świateł drogowych oświetla pojazd na pasie przeciwległym w momencie gdy przód prezentowanego samochodu się unosi
Thank you! People who commend these abominations should try to cross them in the real world. They flash you and I got those blinding light spots in my sight for a few seconds after. Even in the advertising video you can see it does not work correctly and fails far too often.
2:15 - The first animal is the one that uses fog lights when there is no fog and also not replacing the headlight bulb! I saw the one at 1:46 as well. Very good system. This should be on every car and this could lead to a great decrease in accidents.
I wish the creators of this video had told us exactly which matrix LED headlights we are looking at. Most of the video seems to be showing the older 84 pixel technology. Then towards the end of the video we start seeing what appears to be the newer 16,000 pixel technology that can project guidance information on the pavement directly in front of the vehicle and do fancier highlighting of both the lane being driven in and the lane the driver is moving to. Whatever we are looking at, it's quite stunning.
I wrote! Audi Digital Matrix LED: the video was recorded with Audi A8 and Audi e-tron. They have the same headlights and I wrote it in the description and it is written on the video. Did you see that?
@@1001cars Thank you for replying. Yes, I saw that the description said that the vehicles are both equipped with "Audi Digital Matrix Light". However, there are multiple versions of this technology. One of the vehicles appears to have the older lower definition matrix headlights and the other vehicle appears to have the newer high definition matrix headlights. When I watch your video, there are obvious functional differences in the way the headlights on these two vehicles operate. I was only asking you to verify which version of the headlights these two vehicles have since they are obviously not of the same type. I am in the U.S. where we do not get the adaptive capability of the matrix headlights - they operate as traditional high and low beams I was especially curious because I am going to have the matrix headlights on my Porsche recoded in two days. My Porsche has the older Hella 84 LED matrix headlights that are not high definition. My assumption is that its headlights will, after the recoding, function similar to those on only one of the vehicles in your video - the one that does not project informational symbols on the roadway. Thank you again for your reply. The videos posted on your channel have significant value.
@@H2SO4H20 As I wrote, there is ONE version of digital matrix LED. The version of "matrix LED" you are thinking about is HD Matrix LED, which is available in A6 and A7 for example. The precise "carpet" and signs which are made by digital matrix LED are possible only in some situations. this is why you do not see them all the time. I wrote about it.
@@1001cars Thank you for replying again. I had thought that HD Matrix LED headlights were the more advanced technology but now (I think) I understand that the digital Matrix LED headlights are more advanced.
fun fact, the car shown in the xenon light part of the promo is the audi S4 C4, the first audi with gas discharge headlights. but its bumper isnt an s4 c4 bumper but a s6 c4 bumper. i think they just took an s6 c4 with xenon and used it for filming.
Imponujące, że na tak dziurawej drodze system dalej efektywnie wycina auta jadące z naprzeciwka. Z trudem przyznaję, że działa to lepiej, niż lasery u mnie. Głównie z uwagi na fakt, iż lasery odpalane są niezmiernie rzadko.
Of course some drivers will get blinded, but you can see that it only happens for a fraction of time. This is still much better than manual headlights.
But for some reason im always getting blinded by cars from other lanes with matrix led, especially if they go over a bump or something and the system doesn’t see me
Niesamowita technologia. Jednak kiedy auta się mijają będąc już bardzo blisko siebie, widać że kabina samochodu z przeciwka jest przez ułamek czasu bardzo mocno oświetlona, widać kabinę w środku i głowy kierowców. Jakby ostatni segment nie zdarzył się wyłączyć. No może to być dosyć nieprzyjemne dla oślepionego kierowcy. Ale znaki wyświetlane na drodze wymiatają.
To jest normalne to jest odbicie na bok światła i jest to na światła mijania. Popatrz na auta które maja LED a nie maja ''wycinania samochodów'' tam to występuje
@@mati93993 Co Ty gadasz że to jest normalne 🤣 To jest po prostu wada tych świateł i nie powinny być dopuszczone do ruchu bo oślepiają prawie wszystkich jadących z naprzeciwka - sprawdż sobie zatrzymując i przewijając film klatka po klatce za pomocą kropki i przecinka. W 22:26 masz wyłączone automatyczne długie - akurat jak z naprzeciwka jechał radiowóz - i wtedy panowie policjanci nie są oślepieni. i Tuż po tym jak przejechali to automatyczne światła znowu są włączone.
Niektórzy nie potrafią wyłączyć długich w ogóle manualnie jak samochód jedzie z naprzeciwka a tutaj ludzie zwracają uwage na ułamek sekundy że OŚLEPIAAA
@@Adam-xg2bi masz sporo racji. Wiele aut z oświetleniem led ma problem z oślepianiem a matrix i inne adaptacyjne też często nie działają jak powinny. Nie raz jechałem za audi czy mercedesem gdzie segment nie wyłączył się na czas i kierowca z naprzeciwka uruchamiał swoje długie.
this technology is perfect, its gets the driver an opportunity to spot things, that would not be illuminated otherwise... altough you can clearly see, that the cars in opposite directien, when they are right in front of the audi, last few meters, the drivers are dazzled. it can be seen very clearly on the van on @4:08 and all all the other cars aswell..... the whole cabin is illuminated by audi the driver is momentarily flashed by the lights....good way to loose any sort of "night vision"....... same happens on hills with sharp crest, or tight corners,....the oncoming driver is dazzled..... you as a human driver already sees there is a car coming from the corner so you disable high beams in advance, the automatic control dazzles for a short while and then disables..... even though i have adaptive headlights, thisis the reason i use manual mode.... also whats up with high beams being used "in the city/village" you can clearly see street ligts, and beginning of village/city road sign.....and the high beams are still on ? most adaptive headlights respect the law (in most eu), which this drive is in... with combination of map data, strett lights and road sign detection, and speed.
3:51 the oncoming car is clearly blinded, you can see the two occupants and their sun visors lit. You can see the beam of light is ending abruptly a couple meters behind the car, so clearly not functioning right.
Holy shit, it automatically seeks vehicles and disables sections of the light in order to prevent blinding the oncoming drivers? That's amazing. I just thought they were better high beams.
Except it flashes the oncoming drivers when passing, blinding them. Did you ever cross them? I did yesterday night for the first time. It blinds oncoming drivers. 👍🏻
Impressive. Shoutout to all the drivers out there currently getting blinded at night by inferior lighting control and modern led’s high output. They are bright and lack directionality.
I own the B9 S4 2019 with Matrix Led, still all oncoming drivers blink me in return, even though I have calibrated them on Audi Service Centre. Great tech, but they don't react fast enough, not to blind oncoming traffic.
unfortunately the beam drop isn't wide enough or quick enough for motorbikers I am frequently blinded by cars on auto, that can still see the high beam in our side mirrors or on coming which raise the light to quick turning back on before it has passed you
Truck drivers without roof-lights doesn't like this system on highway with barriers (your car can't detect their beams because they are lower than barrier, and your high beams hits directly into the cabin)
@@tomo0086 the car should be adapted to the environment that already exist. Why would every truck need to install new lights just because Audi made a new complicated lighting system?
Thank you for this video. I learned never to buy Digital Matrix Light. My 2022 Audi S 6 has HD Matrix and lights up even the sky in full mode. This only 3m high digital light would make me crazy. 🤢
I love ht matrix LEDs in my SQ5, I`ve never driven in full darkness yet, but I`m wondering if I also have these markings on the street. Will find out once it`s Winter here.
Gotcha, anyway I got matrix led without the markings then. I love how parts of the street and the side are illuminated, even when there are cars in front of me, or even income traffic.
Not fast enough. The lights are blinding drivers when they come to close to the car and the light doesn't has time to react fast enough. You can clearly see the car is lighting up right in the face of oncoming drivers when they get to close
especially in winter I am often on the road when it is dark, Matrix LED systems no matter what brand blind me actually never. Worse are halogen headlights that are not adapted to the load or the lamps were installed incorrectly.
As opposed to what? Having the full beams on requires a human to disable them when they see a car which. When I see Matrix LED systems. They’re usually much easier on the eye as a driver than traditional halogen.
Segment turning on/off seems to be instant, Is it due to film being sped up? Or do those lights flicker that much? My 2020 superb 3 fl seems to have much more progressive segment dimming, it's definitely less fatiguing my eyes. If I see cars with dull lights I manually switch to low beams to avoid glaring them. Segments turn off in advance before car in front reaches them. Here I can see sometimes segments turning off little to late. Not very impressed, my current superb lights with less segments seem more fluent and accurate.
it doesn't look like it's sped up so he's just speeding along that narrow road, cutting corners and disregards any hazards that could be (and are) there. how could someone even record and upload this without being like "man I was driving like an asshole there"
Audis system looks crazy compared to bmw and Mercedes. Audi you see like it’s individual boxes that Go out. Follow the car and turn back on as the car passes that’s insane
I think it's very aggressive with proximity to other vehicles and doesn't do a well enough job with dimming high beams with oncoming traffic coming from a corner. I've had an A8 Matrix equipped car behind me the other day and you're constantly having a blinking effect in the rear view mirror as it tries to keep the beam ON as close to you as possible. If you're going in a straight line it's fine, but as soon as you're going through any curves, the system isn't fast enough and will blind you as it dynamically turns off segments of the high beam.
Nice video! How many individual LEDs is having A6 C8 matrix (not hd matrix) in one lamp? I know Mercedes have about 80 into a single lamp so 160 minimum per car. Any idea about A6?
In my opinion, it's a bit misleading that the video is sped up at certain times. Then the headlight reactions seem to be very fast, but they are actually not that fast. It's only fair if the video is unaccelerated and it's realistic to see how fast they react. So far only digital lights from Mercedes have such speed as in the sped up video. The matrix lights are realistically slower.
About speeding up the video. You can always lower the watch speed on the youtube. The problem is: when you are sitting in the car, the feeling what is going on outside is much faster than you thought. The same feeling on the video you have when the video is speed up to around 180%. You can check it. You may think, you as a driver can be faster using highbeam, but in reality you are not. the best way is to record your route at night and watch it later with calculating how much time you needed to turn the highbeam off.
I use the EQS 2023 daily. The digital lights on this car are definitely faster and more accurate. That's a fact :) I'll make a video and throw a link here so we don't discuss what we can't see :) The speed of the 2023 digital lights is the same as your 180% accelerated video. Not to mention the accuracy of the cutaway, which is often max 1m from the car, which with matrix is a visibly larger cutaway. @@1001cars
The video is not sped up, so you can speed it up to 180% and see the difference. Also the accuracy of the cut. Also the Digital lights also shine over the car, so they only create a dark area around the car. I only recorded the video with my phone held in my hand, so it is sometimes blurry. And I also didn't often have tall trees around the road to see the light better.видео.html@@1001cars
Looks like the drivers side beam (left side) is aimed a little too low, you can tell at 4:29 when the beam pattern is shown on the wall. They should be at the same height. Also, it looks like every single time a driver in the oncoming lane passes by, they get blinded at the last second. Seems like the matrix system is not quick enough.
In some parts of Europe (Poland for example) it is mandated by law to have the driver side lights aimed lower than passenger side lights as to illuminate more of the right-hand roadside (to, for example, better see the animals in the forest or pedestrians walking along the road) and reduce the blinding of the driver side cars passing by. Of course, that all immediately goes to shit when using these lights though, as you also mentioned - the passing cars get flashbanged when passing by..
Aboslutely every car was blinded by this system (when it was on) once getting about 4m in front of this A8. You can clearly see drivers faces and interiors of those passing cars illuminated very brightly. Also the system is still too slow to react to bumps on road and you can see the line of light getting quite high, certainly in the sight of other drivers. Same goes with catching up traffic in a bends- coming out of the corner it was too slow to dim it. Reflected light out of traffic signs is very annoying when you are followed by a car with this or similar system. Yes, it is impressive what it can do, but still quite dangerous and still needs improvements (in speed & light recognition) imho.
My experience with nearly all "automatic" lights (in all variations): Not useful for oncoming traffic or driving a little far behind another car. Reason: camera isnt an human eye and dont recognize others (or too late) And also the drivers get more and more dumb because "i dont do anything its all about the car which will do it automaticly...."
We can clearly see that it turns the lights off too late when someone drives past. Blinds the driver like hell. I'm often on the receiving end of this.
Great video. What would also be great is if we could see what this lighting system looks like from the perspective of oncoming drivers.
it looks amazing, I've driven about 30 or even more kilimeters in front of a newer skoda with the same system in my mk3 golf and all I can say is that you see everything in front amazingly better because of the car behind you and you don't get shined in the eyes amonst at all
U will still be glare by the light 😂😂
Yes the beam is dip on your section but who say high beam need to shine directly to be blinding
@@mahchunteng9434 It's not blinding you if the beam doesn't focused into your eyes... So the sun is always blinding you as well.... Oh man... Yes, if you focus on it on purpose of course it will but use your brain come on! :D
@@dobringeorgiev4934 That's cool af. i think LED headlights are becoming too bright and it's not about crazy dudes installing LEDs in their old halogen headlights - most of the time i get blinded by newer cars optics of which is simply too bright. That system would nullify the problem if car manufacturer cares about it and tries to make it cheaper to put to non-premium cars.
I can tell you. You get blinded. Because it rarely works in every case.
This kind of stuff always astonishes me, incredible engineering. And a real safety benefit. Tried it out in a Q8 and its so helpful and reliable.
Q8 has even higher/more advanced matrix lights like lower audi class models..
what about service cost? a kidney and half of my unborn child?
@@swd6430 Whole unborn child would fill only like half price for one light. Sorry.
@@swd6430 its simple rich guy gets car no problems in warranty after that poor guy buys it and if you cant service it dont buy car its so simple. Buy a cheap car and be happy you dont need matrix LED
Finally a decent German car. They aren't known for their proper engineering, after all. 😅
I have an S4 with Matrix and I never get bored of it pointing lights up at roadsides and tracking them. It's very cool.
i turn mine on and off to entertain others around me as well as myself, ofcourse 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I guess you have a B9?
If you look closely, it blinds every single car the moment it is right in front of the Audi. Exactly what I experience on the roads aswell. I ALWAYS get blinded in the last second when driving past a new Audi or Mercedes with Matrix.
THIS! Everyone says it's great engineering, well it is not. All audi's with these headlights blind me, all the time. It's horrible when you drive towards it.
And BMW blind others by default :(
@@bartekmachaj loll
I have same problem on my old car with halogen, because if you have shitty headlights your eyes adapt to their low brightness, and you always get blinded by any led or xenon car. Now i have car with high brightness led headlights, and I dont care about any car in front of me, even if they shine high beam directly in eyes.)
@@MZhBOSS Looks like now your eyes are permanently blinded by poor quality headlights. And you'll have a poor perception of any other side, but overly illuminated front side of your vehicle. Which makes night driving extremely dangerous.
That is pretty cool. 2 things I learned in this video..... 1. Dynamic headlights are getting pretty cool. 2. Most people don't bother to ever aim their headlights properly.
2:02 That Deer is waiting until its safe to cross the street. Respect 🙌
It's amazing how far the Germans are in lighting tech. I have a 2014 E Class with an early version of this. At 9 years old it's so quick to react and precise. Never been flashed. It works on a slightly different principle with more moving parts but it's always cool to see it in action. The newer Mercs even adjust for rain to prevent road glare, it adjusts for signs to prevent sign glare, etc. So cool.
I always get blinded from those newer car lights. No matter if in a car myself or as a pedestrian. it's ridiculous. Especially those SUVs with their high ass lights. Should be illegal. It drives me nuts.
@@fargoththemoonsugarmaniac I feel the German cars don't really do that. The offenders are the Japanese cars especially Toyota's SUVs. It's like their engineers didn't adjust them for the height of the vehicle. From Korea, Hyundai and Kia aren't bad since they do the split headlight thing and the main beams are lower down than other SUVs. Mercedes has taken things further now where the lights adjust for topography. So if the car is at the crest of a hill, usually the lights temporarily blind people coming ahead. But they now adjust downwards to prevent that.
@@fargoththemoonsugarmaniac I had passat B8 with adaptive led lights, touareg with matrix and now auti sq8 with matrix. I never blinded anyone from opposite direction.
@@fargoththemoonsugarmaniac yea I have a newer GM product my car always blinds people with just low beams on but it seems like Newer Ford vehicles do the same I'm also getting blinded by them all the time
@@fargoththemoonsugarmaniac it's also people who use the wrong bulbs. My mercedes will actually adjust my headlights to another drivers level. Not only are they matrix but they move up and down.
i got an audi aswell with Matrix LED, but i dont use it often, because when turning or agains truck drivers the system is still blinding many people. I mean its reliable on straight road's with traffic up front, but not rly in turning or highway usses. Because of it blinding truck drivers on highways almost every time. I got many headlight flashes from trucks with it on. If it gets better in the future i will use it too, but i want to prevent accidental crashes.
Same issue with my E class, but it works perfect when I drive at night through woods or hills with no illumination at all. It’s a shame because this is a damn expensive optional on the Mercedes
exact same thing with the bmw ones
It happens because the camera does not see the incoming traffic on highway because the rails cover their headlights and since the truck drivers sit higher above the rails, they are blinded. I have BMW and it happens all the time sadly otherwise it works well, even when turning
@@MarSaso i though about writing the exact same thing, I confirm same thing happens with my E class
Edit: my other car the Volvo S90 has got the same headlight system and it is an actual mess, the beam moves like a search light it gets annoying sometimes lol
Also happens on my Mazda CX-9. Not very practical on bends
nice video, confirmed that those matrix led are blinding trash.. all cars were flashed at very last pass.. pause video and see it frame by frame..
Yes, it IS horrible for anyone crossing them. I just crossed an A3 with these last night for the first time. I researched to find what an abomination it was and I finally found: "Audi Matrix LEDs". It flashed me when crossing and I got those light spots in my sight that reduced my sight. I had to blink for it to fade until I regained full sight. Absolutely horrible.
Jestem wielkim fanem aktywnych, adaptacyjnych reflektorów. Od lat jeżdżę często nocami, przez wiele lat narzekałem na brak postępu w oświetleniu samochodowym. Na szczęście kilka lat temu nastąpił przełom. Mam Astrę z Intellilux, Passata z Top Led i cieszę się każdym kilometrem, przejechanym w nocy. Te światła są wyraźnie lepsze, od wspomnianych powyżej. Obejrzałem cały film z uśmiechem na twarzy. Dzięki za świetne nagranie. Pozdrowienia.
I w którym więcej mrygają? Bo wg mnie chyba jednak Astra ma lepsze światła, albo inaczej: Passat parę razy mnie oślepił na trasie, choć ma bez porównania bardziej zaawansowany system.
Ale cenię podejście. Ja również jestem fanem wszelakich rozwiązań, które tylko pozwalają jeździć bezpieczniej. Dziwią mnie ludzie, dla których A6 musi mieć przede wszystkim automat, skórę... Dla mnie właśnie takie rzeczy jak matrycowe światła (choć wciąż niedoskonałe), ESP, ABS, 4ws, aerodynamika (docisk), amortyzatory adaptacyjne itp itd, czy... termowizja.
I właśnie o tym chciałem. Tak jak matrycowe światła są pewnym krokiem naprzód, krokiem (który wciąż jest dopracowywany), tak night vision to wjazd w przyszłość razem z drzwiami. Ogromny postęp jeśli chodzi o podróże nocą, ale... własnie. Taki choćby VW. Ma night vision, ale do Passata go nie chce dać. ☹ To samo Audi, BMW (lekko wycofujące się z niego), Peugeot... Ford testował i... porzucił. Ma-sa-kra.
Wracając do świateł matrycowych, może niektórzy producenci zbyt agresywnie je ustawiają? Niech chociaż prawą stronę odpowiednio kawałek oświetlą. Podobnie jak to robiły auta z grupy VW (xenon+przesłony), zanim weszły matryce.
Ja się niestety nie zgodzę do końca. Fajne to jest dla kierowcy pojazdu z takimi światłami to przyznaję, chociaż miałem okazję jeździć tylko z takimi matrixami w poliftowym superbie mojego Taty, więc to nie jest najwyższa półka. Jednak dla innych kierowców to dramat. Kiedy widzę że ktoś jedzie naprzeciwko za zakrętem to wyłączam długie światła wcześniej żeby nikomu nie walić po oczach. Tutaj kamera musi mnie zobaczyć więc już jest moment oślepiania, następny to moment kiedy się mijamy, na koniec zawsze samochód z matrixami mnie oślepi. Nie mówię już o tym że cały czas kiedy te światła próbują utrzymać mnie w cieniu to mam wrażenie na granicy oślepiania mnie. Jazda przed takim samochodem też nie jest komfortowa. Na szczęście krótkie mignięcie długimi powoduje że takie matrixy w samochodzie który mnie oślepia szybko się wyłączają:D
Sam mam tylko automatyczne włączanie długich świateł i nie korzystam z tego bo widziałem że oślepiałem innych przez moment a ledy z leona potrafią walić po oczach jak nieszczęście.
@@yosephtbg No niestety - mam podobne doświadczenia. Ale mam też nadzieję, że pojawi się tryb, w którym kierowca będzie we właściwym momencie wyłączał "długie", a komputer w samochodzie uczył się od niego. Do tego czasu pozostanie nucić Skaldów ♪♫ Nie oślepiaj, włącz światła mijania! ♫♪.
Bardzo dziękuję - super robota z tym testem. Doskonale widać jak działa ta technika :-)
4:08 the moment the guy in the van went from darkness to Creation
very happy about it i guess
@@mattaut88 Этот свет слепит встречный транспорт в конце. Технология требует доработки. Эти доли секунд сильного ослепления могут привести к аварии.
2:54 same here
To be fair most of the cars have a split 0.1 sec that you could probably use for face recognition
Incredible technology - that's true. But according to me each car/driver who pass the car with theses lights system was blinded! That's film showed it perfectly because I can see faces driver's and interior each car which is passed.
I very often exercising blinding by car light which is equipped in similar system.
It's great but something need to be upgraded. 👍
Of course they were. The working zone of the matrix is like 60 degrees ahead.
So oncoming cars are blinded maybe 10 meters before they pass you, when they get out of the matrix working zone.
but the thing is how bad this blinding is if it takes like 0,5s? maybe not really a big issue
@@LaggerSVKIt is horrible when you pass through these cars. I encountered one of those for the first time yesterday and it DID blind me. I stayed with those bright spots in my sight for a few seconds after passing the car and it certainly reduced my sight. Flashing is probably worse as it is sudden and in proximity which doesn't give your eyes time to adapt (close pupils) as it happens when someone approaches you with high beams from a distance. It was certainly worse than what I normally experience with drivers who use high beams all the time.
It is, IMHO, one of those "if I'm better others can get f* for all I that I care" attitudes.
@@davidcesarino i had a mercedes following me with these for a few kms on rural and it worked remarkably well. Hadnt issues. Always in shadow.
@@LaggerSVK Great. Hopefully this is just an Audi thing.
Wow, już to wcześniej widziałem ale teraz dopiero widzę jak to działa w wielu różnych sytuacjach. Zupełnie nowy wymiar świateł.
PS: zwierzyny się trochę błąkało na poboczu :)
Fauna straszy na poboczach jak na zamówienie ;)
wait but did you see at 4:08 that split moment of blindness that on coming van had.... their windshield was lit up
That’s because it’s important to let them know that the car that went past just, was in fact an Audi.
You think peasants deserve vision?
2:05, i love it how perfectly (not) this system works for the oncomming traffic
basic concept of headlights have evolved so much. Crazy.
Man cause this technology i love audi. Thanks for the video mate
The Jaguar i-Pace has matrix headlights. Its amazing, the beams shine around oncoming traffic and signs get illuminated.
The only downside that i found out on my VW Tiguan with matrix lights is no crop function for the road signs. So you are blinded by the reflection from these signs. But otherwise i love it!
minute 3.31 the vehicle got blinded and thought he got in heaven xD anyway the best lights in the market from audi for sure
Not only him - all of incoming traffic are blinded except one car - police car at 22:26 - he switched off automatic lights for that time and switched back on immediately after..
Beautiful! I want that lights on my Matiz.
Awesome lightning technology and great movie about it
Gotta love the technology in Audi's Matrix LED headlight systems! 🙌
Great and informative video, great that you mentioned the C4 body with the first xenon...
I still reckon this is really bright for oncoming drivers
Absolute awesome Video about Digital Light. I overthink to buy the new C-Class with Digital Light, which is very similar... but your video shows me again, how awesome this technologie is. Thanks for the work.
Tidak mengejutkan.
Begitulah Insinyur Jerman, selalu terbaik dalam industri otomotif.
More interesting is how it looks in terms of other cars. Is there such a video somewhere?
Notice how the demonstration does not show the result from the approaching cars? This should tell you more than enough.
I was searching for that question and there isn’t a Video from that perspective
Have you seen how much the drivers faces light up, yes they're getting fucking blinded. This shit should be banned from the roads
Kibritten gelinen son teknolojiye bak Mükemmel ötesi .....
In a residential area, do you notice that all the public area lights are stronger and do not use the LEDS in complete upper rows? Because some villages can be relatively dark, but lighting the windows in any residential area with such a hurricane of light can be quite disturbing. And the residential buildings do not have a light that the system could know to turn off the particular LED there.
02:05 03:31 03:51 15:16 you can see how this technology fails, you can see the face of the other driver in full blast of this LED projector. also, from my experience on the road with this lights, they are very annoying when the car on the other part of the road has this. because ok, it's cutting my car to some extend (as you can see in this video at 02:05 3:31 03:51 15:16 doesn't do the best job) but the fact that i have a light stream in front of me that is overlapping with the light returned to me from my headlights, makes me see worse what i have ahead. So this kind of lightning is DANGEROUS
100% agree
Yes and its really not necessary to have sooo much light and shine past other cars
In theory. Great. In practice not so much.
These new headlight systems on all new cars are blinding just on low beams. I’m driving past 2020+ model BMW, Audi, etc and being blinding just by their dipped low beam.
I can’t imagine what the full beams would do even if they are partially dipping when detecting an oncoming vehicle….
I very much agree with you. Full LED lights are very great, but even on low beam it’s very awful. I keep mistaking people for turning their high beams on when in reality it’s just me being at just the right angle to get blinded. But I can’t complain so much since my motorbike uses a full LED headlight and I’ve been very grateful for how nicely it lights up the road. And my car being from 2013 uses very awful projector lighting system and I can’t see shit.
You don't seem to understand how these Matrix lights work.
Each headlight contains over 1 million reflective mirrors that can infinitely shift the primary beam of light to any shape or pattern like digital pixels on a television screen. Using the front mounted camera system, the car can detect the positioning of oncoming vehicles. It then locks onto the vehicle and tracks it's motion, then completely shuts down the sections of light that are aiming directly at that vehicle. It basically creates a tunnel of darkness, but still projects light around the perimeter of the vehicle. This way you get maximum brightness and visibility, but do not blind other drivers because the lights aimed at them are completely deactivated.
@@EOtekk I fully understand how they work. If you read my comment I’m saying that regardless of if these block out light, they’re still projecting the low beam in the area. Which is equally as blinding…
@@EOtekk You do not understand, that simply a ridiculously bright headlight, as a small, but very bright light source can blind You, no matter if it focused on You (which makes it even worse) or just making your eye trying to adapt to this bright source and blinding all the rest. I can confirm I don't see much, when I'm passing or driving in front of a modern car with LED headlights.
If u were blinded, how do u know it was a merc, bmw or Audi?
Great stuff, hoping to see the same video with bmw's laser lights
It works almost exactly the same duh
@@nino_kO1 🤣🤣🤣 ALMOST
Wow. This is life saving technology for sure.
I always get blinded by those intelligent lights before a computer sees me and switches them off
oglądając w trybie zwolnionym do 0.25 widać jak pojazdy jadące z naprzeciwka wjeżdżają w strumień światła na ułamek sekundy (tuż przed wyminięciem) zanim elektronika wyłączyła tą sekcje oświetlenia tak jest np w 2:54, 3:31, 3:51, 4:03 i 4:08 , kiedy wyraźnie rozświetlone zostaje wnętrze ich kabin. Ponadto gdy prezentowany pojazd jedzie po pofalowanej jezdni, w 2:53, strumień świateł drogowych oświetla pojazd na pasie przeciwległym w momencie gdy przód prezentowanego samochodu się unosi
Thx man, this is informative. Their tech must be more developed, maybe by improve the response
All very good, two of my work colleagues have Audi’s with these headlights and you get blinded when driving head on.
Thank you! People who commend these abominations should try to cross them in the real world. They flash you and I got those blinding light spots in my sight for a few seconds after. Even in the advertising video you can see it does not work correctly and fails far too often.
2:15 - The first animal is the one that uses fog lights when there is no fog and also not replacing the headlight bulb! I saw the one at 1:46 as well. Very good system. This should be on every car and this could lead to a great decrease in accidents.
I wish the creators of this video had told us exactly which matrix LED headlights we are looking at. Most of the video seems to be showing the older 84 pixel technology. Then towards the end of the video we start seeing what appears to be the newer 16,000 pixel technology that can project guidance information on the pavement directly in front of the vehicle and do fancier highlighting of both the lane being driven in and the lane the driver is moving to. Whatever we are looking at, it's quite stunning.
I wrote! Audi Digital Matrix LED: the video was recorded with Audi A8 and Audi e-tron. They have the same headlights and I wrote it in the description and it is written on the video. Did you see that?
@@1001cars Thank you for replying. Yes, I saw that the description said that the vehicles are both equipped with "Audi Digital Matrix Light". However, there are multiple versions of this technology. One of the vehicles appears to have the older lower definition matrix headlights and the other vehicle appears to have the newer high definition matrix headlights. When I watch your video, there are obvious functional differences in the way the headlights on these two vehicles operate. I was only asking you to verify which version of the headlights these two vehicles have since they are obviously not of the same type. I am in the U.S. where we do not get the adaptive capability of the matrix headlights - they operate as traditional high and low beams I was especially curious because I am going to have the matrix headlights on my Porsche recoded in two days. My Porsche has the older Hella 84 LED matrix headlights that are not high definition. My assumption is that its headlights will, after the recoding, function similar to those on only one of the vehicles in your video - the one that does not project informational symbols on the roadway. Thank you again for your reply. The videos posted on your channel have significant value.
@@H2SO4H20 As I wrote, there is ONE version of digital matrix LED. The version of "matrix LED" you are thinking about is HD Matrix LED, which is available in A6 and A7 for example. The precise "carpet" and signs which are made by digital matrix LED are possible only in some situations. this is why you do not see them all the time. I wrote about it.
@@1001cars Thank you for replying again. I had thought that HD Matrix LED headlights were the more advanced technology but now (I think) I understand that the digital Matrix LED headlights are more advanced.
fun fact, the car shown in the xenon light part of the promo is the audi S4 C4, the first audi with gas discharge headlights. but its bumper isnt an s4 c4 bumper but a s6 c4 bumper. i think they just took an s6 c4 with xenon and used it for filming.
That must be in Poland south of Warsaw? Also those lights are blinding drivers bad sometimes
I like watching these videos, knowing ill never be able to afford it
Imponujące, że na tak dziurawej drodze system dalej efektywnie wycina auta jadące z naprzeciwka.
Z trudem przyznaję, że działa to lepiej, niż lasery u mnie. Głównie z uwagi na fakt, iż lasery odpalane są niezmiernie rzadko.
Of course some drivers will get blinded, but you can see that it only happens for a fraction of time. This is still much better than manual headlights.
Best practically,Safety and usefully Light system
Auto dimming lights. Just what India needs at the moment
Wow.. that is some amazing light..clearly very powerful and must be nightmare to oncoming vehicles
The whole point of the video is that the light avoids the incoming cars
It doesn't work 100%
@@LPRDExcept it doesn't. Try crossing these vehicles in the real world. 👍🏻
I'm actually a Mercedes Benz fan, but Audi has the best infotainment, quattro (4-wheel) and LED Beams
But for some reason im always getting blinded by cars from other lanes with matrix led, especially if they go over a bump or something and the system doesn’t see me
How do you know it was Audi A8?
The brightness of LED could meanwhile disturb yourself on with the reflection of the traffic signs. Experience I make, but overall it is great.
Niesamowita technologia. Jednak kiedy auta się mijają będąc już bardzo blisko siebie, widać że kabina samochodu z przeciwka jest przez ułamek czasu bardzo mocno oświetlona, widać kabinę w środku i głowy kierowców. Jakby ostatni segment nie zdarzył się wyłączyć. No może to być dosyć nieprzyjemne dla oślepionego kierowcy.
Ale znaki wyświetlane na drodze wymiatają.
To jest normalne to jest odbicie na bok światła i jest to na światła mijania. Popatrz na auta które maja LED a nie maja ''wycinania samochodów'' tam to występuje
@@mati93993 Co Ty gadasz że to jest normalne 🤣 To jest po prostu wada tych świateł i nie powinny być dopuszczone do ruchu bo oślepiają prawie wszystkich jadących z naprzeciwka - sprawdż sobie zatrzymując i przewijając film klatka po klatce za pomocą kropki i przecinka. W 22:26 masz wyłączone automatyczne długie - akurat jak z naprzeciwka jechał radiowóz - i wtedy panowie policjanci nie są oślepieni. i Tuż po tym jak przejechali to automatyczne światła znowu są włączone.
Niektórzy nie potrafią wyłączyć długich w ogóle manualnie jak samochód jedzie z naprzeciwka a tutaj ludzie zwracają uwage na ułamek sekundy że OŚLEPIAAA
Ból dupy że nie stać
@@Adam-xg2bi masz sporo racji. Wiele aut z oświetleniem led ma problem z oślepianiem a matrix i inne adaptacyjne też często nie działają jak powinny. Nie raz jechałem za audi czy mercedesem gdzie segment nie wyłączył się na czas i kierowca z naprzeciwka uruchamiał swoje długie.
this technology is perfect, its gets the driver an opportunity to spot things, that would not be illuminated otherwise... altough you can clearly see, that the cars in opposite directien, when they are right in front of the audi, last few meters, the drivers are dazzled. it can be seen very clearly on the van on @4:08 and all all the other cars aswell..... the whole cabin is illuminated by audi the driver is momentarily flashed by the lights....good way to loose any sort of "night vision"....... same happens on hills with sharp crest, or tight corners,....the oncoming driver is dazzled..... you as a human driver already sees there is a car coming from the corner so you disable high beams in advance, the automatic control dazzles for a short while and then disables..... even though i have adaptive headlights, thisis the reason i use manual mode.... also whats up with high beams being used "in the city/village" you can clearly see street ligts, and beginning of village/city road sign.....and the high beams are still on ? most adaptive headlights respect the law (in most eu), which this drive is in... with combination of map data, strett lights and road sign detection, and speed.
3:51 the oncoming car is clearly blinded, you can see the two occupants and their sun visors lit. You can see the beam of light is ending abruptly a couple meters behind the car, so clearly not functioning right.
Awesome looks super safe and smart
Matrix headlights are cool, they work awesome on my Škoda Scala. 😊
Holy shit, it automatically seeks vehicles and disables sections of the light in order to prevent blinding the oncoming drivers? That's amazing. I just thought they were better high beams.
Except it flashes the oncoming drivers when passing, blinding them. Did you ever cross them? I did yesterday night for the first time. It blinds oncoming drivers. 👍🏻
Impressive. Shoutout to all the drivers out there currently getting blinded at night by inferior lighting control and modern led’s high output. They are bright and lack directionality.
I own the B9 S4 2019 with Matrix Led, still all oncoming drivers blink me in return, even though I have calibrated them on Audi Service Centre. Great tech, but they don't react fast enough, not to blind oncoming traffic.
Again great video!!
unfortunately the beam drop isn't wide enough or quick enough for motorbikers I am frequently blinded by cars on auto, that can still see the high beam in our side mirrors or on coming which raise the light to quick turning back on before it has passed you
Truck drivers without roof-lights doesn't like this system on highway with barriers (your car can't detect their beams because they are lower than barrier, and your high beams hits directly into the cabin)
So be it.
Easy solution would be to install lights onto the upper cabin, no?
@@tomo0086 the car should be adapted to the environment that already exist. Why would every truck need to install new lights just because Audi made a new complicated lighting system?
@@tomo0086 in ideal world, but ideal world would have autopilot on each car, so adaptive light will be useless
The camera is higher up in the windscreen. I have a 2014 E Class which does the same and it always moves for truck drivers. Never been flashed.
what if the oncoming traffic has the headlight off. Will the camera be able to detect?
System działa rewelacyjne ale w 2:00 pod koniec wymijania przez mili sekundy kierowca z przeciwka dostaje niezłego flasha.😁
Wish you made a video of lexus adaptive matrix headlights at night just like this. Toyota too
2:24 - blind opposite direction driver - at last noment, dangerous, becouse it was unexpected. Wrong headlights managment
Such an awesome technology.
Thank you for this video. I learned never to buy Digital Matrix Light. My 2022 Audi S 6 has HD Matrix and lights up even the sky in full mode. This only 3m high digital light would make me crazy. 🤢
thanks for this video but how does the driver on the other side see? I wonder about this.
I love ht matrix LEDs in my SQ5, I`ve never driven in full darkness yet, but I`m wondering if I also have these markings on the street. Will find out once it`s Winter here.
No, you car does not have it. For now it is available in A8 and Q8 e-tron.
Gotcha, anyway I got matrix led without the markings then. I love how parts of the street and the side are illuminated, even when there are cars in front of me, or even income traffic.
Not fast enough. The lights are blinding drivers when they come to close to the car and the light doesn't has time to react fast enough. You can clearly see the car is lighting up right in the face of oncoming drivers when they get to close
especially in winter I am often on the road when it is dark, Matrix LED systems no matter what brand blind me actually never. Worse are halogen headlights that are not adapted to the load or the lamps were installed incorrectly.
As opposed to what? Having the full beams on requires a human to disable them when they see a car which. When I see Matrix LED systems. They’re usually much easier on the eye as a driver than traditional halogen.
impressive lighting technology!
What about when you must spastically flash the high beams because somebody is only going 200kmh in front of your Audi
Segment turning on/off seems to be instant, Is it due to film being sped up? Or do those lights flicker that much? My 2020 superb 3 fl seems to have much more progressive segment dimming, it's definitely less fatiguing my eyes. If I see cars with dull lights I manually switch to low beams to avoid glaring them. Segments turn off in advance before car in front reaches them. Here I can see sometimes segments turning off little to late. Not very impressed, my current superb lights with less segments seem more fluent and accurate.
loove the intensity.even the deer stop for the light.
the way the video cuts off and jumps to a different cadre makes me think that the system missed a few times .....astonishing technology nevertheless
This would be illegal in my state. The high beam law is written in regards to distance from oncoming traffic and shorter when behind someone else.
Then be glad that this law exists.
The Mazda CX5 had this tech back in 2016/2017 as a tech option pkg.
I drove an audi with matrix leds and was awesome
unrelated but this song is peaceful af
I have one question when winter comes you know fog will in this situation we can se with these headlights 😐😐😶😶
Absolutely amazing 👌🏻👌🏻
Man I wish I could add this to my Gti
Blinds oncoming drivers: check
Drives like an asshole: check
it doesn't look like it's sped up so he's just speeding along that narrow road, cutting corners and disregards any hazards that could be (and are) there. how could someone even record and upload this without being like "man I was driving like an asshole there"
@@Killbayne Almost like he's superior to each other, almost like he wants to take other's 'living space'. That's what owning german car does to a man.
Audis system looks crazy compared to bmw and Mercedes. Audi you see like it’s individual boxes that
Go out. Follow the car and turn back on as the car passes that’s insane
Can you add a third person POV like an oncoming car to see what it looks like ?
Would like to see in case of bad weather condition. Myst, snowing or raining one.
I think it's very aggressive with proximity to other vehicles and doesn't do a well enough job with dimming high beams with oncoming traffic coming from a corner. I've had an A8 Matrix equipped car behind me the other day and you're constantly having a blinking effect in the rear view mirror as it tries to keep the beam ON as close to you as possible. If you're going in a straight line it's fine, but as soon as you're going through any curves, the system isn't fast enough and will blind you as it dynamically turns off segments of the high beam.
Which Generation of Audi A8?
They should use larger yellow headlights, be it so LED or halogen
Nice video!
How many individual LEDs is having A6 C8 matrix (not hd matrix) in one lamp? I know Mercedes have about 80 into a single lamp so 160 minimum per car. Any idea about A6?
In my opinion, it's a bit misleading that the video is sped up at certain times. Then the headlight reactions seem to be very fast, but they are actually not that fast. It's only fair if the video is unaccelerated and it's realistic to see how fast they react. So far only digital lights from Mercedes have such speed as in the sped up video. The matrix lights are realistically slower.
Not, Mercedes digital lights are slower. I tested it.
About speeding up the video. You can always lower the watch speed on the youtube. The problem is: when you are sitting in the car, the feeling what is going on outside is much faster than you thought. The same feeling on the video you have when the video is speed up to around 180%. You can check it. You may think, you as a driver can be faster using highbeam, but in reality you are not. the best way is to record your route at night and watch it later with calculating how much time you needed to turn the highbeam off.
I use the EQS 2023 daily. The digital lights on this car are definitely faster and more accurate. That's a fact :) I'll make a video and throw a link here so we don't discuss what we can't see :) The speed of the 2023 digital lights is the same as your 180% accelerated video. Not to mention the accuracy of the cutaway, which is often max 1m from the car, which with matrix is a visibly larger cutaway. @@1001cars
send the link please
The video is not sped up, so you can speed it up to 180% and see the difference. Also the accuracy of the cut. Also the Digital lights also shine over the car, so they only create a dark area around the car. I only recorded the video with my phone held in my hand, so it is sometimes blurry. And I also didn't often have tall trees around the road to see the light better.видео.html@@1001cars
Looks like the drivers side beam (left side) is aimed a little too low, you can tell at 4:29 when the beam pattern is shown on the wall. They should be at the same height. Also, it looks like every single time a driver in the oncoming lane passes by, they get blinded at the last second. Seems like the matrix system is not quick enough.
In some parts of Europe (Poland for example) it is mandated by law to have the driver side lights aimed lower than passenger side lights as to illuminate more of the right-hand roadside (to, for example, better see the animals in the forest or pedestrians walking along the road) and reduce the blinding of the driver side cars passing by. Of course, that all immediately goes to shit when using these lights though, as you also mentioned - the passing cars get flashbanged when passing by..
Great video...well explained
Wow that’s really neat
I drive a 2021 Skoda Octavia with the Matrix light and I received just one beacon call in almost 2 years, it's very usefull !
What if vehicle but didn't turn on the light (key off car) and people just standing infront? Not in vehicle.
Aboslutely every car was blinded by this system (when it was on) once getting about 4m in front of this A8. You can clearly see drivers faces and interiors of those passing cars illuminated very brightly. Also the system is still too slow to react to bumps on road and you can see the line of light getting quite high, certainly in the sight of other drivers. Same goes with catching up traffic in a bends- coming out of the corner it was too slow to dim it.
Reflected light out of traffic signs is very annoying when you are followed by a car with this or similar system.
Yes, it is impressive what it can do, but still quite dangerous and still needs improvements (in speed & light recognition) imho.
My experience with nearly all "automatic" lights (in all variations):
Not useful for oncoming traffic or driving a little far behind another car.
Reason: camera isnt an human eye and dont recognize others (or too late)
And also the drivers get more and more dumb because "i dont do anything its all about the car which will do it automaticly...."
We can clearly see that it turns the lights off too late when someone drives past. Blinds the driver like hell. I'm often on the receiving end of this.