Hopping hell, was this your most outspoken audience ever? Or the drunkest? Why did everyone have to share their opinions on everything? My guess is the tickets accidentally said it was an Improv show, and they all were just trying to "help".
>Man interrupts show to be political >Man then gets political a second time. >Man then claims that 4 years prior does not matter (was actually 3 years). >Man then brings up shit from years ago as if they now suddenly matter. >Man is in finance. >Man doesn't know the difference between 3 and 4 years. >Man now wants to lay down and say this isn't the time or place. What a rollercoaster of incompetence.
The heckler has the NERVE to say “it’s not the time or place???” 😂 This is a classic fool who knows he’s losing an argument, is getting corrected and getting embarrassed, so now he wants the discussion to end.
To be fair, while just not being a fool in the first place is best, isn't this better than sticking to your guns and getting belligerent? I feel like trying to end the conversation is at least better than what usually happens.
And only idiots think a president has direct control over gasoine prices. Gas prices are high because of a combination of scarcity (minor factor), refining plant expenses (moderate expense), and... corporate greed (primary factor).
@@Mad-Lad-Chad He's the kind of idiot that thinks exactly that (I hope you're not?) "My choices are: 1. Get belligerent, even more, yeah. or 2. Lie and run like a little girl". People like this need to be taught to STFU. If public humiliation doesn't work, stronger measures need to be taken, on a customized basis. People's idea that we need to listen to each other is being taken advantage of by complete numbskulls like this. They try to ruin everything because they understand nothing and live in fear and hatred. Bring them into your choir so they can find joy, and muzzle them at the BBQ or comedy show. One day they may get it, but damned if they are going to ruin it anymore.
@@anotheryoutubed One day if you're lucky, you might not equate a woman's worth with being an incubator, but by then none of your grandchildren will ever visit you in the nursing home.
No, of course not, because "I can't be the bad guy" because they're the main character of existence in their minds. Like watching those concealed carry idiots that think they'll be john Wick when in reality they're just victim number 2 in some gunman's run
I wonder if he blames the President for the gas prices being significantly lower now, or if he's magically "well the President doesn't really affect gas prices."
@@FreeWorldSpirit313 Uh, I don't think so. i was making a joke exactly in line with theirs. People are stupid and blame the President when gas prices are high, but don't give them credit when prices go down, thus indicating they are hypocrites and also don't know how gas prices work. Where exactly did I miss their point?
Gas prices are still huge and groceries especially too. Not even 10 years ago, a loaf of bread I bought cost only $3. Now it costs $5. That's just 1 example of a certain food item costing way more under the Biden/Harris administration as compared to under Trump
I remember years ago watching buzzfeed videos titled like “If people acted in real life like they do online” and thinking “that would be insane”. **looks around and puts head down**
I live in rural Australia. My town was right in the middle of those fires. We have bushfires about every 3rd year. I've had to evacuate my house 5 or 6 times. In the morning it was raining ash. That's how you know you've got about 10 minutes to leave. I've seen that many times and was not worried. But I was also looking at the RFS fire app when I saw a fire starting right next to the highway, and I was like "Yep, that fire will jump the road and cut us off, we gotta go now". We left, and about a minute later we saw in the rearview mirror, the fire jumping the road. The sky was red. Everywhere you looked was red. You could feel the heat. The sky was filled with sparks as we headed north. We got to the closest town. Two massive planes flew over us and bombed pink fire retardant foam about 20 metres from the road. Traffic was not moving. We sat on the highway, stuck between the biggest town that's closest to me and the village where my house is, and watched these planes head to the air force base, reload the fire retardant and come back. They weren't using water bombing like they usually do. That was pretty terrifying. Because it meant the fires were too close for water bombing. And too big to be stopped..the fire had to be basically just redirected so to speak. About an hour later after we had made it to a hotel we saw that the fires had cut the highway. Which they would do routinely over the subsequent two or three weeks. I saw cops directing traffic and they were not happy. They looked very stressed. The village that I live in had its power, internet, mobile access and even landline access cut. Some of my friends stayed. Everywhere just south of the town we made it to, had the same thing happen. For some reason tourists still came down over NYE, despite every news channel and media outlet warning them "DO NOT COME", over and over and over. Millions of them came here, and thereby made things much much harder for the RFS. By that time there were firefighters from Victoria, Queensland - every state, even from America. Lots of them were staying at the same hotel we were in. I remember looking at the horizon on Christmas and seeing massive plumes of smoke in every direction. I counted about 20. If you ever saw that video of those RFS guys having to bail from their fire engine, because they were about to get burned alive, that's about 2km from my house. The burned truck stayed there for about half a year. They survived thankfully. My house survived. We were very lucky. We just assumed it, and my whole area was gone. Fires like that, if they happen again, won't leave anything standing. It's purely thanks to our volunteer firefighters that so many more houses didn't get burned. It's crazy that more houses didn't get burner actually. Some of the things I saw then I will honestly never forget. Fires always make it feel strange but, yes those fires were by far the worst I've ever been through. And I've been through fires for 30 years. The first time I evacuated my house, I was probably 4 or 5 years old. It's part of life here. But those fires were too big. Too big, they moved too quickly and they were just unbelievable really. We drove an hour south after the fires. Every house had pink fire retardant foam nearby. The firefighters battled those fires for weeks on end. I remember when they started down near Pebbly Beach, and Pretty Beach in September that year, and already knowing they'd head north. If that happens again it'll flatten everything south of Wollongong, all the way to the Victorian border and probably further south than that. Everything's grown back now. This summer is tropical with lots of rain. But I'm worried about the next one especially if it's a hot year.
I live in Fort Collins Colorado, and to even see damage from the fire he's referring to, you have to drive 40 minutes (26mi/42km) up Poudre Canyon. The fires didn't threaten Fort Collins at all. This dude just sucks all around.
Hi I'm from the United States, the state of Tennessee to be exact and I read your story it sounded very scary and nerve wracking. Good know you and alot of other people were able to make to safety good luck to you and be well.
You mentioned friends who stayed back.... I do not get the impression it went well for them. 😢😢😢😢 Here (America in general) it's usually hurricanes you hear some ignore, and then tragedy. Every now and then in "my" area it's tornadoes people are idiots about, or flooding. Admittedly, I tend to love being outside for many storms, but I've learned I'm not actually immortal 😆 so I listen to cautions now 🥹 I can't imagine being so inured to fires that I wouldn't have a visceral reaction of "FLEE" if a big one was anywhere near me😢😢😢😢😢😢 I hope you have many who DID make it through, and continue to.🥹
@@elinor6525 Thank you. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. You came here all the way from Tasmania, faced all the dangers, endured fatigue, exhaustion, smoke, and a period of chaos that was like nothing I've ever seen before. It's because if you, and because of everyone like you, that my little town is still standing. That the home I grew up in, is still standing. I will never forget that. Never. I'm ashamed to say I haven't even been to Tasmania. I've actually always wanted to go down there. I certainly will though. You're an absolute legend, like eeryone from every fire brigade, and every fire service is an absolute legend. I hope you were alright and your teams and friends and fellow firefighters were alright too. Again, truly, thank you.
Well he’s running Australia too…. I’m not a Biden supporter btw and I didn’t mind Trump. But I’m an Australian and I couldn’t give a shit who runs what as long as “they” stop forcing vaccines down our throats whilst still claiming they’re not mandatory and to keep your job or to leave your house you need to be vaccinated. And yes, I’m now unemployed and haven’t left my house in over a year.
It's even worse because he thinks the pipeline shutting off and prices rising proves his point. That line was shut off by the company running it because they weren't getting paid.
@@patrickgrieves3305 Because it wouldn't have helped prices. All that oil is coming from Canada going back to Canada. The US is the only country that can refine the oil sands coming out of Canada in bulk. Plus he shut it down because of the environmental impact. Last I checked, we kinda need water to drink and the pipelines were crossing over those. Also, oil sand is very acidic and would have eaten the pipeline
The Keystone XL pipeline shut down in Oct of 2019 (under Trump) because it leaked over 380k gallon of heavy crude over American lands and water tables because of faulty materials (tar sand oil is highly corrosive and the lining on the inside of the pipe was faulty and couldnt handle it). They shut themself down, in 2019, because they did what they said they wouldnt do; destroy vital American lands and water tables.
@@patrickgrieves3305 you are mistaken about everything you just said. Keystone XL shut itself down in 2019. It is being transported through prior built pipelines, not railway. The XL was just a shortcut. Existing pipelines already existed. All biden did was keep it shut down. It leaking over 380k gallons of hard to clean heavy crude was what did them in.
I like it when hecklers get owned. It's immature to be rude and interrupt a show (and just people in general) and it's good to put people like that in their place.
Never seen a show but if you get up to Toronto and things are relatively normal, I'm there. The sketches at the end of these videos are perfect. Bring her too.
You do such a good job explaining this shit to them even if they are too dimwitted or drunk or angry to get it I really think you get through to some folks. Keep being awesome.
and the stupid thing is, the pipeline that was shut down wasn't even in operation yet. How can a pipeline that is NOT moving oil affect the price of fuel if the project gets cancelled??? MAGATs cannot wrap their heads around reality.
That is a republican created rumor. Gas prices are high due to the commodity market and not oil prices. As long as republicans control the market you can have an oil well on every street corner and gas prices will still be high.
Of course it did. If we in Canada had access to a pipe and we could put our oil sands in it, we would simply give it away to Americans for free. But because that pipe doesn't exist, we don't know what to do with it and here it sits, untouched and unused. Simple logic. EDIT: Insert winky face emoji here for the "slow" folks.
Shutting down all drilling on federal lands might have had something to do with it. Or maybe it was the extra cost of begging for oil from other countries had something to do with it. Or maybe it has to do with the transporting of crude by truck or train using Diesel Instead of by pipeline. Or maybe it has something to do with the fact that our oil reserves are forty two percent. Sold to china By our commander in thief.
Well, thank you for that. I wasn't even aware, that Biden would be responsible for the gas prices in germany, reaching $8 a gallon right now. Thank you, random right wing audience member for opening my eyes!
Just found one of your specials and then found this. The way you conducted yourself professionally while having that quick wit while dealing with a heckler was awesome. Love your stuff, hope to see another special soon!
The best part of Americans complaining about gas prices is that most of us don't do anything about it but keep buying the stuff. And continue not using public transit or other private options.
@@ivanwilliams7413 dont get me wrong. I used to go off roading. I love dumb vehicles that make absolutely zero sense for the average person. Buy my daily is a subsru impreza. I guess its fragile "im better than you" attitude
@@DeathProductions200 No worries. I'm a fan of Muddin' and Top Gear, so I'm complicit as well. I just also spent most of the 2010's biking and bussing around town until I got a car again and still bike around for minor shopping and exercise.
@@ivanwilliams7413 Every one of your comments in this entire thread is so fucking cringe. "other private options". Ohhhh right right, we should all be paying other people to put the gas in the carses. Yeah man, totally. And yeah just look at New York subways, gosh gee willickers, why isn't *EVERYONE* using public transit these days? Genius. Pure genius you are.
The pipeline he referred to would have carried tar-sands oil from Canada to the gulf, where it would be loaded onto a ship, and taken elsewhere. It didn't benefit us at all. The sandpaper like product would have surely leaked or ruptured at some point, so why take a chance.
@@nuanil No sir, I have not. If you would be so kind as to give me better information, I will change my position and thank you. An accurate model of reality is important to me. I don't know where I got my current information, but I'm embarrassed to speak of something I don't have accurate info on. The rest is correct, yes? Canada, gulf, the product leaves the country?
Yeah, especially when the companies straight up tell us "We're making record profits and artificially limiting supply because we have a fiduciary responsibility to our shareholders." Like, how fucking dimwitted do you have to be hear the bad people blatantly tell you exactly why they're doing bad things and be like "Hmm, No, I think I'd like an illogical conspiracy theory better."
I can tell you are a trained teacher, you demonstrate patience and you hand people their asses in such an awesome way. Im in Australia and yes it was brutal the bushfires I work in government and it was so bad
How you could believe that more Americans wanted a senile old kiddy touching hair sniffer as their president is beyond me. But I’m just an Aussie, we’re not important to you guys until you want to invade a country under the guise of liberation to its people and want some skilled soldiers with balls to lead the way. 🇦🇺🍻🇦🇺🍻🇦🇺
@@Aaron_Hanson Nobody really wanted him. A massive amount of people in the US wanted Bernie Sanders. But then the DNC rigged the primaries (again), corporate media manufactured consent at record speed (AGAIN), AND Trump set the bar so low that people just threw in the towel. Gotta love that 'merican democracy
@@Aaron_Hanson Let's see Senile: Trump Old: Trump Kiddy Touching: Trump, as long it was his daughter. Hair sniffer: Trump, because you can't use that much hairspray without smelling it all day. Trust me. No one wanted him except two very specific groups: absolute morons and wealthy elites.
I work at a Gas Station as an Assistant Manager. It amazes me the amount of misinformation I hear about the price of oil and whatnot and the amount of "I did this" stickers taped onto our pumps. This clip made me laugh. Thank you for such an amazing Heckler owned video. I wish you could come by Seattle one of these days, I love to see you live.
What misinformation?The president doesn't control gas prices? That's correct , he did however use executive orders to shut down oil production to the point we are having to import more oil from other countries , and said other countries know we have to have it and are raising the prices that the government then passes on to us at the pump. As for the rest of his b*llshit agenda and the highest inflation in 40 years Thank Your POS President cause ....He did that !
@@TransporterJBOB Out of curiosity, does the American president also control gas prices in Australia? Cuz our prices have risen as well but at least we're not dumb enough to blame one person in power we don't like while making excuses about gas price hikes for the last person in power who we did like.
@@6devils6daughter6 Except this is the United States, where one guy got blamed for everything in the last administration, and now they're doing it in the other direction. This is how politics is done here. Let's go Brandon!
I love when they spout the "well keystone was shut down and now gas prices are high!" Then I get to point out that all the oil that would have flowed through that pipeline was going to be exported to other countries and we wouldn't see a drop of it, we would just get the environmental impacts when it eventually leaked. Or my other favorite "well gas way way cheaper last year". Yeah cause no one was driving anywhere or going on vacations you jack ass. It's supply and demand, demand goes down so prices go down to keep the supply moving. Now that there is a vaccine, demand has gone up so prices go up so the supply doesn't run out.
Dang, the burns just kept rolling in, lol. You definitely have to reevaluate your life when your world views are so easily put into question in under ten minutes.
I misread that as, "watching a piñata chew *_its_* prey apart," and for a few seconds I was really confused. 😆 PS... _"If you want it to be possessive, it’s just ‘I-T-S.’ But if it’s supposed to be a contraction then it’s 'I-T-apostrophe-S.’ Scalawag."_ _-Strong Bad_
You said this over a year ago but i don't mind. Fun Fact!: Piranha's rarely attack humans, as we're too big to be seen as a meal and result as of the piranha's being extremely stressed or starved.. When they do attack a person, the result is usually nonserious bites to toes and the legs.
Steve Thank you for these videos for real. especially when I found out my dog Boomzie passed away yesterday. So you tearing apart Hecklers like you do really brightens my days, today more so.
"I have been to a place where you shut the kcuf up." Damn that was a good rebuttal and it's nice that you and the other comedian were able to make good rebuttals while making jokes. 👏🤣
@@rudyardganuelas6254 _"professional shit talkers"_ He's not, though. It's all fake. The "hecklers" are paid by Steve to say this shit and he prepares his responses in advance. Whenever *ACTUAL* hecklers show up, he has absolutely no idea what to say/how to respond. He just spergs out and kicks them out of the show. He's not as witty as he presents himself in his _"heckler OWNED LOL"_ videos.
@@rudyardganuelas6254 I bet everything I own I would shit on Steve in a heckler situation lmao the shit he said wasn’t even factual and it was garbage. My sister could think of the stuff he said.
It's odd that everyone I went to high school with who thought "learning was gay" and who desperately tried to prove they were the most bad ass are now Trump supporters and simply never grew up to become anything meaningful. Not a single one of them.
Historically, people tend to get more conservative with age. That kind of flies in the face of the 'growing up' part of your statement... See, what happens is that when you're young, you are idealistic, but then you experience some shit, develop some emotional callouses, and then BANG -- You all of a sudden realize that there are far worse things that can happen than someone using the wrong pronoun when referring to you. I understand that you're talking about real people that you've met, but the republicans were the party of the wealthy for a long time. Lots of successful and competent people have been conservative. Though, admittedly, I don't know too many people that are both hardcore Trump supporters *_and_* wildly successful. Come to think of it, I don't know too many people that are hardcore *_anything_* and wildly successful. That's probably because it takes a degree of intelligence to see more than one view-point, and it's hard to have conviction when you can see other perspectives. Stupid people have conviction. It means they don't have to think as much (That's left and right). The issue isn't in who you voted for. The issue is in being a fucking lunatic (About anything). ruclips.net/video/wDYNVH0U3cs/видео.html - There's no reserve here. No strength of character. Just... No. ❄️
I always love the circle back to the original topic towards the end. Heckler says something random and confusing to a set up sentence. Goes on tangent. Steve circles back to that single sentence again that started off not funny, and shouldn't be but is hilarious now. Gets me everytime. 😆
Heckler says something "random and confusing" what do you mean? its literally one of the MAGA deluded main anti-Biden talking points that they spread to each other on twitter and truth social
This must have been the second Fort Collins show.....because I don't remember this being in the first one! (still hilarious either way!) Fort Collins is Colorado's Orange County, holy crap that's funny! And I live there!
From the sound of it the rest of the audience was enjoying it. They had an unforgettable night out watching a comedian plus the bonus of seeing a loud mouth humiliated.
"Dingwad" what?? lol thats a new one. .. you zoomies making up your own words again? ?LOL im just messin with ya, but ive only ever heard "dickwad" and never a "dingwad" lol
Haven't seen your work in awhile. Phenomenal set steve. Great work, you sir constantly are growing . This was a great dialogue with the heckler, hilarious sir Omg, I've watched this a few times. Bro, you're sooo talented. This was brilliant
7:35 - "It's at its highest now, but it wasn't as high as under Obama." I don't know how anyone, even a FINANCE guy, can hold both halves of that sentence as true. That'd be like saying, "The sky is the bluest it's ever been, but not as blue as that day ten years ago."
Some people really just don’t know how to shut the f*ck up… or when they need to shut the f*ck up. Steve, you’re honestly one of the most educated comedians I’ve had the honor of watching/speaking to during your lecture/listening to, during your specials on Zoom.
OMG. Jarrett such a class act. I am crying I am laughing so hard. Why do people bring this attitude to a comedy show?? Brilliant as always Steve Hofstetter😂
Republicans have this asinine view that they should be able to do normal things without being reminded that their politics are infantile, illogical, self defeating BS.
@@michaelmorningstar8645 Democrats have this asinine view that their feelings should dictate the actions of the people around them, and when they are told, in no uncertain terms, that 'nobody cares how you feel', they start getting all huffy, and saying shit like 'your politics are infantile, illogical, and self defeating BS.' [You should just do what I say! You're dumb. I'm smart.] I don't like the republicans either, but I think you democrats are every bit as bad. Here's your problem -- What you're forgetting is that people are intelligent. They believe the things they believe for a reason. Just because you don't understand what half of the country believes, and why they believe it, does not mean that it is "infantile, "illogical", or "self defeating". It means that you don't share the same perspective as the people that you're simplifying, and you have made virtually no effort to. Do you honestly think that half of the country is stupid? That says way more about you than it does them. P.S. I know that you *_think_* you know why people lean right on these issues (Pick whichever 'ism' is convenient). You don't, and if you honestly believe that, you've either never met the people that you're talking smack about, or you're deluded.
I’ve been binging your videos today, especially the heckler ones, and you’ve gained a new fan. You’re hilarious. There’s nothing better to me than see an obnoxious person who incorrectly thinks they’re a genius get absolutely owned.
I live in the Netherlands, where we don’t nearly have the same amount (or level!) of insanity as there is these days in US politics. I’m just a weird enthusiast who likes to stay well informed about US politics, as well as our own. (*) And being well educated about these political issues in the United States, makes listening to comedians like Steve Hofstetter all the more ENJOYABLE !!!! I FREAKING LOVE THIS MAN!! (*) No, I’m definitely NOT claiming that everything in my country is PERFECT… we DO have our issues too… But COMPARED to how things currently are in the United States …. we are living in freakin’ PARADISE over here!!! 😂😂😂
I did something about the gas prices. I bought a Prius and I get 60 miles to the gallon. I fill my tank up weekly after driving 300 miles and it costs me 25 dollars. Now, I could give a crap how much gas costs.
Exactly, one reason gas prices are higher is because a lot more people drive hybrids and EVs and charging stations are becoming the norm, so we don’t rely on fossil fuels as heavily now as we once did. Most of those who still do rely on gas drive really big (and often really old) pickups and SUVs that get between 9-20 MPG (and those older cars are TERRIBLE for the environment) and live in very remote, rural areas where emotionalism, ignorance, bigotry and opposition to modern law and customs is rife. P.S., good for you for doing your part to save the planet! I wish I had a Prius as well…but I am looking to get a PHEV Outlander as my first car. I’ve driven one before; they ride smoothly, they get over 98 miles of electric-only range and 51 MPG, plus regenerative breaking is always a plus. The one I drove was a rental for a fall trip to Disney; I didn’t even have to stop for gas once in the 6 days I was there, plus it still had 20 miles of EV-only range left in it when it was returned.
I am loving watching the progression of your funniness (which is constantly upward) and of your 'political' passion (which is constantly more fierce). I hope you are doing well in the blood pressure department because it must take a lot of blood pressure to keep that brain going around some people you get to meet.
well thats kinda a character trait of comedians,, they need to be smart enough to think quickly on their feet, and they are not like those of us who go home and then wake up 5 hours later in the middle of night in a cold sweat, thinking "I shoulda said this!! goddamnit fuck!! Why didnt i say that?!?!? LOL " But you can tell he is obviously politically educated, and he knows his shit.. For instance, not everyone just randomly knows the current price per barrel of oil right off the bat..right ? Like for me, i already knew its ridiculous to think that a president has anything at all to do with the price per oil, but i couldn't have followed up with how much of it we get percentage wise what is is our supply from saudi arabia, and what the current price is, and use those facts to to back his takedown up with such mastery as he did.
If you like this, and want to see my videos before they’re made public, please consider supporting my Patreon. www.Patreon.com/SteveHofstetter
Hopping hell, was this your most outspoken audience ever? Or the drunkest? Why did everyone have to share their opinions on everything? My guess is the tickets accidentally said it was an Improv show, and they all were just trying to "help".
BTW, having a visual comedian in a show, that is wonderful addition.
Steve you rock!! Thanks for putting a stop to the non-sense. People are so dumb and believe the shit they make up as de facto, without consequences.
Dissected him with medical precision.
It must take all the fun out of having a battle of wits when your opponent is unarmed 😉
>Man interrupts show to be political
>Man then gets political a second time.
>Man then claims that 4 years prior does not matter (was actually 3 years).
>Man then brings up shit from years ago as if they now suddenly matter.
>Man is in finance.
>Man doesn't know the difference between 3 and 4 years.
>Man now wants to lay down and say this isn't the time or place.
What a rollercoaster of incompetence.
And oral incontinence.
Bozo has the right to be silent...
But not the wisdom or mentality to do so...
maga everyday
typical finance bro
the two classic blunders: getting into a land war in asia and picking shit talking contest with a comedian with a microphone.
You forgot the main one, "going in against a Sicilian when death is on the line."
“You didn’t mention the Colorado fires”
Oh shit, now All Fires Matter is a thing 😖
Hmph. He didn't mention the Clinton fires either, and there must have been some covered up by the media. It stands to "reason"!
Didnt you know, its bc biden started it with a spacelaser....🤤
@@Skysthelimit82 I didn't know Biden was jewish! ;-)
@@keithduthie o you didnt hear...........
Truth is, that heckler brought it on himself 😂
The heckler has the NERVE to say “it’s not the time or place???” 😂
This is a classic fool who knows he’s losing an argument, is getting corrected and getting embarrassed, so now he wants the discussion to end.
Yeah and he was the one who brought it up in the first place
To be fair, while just not being a fool in the first place is best, isn't this better than sticking to your guns and getting belligerent? I feel like trying to end the conversation is at least better than what usually happens.
@@Mad-Lad-Chad Saying "it's not the time or place" just proved that not only was he a belligerent jackass, but he was also a hypocritical douche.
And only idiots think a president has direct control over gasoine prices.
Gas prices are high because of a combination of scarcity (minor factor), refining plant expenses (moderate expense), and... corporate greed (primary factor).
@@Mad-Lad-Chad He's the kind of idiot that thinks exactly that (I hope you're not?) "My choices are: 1. Get belligerent, even more, yeah. or 2. Lie and run like a little girl". People like this need to be taught to STFU. If public humiliation doesn't work, stronger measures need to be taken, on a customized basis. People's idea that we need to listen to each other is being taken advantage of by complete numbskulls like this. They try to ruin everything because they understand nothing and live in fear and hatred. Bring them into your choir so they can find joy, and muzzle them at the BBQ or comedy show. One day they may get it, but damned if they are going to ruin it anymore.
Caring for a family member with dementia, I missed your show in Eugene. This clip snapped me out of my slightly sour attitude today. Thanks kind sir.
That’s one of the toughest things anyone could deal with. Sorry you missed the show. 💜
Should have taken em. Woulda made a great heckler
I have dimension and I still remember more than this guy knows
I have dimension and I still remember more than this guy knows
I have dimension and I still remember more than this guy knows... wait... did I already do this?
This is why you don't make political arguments in front of a comedian. Amazing performance.
This was too fucking funny.
That man’s last remaining brain cell was working overtime trying to give responses.
Nah, he has two brain cells left.
They're fighting over which is third best.
@@OzvenomDnD lmfao
One day if you're lucky Kat men might pay you attention, but by then you'll probably be past child bearing years.
@@anotheryoutubed One day if you're lucky, you might not equate a woman's worth with being an incubator, but by then none of your grandchildren will ever visit you in the nursing home.
@@OzvenomDnD The only anger addict that will be alone at the end of life is going to be leftists like you, who vote for pedos.
"I'm in finance" says the guy who day trades from his mom's basement.
Even if you take the guy's story at face value, he's a loan salesman. Actual finance never enters his day to day workflow.
“I’m hungry for blood,”. I don’t think I’ve laughed so hard at a single line.
He works in Finance and doesn’t understand that they are the problem??? Their lobbying and their predatory habits have us where we are!
Greedy bastards! Their short sighted greed will be the demise of the human race thanks to climate change!
he works in finance THEREFORE he thinks like this and tries to justify himself. he's either far too removed from reality or just and a-hole
No, of course not, because "I can't be the bad guy" because they're the main character of existence in their minds. Like watching those concealed carry idiots that think they'll be john Wick when in reality they're just victim number 2 in some gunman's run
"You know I bet everyone here will really love it if I derail this comedy show with political talking points"
- A man who has never been outside
He's been outside, but only to gas stations and back.
You really think he has an internal dialogue before talking ?
First time out of the FOXhole for a while. The antifa and socialists got him scared.
Never happened.
Dude was payed by Steve to "heckle" him & he prepared his responses in advance.
Any chance you have some evidence of this somewhere? Id like to be in the know of he is a fake
I wonder if he blames the President for the gas prices being significantly lower now, or if he's magically "well the President doesn't really affect gas prices."
I couldn't help but notice the lack of "I did that" Biden stickers when the prices dropped down to $2.80 a couple years back.
@@BwooHuraca Yeah, cause he didn't cause it. Duh. /s (cause it's apparently really hard to read sarcasm online).
@@NoodleKeeperyou missed their point
@@FreeWorldSpirit313 Uh, I don't think so. i was making a joke exactly in line with theirs. People are stupid and blame the President when gas prices are high, but don't give them credit when prices go down, thus indicating they are hypocrites and also don't know how gas prices work. Where exactly did I miss their point?
Gas prices are still huge and groceries especially too. Not even 10 years ago, a loaf of bread I bought cost only $3. Now it costs $5. That's just 1 example of a certain food item costing way more under the Biden/Harris administration as compared to under Trump
Those two Comedians are all-stars. They both show exceptional poise and professionalism; and they checkmated those MAGA idiots!
That guy is the literal image of the frat boy bully in any movie when he’s all grown up
“Gotta hurry up, gas prices are going up tomorrow” not gonna lie Steve, that line got me lmao 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
How much does gas cost near you now?
@@artificialintelligence143 like a little over $4.00
@@vincentfrusci7745 teeter totters here in Tex. At $2.59 right now
"Is this the part where I state my misinformed opinions?" I died. I am dead. That was so damn funny.
I remember years ago watching buzzfeed videos titled like “If people acted in real life like they do online” and thinking “that would be insane”.
**looks around and puts head down**
It might be a little reductive, but I’m sure trumpism played a HUGE role in that.
pretty much every MAGA trump supporter is an annoying troll in real life, and should be exiled from normal society
I say all the time, "Never.....Challenge.....a comedian, you will be eviscerated and leave embarrassed at the end of the night."
I live in rural Australia.
My town was right in the middle of those fires.
We have bushfires about every 3rd year. I've had to evacuate my house 5 or 6 times.
In the morning it was raining ash. That's how you know you've got about 10 minutes to leave.
I've seen that many times and was not worried.
But I was also looking at the RFS fire app when I saw a fire starting right next to the highway, and I was like "Yep, that fire will jump the road and cut us off, we gotta go now".
We left, and about a minute later we saw in the rearview mirror, the fire jumping the road.
The sky was red. Everywhere you looked was red. You could feel the heat. The sky was filled with sparks as we headed north.
We got to the closest town. Two massive planes flew over us and bombed pink fire retardant foam about 20 metres from the road. Traffic was not moving.
We sat on the highway, stuck between the biggest town that's closest to me and the village where my house is, and watched these planes head to the air force base, reload the fire retardant and come back. They weren't using water bombing like they usually do. That was pretty terrifying. Because it meant the fires were too close for water bombing. And too big to be stopped..the fire had to be basically just redirected so to speak.
About an hour later after we had made it to a hotel we saw that the fires had cut the highway. Which they would do routinely over the subsequent two or three weeks.
I saw cops directing traffic and they were not happy. They looked very stressed.
The village that I live in had its power, internet, mobile access and even landline access cut.
Some of my friends stayed.
Everywhere just south of the town we made it to, had the same thing happen.
For some reason tourists still came down over NYE, despite every news channel and media outlet warning them "DO NOT COME", over and over and over. Millions of them came here, and thereby made things much much harder for the RFS.
By that time there were firefighters from Victoria, Queensland - every state, even from America. Lots of them were staying at the same hotel we were in.
I remember looking at the horizon on Christmas and seeing massive plumes of smoke in every direction. I counted about 20.
If you ever saw that video of those RFS guys having to bail from their fire engine, because they were about to get burned alive, that's about 2km from my house. The burned truck stayed there for about half a year.
They survived thankfully.
My house survived. We were very lucky. We just assumed it, and my whole area was gone.
Fires like that, if they happen again, won't leave anything standing. It's purely thanks to our volunteer firefighters that so many more houses didn't get burned.
It's crazy that more houses didn't get burner actually. Some of the things I saw then I will honestly never forget.
Fires always make it feel strange but, yes those fires were by far the worst I've ever been through. And I've been through fires for 30 years. The first time I evacuated my house, I was probably 4 or 5 years old.
It's part of life here.
But those fires were too big. Too big, they moved too quickly and they were just unbelievable really.
We drove an hour south after the fires. Every house had pink fire retardant foam nearby.
The firefighters battled those fires for weeks on end.
I remember when they started down near Pebbly Beach, and Pretty Beach in September that year, and already knowing they'd head north.
If that happens again it'll flatten everything south of Wollongong, all the way to the Victorian border and probably further south than that.
Everything's grown back now. This summer is tropical with lots of rain. But I'm worried about the next one especially if it's a hot year.
I went to NSW three times on deployment with the Tasmania Fire Service. It was our privilege to come and help you 😊
I live in Fort Collins Colorado, and to even see damage from the fire he's referring to, you have to drive 40 minutes (26mi/42km) up Poudre Canyon.
The fires didn't threaten Fort Collins at all. This dude just sucks all around.
Hi I'm from the United States, the state of Tennessee to be exact and I read your story it sounded very scary and nerve wracking. Good know you and alot of other people were able to make to safety good luck to you and be well.
You mentioned friends who stayed back....
I do not get the impression it went well for them. 😢😢😢😢
Here (America in general) it's usually hurricanes you hear some ignore, and then tragedy. Every now and then in "my" area it's tornadoes people are idiots about, or flooding. Admittedly, I tend to love being outside for many storms, but I've learned I'm not actually immortal 😆 so I listen to cautions now 🥹
I can't imagine being so inured to fires that I wouldn't have a visceral reaction of "FLEE" if a big one was anywhere near me😢😢😢😢😢😢
I hope you have many who DID make it through, and continue to.🥹
@@elinor6525 Thank you. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. You came here all the way from Tasmania, faced all the dangers, endured fatigue, exhaustion, smoke, and a period of chaos that was like nothing I've ever seen before.
It's because if you, and because of everyone like you, that my little town is still standing. That the home I grew up in, is still standing.
I will never forget that. Never.
I'm ashamed to say I haven't even been to Tasmania. I've actually always wanted to go down there. I certainly will though.
You're an absolute legend, like eeryone from every fire brigade, and every fire service is an absolute legend.
I hope you were alright and your teams and friends and fellow firefighters were alright too.
Again, truly, thank you.
In the UK. Apparently Biden is OUR president too judging by the pump prices.
Same as in Canada haha
Well he’s running Australia too…. I’m not a Biden supporter btw and I didn’t mind Trump. But I’m an Australian and I couldn’t give a shit who runs what as long as “they” stop forcing vaccines down our throats whilst still claiming they’re not mandatory and to keep your job or to leave your house you need to be vaccinated. And yes, I’m now unemployed and haven’t left my house in over a year.
@@Aaron_Hanson Oh you poor dear! How awful it must be that Common Decency is not a flower that grows in your garden.
@@SirBarth We shall see in a few years. The only difference between you and I is that I hope I’m wrong.
@@SirBarth ruclips.net/video/Z36sBJBRIVw/видео.html
“Just a few weeks to flatten the curve”
"How many of you are on mushrooms right now?"
Well as an Aussie, not during the bushfires XD
It's even worse because he thinks the pipeline shutting off and prices rising proves his point. That line was shut off by the company running it because they weren't getting paid.
100% wrong, but whatever you gotta regurgitate from your "news" networks buddy.
@@patrickgrieves3305 Because it wouldn't have helped prices. All that oil is coming from Canada going back to Canada. The US is the only country that can refine the oil sands coming out of Canada in bulk. Plus he shut it down because of the environmental impact. Last I checked, we kinda need water to drink and the pipelines were crossing over those. Also, oil sand is very acidic and would have eaten the pipeline
The Keystone XL pipeline shut down in Oct of 2019 (under Trump) because it leaked over 380k gallon of heavy crude over American lands and water tables because of faulty materials (tar sand oil is highly corrosive and the lining on the inside of the pipe was faulty and couldnt handle it). They shut themself down, in 2019, because they did what they said they wouldnt do; destroy vital American lands and water tables.
@@patrickgrieves3305 you are mistaken about everything you just said. Keystone XL shut itself down in 2019. It is being transported through prior built pipelines, not railway. The XL was just a shortcut. Existing pipelines already existed. All biden did was keep it shut down. It leaking over 380k gallons of hard to clean heavy crude was what did them in.
@@jonstundralife5897 Keep telling yourself that.
I like it when hecklers get owned. It's immature to be rude and interrupt a show (and just people in general) and it's good to put people like that in their place.
I love the fools who complain about gas prices and then drive their F-250 truck like it's a go-kart.
It's always a pleasure watching you destroy hecklers.
especially twonk magas
I love that Leedy is part of the show now, the art is amazing and goes with the gallows humor like a fine wine. PLEASE keep her on your tours!
Never seen a show but if you get up to Toronto and things are relatively normal, I'm there. The sketches at the end of these videos are perfect. Bring her too.
Having an art piece added with another sharp minded comic is
* chefs kiss*
You do such a good job explaining this shit to them even if they are too dimwitted or drunk or angry to get it I really think you get through to some folks. Keep being awesome.
The Keystone Pipeline had nothing to do with our oil prices.
and the stupid thing is, the pipeline that was shut down wasn't even in operation yet. How can a pipeline that is NOT moving oil affect the price of fuel if the project gets cancelled??? MAGATs cannot wrap their heads around reality.
That is a republican created rumor. Gas prices are high due to the commodity market and not oil prices. As long as republicans control the market you can have an oil well on every street corner and gas prices will still be high.
Of course it did. If we in Canada had access to a pipe and we could put our oil sands in it, we would simply give it away to Americans for free. But because that pipe doesn't exist, we don't know what to do with it and here it sits, untouched and unused. Simple logic.
EDIT: Insert winky face emoji here for the "slow" folks.
Shutting down all drilling on federal lands might have had something to do with it. Or maybe it was the extra cost of begging for oil from other countries had something to do with it.
Or maybe it has to do with the transporting of crude by truck or train using Diesel Instead of by pipeline.
Or maybe it has something to do with the fact that our oil reserves are forty two percent. Sold to china By our commander in thief.
@@DESOUSABHaha, give it away for free!
Except, The US is producing a huge amount of oil (shale oil).
Jarrett killed on the spot. An absolute class act. Well done 👏
Do you know his RUclips channel?
Well, thank you for that. I wasn't even aware, that Biden would be responsible for the gas prices in germany, reaching $8 a gallon right now. Thank you, random right wing audience member for opening my eyes!
Yeah who knew that Biden was so powerful.
Some people really need not to comment at comedy shows because it makes them look SO silly, stupid and very very dumb
If you ever need him say Dark Brandon three times into a mirror and he’ll be there for you quicker than a friends theme song
This is not the time or place to call me out on my willfull ignorance.
Same dude, a few minutes earlier "You haven't been to a gas station!"
That was an expert and brutal take down. I envy you that you thought so fast and also delivered with style. Bravo!
Just found one of your specials and then found this. The way you conducted yourself professionally while having that quick wit while dealing with a heckler was awesome. Love your stuff, hope to see another special soon!
"i like his hair."
holy fuck Brett.. 🤣😂🤣
The best part of Americans complaining about gas prices is that most of us don't do anything about it but keep buying the stuff. And continue not using public transit or other private options.
And also, the Americans that complain the most usually drive vehicles with 20+ gallon tanks, as their daily driver.
@@DeathProductions200 You're not wrong, dude. I have a single coworker who rocks a massive SUV for no damn reason.
@@ivanwilliams7413 dont get me wrong. I used to go off roading. I love dumb vehicles that make absolutely zero sense for the average person. Buy my daily is a subsru impreza. I guess its fragile "im better than you" attitude
@@DeathProductions200 No worries. I'm a fan of Muddin' and Top Gear, so I'm complicit as well. I just also spent most of the 2010's biking and bussing around town until I got a car again and still bike around for minor shopping and exercise.
@@ivanwilliams7413 Every one of your comments in this entire thread is so fucking cringe. "other private options". Ohhhh right right, we should all be paying other people to put the gas in the carses. Yeah man, totally. And yeah just look at New York subways, gosh gee willickers, why isn't *EVERYONE* using public transit these days? Genius. Pure genius you are.
"The President of the United States has absolute impact: on gas prices for the entirety of the world." - That shit never gets old to me.
Well hey, Rachel Notley has a time machine to go back 20 years ruin everything globally too, according to conservatives north of the border.
The pipeline he referred to would have carried tar-sands oil from Canada to the gulf, where it would be loaded onto a ship, and taken elsewhere. It didn't benefit us at all. The sandpaper like product would have surely leaked or ruptured at some point, so why take a chance.
@@charlidog2 you've never actually handled the Bitumin have you?
@@nuanil No sir, I have not. If you would be so kind as to give me better information, I will change my position and thank you. An accurate model of reality is important to me.
I don't know where I got my current information, but I'm embarrassed to speak of something I don't have accurate info on.
The rest is correct, yes? Canada, gulf, the product leaves the country?
Yeah, especially when the companies straight up tell us "We're making record profits and artificially limiting supply because we have a fiduciary responsibility to our shareholders."
Like, how fucking dimwitted do you have to be hear the bad people blatantly tell you exactly why they're doing bad things and be like "Hmm, No, I think I'd like an illogical conspiracy theory better."
“It’s not the time or place” when you’re getting owned! 😂
I can tell you are a trained teacher, you demonstrate patience and you hand people their asses in such an awesome way. Im in Australia and yes it was brutal the bushfires I work in government and it was so bad
Hecklers get shit on twice...once by Steve and a second time by the sketch artist xD
Three times with Jarrett:)
Watching Steve take apart a heckler is like watching a surgeon.
The sad thing is that guy is going to walk away thinking he was right and he won.
Just like he thinks trump won.
How you could believe that more Americans wanted a senile old kiddy touching hair sniffer as their president is beyond me.
But I’m just an Aussie, we’re not important to you guys until you want to invade a country under the guise of liberation to its people and want some skilled soldiers with balls to lead the way. 🇦🇺🍻🇦🇺🍻🇦🇺
@@Aaron_Hanson remember that tonald dump is on record as wanting to date ivanka too
@@Aaron_Hanson Nobody really wanted him. A massive amount of people in the US wanted Bernie Sanders. But then the DNC rigged the primaries (again), corporate media manufactured consent at record speed (AGAIN), AND Trump set the bar so low that people just threw in the towel. Gotta love that 'merican democracy
@@Aaron_Hanson Let's see
Senile: Trump
Old: Trump
Kiddy Touching: Trump, as long it was his daughter.
Hair sniffer: Trump, because you can't use that much hairspray without smelling it all day.
Trust me. No one wanted him except two very specific groups: absolute morons and wealthy elites.
Ft. Collins was the complete opposite of this bs when I went to school there. Too bad.
You guys handled the hecklers very well !
For people who claim they want comedians to be allowed to be offensive, they sure don't know how to take a joke.
I work at a Gas Station as an Assistant Manager. It amazes me the amount of misinformation I hear about the price of oil and whatnot and the amount of "I did this" stickers taped onto our pumps. This clip made me laugh. Thank you for such an amazing Heckler owned video. I wish you could come by Seattle one of these days, I love to see you live.
What misinformation?The president doesn't control gas prices? That's correct , he did however use executive orders to shut down oil production to the point we are having to import more oil from other countries , and said other countries know we have to have it and are raising the prices that the government then passes on to us at the pump. As for the rest of his b*llshit agenda and the highest inflation in 40 years Thank Your POS President cause ....He did that !
@@TransporterJBOB Out of curiosity, does the American president also control gas prices in Australia? Cuz our prices have risen as well but at least we're not dumb enough to blame one person in power we don't like while making excuses about gas price hikes for the last person in power who we did like.
Being that oil is a world commodity, how does Biden make prices rise in other countries? Derp!
@@6devils6daughter6 Except this is the United States, where one guy got blamed for everything in the last administration, and now they're doing it in the other direction. This is how politics is done here. Let's go Brandon!
I love when they spout the "well keystone was shut down and now gas prices are high!" Then I get to point out that all the oil that would have flowed through that pipeline was going to be exported to other countries and we wouldn't see a drop of it, we would just get the environmental impacts when it eventually leaked. Or my other favorite "well gas way way cheaper last year". Yeah cause no one was driving anywhere or going on vacations you jack ass. It's supply and demand, demand goes down so prices go down to keep the supply moving. Now that there is a vaccine, demand has gone up so prices go up so the supply doesn't run out.
Dang, the burns just kept rolling in, lol. You definitely have to reevaluate your life when your world views are so easily put into question in under ten minutes.
This was like watching a piranha chew it's prey apart...Steve is the best!!! 😄😄😄
You sound like the majority of the characters in Idiocracy.
@@anotheryoutubed 👍
I misread that as, "watching a piñata chew *_its_* prey apart," and for a few seconds I was really confused. 😆
_"If you want it to be possessive, it’s just ‘I-T-S.’ But if it’s supposed to be a contraction then it’s 'I-T-apostrophe-S.’ Scalawag."_
_-Strong Bad_
@@StoneE4 I'm a stickler for that kind of stuff too...and I know, but the phone keeps auto correcting to that. I just stopped caring! 😄
You said this over a year ago but i don't mind.
Fun Fact!: Piranha's rarely attack humans, as we're too big to be seen as a meal and result as of the piranha's being extremely stressed or starved.. When they do attack a person, the result is usually nonserious bites to toes and the legs.
*Walks up and punches a bear*
*Gets mauled*
"This isn't the time and place!! It isn't!! "
Steve Thank you for these videos for real. especially when I found out my dog Boomzie passed away yesterday. So you tearing apart Hecklers like you do really brightens my days, today more so.
Ugh that's the worst...losing your dog is tough. I'm so sorry!
I'm sorry for your loss
"I have been to a place where you shut the kcuf up."
Damn that was a good rebuttal and it's nice that you and the other comedian were able to make good rebuttals while making jokes. 👏🤣
I dont know why these clowns think going after professional shit talkers in their home court is a good idea. just kidding, i know why. You do too
_"professional shit talkers"_
He's not, though.
It's all fake. The "hecklers" are paid by Steve to say this shit and he prepares his responses in advance.
Whenever *ACTUAL* hecklers show up, he has absolutely no idea what to say/how to respond. He just spergs out and kicks them out of the show.
He's not as witty as he presents himself in his _"heckler OWNED LOL"_ videos.
@@rudyardganuelas6254 I bet everything I own I would shit on Steve in a heckler situation lmao the shit he said wasn’t even factual and it was garbage. My sister could think of the stuff he said.
Did you just shit on your own sister to burn steve? Good job.
@@rudyardganuelas6254 well if my sister who is ten can say the same shit he says who am I shitting on?
It's odd that everyone I went to high school with who thought "learning was gay" and who desperately tried to prove they were the most bad ass are now Trump supporters and simply never grew up to become anything meaningful. Not a single one of them.
That's why they work at gas stations.
@@conservativestrawman9837 BOOM! Holy shit, we need a medic over here for that burn.
Historically, people tend to get more conservative with age. That kind of flies in the face of the 'growing up' part of your statement...
See, what happens is that when you're young, you are idealistic, but then you experience some shit, develop some emotional callouses, and then
BANG -- You all of a sudden realize that there are far worse things that can happen than someone using the wrong pronoun when referring to you.
I understand that you're talking about real people that you've met, but the republicans were the party of the wealthy for a long time. Lots of successful and competent people have been conservative. Though, admittedly, I don't know too many people that are both hardcore Trump supporters *_and_* wildly successful. Come to think of it, I don't know too many people that are hardcore *_anything_* and wildly successful. That's probably because it takes a degree of intelligence to see more than one view-point, and it's hard to have conviction when you can see other perspectives. Stupid people have conviction. It means they don't have to think as much (That's left and right).
The issue isn't in who you voted for. The issue is in being a fucking lunatic (About anything).
ruclips.net/video/wDYNVH0U3cs/видео.html - There's no reserve here. No strength of character. Just... No. ❄️
@@Oddness if you weren't a terrible reductionist you may have had a point there. Dang it!
@@Oddness You're the dude in the audience here aren't you? Still salty I see.
Rule of life no. 23: You can never win heckling a comedian...ever
Amazing how you handle these hecklers. More Power to You, Steve.
That lady's laugh had me in tears 🤣
Cheers for standing up for the aussie bushfires mate. They were pretty fkn bad.
At the end, the lady that presented that impromptu slideshow was genius. Lol... She got some comedic talent
Great entertainment. Thanks for your quick wit in contrast to stupidity.
That was so funny.
I was laughing more at the stupidity of the hecklers!
They must have a sign on their forehead:
“Vacant space for rent”
"2018. That was 4 years ago, who's counting...." obviously not you, bro 🤣🤣🤣
I worked at a gas station, and people thought i was in charge of the gas prices.😂
You are collecting for all the steps taken to get it as a refined product. People do not see the big picture.😅
That artist had it spot on at the end 🤣🤣
Love how quick you guys are with these heckler’s.
Never has that old adage "Be careful who you f**k with" been so perfectly demonstrated...
I always love the circle back to the original topic towards the end. Heckler says something random and confusing to a set up sentence. Goes on tangent. Steve circles back to that single sentence again that started off not funny, and shouldn't be but is hilarious now. Gets me everytime. 😆
Heckler says something "random and confusing" what do you mean? its literally one of the MAGA deluded main anti-Biden talking points that they spread to each other on twitter and truth social
If I was in the area I'd come to one of your gigs for damn sure .... Love how you deal with hecklers and involve the audience
This must have been the second Fort Collins show.....because I don't remember this being in the first one! (still hilarious either way!)
Fort Collins is Colorado's Orange County, holy crap that's funny! And I live there!
Yep - that was the late show.
Late, because you totally killed it.
You've come across my feed every now and then and I've watched your videos, but this one sold me. Troll the haters man. You got this.
From the sound of it the rest of the audience was enjoying it. They had an unforgettable night out watching a comedian plus the bonus of seeing a loud mouth humiliated.
I love that even the artist (Leedy, I think?) was super savage :D
Come on, we all know the presidency is controlled by shapeshifting lizard people. Duh.
AHS proved that! 😂♥️
but only if the PotUS is a Democrat apparently
You joke, but that’s a REAL Qanon belief.
And they vote republican
so glad I subscribed, I love when Hecklers get owned and not jsut owned, but destroyed.
Know it all knows nothing. Thankyou Sir. Very classy, very smart, very cool. 3cheers from Atlantic Canada 🇨🇦
Because everyone in the audience is paying to hear your routine and he's interrupting, he's causing Joke Price Inflation.
If that guy works in finances with mortgages, I'd take my money and have someone else deal with it
I'll bury mine in the backyard.
I'm pretty sure you understand what a mortgage is, at all.
@@anotheryoutubed Awwww SNAP!...you got him with that response that made absolutely no sense at all!
@@meatpuppet7712 But you actually believe you got me with this response, right? Explain the sense of your response to me just now. Go for it.
do you still wonder why the mortgages crisis was a thing? :D
My god that guy was such a confident Dingwad. You handled him beautifully.
"Dingwad" what?? lol thats a new one. .. you zoomies making up your own words again? ?LOL im just messin with ya, but ive only ever heard "dickwad" and never a "dingwad" lol
Haven't seen your work in awhile.
Phenomenal set steve.
Great work, you sir constantly are growing .
This was a great dialogue with the heckler, hilarious sir
Omg, I've watched this a few times.
Bro, you're sooo talented. This was brilliant
It's incredible how the two words "MAGA" and "morons" fit together so well as if they were made for each other.
Man you got the patience of a saint with these yahoos. But I’m betting most of the time it’s fun. Coming to the Chicago area anytime soon? Tks.
7:35 - "It's at its highest now, but it wasn't as high as under Obama."
I don't know how anyone, even a FINANCE guy, can hold both halves of that sentence as true. That'd be like saying, "The sky is the bluest it's ever been, but not as blue as that day ten years ago."
Thanks for acknowledging how bad Black Summer was.
If only our PM did, instead of knicking off to Waikiki
1 Billion, not half billion 😢
Hecklers at one of Steve's show are like guys on the set of Enter the Dragon saying 'that Bruce guy ain't all THAT tough' out loud.
Wow. Cringe beyond belief.
What's hilarious is the fact that his comedy skit turned out just as funny as heckling the heckler. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
The only thing worse than ignorance is WILLFUL ignorance.
I like the condescending art person at the end
Leedy Corbin!
Some people really just don’t know how to shut the f*ck up… or when they need to shut the f*ck up. Steve, you’re honestly one of the most educated comedians I’ve had the honor of watching/speaking to during your lecture/listening to, during your specials on Zoom.
OMG. Jarrett such a class act.
I am crying I am laughing so hard.
Why do people bring this attitude to a comedy show??
Brilliant as always Steve Hofstetter😂
Oh don't worry, they take that attitude _absolutely everywhere..._
@@Reyn_Roadstorm can confirm, my grandma is a heartless bitch wherever she goes, and she doesn't leave the house.
They hate your guts. I get the impression that the feeling is mutual.
Republicans have this asinine view that they should be able to do normal things without being reminded that their politics are infantile, illogical, self defeating BS.
@@michaelmorningstar8645 Democrats have this asinine view that their feelings should dictate the actions of the people around them, and when they are told, in no uncertain terms, that 'nobody cares how you feel', they start getting all huffy, and saying shit like 'your politics are infantile, illogical, and self defeating BS.' [You should just do what I say! You're dumb. I'm smart.]
I don't like the republicans either, but I think you democrats are every bit as bad. Here's your problem -- What you're forgetting is that people are intelligent. They believe the things they believe for a reason. Just because you don't understand what half of the country believes, and why they believe it, does not mean that it is "infantile, "illogical", or "self defeating". It means that you don't share the same perspective as the people that you're simplifying, and you have made virtually no effort to. Do you honestly think that half of the country is stupid? That says way more about you than it does them.
I know that you *_think_* you know why people lean right on these issues (Pick whichever 'ism' is convenient). You don't, and if you honestly believe that, you've either never met the people that you're talking smack about, or you're deluded.
"You haven't been to a gas station" he says to the people whose job is literally driving across the country from city to city in order to perform.
And does he think they’ve Literally, NEVER been to a gas station?! 🤦♀️ 🤦♀️ 🤦♀️
His job on stage is much more difficult than I imagined.
I’ve been binging your videos today, especially the heckler ones, and you’ve gained a new fan. You’re hilarious. There’s nothing better to me than see an obnoxious person who incorrectly thinks they’re a genius get absolutely owned.
Yeah Tessa narcissists tend to love watching narcissists be narcissists.
That artist at the end destroyed him too lmao😂
Jarrett did a pretty good job of handling it on his own. Of course it's always great when Steve does his thing, I just mean Jarrett also did well.
Considering his foot was in his mouth up to his knee...
I live in the Netherlands, where we don’t nearly have the same amount (or level!) of insanity as there is these days in US politics.
I’m just a weird enthusiast who likes to stay well informed about US politics, as well as our own. (*)
And being well educated about these political issues in the United States, makes listening to comedians like Steve Hofstetter all the more ENJOYABLE !!!!
(*) No, I’m definitely NOT claiming that everything in my country is PERFECT… we DO have our issues too…
But COMPARED to how things currently are in the United States …. we are living in freakin’ PARADISE over here!!! 😂😂😂
I did something about the gas prices. I bought a Prius and I get 60 miles to the gallon. I fill my tank up weekly after driving 300 miles and it costs me 25 dollars. Now, I could give a crap how much gas costs.
Exactly, one reason gas prices are higher is because a lot more people drive hybrids and EVs and charging stations are becoming the norm, so we don’t rely on fossil fuels as heavily now as we once did. Most of those who still do rely on gas drive really big (and often really old) pickups and SUVs that get between 9-20 MPG (and those older cars are TERRIBLE for the environment) and live in very remote, rural areas where emotionalism, ignorance, bigotry and opposition to modern law and customs is rife.
P.S., good for you for doing your part to save the planet! I wish I had a Prius as well…but I am looking to get a PHEV Outlander as my first car. I’ve driven one before; they ride smoothly, they get over 98 miles of electric-only range and 51 MPG, plus regenerative breaking is always a plus. The one I drove was a rental for a fall trip to Disney; I didn’t even have to stop for gas once in the 6 days I was there, plus it still had 20 miles of EV-only range left in it when it was returned.
This was refreshing. I'm so sick of people around putting those stickers on gas pumps. People are so ignorant.
If someone ignores a pandemic and stages a coup that's just annoying. But raising the gas prices is a sin. - pretty sure from the book of Revelations
LOL hhahaha holy shit you people are beyond the pale.
@@falkorornothing261 How many ARs did that coup show up with? Just give me a number.
@@anotheryoutubed okay racist.
@@michaelmorningstar8645 Quote me where I've been racist you absolute dingleberry.
I am loving watching the progression of your funniness (which is constantly upward) and of your 'political' passion (which is constantly more fierce). I hope you are doing well in the blood pressure department because it must take a lot of blood pressure to keep that brain going around some people you get to meet.
yeah his wife's boyfriend loves when he's out on the road.
@@anotheryoutubed not bad
@@anotheryoutubed Too bad Steve's single. No wife, no wife's boyfriend.
@@Srato I'm shocked.
damn steve, you are so quick, i'm sure years of doing this helps but i rarely see anyone think as quick on their feet as you do.
well thats kinda a character trait of comedians,, they need to be smart enough to think quickly on their feet, and they are not like those of us who go home and then wake up 5 hours later in the middle of night in a cold sweat, thinking "I shoulda said this!! goddamnit fuck!! Why didnt i say that?!?!? LOL " But you can tell he is obviously politically educated, and he knows his shit.. For instance, not everyone just randomly knows the current price per barrel of oil right off the bat..right ? Like for me, i already knew its ridiculous to think that a president has anything at all to do with the price per oil, but i couldn't have followed up with how much of it we get percentage wise what is is our supply from saudi arabia, and what the current price is, and use those facts to to back his takedown up with such mastery as he did.
I love that you have an artist at your shows,
To think that grown-ups act this way at a comedy show. Then again, maturity is a lifelong process!