Какая приятная плавная мелодия!!! Как мягко и прекрасно звучит язык манси! А этот народный струнный инструмент, традиционный у манси (как он называется -- не знаю) -- я в него просто влюблена! и уже очень давно, с детства.... Люблю вас, манси! Берегите свой язык, свою культуру. Радуйте нас! Спасибо!
József Attila: Medvetánc "Fürtös, láncos, táncos, nyalka, aj de szép a kerek talpa! Hova vánszorogsz vele? Fordulj a szép lány fele! Brumma, brumma, brummadza...."
I'm hungarian Magyar vagyok :) I love it very much... my tears also came out a little Nagyon tetszik nekem... kicsit a könnyem is kicsordult The melody, the mood is somehow very familiar... Valahogy nagyon ismerős a dallam, a hangulat... This reminds me to the rege of the "miraculous deer" . The wandering Hungarians chased and followed the deer, this is how they reached their new homeland (according to the old legend) A csodaszarvas regéje jut eszembe. Üldözték, követték a szarvast a vándorló magyarok, így jutottak új hazájukba (a régi rege szerint) Our ancestors lived together and were neighbors for more than 1000 years ... our fathers' fathers' fathers' fathers' fathers' fathers' fathers :) Őseink együtt éltek, szomszédok voltak több mint 1000 évig ... apáink apáinak apáinak apáinak apáinak apái :)
I also get tears in my eyes while listening. Cannot explain why. Nostalgy I guess. Love from Slovenia from learner of Finnish and Hungarian. Love to all❤❤❤
Ive been studying the mansi people since im russian and even lived with the jamakisch tribe in north siberia and found out literally 2 days ago that i am 8 percent mansi siberian. I learned mansi russian 7 years ago when i was 13. Great song aswell
@@a.v.j5664 after living with the jamakisch tribe, i learnt many of their word and i cold talk alot with them(pardon my english writing, i got an a in english but am swedish/finnish saami/russian mansi/ greek kalouk(russian word of non born in greece warrior from greece, was a kalakouk when younger before becoming a martial artist in 7 martial arts/joining the russian military and fighting in afghanistan and tjetjenia, and living as a buddhis/mansi/saami monk nowadays, i am not too humble as you cab tell but im humble in the way that i saved half of my squad in my time in the military and i wish i died instead of twelve of tungyuskas finest soldiers ill ever meet. Hit me up again if you want to talk more about mansi or saami kulture
Am actualy doing in an hour a tradition for my fallen komrades, my word to to be soldiers unless you are ready to walk barefeet in snow, kill defenceless animals for food, or hunt bear for food dont join the army i lost far too much of myself and found out too much about how little the russian government more so putin cares about even his special forces and his out of country ranfers. But you who replyid pls reply to this comment, want to talk more, possibly discord or messenger
Én pl csont német névvel vagyok megáldva, mint azt láthatod is, mégis valahogy lepötyögöm ezeket a sorokat.. :D Ja, mert Magyarországon jártam ki a Középiskolát.... az, hogy ki milyen népcsoportból ered még nem feltétlenül árulja el azt, hogy mely kultúrába asszimilálódik bele. :) Edit: A szláv nevekkel is gondolom hasonló a helyzet, gondolom csóró orosz Gyerekek nem nagyon tudnak mit tenni az ellen, ha Surgut-ban élnek és nálunk jóval többet érintkeznek közvetlenül a mi "rokonságunkkal"... esetleg tanulják is, azt nem tudom, Közép-szibériai Orosz gyerek még nem voltam. :)))
I'm Polish and I really like Hungarians, but I don't get one thing with them - what's with the "We're not Finno-Ugric, we're Turkish/Mongols" thing ? The language is clearly Finno-Ugric, all the base words are Finno-Ugric, at most you might have a lot in common genetically with the Mongols and Turks, but not linguistically. The words in this song even sound like Hungarian. They don't make much sense to a native Hungarian speaker, but the sound of the language is the same. Soft sounds, a bit of sh, ch sounds. People behaving like they're ashamed of their heritage really don't look cool. Loads of Poles living in the West don't speak Polish to their kids and Polishness disappears within one generation. That really isn't cool. It's just sad.
Hey Polish-bro, let a Hungarian explain it. Some believe the whole Finno-Ugric thing started as a means to demean Hungarians, and this thinking stayed with a lot of people. Simply, because there are some words taken from (when the Turks and Mongols were invading) Turkish people, some believe these words were actually Hungarian. They also do believe that the Árpád Dynasty was Turkish. Well, we know by now due to genetics and linguistics, that there were Turkish loanwords, and that the Árpáds were genetically Caucasian, such as any other White peoples from Eastern Europe. A study done on ancient bones found that only a few were of Mongoloid types, the rest were Caucasoid (like whites basically). Language-wise, one also tends to forget that modern day Turkish is different,as well as the modern Turkish people. They have been conquered by the Arabs, and their language and blood has become somewhat Arabic in nature. You can see this in their genetics and the timeline of the Turkish language. On the Siberian and Central-Asian populations, there were numerous sites where Caucasoid burial grounds were found, with blonde hair a light skin (mummified). The Hungarians arrived at the Carpathian Basin the latest by 900 (some say they came with the Huns as well), by which time the Huns, Avars have been ruling in the territory for some time. By estimates and accounts, the Huns and Avars were a mixture of Mongoloid and Caucasoid peoples, like a modern day Hapa. One must remember, that Finno-Ugric peoples come from the northern parts, where Finns, Mansi and Khanty still live today,, but, due to the Mongolian invasion and East-Asian Mongoloid movements a lot of people got riced, or basically raped by Mongoloids. It does not sound good, but that is what history is. So in conclusion, yes, Finno-Ugric peoples were originally whites, and that includes Hungarians, or better, Magyars as well. They mixed with Mongoloids when they were invaded. I do agree with you, people should be proud of their ancestors.
It's just a small, but very vocal, usually ultra nationalistic group of Hungarians who make a big issue about this, because they can't stand the thought that we are somehow related to the boring Finns and not some epic empire. And it's not the Turks or the Mongols, but the Scythians or some other ancient people, some even go as far to declare that Hungarians came from the Sirius star system. They also think that the whole Finno-Ugric theory is just made up ploy by the Habsburgs against Hungarian national identity. Basically they are nuts, it's better just to ignore them.
We had some strong existential crisis stuff going on nowadays with a lot of conspiracy theorists, please forgive us we just want to find out who the f*ck we are.
Always known that Ungarian people migrated from Ucraine, but never known they actually came from so far it's really intresting seeing story of migration and evolution of that culture.
+Baráti Köre Börzsöny Múzeum Én ideszólok (külföldi-magyar) és annyira ragaszkodom szegény-gazdag(szubjektív öntalálat) magyarságomhoz, hogy sajátmagam tanúltam meg magyarúl írni 's ólvasni (tizenött év óta szótar-gondólkodas-internet). 4nyelven "így-úgy beszélek".... Bármilyen ismert középazsiai nomádnépröl már egyszer ólvastam (sajnos nem vagyok álló szótar), ha hallok egy törzsnevet, akkor gondólom hogy körülbeül tudnám egy kis pontossággal térképre heyezni öket.. Olyan kevesset isemerünk öseinkröl pedig lehet világszerte, keletfelé -hasanlóságokat-köttetéseket elkébzelni-talalni a magyarokkal, (én már több nyelven találtam hasanló szavakat-koszmópolita helyeken nöttem fel) A rosz szókincsem nyomorék-néma-magyart csinál belölem. Állandóan felírok savakat amik érdekelnek vagy tecenek... megtanulom öket és mint egy vízlezuhanás elfelejtem öket de nem sajnalom mert a szívemmel csinalom, bemesélem magamnak hogy nem idöpazarólás, aszt mondom magamban hogy valahól valamilyen mértékben mindörökké emlekezni fogok rájuk. Magyarórszág álmaimban, Khanty-Mansik álmaimban, középázsia álmaimban ; szívem-lelkem halálom után is még dobogni fog.
It's so sad that so many regional languages are being overrun. But it's up to the people that speak them too. To keep them alive. I live in Norway. Here they speak Sami in the north of Norway. Which is I am from. Sami. Which is distantly related to Mansi, still an Ugric language. I have roots in both Ugric and Germanic heritages. I only speak Norwegian though. :/
Recent research of archaeological haplogroup shows that original Ugric conquerors were very few of total population of Hungary, and they soon faded away in the very early period of the history of Hungary. They became almost extinct before 10th century, only handing down their language as a legacy. Today most Hungarians are probably descendants of the vanquished, who were not much different from local neighbors.
@@sectorgovernor Amúgy én tökre egyetértettem veled sok mindenben, meg azzal a békés román faszival is. Csak azok a flegma akaratos tuskó törökök baszták az agyam 😄
@@mihalybormester8736 van, amelyik szereti a magyarokat, de a muszlim f.szságaikat meg a beképzeltségüket nem szeretem. Bár van olyan török is, aki nem szereti az iszlámot.
@@a.v.j5664 mansi use it in differenr way Khanty: Aj, kurenya, kurenya, sohtłan hothar kutpienan Još ien apar tus jam jak mansi: Aj, kurenyka simanovna, sākiŋa ńolpa kit nyarakwe Aγi ōsa jikwatanetēma Aγi ōsa porγantanetēma.
These are definitely people descended from Mongolians. I was married to a Mongolian woman for 6 years. They have those big beautiful cheek bones and you cannot mistaken seeing one once you have been around them awhile, trust me.
you look like an muslim or mexican, They have those big noses brown skin and you cannot mistaken seeing one once you have been around them awhile, trust me.
@A hétfejű sárkány www.helsinki.fi/en/news/life-science-news/ancient-dna-shows-the-sami-and-finns-share-identical-siberian-genes The ancient DNA has also been compared to modern populations. Siberian origins are still visible in the Sámi, Finns and other populations of the Finno-Ugric language family. “However, it has been mixed up with the European genome. Of all European populations, modern Sámi are the most evident representatives of the Siberian genome. As for the title of the modern people with the largest Siberian genetic component, that privilege goes to the Nganasan people living in northern Siberia,” says Päivi Onkamo, head of the SUGRIGE project at the Universities of Helsinki and Turku.
no, Khanty and Mansi people aren't descended from Mongolians, genetic studies have given clear answer. However, they all share some part of their ancestry that comes from Siberia. It's just a part of ancestry, though. The major difference between Khanty/Mansi and Mongols is that the former have much more Western Eurasian influence, whereas Mongols have much more East Asian influence.
не нащадки, а родичі. Пращури давно відсутні, і не можуть про себе нічо сказати - ані про свою велич, ані про свою славу, навіть про самоназву. Але одне незрушно - обидва народи з одного коріння з'явилися.
I just reread the comments and found out that Zakhari and some the other participants in the discussion have a rather distorted idea about the origin of what is nowadays called Slavic peoples Very, very distorted I would say and this makes any further discussion senseless... Have a nice time!
As far as I can see in the clip the Mansi people belong to the Mongoloid race (Yellow-skinned people, or Ywllow race). Hungarians who live in Europe since the 8th century AD belong (this is my opinion and I am not an anthropologist!) to the White race. The ethnic name call themselves is Madyar, not Ugra and they - or most of the Hungarian people hardly has any idea where the name of their country has come from. And it is not at all difficult to find out the origin of this ethnic name: before Madyars moved to the west, to Europe from their Urheimat, the present-day Hungary was inhabited by old-time Bulgarians known as Huns or Hunogurs. And from this ethnic name the name of the land was derived - Hunoguria, or today's Hungary. There is a more detailed explanation of the interrelations between Madyar, Mansy and ancient Scythians (today's Slav peoples in Central and Eastern Rurope) but it will take much more time and space to unfold.
Vladimir Pomakov Not really. Khanty (and Mansi) living in Siberia are mixed (Caucasoid-Mongoloid) race. They half Caucasians and half Mongoloids , while East Asians(Chinese, Koreans, Japanese) - pure Mongoloids. Modern Hungarians are Uralicised Germans and Slavs, they have nothing to do with the Khanty and Mansi similar except for the language.
Vladimir Pomakov Dear friend if you are not an anthropologist and neither a Hungarian why are you making just a big effort to determine the origin and the possible relatedness of this two group ? as a Hungarian I consider Khanty-Mansi as our closest relatives. Please go back and try to do some research of your own origin and give us a lecture about it ins-ted under your country's video and we will be gladly read all about it .
Vladimir Pomakov Magyars have NO genetic ties( no common ancestry) with the Ugric Mansi and Khanty people! I dont believe any relation with this people, NO Hungarians believe in this! Im a Hungarian, and can not see any similarities between them and us! The Magyars were originally a Sabir tribe, and lived in western-Siberia for a while, they ruled over the ancestors of the Mansi&Khanty tribes, hence they borrowed Magyar word in their language, thats why they are very distantly related languages, is because the Sabirs made them to belong to the Ugric group! Lajos Ligeti an eminent Hungarian linguist, wrote a book about the prehistory of the Hungarian people, he claim that the ancestors of this Mansi&Khanty tribe were originally extinct Paleoasiatics people who had been assimilated into Ugric languages! He could be right! Magyars were horse-raiding tribe, nothing similar with thus peoples, and most similar to Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans-that s what the majority Hungarians believes! Even the Huns/Xiongnu at the begining were Cimmerians known by the Chinese of the Chou-Dynastie as Xianyun in the 9-8th century BC.
Какая приятная плавная мелодия!!! Как мягко и прекрасно звучит язык манси! А этот народный струнный инструмент, традиционный у манси (как он называется -- не знаю) -- я в него просто влюблена! и уже очень давно, с детства....
Люблю вас, манси! Берегите свой язык, свою культуру. Радуйте нас! Спасибо!
Санквылтап, народный хантыйский и мансийский лютной инструмент
Hi Khanty and Mansi from the Chuvash Republic, brothers and sisters.
I dare to suggest, they know Russian.
Greetings from Finland!
Ez úgy megborított, hogy a csodaszarvas kezdett el üldözni engem.
Ettől Etelközből mentem Levédiába, aztán pedig a hon foglalt el engem
de előtte még a tatárlakai korong írt rám elő summér székely-magyar rovásírást
so beautiful song and even similar to Hungarian rhythm
József Attila: Medvetánc
"Fürtös, láncos, táncos, nyalka,
aj de szép a kerek talpa!
Hova vánszorogsz vele?
Fordulj a szép lány fele!
Brumma, brumma, brummadza...."
Nice song, has an ancient sound. The Hanti and Mansi languages are the closest relatives of my language, the Hungarian language.
I'm hungarian
Magyar vagyok :)
I love it very much... my tears also came out a little
Nagyon tetszik nekem... kicsit a könnyem is kicsordult
The melody, the mood is somehow very familiar...
Valahogy nagyon ismerős a dallam, a hangulat...
This reminds me to the rege of the "miraculous deer" . The wandering Hungarians chased and followed the deer, this is how they reached their new homeland (according to the old legend)
A csodaszarvas regéje jut eszembe. Üldözték, követték a szarvast a vándorló magyarok, így jutottak új hazájukba (a régi rege szerint)
Our ancestors lived together and were neighbors for more than 1000 years ... our fathers' fathers' fathers' fathers' fathers' fathers' fathers :)
Őseink együtt éltek, szomszédok voltak több mint 1000 évig ... apáink apáinak apáinak apáinak apáinak apái :)
I also get tears in my eyes while listening. Cannot explain why. Nostalgy I guess. Love from Slovenia from learner of Finnish and Hungarian. Love to all❤❤❤
Beautiful song. Respect from India🙏
Ive been studying the mansi people since im russian and even lived with the jamakisch tribe in north siberia and found out literally 2 days ago that i am 8 percent mansi siberian. I learned mansi russian 7 years ago when i was 13. Great song aswell
Can you speak mansi?
@@a.v.j5664 after living with the jamakisch tribe, i learnt many of their word and i cold talk alot with them(pardon my english writing, i got an a in english but am swedish/finnish saami/russian mansi/ greek kalouk(russian word of non born in greece warrior from greece, was a kalakouk when younger before becoming a martial artist in 7 martial arts/joining the russian military and fighting in afghanistan and tjetjenia, and living as a buddhis/mansi/saami monk nowadays, i am not too humble as you cab tell but im humble in the way that i saved half of my squad in my time in the military and i wish i died instead of twelve of tungyuskas finest soldiers ill ever meet. Hit me up again if you want to talk more about mansi or saami kulture
Am actualy doing in an hour a tradition for my fallen komrades, my word to to be soldiers unless you are ready to walk barefeet in snow, kill defenceless animals for food, or hunt bear for food dont join the army i lost far too much of myself and found out too much about how little the russian government more so putin cares about even his special forces and his out of country ranfers. But you who replyid pls reply to this comment, want to talk more, possibly discord or messenger
That sounds like a whole lot of bs
Amazing song❤❤❤greetings from Serbia
0:40 in this picture they have 'lautanauha's on their waist we have it in Karelia too
Очень красивые песни и красивые люди с рыжеватыми волосами
И одни из самых самых мирных
When commenters with slavic, germanic etc. names want to tell who were the hungarians...
Renáta Béres )))
@@Federation1323 But really, I see so many non-hungarians who think they are very "smart"...and hungarian origin expert.
Én pl csont német névvel vagyok megáldva, mint azt láthatod is, mégis valahogy lepötyögöm ezeket a sorokat.. :D
Ja, mert Magyarországon jártam ki a Középiskolát.... az, hogy ki milyen népcsoportból ered még nem feltétlenül árulja el azt, hogy mely kultúrába asszimilálódik bele. :)
Edit: A szláv nevekkel is gondolom hasonló a helyzet, gondolom csóró orosz Gyerekek nem nagyon tudnak mit tenni az ellen, ha Surgut-ban élnek és nálunk jóval többet érintkeznek közvetlenül a mi "rokonságunkkal"... esetleg tanulják is, azt nem tudom, Közép-szibériai Orosz gyerek még nem voltam. :)))
És te a zsidó neveddel?
Don't pay attention to them man
I'm Polish and I really like Hungarians, but I don't get one thing with them - what's with the "We're not Finno-Ugric, we're Turkish/Mongols" thing ? The language is clearly Finno-Ugric, all the base words are Finno-Ugric, at most you might have a lot in common genetically with the Mongols and Turks, but not linguistically.
The words in this song even sound like Hungarian. They don't make much sense to a native Hungarian speaker, but the sound of the language is the same. Soft sounds, a bit of sh, ch sounds.
People behaving like they're ashamed of their heritage really don't look cool. Loads of Poles living in the West don't speak Polish to their kids and Polishness disappears within one generation. That really isn't cool. It's just sad.
Hey Polish-bro, let a Hungarian explain it. Some believe the whole Finno-Ugric thing started as a means to demean Hungarians, and this thinking stayed with a lot of people. Simply, because there are some words taken from (when the Turks and Mongols were invading) Turkish people, some believe these words were actually Hungarian. They also do believe that the Árpád Dynasty was Turkish. Well, we know by now due to genetics and linguistics, that there were Turkish loanwords, and that the Árpáds were genetically Caucasian, such as any other White peoples from Eastern Europe. A study done on ancient bones found that only a few were of Mongoloid types, the rest were Caucasoid (like whites basically).
Language-wise, one also tends to forget that modern day Turkish is different,as well as the modern Turkish people. They have been conquered by the Arabs, and their language and blood has become somewhat Arabic in nature. You can see this in their genetics and the timeline of the Turkish language.
On the Siberian and Central-Asian populations, there were numerous sites where Caucasoid burial grounds were found, with blonde hair a light skin (mummified). The Hungarians arrived at the Carpathian Basin the latest by 900 (some say they came with the Huns as well), by which time the Huns, Avars have been ruling in the territory for some time. By estimates and accounts, the Huns and Avars were a mixture of Mongoloid and Caucasoid peoples, like a modern day Hapa. One must remember, that Finno-Ugric peoples come from the northern parts, where Finns, Mansi and Khanty still live today,, but, due to the Mongolian invasion and East-Asian Mongoloid movements a lot of people got riced, or basically raped by Mongoloids. It does not sound good, but that is what history is.
So in conclusion, yes, Finno-Ugric peoples were originally whites, and that includes Hungarians, or better, Magyars as well. They mixed with Mongoloids when they were invaded. I do agree with you, people should be proud of their ancestors.
It's just a small, but very vocal, usually ultra nationalistic group of Hungarians who make a big issue about this, because they can't stand the thought that we are somehow related to the boring Finns and not some epic empire. And it's not the Turks or the Mongols, but the Scythians or some other ancient people, some even go as far to declare that Hungarians came from the Sirius star system. They also think that the whole Finno-Ugric theory is just made up ploy by the Habsburgs against Hungarian national identity. Basically they are nuts, it's better just to ignore them.
@Máté Horváth Very good reply
@@nomidubidabi Correct.
great explanation! besides I would rather be related to the Khans than the Finns.
people in the comments talking about hungarian ancestry like what? we're here listening to mansi folk song chill out
We had some strong existential crisis stuff going on nowadays with a lot of conspiracy theorists, please forgive us we just want to find out who the f*ck we are.
that is khanty song
You forgot very important word which is nearly the same in all Finno-Ugric languages - "Arrow" - Hungarian - "nyíl", Mansi/Khanty - "ня̄л" ("nâ̄l")
Estonian: nool
@@polishhussarmapping258 Finnish: nuoli
Moksha - 'nal'
Is mystical
как домой, в детство сходила... к бабушке и деду погостить..
I've been blasting this in my car with my windows down and my seat back while staring down bitches.
Győnyőrű 👏
Greetings from Turkey 🇹🇷
Always known that Ungarian people migrated from Ucraine, but never known they actually came from so far it's really intresting seeing story of migration and evolution of that culture.
Rögtön látjuk, hogy ugor nyelv. Majdnem megértjük.
Én nem értek egy szót se! 😂 De valahogy hasonlít a Magyarhoz. 🤷♀
Melody too? Ugye?
Ejnye hogy egy se magyar szól hozzá, pedig nekünk is szól....
Fésű József Gy
+Baráti Köre Börzsöny Múzeum Én ideszólok (külföldi-magyar) és annyira ragaszkodom szegény-gazdag(szubjektív öntalálat) magyarságomhoz, hogy sajátmagam tanúltam meg magyarúl írni 's ólvasni (tizenött év óta szótar-gondólkodas-internet). 4nyelven "így-úgy beszélek".... Bármilyen ismert középazsiai nomádnépröl már egyszer ólvastam (sajnos nem vagyok álló szótar), ha hallok egy törzsnevet, akkor gondólom hogy körülbeül tudnám egy kis pontossággal térképre heyezni öket.. Olyan kevesset isemerünk öseinkröl pedig lehet világszerte, keletfelé -hasanlóságokat-köttetéseket elkébzelni-talalni a magyarokkal, (én már több nyelven találtam hasanló szavakat-koszmópolita helyeken nöttem fel)
A rosz szókincsem nyomorék-néma-magyart csinál belölem.
Állandóan felírok savakat amik érdekelnek vagy tecenek... megtanulom öket és mint egy vízlezuhanás elfelejtem öket de nem sajnalom mert a szívemmel csinalom, bemesélem magamnak hogy nem idöpazarólás, aszt mondom magamban hogy valahól valamilyen mértékben mindörökké emlekezni fogok rájuk. Magyarórszág álmaimban, Khanty-Mansik álmaimban, középázsia álmaimban ; szívem-lelkem halálom után is még dobogni fog.
Hiszen mi is török nép vagyunk, viszont sumérokkal való rokonság vagy ősiség nagyon...nyakatekert.
@@moonmoon51 Ezzel a sumér hülyeséggel amúgy úgy lejáratják a magyarokat.... még a türk kapcsolat úgy-ahogy, de ez a sumér baromság.
hozzászólogatunk, csak úgy, hogy a többiek is értsék :)
Захарій, а можна з перекладом ,дякую
It's so sad that so many regional languages are being overrun. But it's up to the people that speak them too. To keep them alive. I live in Norway. Here they speak Sami in the north of Norway. Which is I am from. Sami. Which is distantly related to Mansi, still an Ugric language. I have roots in both Ugric and Germanic heritages. I only speak Norwegian though. :/
Recent research of archaeological haplogroup shows that original Ugric conquerors were very few of total population of Hungary, and they soon faded away in the very early period of the history of Hungary. They became almost extinct before 10th century, only handing down their language as a legacy. Today most Hungarians are probably descendants of the vanquished, who were not much different from local neighbors.
"archaeological haplogroup" Now are you talking about genetics or archeology? However nothing proved your statements yet.
I did a DNA test. I have Hungarian / Szekler / Khanty blood. Coincidence?
Most probably since Khantys have Haplogroup N while we have Haplogroup R1a1 and Q
Of course. Mansi/Khanti people look Lappish, since Magyars look like typical Europeans.
Magyars look central asian
a lyrics would be helpful
Who sings that song?
It's a shame for the electric part.
Yes, some Uralic songs from Russia is modernized.
@@sectorgovernor Te amúgy nem az a csaj vagy aki egy Kings and Generals videó alatt őrjöngött a törökkel? 😅
@@mihalybormester8736 de, régebben belementem ilyen hülye vitákba, ma már kevésbé
@@sectorgovernor Amúgy én tökre egyetértettem veled sok mindenben, meg azzal a békés román faszival is. Csak azok a flegma akaratos tuskó törökök baszták az agyam 😄
@@mihalybormester8736 van, amelyik szereti a magyarokat, de a muszlim f.szságaikat meg a beképzeltségüket nem szeretem. Bár van olyan török is, aki nem szereti az iszlámot.
The same song is sung by Vera Kondrateva and she is a Khanty singer. Is it really a song in Mansi?
@@austriaproductions4502 I know. Is it in Mansi?
@@austriaproductions4502 Thanks! Oder danke? 🙂
it is not mansi song. it is hanty song.
I believe that this song is used by the both people
@@a.v.j5664 mansi use it in differenr way
Aj, kurenya, kurenya, sohtłan hothar kutpienan
Još ien apar tus jam jak
Aj, kurenyka simanovna, sākiŋa ńolpa kit nyarakwe
Aγi ōsa jikwatanetēma
Aγi ōsa porγantanetēma.
Árpád Váldazs thanks! I didn’t know that
I read Khanty have over 300 bear-related songs.
@@Federation1323 Árpád, do you have the full lyrics for this song, please?
hmm so hungarian is not Ugro-Finnic, onl Uralic language with turkick/slavic/romanic/germanic loanwords.
Uralic vocabulary is 21%. Ez van.
@@sectorgovernor okej.
hv you full list of others?
30% Unknown/Uncertain
21% Uralic
20% Slavic
11% German
9,5% Turkic
6% Latin and Greek
2,5% Romance
1% Others
Don't fear of your history and descent..
Kurrenijah?... Phu...
We are not seeing them since many years at Kholatchakhl area. Guess why?
streptomagma, no, why?
@@au9parsec They're a cannibalistic tribe.
@@streptomagma, do they eat chipmunks?
streptomagma any evidence for that?
@@a.v.j5664 They are eating evidences too. They ate the people at Dyatlov Pass.
Whatever all are native races to Europe and Russia.
These are definitely people descended from Mongolians. I was married to a Mongolian woman for 6 years. They have those big beautiful cheek bones and you cannot mistaken seeing one once you have been around them awhile, trust me.
you look like an muslim or mexican, They have those big noses brown skin and you cannot mistaken seeing one once you have been around them awhile, trust me.
xxdizannyxx mxican is a race stupid, and Muslim is a middle Western ethicity. You drop out! Hmmp!
Humperdoo Mexican is not a race...
@A hétfejű sárkány www.helsinki.fi/en/news/life-science-news/ancient-dna-shows-the-sami-and-finns-share-identical-siberian-genes The ancient DNA has also been compared to modern populations. Siberian origins are still visible in the Sámi, Finns and other populations of the Finno-Ugric language family.
“However, it has been mixed up with the European genome. Of all European populations, modern Sámi are the most evident representatives of the Siberian genome. As for the title of the modern people with the largest Siberian genetic component, that privilege goes to the Nganasan people living in northern Siberia,” says Päivi Onkamo, head of the SUGRIGE project at the Universities of Helsinki and Turku.
no, Khanty and Mansi people aren't descended from Mongolians, genetic studies have given clear answer. However, they all share some part of their ancestry that comes from Siberia. It's just a part of ancestry, though. The major difference between Khanty/Mansi and Mongols is that the former have much more Western Eurasian influence, whereas Mongols have much more East Asian influence.
Mansi are gog and magog ?
Там и фото ненцев есть, которые не родственны хантам
Угорці нащадки мансі та чомусь дуже віднєкуються.
Ну, бути нащадками оленярів не так почесно, як воїнів-кочівників. Так їм здається.
Соромитись треба фальшивої історії.
не нащадки, а родичі. Пращури давно відсутні, і не можуть про себе нічо сказати - ані про свою велич, ані про свою славу, навіть про самоназву. Але одне незрушно - обидва народи з одного коріння з'явилися.
English please?
Дак они не потомки Манси, они потомки Саргатов, это общие предки Венгров, Хантов и Манси и кстати Саргаты кочевники ( не путайте с Сарматами )
Копирование Преследуют?
Кто позволил!!! Тут Русские Комяки Ханты Манси !!! Руки прочь!!! Я русский на Варгане играю!
Чукчи, нанайцы, эскимосы, инуиты, саамы тоже русские....
Что ты за бред несёшь? Какие русские в Сибири? Манси и ханты это финно-угоры и ни какого отношения к славянам они не имеют.
@@illuminator8712 живёшь в России, значит, запишут русским. Иначе карьеры никакой.
@@ekvelen9083 Русские живут в Сибири.
Песня звучит не на мансийском языке , а на хантейском языке.
I just reread the comments and found out that Zakhari and some the other participants in the discussion have a rather distorted idea about the origin of what is nowadays called Slavic peoples Very, very distorted I would say and this makes any further discussion senseless... Have a nice time!
Vladimir Pomakov Fuck off, spammer.
The real hungarians.
Sorry for disturbing you, but we, central european Hungarians ,we aren't Hungarians?Well that's new for even myself.
Ace A they are ugric not Mongol
Hungarians are Turkic, Mansi people are Uralic.
Moon Moon - Hungarians are no Turkic. The language is not Turkic, Hungarian DNA is not Turkic. Keep dreaming.
the hungarian language is closely related to ugric.
The hungarians are ugric
Very Hungarian song
Very related to Hungarian song.
Mansi ! Dr. laszlo Maracz ( towards eurasian liguisttic isoglosses the case of türkic and Hungarian )
@@oguztore5898 No, that's not me.
@@oguztore5898 not turk, uralian
As far as I can see in the clip the Mansi people belong to the Mongoloid race (Yellow-skinned people, or Ywllow race). Hungarians who live in Europe since the 8th century AD belong (this is my opinion and I am not an anthropologist!) to the White race. The ethnic name call themselves is Madyar, not Ugra and they - or most of the Hungarian people hardly has any idea where the name of their country has come from. And it is not at all difficult to find out the origin of this ethnic name: before Madyars moved to the west, to Europe from their Urheimat, the present-day Hungary was inhabited by old-time Bulgarians known as Huns or Hunogurs. And from this ethnic name the name of the land was derived - Hunoguria, or today's Hungary. There is a more detailed explanation of the interrelations between Madyar, Mansy and ancient Scythians (today's Slav peoples in Central and Eastern Rurope) but it will take much more time and space to unfold.
By the way Pomaks are some sort of Bulgarians, or Bulgarian sub ethinic group, as far as I remember. You must be of Bulgarian origin.
Vladimir Pomakov Not really. Khanty (and Mansi) living in Siberia are mixed (Caucasoid-Mongoloid) race. They half Caucasians and half Mongoloids , while East Asians(Chinese, Koreans, Japanese) - pure Mongoloids.
Modern Hungarians are Uralicised Germans and Slavs, they have nothing to do with the Khanty and Mansi similar except for the language.
Vladimir Pomakov Dear friend if you are not an anthropologist and neither a Hungarian why are you making just a big effort to determine the origin and the possible relatedness of this two group ? as a Hungarian I consider Khanty-Mansi as our closest relatives. Please go back and try to do some research of your own origin and give us a lecture about it ins-ted under your country's video and we will be gladly read all about it .
Vladimir Pomakov Magyars have NO genetic ties( no common ancestry) with the Ugric Mansi and Khanty people! I dont believe any relation with this people, NO Hungarians believe in this! Im a Hungarian, and can not see any similarities between them and us! The Magyars were originally a Sabir tribe, and lived in western-Siberia for a while, they ruled over the ancestors of the Mansi&Khanty tribes, hence they borrowed Magyar word in their language, thats why they are very distantly related languages, is because the Sabirs made them to belong to the Ugric group! Lajos Ligeti an eminent Hungarian linguist, wrote a book about the prehistory of the Hungarian people, he claim that the ancestors of this Mansi&Khanty tribe were originally extinct Paleoasiatics people who had been assimilated into Ugric languages! He could be right! Magyars were horse-raiding tribe, nothing similar with thus peoples, and most similar to Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans-that s what the majority Hungarians believes! Even the Huns/Xiongnu at the begining were Cimmerians known by the Chinese of the Chou-Dynastie as Xianyun in the 9-8th century BC.
Friedrich Kass So basically u r saying u r mongolian before? wow i learn something new everyday thanks.
Где наши Ханты Манси??? Русские наконец???
Русский Север!!!