Day 217 (2 Kings 22-23, 2 Chronicles 34-35)

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Комментарии • 64

  • @JewelsC1
    @JewelsC1 8 дней назад +3

    I confess that I get so bored reading about the kings and Israel & Judah who turn from God but now I realize that I am just like them. I can have a wonderful quiet time in the morning and prayer time then only a few hours later I’m building up my own “idols” and not giving a second thought to God and his kingdom. Lord, forgive me for my selfishness and idolatry. Help me to put you first all throughout the day. Please give me a heart of discernment and faithfulness to you. You are where the joy is! ❤

  • @DonZimmerman52
    @DonZimmerman52 Месяц назад +20

    God wants us not to simply rid ourselves of things that are obviously ungodly in our lives, but like Josiah, we are to search out places in our lives and hearts that aren’t conforming to His will and character. Josiah goes to the ends of his empire and then some-into the captured territory of the northern kingdom-and “crushes the idols into dust” (2 Chron 34:7). Josiah is compared to David, the “man after God’s own heart.”

  • @cherylcrane5166
    @cherylcrane5166 Год назад +38

    “He wants to be known even more than we want to know Him.” Wow! Thank you, God, for seeking us even as we seek You!

  • @jeffandvikipendergrass
    @jeffandvikipendergrass Месяц назад +8

    God hears the responsive, humble heart just as He did with Josiah (1 Kgs 22:19, 2 Ch 34:27). I pray my family would have responsive hearts and humble themselves before the Lord. I also pray that we would be like Josiah in 2 Kgs 23:25- turning to the Lord with all our hearts, souls, and strength. 🙏🏽

  • @BigMouthBillyBassFan
    @BigMouthBillyBassFan Месяц назад +16

    2 Kings 23:16, "Now when Josiah turned, he saw the graves that were there on the mountain, and he sent and took the bones from the graves and burned them on the altar and defiled it according to the word of the LORD which the man of God proclaimed, who proclaimed these things." Does that sound familiar? Go back to 1 Kings 13:2, "He cried against the altar by the word of the LORD, and said, "O altar, altar, thus says the LORD, 'Behold, a son shall be born to the house of David, Josiah by name; and on you he shall sacrifice the priests of the high places who burn incense on you, and human bones shall be burned on you.'" So cool!

  • @joannapilgrim
    @joannapilgrim Месяц назад +5

    God's voice does not always come in the packages we expect, like or desire. We have to pray for His discernment and test the spirit by The Spirit to know what we should listen to. I've learned this lesson just last week. I prayed about what I heard and was called to repent. Asking for forgiveness is the next step. I'm waiting on God's timing for that one. To Him be all the glory and honor Amen

  • @bobbiebland6826
    @bobbiebland6826 Месяц назад +5

    Aloha, praise the Lord and Happy Sunday BR family. Josiah story was my favorite reading today. He trusted God and showed compassion for the people. 2 Kings 32:2, "He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and followed completely the ways of his father David, not turning aside to the right or to the left". Glory be to God--He is where the JOY is!!!

  • @DonZimmerman52
    @DonZimmerman52 Год назад +18

    Who wouldn’t want to be like Josiah and repent and commit to wiping out anything remaining in his or her life that is not God-honoring, and commits him or herself fully to the Lord. Hezekiah has some competition in my mind for “greatest king”! I’m thankful for his enduring example.

  • @dorimatney8639
    @dorimatney8639 Месяц назад +4

    Josiah was incredibly obedient once he knew what to do and was read the Word of God. How are we to be obedient and faithful if we don't know what God commands?
    To know what is right and good, we need to seek out truth. We are doing the learning and we will be able to implement what is taught as we immerse ourselves more and more in God's Word and God's truth. God gave us His perfect instruction in the Bible. We have no excuses for ignorance. And it is our job as Christians to attempt to tell others about what we have found.
    I am so grateful God has introduced Himself to me and that I can see the need for daily time in His word and in prayer. What a loving God!

  • @linacarmelasardo8458
    @linacarmelasardo8458 Год назад +12

    God give me discernment so I will always know and obey You. You are the Truth; You will use anyone and I need to know that they are speaking Your Truth. Amen

  • @antoinettehereford8180
    @antoinettehereford8180 Год назад +34

    Despite his grievous flaws, I loved David as the king. He will always be my favorite, as I am sure he is for most believers. And, in my personal opinion, Josiah falls right behind him as a great king. I just love his heart for the Lord. I love that when he heard the words from the Book of the Law, he was repentant not only for himself but for the people. I think of Hebrews 4: 12, where it says that the word of God is sharper than a 2-edged sword that pierces the heart. When Josiah heard the words of God, it led to action. I think of James 1: 22, where it calls the believer to not only be a hearer of the word but also to do what it says. He removed everything involving idol worship and reinstated the Passover, which had not been done since the time of the judges and Samuel. Father God, let Your word do its work in me. Let it pierce my heart so that it leads me to repentance. Let me not just be a hearer of Your word, but to also do what it says. In Jesus' name, Amen 🙏🏽.
    What you don't know can hurt you. When we forget that the truth exists, our hearts can't help but go astray. Wow. That's so good! Help those who are called by the name of the Lord to not lose sight of the truth, which can only be found His word. In Jesus' name, Amen 🙏🏽.

  • @deloresmartinez8503
    @deloresmartinez8503 Месяц назад +14

    Happy Lord's Day my Bible reading family!!! I love the story of King Josiah, so young yet so faithful and strong 🙏😇🙏 Have a blessed week

  • @joeyparadis3650
    @joeyparadis3650 Год назад +17

    Whether or not Josiah had a throne of Legos, he must have had some God-fearing mentors in his early years as king. It’s so refreshing to read of his life after so many bad kings! 🥳

  • @marywalsh1374
    @marywalsh1374 Год назад +55

    I will never forget a conversation I had with an unbeliever, who offered such wisdom in my situation - the Lord will use anyone and anything to speak to His kids! He is always speaking - am I listening?

  • @fratboytrey8675
    @fratboytrey8675 Месяц назад +3

    “You were sorry and humbled yourself before the Lord when you heard what I said against this city and its people-that this land would be cursed and become desolate. You tore your clothing in despair and wept before me in repentance. And I have indeed heard you, says the Lord. So I will not send the promised disaster until after you have died and been buried in peace. You will not see the disaster I am going to bring on this city.’” So they took her message back to the king.”
    ‭‭2 Kings‬ ‭22‬:‭19‬-‭20‬ ‭NLT‬‬
    Look how good God is, saving an entire civilization from destruction because of the humility and repentance of one king his mercy and love is so vast, glory be to God.

  • @lewissmith3616
    @lewissmith3616 Год назад +6

    Thank you so much. I and my wife are growing in the Lord so very much. The Lords words are changing us. God is so good.

  • @jeffandvikipendergrass
    @jeffandvikipendergrass Год назад +18

    God heard Josiah because his heart was responsive and he humbled himself before Him (2 Kings 22:19-20, 2 Chronicles 34:27). I pray this for myself and my family, that we would have responsive hearts and humble ourselves before God. 🙏🏽

  • @darlenejohnson2662
    @darlenejohnson2662 27 дней назад

    Good teaching, thank you!

  • @cmebeth
    @cmebeth Год назад +23

    The missing piece for Josiah is that he (seemingly) did not ask GOD whether he should enjoin Egypt in battle. Recall that Josiah's ancestors Hezekiah was told by pagans that "God told me", but he did not answer or respond to the trash-talking Assyrians! So when Neko comes up saying "God told me", Josiah should have asked God... that's the lesson I hear from this!

  • @toyosibiyi
    @toyosibiyi Год назад +20

    Happy weekend TBR family! ❤
    "We can't wave something as a lie just because we don't like the person", "Seeking God is the best place to start when you're seeking Truth" ~ TLC.
    Truly, God isn't limited to performing His will through His children alone. We've seen this countless times as recorded in the scripture - even the destruction of Pharaoh when the Israelites were to leave Egypt was God's will that He might show His power to the Israelites. It's my prayer that we're discerning enough to not only work with God as He wills but that we also know what to refrain from when He asks us to and what should be done at the set time, amen!

  • @valeriewhite2576
    @valeriewhite2576 Месяц назад +4

    He's where the Joy is bible Family ❤️💯🙌🏾

  • @CotishaMcNair
    @CotishaMcNair 2 месяца назад +8

    God I trust you and will remain faithful to your word. God you are where the joy is.

  • @beechannel27
    @beechannel27 Месяц назад +7

    Great takeaway about how God can speak through unexpected people. I also appreciated what you said about how we can't let busyness bury the truth we so desperately need to cling to!😊❤

  • @joannapilgrim
    @joannapilgrim Месяц назад +1

    I find myself giving credit to the mothers of the kings who followed the ways of The Lord and King David. Many of their fathers weren't good, yet they did what was right in the sight of The Lord, so I believe their mothers or some other figure was positively influencing their hearts and choices.

  • @karenevans6035
    @karenevans6035 Месяц назад +3

    Day 217
    2 Kings 22-23
    2 Chronicles 34-35
    Eight year old king Josiah is on the throne. He is a good king. He orders the house of God to be repaired after the previous bad kings offered idol worship in it. While doing so the servants find the book of the law, probably the book of Deuteronomy.
    Josiah is wrecked when he reads the book of the law.
    He sees that it has not been followed. The kings before them have led their hearts astray for generations.
    When we forget the truth exists we can’t help but go astray. It is only truth that keeps us on the right path.
    Josiah tells the leaders to seek guidance. He receives a message from a prophetess that Judah will go through judgement. However this will happen after King Josiah dies. Because his heart is repentant, he will not see the disaster.
    King Josiah’s heart is burdened and has all the people come to the temple. He reads the book of the covenant to them.
    Then he makes a covenant with God to obey Him with all His heart and soul.
    He sets out as a man on a mission. He removes and destroys all the idols in the temple. He fires the wicked priests and gives death penalties to some.
    He banishes the mediums and necromancers- a wizard or warlock, those that seek communication with the dead.
    Josiah desecrates the places of idolatry. He breaks and tears down the Ashera poles and desecrates them with dead bones. The places of idol worship are changed into places of death. So fitting.
    Josiah follows God with all his heart, soul and mind.
    He also celebrates the Passover.
    King Hezekiah celebrated the Passover also but it was at the wrong time of year, and the people were unclean.
    King Josiah makes sure it is followed according to God’s wishes.
    The people follow God as long as King Josiah is alive.
    He never turns away from God and remains faithful
    At the end of his life, we see one issue where he may have been led by pride but it is unclear.
    His death comes from being wounded by the Pharaoh Neco in battle. He had been warned by the Pharaoh not to go into battle with him.
    Josiah will be the last good king Judah has
    After his death, his wicked son Jehoahaz replaces him.
    He dies soon after.
    We see how God can use anyone. He spoke through the pharaoh to warn Josiah.
    God is not limited in who He uses.
    We need to use our God given discernment of course.
    This chapter reveals that we can’t dismiss something as a lie, even if we don’t like the person who says it.
    God spoke to Balaam through his donkey.
    God wants to speak to us and isn’t limited to how or who He uses.
    Seeking God is the best place to start when seeking truth.

  • @diorocksmetalon5993
    @diorocksmetalon5993 Месяц назад +2

    Hey Bible Readers!

  • @valeriewhite2576
    @valeriewhite2576 Год назад +5

    Good afternoon bible Family ❤❤❤ insightful Lesson on today 🙏❤️🙏 Thanks TLC 💯 for all you do for the kingdom! Enjoy another blessed day in His Presence 🙏❤️

  • @rickwarner516
    @rickwarner516 Год назад +9

    Life is hard and God is and always will be good those five prayers are key to living life full

  • @marykayecole972
    @marykayecole972 Год назад +5

    My God shot today is where God tells king Josiah (through the prophetess Huldah), “Because your heart was responsive and you humbled yourself before the Lord when you heard what I have spoken against this place and it’s people… And because you tore your robes and wept in my presence, I also have heard you, declares the Lord” (2Ki 22:19). God goes on to say that he will not bring disaster on Judah during Josiah’s lifetime. Got was touched by Josiah’s actions and spared him from witnessing the destruction that was coming.

  • @JoshuaOAdesiyan
    @JoshuaOAdesiyan Месяц назад +1

    AMEN. He's Where The Joy Is.

  • @Jesus.Coffee.Planning
    @Jesus.Coffee.Planning Год назад +4

    Happy Saturday Bible readers! So true Tara if our Lord used a donkey He can use any voice but we pray and discern when it is His voice. 🙏🏼✝️

  • @marktrotter71
    @marktrotter71 25 дней назад

    Looked up 2 Kings 10 - and it said Jehu tore down the temple of Baal (Recap at 3:20 ) - love these recaps and have learned SO much and had so many passages explained - thank you, Tara-Leigh!

  • @Bigty59
    @Bigty59 7 месяцев назад +2

    Pride is so heavy on us.

  • @diorocksmetalon5993
    @diorocksmetalon5993 Месяц назад

    Amen Tara-Leigh Cobble!

  • @diorocksmetalon5993
    @diorocksmetalon5993 Год назад +1

    Hey Bible Readers!

  • @AshleyRDB
    @AshleyRDB Год назад +3

    Happy Sabbath, keep it qodesh!

  • @gabchristie5305
    @gabchristie5305 8 месяцев назад +2


  • @sherrylee1072
    @sherrylee1072 Год назад +2

    Yes and AMEN

  • @fiftyfive70
    @fiftyfive70 Год назад +5


  • @DashtonSunflowerseed
    @DashtonSunflowerseed Год назад +4

    5:50 yes thats been my problem people have with me & my passion for picking up Visions from strangers

  • @diorocksmetalon5993
    @diorocksmetalon5993 Год назад

    Amen Tara-Leigh Cobble!!

  • @revonda5204
    @revonda5204 Месяц назад

    Half sized throne made of Legos! 😂😂😂

  • @cathyrobinson2605
    @cathyrobinson2605 Год назад +4

    Help! How do we discern when God speaks thru others who oppose him? What if our minds think he's telling us yes, when in fact we should be hearing no! I feel I'm horrible at discernment at times.... 😮

    • @JessicaMeyers-vl1zd
      @JessicaMeyers-vl1zd Год назад +11

      I think she said it well at the end, whenever we need help, we need to seek Him. My guess is if God really was speaking through the Egyptian king, and Josiah was seeking the Lord about it, he would not have had peace about it. He likely would have recognized it as another confirmation of what God was already speaking to His heart. I find this in my own life. When I get something in my mind and start going in that direction. (If I’ve already decided what I want to do and don’t seek the Lord, it can lead to disaster), but when I do seek the Lord, God often uses many methods to confirm what He is speaking to my heart.

    • @demetricecoleman985
      @demetricecoleman985 Год назад +10

      A word from the Lord must be pure, then peaceful, gentle, full of mercy and of good fruit - James 3:17. If the word causes anxiety, confusion, envy, tension, strife, and division that are not the fruit of the Spirit then it is not from above.

    • @karenevans6035
      @karenevans6035 Месяц назад

      @@JessicaMeyers-vl1zd good sound advice 🙂

  • @marykayk1626
    @marykayk1626 Месяц назад

    Where is this book of the annals??

  • @DashtonSunflowerseed
    @DashtonSunflowerseed Год назад +6

    yes we can communicate with Animals DUUH they teach us more than human spirits

    • @ashleydowns7037
      @ashleydowns7037 Год назад +2

      Teach us about unconditional love

    • @DashtonSunflowerseed
      @DashtonSunflowerseed Год назад

      @@ashleydowns7037 yea dont be a bigg0t dont be condtional while unconditonaly Loveing duh?the Animals taught me that they reicarnate back to thier owners and can be differnt genders and breeds which is groovy and they talk about wat foods they like and pictures of thier envirment is wat they have showed me witch visions thats how we all spiritualy communicate thiers no other delusional way to do it got the evidence recorded on here ok? teach u uncondtional love?lol u could be KIND if u wanted to uncondtionaly love you just would be friendly either way thanks for wanting to learn about uncoidntoal love cause thats good but eye don't know wat u want to hear like thats just common sense if u just want to be a good person instead of a sighco maniac like carrie whites mom from the movie carrie

    • @DashtonSunflowerseed
      @DashtonSunflowerseed Год назад

      @@ashleydowns7037 ya know be kind accepting come as you are kind of thang treat others with kindness be friendly judgement & disernment can be good tools but uncondtional love Jesus's presence is just that vibrations of Colors & Love that can cast away dark void of light beings yup eye exsperanced Jesus's presence threw going up to every stranger trying to pick up visions from them and getting my visions confirmed that eye'm really seaing thier life and communicateing with spirits around them then evenually eye called out to jesus because thier was a void of light being around my friends friend in my visions and eye encountered Jesus 5 times doing just this eye have recordings of how its done with wittness's on here and the true ghost storys and locations were eye encountered Jesus on here yup ya know be Friendly eye'm not a teacher eye just have exsperances eye brag about and tell people delusions get in the way of realitiy of this

  • @s.annehancock730
    @s.annehancock730 Год назад

    Does anyone know who the man of God mentioned in 2 Kings 17 might be?

    • @hbrown5068
      @hbrown5068 Год назад +1

      I also wanted to know. I read that it could be Amos, the prophet killed by the lion. Or, Iddo a prophet. Interesting though.

    • @diorocksmetalon5993
      @diorocksmetalon5993 Год назад +2

      It's the same man of God in 1 Kings 13: 1-26 and beyond. The man of God who was present when Jereboam's outstretched hand withered. I don't think he is ever identified by another name. He ended up getting killed by a lion in 13:24

  • @diorocksmetalon5993
    @diorocksmetalon5993 Год назад

    Why did Josiah tell the Levites not to carry the ark on their shoulders? We all know how the ark is suposed to be properly moved. I assume he wanted them to carry the ark properly by the poles probably around waist high. It just concerns me that Josiah was not more specific with the Levites about the incredible importance of moving the ark properly. If done incorrectly, as you know, it results in death.
    Im talking about early on in. 2 Ch. 35.
    Am I overlooking something?

    • @diorocksmetalon5993
      @diorocksmetalon5993 Год назад

      Amen Tara-Leigh Cobble!

    • @jessndvocalist97
      @jessndvocalist97 Год назад +1

      Maybe the poles were on their shoulders?

    • @DonZimmerman52
      @DonZimmerman52 Месяц назад +2

      The Ark had been removed from the Temple, and Josiah has it replaced where it belongs, so it didn’t have to be carried back and forth.

  • @andrealmoseley6575
    @andrealmoseley6575 Месяц назад

    So sad. He brings reforms then his son is wicked. Interesting that God used Cyrus and Neco. 🤔