"THE WORD WAS GOD" - Pt.2 - "The Big Lie"

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Sorry, but this (short) video contains no illustrations; just quotes from both Scripture and theologians.
    "The Big Lie" is that it is grammatically illegitimate to translate John 1:1 as "The Word was a god".
    This video establishes that this is simply not the case.

Комментарии • 189

  • @dizzydisciple
    @dizzydisciple Месяц назад +8

    If Saint Nick were alive he would have punched you in the mouth. iykyk.

  • @miyaminlee
    @miyaminlee Месяц назад +7

    The only thing that makes Jesus Divine is His real Sonship.
    He received/inherited everything including His life/spirit from His Father/God.
    John 20:17 “Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.”
    The Trinity doctrine says, No, Jesus is not the real Son of God. It’s just metaphorical. They are co-eternal. No one gave birth to the other.
    But the Bible says, 1 John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. τίς ἐστιν ὁ ψεύστης εἰ μὴ ὁ ἀρνούμενος ὅτι ἰησοῦς οὐκ ἔστιν ὁ χριστός; οὖτός ἐστιν ὁ ἀντίχριστος, ὁ ἀρνούμενος τὸν πατέρα καὶ τὸν υἱόν.
    According to the Bible, who is the Christ? He is the Son of God!!
    (Mat. 16:16; 26:63, Mark 1:1, Luke 4:41, John 6:69; 11:27; 20:31)
    Jesus is also our God because through Him God the Father created everything (John 1:3, 1 Cor. 8:6)
    The one true God according to Jesus is God the Father.
    John 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
    Paul also said in 1 Corinthians 8:6
    “But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.”

  • @daveboyd8113
    @daveboyd8113 Месяц назад +3

    GOD, Jehovah , , says constantly in Isaiah chp40 to 45 " I know of no other god". Jesus constantly said " If you have seen me you have seen the Father- I and the Father are ONE". Genesis 1:1 " In the beginning GOD"- the Hebrew word used is ELOHEM, a plural word. Genesis 1:26 " Let US create man in OUR image and likeness"- US and WE are plural word. Man is ONE and yet three- body, soul and spirit. This is not rocket science, unless you are against Jesus .

    • @aksk5770
      @aksk5770 Месяц назад

      God applies to HIMSELF singular personal pronouns I, Me, Myself.
      This is a very strong indication to me that HIS desire is for me to THINK of HIM and to SPEAK to HIM as though HE is One person.
      When God is SPOKEN To in Scripture HE is addressed with singular pronouns
      Both Hebrew and Greek have a plural and a singular form of the word "YOU". When Jehovah God is spoken to it is always the singular form of "YOU" that is used.
      Even if the trinity doctrine is true, it is evident that God is happy to be worshipped as One person Jehovah God.

  • @leehighland5435
    @leehighland5435 Месяц назад +19

    If Jesus isn't God, you have no saviour, because God of the OT says there is no saviour other than him.

    • @joshuarichard6827
      @joshuarichard6827 Месяц назад +3

      Duh! If God says there is no saviour besides him that means Jesus is not God!

    • @HB_IE52829
      @HB_IE52829 Месяц назад +1

      @@joshuarichard6827 What is then the sacrifice, the grace and the glory in the cross?

    • @yinYangMountain
      @yinYangMountain Месяц назад

      @@HB_IE52829 What was the sacrifice? Consult your local Rabbi to understand the reason for that question.

    • @joshuarichard6827
      @joshuarichard6827 Месяц назад +1

      @@HB_IE52829not God that’s for sure. Crosses are pagan. God is the only savior before and after Jesus

    • @Nuthor
      @Nuthor Месяц назад

      @@joshuarichard6827 Have you ever heard of Alexamenos' graffito? It's an attempt to mock christians and It clearly states that they believed that Jesus died on a cross.

  • @3GodisGreat3
    @3GodisGreat3 Месяц назад +9

    One of Jesus names is Emmanuel "God is with us" He also claimed to be the great I AM and they picked up stones to stone Him because of blasphemy "claiming to be God". They also worshiped Him throughout the New testament which we're only suppose to worship God and He forgave people of sins which only God can do. Jesus Christ is the king of kings and Lord of lords He is the Alpha and the Omega 🙌

    • @Abenteuerlich77
      @Abenteuerlich77 Месяц назад

      Let's hypothetically suppose that you could translate it both ways merely on Greek grammar: "And the Word was God" and "The Word was a god". Based on the evidence you posted, the only real translation would then be "And the Word was God."

    • @AnthonyAnderson.
      @AnthonyAnderson. Месяц назад

      I have ready replies to some of your claims of proof. I will have to split up the answers to avoid the YT censor, however. I have found that I can only do one paragraph at a time, so I am going to limit myself to your first two "proofs." I would love to show you the false claim about the Alpha and Omega, but that will take too long to post.

    • @AnthonyAnderson.
      @AnthonyAnderson. Месяц назад

      The meaning of Bible names do not indicate identity. There are many names that contain God or Jehovah in them. Below is a sample. Are you claiming that all these people are part of a polytheistic god (who by a perversion of nomenclature is "One god")?
      Elijah -- My God is Jehovah
      Elisha -- God is salvation
      Daniel -- God is Judge
      Jebérechiah -- Jah blesses
      Jehdéiah -- May Jah give joy
      Jesus -- Jehovah is Salvation
      Jehu -- Jehovah is He
      Jonathan -- Jehovah has given
      Joshua -- Jehovah is Salvation

    • @AnthonyAnderson.
      @AnthonyAnderson. Месяц назад

      The claim that John 8:58 is Jesus stating he is God is a desperate forgery.
      The Hebrew speaking people of today have testified that there is no way that the divine name, the Tetragrammaton, could be confused with someone claiming "I am ...something" or "something I am." If the people that destroyed the early Christian documents had not done so, we could check to see if the Tetragrammaton was recorded at John 8:58. That would have been the way to provide the best disproof, but since it is gone everywhere in the "New Testament", the "evidence" cannot be directly refuted.

    • @AnthonyAnderson.
      @AnthonyAnderson. Месяц назад

      The statement "before Abraham, I am" is linguistically irrational. For instance, if "I am" is substituted with "Yahweh" the statement becomes "before Abraham, Yahweh." No one speaks this way. Even so, you cannot say that Jesus STATED he was God. All you could do is suggest there was insinuation. To call it a bizarre colloquialism as substantive proof is not credible enough to overturn the literal interpretation: Jesus said he was alive before Abraham.

  • @HB_IE52829
    @HB_IE52829 Месяц назад +3

    This video is proof of 1Cor2:14. You cant understand the Bible without the Holy Spirit. Its sad to see that the author of the video is not only not saved, but goes the way of the snake and mocks Gods grace and glory on the cross. May God not hold these sins against him.

    • @onbored9627
      @onbored9627 Месяц назад +1

      He also dishonestly used half quotes and tried to say that the guy calling "a god" a formal equivalence was supporting his position, when in fact it's the opposite.

    • @yinYangMountain
      @yinYangMountain Месяц назад

      How can that be-when at the time of these events “the Bible” / Scripture was understood to be the Torah? You do understand that the term Scripture is meant to reference Hebrew Scripture, right?

    • @thisismonitor4099
      @thisismonitor4099 Месяц назад

      @@yinYangMountain thats like saying that at the time of the exodus the scripture didn't exist. Sure but what's your point? Within 100 years of the resurrection all scripture in the bible existed. His point is simply that people reading the bible who are not saved are liable to make extreme mistakes very easily which is true. In order to translate the bible fully in context you need to be completely fluent in Greek and very few people are but the Holy spirit allows discernment so that you can spot errors in your assumptions.

    • @yinYangMountain
      @yinYangMountain Месяц назад +1

      “You cant understand the Bible without the Holy Spirit.”
      Is it your claim, HB, that ‘you’ “understand the Bible” because of “the Holy Spirit?”

    • @yinYangMountain
      @yinYangMountain Месяц назад +1

      @@thisismonitor4099 “… the Holy spirit allows discernment so that you can spot errors in your assumptions.”
      You’re spotting errors in your assumption via Guidance from the Holy Spirit, is that right? And others are doing the same, correct?

  • @FollowPaul1Lord1God
    @FollowPaul1Lord1God Месяц назад +2

    John 20:31 Solves John 1:1
    John 20:31 But these are written that ye may believe that
    🫴 "Jesus is the Christ",
    the 🫱"Son of God", and that believing ye might have life in his name.
    See John 20:31 "Solves" John 1:1

  • @onbored9627
    @onbored9627 Месяц назад +1

    I love that you put half of a quote to make it seem like the scholars were saying "the word was a god" is a "correct" translation. Also, It literally says formal equivalence translation in your video, which if you knew what you were talking about, you would realize that quote doesn't support your position at all.

  • @Milites-Christi
    @Milites-Christi Месяц назад +11

    This is just an echo of the snake in the garden.

    • @yinYangMountain
      @yinYangMountain Месяц назад +1

      How so?

    • @Milites-Christi
      @Milites-Christi Месяц назад +1

      @@yinYangMountain saying that God is a lie. This is the same discounting attitude. Jesus Christ says I am the Way the Truth and the Life.

    • @yinYangMountain
      @yinYangMountain Месяц назад +2

      @@Milites-Christi The Gospel of John is from an anonymous author, right? And Biblical scholars suggest there were several authors of John, the text you’re getting this from, yes? And the consensus among scholars is this section was redacted numerous times over the centuries, isn’t that so? And, in particular, it’s the consensus this passage was not in the original text, isn’t that also right? And if any of that’s right, why would someone seeking the Truth trust John to convey what the historical Jesus actually said?
      Isn’t it also the consensus of Biblical scholars and historians that John’s version of Jesus is antithetical to that of Mark, who, apparently had no such idea in mind?
      And given this text was written in Greek and from someone who live decades later while writing in another country, why shouldn’t we imagine this isn’t borrowed from Greek Paganism and, that, Jesus never suggested any such thing about himself?

    • @Milites-Christi
      @Milites-Christi Месяц назад

      @@yinYangMountain I'm not sure where your getting that information from but it's incorrect. The attribute John to the disciple John, the same John that wrote 1,2,3 John and also Revelation. There really is no debate which Gospel is from who. Mark got his from Peter, also Mark mentions himself (Mark 14:51), most scholars attribute that to being Mark himself. which was the first one, Matthews next, then Luke, who was giving an "orderly account". John was last. What this guy is saying just isn't accurate. Even atheists NT scholars agree about what it says, they just don't believe it.

    • @yinYangMountain
      @yinYangMountain Месяц назад +2

      @@Milites-Christi Please provide links to peer reviewed papers by Biblical scholars arguing-for your claims about John. Thanks.

  • @joevi2593
    @joevi2593 Месяц назад +5


  • @wilsontexas
    @wilsontexas Месяц назад +2

    In greek, it says in the beginning was the word and the word was with God(noun) and the word was god(adjective)
    When you go from there is up to you. I too biblical greek at Baylor university. The greek instructor told me jesus turned water into nw wine whereas the word new was nowhere to be found.

  • @Nuthor
    @Nuthor Месяц назад +3

    As (a) greek I can definitely say that only (a) greek jehovah's witness would translate the phrase as "a god". And that would be the case, only after having bible "study" with other Jws.
    Simply it's not that how we talk. There isthe word "τις" that can be translated as "a" or "someone" that the author could have used, if he wanted to say "a god".

    • @onbored9627
      @onbored9627 Месяц назад +3

      He used half quotes in the video to make it seem like scholars agreed with him, the full quotes say that it may be a formal equivalence (word by word, for lack of a simpler explanation) but it's not a dynamic equivalence (what the sentence means).

    • @thisismonitor4099
      @thisismonitor4099 Месяц назад +2

      Totally agree with you - I grew up learning ancient Greek too (I am also Greek) and there is just no possible way even in ancient Greek.

    • @thambone30
      @thambone30 Месяц назад +1

      You are incorrect.
      There are over 200 Bibles that translate John 1:1 in the same way or similar to the NWT.

    • @Nuthor
      @Nuthor Месяц назад

      @@thambone30 I don't care even there are 2000. You can't tell me that they know greek language better than us the greeks. But please give me the names of greek (not just greek speaking) scholars that translate the text like NWT.

    • @thambone30
      @thambone30 Месяц назад +1

      John 1:1 was examined by Origen in his "Commentary on John."
      Origen (185-254 A. D.) was "probably the most accomplished Biblical scholar produced by the early Church" (Universal Standard Encyclopedia) and "the greatest scholar and most prolific author of the early church. ... not only a profound thinker but also deeply spiritual and a loyal churchman." (The History of Christianity, a Lion Book). "Origen, the greatest and most influential Christian thinker of his age" - p. 89, A History of the Christian Church, 4th ed., Williston Walker, Scribners, 1985. "The character of Origen is singularly pure and noble; for his moral qualities are as remarkable as his intellectual gifts." - p. 229, The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. IV, Eerdmans.
      Origen's Commentary on John is "the first great work of Christian interpretation." Origen was certainly the most knowledgeable about NT (koine) Greek of any scholar. He studied it from early childhood and even taught it professionally from his teens onward.- and this was during a time when it was a living language and, of course, well understood! - The Ante-Nicene Fathers, pp. 291-294, vol. X, Eerdmans Publ., 1990 printing.
      Origen loved to speculate about numerous things in scripture (as did others at this time), but when it came to discussing the actual NT Greek itself he was without peer.
      Origen continued in his "Commentary on John" by actually discussing the grammar of John 1:1. He wrote:
      "We next notice John's use of the article [`the' or ho in the Greek in this case] in these sentences. He does not write without care in this respect, nor is he unfamiliar with the niceties of the Greek tongue. [Origen, himself, as noted, was an expert in this language and even taught it as a professional. So if anyone would ever have been aware of any special grammatical `rules' or effects for John 1:1c, it would certainly have been Origen!] In some cases he [John] uses the article [`the' in English or ho in NT Greek] and in some he omits it. He adds the article to the Logos [ho logos or `the Word'], but to [theos: `god' or `God'] he adds it sometimes only. He uses the article [ho] when [theos] refers to the uncreated cause of all things, and omits it when the Logos [Word] is named [theos]. .... the God who is over all is God with the article [ho theos] not without it [theos] �. and so the Saviour says in his prayer to the Father, `That they may know thee the only true God [Jn 17:1, 3];' but that all beyond the Very God [ho theos] is made [theos] by participation in His divinity, and is not to be called simply God (with the article [ho theos]), but rather [theos] (without the article). And thus the first-born of all creation [Yeshua, Col. 1:15], who is the first to be with God, and to attract to himself divinity, is a being of more exalted rank than the other gods [angels] beside him, of whom God [ho theos, the Father only] is the God [Rev. 3:2, 12; 2 Cor. 11:31; Eph. 1:3, 17, etc.], as it is written, `the God of gods...' [Ps. 49:1, Septuagint; Ps. 136:2; Deut. 10:17] �. The true God [the Father alone, Jn 17:1, 3], then, is [`the god,' ho theos], and those who are formed after him are gods, images, as it were, of Him the prototype." - The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. X, p. 323, "Origen's Commentary on the Gospel of John", Book 2, part 2, Eerdmans, 1990 printing
      Apparently, you don't know ancient Greek language as well as you think 🤔

  • @AngelDustProphecy
    @AngelDustProphecy Месяц назад +4

    You're misguided. Repent.

  • @Servant3
    @Servant3 Месяц назад +3

    Jesus himself said He was “I Am”

    • @yinYangMountain
      @yinYangMountain Месяц назад +1

      But what would the phrase “I Am” have meant to an ancient Hebrew at the time of Moses? If you don’t know, consult a local Rabbi-one fluent in Hebrew.

    • @Servant3
      @Servant3 Месяц назад

      @@yinYangMountain but the scripture says I need not any man teach me. I have the Holy Spirit within me. Jesus is saying that He is the self existent one. Just like the Yahweh said to Moses

    • @yinYangMountain
      @yinYangMountain Месяц назад +1

      @@Servant3 But you’re referencing unargued-for anonymous ancient Greek Scripture not what the Holy Spirit said to you, right? And if so, you have contradicted your very argument, haven’t you? And if you’re getting this directly from the Holy Spirit, then there’s no reason to say, ‘Cause Scripture,” is there?
      Now, you mentioned the “I Am,” right? And this, I would imagine, is referencing how Hebrews during the time of Moses and Jesus would have understood it, right? And if that’s right, what did they understand it to mean? And if you can’t get the answer from the Holy Spirit, what explains that and/or if you’re understanding it incorrectly?

    • @Servant3
      @Servant3 Месяц назад

      @@yinYangMountain it’s real simple. Yeshua, Yahweh and the Holy Spirit are 3 yet one. Yeshua/Jesus is the fullness of the Godhead bodily. He is our physical representation of the Father. He will forever be revealing the Father to those who believe in him,. The fullness of the Godhead bodily. It’s simple to see and believe. Yeshua/Jesus is my everything. My God/Yahweh, my salvation, my savior, my creator. He is my righteousness. That He paid for on the cross with His Holy shed blood. That washed me white as now. I trust in Him for salvation. He did the work for me knowing I never could. I will forever praise His Holy, Holy, Holy Name that is above every name. According to scriptures

    • @yinYangMountain
      @yinYangMountain Месяц назад +1

      @@Servant3 Interesting, but this is all in the Greek Scriptures-Scriptures which didn’t exist for decades, right? So, what did “I Am” mean to the Hebrews, i.e., Jews such as Moses and Jesus? Surely they, and God’s prophets and chosen people, would know this, right? And God would not be a God of confusion and change this, would He?

  • @77saint77posttrib
    @77saint77posttrib Месяц назад +2

    Really?? How about Genesis 1. God created the heavens and the earth ( Father God) and God SAID ( WORD of GOD) God called God said etc tge Word because flesh(Jesus the Son) and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters. ( Holy Spirit) . So even in the beginning we have Father God Jesus the Word of God (same God) and the Holy Spirit of God( same God) I confidently state MY GOD IS FATHER GOD AND JESUS THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT!!

  • @edwardhill7045
    @edwardhill7045 Месяц назад


  • @Gio.Lab.
    @Gio.Lab. Месяц назад +5

    The level of hate and ignorance exhibited by some Trinitarians is as reprehensible as that of the scribes and Pharisees in Jesus' time. Many of these hostile Trinitarians likely don't even understand what you're talking about, yet that certainly doesn't stop them from spewing hate, does it?
    The translation of "the Word was God" in John 1:1 is widely recognized as a mistranslation, even by informed Trinitarians. Only those in denial or utterly ignorant would argue otherwise. The Logos being "with God" makes it grammatically impossible for the Logos to be the same entity as the God He is with. The god that the Word refers to must be different from the God He is with. John explicitly distinguishes between "Ton Theon" and "Theos," indicating they are not the same. Trinitarianism is a disgrace to Christianity.

    • @mastick5106
      @mastick5106 Месяц назад +1

      Unfortunately, you're demonstrating an ignorance of both "Trinitarianism" and Koine Greek grammar (as well as misusing the term "hate", but we'll set that aside).
      One of the common descriptions of the Trinity is "one God in three persons". The Logos is not the same _person_ as God the Father, but they are one in essence (as stated in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed - "... true God of true God, of one essence with the Father..."). Jesus is God; the Father is God; but Jesus is not the Father. Same essence, same 'godhood', but different persons ('hypostases' in Greek). There is both distinction and identity. To say that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are the same person is the heresy of Sabellianism; to deny their unity as one God is the main component of the heresy of Arianism.
      As for grammar, the difference between "ton theon" and "theos" is purely grammatical (accusative versus nominative case); it does NOT in any way indicate that they are not the same. John 1:1 reads (in transliterated Greek, using capital/small E to distinguish eta/epsilon): "en archE En ho logos kai ho logos En pros ton theon kai theos En ho logos". The final phrase - "theos En ho logos" - is a predicate nominative construction. Koine Greek indicates parts of speech by inflection of word form, not necessarily by word order, but since the subject and the predicate nominative both are inflected as nominative case that isn't sufficient here. So the article is only applied to the subject; it is grammatically illegal to have an article with the predicate nominative. So "theos En ho logos" is indeed a correct way to render "the Word was God" in Koine Greek. "ho theos En logos" would instead be saying "the God was Word", and "ho theos En ho logos" is grammatically improper because there's no way to tell if it's saying "the Word was the God" or "the God was the Word". Whether a predicate nominative should be translated with "the", "a", or no article has to be determined by context. In this case, the word order is part of the context. "theos" coming first in the clause gives it the emphasis, as in "the Word was GOD", and it also appears to link it to 'God' in the previous clause, implying that "theos" in each refers to the same being.

    • @mastick5106
      @mastick5106 Месяц назад +1

      As a follow-on, there is not necessarily a contradiction between some of the statements quoted in the video regarding translation. If you look at that clause in isolation, then "the Word is God", "the Word is a god", and "the Word is the God" are all grammatically legitimate possibilities. In the fuller context of that sentence, "God" makes much more sense than "a god", and in the context of the book as a whole "a god" makes no sense whatsoever. Context is a legitimate (and necessary) part of grammatical interpretation.

    • @Gio.Lab.
      @Gio.Lab. Месяц назад +6

      @@mastick5106 You make no sense whatsoever, John was a monotheistic Jew no a Trinitarian, You are ignoring the way Jewish describe the sons of God as godlike in Jewish literature and assuming your doctrine. It’s ironic that you criticize ignorance while discussing the Trinity without providing scriptural evidence to support your beliefs.
      Are you suggesting that condemning others based on teachings that are neither mentioned nor described in the Bible isn’t an act of hate?
      There are three primary ways to translate a predicate nominative: definite, indefinite, or qualitative. Since the Logos cannot be the same as the God He is with and the definite article isn’t present, the options are either indefinite or qualitative. If it’s not indefinite, then the only remaining option is qualitative. Grammatically, having the quality of someone implies not being that someone. Hebrews 1:3 describes Jesus as the "exact imprint" of God’s nature-reflecting God’s essence but not being a part of it. Therefore, John 1:1c should be translated as “the Word was divine” or “a god” rather than “God.” Your interpretation assumes a later doctrine, a concept foreign to the biblical writers. You misinterpret Greek grammar and context and fail to address the comments made by Trinitarians. Your argument collapses under scrutiny.
      Next time you present your doctrine, please provide scriptural evidence. I can offer mine clearly: one God the Father (1 Corinthians 8:6), one Lord Jesus Christ, God’s firstborn (Colossians 1:15), made Lord to God’s glory by God (Philippians 2:11). See how straightforward that is? There’s no need to rely on fourth-century doctrines; the Scriptures are sufficient.

    • @thisismonitor4099
      @thisismonitor4099 Месяц назад

      your trivial mistake of completely not understanding that Greek has declensions says all that is necessary. You are completely and abjectly wrong.
      The Greek is clear. Also it technically says that God was the Word - Greek writers used word order for emphasis because the meaning was the same but the word order could indicate the important point. John 100% thinks Jesus is God. You can continue to lie to yourself but there is no controversy at all between people who genuinely know Greek.

    • @thisismonitor4099
      @thisismonitor4099 Месяц назад

      @@Gio.Lab. And you keep lying . 1 Corinthians 8 :6 says in fact it was One God the Father one Lord Jesus christ and claims for BOTH that they are all things - the Father OF whom are ALL THINGS and the Lord BY WHOM are all things. The point being that they BOTH claim all things they just have different roles i.e. they are two persons of one godhead. Sorry but that's as trinitarian as it comes....
      And this is RIGHT after saying there aren't many Gods to Paul is clear
      Col 1:15 in the NEXT verse it is made clear that he is talking about GOd becuase it says "all things through Him and unto Him have been created" and we know that Paul only thought God created because A) he said so and B) NO pharisaic claims were ever made otherwise. C) Genesis specifically says so.
      PHillipians 2:11 you are just lying here - it doesn't say at all "made lord" it just says "that every tongue confess the Lord Jesus Christ to the glory of God the Father" That doesn't imply they are not one at all.
      So the evidence you have either says the opposite, is clarified as not being what you say in the next verse, or you are just lying for all those three.

  • @yolandosoquite3507
    @yolandosoquite3507 Месяц назад

    Jesus NEVER give an iota of Concern wether you believe in God or not..In fact Jesus said: No one has seen God at anytime...If you want to Gain Eternal Life then by all means Jesus said: Drink my Blood & Eat my Flesh to gain Eternal life!....if you do not want Eternal Life..then by all means Eat & Drink like a pig to go on living & be happy like the Epicurians.

  • @aussie1602
    @aussie1602 Месяц назад +2

    John 8:24... "Unless you believe that I AM... you will die in your sins." This sort of issue was sorted at the council of Nicea... but like all doctrines of demons it will keep appearing from time to time. The early church believed Jesus was God which is what the scriptures show... No shortage of false teaches on YT... 🤣

  • @dodleymortune4312
    @dodleymortune4312 Месяц назад

    In Hebrew 1 among all the things the Father says about the Son he says that in the beginning he created the heavens and the earth.
    So the Father testify that Jesus is his Only begotten Son, by whom he made the world, the word that was with God and that was God and through everything that exist was made.

  • @the_lotharingian
    @the_lotharingian Месяц назад

    _Metaphysics lesson_
    _Get your thesaurus_
    Christ is the logos of the nous/ein soph in gnosis with creation through the pneuma/shekinah,
    And the church/bride of Christ is creation in gnosis with the einsoph/nous through the pneuma/shekinah which is called theosis/sanctification
    The nous is the transcendent absurd aspect, the pneuma is the connective omnipresent asprect and the logos is the perspective
    Like When you dream, your body is you, your dream is you, and your perspective is also you, but they are also 3 different people
    A radiostation can be the building, the signal or the sounds coming out of the speakers through the antenna tuning to a specific range
    In fact some say the material world is physical to us only because we are tuned to it, but it won't be physical to us when we are tuned to the next choices which will be physical to us because our perspective will be there.

  • @justinaoake8186
    @justinaoake8186 Месяц назад +2

    Isaiah 9:6 KJV ✝️💯❤️🙏
    For unto us a child is born: unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his shall be called Wonderful, Councillor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

  • @JeanMarcelino-qr9ju
    @JeanMarcelino-qr9ju Месяц назад

    Father and Son are given Title to Someone

  • @choward5430
    @choward5430 Месяц назад

    If the Word was "a God, you have someone else who is divine, and participates in creation, but not Jehovah Himself. So essentially, you're saying Yeshua is God, Jr. 🤣This is a violation of Isaiah 43:10, 44:6, and many other texts.
    Genesis 1:1. Elohim is a plural noun.
    Genesis 1:26; 3:22; and 11:7, God uses plural pronouns to describe Himself. '
    Is not an ordinary Angel. This is an Angel yet in the same context is also YHWH. Further, the Name of YHWH is in Him!
    Exodus 23:20-23
    "20 “Behold, I send an angel before you to guard you on the way and to bring you to the place that I have prepared. 21 Pay careful attention to him and obey his voice; do not rebel against him, for he will not pardon your transgression, for my name is in him.
    22 “But if you carefully obey his voice and do all that I say, then I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries.
    23 “When my angel goes before you and brings you to the Amorites and the Hittites and the Perizzites and the Canaanites, the Hivites and the Jebusites, and I blot them out,
    v.20 The Angel will lead the Exodus. v.21 This Angel must be obeyed and never provoked. Why? He will not forgive their sin of rebellion because "MY NAME" is in Him! Jehovah doesn't lend His Holy Name to anyone. His personal Name is Jehovah Yahweh!
    Deuteronomy 6:4
    "Shema Yisroel Adonai Elochenu Adonai Echad"
    (Hear O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.) "The Lord" - Father "Our God - Son "One Lord" Holy Spirit
    ECHAD - Means a unified One
    YACHID - Absolute one.
    Psalms 2 YHWH has a Son. Proverbs 30:4, the Son does what YHWH does.
    Psalms 45:6-7
    "6 Your throne, O God, is forever and ever.
    The scepter of your kingdom is a scepter of uprightness;
    7 you have loved righteousness and hated wickedness.
    Therefore God, your God, has anointed you
    with the oil of gladness beyond your companions;"
    There are two Elohim's here! The Father is addressing another person who is YHWH! This conversation picks up again in Hebrews 1:1-14
    Isaiah 6:1. the verbs used for YHWH are the same verbs used for MY SERVANT in 52:13.
    Isaiah 6:8 Plural pronoun for YHWH.
    Isaiah 7:14 ascribes two natures to one person - Human and GOD. Same with Isaiah 9:6. Isaiah must have been off his rocker because all three members of the triune Godhead or in 48:16 and 63:7-10.
    John 17:5
    "And now, Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed."

  • @jamesfields4149
    @jamesfields4149 Месяц назад

    Let me show you John 1:1 using the Word of God its self
    Jesus in our Heart and Mind
    Jesus is the New Covenant
    Heb 8:10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:
    John 1:1 In the beginning was the LAWS OF GOD and the LAWS OF GOD was with God and the LAWS OF GOD was God
    John 1:14 And the LAWS OF GOD was made flesh ( Jesus ) and dwelt ( Tabernacled ) among us FULL OF GRACE AND TRUTH

  • @manager0175
    @manager0175 Месяц назад

    Sorry folks. There is no indefinite articles (a) in Greek. And it is a predicate nominative. The predicate is anarthrous. Thus, "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God." It cannot be otherwise.

  • @thisismonitor4099
    @thisismonitor4099 Месяц назад +1

    Sorry but I don't need some "translator" to tell me the obvious. I read the Greek myself as I am fluent in Ancient, Modern and NT Greek. Interestingly in ALL these versions i.e. thoughout time the translation is basically the same - Jesus is God. Not A God. But God. The Greek would say SPECIFICALLY if it was A God
    So you are simply wrong.
    Of course I am just a guy on the internet but I spent my whole life being fluent in all these three languages and I can tell you that ALL of them would say A God if that is what they meant.
    But what YOU AREN'T telling people is that the GREEK actually says "AND GOD WAS THE WORD" not even "THE WORD WAS GOD" but literally God who was referred to in the previous phrase is the Word THEY ARE THE SAME>
    if you want to transliterate it word for word it says "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and God was the Word" - that CANNOT be mistranslated to A GOD in any possible way because of the word order in addition to the grammar.
    So stop being satanic and repent.

  • @octouos8937
    @octouos8937 25 дней назад

    Many of these guys in the comments don't like to do critical thinking lol

  • @williamblack7268
    @williamblack7268 Месяц назад


  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 Месяц назад +2

    the word order, in Greek is.....God was the Word...

    • @thisismonitor4099
      @thisismonitor4099 Месяц назад

      Absolutely right. And whilst technically in Greek you can reverse the word order and still have the same meaning, Greek writers would use word order for the emphasis they wanted to give and in this case that word order shows even more clearly that Jesus is God.

  • @edwardhill7045
    @edwardhill7045 Месяц назад


  • @leolejo4891
    @leolejo4891 Месяц назад +4

    All praise for Allmighty father in heaven, Lord Jesus Christ thenonly son and Holly spirit..🙏☺️

  • @christopherchmiel7872
    @christopherchmiel7872 Месяц назад

    John 1:1 is a direct reference back to Genesis 1:1. Both tell us who the creator is. John is linking the Word back to the same God in Genesis. Further on in Genesis, specifically chapter 18 & 19, Yahweh appearing to Abraham as a man and in 19 a Yahweh in Heaven and a Yahweh on Earth. You can’t change the Word of Gods theme when read carefully by trying to argue the importance of an “a”. Its theme is laid out long before you get to John. He’s reflecting back on the Old Testament and affirming who Christ is.

  • @divinelyautistic
    @divinelyautistic Месяц назад +2

    We put too much faith in the hands of the scribes that can easily change the text to suit their agenda. Seems like god is made in our image because we can say whatever and say god said it.. Then everyone will believe it because it's in a book.

    • @undignified2843
      @undignified2843 Месяц назад

      It does seem that way. That was my worldview for so many years. And then I read the book myself to know it. I sought the face of GOD. You will and do have a god. You can't escape it. If you don't see this fact of our nature then you can never understand yourself. Read the Scripture, everyday, Pray to Jesus, everyday. Seek HIS face earnestly, everyday. Try this for a month without fail. You will see, just as I did. A lifelong atheist, a fool of a fool, now a child of GOD through Jesus Christ. All glory to HIM.

  • @undignified2843
    @undignified2843 Месяц назад

    There is NO "a" GOD in the idea of the trinity. You don't get it. At all, at all. The LORD our GOD is ONE, Father, Son, Holy Spirit. You will NOT rob me of Jesus, my salvation, my redeemer, my savior, my KING!!! All glory to Jesus Christ!!!

    • @jahtruthdefender
      @jahtruthdefender Месяц назад

      Your opening statement is absolutely correct and that is why the trinity is false! Which this video proves by its use of Greek grammar, and linguistics and scholarly evidence

    • @aksk5770
      @aksk5770 29 дней назад

      2316. theos ►
      Strong's Concordance
      theos: God, a god
      Original Word: θεός, οῦ, ὁ
      Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine; Noun, Masculine
      Transliteration: theos
      Phonetic Spelling: (theh'-os)
      Definition: God, a god
      Usage: (a) God, (b) a god, generally.
      The above concordance shows theos can be God or [a] God. This is because in NT greek there is no indefinite article [a]. It is is context that determines if the English translation contains the [a] or not.
      In the case of John 1:1 it is the bias of the translator that will determine how the verse is translated. Neither way is technically wrong.
      John 1:1 is therefore not a strong proof text for the trinity.
      Jesus is also my salvation,my saviour,my king to the glory of God the Father.

  • @armpitlint2833
    @armpitlint2833 Месяц назад +4

    St. Thomas confirms Jesus is God by feeling the wounds of the resurrected Christ and exclaiming, "My Lord and my God!"

    • @yinYangMountain
      @yinYangMountain Месяц назад +1

      But wait, if Thomas was wandering through the city and saw a number of the countless resurrected Saints, none of whom he’d recognize and possibly with similar crucifixion wounds, would it be rational to conclude they were God?
      When considering the numerous other dying and rising god claims, how does it follow a resurrected person is, therefore, God or a god?

    • @thisismonitor4099
      @thisismonitor4099 Месяц назад

      @@yinYangMountain A) ALL those claims have documentation that comes AFTER the NT. No matter what they claim ALL the earliest sources show Christianity the first and only one before the gnostic ones. B) Jesus specifically said he would be resurrected and explained to Cleopas and his friend where it shows in the OT that he would be resurrected.
      He also told Mary Madgalene in the same chapter that he would be going to the Father. Then he gave all the disciples except Thomas the Holy Spirit.
      Then They told Thomas and he said he wouldn't believe unless he say him himself.
      Then of course it isn't anything like you describe - Thomas didn't believe Jesus had risen from the dead. He knew very very well who that meant Jesus was if true hence why he said that.

    • @armpitlint2833
      @armpitlint2833 Месяц назад

      @@yinYangMountain I'm not sure what you are arguing here. The uploader of the video states that the Bible does not claim Jesus is God. I replied with my verse from the book of John because it is clear that the author of John believes that Jesus is God. He begins the Gospel of John with claiming He is God and ending with claiming He is God. The difference between Jesus and the saints is that Jesus claims to be God throughout the Gospel of John. Also, St. Thomas himself states that he will not believe Jesus is risen until he feels his wounds...when he does this he realizes that Jesus is God.

  • @rubberspoon
    @rubberspoon Месяц назад

    Every christian in here hating on this guy. You have no right to judge anyone. Sit down. Only god has the authority to do so.

    • @undignified2843
      @undignified2843 Месяц назад

      There is no hate. It's funny that YOU would perceive it that way. We are defending Jesus. We will always stand in defense of HIS NAME. You can sit in the view of hate all you want. The LORD our GOD is ONE, Father, Son, Holy Spirit. All glory to HIM!!!

    • @jahtruthdefender
      @jahtruthdefender Месяц назад

      @@undignified2843 That's great you are defending Jesus but what has any of you brought to the table to refute. I see nothing from the Greek text, grammar or linguistics to debunk the video. To say "My (English) bible says" or "My pastor teaches says" or "I believe" does not count as a refutation.

  • @JamesRichardWiley
    @JamesRichardWiley Месяц назад +1

    All gods are man made.

    • @undignified2843
      @undignified2843 Месяц назад

      All except ONE. And you have made one for yourself. You can bank on it. You cant escape it. Tear down the one you have created and you will immediately create another. If you don't understand this or disagree you can never even begin to know yourself. Jesus is the way. All glory to Jesus Christ!!!

  • @JeanMarcelino-qr9ju
    @JeanMarcelino-qr9ju Месяц назад

    Many Bible reader's don't thinks critical