it's now official ladies and gentlemen: Games Workshop is selling out right and left and will give out their license LITERALLY to anyone who will give them some cash. Well, time to brace for another shitty 40k game
I agree. They have been licensing out their IP to complete nobodies in the hopes of generating cash and trying to keep an aging company aloft. I honestly hope Gamesworkshop restructures itself and removes the foolish shareholders that allow these crap games to come into existence.
Back when GW used the shotgun approach to find people to make games for them.
Skulls of the trailer creators to the skull throne!!
it's now official ladies and gentlemen: Games Workshop is selling out right and left and will give out their license LITERALLY to anyone who will give them some cash.
Well, time to brace for another shitty 40k game
I agree. They have been licensing out their IP to complete nobodies in the hopes of generating cash and trying to keep an aging company aloft. I honestly hope Gamesworkshop restructures itself and removes the foolish shareholders that allow these crap games to come into existence.
Note to self: If you ever make a video game, don't hire your grandfather to do a voiceover.
someone need to pull an exterminatus on Warhammer 40K games.
Geez, what’s with all the hate?
"CGI trailer"
more like cringy trailer
For once, could it be possible to not have a shitty WH40K game?
Well, actually the game itself is not that bad
Buy Space Marine and Mechanicus :>
Runs on potato engine 1.2
Явно русские делали. За еду. Быстрого приготовления.
WH Y2K.... :(