How to Respond to Christian Nationalists with Caleb Campbell

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • Caleb Campbell, a one-time skinhead who became a pastor, is on a mission to help believers understand and escape the snares of Christian nationalism. He provides a pastor's primer on this powerful, growing movement.
    How do you define Christian nationalism? What are the concerns and potential harms, from both a pastoral and constitutional perspective? And what are some conversational approaches to disarm people who may be ensnared by it? Tune in for a thoughtful and compassionate dialogue to navigate this minefield topic.
    This program was also released as an audio podcast and transcript on Aug. 8, 2024:
    THE ROYS REPORT is a media outlet dedicated to reporting the truth and restoring the church. If you value this podcast, please consider financially supporting this ministry at www.julieroys....
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Комментарии • 140

  • @notable9
    @notable9 Месяц назад +5

    I wrote a response I think it never posted. I would consider myself a Christian patriot and yes there are issues but to paint a whole group of people under the same broad brush is a dismissal of the many wonderful things that are happening in this greatly needed awakening to the incredible evil and corruption going on in our country that Christians have largely been silent about.
    There are really amazing people in this group and the blanket umbrella of being militant nationalists is a judgement that may be true of a few but really not the majority. We are living in very hard evil times and yes we always need to be checking our hearts for pride and not loving our neighbors and repent. Jesus was the perfect one none of are. The exposure of the medical fraud that is killing people is necessary and has never been more apparent than since covid a whole subject in itself. What is happening in our schools at the local level we need to be aware of and show up to expose the evil books and the very evil things that are victimizing our children. We need to be more loving and relational but we are all works in progress as long as we are repenting and going to our neighbors. It's not in the Bible but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.This movement is greatly needed in a very evil time.. Having said that people have hurt each other trying to do what they believe is right and what they are being called to do and repentance and humility and more love are needed.

  • @shanelakatos6163
    @shanelakatos6163 Месяц назад +4

    So very hard to reach out missionally to those who already received Jesus’ atonement & have the Holy Spirit yet they hate the vulnerable list who Jesus commands us to love & serve…
    I just don’t know what to do with that 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @michellethalman2803
      @michellethalman2803 Месяц назад

      Let's think about this a while longer... the HOLY SPIRIT IS GOD... that Spirit does NOT hate the vulnerable.

    • @shanelakatos6163
      @shanelakatos6163 29 дней назад

      @@michellethalman2803 yes, please explain the contradiction because it doesn’t make sense that followers of Jesus would support persecuting the “foreigner”…yet here we are…
      So please explain

    • @rafaelbocanegra971
      @rafaelbocanegra971 16 дней назад +1

      Who are the vulnerable,drug addicts criminals etc,etc

    • @rafaelbocanegra971
      @rafaelbocanegra971 16 дней назад +1

      Being stupid won’t help you in the long run

  • @1Whipperin
    @1Whipperin Месяц назад +12

    Jesus, His disciples, and the early Church consistently taught and practiced nonviolence, emphasizing love, forgiveness, and turning the other cheek, even in the face of persecution. Jesus' message was clear: His kingdom was not of this world, and His followers were called to live in peace, rejecting all forms of violence. Anyone who supports political violence fundamentally contradicts the teachings of Jesus and cannot truly be considered His follower.
    The introduction of political violence into the Church can be traced back to the conversion of Constantine in the 4th century. With Constantine’s embrace of Christianity and the subsequent alignment of the Church with the Roman Empire, the Church began to adopt a more militant stance, abandoning its early commitment to nonviolence in favor of political power and influence. This shift marked a significant departure from the teachings of Christ and the practice of the early Church. Thank you for rhe excellent show.

    • @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797
      @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Месяц назад +8

      @@1Whipperin it's not about political violence. It's about standing up for your faith and protecting the country from the attacks of the enemy. The idea is nothing new. Nobody is picking up guns and killing those who disagree with them. Read what people did in the book of Daniel and Ester. You're way out on the left field.

    • @1Whipperin
      @1Whipperin Месяц назад +3

      @@hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Read what Jesus taught. Jesus taught nonviolence, emphasizing love, forgiveness, and peace. He instructed His followers to turn the other cheek (Matthew 5:39) and to love their enemies (Matthew 5:44), embodying a message of compassion over conflict.
      In contrast, the Old Testament contains instances of divinely sanctioned violence, such as in the book of Daniel, where apocalyptic visions include battles, and in the book of Esther, where the Jews defend themselves through force. These narratives reflect a different context where physical survival and justice often involved military action.
      The Jewish expectation of the Messiah during Jesus's time was largely shaped by these traditions. Many anticipated a military leader who would liberate them from Roman occupation, akin to the warrior kings of old. However, Jesus subverted these expectations by presenting Himself as a peaceful Savior, emphasizing a kingdom not of this world and rejecting violence as a means to achieve His mission. I'm right at home plater on this one.
      How do you reconcile the teachings of Jesus on nonviolence, like "turn the other cheek," with the endorsement of political violence, especially when the Old Testament shows instances of divinely sanctioned force? Jesus, the disciples, and the early church consistently chose the path of peace, even in the face of persecution and death. Why do you think they rejected violence entirely? Was it a mistake, or even a sin, for them not to defend themselves through force?
      If Jesus, who Christians believe fulfilled the law and the prophets, deliberately refused to be the military Messiah that many expected, what does that say about the Christian use of violence today? Shouldn’t His example of embracing suffering without retaliation influence the way Christians engage with political power and conflict? The early Christians faced brutal persecution yet never took up arms in their defense. Were they wrong to do so? How do you justify using worldly methods like violence to achieve what are believed to be God’s purposes when Jesus Himself declared, "My kingdom is not of this world"? Does this shift from the Old Testament’s depiction of violence to Jesus’s emphasis on peace indicate a fundamental change in how God’s people are called to respond to evil and oppression?

    • @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797
      @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Месяц назад +2

      @@1Whipperin That's the general attitude, not the specific strategy at all times.
      If Jesus is so meek and lowly all the time, what's the point of his second coming? Where is this "peace" you're referring to when he comes and strikes the nations? (Rev 19:11-16)
      You can go on and on about Jesus' teaching when he came the first time and write an essay about it. Again, his purpose then wasn't a military conquest, but to die on the cross so we can all receive his salvation.
      Learn to discern the signs of times and receive instructions from above (Luke 22:35, 35) There is no one response fits all situations.
      We are not serving a God of dead, but a God of living (Luke 20:38)
      Read the whole Bible at least 20 times. Only then do you gain a comprehensive understanding of Christian faith. There is nothing more dangerous than cherrypicking verses out of the Bible. Worse yet, adding or subtracting something isn't even in the Bible e.g. the difference in attitudes and approaches between OT and NT time claim and champion by many believers.
      Btw, no one is advocating violence although it can't be ruled out if necessary. Again. Receiving instructions from above is the key. Knee jerk retreat is not.

    • @1Whipperin
      @1Whipperin Месяц назад

      @@hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Please answer my questions. Thank you.

    • @shalahcarolshaffron7299
      @shalahcarolshaffron7299 Месяц назад +1

      King James Bible
      When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.
      New King James Version
      When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.
      New International Version
      But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy peace and prosperity.
      New Living Translation
      The lowly will possess the land and will live in peace and prosperity.
      English Standard Version
      But the meek shall inherit the land and delight themselves in abundant peace.

  • @robertkendall1037
    @robertkendall1037 Месяц назад +8

    There are all kinds and stripes of
    "christian nationalsts" out there from the basic country loving patriots that would never put politics above their faith, to those who are rabbid "nationalists" who actually put politics before their faith and a million shades in between

    • @romansvideos5845
      @romansvideos5845 Месяц назад

      When he uses the term MAGA interchangeably with Christian Nationalism, he loses me. There are as many definitions of Christian Nationalism as there are critics of patriotic Christians. I believe perhaps he has encountered an extreme group. I'm sorry for the hurt he has experienced. I believe it colors his perspective. I love Jesus. I love America. I enthusiastically support Donald Trump. Am I a Christian Nationalist? I certainly don't feel I fit in what he is describing. Can I be a Christian and support Donald Trump and not be labeled ? I feel like all Christian Trump supporters are being stereotyped. Please drop the labels.

    • @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797
      @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Месяц назад +8

      @@robertkendall1037 most people are not. Example? The J6 charade. How many were actually there with the intent to breach the capitol?
      When the term does not apply to the majority of people, it should be ditched all together.

  • @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797
    @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Месяц назад +13

    I will tell you if Jesus doesn't care about politics, there is no need to come back the 2nd time and do away all wickedness then start his own kingdom.

  • @andrealaw1301
    @andrealaw1301 Месяц назад +5

    This was a truly helpful and edifying conversation. Thank you both so much!

  • @puskinbou
    @puskinbou 10 дней назад

    I hope Julie and Caleb will change their minds about a lot of things.

  • @saratraub1059
    @saratraub1059 Месяц назад +24

    How about “how to respond to progressive leftists.” The real danger.

    • @didymussumydid9726
      @didymussumydid9726 Месяц назад

      Liberals never punch left. Conservatives love to punch right.

    • @rogersikaly6771
      @rogersikaly6771 Месяц назад +18

      U really want to know how to "fight" the left? Preach the Gospel, lead a just and holy life. Show love and mercy, choose grace when hate seems to be the only way. Is God so small that your afraid the left is gonna step of him? Live righteously and leave the rest to God. Don't you know that God is Sovereign over all things including the left? Including America? Including your own life?

    • @marieball1875
      @marieball1875 Месяц назад +2

      Amen! Let’s focus our spiritual warfare on the real enemies of the gospel instead of nitpicking each other!

    • @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797
      @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Месяц назад +6

      @@rogersikaly6771any idea many on the left are catholics and Christians? They know the Bible as well as you do.
      Where in the Bible does it say God will automatically intervene? Where does it say just live righteously and God will do the rest? Haven't read the book of Daniel, Ester, Kings, and the Chronicles? God RARELY intervenes without the ACTION and INTERCESSIONS of human beings. It's time to TAKE A STAND.

    • @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797
      @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Месяц назад +7

      @@marieball1875 how has it worked out for you since 2018? Have you fought the "spiritual warfare" in the last 6 years? What were the outcomes of those election cycles?

  • @onegirlarmy4401
    @onegirlarmy4401 Месяц назад +4

    The Gentiles lord their power over you, but it should not be that way among you. Whoever wants to be great must be the servant of all (Matthew 20).

    • @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797
      @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Месяц назад +4

      @@onegirlarmy4401 irrelevant. Matthew 11:17. Learn to discern time, season, and purpose.

    • @lizh1988
      @lizh1988 Месяц назад

      Makes sense to me.

    • @adamflemming7982
      @adamflemming7982 Месяц назад

      @@hahasleepyjokelostforever3797What does Matthew 11:17 have to do with discerning times and seasons in your opinion

    • @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797
      @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Месяц назад

      @@adamflemming7982 well, what does the verse say? Read it and tell me. My comment is based on what Jesus said.

  • @rafaelbocanegra971
    @rafaelbocanegra971 16 дней назад

    Christian nationalist:an individual who believes in a country given to us by God,that his word is spoken and disperse world wide as mandated by Him

  • @updownjester
    @updownjester 5 дней назад

    I wish I had hope for my friends in this wicked mindset of wrath. I don’t. I’ve been talking to them about the difference of the kingdom and politics for 40 years.

  • @ThePlagueGameing
    @ThePlagueGameing Месяц назад +4

    Hey, how did that moral majority thing work out? 😢

  • @becerralino
    @becerralino 29 дней назад

    The command is to buy a sword not to lay it down.
    Luke 22:35-37 NKJV - And He said to them, “When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and sandals, did you lack anything?” So they said, “Nothing.” Then He said to them, “But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one. “For I say to you that this which is written must still be accomplished in Me: ‘And He was numbered with the transgressors.’ For the things concerning Me have an end.”

  • @becerralino
    @becerralino 29 дней назад

    When someone slaps you on the right cheek, they either slapped you with their left hand or they backhanded slapped you with their right hand. If someone slaps you on the left cheek with their right hand you aren't commanded to turn the other cheek. You don't always turn the other cheek.
    Matthew 5:39 NKJV - “But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.

  • @rafaelbocanegra971
    @rafaelbocanegra971 16 дней назад +1

    Jezebel taking people to hell

  • @LoriDobbins
    @LoriDobbins Месяц назад

    I have leukemia and am immune compromised. When I asked if my church members to wear masks I was told to just stay home. This was at Hillsong

    • @kirstituomi5309
      @kirstituomi5309 Месяц назад

      @@LoriDobbins The anti-mask conviction in Christians was/is stronger than their belief in the risen Lord. There’s nothing greater than owning the libs. You were the casualty they were happy to accept. I wonder if this right-wing idolatry will ever be purified from the church.

  • @rp7983
    @rp7983 Месяц назад +2

    I wonder what some of these Christians would think if they realized how Mormon they sound when pushing American exceptionalism that the nation is ordained by God to be superior and a savior to the world. I grew up LDS and this is a very central theme to the Book of Mormon.

    • @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797
      @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Месяц назад +1

      @@rp7983 people can draw parallel into anything. The real question is, what's the truth?

    • @rp7983
      @rp7983 Месяц назад

      @@hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Let me help you with that: the LDS church is a false religion and the Bible is truth. Anything that a cult peddles should be questioned.

  • @Rolvin16
    @Rolvin16 21 день назад

    Does he know when you display the flag vertically, the union should be on the upper left (flag’s right)? Apparently not.

  • @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797
    @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Месяц назад +10

    Instead of doing philosophical analysis and treat the theory as the truth, the Christians should stop devouring their own and ask what they must do after the world has turned into chaos. Now is not the time to dig into philosophical or religious debate. It is the time to recognize the signs of time and know what they must do at this hour.

    • @kirstituomi5309
      @kirstituomi5309 Месяц назад

      What are the main signs of the chaos? What solutions do you propose? What will happen if we don’t “do something” quickly? Worst case scenario?

    • @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797
      @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Месяц назад

      @@kirstituomi5309It's inevitable we will become a communist nation and live under permanent oppression if we don't do something about it now.
      Vote and get involved with poll watching. Participate with RNC's effort of ballotharvesting. Election on an even field is what we need to focus on now.

    • @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797
      @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Месяц назад

      @@kirstituomi5309 It's inevitable we will become a communist nation and live under permanent oppression if we don't do something about it now.
      Vote and get involved with poll watching. Participate with RNC's effort of ballotharvesting. Election on an even field is what we need to focus on now.

    • @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797
      @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Месяц назад

      @@kirstituomi5309 get involved with voting and partner with RNC. If we don't level up the election effort with DNC, the nation will descend into communism.

    • @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797
      @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Месяц назад

      @@kirstituomi5309 communism is the inevitability.
      Vote and get involved with RNC is the only way.

  • @BillWalkerWarren
    @BillWalkerWarren Месяц назад +2

    Nice topic. My biggest issue with Christian nationalism is the lack of compassion towards each within the Christian family. Where is that distinction from the world being shown how by how we love each other? Also their logic has me scratching my head. Why not consider making disciples instead of laws or policies? If they get their way who will be the ones governed or enforcing the laws a Christian government ran by goats and governing goats makes no sense. If we consider making more disciples much of their issues with society will resolve themselves.
    Again excellent topic. Thx

  • @chradams
    @chradams Месяц назад +4

    Thank you for this conversation!

  • @arnoldholder6867
    @arnoldholder6867 13 дней назад +1

    Excellent Discussion!
    Blessings to you both.

  • @michellethalman2803
    @michellethalman2803 Месяц назад

    I'm a Christian who lives in the United States.

  • @sc-ds7hx
    @sc-ds7hx 25 дней назад +1

    Why is this the only subject you care about, Julie? Do you ever talk about the church and the progressive left? Ever? Are you for abortion? You only seem to come for conservatives.

    • @EPHESIANS_5..11__Lady
      @EPHESIANS_5..11__Lady 18 дней назад +1

      She and her team are busy undermining Christ's one true church.

  • @labsquadmedia176
    @labsquadmedia176 Месяц назад +5

    A very helpful and timely conversation.

  • @WilliamMcEntee
    @WilliamMcEntee 11 дней назад

    Me too .

  • @paulacoyle5685
    @paulacoyle5685 Месяц назад

    1:13:50 just a nit because the rest was great - 😅 but Barnabas was not the one sent to heal Paul’s eyes, it was Ananias.

  • @kimmcdaniel8933
    @kimmcdaniel8933 Месяц назад

    Would George Washington be considered a Christian Nationalist

    • @Jessicajones11414
      @Jessicajones11414 Месяц назад

      No because he wasn’t a Christian. He was a deist.

  • @karenadams882
    @karenadams882 27 дней назад

    Thank you! I have come home from serving as a missionary in a mercy ministry that packages food and sends to hungry people in the world. During that time God really taught me his desire for me, to love him and others. To people at home I am considering woke, to many friends I had at home. It has been painful. Sometimes it feels like I am alone.

  • @heathershipley9473
    @heathershipley9473 Месяц назад

    I do believe there is a righteous remnant who are working within the Republican Party towards some crucial things right now. Such as returning us to the gold standard. These righteous men and women are being raised up by the Lord because they walk with Him in holiness (His blood) and discernment. God is gathering His remnant around the earth right now. The ones who realize they are priests in the order of Melchizedek under our great high priest Jesus. Who realize they are the bride. Who are submitted to Him and allowing Him to remove all idolatry from their hearts. They will be the Joel 2 army. They will usher in the birth of the daughters of Zion unto the earth and everything that comes after. He will gather all His people. Isaiah 11-13 speaks of this time, for example. It’s all laid out. I think we’re about to see this unfold. I feel deeply for the people worldwide who know something is deeply wrong and are trying to strike out at it (it’s Babylon. It’s always been Babylon vs Zion; Esau vs Jacob. From the beginning) these people are angry and scared and trying to “do something” These people are atheists, Christians, republicans, democrats…they do not really KNOW Jesus. Or they would not be in fear and confusion. If you are a Christian, then you have Holy Spirit within you. Jesus and Father come to you and make their dwelling with you. John 14:23 I’m so heartbroken to hear Christians railing in anger at various political things and people groups. When I say “let’s pray together and lean into Gods heart for what we are to think, speak, do…” it quickly becomes apparent that they don’t trust Father, they don’t know they are in the Beloved, they cannot hear His voice for themselves and are looking to some other person to organize them and tell them what to do.
    Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, nothing matters more right now than seeking His presence and abiding there. If you don’t do this, nothing else you do matters. With His Presence, whatever He directs you to do will be magnificent in the Kingdom. It’s about His Kingdom coming to earth. And yes, His people will rule and reign. But it starts with intimacy. Priesthood. Then ruling as Kings.

    • @kirstituomi5309
      @kirstituomi5309 Месяц назад

      How will returning to gold standard affect your daily walk with Jesus? Do you think the early church worried about gold standard?

  • @primariecolors
    @primariecolors 18 дней назад

    Thank you for sharing such an important and needed conversation.

  • @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797
    @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Месяц назад +7

    I will also tell you there is no need to stand up for your faith if politics doesn't matter. Why? Because you should keep the faith to yourself and not stand up against the cultural deterioration. But that's not what we are called to do (Matthew 5:13, 14)

    • @melissamiller122
      @melissamiller122 Месяц назад +4

      Right. And I guess that just depends on how you interpret what salt and light actually means. To me, salt and light means to go out and love people, not to call the world out of their sin; because Paul specifically tells us that we are not to call out the sins of non-believers. We would stay busy 24/7 if we were to do that, right? So we are to call out the truth in love to the other believers within the church, but the non-believers, we're just to witness. And our witness is damaged if we're doing nothing but pointing out their sin. We're to love them and bring them to Jesus. And then Jesus convicts them of their sin and he cleans them up. We don't fix people. Jesus does that; that's his job.
      Not only that, God does not need our defense. We don't have to go out and defend God. He fights. We just love.

    • @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797
      @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Месяц назад +5

      @@melissamiller122 not really. If salt and light only means to love people, there is no need to stand up for what you believe. It just shows. Matthew 5:17 actually talks about them being the laws and the prophets. That means it refers to Christian beliefs and practices.

    • @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797
      @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Месяц назад

      @@melissamiller122 the movement isn't about calling out their sins. It's about bring the country back to its founding principles because the country is under attack with cultural darkness and persecution contradicting with our laws and constitution. This is not the time to retrieve or make excuses. It's a time of war.

    • @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797
      @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Месяц назад +7

      @@melissamiller122 God doesn't need us to defend him. We need to defend our faith and our country. That's our responsibility (1 Peter 3:15, 2 Peter 2:1-22)

    • @1Whipperin
      @1Whipperin Месяц назад +2

      ​@@melissamiller122 Thank you. Excellent points.

  • @shalahcarolshaffron7299
    @shalahcarolshaffron7299 Месяц назад

    King James Bible
    When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.
    New King James Version
    When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.
    New International Version
    But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy peace and prosperity.
    New Living Translation
    The lowly will possess the land and will live in peace and prosperity.
    English Standard Version
    But the meek shall inherit the land and delight themselves in abundant peace.

  • @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797
    @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Месяц назад +18

    This brother is completely off the rails. I will suggest those in doubt to go talk to the rally goers and ask what they really believe. I bet he hasn't been to any of the rallies and I have.

    • @JulieRoysReport
      @JulieRoysReport  Месяц назад +11

      You obviously didn’t listen to the podcast. He talks about the many rallies he’s attended.

    • @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797
      @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Месяц назад +11

      @@JulieRoysReport I watched much of the podcast and the rally is just one point I've made. Does he have a rebuttal for every point I make or does he nitpick a few exceptions he can find? Have you been to the rallies? They are like giant church services that started with prayers. The atmosphere is no different than any church gathering where people are friendly, peaceful, and cordial.

    • @frankboston3377
      @frankboston3377 Месяц назад

      @@hahasleepyjokelostforever3797Like a big church service? Consider this sad fact: Many of theTrump rallies in this past year or more have had raucus outbreaks of jeering mockery of "the woke Blue "others",who aren't of their "red hat" tribe. Often encouraged by Trump himslef, far too many times ,the condescending and angry mockery coming from those MAGA crowds lowered to vulgar chants like "B__S__!!F___Biden!" (Just a few months ago, even in a huge rally in a large church in Phoenix called 'the DreamCenter',profane angry vulgarities were heard shouted out as "MAGA /Trumpism/Americanism praise was in high gear!! (google it!)..Something is deeply wrong with this picture!
      Therefore, Julie Roy and her guest are exactly correct in addressing this dangeorus abbreation of theGospel!

    • @ernieplumley2600
      @ernieplumley2600 Месяц назад +2

      I agree with you 100%. He is dead wrong on just about everything he says.

  • @lisacawyer6896
    @lisacawyer6896 Месяц назад +3

    Good stuff!! Thanks for this!!

  • @cirdan4170
    @cirdan4170 Месяц назад +1

    I think what we really need to understand is the cyclical nature of ideology and culture. Ideas over time drift to the edges, it's what you see in all of history. If there is pressure on an ideal, you always have a push to drop the idea and a push to radicalize. E.g. the Monarchists during the French Revolution pushing the Jacobins to radicalize and even turning on the more centrist Girondins, the Czarists leading to the Bolshevik radicalizing and even turning on the Menshevik. Even in Christianity we see in the 19th century the rise of liberal theology and as a countermovement the fundamentalists. It needed a centrist evangelical movement to restore balance. The same is happening today, with the added complication of a deeper enmeshment of politics and religion. You see a progressive "Christian" push, aided by extreme leftist politics and culture leading to an overreaction on the conservative side to a new, and newly political fundamentalism (e.g. Trumpism; Megan Basham now slandering centrists Christian RUclipsrs for not taking a fundamentalist position on climate change etc.). In the quickly shifting political/religious landscape, it seems very difficult to keep your bearing, especially since the neomarxist ideology undeniably has been subtly influencing culture and most of us are inundated with that. Nonetheless, we need to find a position to stand on, as soundly and as biblically as we can. I think the most important thing is to insist on listening to ALL sides, no matter how out there they seem from the outset, and to insist on the assumption that they think themselves in the right and in the clear. Not to assume ill will, where propaganda and deception are more than adequate to explain a position. I think this breaks down wherever people are unwilling to seek after the truth and don't even consider when contrary evidence is brought up.

    • @markangelacook3377
      @markangelacook3377 Месяц назад +1

      @cirdan4170 thank you for sharing this. Very sound information.

    • @kirstituomi5309
      @kirstituomi5309 Месяц назад

      What do you see as the worst case scenario? First Christians were persecuted, on very shaky ground, yet they were fearless and full of grace.
      What is your biggest fear?

    • @cirdan4170
      @cirdan4170 Месяц назад

      @@kirstituomi5309 I'm afraid of neither totalitarian leftism nor right wing fundamentalism as such, but I am concerned with either creeping into the Church and poisoning the gospel. And they do furnish excellent arguments for each other. "Look at all this destructive liberalism in the Church! We need to become fundamentalist to combat that!" and vise versa. And the observation may actually be sound! I do think liberalism is the biggest problem the Church is facing at the moment, but falling off the horse in the opposite direction is not going to keep us safe. As you point out, we actually need to get accustomed to the idea of again living under persecution rather than cease to be faithful Christians in order to deal with the threat from either side. I was writing mostly to point out that what we see right now is exactly what we ought to expect based on the nature of humanity and the flux of ideas.

    • @kirstituomi5309
      @kirstituomi5309 Месяц назад

      @@cirdan4170 Left wing totalitarianism is not possible in America. Bernie proposing paid maternity leave, Living wage, Medicare, education. Etc, and people go crazy. Project 2025 proposed right-wing totalitarianism along the lines of Hungary: one person (Victor Orban) holds ALL POWER. That is very possible, if not likely this November. Minority will be happy. Majority will react badly to all the injustices and suffering. Hungary experienced totalitarianism under communism, Americans take freedom for granted and will not adjust. The society will collapse.
      My experience of the church is that WWJD is laughed at. The new gospel is about owning the libs, owning public health, owning Qanon and every conspiracy. Churches that preach the gospel are empty and the churches that preach Trump are packed. No need to fear anything bad happening. Church jumped in with two feet years ago.

  • @marynettleton
    @marynettleton Месяц назад

    Thank you for the insight and hope

  • @ernieplumley2600
    @ernieplumley2600 Месяц назад +1

    I disagree with about everything he said.

    • @kirstituomi5309
      @kirstituomi5309 Месяц назад

      🎉He was very Christ-centred and presented an approach to reach out in love. What does it make someone 100% opposite?

    • @ernieplumley2600
      @ernieplumley2600 Месяц назад

      @@kirstituomi5309 He said a lot of things about patriots that simply aren’t true…for starters. God didn’t tell us to sit back and do nothing but pray. We fight in the courts and protest on the streets peacefully for another. We don’t just sit on our hands and pray, even though prayer is part of it.

    • @kirstituomi5309
      @kirstituomi5309 Месяц назад

      @@ernieplumley2600 Can’t count on God to fulfill his will? Got to do it yourself!

    • @ernieplumley2600
      @ernieplumley2600 Месяц назад

      @@kirstituomi5309 That’s not what I said at all.

    • @kirstituomi5309
      @kirstituomi5309 Месяц назад

      @@ernieplumley2600 What would/will take you to the streets? School lunches? Paid maternity leave? Citizens who hold different views from you acting according to their convictions?

  • @martahartzog9237
    @martahartzog9237 Месяц назад

    Who do we vote for??

    • @1Whipperin
      @1Whipperin Месяц назад

      @martahartzog9237 None of them. Trust in God, not in voting.

    • @kirstituomi5309
      @kirstituomi5309 Месяц назад

      State is secular, separated from the church. Whose approach lines best with yours? Do you think new mothers should be given maternity leave to be able to breastfeed their babies? Do you think also poor children should have food to eat? Should people have to choose between financing chemo for their sick child or keeping the roof over their heads? Should worker earn sufficiently to support their family if they put in a good 8 hours/day?

  • @Cwood79
    @Cwood79 Месяц назад

    This interview is confusing. Even his explanation of what Christian Nationalism is disturbing. Is everything included that is Christian?And violence and politics do not go together. I’m interested in his stance on voting. Not that I what to know how one votes , but is this a discouragement for causing ones not to vote. Non voting has cause lots of our social issues. There is forms of Christian Nationalism on both sides. I agree with the dangers of issues being blown out of proportions that everything is evil when it’s not. But this can go the other way. It not just on the Right. We have seen communities burned down here in this country. Neighborhoods gone. I have watch Caleb on another interview. One in which the host brought up the posting of the 10 commandments in Louisiana. This was call Christian Nationalism by the host and at the moment Caleb seemed to agree. Yet the 10 Commandments had previously been posted in school along with Bible reading and prayer. But then it was not considered Christian Nationalism. Bible reading and prayer ended in 1963 post of the commandments as late 1980. Our early school were Bible based including public schools. Now it’s not hospitable to do so. With that logic the cross that Caleb wears could be deemed as Christian Nationalism. It could be offensive to one’s who uncomfortable with the Cross. It’s not hospitable to others. Not everything that is Christian is Nationalism. People has gotten saved because the 10 commandments was once posted on their school walls. His book must have been written before the Republican Convention because the party has moved away from the Christian Right. Christian don’t like to vote. That is why Roe vs Wade pass….Christians didn’t vote on it the 1970s😢

  • @1Whipperin
    @1Whipperin Месяц назад +6

    Jesus, His disciples, and the early Church consistently taught and practiced nonviolence, emphasizing love, forgiveness, and turning the other cheek, even in the face of persecution. Jesus' message was clear: His kingdom was not of this world, and His followers were called to live in peace, rejecting all forms of violence. Anyone who supports political violence fundamentally contradicts the teachings of Jesus and cannot truly be considered His follower.
    The introduction of political violence into the Church can be traced back to the conversion of Constantine in the 4th century. With Constantine’s embrace of Christianity and the subsequent alignment of the Church with the Roman Empire, the Church began to adopt a more militant stance, abandoning its early commitment to nonviolence in favor of political power and influence. This shift marked a significant departure from the teachings of Christ and the practice of the early Church. Thank you for rhe excellent show.

    • @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797
      @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Месяц назад +6

      @@1Whipperin Jesus was talking about objective truth, not a political one. Because if that weren't the case, there is no need for his second coming. So why didn't he fight when he came the first time? Because that wasn't his purpose. Discerning time, season, and purpose is the key.
      What we are facing now isn't just about political violence, but what to do when the Christians are oppressed. Are they supposed to be sheep lead to slaughter for no reason or should they stand up and safe keep what the forefathers had fought for? If GW, TJ, AL and all the leaders in the past had chosen an easy way out, there won't be a free country we inherited today. The irony is clear. Either you fight or surrender. The enemy would love you to surrender without lifting a finger.

    • @adamflemming7982
      @adamflemming7982 Месяц назад

      @@hahasleepyjokelostforever3797Respectfully, if you follow your own logic, then are you not becoming an archetypal antichrist by taking Jesus’ final victory into your own hands?

    • @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797
      @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Месяц назад +1

      @@adamflemming7982 ?? Doing your part is taking Jesus' final victory into your own hands?
      How many testimony of miracle in the Bible were the result of God doing them alone vs the ones with the participation of believers? Open the Bible and count them. Did Jacob get material blessing from God by doing nothing? How about Issac's increase? Did God do it alone in the conquest of Cannon? The recovery of Lot and his men by Abraham? Any of David's battles? The rescue of Jews through Ester? Did Elijah perform miracles of oil without getting the jars or Elisha retrieved the borrowed axe in the lake without throwing the stick to make the axe float?
      It's absolutely amazing the modern believers would think it is God's way to bless or deliver them out of their misery without lifting a finger.

    • @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797
      @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Месяц назад

      @@adamflemming7982 Doing your part is taking Jesus' final victory into your own hands?
      How many testimony of miracle in the Bible were the result of God doing them alone vs the ones with the participation of believers? Open the Bible and count them. Did Jacob get material blessing from God by doing nothing? How about Issac's increase? Did God do it alone in the conquest of Cannon? The recovery of Lot and his men by Abraham? Any of David's battles? The rescue of Jews through Ester? Did Elijah perform miracles of oil without getting the jars or Elisha retrieved the borrowed axe in the lake without throwing the stick to make the axe float?
      It's absolutely amazing the modern believers would think it is God's way to bless or deliver them out of their misery without lifting a finger.

    • @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797
      @hahasleepyjokelostforever3797 Месяц назад

      @@adamflemming7982 ? Doing your part is taking Jesus' final victory into your own hands?
      How many testimony of miracle in the Bible were the result of God doing them alone vs the ones with the participation of believers? Open the Bible and count them. Did Jacob get material blessing from God by doing nothing? How about Issac's increase? Did God do it alone in the conquest of Cannon? The recovery of Lot and his men by Abraham? Any of David's battles? The rescue of Jews through Ester? Did Elijah perform miracles of oil without getting the jars or Elisha retrieved the borrowed axe in the lake without throwing the stick to make the axe float?