Awesome how-to vid, thanks so much for posting. I just did this today myself and results are amazing, I can actually get decent results with my milk now! Thank you so much again. Couple of things to mention, 1) earth cable in base needs disconnecting to allow removal of inner cassette, and 2) watch the power button when re-inserting the cassette, as it easily catches
Would you say this is easy for a lay person who’s half-decent with handling tools and such? I’m dying to convert it but I’m a tad worried that I will be incapable
I did it with my ec685 (parranello with hot milk / cappuccino switch) and I had 2 remarks: - (easy) before removing main unit disconnect 2 earth cables (yellow-green). One on the top and one at the bottom, both connected to back wall + remove on/off button - (hard) i am not sure about the cause of this issue, but metal round clip is too small to put it on Rancillo wand. I pushed really hard with pliers. It went through but a bit bended so be careful. I think either 685 wand (compare to 680) is thinner (additionally it has small recess for metal clip) or maybe Rancillo wand is thicker. The plastic white part is also hard to put onto Rancillo wand, but with a bit of oil it goes through. Good luck! And of course milk is awesome now! It is really worth every second you spend on this upgrade. KUDOS!
thanks for your tips! i did this last night on my ec685. took about 1.5hrs with some mucking around but could have taken less if i was familiar with everything. it was just like you have said here. - the extra grounding cable before taking out the inner unit was tricky to remove, I found that taking out the extra black plastic panel (3 screws) helped a bit and using long nose pliers to gently push the clip mechanism while pulling it off helped. - changing the ball joint was a bit hard but wasn’t a bad as i thought it would be. i used simple dishwashing detergent. also used the floor to push it over the second bend - huge relief to get past this point. - the circlip went onto the rancilio wand fairly easily to the with pliers just like is shown in this video, mine didn’t bend. it took a few tries but if you do it carefully and apply pressure correctly it just goes ‘clip’ the microfoam/froth is on par with professional machine. i worked 4yrs as a barista and poured latte art and this machine can do that with this modification!
Thanks for your comments, it really helped me, I have an EC685 and took me like 4hrs hahaha. Just want to say that the “ball joint” was really hard to install on the Rancilio wand, even with the help of oil and heat, finally I used a “stilson” key to hold the “ball joint” and move to the end of the wand.
Great tutorial. I do have a couple of remarks related to the EC685: - As mentioned by others here: there are a total of 3 ground cables that need to be disconnected and then re-connected on re-assembly (front cover, back cover and one at the bottom of the inner machine). - The tube connecting the pump to the steam wand is really hard to remove. I had to use a flat-head screwdriver to push and my other hand to pull really hard at the same time over and over again to disconnect it. This goes for both ends but the steam wand was significantly harder to remove than the pump. - The ball joint of the EC685 is hard to put on the Rancilio wand. I managed to push it through the first bend with brute force but I had to use a bit of WD40 to push it through the second bend. Someone already mentioned that they used some oil to achieve the same result. The bottom line is that some kind of a lubricant is highly recommended for this step. - The circlip of the EC685 is of a smaller size than the one of the EC680 in the video. As mentioned already you have to make the circlip a bit wider to force it on to the Rancilio wand. I used the pointed head part of a hammer to do this. It took me 2 hours in total but I have to admit that the milk foam you get using the Rancilio wand is way superior than what you get with the original wand.
I havent done this mod to my 685 (yet), but I wonder if it is even necessary to put that circlip back to the rancilio wand since it is installed into another end of the ball joint compared to the original steam wand. I assume it originally is there to prevent wand falling through the ball joint, but what is its purpose with rancilio wand?
@@Jyyzto I think you can make it work even without the circlip. The ball joint is the actual piece keeping the steam wand from falling out the machine's housing and the one provided with EC685 really fits tightly on the wand so it will not just move around by itself.
The circlip part, i was thinking why mine was hardly getting on and it popped off twice while i was reassembling, second time i was like fuck it i am not unscrewing and opening everything again. It is a tad bit lose, but it wont fall off so eh
I would like to join others in thanking you for easy step by step guide. I just have modified my Dedica and after trying to steam the milk with new wand I am happy to report amazing results. Massive thank you again!
Just did this successfully. Awesome - thanks! Echo some other comments: 1) Be sure to remove the earth wire from the bass (and reconnect it!) 2) Take the on button out to make removing the cassette easier 3) Use Vaseline if struggling to get the nipple on the new wand
Just did this on mine and I didn’t have the earth wire? Is that the case with others or should I be worried about having bought one that wasn’t put together right at the factory?
Okay. Just did the upgrade to my Delonghi Dedica. This was not an easy task! The main issue is that the more current versions of this machine no longer use spring clips to hold the steam hose to the wand, they use non-removable Oetiker clamps. These need to be cut off then replaced with new ones. The clamps are the 6-7 mm. size and require a special tool to crimp them down solid. This video is no longer relevant and needs to be updated. I was able, with some serious finesse, to use a standard 1/4 inch worm drive screw type hose clamp, but getting this to tighten down was very difficult as there is very little clearance. I would recommend searching Amazon for the proper Oetiker clamps (also called pinch clamps or PEX clamps) and tool. HOWEVER, even though the task is a pain and requires some new tools, the microfoam from this machine is now 100x better than before!!! It's amazing! Totally worth it!
The white delonghi sleeve is too tight to push through the rancio silvia wand. Any suggestions? Thanks for the tip on the clamps. Another thing I found was that there was ground cable to the top warming plate as shown here.
@@jink1231 From what I remember it is a very tight fit! But it did go on with some effort on my machine. It's possible they have changed it on the more current versions of the Dedica if you can't get it to work as seen in the video. Good luck!
i wish i read this message earlier. but also, maybe i would not have done it, lol. I was swearing at everyone’s mother while doing this. it took me like 3-4hrs. I had only had the machine for 2 months and was like disarming a bomb that i could break and had no idea where to take it to get fixed bc also I just moved so i’m new in this city. so much was at stake that added to the stress levels lol. i’m not sure in retrospect that it was worth it but i love the foam now. so i’m enjoying that part. I was able to do it without taking of the Oetiker clamps, it took me a while to just push them in place. now, thanks to you, I know if something breaks, I just order these clamps because it has worked well so far, but idk for much longer. . thank you thank you
Awesome tutorial! Thanks. I used a cooking oil, a heat gun & gentle persuasion with a small hammer & punch to get the ball joint around the corners. I used epoxy to hold the c-clip in place since there's no groove for it. It may not be necessary since it can't move past the curve in the tube. I had one use clamps. You really only need to remove one and I replaced it with a spring clamp. Thanks again!
thank you heaps helichax!! great mod! with the original wand, when you purge, you actually see water coming out, with ransilio, its all steam!! huge difference! comment from graciano83 really helped me to prepare for this so I shall chip in my thought as well. I have DeLonghi EC685! hope it helps. Additional Step Step 6 minute 20 seconds: Remove 2 earth cables (yellow/green cable, they are 'female spade connector', can google it). These earth cables are attached to the metal casing both on the top and bottom of the back casing. To remove them, I removed the "right black strip" at the exterior of the back casing facing the water tank. They are located at the corner. The "black strip" can be removed by sliding it up. Then from there just use flat screw driver to "push" the 2 'female space connectors' out from the back exterior casing. Remove power switch - these are shaped like those backpack buckles, so use two screw drivers to push the clip out. Tips on 1 minute 18 sec, note it says "slide" because the front part of the top cover is actually secured under a slide mechanism. You need to eventually slide it back towards the water tank to open it. 8 minutes 5 sec, extremely difficult on the turns. I managed to get the "ball joint" through the turns by wrapping it around a clothe and used "Adjustable Jaw Pliers" to grab on to it and wiggle it around at the turn. 9 minutes 14 sec, my metal clip is smaller than the wand. I didnt need to change the size of the metal clip for my mod at any point in time. Just use a plier, grab on to the back of the clip, and with force, push it onto the wand. 5 minutes 32 seconds, make sure you secure those metal clamps back onto the pipe and base, otherwise in time you will get leakage.
Some important tips: 1) To push the ball joint to the end of the rancilio Silva wand: heat (with hot water/blow dryer) to soften the ball joint first. It'd be much easier. 2) The tube slips off the rancilio Silva wand very easily. Tips: heat and soften the tube first, then push the tube hard to the wand. And recommend to leave the top open and try making steam, this way you can avoid steaming the inside of the machine in case the tube comes out.
I tried Boiling water for like 20 sec didn't help and the water wasn't that hot I was scared of it being too hot what did u do to make it fit I couldn't.
Anyone know the size of the E clip for the ball joint on the rancillo wand? As I was clipping it in, it went flying off somewhere, and I cannot find it.
Great video and so thankful for this modification! Definitely harder than you make it look, but as a former barista, I could NOT handle the steam wand included with the Dedica. The new wand is such an improvement! However, I purchased my machine in 2020, and there are a few differences. 1. There is no earth cable. 2. The water tubing is different (a cloth-covered main tube) 3. The clamps on the tubing are different (this was the WORST! They are very difficult to remove and reattach). All in all, great, helpful video and definitely worth the frustration to make the modification!
Same here. I wonder what size the steam wand tube is, I would like very much to get a replacement clamp. (I mangled one of mine really well. It hardly looks like a clamp anymore.)
Thank you for the tutorial! It was quite challenging, mostly because I didn't want to break my machine (which is just a few weeks old). But as a barista I really needed this mod, hated the panarello. I did this on a ec685. A few challenges along the way was 1) how to get the lid of/ get it back into place. Quite difficult. 2) how to take the inside out. Don't forget to unplug the earthwire at the bottom plus the on/off button can loosen (mine did jump out! 😂). Otherwise it worked out fine! Happy this tutorial existed otherwise I would have skipped this mod 💃
Thank you so much. Wanted to buy this machine for a while but was put off by the lack of control in the beginner friendly wand. Good to know I can still use this and not worry about it!
Thank you so much for the very helpful video. It helped me a lot. I had a bit of a hard time with step 2 (taking the top off) because my delonghi dedica (the red one) has clips on the sides. so I had to pull back the cover instead of just popping it out. I also had to pop out the power button before I can pull the innards of the machine out and disconnect the earth cable from the base. Other than that, I followed the tutorial and it was successful. Thank you for taking the time to do this wonderful tutorial.
Thanks for the step by step video! Watched yesterday and did the swap today, i was a bit worried once id taken things all apart that it wouldnt work once put back together, it did work!! havent had time to try it out properly yet, but plenty of steam was coming out from the new wand, point to note :- some of the screws are of differnt lenght just make a note of where they came from and you will be fine.
You owe me a new coffee machine! Kidding, I just completed the mod and it works perfectly. Other than the small details others mentioned (base earth cable, power button catching) I also had trouble pulling the foam rubber hose from the original wand. I ended up having to cut about 1cm off the bottom but fortunately it still works fine. Thanks so much for the detailed instructions. It's content like this that makes the internet awesome!
Sehr detaillierte Beschreibungen, vielen Dank 👍🏽 Bei mir entsteht zwischen Dampflanzen-Rohr und Düsenaufsatz keine 100%ige Dichte mit der Rancilio Silvia Lanze... problem ist das immer wieder Luft herausgedrückt wird und die Lanze an Power verliert... Lösung: habe es mit etwas Hanfband und Dichtungspaste abgedichtet, nun ist das Problem Geschichte 😁👍🏼
For anyone thinking this looks easy... it took me nearer to two hours, and it is way way more difficult that he makes it look here. Not to mention that at the end I was left with one screw that I absolutely couldn’t account for anywhere... hoping my machine holds together!
If anyone looks at this and thinks, "oh that's easy breezy"...... please reply, I'll give you my address, I'll buy what ever you wind up with after your "mod" haha
One screw left is a classic! I agree the mod is not as easy as he shows. I got stuck at one point but don’t really recollect which one was it. It was a while ago. Well worth it though.
Thanks a lot for the detailed instructions! I bought my 685 about a year ago and the innards were as you described them plus one additional earthing of the main block. Took me about 1 1/2 hours and the wand works a treat! Cheers!
Good video, just finished my mod. It took me about 1:20h, because (I guess) in the newest models there are additional ground wires, which should be disconnected before taking out the inner part of machine. Thanks!
I don't know if the versions are different but for mine, when opening the top lid, you need to pull up the rear, grab the lid and pull back. There are plastic nooks that blocks from just pulling up. You also don't need to unscrew the buttons, you can just unplug them.
Thanks for the vid, very easy to follow. Pretty straight forward to do but man that ball joint did not want to go on the Rancilio wand, took some persuading! Got it on in the end though and making much better foam now! Totally worth the effort
Please note that for the newer Dedica 385 models made since 2020, this mod no longer works as described. The flexible pipe at 5:31 in the video is now hard fixed and not removable without risk of damaging the pipe. I just tried this with my new Dedica 385 and could not proceed beyond this point. If the creators have a workaround, please let me know! Thank you
Just tried it today the clamps now are PMX which means you have to replace them. I found some 1/4 inch hose clamps at home depot for $6. They are annoying to install but work great.
@@rockoutshowdown Hi Aiden -- Can you share a link for the exact clamps you picked up? I'll DM the ones I think they might be but want to confirm since you seem to have gotten around this successfully.
Just did this but I was so nervous to break my machine! This doesn’t show disconnecting a yellow wire on the top and bottom before sliding out the machine from the case! Also the yellow wire connected by some kind of screw on the lid. It was hard to get the machine in and out of the shell with the power button too. A few things to look for when doing it. Also, don’t forget to screw in the interior group head screws before doing the bottom and top when putting back together. Every screw must be put back in the same order you took them out or other screws won’t come apart. But, my steam wand is working! Time will tell!
Thank you very much for these instructions. I’ve lost a little piece of my skin from index finger trying to pull out that damn silicone tube but it was worth it :) My advice for someone who will try this instructions is to cut off a little piece of that tube (like half cm is enough).
This is a great tutorial and I followed it step by step. I had one or two difficulties (getting the circlip on the Rancilio was one). Putting it back together again didn't seem as difficult as I thought it would be, even though many of the internal screws were of differing sizes and I didn't pay enough attention to making sure the screws went back precisely where they came out from. Anyway, It's all back together and working only problem is that I can't seem to get any foam from the steamed milk. All I get is hot milk! With the old wand I was at least able to get froth, which I didn't want but it was better than nothing. So now I need to find another tutorial on how to use THIS machine with the new wand to make microfoam. But thanks anyway for a great video.
Good to know that you managed to put back all the screws in place. The panarello is designed to give foamy milk without any user skills. You're now using a real wand, so you need to learn how to do it. I found that tilting the pitcher about 30 degrees and keeping the tip just below the surface about 1cm give the best result.
@@Helichax Yes, I realised there is a certain skill to doing this, having watched probably hundreds of Barista's do it in coffee shops but it was never easy to see how far into the milk they placed the tip. I found a tutorial on YT which doesn't use the same machine but it does use the same wand. I followed what he did and hey presto! Perfect microfoam! When I discovered I could actually do it I got quite excited! Like a kid with a new toy! Now, anyone who visits my house will have to have a flat white or a cappuccino whether they like it or not! I will need lots more practice with my latte art. There are probably loads more videos available but this is the one I followedвидео.html
Amazing how to! The only thing was the ball joint which was the WORST, but sitting it in boiled water for 3 minutes did the trick perfect (I also did this on the SMEG version of this machine) and there’s a grounding wire near the water pickup at the bottom of the machine but that’s it!!
Just finished this job. I work with computer IT so I decided to give it a crack. If you are on the fence there are a few things to consider. The first gen model of dedica has a different steamer hose with a braided woven tube. The tube clamps are also different and much harder to dis attach and re attach. If you aren’t experienced with taking apart pumps and electronics then this isn’t the job for you. Putting it back together isn’t as trivial as yo7 would think either. You must be careful because there is a lot that you can mess up. To me this was worth it but be prepared to invest An hour or so into finishing the job. You have to really want the new want in order to commit to this change. Good video though just a few things to consider if you have a first gen dedica. Be prepared to problem solve. Let me know if you have any other questions.
I'm actually on the fence about doing the upgrade, I'm not very good with these kind of works if something unexpected comes up. The machine is a Dedica 685, bought in beginning 2019, not sure if it's old or new model
Setup the ball joint is not as easy as it looks. Hammer did the work in the end. But afterall this is almost a complete guidance except missing some ground cable record at the top and bottom. Overall great video and thanks you!
Awesome video. But for people who try this in USA version of the machine, the steam wand pipe is connected by cinche clamps(Google it) which are one time use and also relatively hard to remove. So be prepared to make a run to Home Depot to get some replacement clips which will hold the pipe. Rest was easy as shown in video.
Jason Hind wand itself is 1/4” and pipe with its thickness little over that. I used the same pipe with clamp like this
Excellent video! Worked for me, the only thing which was not mentioned was the ground connection which needed to disconnected and reconnected. The recommended replacement stream wand is a much better improvement over original stream wand that comes with the machine. The most difficult part is taking the internals out of the machine case, not so easy, quite fiddly.
Does anyone know the size of the tube that for to the wand? My ec680 is a bit different and has a braided line that is crimped on running to the steam wand. I have no problem replacing it but need to know the size.
I dunno if its worth this much effort, I can get very good results with the stock wand. I find it depends on the milk if it creams well. Even different brands of milk produce different results. Standard/Organic full fat seems to get the best results for me.
This is a brilliant video to teach how to do it, I am a bit scared of trying it though. I thought that it would be quite easy. It is a pity that he does not show how to put it back together in as much detail as he did taking it apart. I don`t want to ruin my Dedica but I want a better steam wand.
Thanks for the video, I manage to change the steam wand as well, but I can't clip back the small clip to the steam wand so I didn't clip it back but it still works hopefully in future it doesn't give me problem ...
@@Helichax Hi. You are removing the circlip from the top of the ball joint (that white thing), and then you are putting back to the bottom of the new wand. Can you explain why? Awesome guide btw, thanks.
@@AdamAmbarus circlip was meant to hold the ball joint in place. Notice the old wand doesnt have something in the top to hold the ball joint, but it has at the bottom. The new wand is the other way around, so the circlip has to hold the ball joint from the bottom.
I followed the guide, and mounted the wand. The ball joint moved very-very hard, but WD-40 and a cloth helped a lot. I recommend for everybody, to remove the power button when the bottom is opened, and the cassette is loose. The button simply pops out by pushing in the two clips from the sides. You can but back even when everything is reassembled. Great vid, thanks.
I have a DeLonghi Dedica EC685 and doing this is a literal PAIN.. I spent 3 hours so far and I'm not done yet, I have to run to the hardware store to get new clips.. I wish it's as easy as it looks but it is really not :(
Warning for anyone thinking about trying this... Firstly this video seems to be missing a step, after taking the base off the bottom, power button will need to be removed by pushing in the 2 clips at either side, then the power switch unit itself can just be pulled out of the slot if needed. Otherwise the power switch will catch and stop you from pulling the main body out of the casing. Secondly, the default steam wand that comes with the machine has an indendation in it that the pipe slides over, this is so that the metal clip can slot on top of the grove in order to prevent the pipe from slipping off. As the new wand shown in this video doesn't have this indentation, the pipe that attaches on to the new wand came off 'VERY' easily, even just by moving the wand around. To stop this I ended up using a tiny bit of superglue on just the inside of the pipe where it attaches to the new steam wand and made sure the clip was pointing towards the side of the case to stop it from catching and being pushed off. So far it now seems to be staying on a lot better now but it's left me a bit paranoid in case it slips back off during use causing all of the steam to get trapped inside of the machine...
@@Helichax Sorry, I forgot to express my gratitude for you taking the time to make this video. xD To update on my original post, so far since applying glue the steam tube has yet to fall off and my paranoia is now going down.. Overall this steam wand does seem to do a much better job than the original one that came with the machine and certainly a lot easier to clean, cheers for making the video, I definitely wouldn't have tried this out otherwise!
I stress the fact, that when removing the earth wires from the metal housing parts, take care to put them back on properly afterwards!! They save you, in case there is voltage on the housing parts due to an defect. Best thing would be to at least check the resistance from the wire earth to the housing with a multimeter. If the resistance is only a little too high, the current won't be high enough for the fuses to react in time in case of an accident...These kind of operations normaly need to be done and checked with special devices by an electrician afterwards, so please work very conscientious, when doing this.
I followed this step by step and all worked out. Warning! There is a missed step which you can clearly see at 6:24 .. the power button was removed and he doesn't tell you or show you that he did it. I couldn't figure out why the hell the unit wouldn't come out! Otherwise.. got there in the end, thanks!
The result is much better so far. I just don't have video about the frothing but you can google some reviews from another EC680 user with rancilio Silvia wand.
Great tutorial, it definitely isn't as easy as he makes it look - it took me a full 2 hours. Points which are missing: 1) when remove the internal machine from the body, there is an earth cable which needs detaching at the bottom of the machine 2) be careful with the power button, you need to use a flat screw driver to push it out and then remove the machine. I did not notice this and it broke the pins pushing the button in.
Hi, just did the mod, went well but 1 thing i am having problems with is this, can anyone help? When using the new wand the milk boils and starts going crazy bubbling before I can get a good amount of foam. Any tips? Thanks
@@JamesMears76 yes I kind of wish I hadn't done it now :( I could get lots of foam with the original panarello wand. I understand making foam may be more difficult with the Rancilo wand but I just cannot see how it is ever going to make enough foam for a latte before the milk boils. Also yeah agree with you on the noice, almost near ear defenders.
UPDATE: I think I figured it out. Tilt the milk pitcher to 30 degrees hold the pitcher of milk right below the hole on the wand. It forces additional air into the milk and works well to produce extra foam. Try and get the milk to swirl at the same time.
Thanks for the video! I followed these steps for mine but it’s weird.. when I pour coffee all works fine. When I hit the steam button then all looks good for the first 30 seconds (the milk is frothing etc) but steam is coming out from the coffee filter and when I go to remove it there is like a crazy burst of energy and the coffee granules go everywhere! When I try to steam without the coffee filter in, the steam doesn’t come out of the wand but the filter which is weird? Wondering if you came across this and had any suggestions where I went wrong? 😭
OK got the new Rancillio wand and about to do this ... what is the point of putting the c-clamp back on new wand when the ball joint is on the otherwise of the ridge 🤔 as there does not seem to be a ridge to catch it.. or do I need to be inside the machine before I understand this 🤔... because the video ends with him saying reverse from here but reverse from there is to put the C-clamp on the flexible steam pipe...
I can’t believe it but I actually did it. Two things I noticed: 1) I tried a few blank shots the machine did some different noise and ton of steam came out. After those few shots it seems normal now. Is that a problem? 2) A problem that I had when I bought the machine, when I finish steaming and want to brew coffee again the lights keep blinking and I need to turn the machine off and back on and then it is ready. Problem? Thank you for the video! It was very challenging.
Great video, thumb up from me. One small thing: I just would have loved to see you build back in everything. I'm afraid of getting something wrong. Can't really watch video backwards either. :D
OK, I did it. It took me 5+ hours plus a pair of strong male hands to put the white plastic screw thing on the new wand. My bodybuilder bf had slight problems as well :D Anyway, in hindsight building the EC685 back together wasn't difficult at all. I just rewatched from the beginning. It is very helpful that you show every step in detail so it's easy to stop the video and check own machine. For instance, I didn't see how you removed the 2nd earth cable but the picture showed me where it had to go. However, I didn't get the circlip back on as the new wand is bigger than the old one. So I left the circlip off. It appears there is no disadvantage from this. I can move the wand back and forth and it is not wonky or anything. The new experience is fantastic and was well worth the fiddling. Thank you!
@@Goldberry2007 i would imagine if the white thing is firmly in place the clip don't matter (since it's more rigid on the thicker new wand perhaps) just speculation though.
Awesome how-to vid, thanks so much for posting. I just did this today myself and results are amazing, I can actually get decent results with my milk now! Thank you so much again. Couple of things to mention, 1) earth cable in base needs disconnecting to allow removal of inner cassette, and 2) watch the power button when re-inserting the cassette, as it easily catches
Glad it helps. Yes I forgot to mention the earth cable in the base, thanks for noticing. Enjoy your perfect coffee latte..
Would you say this is easy for a lay person who’s half-decent with handling tools and such? I’m dying to convert it but I’m a tad worried that I will be incapable
@@QuadeMillerEdwards this is not as hard as you thing.. for a good microfoam.
Why doesn't Delonghi just make this an option?
Because they are stupid and greedy.
They do now.
What do you mean?@@minscnboo
@@minscnboo I second.. what do you mean? :)
@@husarzwadca8610try searching dedica arte ec885
I did it with my ec685 (parranello with hot milk / cappuccino switch) and I had 2 remarks:
- (easy) before removing main unit disconnect 2 earth cables (yellow-green). One on the top and one at the bottom, both connected to back wall + remove on/off button
- (hard) i am not sure about the cause of this issue, but metal round clip is too small to put it on Rancillo wand. I pushed really hard with pliers. It went through but a bit bended so be careful. I think either 685 wand (compare to 680) is thinner (additionally it has small recess for metal clip) or maybe Rancillo wand is thicker. The plastic white part is also hard to put onto Rancillo wand, but with a bit of oil it goes through. Good luck!
And of course milk is awesome now! It is really worth every second you spend on this upgrade. KUDOS!
thanks for your tips! i did this last night on my ec685. took about 1.5hrs with some mucking around but could have taken less if i was familiar with everything. it was just like you have said here.
- the extra grounding cable before taking out the inner unit was tricky to remove, I found that taking out the extra black plastic panel (3 screws) helped a bit and using long nose pliers to gently push the clip mechanism while pulling it off helped.
- changing the ball joint was a bit hard but wasn’t a bad as i thought it would be. i used simple dishwashing detergent. also used the floor to push it over the second bend - huge relief to get past this point.
- the circlip went onto the rancilio wand fairly easily to the with pliers just like is shown in this video, mine didn’t bend. it took a few tries but if you do it carefully and apply pressure correctly it just goes ‘clip’
the microfoam/froth is on par with professional machine. i worked 4yrs as a barista and poured latte art and this machine can do that with this modification!
Thanks for your comments, it really helped me, I have an EC685 and took me like 4hrs hahaha.
Just want to say that the “ball joint” was really hard to install on the Rancilio wand, even with the help of oil and heat, finally I used a “stilson” key to hold the “ball joint” and move to the end of the wand.
I was watching this and l discovered easier way. Don't need to take all off.
Just the top.видео.html
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@@reem6386 شوفي المقطع ذا كيف سواها بالضبطвидео.html
Great tutorial. I do have a couple of remarks related to the EC685:
- As mentioned by others here: there are a total of 3 ground cables that need to be disconnected and then re-connected on re-assembly (front cover, back cover and one at the bottom of the inner machine).
- The tube connecting the pump to the steam wand is really hard to remove. I had to use a flat-head screwdriver to push and my other hand to pull really hard at the same time over and over again to disconnect it. This goes for both ends but the steam wand was significantly harder to remove than the pump.
- The ball joint of the EC685 is hard to put on the Rancilio wand. I managed to push it through the first bend with brute force but I had to use a bit of WD40 to push it through the second bend. Someone already mentioned that they used some oil to achieve the same result. The bottom line is that some kind of a lubricant is highly recommended for this step.
- The circlip of the EC685 is of a smaller size than the one of the EC680 in the video. As mentioned already you have to make the circlip a bit wider to force it on to the Rancilio wand. I used the pointed head part of a hammer to do this.
It took me 2 hours in total but I have to admit that the milk foam you get using the Rancilio wand is way superior than what you get with the original wand.
I havent done this mod to my 685 (yet), but I wonder if it is even necessary to put that circlip back to the rancilio wand since it is installed into another end of the ball joint compared to the original steam wand. I assume it originally is there to prevent wand falling through the ball joint, but what is its purpose with rancilio wand?
@@Jyyzto I think you can make it work even without the circlip. The ball joint is the actual piece keeping the steam wand from falling out the machine's housing and the one provided with EC685 really fits tightly on the wand so it will not just move around by itself.
I have modded my machine, but merely getting hot milk, no foam/texturing produced at all. Any suggestions to fix?
The circlip part, i was thinking why mine was hardly getting on and it popped off twice while i was reassembling, second time i was like fuck it i am not unscrewing and opening everything again. It is a tad bit lose, but it wont fall off so eh
Fantastic video very clear. Just a tip everyone: Keep track of your screws and where they go!
I was watching this and l discovered easier way. Don't need to take all off.
Just the top.видео.html
I would like to join others in thanking you for easy step by step guide. I just have modified my Dedica and after trying to steam the milk with new wand I am happy to report amazing results. Massive thank you again!
Glad it helped!
Just did this successfully. Awesome - thanks! Echo some other comments:
1) Be sure to remove the earth wire from the bass (and reconnect it!)
2) Take the on button out to make removing the cassette easier
3) Use Vaseline if struggling to get the nipple on the new wand
I bent the wand a little and it worked fine
Just did this on mine and I didn’t have the earth wire? Is that the case with others or should I be worried about having bought one that wasn’t put together right at the factory?
Okay. Just did the upgrade to my Delonghi Dedica. This was not an easy task! The main issue is that the more current versions of this machine no longer use spring clips to hold the steam hose to the wand, they use non-removable Oetiker clamps. These need to be cut off then replaced with new ones. The clamps are the 6-7 mm. size and require a special tool to crimp them down solid. This video is no longer relevant and needs to be updated. I was able, with some serious finesse, to use a standard 1/4 inch worm drive screw type hose clamp, but getting this to tighten down was very difficult as there is very little clearance. I would recommend searching Amazon for the proper Oetiker clamps (also called pinch clamps or PEX clamps) and tool. HOWEVER, even though the task is a pain and requires some new tools, the microfoam from this machine is now 100x better than before!!! It's amazing! Totally worth it!
What's a "newer model?" I am so to do this to mine and want to be prepared. Can you link the clamps and tool you used?
The white delonghi sleeve is too tight to push through the rancio silvia wand. Any suggestions? Thanks for the tip on the clamps. Another thing I found was that there was ground cable to the top warming plate as shown here.
@@jink1231 From what I remember it is a very tight fit! But it did go on with some effort on my machine. It's possible they have changed it on the more current versions of the Dedica if you can't get it to work as seen in the video. Good luck!
@@leetruax5469 Lee - thanks for this really helpful! Could you please link us to the clamps/tool you used?
i wish i read this message earlier. but also, maybe i would not have done it, lol. I was swearing at everyone’s mother while doing this. it took me like 3-4hrs. I had only had the machine for 2 months and was like disarming a bomb that i could break and had no idea where to take it to get fixed bc also I just moved so i’m new in this city. so much was at stake that added to the stress levels lol. i’m not sure in retrospect that it was worth it but i love the foam now. so i’m enjoying that part. I was able to do it without taking of the Oetiker clamps, it took me a while to just push them in place. now, thanks to you, I know if something breaks, I just order these clamps because it has worked well so far, but idk for much longer. . thank you thank you
Awesome tutorial! Thanks. I used a cooking oil, a heat gun & gentle persuasion with a small hammer & punch to get the ball joint around the corners. I used epoxy to hold the c-clip in place since there's no groove for it. It may not be necessary since it can't move past the curve in the tube. I had one use clamps. You really only need to remove one and I replaced it with a spring clamp. Thanks again!
thank you heaps helichax!! great mod! with the original wand, when you purge, you actually see water coming out, with ransilio, its all steam!! huge difference!
comment from graciano83 really helped me to prepare for this so I shall chip in my thought as well. I have DeLonghi EC685! hope it helps.
Additional Step
Step 6 minute 20 seconds:
Remove 2 earth cables (yellow/green cable, they are 'female spade connector', can google it). These earth cables are attached to the metal casing both on the top and bottom of the back casing. To remove them, I removed the "right black strip" at the exterior of the back casing facing the water tank. They are located at the corner. The "black strip" can be removed by sliding it up. Then from there just use flat screw driver to "push" the 2 'female space connectors' out from the back exterior casing.
Remove power switch - these are shaped like those backpack buckles, so use two screw drivers to push the clip out.
Tips on
1 minute 18 sec, note it says "slide" because the front part of the top cover is actually secured under a slide mechanism. You need to eventually slide it back towards the water tank to open it.
8 minutes 5 sec, extremely difficult on the turns. I managed to get the "ball joint" through the turns by wrapping it around a clothe and used "Adjustable Jaw Pliers" to grab on to it and wiggle it around at the turn.
9 minutes 14 sec, my metal clip is smaller than the wand. I didnt need to change the size of the metal clip for my mod at any point in time. Just use a plier, grab on to the back of the clip, and with force, push it onto the wand.
5 minutes 32 seconds, make sure you secure those metal clamps back onto the pipe and base, otherwise in time you will get leakage.
Thanks for your explanation
@@Helichax Thank YOU!
Some important tips:
1) To push the ball joint to the end of the rancilio Silva wand: heat (with hot water/blow dryer) to soften the ball joint first. It'd be much easier.
2) The tube slips off the rancilio Silva wand very easily. Tips: heat and soften the tube first, then push the tube hard to the wand. And recommend to leave the top open and try making steam, this way you can avoid steaming the inside of the machine in case the tube comes out.
Thx a lot !!!!!!!!! :)
I tried Boiling water for like 20 sec didn't help and the water wasn't that hot I was scared of it being too hot what did u do to make it fit I couldn't.
Anyone know the size of the E clip for the ball joint on the rancillo wand? As I was clipping it in, it went flying off somewhere, and I cannot find it.
Great video and so thankful for this modification! Definitely harder than you make it look, but as a former barista, I could NOT handle the steam wand included with the Dedica. The new wand is such an improvement! However, I purchased my machine in 2020, and there are a few differences.
1. There is no earth cable.
2. The water tubing is different (a cloth-covered main tube)
3. The clamps on the tubing are different (this was the WORST! They are very difficult to remove and reattach).
All in all, great, helpful video and definitely worth the frustration to make the modification!
Glad it helps. Enjoy you coffee
Same here. I wonder what size the steam wand tube is, I would like very much to get a replacement clamp. (I mangled one of mine really well. It hardly looks like a clamp anymore.)
Hi Moriah!
I have the same machine model as yours after opening it up, the clamps for the tubing, after removing them what did you replace them with?
Dedica is great,few years never skipped a beat.gaggia is non stop in service,clasic
Thanks to you and your video I just transformed my Delonghi Espresso machine into something far superior.
Enjoy your coffee
Thank you for the tutorial! It was quite challenging, mostly because I didn't want to break my machine (which is just a few weeks old). But as a barista I really needed this mod, hated the panarello.
I did this on a ec685. A few challenges along the way was 1) how to get the lid of/ get it back into place. Quite difficult. 2) how to take the inside out. Don't forget to unplug the earthwire at the bottom plus the on/off button can loosen (mine did jump out! 😂). Otherwise it worked out fine! Happy this tutorial existed otherwise I would have skipped this mod 💃
Glad that you made it. Happy frothing
Thank you so much. Wanted to buy this machine for a while but was put off by the lack of control in the beginner friendly wand. Good to know I can still use this and not worry about it!
For a budget coffee machine, this is recommended. Little tweak on the wand, and that's it.
Thank you so much for the very helpful video. It helped me a lot. I had a bit of a hard time with step 2 (taking the top off) because my delonghi dedica (the red one) has clips on the sides. so I had to pull back the cover instead of just popping it out. I also had to pop out the power button before I can pull the innards of the machine out and disconnect the earth cable from the base. Other than that, I followed the tutorial and it was successful. Thank you for taking the time to do this wonderful tutorial.
Thanks for the step by step video!
Watched yesterday and did the swap today, i was a bit worried once id taken things all apart that it wouldnt work once put back together, it did work!!
havent had time to try it out properly yet, but plenty of steam was coming out from the new wand, point to note :- some of the screws are of differnt lenght just make a note of where they came from and you will be fine.
Enjoy your coffee
Thanks for this video! Have done the modification for my ec685 today and the foam is much better now!
You owe me a new coffee machine!
Kidding, I just completed the mod and it works perfectly.
Other than the small details others mentioned (base earth cable, power button catching) I also had trouble pulling the foam rubber hose from the original wand. I ended up having to cut about 1cm off the bottom but fortunately it still works fine.
Thanks so much for the detailed instructions. It's content like this that makes the internet awesome!
First sentence instantly makes me feel guilty. But happily that's not the case..
Enjoy your coffee..
Sehr detaillierte Beschreibungen, vielen Dank 👍🏽
Bei mir entsteht zwischen Dampflanzen-Rohr und Düsenaufsatz keine 100%ige Dichte mit der Rancilio Silvia Lanze... problem ist das immer wieder Luft herausgedrückt wird und die Lanze an Power verliert...
Lösung: habe es mit etwas Hanfband und Dichtungspaste abgedichtet, nun ist das Problem Geschichte 😁👍🏼
you are welcome
For anyone thinking this looks easy... it took me nearer to two hours, and it is way way more difficult that he makes it look here. Not to mention that at the end I was left with one screw that I absolutely couldn’t account for anywhere... hoping my machine holds together!
Fair play to you. Looks like way too much effort to change a steam wand IMO.
If anyone looks at this and thinks, "oh that's easy breezy"...... please reply, I'll give you my address, I'll buy what ever you wind up with after your "mod" haha
I was watching this and l discovered easier way. Don't need to take all off.
Just the top.видео.html
The online shop I was looking at says 90mins, that was enough for me to say forget it.
One screw left is a classic! I agree the mod is not as easy as he shows. I got stuck at one point but don’t really recollect which one was it. It was a while ago. Well worth it though.
Thanks a lot for the detailed instructions! I bought my 685 about a year ago and the innards were as you described them plus one additional earthing of the main block. Took me about 1 1/2 hours and the wand works a treat! Cheers!
Glad I could help!
Great video. Thanks for sharing.
Just fitted the silvia wand to my Dedica 685.
Took about 2 hours in total.
Work great....😎
I changed mine years ago, after watching your video. Thanks
Great 👍
Very clear instructions! Thanks so much for posting! Can't wait to give this a try...
Thank you, fella.
Do not forfet to remove the on/off button before you release the cover!
Regards from Spain
Glad it helps. Thanks for mentioning the on/off button.
Hiya thanks for this as this helped me but having trouble getting it back in place. Did you have any issues?
how do you remove it?!
Just finished installing! Fantastic! Thanks bro for this video!
Enjoy your coffee..
Good video, just finished my mod. It took me about 1:20h, because (I guess) in the newest models there are additional ground wires, which should be disconnected before taking out the inner part of machine. Thanks!
Nice work!
hey man , how u take it out? u cut it and replace with new one? i have stuck at that part for 1 hour 😭
Took me two hours, but worked nicely! So happy with the new steam wand, great tutorial! :)
Glad it helped!
well done on the video great tutorial! just got mine upgraded within 30 minutes whilst watching your vid
Glad it helped
guess im just not going to have a better steam wand. 🤦🏾♀️
Celtics Chick why not?
@@nateklug5933 Kinda seems complicated to switch the wands out, heck I'd have a hard time trying to do this and I tinker with a lot of stuff.
Yeah. Looks a bit complicated to just replace the wand. I'll just stick with my AIO milk frother
Yea here too. I wanted to replace as a nice to have thing but I see he's disassembling the entire machine to replace the wand, not worth it IMO
Yup not that handy
I don't know if the versions are different but for mine, when opening the top lid, you need to pull up the rear, grab the lid and pull back. There are plastic nooks that blocks from just pulling up.
You also don't need to unscrew the buttons, you can just unplug them.
I guess that's the latest version
Love how you made the video. Awesome quality how-to.
Love that there are subtitles as well.
Like you shirt here ;)
Thanks! 😃
Thanks for the vid, very easy to follow. Pretty straight forward to do but man that ball joint did not want to go on the Rancilio wand, took some persuading! Got it on in the end though and making much better foam now! Totally worth the effort
Thanks and enjoy your coffee
Perfect! Just did like this. The flat caple for the lid buttons can be also simply unplugged
Machine looks way better now, thank you!
Glad this helps. Enjoy your coffee
I followed your instructions and installed the wand successfully. Thank you very much!
I couldn't push the ball into the steam wand
@@Abdulrahman-ti9ws you can try with towel
Or against a surfice for resistance
Glad it helped!
This is a great video, very well done!! Thanks for putting in subtitles!
Fantastic tutorial! Can't wait to try this out on my Delonghi machine.
Go for it!
Please note that for the newer Dedica 385 models made since 2020, this mod no longer works as described. The flexible pipe at 5:31 in the video is now hard fixed and not removable without risk of damaging the pipe. I just tried this with my new Dedica 385 and could not proceed beyond this point.
If the creators have a workaround, please let me know! Thank you
Just tried it today the clamps now are PMX which means you have to replace them. I found some 1/4 inch hose clamps at home depot for $6. They are annoying to install but work great.
@@rockoutshowdown Hi Aiden -- Can you share a link for the exact clamps you picked up? I'll DM the ones I think they might be but want to confirm since you seem to have gotten around this successfully.
Thanks for the updated information.
Could you share the link to these clamps? Thanks
Thanks for the video. Did mine yesterday. Just some difficulty in removing the ball joint. Overall easy to follow instructions 👍
thanks for the amazing tutorial bro! it was the perfect solution for the panarello stick! your video helped me a lot. cheers!
Glad it helps. Enjoy your coffee..
Just followed this guide to change my steam wand. Perfect. Thank you for posting!
Glad it helped!
Thanks it worked for me just perfect. Took around 1 hour
You're welcome!
No need to separate the three buttons from the top cover, simply the gray flat multi-wire pulls out.
Thanks for the great video and giving my ec685 a new lease of life! it's not easy but well worth the effort. Terima kasih!
Good to hear
Used this guide and was spot on thankyou !
Just did this but I was so nervous to break my machine! This doesn’t show disconnecting a yellow wire on the top and bottom before sliding out the machine from the case! Also the yellow wire connected by some kind of screw on the lid. It was hard to get the machine in and out of the shell with the power button too. A few things to look for when doing it. Also, don’t forget to screw in the interior group head screws before doing the bottom and top when putting back together. Every screw must be put back in the same order you took them out or other screws won’t come apart. But, my steam wand is working! Time will tell!
I just did it, and totally works! 👍🏻
Glad it helps
I was able to change mine too. Thanks so much for sharing this, big help!
Great to hear!
Great video, I have been looking for a solution for this for a while !Thanks !
I was watching this and l discovered easier way. Don't need to take all off.
Just the top.видео.html
Thank you very much for these instructions. I’ve lost a little piece of my skin from index finger trying to pull out that damn silicone tube but it was worth it :)
My advice for someone who will try this instructions is to cut off a little piece of that tube (like half cm is enough).
Thanks for your advice
very clear instruction! Good job & thank you!
I finally did it!!! Thanks for your video and another level coffee lesson started😊.
This is a great tutorial and I followed it step by step. I had one or two difficulties (getting the circlip on the Rancilio was one). Putting it back together again didn't seem as difficult as I thought it would be, even though many of the internal screws were of differing sizes and I didn't pay enough attention to making sure the screws went back precisely where they came out from. Anyway, It's all back together and working only problem is that I can't seem to get any foam from the steamed milk. All I get is hot milk! With the old wand I was at least able to get froth, which I didn't want but it was better than nothing. So now I need to find another tutorial on how to use THIS machine with the new wand to make microfoam. But thanks anyway for a great video.
Good to know that you managed to put back all the screws in place.
The panarello is designed to give foamy milk without any user skills. You're now using a real wand, so you need to learn how to do it. I found that tilting the pitcher about 30 degrees and keeping the tip just below the surface about 1cm give the best result.
@@Helichax Yes, I realised there is a certain skill to doing this, having watched probably hundreds of Barista's do it in coffee shops but it was never easy to see how far into the milk they placed the tip. I found a tutorial on YT which doesn't use the same machine but it does use the same wand. I followed what he did and hey presto! Perfect microfoam! When I discovered I could actually do it I got quite excited! Like a kid with a new toy! Now, anyone who visits my house will have to have a flat white or a cappuccino whether they like it or not! I will need lots more practice with my latte art. There are probably loads more videos available but this is the one I followedвидео.html
Amazing how to! The only thing was the ball joint which was the WORST, but sitting it in boiled water for 3 minutes did the trick perfect (I also did this on the SMEG version of this machine) and there’s a grounding wire near the water pickup at the bottom of the machine but that’s it!!
Thanks for the trick
All done!! Thank you. Remember to remove the off switch (you need to squeeze the inside)
Enjoy your coffee
every tutorial should be made like this
I was watching this and l discovered easier way. Don't need to take all off.
Just the top.видео.html
that was exactly what I wanna do! thanks for the video, now gonna seek for rancilio Silvia steam wand first!!
very good how to, very detail and very easy to follow, cheers!
Just finished this job. I work with computer IT so I decided to give it a crack. If you are on the fence there are a few things to consider. The first gen model of dedica has a different steamer hose with a braided woven tube. The tube clamps are also different and much harder to dis attach and re attach. If you aren’t experienced with taking apart pumps and electronics then this isn’t the job for you. Putting it back together isn’t as trivial as yo7 would think either. You must be careful because there is a lot that you can mess up. To me this was worth it but be prepared to invest An hour or so into finishing the job. You have to really want the new want in order to commit to this change. Good video though just a few things to consider if you have a first gen dedica. Be prepared to problem solve. Let me know if you have any other questions.
thanks for your info
I'm actually on the fence about doing the upgrade, I'm not very good with these kind of works if something unexpected comes up. The machine is a Dedica 685, bought in beginning 2019, not sure if it's old or new model
I did it! Works nice! For the new model as well (685). Thank you dude!
ProvinzBuschehr have a nice coffee
Setup the ball joint is not as easy as it looks. Hammer did the work in the end. But afterall this is almost a complete guidance except missing some ground cable record at the top and bottom.
Overall great video and thanks you!
This will help you I was watching this and l discovered easier way. Don't need to take all off.
Just the top.видео.html
Awesome video. But for people who try this in USA version of the machine, the steam wand pipe is connected by cinche clamps(Google it) which are one time use and also relatively hard to remove. So be prepared to make a run to Home Depot to get some replacement clips which will hold the pipe. Rest was easy as shown in video.
Ahhhh I've been looking for your post! What size clamps are needed? Did you replace the actual line as well?
Jason Hind wand itself is 1/4” and pipe with its thickness little over that. I used the same pipe with clamp like this
Awesome thanks
Awesome video. Upgraded my dedica. Good to hear high pitch sound from my new wand 😁😁😁
Excellent video! Worked for me, the only thing which was not mentioned was the ground connection which needed to disconnected and reconnected. The recommended replacement stream wand is a much better improvement over original stream wand that comes with the machine. The most difficult part is taking the internals out of the machine case, not so easy, quite fiddly.
I was watching this and l discovered easier way. Don't need to take all off.
Just the top.видео.html
this is exactly what i was looking for. thank you sir.
you are welcome. Have a nice coffee.
Nice to know it helps.
Thank you so much for the clear video. I will do this!
Does anyone know the size of the tube that for to the wand? My ec680 is a bit different and has a braided line that is crimped on running to the steam wand. I have no problem replacing it but need to know the size.
Did you solve it? I have same problem
@@maccore340 I used a twisted copper wire, I'm not sure it's the best solution but it worked. The tiny hose clamps I used just didn't work well.
I used a much less elegant version of this. There isn't much space to work in there.видео.html
Jason, thanks for this tip.
@@maccore340 no problem, wish I could help more.
The key is to have a good friend with a handyman gene.
you got it
Very clear walkthrough, thanks so much!
You're very welcome!
I dunno if its worth this much effort, I can get very good results with the stock wand. I find it depends on the milk if it creams well. Even different brands of milk produce different results. Standard/Organic full fat seems to get the best results for me.
This is a brilliant video to teach how to do it, I am a bit scared of trying it though. I thought that it would be quite easy. It is a pity that he does not show how to put it back together in as much detail as he did taking it apart. I don`t want to ruin my Dedica but I want a better steam wand.
Worth to try for a better frothing.
Thanks, very useful - managed to do it all
Thanks for the video, I manage to change the steam wand as well, but I can't clip back the small clip to the steam wand so I didn't clip it back but it still works hopefully in future it doesn't give me problem ...
Glad it helped
@@Helichax the milk texture now better and easier to forth ...
Excellent video thank you!! Helped me swap the wand easily.
Glad it helped!
@@Helichax Hi. You are removing the circlip from the top of the ball joint (that white thing), and then you are putting back to the bottom of the new wand. Can you explain why? Awesome guide btw, thanks.
@@AdamAmbarus circlip was meant to hold the ball joint in place. Notice the old wand doesnt have something in the top to hold the ball joint, but it has at the bottom. The new wand is the other way around, so the circlip has to hold the ball joint from the bottom.
@@Helichax Thanks a lot!! I am preparing to do it today finally, and every info is useful.
I followed the guide, and mounted the wand. The ball joint moved very-very hard, but WD-40 and a cloth helped a lot. I recommend for everybody, to remove the power button when the bottom is opened, and the cassette is loose. The button simply pops out by pushing in the two clips from the sides. You can but back even when everything is reassembled. Great vid, thanks.
Just did this, great modification.looks amazing too
TheOracleCyclingChannel happy frothing
Thanks! My EC685 is pimped up now ;]
I have a DeLonghi Dedica EC685 and doing this is a literal PAIN.. I spent 3 hours so far and I'm not done yet, I have to run to the hardware store to get new clips.. I wish it's as easy as it looks but it is really not :(
Hi, I am looking to do this with my EC685 is there any way someone can link the clamps that need replacing please 🙏
@@johnmurphy2655 i have ec685 didn't need any additional clips
@@vanichars3590 great news thanks
@@johnmurphy2655 how did it go
@@maxxsee i totally bottled it !!! Lol
Warning for anyone thinking about trying this...
Firstly this video seems to be missing a step, after taking the base off the bottom, power button will need to be removed by pushing in the 2 clips at either side, then the power switch unit itself can just be pulled out of the slot if needed. Otherwise the power switch will catch and stop you from pulling the main body out of the casing.
Secondly, the default steam wand that comes with the machine has an indendation in it that the pipe slides over, this is so that the metal clip can slot on top of the grove in order to prevent the pipe from slipping off.
As the new wand shown in this video doesn't have this indentation, the pipe that attaches on to the new wand came off 'VERY' easily, even just by moving the wand around. To stop this I ended up using a tiny bit of superglue on just the inside of the pipe where it attaches to the new steam wand and made sure the clip was pointing towards the side of the case to stop it from catching and being pushed off.
So far it now seems to be staying on a lot better now but it's left me a bit paranoid in case it slips back off during use causing all of the steam to get trapped inside of the machine...
You are welcome
@@Helichax Sorry, I forgot to express my gratitude for you taking the time to make this video. xD
To update on my original post, so far since applying glue the steam tube has yet to fall off and my paranoia is now going down..
Overall this steam wand does seem to do a much better job than the original one that came with the machine and certainly a lot easier to clean, cheers for making the video, I definitely wouldn't have tried this out otherwise!
I stress the fact, that when removing the earth wires from the metal housing parts, take care to put them back on properly afterwards!! They save you, in case there is voltage on the housing parts due to an defect. Best thing would be to at least check the resistance from the wire earth to the housing with a multimeter.
If the resistance is only a little too high, the current won't be high enough for the fuses to react in time in case of an accident...These kind of operations normaly need to be done and checked with special devices by an electrician afterwards, so please work very conscientious, when doing this.
Yes absolutely right. Thanks for mentioning this.
It took me 4 times longer to put it back together because of little details like the earth wires.
A huge thanks guys, managed to upgrade my machine. Cheers!
Rancilio Silvia V3/V4 steam wand fits or only from the older model?
Hi, I am looking to do this with my EC685 is there any way someone can link the clamps that need replacing please 🙏
Where i can find a new ball? The original one is stuck in the stick while i was pushing it and i can’t move ore remove it.
I followed this step by step and all worked out.
Warning! There is a missed step which you can clearly see at 6:24 .. the power button was removed and he doesn't tell you or show you that he did it. I couldn't figure out why the hell the unit wouldn't come out!
Otherwise.. got there in the end, thanks!
how did you remove the button ?
@@hamwarshwany it was trial and error man.. you might need to find another video.. but the button comes out from the inside if I remember correctly..
Thank you for posting such a awesome modification. It would be great if you could show how the milk frothing texture after the modification.
The result is much better so far. I just don't have video about the frothing but you can google some reviews from another EC680 user with rancilio Silvia wand.
It's definitely better. Coffee shop grade foam
Great tutorial, it definitely isn't as easy as he makes it look - it took me a full 2 hours. Points which are missing:
1) when remove the internal machine from the body, there is an earth cable which needs detaching at the bottom of the machine
2) be careful with the power button, you need to use a flat screw driver to push it out and then remove the machine. I did not notice this and it broke the pins pushing the button in.
I really want to replace my delonghi dedica steam wand with this one, but it's very difficult to get this item "Rancilio stream wand v2" in Indonesia.
Im not sure why, but when I changed my wand, now it moves free, it doesnt hold position... Do you know why? thanks!
Hi, just did the mod, went well but 1 thing i am having problems with is this, can anyone help?
When using the new wand the milk boils and starts going crazy bubbling before I can get a good amount of foam. Any tips?
@@JamesMears76 yes I kind of wish I hadn't done it now :( I could get lots of foam with the original panarello wand. I understand making foam may be more difficult with the Rancilo wand but I just cannot see how it is ever going to make enough foam for a latte before the milk boils. Also yeah agree with you on the noice, almost near ear defenders.
UPDATE: I think I figured it out. Tilt the milk pitcher to 30 degrees hold the pitcher of milk right below the hole on the wand. It forces additional air into the milk and works well to produce extra foam. Try and get the milk to swirl at the same time.
Is easier way. Don't need to take all off.
Just the top.видео.html maybe one hole is better
Thanks for the video! I followed these steps for mine but it’s weird.. when I pour coffee all works fine. When I hit the steam button then all looks good for the first 30 seconds (the milk is frothing etc) but steam is coming out from the coffee filter and when I go to remove it there is like a crazy burst of energy and the coffee granules go everywhere! When I try to steam without the coffee filter in, the steam doesn’t come out of the wand but the filter which is weird? Wondering if you came across this and had any suggestions where I went wrong? 😭
OK got the new Rancillio wand and about to do this ... what is the point of putting the c-clamp back on new wand when the ball joint is on the otherwise of the ridge 🤔 as there does not seem to be a ridge to catch it.. or do I need to be inside the machine before I understand this 🤔... because the video ends with him saying reverse from here but reverse from there is to put the C-clamp on the flexible steam pipe...
Is easier way. Don't need to take all off.
Just the top.видео.html
I can’t believe it but I actually did it.
Two things I noticed:
1) I tried a few blank shots the machine did some different noise and ton of steam came out. After those few shots it seems normal now. Is that a problem?
2) A problem that I had when I bought the machine, when I finish steaming and want to brew coffee again the lights keep blinking and I need to turn the machine off and back on and then it is ready. Problem?
Thank you for the video! It was very challenging.
Enjoy your coffee
Thank you so much for your effort. You earned a new like + follower!
I was watching this and l discovered easier way. Don't need to take all off.
Just the top.видео.html
Best tutorial. Thank you.
Glad it was helpful!
Hi Helichax, I have an ECP 3630 , can I change it as well and put a bigger pump to accommodate a 58 MM portafilter ?
great tutorial, terima kasih banyak!
Great video, thumb up from me. One small thing: I just would have loved to see you build back in everything. I'm afraid of getting something wrong. Can't really watch video backwards either. :D
OK, I did it. It took me 5+ hours plus a pair of strong male hands to put the white plastic screw thing on the new wand. My bodybuilder bf had slight problems as well :D
Anyway, in hindsight building the EC685 back together wasn't difficult at all. I just rewatched from the beginning. It is very helpful that you show every step in detail so it's easy to stop the video and check own machine. For instance,
I didn't see how you removed the 2nd earth cable but the picture showed me where it had to go.
However, I didn't get the circlip back on as the new wand is bigger than the old one. So I left the circlip off. It appears there is no disadvantage from this. I can move the wand back and forth and it is not wonky or anything. The new experience is fantastic and was well worth the fiddling. Thank you!
@@Goldberry2007 i would imagine if the white thing is firmly in place the clip don't matter (since it's more rigid on the thicker new wand perhaps) just speculation though.