Ayurveda - A Science of Healthy Life | 11.11 2023

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • The Bhandarkar Institute is proud to present "Ayurveda - A Science of Healthy Life". Our 11th online course, it will be launched on bharatvidya.in on the auspicious day of Dhanvantari (Dhan Trayodashi) on 11.11. 2023.
    Designed and delivered by Dr. Yogesh Bendale, the course takes a holistic view of Ayurveda.
    The course covers topics such as the three vital energies (Tridoshas: Vata, Pitta, Kapha) and their significance in maintaining health, the seven body tissues (Dhatus), waste products (Malas), and the intricate body structures, including vital points (Marma). It delves into the digestive process and metabolic essence (Ojas), the role of the mind in health, individual constitution (Prakriti), and the impact of daily (Dinacharya) and seasonal routines (Ritucharya) on well-being. It further discusses appropriate conduct (Achara Rasayana), dietary guidelines (Aahar Vidhi Vidhan), food incompatibilities (Viruddhahar), and principles of disease resistance (Vyadhikshamatva). Finally, it outlines methods of clinical examination, the fourfold aspects of treatment (Chikitsa Chatushpada), and detoxification and palliation techniques (Shodhan-Shaman).
    The course is an invaluable resource for those seeking to gain a functional understanding of Ayurveda, offering in-depth insights into holistic health practices, preventive healthcare, and therapeutic strategies rooted in time-tested wisdom. It is designed to empower learners with knowledge on how to harmonize their lifestyle with natural laws, optimize their health, and prevent illness through a balanced approach to diet, behavior, and mind-body wellness.
    Dr. Yogesh Bendale is an accomplished Ayurvedic Pharmacologist with over 40 international patents, including on anti-cancer drugs. Educated at Pune University, he founded Rasayani Biologics, focusing on oncology and agricultural biotechnology, and 'Ayurveda Rasayani' for high-quality Ayurvedic medicines. With vast clinical experience, including treating royalty, Dr. Bendale is a recognized global Ayurvedic practitioner. He holds memberships in prestigious cancer and research societies, contributes to the Central Council of Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, and has been appointed to significant positions within international Ayurvedic communities. His efforts have led to the establishment of an Ayurvedic hospital in Germany and independent practice rights in the UAE.
    Sign up on Bharatvidya.in for further updates.

Комментарии • 4

  • @iliveinsecrecy
    @iliveinsecrecy 10 месяцев назад


  • @moonlight423
    @moonlight423 Месяц назад

    For the past seven years, I've been practicing natural farming, and this journey has led me to realise that natural systems are the most evolved. This understanding inspired me to approach parenthood in a similar way, and my partner and I welcomed our child through natural means. The result is a beautiful reflection of my experiences in natural farming. Just as our crops are more than just their yield, our children are more than just their physical measurements.
    In today's society, it seems that the only metric that matters is weight - whether it's the number of kilograms a baby weighs or the quintals of crops produced. However, I firmly believe that we need to look beyond these physical expectations and delve deeper into the metaphysical aspects of life. If we fail to recognise the inherent value of every living being beyond their physical attributes, we risk facing consequences that may be irreparable. By embracing a more holistic approach, we can cultivate a society that truly nurtures life in all its dimensions.

  • @mallika96p
    @mallika96p 6 месяцев назад +1

    You haven't been putting out your excellent videos for some time.please do a series on the mànu smriti please with your usual rigour

  • @shubhendru15
    @shubhendru15 7 месяцев назад

    Loved your videos and content, how can i actively associate with Your Institute