It's actually "baked" not "bake" potatoes. Also, "garbage" is equally used here in the US other than "trash", and we often call "letter carrier" than "mailman". Subway is only used in NYC, other cities in the US may call them differently, like "muni" in San Francisco, and "metro" in DC.
Thanks very much Faye and Stevo! 香港人其實英/美式都會一齊用(甚至係撈亂咗嚟用) 好多人都已經講咗 學校(中小學計)通常教英國英文,係去到大學甚至出嚟做嘢先會多接觸美國英文 我仲記得讀中學嗰陣,學校學英文suffix係要用-ise唔可以用-ize(例如authorise/organisation,串authorize/organization係當錯字)
Honestly, in America depending what states you're in. English grammars or words use differently. Garden or yard, or backyard use from common in New England area. Or even like supermarket short term market or grocery stories or shops
Round trip同return trip小兒科啦😅 我搞亂的美英式英文的經歷,先叫永生難忘。我係美國讀書,問隔離的女同學借擦膠,「can I borrow your rubber?」哇,女同學O曬嘴,問翻我,「borrow what?」我以為佢聽唔明啦,「I wanna borrow your R-U-B-B-E-R」。個同學Rachel我諗這個時候頭已經爆炸了,唔知道搭乜好。我只好rephrase多次,指住快擦膠「can I borrow your eraser」,佢突然爆笑。我一查,rubber係英式英文,真的係擦膠,但係美式英文,係condom… 我點鬼知著,阿sir上堂既時候都冇教過我! 我仲鬧過好多笑話,嗌我室友幫手裝張床,”hand me the spanner” 佢話,乜鳩野黎㗎?原來士巴拿既美式英文係pipe wrench. 跟住仲有啦,美式英文係you’re such a tool 英式英文係you’re such a spanner. 剛開始來的時候 鬧過太多笑話誤會了… 後黎到我出黎做嘢,有機會去悉尼公幹,我想去買arugula整早餐,搵唔到,齋搵到rocket(唔記得點串啦)。仲記得澳洲既超級市場好多嘢,叫法都同美國唔同。好似你地英國都冇seltzer, 得sparkling water. 英國有pram, 但係冇stroller。但我好鍾意這些小小的不同,我本人好鍾意英國,去過旅行好多次,每次從美國去到英國,都覺得你地d叫法好特別!有小小似,香港人同廣州人講廣東話口音差別唔大,但係叫法唔同! 影片中有些美式英文的單字其實係美國各個地方都有不同的叫法。具體我唔記得邊幾個,但係有好幾次,我都諗起話,那個只是northeast or mid Atlantic咁叫,其他地方唔一樣。例如 sneakers同trainer 美國人兩個都叫 唔同地方的人叫法唔同。例如貨車truck 係Midwest比較多人叫semi 所以Tesla架新出的電動貨車叫做Semi
以前係香港讀書,學既係英式英文,但之後去咗美國讀大學,要從英式英文轉做美式英文。依家來到英國又要轉番英式英文。最近同個大學同學傾計,佢來咗英國十年都未轉到。前幾年來英國旅遊,要去買膠布,美國通常叫 Band- Aid/Bandage (其實Band-Aid 係Johnson 其下品牌),我去到超市搵唔到,問過店員又唔知 Band-Aid 係乜,後尾要形容膠布嚟做乜,原來先知英國叫 Plasters. 而美式英文Plasters 係指用來補牆既石膏。講多樣搞笑嘢,去Windsor Castle 買飛,賣飛個姐姐聽我口音就問我 ‘Are you from America?” 我答番佢 ‘I am from Hong Kong’ 之後就諗番,She probably wasn’t guess from my accent. She probably guess it by the size of my body, as my size is typical American. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
To Tom Leong who mentioned of "nearside" (N/S) and "offside" (O/S) commonly used here in the US in the car industry. The N/S generally means nearest to the sidewalk or the curb, i.e. the passenger side , remember that driver seat is on the left of the car in the US, the opposite of that in HK and the UK. So, the O/S is the driver side which is not the nearest to the curb or sidewalk.
Thanks Faye and Stevo!absolutely a helpful video! Can you create a series of it? I studied in the US and now working in UK - huge difference in culture and how you say about things!
This really brings back memories for me. I was born in H.K. moved to Canada when I was 9 years old. Then when I was 22, I went to H.K. to work. See my people & the place I was born. At that time I was working for CROWN MOTORS, a TOYOTA Distributor/Dealer. I was a Technician there. One day I had to perform a "Status Report" on the company vehicles. To this day, I still cannot "wrap" my head around the terms "near side & off side". I looked at the supervisor at that time and said: "look, if we go Driver's side or Passenger's side" one cannot go wrong in any Countries. I was affectionately named/called "White Boy" by my Hong Kong coworkers. As I can speak fluent Cantonese & English. But I could only read a very small amount of Chinese. Everything had to be translated for me on all cars that I worked on. Your video brought back a lot of memories for me. Thanks
Faye, please tell Stevo about it, my British boss says settee instead of sofa. A senior lady in my office once 'corrected' me - she said she would like a round-trip ticket, not return ticket🙄 This video is good! thank you.
Seems to me, commoner's BISCUITS would be called CRUMPETS by the Queen. Due to cinema, the Americanization of English is chastise upon when an young UK employee uses MY BAD, but do anybody know the English version of MY BAD? :)
Not sure about pop. Americans use the term "SOFT DRINKS " as well. In N.A, only Canadians say POP. Most Americans don’t know what pop is unless they are from bordering states with Canada.
阿菲,想請教,I was asking my neighbor to borrow a garden tool. She told me that lend to me later day and would knock my door. But after the week still no response... Is the meaning 'Knock my door' actually mean is not want to lend the garden tool to me. Thanks in advance for your reply
I don’t think ‘Knock my door’ means something different. English are hard to read sometimes but she might be truly forgotten. Maybe next time when you see her, see if she remembers.
Here is the link of the Rosetta Stone language app:
Eqqqwwqqqwwwqqqqqqqqw 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
喺美國,有帽嘅sweatshirts都係叫hoodies,唔會叫sweatshirt。Sweatshirt泛指圓領(無帽),過頭笠棉質衛衣;hoodies可以係過頭笠,亦可以胸前拉鏈,但一定有帽(先至會叫hoodie嘛)!另外,Faye喺video裡面所講嘅cotton candy (棉花糖)係指香港以前街頭小食賣嘅用一支竹籤捲住一大團五顏六色糖霜狀如棉花嘅棉花糖,唔係BBQ消嘢食叉住嚟消嘅一粒粒白色嘅棉花糖,嗰D喺美國同香港一樣,都係叫marshmallow。
香港人其實英式美式都一切用,有時講candy, 有時講sweet. 多謝你們告知英、美的分別,好喜歡你們的節目👍🏻
@@winderkmoon2312 佢依度講緊係糖果.
砂糖嗰種糖, 英美都係叫 Sugar
啲個topic 好有趣!希望encore!
Stevo 吐糟得好搞笑😆
係囉。我都覺得before graduation 學啲英文都係stevo講哥啲。但畢業後睇廣告去旅行就偏向faye哥啲。
It's actually "baked" not "bake" potatoes. Also, "garbage" is equally used here in the US other than "trash", and we often call "letter carrier" than "mailman". Subway is only used in NYC, other cities in the US may call them differently, like "muni" in San Francisco, and "metro" in DC.
香港曾經係英國殖民地,從少由教科書學既都係英式英文,自從出嚟做嘢,就多左接觸美式英文,除用字外,串字都唔同,例如centre同center. 希望你哋可以share 多啲比我地知多啲。thank you
Pls make this type of common words a regular series
Thanks very much Faye and Stevo!
❤愛看您倆 的互動, 好合拍, 又小甜 。
呢個節目真係好有趣👍🏻 英式同美式英文某啲用詞真係好大分別。我之前睇梁芷靈廚職背遊頻道都有講解過某啲蔬菜名稱,真係大開眼界。期待Faye & Stevo 繼續做呢個topic💜 加拿大嘅英文集合美式同英式,係中間派 😆
英文串字部分跟美式部分跟英式都幾煩 (personaliZed cheQUE)
Love this episode, I was studied in UK, and I had a few funny moments when first starting my new life in Canada.
希望下次講些抽象詞語,如口感詞: 腥味 , 噏味,好爽口, 啲肉好霉,好彈牙等。
一些感覺詞: 敵意眼神,心懷不軌等。🤗
超有用!~好喜歡呢集介紹,唔駛雞同鴨講時都唔知原來係自己講錯。🤣🤣return ticket真心以為係回嗰程~
Honestly, in America depending what states you're in. English grammars or words use differently. Garden or yard, or backyard use from common in New England area. Or even like supermarket short term market or grocery stories or shops
70年代出生的HK人, 原来我一直在學校都係學英式英文, 但曾經的多元文化HK,令我英式美式都記住曬,唔係呢一個video 都唔知原來用到溝埋左!
今集非常有用,茄汁,收銀處,呢啲英英,港英,美英都有分別。希望可以再講多啲。另外希望Stevo慢慢讀或讀兩次俾我地學到。好多謝Stevo and Faye, 支持Moving Socks!
youtube 的右下角有齿輪狀的標記, 可自行調速.
Round trip同return trip小兒科啦😅 我搞亂的美英式英文的經歷,先叫永生難忘。我係美國讀書,問隔離的女同學借擦膠,「can I borrow your rubber?」哇,女同學O曬嘴,問翻我,「borrow what?」我以為佢聽唔明啦,「I wanna borrow your R-U-B-B-E-R」。個同學Rachel我諗這個時候頭已經爆炸了,唔知道搭乜好。我只好rephrase多次,指住快擦膠「can I borrow your eraser」,佢突然爆笑。我一查,rubber係英式英文,真的係擦膠,但係美式英文,係condom… 我點鬼知著,阿sir上堂既時候都冇教過我!
我仲鬧過好多笑話,嗌我室友幫手裝張床,”hand me the spanner” 佢話,乜鳩野黎㗎?原來士巴拿既美式英文係pipe wrench. 跟住仲有啦,美式英文係you’re such a tool 英式英文係you’re such a spanner. 剛開始來的時候 鬧過太多笑話誤會了…
後黎到我出黎做嘢,有機會去悉尼公幹,我想去買arugula整早餐,搵唔到,齋搵到rocket(唔記得點串啦)。仲記得澳洲既超級市場好多嘢,叫法都同美國唔同。好似你地英國都冇seltzer, 得sparkling water. 英國有pram, 但係冇stroller。但我好鍾意這些小小的不同,我本人好鍾意英國,去過旅行好多次,每次從美國去到英國,都覺得你地d叫法好特別!有小小似,香港人同廣州人講廣東話口音差別唔大,但係叫法唔同!
影片中有些美式英文的單字其實係美國各個地方都有不同的叫法。具體我唔記得邊幾個,但係有好幾次,我都諗起話,那個只是northeast or mid Atlantic咁叫,其他地方唔一樣。例如 sneakers同trainer 美國人兩個都叫 唔同地方的人叫法唔同。例如貨車truck 係Midwest比較多人叫semi 所以Tesla架新出的電動貨車叫做Semi
Rubber經常會出笑話... 🤪🤪🤪
聽你哋講完,先發覺香港的學校就算在很久的殖民地年代校的英文到時撈埋一舊,又有美式又有英式! 謝謝你們生動有趣的演繹。
Hello, 倆位好!😊
以前係香港讀書,學既係英式英文,但之後去咗美國讀大學,要從英式英文轉做美式英文。依家來到英國又要轉番英式英文。最近同個大學同學傾計,佢來咗英國十年都未轉到。前幾年來英國旅遊,要去買膠布,美國通常叫 Band- Aid/Bandage (其實Band-Aid 係Johnson 其下品牌),我去到超市搵唔到,問過店員又唔知 Band-Aid 係乜,後尾要形容膠布嚟做乜,原來先知英國叫 Plasters. 而美式英文Plasters 係指用來補牆既石膏。講多樣搞笑嘢,去Windsor Castle 買飛,賣飛個姐姐聽我口音就問我 ‘Are you from America?” 我答番佢 ‘I am from Hong Kong’ 之後就諗番,She probably wasn’t guess from my accent. She probably guess it by the size of my body, as my size is typical American. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I would call it a bandage as well!
@@kelvinchum23 Do you mean in British English?
@@chanshuwun 我估佢係話佢自己會同你一樣講bandage instead of plaster,唔係話英式英文講bandage。英式英文係講plaster。
We use yard for building plans of Hk , may be no grass or flower 😅
多謝你地提醒。辛苦哂 🤓🙏🏻
總覺得Stevo是極好男人,有親和力,香港廣東話好到不得了 !
To Tom Leong who mentioned of "nearside" (N/S) and "offside" (O/S) commonly used here in the US in the car industry. The N/S generally means nearest to the sidewalk or the curb, i.e. the passenger side , remember that driver seat is on the left of the car in the US, the opposite of that in HK and the UK. So, the O/S is the driver side which is not the nearest to the curb or sidewalk.
Yes is confusing for n American drivers. We go by passenger or driver side. Driver is on left side!
Thanks Faye and Stevo!absolutely a helpful video! Can you create a series of it? I studied in the US and now working in UK - huge difference in culture and how you say about things!
不過而家多左美國野傳到HK, 攪到我都吸左唔少美式字, 學壞了
聽出差別才能跟隨得像. 小孩聽力的敏感度和模仿l力一般都超越成人. 靜下心來, 回帶聆聽. 自我糾正不難 ( LONGMAN 的 IPA 給出正确發音. 如bonnet , hoodie , jumper ( 短音), / wardrobe, boot , 發長元音). 視頻內容很有幫助, 謝謝! 想起自己曾經為holiday/ vacation 費神區別用法, 原來只是英式和美式的區別.
如果你講 vacuum cleaner, 佢可能會明。 只是vacuum 就真係唔明.
英國品牌 Dyson, 都是叫 Dyson vacuum cleaner.
Hoover....其實是一個品牌。。可能深入民心,所以變成 vacuum cleaner 的代名詞。
還有,英國好多 cleaning ladies, 都用同一款好傳統的,好可愛的 Henry.
Hoover 更可以當動詞用
I'm hoovering the carpet...
Hoover 仲要係美國公司🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@chanshuwun Henry 好得意
hoover係英國vacuum大brand 所以佢地唔知真係好正常😂😂
Australian English very different to UK and US too
非常有用既題材呀! 多謝你哋分享❤
N America 棉花糖 marshmallow
Hoodie also used in N America, or precisely Canada. Sweat shirt does not have a hood.
我生長受教育於香港,大部分英文用詞都跟 Stevo 所教的相同。
A lot of these English terms are familiar since I was in HK elementary school. But I have been living in US for more than 30 years now :)
細個時都喺學trousers 🙈
This really brings back memories for me. I was born in H.K. moved to Canada when I was 9 years old. Then when I was 22, I went to H.K. to work. See my people & the place I was born. At that time I was working for CROWN MOTORS, a TOYOTA Distributor/Dealer. I was a Technician there. One day I had to perform a "Status Report" on the company vehicles. To this day, I still cannot "wrap" my head around the terms "near side & off side". I looked at the supervisor at that time and said: "look, if we go Driver's side or Passenger's side" one cannot go wrong in any Countries. I was affectionately named/called "White Boy" by my Hong Kong coworkers. As I can speak fluent Cantonese & English. But I could only read a very small amount of Chinese. Everything had to be translated for me on all cars that I worked on. Your video brought back a lot of memories for me. Thanks
Welcome Tom! Glad you enjoyed the video
You guys are so good for sharing such valuable information.
以前在香港學的英國式英文,叫洗手間做 toilet 。 點知去到美國才知美國英文restroom 或 bathroom 才是洗手間(而toilet bowl 通常指如廁要坐下來的那個東西),真是擺了大烏龍 😀
Very useful, thanks for your sharing
Off Licence v liquor store is a neat one! Fun show!
Ps: and cellphone is mobile
One more, 香港有薪假期, 英國叫Annual Leave (AL), 美國叫Paid time off (PTO). I like AL more.
just love it when Stevo said 'cause that's the correct way to say it' hahaha
好耐冇睇你地嘅片了 謝謝呀
學到野,thanks!下次搵埋Mike 一齊教。
A very lively sharing about UK and US words....
謝謝Faye n Stevo的分享,以後希望可介紹多些日常香港人容易忽略的用語.🙏🙏👍
I’ve never used zebra crossing here in US, usually crosswalk 😄
100% agree. Never heard of zebra crossing here in US.
Never heard of “Zebra Xing”
Agree. Americans use crosswalk. Never used zebra crossing.
“Zebra Crossing” is the proper term. Just not being used nowadays.
thanks for sharing!! interestingly, growing up in Hong Kong gave me British ascent but I still can't remove it after staying in US over a decade.
係, 只係有D英文係上網/睇電影學 所以都有D錯亂
I like your jumper, Faye
Faye, please tell Stevo about it, my British boss says settee instead of sofa. A senior lady in my office once 'corrected' me - she said she would like a round-trip ticket, not return ticket🙄
This video is good! thank you.
Love your content. Gas in America is called Propane. Zebra crossing is cross walk.
Seems to me, commoner's BISCUITS would be called CRUMPETS by the Queen. Due to cinema, the Americanization of English is chastise upon when an young UK employee uses MY BAD, but do anybody know the English version of MY BAD? :)
Is similar how ppl are using the word “Fire” now means cool I’m sure that’s Americanized
zebra crossing is used in the UK highway code haha
Stevo 扮嚴肅,一様咁好睇😊😊😊
Moving socks English differently America and England,words,speech accent good advice bless you both
Thanks, Steve and Faye. Subway is on other side of the ferry terminal!
Love ❤️ you all !
這氣不單學會了很多美式英文跟英式文字的分別,好看,而且你地拍得好 funny ,很好看!! btw, funny 是英語嗎?
非常有用,好多謝Stevo and Faye
Thank you so much Moving stocks
英國北部同南部既口音用字都有D唔同. eg: 講THIRSTY既時候, I'm parched and I am thirsty man
好有用,謝謝Stevo 和斐🙏🏻
上 Stevo and Faye 堂,易入腦好多😍
Very interesting 😀
Interesting sharing 😊 need to adjust myself too from American English to British English.
支持你們, 希望可以多D這些節目...Stevo 講既英文, 諗返起小學時學既英文的生字...Lorry... postmane, Letterbox...👍
其實美國東西南北有時都唔同,例如sneakers,西岸有唔少人係叫tennis shoes。汽水,就有分soda,pop,同coke。
Not sure about pop. Americans use the term "SOFT DRINKS " as well.
In N.A, only Canadians say POP.
Most Americans don’t know what pop is unless they are from bordering states with Canada.
好輕鬆 , 講多D , 謝謝 !
Thank you, about to move from US to UK, super helpful.
sweatshirts do not necessarily have to have hoodies
我以前學校教英式英文,到女返學時(97後)教美式.好似我學擦子膠系rubber, d 女系eraser.
And rubber means something else in America.... LOL.
阿菲,想請教,I was asking my neighbor to borrow a garden tool. She told me that lend to me later day and would knock my door. But after the week still no response... Is the meaning 'Knock my door' actually mean is not want to lend the garden tool to me.
Thanks in advance for your reply
I don’t think ‘Knock my door’ means something different. English are hard to read sometimes but she might be truly forgotten. Maybe next time when you see her, see if she remembers.
Love this series. Pls provide more of this. We use both in hk
呢個topic好有趣,原來香港人講英文係British English同American English嘅混合本