I recently just drilled a hole in the original filter cover, the same size as the round part in the middle. It makes a big difference, original air filter fitted! To reduce the extra noise I put some noise demping material in the metal cover. Costs nothing, the right size drill I had in my workshop. Now I'm driving uphill with an amazing speed of 110 km ph wile before the bike only went 90.
@@Marc.StonesI like the idea of using 2 mics to record both the intake sound and exhaust sound! Do you have 2 different tracks to edit and keep them separated or mix Left and Right to produce the same audio? May I ask about the mic placement? Thanks Marc.
Should u suggest any suspension for meteor 350 I heard that nitrox one'z are worth for upgrading upon stocks U should try them and review them if possible Btw love ur videos 💋
What's the performance gain from fitting this part? Are there any other performance mods worth pursuing? Asking as 20hp simply isn't enough for motorway cruising. Thank you.
Put the stock cover on with the new filter it will be quieter and performance will not decline but perhaps improve. Manifold pressure may INCREASE with the stock cover and may DECREASE with the open door style that I think is for noise only. Loud means fast.....
The Meteor 350 sounds great with the DNA filter. 👍
Absolutely ✌
Good sound with the Classic 350 exhaust.
Thanks for the video, you had wonderful weather at your ride. 🌞
Now we have just 2° C and rain :-D
Oh!!! The thumping sound, ❤❤❤
Don't rev up too much, just drive at 50 to 55 kmph for better experience
The bike does sound very cool and the bike looks great with it on. Thank you!
SS in The USA!
For such a small engine absolutely 👍 Cheers Marc
I recently just drilled a hole in the original filter cover, the same size as the round part in the middle. It makes a big difference, original air filter fitted! To reduce the extra noise I put some noise demping material in the metal cover.
Costs nothing, the right size drill I had in my workshop.
Now I'm driving uphill with an amazing speed of 110 km ph wile before the bike only went 90.
Interesting! 👍
Hello. I watched a video for DNA showing the cleaning process for a flat filter, a cylindrical model will be not that simple I think.
so well recorded, did you use both mics in the bags?
Yes, I used 2 mics.
@@Marc.Stones Best separation of induction roar and exhaust note I've heard - nice one! 🙂
@@Marc.StonesI like the idea of using 2 mics to record both the intake sound and exhaust sound! Do you have 2 different tracks to edit and keep them separated or mix Left and Right to produce the same audio?
May I ask about the mic placement? Thanks Marc.
Should u suggest any suspension for meteor 350
I heard that nitrox one'z are worth for upgrading upon stocks
U should try them and review them if possible
Btw love ur videos 💋
I am testing the shocks of the RE Hunter at the moment, seems they are not buttoming that much as the Meteor shocks.
What's the performance gain from fitting this part? Are there any other performance mods worth pursuing? Asking as 20hp simply isn't enough for motorway cruising. Thank you.
This bike is not made for motorway cruising, but the DNA filter gives a bit more performance on hills.
Any disadvantages of using DNA filter?
It‘s louder.
Put the stock cover on with the new filter it will be quieter and performance will not decline but perhaps improve. Manifold pressure may INCREASE with the stock cover and may DECREASE with the open door style that I think is for noise only. Loud means fast.....
With the open cover there is more power uphill, pulls much better.
@@curtis164 you would know
@@danielleclare2938yes, I tested it on my classic 350 👍
@@curtis164 you are a classic 350