Romans Series Intro - Part 2 - David Bercot

  • Опубликовано: 25 янв 2021
    In this message from David Bercot, we will be answering the questions: What the early Christians believed about the book of Romans. Why do we need to have the doctrines of Luther washed out of our brains? What did Martin Luther teach, and how did so many people fall for his teaching? David will answer these questions and many more in this first of two intro lessons in this series on "What the early Christians believed about the Book of Romans.

Комментарии • 45

  • @PhilBaker
    @PhilBaker 3 года назад +17

    This is a great series, brothers. Truly a blessing to the body of Christ. Thanks for the message, David, and thanks for the video, Daniel.

    • @SoundFaithChannel
      @SoundFaithChannel  3 года назад +2

      Thanks for all your encouragement. Blessings brother and thanks for your book.

  • @steved8567
    @steved8567 3 года назад +4

    I really appreciate this series. Thank you for speaking truth.

  • @Percise3
    @Percise3 3 года назад +2

    Excellent series brothers, I have been following Brother David Bercot for years and have listened to nearly all of his CD messages on Scroll Publishing. I find his studies to be the closest to an accurate historical account of what the Early Christian Church believed and practiced. For years I wished he did more studies like this so very glad to see him teaching again in these last days. Thanks brothers and Mr. Bercot for providing this series. God bless.
    Enoch O.

  • @reksubbn3961
    @reksubbn3961 Месяц назад

    I am born a Lutheran and while I am now challenged with many of their teachings I have no question that I would not be a Christian without them and the faithfulness of my father to Lutheran doctrine. That also applies to much of the nasty history of the catholic Church. All I can do is live with what I know now. And be thankful that Martin Luther managed to free the Bible from the control of the Catholic church and eventually allow every believer to have unlimited access. Of course that now puts a huge responsibility of us to do something with it and unfortunately most keep this treasure to themselves. Or use it for there own selfish purposes. So we can't be too harsh on old Martin. Likewise I think RUclips is godless but then again we get access to the most amazing teaching! Like this Chanel. Thank you.

    • @SoundFaithChannel
      @SoundFaithChannel  Месяц назад

      @reksubbn3961 That's a good point. You're right that Luther did do a lot of good, such as translating the Bible into the vernacular. -Lynn

  • @angelocos1
    @angelocos1 3 года назад +2

    I'm just starting PT. 2. Thank you for this. I cant even imagine what it was like for Luther and others in the times they were in. But, wrong is wrong. God bless you for shedding light on it.

  • @Pressingontoperfection
    @Pressingontoperfection Год назад

    Thankful for these teachings

  • @drewtenpas7894
    @drewtenpas7894 3 года назад +1

    I listened to this for the first ten seconds and already I can say AMEN!! This is great!

    • @SoundFaithChannel
      @SoundFaithChannel  3 года назад

      Thanks for the encouragement I will pass it on to David.

  • @1nchr15t7
    @1nchr15t7 2 года назад

    Everyday all day I constantly beg God in Christ Jesus to help me and give me Holy Ghost strength to put off my flesh. Also begging for Christ Jesus be manifest in me as I live the day out. I want so bad to be an example to everyone around me for the cause of Christ, I have gotten a new convert recently praise God, have to have Christ patience with new believers too. Since I first started believing it’s been like this, and I had come from a extremely dark place. Jesus Christ came and pulled me out praise God!

    • @1nchr15t7
      @1nchr15t7 2 года назад

      It’s been 10 years, before that it was gross immortality, and extreme profanity.

    • @betawithbrett7068
      @betawithbrett7068 Год назад +1

      Bless you... the NT gives us warnings, that are to help us fear God, which is part of the power (incentive) to crucify the fleshly passions. The other is the Holy Spirit. Reading the scriptures and an audio bible to listen to the NT often, HELPS TREMENDOUSLY... to push them demons away that bring temptations to our flesh.

  • @justinchamberlain3443
    @justinchamberlain3443 2 года назад

    29:01 Crucial section you need to re review this; describes first/sec stages of salvation it's well put

  • @betawithbrett7068
    @betawithbrett7068 Год назад

    At 14:40, David discusses what was the order of the books in the oldest codices (e.g. Codex Vaticanus, Sinaiticus, Alexandrinus, etc), which came first, second, next, next... etc, this order of the books conveys information to us that is quite helpful understand their mindset. To me, this is the only reason why this matters, because as long as I can read them, who cares? So when David points out how these ancient codexes (codices meaning books from Latin; in Greek it is Biblia where we get Bible) were ordered, and we see the letter to the Hebrews in the middle of Paul's letters, this tells, or at least confirms what we read in the Ante Nicene Fathers and earlier Post Nicene writings that they thought Paul wrote the letter (epistle) to the Roman church (assembly). Just in case, you did not catch David's point, I thought I better help out. This tears down Martin Luther's false claims.
    The "book" order in their New Testament codices can convey other helpful insights as well.
    I think it is also important, since David did not elaborate, that when Luther or anyone else speaks of "they" (the "early church") did or did not regard a particular book in the NT, this information is actually quite late. What was the thinking of those who knew the apostles directly, under their teaching, or at least lived in the 100s when those direct disciples of the apostles were still alive, the thinking, of these disciples, is of emence importance to better understand the HISTORIC APOSTOLIC TEACHING.
    Continuing on the "quite late" opinions of some bishops in the church, Eusebius' Ecclesiastical (Church) History is most likely the source they are referring to, and this is the early 300s AD. This is not the 100s AD neither the first century. Eusebius mentioning some Bishops thought books like Hebrews, James, 2 Peter, Revelation, 2 John, 3 John, maybe should not be in the canon, yet some did, just says out of the total, there were some that said yea and some nay... but we have no idea of the percentage either way when Eusebius wrote that. Later in the 300s when the canon was finalized, 390 AD I think, they were all included, so that seems to indicate there were more bishops voting for them being included, rather than against. So Luther's statement is disingenuous.

  • @seantanner5722
    @seantanner5722 3 года назад +2

    Hello, I appreciate the videos. I think it would be great if you listed quotes to the early church being for free will and the pagans being against it as well as gnostics. Most people from reformed or conservative baptist backgrounds will disagree with your soteriology but won't care because they do believe holiness is a part of salvation and necessary but the puzzle pieces of it fitting together are different looking for them. Furthermore, most people within those backgrounds I would say are genuinely concerned about these matters to a point but because of coming out of the churches, you have mentioned in this video such as liberal rockstar churches they cling to preachers who are very conservative but would hold to wrong ideas such as Calvinism or other things.
    thank you may the LORD bless and keep you.

    • @SoundFaithChannel
      @SoundFaithChannel  3 года назад +1

      We will work on that thanks!

    • @ApostolicChristianity
      @ApostolicChristianity 3 года назад +1

      The Scroll Publishing RUclips channel should have some of David's presentations on those matters. Also, you can get the Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs (edited by David Bercot) that compiles a broad and comprehensive list of quotes from the ANF collection on a wide variety of topics.

    • @seantanner5722
      @seantanner5722 3 года назад +1

      @@ApostolicChristianity Hello Brother Chip nice to see you here.

    • @ApostolicChristianity
      @ApostolicChristianity 3 года назад +1

      @@seantanner5722 Oh Sean, you’re on THF...didn’t even realize! I guess you already know all this then but yes, greetings brother :)

  • @henrystanley511
    @henrystanley511 2 года назад +1

    Dear brother could you please tell me what denomination is the closest to the early church and what is the closest translation of the bible I can get I really hope you reply I want to serve the Lord like the early church thank you God bless ❤️🙏❤️

    • @SoundFaithChannel
      @SoundFaithChannel  2 года назад +1

      We are a part of an Anabaptist Church because it is very close to the early church in practices and living out the sermon on the mount. But our church in particular often studies the early Christians to see if we fall short in essential areas.

    • @SoundFaithChannel
      @SoundFaithChannel  2 года назад +1

      We are a part of an Anabaptist Church because it is very close to the early church in practices and living out the sermon on the mount. But our church in particular often studies the early Christians to see if we fall short in essential areas.

    • @henrystanley511
      @henrystanley511 2 года назад

      Thank you for responding I going to try to find a antibapest church near me God bless you ❤️🙏❤️

  • @TheInfluenSir
    @TheInfluenSir 2 года назад

    Question: if we are to retain our saved condition through obedience, then does that mean that salvation is by works also? How would we reconcile that with Romans 11:6? Thanks.

    • @SoundFaithChannel
      @SoundFaithChannel  2 года назад

      @The InfluenSir Salvation is God's gracious gift, which we are unable to earn by works (specifically, the context seems to be works of the Law of Moses; see Romans 10:5), as Romans 11:6 points out. Keeping the Law of Moses is no longer what we must do to be saved. Besides this, we can't save ourselves through our works (they aren't *sufficient*), but that doesn't mean that our works aren't *necessary*. Because God does require us to do good works, and he will justify or condemn us based on both our faith and our works. Of course, he is the one who saves us--nothing we can do can save ourselves! But we do need to practice righteousness, or he won't save us in the end.
      See Romans 2:6-10, 1 Corinthians 7:19, James 2:21-24, 1 Peter 1:17-19, John 5:27-29, Matthew 12:33-38. I know that's a lot of references, so you can see them all here:
      Thanks for the question, and I hope this helps. Do you see that there's no contradiction? -Lynn

    • @betawithbrett7068
      @betawithbrett7068 Год назад

      Does not sound like you really are listening to these messages closely. I think the answers should be quite clear. Give them some 2nd or third listens (watching).

    • @betawithbrett7068
      @betawithbrett7068 Год назад

      Why did Luther hate the epistle to the Hebrews? This is a big reason.
      Hebrews 5:7 who, in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death, and was heard because of His godly fear, 8 though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. 9 *And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him,*

    • @betawithbrett7068
      @betawithbrett7068 Год назад

      Jesus speaks the night he is about to save the world from the devil.
      John 14:21 *He who has My commandments and keeps these commandents, it is he who loves Me.* *And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.”*
      22 Judas (not Iscariot) said to Him, “Lord, how is it that You will manifest Yourself to us, and not to the world?”
      23 Jesus answered and said to him, “ *If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. 24 He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me.*

  • @globalrevival
    @globalrevival 6 месяцев назад

    Re the discussion of the order of the books of the Bible. Per ChatGPT, scholars say that the first book written in the Bible was Galatians. Not just the first of Paul’s letters, but the very first book of the New Testament. Where the books were placed (in what order) is not the same as when scholars tell us when they were written. It is a little disingenuous to say the book order doesn’t really matter, but then also mention how Luther attempted to put books he didn’t like at the end of the NT. Likewise, which books were written first seems it could inform us of what was “out there” before other books and and why some books were written in response to other books, and the length of time between when the books were written. I would love your analysis and reflection of the order in which the books were written, not the order in which they were placed into the NT book later…

  • @garrethaines1995
    @garrethaines1995 3 года назад +2

    Respectfully, you said we need to come to Romans with a clean slate in part one and critiqued Luther for how he prefaced the book but then you proceeded to preload people to read Romans with your perspective of freewill and salvation.

    • @jongee4336
      @jongee4336 2 года назад

      The man is a heretic I'm not surprised

    • @andygarcia2113
      @andygarcia2113 2 года назад

      @@jongee4336 it is hardly heresy to quote the 2nd centry christians to interpret the book of romans

    • @jongee4336
      @jongee4336 2 года назад

      @@andygarcia2113 HE DIDNT HAHAHA

  • @caitlinsoliman1658
    @caitlinsoliman1658 3 года назад

    I really enjoy these programs the thing is I hardly ever see Mennonites or any anabaptist out evangelizing especially in cities and the suburbs. yes be separate be holy but you're supposed to be salt and light of the earth as I understand correctly. Also going out to abortion Mills we cannot just ignore child sacrifice I've seen a couple Mennonites in North Carolina go out and that's good but yeah

  • @user-jc1nl6jr2u
    @user-jc1nl6jr2u Год назад

    I just want to make this clear that I've made the argument with provisionists and anti-calvinists before that free will does not exist for all people so im not personally attacking this denomination.
    I dont believe in calvinism or determinism i just want someone to tell me the gadarene demoniac or someone like the girl in Blumhardt's account had the free will ability to choose and follow christ before the demons were cast out.

    • @user-jc1nl6jr2u
      @user-jc1nl6jr2u Год назад

      Also apologies what I talk about is scary but I lived this way for 7 years so. Much scarier for me
      I assure you I do not have free will and others like me don't and people don't want to deal with it to prove a point.

  • @jerryjamify
    @jerryjamify 3 года назад

    Theres no such thing as free will, you are either controlled by the spirit or controlled by the flesh. If you are controlled by the spirit you are blessed, it's a miracle, its christ in you.

    • @SoundFaithChannel
      @SoundFaithChannel  3 года назад

      You are saying Christ wrote what you just said? Assuming you are spirit-filled?

    • @jerryjamify
      @jerryjamify 2 года назад

      @@SoundFaithChannel I'm saying that's what I gather from scripture.

    • @jerryjamify
      @jerryjamify 2 года назад

      @@SoundFaithChannel Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
      22 What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:
      23 And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,

    • @jerryjamify
      @jerryjamify 2 года назад

      @@SoundFaithChannel I appreciate your videos but I do disagree on this point, but I'm not writing anything in stone...sorry I missed your responce I didn't get a notification.

  • @brothernick7221
    @brothernick7221 3 года назад

    Just a suggestion. I am not questioning the sincerity of the speaker. I am pointing out that the fake grandiose arms up pictures poses of speaker only centers on and exalts the speaker. This may be OK for the east coast commercial "church" business of the world but is the opposite of humble in the Kingdom of God where only God receives greatness.

    • @justinchamberlain3443
      @justinchamberlain3443 2 года назад


    @MACLOVIO357-SOSA 2 года назад

    Is pretty sad to hear messages as this one. A man who can not seperate the relative from the absolute has no business teaching. We are told in the "relative" seek GOD. but in the "absolute" we are told, "no one is seeking GOD.
    We have Free will???? Wow. This man needs to read the definition of free will.
    We make "choices" choice is not free will. What destroys free will? foreknowledge of GOD!