What's with the Head Covering?

  • Опубликовано: 16 июн 2024
  • Resources:
    1. RC Sproul's belief on head coverings • What RC Sproul Believe...
    2. A thorough & excellent 3 part series by Finny Kuruvilla - • The Headcovering #1: C...
    3. 14 objections to the head covering debunked by Daniel Willis • 14 Objections to the H...

Комментарии • 54

  • @DevotionCorner
    @DevotionCorner 10 дней назад +11

    I am an Iraqi Christian and have been full time covering my head for 4 years after reading the Bible, but I remember my grandmother and the elderly woman in my village all covering their heads, so why should we change this thing that has been around since ancient times and I am not ashamed of this thing, but on the contrary, I am proud of my head covering and the respectable clothes that I wear out of respect for my Christianity, my Lord, and my God.

  • @RoxanneMartin-sn3dl
    @RoxanneMartin-sn3dl 23 дня назад +10

    Lovely! It brings a lot of joy to be obedient to what we know is right.

  • @elizabethhuntzinger
    @elizabethhuntzinger 11 дней назад +4

    I love this!! I did not grow up covering, but within the last year I dug deeper into the meaning of this verse and realized what it meant, that women should cover their heads. Recently I cover much more of the time and I feel so much more strength and peace from the Father! Obedience does bring blessing!

  • @Iamboughtbytheking
    @Iamboughtbytheking 14 дней назад +8

    Thank you for sharing. I personally always believed this, and believed that it wasn’t just written to the Corinthians back then, but it speaks to us today. But I have friends and family who don’t wanna believe this, or even look into it, and I believe it is pride, they don’t wanna NOT be able to have all the beautiful hairstyles etc etc, and (here’s a biggie) they think it’s to old fashioned. BUT whenever I see a woman who used to wear one and then stopped,, she just somehow looks so much older, and I’m not just trying to be mean,, it’s just my honest opinion.

  • @brecruz4832
    @brecruz4832 8 дней назад +3

    Thank you for your testimony! I’ve been covering for about six years and videos like these are really helpful to me when I first start it out!!

  • @womenofgodunited
    @womenofgodunited 24 дня назад +5

    I agree with everything you said. I don’t cover full time but rather while praying and prophesying

  • @nataliebrubacher6470
    @nataliebrubacher6470 23 дня назад +6

    Thank you for sharing your story with us! ❤🙏

  • @Douglas4936
    @Douglas4936 7 дней назад +2

    Hello from West Virginia. I'm glad to see you coming to the knowledge of the truth. I would like to share a few things the Lord has shown me about 1Cor 11 and what was going on with the Corinthian women. The women knew that it was unlawful to pray or prophesy in the presence of men so when doing so with the women they would uncover their heads seeing there were no men around. Paul rebukes them for this and tells them they still need to cover because of the unseen angels which in scripture are always referred to as men so in reality Paul is not telling the women to put their covering on but rather that they don't take them off. It was immodest for women in Bible days to uncover the beauty of their long hair (see Isaiah 47:1-3) so the statement in 1 Cor. 11:15 that a woman's long hair is a glory to her simply means that a woman's long hair is her incentive to cover it for modesty sake and as a symbol of man's authority over her. Hope this helps.

  • @susannolt1967
    @susannolt1967 6 дней назад +2

    Many people stumble over the wording that her hair is given for a covering. If you go to the Greek, it means it is given her to be covered. Her hair is her God given glory. She doesn't need to share her glory with the world. Glory is meant to be protected and veiled, otherwise it becomes commonplace.
    Oh, and the Bible says to cover your head, not wear a covering. This lady understands! Many women want to get by with minimal covering, but still want God's maximal protection and power. How does He feel about that?
    May God bless you for sharing, sister!

  • @kellyhalteman3014
    @kellyhalteman3014 5 дней назад +1

    As someone who had covered for almost 15 years, I love this video!!

  • @BernardHildebrand
    @BernardHildebrand 15 дней назад +6

    wonderful testimony 😊

  • @hopeforwonderingamish898
    @hopeforwonderingamish898 18 дней назад +4

    What an inspirational testimony!!

  • @SoundFaithChannel
    @SoundFaithChannel 17 дней назад +5

    Keep them coming brother!!!

  • @aubreesummerhays2616
    @aubreesummerhays2616 12 дней назад +2

    We’re did you get the beautiful head covering

  • @jenniferwheelon2087
    @jenniferwheelon2087 2 дня назад +1

    ❤ love this!!

  • @claratorres5582
    @claratorres5582 23 дня назад +3

    Oh my goodness! This is the start of Abbie and Dylan's Christian influencer channel!!! I love it 😍

  • @IrinaGapchenko
    @IrinaGapchenko 12 дней назад +4

    Absolutely agree! 🙏🏼

  • @BruceChantelLehman-yr5ne
    @BruceChantelLehman-yr5ne 23 дня назад +5

    This is wonderful. I agree 💯.

  • @homewithHim
    @homewithHim 7 дней назад +2

    ThankYou, I have been thinking about this recently.

    • @FA-God-s-Words-Matter
      @FA-God-s-Words-Matter 6 дней назад

      I would like to add my two cents here after reading this discussion. First of all I believe we should follow the teaching in 1st Corinthians 11. The main problem here is the misunderstanding of 1st Corinthians 11 altogether. I also have made an intense study of this passage, and the obvious conclusion is that Paul was referring to long hair being the covering.
      The first thing one should take notice is the lack of wording required to conclude that a veil is being referred to here. The word veil or cloth is not in the text if we read from the King James version. If you read from the “modern” versions then you might get that view but not from the Textus Receptus.
      I would like for you to reread the verses that allegedly refer to a veil which is 4-7 and 13. In those verses we read the words, cover, uncovered and not covered. According to scholars these are used as adverbs. Like if you were to say I am going to cover my feet. No one should be thinking of a veil just the action of being covered. What is missing in these verses are nouns that would prove the idea of veils. Since we should not be assuming anything we should be asking the question what is the thing that a woman should be covered WITH based on the passage ALONE? So if you do the math you would find that Paul refers to hair directly 3 times and then indirectly 4 times with the words shorn and shaven. So if there is no noun for the word veil or cloth yet there are 7 instances of idea of hair, then what are we to conclude? That Paul is referring to hair whether it be short or long.
      But the counterargument would be that Paul is allegedly telling women to put something on. But that is not exactly true it says a woman should be covered, but he is referring to long hair based on the surrounding verses. But what about that a woman ought to be covered when praying or prophesying? The assumption is a that Paul was referring to only two instances which is not true he was merely giving us two examples. This also applies to men about being uncovered. Evidence of this is written in the forgoing verses. Paul writes that men ought not to cover because he is the image and glory of God. And then Paul goes into how woman was made for man and is the glory of the man. So it would seem that man shouldn’t be covered at any time if he is the glory and image of God. Paul also mentions that the mere observation of a praying woman should make us note how uncomely (unappealing in appearance) for a woman to be uncovered. Paul states this in a way that it should be obvious to anyone that she looks off in verse 13. He does this again in verse 14 about how shameful it looks if a man has long hair. He says it this way…
      Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? KJV
      So this judgement that we should make is exclusively based on observation of an “uncovered” woman as well as a long haired man. Two consecutive questions both appealing to something innate or within us. Paul is in essence saying that it should be obvious to see that something is wrong or off.
      So how is it that for the women we are somehow to know within us that a woman would be unappealing in appearance without a manufactured veil? That does not seem logical especially since the word veil is never mentioned. Unless that is not what Paul is meaning but rather that if the woman was not covered in long hair (meaning her hair is short) doing something holy or godly LIKE praying or prophesying. I think most people can relate that looking at a woman with short hair does have an unappealing appearance. It naturally provokes head turns. And if there was any question Paul flat out states what he was talking about in verse 15.
      So the facts are that there no nouns to use as evidence of a veil. There is evidence that Paul was using praying and prophesying as examples. Paul appeals to nature and something innate within us to judge that being uncovered or covered (meaning having short hair or long hair) should be obvious to all. So this cannot make sense with a manufactured veil.
      As for the matter of convictions I think it is likely that some women are experiencing what they think is a conviction but in reality, it is their own mind. Now of course one can make the same claim to the hostess of the video. But I have noticed that for the most part women not even needing scripture to confirm. For some odd reason some of them have this tendency to fling themselves to believe in a doctrine without the proper course of biblical review. I mean even the Bereans made the effort to confirm if what they were hearing was true. The Bible also tells us not to believe everything you hear even if it seems like a supernatural event we are to “test the spirits.”
      “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.”
      So I ask you: How would you know you are supposed to test the spirits? or Know how you are supposed to test them? If it wasn’t for the Word of God and the verses you are reading, then you wouldn’t know. But unfortunately, that is what is likely happening to many people and not just on head coverings but all sorts of doctrines or everyday decisions. The clues are usually those who say the word “obey” a lot. That they obeyed on something and took it in faith before ever really knowing. Obeying is good and all but what exactly are they obeying? From what source? The Bible or a voice they heard, a feeling? If it is not from the Bible then one is playing a dangerous game.
      Also how is it that some women who do not were a veil or even like the lady in the video seems to be at peace and are joyful. Therefore, one can be well without a veil.
      I have read how some women are constantly worried about not praying when they do not wear a veil. So not everyone who suddenly puts on a veil is transformed into a happy-go-lucky person.
      If we are to be Bible-believing Christians then the most logical step is confirm whether it was ever God’s intention for women to wear a thing on their head BASED on the Bible not on convictions.

  • @adalynnlanette6193
    @adalynnlanette6193 День назад

    Great video! I've been researching this topic recently and while it's not a salvation issue, it's definitely something to take seriously, as we should every passage in the Bible. It's encouraging to see others in the faith being devoted to obeying the Lord. It's wild to me that this is such a contentious topic. It stirs up vitriol in the Christian community. It's almost like those who disagree have a guilty conscience - otherwise they'd be able to disagree politely or simply move on from the topic.

    • @heidrichforgottenfaith
      @heidrichforgottenfaith  13 часов назад

      Thank you for responding. I’ve been thinking a lot recently about the topic of whether or not something is a salvation issue. The more I think about it, the more I am uncomfortable with declaring anything to be a salvation or non-salvation issue. One of my favorites teachers, Dean Taylor, frequently asks the question “can you follow Jesus without following Jesus?” In my experience, people are far too comfortable with identifying non-salvation issues and truly believing they’re going to make it to heaven by doing whatever the comfortable minimum requirements are they’ve concocted with their own reasoning. That way of thinking is extremely dangerous. What would you tell your spouse if every time you asked them for a favor they asked you if your marriage was in jeopardy if they did not do it? That would be a toxic relationship. I’m not saying people that do not wear head coverings are not saved, but I don’t feel comfortable being the judge and I caution others against judging as well.

  • @HarpazoReady2022
    @HarpazoReady2022 13 дней назад +9

    It’s amazing how people can’t understand what Paul was explaining in 1 Corinthians 11. Covering the head, whether male or female, was a sign that disrupts God’s plan for creation and His order for things.
    Paul breaks that down by comparing what the Corinthian culture was doing to what they were doing spiritually.
    1 Corinthians 11:14-15 “Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him? “But if a woman has long hair, *it is a glory to her; for her hair is given to her for a covering"*
    Paul says in Corinthian culture when a wife’s hair was longer than her husband’s, it showed her submission to his headship. In today’s culture, we no longer view a woman wearing a head covering as a sign of submission.
    The real issue here is *the heart attitude* of obedience to God’s authority and submission to His established order “as to the LORD.”
    God is far more concerned with an *attitude* of submission than an outward display of submission via a head covering.
    Only cults require females to cover their pretty hair that the LORD says is a *glory* to her in verse 15. Requiring head coverings is legalism and we’re not under Mosaic Law. We’re under Grace! Cults and false religions like Islam, Catholicism, Hindus and Mennonites are legalistic and works based religions. Jewish men wearing a kippah are following Mosaic Law and not grace.
    I am a Southern Baptist Christian living in the age of grace by Jesus and do not cover my long hair.

    • @lindaweaver142
      @lindaweaver142 13 дней назад +2

      I totally agree with that🙏

    • @HarpazoReady2022
      @HarpazoReady2022 13 дней назад +1

      Thank you 🌸
      Verse 4 is about a hat then verse 5 tells us the *context.* A shaven head is an uncovered head. By nature, a woman has long hair that covers her bare head and is a glory to her from God. Her hair IS the covering. Our head should be covered- and it is - by our long hair.
      When we look at history- In Holland during WW2, women that were with the Nazis were forced to have their heads shaved to shame them when the war ended. They essentially removed their covering (their long hair). It was a sign of dishonor to have her head shaved. Women in rebellion against Gods order in the 1970s (feminism) either buzzed their hair short or shaved it off. They were illustrating their blatant dishonor of Gods order by having no long hair.
      But it still goes back to where the heart is and God knows that. Because women with cancer that lose their hair aren’t choosing to dishonor God. He knows that ♥️

    • @heidrichforgottenfaith
      @heidrichforgottenfaith  13 дней назад +3

      1. Hair makes no sense in verse 5. Therefore, it’s not talking about hair.
      2. From day 1, all churches wore fabric head coverings for 1900 years. The Catholics, the Greek Orthodox, the Protestants and the Anabaptists all wore head coverings together for 400 years. How is it not prideful to think we know better today?
      3. Verses 13-15 contain a separate argument from nature. It doesn’t invalidate the previous argument.
      4. Paul commended the Corinthians for keeping the apostolic traditions (11.2). The same word for tradition (παράδοσις) is used in 2 Thessalonians 2.15 “Stand firm and hold to the παράδοσις that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter.” It’s also used in 2 Thess 3.6 to describe how α brother is excommunicated for breaking the παράδοσις. It’s easy for us in 2024 America to say this is an insignificant issue but I can’t see it from Scripture or church history.

    • @HarpazoReady2022
      @HarpazoReady2022 13 дней назад +1

      @@heidrichforgottenfaith “hair makes no sense,” yet verse 15 says hair and so does the original Greek. That’s all I needed to read in your comment.
      I’m sorry to say, but you seem to be “contentious” as verse 16 describes you regarding this subject. You’re not disagreeing with me. You’re disagreeing with Gods Word and you need to take that up with the LORD.
      God Bless.

    • @heidrichforgottenfaith
      @heidrichforgottenfaith  11 дней назад +2

      @@HarpazoReady2022 as a Greek instructor at Sattler college, I can tell you the words are not the same. Also, why do you think everybody got this wrong for 1900 years? Wouldn’t it make more sense to believe the feminist movement influenced the church than to believe that everybody in the church was wrong until 80 years ago?

  • @mariasheppard83
    @mariasheppard83 6 дней назад +1

    Why grow your hair long if you can't let us see it? I don't think wearing a head covering defines who you are or what your beliefs are?

  • @lightenupbuttercup5476
    @lightenupbuttercup5476 12 дней назад +3

    Please I have a question and I am in no way trying to be argumentative or disrespectful. I am truly trying to understand fully and follow our father’s instructions. I know there is a verse that says a woman’s long hair is her covering? Please help me understand what that means. Is long hair her covering or still need to wear a covering over her long hair?

    • @heidrichforgottenfaith
      @heidrichforgottenfaith  11 дней назад +1

      Hair makes no sense in verse 5. Therefore, it’s not talking about hair. There are different Greek words being used to show that (ἀκατακαλύπτῳ in 5 vs. περιβολαίου in 15).
      “every woman who prays or prophesies with short hair dishonors her head, since it is the same as if she had short hair.”
      2. From day 1, all churches wore fabric head coverings for 1900 years. The Catholics, the Greek Orthodox, the Protestants and the Anabaptists all wore head coverings together for 400 years.
      3. Verses 13-15 contain a separate argument from nature. It doesn’t invalidate the previous argument.
      4. Paul commended the Corinthians for keeping the apostolic traditions (11.2). The same word for tradition (παράδοσις) is used in 2 Thessalonians 2.15 “Stand firm and hold to the παράδοσις that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter.” It’s also used in 2 Thess 3.6 to describe how α brother is excommunicated for breaking the παράδοσις. It’s easy for us in 2024 America to say this is an insignificant issue but I can’t see it from Scripture or church history.

    • @mommyb5750
      @mommyb5750 11 дней назад

      I would also like to add to that if you google “NWO burning of head covering 1968” you’ll actually see where the feminist movement called for all Christian women to burn their coverings as a sign of not being “oppressed” by the church. The head covering is not only power because of the angels but also a sign of submission to the godly order. God, Jesus, Man, Woman ❤️
      I also want to add , my personal convictions concerning “because of the angels” is the fact that we are constantly surrounded by a cloud of witnesses the Bible says, the angels long to see the hidden things of God. Angels, good and bad, are constantly observing us. A head covering shows them our submissiveness spirit to Gods order. I believe when we wear covering not only to Gods angels rejoice in awe, but the fallen angels also flee. ❤

    • @W.Texashomesteading
      @W.Texashomesteading 10 дней назад +2

      @@heidrichforgottenfaithshort hair are not a covering but long hair are

    • @heidrichforgottenfaith
      @heidrichforgottenfaith  9 дней назад

      @@W.Texashomesteading try reading verse five using “hair” instead of a fabric head covering.
      “every woman who prays or prophesies with short hair dishonors her head, since it is the same as if she had short hair.”

    • @W.Texashomesteading
      @W.Texashomesteading 8 дней назад +2

      @@heidrichforgottenfaith verse 5 here he addressed that it would be a shame for a woman to pray or prophecy without being submissive to her husband because remember the context in verse 3
      I’ve always wear a headband or headcover but I do very clearly understand that this is not material he’s talking about here.
      To many people make their head covering their God and that scares me.
      Let’s keep our Bible studies in context

  • @galinaanpilogova8069
    @galinaanpilogova8069 10 дней назад +1


  • @Coral9win
    @Coral9win 11 дней назад +3

    We are putting Jesus to shame if we are not a good testimony for others. Christians should pay more attention to building their character; so many people argue for the wrong reasons.

  • @Lisa-ne5pd
    @Lisa-ne5pd 10 дней назад


  • @W.Texashomesteading
    @W.Texashomesteading 10 дней назад +3

    Authority and power on her head means that the woman is under her husband

    • @heidrichforgottenfaith
      @heidrichforgottenfaith  9 дней назад +2

      Why can’t she be under her husband and obey 1 Cor 11 by wearing a head covering?

    • @W.Texashomesteading
      @W.Texashomesteading 8 дней назад

      @@heidrichforgottenfaith In almost if not all of pauls letters he addresses what he wants to clarify in the chapter at the beginning of the chapter, same is true with 1corinthians 11. The context is in verse 3, the rest is an explanation. Let’s keep our Bible studies in context

  • @martad9512
    @martad9512 День назад +1

    I agree 💯 it's God's word how can refuse it, and I ❤

  • @user-df7ul6ol1o
    @user-df7ul6ol1o 7 дней назад +4

    Your hair is your covering!

    • @lifeaccordingtocynthia5657
      @lifeaccordingtocynthia5657 7 дней назад +2

      No...if that were the case there would be no distinction between "having something on your head" because hair is always on your head, even if you are praying or not.

  • @sueeasley1754
    @sueeasley1754 5 дней назад

    I read 1Corinthians 11. I asked God what he meant by it. I have been told by God to wear it. The church tries to tell me that a woman's hair is her covering and that is what God wants. I don't believe that way. I have only found two videos on RUclips that support my thinking of wearing the head covering. I leave mine on all the time too. Most of mine are crocheted by me.

  • @londonkyguy
    @londonkyguy 2 дня назад

    God dont care how you pray. He hears you anywhere or no matter what you are wearing .

  • @charlenereitz7166
    @charlenereitz7166 5 дней назад +1

    In I Cor. 11: 13 the Bible says, " ...is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? Then the very next verses it goes into what your hair was given to us for. 14.) Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? 15.) But if a woman have long hair, it is the glory to her: FOR HER HAIR IS GIVEN HER FOR A COVERING. It's giving us the answer to verse 13's question! This is the reason women should not cut or trim their hair! They are cutting off the glory that God has given her, and her hair IS her covering! Those that cut their hair are getting rid of their covering. And women should not pray with their head uncovered, (or cut) unless it is a prayer of repentance, cause in verse 5 it says it dishonoureth her head...( which in verse 3, it says her HEAD is her husband, NOT her physical head!) So for women to cut their hair, it dishonours their husband! We don't need a separate piece of material to cover our heads, according to the Bible! Women just need to keep the scissors out of their hair, cause God has given them a natural "covering" for their heads, and that is their hair! Thank the Lord! All the answers are in the Bible!!

    • @heidrichforgottenfaith
      @heidrichforgottenfaith  2 дня назад +1

      @@charlenereitz7166 try reading it again using “hair” as the covering. “every woman who prays or prophesies with short hair dishonors her head, since it is the same as if she had short hair.”
      It doesn’t make sense. From day 1, and for about 1900 years, every church disagreed with hair being the covering.

  • @plumeriajoy
    @plumeriajoy 6 дней назад +1

    NOT agree.❤

  • @momof2momof2
    @momof2momof2 4 дня назад +1

    Cult life smh

  • @M_2_X
    @M_2_X 22 дня назад +3

    This series is disturbing