Converting THE LION Into KONRAD CURZE: Dornian Heresy Kitbash

  • Опубликовано: 29 дек 2024

Комментарии • 982

  • @settratheimperishable7800
    @settratheimperishable7800 8 месяцев назад +161

    Headcannon: Conrad Curze found a Wolverine comic and thought, “Damn that guy is cool af I need three claws too.”

    • @crow4936
      @crow4936 2 месяца назад +7

      The other way round... Wolverine is a secret Night Lords 40k player....

  • @Nikolaijuno
    @Nikolaijuno Год назад +3308

    Now that you've established Nurgle Blood Angels I guess you need to do a Mortarion to Sanguinius.

  • @easonyeung2779
    @easonyeung2779 Год назад +314

    "...picture of an ancient Terran hero and and decided to add one extra blade."
    Looks like Konrad found a preserved copy of a pic-biography detailing the chronicles of the ancient mutant hero Wolverinius the Adamant.

    • @Kira_Novik
      @Kira_Novik Год назад +17

      По крайней мере, оно начало читать. Пусть ещё там покопается, может и про Бетмена комиксы найдёт. И поймёт, как вести себя правильно. Баланс быть должен, баланс.😁

    • @Kira_Novik
      @Kira_Novik Год назад +6

      Не знаю, насколько это правда, но слышала, что Лёва, вроде как - неграмотный.

      @KRAZED.WE.FEEL. 3 месяца назад +1

      Dude you’re a genius.

    • @darthjekyll3648
      @darthjekyll3648 16 дней назад +1

      Nostromo mined the metal.

  • @yikeswazowski9838
    @yikeswazowski9838 Год назад +1037

    I love him! It would be cool to see the bladeguard made into nightlord loyalists as well!

    • @aspserpent
      @aspserpent Год назад +16

      great idea

    • @TiredEyes88
      @TiredEyes88 Год назад +9

      awesome idea! give him some bodyguards!

    • @honestkyn718
      @honestkyn718 Год назад +7

      @@TiredEyes88 that's just for show, do you think they NEED bodyguards?

    • @tomgeytenbeek2207
      @tomgeytenbeek2207 Год назад +10

      That would be so cool, as dark blue, red and bone-coloured Vampire Knights… hey, the overstyled bat wings would really work on them, too!

    • @billybobhouse9559
      @billybobhouse9559 Год назад

      Very cool mate.

  • @smugron1101
    @smugron1101 Год назад +543

    The lion pelt actually does make sense on Konrad because depictions of "Nostroman Lions" was common on Nostramo. They had all died out a long time ago but they were still iconic for the planet.

    • @Longtail626
      @Longtail626 Год назад +63

      Also in the books there are a few terminators with lion decor instead of tusks

    • @margaretwood152
      @margaretwood152 Год назад +28

      Extinct Lions from a Vaporized Planet (Nostromo go _"*B00M!")_* would go over great as Iconics for the VIIIth be sure;-)

    • @ratatouilledrinksclorax9897
      @ratatouilledrinksclorax9897 Год назад +6

      @@margaretwood152 did it get vaporized in the dornian heresy tho?

    • @georgeaird4637
      @georgeaird4637 Год назад +9

      Yes they called them the Atramentar if i remember correctly

    • @poggestfrog
      @poggestfrog Год назад +5

      @@georgeaird4637 the elite Terminators of the night lords (usually bodyguards) were also called that!

  • @seanwhitman8353
    @seanwhitman8353 Год назад +204

    Games Workshop featured this fantastic conversion on their community page. So glad to see Konrad get love

    • @Kira_Novik
      @Kira_Novik Год назад

      Кёрзик - да, грустненький. 😁На Яндекс.Картинки есть прекрасный арт, где чиби-Конрад сидит в кресле, и вдумчиво колупает коготками подлокотник. Кондрашкина - жалко. (если не знаете, то в русском фольклёре есть такой перс - Кондратий. Приходит к людям, их обнимает, и уносит с собой на Тот свет. Такая поэтизация инфаркта с перепугу.).
      Мне тоже Кёрз нравится. У него чисто наша, российская менталка: "Мы хотели, как лучше... Спасайся, кто может!". Ну, и тема депресушных промзон с безпредельной преступностью, на которую плевать государству - нам тоже вполне знакома после 90-х 20 века. Та же Ностромо, только с нормальной экологией, вакуумом населения ("Под крылом самолёта о чём-то поёт зелёное море тайги.". Зашёл на Урале, вышел где-нибудь в Китае. Сибирь: средняя плотность населения - 10 квадратных км на 1 человека.), и световым режимом. У них там, хоть производства работали, в отличии от РФ. Только мы - савларцы. 😁Жизнерадостные клинические оптимисты, чёкнутые в пень. 😁Потому, что Раша - это уже из серии когда не страшно, а интересно: чем же это всё кончится?😁 Ну и да, азартное выживание, художественный тыринг (Тразин - наш человек), и художественное же вождение за нос своего государства, которое всеми правдами пытается извести нас, как класс, но - мы пока справляемся. Просто момент фактурно характеризующий наше восприятие мира. Помните хайп вокруг 2012 года, типа - Конец Света по майя? Так вот, многие граждане РФ, начали запасаться феерверками и алкоголем (для встречи "дорогого гостя" 21 декабря) - с января месяца. Понимаете, люди, которые встречают Конец Света с флажками, банерами, хлебом-солью... Потому, что кредиты банкам можно будет не платить, и вобще - намечается переезд в Град ж Господень... Ну, после того, как все мы умрём; так же, вроде, по Библии? Почему-то я не сильно удивлена тому, что к нам Конец света не явился. Конраду у нас было б весело. Особенно, с учётом того, что у нас меков - больше, чем у тех орков. Ну любят наши люди собрать неведомое нечто, да часто ещё и склонное взрываться. Как правило, без ощутимых последствий, но... бывает по-разному. С другой стороны, выучили бы примарха аутшифтингу, пофигизму, полезной в быту и для здоровья химии, и радио-делу. Во всём надо видеть плюсы. 😁

    • @Kira_Novik
      @Kira_Novik Год назад

      Мои любимые стихи из 90-х, называется "Девичья":
      "Отпусти меня, тятя (отец), на волю,
      Не держи ты меня под замком.
      По весеннему, минному полю,
      Хорошо пробежать босиком.
      Ветерок обдувает мне плечи,
      Чутко дышит таинственный лес...
      Чу, взорвалася ГЭС недалече...
      Не беда! Проживём и без ГЭС!
      Гулко ухает выпь на болоте,
      За оврагом строчит пулемёт,
      Кто-то режет в потёмках кого-то -
      Всей округе уснуть не даёт! (сволочь такая)".
      Это жанр такой, народного творчества. Называется - "садисткие страшилки". Ещё бывают - "страдания". Там авторы деляться со слушателями своим негативным жизненным опытом. (Песня про Кёрза "Брошен во тьме" - это оно самое по жанру. Сама от него такого не ожидала, а органичненько вышло.). Я думаю, что таким музыкальным жанром, как русский рок, Конраду не помешало бы познакомиться. Узнал бы заодно, "что же питают крики" людей? Радость и веселье, уважаемый. Ибо, если мы орём, значит - мы ешё среди живущих.

    • @Kira_Novik
      @Kira_Novik Год назад

      Ну да, зачем ходят на футбольные матчи и рок-концерты? Подраться и поорать. Всё правильно.

    • @Kira_Novik
      @Kira_Novik Год назад

      Кстати, у Корвуса в беке ("Повелитель Теней") был момент, когда его едва толпой обычные люди не запинали. Спасибо, что их оказалось всё же маловато, что бы его опрокинуть. Потому, что в таком случае - прибили б. Это я к тому, что даже примарх может получить удовольствие от драки. Просто на него надо навалиться толпой. 😁 Заодно, уровень стресса от физических нагрузок понизился бы.
      А вобще, Конраду надо было подарить финскую УФ-лампу "Сольверг", что бы депрессию, связаную с постоянной темнотой ему вылечила. У финов из-за запалярья бывает "синдром полярного солнца", вот и разработали. (И того милого, плюшевого ушанчика, по кличке - Уии; в виде которого Шон Гизатулин изобразил Повелителя Ночи. Узкие, красные глазки, шипит что-то из темноты себе пафосное - а фонариком в те глаза посветишь - Уии! Пищит, и улетает в темноту.😁. Милота - страшенная. Сделала скриншот, теперь у меня в смарфоне живёт.).

    • @Kira_Novik
      @Kira_Novik Год назад

      Конрад - классный. Потому, что похож на помоишную кошку. А ведь все любят котиков, правда? Поймать, в плед зарулетить, отнести домой, отмыть с хлоркой и щёткой, отпаить чаем с печеньками. Можно и на таро ему погадать, чё б нет? Интернет нам в помощь... Только когти свои пусть снимет. А то, как же такой рукой кружку-то держать? А расчленять можно и тортики.

  • @charliecoke7396
    @charliecoke7396 Год назад +532

    Would be really cool to see you convert his bladeguard retinue into Loyalist Nightlords too, just to complete the set.

    • @user-uq9se1nx9q
      @user-uq9se1nx9q Год назад +7

      I think Konrad will prefer working alone

    • @tomgeytenbeek2207
      @tomgeytenbeek2207 Год назад +23

      @@user-uq9se1nx9q as long as they stay silent and stay out from under his step, I don’t think he’d hate having the option to carry around a portable distraction, to do their duty and tie something down while he fights

    • @joshuasmith5472
      @joshuasmith5472 Год назад +3

      I would love to see a loyalist NL army!!

  • @MrDorkbot
    @MrDorkbot Год назад +253

    I love seeing these Dornian heresy conversions. Please do more of them.

  • @salamanda550
    @salamanda550 Год назад +253

    I cannot get enough of these Dornian Heresy conversions they're all so cool!

  • @kapitankapital6580
    @kapitankapital6580 Год назад +183

    Absolutely phenomenal build. As much as I love the Forge World design, I genuinely think this is better. The hood and more substantial cloak really give it a gothic vampire type of look!

    • @AsterixCodix
      @AsterixCodix Год назад

      I get that Pete set out to make a Loyalist Curze, but honestly, just drop the purity seals and you've got yourself a plastic Curze for Heresy

  • @guybezant9009
    @guybezant9009 Год назад +27

    I love the idea that the model designer is really pleased somewhere in Nottingham with their new design for the Lion and super pleased with the release and reaction to it and that the Lion is really cool and back and yay...
    ... then Pete turns it into Konrad at the earliest opportunity 😂
    Incredible conversion as usual, keep it up!

  • @origulator
    @origulator Год назад +53

    Thats a really good conversion, I wonder how a Nurgled-up Sanguinius would look like as a counterpart to this guy, perhaps based on the 40k Mortarion set.

  • @chronovac
    @chronovac Год назад +5

    "My Konrad is a loyalist"
    Proceeds to make him look nothing like a loyalist

    • @TheGraveKnight
      @TheGraveKnight 22 дня назад +2

      Late as f but tbf, even if it's a Loyalist Konrad it *is* still Konrad

  • @mikehawkins346
    @mikehawkins346 Год назад +13

    Love the nod to the Dornian Heresy with the Nurgle Blood Angel helmet, great video that was greatly enjoyed!!!

  • @xenocide1307
    @xenocide1307 Год назад +30

    Nightlords are one the coolest legions, always glad to see them getting any love. Really enjoyed all the custom heraldry. This also struck me as one of your finest paint jobs, you really put your heart into it. Also that rust paint might be the best one I've ever seen. In just one layer it added such realistic variance in the corrosion.

  • @user-uq9se1nx9q
    @user-uq9se1nx9q Год назад +9

    15:40 Poor dwarf: "I never thought i'd hang out side by side with an elf"
    Poor elf: "How about side by side with a friend?"

  • @Matt-md5yt
    @Matt-md5yt Год назад +7

    you mad lad did the thing. love it. DarkClaw is what he reminds me of, when you referenced Wolverine and we know Curze as a Batman like so he is the fusion.

  • @somewhereyouarent
    @somewhereyouarent 8 месяцев назад +1

    EXCEPTIONAL CONVERSION. I'm a huuuge Night Lords fan and this is how I always hoped Kurze would end up.

  • @jirojhasuo2ndgrandcompany745
    @jirojhasuo2ndgrandcompany745 Год назад +73

    Which Kurze was better? Dornian Heresy or Roboutian Heresy?

    • @sixela2268
      @sixela2268 Год назад +57

      Roboutian, I find the idea of konrad having a mother who tought him justice really wholesome

    • @jirojhasuo2ndgrandcompany745
      @jirojhasuo2ndgrandcompany745 Год назад +17

      ​@@sixela2268ngl the part where his mother died made me tear up

    • @fenrirsrage4609
      @fenrirsrage4609 Год назад +7

      Roboutian man here all the way

    • @NP3GA
      @NP3GA Год назад +5

      Reboutian is superior in every way

    • @that_damn_kiddo
      @that_damn_kiddo Год назад +9

      Roboutteian Heresy is just in general better than the Dornian imho

  • @richardatherton7280
    @richardatherton7280 Год назад +1

    This is excellent! I can't believe that head is two pieces that you've snipped and stuck together. Great stuff

  • @lowellslagle2849
    @lowellslagle2849 Год назад +6

    Your work brings me such peace. I love watching you do your thing

  • @zylowolfzan3345
    @zylowolfzan3345 Год назад +20

    MAH BOI! I've been looking forward to this ever since I saw you mention this when the Lion was shone. Curze is easily one of my favorite primarchs, and the Night Lords are such an awesome legion with such an awesome motif. You did an absolutely stellar job on this, and I'd love to see some more Loyalist Night Lords! Maybe a Primaris Kill Team squad to be lead into battle by their Primarch on a close combat assassination mission? Chainglaives and Lightning Claws abound!
    Death is nothing compared to vindication. AVE DOMINUS NOX!

  • @RoadHunter1708
    @RoadHunter1708 Год назад +7

    I love when pete corrupts a kit or using them in the most unthinkable way

  • @RM_3D
    @RM_3D Год назад +1

    That cape looks so rich, those contrast glazes make it look so nice

  • @eliredacted1663
    @eliredacted1663 Год назад +5

    i'v never been so excited to see a conversion b4

  • @ThespianDevil
    @ThespianDevil 2 месяца назад

    Every time I watch this video. I always love the stance. The power, the presence it has.

  • @АлександрКостин-ф1в

    Man, this is one twisted Tzeench-level irony! But I love it, exquisite work as always

  • @_Eternos
    @_Eternos Год назад +5

    the pelt could've stayed just a pelt and still made sense, night lords had emblems and logos of a nostraman lion depicted on their armors signifying loyalty and ferocity

  • @ASparkyB
    @ASparkyB Год назад +7

    Not enough is said about your painting style, which is just as good as your conversions. You have such a good eye for color and tone.

  • @fede4786
    @fede4786 Год назад +2

    This one has been your best paint job

  • @1987nightrap
    @1987nightrap 8 месяцев назад +6

    Besides the purity seal, it's pretty much just a normal night lord, still looks awesome thou, great job

  • @jordanwilde9226
    @jordanwilde9226 Год назад +2

    The shield to pauldron conversion was particularly inspired. The entire miniature is fantastic though, outstanding job!

  • @yegorkhorushko479
    @yegorkhorushko479 Год назад +4

    Hell yeah! I was sure you'll make this conversion as soon as I saw the new Lion(and his winged helmet). I thought "Hey, I know one another guy who likes to put wings on his head piece" 😂

  • @ericromero5438
    @ericromero5438 Год назад

    Yep, I think that's the best conversation out of all your stellar conversations.

  • @hiccupthegreat1987
    @hiccupthegreat1987 Год назад +19

    This build is blooming amazing. It has literally got me to start an army lol. Love it!
    (I saw the pic on Warhammer community)

  • @timm7305
    @timm7305 Год назад +1

    Man, you rightfully get tons of love for your conversions but your painting always blows me away, as well. Brilliant job

  • @scottywan82
    @scottywan82 Год назад +3

    Absolutely love this. It makes me so happy when you do these conversions.

  • @killjoyhexx9172
    @killjoyhexx9172 Год назад

    Honestly this is my favourite of your conversations, it just looks fantastic

  • @Brother_Rony
    @Brother_Rony Год назад +109

    As a dark angels fan this is making me absolutely furious but damn does that conversion look clean

    • @irondragon1785
      @irondragon1785 Год назад +4

      Night lords ftw

    • @Dabirdisdaword
      @Dabirdisdaword Год назад +13

      @@irondragon1785 yes night lords rule, but with how few lion kits there are out there the DA players feeling burned that one of the few got chop n changed is understandable.

    • @irondragon1785
      @irondragon1785 Год назад +15

      @@Dabirdisdaword ah but you see, nightlords excel in pain and suffering, even non physical kinds

    • @drakozozhaeternus2840
      @drakozozhaeternus2840 Год назад +4

      Maybe the Lion shouldn’t be storing his most chivalrous sword in people’s backs

  • @arc3944
    @arc3944 Год назад

    This is the first video of this type I’ve ever watched and let me tell you when you were explaining what you painted the skin with I was incredibly confused, the juxtaposition of your soothing voice with “dwarven skin and elven skin and flesh” was really something

  • @Hoodges157
    @Hoodges157 Год назад +9

    Someone already said this, but now a mortarian to sanguinius conversion would be awesome

  • @gabby6788
    @gabby6788 3 месяца назад

    This is the single coolest model I have ever seen in my life!! I wish I could buy a model kit of this.

  • @adamdouglas21
    @adamdouglas21 Год назад +3

    Absolutely amazing conversion. What about a daemon primarch vulkan created used the belakor miniature

  • @ovan2190
    @ovan2190 Год назад +2

    This is Soooooo cool!!!! Curze and the Night Lords were my first introduction to the 40k universe as a whole with your 5 ways to convert being my first dive into these videos and the hobby as a whole so awesome to see Konrad as a loyalist

  • @PeteTheWargamer
    @PeteTheWargamer  Год назад +81

    If you're in the UK , you can help support the channel by using my Element Games Affiliates link and code PET818 at check out:
    If you're in North America, check out my Mtech Cave affiliate link and use code PETETHEWARGAMER for a 5% discount.
    OR maybe check out some of my T-Shirt designs and other merchandise here:

    • @Firefrab
      @Firefrab Год назад

      I've got to wonder, will you make one of the other chaos primarchs (non angron) into chaos sanguinius?

    • @oilyalarm0614
      @oilyalarm0614 Год назад

      Saw him in Warhammer’s community post, didn’t think you had made it, amazing conversion tho

    • @bigbangrafa8435
      @bigbangrafa8435 Год назад +1

      *_KONRAD:_* I appreciate the suit, but I'm missing something on the style department. My job is to scare people, and this suit is looking like a piece from Roboute's boyscouts. We should add some scary stuff to It, do you have something in mind?
      *_ARMORER:_* What about some DEAD ANIMAL BITS?
      *_KONRAD:_* YES, that's the spirit...

    • @remingtonsidwell3799
      @remingtonsidwell3799 Год назад

      You should have kept the lion skin and used it as a nemean lion pelt

  • @brennanchaudhry8925
    @brennanchaudhry8925 6 дней назад

    Amazing stuff, I really enjoy how much time you spend on the kitbashing, I love watching it.

  • @acledfloyd
    @acledfloyd Год назад +3

    I’d love to see the Mortarion to Sanguinias conversion as the Blood Angels were the ones who went to Nurgle in the Dorian Heresy.

  • @Aleazandrio
    @Aleazandrio Год назад

    Each new video, I’m like wow your painting has really stepped up. You are killing it. Thanks for the entertainment.

  • @aspserpent
    @aspserpent Год назад +11

    Man, amazing conversion. I wonder, do you feel pressure when kitbashing models sent to you by GW?

    • @spaghettimkay5795
      @spaghettimkay5795 Год назад

      If he messed it up he ain't getting another lol

    • @aspserpent
      @aspserpent Год назад +1

      @@spaghettimkay5795 My thoughts exactly. Huge props to be able to make something so cool on the first try.

  • @dustinshorter2391
    @dustinshorter2391 Год назад +12

    I am glad you got a copy of the Lion. Unfortunately, most of us didn't :( Nice work on the conversion! :)

  • @jesnemo2677
    @jesnemo2677 Год назад

    this video got recommended as i was wrapping something up before going to paint and have been sitting here open-mouthed. gorgeous work. can't wait to devour your channel.

  • @ringodeathstarr9795
    @ringodeathstarr9795 Год назад +6

    wish i coulda bought this model. great work though pete always appreciate your videos, even if i am just the tinyst bit salty

  • @flaviomonteiro1414
    @flaviomonteiro1414 Год назад +1

    Also it gave me an Azrael (The DC one) vibe! Awesome work as always Pete!

  • @alexanderlewis208
    @alexanderlewis208 Год назад +3

    Primaris Vulkan He’stan

  • @crimsonHecatomb
    @crimsonHecatomb Год назад

    This one's flawless, I'm legitimately impressed

  • @michaelkean5969
    @michaelkean5969 Год назад +7

    it's funny how both a Loyalist Kurze and a Daemon primarch Kurze are both "what if" scenarios considering he was the only traitor Primarch aside from Horus to die in the heresy so he never got to that point.
    i honestly feel that GW should have kept one of the more "controversial" Primarchs as a loyalist. because even tho 40k is all about that "there is no good guys and bad guys" troupe it's clear that there are some who are more evil than others and when you boil it down to it's core elements the loyalist Primarchs where the "good guys" and the Traitors where the "bad guys" in the sense that Gulliman was clearly a hero and Angron was a clearly a Villian. it would have been cool to see one of the Primarchs break the mold and remain loyalist even when we all expected him to turn traitor. i actually feel that a loyalist Villian primarch like Kurze would have actually helped the moral ambiguity angle of 40k.

    • @jossypoo
      @jossypoo Год назад

      Ferrus Manus was killed at the Drop Site Massacre and Sanguinius was killed at the Battle of Terra...

    • @jossypoo
      @jossypoo Год назад

      My headcanon in the "grey loyalists" is to bring back Leman Russ, but as a deformed giant werewolf covered in blood.
      And everyone who sees him can sense the heresy he represents, but he still sees HIMSELF as a loyalist. Like when a Golden Retriever finds a small animal like "did I do good?"
      This is also just that I think the loyalists need a primarch model that looks nearly as cool as the Mortarion sculpt.

    • @michaelkean5969
      @michaelkean5969 Год назад

      @@jossypoo I’m talking about TRAITOR primarks Horus and Kurze where the only two to die.

  • @vencelloth
    @vencelloth Год назад

    No words to say how much this work was hard and beautiful.

  • @mattkey6023
    @mattkey6023 Год назад +5

    I love your work! The only strange thing is that so many people are waiting for the Lion and can't buy him, when you are converting him.

    • @NeonFlaming0
      @NeonFlaming0 Год назад +2

      Yes how strange indeed, a kitbash and conversion channel, kitbashing and converting... very peculiar.

    • @reachlol1
      @reachlol1 Год назад +2

      As he said at the start of the video, GW sent him a kit early. They send out kits early to creators as promotional material. Like how game reviewers get games early.

    • @twoinchrazorblade
      @twoinchrazorblade Год назад

      gw sends him kits to butcher

    • @mattkey6023
      @mattkey6023 Год назад

      @@NeonFlaming0 My commend was not intended to be offensive. I thought of the people who want to buy him asap and have to deal with scalpers.

    • @mattkey6023
      @mattkey6023 Год назад

      @@reachlol1 Yes, I know. He was also featured on GWs community site. So I waited for this video. It's just about GW and their underestimation of number of potential buyers.

  • @illi9805
    @illi9805 Год назад

    I saw your broadcast for the first time. Awesome!
    As a beginner in miniatures, the detailed work process really cleared up a lot of my curiosity. thank you!

  • @CupCakeUnleashed
    @CupCakeUnleashed Год назад

    one of the best paint jobs and conversations i’ve seen

  • Год назад +1

    Fantastic work, Pete.

  • @morokei9394
    @morokei9394 Год назад +1

    Incredible job and seconded on the comments wanting to see bladeguard night lords, I think they'd look incredible with some chainblades/glaives and other classic night lords iconography.

  • @Monkeyshaman
    @Monkeyshaman Год назад

    That cape is lush af.😯

  • @Gazpalli
    @Gazpalli Год назад

    This video popped up in my recommended, and I'm very glad it did. Really nice conversion and superb painting. I look forward to delving into your previous videos.

  • @ImposCoE
    @ImposCoE Год назад

    This is your best work yet, Pete. You outdid yourself! 10/10 would join the Night Lords!

  • @Siile_
    @Siile_ Год назад

    Absolutely gorgeous, love the colors

  • @fleetwheelmac6978
    @fleetwheelmac6978 Год назад

    I just came here for the tears of those who couldn't get the Lion kit. Alas, didn't find much of that, but the conversion itself turned out quite amazing. Thanks!

  • @highvalleyhobbies
    @highvalleyhobbies Год назад +1

    I'm always impressed with what you can do with your conversions, Pete, but WOW this one is my favorite by far!

  • @philiphamel8504
    @philiphamel8504 Год назад +1

    Dude, I saw the thumbnail and was immediately hooked. Ave Dominus Nox

  • @ZombieJake7
    @ZombieJake7 Год назад

    Ive watched this like 5 times and i still can't get enough of watching that armor getting painted. Fantastic work!

    • @PeteTheWargamer
      @PeteTheWargamer  Год назад

      Not going to lie, it was touch and go until the Talassar blue!

  • @thomaschandler1973
    @thomaschandler1973 Год назад

    The cloak and armour look amazing. I will have to try the contrast paint glaze technique.

  • @AoSCoach
    @AoSCoach Год назад

    You've got some of the best conversions in Warhammer.

  • @DylanOB
    @DylanOB Год назад

    Probably my favourite paint job of yours. Feels very eavy metal and love the use of satin varnish instead of matte. Makes it feel almost like a high quality action figure or something

  • @goofytroopy123
    @goofytroopy123 Год назад

    Great job I am truly impressed with your ability to kitbash all these tiny models

  • @danny_decheeto8300
    @danny_decheeto8300 Год назад

    That is one of the coolest models I have ever seen

  • @Fredericco1
    @Fredericco1 Год назад

    I love those "shield" shoulder pad. Nice idea.

  • @agility8
    @agility8 Год назад

    fantastic converssion, another head and bigger claws, and it will be perfect

  • @shawncook8672
    @shawncook8672 Год назад +1

    Love these alternative history conversions! Awesome work once again, Pete!!

  • @thescotsman2071
    @thescotsman2071 Год назад +2

    Absolutely stunning build as per usual man well done, tempted to start a night lords army now.
    As for some recommendations:
    •Loyalist Angron (without the nails).
    •Slaanesh corrupted jaghatai khan.
    •Tzeentch corrupted vulkan.
    •Khorne berzerker sigismund.

  • @AshleyBlackwater
    @AshleyBlackwater Год назад

    Looks amazing, nice touch with the nurgle blood angels helmet to :D

  • @loupiscanis9449
    @loupiscanis9449 Год назад +1

    Thank you , Pete .

  • @LordCommanderJoe
    @LordCommanderJoe Год назад +1

    Two of the best Primarchs! Great work on the kitbash it’s awesome! Would love to be able to do something like this

  • @siallac148
    @siallac148 Год назад

    So beautifully done I almost cry.

  • @Coerciveutopian
    @Coerciveutopian Год назад

    Damn! This is your best one yet. Absolutely amazing.

  • @yannleroux1005
    @yannleroux1005 Год назад

    Must say, this is one of your best paint jobs ever!

  • @EvilEye501
    @EvilEye501 Год назад +1

    Incredible job! That Blood Angel Nurglite helmet on the base has me wondering about a Dornian Heresy Sanguinius...

  • @_mr.j_
    @_mr.j_ Год назад

    I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited for an episode

  • @sircashew1097
    @sircashew1097 Год назад

    It’s beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Keep up the excellent work! I’m just beginning to get into the miniature aspect of Warhammer 40k/HH and hope that I can become as good as you one day!

  • @thefinoll1535
    @thefinoll1535 Год назад

    You're absolutely amazing Pete. Stunning work. I'm looking forward to the next one.

  • @OriginPainting
    @OriginPainting Год назад

    The bits box coming in clutch. Great looking conversion!

  • @richardmorris6000
    @richardmorris6000 Год назад

    this blue is exactly how i want the green/ black armour on my Lion to look, and shall follow this but in green. real nice conversion. thought it was yours on the community website.

  • @SimeonCogswell
    @SimeonCogswell Год назад

    The use of Ossiarch shields as shoulder pads is particularly inspired. Great job!

  • @sars910
    @sars910 Год назад +1

    It'd be amazing if you kitbashed a Warp-Infused Corvus Corax.
    Well done on Loyalist Konrad. You're probably one of the best kitbashers on RUclips.

  • @pavelskotak3747
    @pavelskotak3747 Год назад

    There are times, when I do like my amateur style of painting miniatures just for the sake of having them. And then there is THIS. Still picking my jaw up from the floor. Amazing work! :)

  • @oceanman1687
    @oceanman1687 Год назад

    Looks absolutely amazing Pete. You never disappoint. You did an excellent job.

  • @techtruper5625
    @techtruper5625 Год назад +1

    Always a good day when Pete puts up another kitbash.

  • @reyvanmaloche8162
    @reyvanmaloche8162 Год назад

    The armor paintjob is super great! what a nice conversion :)

  • @Scarhandpainting
    @Scarhandpainting Год назад

    Brilliant idea. Now I need to get my hands on Lion and follow through with a Curze of my own. Thanks for great quality, inspiring video.

  • @t.9811
    @t.9811 Год назад

    That glaze technique on the cloak is incredible.

  • @TheGalantHamburger
    @TheGalantHamburger Год назад

    Nice conversion this, especially like the paint techniques