First story: Op your girlfriend says to you " You are not good enough for me, but you are the best that I can find. But I love you." Why the hell are you still with her???????
Just to play devils advocate - at least the girl was honest about it. Most women that are inclined to think that way would secretly think that way but never tell you until the dissatisfaction reached a level where she will dump you.
The homeowner OP with the fake owner Karen should have pressed charges either way, since if they have a lockable pool cover or a gated and fenced pool, that damned Karen might have broken a lock or two. Trespassing charges and destruction of property ahoy!
also depending where Op lives, their could get in trouble if something happened to the kids in the pool and I bet if something did that Karen probably try to sue.
Damn right OP should have insisted that the woman be arrested for trespassing. I would have and I would have the insisted on a stay away order as well.
The engineer guy should cut it off not because his girlfriend is ‘entitled’ but because they have different culture expectations. Her expectations are common in the part of the world she comes from. And she will drop him if she can find someone who meets those expectations.
culture can explain some things, but if you chose to coast on the basis of your culture when in a relationship with someone outside that culture, you can chose to adjust, doesn't sound like OPs partner wants to do that so yeah...... run bru, run
Wouldn’t be surprised if this is her first time getting put in her place with her kids present. Hope the kids have a good therapist when they’re older!
I am the oldest of 7 siblings and not once has my mother tried using that as an excuse to use a handicap spot it’s just insane how entitled some people are.
As a disabled person, I can’t tell you the number of excuses I’ve gotten when I catch people parking in the accessible spot. People used to challenge me all the time, because I’m young. This happens less happen now that I use a wheelchair, but because I’m not paralyzed and have a degenerative illness, people “catch” me moving my foot or leg and then say that I’m faking then double down that they deserve the spot and not me.
My father had a disabled parking pass and now my mom has one. I have never parked in a handicapped spot unless one of them was with me or my sister and she had her placard with her. It’s not going to hurt any of us to walk some.
My son is a wheelchair user, I have the plates and could easily use them if I wanted, I have too much respect for the people that actually NEED those spots to abuse those plates.
@@1bendykat Yeah some people have the insane idea that if there is no bandage visible 'you are not disabled'. Disgusts me to see that kind of attitude.
Ok so this is when I was a kid. My mom,and I went to Napa, she went in to gwt some parts or aomething. I stayed in the car. Earlier my mom parked in a handicap spot relize it and repair next to it. So a kid sitting in a car, then a car pull into the handicapped spot. I was pointing to the sign. Thebperson notice looked and moved. Another car parked and said "hey" most be load enough for him to hear he looked at me and point to the sign. He moved. As a kid I thought I did a great thing, and supprise 2 people would listion to a kid.
I had a person try that nonsense about my house being their house. Little did the person know that the moment I saw people on my property I immediately called the police. As I stepped out of my car this person started screaming to get off her property or she was calling the Police. Less than a minute later the Police arrived and arrested her and her friends. It pays to be a high ranking Police officer. LOL
I caught a young kid breaking into my van one day with a screwdriver and I asked him what are you doing he said if it's any of your business I locked my keys in my car and I'm trying to get them out well I took out my tear gas out of my pocket and I sprayed him right in the face and he fell on the ground I kicked him a couple times and I told him next time you try to steal someone's car make sure you're not talking to the owner of the car when you try to convince him it's your car dickshit oh, he went crying back to his mommy LOL how do I know that cuz the next day when I was at the same place some lady came running up and asked me why I tear gassed her son I told her to look at the camera for the building and she'll see her son is a car thief, she just walked away silently I guess you knows her son for what he is LOL
"later on no charges were pressed" No no no. Always, ALWAYS press charges. These people are the kind who don't learn without consequences. The disabled spot story. Um, yeah, I'm sorry. Getting knocked up a half a dozen times is not a disability. She doesn't get to have a disabled spot over an actual disabled person because she knows how to spit out tiny people.
agreed!!!! Don't just let them walk away without consequence after pulling crazy things like that. Nothing happened _this_ time, but if the kid drowned in the pool, or some random passerby ran in to fight off the real owner from breaking into their own house then things would be a lot more real. Since nothing came of it she'll just pull something like this somewhere else until things do go horribly wrong or someone holds them accountable.
To be fair, it’s common expectations from Central Asia women... better know that before getting involved at least he would have brought up the subject sooner!
@@carolinemarchand4743 the expectation? sure the "you're not good enough for me but you'll do" remark however can translate to "as soon as i find someone better i'll either dump you or cheat and keep milking you for money"
The moment she threatened to call the police I’d put some distance between us, say please allow me, and call 911 and not take my eyes off the deranged trespassers until the police arrive or they are all out of sight.
The story of the mom not coming to her daughter's wedding sounds like the mom expected the wedding to be unable to go on without her. And when it went on and the daughter didn't seem to miss her, she had a narc meltdown. A rude awakening for her.
You meant a homophobic narc meltdown. Because to me "choosing God over her daughter" sounded like "I'm not attending this 'fake' wedding because God ordained marriage only between one man and one woman and my daughter is a fallen woman for tying the knot with another woman [despite the passage in Leviticus often quoted by homophobes making no mention of two women having intercourse]".
@@florian8599 Oh yeah. I wasn't trying to lowball the homophobia. I just think she honestly thought her not being there would be a bigger blow to the family. And it wasn't
@@florian8599 Oh, hardly. Narcissists don't give a damn about homosexuality or anything other than themselves. If it would get the 'right' reaction, a narc would jump naked out of the weddingcake of a lesbian wedding and dance the cancan naked with only a feather in her butt. Seriously; narcs don't give a damn about anything but their own importance.
The mom seems to have had a crisis of faith and felt the need to get support from her faith family, and is now trying to reconcile with her _real_ family who, let’s face it, should have been there showing her love, gentleness, kindness, compassion, and mercy all along. No Christian would choose to go to church over being with their real family during a crisis of faith unless their family was _seriously_ dropping the ball in helping them through the crisis.
I thought at first with the attempted paying for a kid story, after her quarter of a million dollars she was gonna threaten to kidnap the kid. Nope proved me wrong. I laughed at how stupid the Karen was. I hope she gets charged to the fullest extent of the law
I had to check. Happened in Cockrett Texas. Apperantly, Rebecca Lannette Taylor was with another woman at the time (who didn't stop her) and was arrested January 18th. She paid a $50k bail and is facing up to 10 years in prison and/or $10k in fines. I think the fine should have another zero.
Even worse, Fluff: they will get rid of the first person when they find one that's "good enough" and then try to crawl their way back into the first person's life when they inevitably get rejected.
The most infuriating thing of all of these stories (well maybe not the first one) is that the affected parties don't press charges when they should, these entitled people won't learn a lesson and will do the same to other people until they either get to jail (the crazier ones with murder charges and that has happened in other stories) or they pay a fine. I know it's more time spend and a hassle waiting for the police or going to court but these people deserve it and should be punished for their stupid actions.
I know right ? i was dumbfounded when I heard that neither "that's my house" Karen or "that's my parking spot" Karen had to pay anything except a bit of shame (well to be fair, "that's my house" Karen got humiliated in front of her firends while "that's my parking spot Karen" was shamed in front of a bunch of strangers
I really have to agree with you. It is infuriating when the people in these stories don’t press charges. In the prosthetic arm story that Karen assaulted her. Maybe even cross one of those no-discrimination laws. There were plenty of witnesses. The cops should have been called and all those witnesses would likely have the right to detain the Karen in a citizen’s arrest. Still I did enjoy parts of that story. For that one dumb Karen, how many other people not only do the right thing but were kind enough to pay for the shopping and help get it loaded into the car? It’s situations like that which reinforce my opinion that generally, most people are decent and kind. I mean, a few years or so ago I was pretty unwell and the combination of pain and nausea had meant I hadn’t slept for two nights and I made the mistake of driving out to the pharmacy because I’d run out of medicine. On the way home I either fell asleep at the wheel or I totally lost concentration because I never saw that lamp post coming. The first thing I notice is when I plowed straight into it at 30mph. I somehow smacked my head hard into the steering wheel before the airbags deployed. Bye some miracle all I only had a bump on the head and some mild whiplash. In the 30 or so seconds it took me to unseatbelt grab my handbag and keys and get out and take two steps, help had arrived in the form of a middle aged couple who happened to be walking by. It being pre- Covid while I was dazed they each take my arms and lead me to the safety of the pavement then called an ambulance because I’d hit my head. Next thing I know, people are approaching from all angles. Nearby residents had heard me crash and came to help. Within minutes I’d been wrapped in blankets, given me water and somehow managed to roll my absolutely ruined car just far enough that traffic could pass by and were carefully guiding traffic through. And that’s not including the many drivers who rolled down their windows to offer help. All these people who came to my aid until the police arrived to properly manage the situation along with an ambulance for me. Even the fire brigade had to come because my car was leaking fluids all over the road. I’ve seen footage of a story where someone managed to get her leg trapped between the platform and train. And so the dozens of bystanders all lined up along the carriage and all worked together to lift the carriage just a few centimetres free the woman. Even recently an unlucky cave explorer fell while caving, suffered several injuries and needed rescue. One of the team went back to the surface to raise the alarm. Problem was he was deep down in a series of caves that are hard to traverse even without having to transport someone seriously injured with broken bones. The whole rescue took about 50 hours. But when his predicament was shown on the news over 300 people from all over the UK travelled there to join the rescue effort So yeah I’m confident that most people are decent folk.
That's not really how it works. You can't just press charges yourself against anyone. All you can do is make a police report. It's the district attorney that decides whether to press charges.
@@Vincent_Beers I know what you mean but what I meant its that they should at least file the police report (for example the prosthetic arm, that thing is expensive and just yanking it and throwing it away could had damaged it) . Being non-confrontational at let these people go away without nothing happening to them is just empowering them to do it again to another person. At least if they file it, they will have a precedent in form of a police report in case they do it again or do something worse to another people.
@@Vincent_Beers Exactly. My apartement was broken into when my youngest son's father 15 years ago, he was 8 months old and I had two older children asleep in the next room, it was past midnight on a Friday and my baby and I were asleep too in my room, suddenly I woke up because someone was sitting on my chest shaking me and yelling, luckily my kids never woke up. Once I woke up he started yelling insults at me and I reflexivly slapped him. That's when he grabbed my by the throat and was choking me. He then threw my into the rocking chair I had next to my bed and I got up and this went on numerous times, I was attempting to fight him off but it didn't work. Finally noticing the corded phone I had next to my bed, I picked it up and dialed 911, that's when he ran out the door. The police came but he was long gone of course.. Probably to his mom's where he lived about a mile away, but they did not go check even though I knew the address and it was in the same city, literally a mile away. Next day went to the police station and they took pictures of my bruise covered body. Most of them were there for weeks. Guess what happened? The D.A. declined to prosecute. He was never even arrested for it, he lived a mile away! In the same city! Also, he had a criminal record, I did not know about until later. HIs family knew, but no one mentioned it to me. I guess I forgot to tell the police I was also disabled because I didn't know it was also a crime to attack a disabled person and my disabiliity is due to brain related things that are not visible with hair covering the ear to ear scar I had from brain surgery, and now several more scars from more brain surgeries. So, yeah D.A. didn't care that a single mother's apartment was broken into and she was attacked. I guess they assumed he lived with me but he did not, I didn't give him a key or open the door,, and they also didn't really ask. The next day my dad changed the lock and bought a chain lock.
My friend reminded me of this little gem. He lost one of his legs on September 11th when the North tower fell and he was trapped for a while. They couldn't save his leg. We were around 23 during this time, and he got a handicapped placard for his truck. A lady in he forties freaked out on him cause he parked in a disabled parking spot. She demanded he move his truck so she could park there, mind you she had no placard to park there. She followed him into the store threatening to kick his ass, and he finally had enough and took off his leg and said here right don't I shove my leg up your ass lady, and said he lost it during the collapse of north tower on September 11. She looked mortified and hauled her entitled ass out of the store.
She had no reason to park in a handicap spot, other than that she wanted to, and she had the entitled-bitch audacity to yell at someone who has legal permits and visible evidence of WHY he needs to park there?!!! I hope karma bites her hard some day.
The house story...... seriously....... freakin seriously....... I would've done charges against the Karen. I would make sure no charges go against her friends cause they were unwittingly brought to that and came clean that it was all Karen.
As soon as Karen claimed my home was hers and ordered me off, I'd be calling the cops! And I would be pressing charges for criminal tresspass. Let her explain that to her friends!
@@lancerevell5979 yeah why it would be Karen and only Karen that charges would be pressed. Like I said. Karens friends were there under false wadda-call-it.
@@TheDarkLink7 Not only false pretenses, but with everything she was alluding to THEN walking up to the door and banging on it trying to get in? That's considered burglary!
There is no way that the house story is true. I don’t believe anyone would be so stupid as to pretend that a house is yours while the actual owner is there telling you to leave.
IMO, the only times to do anything about someone parked in a handicapped spot is if there are no tags, expired tags, or if they are parked improperly, impeding other vehicles. Some disabilities that warrant having access to handicapped spaces are invisible.
I agree, but I’m having trouble understanding why someone who is an arm amputee would need handicapped parking. I mean, I’m not about to police anyone with a valid permit, but it does seem a bit odd to me, unless she had other health issues as well that limited her ability to walk distances.
@@pinkmonkeybird2644 What about when loading her purchaces and some how can't, I think it is easier to get help faster than walking from one end of the parking lot.
It's not my job to play police. Even if a handicap is invisible, the car in question should have a placard. That is all anyone needs to know. Placard -> do nothing. No placard -> report or not, it's your call. I'm usually too busy to care anyway. It's none of my business.
The business about how the man should be the breadwinner sounds more cultural than entitled to me, but it also sounds like the crack of doom to that relationship if both parties don’t share that perspective. But that is nothing, nothing compared to the “you aren’t really good enough for me” remark. Run. Run now.
I agree that it is quite cultural and despite that it doesn’t mean OP should have to try and conform as It’s understandable and some of the responsibility of her behaviour lies on her parents a lot too.
If I were the OP of the title story, I'd have dared the Karen to call the cops on me. You know, try to get filing a false report on top of her trespassing charge.
Story 4: Imagine throwing a giant tantrum just because one kid had a little more presents than the other. Also, the fact that the MIL was the only one throwing a tantrum should show that she hasn’t really aged mentally.
The Karen and the mansion sounds like a severe case of a delusion. The 6 kids Karen should have been detained by store security, and arrested, that was aggregated assault, as the mom was handicapped. Also not being able to keep ones legs closed is not a handicap.
Nah, if she was delusional she wouldn’t have fled from the police since she would have expected them to back her up. Just a scheme to make herself appear rich in front of her friends.
Story 1: There are people out there very willing to sell their child. Story 2: she started with you’re not good enough. That’s all you need to know. Story 3: It’s not even that she chose god. She decided her daughter didn’t matter. Most people have church in the morning and most weddings happen in the evenings. Story 4: I would’ve started by calling the cops. Story 5: I’m surprised nobody stopped Karen from leaving Story 6: only combine parties with people you fuck with.
@@elthonmaria7959 Why didn't that mom just tell her that she won't attend a lesbian wedding? I found it a bit odd that it was on a Sunday, as most traditional weddings are on Saturdays. If this was considered a "church" wedding, going to a wedding on a Sunday is like going to Christmas service on Sunday, when Christmas day is on Sunday. You don't need to go twice.
Story 1: >Chooses church over attending a wedding >Sees wedding photos and gets mad >Accuses OP of intentionally cutting her out of the wedding. >Says that just because she went to church, she isn’t intending to skip the wedding. Yeah, this is a manipulation attempt, and OP saw right through it.
Dude, even me, who is also Christian and wouldn't be allowed to go to a homosexual wedding for religious reasons, would have no right to be upset about not being included. If it's someone who I care about (a friend or family member), then I would obviously feel bad about not going and praying they don't hate me for it, but I will not be upset about not being able to be involved in it. I chose not to go and everyone I care about knows my limits, just as I know theirs. They know what I won't do and vice versa. I'm not gonna be upset at them for a choice I made. That lady needs to get over herself.
Yeah, I didn't even inform my parents about my wedding, they found out as my older sister spotted my changed relationship status on FB. They were a bit surprised and confused but only asked to celebrate the union with us at a later date.
@@addictofanimation2923 "wouldn't be allowed to go to a homosexual wedding for religious reasons" Are you afraid of going to Hell for attending _just one_ gay wedding?
@@florian8599 Kind of, but not really. God made marriage for man and woman in accordance to Christianity. By attending a gay wedding, it would be going to something that is seen as a twisted version of what God says a marriage should be. I don't really feel any particular way about gay people. I don't hate them, but I also don't put them on a pedestal as some people do. After all, it's not the person themselves that is considered the sin, just the act of homosexuality. If I saw a LGBTQ person who needed help (a flat tire, unaccepting family members or friends, in physical danger from an actual homophobic person for no reason), I'd help them to the best of my ability because God would want us to help one another. But when it comes to participating or doing something that makes it seem like I approve of it (helping them get together with someone of the same gender, attending a same-sex wedding, etc), I'm not supposed to do that. God gave us free will, so we can do whatever we want, whether it's seen as wrong in God's eyes or not. I'm not free of sin, nobody is, but I also am not going to indulge in a sin that I'm able to keep myself out of. Any habits I formed before taking my relationship with God more seriously is my own fault and is harder to break away from because I had been doing it so long. So, really, I'm in no place to judge, but I'll stay away from it if I can.
No CHARGES. AGAIN?? Op? The pool/house story? Next time that woman barges into someone else’s home- it on YOU. You don’t hold them accountable then they never will learn. So the next time she does this it’s your fault OP. Get a backbone and PRESS CHARGES
I've said it before, and it is blunt but true. The woman with the 6 kids. You had those kids. You don't want to deal with it?? Keep your legs crossed. This guy that did work for my uncle kept on saying about how many mouths he had to feed. My uncle said, "You know what causes that, don't you?" Ticked the guy off. The truth does that.
A running theme here with these 'crazy mother' stories seems to be that the mother's child rarely has anything to do with his/her crazy mom's shenanigans. It's almost always mother dearest insisting that her child wants/needs something, while the kid's just like 'mom, I really don't'. So it's not really a case of these women being doting mommies, it's an 'all about me' situation - like 'LOOK AT ME BEING A GOOD MOM, I'M A BETTER MOM THAN YOU, HOW DARE YOU SAY I'M NOT A GOOD MOM!'
For the wedding story, I'd say she more chose her own image at her church over her child. The Bible states that the hierarchical importance is God, family, then the church. My Pastor has always said that important family affairs, such as weddings, are always to come before church attendance.
Not to mention that unless she’s from a culture where church lasts all day, she could have attended church at a different time of day and still have attended the wedding.
She didn't choose God over her daughter, she didn't even choose her religion over her daughter. She chose her vicious homophobia over her daughter. Good riddance.
Story #3 - I can't get over the audacity that woman had to threaten to call the police knowing full well that house wasn't hers. What the hell?? I would have been like, "go head and call them. I have a key to MY house. Do you?"
The good part of a GF who says "you are the best I could find, for now" is honest about it. I dated a woman who felt that way but said nothing, and bailed on me the moment the rich guy she wanted was available. I was never more than a placeholder. Wish I had just known that.
The house story: I woulda told Karen friends this is how it's going to go y'all going to tell me her name and where she lives at or I'm taking all three y'all down for trespassing
The engineer should run and fast. She does not love you. People do not say that you are not good enough if they love you because they will not think that. If they love and adore you they will think you are wonderful. She is using you because noone else put up with her greed.
When she said you are the best she can find that is the clue that it is time to get out. The best that I can find is never a reason to be in a relationship. The entitlement seems to be a problem also but this is not a healthy relationship. End it now.
@@user-so1ko7pi8p that's what I meant by sweet innocence. The inhumane abuse that goes on with human trafficking (especially children who can either be used for pedophelia, or trained to later be submissive slaves) is actually pretty inhumane and appalling. To some, it is a very sensitive subject that is about as welcomed as calling a rape victim a slut. I understand the joke myself, though I can respect that it is an unexpectedly pretty dark humour.
Iam not an expert. But wouldn’t these people rather kidnap unsupervised kids rather than paying 250-500k for one kid. That woman in the story sounds just crazy and entitled.
I love the supermarket/parking lot one because OP doesn't fully understand the scope of the story at the end. Those random shoppers were ready for a crusade karen and OP's mom was the local priest that commands a unit.
The crazy woman is lucky that the mom (or the dad waiting in the parking lot) didn't have a gun - it was in Texas after all. Buying babies in parking lots - lord we are all doomed.
I dont think ive ever seen a disabled person, or a family member of a disabled person, get up in arms about "people faking it." Its always some self important prick who thinks its their duty to "protect the community," or some shit. Or someone looking to abuse the system, themself.
I still don’t understand how some Karens who have multiple children believe they’re entitled to disabled parking. Just admit you’re lazy and don’t want to walk super far. At least then you’re being honest about the type of entitled you are, instead of seriously trying to claim “being a mother of many children” as some type of disability. That’s just trashy.
Did u read about the couple that planned a wedding at a mansion I think in Florida that was for sale. Not knowing that the owner lived on the property still. When the planner came to decorate he met them at the gate told them they were trespassing and called the police all of the hundreds of guests were confused turned away. Wow what nerve.
First Karen should have not only been charged with tresspassing but child endangerment, I mean who the fuck was watching the kids!? People need to stop letting these dangerous people get away without charges as they'll never believe in the consequences until they suffer.
Someone offered to buy my daughter. It was June, 1990. My daughter was just three weeks old, and I was traveling, via Greyhound Bus, from Oregon, to Arizona, for my older sister's wedding. I have come to understand that my parents paying to have me come was more about a new, and the first, grandbaby, and much less about me, and my well being, because three weeks after giving birth is the WORST time to be travelling. Anyway, we were heading out of the Medford station, when a new guy got on the bus, andsat about four rows in front of where I was, and kept staring at me. The other passengers around me were keeping me company, and cooing over my daughter. About three hours later, we stopped just over the border to California, and most people left the bus to grab food, or use the restroom, etc. but I stayed behind because baby... The new guy who had continued to star at me, upon reentering the bus, came and sat in the row in front of me. And started talking to me, mostly asking questions about my daughter, I didn't think it odd, because a new born on a bus was a novelty, and most other people were also asking similar questions. Until he asked if I wanted to sell her. I laughed. He didn't. I got nervous then, giggling weirdly, I said, 'You're kidding, right?' Him, completely dead pan says, 'No. I'm completely serious.' I then got scared, grabbed my daghter close, told him no, and got off the bus. I waited outside until others that had been riding that I recognized got back on, and I rejoined them, asking if they would share a row with me, explaining what had just happened. The guy was gon when I got back on. He never got bck aboard before we left the station. And I stopped trying to sleep on the bus from that point on. So all in all, don't travel by bus, long distances three weeks after giving birth with your newborn. 0 out of 5 stars. Would not recommend!
Happy you both got out of that ok, your daughter is just a few months older than my scorpio spouse. And that was most likely a pedo or some other kind of child trafficker.
So, the egg donor avoided the wedding coz Jesus, but she's..... GASP! ..... DIVORCED??? Tsk! Tsk! Divorce, like eating pork, getting tattoos, wearing polycotton blouses is ABOMINATION! 🤔
my mom had her hip replaced a couple of years ago (she was fully recovered right as covid hit). she was granted handicap parking. which came in handy while she was still recovering. heck even went it was nagging (she says it still bothers her especially when cold). her placard did expire (was allowed to use it for a little bit past expiration due to covid) but no longer parks in handicap. but she does miss it. but knows she doesnt need it. though she couldve renewed it since again she did have her hip replaced and can sometimes be bothersome....but she knows its never that bad. no one questioned it when she didnt need the walker anymore (she used it for quite a while after each they did each side individually)
@@jgw5491 I disagree she was most assuredly more handicapped than the OP's mother. Op's mother lost most of her arm in an accident the Karen obviously was born with an empty skull complete vacant of even one brain cell.😉
11:54 i never understand why the people in this stories never press charges. You need to press charges and hire a lawyer to find every possible crime they committed.
Threatening me to call the cops on me, on my own property. Me: don't worry about it *innocent smile before giving them a death glare*, I'll call them for you. If you really live here then surely you can prove it to them.
Story one She’s entitled; I come from a culture of “the men is the bread winner” and still is normal to see the spouse with the biggest income to be the breadwinner and the other one been in charge of the home, everyone would be weird out if I make enough and too much and still make my hubby to carry the whole house monetarily and for me to spend all my income in myself, like nope
I listen to a good bit of redit channels on here but I actually enjoy your more. When I go through the alerts I always seem to pick dark fluf first. Keep up the good work.
S2, your mother needs to learn that the world doesn't revolve around her ,she declined to be at your wedding because of church .Your grandmother was a smart cookie and came to see her grandchild get married to the person that they love .Your mother calling you during the wedding reception is funny as heck as she didn't want to miss church .NTA
1st story sounds like the crazy lady was trying to children sex ring,, 2nd story dump that child! screw that idea that a man should pay for everything and a woman does little to nothing, the house karen i would charged with trespassing
I usually too busy now to watch all the reddit videos, but I always try to make time to watch Dark Fluff. Your comments and reactions are my favourite!
The intro story: That's not entitled, that's literally human trafficking. A lot of these "I'll buy your kid" stories are. Child smuggling is big business. God help us all.
Congratulations, your partner managed to hit the bulls eye at least six times. Let me give you a standing ovation and roll out the red carpet. My mom had eight and not once has she parked in a handicapped space unless she was with my grandmother who has a placard so she's allowed to park there.
The “cultural differences” to me just sounds like entitlement. I’d be out of there. We are WE. We share all bills equally. 50/50. Don’t want that… BYEEEEEEE!
As a disabled person, I've seen & heard too many stories like this woman’s with the prosthetic arm. Our buses have a dedicated wheelchair spot, that’s often taken up by baby gear/pram/breeders. If they don't move the driver is supposed to ask them to, but the majority of drivers are too lazy to get up to deploy the ramp so will use any excuse not to.
Actually the karen with the 2 friends had a really good chance the keys actually would have worked... I lived in a town called Cordes Lakes with a population of around 2,500 people. The 1st house we moved into was a temporary situation till a more permanent place was renovated. Both houses had locks that used the same keys... To a point. The new keys worked on the old locks of the 1st place but the old worn keys didn't work on the newer locks... Certain brands of locks like Kwikset will sell to one store like 5 different combos but say 10 of each so people can come in and buy the same keyed locks for all the doors on the house and sometimes they just get mixed up... Now I'm just stating extremes and my numbers may be far off from the real truth but the fact that this happened to me kinda supports the theory...
You are pretty correct. I'm not sure of the actual numbers myself, but a locksmith friend of mine mentioned never to buy Kwiksets for your house for this reason (also they are really easy to pick). You're better off with Schlage, and even with those, you might want to get it re-keyed if they are going to buy an off-the-shelf set, which can cost some money but worth it to have a more unique key. Even if keys in general are technically not coded the same, if they are close enough, and there is wear and tear on your lock or key, a person can still manage to jiggle it open.
My dad knows two people who are neighbors who happened to buy the same make and model of car. Their keys work in each other's cars, as they found out by accident when one of them lent their car to a friend, and the friend came and took the wrong car as it was parked in the street and more visible.
I understand what you're talking about. Our youngest son didn't like school much, his teen years was probably the worst but we were determined that he graduate high school even if he didn't want to go to college. Every morning was a challenge getting him up & moving. He took a shower at night, give him little more sleep time. (No he wasn't allowed to stay up/ out with friends late) But he STILL didn't graduate with his class, not enough credits, had to go to alternative classes to make up the credits, then he graduated with the next years class. He wasn't in trouble at school or with the law,he just DID NOT like or want to go to school. So back then if someone offered money or a trade with another kid..maybe ? But he's 32 now & is a good son, his Dad died 5yrs ago & he's been my rock, helping me out & always there for me just to talk or come 'hang out' with mom.
I'm sorry about his dad...but I'm glad you survived the teen years too lol my daughter is a wonderful mom and a bigwig at her her turn to deal with teenagers lol
Story 2: Again, Entitled Christian Karens are the WORST If I ever run into one of these I have a few sassy insults I could use, my favorite: Going to Church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car
The GF in the 2nd story is too damn old to expect to be a sugar baby. And why’d she go through the trouble of getting a career if she didn’t want to work? She could’ve landed a wealthy husband more easily if she had been a few years younger
story #1: kick her to the curb. That backhanded compliment at the start is an immediate red flag. And then her entitled attitude about money? She's as much as admitting that she's using you until something better comes along.
First story: Op your girlfriend says to you " You are not good enough for me, but you are the best that I can find. But I love you." Why the hell are you still with her???????
For real. Like if my partner said that to me, I'd be like well have a good life bye.
Just to play devils advocate - at least the girl was honest about it.
Most women that are inclined to think that way would secretly think that way but never tell you until the dissatisfaction reached a level where she will dump you.
@GretchTheZ has nothing to do with being straight or not…
She must have loved him if she made more and stayed with him
@@jorgesalazar7202 Love doesn't necessarily equate to respect, or commitment, or faithfulness.
The homeowner OP with the fake owner Karen should have pressed charges either way, since if they have a lockable pool cover or a gated and fenced pool, that damned Karen might have broken a lock or two. Trespassing charges and destruction of property ahoy!
also depending where Op lives, their could get in trouble if something happened to the kids in the pool and I bet if something did that Karen probably try to sue.
This was wild! I didn’t know taking possession of a those million dollars homes by the beach was so easy! Thanks for the tips 🤦♀️
Damn right OP should have insisted that the woman be arrested for trespassing. I would have and I would have the insisted on a stay away order as well.
@@tlang7616 Sadly this happens more than anyone thinks it does and it's horrible trying to get them out.
The engineer guy should cut it off not because his girlfriend is ‘entitled’ but because they have different culture expectations. Her expectations are common in the part of the world she comes from. And she will drop him if she can find someone who meets those expectations.
Yep, best to make a clean break now, rather than after finding she has began cheating, looking for a better Sugar Daddy. Make her an EX NOW!
He should RUN, not walk to the nearest exit.
@@LordDragon1965 yup, what he told us all is, he's plan B, once she finds someone better she'll leave him
culture can explain some things, but if you chose to coast on the basis of your culture when in a relationship with someone outside that culture, you can chose to adjust, doesn't sound like OPs partner wants to do that so yeah...... run bru, run
Her expectations are, in fact, entitlement.
The parking story: how sad that the Karen’s kids think she might leave them. Sounds like they’ve experienced being left behind before. :(
Yeah, I picked up on that too :-(
Wouldn’t be surprised if this is her first time getting put in her place with her kids present. Hope the kids have a good therapist when they’re older!
So stupid that she had 6 kids...
Especially when it comes to parenting, I just hope the husband isn't like the mother 😱😱😱😱
@@kennethohnemus3192 I hope that he isn't either
I am the oldest of 7 siblings and not once has my mother tried using that as an excuse to use a handicap spot it’s just insane how entitled some people are.
As a disabled person, I can’t tell you the number of excuses I’ve gotten when I catch people parking in the accessible spot. People used to challenge me all the time, because I’m young. This happens less happen now that I use a wheelchair, but because I’m not paralyzed and have a degenerative illness, people “catch” me moving my foot or leg and then say that I’m faking then double down that they deserve the spot and not me.
My father had a disabled parking pass and now my mom has one. I have never parked in a handicapped spot unless one of them was with me or my sister and she had her placard with her. It’s not going to hurt any of us to walk some.
My son is a wheelchair user, I have the plates and could easily use them if I wanted, I have too much respect for the people that actually NEED those spots to abuse those plates.
@@1bendykat Yeah some people have the insane idea that if there is no bandage visible 'you are not disabled'. Disgusts me to see that kind of attitude.
Ok so this is when I was a kid. My mom,and I went to Napa, she went in to gwt some parts or aomething. I stayed in the car. Earlier my mom parked in a handicap spot relize it and repair next to it. So a kid sitting in a car, then a car pull into the handicapped spot. I was pointing to the sign. Thebperson notice looked and moved. Another car parked and said "hey" most be load enough for him to hear he looked at me and point to the sign. He moved. As a kid I thought I did a great thing, and supprise 2 people would listion to a kid.
I had a person try that nonsense about my house being their house. Little did the person know that the moment I saw people on my property I immediately called the police. As I stepped out of my car this person started screaming to get off her property or she was calling the Police. Less than a minute later the Police arrived and arrested her and her friends. It pays to be a high ranking Police officer. LOL
I caught a young kid breaking into my van one day with a screwdriver and I asked him what are you doing he said if it's any of your business I locked my keys in my car and I'm trying to get them out well I took out my tear gas out of my pocket and I sprayed him right in the face and he fell on the ground I kicked him a couple times and I told him next time you try to steal someone's car make sure you're not talking to the owner of the car when you try to convince him it's your car dickshit oh, he went crying back to his mommy LOL how do I know that cuz the next day when I was at the same place some lady came running up and asked me why I tear gassed her son I told her to look at the camera for the building and she'll see her son is a car thief, she just walked away silently I guess you knows her son for what he is LOL
"later on no charges were pressed" No no no. Always, ALWAYS press charges. These people are the kind who don't learn without consequences.
The disabled spot story. Um, yeah, I'm sorry. Getting knocked up a half a dozen times is not a disability. She doesn't get to have a disabled spot over an actual disabled person because she knows how to spit out tiny people.
Oh she's disabled alright, mentally disabled. Needs professional help.
agreed!!!! Don't just let them walk away without consequence after pulling crazy things like that.
Nothing happened _this_ time, but if the kid drowned in the pool, or some random passerby ran in to fight off the real owner from breaking into their own house then things would be a lot more real.
Since nothing came of it she'll just pull something like this somewhere else until things do go horribly wrong or someone holds them accountable.
I hate it when people try to use having many children as a crutch! I have SO many throw back insults for this and wouldn't hesitate to use them!
Care to share some? I’m hoping to find something that’ll make me laugh. Especially after imagining these audacious k*nts.
Same with the one who threw the fake party. Wtf. Press charges on these idiots
I would've totally pressed charges, especially if I had footage of Karen and her spawn.
Jesus Christ... that girlfriend has gone far beyond red flags: she's showing RED LIGHTS!
To be fair, it’s common expectations from Central Asia women... better know that before getting involved at least he would have brought up the subject sooner!
@@carolinemarchand4743 the expectation? sure
the "you're not good enough for me but you'll do" remark however can translate to "as soon as i find someone better i'll either dump you or cheat and keep milking you for money"
The moment she threatened to call the police I’d put some distance between us, say please allow me, and call 911 and not take my eyes off the deranged trespassers until the police arrive or they are all out of sight.
The story of the mom not coming to her daughter's wedding sounds like the mom expected the wedding to be unable to go on without her. And when it went on and the daughter didn't seem to miss her, she had a narc meltdown. A rude awakening for her.
You meant a homophobic narc meltdown.
Because to me "choosing God over her daughter" sounded like "I'm not attending this 'fake' wedding because God ordained marriage only between one man and one woman and my daughter is a fallen woman for tying the knot with another woman [despite the passage in Leviticus often quoted by homophobes making no mention of two women having intercourse]".
@@florian8599 Oh yeah. I wasn't trying to lowball the homophobia. I just think she honestly thought her not being there would be a bigger blow to the family. And it wasn't
@@florian8599 Oh, hardly. Narcissists don't give a damn about homosexuality or anything other than themselves. If it would get the 'right' reaction, a narc would jump naked out of the weddingcake of a lesbian wedding and dance the cancan naked with only a feather in her butt. Seriously; narcs don't give a damn about anything but their own importance.
I think thats exactly what she thought. 😆😆
The mom seems to have had a crisis of faith and felt the need to get support from her faith family, and is now trying to reconcile with her _real_ family who, let’s face it, should have been there showing her love, gentleness, kindness, compassion, and mercy all along. No Christian would choose to go to church over being with their real family during a crisis of faith unless their family was _seriously_ dropping the ball in helping them through the crisis.
I thought at first with the attempted paying for a kid story, after her quarter of a million dollars she was gonna threaten to kidnap the kid. Nope proved me wrong. I laughed at how stupid the Karen was. I hope she gets charged to the fullest extent of the law
I had to check. Happened in Cockrett Texas. Apperantly, Rebecca Lannette Taylor was with another woman at the time (who didn't stop her) and was arrested January 18th. She paid a $50k bail and is facing up to 10 years in prison and/or $10k in fines.
I think the fine should have another zero.
I think it needs to have a mandatory prison sentence and multiple more zeros on the fine. She’s clearly crazy enough to try child abductions next
@@rmclearran1 fine should match what she wanted for the kid, obviously she has the money anyway
In all likelihood, she was a human trafficker.
@@sapphirewingthefurrycritic985 nah extremely stupid.
OP's GF hasn't told him yet that she'll also expect him to support her parents and family, too, since that also is a cultural expectation.
It's a STUPID expectation. The parents can take care of themselves for all I care
Even worse, Fluff: they will get rid of the first person when they find one that's "good enough" and then try to crawl their way back into the first person's life when they inevitably get rejected.
Omg! Rebecca Taylor was released on 50k bond!
Houston area parents keep your guard up and look out for this nut job!
Whatever happened to her accomplice?
The most infuriating thing of all of these stories (well maybe not the first one) is that the affected parties don't press charges when they should, these entitled people won't learn a lesson and will do the same to other people until they either get to jail (the crazier ones with murder charges and that has happened in other stories) or they pay a fine. I know it's more time spend and a hassle waiting for the police or going to court but these people deserve it and should be punished for their stupid actions.
I know right ? i was dumbfounded when I heard that neither "that's my house" Karen or "that's my parking spot" Karen had to pay anything except a bit of shame (well to be fair, "that's my house" Karen got humiliated in front of her firends while "that's my parking spot Karen" was shamed in front of a bunch of strangers
I really have to agree with you. It is infuriating when the people in these stories don’t press charges.
In the prosthetic arm story that Karen assaulted her. Maybe even cross one of those no-discrimination laws. There were plenty of witnesses. The cops should have been called and all those witnesses would likely have the right to detain the Karen in a citizen’s arrest.
Still I did enjoy parts of that story. For that one dumb Karen, how many other people not only do the right thing but were kind enough to pay for the shopping and help get it loaded into the car?
It’s situations like that which reinforce my opinion that generally, most people are decent and kind. I mean, a few years or so ago I was pretty unwell and the combination of pain and nausea had meant I hadn’t slept for two nights and I made the mistake of driving out to the pharmacy because I’d run out of medicine.
On the way home I either fell asleep at the wheel or I totally lost concentration because I never saw that lamp post coming. The first thing I notice is when I plowed straight into it at 30mph. I somehow smacked my head hard into the steering wheel before the airbags deployed. Bye some miracle all I only had a bump on the head and some mild whiplash.
In the 30 or so seconds it took me to unseatbelt grab my handbag and keys and get out and take two steps, help had arrived in the form of a middle aged couple who happened to be walking by.
It being pre- Covid while I was dazed they each take my arms and lead me to the safety of the pavement then called an ambulance because I’d hit my head. Next thing I know, people are approaching from all angles. Nearby residents had heard me crash and came to help. Within minutes I’d been wrapped in blankets, given me water and somehow managed to roll my absolutely ruined car just far enough that traffic could pass by and were carefully guiding traffic through. And that’s not including the many drivers who rolled down their windows to offer help. All these people who came to my aid until the police arrived to properly manage the situation along with an ambulance for me. Even the fire brigade had to come because my car was leaking fluids all over the road.
I’ve seen footage of a story where someone managed to get her leg trapped between the platform and train. And so the dozens of bystanders all lined up along the carriage and all worked together to lift the carriage just a few centimetres free the woman.
Even recently an unlucky cave explorer fell while caving, suffered several injuries and needed rescue. One of the team went back to the surface to raise the alarm. Problem was he was deep down in a series of caves that are hard to traverse even without having to transport someone seriously injured with broken bones. The whole rescue took about 50 hours. But when his predicament was shown on the news over 300 people from all over the UK travelled there to join the rescue effort
So yeah I’m confident that most people are decent folk.
That's not really how it works. You can't just press charges yourself against anyone. All you can do is make a police report.
It's the district attorney that decides whether to press charges.
@@Vincent_Beers I know what you mean but what I meant its that they should at least file the police report (for example the prosthetic arm, that thing is expensive and just yanking it and throwing it away could had damaged it) . Being non-confrontational at let these people go away without nothing happening to them is just empowering them to do it again to another person. At least if they file it, they will have a precedent in form of a police report in case they do it again or do something worse to another people.
@@Vincent_Beers Exactly. My apartement was broken into when my youngest son's father 15 years ago, he was 8 months old and I had two older children asleep in the next room, it was past midnight on a Friday and my baby and I were asleep too in my room, suddenly I woke up because someone was sitting on my chest shaking me and yelling, luckily my kids never woke up. Once I woke up he started yelling insults at me and I reflexivly slapped him. That's when he grabbed my by the throat and was choking me. He then threw my into the rocking chair I had next to my bed and I got up and this went on numerous times, I was attempting to fight him off but it didn't work. Finally noticing the corded phone I had next to my bed, I picked it up and dialed 911, that's when he ran out the door. The police came but he was long gone of course.. Probably to his mom's where he lived about a mile away, but they did not go check even though I knew the address and it was in the same city, literally a mile away. Next day went to the police station and they took pictures of my bruise covered body. Most of them were there for weeks. Guess what happened? The D.A. declined to prosecute. He was never even arrested for it, he lived a mile away! In the same city! Also, he had a criminal record, I did not know about until later. HIs family knew, but no one mentioned it to me. I guess I forgot to tell the police I was also disabled because I didn't know it was also a crime to attack a disabled person and my disabiliity is due to brain related things that are not visible with hair covering the ear to ear scar I had from brain surgery, and now several more scars from more brain surgeries. So, yeah D.A. didn't care that a single mother's apartment was broken into and she was attacked. I guess they assumed he lived with me but he did not, I didn't give him a key or open the door,, and they also didn't really ask. The next day my dad changed the lock and bought a chain lock.
I love to be there when the fake home owner gets roasted by her friends after that whole situation. Lol
Yeah. I hope they have a Facebook bonfire. 🔥
Hopefully they aren't her friends anymore. Like Fluff do you come back from that with your friends?
My friend reminded me of this little gem. He lost one of his legs on September 11th when the North tower fell and he was trapped for a while. They couldn't save his leg. We were around 23 during this time, and he got a handicapped placard for his truck. A lady in he forties freaked out on him cause he parked in a disabled parking spot. She demanded he move his truck so she could park there, mind you she had no placard to park there. She followed him into the store threatening to kick his ass, and he finally had enough and took off his leg and said here right don't I shove my leg up your ass lady, and said he lost it during the collapse of north tower on September 11. She looked mortified and hauled her entitled ass out of the store.
Damn whether she was red with humiliation or white with shock is hilarious
@@LatinaVixen91 my friend doesn't take any crap from crazy entitled people and sadly she was not the last ahole to confront him.
She had no reason to park in a handicap spot, other than that she wanted to, and she had the entitled-bitch audacity to yell at someone who has legal permits and visible evidence of WHY he needs to park there?!!! I hope karma bites her hard some day.
@@suzyboyleanderson6945 You live in New York, where they come a dime-a-dozen, or so I've heard.
@@LatinaVixen91 Probably red first then snow white.
The house story...... seriously....... freakin seriously....... I would've done charges against the Karen. I would make sure no charges go against her friends cause they were unwittingly brought to that and came clean that it was all Karen.
As soon as Karen claimed my home was hers and ordered me off, I'd be calling the cops! And I would be pressing charges for criminal tresspass. Let her explain that to her friends!
@@lancerevell5979 yeah why it would be Karen and only Karen that charges would be pressed. Like I said. Karens friends were there under false wadda-call-it.
On the other hand, they're dumb enough to be friends with Karen. Doesn't say much for them!
@@TheDarkLink7 Not only false pretenses, but with everything she was alluding to THEN walking up to the door and banging on it trying to get in? That's considered burglary!
There is no way that the house story is true. I don’t believe anyone would be so stupid as to pretend that a house is yours while the actual owner is there telling you to leave.
IMO, the only times to do anything about someone parked in a handicapped spot is if there are no tags, expired tags, or if they are parked improperly, impeding other vehicles. Some disabilities that warrant having access to handicapped spaces are invisible.
I agree, but I’m having trouble understanding why someone who is an arm amputee would need handicapped parking. I mean, I’m not about to police anyone with a valid permit, but it does seem a bit odd to me, unless she had other health issues as well that limited her ability to walk distances.
@@pinkmonkeybird2644 What about when loading her purchaces and some how can't, I think it is easier to get help faster than walking from one end of the parking lot.
But, if you are disabled, you can get a special license plate or placard you can hang from the rear view mirror.
It's not my job to play police. Even if a handicap is invisible, the car in question should have a placard. That is all anyone needs to know. Placard -> do nothing. No placard -> report or not, it's your call. I'm usually too busy to care anyway. It's none of my business.
I feel like whenever a Karen looks at a Walmart all they see is its employees just standing outside waving and welcoming them to create ruckus 🤣🤣🤣
Karen: "You only have one child."
OP's Mom: "I also only have one arm."
The business about how the man should be the breadwinner sounds more cultural than entitled to me, but it also sounds like the crack of doom to that relationship if both parties don’t share that perspective. But that is nothing, nothing compared to the “you aren’t really good enough for me” remark. Run. Run now.
I agree that it is quite cultural and despite that it doesn’t mean OP should have to try and conform as It’s understandable and some of the responsibility of her behaviour lies on her parents a lot too.
ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS press charges against Karens/Chads - they will never learn, otherwise.
100% YES. That women literally ASSAULTED OP's mom. She might have damaged the prosthetic and they would have needed her info to sue her ass. smh
Chads are good bruh tf
Except the male counterpart is actually Richard, not Chad.
If I were the OP of the title story, I'd have dared the Karen to call the cops on me. You know, try to get filing a false report on top of her trespassing charge.
exactly what I was saying during the the story. "call the police b**** see what happens" something like that.
the karen with the house thing-- proves why you should lock up when you leave. imagine if she hadnt locked the door.
Yes! Perfect timing, Fluff! Got my coffee and sunflower seeds ready to go with a small bowl too!!!
I agree. Just finished watching RedWheel, so I get all my Reddit stories in one go
Story 4: Imagine throwing a giant tantrum just because one kid had a little more presents than the other.
Also, the fact that the MIL was the only one throwing a tantrum should show that she hasn’t really aged mentally.
Not a bit surprised about the 18 yrs divorced part.
@@markrahm6900 why would she expect her ex-husband to bring presents for a child that's of no relation to him?
The Karen and the mansion sounds like a severe case of a delusion.
The 6 kids Karen should have been detained by store security, and arrested, that was aggregated assault, as the mom was handicapped. Also not being able to keep ones legs closed is not a handicap.
Nah, if she was delusional she wouldn’t have fled from the police since she would have expected them to back her up. Just a scheme to make herself appear rich in front of her friends.
Story 1: There are people out there very willing to sell their child.
Story 2: she started with you’re not good enough. That’s all you need to know.
Story 3: It’s not even that she chose god. She decided her daughter didn’t matter. Most people have church in the morning and most weddings happen in the evenings.
Story 4: I would’ve started by calling the cops.
Story 5: I’m surprised nobody stopped Karen from leaving
Story 6: only combine parties with people you fuck with.
Story 3: felt to me like Mommy Dearest expected Daughter to freak out and cancel everything.
@@elthonmaria7959 Why didn't that mom just tell her that she won't attend a lesbian wedding? I found it a bit odd that it was on a Sunday, as most traditional weddings are on Saturdays. If this was considered a "church" wedding, going to a wedding on a Sunday is like going to Christmas service on Sunday, when Christmas day is on Sunday. You don't need to go twice.
The one about Karen pretending to own the house reminds me of the scene from Bill and Ted Face The Music when They break into Dave Grohl's house.
Do you think she got buff and rules the inmates now.
@@TheKorfish LMFAO!!!!! It took me several minutes to pick myself up from the floor when I saw that! You win!
@@VincentValentine33 excellent *plays air guitar*
@@TheKorfish No. Big Bertha got to her first.
Best relationship advice I ever got from my dad: "Find someone who feels lucky to be with you." Thanks, Dad.
Story 1:
>Chooses church over attending a wedding
>Sees wedding photos and gets mad
>Accuses OP of intentionally cutting her out of the wedding.
>Says that just because she went to church, she isn’t intending to skip the wedding.
Yeah, this is a manipulation attempt, and OP saw right through it.
Dude, even me, who is also Christian and wouldn't be allowed to go to a homosexual wedding for religious reasons, would have no right to be upset about not being included. If it's someone who I care about (a friend or family member), then I would obviously feel bad about not going and praying they don't hate me for it, but I will not be upset about not being able to be involved in it. I chose not to go and everyone I care about knows my limits, just as I know theirs. They know what I won't do and vice versa. I'm not gonna be upset at them for a choice I made. That lady needs to get over herself.
That's the second story btw! (I don't mean to sound rude if I did)
Yeah, I didn't even inform my parents about my wedding, they found out as my older sister spotted my changed relationship status on FB.
They were a bit surprised and confused but only asked to celebrate the union with us at a later date.
@@addictofanimation2923 "wouldn't be allowed to go to a homosexual wedding for religious reasons"
Are you afraid of going to Hell for attending _just one_ gay wedding?
Kind of, but not really. God made marriage for man and woman in accordance to Christianity. By attending a gay wedding, it would be going to something that is seen as a twisted version of what God says a marriage should be.
I don't really feel any particular way about gay people. I don't hate them, but I also don't put them on a pedestal as some people do. After all, it's not the person themselves that is considered the sin, just the act of homosexuality. If I saw a LGBTQ person who needed help (a flat tire, unaccepting family members or friends, in physical danger from an actual homophobic person for no reason), I'd help them to the best of my ability because God would want us to help one another.
But when it comes to participating or doing something that makes it seem like I approve of it (helping them get together with someone of the same gender, attending a same-sex wedding, etc), I'm not supposed to do that.
God gave us free will, so we can do whatever we want, whether it's seen as wrong in God's eyes or not. I'm not free of sin, nobody is, but I also am not going to indulge in a sin that I'm able to keep myself out of. Any habits I formed before taking my relationship with God more seriously is my own fault and is harder to break away from because I had been doing it so long.
So, really, I'm in no place to judge, but I'll stay away from it if I can.
Op? The pool/house story? Next time that woman barges into someone else’s home- it on YOU.
You don’t hold them accountable then they never will learn. So the next time she does this it’s your fault OP. Get a backbone and PRESS CHARGES
I've said it before, and it is blunt but true. The woman with the 6 kids. You had those kids. You don't want to deal with it?? Keep your legs crossed. This guy that did work for my uncle kept on saying about how many mouths he had to feed. My uncle said, "You know what causes that, don't you?" Ticked the guy off. The truth does that.
Dark, it cracked me up how you said that "some days, some days..."
Methinks, Dark has kids, or a crap ton of nieces and
Glad I looked up the channel right after doing school work 🥺💕 will be listening to this while on break
A running theme here with these 'crazy mother' stories seems to be that the mother's child rarely has anything to do with his/her crazy mom's shenanigans. It's almost always mother dearest insisting that her child wants/needs something, while the kid's just like 'mom, I really don't'. So it's not really a case of these women being doting mommies, it's an 'all about me' situation - like 'LOOK AT ME BEING A GOOD MOM, I'M A BETTER MOM THAN YOU, HOW DARE YOU SAY I'M NOT A GOOD MOM!'
For the wedding story, I'd say she more chose her own image at her church over her child. The Bible states that the hierarchical importance is God, family, then the church. My Pastor has always said that important family affairs, such as weddings, are always to come before church attendance.
Not to mention that unless she’s from a culture where church lasts all day, she could have attended church at a different time of day and still have attended the wedding.
She didn't choose God over her daughter, she didn't even choose her religion over her daughter. She chose her vicious homophobia over her daughter. Good riddance.
Story #3 - I can't get over the audacity that woman had to threaten to call the police knowing full well that house wasn't hers. What the hell?? I would have been like, "go head and call them. I have a key to MY house. Do you?"
The good part of a GF who says "you are the best I could find, for now" is honest about it. I dated a woman who felt that way but said nothing, and bailed on me the moment the rich guy she wanted was available. I was never more than a placeholder. Wish I had just known that.
"tried to buy a kid at Walmart"?
That's where the best prices are.
The house story: I woulda told Karen friends this is how it's going to go y'all going to tell me her name and where she lives at or I'm taking all three y'all down for trespassing
The engineer should run and fast. She does not love you. People do not say that you are not good enough if they love you because they will not think that. If they love and adore you they will think you are wonderful. She is using you because noone else put up with her greed.
And here I’ve taught my kids they aren’t even entitled to one gift…they should be happy a friend came to their party.
I choked on my tea when you dropped the "papa fluff"!!! Ahhhhh that is so cute!
love the channel!
When she said you are the best she can find that is the clue that it is time to get out. The best that I can find is never a reason to be in a relationship. The entitlement seems to be a problem also but this is not a healthy relationship. End it now.
The house thief... Yeah, I'd try to press charges on her.
If I sold my child to someone, that person would bring him back to me within an hour. My child is difficult due to special needs.
Sweet innocence.
@@aduckofsomesort can’t you take a joke? Calm down
@@user-so1ko7pi8p that's what I meant by sweet innocence. The inhumane abuse that goes on with human trafficking (especially children who can either be used for pedophelia, or trained to later be submissive slaves) is actually pretty inhumane and appalling. To some, it is a very sensitive subject that is about as welcomed as calling a rape victim a slut.
I understand the joke myself, though I can respect that it is an unexpectedly pretty dark humour.
O. Henry wrote a classic short story about a boy getting kidnapped, but is such a troublesome tot the kidnappers soon are eager to give him back! 😎
Iam not an expert. But wouldn’t these people rather kidnap unsupervised kids rather than paying 250-500k for one kid.
That woman in the story sounds just crazy and entitled.
I love the supermarket/parking lot one because OP doesn't fully understand the scope of the story at the end. Those random shoppers were ready for a crusade karen and OP's mom was the local priest that commands a unit.
And, of course, OP should have pressed charges against Karen for trespassing.
Since when having 6 kids a handicap??? I know of one family that has 11 girls, all sisters, and I don't think that they considered it a handicap.
How many of these Karens are rude and entitled people, and how much are genuinely sociopathic
The crazy woman is lucky that the mom (or the dad waiting in the parking lot) didn't have a gun - it was in Texas after all. Buying babies in parking lots - lord we are all doomed.
I don’t understand why the lady who claimed someone else’s house, the OP would not call the police immediately instead of arguing with the imposter?
I dont think ive ever seen a disabled person, or a family member of a disabled person, get up in arms about "people faking it." Its always some self important prick who thinks its their duty to "protect the community," or some shit. Or someone looking to abuse the system, themself.
And those who aren't out to abuse the system brings a misparked car to the attention of parking supervising staff instead of going vigilante...
I still don’t understand how some Karens who have multiple children believe they’re entitled to disabled parking. Just admit you’re lazy and don’t want to walk super far. At least then you’re being honest about the type of entitled you are, instead of seriously trying to claim “being a mother of many children” as some type of disability. That’s just trashy.
Did u read about the couple that planned a wedding at a mansion I think in Florida that was for sale. Not knowing that the owner lived on the property still. When the planner came to decorate he met them at the gate told them they were trespassing and called the police all of the hundreds of guests were confused turned away. Wow what nerve.
First Karen should have not only been charged with tresspassing but child endangerment, I mean who the fuck was watching the kids!? People need to stop letting these dangerous people get away without charges as they'll never believe in the consequences until they suffer.
Story 2: I have the sneaking suspicion, that homophobia played a _huge_ role in OP's mother's attitude.
And the audacity to think the wedding would be postponed, Yeah uh, Narcissistic much?
Someone offered to buy my daughter. It was June, 1990. My daughter was just three weeks old, and I was traveling, via Greyhound Bus, from Oregon, to Arizona, for my older sister's wedding. I have come to understand that my parents paying to have me come was more about a new, and the first, grandbaby, and much less about me, and my well being, because three weeks after giving birth is the WORST time to be travelling. Anyway, we were heading out of the Medford station, when a new guy got on the bus, andsat about four rows in front of where I was, and kept staring at me. The other passengers around me were keeping me company, and cooing over my daughter. About three hours later, we stopped just over the border to California, and most people left the bus to grab food, or use the restroom, etc. but I stayed behind because baby... The new guy who had continued to star at me, upon reentering the bus, came and sat in the row in front of me. And started talking to me, mostly asking questions about my daughter, I didn't think it odd, because a new born on a bus was a novelty, and most other people were also asking similar questions. Until he asked if I wanted to sell her. I laughed. He didn't. I got nervous then, giggling weirdly, I said, 'You're kidding, right?' Him, completely dead pan says, 'No. I'm completely serious.' I then got scared, grabbed my daghter close, told him no, and got off the bus. I waited outside until others that had been riding that I recognized got back on, and I rejoined them, asking if they would share a row with me, explaining what had just happened. The guy was gon when I got back on. He never got bck aboard before we left the station. And I stopped trying to sleep on the bus from that point on. So all in all, don't travel by bus, long distances three weeks after giving birth with your newborn. 0 out of 5 stars. Would not recommend!
Happy you both got out of that ok, your daughter is just a few months older than my scorpio spouse.
And that was most likely a pedo or some other kind of child trafficker.
Engineer guy should tell her she's wrong. She's not good enough for him.
RE: The mixed cultural couple... EJECT EJECT EJECT!!!
So, the egg donor avoided the wedding coz Jesus, but she's..... GASP! ..... DIVORCED??? Tsk! Tsk! Divorce, like eating pork, getting tattoos, wearing polycotton blouses is ABOMINATION! 🤔
my mom had her hip replaced a couple of years ago (she was fully recovered right as covid hit). she was granted handicap parking. which came in handy while she was still recovering. heck even went it was nagging (she says it still bothers her especially when cold). her placard did expire (was allowed to use it for a little bit past expiration due to covid) but no longer parks in handicap. but she does miss it. but knows she doesnt need it. though she couldve renewed it since again she did have her hip replaced and can sometimes be bothersome....but she knows its never that bad. no one questioned it when she didnt need the walker anymore (she used it for quite a while after each they did each side individually)
6 Kids!! since when is not keeping her knees together a disability??
I like how the “disabled” lady RAN over to them lol. She was just lazy and didn’t want to find another spot.
She isn't disabled; she is just overloaded with kids and that counts as "disability" in her eyes. She probably lives in a shoe. 🥾
@@jgw5491 I disagree she was most assuredly more handicapped than the OP's mother. Op's mother lost most of her arm in an accident the Karen obviously was born with an empty skull complete vacant of even one brain cell.😉
Her disability was that she can't keep her legs together
@@tricorvus2673 Damn, you beat me to it!!!
She was not disabled. She was just stupid. And there is nothing wrong with having a big family, just don't act like an idiot.
"And the woman picked up the prosthesis and promptly slapped Karen across the face with it".
11:54 i never understand why the people in this stories never press charges. You need to press charges and hire a lawyer to find every possible crime they committed.
My question for the OP of the Keran trying to trespass story is "why were there no charges pressed?"
Maybe Karen did need that handicapped space, since her knees seem to be unable to get anywhere close to each other
I love these stories so much! They brighten my days😂
Karen's love Wal-Mart!!🤪🤷🤦 Yay an egg donor.🤪🤪
Threatening me to call the cops on me, on my own property.
Me: don't worry about it *innocent smile before giving them a death glare*, I'll call them for you. If you really live here then surely you can prove it to them.
Story one
She’s entitled; I come from a culture of “the men is the bread winner” and still is normal to see the spouse with the biggest income to be the breadwinner and the other one been in charge of the home, everyone would be weird out if I make enough and too much and still make my hubby to carry the whole house monetarily and for me to spend all my income in myself, like nope
I listen to a good bit of redit channels on here but I actually enjoy your more. When I go through the alerts I always seem to pick dark fluf first. Keep up the good work.
S2, your mother needs to learn that the world doesn't revolve around her ,she declined to be at your wedding because of church .Your grandmother was a smart cookie and came to see her grandchild get married to the person that they love .Your mother calling you during the wedding reception is funny as heck as she didn't want to miss church .NTA
Having six kids you can't cope with implies the kind of mental or physical disabilities which prevent you keeping your legs together when horizontal.
1st story sounds like the crazy lady was trying to children sex ring,, 2nd story dump that child! screw that idea that a man should pay for everything and a woman does little to nothing, the house karen i would charged with trespassing
The girlfriend who thinks she is better than her boyfriend- dude, leave
How dare you not include me in an event I was invited to but refused to go to! You are the worst! That's what that mom sounds like.
Yeah, that sounded really pathetic. "How dare you not include me in pictures I wasn't there to be in anyway!!!" She a real gem, ain't she?
@@markrahm6900 She most certainly is a fake gem.
I usually too busy now to watch all the reddit videos, but I always try to make time to watch Dark Fluff. Your comments and reactions are my favourite!
The intro story: That's not entitled, that's literally human trafficking. A lot of these "I'll buy your kid" stories are. Child smuggling is big business. God help us all.
"Papa Fluff" -- I'm dying! That's adorable!
Story 1: Hypergamy. Arm Story: Karen was out of the running car with all the kids, so someone could have run over and locked her out of it.
Congratulations, your partner managed to hit the bulls eye at least six times. Let me give you a standing ovation and roll out the red carpet. My mom had eight and not once has she parked in a handicapped space unless she was with my grandmother who has a placard so she's allowed to park there.
The “cultural differences” to me just sounds like entitlement. I’d be out of there. We are WE. We share all bills equally. 50/50. Don’t want that… BYEEEEEEE!
As a disabled person, I've seen & heard too many stories like this woman’s with the prosthetic arm. Our buses have a dedicated wheelchair spot, that’s often taken up by baby gear/pram/breeders. If they don't move the driver is supposed to ask them to, but the majority of drivers are too lazy to get up to deploy the ramp so will use any excuse not to.
Actually the karen with the 2 friends had a really good chance the keys actually would have worked... I lived in a town called Cordes Lakes with a population of around 2,500 people. The 1st house we moved into was a temporary situation till a more permanent place was renovated. Both houses had locks that used the same keys... To a point. The new keys worked on the old locks of the 1st place but the old worn keys didn't work on the newer locks... Certain brands of locks like Kwikset will sell to one store like 5 different combos but say 10 of each so people can come in and buy the same keyed locks for all the doors on the house and sometimes they just get mixed up... Now I'm just stating extremes and my numbers may be far off from the real truth but the fact that this happened to me kinda supports the theory...
You are pretty correct. I'm not sure of the actual numbers myself, but a locksmith friend of mine mentioned never to buy Kwiksets for your house for this reason (also they are really easy to pick). You're better off with Schlage, and even with those, you might want to get it re-keyed if they are going to buy an off-the-shelf set, which can cost some money but worth it to have a more unique key. Even if keys in general are technically not coded the same, if they are close enough, and there is wear and tear on your lock or key, a person can still manage to jiggle it open.
My dad knows two people who are neighbors who happened to buy the same make and model of car. Their keys work in each other's cars, as they found out by accident when one of them lent their car to a friend, and the friend came and took the wrong car as it was parked in the street and more visible.
These stories are just the thing I needed today. Thanks "Papa Fluff" :D
When my daughter was a teen omg...I would have traded her for a freaking candy bar most days lol thank god she grew out of the demonic phase lol
And you weren't like that at one point?
I understand what you're talking about.
Our youngest son didn't like school much, his teen years was probably the worst but we were determined that he graduate high school even if he didn't want to go to college.
Every morning was a challenge getting him up & moving. He took a shower at night, give him little more sleep time. (No he wasn't allowed to stay up/ out with friends late) But he STILL didn't graduate with his class, not enough credits, had to go to alternative classes to make up the credits, then he graduated with the next years class.
He wasn't in trouble at school or with the law,he just DID NOT like or want to go to school.
So back then if someone offered money or a trade with another kid..maybe ?
But he's 32 now & is a good son, his Dad died 5yrs ago & he's been my rock, helping me out & always there for me just to talk or come 'hang out' with mom.
Nope....was a shy timid kid was total opposite
I'm sorry about his dad...but I'm glad you survived the teen years too lol my daughter is a wonderful mom and a bigwig at her her turn to deal with teenagers lol
@@jaynepykkonen6240 Oh.
The parking Karen....Good thing it wasn't me because even though I am disabled, I can still throw hands on people who touch me without my permission.
I see DarkFluff, I click DarkFluff! Glad to be here!!!
If I was gonna go shopping for random kids to buy, I would NOT start at walmart!
Story 2: Again, Entitled Christian Karens are the WORST
If I ever run into one of these I have a few sassy insults I could use, my favorite: Going to Church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car
It's actually "mechanic", but car works just as good.
I really like that dark fluff tells his viewers he loves them at the end of every video
The GF in the 2nd story is too damn old to expect to be a sugar baby.
And why’d she go through the trouble of getting a career if she didn’t want to work? She could’ve landed a wealthy husband more easily if she had been a few years younger
That's actually the first story, Fluff tried to fluff us 😁
Thank you for making videos our family can enjoy. We really love getting together to watch your videos after a long day at work.
story #1: kick her to the curb. That backhanded compliment at the start is an immediate red flag. And then her entitled attitude about money? She's as much as admitting that she's using you until something better comes along.
Story 3 - OP, no, she didn't learn her lesson. You press charges because she was delusional enough to threaten calling the cops