[食在多倫多]| 東北餃子王 | 天寒地冬最好食蒸餃子 | The Dumpling King | Comfort food during winter
- Опубликовано: 3 дек 2024
- 多倫多真係有好多美食, 其中有唔少北方餃子店, 我就幾鍾意去位於萬錦市的東北餃子王, 呢度不單止有各類蒸餃, 仲有小籠包, 同其他東北菜。呢度食物價錢合理, 之前我哋就去咗晚餐, 兩個人食一籠蒸餃, 加一兩碟小食, 已經好飽。埋單俾現金仲有95折, 係一個算係幾經濟嘅選擇。通脹時期, 大家若果唔想煮飯可以考慮幚襯下。
Toronto is a city with many good restaurants. Among of these are some dumpling restaurants. I quite like The Dumpling King at Markham. Not only do they have plenty choices of dumplings but also many other dishes from the Northern part of China. Recently, we went there to have dinner and we loved the steamed dumplings. Also, the food are priced reasonably. Since we paid by cash, we also got a 5% discount on our bill. So this is one of our picks to dine out if we do not want to cook.
The Dumpling King
5328 Highway 7 E, Unit 1A
Tel: 905-209-9888
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