FULL INTERVIEW: Cardinal McElroy on sex, sin, LGBT people, women and inclusion

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 414

  • @OscarPaniagua288
    @OscarPaniagua288 Год назад +12

    Where can I find the raw data for these 500,000 consults or those 2,500 in San Diego Cardinal Mcelroy talks about. For example: I am a very active Catholic and I know almost no o e concerned primarily about the LGBTQ “community” or discrimination in our Church, etc. I do not trust this Cardinal conclusions and I’d like to see the methods used for this consults and the raw data.

  • @tripplerizz9382
    @tripplerizz9382 Год назад +37

    Sex outside of marriage, mortal sin. Abusing ur spouse, mortal sin. Both are mortal sin. I regularly refuse to take communion because I am not in a state of grace. My love for the Eucharist has encouraged me to change my life and live in accord with God’s will. Was I being marginalized because I didn’t take communion? No. I have gone months with out communion - all while being active in the parish and being a part of ministries all while being loved by God and by the Church. Communion is not about being a part of this club. Communion is about taking the lord under your rough in a real way AND giving your self to the Lord - and to do that substantially you must be in a state of Grace.

    • @teresaniumata2742
      @teresaniumata2742 8 месяцев назад +1

      Well said.

    • @bornbranded29
      @bornbranded29 6 месяцев назад +1

      same here. amen.

    • @msieger89
      @msieger89 4 месяца назад +2

      Jesus broke bread with everyone at His table. If you wish to limit your participation, that is your choice. But for men to tell someone else they are not welcome, that is not following Jesus’ example.

    • @teohproject
      @teohproject Месяц назад


    • @brianbacon5149
      @brianbacon5149 Месяц назад +1

      "[W]hat pagans sacrifice they offer to demons and not to God. I do not want you to be partners with demons…You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons ( I Cor. 10:20-21). Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord (I Cor 11:27). For any one who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself” (I Cor. 11:29).

  • @collingdale1
    @collingdale1 Год назад +33

    A lot of words with no substance and plenty of equivocation. When we fail grievously we need to repent and go to Confession before being admitted to Holy Communion.

    • @dianalee5141
      @dianalee5141 Месяц назад

      It is wise to quote the Bible verses. To strengthen God:s Words (Bible).

  • @tomasvictor2124
    @tomasvictor2124 Год назад +34

    This cardinal is practically saying that all the church's teaching on morality is wrong? And only now that in this time of Pope Francis that we learned that?
    So you're practically saying that the saints and his predecessors were wrong all along?

    • @martinospitaletta8198
      @martinospitaletta8198 Год назад +6

      I think the vision of Pope Francis is the pope being head and speaker of different churches with different doctrines...therefore his ambiguity on divisive topics like mortal sin in a relativistic age. He is tolerating the apostasy of the Synodal Way and the errors of the lgbtq+ promoting Cardinals Marx, Hollerich, Cupich and McElroy. The obvious future of Catholicism will be a loosely bond society of doctrinally autonomous bodies, some with married lesbian priests blessing marrriages between men and stallions in Munich, Germany, promoted by apostate modernists and Jesuits, and others not so inclusive in rural Minnesota ran by Bishop Barron and others.....but this will obviously not work....somebody will have to leave or the whole body will be cast into hellfire.

    • @tomasvictor2124
      @tomasvictor2124 Год назад +12

      The seemingly arrogant and frankly heretical utterance of some cardinals these days makes Pope Benedict XVI 's thought so true that the problem facing the Church today is the 'Dictatorship of relativism" (you have your "truth" . I have my own "truth".) .....that there is no definitive truth...which is a lie.
      And who is the prince of lies?
      Figure that out.

    • @solanuscaseyoldcatholiccom4868
      @solanuscaseyoldcatholiccom4868 Год назад +1

      That is literally untrue. He is not saying that.

    • @tomasvictor2124
      @tomasvictor2124 Год назад +4

      @@solanuscaseyoldcatholiccom4868 what I commented is TRUE....listen again to this interview...this cardinal's treatment of our Moral law the moral law of the Church: he spoke about it in a manner comparable to what Pope Francis said that the "Church's Cathecesis on sex is still in diapers" which seemed to me really of insulting I mean the shade of Aquinas must be shaking to think that his moral theology was so infantile that we had to wait another thousand years for the faithful to improve upon it.

    • @abriltdulin
      @abriltdulin 9 месяцев назад +3

      "live the Christian life" sounds like another side line- Inclusion is your new God!!! Stop it!!!

  • @BryanKirch
    @BryanKirch Год назад +45

    Robbing people of healing by normalizing the symptoms of their trauma. Very sad

    • @331SVTCobra
      @331SVTCobra Год назад +2

      Explain, please.

    • @Chile2011
      @Chile2011 Год назад +1

      @@331SVTCobra homosexuality is intrinsically disordered. Bishop McElroy decries the truth being spoken.

    • @oceanecastelnau9821
      @oceanecastelnau9821 Год назад +3

      On what authority do you pronounce non-heterosexuality to be "trauma?" Are you limiting the creative scope of the Creator?

    • @BryanKirch
      @BryanKirch Год назад

      @@oceanecastelnau9821 based on everything you’ve been told I understand it would be hard for you to be open to but as someone who has worked with people to heal their trauma our past plays a profound role in the choices we make. I’ve never worked with someone who identified as homosexual that did not have their identity shaped by a specific event in their childhood. While some are repressed others are directly associated with being sexually abused and the chaos that causes. Others are more subtle reasons like look for love and acceptance.
      It’s a complex and subtle subject that I’d be happy to answer
      If you have genuine questions and are genuinely open to a different word view than the one you currently hold

    • @BryanKirch
      @BryanKirch Год назад

      @@331SVTCobra homosexuality while not always will most often be linked to a specific sexual trauma. However there are more subtle cases where someone begins to identify this way because of scary events in childhood.

  • @Heart_on_Fire1
    @Heart_on_Fire1 Год назад +65

    I live in San Diego and appreciate having a Cardinal caring for the poor and marginalized. However, I think Bishop Barron was spot on about the ambiguity of the definition of radical inclusion and that is the biggest concern with regard to the synod. We always love people but cannot condone sins. We would be leading people astray to the road of perdition by giving people false hope, particularly in the area of morality. It is not about weaponizing the Eucharist by telling them that they can't receive the Eucharist unless they are in a state of grace. It is a charitable act to tell them the truth saving their souls for eternity.

    • @331SVTCobra
      @331SVTCobra Год назад +10

      My take: nobody says one word about straight unmarried Catholics and what they might be doing, but then bring up and weaponizes the word “disordered” when talking about our brothers and sisters who are lgbtq. I believe that Jesus would welcome everyone to the table, and that His example should be followed.

    • @Heart_on_Fire1
      @Heart_on_Fire1 Год назад +31

      @@331SVTCobra Jesus would welcome sinners but ask them to convert like an adulterous woman, "go and sin no more".

    • @331SVTCobra
      @331SVTCobra Год назад

      @@Heart_on_Fire1 You're speaking for Jesus? You know for a fact that Jesus would "ask gays to convert to straight"? :) Sorry, but you're not convincing me. The Gospels show Jesus always accepting of so-called sinners. I mean putting yourself in between a second-class citizen and an angry mob with rocks... tell me that He isn't the Best Shephard.

    • @Heart_on_Fire1
      @Heart_on_Fire1 Год назад +18

      ​@@331SVTCobra I merely quote from the Scriptures and fully believe in the traditional values of the Catholic teachings on the sacredness of marriage between a man and woman. That can't change to adapt to today's modern world. It is correct we are all sinners, and we should not judge people based on their sexual orientation. We should, however, tell everyone to strive to live in purity. Gay people don't have to be converted to straight as long as they live chaste lives. Straight people have problems living a chaste life as well, especially with pornography being rampant.

    • @Heart_on_Fire1
      @Heart_on_Fire1 Год назад +18

      I do speak from my own personal experience of having a profound conversion experience in Medjugorje 15 years ago. The Blessed Sister Lucia of Fatima prophesized, "The final or decisive battle between the Kingdom of God and Satan will be over marriage and family." I was in that battle. God intervened to save my marriage through the intercession of our Blessed Mother. Before my conversion, I led a double life as a practicing Catholic going through the motions for many years while leading a life of promiscuity. Today I can tell you I am full of joy when I can go to Church and receive Jesus in the Eucharist. A priest once told me, "you watch and read about saints, and you will become one." I love reading about saints and understand that saints Paul and Augustine had to go through radical conversions. There is a saying that " no saint is without a sinful past, and no sinner is without a future." God bless and be in peace.

  • @podatus1098
    @podatus1098 11 месяцев назад +6

    100% on the judgmentalism. We love to throw each other in the dirt. How many times does Jesus say, “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees…” who were growing in power and who felt they had to put bright lines around each and every issue in the Torah? Woe to us, I think, who pretend to know the mind of God, and who, on both sides of the issues, are too quick to form opinions based on very limited information. Folks seem to want God to be a simple machine or accounting software that they can manipulate or from which they can expect a predictable outcome. Me too, but in my experience, and in my reading, that doesn’t seem to be the way God operates. However, that’s based on my own experiences and readings, maybe God is more predictable with other folks. Maybe I’m just nuts. I know that I’m in need of repentance, and for things that nobody knows but me, just like everybody else. Let’s love each other, with unmistakable affection and humility through this time. After all, there is nothing new under the Sun.

    • @mariannepolkowski-burns2627
      @mariannepolkowski-burns2627 10 месяцев назад +2

      I totally agree. I especially agree with the point in people wanting a predictable outcome or seeing God as an accountant. They are saying “if I put in my time and effort, I had better get some reward for it”. Operating with this motivation is ridiculous to me. More than ridiculous!! Ungodly!!!

  • @colleenconger5265
    @colleenconger5265 Год назад +10

    How do you have the right to rewrite the commandments and said that if you have sex, it’s not a mortal sin, if it’s out of marriage. Sorry to say go to another religion, but this is a mortal sin.

    • @robertrivera1751
      @robertrivera1751 5 месяцев назад +1


    • @nicholasholiday941
      @nicholasholiday941 18 дней назад +1

      Do you not see the obvious weakness in your assertion? The commandments HAVE effectively been rewritten. They define two sexual sins and no more: Adultery, and coveting one's neighbor's wife. Nothing about fornication, impure thoughts, homosexuality, pornography, immodest dress. All of those are inferred, not defined, sometimes drawn from old testament sources that have scores of prohibitions- e.g., no meat + dairy, no mixed fabrics- and penalties that include death for things as common as disobeying one's parents. And if you do any research at all, beyond the Pauline privelege, scripturally, there is no divorce, except for adultery. There is no such thing as annulment in Scripture! And yet there is a whole long laundry list of reasons that one can get an annulment today. This is not to say that any of the above mentioned sins are not sins. It is just to make clear that the commandments have been expanded and in the case of annulment modified.

  • @fifamaniac04
    @fifamaniac04 Год назад +25

    Aborted children are probably the largest marginalized group in the United States but I missed their defence in the article.

    • @oceanecastelnau9821
      @oceanecastelnau9821 Год назад +2

      I missed where the author insisted he was presenting a complete list!

    • @fifamaniac04
      @fifamaniac04 Год назад

      @@oceanecastelnau9821 you're correct, the list was not exhaustive but rather he indicating the MOST marginalized and hence my point

    • @sylvia54lobo76
      @sylvia54lobo76 Год назад

      Bergoglian satanic Jesuits have Ozer0 credibility in the eyes of God and Mother Mary at Quito, Ecuador, La Salette, Fatima have enlightened about most so called catlic religious orders of stinking roots. Wake up catlicks. Nuclear try pasting alive awaits most bergoglian Jesuit ilk.

    • @sandiyewman9282
      @sandiyewman9282 10 месяцев назад

      Amen …this is leading to defending homosexuality and disordered sexual lifestyles…it is a slippery slope.

    • @m.h.zamoyski9071
      @m.h.zamoyski9071 9 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@fifamaniac04the most marginalised are the children deprived of their life before they are even born. It is a cancer on the whole wild and a sin we will all pay for.

  • @dennisdolan7250
    @dennisdolan7250 Год назад +26

    I think people make excuses as to why they leave the church. I don’t think we’ve really found out why with all our surveys because if their problem is inclusion then we should see the inclusive churches growing. We don’t. They are not.
    I’m not against inclusion. I just think when all churches are emptying out something is going on and we don’t know what it is🤷‍♂️

    • @dennisdolan7250
      @dennisdolan7250 Год назад +6

      AND all social non religious organizations seem to have similar problems

    • @yossarian_lives
      @yossarian_lives Год назад +10

      Yet Traditional Latin Mass parishes where the liturgy and sacraments are taken seriously are growing fast and full of young families.

    • @pjsmith4369
      @pjsmith4369 Год назад +3

      Sorry, but my Novus Ordo churches are packed. The TLM group form a very small proportion of the entire Catholic Church.
      And to say to your fellow Catholics that receiving Communion in the hand is sacrilegious is placing yourself in the “ holier than thou “ group, which is a dangerous precedent.
      Does that mean that all your fellow Catholics are in a state of Mortal Sin?
      What exactly are the TLM group trying to get across?
      BTW, I grew up in the Latin Mass. I don’t miss it one bit and I have no desire to attend another one in this life.
      During the Pandemic, plus being bedbound from a chronic illness, my husband and I watched the Mass from the Immaculate Conception Parish in Denver, Colorado.
      It was established about 50 plus years ago for people who were unable to physically attend Mass.
      Watch it and tell me in what way it is irreverent compared to the Latin Mass.

    • @yossarian_lives
      @yossarian_lives Год назад +3

      @@pjsmith4369 that's great to hear. I'm genuinely delighted where that is the case. Agree that TLM is only a small percentage of the overall Catholic population. I think my observation would be that, in my experience, some of the parishes that are losing people are the overly liberal -progressive ones. I've been to some great Novus Ordo masses where they are very traditional in their approach - reverence for the Eucharist, well-drilled altar boys, option to receive on the tongue, and doctrinally correct homilies. It's not either or - we're all one team!

    • @OUTBOUND184
      @OUTBOUND184 Год назад +2

      We definitely do know what it is

  • @billmartin3561
    @billmartin3561 Год назад +60

    We must be non-judgmental of sinners, we are all sinners in different ways. But we must also teach the clear truth of mortal sin, and remind everyone that we must repent and live the life that Christ calls us to. The problem is Bishops avoid the sin and repentance message and just want to welcome everyone.

    • @331SVTCobra
      @331SVTCobra Год назад +4

      Note that the difference between mortal and venial sins is a construct made up by humans. Put this together with the fact that Jesus was repeatedly frustrated with the apostles for trying to put His message into human terms. The rich man who Jesus told to sell everything and give the money to the poor could not reconcile that instruction with his understanding that he was only rich because God was pleased with him and displeased with the people He made poor.
      Jesus instructs us to love. Our church is meant to enrich how we love, not to stratify classes of humans.

    • @christopher4192
      @christopher4192 Год назад +7

      @@331SVTCobra CCC 1854-64 is useful on this. Your reference to the distinction between mortal and venial sins as 'a construct made up by humans' is a very vague expression and potentially could cover a mass of traditions, practices, beliefs, and doctrines. Do you think your comment can be consistent with CCC 1415-1416? Of course, you might really want a reformation that would sweep away many of the traditional beliefs, and perhaps even many biblical sources as well. You might even think that this would be 'in the spirit' of Vatican II. Perhaps you need to clarify your thinking.

    • @dansaber4427
      @dansaber4427 Год назад +5

      You can be LGBT and Christian

    • @fifamaniac04
      @fifamaniac04 Год назад +11

      Go and sin no more

    • @dogmom5558
      @dogmom5558 Год назад +1

      The idea is to welcome everyone, THEN work on the sins. Would you have a workshop for married couples and begin it by lecturing them on the evils of adultery?

  • @lourdesstodddard850
    @lourdesstodddard850 Год назад +27

    Jesús said “convert” do not sin

  • @debbieschilens3444
    @debbieschilens3444 Год назад +7

    Not paying your employees a just wage and racism ARE definitely mortal sins.

    • @tripplerizz9382
      @tripplerizz9382 Год назад +1

      yes they are. people who commit mortal sin should not receive communion. regardless of what the sin is. i have personally refrained from communion for sins such as disrespecting my spouse. so needless to say sex outside of marriage is a mortal sin too. and if u are in a same sex relationship …. well , those intimate actions are mortal sins

    • @De-Nigma
      @De-Nigma Год назад +3

      Yes… he’s literally saying exactly that. When he says ‘we don’t say these things are mortal sins’ he means it literally: they are mortal sins, but very often we don’t say they are because we’re so hyper focused on sexual sins. You’re agreeing with him about the badness of those things.

  • @briancarroll1917
    @briancarroll1917 Год назад +13

    A true Shepard speaks clearly and doesn’t mince his words. He’s doing what all the modernists do. Keep it vague and destroy the life of the church. I pray for the triumph to happen soon so we won’t have to put up with these false Shepards anymore

  • @kenkessner9594
    @kenkessner9594 Год назад +11

    RE; pastoral approach to the pre-Conciliar Mass. Cdl. has (to my knowledge) discontinued the Mass at all but Fraternity churches. I'm trying to reconcile this with the Cardinal's view on being pastoral to those attracted to that Mass.

    • @brianrichardcohn2159
      @brianrichardcohn2159 Год назад +1

      Here in Sweden the pre-conciliar mass is very restricted by Cardinal Arborelius.

    • @sophiajohnson8608
      @sophiajohnson8608 Год назад +1

      It is simply a contradiction. They are so "merciful," except to those who actually adhere to the traditional Faith.

  • @kevinhealey6540
    @kevinhealey6540 Год назад +4

    It's a growing trend in the Catholic Church.
    People are not necessarily losing their faith, but their faith in Catholic Church.

    • @kevinhealey6540
      @kevinhealey6540 Год назад +1

      People are saying, "If they're not going to stay with the doctrine, what sense does it make that I should stay with them?"

    • @tripplerizz9382
      @tripplerizz9382 Год назад

      @@kevinhealey6540have u left?

  • @oldfashioned9461
    @oldfashioned9461 Год назад +4

    My question to Cardinal McElroy is what, specifically, is the Church of God? Is living like Jesus mean we must just be nice to each other and that's it? Please give a clear vision of a parish community living out the Catholic faith according to this synodal way.

  • @DaleProsperie
    @DaleProsperie Год назад +18

    So a group of (Catholic Leaders) think they have the authority to vote and change long standing Catholic doctrine because it makes people feel better. They have 40 thousand other religions they can choose from, but the Catholic faith is suppose to the rock that Peter built Jesus's church. It can't be the rock if it changes to accommodate every social issue. The Blessed Mother warns us that we are being led down a path of Perdition by Catholic leaders, this may be what she's talking about.

    • @ElisabeteSuzana
      @ElisabeteSuzana Год назад +2

      The Catholic Church has changed over the centuries, that includes Catholic doctrine. I think people need to know a little more about the history and listen to the various voices in this discussion before claiming orthodoxy/unorthodoxy.

    • @ingoditrust7784
      @ingoditrust7784 Год назад +1

      ​@@ElisabeteSuzanaplease, three concrete examples, quick!

    • @brianscheidler5638
      @brianscheidler5638 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@ElisabeteSuzana what Catholic doctrine has changed?

    • @mariannepolkowski-burns2627
      @mariannepolkowski-burns2627 10 месяцев назад

      So you talk to the Blessed Mother?

  • @mariannepolkowski-burns2627
    @mariannepolkowski-burns2627 10 месяцев назад +10

    I cannot believe I am probably sitting in church praying with those who make such hateful comments about LGBTQ people and about Fr MacIlroy I thought the Cardinal was sincere in his words, understanding, intellectually excellent and spiritually caring for the church community. A leader who promotes unity and dialogue.

    • @luisbergantino1207
      @luisbergantino1207 7 месяцев назад +2

      Marianne, A fellow Christian is writing this. A man who acknowledges his need to convert in order to be saved.
      There's nothing judgmental about speaking the truth about sin and our need to fight against whatever we're doing that offends God and that, if we don't change, is going to lead us to hell.
      Jesus, St. Paul, Peter, and the rest of the authors of the New Testament, wrote about this and we all know that they did so, in order to help us to be saved.
      When we see others living in grave sin and don't try to help them, we're not really loving them, Marianne, and Scriptures tells us that if those people end up in hell because we didn't say anything, we're going to be judged because of this.
      Ezekiel 33:8: "When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand."

  • @catholicfemininity2126
    @catholicfemininity2126 Год назад +21

    I was lukewarm Catholic for most of my life until a few years ago because I didn't understand my faith or the Church and what she stood for. I was raised by Catholic materialist parents, love them, but I grew up learning that money and getting a career was more important than God (by their actions) and by everyone else I knew in public schools or in family. CCD was not helpful and I found the way it was taught to be a snooze fest. The people teaching weren't on fire at all, it was just another 1 hour of school for me. I don't remember my confirmation and I remember some kid telling me they found it boring..... THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS NOT BORING!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish God blessed me with a teacher like Harold burke sivers or Fr. Don Calloway......
    I get inspired when I hear loving but truthful talks like from Fr. Blount or Fr. Goring... and when I grew in my faith, I noticed I sometimes need a kick in the butt from a rougher priest like Fr. Ripperger or Fr. Larry Richards........ sometimes I need to feel comforted by gentle priests.... but most important is I need the TRUTH.

    • @ingoditrust7784
      @ingoditrust7784 Год назад

      Read Maria Valtorta

    • @glennlanham6309
      @glennlanham6309 10 месяцев назад +3

      you are quoting good priests and deacons, but NONE of them post on this site, move on to an orthodox site...

    • @ingoditrust7784
      @ingoditrust7784 10 месяцев назад

      @@glennlanham6309 such as?

  • @marklambert5232
    @marklambert5232 Год назад +5

    This is massively problematic from McElroy who misses out loads of important points and comes across as just manipulating doctrine to push a particular agenda. Jesus was radical in his welcoming outreach to everyone, but at the same time, equally radical in his demand for conversion. To no one did Jesus ever offer welcome tout court; he always summoned them to the hard work of real discipleship. This is the whole point of being a Christian, of confirming our lives to Christ.

  • @Blondenbold
    @Blondenbold Год назад +18

    Just join the episcopal church if you want women priests and all things new.

    • @sophiajohnson8608
      @sophiajohnson8608 Год назад +1

      Or, better, they should submit their own will to that of God and accept even the more difficult Church teachings.

    • @ElisabeteSuzana
      @ElisabeteSuzana Год назад

      It will eventually happen.

    • @joepugh678
      @joepugh678 4 месяца назад

      "Behold, I make all things new!" Rev. 21; 5

  • @princesadorada12estrellase83
    @princesadorada12estrellase83 Год назад +11


  • @EYECRAFTVideo
    @EYECRAFTVideo Год назад +5

    Priest, when you say that Augustine said his change isnt finished yet, do you think he was still sexually active?, or he was at times tempted by sex? these are 2 very different things?

  • @anonimo-um2ng
    @anonimo-um2ng Год назад +14

    Sexual morality is at the center of catholic morality ACCORDING TO JESUS AND THE APOSTLE PAUL, but of course, we know what the Scriptures and Catechism of the Catholic Church teach what liberals like james martin or mcelroy teach and there is a huge difference. Bad shepherds are easy to recognize: the vast of german bishops and those who like them promote same-sex sexual practices using the word inclusion are the same ones who exclude themselves of the Catholic Church.

  • @EYECRAFTVideo
    @EYECRAFTVideo Год назад +18

    ††† --- If the Sheperd is Lost, what chance do the Sheep have --- according to the faith--- †††

  • @CatholicSamurai
    @CatholicSamurai Год назад +3

    "A member of the Russian Parliament, Father Popov the First [a famous 'Revolutionary' priest at the time], appeared on the steps of the Tauride Palace in the middle of the day. He had emerged to bless the revolutionary armed forces: 'Let this day remain in our memory for now and ever shall be!' But the forces of the revolution didn't have much use for his blessing. They didn't flock to kiss the cross he was holding out." (From Solzhenitsyn's "The Red Wheel")
    Abandoning the teachings that Christ gave us will not change the fact that the vast overwhelming majority of people believe the Catholic Church is an inherently racist, manipulative, mysoginistic, evil organization that is complicit with slavery, genocide, white supremacy, and voilent patriarchy. Activist reformers like Cardinal McElroy think they're both on the same side working together towards greater unity, but the moment he stops being useful to these movements, they will disavow him and tear him to pieces.
    The reality is that many people in these movements will not come to accept Christ and His Church no matter what we do to cater to them - Jesus himself acknowledged this in the Gospel multiple times.
    When the Holy Father Pope Francis was newly-elected, he was hailed by many in the church and in the secular world as this figure that would energize the church and bring people back into the pews. 10 years later, the "Francis Effect" turned out to be a mirage. Now, there are less Catholics than ever in the US and more confusion on an unprecedented scale.

    • @m.h.zamoyski9071
      @m.h.zamoyski9071 9 месяцев назад +1

      @CatholicSamurai There is one, only one person who can 'energise' the Church and it's members, look no further than Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Himself. No amount of watering down of the faith will save anyone. No amount of modernist clergy can save anyone. Beware of appeasing feelgood words, Follow Christ. It's a very hard road, one of suffering, as was His own and the only one that leads us to Heaven. Above all pray.

  • @jbravo2429
    @jbravo2429 Год назад +14

    We are to repent of our sins, change our lives and conform to Church teaching not the other way around. Yes we want and welcome everyone to be Catholics but that means that those who wish to be Catholics are willing to live according to our teachings and not try to change them to fit their way of life, a life of sin.

    • @m.h.zamoyski9071
      @m.h.zamoyski9071 9 месяцев назад

      @bravo2424., Exactly.

    • @danielhill4603
      @danielhill4603 8 месяцев назад

      They don't "wish" to be Catholic...they ARE Catholic. It's like you didn't listen to the podcast or what he was saying at all.

  • @kenkessner9594
    @kenkessner9594 Год назад +12

    0.6% of American's who identify as Catholic contributing to synod meetings doesn't seem terrible significant.

    • @331SVTCobra
      @331SVTCobra Год назад

      Everyone was invited, so…

    • @m.h.zamoyski9071
      @m.h.zamoyski9071 9 месяцев назад

      ​@@331SVTCobramost Catholics saw where it was going. When there are so many problems in the world and in the Church, an exercise in navel gazing and diluting of the faith kept people away. The Church cannot change however much some may wish it to, because Christ does not change.

  • @fifamaniac04
    @fifamaniac04 Год назад +4

    The Cardinal says it's not a mortal sin to not rip off your employees but isn't one of the sins that cry to heaven for vengeance "Defrauding laborers of their wages"? If so, why wouldn't that be a mortal sin?

    • @fjodorcornelisson6874
      @fjodorcornelisson6874 Год назад +3

      The Cardinal did not say that ... I think what he was saying is that the mortal sin that prevent us from receiving the Holy Communion is automatically assumed to be sexual in nature, while at the same time there are other sins (like what you mentioned: ripping off employees, discriminating against someone, etc.) that we don't automatically assume to be mortal sins, but actually they are. I don't think the Cardinal disagrees with you ... he just wants to go the other way ... to say that not all sexual sins are mortal, and therefore should not be an obstacle for someone who commits these sins to receive the Holy Communion without going to Confession first. His argument is that to consider all sexual sins are mortal sins is OUTDATED, since that notion came from the 16th century ...
      Now, just consider what these sexual sins are: adultery (including THINKING of having sex with someone not your spouse), fornication, masturbation, etc. and think for a moment which one(s) that the Cardinal would consider NOT a mortal sin ...

    • @fifamaniac04
      @fifamaniac04 Год назад +1

      @@fjodorcornelisson6874 he literally says " we don't say it's automatically a mortal sin to rip off your employees"... Min 19:20

    • @fifamaniac04
      @fifamaniac04 Год назад +2

      @@fjodorcornelisson6874 Mathew 5:28 "But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart."... This came from Jesus, way before the 16th century.

    • @fifamaniac04
      @fifamaniac04 Год назад +1

      @@fjodorcornelisson6874 besides, all mortal sin should keep you from receiving Holy Communion because mortal sin is a sin that removes you from a state of having sanctifying grace. You don't need to be perfect to receive communion as the Cardinal suggests, but you do need to be in a state of having this sanctifying grace (i.e no mortal sin). To have venial sin does not remove one from sanctifying grace.

    • @fjodorcornelisson6874
      @fjodorcornelisson6874 Год назад +3

      @@fifamaniac04 The "we" here refers to he himself, but to us people in general. What I think he was trying to say is that when you're a member of LGBT community, people automatically say that you cannot receive the Holy Communion, but if you own your business and don't pay your employees properly, you get a pass ...

  • @joepugh678
    @joepugh678 4 месяца назад +1

    Many thanks to the Cardinal for speaking on behalf of those who are torn between their consciences and tradition, yet still seek God.

  • @DeathDad
    @DeathDad Год назад +9

    “What do you do for a side gig?
    “Oh, I’m a cardinal. Mostly waiting around on call.” 😅❤

    • @abriltdulin
      @abriltdulin 9 месяцев назад

      Exactly!! Waiting around and trying to confuse our children!!

  • @fjodorcornelisson6874
    @fjodorcornelisson6874 Год назад +6

    First, YES, we cannot judge what is inside someone's heart, but OTOH, we can definitely judge someone's action to be right or wrong. So, we can definitely say, for example, that someone who commits adultery does something sinful ... Second, I think they are missing the points in the parable of the Prodigal Son. First, the Prodigal Son comes back home with shame and humility (which portrays the repentance of the sinner). Second, more importantly to the point that one of the hosts was trying to make, the older son does not have a problem with his younger brother, leaving home or coming back ... instead, the older son has a problem with the Father, who shows love and joy that his brother comes back home. In any case, this is all predicated on the fact that the Prodigal Son returns home ... or repents of his transgressions ...

    • @tripplerizz9382
      @tripplerizz9382 Год назад

      thank u for this. so true. the church wants all to repent. not just gay people. but at the same time it is uncharitable to not call folks who act on their same sex attraction to repentance. sex outside of marriage is in fact a mortal sin. full stop

  • @LandaverdeJR
    @LandaverdeJR Год назад +8

    Acts 20:29, “I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock.”
    The Cardinal should make his own Gospel together with the German bishops. Remember the church belongs to Jesus Christ. Mathew 16,18 “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church,”
    “My church”
    The synod creates a democracy. Majority wins and imposes. It’s is a non-serviam culture.

    • @ingoditrust7784
      @ingoditrust7784 Год назад +1

      I feel the same way. Too many words instead of the One Word

    • @m.h.zamoyski9071
      @m.h.zamoyski9071 9 месяцев назад

      @LandaverdeJR Thank you! Exactly right. Catholic in a sea of something quite different.

  • @christopher4192
    @christopher4192 Год назад +3

    There could be no conceivable objection to someone's receiving Holy Communion despite the fact that they are living as if married to someone of the same sex, or in circumstances where either party to a civil marriage has a former legitimate spouse still living, PROVIDED THAT the Mass is no more than a memorial meal and the Host no more than a piece of blessed bread. Anyone, from the Pope or cardinals downwards, who speaks in favour of an 'inclusiveness' that would permit either of the situations just described must come clean on his beliefs concerning the Mass and the Real Presence in the sense understood traditionally and clarified at the Council of Trent.

    • @LandaverdeJR
      @LandaverdeJR Год назад +1

      When the Bishop cites a Bible verse and then realizes that the verse has to be twisted to accommodate his ideology he then say “well I believe, I think” he return to himself. As the source.

  • @D9P323
    @D9P323 3 дня назад +1

    You MUST be in the state of grace to receive The Lord worthily, St Paul spoke quite clearly. Mortal sin IS fornication, abortion and the sin of Sodom which cries out to God for vengeance.
    St Paul is speaking as if he himself truly believes in the True Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. There needs to be more Bishops and Cardinals even priests who believe as St Paul and defend our dear Lord and the souls He has committed to their care.

  • @psallen5099
    @psallen5099 Год назад +24

    Cardinal McElroy, you sir have lost your faith.

    • @timothyobrien9183
      @timothyobrien9183 6 месяцев назад +1

      Not in the least!

    • @carolinafine8050
      @carolinafine8050 5 месяцев назад

      @@timothyobrien9183most certainly he has

    • @bertmustin
      @bertmustin 3 месяца назад

      He may never have had it. The church had already become radicalized by the time he went through the seminary.

  • @jojop7773
    @jojop7773 Год назад +24

    Regarding LBGQ etc, I agree with have to see them as striving if they indeed are, however, when the express pride, and claim it's all OK I have to draw the line.

    • @dogmom5558
      @dogmom5558 Год назад +2

      Don't straight people do the same? How many hetero couples present themselves for marriage as virgins?

    • @ChrisLeirbag
      @ChrisLeirbag Год назад +4

      I believe Pride is the wrong method that my fellow LGBT people use to express themselves.
      I am LGBT myself and I don't support the idea of Pride or same-sex marriage, I support the idea of equal treatment and involvement in the Church and non-discrimination, but not the wrong use of marriage or the expression of Pride in ourselves, which can make us ignorant and selfish.
      No, I do not dislike the very base of homosexuality or LGBTQ+ people, I believe that like me, they are like this and like me, they cannot change.
      But marriage IS between a male and a female.
      And Pride is nothing more than a festival which glorifies the human that we have, which is just part of our Human nature.
      Pride is like a festival which glorifies if we're smart, male, female, european, asian, white, black etc.
      Completely unneeded and proved to be harmful.

    • @OUTBOUND184
      @OUTBOUND184 Год назад +5

      @@dogmom5558 Homosexuality is intrinsically disordered. That's the distinction.

    • @Stutz67
      @Stutz67 Год назад +1

      @@OUTBOUND184it’s really not, there people that think, reason, work and live just as you. Just a different attraction

    • @Stutz67
      @Stutz67 Год назад

      @@ChrisLeirbagpride is really the faulty of the church and the culture it fostered for centuries, it’s simply because they were an often prosecuted and degraded group and they’re just coming out of that culture

  • @colleenconger5265
    @colleenconger5265 Год назад +7

    But we can only receive the Eucharist, if we are without mortal sin!!! I attend Latin mass which several people go to confession, which is held 30 minutes before each and every mass which is 28 times a week!! I highly doubt most people receiving communion, in other churches are without mortal sin on their soul! I would love a response from our cardinal on this, and from anyone else, thank you so much and God bless you!!

    • @m.h.zamoyski9071
      @m.h.zamoyski9071 9 месяцев назад +1

      Correct. We must be in a state of grace to receive Holy Communion. Mortal sin deprive us of this. So if we go to Communion in a state of mortal sin, we compound the sin, our only gain by a sacrilegious Communion is the damnation of our soul. Never mind what other people do or don't do. It's about the salvation or not of our own soul.

    • @aisthpaoitht
      @aisthpaoitht 8 месяцев назад

      Mortal sin requires knowledge of the grave sin. One isn't in mortal sin if they honestly believe they are doing right, not wrong.

  • @lisalisa-ge4ic
    @lisalisa-ge4ic Год назад +3

    demons hang around abortions and perverted sex- Fr Frederick Miller

  • @Blondenbold
    @Blondenbold Год назад +6

    We are either hot or cold not luke warm. It’s not being judgmental.

  • @Johnny-te4rv
    @Johnny-te4rv Год назад +6

    This is what Our Lady of Akita has warned us about. Get these bishops out.

  • @AlexPerez-mi1lb
    @AlexPerez-mi1lb Год назад +11

    Your Eminence, Prince, Cardinal McElroy! Bishop of San Diego. Your courage to speak about this pressing controversial moral issues speaks volumes of your humility and witness to the gospel of the living Jesus Christ.

    • @martinospitaletta8198
      @martinospitaletta8198 Год назад +1

      Saint Paul knows better than all of us.But you are denying this. The name for your new religion has yet to be coined, but it is surely not Christianity.

  • @fifamaniac04
    @fifamaniac04 Год назад +1

    Don't the sacraments of the church provide Catholics a way to receive the Lord's grace? If not following the rules (i.e sinning) no longer made you catholic, you wouldn't be eligible for the sacrament of reconciliation no? I don't think the rules should change because they're difficult to follow, ppl should try harder.

  • @dylansylvan6398
    @dylansylvan6398 Год назад +6

    LGBT Catholic is an oxymoron, as is Swinger Catholic. God is not mocked. An LGBT or Swingers lapel pin doesn't make it any less harmful to Society.

  • @trumpvanempowertrump1013
    @trumpvanempowertrump1013 Год назад +6

    The synod was fixed with a predetermined outcome I went to several diocese and read their results it was all weighted to promote homosexualty .
    the cardinal is ignorant or lying "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. New Heart English Bible You therefore are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Weymouth New Testament You however are to be complete in goodness, as your Heavenly Father is complete. World English Bible Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect."

  • @rubenmartinez4346
    @rubenmartinez4346 Год назад +3

    You talked about young adults drifting from the church, theres many young adults found exclusively in the Latin Mass. open your eyes and have “dialogue” with traditionalists.

    • @carolinafine8050
      @carolinafine8050 Год назад +1

      Yeah.. when they say these things I’m always curious as to why they seem to ignore the upswell in numbers of very orthodox Catholics.

  • @carriersailor2474
    @carriersailor2474 6 месяцев назад +1

    The Cardinal erred - San Diego is not on the Border. Chula Vista County is. That place has been half - Mexican for a long time. Half or more. San Diego is of course well on the same track, especially since the Dems started hard with ignoring all immigration laws a few years ago with this "sanctuary State" stuff. Given how lefty my Pope is, this new Cardinal is probably the same, sadly.

    • @robertrivera1751
      @robertrivera1751 5 месяцев назад

      I soul heartily agree, what scares me, God forbid, this wolf becomes our next pope! Spare us O Lord.

  • @richardlwood6894
    @richardlwood6894 Год назад +13

    What a thoughtful & reflective interview. Wherever you live on whatever 'spectrum' of theological and political stances you care about, we can all learn something from Cardinal McElroy's spirit of thoughtful dialogue and quiet reflection grounded in the sacramental life of the Church.

    • @glennlanham6309
      @glennlanham6309 10 месяцев назад

      dude is Freemason heretic and you know it

  • @tonyclobo
    @tonyclobo Год назад +3

    Who made this criminal a bishop! Faithful Catholics should not give this criminal a single cent! He should be made to beg for meals!!!

  • @josephmaxwell5033
    @josephmaxwell5033 Год назад +10

    Marxist Synodality?

  • @caltaxpayer4358
    @caltaxpayer4358 19 дней назад

    A proper stance is to be free of faults in sin but also to be free from finding faullts in others.

  • @luisbergantino1207
    @luisbergantino1207 7 месяцев назад

    He says in the interview: "We have cast them largely into sexual sins". Please, tell this bishop to read the Fathers of the Church so that he would understand that the Church has not made new laws, or change the understanding of the Teachings of Jesus that the Apostles handed down to their successors and that they handed down to us. We can't change their Teachings because moral truths don't change (murder, fornication, stealing, homosexual relationships, were wrong then and thus they are wrong now)

  • @marymartin6597
    @marymartin6597 2 месяца назад

    Thank you, Cardinal! You are so needed.

  • @brendan.j.t
    @brendan.j.t Год назад +6

    29:00 I’m 25 Cardinal - you’re losing the younger generation by caving into the secular world. When the church looks the same as the world we are in, we are doomed. In the words of St. Paul, “have we resisted sin to the point of shedding our own blood?”, there is a point where accompaniment, becomes accompaniment in sin. And then we deserve millstones around our neck

    • @ElisabeteSuzana
      @ElisabeteSuzana Год назад +1

      We all live in the ‘secular’ world, the majority of Catholics aren’t monks. What is this alternative world you live in? The distinction between secular and religious is artificial.

    • @brendan.j.t
      @brendan.j.t Год назад +2

      @@ElisabeteSuzana the ways of the secular world, in other words, the opposite of the teachings of the church…

    • @ingoditrust7784
      @ingoditrust7784 Год назад +1

      You are right. Back when I was your age, about thirty years ago, I understood something was not OK with me. It took me another 25 to understand the simple way: whatever you do, keep purity of heart and body in front of your eyes. Pax Christi

    • @ingoditrust7784
      @ingoditrust7784 Год назад +1

      ​@@ElisabeteSuzanayou don't understand the concept of chastity. If you're obsessed with sexual activity all the time, you're just too far from Christ. It doesn't mean He condemns you, but it does follow that He's not among your priorities. Sanctity included chastity and is for all. Christ's way is not the anointment of the flesh, but its chastisement. Pax Christi

    • @vfigueroa3042
      @vfigueroa3042 Год назад +1

      Keep in mind that we are meant to be leaven in world. In order to do that, we must be a form that is usable until it takes over. It's hard to become bread when we meet flour and we're a pile of rocks.

  • @challengable
    @challengable Год назад +5

    Which order of religious are known as “dogs”? Dominican? This poor Cardinal is in the hierarchy of our Loved Church in a time where 70% of Catholics in America don’t have the faith in the body, blood, soul, and divinity of our King’s presence on the altar. All he can speak about is synodal way? He is part of the problem. Bishop, please vacate your positions and pray with the dogs. For your soul. May you leave and convert.

    • @martinospitaletta8198
      @martinospitaletta8198 Год назад +1

      The order of dogs McElroy is advocating for is famous for neither em-bark-ing the Ark nor leaving Sodom in due time....

    • @BobBKooenabio
      @BobBKooenabio 6 месяцев назад +1

      I believe it is time to have women priest ; married priest; let's evolve. OCDS R. I.

    • @challengable
      @challengable 6 месяцев назад

      @@BobBKooenabio that’s alright, we will pray for your conversion. Maybe obey the church for a while. Read a lot about Christ and those who have obeyed Him for 2 Thousand years. Then you can confess to a priest. That, or go be protestant until you gain understanding

  • @swiat2002
    @swiat2002 Год назад +9

    ,,We encourage the Bishops, then, to provide pastoral care in full accord with the teaching of the Church for homosexual persons of their dioceses. No authentic pastoral programme will include organizations in which homosexual persons associate with each other without clearly stating that homosexual activity is immoral. A truly pastoral approach will appreciate the need for homosexual persons to avoid the near occasions of sin.''
    (During an audience granted to the undersigned Prefect, His Holiness, Pope John Paul II, approved this Letter, adopted in an ordinary session of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and ordered it to be published.)
    Given at Rome, 1 October 1986.

  • @Zell101
    @Zell101 7 месяцев назад +1

    Cardinal is essentially trying to fix a straw man. Who’s saying sexual sin is automatically a mortal sin? Who’s saying the Eucharist is for the perfectly moral? Also, his definition of mortal sin is …not complete at all. How can you take his position seriously then considering these 3 things? I’m fine with have the discussion, but not with those faulty premises.

  • @benedictegaspard5867
    @benedictegaspard5867 Год назад +2

    I think that it is important to be a church who welcome everybody. But the doctrine of faith for salvation is not contrary to the Pastorale.

  • @mapnic
    @mapnic 5 месяцев назад +1

    Too many words. Rather confusing.
    Are the 10 Commandments wrong ?

  • @lourdesstodddard850
    @lourdesstodddard850 Год назад +5

    I wonder, is the priest Mc Elroy an homosexual ?

  • @sandiyewman9282
    @sandiyewman9282 10 месяцев назад

    No one is saying we don’t welcome them and love and dialogue with sinners but God wants us to leave sin so if we want to advance in holiness then do so within the church.. however you don’t get to receive what is holy when you are remaining in your sin and worse yet defending it and promoting it.That’s what we have confession is for ..join and be healed grow in faith and love but our ways are not Gods ways and our thoughts are not your thoughts .We are not meant to make new rules and disregard Gods teachings.God have mercy on us.. you can’t change a church to make someone feel comfortable and welcome, not basic foundational teachings, because then you are just enabling their sin, and not helping them to grow holiness…😢

  • @karinmaryturner
    @karinmaryturner 5 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you ✝️ In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen ✝️

  • @alvinnicolasora2795
    @alvinnicolasora2795 Год назад +5

    one word for this interview - FRAGMENTARY: may be beautiful here and there, maybe true here and there but cannot be a cohesive whole in relation to the doctrine of the church.

  • @abelreyna8781
    @abelreyna8781 10 месяцев назад

    So what I'm getting from His Eminence is that confession is essentially not necessary to take the Eucharist?

  • @NC-vz6ui
    @NC-vz6ui Год назад +3

    This man has the love of Christ. So thankful for his words. I'm a Protestant and have been reading the Catechism. As a gay man, I struggle with the statements in the Catechism. I feel that they are discriminatory and prejudicial. I have a strong aversion to them and they make me sad. No other sins are talked about in this manner. It makes me feel misunderstood and unseen as a human being. I love the Catholic church and I am considering converting to it, but I struggle with this teaching and the one on women. I've just about overcome my issues with praying to Mary and the Saints. I did a Rosary to the other night. I struggle with teaching on relics too and the church seems so political. I'm also coming from a Pentecostal background and I believe in the spiritual gifts. Say a prayer for me brothers and sisters.

    • @pax108
      @pax108 Год назад +1

      I recommend listening to the podcast Catechism in a year by Father Mike Schmits. Reading the cathechism on your own and trying to understand everything can be very overwhelming ( ive tried ) . Ill be praying for you brother !

    • @Catholics4Trump
      @Catholics4Trump Год назад

      The most helpful thing you can do for yourself is Submit to the authority of the Church and quit trying to go off on your OWN understanding of it and everything else will fall into place. There’s a reason acting out on Homosexuality is a Sin, there’s a reason women can’t be ordained, and there’s many reasons we venerate relics. You’re on the right path Brother. And remember, being homosexual is not a sin, but acting out on it is.

    • @Catholics4Trump
      @Catholics4Trump Год назад +1

      Also it’s not true when you say “no other sins are talked about in this manner”, I think the reason you say this because this is a sin very personal to you and it affects you more/the most. But The Church teaches, whether venial or mortal, Sin separates us from God.

    • @NC-vz6ui
      @NC-vz6ui Год назад

      @@Catholics4Trump Thanks for your kind words, but it seems to me that you have to leave your brain at the door. The authority of the church is a bunch of men using their OWN understanding, so I don't really understand that.

    • @parleremilian6879
      @parleremilian6879 11 месяцев назад

      To follow Christ we MUST deny ourselves and pick up our crosses. The crosses we have to carry is the suffering that comes from doing the will of God, restraining ourselves from the disordered impulses to anger, hate, envy, be proud, and commit sexual acts that are not ordered to the procreation of children: the ultimate end of sex, just as nurturing the body is the ultimate end of drinking (not pleasure by getting drunk).
      Our pleasures must come from doing the Will of God, that is being in communion with Him. When we pursuit pleasure for its own sake it's disordered.

  • @benedictegaspard5867
    @benedictegaspard5867 Год назад +1

    Your Emminence, and Mrs and Mr. journalists good evening from Edinburgh, Scotland, Uk.

  • @tessmargis
    @tessmargis Год назад +1

    can someone please tell me when they talk about gay people i need it for a paper

  • @user-kc8my4vq4u
    @user-kc8my4vq4u 11 месяцев назад +1

    Cardinal McElroy, you are so scared and fear the loss of Young generation. You are there to guide and help the lost to the holiness which Christ expects l. That's your job and you have to be answerable before almighty for this. It is simply ridiculous to change and align & alter churches theology in accordance to pleasing these young kids. What's can be more ridiculous then this

  • @Mapenziwangu
    @Mapenziwangu Год назад +15

    Thankyou Cardinal McElroy

  • @johanvandenbussche5678
    @johanvandenbussche5678 10 месяцев назад +2

    We as same gender-sex civil married couple ,brought together by the love of Christ and God in a love bound,are sure that in love we will together in Heaven,doors opened by christ together with our lovely parents and God's helpers,people we loved in mortally live,we are greatfull for His Grace,compassion,healings of dangerous illnesses,we pray as One with God in the middle ,for a long reign of our Papa Pope Francis, is Holy and will be always Holy in good no painful stable Health Amen,Amoris Laetitia,Fratelli Tutti Christ with us all

  • @michaelcaza6766
    @michaelcaza6766 Год назад

    St. Paul 1 Cor. 11 is clear about eating and drinking the Body and Blood of our Lord in an unworthy manner, so for him to say that a person unrepentant of mortal sin should be able to partake in Holy Communion is out of line and reckless!

  • @edwardbaker1331
    @edwardbaker1331 Год назад +2

    So people never lie to themselves about their sins? Actually, they do. Self-deception is the most common of human experiences, right up there with breathing, which is why Jesus said the truth will set us free. This may come as a shock, but God is smarter than us. God gives us moral absolutes because He knows all the repercussions of our actions better than our cunning self-accommodating minds can imagine. And when Francis tells us that it's all right for a man to "discern" that he can abandon his family and run away with his mistress, it's not really a "new' form of "mercy" or pastoralism. In fact it's sort of merciless towards the victims of sin. It's just the same old phony sin and rationalization with new attempts at sophistry with new verbal engineering for which the sophists will have to give a final account of themselves before God. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes, would you?

  • @lourdesstodddard850
    @lourdesstodddard850 Год назад +4

    Is the priest Mc Elroy an homosexual?

  • @abriltdulin
    @abriltdulin 9 месяцев назад +1

    Mr McElroy!!! You are reinterpreting the catechism!! shame on you !! Young people are leaving the church and going to traditional Catholic churches. You are only trying to get more numbers!! You are confusing our children!!! Stop it!!

  • @SolidSnake0
    @SolidSnake0 3 месяца назад

    Does the Catholic leadership just not like God anymore? You can't call the Lord a liar and seriously believe you worship him. It sounds to me like Rome believes God worships them. How foolish.

  • @Chas1160
    @Chas1160 10 месяцев назад

    Not by Might, not by Power, but by My Spirit. The Catholic Church has always been a welcoming Church to all people. All people are sinners and all fall short. No body is perfect. The Spirit is what leads people to the Truth. The Truth will set us all Free. Is life simple ? No. Are their variables ? Yes. The process of Sanctification will bring us closer to Him. When people judge others, it’s where the problem starts. No body has all the answers. A layman’s 2 cents.

  • @janecormier7814
    @janecormier7814 6 месяцев назад +1

    To go before GOD and claim that you, as a man, even though you are a priest, no better than God, you understand vanity better than God, like God made a mistake when he gave us the word of God,. Like after 2000 years, you have decided that you suddenly have the truth that was never known before. You want to dismantle what is in you want to deny that it is sin. How can you lead people to repentance if you've told them it's not sin . Sex is for creates humanity. Abuse, and miss Use Our sexual activity is reverting God's creation of man. Grace does live progressively in our lives however, if you deny something is a sin, you're not looking for Greece you're looking for approval to remain the sin. From what you say you double talk, but in the end, you really want to do away with sexual sin that it's it's perfectly OK, you're not speaking in a way that you're interested in people leaving that sin you're warning approval for them in that sin . Bishop, you have very little belief in the power of God at work in humanity.

  • @mariannepolkowski-burns2627
    @mariannepolkowski-burns2627 10 месяцев назад +2

    Excellent interview. Beautiful answers to questions. I appreciate the Cardinal’s sincerity and willingness to understand reality. I really learned something here!!

  • @janecormier7814
    @janecormier7814 Месяц назад

    According to scripture, Jesus included everyone through the grace of conversion and transformation. Approval of sin is inclusion without conversion and transformation. Jesus died to take us out of sin through grace. Approving sin leaves us separated from God and the misery that we remain in separated from God into eternity.

  • @joanafreud
    @joanafreud Год назад +9

    Thank you so much, Cardinal. It mas a blessing listning to you from Portugal.

  • @Maxium7
    @Maxium7 15 дней назад

    The magisterium the authority of Christ and the Apostles cannot be changed. Solidarity is anti-Catholic. These Bishops are lost. Pray for their conversion to break away form Apostasy.

  • @jddyea5527
    @jddyea5527 Год назад

    If this Cardinal thinks we should ask the Layman about whether we should include the lgbtq or not and construct the church's teachings around that, then what exactly do I need to church for?!

  • @carolinafine8050
    @carolinafine8050 Год назад +3

    I remember when I first heard of McElroy. I was reading Dostoyevsky’s section “The Grand Inquisitor”… interesting to see he’s still around

  • @SydneyCarton2085
    @SydneyCarton2085 Год назад +1

    Maybe this is why God allowed the great schism on such trivial things like the fililoque so that if one side was rotting the Church could be preserved and continue. I know many, myself included, who are considering Eastern Orthodoxy. Viva Cristo Rey!

    • @ingoditrust7784
      @ingoditrust7784 Год назад

      God "allowed" the Great Schism just as He "allowed" angels to become demons. It's evil that allows itself to happen, God works with it to have a greater good come out of it. Pax Christi

  • @sophiecrawford2100
    @sophiecrawford2100 3 месяца назад

    Humanity desired and freedom and didn't following Gods law. They followed their own desires.its a mortal sin. Synonadality is not about the position,or leader. It's about inner strength. I pray.

  • @bluegreenOD
    @bluegreenOD Год назад +1

    The Cardinal is simply and clearly explaining the good news of Jesus Christ. Our Lord never preached or practised exclusion, denial or control. Time for the Cardinal’s teachings to be honoured in praxis.

  • @KM-zn3lx
    @KM-zn3lx 9 месяцев назад

    Confession? Such a laugh. When I tried confession to a human priest I was hurried without hearing my full confession. Priest was obviously bored! I finally confessed at home to my real priest, Jesus. It took an hour on my knees. I was reborn. No one ever fully confessed to a human! Now sin of LGBTQ people is being tolerated! Why be Catholic anymore? It doesn't stand for Christianity. Now I attend a Baptist church.

  • @abriltdulin
    @abriltdulin 9 месяцев назад +1

    No one can serve 2 Masters

  • @raulcisneros7086
    @raulcisneros7086 6 месяцев назад +1

    Looks like sin is not a problem

  • @annemariebuck5222
    @annemariebuck5222 Год назад +9

    Thank you for this discussion. I heard a focus on such a helpful mindset, listening, not judging, we are all striving. Appreciate the point about the overemphasis on sexual sin with many important moral life issues such as racism, exploiting workers, mistreatment of spouse or children, one could go on, tending to fall out of the picture. Yes, I wonder what we are ignoring or distracting ourselves from in our own moral life when we overemphasize the sin of another.

    • @josephmaxwell5033
      @josephmaxwell5033 Год назад

      You forgot to mention pedophilia and abuse by the Clergy at every level.
      This Cardinal is the same as the clown in New York totally delusional!

    • @ambunaruto8916
      @ambunaruto8916 Год назад +2

      Do the church is working to change a sinful life of lgbti

    • @ambunaruto8916
      @ambunaruto8916 Год назад

      Well when the bible talks of the babylon city and how god demolish the city of same sex would the people of the world like that to happened believe in god is that we wont accept that god do not like

    • @dogmom5558
      @dogmom5558 Год назад +3

      In the US, many business practices that are praised and admired are actually based on greed! Why don't we hear more about that?

    • @brendanschmidt7791
      @brendanschmidt7791 Год назад

      Sexual sins are the more difficult to resist

  • @christominded4726
    @christominded4726 10 месяцев назад

    We must help all persons who are in mortal sin, to help them see the light, to stop immoral acts and to come up to God not God down to them. We are all broken but fornication whether hetero or homosexual is a sin.
    remember the type of sexual sin:
    Same sex attraction becomes evil the moment it physically happens. You have the perpetrator and the victim.
    These new ages cardinals need to review their faith, they are supposed to be the teachers of the faith.

  • @vickytonta9246
    @vickytonta9246 Год назад +4

    We need more dudes like McElroy.

    • @ingoditrust7784
      @ingoditrust7784 Год назад

      Indeed, kicked out of the Church we need them.

  • @irenemeerman
    @irenemeerman 5 месяцев назад

    Be perfect, like your Father in heaven is perfect, Matthew 5, 48

  • @markmmarkm7735
    @markmmarkm7735 Год назад +2

    It is time.
    CATHOLIC "Calling All To Holy Obedient Life In Christ "

  • @su....
    @su.... Год назад

    it seems to be one thing to know the church regards fornication and adultery as sin, yet i choose to fornicate and commit adultery 'discretely' while practicing catholicsm. does inclusion mean these behaviors would no longer be deemed sinful, and could come out more into the open as acceptable expressions of human sexual behavior? does 'equally welcoming LGBT folk' mean that this sexual expression is also no longer deemed sinful? would inclusion include performing marriages for LGBT couples? gets confusing.

    • @parleremilian6879
      @parleremilian6879 11 месяцев назад

      It's enough to look at a woman with lust to commit the mortal sin of adultery. Sexual instincts are not sinful because they are not controlled by the will, but choosing to indulge in them rather that ignoring them for the sake of doing God's will is mortally sinful.

  • @LandaverdeJR
    @LandaverdeJR Год назад

    Sexual sins are prohibited by Jesus.
    'You shall not commit adultery;' 28 but I tell you that everyone who gazes at a. woman to lust after her has committed. adultery with her already in his heart.
    John 8,11 21:12
    She said, “No man, Lord.” And Jesus said unto her, “Neither do I condemn thee; go, and sin no more.”

  • @Blondenbold
    @Blondenbold Год назад +4

    This is blasphemy Cardinal. This is the literal body of Christ. We can’t have every Tom Dick and Harry receiving the holy Eucharist. We can’t change doctrine just to stay in with modern times. God is the same yesterday today and through-out the ages.

  • @trumpvanempowertrump1013
    @trumpvanempowertrump1013 Год назад +3

    Be hones you shut down and shut off any contrary opinions and excluded who ever would not tow the party lines as is the way of the homosexual demon

  • @sophiajohnson8608
    @sophiajohnson8608 Год назад

    This is frightening. The "hierarchy of beliefs" concept as expounded upon here is misleading at best. Indeed, we are all sinners, and no one lives out the teachings of the Church perfectly (Saints included), but that is very different from obstinately disagreeing with and refusing to follow Church teachings, such as those on marriage.