How the Story of KNIGHTMARE BATMAN Could Have Gone...


Комментарии • 27

  • @neoshadowdukeofgames8223
    @neoshadowdukeofgames8223 Год назад +3

    I would've liked seeing more of Affleck's Batman as he is one of my favorite men to wear the mantle of batman.

  • @Bludvane_77
    @Bludvane_77 Год назад +5

    I've always thought Zack Snyder would have made an amazing Grim Knight or Thomas Wayne movie since he made Ben Affleck's Batman killing people look so good in BvS.🔥

  • @Iwillone
    @Iwillone Год назад +3

    It’s a small comfort that somewhere in the multiverse we get to see the Snyderverse as a whole 😔

  • @Two-Bit1510
    @Two-Bit1510 Год назад +4

    Wish we got a movie for this Batman and this universe
    I personally really like the idea of putting established characters in a post apocalyptic setting

  • @BlaiseTighe
    @BlaiseTighe Год назад +2

    The way I understand the Knightmare universe is it was supposed to be a premonition of an alternate timeline where Darkseid comes to Earth looking for the antilife equation, uses Lois Lane's death to manipulate Superman into blaming the Justice League for the death and destruction caused by Darkseid's armada. Whats left of the JL team's up with super villains that might be powerful enough to help take out Darkseid. Batman is also trying to obtain Kryptonite to deture or kill Supes in the event that he finds them before they complete their mission. Superman eventually does find and kill them though.

  • @KiLlACaMrOn94
    @KiLlACaMrOn94 Год назад +3

    Great video! I love the ideas and I love Ben as Batman/Bruce Wayne. This was a fun look at what could’ve been.

  • @Zlopez671
    @Zlopez671 Год назад +1

    The idea of Nightmare Batman never appealed to me personally, but I would’ve loved to see Batfleck in his own stand-alone film. Don’t get me wrong, The Batman was amazing and I can’t wait for Part II, but I’m disappointed we never got that.

  • @federationoutpost
    @federationoutpost Год назад +3

    Got to be the coolest live action Batman 😉🖖

  • @Mostirrelevant
    @Mostirrelevant 6 месяцев назад

    With mentioned alteration, the probable resolve would be the fight for Gothham for Batman and rescuing his friends, for Superman would be facing his demons (and maybe some supernatural forces), as for the supporting characters.
    Without alteration of main narrative, they can have a seige or some terminator style missions, while DA and police force are working to restore system and prove that the peace and order are values that are worth fighting for.

  • @johnpittsii7524
    @johnpittsii7524 Год назад +1

    Thanks for the amazing video ❤

  • @Mostirrelevant
    @Mostirrelevant 6 месяцев назад

    In my opinion, the basic/phrame story should be somewhat different:
    Batman travelled to a different part of country to practice new skills when apocalipse occured and made travel impossible. So he is stuck in a desertlike place with no money or means to get a plane and come back to Gotham easily.
    On radio he hears news about Bane, and how he took over the control of town as a toughest guy who appeared as a people's protector in overwhelming chaos, how police is barely useful in the chaos and how system is inefficient and useless. He hears that Robin is gone.
    Batman gathers a team along the way, haunted by the idea that his friends are in danger and that he is helpless and stuck and how he failed as a protector.
    Meanwhile, on the other part of land, Superman became evil because of his lost faith in humanity, watching people in panic and fear of death that ruin and maybe blame each other. In the whole mess someone probably let Loise die because of a loafs of bread or gasoline, in a panic attack. He probably concluded that people are disgusting and that the villainy is what they deserve, driven by grief and surrounded by chaos.
    Batman is on the way to find Bane, and restore order asap, but is forced to make a compromises and to become a criminal and steal vehicles etc, but first has to find Superman and convince him to stop with his terror.
    He would probably be haunted with lots of moral dilemmas, like is he willing to risk life of his friends and choose a difficult path to find Superman? Can he believe in order after seeing people fighting over something insignificant?Is he really ready to prevent civilians from attacking him etc, because he would probably be forced to occasionaly fight with civilians and gangs that are probably thriving in this circumstances.
    The background story would be that the demonic cause has to be the reason and that everyone is in fear of some demonic threat that is possible cause of chaos.
    This alteration of narrative can lead to exploration of different parts of land, presentation of old and new super villains and gangs, developing Batman character and testing him with moral dilemmas, giving a heroic journey to lots of characters, without much need for super-demons or further complications.

  • @yamato.impact
    @yamato.impact Год назад +2

    We got nuts instead

  • @charliecarstensen6840
    @charliecarstensen6840 Год назад

    I think you should go and do it that would be awesome I'm interested to see the conclusion of this nightmare batman

  • @matthewrosenthal753
    @matthewrosenthal753 Год назад +1

    We know exactly where Zach was taking this. Batman created the nightmare future by being a dick and watching Lois die. Because he despite being told exactly what the message meant. Then they send another message and he stops her death because he’s told her child is his. So he convinced Lois to cheat on Clark gets her pregnant and breaking his vow from BVS. “I won’t let him down again.” And he know what I have just said is where it goes because Zach Snyder has said that’s where it goes. Frankly, this is not cherished or liked. This was going to blow up in his face. James Gunn will do know better because he is clueless. He can’t make a clear plan. And what he has planned makes no sense. I have no faith in Gunn and Company and frankly less in Zack Snyder. It’s all just bad. Gunn doesn’t care about anything or anyone but himself.

    • @KiLlACaMrOn94
      @KiLlACaMrOn94 Год назад +1

      This is really old news and Snyder has already spoke on it and said that he planned on going in a different direction with things, especially the Bruce and Lois thing. We saw those changes in ZSJL.

  • @b1llj0hn
    @b1llj0hn Год назад

    Not a fan, at all, of Zack Snyder’s vision for DCEU - however - absolutely will state that the Snyder Cut was really good and the Knightmare stuff got me interested once again. I could stomach those versions of the characters (aside from Batman. HE DOES NOT KILL) and even Leto’s “Jesus Joker” felt refreshing and terrifying.
    I actually thought Knightmare was going to tie into Flash (along with the “Lois is the key” thing from BvS). Sadly, we got what we got and that was happening far before James Gunn took over, so it had nothing to do with his reboot stuff.
    I do think that it’d be really cool to do the good stuff of the DCEU with their “Elseworld” movie line, just make it a 10 episode series on Max and maybe give fans closer to that stuff.
    Lastly, it genuinely is a shame Henry Cavill was not given the Superman cape again. He was very good.

    • @TeddyKGB12
      @TeddyKGB12 6 месяцев назад

      Actually, you're wrong about Batman not killing. Do a bit of research before you post. THIS Batman is based off of the 1986 graphic novel, "The Dark Knight Returns" by Frank Miller. In it, an aging, retired Bruce Wayne comes out of retirement and does not have the same morals as he once did........especially when it comes to killing. That's where the metal suit in BVS came from. Class dismissed.

  • @herosjourney8725
    @herosjourney8725 Год назад +1

    I doubt Batman would use the same suit but with goggles and a coat. I think he would make a new batsuit designed for the situation.

  • @paulr5391
    @paulr5391 Год назад

    To be honest. I am totally glad it ended. We did not continue with the Zach Snyder Verse. I absolutely hate the Snyder Verse. Because it changed the core characteristics of Batman and Superman. In my opinion. We don't need an evil Superman or a killing Batman. Superman is a symbol of hope. We need him to stay that way. Especially with today's atmosphere. Batman doesn't kill. I disagree with that. If I could spare the criminal life. Without the victims' life or long term health being at risk. I will do it. If not, I would take the criminal' life. But Batman needs to be Batman. Especially today, with all the fake politicians. I actually considered unfollowig you. I have not and will not get into Injustice League. I hate the concept!

    • @fishstix6976
      @fishstix6976 10 месяцев назад

      Damn somebody give @paulr5391 some tissue!😂

    • @paulr5391
      @paulr5391 10 месяцев назад

      @fishstix6976 My Mom would be surprised. One time she she told me I have no emotions. Live long and purposes!🖖

    • @paulr5391
      @paulr5391 10 месяцев назад

      @fishstix6976 I went back and forth on this. I know you are not a mental health expert. But I reminded myself that I am not the only one. It must be nice to not have mental health mental health issues. To be a young person. Who have relied on adults, people in power, God. Just to be let down constantly. If you have, you have. If you don't, you don't. The system seems to be gread to help the have. Especially when it would have made the biggest difference. I know Marvel and DC comics are a fictional world. Add to it the way things are right now. It gives many people a sense of hope. To have fictional characters like Batman, Green Lantern, Spider-Man, Superman, and so on. To be better than us. To help the average people, just because it is the right thing to do. Something is better than nothing! Now, to the people like me. You are not the only one. I pray to find a way to give people the tools they need to help themselves!! To @fishstix6967, thanks for your patience.

    • @TeddyKGB12
      @TeddyKGB12 6 месяцев назад

      @@paulr5391 Actually, you're wrong about Batman not killing. Do a bit of research before you post. THIS Batman is based off of the 1986 graphic novel, "The Dark Knight Returns" by Frank Miller. In it, an aging, retired Bruce Wayne comes out of retirement and does not have the same morals as he once did........especially when it comes to killing. That's where the metal suit in BVS came from.

    • @TeddyKGB12
      @TeddyKGB12 6 месяцев назад

      @@paulr5391 And if you want to help yourself, drop the "god" BS. God's as real a Superman. Just a fictional character used to extort $$$ and control people. And just because you like "goody-goody" comic book characters, doesn't mean the rest of us do. Some of us like the darker interpretations of them. So if that offends you, go hide in your safe space, snowflake.

  • @DefinitelyNotBender
    @DefinitelyNotBender Год назад +1

    Zack Snyder was the worst thing to happen to DC.