I just saw, this city has the Dubai problem. It is divided into segments and each segment is connected to each other through a single highway that divids them. It needs more connections between segments that is not the highway.
one of my cities is built that way, with residential and commercial on one side of the highway and industrial on the other, and it has horrendous traffic on the overpasses that connect the 2 halves of the city. meanwhile another city i have has everything on one side of the highway and theres no traffic problems, and the garbage trucks actually work bc they arent all lined up on a single road in the industrial area
My biggest cities are like that too, I just like to separate each section for aesthetic reason. Although I reinforce high usage of public transport for pedestrian (subway, bus, cycling, and skylines) while giving higher taxes for cars. Traffic is around 78-82% on average. Bus connects the residents to train stations, and train stations connect the resident section to other sections. Meanwhile, industrial and commercial section are mainly connected by trains and dedicated highway for trucks
42:55 I think sometimes when a bus stop breaks like that, it's because there's no node between the bus stop and the junction, so the bus can't change lanes and the lane arrows prevent it from turning in the direction it needs to go. (Or something along those lines.)
He told on himself right after saying he didn't know why it was broke. It is because the one-way road segment doesn't allow any buses to get to the stop.
I wonder how bad the traffic would get in this city if the Realtime Mod were used, with every option turned up to generate the maximum possible traffic
Great tip in vanilla: Having specialization on land with resources - Specialized Extractors spawn - Generate raw resources Having specialization on land with no resources - Specialized Processors spawn - Generate zoned products Having no specialization at all - Generic Industries spawn - Generate generic goods So basically if you want to have your raw resources processed inside your city into goods, just zone some specialized industries on land with no resources which Specialized Processors will spawn instead of of generic industries. For example, zone some specialized industries in your farming district on non-fertile land and you'll see cute little silos and mills get built, using up your city's agriculture products and turn them into next level of agriculture products which can be turned into commercial goods. This will definitely solve the problem with local generic industries not utilizing local produced raw resources but import them, causing traffic. Yeah, you don't need Industries DLC for this, it's in the base game for years. Of course having the DLC is better because it gives you access to warehouses, which act as buffers for the various good to distribute evenly either locally or export.
So the industries in an industrial district will change if theyre in a specialized industrial zone that allows for less resources to be exported before it turns into product?
@@arthurmichigan1791 Yup. Basically it's Industries DLC but vanilla, but don't expect every extractor will not export because every industrial building have a fixed output at a fixed time depending on its production-start time, and if either the extractor or the producer is out of phase then by the time a producer make a request the extractor had exported its resources. There is when warehouses come into play.
All of my roads look like an absolute nightmare yet I'm somehow able to keep my traffic at 85%+ traffic flow. I like to keep my residents on their toes when driving 😂
Biffa i am a long time watcher but this is my first comment because this really got me. Please take 1 second to think about the way you use metro, i've seen this commented endless times and i will say it again but this whole city only needed a maximum of 1 metro line from end to end as it's linear on the coast with some buses in the fat part and some bike lanes. Metros are not planes, they are not point to point routes. They are more like larger buses with more spacing between stops. Also, what this city desperately needed, more than any lane maths or transit was connections between existing roads and those bus lines that went through each and every cul de sac to never happen again, ever.
Great to see the traffic fix Biffa, always a pleasure to watch and your commentary is so fun. I tried to fix the city myself this afternoon, having only seen the first five minutes of your video. I sorted the trash Island, which actually also had half dozen bio fuel bus depots on it! Then did the road hierarchy on the main roads one side of the city to the other, plus setting up the roundabouts, deleting all the lane connectors, plus all the roads that go over the sea (apart from trash island) and changed sone of the policies. Managed to get 78% with 56,000 population. Oh and connected the ntercity train station to one of the lines as it wasn't quite connected. I've now seen how you've done it, so will try to improve things even more on my save when I look at the public transport etc. Thanks for the inspiration Biffa 😀
Looking at this one, I actually think the city has two specific traffic problems: 1 - WAY TOO MANY ROUNDABOUTS. Many of them are 90% through traffic getting in each others way. It is needlessly slowing things down. 2 - NO ROUTES WHERE THEY WANT TO GO. traffic is having to go across long stretches of surface streets to get places. That is just a recipe for disaster. A lack of road hierarchy. Everything is way too the same, and everything guides the traffic more into city surface streets. Moreover, you can see plenty of places where every vehicle wants to go the same way, but they have to go through a bunch of intersections and round abouts to do it. What would you think of a highway level road with proper interchanges across the top of the city to encourage traffic flow from end to end?
Amen, i suck at actually turning vision into reality in this game, but road hierarchy's are vital to it functioning well.but so are getting the interconnects right. You don;t want vehicles going through one area to another, but you do want them to be able to get between neighbouring area's without going through your big major motorway/highway.
agree, lot of round about disrupt the continuous flow of traffic, he even put round about on highway, they should be using partial clover interchange or similar design. also he build too many zone on top of important road, even got zone on top of round about too
Yes, and there's lots of zoning on those roads. High-traffic buildings on busy streets have always been a problem for me in CS. Biffa has taught me a lot about putting service building spawn points on local connections, but the same applies for zoned industrial and commercial, as well as bus stops. Anything that ties up traffic while loading and unloading can be a problem when they're too close together.
One of these days I'm going to need to get you to fix one of my cities. If it ever makes it to the size where its needed. I run into issues with traffic at relatively low populations - current city is 20k people and is having a hell of a time dealing with endless traffic jams.
Making use of multi stations like for this one. A couple of ferry bus stations would work well on this map. Plus take advantage of biking policy with all the new roads with bike lanes take a massive amount of cars on the road.
Hi Biffa! I'm a vanilla player and don't use mods but I love your traffic fix videos and I've learned a lot of things that I can use in vanilla. Like, a lot of issues can be prevented just by taking a few minutes to plan. Lane mathmatics, enough highway connectiins, or not placing cargo rail station/tourist attractions on arterial roads, etc. Walking paths and bike lanes are a must and public transportation which connects interests of people. All of these things don't require mods but just take a few moments more to think and plan ahead so you don't get a headache after. That's my point of view, maybe that helps somebody. Anyway, love your videos, can't wait for a new one 😊
Morning Biffa, I had to laugh @17:55 you do exactly what you told him he didn't need to do earlier in the video. Locking people into their lanes for multiple segments.
I was looking for this comment. At around 16:00 he added segments and intersections when there there were corners and existing intersections he could have used to connect the roads instead of adding another segment or intersection, like at 16:07. For these areas it probably won't be an issue traffic-wise, but I still think they're unnecessary...I would've extended what I had.
You should have people on your discord take pictures of themselves looking frustrated so you can use them for thumbnails. Great video as always. Looking forward to the next one. Glad you still have content even though you are moving to a new house.
That first roundabout you shift control clicked went down one of the slip roads and back, instead of all the way around. You have a give way on the roundabout.
6:38 those lines were good. It basically defines a bypass for right turns. what I would have done in this particular case would be to increase the exit road to two lanes: one for the bypass and another for traffic in the roundabout. p.s. I've noticed lately that you started using a hub and spoke metro design, which isn't optimal. Especially in communities like this that are basically spread out in a line. This design forces a change at the hub and in a few instances(like at 30:30 for example) forces people to travel to the hub then backtrack a significant distance to reach their destination. This is less than ideal and actually discourages [people from using the metro. The airport connection is the greatest offender here. That should be one line, not three. you want to provide as many point to point connections as possible, with rapid high capacity transit such as metro being augmented locally by busses. also those bus lines at 30:30 are insane. they go up and down side streets just for a single stop 🤦
Yeah Biffa's metro setup is weird. No real city in the world connects all metro lines in one central hub, that's your first hint that the setup isn't optimal. Also even with the hub and spoke design, it would be better to just make through lines rather than ending each line at the hub, which forces people to get off the train, walk up to street level, back down to the other side platform and wait for the other train on what could have been a single 2-stop trip.
If you through run the metro likes it would probably work even better. Someone from one side of the map could get a 1 seat ride to the other but you're forcing them go make an unnecessary connection in the middle even if the line keeps going straight
40:00 After you changed the road to asymmetric I saw the one coming from the roundabout had two left turns lanes and one for straight, but the majority of the traffic seemed to be going straight. 9:45 You went to change the road to three-lane but you used the four-lane by accident. It's nice to see that I'm not the only one who clicked on something in the game, but the game didn't register the click. 37:37 When using the timed traffic lights on right-hand drive cities the right hand turn lane gets to go on the cycle before straight and left get to go. This means when you double-up what the right lanes are doing everyone turning right has to wait for anyone going straight. You should instead double-up the left turn lane because they go at the same time the straight lane goes, which allows the right turn lane to go when they should.
I always enjoy your traffic fix videos. Out of curiosity, did you also adjust the Dynamic Lane slider in the TMPE options by chance? That little gem I find to be a huge help in getting all lanes of a road to be used.
Biffa would HATE my traffic...it is around 24 percent, but he wouldnt be allowed to change any road layouts, any means of other transport or move around things...detailing Cleveland is absolutly nuts though, but eventually when I am done with it. I might just be in the luck of things ;)
@@PerfectAlibi1 I want to build a super detailed Cleveland down to the right traffic arrow, that is why I have noticed that the game vs real life Cleveland, trafficwise doesnt work. Haha. I have build on my downtown area just the last 6 months.
Did you notice the 1st roundabout you sorted put a give way to people going round the roundabout instead of people coming onto the roundabout under the bridge?
I've switched to using lines rather than the arrows. The problem I had with using arrows is that hearses completely ignore the arrows, and it was playing havoc with my timed traffic lights - every time a hearse sat in the middle lane waiting to turn right, everything would back up. Lines seem to fix that - hearses start to behave again.
One free tip from me - use pathways to connect some areas. Citizens love them. Every time i use pathways i see people walk like ants on them. Under or below ground isnt matter - they love pathways 🚶
I think a lot of this city could already be fixed by using the proper speed for roads. Those long hardly used not connected to the city segments roads can actually be a good thing, as long as the speed is higher then alternative routes. Just upgrading it to a 2 lane highway, and downgrading the other routes should make it possible to get this city at least above 50% traffic without having to add new road connections. And making the city more walkable by adding pedestrian/bicycle path allows for people to get to work without having to add more roads. The road at 20:55 is a good example of a road that could have been a pedestrian path.
My city currently has 200k living in it with usually 75% flow during daytime and 80% at night. That trash island had me laughing! Need more connections for sure, good video!
really laughed at couple of bits i did a bit of the trash island and my city wasn’t as beautiful as this one great tips to follow cheers ! oooooo big slurp of tea
Hey biffa I love your videos, have been watching you for 2-3 years. I loved your traffic videos especial more from the last year cause I started playing as well. You should do some rate my City videos(traffic, building, transit, etc.). Those would be so good.
This city's infrastructure is just genuinely non existent the amount of wasted space and horribly placed roads are a nightmare you can tell they didn't think when making this city they just built
First step in traffic fixing should be to create many pedestrian shortcuts and bridges, so they don't overuse cars and buses. Look at that bridge - 15:30 - people can't cross river on foot! Same here - 22:51 - no foot connection between districts.
What you want with these big service areas and freight train/harbour is a two-lane one-way system with an asymmetrical speed limit (ie a fast lane and a slow lane - achievable with traffic manager). What happens is that if a truck has already dropped off or just picked up, they move to the fast lane and get out of the way of those still waiting to drop off/pick-up. Likewise, they tend to stay in the fast lane when dropping off until the node before its drop-off point, then zip into the slow lane to actually drop their goods off/pick them up.
At time 34:14, there is a mod that you can use that goes into the transportation and cost more in depth. Its called "Improved Transport Manager" Just letting you know :)
I myself only play the game on ocasion so take my two cents of opinion with a grain of salt, but what helped my cities always was just rounding every cross junction. I see in the city that some roundabout junctions have very narrow entrances and exits wich leads to cars having the need to stop to turn. Thats what always killed my traffic in city skylines. So guys, if you are like me, and are not so well versed in traffic building as this guy in the video, or have not enough time in the day or motivation to create more lanes or signs or fixed way, just check all of your junctions and build them rounded to allow a continous street flow. My current city has 92k inhabitants, with harbor, airport, a football stadium, space lift, and i have a 96 percent traffic flow. Im not playing with mods or plug ins.
My favourite roundabout formula: Lanes on a roundabout = n-1 where n is the number of roads entering the roundabout That means when they join they have one lane for each direction (excluding the way they came which should hopefully be rare) so no horky borky lane switching 😎
this is making me giggle so much, im a casual player so i pretty much NEVER watch videos or know anything about the community, but god this city reminds me of myself 😂 trash island was one of my first ever problems i came across, how do i efficiently pick up trash without making it ugly? so i'd have a trash district, eventually learned reading the tips that i shouldn't centralize trash... or most things
Is there a reason you end each metro line at the Tarantula hub, instead of doing through lines? Eg. lines 5 and 10 could be one line, stopping at Tarantula hub in both directions while passing through from end to end, rather than two lines ending at the hub. Similarly, lines 4+7 and lines 3+8 could be merged too (slightly modifying where the lines arrive). Also 7, 9 and 10 could be connected through at the airport rather than the short line there (a circle line would of course be even better). This would save several metro lines, reducing number of needed vehicles for the same total capacity, reducing cost. It would also make some trips much faster, because people could just stay on the train instead of having to get off, walking over across to the other platform and waiting for the next train, thus increasing likelihood to use the metro. I see this setup in many of your videos, so I wonder if there's an advantage to it?
I do reckon one of the problems this city had was avenue overkill. They are ok when you want to filter traffic one way but in suburbs you need a lot more normal roads so drivers can go the way they want without making unnecessary queues. And now that the 4 lane road is vanilla that is better in smaller areas than an avenue.
I really do not understand why the timed traffic lights are setup like this. With dedicated lanes you should be able to split up the lights turning on on 1 end of the crossing. You can then combine the straight on lights from both ends of the crossing and they will not have to stop for left turning traffic.
honestly you could’ve solved all of this person’s traffic problems without mods just by adding in more road connections to each district and more options for pedestrians. this person’s horrible road infrastructure and misuse of road hierarchy caused the traffic problems.
You can also run into more traffic issues with the dumb ai if you build your general industry in with the specialized. Especially if you keep expanding the city. The ai will ship the farm resource to a factory across the city to the general industry near the forestry sector.
7:07 I HAVE JUMPY GAME TOO. You won't believe how much I've wrecked my mind over how to fix it, but thru my testing I've narrowed it down to Mod use. Intersection Marking Tool specifically is a cause, however it's not just that one, at least a couple in my mod list causes the hitching and I haven't done a thorough enough testing to identify all of them, but even still when its some pretty necessary Mods that cause the jumps while not causing actual freezing or crashing, then I've relented to just dealing with it while I play.
43:46 maybe one could make that road straight, and have the other road come on as a T-junction, maybe also get rid of that road over the water as it’s pretty useless
Think it's about 18:20 - but there was a perfectly useable road that you could've hooked up to the road above it that was like a few yards from connecting instead of destroying 2 families and making them homeless
I just saw, this city has the Dubai problem. It is divided into segments and each segment is connected to each other through a single highway that divids them. It needs more connections between segments that is not the highway.
I noticed that, too. All cul-de-sacs.
It's literally just an American City! You can tell the submitter is American. My First city was built the same way.
one of my cities is built that way, with residential and commercial on one side of the highway and industrial on the other, and it has horrendous traffic on the overpasses that connect the 2 halves of the city. meanwhile another city i have has everything on one side of the highway and theres no traffic problems, and the garbage trucks actually work bc they arent all lined up on a single road in the industrial area
My biggest cities are like that too, I just like to separate each section for aesthetic reason. Although I reinforce high usage of public transport for pedestrian (subway, bus, cycling, and skylines) while giving higher taxes for cars.
Traffic is around 78-82% on average.
Bus connects the residents to train stations, and train stations connect the resident section to other sections.
Meanwhile, industrial and commercial section are mainly connected by trains and dedicated highway for trucks
And surprisingly those kind of city still can be fixed with proper public transportation
I gotta admit, Trash Island made me laugh. In a good way.
I hear Trash Island is a pretty trashy place to visit. 😁
“Garbage island got flooded”
It’s like New Jersey, but as an island.
Forget Trash Island, they also have Death Park next to the airport
Bro I love that album
42:55 I think sometimes when a bus stop breaks like that, it's because there's no node between the bus stop and the junction, so the bus can't change lanes and the lane arrows prevent it from turning in the direction it needs to go. (Or something along those lines.)
He told on himself right after saying he didn't know why it was broke. It is because the one-way road segment doesn't allow any buses to get to the stop.
I wonder how bad the traffic would get in this city if the Realtime Mod were used, with every option turned up to generate the maximum possible traffic
It'd be one massive inroad car convention
Great tip in vanilla:
Having specialization on land with resources -
Specialized Extractors spawn - Generate raw resources
Having specialization on land with no resources -
Specialized Processors spawn - Generate zoned products
Having no specialization at all -
Generic Industries spawn - Generate generic goods
So basically if you want to have your raw resources processed inside your city into goods, just zone some specialized industries on land with no resources which Specialized Processors will spawn instead of of generic industries. For example, zone some specialized industries in your farming district on non-fertile land and you'll see cute little silos and mills get built, using up your city's agriculture products and turn them into next level of agriculture products which can be turned into commercial goods. This will definitely solve the problem with local generic industries not utilizing local produced raw resources but import them, causing traffic. Yeah, you don't need Industries DLC for this, it's in the base game for years. Of course having the DLC is better because it gives you access to warehouses, which act as buffers for the various good to distribute evenly either locally or export.
You are a legend. I was trying to figure it out for weeks.
So the industries in an industrial district will change if theyre in a specialized industrial zone that allows for less resources to be exported before it turns into product?
@@arthurmichigan1791 Yup. Basically it's Industries DLC but vanilla, but don't expect every extractor will not export because every industrial building have a fixed output at a fixed time depending on its production-start time, and if either the extractor or the producer is out of phase then by the time a producer make a request the extractor had exported its resources. There is when warehouses come into play.
Omg i didnt know this until i Saw this comments thx for saving my traffic
All of my roads look like an absolute nightmare yet I'm somehow able to keep my traffic at 85%+ traffic flow. I like to keep my residents on their toes when driving 😂
Biffa i am a long time watcher but this is my first comment because this really got me. Please take 1 second to think about the way you use metro, i've seen this commented endless times and i will say it again but this whole city only needed a maximum of 1 metro line from end to end as it's linear on the coast with some buses in the fat part and some bike lanes. Metros are not planes, they are not point to point routes. They are more like larger buses with more spacing between stops.
Also, what this city desperately needed, more than any lane maths or transit was connections between existing roads and those bus lines that went through each and every cul de sac to never happen again, ever.
Great to see the traffic fix Biffa, always a pleasure to watch and your commentary is so fun. I tried to fix the city myself this afternoon, having only seen the first five minutes of your video. I sorted the trash Island, which actually also had half dozen bio fuel bus depots on it! Then did the road hierarchy on the main roads one side of the city to the other, plus setting up the roundabouts, deleting all the lane connectors, plus all the roads that go over the sea (apart from trash island) and changed sone of the policies. Managed to get 78% with 56,000 population. Oh and connected the ntercity train station to one of the lines as it wasn't quite connected. I've now seen how you've done it, so will try to improve things even more on my save when I look at the public transport etc. Thanks for the inspiration Biffa 😀
Looking at this one, I actually think the city has two specific traffic problems:
1 - WAY TOO MANY ROUNDABOUTS. Many of them are 90% through traffic getting in each others way. It is needlessly slowing things down.
2 - NO ROUTES WHERE THEY WANT TO GO. traffic is having to go across long stretches of surface streets to get places. That is just a recipe for disaster. A lack of road hierarchy. Everything is way too the same, and everything guides the traffic more into city surface streets.
Moreover, you can see plenty of places where every vehicle wants to go the same way, but they have to go through a bunch of intersections and round abouts to do it.
What would you think of a highway level road with proper interchanges across the top of the city to encourage traffic flow from end to end?
Amen, i suck at actually turning vision into reality in this game, but road hierarchy's are vital to it functioning well.but so are getting the interconnects right. You don;t want vehicles going through one area to another, but you do want them to be able to get between neighbouring area's without going through your big major motorway/highway.
agree, lot of round about disrupt the continuous flow of traffic, he even put round about on highway, they should be using partial clover interchange or similar design.
also he build too many zone on top of important road, even got zone on top of round about too
Also a lot of the junctions have a merge before the divergence. Which is probably been done in order to fit it all into the space
I'm about 20 minutes in and i dont think i've seen a single local road in this city at all its all arterials and collectors XD
Was about to comment exactly this at minute 22 😊
Yes, and there's lots of zoning on those roads. High-traffic buildings on busy streets have always been a problem for me in CS. Biffa has taught me a lot about putting service building spawn points on local connections, but the same applies for zoned industrial and commercial, as well as bus stops. Anything that ties up traffic while loading and unloading can be a problem when they're too close together.
One of these days I'm going to need to get you to fix one of my cities.
If it ever makes it to the size where its needed. I run into issues with traffic at relatively low populations - current city is 20k people and is having a hell of a time dealing with endless traffic jams.
Making use of multi stations like for this one. A couple of ferry bus stations would work well on this map. Plus take advantage of biking policy with all the new roads with bike lanes take a massive amount of cars on the road.
Terrible public transportation and every street being an avenue or a stroad. This is the most American map I've seen yet
Hi Biffa! I'm a vanilla player and don't use mods but I love your traffic fix videos and I've learned a lot of things that I can use in vanilla. Like, a lot of issues can be prevented just by taking a few minutes to plan. Lane mathmatics, enough highway connectiins, or not placing cargo rail station/tourist attractions on arterial roads, etc. Walking paths and bike lanes are a must and public transportation which connects interests of people. All of these things don't require mods but just take a few moments more to think and plan ahead so you don't get a headache after. That's my point of view, maybe that helps somebody. Anyway, love your videos, can't wait for a new one 😊
Thankyou and glad I could help 👍😁
Oof, road hierarchy was definitely disrespected in this city. 😅
Great fix, Biffa!
I know right? why is the smallest road a four-lane avenue?
@@tilenkos2065 It was the 6 lane roundabouts for me. Eeks! 🤣
The city builder was like, road hierarchy...what's that!?
Yay - a new traffic fix. These are your best videos, Biffa. Well done.
Love getting a fix your city video. It was what got me into the channel back in 2020
Morning Biffa, I had to laugh @17:55 you do exactly what you told him he didn't need to do earlier in the video. Locking people into their lanes for multiple segments.
context matters, you have to use it if it is useful
@@envo2199 he could have just removed the node since they were really close to the intersection too.
I was looking for this comment. At around 16:00 he added segments and intersections when there there were corners and existing intersections he could have used to connect the roads instead of adding another segment or intersection, like at 16:07. For these areas it probably won't be an issue traffic-wise, but I still think they're unnecessary...I would've extended what I had.
You should have people on your discord take pictures of themselves looking frustrated so you can use them for thumbnails. Great video as always. Looking forward to the next one. Glad you still have content even though you are moving to a new house.
most of the issues are actually caused by forced lane-keeping on alot of roads if you ask me
Planes must have a hell of a time landing and taking off st the airpot eith all of those tall skyscrapers surrounding the airport at 22:54
Especially the biggest of the lot right at the end of the runway...
That first roundabout you shift control clicked went down one of the slip roads and back, instead of all the way around. You have a give way on the roundabout.
6:38 those lines were good. It basically defines a bypass for right turns. what I would have done in this particular case would be to increase the exit road to two lanes: one for the bypass and another for traffic in the roundabout.
p.s. I've noticed lately that you started using a hub and spoke metro design, which isn't optimal. Especially in communities like this that are basically spread out in a line. This design forces a change at the hub and in a few instances(like at 30:30 for example) forces people to travel to the hub then backtrack a significant distance to reach their destination. This is less than ideal and actually discourages [people from using the metro. The airport connection is the greatest offender here. That should be one line, not three.
you want to provide as many point to point connections as possible, with rapid high capacity transit such as metro being augmented locally by busses.
also those bus lines at 30:30 are insane. they go up and down side streets just for a single stop 🤦
Yeah Biffa's metro setup is weird. No real city in the world connects all metro lines in one central hub, that's your first hint that the setup isn't optimal.
Also even with the hub and spoke design, it would be better to just make through lines rather than ending each line at the hub, which forces people to get off the train, walk up to street level, back down to the other side platform and wait for the other train on what could have been a single 2-stop trip.
would the hub and spoke design work better if there were bus/trams connecting each spoke to adjacent ones?
@@jamesblunt006 actually Chicago does that. But there's a lots of people criticizing the setup.
Even though it was a beautiful city, the fact that every road in the neighbourhood at the start was a two lane collector pained me
That and there only being one entry and exit way into each neighbourhood. Not even any pedestrian paths between neighbourhoods
If you through run the metro likes it would probably work even better. Someone from one side of the map could get a 1 seat ride to the other but you're forcing them go make an unnecessary connection in the middle even if the line keeps going straight
A tendency Biffa has more often with other metro lines
40:00 After you changed the road to asymmetric I saw the one coming from the roundabout had two left turns lanes and one for straight, but the majority of the traffic seemed to be going straight.
9:45 You went to change the road to three-lane but you used the four-lane by accident. It's nice to see that I'm not the only one who clicked on something in the game, but the game didn't register the click.
37:37 When using the timed traffic lights on right-hand drive cities the right hand turn lane gets to go on the cycle before straight and left get to go. This means when you double-up what the right lanes are doing everyone turning right has to wait for anyone going straight. You should instead double-up the left turn lane because they go at the same time the straight lane goes, which allows the right turn lane to go when they should.
10:02 you didn't bring it down to 3, you kept the four lines through that junction
I always enjoy your traffic fix videos. Out of curiosity, did you also adjust the Dynamic Lane slider in the TMPE options by chance? That little gem I find to be a huge help in getting all lanes of a road to be used.
I usually have it on around 30% 👍
Biffa would HATE my traffic...it is around 24 percent, but he wouldnt be allowed to change any road layouts, any means of other transport or move around things...detailing Cleveland is absolutly nuts though, but eventually when I am done with it. I might just be in the luck of things ;)
Well if nothing can't be changed...good luck! :P
You don't want better flowing traffic?
@@PerfectAlibi1 I want to build a super detailed Cleveland down to the right traffic arrow, that is why I have noticed that the game vs real life Cleveland, trafficwise doesnt work. Haha. I have build on my downtown area just the last 6 months.
Vanilla only? Or do you use mods like traffic manager?
I'll give the standard praise for you on clearing traffic, Biffa. Better you than me! 😆
I will say while you did fix the traffic problem, you also tanked the income by 140k which is hilarious!
Did you notice the 1st roundabout you sorted put a give way to people going round the roundabout instead of people coming onto the roundabout under the bridge?
Yes, the roundabout setup picked a tear drop shape instead of the roundabout
I've switched to using lines rather than the arrows. The problem I had with using arrows is that hearses completely ignore the arrows, and it was playing havoc with my timed traffic lights - every time a hearse sat in the middle lane waiting to turn right, everything would back up.
Lines seem to fix that - hearses start to behave again.
One free tip from me - use pathways to connect some areas. Citizens love them. Every time i use pathways i see people walk like ants on them. Under or below ground isnt matter - they love pathways 🚶
As usual, the master traffic fixer does it again! Great job! I always enjoy watching you fix problems🤩
I think a lot of this city could already be fixed by using the proper speed for roads. Those long hardly used not connected to the city segments roads can actually be a good thing, as long as the speed is higher then alternative routes. Just upgrading it to a 2 lane highway, and downgrading the other routes should make it possible to get this city at least above 50% traffic without having to add new road connections. And making the city more walkable by adding pedestrian/bicycle path allows for people to get to work without having to add more roads. The road at 20:55 is a good example of a road that could have been a pedestrian path.
LMAO the crime rates at the incineration plants are probably all road rage fights
Mate, best traffic fix yet? Loving it!
Love these city traffic fixes 💕💯💕🥰
24:00 ive played cs for quite some time and this was incredibly helpful
nice job! Still always love watching the fixes! Learned a bit about generic industry, too!
My city currently has 200k living in it with usually 75% flow during daytime and 80% at night. That trash island had me laughing! Need more connections for sure, good video!
Biffas new word off the month is Halfish haha
Biffa video at lunch, yes please! Great video as always.🎉
Good jorb!! Gotta love a smooth running city.
really laughed at couple of bits i did a bit of the trash island and my city wasn’t as beautiful as this one great tips to follow cheers ! oooooo big slurp of tea
Hey biffa I love your videos, have been watching you for 2-3 years.
I loved your traffic videos especial more from the last year cause I started playing as well.
You should do some rate my City videos(traffic, building, transit, etc.). Those would be so good.
I love fix your city videos 🥰
My city drains all the trash into a canal system so my lovely citizens can think their in Venice....so long as they don't unplug their noses..
Perfectly timed, just about to sit down with a cuppa!! 🎉
Enjoy! :-)
@@BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines amazing video
the way this save's owner completely disregard road hierarchy reminds me of my early days of playing CSL haha
This city only has maybe 2-3 connections across the river. That’s causing some issues as well.
This city's infrastructure is just genuinely non existent the amount of wasted space and horribly placed roads are a nightmare you can tell they didn't think when making this city they just built
34:10 Yes, and it tends to be quite significant. Have a look at the costs with the TLM mod on, and you'll be able to see the differences.
First step in traffic fixing should be to create many pedestrian shortcuts and bridges, so they don't overuse cars and buses. Look at that bridge - 15:30 - people can't cross river on foot!
Same here - 22:51 - no foot connection between districts.
I missed these. Don't be shy, keep em coming!
It took me quite some time to understand if it was cs1 ou cs2... not gonna lie, got scared of the UI with all those mods
What you want with these big service areas and freight train/harbour is a two-lane one-way system with an asymmetrical speed limit (ie a fast lane and a slow lane - achievable with traffic manager). What happens is that if a truck has already dropped off or just picked up, they move to the fast lane and get out of the way of those still waiting to drop off/pick-up. Likewise, they tend to stay in the fast lane when dropping off until the node before its drop-off point, then zip into the slow lane to actually drop their goods off/pick them up.
At time 34:14, there is a mod that you can use that goes into the transportation and cost more in depth. Its called "Improved Transport Manager" Just letting you know :)
I myself only play the game on ocasion so take my two cents of opinion with a grain of salt, but what helped my cities always was just rounding every cross junction.
I see in the city that some roundabout junctions have very narrow entrances and exits wich leads to cars having the need to stop to turn. Thats what always killed my traffic in city skylines.
So guys, if you are like me, and are not so well versed in traffic building as this guy in the video, or have not enough time in the day or motivation to create more lanes or signs or fixed way, just check all of your junctions and build them rounded to allow a continous street flow.
My current city has 92k inhabitants, with harbor, airport, a football stadium, space lift, and i have a 96 percent traffic flow. Im not playing with mods or plug ins.
My favourite roundabout formula:
Lanes on a roundabout = n-1 where n is the number of roads entering the roundabout
That means when they join they have one lane for each direction (excluding the way they came which should hopefully be rare) so no horky borky lane switching 😎
this is making me giggle so much, im a casual player so i pretty much NEVER watch videos or know anything about the community, but god this city reminds me of myself 😂 trash island was one of my first ever problems i came across, how do i efficiently pick up trash without making it ugly? so i'd have a trash district, eventually learned reading the tips that i shouldn't centralize trash... or most things
Turned off respawning today and my city went to 12%. Got it fixed to 91% thanks to your explanations in the videos.
Nice work!
That's a nice fix for a city that was basically all cul-de-sacs! It's no wonder the traffic was only 27%.
First of your videos watched! Good show! I am now subbed! 😊
I love the map. Can you build your own city there? Haha
Good Job Biffa. You are the Traffic Killer 💪
A skyscraper right in front of the runway! 😂😂😂
Was metro hub necessary? I feel like one or two lines the length of the city would have worked better?
givaway on the wrong side of roundabout
Thanks for another great one, Biffa! I had guessed 16%. I was wrong by half. 😂
Very nice city! 🔥 my traffic flow is around 55
Re-watching these videos because I miss this laughter.
Thankyou 😁
love your vids, learn alot of your traffic fixing :D what map is this?
31:11 center of the screen, one of the metro stops is not connected to anything :)
Well done! that big metro hub makes all the difference 🙂
Good job ty! Maybe I use something in my city how would you rate my small town?
Is there a reason you end each metro line at the Tarantula hub, instead of doing through lines?
Eg. lines 5 and 10 could be one line, stopping at Tarantula hub in both directions while passing through from end to end, rather than two lines ending at the hub.
Similarly, lines 4+7 and lines 3+8 could be merged too (slightly modifying where the lines arrive).
Also 7, 9 and 10 could be connected through at the airport rather than the short line there (a circle line would of course be even better).
This would save several metro lines, reducing number of needed vehicles for the same total capacity, reducing cost. It would also make some trips much faster, because people could just stay on the train instead of having to get off, walking over across to the other platform and waiting for the next train, thus increasing likelihood to use the metro.
I see this setup in many of your videos, so I wonder if there's an advantage to it?
"then this is blocked and... this is a disaster" was my favorite part😂
I do reckon one of the problems this city had was avenue overkill. They are ok when you want to filter traffic one way but in suburbs you need a lot more normal roads so drivers can go the way they want without making unnecessary queues. And now that the 4 lane road is vanilla that is better in smaller areas than an avenue.
41:32 Oh that's a LOVEly end to an airport, that is..
I really do not understand why the timed traffic lights are setup like this. With dedicated lanes you should be able to split up the lights turning on on 1 end of the crossing. You can then combine the straight on lights from both ends of the crossing and they will not have to stop for left turning traffic.
Lol when you showed that guy in the truck it reminds me of LA 😂😂😂
honestly you could’ve solved all of this person’s traffic problems without mods just by adding in more road connections to each district and more options for pedestrians. this person’s horrible road infrastructure and misuse of road hierarchy caused the traffic problems.
Idea for a challenge city: no cars, no bikes (as best as possible), and the only public transport is one bus line.
I enjoyed this! Impressive result but mostly it's an insight into your brain that is entertaining me. 😆
Why wouldn’t you just have a single metro line that runs parallel to the shoreline?
Great video, I'm so excited for skylines 2!
Very nice city and metro is a solution, mostly I make stadtbahn connections so tram on train track, like metrolink in teachester or manchester
Loving the Mario sound effect 🍄😁
that traffic jam of waste management trucks reminds me of dubai
You can also run into more traffic issues with the dumb ai if you build your general industry in with the specialized. Especially if you keep expanding the city. The ai will ship the farm resource to a factory across the city to the general industry near the forestry sector.
You gotta ship to your buyers, not to just anyone.
This traffic is not as worse as my Theotown traffic 😂
27 -> 19 -> 20 “It’s going up!” -> 18 “Excellent!”
Politics maths right there. 😂
"There's lines everywhere" Oh boy, you would *not* like my city lol.
one day someone might figure out that lane mathematics works a lot in roundabouts.
You won't believe how much I've wrecked my mind over how to fix it, but thru my testing I've narrowed it down to Mod use. Intersection Marking Tool specifically is a cause, however it's not just that one, at least a couple in my mod list causes the hitching and I haven't done a thorough enough testing to identify all of them, but even still when its some pretty necessary Mods that cause the jumps while not causing actual freezing or crashing, then I've relented to just dealing with it while I play.
Oh dear.. happens in vanilla too for me 😬
43:46 maybe one could make that road straight, and have the other road come on as a T-junction, maybe also get rid of that road over the water as it’s pretty useless
1:25 like that scene from World War Z, trash trucks plowing through traffic
Oh, finally! Feels like it's been a year since the last one...
Think it's about 18:20 - but there was a perfectly useable road that you could've hooked up to the road above it that was like a few yards from connecting instead of destroying 2 families and making them homeless