Is this Age of Sigmar 4's first BIG issue??

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 394

  • @APettit24
    @APettit24 Месяц назад +123

    Imagine making me pay 60 points for a chaos spawn of Tzeentch but giving me gravetide for free.

    • @forfeitdragon5643
      @forfeitdragon5643 Месяц назад +1

      You can just bring lore of fate

    • @Kazerole
      @Kazerole Месяц назад +1

      They are not free. They have a big opportunity cost

    • @nigeltownley7472
      @nigeltownley7472 Месяц назад +3

      ​@@Kazerole they're still factually free and very strong for being free. If it's always a good option, cost opportunity doesn't mean anything.

    • @Kazerole
      @Kazerole Месяц назад

      @@nigeltownley7472 I don’t know what to answer to that 😅. Opportunity cost means you have a choice to make. When I need to charge it’s always better to cast a charge bonus than a gravetide or something

    • @mikefish1124
      @mikefish1124 Месяц назад +1

      ​@@Kazerolekind of? But really they are free, functionally

  • @frucotjean-vincent4905
    @frucotjean-vincent4905 Месяц назад +18

    in my opinion the best way to balance manifestation would be that for each manifestation a wizard cast his wizard level is reduced by one for as long as the manifestation is on the table. doing so will make it easier to balance manifestation around the value point of a wizard 1 and make it so that you technicly replace your wizard with the manifestation. i think it would make lot of sens also in a lore perspective since maintaining the manifestation would be a toll on the caster.

    • @91CEO
      @91CEO Месяц назад

      Not such a bad idea. They could be required to make a manifestation check to keep it where it is.. or it automatically vanishes (but allows them for resummoning)

  • @LeeLolth
    @LeeLolth Месяц назад +5

    I completely agree with everything you said Rob, with two additions:
    1) From a list building perspective, the necessity to have multiple cast attempts is painful; we should not be heavily incentivised to bring wizards/priests just to gain access to this insane power advantage.
    2) It is absolutely BONKERS that we are bringing wizards for the specific cast attempt at summoning endless spells, instead of using our own spell lore and warscroll spells. The longer I think about this, the more it proves just how overpowered they are. SHEESH.

  • @thewellandvalley2103
    @thewellandvalley2103 Месяц назад +60

    Biggest con… assembling the Purple Sun. I still have PTSD.

    • @daswookie79
      @daswookie79 Месяц назад +1

      I’m happy it’s not just me

    • @thewellandvalley2103
      @thewellandvalley2103 Месяц назад +1

      @@daswookie79 I’ve never used so much Green Stuff in my life…

    • @daswookie79
      @daswookie79 Месяц назад +3

      @@thewellandvalley2103 The green stuff cost more than the model at some point 😂

    • @erikstoner98
      @erikstoner98 Месяц назад +2

      Lol I'm putting it on its base right now, just done with it. I've assembled Spirit Hosts, but the Purple Sun comes second

    • @40KWill
      @40KWill Месяц назад +3

      I just cut the internal lattice out and it was easier to assemble.

  • @4seraphiel4
    @4seraphiel4 Месяц назад +8

    Thematically, I think it would be wicked if the wizard who casts the manifestation is linked to it by magic so if it gets destroyed then the caster takes X mortal wounds, or while a manifestation is active, the caster effectively goes down 1 wizard level, as they're using concentration to maintain the manifestation instead of being free to yeet other spells/unbinds around.

    • @thedarkabyssmusicxd
      @thedarkabyssmusicxd Месяц назад +1

      Actual consequences to spamming gravetide nice.

    • @Sothas
      @Sothas Месяц назад +1

      This doesn't address the issue of balance between the lores. You'll still only see the same 2 lores. They HAVE to cost points

    • @4seraphiel4
      @4seraphiel4 Месяц назад

      @@Sothas Oh yeah, of course that too. It should have cost and risk both

  • @keithjackson7261
    @keithjackson7261 Месяц назад +62

    Perhaps having wizards need to maintain channeling to keep the manifestations on the board, as in a lvl 1 wizard cannot cast any other spells while they maintain the manifestation they have on the board .Of course multilevel casters can maintain multiple manifestations or still cast additional spells while maintaining one(or more).If I remember correctly this is similar to the way they worked when originally released.

    • @AdeptusEsquire
      @AdeptusEsquire Месяц назад +12

      Right, like if a wizard summons a manifestation their power level is reduced by 1 until that manifestation is removed. They can only have one summoned at a time per wizard.

    • @mydvusgrey
      @mydvusgrey Месяц назад

      this one is my favorite idea

    • @Polimathe
      @Polimathe Месяц назад

      This would work the best for balancing.

    • @cameronthompson7314
      @cameronthompson7314 Месяц назад

      Have to change arachnacauldron.

    • @josechitty339
      @josechitty339 Месяц назад

      Cool idea

  • @jtb818
    @jtb818 Месяц назад +24

    We took away free summoning for a lot of good reasons , but then we made new summoning for a selected group of armies, with all the old problems, but also a lot of new one. ❤ GW

    • @stevecatpatrick8056
      @stevecatpatrick8056 Месяц назад +2

      They took away summoning because people wouldn't know what models they would need to bring to a game, that doesn't apply to manifestations. You pick the lore and then you know exactly what options you have to summon.
      They clearly didn't do it to reduce units coming back because they increased recursion a lot.

  • @therealuziduke5853
    @therealuziduke5853 Месяц назад +10

    With only having limited spells in your spell lore I think manifestations are needed for 3 and 4 cast wizards.

  • @julianmhu
    @julianmhu Месяц назад +6

    "That's how other units work in Age of Sigmar: You kill them and they die."

  • @nicksiegrist378
    @nicksiegrist378 Месяц назад +28

    Some sort of benefit if you don't take a Manifestation lore, like 1CP per round.

  • @Flkt42
    @Flkt42 Месяц назад +11

    - 1 controlled Manifestation per Wizard
    - Can not Summon Manifestation with Counter Spell command ability
    - Move Shackles out of Morbid to weaker lore

    • @simonhogg5476
      @simonhogg5476 Месяц назад

      Doesn't resolve the infinite wounds problem, which if you have 3 wizards is a huge issue. Manifestations should not be resummonable if destroyed by shooting/combat/spell ability (other than banish) but can be if banished, which also would not require a major overhaul to rules as they stand currently. 100% agree on the 1 active manifestation per wizard.

    • @DonCurrywurst
      @DonCurrywurst Месяц назад

      Gravetide would still be stronger than the jaws, which is not okay.

    • @metal995
      @metal995 Месяц назад

      1 Manifestation per wizard would absolutely ruin multi cast wizards. Would hate to see that happen personally.

    • @julianmhu
      @julianmhu Месяц назад

      Can't really shuffle the spells because they come out in boxed sets. The lores will always match the sprues. Maybe making people get 3 manifestation points from their lore, and having spells cost different amount of points (like Graveytide would be 3, Shackles 2, etc) would create an incentive to pick based on variety or power within their lore. This could also help weaker lores by making them cost only 1 pt thus giving you access to all of them.

    • @patrickstorm8802
      @patrickstorm8802 Месяц назад

      ​@@julianmhuactually most of the core manifestations come in one big box. they have been divided into these lores just by design in this edition. there is no morbid conjuration box set i. e.. 12 of the manifestations come in the malign sorcery box. so easy to shuffle into new more balanced groups.

  • @thomaskeith2309
    @thomaskeith2309 Месяц назад +13

    One solution is to increase summoning difficulty for each recursion, but I also quite like the idea of pointing up manifestation (first summon free/2 summons=X points/Up to 3 summons=XX points) and/or limiting the number of recursions. Maybe make it so that a manifestation can only achieve recursion if it was banished, thereby increasing interaction decisions for opposing players to balance risk/reward and put it in the hands of the players.
    Would also be super cool to have some Grand Alliance themed manifestations; Fist of Gork smashing units, Foot of Behemet kicking objectives, Hammer of Sigmar comet striking, etc.

  • @PaoloTrepiccione
    @PaoloTrepiccione Месяц назад +3

    It's almost like GW had a ton of these in their warehouse and needed to shift them somehow...

  • @GreatMachination
    @GreatMachination Месяц назад +10

    I just hope they think about this, I know, and not just slap on points and be done with it. That's only going to stop people from playing them again. I love them personally as they are a very different way to show how damn dangerous magic is, heh. I do like the once per battle once summoned idea and I think that simple rule would set things right. The "Endless" spell for me is that they stay on the table until banished or destroyed, not how many times you can cast it after all. Thanks again, Rob!

  • @simonberndt2015
    @simonberndt2015 Месяц назад +4

    What if they cost CP to summon, so you're spending in game recourses and giving you more tactical decisions?
    Like you have to succeed the casting roll and spend a cp, then they'd also cost two cp to cast in your opponents turn.

    • @Sothas
      @Sothas Месяц назад

      CP is a renewable resource. I still dont think thats enough. Plus, the balance between them all is really bad. You'll still only see the same like 2 lores every game. The only option is to give them points.

  • @steve6135
    @steve6135 Месяц назад +5

    I would say one way to help balance the power of a manifestation is that each one can only be summoned once per battle. That way if the Purple Sun gets killed by the plucky steelhelms it won’t be back half a turn later. I’d also add a simple spell to all manifestation lores so in the event all the big spells have been used you don’t just have a wizard sitting against a rock drinking Gatorade because they are spent.

    • @sporqisback400
      @sporqisback400 Месяц назад

      Probably the most reasonable change until we have better stats, but I would think that another spell isn't needed, surely armies with wizards have access to their regular lores anyway right?

  • @BattleDuelists
    @BattleDuelists Месяц назад +22

    Before watching, if GW wants to keep manifestations lore free the following changes should help fix it imo:
    - Magical intervention won't allow you to summon a manifestation.
    - Manifestations that can move shouldn't be allowed into combat ranges (except charging ).
    - If you dont take a manifestation lore you get 1 extra CP per battle round. ( So non wizard lists won't be punished but actually has benefit )
    - Limit 1 summon per wizard, if they don't succeed a summon they can attempt another.

    • @antoinematte9121
      @antoinematte9121 Месяц назад

      You can during Magical intervention ? wow

    • @yeled6131
      @yeled6131 Месяц назад +1

      I quite like the 1 extra CP per round for armies that don't use them. Or something similar.

    • @orkimedes
      @orkimedes Месяц назад

      Brilliant suggestion

  • @wesleyw7908
    @wesleyw7908 Месяц назад +22

    I'm a big fan of limiting manifestation either by X per 1000 points, or by making a manifestation cost command points to summon. Both will ensure both players have a similar amount of manifestation power, actively lower the spam, yet still allow for the summoning of multiple manifestations (albeit with a drawback)

    • @Shadowknightneo
      @Shadowknightneo Месяц назад +2

      Ooo I like this, especially the command point cost! I'd also suggest a "One shot" for every spell, I don't think it's very fun when my opponent kicks my shyish reaper off the board then all of a sudden, I just resummon it next heros phase.
      There does need to be some sort of soft limit.

    • @Kazerole
      @Kazerole Месяц назад +3

      CP cost would outright kill them

    • @Shadowknightneo
      @Shadowknightneo Месяц назад +1

      @@Kazerole I disagree, some of them are very powerful. To spend 1cp to in effect get another unit on the board, that has a reasonable save, a 6+ ward and can last multiple turns seems like a better use of a cp than an all out attack giving you +1 to hit for a phase

    • @vandamwtc
      @vandamwtc Месяц назад

      Suggested this last night in my game with my mate. They're too strong. CP cost, and once they're banished, that's it for that manifestation for the game to bring them in line. I don't think points are the answer because they would be prohibitively expensive for what they do

    • @Kazerole
      @Kazerole Месяц назад

      @@Shadowknightneo do you mean instead of the cast ? Just a CP ?
      AoA and AoD aren’t automatic like they used to. But they are more impactful. That said, movement commands are just so efficient in this edition I can’t see a manifestation being more useful.

  • @Smellstein
    @Smellstein Месяц назад +4

    They should treat manifestations as they do prayer points. The higher the summoning points you save up the better the manifestation you can summon.

  • @Mithlinthar
    @Mithlinthar Месяц назад +26

    As a LRL player: Endless Spells are soooo powerful, and GW decided to create Scinari Calligrave. It's bonkers.

  • @orangorill
    @orangorill Месяц назад +2

    This doesn't matter much to vetereans, but telling a new player they have to shell out for a huge box of endless spells as well as faction terrain before they even bother with the actual toy soldiers, is a pretty stupid idea.

  • @charles7928
    @charles7928 Месяц назад +25

    I'm absolutely certain we'll see a nerf to manifestations but I kind of hope they don't just make them cost points again. There are lots of other ways to balance them. They could play with casting and vanish values. I get that the 6+ ward is meant to represent their magical nature but I think it should be removed. I like to see some compensation for armies that don't choose a manifestation lore. Being able to choose an extra artefact on heroic trait would be nice. I then throw in the change that you can't summon them more than once or with a counter spell. That would reign them in quite a bit. I'd also increase the casting value of all the morbid conjurations and the incarnate by one.

    • @91CEO
      @91CEO Месяц назад

      Armies with no access to it should just be cheaper. KO has no access to any of it and their damage is already lacking. Limiting it to one per phase also means they don't get spammed in a single hero phase for armies that bring a lot of wizards

    • @Sothas
      @Sothas Месяц назад

      Points are required to balance them because of the garbage balance between all the lores, especially when considering faction lores. It's the only way.

  • @Wilhelm-c8l
    @Wilhelm-c8l Месяц назад +1

    I do very much like the idea of only allowing manifestations to be summoning once. I could also see an argument for increasing the cast value on each attempt.

  • @C.Satyr001
    @C.Satyr001 Месяц назад +13

    Could make it so for each manifestation you have on the board, a casting roll for an additional manifestation is at -1 to cast. So it gets more difficult but not impossible to flood the board.

  • @squidjuice666
    @squidjuice666 Месяц назад +24

    is this rob's first BIG comment?? lets find out

    • @Merc1987
      @Merc1987 Месяц назад +4

      BIG? Hey...Woah... let's calm down... and get some cream

  • @joeyvansteenbergen7509
    @joeyvansteenbergen7509 Месяц назад +1

    Imho give every army their own manifestations, axe the generics ones. This gives you more of the army you already love and balancing is easier.
    As is, its hard to balance them because they are stronger in some armies then others.
    Also dead is dead seems like a good change to make.

  • @MrRoarkin
    @MrRoarkin Месяц назад +1

    Bring back wizards can only control/summon 1, would bring a compromise to trying low drop lists + stop/limit spam.

  • @wesleystevens5402
    @wesleystevens5402 Месяц назад +1

    A manifestation points pool for each army would be cool, say an army starts with 20 of these points. Then use the casting value of manifestation as its points value too, so if an 8 is required to summon the purple sun, you deduct 8 off of your 20 points.

  • @mikewicked.x
    @mikewicked.x Месяц назад

    One solution for continuous recasting is the casting roll costs 1 more for each subsequent cast.
    It dies once, +1 to the cast requirement.
    Second time, +2,.etc.
    I also like the -1 for each manifestation you control on the table.

  • @unleashedagain555
    @unleashedagain555 Месяц назад +1

    One of the most OP things about them currently is there is no negative to recasting. You can just get them all down turn 1 with no punishment. But if they added +1 to the value needed to cast each time, you would hesitate.

  • @MrJentek
    @MrJentek Месяц назад +1

    I play gitz and I feel their faction manifestations should be the benchmark. Fun, flavorful, ok melee profiles, easy to kill. From what I've seen in my few games it's the generic ones that have issues. Gravetide is just straight up a better unit than any of my actual units lol (I don't play trolls)

  • @Dotification
    @Dotification Месяц назад +2

    Played against DoT for my first game (as CoS) & it felt like I was playing down points, as the later turns he had 2-4 ES's fighting me as magical proxies.
    & not being able to take Wizards or Priests as regimental bonus heroes/without increasing my drops... left me at a tactical disadvantage.
    I'd like to see them not be re-summonable, & only ones that need to be set-up in advance (like Lauchon) should be summonable during the opponent's turn.
    It would be nice if there was an opportunity cost to taking them, like you get a free Cmd. Pt. every round if you go without.
    Also all the tournament gamers are taking the same manifestation lore: Morbid Conjurations. Or maybe the Krondspine Inc. if they can only get a single cast/power level in their list

  • @ahbleza13
    @ahbleza13 Месяц назад +3

    I’m leaning towards having them be a once per game summon but I’m curious what GW ends up deciding and how the community responds. Thanks for the video!

  • @lostit462
    @lostit462 Месяц назад +2

    I didn't know army lists have to include a mandatory Wizard slot

  • @iainclark2959
    @iainclark2959 Месяц назад +2

    Single summon for manifestations (free things) makes sense given how impactful they can be

  • @Lupercal84
    @Lupercal84 Месяц назад

    1- Use the old OBR Soulbound rules
    2- Each wizard can only attempt to summon 1 per round

  • @kaloianvasev6335
    @kaloianvasev6335 Месяц назад +2

    I like the manifestations, they are fun and flavorful. I would be sad to see them gone.
    A way to not make wizards mandatory is to give the option during list building to forego manifestation lore and receive 1 CP each battle round. Then both options would be powerful.

  • @Silvertaurus_
    @Silvertaurus_ Месяц назад +3

    Im on the side of liking meta WITH free Endless Spells.
    My biggest disagree with most cons is -is not a Unit, but just glorified Spell Token.
    There is many spells that leave effect on unit, or terrain. Is it much different "your unit will take 2 mortal damage every turn", from "there is a manifestation attacking you every turn, but you can either fight it back or banish". Instead of "teleporting 3 units, away", I cast magical bridge that my units can use, but you can just attack it to destroy or banish.
    What I do agree that wizzards became more powerful and it's not reflected in THEIR points. That's why my suggestion are (pick one or many at once):
    - Increase point's for wizzards - spells should be free
    - Make Endless spell Reduce Wizzard power level for the duration - wizzard can not go below 0, more powerful Endless Spells take more power and require more powerful wizzards (like make Sun require Wizzard(2) and it takes away his entire power for the duration)
    - Make wizard "focus" their power on Endless Spells. When Wizzard summon Endless Spell and for duration can not summon more Endless Spells and can not run, charge, attack or shoot. If spell is destroyed by shooting or melee attacks make wizzard Stunned (whatever that would mean).

  • @sirbobulous
    @sirbobulous Месяц назад +2

    That Stormcast hero with anti-manifestation tech is Stonks right now then

  • @mindgamesandmagic
    @mindgamesandmagic 25 дней назад

    As someone who is getting into AoS 4.0 from being a highly competitive 40K player - endless spells being so accessible is the thing that really sold me on playing AoS 4.0 for the first game and now I’m hooked.
    It’s just so freaking sweet to have a model that represents the cool magic in this world. I really hated (from a flavor standpoint) that 40K got rid of the psychic phase. AoS went the exact opposite direction. I hope they don’t get rid of manifestations.

  • @michaelmendeshorne6821
    @michaelmendeshorne6821 Месяц назад +1

    Keep them free, but once per game and once they're dead, they stay dead. Gives them more value because you really have to think about when you bring them into the game? Also, takes away the annoying thing of always having to kill them time after time?

  • @samvilla3676
    @samvilla3676 29 дней назад +1

    What if the endless spells taken filled a regiment spot in the list, or multiple? Or maybe they count as an auxiliary?

  • @speeddemonpainting7050
    @speeddemonpainting7050 Месяц назад +9

    I guess almost all manifestations represent death, as they got released (barring Krondspine) during AoS2, which had a very death heavy emphasis.
    That being said, I think manifestations can bring more pro's to the table than cons. The problem is that a lot of these cons are pretty harsh (mandatory is a great point) and cause some feelbads when summoned in the opponent's turn. I would start by removing that option.
    I would also reward players who do not select a manifestation lore (perhaps with a new command ability that makes banish an auto-pass and performable by your general) to make the manifestations (and wizards) feel less mandatory?

    • @cursling9
      @cursling9 Месяц назад

      Agreed, they're mostly death themed because they were brought about by the necroquake 💀

    • @toninoedge1659
      @toninoedge1659 Месяц назад

      They should have really only existed for 2nd edition in my honest opinion. We have factions out now (just under half) that still don't have their own endless spells (or even terrain) so it just feels poorly introduced as we go further on into new editions.
      Throughout the editions I've only ever really used the same endless spells too I've never felt the need to 70% of them. Purple sun, cogs, shackles, geminids. They've all been relevant since they were first around, where as the others don't really have that going for them.

  • @---dn1fl
    @---dn1fl Месяц назад

    I think the correct way to do this, if it at all, is ensure that every army has their own manifestations, and restrict that army to just being able to take them. It makes balance considerably easier and also helps with some of the clashing aesthetics that currently occur.

  • @ashisunblade
    @ashisunblade Месяц назад +1

    I wouldn't bet on hero traits getting points costs. GW seems to move in the opposite direction. Compare to 40k which did have points upgrades like that but removed all of them with the latest edition launch.

  • @starslayer2438
    @starslayer2438 14 дней назад

    I would have loved it if manifestations had kept their points costs from previous editions. The way that the lores are set up now however, it will be really awkward to bring back points for them in the current edition.
    Therefore, I would prefer the following changes:
    A) Summoning spells and prayers can't be used with Magical Intervention.
    B) Wizards and priests suffer -1 to summoning for each friendly manifestation that is already on the battlefield.

  • @liquiddude9855
    @liquiddude9855 Месяц назад +1

    They need to dial then down a bit, but not too much. Like no more summon with Magical Intervantion.

  • @sheepys551
    @sheepys551 Месяц назад +1

    I think once per a game but remove banishment. so teclis doesnt invalid lesser magic armies even bothering to summon them.

  • @piffling2238
    @piffling2238 Месяц назад +1

    If they make is so manifestations can't be resummoned they'd have to take away the ability to banish. Otherwise manifestations would be near worthless since the opponent can just take them off the field without any counter play to that. You'd be wasting a spell cast for something more reliable. IMO they are just likely to try giving them a points cost. Or an opportunity cost if you don't take the manifestations you can have an anti-manifestation lore or other neutral spell lore in addition.

  • @benthomas5108
    @benthomas5108 Месяц назад +1

    My playgroup have just added a house rule that each manifestation can only be summoned (successfully) once. Once it’s gone, it’s gone.

    • @MrGreenpaulo
      @MrGreenpaulo Месяц назад

      In my house they are banned altogether lol

  • @Husker44g
    @Husker44g Месяц назад

    Great video Rob, sincerity is your jam. IMO having them summoned once per game would be the way to go. To me that feels like other things already put in the game like "once per battle" abilities which add a tactical depth to the game. 'When should I summon this manifestation?" becomes another mini game with less feel bad IMO. The other reason I vote for this is we have to be honest with ourselves and remember it's GW and they will most likely not be taking the models away and I don't think they want to add point values to them. To me this is giving a bit of what we want to see out of the game and still giving GW our money. I don't like giving them money but I do like giving them money, know what I mean? :)

  • @minacapella8319
    @minacapella8319 Месяц назад

    So I think "only cast once a game" could be a bit much for something you have to spend a cast on to get out and that is easier to remove than a typical unit (non squishy unit anyways), but I think a cool idea that could also be lore friendly would be a Mechanic similar to commanders in mtg: every time you re-summon one that was removed from play, you add one to the casting value you need in order to get a successful cast. Because I imagine pulling a permanent manifestation of magic into the world could be a bit draining for a wizard, and they're stuck in battle so obviously not taking time to rest and recuperate.

  • @omittedflunky2963
    @omittedflunky2963 Месяц назад +1

    As a Sons of Behemat player I'm possibly a little weensy bit biased but I'm inclined to agree with your take. Ultimately they made a big show out of how modular the 4e ruleset is and if this one module is messing stuff up then change the official competitive rules to not include the Manifestation module. Magic would just go back to screaming "lightning bolt" at your opponent as loud as you can, idk ive never competed, I assume that what you do.

  • @morganbeale7954
    @morganbeale7954 Месяц назад

    - split the stronger lores up so you can have 1 incarnate, 2 good manifestations (say purple sun & maelstrom?) or 3 ordinary or faction ones, but no 4s
    - if you kill it it stays dead (you put an axe through it, you earned it), if you banish it then sure they can summon it again
    - maybe let wizards heal damaged manifestations, give them something to do with their spare casts, either that or maintaining a manifestation costs a cast slot
    - make it so manifestations can’t approach within 6” of a place of power controlled by your opponent or similar, or maybe even an objective, representing you warding it off your vital points with magic nexus stuff idk

  • @GorliththeUndead
    @GorliththeUndead Месяц назад

    some of them could serve as randomly moving hazards determined by rolls in the same way the SOBs timber mechanic works.

  • @Pchopper099
    @Pchopper099 Месяц назад

    I agree with your cons Rob and I think it is a big challenge for less magical armies like Ironjawz to keep up playing a game against Soulblight Gravelords.

  • @paulcable2538
    @paulcable2538 Месяц назад

    Two more solutions:
    Only one manifestation per army allowed on the table top at any one time… the lore behind it is “maintaining a manifestations presence requires an ongoing focus from the casting wizards/army, and therefore only one can be maintained at any one time.
    Just raise their casting value so that they are a real risk to attempt… minimum casting value an 7, max 11.

  • @evanta
    @evanta Месяц назад

    I think just having a cost for each group of lore will bring a bit more list building, like maybe 150 pts for morbid conjurations, and other lores cheaper /more expensive accordingly.
    Also maybe add +1 to the difficulty of casting it each time u resummon?

  • @Lodorn
    @Lodorn Месяц назад

    How about:
    each player can only summon 1 endless spell per turn and/or each wizard can only be bound to one endless spell at a time.
    players can only summon each of their manifestations once per battle

  • @johnraines7672
    @johnraines7672 Месяц назад

    The biggest con is that GW made them almost essential for this edition but when you go to the GW website, the essential models are.....OUT OF STOCK. You would think that GW would stock up a bit ahead of time.

  • @26_Goodman
    @26_Goodman Месяц назад +3

    Manifestations are wayyyyy too much right now.

  • @NikkiAnnMarie
    @NikkiAnnMarie Месяц назад

    My vote is for the single summon per manifestation per game, would be an easy bolt on fix and potentially allow for them to reduce some of the rules baggage surrounding them (even if it makes them a little stronger on the table for that single instance).

  • @GreatWhiteShack
    @GreatWhiteShack Месяц назад

    Each time an enemy endless spell is destroyed, you gain Manifestation Points equal to the casting value of the endless spell. In the movement phase, you can spend X Manifestation Points to return 1/2 a destroyed unit or Y Manifestation Points to return an entire destroyed unit
    Lets people play with endless spells if they like them, while also making use of wizards less mandatory. Just need to get the X and Y numbers in the right ballpark

  • @thedruski85
    @thedruski85 Месяц назад

    Just make manifestations one and done. Once destroyed, you can't summon that manifestation again.

  • @leetaylor5470
    @leetaylor5470 Месяц назад

    Couple of ways to fix them I think might work, each wizard can only be bound to 1 manifestation so if you want 4 on the table you need 4 wizards, maybe when a manifestation id killed or banished the bound wizard takes d3 mortals. Maybe roll a d6 each turn for each manifestation and in a 4+ its banished

  • @MrWolf919
    @MrWolf919 Месяц назад

    I love the shameless objective marker plug on all the videos 🤣 I'm sold, I'm gonna pick some up

  • @christopherclayton5500
    @christopherclayton5500 Месяц назад

    The Aethervoid Pendulum is from the Realm of Shadow. Its old name (Penumbral Pendulum) made this more obvious.

  • @4679-e6e
    @4679-e6e Месяц назад

    Our host Rob taking the conversation's reins before it gets too toxic/negative, again. That's great, in my personal opinion. 🙏

  • @brentlucas731
    @brentlucas731 Месяц назад

    The manifestation are medium detail but can look great with the right skill expression. I am very proud of my Nurgle corrupted purple sun.

  • @stephanpodplesky2832
    @stephanpodplesky2832 Месяц назад

    The easiest fix is just have T.Os ban manifestations and invocations. It's a drastic measure but it just removes the problem all together.

  • @TheInquisitor7
    @TheInquisitor7 Месяц назад

    i think a lot of these concerns are very well founded. I really like the idea of having models representing magic on the battlefield. It would be kind of neat to integrate them into the spell lores rather than have them as a separate entity. ALSO really like the idea that they are better tied to the realms. at bare minimum that would be better

  • @reubenmccallum3350
    @reubenmccallum3350 Месяц назад

    I think having them cost points would be a great compromise, and the app already has a spot for that so that's a plus. I think that once per game summoning and no more than one a turn would also keep them interesting but not overwhelming.

  • @ryanmaloney8161
    @ryanmaloney8161 Месяц назад +7

    I really like manifestations, having physical representation of spells is fun

    • @MrGreenpaulo
      @MrGreenpaulo Месяц назад

      Yep but spells SHOULDN'T be units lol

  • @Clatzy541
    @Clatzy541 Месяц назад

    I like the idea of it lowering you wizard and priest level by 1

  • @cjanquart
    @cjanquart 20 дней назад

    I saw a guy convert his Cogs by cutting them apart and gluing them back together into a three dimensional configuration, rather than the stock flat two dimensional style.
    I liked using Lifeswarm on my sacrificial ungors for my herdstone...called that unit "the eternally tormented" because they get sacrificed then brought back (course that was what 2nd edition?)

  • @seansnezek6690
    @seansnezek6690 Месяц назад

    I think they could make it where only one manifestation can be on the table at a time per player.

  • @eshblake4639
    @eshblake4639 Месяц назад

    How about this idea: Whenever the caster invokes a manifestation, he takes a cumulative -1 penalty to all castes until the end of the game. Thus, the player will need to think carefully about when and which manifestation to cast. No one will spam them, because each time it will be more difficult to do it, and not only that, because the penalty also applies to castes of simple spells. Casting a manifestation on someone else's turn will be even more difficult after the first time, because the penalty will already be at least -2 to the roll. And as for the bonuses for those players who ditched manifests, you need to come up with something better than just +1 Cp or an extra artifact, because manifests are currently doing too much to be worth it, even with the nerf tactic opportunity they provide greatly exceed those thet 1 Cp or artifact can provide.

  • @Anthony-il9ob
    @Anthony-il9ob Месяц назад

    If they were to stay in the game, there should be an upkeep cost every turn, either a standalone roll to see if it remains on the board or require the wizard to use one of their casts to maintain the manifestation. Also they should definitely only be able to be initially summon once, and have a point cost.

    • @captainferrite
      @captainferrite Месяц назад

      So just a regular unit but worse in every way

  • @paulsemple1133
    @paulsemple1133 Месяц назад

    New to AoS with 4th edition, coming in from 40k. Also the channel has been my gateway in so thanks for that 😅.
    Listening to faction reviews straight away it just sounded like all these things are like easy mode. They sound like a ton of fun and I look forward to fielding them so I Def don't want them to go away.
    1. Keep them free, primarily I want to field as many units as possible, if there's less on the table because I'm bringing spells and enhancements I'm having less fun.
    2. They sound far too easy to get on the board. Make them high risk high reward. Difficult to cast either through higher rolls required or high chance of backlash to caster or a failed cast shuts down your magic for rest of turn.
    3. Make them each a 1 cast per battle, only summonable in your turn, but to give you a chance to actually get use them maybe make them a bit more survivable??

  • @okstatekerr
    @okstatekerr Месяц назад +1

    If new players had easy access to them it would be more fair. Right now I can't find a box for less than twice retail. Creates a system of haves and have nots.

  • @Cannonhead
    @Cannonhead Месяц назад

    I like the once per game idea, but if I were a GW dev, I wouldn't want the Emerald Lifeswarm to be paying for the sins of the Purple Sun of Shyish.
    Therefore, they might consider limiting the Predatory Endless Spells, the ones capable of dealing damage, to once per game, and allow the rest to be summoned multiple times.

  • @gpbg22
    @gpbg22 Месяц назад

    Removing them would suck, I love the idea of cool strong magic going off, and having a model to show it. Possible other solution: Get rid of generic spells have each army have their own spells that are balanced around the army, make them easier/harder to cast depending on the army, give an option to summon manifestations when you have no wizards like the option in 3rd to unbind a spell if you didn't have a wizard.

  • @seanditchfield5609
    @seanditchfield5609 Месяц назад

    Well presented arguments for both.
    Maybe if they just let each army control one at a time I feel like it would be a step in the right direction

  • @MrWylwy
    @MrWylwy Месяц назад

    I haven't tried 4th yet, so I can't comment on how good or bad they are. But , If they are really a problem, I think the best solution I can think of is the non recursion one mixed with an independent system of points and no "Lores". Instead of being free, you could have like 200 extra points to pick manifestations with a maximum of 4. Incarnate 200pts. Big impact ones like Gnashing Jaws or the Sun may be in the 125-175 range, medium impact ones maybe 50-100 and the little ones 25 or so. This would promote more choice, more flavour and, also, alleviate the repetition problem. It would also fix another issue that hasn't been mentioned. Faction manifestations. They are the most flavourful ones but, right now, most of them are, supposedly, not worth it. So you end up picking the Morbid Lore and losing all those flavourful ones. You'd fix that too. Also, as other comments said, there needs to be a compensation for armies not taking manifestations at all so you can fix the mandatory and wizard-heavy-list trend.
    For the other solutions mentioned on the video, just assigning them points brings two problems two my mind: either you balance all 25 armie's points with manifestations in mind(which I think GW would not be on board and, even if they did, would bring more rippling problems to the table), or we'll get back to 3rd, when you'd only see one or two in all the edition. Which, clearly, is not what GW wants.
    Removing them is more about GW already having the models and wanting to sell them than the viability of the solution. Even if it's good, it's not gonna happen.
    And summoning in enemy turn may be an enhancement, but I don't see it as a solution for many of the cons mentioned.
    Great video as always Rob

  • @willd5328
    @willd5328 Месяц назад

    I like the idea that they can only be summoned once per game. Something else I think could work is if manifestations are tied to a specific caster. Like, you declare a wizard as the manifestation guy and when it dies, boom, no more manifestations.

  • @briochepanda
    @briochepanda Месяц назад

    Make them count toward drops á la auxillaries, perhaps? You take a lore in place of a unit in a regiment that has to have a keyword wizard heading it?

  • @Sothas
    @Sothas Месяц назад

    My #1 issue with them is the absolutely abysmal balance, especially when you bring in the faction specific ones. Sylvanth first have to successfully cast the manifestation, then also they have to roll a 3+, all for a measly +1 run/charge on a single unit. Meanwhile, gravetide and purple sun exist. It's awful. The only option is to give them all point costs.

  • @hurleyboy9334
    @hurleyboy9334 Месяц назад

    once per game or increased casting value for each summon would be my choice. As an Ironjawz player, the lack of summoning in the army really causes an impact. However, there is something fun about watching your brutes punch a purple sun out of existence!!

  • @davidratcliffe3039
    @davidratcliffe3039 Месяц назад

    I agree, summoned once per game or just get rid. Perhaps a points cost may work, but would you pay per Manifestation or for the lore and then they would have to be subject to points changes. Points just seem too complicated; they would have to point them to account for the armies they work for best - the Sloggoth factor.
    I only have Purple Sun left to build and paint ( left to last for a reason ) from Malign Sorcery, but I wouldn't complain if they went away. They can become terrain pieces or embellish existing terrain pieces. They shouldn't take the role of units or act as blocking pieces.

  • @iameoghan
    @iameoghan Месяц назад

    Feels like some factions (Tzeentch specifically) are balanced around using these. Simple change is you can't resummon, would stop a lot of casting them in the enemy turn as they can easily blast it away and its gone forever. Simply removing or adding points would be an issue for certain factions.

  • @HandsWithLegs
    @HandsWithLegs Месяц назад

    Agree on pretty much everything except having artifacts and traits cost points. 40K went to points for those and it strips so much flavor from the game. I really think the game should go to an equipment system like kill team, you get some amount of fun bucks separate from points that you spend pregame on a handful of different upgrades. It adds so much flavor to armies

  • @willschoonover8654
    @willschoonover8654 Месяц назад

    I really like the added fantasy Manifestations add to the setting, and I think they all look OK or better. I get what you are going for with more things costing points, but GW is trying to sell their main titles to the widest market, which often means lowest common denominator, so I'm not sure they will move away from their current direction of simplified army building. Unfortunately, not all games appeal to all people, and maybe people who want a deeper skill expression in their list building should play a game other than AoS. Luckily we live in golden age of miniature gaming, so there are a ton of other options.

  • @WindlordRyu
    @WindlordRyu Месяц назад

    I think this problem is caused as much by armybuilding as the manifestations themselves. GW didn't give enough cheap characters bring-this-as-a-friend-status so every wizard you bring to compete in the manifestation game costs you a drop, unless you happen to be one of those armies that can bring heavy casting in your two drop.

  • @azhri1
    @azhri1 Месяц назад

    The best way to handle these is to just make them not spells. They should be once per game abilities that can be used once per turn. They would just summon normal units with the profiles of the Manifestations. No spells, no wizard required, no banishment, just an additional set of units you can summon. No need for complex and barely coherent rules that only apply to Manifestations, they're just a unit like any other. Problem solved.

  • @91CEO
    @91CEO Месяц назад

    I find the AoS already fairly overwhelming as new, returning player who barely used manifestations before. I think that they should either have their own points cost, a limit to how many times they can be cast or straight up increase the cost on all units that can cast by.. 20-40%.

  • @josephvaccariello4181
    @josephvaccariello4181 Месяц назад

    I understand why lorewise they can be summoned multiple times. My suggestion is to make the casting target past the first time higher by 1 or 2. In addition idk if this is already a thing if the hero that summoned them dies the manifestation just goes away. 1000% they should not be able to be cast in the opponents turn. A big thing is that well they are just so much better then most spells in the game period maybe the normal spells need a little bit of a buff if these endless spells dont get point costs. Idk if casters are pointed properly for being so powerful as idk all the point values of them.

  • @CygnusMaximusXIII
    @CygnusMaximusXIII Месяц назад

    100% agree that replacing the current Generic Endless Spells with Realm-specific lores would be ace - and we could go back to the time where you chose which realm your army is from and have bonuses (like artefacts) and drawbacks to go toward balancing the manifestation lores.
    That said, I love that they're free - they are harder to balance, but harder doesn't mean impossible - and I love it because I think they add a very fun and cinematic element to the game.
    I am a bit irked by their grouping into lores, but that's only because I bought the few generic Endless Spells that appealed to me in 2nd edition, which means I now have bits of a multiple generic lores but no complete ones.

    • @91CEO
      @91CEO Месяц назад +1

      If something goes from expensive, optional choices to free, it needs to reflect that in the new edition. A 120pts model that can stand back and summon the near-exact manifestation from last edition at the cost of 60pts, should reflect that in a points hike. I don't say it has to be exactly 60 points like it did before.. But say, the wizard now costs 150, 160 maybe.
      If the Gravetide can be cast over and over again to prevent a whole flank an entire game, it should reflect that.

    • @CygnusMaximusXIII
      @CygnusMaximusXIII Месяц назад

      @@91CEO - you get no disagreement from me on any of those points. I realize they're not balanced, but it's also possible to balance them even without charging points. It's tricky, sure, but it certainly can be done (using what you described, reducing the effectiveness of the most egregiously good ones, etc.).

  • @jamesreid1063
    @jamesreid1063 Месяц назад

    Top content as always, thanks Rob.

  • @Broken777Arrow
    @Broken777Arrow Месяц назад

    Magic, magic everywhere.
    Yet of the Lord of Change, we do not care.

  • @LeviathanOmega
    @LeviathanOmega Месяц назад

    Right. So. My thoughts so far - casting in the enemy turn seems like a major No-No here. Fluffwise, Manifestations seem like they should take more effort to bring forth, not be the equivalent of a quick counterspell, so player turn only for them makes sense tbh.
    Also, the idea of Level Locking them - it'd take maybe some balancing to work each Manifestation out to a rough Power Level of 1, 2 or 3's the catcher, they can only be cast by a Wizard/Priest(X) who matches their power level. So yeah, the big casters throw out the BIG spells. They pay the points to do just that. But it also stops Level 1 wizard spam to mass yeet the suckers out.