5 Tips for Picking a Healer Main in WoW

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 44

  • @shaedonboudreaux
    @shaedonboudreaux Год назад +4

    This was a refreshing guide. I appreciate how well you broke down the different archetypes and their nuances. You really know your stuff and it shows! Looking forward to more tips as I am jumping back into this expac as a tank, it always helps to know what the challenges and strengths of my healers are!

    • @schaef_gaming
      @schaef_gaming  Год назад

      Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. I'm hoping to get some more videos out on healing and tanking. It looks like the tanks are out to be pretty balanced again.

  • @kholio4377
    @kholio4377 Год назад +1

    These clean concise and clear guides are the ducks nuts.
    Its so much easier to wrap your head around an idea when you get the WHY crystal clear.
    Even a quick 3min : ‘low hps pressure spell focus; burst hps pressure spell focus; panic-insane hps pressure spell focus’ for each of the 7 would be magnificent for people like myself.
    I don’t want to wreck PUG after PUG as i fumble around in the dark ‘learning’ from the dark. Also the 55min theory videos just collapse my head.
    These style of vids skyrocket my confidence. Cheers. 🕺🕺

    • @schaef_gaming
      @schaef_gaming  Год назад

      I appreciate the feedback! I'm glad you found the video helpful. I wouldn't stress or beat yourself up too much with the pug scenarios since groups can be so different in skills and healing ease. Good luck on your healing!

  • @MrCarlWax
    @MrCarlWax Год назад +1

    Really good content. I thought I was listening to any of the bigger healer youtubers like Jak or something. Pretty shocked seeing 32 subs. You got 33 now

    • @schaef_gaming
      @schaef_gaming  Год назад

      I appreciate the feedback and praise--as well as the sub! It means a lot.

  • @VikingKril
    @VikingKril Год назад +2

    Great video! Helped me get a quick rundown on each class

    • @schaef_gaming
      @schaef_gaming  Год назад +1

      Glad that you found it helpful. May have to take another look after the 10.0.5 buffs that are coming to some of the healers

    • @VikingKril
      @VikingKril Год назад

      @@schaef_gaming sounds good to me

  • @aaronboniface2492
    @aaronboniface2492 Год назад +1

    Easily the most helpful video on which healer to pick that I’ve seen

    • @schaef_gaming
      @schaef_gaming  Год назад

      I'm glad that you found the video helpful! Thanks for the feedback.

  • @kakarottuzumaki4346
    @kakarottuzumaki4346 Год назад

    1:58 min.: I recomand clique. Its more easy 2 use then vuhdo and you dont need a gaming mouse 4 it. And outher thing: if you want 2 be realy good in somthing you should take a healer that you like.
    I 4 my part like things simple. Dmg came, i heal. I dont have 2 know where it came i just react 2 what cames. And i love it 2 helps my dps 2 make more dmg. So the holy priests fits perfectly 4 me. With pi i can helps my mates by dealing dmg and i have a sh!t load form things that i can use in many situations.
    A outher heal would gave me what i need as a heal so the holy priests fits perfektly 4 me ^^

  • @kakarottuzumaki4346
    @kakarottuzumaki4346 Год назад

    As a holy priest main want i 2 say some words befor i watch this:
    Frist as a heal need you 2 have a thick skin.
    With out it its a bit havy 2 overlife the madness of healing every day.
    2. See your groupe like a groupe of toddler. Its much more easy if you see them as what they be. Little childs that needs protection form there mom. You be the mom that gave them there plaster 4 there wunds and the tank is like a dad that protect them form evil. If you see it so its much more easy 2 have understandment 4 there stupidness and if they stand again in somthing bad. I be then the a bit overprotectiv mom that grabs the stupidest once of the toddler back into savty.
    3. Calc everytimes with the worst out come and hold every time somthing back if the worst case came if you can. I CANT count how many times this mentalty saves me and the groupe the ass. I never use my cds with no reson and clear i could make more dmg if i use my defensiv cd offensiv. But what happens if huge aoes cames im? I dont will then albe 2 save my groupe so i use them better if they needet defensiv.
    And 4. If you get flame for making somthing wronge. Hear 2 it and think about the words: make them sence? Or is it bullsh!t what the persons say.
    And in many times its not your fault. Its gaves things that you can make wronge. But not all of it.
    5. And last: just try the healer specs in the game and find YOUR way 2 healing. You will make many misstakes but this is oki just learn form it. And explain your team if its nassary that you be new in the game or at healer at all.
    I hope my advise helps you also and have a great day.

  • @kakarottuzumaki4346
    @kakarottuzumaki4346 Год назад

    1:02 min.: Says he and plays a Monk Heal in Inis. ^^
    Monk Heals be by far the worst heals in PvE in my Eyes. PvP idk.
    But hey if you want 2 play a Monk you can. Me 4 exaple plays Holy Priest in Raiding and M+ and i say it so: In Raid is Holy Priest astro Stronge but in M+ is he one of the much more weaker once. I fully dont care 4 this meta thing. As long you dont wants 2 hit the top 500 player or somthing you can get our goals with every heal that you wants. Test the heals and find YOUR way.

  • @kakarottuzumaki4346
    @kakarottuzumaki4346 Год назад

    2:20 min.: I break it in 2 tiers: Reactiv Heals and the Healers that i dont like.
    The preperations healers.
    Diszi Priest and Druid be this once.
    They shield and hot what they have 2 make BEFOR the dmg cames. Then gave it the it the good Healers that just Reacted 2 Dmg the Holy Priest, Scharmane and the Evo Heal. All 3 be fully my playstyle with there Reactiv kind of healing
    And then gave it the biggest bullsh!t that i ever saw.
    Healer that have 2 make dmg 2 heal. Where are we? In overwatch and you play brig or moira what be totaly stupid heros that shouldnt exist.
    At this counts: Again the Diszi (My totaly hated Healer spec), the Paly and the Monk.

    • @damienwyles6515
      @damienwyles6515 Год назад

      Evokers are not reactive healers. They are more preparation/proactive healers. In higher keys you have to get your echos out/set up your stasis CD. You could even say shamans are proactive in higher keys too with cloudburst...
      Also every healer should be doing dps in m+ to make the run faster.

    • @kakarottuzumaki4346
      @kakarottuzumaki4346 Год назад

      @@damienwyles6515 I never say i play Heal Sharman or Evo at a high key lvl ^^
      And y thats why i dont play cloudbrust as a heal shaman ^^ Its anyoning me and be 2 hard proactive what obvuisly isnt my playstyle. And Evo isnt a Proactiv heal XD The Echos be more reactiv and progs some times and can be used 4 healing ^^ So nope nothing with proactiv. More reactiv with a bit shielding ^^
      I mean you heal mainly with the breath and outher spells that you aktivates if high amound of dmg cames out. I never have the feeling by playing evo heal that i have 2 set up somthing like the displin must.
      And that heals should make dmg saw i not in my keys. My keys goes easy intime without i dealing any dmg. This 5 k dmg who cares about? Maxium dmg that a holy can make consistent lays by 25k and this if the holy dont have 2 heal and use his Def abiltlys 4 dealing dmg. Like apotheose 4 dealing dmg. your stronges healing cd that you needs 4 more easy groupe alife. And in many keys have i 2 much 2 do with groupe healing because of the randoms stands in aoe etc. So i have 2 heal them instat form deaaling dmg. What is better? A DD that be alife and deals like 200k or 400k dmg in 1 sec or my 25k dmg?
      There choice i every time the life of the dd.
      I have watched my game play multipel times and i dont saw any gap where i can deal dmg. if i deal dmg its possible. if i not do its not possible. i still play it perfectly and get everything out of my class in m+ but still is my dmg not so high that i would say its makes ANY diffrence. its a nice bonus but its like doning no dmg. 2 have this 5k dmg or have it not isnt importent of the success of the key. its fully igorealbe ^^

    • @damienwyles6515
      @damienwyles6515 Год назад

      @@kakarottuzumaki4346 If you arent planning your stasis with dispels/cds and when to use it then you're just a bad healer. And you know nothing of how evoker works.
      You clearly do NOT play your class perfectly if youre only having 5k damage at the end of a key. Healer dps makes a huge difference to the timing of a key and success.
      Youre clearly only doing level 10 keys and below.

    • @kakarottuzumaki4346
      @kakarottuzumaki4346 Год назад

      @@damienwyles6515 10 and below? My Main have the Name Xeristia-Blackhand. So if you not want 2 believe me stalk at Raider io and you will see that i know what i do ^^
      Than i dont know what you mean with stasis. My Game is in German NOT in English so if you use english words its much more havy 2 understand what you want form me. And i still say it you: IM HOLY PRIEST MAIN!!! YEEZ!
      Dude i never says i play Heal Evoker. I play AuG Evo at the lvl form 12 or somthing XD
      And btw my Hunter, my Blood DK, my AuG AND my Prot Paly still Runs higher Keys that 10 XD
      So nope you be fully wronge.
      My Holy Priest Runs in the moment 19 Keys 2 make it save that only intime gets at the Rio and will be soon play 20 Keys. Belief it or not idc.
      Ik what i saw. Healer dps is like nothing. Heals deals not much dmg. Not me and also not outhers. So ceap lie 2 your self that its makes a diffrence. I know that you be fully wronge and i know that in praxis its with the holy not possible 2 have a higher overall dmg than 25k and mostly its by 5k because you have 2 much 2 heal because the random dds be 2 stupid 2 dodge.
      So maybe learn self how healing works befor you talk. Because you obvuisly have no idea form the holy priest and how its works.
      Now pls stop talking 2 me you have no right 2 be that rude and talk so much bullshit 2 me. Its obvuisly that you havnt any idea what you say. Just shut up and let me allone. I dont want 2 talk with you any more. You be me 2 newbie.

  • @kakarottuzumaki4346
    @kakarottuzumaki4346 Год назад

    6:26 min.: Mistweaver and easy? In my eyes nope. The class needs 2 make dmg 2 heal. I try it but i hate it form the bottom of my hearth. Its 1 of the badest heals in the game thats makes me zero fun 2 play. Only dizsi is more worse than that.
    Paly heal sucks also and there can he be so much meta he wants. I DONT care! Get me away with this dmg making 2 heal bullsh!t!
    Its a way 2 heal that SHOULDNT exist!!!
    Healers be healer! No dds ._.
    You can make dmg but then should its make sutch a less impakt like by us holy priests thats its feels not even worth 2 make dmg as a heal.

    • @schaef_gaming
      @schaef_gaming  Год назад

      I appreciate the feedback and engagement in the content. The damage to heal I think is unfortunately an outcome of mythic +. As long as you have a timer attached to rewards, healers that can dps during downtime is always going to be desired. I think moving MW, HPal, and Disc to this style is also an outcome of that. Most of the others healers can do okay dps with little impact too their rotation e.g. rdruid Sunfire/moonfie, rsham acid rain, etc.

    • @kakarottuzumaki4346
      @kakarottuzumaki4346 Год назад

      @@schaef_gaming frist of all you are wellcome.
      And second of all: Have you play holy priest at a high lvl then me? Because my holy Priest with her 443 Gear that be fully haste versa dont deals that much dmg. I only deal 1k dmg or in keys where i have 2 heal nothing 5k overall dmg. Thats why i say the dmg form heals is low ^^

    • @schaef_gaming
      @schaef_gaming  Год назад

      @@kakarottuzumaki4346 I've played hpriest on average keys (15-18) in season 1 and 2. I would agree that their dps is lower than most--if not all--of the other healers; however, you should do okay damage if you're able to keep up shadow word:pain, and holy fire. If you take empyreal blaze and burning vehemence, it will give you good bursts of damage every minute. I want to say that I was averaging 12-15k normally and then upwards of 30-45k with empyreal blaze as long as the pack was at least 5 targets. Again, this really only matters if you're trying to do damage, which doesn't seem to be the case based on your initial comments. It does impact player perception though, but hpriest as still desired more than my MW 😁.

    • @kakarottuzumaki4346
      @kakarottuzumaki4346 Год назад

      @@schaef_gaming The Problem is you have 2 move sometimes and the guys take much dmg and dont dodge.
      So how deal you this much dmg in this Situation?

    • @schaef_gaming
      @schaef_gaming  Год назад

      @@kakarottuzumaki4346 well, I think accepting when people die to not dodging mechanics is something we all have to just deal with as healers; we can't control everything. Typically, what I would do is cast my empyreal blaze before or as the tank is pulling, and instant cast my 3 holy fires on the same target the tank initially shot l aggros since the damage will hit up to 5 targets and it shouldn't pull threat. You could also tab target to hit 3 targets with the dot. And then I spread my shadow word:pain as I'm able and use divine star on cooldown for extra damage. If I don't have empyreal blaze, I start targeting everyone with shadow word: pain similar to you start as a disc priest and only hard cast holy fire when I feel safe to not heal. It's never perfect, especially if you aren't playing with a coordinated group.

  • @faldrya3057
    @faldrya3057 Год назад

    What is that plater addon do you have a import?

    • @schaef_gaming
      @schaef_gaming  Год назад

      I use a mix of Elvui for all of my UI set up and vuhdo for the panels for my healing. I have videos showing the basics of both add-ons as well.
      Elvui - docs.google.com/document/d/1sIX9cxiUAxAo21VD4uU7DNHj1UC47cGqRSUHIHLD7u8/edit?usp=drive_link
      Vuhdo - docs.google.com/document/d/1V-5prrKj8viyMEq4vgHiIUUx8j94DkNttUsZin8PMms/edit?usp=drive_link