I have been writing my Congresswoman Lori Trahan 3rd District MA for some time now on the enormous government spending of our funds going to countries overseas who are Not friends with America. The sad part of my contact with this member of Congress is that she not once has written back.
I agree, they need to tax Congressional members, and take away thier benefits to save money. I don't care who you are if they come for our benefits then we all regardless of party, race or ideology we must unite and fight against this!!
The VA modus operandi is to frustrate vets to the point they say fuck it I quit or they die and I honestly believe they could care less which happens first. It doesn't matter which wing of the same bird is in power in the White House, Senate or House of Representatives the VA does not get fixed!
Thank you for what you do for our veterans!! My husband was a disabled Marine that died 6 years ago and I don’t know what I would do without the benefits for me and our daughter. It’s bad enough she has to grow up without her dad but if they take away or tax the benefits that’s only going to hurt us more. Our daughter was 6 when Trent died. He suffered for years due to his service connected disability and it pisses me off that they want to save money at the expense of my husband and other veterans!!! Keep up the good work.
Hi young lady, sorry for your loss, I served in Germany 1961, my son in USA , he received an honorable discharge but he wasn’t able to get a service disability because they gave him a willfull misconduct which means he can never get a disability, but he qualifies for VA hospital and social security and anon-service disability which is considerably more, he may have gotten $5,000 monthly due to his 13 disabilities. Okay listen if you have disabilities or your friends have medical issues I help lots that have things like: insomnia, wt. loss, mental illnesses, bipolar, and etc., i studied and researched many things for 17 yrs. Hate big PHARMA medications because they treat symptoms only and have Dangerous side effects including death, alternative meds treat root cause of problems minus any side effects. If your having VA problems, then contact your congressman and he can help. Bless you & your family. Joseph Arsanis, Stockton, Ca.
@@ceciliarainge4223 yes he did have an honorable discharge. But that doesn’t change anything, actually he never knew he had a willfull misconduct placed in his file. Thank you, Joseph
What will happen to the money for divorce spouse when the retired soldier took money from military retirement pay to get VETERANS DISABILITY. WHAT ABOUT THAT. SOLDIER LEFT FAMILY. WHAT ABOUT THAT. I AM SUPPORTING DIVORCE SPOUSE DIVISION 😢
@@josepharsanis20 Mate I was being treated by an Australian physiologist (73 years of age) who also treated Australian Veteran with PTSD. He is also part of a research team of both US and Australian mental health workers trying to solve the issues with PTSD. I know longer see him professionally but he calls me from time to time to check up on me. Last year he told me that between our two countries they have tried 71 different "MOOD STABILIZERS" .... so far none have worked, at best they are temporary .... I walked point my whole tour and was also the team sniper.... The 101st awarded men for PERSONAL kills ... you can only guess how many "Brave Eagle" awards I got for those kills doing my job... after the second one I asked Top to not make me take part in the Old man's awards... which my First Sargent did. Be safe....a side note one mood stabilizer got me arrested and put in intensive care... I spent a year to get off that one alone after I left the hospital, even Pfizer Corp.wrote me a letter to show my doctors it wasn't safe to take!
You are very much right about cutting the amount that those in congress get, they just gave themselves another huge payraise of something like $45,000 per year over what they were getting last year, yeah those in congress could use a pay cut, say down to the amount of an E4, let those in congress try to live on that amount for a year or two.
Those in congress should have the pay of an E5 just to see if they can survive on that level of pay. These knuckleheads in the house of baboons (CONGRESS)knows nothing about how things work, or what it is like trying to just make ends meet.
That's should always be step one. We first need to identify the individual or group that introduced the legislation. Making sure they never get elected again should always be the first step.,
First, eject those 116 traitors in the House who are behind all these jackass "cost saving" measures, like messing with vets and Social Security, while leaving the fat rich with all their $$$$$$.
The people in power are no longer accountable. They have made laws, packed courts, and lied to the point that they no longer have to do the right thing. Only the elites get access. Think I’m wrong, write to your senator, my response was “that’s not my department.”
I knew it! It was only a matter of time. Our government has been shelling out all this money to support other countries and people here illegally, and they’re realizing that they need to get the money from somewhere. Where else but the low hanging fruit that is the veterans. We gave so much, and they’re going to just keep taking.
Thank you for this informational video. As a Veteran myself being VA service connected its a shame that as an American we have to worry about our benefits being cut due to the shape of the state of our country being in bad shape giving money away !!!! Our parents have to worry now about social security and Medicaid being taken away. Its a damm shame!!!!!! piss poor leaders from the top down!!!!! Its a shitty way to live worrying looking over your shoulder just waiting to see if VA benefits get cut!
Corruption in Washington is where our money went just look at how many politicians are guilty and yet nothing ever happens ask George W Bush where the THE TRILLIONS of dollars went then ASK Obama where the other trillions went and finally Biden openly gives our potential enemies our money like China, Pakistan, WHO, The UN hundreds and thousands of ILLEGALS coming into our country and giving Billions if not trillions of our borrowed to illegals?
The bottom line is that this is like a workmen’s compensation claim which is paid to the injured worker tax free. I was wounded in Vietnam, and was nearly killed for $250 per month! The only way to protest, is to contact your elected officials and tell them if the vote for this proposal, we will vote against them in the next election; plus we will stand in front of the Armed Forces Recruiting office and educate any potential recruits as to what will happen to them if they get injured in the line of duty. As you stated the our armed services have a difficult time now recruiting people now.
I agree and we must keep a careful watch on Washington. See attached Washington Post Article www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/04/03/veterans-affairs-disability-payments-overdue-update/
It has happened, I received my compensation letter 11/23/23 they propose a 10% cut to my benefits. Yet I have to wear braces both legs everyday, without the proper compensation. They are not only trying to tax us, they are looking at anything to reduce paying the veterans. Stay vigilant my brother and sister veterans.
I think Congress should propose an extra tax on top of federal and state tax to people that did not volunteer to serve in the military and exempt this tax who serve the military. I will call this a freedom tax. This also encourage people to join the military.
Why look at screwing the people more than going after the high officials enjoying all the ridiculous incomes they give themselves for doing nothing and claiming they work for “the people”
@@davidsonlawoffices I disturbed that we as Vets,many of who have put our lives on the line for our nation should treated so undeservedly! Our nation can send millions,billions of dollars to other countries yet not take care their own, it sickening. I’m a 100% service connected veteran who has to worry about whether or my well deserved benefits will be diminished while those that do this continually make fat their pockets!!!!!!#@#@
They already came after me a year ago! Without any medical exam the VA determined and I quote "We think you're a little better" so I was reduced from 100 to 90, in which took more than half of my income in a single swoop. They made sure to send bunches of papers informing me that I had NO recourse or Legal reperations. I tried to work and absolutely can not. My brain injury and PTSD is so bad I can't even go outside, this short paragraph has taken me 10 minutes to write. Me with a college degree, can't even spell anymore. IMHO they wish we would just go to our grave and save the Government some money, Hell the total of VA C&P payments is LESS that 1 of the payments made to Ukraine. What a amazing country! Wonder if this will help their military recruitment goals? Go Go Gadget Corruption!
@@davidsonlawoffices No I haven't I need assistance but receive none, MY VFW and other organizations seem to not care and say they don't understand themselves. I even emailed all of my State Congressmen with no reply, so I called and got Voice mail. So, I emailed Every congress person in the country including the President with no reply as well!
Hi I'm going to stick my neck out on this from experience. One are you conected to your local VFW, and AL if the one closet to you is of no help go to a neighboring chapter. 2nd who helped you with your claim in the first place? If they are not of any use find someone else. 3rd who is your Congressman/woman that handles Veterans. Make an appointment with them! DO NOT LET THIS STAND! If they have done it to you who else have they done it to? You like the rest of us Signed a Contract with the US Government when we Enlisted/became Officer's. I don't know about yours but my said that my health care would be fully covered if I incured Any Injuries or Diseases, etc incured in the line of duty while serving My Country! It's Why it's Called Service Connected! It took me 23 yrs of BS Fighting and hard work on that of my Drs., Reps and 3 court hearings to get my disability. I was not your typical case. I was denied SSDI on my appeal (I'm%100 TP) 2 yrs ago. The VA did hope I would die knowing what was done to me and knowing I was only going to progressively get worse. What they didn't know is I wasn't going to give up. I live and breath because I am a fighter and I do what I can the best I can when I can where I can! We all need to do the same when it comes to the dam CBO. Send to the front lines or better yet make them an experiment! I see fraud and abuse run rampt in my state while Vets are homeless or denied the same benefits that so called immigrants are handed. We live below the poverty (according to my County Audit Office) level for heavens sake even at 100%! Any way apologies I got off on a rant. I hope I have you some helpful direction. Most importantly Don't give up, don't rollover! There is someone out there near you who can help. You just have to look. May have to go to the next town, county or state depending on where you live. In
Thanks for the help, 1. Not in VFW anymore. They only wanna get me drunk and take my money. 2. I did my claim myself as Veteran's org's seem to be more focused on profit. 3. I emailed every congress person in the US with the only reply coming from then President Trump, who did next to nothing btw. We don't have lawyer's here in TN only snake oil salesmen/women@@charaleighrutan2658
Best video I have seen defending disabled vet's . Wish we would get the health care we were premised .under the Pact act VA wants to add thousands exposed to Agent Orange and burn pits to there health care, yet we who suffered 54 yrs with it were denied care , and still cannot get authorisation for surgeries because of shortages of Dr.
@branonlamphere9624 ask the republicans in Congress about the Heritage Foundations plan for vetrans 😢 Our vetrans deserve the respect of not being called "suckers and losers" too!
Thank you sir for this information. I knew nothing of this & this helped me do research so as to inform other veterans as well. I’m at 60 percent service related for PTSD. I have an appeal in process as we speak. I was also exposed to the toxic water at camp lejuene for over two years. My service to this country has cost me a lot & it kills me that our representatives who sit on they budgetary committee eagerly give themselves raises & ensure they’re paid for life but target veterans for payment reductions. Thanks again for the information. You have a new subscriber. Keep up the good fight.
That’s right brother. I’m telling all veterans to join their American Legion and get involved. The Legion lobbies for the VA. It’s not a macho job, but damn, what’s gonna happen if nobody is in DC fighting for us?
Great video! 100% facts. It’s not ok to try and take away benefits from our hard working, dedicate and injured servicemen and women. Keep fighting the good fight.
First of all, I want to thank you for the info and for helping us out Veterans. My suggestion to this situation is to let congress know that we Veterans deserve to have our money. And stop sending money to other countries for aids because now it's our fault that we're short of our budget and now you turn to our Veterans budget to cut. Why do you have to hurt us Veterans when we sacrifice so much by protecting our country and our family and this is what you repay us back, by taking away our pension that we deserve. Our Veterans deserve this pension to survive and to live a normal life. May God bless us all Veterans
No body else will be able to sue them. That’s why some many of us are under a bridge. Is hard to even get an appointment and after appointment being made they cancel it. Patient advocates are bold enough to tell us “ you are not the only veteran in town” Unfortunately everyone is insensitive towards our crisis and health issues. It’s easy for them to lie cancel appointments and harm. Always been the story on this subject.
Thank you for standing up for the vets out there who receive disability but its really hard to get people to stand up for a cause that really means something anymore they just dont care if it doesn’t have anything to do with them and our politicians should be getting paid what our founding fathers got who started our democracy 100’s of years ago being a politician was meant to be a second job and it was meant to be of service for pride not to be meant for a career and definitely not to be giving themselves raises we all need to wake up before we all lose our freedom and are living in oppression like other countries wait til we all are living in the streets and are told what you can and cant do anymore without government control
The CBO has made a lot of crazy budget cutting ideas in the past. This would be massively unpopular for politicians . Let us know if any member of congress actually starts talking about picking up any of these ideas.
Yes, specifically I’d love to know which Congressman or politicians are in favor of supporting these stupid and unfair proposals. All hell WILL break loose once we learn who supports this!! Thank you for your great video. ❤
Thanks for your concern and information, The quality of my life has been very poor since I woke up in 1978 in Walter Reed hospital .I hope that you and your loved ones are having a good holiday season.
This is why i tell veterans to keep the information about our benefits private and not discuss them to people, because civilians will never understand and get jealous of veteran benefits. Loose lips sink ships, we really need to keep veterans information private, so civilians don't know much anyway. Civilians will never understand what veterans and their families had to go through when they were serving and still dealing with trying to transition to live in a narcisistic society today.
I agree. As a civilian I don't know what you and your family has gone through. I have heard alot from the Veterans and families I have helped and just wish I could do more. Bless you and your family
Are you crazy or guilty for taking unearned benefits ? Why should a disabled veteran hide his status, if a veteran is incapable of working because of his service related injuries, the taxpayers should be proud and ready to help the disabled veterans. It’s not that complicated to figure out there are countless lazy bums who don’t want to work, they should be weeded out and made to payback and these lying lawyers should pay back the VA. If the person is legitimately disabled they should be compensated period
Glad to help educate. Although proposals there is a growing voice to cut benefits. See this article www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/04/03/veterans-affairs-disability-payments-overdue-update/
I served in Vietnam from 1969-70 USAF 1 year. I had bladder cancer in October 2000, 2015, 2022 now again diagnosed February 2023 with my 4th bladder cancer tumor. Surgery is set for April 21, 2023. I had a lung cancer lobectomy of my right lung May 2001. I receive 70%. My first 2 bladder cancers in 2000 and 2015 were denied. I thought the Nehmer Act was supposed to allow retroactive liability due to my previous two bladder cancers. I was denied my bladder cancer. NOT RIGHT ! I was recognized 100% for 6 months May 2022 to November 2022 then dropped to 70% I have recurring bladder cancer. My bladder is attached to my left pelvis muscle. I do not smoke or drink alcohol at all. Capitol Hill law makers need to quit padding their bank accounts while the young men we once were go off and fight their wars. God Bless America 🇺🇸Thank you, you are awesome 😎
Just discovered your channel. Thank You for the update and all your support! It’s just more bureaucratic bean counters creating problems through economic and social engineering along with psychological emotional manipulation and threatening economic exploitation and hardships.
Amazing video. I'm 76. Served from Vietnam to Desert Storm and on an 80% service connected disability. Crashed an aircraft lost 16 crewman, attained 4000 combat flight hours. Why are they supporting border crasher's, building hotels, funding gain of function, forcing us to buy foreign oil, selling our strategic oil reserves, cutting food stamps to the poor, raising interest rates to stop the economy ? Shouldn't they stop printing money and work on a balanced budget ? I guess with all my survival training that immigrants don't have, I should live in the woods now at 76.
Dale - which organization is taking the lead in stopping the CBO initiatives from going forward? VFW, American Legion, VA, Air Force Association or whom else - I want to support them.
Hi, thank you for your informative videos! I am a 100% rated veteran and the video I saw today scared the hell out of me. I was rated 80% with 20% unemployability. I’ve been at the same rating for about 25 years. I’m 73 years old. I was a paratrooper with a parachute accident in service. I was sent to Vietnam twice. I was unemployable most of my life and developed alcoholism because of my condition. I was homeless for 5 years and lived in a Wonderbread truck on a mountain top in New Mexico. I’ve been clean and sober for twenty years now. Can the VA take my benefits away with these new laws being passed? I barely get a social security check from not working all those years. I live ok now. But if l got 30% taken away , I could not live with that at my current lifestyle. Am I considered permanent and total.? I’ve had three back surgeries and wouldn’t be able to work now with my back and COPD . And since my Agent Orange happened to be medically taken care of in Army hospitals , not the VA. I don’t want to add that to my percentage along with my tinnitus because that would mean getting another evaluation. I don’t want to rock the boat . So should I just maintain the status quo?
At 100% they can't take your rating away and you are hight as you can go. If you are still homeless please go to you local Veterans Service Office and ask them for assistance.
@@davidsonlawoffices Thanks for your answer. I am not homeless anymore. Ever since I got sober I’ve been in good homes and now I’m getting married at 73 to my girlfriend who also is sober for 36 years!
@@ebairjumperGod Bless you and thank you for your service. You have done your job; You have served; You have service-based impairment; l pray that You may continue to receive 100% of all your VA Entitlements, without any change. 🥸👌🍷🍷💖💖🦘
They have tried to reduce my 100% P&T twice.....Only thing that saved me was my VA Service rep who called the BS on it and saved me. They wonder why the suicide rate is so high when they take your money away and then expect you to be able to survive on a notice of a couple weeks....
Thank you for your service burns. I was a paratrooper with the 82nd airborne division with deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq. I'm 29 years old and it feels weird to be considered a veteran. I'm 90% disabled.
Nice to get news of this. I'd never even heard a peep about such changes or proposals. I do know congress gets their automatic annual increase, unless the majority votes it down. I also learned that the service was previously improving, but has since taken a turn to go back to the 'old ways' of doing business - or lack there of. I had a heck of a time just getting 20%, with a majority of injuries and conditions just brushed off. Gave up trying to fight that after over a decade of fighting. Now, with the recruitment problems getting worse, the few benefits that were attracting potential recruits are slowly vanishing. Instead, funds are sent to unfriendly nations for 'gender studies', proxy wars, and god only knows what other charitable/graft payouts are made with zero return. Untold millions paying for migrants, but not a penny for vets or our own people with problems. Well, I hope things at least settle down, but since my 'representative' is one of those who believe we should help the world before thinking of taking care of our own, I just hope the 'light at the end of the tunnel' doesn't get turned off to save energy and costs.
I am so far, a 18 year active duty soon to be retired vet and dropped my retirement packet (changes in policy/regualtions, allowed me to drop 2 years out). I have a family, spouse and 3 kids and a home to pay for and take care of. Im enlisted soldier (E7/SFC) soo making peanuts when i retire. Which is fine thus far with retirement/Assumed VA benefits we can live at least securely. Now, i watch alot of veterans podcast/channels and am so proud there is alot of you standing up for yourselves as vets but importanly other vets. This topic was very concerning...the congressional budget office stated they look at "all ideas" to cut deficit...this was not a proposal or recommendation but a "possibility" words matter. Something like this i believe, would never pass through voting. They would not sustain a future fighting force if there is no compensation after for being a patriot. Initial clicking of titles like this and a few others admittedly got the blood flowing and before we all call to arms (figuratively) lets ensure we know that this is a actual proposal, it would be tabled, and that its not just an organization doing there job turning over every stone. By no means do i support CBO i thought it was shameful to suggest, and i am glad we have big dogs on capital hill to cut the head off the snake before it gains any momentum. Just suggesting before we spin people up and trigger aniexty and PTSD lol please lets be clear on what this actually is...here is an link to an article that articulates more www.military.com/daily-news/2023/03/23/va-secretary-swats-down-idea-cut-va-disability-pay-wealthier-vets.html god bless each and everyone of you and thank you all for your service trust me when its time to come together and fight for each other to protect each other i am sure we will...lol but we jumping the gun on this...thanks
@1969bones69 hey sir, I appreciate your thoughts and input and thank you for your service and sacrifice...yes Sir i would stay in as long as I could but family life dictates i get out..to many years away and time its the most valuable commodity. Yeah between retirement pay, and VA compensation (assuming we get to keep it lol) i pretty much break even with bills etc.. so as long as my wife or I work we should be good 🤞 ill be 39 im a analsyt thats hates office work and computers lol...looking looking to get into the trades...more enjoyable..again thanks for the advice and input.. knowledge truly is power
Thanks for sharing and thanks for your serrvice. I am concerned that people are totally unaware of what Wahington is doing and so that is why I made this video. See the attached Washington Post article. www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/04/03/veterans-affairs-disability-payments-overdue-update/
They make these recommendations every year. They are largely ignored because of the political ramifications. Congress just gave the largest cost of living increase to veterans receiving disability compensation and connected that cost of living increase to social security. Neither politely party wants the blame for reducing veterans’ compensation.
You should look into the clothing Allowance benefits that are being ripped off from service connected veterans. I'm a 100% Vietnam Era Veteran, and eligible for the clothing allowance every year for multiple orthopedic and prosthetic appliances for the total of 4 items. Which the "we get paid for each item used, and for each Medication that is related to the service connection." At the start I was being paid for all 4 of my items, I used for my service connected injuries. But now their lying to the veterans on how certain items are not being covered any more for payment ,which is happening every year now. The VA is only accepting 2 items from my orthopedic appliances I use, out of the 4 I apply for every year. The VA is ripping off the service connected veterans out these benefits and $$$. I try to keep up on what the VA is doing to the Veterans benefits. But now I can do it anymore because of my cancer is eating me up....
OMG! You Nailed it. If there's any talk of reductions it should be the Politician Pay and Entitlement and Benefits that We Veterans pay for and the American Citizens! Cut the Luxurious Lifestyle that they live off of our Hard-earned Money. It's Disgraceful and Disgusting!
Here is something from the Washington Post and they have been blasted becuase of it www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/04/03/veterans-affairs-disability-payments-overdue-update/
Let's see: we should forgive loans for people who went to expensive colleges and cannot manage their debt load; but we should screw the vets who put their lives on the line while those people were in college. Kind of makes you wonder how many people in the Congressional Budget Office served in the military, or had family members who served.
Republicans in congress control the funds the V A gets, they got to pay forbtrautor trumps tax cuts to for the rich. Did you get A tax cut under Trump and the republicans? The top 1% sure as hell did.
I’ve got several premade letters people can send to their representatives about this We need to remember if VA disability pension income becomes taxable that means that it looses legal judgement proof so God forbid a disabled combat veteran needs to file for bankruptcy then that income becomes both as income and can be taken away
Most of us probably would'nt notice anyway as the V.A.does'nt give a damn about us anyway either ! I'M selling my home and going to a foreign country where my knowledge means something to their military machine ! My specialty in propulsion engineering has value to countries in the quantum realm of research and I'm all ears for reasonable offers !
how come we never here them discuss cutting their wages when they have never served a day protecting this country but they constantly sending billions of doolars to all these countries that hate us.
I am rated at TDIU at 80 percent and have been for 28 years. In 1994 my rating was raised to 90 percent (88). I am 75. I have a claim for Radiculopathy moderate chronic at C5,6,7. I also have moderate chronic radiculopathy left L4-L5 and right L5S1 radiculopathy. Under any circumstances can the VA lower my TDIU and 80 percent ?
What crooked VA will do for the future is affect enlistment into our services. When I enlisted (not drafted) during the Vietnam War, I was promised (if I survived) my medical bills would be taken care of as a combat veteran. If injuries were sustained, I again would be compensated, which I was, and I'm a 100% disabled Vet. I could buy a house via VA acceptance. And the beat goes on. Any country in its right mind would take care of its Vets. Coming up from the poverty level, the military was my choice, knowing the government would take care of me for taking care of their exempted asses. Have I disabled them and not just this country, and they now want to throw us under the bus? So, say again, they would have to open the draft because who would want to serve an ungrateful nation! this is the administration...with the lie of a slogan, no new taxes for the middle class and poorer class of people.
The CBO is a proposal but the enemy is within. See attached Washington Post Article www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/04/03/veterans-affairs-disability-payments-overdue-update/
They doubled my BP med in 2001 despite 144/78. Prescribed physciatric med for sleep. Fainted taking a piss at 5:30 morning. Severely l dislocated foot. 2 weeks later same thing, same time R foot. Was a general contractor. They said I was drunk. Have letter from podiatrist saying otherwise. Can you help. My heart stopped on operating table, heartbeat was 33/ minute.
I didnt get through the entire video so maybe he explains this later and I didnt hear it but here is what he should have started with that he didnt say. None of these changes are retro active. They are not recomending changes to existing VA Percentages especially not Combat Vets that would be legally quite difficult as there are multiple laws involved. Also we just got a bunch of Special Operations combat vets with combat related disabilities elected to congress. So yeh I dont see this getting off the ground. What they are proposing is changes for future disabled vets. That aint a knew thing. Like Sleep Apnea that like 30% of the military developes is currently a 50% rating if you use a CPAP and they want to reduce it because there are so many. I mean I dont put much past Congress but do you reall think they would pass these PACT Act presumptions and turn around and do this? They even gave those presuptions to the Vietnam Agent Orange guys and Blue Water Navy Vets who faught to get this shit for years. So besides being infuriating it seems a bit odd. Then again they do alot of odd shit and I guess thats their nature. Now please dont get it twisted. Im only pointing out that what I have seen of this video is misleadimg even if not intentionally. I want who ever reads this to understand I am not saying that because its happening to the new vet or service member and not to me, that I am ok with that. I most certainly am not ok with it at all. Im just trying to make sure the message is acurate. Look we current disabled combat vets only have the great benefits we have because previous generations fought like hell to make sure no one who served ever got treated that poorly again. We owe the guys and a few girls of previous generations of service members many of which are no longer with us. We honor that debt and repay it by paying it forward and doing for the next generation what they did for us. Not only is the moral and right thing to do but its also the smart thing as well. I think CBO has caught on to the fact for the first time in a long time that despite Ukraine we are not actually at war and its why they feel now is the time to make changes because they think people wont get as upset at reducing benefits for soldiers not regularly going to war. What they are ignoring is the fact war is never not around the corner and we are suffering a recruiting crisis like never before. First none of the Gen Z kids seem to have any intrest in serving and even those that might be intrested are not as physically mentally or emotionally capeable as previous generations. They said the same thing about milenials but it was never really true. Now it is. Telling them they are somehow worth less, even if it were true is no way to recruit.
None of these are retroactive and they are only proposals, not law as of yet. The point was to keep watch over what is a possibility of happening in Congress
I love your comparisons against this plan of the feds to tax our VA disability, particularly how veterans can't sue for their injuries. I am an MST survivor. My first born died because I didn't receive proper care while I was pregnant. I almost died myself. If these were compared against this happening to me in the civilian world, where I would receive millions of dollars.
The Government should have their salaries reduce for not doing a goddamn thing all year .If they won’t the little man and women to be the first to have to cut their money . Let congress lead by cutting their salaries .
Should vets quickly apply for unemployability this year then? Is there any circumstance in which they can apply for unemployability when having just 30% disability rating? Hearing loss. Working on hypertension causing kidney disease (end stage renal) for my dad. Struggling through after second C and P exam. Theya re dragging their heals and not easily believing hypertension can cause kidney disease (agent orange exposure). So, the question is I read that frequent hospitalizations can be another reason acceptable for applying for unemployability. My dad is 73, frequently hospitalized and needs more funds to get better long term care. Trying to decide if we should apply for aid and attendance or unemployability while we continue to wait 9 months later since applying through the new PACT act.
Just got a letter dated back from 2019 for proposal to decrease my rating by 10%. I currently have a 70% rating and Im TDIU... "Unemployable" . In the letter they claim my condition has improved>> WHAT? I havent had a C&P exam within that time frame. How did they come to this conclusion. Im currently under care from the VA including physical therapy and just last week was told by the PT people that my condition hasnt gotten any better. They issued me a walker/wheelchair 2 weeks ago. Guess its time to get an Attorney, Again !
I’ve seen the proposal you can find it online, it’s a 23% tax proposal. Has been proposed several times. But hasn’t received the votes. In today’s environment it might pass the House, not the senate. 🤞
Can you kindly tell me how I can access this report or get a copy? I think this needs to be disseminated to every veteran for them to contact their legislators, VFW, AMVET, or any such vet org. I know I will be discussing this with my group. Again, pls help me get this report. This report is unjust. We answered the call for duty; we got disabled-injured; some of our friends never came back; USA owe us one! Comparing us to the civilian sector is totally wrong, they were not there.
Question: Already rated 100%. Never been recognized for my injury's and illness from the Persian Gulf War. I was discharged because of my undiagnosed illness and never treated, or compensated for over 25 years. How does the pact act help me?
They will do anything but make companies who moved their headquarters overseas pay taxes. These companies moved so they can take advantage of the tax loophole stating that NO MONEY made by a company based overseas has to pay taxes even if they make all of their money in the U.S. BUT every citizen of the U.S. has to pay taxes on any income made even if they live overseas and dont make ANY MONEY in the U.S. They really need to make these companies pay taxes on all profits made from sales in U.S.
sooo. i'm 100% and my husband is a civilian and he was working. But he is now in a hospital and will never be coming home. He has aggressive MS and has to be in a hospital lock down the rest of his life. So i have to take care of all the bills now. Does this mean i need to get ready to sell our house? Just to be safe? I'm scared I don't have any help so just a good bit of advice would help
My son wants to join the military after he graduates from high school. I told him to go to college and take the ROTC route and receive a commission upon graduation. I’m going to have to tell him that it’s too much of a sacrifice. It’s not worth it.
I think you know he has to decided for himself. But you most certainly can give him the pros and cons. I certainly would encourage him to aim high if I were you. But whatever route he takes, I trust you will support him to the fullest.
I beleive you can serve in the military and still serve God. God has a plan for everyone, nothing happens by chance. It is possible that he would use his God given tallents to make a difference in other peoples lives. Bless you
I am a survivor and I receive DIC since 2013! I was born in 1959 does mean I am exempt for what the CBO is trying to do! Also I have a claim in for blue-waters For arrears I have trying since law passed in 2019 ! What is the likelihood of getting claim through with all these new changes! Current claim in January 2022! New supplemental claim submitted March 11 2023! (Bluewaters/Neihmer)
If this happens. Than they need to tax every congress member. . We veterans need to stand together and stop this .
You are exactly Right!! They don’t know how to manage our money!! That’s the Problem!! If it was there Money this wouldn’t happen!!!
Their side makes the rules. Vote them out.
I have been writing my Congresswoman Lori Trahan 3rd District MA for some time now on the enormous government spending of our funds going to countries overseas who are Not friends with America. The sad part of my contact with this member of Congress is that she not once has written back.
I agree, they need to tax Congressional members, and take away thier benefits to save money.
I don't care who you are if they come for our benefits then we all regardless of party, race or ideology we must unite and fight against this!!
And by any means necessary!
VA's new motto: Delay and Deny until the Veteran Dies.
That's always been their motto
I always thought it was “Not Service Connected”
Heard that !!
The VA modus operandi is to frustrate vets to the point they say fuck it I quit or they die and I honestly believe they could care less which happens first. It doesn't matter which wing of the same bird is in power in the White House, Senate or House of Representatives the VA does not get fixed!
They need to cut the lawmakers salaries instead!
Cut them down to about $165
They need to end every damn social program that was designed to buy votes, then we could actually pay down the deficit.
Congress and Reps get $174,000 salary a year, not including benefits, perks, and then on to investing and lobbying money.
Lead by example?
Damn right they do, they make WAY TOO MUCH money for what they do
Thank you for what you do for our veterans!! My husband was a disabled Marine that died 6 years ago and I don’t know what I would do without the benefits for me and our daughter. It’s bad enough she has to grow up without her dad but if they take away or tax the benefits that’s only going to hurt us more. Our daughter was 6 when Trent died. He suffered for years due to his service connected disability and it pisses me off that they want to save money at the expense of my husband and other veterans!!! Keep up the good work.
Hi young lady, sorry for your loss, I served in Germany 1961, my son in USA , he received an honorable discharge but he wasn’t able to get a service disability because they gave him a willfull misconduct which means he can never get a disability, but he qualifies for VA hospital and social security and anon-service disability which is considerably more, he may have gotten $5,000 monthly due to his 13 disabilities. Okay listen if you have disabilities or your friends have medical issues I help lots that have things like: insomnia, wt. loss, mental illnesses, bipolar, and etc., i studied and researched many things for 17 yrs. Hate big PHARMA medications because they treat symptoms only and have Dangerous side effects including death, alternative meds treat root cause of problems minus any side effects. If your having VA problems, then contact your congressman and he can help. Bless you & your family. Joseph Arsanis, Stockton, Ca.
Did he have an honorable or general.
@@ceciliarainge4223 yes he did have an honorable discharge. But that doesn’t change anything, actually he never knew he had a willfull misconduct placed in his file. Thank you, Joseph
What will happen to the money for divorce spouse when the retired soldier took money from military retirement pay to get VETERANS DISABILITY. WHAT ABOUT THAT. SOLDIER LEFT FAMILY. WHAT ABOUT THAT. I AM SUPPORTING DIVORCE SPOUSE DIVISION 😢
@@josepharsanis20 Mate I was being treated by an Australian physiologist (73 years of age) who also treated Australian Veteran with PTSD. He is also part of a research team of both US and Australian mental health workers trying to solve the issues with PTSD. I know longer see him professionally but he calls me from time to time to check up on me. Last year he told me that between our two countries they have tried 71 different "MOOD STABILIZERS" .... so far none have worked, at best they are temporary .... I walked point my whole tour and was also the team sniper.... The 101st awarded men for PERSONAL kills ... you can only guess how many "Brave Eagle" awards I got for those kills doing my job... after the second one I asked Top to not make me take part in the Old man's awards... which my First Sargent did.
Be safe....a side note one mood stabilizer got me arrested and put in intensive care... I spent a year to get off that one alone after I left the hospital, even Pfizer Corp.wrote me a letter to show my doctors it wasn't safe to take!
You are very much right about cutting the amount that those in congress get, they just gave themselves another huge payraise of something like $45,000 per year over what they were getting last year, yeah those in congress could use a pay cut, say down to the amount of an E4, let those in congress try to live on that amount for a year or two.
Or tax rich people a little more.
Those in congress should have the pay of an E5 just to see if they can survive on that level of pay. These knuckleheads in the house of baboons (CONGRESS)knows nothing about how things work, or what it is like trying to just make ends meet.
Not like the Gov't needs money, they seem to find money to give themselves raises.
If this happens it is time for the citizens to use their constitutional right to remove this corrupt government and replace it with a new one.
we should do it on taco tuesday
That's should always be step one. We first need to identify the individual or group that introduced the legislation. Making sure they never get elected again should always be the first step.,
That would be Revolution and the government says that’s a crime. So I hope we are all ready to face combat in the homeland because it’s here.
First, eject those 116 traitors in the House who are behind all these jackass "cost saving" measures, like messing with vets and Social Security, while leaving the fat rich with all their $$$$$$.
The people in power are no longer accountable. They have made laws, packed courts, and lied to the point that they no longer have to do the right thing. Only the elites get access.
Think I’m wrong, write to your senator, my response was “that’s not my department.”
I knew it! It was only a matter of time. Our government has been shelling out all this money to support other countries and people here illegally, and they’re realizing that they need to get the money from somewhere. Where else but the low hanging fruit that is the veterans. We gave so much, and they’re going to just keep taking.
You are so Right!!
I agree
Thank you for this informational video. As a Veteran myself being VA service connected its a shame that as an American we have to worry about our benefits being cut due to the shape of the state of our country being in bad shape giving money away !!!! Our parents have to worry now about social security and Medicaid being taken away. Its a damm shame!!!!!! piss poor leaders from the top down!!!!! Its a shitty way to live worrying looking over your shoulder just waiting to see if VA benefits get cut!
Corruption in Washington is where our money went just look at how many politicians are guilty and yet nothing ever happens ask George W Bush where the THE TRILLIONS of dollars went then ASK Obama where the other trillions went and finally Biden openly gives our potential enemies our money like China, Pakistan, WHO, The UN hundreds and thousands of ILLEGALS coming into our country and giving Billions if not trillions of our borrowed to illegals?
I'm with you.
What are going to do? Vote republican? If that ever helped we wouldn't be in this spot in the first place.
The bottom line is that this is like a workmen’s compensation claim which is paid to the injured worker tax free.
I was wounded in Vietnam, and was nearly killed for $250 per month! The only way to protest, is to contact your elected officials and tell them if the vote for this proposal, we will vote against them in the next election; plus we will stand in front of the Armed Forces Recruiting office and educate any potential recruits as to what will happen to them if they get injured in the line of duty. As you stated the our armed services have a difficult time now recruiting people now.
Most of those bastards are elected! Rigged elections!
I totally agree with u also look up the bonus army protest end of WW1
I agree and we must keep a careful watch on Washington. See attached Washington Post Article www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/04/03/veterans-affairs-disability-payments-overdue-update/
See attached Washington Post Article www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/04/03/veterans-affairs-disability-payments-overdue-update/
I thought the same thing, tell recruits what happens or doesn't happen if and when injured.
It has happened, I received my compensation letter 11/23/23 they propose a 10% cut to my benefits. Yet I have to wear braces both legs everyday, without the proper compensation. They are not only trying to tax us, they are looking at anything to reduce paying the veterans. Stay vigilant my brother and sister veterans.
I think Congress should propose an extra tax on top of federal and state tax to people that did not volunteer to serve in the military and exempt this tax who serve the military. I will call this a freedom tax. This also encourage people to join the military.
Why look at screwing the people more than going after the high officials enjoying all the ridiculous incomes they give themselves for doing nothing and claiming they work for “the people”
Good one, I agree!
That will just get even more dirtbags enlisting
Unfortunate, these gen z's and young millienials don't have the balls to enlist! old millenials and gen x are the are last dying breed!
🎉yes man
Thank you for being a brave advocate
I'm grateful for what you do for us!!!
Thank you
@@davidsonlawoffices I disturbed that we as Vets,many of who have put our lives on the line for our nation should treated so undeservedly! Our nation can send millions,billions of dollars to other countries yet not take care their own, it sickening. I’m a 100% service connected veteran who has to worry about whether or my well deserved benefits will be diminished while those that do this continually make fat their pockets!!!!!!#@#@
They already came after me a year ago! Without any medical exam the VA determined and I quote "We think you're a little better" so I was reduced from 100 to 90, in which took more than half of my income in a single swoop. They made sure to send bunches of papers informing me that I had NO recourse or Legal reperations. I tried to work and absolutely can not. My brain injury and PTSD is so bad I can't even go outside, this short paragraph has taken me 10 minutes to write. Me with a college degree, can't even spell anymore. IMHO they wish we would just go to our grave and save the Government some money, Hell the total of VA C&P payments is LESS that 1 of the payments made to Ukraine. What a amazing country! Wonder if this will help their military recruitment goals? Go Go Gadget Corruption!
I would appeal! Have you tried for unemployability?
@@davidsonlawoffices No I haven't I need assistance but receive none, MY VFW and other organizations seem to not care and say they don't understand themselves. I even emailed all of my State Congressmen with no reply, so I called and got Voice mail. So, I emailed Every congress person in the country including the President with no reply as well!
We're you 100% p&t?
Hi I'm going to stick my neck out on this from experience. One are you conected to your local VFW, and AL if the one closet to you is of no help go to a neighboring chapter. 2nd who helped you with your claim in the first place? If they are not of any use find someone else. 3rd who is your Congressman/woman that handles Veterans. Make an appointment with them! DO NOT LET THIS STAND! If they have done it to you who else have they done it to? You like the rest of us Signed a Contract with the US Government when we Enlisted/became Officer's. I don't know about yours but my said that my health care would be fully covered if I incured Any Injuries or Diseases, etc incured in the line of duty while serving My Country! It's Why it's Called Service Connected! It took me 23 yrs of BS Fighting and hard work on that of my Drs., Reps and 3 court hearings to get my disability. I was not your typical case. I was denied SSDI on my appeal (I'm%100 TP) 2 yrs ago. The VA did hope I would die knowing what was done to me and knowing I was only going to progressively get worse. What they didn't know is I wasn't going to give up. I live and breath because I am a fighter and I do what I can the best I can when I can where I can! We all need to do the same when it comes to the dam CBO. Send to the front lines or better yet make them an experiment! I see fraud and abuse run rampt in my state while Vets are homeless or denied the same benefits that so called immigrants are handed. We live below the poverty (according to my County Audit Office) level for heavens sake even at 100%! Any way apologies I got off on a rant. I hope I have you some helpful direction. Most importantly Don't give up, don't rollover! There is someone out there near you who can help. You just have to look. May have to go to the next town, county or state depending on where you live. In
Thanks for the help, 1. Not in VFW anymore. They only wanna get me drunk and take my money. 2. I did my claim myself as Veteran's org's seem to be more focused on profit. 3. I emailed every congress person in the US with the only reply coming from then President Trump, who did next to nothing btw. We don't have lawyer's here in TN only snake oil salesmen/women@@charaleighrutan2658
Best video I have seen defending disabled vet's . Wish we would get the health care we were premised .under the Pact act VA wants to add thousands exposed to Agent Orange and burn pits to there health care, yet we who suffered 54 yrs with it were denied care , and still cannot get authorisation for surgeries because of shortages of Dr.
Thanks for your kiind words. Bless you and your family and I pray you get that care very soon
As a disabled veteran for 39yrs I've been treated as a second hand citizen at private hospitals
I would certainly complain to the administration, but your bad treatment on social media, etc.
No way
I’ve been treated the last 30 years with the upmost respect and care all the way
If the government is not prepared to take care of veterans, they should lose the ability to send us in harm’s way.
That is true. But we would then be vulnerable to our enemies
@@davidsonlawoffices Seems our enemies are the people trying to cut our earned benefits!
They already have, Gen Z is not enlisting. Recruiting has bottomed out across all branches.
@branonlamphere9624 ask the republicans in Congress about the Heritage Foundations plan for vetrans 😢
Our vetrans deserve the respect of not being called "suckers and losers" too!
Thank you sir for this information. I knew nothing of this & this helped me do research so as to inform other veterans as well. I’m at 60 percent service related for PTSD. I have an appeal in process as we speak. I was also exposed to the toxic water at camp lejuene for over two years. My service to this country has cost me a lot & it kills me that our representatives who sit on they budgetary committee eagerly give themselves raises & ensure they’re paid for life but target veterans for payment reductions. Thanks again for the information. You have a new subscriber. Keep up the good fight.
This is just a proposal but we have to be careful and watch these crooked politicians
@@davidsonlawoffices I couldn’t agree more. Thanks Again!
I learned A LOT from this video. Thank you! How dare they try to take from us when we have given them everything
Where did ALL Saddam Hussein billions of Gold Bars go ask Bush and Chaney???
Thank you
We will never know
Thank you for sharing this information. Disgusting.
That’s right brother. I’m telling all veterans to join their American Legion and get involved. The Legion lobbies for the VA. It’s not a macho job, but damn, what’s gonna happen if nobody is in DC fighting for us?
Great video! 100% facts. It’s not ok to try and take away benefits from our hard working, dedicate and injured servicemen and women. Keep fighting the good fight.
Thanks for your kind words and I will
First of all, I want to thank you for the info and for helping us out Veterans. My suggestion to this situation is to let congress know that we Veterans deserve to have our money. And stop sending money to other countries for aids because now it's our fault that we're short of our budget and now you turn to our Veterans budget to cut. Why do you have to hurt us Veterans when we sacrifice so much by protecting our country and our family and this is what you repay us back, by taking away our pension that we deserve. Our Veterans deserve this pension to survive and to live a normal life. May God bless us all Veterans
I whole heartedly agree with you
Thank you for what you do for us veterans sir. Semper Fi
Thank you for your kind words
Thanks for your time and help with this process 🙏 👍
Great incentive for people to join the military. No wonder they aren't recruiting much these days.
I agree, they aren't makning it easy to join
Thx sir from a disabled vet
You are very welcome
We need to be protesting this right now.
Get loud! Tell your family and friends too!
Where do we go!!!!
I'm down
Thank you so much Dale.
Excellent video and Channel. Thank You so much for sharing this with us!
Thank you for your kind word-keeps my batteries charged. Bless you
Thank you for explaining things. I know from experience that competent legal advice can be priceless.
No body else will be able to sue them.
That’s why some many of us are under a bridge.
Is hard to even get an appointment and after appointment being made they cancel it. Patient advocates are bold enough to tell us “ you are not the only veteran in town”
Unfortunately everyone is insensitive towards our crisis and health issues. It’s easy for them to lie cancel appointments and harm. Always been the story on this subject.
We need more helpful help from knowable people like you.
Thank you. God bless you and your family
Thank you for standing up for the vets out there who receive disability but its really hard to get people to stand up for a cause that really means something anymore they just dont care if it doesn’t have anything to do with them and our politicians should be getting paid what our founding fathers got who started our democracy 100’s of years ago being a politician was meant to be a second job and it was meant to be of service for pride not to be meant for a career and definitely not to be giving themselves raises we all need to wake up before we all lose our freedom and are living in oppression like other countries wait til we all are living in the streets and are told what you can and cant do anymore without government control
Thanks for your kind words. Bless you
I do love your passion. Thank you for helping us veterans. OEF '07
Thank you for your kind words. Yes, I am pationate about this country
The CBO has made a lot of crazy budget cutting ideas in the past. This would be massively unpopular for politicians . Let us know if any member of congress actually starts talking about picking up any of these ideas.
Yes, specifically I’d love to know which Congressman or politicians are in favor of supporting these stupid and unfair proposals. All hell WILL break loose once we learn who supports this!! Thank you for your great video. ❤
I think President Biden co-signed this tax act. He’s been talking about it for years.
Concur…awesome video would love to see which congressman’s are supporting this absurd proposal.
Just looked up the cbo email and sent an email, but it was rejected, not talking emails. This government need tried as the traitors they are.
I will hopefully its DOA and continues to be
Thanks for your concern and information, The quality of my life has been very poor since I woke up in 1978 in Walter Reed hospital .I hope that you and your loved ones are having a good holiday season.
This is why i tell veterans to keep the information about our benefits private and not discuss them to people, because civilians will never understand and get jealous of veteran benefits. Loose lips sink ships, we really need to keep veterans information private, so civilians don't know much anyway. Civilians will never understand what veterans and their families had to go through when they were serving and still dealing with trying to transition to live in a narcisistic society today.
I agree. As a civilian I don't know what you and your family has gone through. I have heard alot from the Veterans and families I have helped and just wish I could do more. Bless you and your family
Are you crazy or guilty for taking unearned benefits ? Why should a disabled veteran hide his status, if a veteran is incapable of working because of his service related injuries, the taxpayers should be proud and ready to help the disabled veterans. It’s not that complicated to figure out there are countless lazy bums who don’t want to work, they should be weeded out and made to payback and these lying lawyers should pay back the VA. If the person is legitimately disabled they should be compensated period
Thank you for the information. I had NO IDEA that they are trying to do this to us.
Glad to help educate. Although proposals there is a growing voice to cut benefits. See this article www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/04/03/veterans-affairs-disability-payments-overdue-update/
Attorneys are so important for the average citizen.
Depends on the attorney but I agree!
I would like to know how many individuals in the CBO's office served in the US Military service?
I'm going out on a limb and gues ZERO!
Great information!
Thanks for uploading this video. What can we do as veterans to ensure this doesn't happen?
Tell your friends and family and protest
Thanks, VA Guy. Please don't cut our benefits. Like you said, cut international support.
Thanks for your comments. Bless you
Thankyou so much for this informative presentation...Veterans unite !!!!
Thanks for your kind words
I served in Vietnam from 1969-70 USAF 1 year. I had bladder cancer in October 2000, 2015, 2022 now again diagnosed February 2023 with my 4th bladder cancer tumor. Surgery is set for April 21, 2023. I had a lung cancer lobectomy of my right lung May 2001. I receive 70%. My first 2 bladder cancers in 2000 and 2015 were denied. I thought the Nehmer Act was supposed to allow retroactive liability due to my previous two bladder cancers. I was denied my bladder cancer. NOT RIGHT ! I was recognized 100% for 6 months May 2022 to November 2022 then dropped to 70% I have recurring bladder cancer. My bladder is attached to my left pelvis muscle. I do not smoke or drink alcohol at all. Capitol Hill law makers need to quit padding their bank accounts while the young men we once were go off and fight their wars. God Bless America 🇺🇸Thank you, you are awesome 😎
Thanks for your kind words and our prayers are with you in your battle
Have a Civilian Doctor write a Nexus letter with your history also. That may turn things around.
Just discovered your channel. Thank You for the update and all your support!
It’s just more bureaucratic bean counters creating problems through economic and social engineering along with psychological emotional manipulation and threatening economic exploitation and hardships.
I agree but these bean counters unduly influence our politicians
Thank you for putting this information out, Sir.
Very welcome. Bless you and your family.
God bless you for your call to stand up.
Thank you for your kind word. God bless you and yours
Amazing video. I'm 76. Served from Vietnam to Desert Storm and on an 80% service connected disability. Crashed an aircraft lost 16 crewman, attained 4000 combat flight hours. Why are they supporting border crasher's, building hotels, funding gain of function, forcing us to buy foreign oil, selling our strategic oil reserves, cutting food stamps to the poor, raising interest rates to stop the economy ? Shouldn't they stop printing money and work on a balanced budget ? I guess with all my survival training that immigrants don't have, I should live in the woods now at 76.
Thanks for your service and it is sad what our government prioritizes
Thank you great information
Thanks for your kind words. Bless you
Dale - which organization is taking the lead in stopping the CBO initiatives from going forward? VFW, American Legion, VA, Air Force Association or whom else - I want to support them.
I am not sure but I would hope all of them. I'll keep everyone informed
Great video thanks for the info
Hi, thank you for your informative videos! I am a 100% rated veteran and the video I saw today scared the hell out of me. I was rated 80% with 20% unemployability. I’ve been at the same rating for about 25 years. I’m 73 years old. I was a paratrooper with a parachute accident in service. I was sent to Vietnam twice. I was unemployable most of my life and developed alcoholism because of my condition. I was homeless for 5 years and lived in a Wonderbread truck on a mountain top in New Mexico. I’ve been clean and sober for twenty years now. Can the VA take my benefits away with these new laws being passed? I barely get a social security check from not working all those years. I live ok now. But if l got 30% taken away , I could not live with that at my current lifestyle. Am I considered permanent and total.? I’ve had three back surgeries and wouldn’t be able to work now with my back and COPD . And since my Agent Orange happened to be medically taken care of in Army hospitals , not the VA. I don’t want to add that to my percentage along with my tinnitus because that would mean getting another evaluation. I don’t want to rock the boat . So should I just maintain the status quo?
At 100% they can't take your rating away and you are hight as you can go. If you are still homeless please go to you local Veterans Service Office and ask them for assistance.
@@davidsonlawoffices Thanks for your answer. I am not homeless anymore. Ever since I got sober I’ve been in good homes and now I’m getting married at 73 to my girlfriend who also is sober for 36 years!
@@ebairjumperGod Bless you and thank you for your service.
You have done your job; You have served; You have service-based impairment; l pray that You may continue to receive 100% of all your VA Entitlements, without any change.
They have tried to reduce my 100% P&T twice.....Only thing that saved me was my VA Service rep who called the BS on it and saved me. They wonder why the suicide rate is so high when they take your money away and then expect you to be able to survive on a notice of a couple weeks....
Thank you for your service burns. I was a paratrooper with the 82nd airborne division with deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq. I'm 29 years old and it feels weird to be considered a veteran. I'm 90% disabled.
Thank you very much-
Thanks for your kind words
your so right and good job bringing us vets the info
Thank you for your kind words. Bless you
Thank you for defending us. I have reached out to my congressman about this issue.
Then you have done a good days work. Get friends and family memebers to reach out also
Nice to get news of this. I'd never even heard a peep about such changes or proposals. I do know congress gets their automatic annual increase, unless the majority votes it down. I also learned that the service was previously improving, but has since taken a turn to go back to the 'old ways' of doing business - or lack there of. I had a heck of a time just getting 20%, with a majority of injuries and conditions just brushed off. Gave up trying to fight that after over a decade of fighting.
Now, with the recruitment problems getting worse, the few benefits that were attracting potential recruits are slowly vanishing. Instead, funds are sent to unfriendly nations for 'gender studies', proxy wars, and god only knows what other charitable/graft payouts are made with zero return. Untold millions paying for migrants, but not a penny for vets or our own people with problems.
Well, I hope things at least settle down, but since my 'representative' is one of those who believe we should help the world before thinking of taking care of our own, I just hope the 'light at the end of the tunnel' doesn't get turned off to save energy and costs.
I try and stay in tune with how these rascals in Congress treat our Veterans.
Thank you for sharing.
You are welcome
You're doing the lords work brother.
Thank you and bless you and your family
I am so far, a 18 year active duty soon to be retired vet and dropped my retirement packet (changes in policy/regualtions, allowed me to drop 2 years out). I have a family, spouse and 3 kids and a home to pay for and take care of. Im enlisted soldier (E7/SFC) soo making peanuts when i retire. Which is fine thus far with retirement/Assumed VA benefits we can live at least securely. Now, i watch alot of veterans podcast/channels and am so proud there is alot of you standing up for yourselves as vets but importanly other vets. This topic was very concerning...the congressional budget office stated they look at "all ideas" to cut deficit...this was not a proposal or recommendation but a "possibility" words matter. Something like this i believe, would never pass through voting. They would not sustain a future fighting force if there is no compensation after for being a patriot. Initial clicking of titles like this and a few others admittedly got the blood flowing and before we all call to arms (figuratively) lets ensure we know that this is a actual proposal, it would be tabled, and that its not just an organization doing there job turning over every stone. By no means do i support CBO i thought it was shameful to suggest, and i am glad we have big dogs on capital hill to cut the head off the snake before it gains any momentum. Just suggesting before we spin people up and trigger aniexty and PTSD lol please lets be clear on what this actually is...here is an link to an article that articulates more www.military.com/daily-news/2023/03/23/va-secretary-swats-down-idea-cut-va-disability-pay-wealthier-vets.html god bless each and everyone of you and thank you all for your service trust me when its time to come together and fight for each other to protect each other i am sure we will...lol but we jumping the gun on this...thanks
@1969bones69 hey sir, I appreciate your thoughts and input and thank you for your service and sacrifice...yes Sir i would stay in as long as I could but family life dictates i get out..to many years away and time its the most valuable commodity. Yeah between retirement pay, and VA compensation (assuming we get to keep it lol) i pretty much break even with bills etc.. so as long as my wife or I work we should be good 🤞 ill be 39 im a analsyt thats hates office work and computers lol...looking looking to get into the trades...more enjoyable..again thanks for the advice and input.. knowledge truly is power
Thanks for sharing and thanks for your serrvice. I am concerned that people are totally unaware of what Wahington is doing and so that is why I made this video. See the attached Washington Post article. www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/04/03/veterans-affairs-disability-payments-overdue-update/
They make these recommendations every year. They are largely ignored because of the political ramifications. Congress just gave the largest cost of living increase to veterans receiving disability compensation and connected that cost of living increase to social security. Neither politely party wants the blame for reducing veterans’ compensation.
That is true but we can't let these types of proposals get a foothold
Thanks for sharing this info please continue to keep us posted and may God bless you.
Thanks for your kind words. Bless you and your family
You should look into the clothing Allowance benefits that are being ripped off from service connected veterans. I'm a 100% Vietnam Era Veteran, and eligible for the clothing allowance every year for multiple orthopedic and prosthetic appliances for the total of 4 items. Which the "we get paid for each item used, and for each Medication that is related to the service connection."
At the start I was being paid for all 4 of my items, I used for my service connected injuries. But now their lying to the veterans on how certain items are not being covered any more for payment ,which is happening every year now. The VA is only accepting 2 items from my orthopedic appliances I use, out of the 4 I apply for every year. The VA is ripping off the service connected veterans out these benefits and $$$.
I try to keep up on what the VA is doing to the Veterans benefits. But now I can do it anymore because of my cancer is eating me up....
I agree
Yep they just keep taking even after you gave them all
OMG! You Nailed it. If there's any talk of reductions it should be the Politician Pay and Entitlement and Benefits that We Veterans pay for and the American Citizens! Cut the Luxurious Lifestyle that they live off of our Hard-earned Money. It's Disgraceful and Disgusting!
Here is something from the Washington Post and they have been blasted becuase of it www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/04/03/veterans-affairs-disability-payments-overdue-update/
Let's vote them out
Im with you
Thank you very helpful.
Thank you
Civilians should get drafted for service.
yeah, that's how the draft works 🤦♂
every 18 yr old should have to put in 2 yrs of armed service like a lot of other countries do
@@mikekinsella2822 agree
@@evilload 😊
Well it might come to that. Many of these WOKE activitist would then get a taste of the real world
Thank you for the information
You are welcom
Let's see: we should forgive loans for people who went to expensive colleges and cannot manage their debt load; but we should screw the vets who put their lives on the line while those people were in college. Kind of makes you wonder how many people in the Congressional Budget Office served in the military, or had family members who served.
I agree with you
Republicans in congress control the funds the V A gets, they got to pay forbtrautor trumps tax cuts to for the rich. Did you get A tax cut under Trump and the republicans? The top 1% sure as hell did.
TY! What a great video!!!
You are so welcome! Comments like these keep my batteries charged. Bless you
I’ve got several premade letters people can send to their representatives about this
We need to remember if VA disability pension income becomes taxable that means that it looses legal judgement proof so God forbid a disabled combat veteran needs to file for bankruptcy then that income becomes both as income and can be taken away
I will be happy to promote them for you.
Most of us probably would'nt notice anyway as the V.A.does'nt give a damn about us anyway either ! I'M selling my home and going to a foreign country where my knowledge means something to their military machine ! My specialty in propulsion engineering has value to countries in the quantum realm of research and I'm all ears for reasonable offers !
how come we never here them discuss cutting their wages when they have never served a day protecting this country but they constantly sending billions of doolars to all these countries that hate us.
Why would they vote themselves a pay/benefits cut? Maybe hell will freeze over soon and we will all witness that!
I am rated at TDIU at 80 percent and have been for 28 years. In 1994 my rating was raised to 90 percent (88). I am 75. I have a claim for Radiculopathy moderate chronic at C5,6,7. I also have moderate chronic radiculopathy left L4-L5 and right L5S1 radiculopathy. Under any circumstances can the VA lower my TDIU and 80 percent ?
What crooked VA will do for the future is affect enlistment into our services. When I enlisted (not drafted) during the Vietnam War, I was promised (if I survived) my medical bills would be taken care of as a combat veteran. If injuries were sustained, I again would be compensated, which I was, and I'm a 100% disabled Vet. I could buy a house via VA acceptance. And the beat goes on. Any country in its right mind would take care of its Vets. Coming up from the poverty level, the military was my choice, knowing the government would take care of me for taking care of their exempted asses. Have I disabled them and not just this country, and they now want to throw us under the bus? So, say again, they would have to open the draft because who would want to serve an ungrateful nation! this is the administration...with the lie of a slogan, no new taxes for the middle class and poorer class of people.
Isn't this a CBO proposal not a VA proposal?
The CBO is a proposal but the enemy is within. See attached Washington Post Article www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/04/03/veterans-affairs-disability-payments-overdue-update/
They doubled my BP med in 2001 despite 144/78. Prescribed physciatric med for sleep. Fainted taking a piss at 5:30 morning. Severely l dislocated foot. 2 weeks later same thing, same time R foot. Was a general contractor. They said I was drunk. Have letter from podiatrist saying otherwise. Can you help. My heart stopped on operating table, heartbeat was 33/ minute.
Give us a call 229-226-8183. Thanks Dale
I didnt get through the entire video so maybe he explains this later and I didnt hear it but here is what he should have started with that he didnt say. None of these changes are retro active. They are not recomending changes to existing VA Percentages especially not Combat Vets that would be legally quite difficult as there are multiple laws involved. Also we just got a bunch of Special Operations combat vets with combat related disabilities elected to congress. So yeh I dont see this getting off the ground. What they are proposing is changes for future disabled vets. That aint a knew thing. Like Sleep Apnea that like 30% of the military developes is currently a 50% rating if you use a CPAP and they want to reduce it because there are so many. I mean I dont put much past Congress but do you reall think they would pass these PACT Act presumptions and turn around and do this? They even gave those presuptions to the Vietnam Agent Orange guys and Blue Water Navy Vets who faught to get this shit for years. So besides being infuriating it seems a bit odd. Then again they do alot of odd shit and I guess thats their nature. Now please dont get it twisted. Im only pointing out that what I have seen of this video is misleadimg even if not intentionally. I want who ever reads this to understand I am not saying that because its happening to the new vet or service member and not to me, that I am ok with that. I most certainly am not ok with it at all. Im just trying to make sure the message is acurate. Look we current disabled combat vets only have the great benefits we have because previous generations fought like hell to make sure no one who served ever got treated that poorly again. We owe the guys and a few girls of previous generations of service members many of which are no longer with us. We honor that debt and repay it by paying it forward and doing for the next generation what they did for us. Not only is the moral and right thing to do but its also the smart thing as well. I think CBO has caught on to the fact for the first time in a long time that despite Ukraine we are not actually at war and its why they feel now is the time to make changes because they think people wont get as upset at reducing benefits for soldiers not regularly going to war. What they are ignoring is the fact war is never not around the corner and we are suffering a recruiting crisis like never before. First none of the Gen Z kids seem to have any intrest in serving and even those that might be intrested are not as physically mentally or emotionally capeable as previous generations. They said the same thing about milenials but it was never really true. Now it is. Telling them they are somehow worth less, even if it were true is no way to recruit.
None of these are retroactive and they are only proposals, not law as of yet. The point was to keep watch over what is a possibility of happening in Congress
Why doesn't Congress start by cutting their salary and retirement benefits. They never vote to do that.
Vets always the 1st ones to get budgets cut from them.
Yes, it should be the politicians
Getting in touch soon!! Thanks!!
You bet!
I love your comparisons against this plan of the feds to tax our VA disability, particularly how veterans can't sue for their injuries. I am an MST survivor. My first born died because I didn't receive proper care while I was pregnant. I almost died myself. If these were compared against this happening to me in the civilian world, where I would receive millions of dollars.
The government always has a plan to back out of what they promise
The Government should have their salaries reduce for not doing a goddamn thing all year .If they won’t the little man and women to be the first to have to cut their money . Let congress lead by cutting their salaries .
I would vote for that.
Should vets quickly apply for unemployability this year then? Is there any circumstance in which they can apply for unemployability when having just 30% disability rating? Hearing loss. Working on hypertension causing kidney disease (end stage renal) for my dad. Struggling through after second C and P exam. Theya re dragging their heals and not easily believing hypertension can cause kidney disease (agent orange exposure). So, the question is I read that frequent hospitalizations can be another reason acceptable for applying for unemployability. My dad is 73, frequently hospitalized and needs more funds to get better long term care. Trying to decide if we should apply for aid and attendance or unemployability while we continue to wait 9 months later since applying through the new PACT act.
You are so very welcome. Bless you
Ok, so let them means test all federal employees who were injured or retired. Let’s see how far that GOES!
That would go against the union contract
Just got a letter dated back from 2019 for proposal to decrease my rating by 10%. I currently have a 70% rating and Im TDIU... "Unemployable" . In the letter they claim my condition has improved>> WHAT? I havent had a C&P exam within that time frame. How did they come to this conclusion. Im currently under care from the VA including physical therapy and just last week was told by the PT people that my condition hasnt gotten any better. They issued me a walker/wheelchair 2 weeks ago. Guess its time to get an Attorney, Again !
I’ve seen the proposal you can find it online, it’s a 23% tax proposal. Has been proposed several times. But hasn’t received the votes. In today’s environment it might pass the House, not the senate. 🤞
It’s not a bill up for vote in either chamber, its simply a budget recommendation.
Can you kindly tell me how I can access this report or get a copy? I think this needs to be disseminated to every veteran for them to contact their legislators, VFW, AMVET, or any such vet org. I know I will be discussing this with my group. Again, pls help me get this report. This report is unjust. We answered the call for duty; we got disabled-injured; some of our friends never came back; USA owe us one! Comparing us to the civilian sector is totally wrong, they were not there.
It won't pass the house
We want it to be DOA
True but we must be vigilant
Question: Already rated 100%. Never been recognized for my injury's and illness from the Persian Gulf War. I was discharged because of my undiagnosed illness and never treated, or compensated for over 25 years. How does the pact act help me?
If you're at 100% P & T I wouldn't file anything else.
Since your at 100% you wouldn't accomplish anything
They will do anything but make companies who moved their headquarters overseas pay taxes. These companies moved so they can take advantage of the tax loophole stating that NO MONEY made by a company based overseas has to pay taxes even if they make all of their money in the U.S. BUT every citizen of the U.S. has to pay taxes on any income made even if they live overseas and dont make ANY MONEY in the U.S. They really need to make these companies pay taxes on all profits made from sales in U.S.
Congress' fault for listening to lobbyist
sooo. i'm 100% and my husband is a civilian and he was working. But he is now in a hospital and will never be coming home. He has aggressive MS and has to be in a hospital lock down the rest of his life. So i have to take care of all the bills now. Does this mean i need to get ready to sell our house? Just to be safe? I'm scared I don't have any help so just a good bit of advice would help
No no no these are just proposals and nothing has been finalized
My son wants to join the military after he graduates from high school. I told him to go to college and take the ROTC route and receive a commission upon graduation. I’m going to have to tell him that it’s too much of a sacrifice. It’s not worth it.
I think you know he has to decided for himself. But you most certainly can give him the pros and cons. I certainly would encourage him to aim high if I were you. But whatever route he takes, I trust you will support him to the fullest.
Smart advice ROTC. He is your son and you know best and only want the best for him. Have him talk with some Veterans about their experiences.
I beleive you can serve in the military and still serve God. God has a plan for everyone, nothing happens by chance. It is possible that he would use his God given tallents to make a difference in other peoples lives. Bless you
Thanks for your comments. Shoot for the moon but if you land on the roof thats okay, at least you tried.
I couldn't agree more with you.
These are just proposals. These things would never past the house.😊
I agree. It would not pass.
I really hope so!
@@mikejustenjoythismusicwhil5511 me too.
Lets hope not in the present form but you can't trust politicians
@@davidsonlawoffices that is so true.
Guy it’s not DIC its compensation for injuries
DIC is survivors of veterans who were 100% or die from a service contacted condition.
Cutting cost to give to Ukraine
Cutting cost for their pet projects
They just did😢
Politicians sucks
Elections are rigged so of course
Need to add cereer bureaucrats, lobbysist and special interest groups
I can't argue
As a 100% veteran, thank you for your information!
God bless you and your family. Thank you
You never hear them say, "Hey, let us cut corporate welfare.
Or hey lets cut our salaries
I am a survivor and I receive DIC since 2013! I was born in 1959 does mean I am exempt for what the CBO is trying to do! Also I have a claim in for blue-waters For arrears I have trying since law passed in 2019 ! What is the likelihood of getting claim through with all these new changes! Current claim in January 2022! New supplemental claim submitted March 11 2023! (Bluewaters/Neihmer)
Are you the Vet or surviving spouse? What is your rating?