Interview with Geoff Tate - Part I

  • Опубликовано: 4 окт 2024
  • The Dedicated to Chaos interview with Geoff Tate, Part 1.

Комментарии • 38

  • @DreamzRyche
    @DreamzRyche 13 лет назад

    If you think you can't relate to this cd lyrically..check for a pulse! The amount of topics covered is outstanding. It's like a musical package of life happening today! As for thinking things are missing, I have to believe that is a result of having expectations. I learned from this band, not to form an opinion until at least 6 play throughs. But for me, most importantly, I would hope true fans are going to hear the linking of 30 yrs of music. The past, present and future of a self-standing band

  • @ReneeRycher
    @ReneeRycher 13 лет назад

    Some people just really need to learn to broaden their tastes! There is more to music than just metal. I love many kinds of music, and to know these same talented musicians are behind different sounds just gives me more music to listen to! I can't wait for the new CD, guys!

  • @ReneeRycher
    @ReneeRycher 13 лет назад +1

    @j800r What you said about if you want to be a Queensryche fan, you've got to be a fan of MUSIC is very true. People with narrow tastes will not fall in love with this band, just a particular CD or two.

  • @konevnin
    @konevnin 13 лет назад +1

    @ReneeRycher Fair enough.. Rage is also my favorite, still listen to it at least once a week. After all it set the stage for OM.... Interesting enough, you can hear little hints of it throughout the CD. It was indeed the next chapter........

  • @konevnin
    @konevnin 13 лет назад

    Gone are the days of thought provoking lyrics and passion, gone are the days of dual harmonized guitar rhythms and lead work, gone are the days of edgy and aggressive production, gone are the days of eccentric bass lines complemented by rigorous uncompromisable drumming. I've been a QR fan all my life and they've certainly had their low points. I've listened to the album twice and this one really hurts. They didn't even record it together according to a Wilton interview, and it shows.. RIP QR

  • @j800r
    @j800r 13 лет назад +1

    @ReneeRycher Well said yet again. You know the only album from them I didn't love? Take Cover, and that's a covers album! All their original material is magic, you just need to "Open your mind". ;)

  • @ReneeRycher
    @ReneeRycher 13 лет назад

    @trakra I heard Get Started on Boneyard over the weekend, & absolutely love it! It is new, fresh, and has a beat you just have to get up and move to. Yet something about it makes me want to dig into the 70's music my mom used to play when I was a kid. Something of a classic rock, funky dance all in one.

  • @ReneeRycher
    @ReneeRycher 13 лет назад

    @konevnin You can't necessarily take anything from the fact that they didn't "record" it "together". A lot of bands schedule the studio time for one part at a time. For some bands (obviously not Queensryche), they live in widely different places, so even record in different studios and send their stuff in. It depends on how they do the collaberation to get the sound they want. Also, all parts are not always recorded at the same time so they can be manipulated individually in production.

  • @ReneeRycher
    @ReneeRycher 13 лет назад

    @trakra That is one way to do it. I listen to a lot of different music. But for people who don't normally listen to a lot of different bands, Queensryche also offers the opportunity to broaden your tastes just by listening to them. Then maybe, if you listen to something they do just because you know you like music from Queensryche, you might get interested in what influenced that sound in the first place, and go listen to Pink Floyd or whatever.

  • @rychehead83
    @rychehead83 13 лет назад

    The power of queensryche has always been the surprise off what the new album would sound like.It is always different.
    That's what's so great about them, not like maiden or metallica.(always the same after their succesfullalbum)
    First listen then give an upinion.
    I'm looking forward to it because there the best and there not a metal band,they make music not noise. nukklehead thatwerksdortcom.

  • @Mota1455
    @Mota1455 13 лет назад

    I really like the music on this album. It's a step away from the usual QR sound, but there's some really good moments on drums and bass. I think that the vocal melodies aren't very memorable, it seems like Geoff has a VERY limited number of notes that he sings now. I wish that they came up with some catchier vocal lines and harmonies to make the songs more memorable. Overall I think it's better than the last few releases.

  • @ReneeRycher
    @ReneeRycher 13 лет назад

    @konevnin I know what you mean about eccentric. Though I like Empire, it was too "main stream" for my most listened to list. It's not like I go out of my way to specifically find things others don't seem to appreciate. It just seems to happen that way. But maybe that is why I like this new CD. After hearing about how the guitars are non-existant, I am finding I hear some beautiful guitar work. I also have an ear for bass lines, but love that I don't have to try so hard to hear them on this one.

  • @ReneeRycher
    @ReneeRycher 13 лет назад

    @konevnin American Soldier was VERY thought provoking and passionate. As I get to know this very next release, I see a lot of passion in that there are a lot of songs about relationships. I also see thought provoking in Around the World. All you need is love might be just as naive today as when the Beatles sang it, but the song does provoke thoughts that the world needs to change, and it takes each person showing a bit less hate to get it started.

  • @ReneeRycher
    @ReneeRycher 13 лет назад

    @ildico1 I agree, he is. He has a decent voice too. His background vocals are so subdued, it is hard to tell. But when he takes over Jason's part on Dead Man's Words, they bring him up a bit more so you can tell. Of course, I had a typo in my earlier post and meant funky, not funly. I love funk, and would love to see what he would do with a solo project. I'm not sure he has the interest in that though.

  • @trakra
    @trakra 13 лет назад

    An apology album. Ha-ha I would have to agree with that.

  • @ReneeRycher
    @ReneeRycher 13 лет назад

    @konevnin Actually, Rage For Order is my favorite QR CD. I still prefer to listen to the heavier work. But they always put out such quality work, no matter what sound they choose to do for any particular CD, and I have a wide taste in music, I can easily at least give anything they do a fair chance. So far, even if it has taken a long time for me to get into, they never disappoint.

  • @ReneeRycher
    @ReneeRycher 13 лет назад

    @ildico1 No question about quality! From what I have seen, Ed is a perfectionist. If he did a solo project, I would definitely check it out.

  • @ReneeRycher
    @ReneeRycher 13 лет назад

    @thatwerksdotcom They have nothing to apologize for. Everything they have done has been high quality sound. If it isn't your taste, that is simply a different matter. To quote Bender "It doesn't suck, YOU just don't like it."

  • @ChrisSztybel
    @ChrisSztybel 13 лет назад +2

    Stop giving interviews about this album and record an apology album.

  • @ReneeRycher
    @ReneeRycher 13 лет назад

    @konevnin QR entered my life in 1983 with the MTV debut of the Queen of the Reich video. It fit right in with what I listened to most at the time - Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Ozzy... But just because I listen to metal, doesn't mean I don't like other music. I'm OK with Queensryche trying those other kinds of music. Even if I don't identify with the lyrics personally, I like the sound. Since I like the sounds of these songs, I would like them no matter who did them - even if it is Queensryche.

  • @konevnin
    @konevnin 13 лет назад

    @ReneeRycher I do respect your opinion and QR may have entered your life at a time when those albums actually had meaning for you personally. But as a long time QR fan and musician, I have serious issues with this last release and most material after Promised Land. There is so much missing from what they used to produce musically and lyrically. As you can read all over the internet I'm not alone in this opinion, however if you love what their doing support them, they're going to need it.

  • @konevnin
    @konevnin 13 лет назад

    @ReneeRycher Yeah, whether you like this CD or not, they are still great musicians. I'm sure individually those parts will still shine through from time to time. Got to admit I envy that fact you can enjoy this CD and I just can't accept what I hear...

  • @ReneeRycher
    @ReneeRycher 13 лет назад

    @konevnin Also, Hot Spot Junkie and Retail Therapy give you something to think about yourself if you feel the songs describe you. Not necessarily good things either. I find the very first line of I Believe to be very thought provoking in the fact that it is disappointingly true. "Honor means nothing today."

  • @konevnin
    @konevnin 13 лет назад

    @trakra So true. But I think the magic stopped with Promised Land... So sad. They didn't have to go this way. Just so regressed it doesn't make sense. Just to think they used to make us think lyrically and musically. Not anymore...

  • @trakra
    @trakra 13 лет назад

    @j800r I heard a few songs off the net. I didn't pirate them nor do I know how. After hearing just a few songs even if I knew how to pirate I wouldn't. What would I do, download the music onto a CD just to put it in the pile with OMC II & American Soldier. You can like all their music and that is your choice. My opinion is they lost something after Tribe. If you go on their website under the fan club forms you will see that I'm not only one that thinks this way. I

  • @ReneeRycher
    @ReneeRycher 13 лет назад

    @ildico1 I would love to know the answer to this as well. But with his love for funly bass lines, I would say not enough.

  • @trakra
    @trakra 13 лет назад

    @ReneeRycher People broaden their tastes by listening to other bands.

  • @trakra
    @trakra 13 лет назад

    I've listened so I can give an opinion and I say what the hell. I like all their different CD's through the years but after American Soldier and then this I just don't get it. It isn't about change because Operation Mindcrime is totally different from Tribe. It's about the band being something completely different. I don't think the band Slayer is going to come out with a ballad CD.

  • @konevnin
    @konevnin 13 лет назад

    @ReneeRycher Sorry I mistook you for someone who might have came along sometime after P.L. I'm not one to label music. I don't care why or if something is considered metal. Like so many others who fell in love with QR, I've always looked for the eccentric or more challenging styles of music. From my and many others perspective, QR no longer takes us there. I find some of their newer stuff is interesting but it doesn't move me like it did. If you like it, great.. It's just not for me.. TY

  • @j800r
    @j800r 13 лет назад

    @wolfman98 I'm not. Real fans don't pirate albums, or make a decision before hearing it all. Real fans understand the band has never gone with the trend or stuck to a set genre. You don't like the album, fine, don't buy it and stop bitching in the comments.

  • @stephenlynchfanatic
    @stephenlynchfanatic 12 лет назад

    @ thatwerksdotcom No crap :) Apology album would be good. :) And get back together even if its hard...

  • @gotmonkeyfinger
    @gotmonkeyfinger 13 лет назад

    @j800r Yea, not me. I'm a musician and I know Geoff made the band and he has killed it too. Geoff is the best singer there ever was in my opinion but I think he has lost his love for music and his amazing gift, he is just making a living with it now. Too bad. Now don't get mad and talk shit, it just my opinion, I'm a nobody.

  • @drksdofthmoon
    @drksdofthmoon 12 лет назад

    They used to play heavy metal music....then, they took an arrow to the knee.

  • @RycheForOrder
    @RycheForOrder 13 лет назад

    Sad thing is I'm still waiting for Chris DeGarmo to ride in on a white horse and make it all go away. (sigh)

  • @thewaragainstcars
    @thewaragainstcars 12 лет назад


  • @catkong7
    @catkong7 13 лет назад

    @thatwerksdotcom apologize for what? No one put a gun to your head and made you buy their album nor do they owe you anything because you bought previous ones. They at the time gave you a fair exchange their art for your money. and when that exchanged is made neither side owes the other anything.
    Now quit your whining

  • @charlesandhisworld
    @charlesandhisworld Год назад