NX300 Vs D3200 - Review and Image Quality Comparison

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 18

  • @okimurafranck7672
    @okimurafranck7672 Год назад +2

    thanks for the Image Quality Comparison that was helpful

  • @MrRippinonyou
    @MrRippinonyou 2 года назад +6

    I have an NX300 in white i forgot i had it and found it in the cupboard packed away for the past 8 years + i used it maybe twice its literally brand spanking new not one mark on it , original battery still holds charge perfect and all accessories in mint condition too

  • @Supashoppa69
    @Supashoppa69 Год назад

    I have the NX300. The only way I can transfer photo is by connecting via USB to PC. All Wi-Fi related transfer options have stopped working
    . I assume the softwareis not supported now? Any work arounds?

  • @cmog6036
    @cmog6036 3 месяца назад

    Lens by sasung...

  • @alfarizi2179
    @alfarizi2179 10 месяцев назад

    somebody sellit for 250$ with stock 50mm+ 50-200mm lens...its worth it ?

    • @1kdiy
      @1kdiy  10 месяцев назад

      The price is very good if everything works.

  • @mr_peace182
    @mr_peace182 2 года назад

    Привет! Я хочу купить камеру и у меня выбор между Samsung NX300, Sony A3000, Sony nex F3. Я хочу снимать full hd видео в ручных настройках, какой мне следует взять? Спасибо

    • @cmog6036
      @cmog6036 Год назад

      Бери лучше NX300, тут видео резче, и 60 фпс.
      Но битрейт ниже чем у других, это решается кастомной прошивкой

  • @Langlache
    @Langlache 2 года назад

    Would you suggest this camera as an upgrade from a high end smartphone? I currently have the s22 ultra and shoot on manual but I want to take photography a bit more serious. And I fear that I will not see any differences with this nx300. What do you think?

    • @1kdiy
      @1kdiy  2 года назад +5

      It's really subjective. For landscape, night, and street photography, your S22 will beat the NX300. However, with the right lens, the NX300 can take much better portrait, wildlife, sports, family, and macro shots. It's really up to the type of photography you are going to use it for and the money you are willing to spend on lenses.

    • @Langlache
      @Langlache 2 года назад

      @@1kdiy Thank you for the reply. What type of lens would you suggest? The default kit lens is not enough?

    • @1kdiy
      @1kdiy  2 года назад +3

      In my opinion, the kit lens is not good enough for any type of photography. Maybe it can be good enough for certain types of video, but overall, if I had to shoot with the kit lens, I would rather use my phone... From the NX system, something like the 50-200mm and the 45mm F1.8 would suffice. I personally prefer using vintage glass. I currently own an NX1000, NX300, NEX5, NEX6, D7000, D3200, and an ancient D80 body. I use vintage lenses with adapters on them most of the time. Some worthy mentions from my vintage lens collection would be the Tamron 52A, the Cosinon 55mm f1.4, Helios 44-2, Canon FD 50mm F1.8... Using vintage lenses is fun and much cheaper, with the only downside being the manual focus and aperture settings, but you'll get used to it quickly and you'll like it... I promise.

    • @XXX-vy6xv
      @XXX-vy6xv Год назад +7

      Maybe my answer comes a bit too late but I'm gonna give you my opinion on the issue. No matter how high end your smartphone is, the image sensor is still noticeably smaller than the ones on apsc cameras, like the nx300. This means that you'll get better IQ from the samsung cam any day (and actually any night as well 😎...low light performance depends heavily on the sensor).
      What you will not get though (on any camera) in comparison tou your smartphone is their processing abilities of the phone which make images look better (but not actually be better). Computational photography has its strengths (processed by phone and ready to go) and if one wants to use his photos for small screens/phones/social media it'll do just fine. Even for small prints like A4 size high end phones are good in out days.
      If you want something better as a result though, a dedicated camera with a larger sensor and a couple of lenses depending on what you want is the way to go.
      Now, speaking about the nx300 specifically since I've bought it as a 2nd body a while ago (I wanted a cam to fit in my jacket) its IQ is great considering it's age. The 18-55mm kit lens that came with it is just fine. Still there are better lenses with smaller f-stops (better for low light and "bokeh"; google if you're not familiar with the term and how its achieved). I decided to keep the 18-55 for occasional use when I want to go very wide or a little telephoto and also got me a small samsung prime kens (prime us a lens with fixed focal length, aka no zoom). So I got the 30mm f2 for a little more than 100$, which makes the camera really pocketable and is excellent in the aspects I've mentioned (IQ, low light performance, bokeh).
      If you're still interested I'd urge you to try it. Worst case scenario if you're not happy with it or loose your interest, you'll sell it back for a similar amount and no big issue.
      Bear in mind that you can find deals on ebay for about 100-140$, and this with the kit lens. If one asks for more its just overpriced.(I payed 120+shipping for mine; camera + 18-55mm lens + the small flash that goes with the camera)
      Hope I was of help.

    • @fahmir832
      @fahmir832 11 месяцев назад

      @@XXX-vy6xv can i know which lens good bokeh@potrait😅 for samsung nx300. i need to use it on my school award .

  • @xkonstantin5
    @xkonstantin5 2 года назад

    Добър вечер :) !
    Понеже съм начинаещ и искам да почна от някъде без да надминавам границата си от 500 лева, искам да си купя някаква камера. Намерих samsung nx2000 втора ръка (само тялото, без обектива) за около 150 лева. Струва ли си парите или да се насоча към друго? Това което гледам би трябвало като резултат да е сходно. Като качество много ме впечатли самсунга - а и както във видеото беше споменато - 4 пъти по-малка цена. Също така, самсунга има ли си там ръчен фокус и настройки за допълнително разръчкване, понеже искам да си имам там някакъв контрол все пак? Интерфейсът става ли за нещо? Доколкото чух от разни видеа е някакъв по-занижен и автоматичен. А и колко би било трудно да се открие обектив за такава камера?

    • @1kdiy
      @1kdiy  2 года назад

      Само тяло за 150 не си заслужава. Бих ви препоръчал да следите обявите в olx, bazar, facebook, и ebay. За около 200 излизат пълни комплекти. NX серията предлага ръчни настройки на почти всичко. Намирането на NX обектив е много-трудно, а дори и да има, цената няма да ви хареса, затова отново ви съветвам да си потърсите пълен комплект. Sony NEX серията също могат да се намерят на добри цени и въобще не са лоши. Първата генерация NEX 3 и 5 са 14MP а следващите по 16, самсунзите са по 20 и нагоре, но не се подвеждайте по мегапикселите. Реално няма да видите разлика в качеството на изображението, освен ако не кропвате с 200 или повече процента. Също така за NEX има многооо аксесоари (преходници, сенници за дисплеи, екстендъри...) на много добри цени в китайските сайтове. Можете да адаптирате почти всеки обектив към e-mount (маунта на NEX). За NX също има някой и друг аксесоар, но за съжаление в пъти по-малко и на по-лоша цена... Успех!