Nononono....NOT the parking lot, bro. We're talking about the middle of the street, preferrably on a MAJOR thruway, blocking the flow of traffic on BOTH sides by parking in the dead middle. @@jjdillon1207
Shane going “ i turned the tupac movie off “ to “ i watched no country for old men, great fucking movie “ in five seconds automatically puts him at level 5 😂
I was leg pressing as shane was talking about the dude wearing a scream costume under his football gear and when he said he flapped his arms like wings and said he was a ghost I almost failed to lift the weight back up and nearly died
Gaddafi did actually see himself as a champion of Africa. He was a huge proponent for a more integrated African Union and a single gold based currency for all of Africa etc. There were many reasons why the powers at be in the west would want him out of the picture, hun trying to arm radicals in the US really is a footnote in the mf list.
@@kman9884 bro, he didn't want central banking into his country. They had a gold standard so our cia and the (banks) killed him. Every nation that doesn't want the banks ends up getting sanctioned or overthrown
@@GR-od1tpA White Mexican, perhaps, they still exist about 20 percent of Mexico but they rarely immigrate, because they are richer than the more indigenous Mexicans, they are more Spainard= more money. And they mostly reside in Mexico city, North Mexico, Sinaloa and North East Mexico.
My dad redecorated the front of the house and set up as the focal point 3 diagonally descending pictures of my little brothers football pics and it looks like an evolution from squirtle to warturtle to blastoise
I was getting tattooed last week, and was laughing so hard listening to MSSP I had to shut it off. My artist was all "Hey, can you please stop moving."
Hang in there bruv! talk therapy literally saved my life, I know not everybody is the same but I kept blacking out along with the mental breakdown/ panic attack hangover. I ain’t no doc bruv!
Proof that Love is Love- Matt clearly doesnt respect black culture but hes on his 2nd black wife. For now. Matt truly is a mystery wrapped in an enigma...
There were always black dorks, they just hid it better. I mean, jazz? Liking martial arts before the 80s? All the weird hipster songs used for rap beats? Being a fan of DBZ and not being from latin America?
So? That means her ancestors we're r*ped by slave-owners. Literally every black person in this country has white heritage. There is nothing groundbreaking, or interesting about that. Her ancestry being tied to the Mayflower illustrates the violence of slavery. What is your point? That she was like hiding being a WASP to come across as a black person? It doesn't even make sense. Follow your point to it's logical end state.
When I was locked up in 06 I use to watch hood fuckin black dudes watch Smallville the super man show that shit was amazing. I figured the only thing that could top it was watch them watch a magic show.
Omfg @13:25 ! Matt says to Shane, "did you know that there's a black national anthem?" And then when Shane says, "what?.... Is it E.I. by Nelly? I had literal tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. GD 😂
I went to Scotland and we were a smaller school but all heart Lol😂. We kicked the shit out of a lot of schools and was state champs in basketball mostly and track and field (check the records) 95 percent of us were from Philly and negros of course and the total school attendance from year to year was never more then 300-350 students TOTAL. The area loved when our school shut down I’m sure😅 Shane you the man sir!
"They look like horses that just got born" 😂😂😂 So true. Not an OUNCE of athleticism or simple body awareness. Just an overthinking and anxious brain with a body for a vehicle...and a shit vehicle at that.
Invited my neighbor to a Sunday BBQ, 2 days before on Friday, he didn't show up, until the following Sunday knocking on my door with food asking when it starts. He showed up a week late 🤣
Level of blackness usually goes hand and hand with what car they drive, if they got a beat to shit 90s/2000s chrysler or GM product theyre high level black easily
I grew up in Philly and when I was in 6th grade I got on a Neighborhood Football Squad and we were mixed with whites and black kids and Ricans but our coaches stunk and we sucked. We went winless and had to play all the black neighborhoods and they just destroyed us. They stuck my ass at LB and my white ass was just not quick enough and I just whiffed on tackles constantly. Couldn't cover a RB or TE to save my life. There was like 2 games left and I just quit..Baseball season was starting and I was so much better at Baseball. I never played organized football again.
Id blame Weird Al for putting them on in the white n nerdy music video, without that and the i called her a biiiitch/A-A ron sketches they would have been working some office job by now lmao.
I'm kinda tempted to make Shane Biggie my profile pic
do it or I will
It's money
The *PeePop Notification High Council* has agreed.
The change is permitted and endorsed.
For matt to say there is 3 levels of black and 5 levels of white totally arbitrarily is a hilarious accident
Literally the worst 2 numbers you could choose in that situation lmao
The ole 3/5 compromise razzle dazzle revival
i’m glad someone else caught that
trust the asian to factor this out
Holy shit that's great. Surprised Shane didn't catch that
6:11 "I went to my girlfriends hairdressers friends party..." 🤣🤣🤣 Shane just lets that go like a real dawg.
Yeah for blacks they’ll build a 10 year plus relationship with their barber
@@bencas9288yeah but it's not even the barber. It's their friend! Lmfao way worse.
Tombstone-ing your kids at Wal-Mart, being lvl. 5 black is the funniest fucking thing I've ever heard 2:39
I was trying to sleep to this then that part hit me like a ton of bricks
I'm pretty high atm. I dont get this one
@@SmokeytheBear66 Tombstoning is a Pro Wrestling move. He's talking about hitting kids in public.
Love the avi. And ur comment made me lol
Have you see the version with the merchant as the brain and the sheeeeeeiitt guy as body he’s controlling?
Like, the movie Tombstone? With Kurt Russel? And Val Kilmer? And Billy Bob Thornton?
3:22 "Holding up traffic to talk to your friend for 5 minutes" getting bumped to Level 4 to make room for black Israelites at Level 5 😂😭
That holding up traffic in a parking lot to chat is level 1.1 they all do it
Nononono....NOT the parking lot, bro. We're talking about the middle of the street, preferrably on a MAJOR thruway, blocking the flow of traffic on BOTH sides by parking in the dead middle. @@jjdillon1207
Being black I love seeing Matt and Shane’s take on the black community from their perspective they are some hilarious guys.
It's absolutely hilarious! 🤣
Good try Shane
My life was falling apart before I listened to this video, and now I'm the head of multi level marketing about the levels of blackness.
"5 is tombstoning their kids at wallmart" 😂😂😂 bruhhhhh
Shane going “ i turned the tupac movie off “ to “ i watched no country for old men, great fucking movie “ in five seconds automatically puts him at level 5 😂
To be fair no country for old men is a masterpiece, and tupacs biography just isn’t as compelling
Shane just immediately pulling out "E.I. by Nelly" was pretty fucking funny.
It’s “whoomp, there it is” though
Definitely made me LOL
“He laid with a black lady, in a convenience store, behind bulletproof glass. He slept in a bodega for 3 days. Like a Puerto Rican’s cat.”
Funniest shit I heard from these guys since the first five minutes of the Juvenile overflowing tub episode
Ngl…Shane looks clean af in that Coogi sweater 😂
I was leg pressing as shane was talking about the dude wearing a scream costume under his football gear and when he said he flapped his arms like wings and said he was a ghost I almost failed to lift the weight back up and nearly died
How tf did you make it pass the E.I. by Nelly part???😂😂
The true most dangerous game is lifting to funny shit.
@@Khan.WrathOfI was bench pressing while listening to Cum town once... Last time I did thst. 😂 almost died
all of you fat
I almost fell into a ravine because I was laughing so hard I couldn’t see where I was walking
Matt is seriously the funniest guy on podcasts... i listen to a lot and no one hits me like Matt. He was so good in Season 2 of Gilly and Keeves.
Where is season 2 of G&K?
"No one's ever gotten this far before!" 😂
Gaddafi did actually see himself as a champion of Africa. He was a huge proponent for a more integrated African Union and a single gold based currency for all of Africa etc. There were many reasons why the powers at be in the west would want him out of the picture, hun trying to arm radicals in the US really is a footnote in the mf list.
"We came, we saw, he died. Huhahahahahaha!"
Bro was a fuggin nut job dude. He was just a narcissist who thought he was the man of the people, but the people just beat him to death brutally.
Meanwhile unemployment was 33% and widespread poverty was wreaking havoc on the working class. Arab spring wasn’t just a U.S. psyop.
Nah the Arabs aren't Nigg*r rtards (still child fucking dumb Muslims), that currency would have failed miserably.
@@kman9884 bro, he didn't want central banking into his country. They had a gold standard so our cia and the (banks) killed him. Every nation that doesn't want the banks ends up getting sanctioned or overthrown
This version of Matt looks like he’d wear a lot of Carolina blue, rock a thin gold rope chain and drive a busted up impala.
And like he’s picking his gf up from high school like “do you have a cigarette babe”
Hey, I know that guy
@@Bonsoirmonamie 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@Bonsoirmonamie lmao
"I got attacked by a black red neck guy, first time I've ever seen it"
"A black red neck guy? That's sick"
Bruh claimed he got "attached" then went on to explain how he chased their truck in a fit of road rage 🤦🏾♂️😂😂
Matt’s mortal combat, street fighters, and wrestling references are unmatched
Shane saying the black national anthem is ei by Nelly has me in tears
The funniest shit ever 😂😂😂
Level 2 White: You can go on a construction site 😂😂😂
So Mexican?
@@GR-od1tpA White Mexican, perhaps, they still exist about 20 percent of Mexico but they rarely immigrate, because they are richer than the more indigenous Mexicans, they are more Spainard= more money. And they mostly reside in Mexico city, North Mexico, Sinaloa and North East Mexico.
If you crush a warhead and then go to sleep you a different breed 😂
My dad redecorated the front of the house and set up as the focal point 3 diagonally descending pictures of my little brothers football pics and it looks like an evolution from squirtle to warturtle to blastoise
At least one of his sons is straight
I googled the bank robbery Shane was talking about, and apparently it was Tupac's step-dad, who was released from prison 3 days ago.
"American political activist... how about murderer?"😂😂
I’m getting a tattoo done and the part where Shane asked if the black anthem was Nelly I jumped laughing and fucked up my tattoo lol.
I was getting tattooed last week, and was laughing so hard listening to MSSP I had to shut it off. My artist was all "Hey, can you please stop moving."
Next time try "completing the circuit" by touching thumb to middle finger, drastically reduces tension and works for dental work, etc.
@@SoBayK80 I’ll give it a shot. I got several appointments over the next 2 months.
@@SoBayK80 nice tip, thanks,man
shane kills me with the black Israelites 😂 you just have to know em
I just got back home from a hard blackout+mental breakdown and this notification popped up. Couldn’t have had better timing you’re awesome✌️
That was me a few weeks ago. You'll be alreet lad.
I love you
Take less narcotics, perhaps.
Hang in there bruv! talk therapy literally saved my life, I know not everybody is the same but I kept blacking out along with the mental breakdown/ panic attack hangover. I ain’t no doc bruv!
@@Khathaar he won’t be alright tho 💯
“Chill with the white power “ Lmao
The convenience store story is god-tier Shaman lore
I as a black dude am now learning a black anthem exists and have no interest in what could it possibly be lol
matt and shane, the culture writers
"They can hulk out and hit a three" 😂😂😂
13:22 E.I. by Nelly. I'm fuckin dead 😂😂😂
Now I understand micro aggressions and white privilege! Thanks Matt and Shane! 🙏🏿🫅🏿
Matt randomly throwin out “White Power” mid sentence just made shit real awkward for me at break on lunch with the dawgs 😂😂😂
Black icon Shane Gillis
This is flying close to the sun.
Easy boys
Proof that Love is Love- Matt clearly doesnt respect black culture but hes on his 2nd black wife. For now. Matt truly is a mystery wrapped in an enigma...
I fuck with it tho
Culture 🤦🏼
Culture isn't rap and crime bro.
“Is it e i by Nelly?” Lmao
Shane is the gateway drug to Matt
peepop always coming in clutch
20:37 "I am a ghost" LOL 😂😂😂
Love how Shane thinks Logic is a big part of youth culture
I mean that 1-800 song was huge in like 2017
He was at the time. This ep is 2017 or 2018
I remember I was gonna kill myself but then logic made suicide corny af with that song so I didn’t
There were always black dorks, they just hid it better. I mean, jazz? Liking martial arts before the 80s? All the weird hipster songs used for rap beats? Being a fan of DBZ and not being from latin America?
It’s so funny to me that people are ashamed of growing up with a successful parents
Angela Davis went on that Finding your Roots show and it turns out shes descended from someone who came here on the Mayflower. It's pretty hilarious.
Oh, damn?! That was her?!!!
Yeah her slave ancestors probably got raped. Shit ton of black people have slave owner dna. Guess why
So? That means her ancestors we're r*ped by slave-owners. Literally every black person in this country has white heritage. There is nothing groundbreaking, or interesting about that.
Her ancestry being tied to the Mayflower illustrates the violence of slavery.
What is your point? That she was like hiding being a WASP to come across as a black person? It doesn't even make sense. Follow your point to it's logical end state.
When I was locked up in 06 I use to watch hood fuckin black dudes watch Smallville the super man show that shit was amazing. I figured the only thing that could top it was watch them watch a magic show.
When i was locked up, all the hood black guys watched Charmed every single day. It started because the chicks were hot, but they got way into it
Bro who didn’t watch smallville in 2006?
"they look like horses that just been born" killed me
Bro said “is it E.I. by Nelly?” 😂😂😂 my god dude…that was amazing😂😂
As if this podcast couldn’t get any better the fact that Shane also loves NCFOM just makes my day
Malcolm x died in 1965 and Gaddafi took power in Libya in 1969. Jesus Christ Matt
Omfg @13:25 ! Matt says to Shane, "did you know that there's a black national anthem?" And then when Shane says, "what?.... Is it E.I. by Nelly? I had literal tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. GD 😂
I hope Matt's wife actually told him they sang the black national anthem in school 🤣
is it "e.i." by nelly? i cant im fucking dying
"Sorry, I watch a lot of porn" - man who has totally quit porn
Nothing hits like the Old Testament
Fast forward a year and the black national anthem is being played at the Super Bowl
One thumbnail to rule them all
Who's the guy in the cowboy hat?
Idk that One thumbnail with the Charizard and Blue eye white dragon is pretty GOAT tier
Holy shit is the end of this one worth it. Matt’s bodega romance story is fucking classic
Black dudes have been into anime since the beginning
The Notorious SG… respect ✊
The ultimate dawg, peepop
He slept in a bodega for three days like a Puerto Rican's cat
I went to Scotland and we were a smaller school but all heart Lol😂. We kicked the shit out of a lot of schools and was state champs in basketball mostly and track and field (check the records) 95 percent of us were from Philly and negros of course and the total school attendance from year to year was never more then 300-350 students TOTAL. The area loved when our school shut down I’m sure😅 Shane you the man sir!
3:43 the run description murdered me 😅
Hell nah I would never shoot a truck and I carry every day💀😂
The universal circus and black church comparison was gold
I don't know why but Matt going to church for his girlfriend is the funniest thing I've ever heard 😂
Shout out northeast Philly 🙌🏻🙌🏻 215 🙌🏻🙌🏻
2:34 lol when he said Stacey Dash I had been so sure he was going to be talking about Condoleesa Rice… so glad that’s what Shane said XP
Praise be my dawgs
Stacey Dash is so fine. Childhood crush since Mo Money.
"They look like horses that just got born" 😂😂😂 So true. Not an OUNCE of athleticism or simple body awareness. Just an overthinking and anxious brain with a body for a vehicle...and a shit vehicle at that.
Out of all this video, matt sayin "check your privellage dude" about having fleas , cracked my shit up the most 😂😂
Level of blackness should be a number corresponding to how late they show up on average
Invited my neighbor to a Sunday BBQ, 2 days before on Friday, he didn't show up, until the following Sunday knocking on my door with food asking when it starts. He showed up a week late 🤣
Level of blackness usually goes hand and hand with what car they drive, if they got a beat to shit 90s/2000s chrysler or GM product theyre high level black easily
@@Garf2Odamn , I’m like a level 5 lol. Also sick profile pic , love the Foundation video.
@@Garf2Owith or without the rims worth more than the car?
"Is it E.I by nelly?"
Omg…. “You know there is a black national anthem?… is it EI by Nelly?” ….😂😂😂😂
Nelly - E.I. is the black national anthem now.
I grew up in Philly and when I was in 6th grade I got on a Neighborhood Football Squad and we were mixed with whites and black kids and Ricans but our coaches stunk and we sucked. We went winless and had to play all the black neighborhoods and they just destroyed us. They stuck my ass at LB and my white ass was just not quick enough and I just whiffed on tackles constantly. Couldn't cover a RB or TE to save my life. There was like 2 games left and I just quit..Baseball season was starting and I was so much better at Baseball. I never played organized football again.
I'm trying to figure out how this relates to this clip other than it's loosely about black people.
Their genes are made for chasing antelopes on thr savannahs
Bro... this is my north jersey experience with football lol.
@@seanmatthewking 20 min mark and upward buddy
Gaddafi also gave guns to the IRA, it wasnt a race thing for him. More western imperialism in general.
3/5 ths compromise holy howd shane not catch this 😂😂😂
🎵 I miss my cousin 🎵
Mat said he had already been through the black church thing when he went to the Universoul Circus. I would love video of this.
No one is talking about the 3/5 ratio Matt instinctually came up with lmao
girlfriends hairdressers friend
Key and Peele being considered funny was the fall of black coolness.
Id blame Weird Al for putting them on in the white n nerdy music video, without that and the i called her a biiiitch/A-A ron sketches they would have been working some office job by now lmao.
@@Garf2O no.
@@Garf2O I mean honestly Peeles movies are really well made and entertaining, a little overrated but definitely entertaining
@@tommybellardineall his movies are just "oh no white man bad and scary" it's not even good
@@OrroHelhammer clearly havent seen nope
"Is it E.I. by Nelly?"
💀 💀
The part about level 1 white people running lmao
That “omg” was so funny
Matt says he's 2/3 black 66% and Shane says 3/5 black 60% pretty much agree 😊
The Wild Wild West
No Country For Old Men is fucking fantastic. It’s in my top ten too, probably my number one honestly.
Black Israelite’s are a 5 🤣 🤣 😂 😂 hilarious!!!
Ken is the only black guy in my office and he drives a Subaru.
Angela Davis also backed Jonestown.
what is midea?
Our constitutional brothers with some solid 3/5th’s gabbing.
Sleeping in a bodega is fucking wild 😂
9:40 "F*ckin' Dej Loaf like a stud."
I've rewatched that part like 5 times, where do they say anything about Dej Loaf?