The lies of alternative media

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2023
  • So, @RussellBrand is a creep.
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    #russellbrand #andrewtate #candaceowens #dailywire #alternativemedia
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  • @kjql949
    @kjql949 8 месяцев назад +772

    Basically don't trust any media without engaging in critical thinking yourself, mainstream or alternative.

    • @jamestillman3150
      @jamestillman3150 8 месяцев назад +10

      That’s exactly what I wanted to say. I take all of it with a grain of salt until real evidence surfaces. You have to in this day and age.

    • @bluelamp8183
      @bluelamp8183 8 месяцев назад +5

      Basically don't trust any media without engaging in critical thinking yourself, mainstream or alternative.
      ^ Pure common sense here

    • @cancelled_user
      @cancelled_user 8 месяцев назад +2

      It's sad that websites like Wikipedia don't follow this rule and push mainstream media opinions over primary sources. 😐

    • @Trollika_Devi
      @Trollika_Devi 8 месяцев назад +4

      I agree with many things Russell says , I like watching him now and then but it was obvious right from the start that he's full of it. People seem to act like cultists the moment they start liking someone and that's dangerous .

    • @spyral00
      @spyral00 8 месяцев назад +5

      That's why I watch both left and right wing media to try piecing the truth back together if possible. But most people don't hve the time to do that.
      That being said, it's better to have many biased sources than just one that is goverment controlled, I think we can agree on that.

  • @9thFloorAngel
    @9thFloorAngel 8 месяцев назад +295

    Your description of them being "war profiteers" for the culture war is spot on. It perfectly explains everything about why they act the way they do. I've seen the "casualties" of their war in the hearts/minds of my friends and family. There is a deep rot in our society that may very well be terminal.

    • @nickrails
      @nickrails 8 месяцев назад +3

      Yes, a particularly good metaphor

    • @Raydensheraj
      @Raydensheraj 8 месяцев назад +6

      Evolutionary theory calls this Tribalism.

    • @Uncanny_Mountain
      @Uncanny_Mountain 8 месяцев назад

      They're also all Jesuits
      Barr, Bannon, Cippolone, Gore, Guiliani, Leo, Alito, Thomas, and Barrett are all Opus Dei. Trump trained alongside Epstein and Roger Stone under Roy Cohn, who used kids to blackmail politicians on behalf of Mossad. Cohn trained under Meyer Lansky, who trained under Hoover. Robert Mercer and Rupert Murdoch are both Knights of Malta.
      Not to mention the fact Trump gave the Saudis permits to make Nuclear Reactors and the stolen documents likely pertain to their operation and how to weaponise Uranium.
      SA being the home of Wahabbism, the 300yr old ideology of Isis, the country itself being founded by Churchill and the Crown in 1934, to protect israel from Arab revolt
      Oh, and he gave them $120 billion in weapons, and helped MBS kill his opponents in Vegas, which involved Lockheed Martin employee John Paddock and used weapons stolen from an IDF base in the Negev desert, as well as unmarked Helicopters.
      Then there's the Roman Abromavich connection to Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, the key players behind Brexit, and the Sex Ring Superyacht he sold to Trump via Adnan Kashoggi, who is Mossad, just like Kushner, and Epstein, who listed SA as his home and had a Wahabbi funeral just like Osama Bin Laden, whose family did Brunch at the Bush Mansion in 2001, and now build the pipelines through the Isis occupied Golan heights, which Trump ceded to israel on it's 70th anniversary.
      The Golan Heights being where Genie Oil operates, on the board are Texas Senator Bill Richardson, who gave Elon over $3 Billion in taxpayer money. James Woolsey, Dir CIA under Bush, Art Smuggler Micheal Steinhardt, Rupert Murdoch, Sec Def under Bush Donald Rumsfeld. Also CEO of Halliburton and Vice President under Bush Dick Cheney, Larry Summers (Treasurer under Bush). Jakob Rosschild, and Wilbur Ross, Commerce Secretary under Bush and Treasurer under Trump, CEO of Cyprus and Deutsch Banks.
      Again Guiliani is Opus Dei, so too Leo, Bannon, Barr, Cippolone, Alito, Barrett, Gore, and Thomas.
      Guiliani also helped cover up the Truck Bombers caught on the George Washington bridge in 2001, along with Bernard Kerik, who found the passport handed to him by "some guy." Guiliani also sent firefighters into the buildings knowing their radios wouldn't work, because he was the one who ordered to use them. Kerik was pardoned by Trump and both were instrumental in the planning of Jan 6
      In June of 2001 Kerik travelled to israel where he recieved $250k from Eithan Wertheimer, head of one of the Richest ten families on earth, for undisclosed services.
      Remember all these folks were hanging out with Epstein, Trump even promoted the attorney who got Epstein his sweetheart deal to Sec of Labor, who is in charge of investigating human trafficking. Bannon is the CEO of Breitbart, an israeli propaganda outlet.
      A role then filled by Scalia, whose dad was also involved with Trump, Opus Dei, and Epstein. Kushner's dad was also pardoned, after serving on the Port Authority Board that gave Lucky Larry Silverstein his $100k lease, with a $2 BILLION dollar insurance plan.
      Merrick Garland's mentor of 40 years Jamie Gorelich helped Ivanka and Kushner (Mossad) dodge nepotism laws while in the WH. Kushner paid three times the market for 666 5th ave (prev National Jehovah's Witness HQ) which was previously owned by Carlyle Group owned by Bush, and was the site of a Truck Bomb detonation in 2001.
      Mueller was also part of the 2001 "investigation" along with Michael Chertoff, who had impunity for israel written into the Patriot Act, and whose Cousin bought Popular Mechanics and published the infamous debunking issue.
      The Pentagon Comptroller in 2001 was Dov Zakheim, who lost $4 trillion and whose company CPS installed remote hijack tech in the AA fleet in June 2001. Edward Snowden worked for Dov Zakheim and was bought to us by Glen Greenwald, who now rubs shoulders with Jesuit Agent Provocateurs Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan, whose mutual friend with Steven Crowder Brian Callen is the founder of Diligence, a spook Contractor to the CIA.
      Julian Assange helped Roger Stone and the Trump Campaign in 2016, being the first to suggest challenging the outcome if he lost, and asking to be made the Australian ambassador to the US. Margeret Sunbyrne, the head of the Sun Worship cult he was raised in was also protected by the CIA in the Australian Supreme Court, on grounds of "National Security"
      Crowder turned down a $50 million contract
      Trump gave out over $4 trillion in tax breaks for the rich and Covid relief for businesses, which was handed out among right wing agents.
      Someone also paid over $650 million to install Barrett and Kavanaugh.
      Trump and Roger Stone both trained alongside Epstein (died 66.6 yrs, worth $600 million) under Roy Cohn, who admitted to using kids to blackmail politicians for Mossad. Roy Cohn was behind both Watergate and the McCarthy hearings, he also cowrote the Southern Strategy with Roger Stone and Lee Attwater, friend of Epstein. Cohn also covered up the Rosenberg scandal, calling for a quick execution before an investigation could be carried out.
      Fat Tony Salerno built 666ft Trump Tower, where Trump lives on the 66th floor, his friends Raoul Goldberger and Yesil Engin were both jailed for Cocaine trafficking, and Tevrik Akfir of Turkey was caught with another Sex Ring Superyacht.
      Trump's Jesuit Mentor was Norman Vincent Peale, a 33rd Degree Master Mason
      Leonard Leo also received over a Billion dollars.
      _"Claim everything, deny everything, explain nothing"_
      Prescott Bush
      _"Deny Deflect Disinform"_
      Roger Stone
      _"If you're not with us you're with the Terrorists"_
      George Bush Jr 2001
      _"I propose an Aryan/Semitic alliance in order to create a superior caucasian race"_
      Benjamin Disraeli, UK PM 1890.
      _"But they want nothing but Palestine, because Palestine represents the geostrategic center for World Control"_
      Dr Nahum Goldmann.
      _"Today I declare the Crusades won"_
      General Edmunde Allenby 1917 upon liberating Palestine.
      _"We must put an end to anything which brings about any Islamic unity between the sons of the Muslims. As we have already succeeded in finishing off the Caliphate, so we must ensure that there will never rise again unity for the Muslims, whether it be intellectual or cultural unity.“_
      George Curzon, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston, British Foreign Minister 1920.
      _"The NW0 will begin Sept 17 2001, during Rosh Hashanah Feast of Trumpets, Resurrection of the Dead, on the First Crescent of the New Moon, in the year 6000 of the Great Pyramid Calendar, in order to cleanse the earth and humanity in preparation for his Kingdom to come"_
      British Israel Foundation memo 1922.
      This is why we must call for Direct Digital Democracy without parties or politicians. Citizen Initiated Referendums with thresholds and a Social Contract means Communities can vote their own laws. As well as a Public Authority to audit Police and prosecute bad actors in _our own_ courts.
      Thorium energy renders their global energy monopoly obsolete

    • @orgonelifesupport
      @orgonelifesupport 8 месяцев назад

      Jimmy Dore was out protesting in DC, trying to get attention for “force the vote” about 3-4yrs ago; trying to pressure progressive politicians to exchange their vote for Nancy pelosi for speaker for an open vote for universal healthcare on the floor, that way every politicians vote could officially be on the record.

    • @CatharticCreation
      @CatharticCreation 8 месяцев назад +3

      trust me, they think you’re just as rotted

  • @codycurtin2295
    @codycurtin2295 8 месяцев назад +376

    When there is an abundance of truth or a hyper-abundance of information, we get to decide what our reality is. People need to realize that antagonism does not mean rightness. Juat because a media source is "anti-mainstream" or "anti-capitalist" does not gain it more truth compared to corporate media. We have to analyze every bit of news that is presented to us because they all follow the same rules of hyperreality.

    • @kuroazrem5376
      @kuroazrem5376 8 месяцев назад

      If they really were "anti-capitalists", they'd do it for free. At least the right believes in the free market, and they exploit it. Leftists are all totalitarian hypocrates.

    • @johnmacrae2006
      @johnmacrae2006 8 месяцев назад

      These guys have platforms for a reason. Tate’s father was CIA. Russell Brand dated an heiress of a financier.
      These guys _know things_ . But they are not to be trusted.

    • @lightfeather9953
      @lightfeather9953 8 месяцев назад +7

      Very insightful. It's so easy now for content creators to feed on our emotions and give us a narrative.

    • @gordonstrong5232
      @gordonstrong5232 8 месяцев назад +10

      Well said. It's become fashionable for people to just dismiss mainstream media nowadays, but there's absolutely no evidence that alternative media is any more honest or any less biased or less profit and ratings driven.
      If anything alternative media is actually worse because there's less accountability.
      I've noticed something else too; whenever I'm arguing about an issue online, and someone says "oh you just believe whatever mainstream media tells you" I always ask them which specific news outlets or alternative media sources they're getting their information from, and they virtually always refuse to answer or just give a vague "do your own research" type response.
      It's like they're fully aware that if they identify their own sources they'll also have to admit that they're consuming really ideologically biased/fringe content.

    • @petterdanielsen2263
      @petterdanielsen2263 8 месяцев назад

      Every time I do not feel that media, that being alternative or mainstream are pushing narratives instead of information, I seek to find the truth somewhere else. Not because I need to confirm my own personal beliefs, but to see the given topic from a multitude of angles, and thereby providing me with sufficient information to construct my own opinion.
      The matter of truth or not is an almost impossible topic to discuss, since truth can be established by giving just enough information to back any given narrative the journalists wishes to front. So we can almost delve into a discussion about truth or the whole truth or any degree of truth based on the information we have at hand.
      The Russel Brand allegations fall under the category of what the journalists want to be the truth, backed by their initial motivation to start digging into Brand. You point out that Brand only cares about himself and monetizing off of his own ego, but on the other hand we can easily twist these allegations from you around and ask ourselves if the journalists desires to take down Brand is a stronger motivational factor for them, then actually helping these girls achieve justice for the allegations they have anonymously voiced. If Brand is the "goal", then these girls are just tools or means to an end and the journalists care as little for them as Russel Brand does for himself.
      I very much enjoy your content 😊

  • @lawron2
    @lawron2 8 месяцев назад +178

    Everyone is manipulating everyone. The only thing we need is critical thinking or, best yet, discernment.

    • @akshayde
      @akshayde 8 месяцев назад +4

      Naah.. We need to shut down the internet. Just reset.

    • @lullaby218
      @lullaby218 8 месяцев назад +9

      @@akshayde I wouldn't mind becoming a modern amish. Like with only up to early 2000s late 90s tech. DVD and CD players, analog tech.
      1)No touchscreens and no wireless internet

    • @lightfeather9953
      @lightfeather9953 8 месяцев назад +6

      ​​@@lullaby218there are Mennonites who use some tech. The Amish have a lot of good traits but they take it too far with
      1. No education on sexuality or consent. Abuse is common and the victim is blamed while the abuser faces minimal consequences.
      2. They use their cultural rules as a religious law. They think you go to hell if you don't follow the man made rules of a preacher by doing things like painting a safety triangle on the back of your buggy, or unbuttoning the collar of your shirt.
      3. You are totally shunned if you leave or don't follow these rules. Parents will tell their own child to never see them again. Which makes it kind of a cult. Women especially are extremely sheltered from the outside world... almost all former Amish are men because they interact with broader society a lot more often.
      Intentional communities in general are a good solution though, religious or not. I highly recommend people visit any cohousing or co-op communities in their area.

    • @njongomato
      @njongomato 8 месяцев назад


    • @aporue5893
      @aporue5893 8 месяцев назад

      speak for yourself only.Don't include me in this! I have no wish to manipulate anyone.

  • @TylerRein
    @TylerRein 8 месяцев назад +952

    Pay attention everyone. This is what actual critical thinking looks like.

    • @markstriker925
      @markstriker925 8 месяцев назад +13

      Based kid.

    • @BM-UK
      @BM-UK 8 месяцев назад

      What ? critical thinking is following mainstream media ? really ?

    • @MerryOlSoulGigglesmith
      @MerryOlSoulGigglesmith 8 месяцев назад +1

      😂 M'ksy

    • @iankclark
      @iankclark 8 месяцев назад

      Nah, she's just triggered. And she's no different. What is she saying that's any different? Vague words about 'we deserve better'. Mostly she's pissed that -- now women are de facto the cultural vanguard -- they are taking heat for doing a crap job. And they really are.

    • @jashuasmith9361
      @jashuasmith9361 8 месяцев назад +1


  • @papasitoman
    @papasitoman 7 месяцев назад +7

    (Commits crimes and makes ridiculous claims, then gets charged and/or called out)
    "See?? The Matrix is after me! Send me money!!"

    • @carrionflowers6764
      @carrionflowers6764 7 месяцев назад +1

      How did the charges start? Journalists seeking out victims from his past. It was a hit job. Whether the allegations end up being true or not.

  • @k31than
    @k31than 8 месяцев назад +10

    To quote Maria Ressa, “The end goal of disinformation is really not to make you believe something, it's to make you distrust everything.”

  • @mastersloseymusic3928
    @mastersloseymusic3928 8 месяцев назад +217

    I used to surround myself with nothing but alternative media figures like Tim Pool, Russel Brand, Jimmy Dore, as well as other contrarians with more right-leaning views. As of a couple years ago I fell away from it because I realized that once they were getting to be very successful their whole shtick seemed to me to be another power grab due to them maintaining their success rather than their integrity.

    • @northleedspoppa
      @northleedspoppa 8 месяцев назад

      The main problem is that everything Dore and Brand say is appreciable nonsense
      Designed to indulge very poor very weak ppl
      It tells them that nothing is there fault and nothing can be done besides throwing themselves at the feet of the latest corporatist idol

    • @ozzie3126
      @ozzie3126 8 месяцев назад +12


    • @kashourikatsu2543
      @kashourikatsu2543 8 месяцев назад +18

      That's with almost every RUclipsr once they get more popular and more views they kinda change

    • @lucasgrey9794
      @lucasgrey9794 8 месяцев назад +39

      Tim Pool is a complete space cadet. As scientists say, "he is not even wrong" because to be wrong would imply understanding subject matter. Tim Pool viewers come away even less informed than they were before they watched him and with brain worms that prevent them from ever having a relationship with reality.

    • @loc4725
      @loc4725 8 месяцев назад +20

      I've seen the owners of many channels eventually realise that one particular group or subset of their audience is particularly reachable, and therefore monetisable. People like hearing their own views and those that cultivate those positions whilst excluding dissenting voices win. It works whether the media is mainstream or alternative and has pretty much always been this way.

  • @russelpea
    @russelpea 8 месяцев назад +29

    🎯 "It feels like a bizarre MLM scam"
    Because it is.

  • @DMazga
    @DMazga 8 месяцев назад +108

    I wouldn’t put Andrew Tate and Candace Owens in the same basket as Jordan Peterson and Russel Brand. The latter two, for all their flaws and faults, have contributed something of value to the world. Candace is a grifter and a perennial contrarian for the sake of being contrarian, and Tate is, well, a glorified pimp.

    • @iankclark
      @iankclark 8 месяцев назад +13

      Yep. Let's have some perspective please.

    • @MrGregglesC
      @MrGregglesC 8 месяцев назад +39

      Russel Brand started great but has lost his way. Jordan peterson had worthy things to say but is a total crack pot and culture warrior. They absolutely deserve to be in the grifter category

    • @connorstokes2672
      @connorstokes2672 8 месяцев назад +14

      @@MrGregglesC its quicker to just say you disagree with them.

    • @MrGregglesC
      @MrGregglesC 8 месяцев назад

      @connorstokes2672 for you it is, if you want to see the world as black and white as that. Jordan Peterson isn't arguing a sensible point and Russel Brand has no understanding of politics.
      Only people without critical thinking take them seriously

    • @HIMMBelljuvo
      @HIMMBelljuvo 8 месяцев назад +27

      ​@@MrGregglesCA grifter is someone who takes your money and doesn't give anything of much, if any, value in return. A grift is a scam. That is not what Jordan Peterson does

  • @martiendejong8857
    @martiendejong8857 8 месяцев назад +88

    It's very much possible that this is a concerted media attack, that Russell is guilty, and that he honestly believes he was not in the wrong

    • @joannasowinska6789
      @joannasowinska6789 8 месяцев назад +3


    • @CatharticCreation
      @CatharticCreation 8 месяцев назад +14

      it is likely some combo of both but what bothers me is kidology’s lack of mentioning a fair legal trial for brand before assuming the worst of him

    • @martiendejong8857
      @martiendejong8857 8 месяцев назад +11

      @@CatharticCreation I didn't really get it like she meant that. Yes he should get fair treatment. At the same time we should not be idiots. Dominique Straus Khan was found not guilty in a trial. The system is not just, he may be punished if he is innocent, or get away with it if he's guilty. And sometimes even in a case of reasonable doubt we still know the culprit is guilty as hell.

    • @yota8325
      @yota8325 8 месяцев назад +7

      ​@@CatharticCreationshe even claimed that tate is a sex trafficker when that still hasn't been proven in a court of law. She needs to use the word "alleged" alot more often

    • @tezzo55
      @tezzo55 8 месяцев назад

      Alternatively, you may have judged him too quickly, without looking into said allegations, and you simply might be wrong.
      This video feels like typical new-left slander, a technique fist invented by the Catholic Church to discredit parishioners whom it wished to exile from the community.

  • @Markeveli237
    @Markeveli237 8 месяцев назад +78

    You make very good points but i think this is the problem with every content creator out there. People will validate who ever says something that resonates with them and this doesn`t make these speakers or leaders immune from mistakes or wipe away the wrongs in their past. i can only hope for all these people and you to stay strong and also have the courage to take responsibility for your actions when they are called out. for its not easy to deal with things that we thought are now in the past.

    • @lsour8546
      @lsour8546 8 месяцев назад +4

      I think the best we can do is stay grounded and keep using our critical thinking with every piece of media we get. It's not natural for the human brain to keep passively engulfing information like we have been doing for the past 50 years or so

    • @Lydiadragonbourne
      @Lydiadragonbourne 8 месяцев назад +2

      Yes, I agree, all people/corporations with a big following, whether mainstream or alternative, do this

  • @raptoress6131
    @raptoress6131 8 месяцев назад +71

    One thing being false doesn't (necessarily) indicate that another thing is true.

    • @RomaTomatoe
      @RomaTomatoe 8 месяцев назад +22

      One of my favorite sayings growing up goes as follows:
      Just because you both can't be right doesn't mean you both can't be wrong.

    • @madamebkrt
      @madamebkrt 8 месяцев назад +13

      Absolutely. People also seem to think that just because someone is right about one thing means that everything else they say must be true as well. Brains are being rotted.

    • @rickyrivera3623
      @rickyrivera3623 8 месяцев назад +3

      @@madamebkrt I mean there this thing called trust. When you trust someone you tend to believe what they said and honestly it’s tiring and effortful to constantly be analyzing things to make sure there true. I can see why someone would trust someone who claims make sense instead to them. It’s normal human behavior. Sucks that we live in world where trusting people seems like a bad idea in general

    • @nathanielbables8652
      @nathanielbables8652 8 месяцев назад

      What do you mean??

    • @6lack5ushi
      @6lack5ushi 8 месяцев назад

      you and another comment here hit the nail on the head in diagnosing why we listen to anyone. Life for most people is wayyy to complex to think about everything. it's why religion works and cults (same thing) what gets into the weeds is how belief can lead to psychosomatic issues!!! As an autist and contrarian that is why I am allergic to believing in others, it makes no sense to use someone else's eyes to move my feet... Engineering and computer science gave me powerful models to understand information which is what we are all trying to process. I get angry at people when they dont meet me at the details of an issue but what I am seeing today is they dont even believe the details are there!!! @@rickyrivera3623

  • @asktherisk1636
    @asktherisk1636 8 месяцев назад +175

    The word you are looking for to call these people is grifters.
    This next statement isn't in regard to the allegations.
    What a person doesn't know will always be more important than what a person does know. Human beings will always be lacking critical information, and even pre internet, people at most have small 10-30 minute windows to explain very complicated political issues. It's why we seek affirmation within a "tribe", we don't have a lifetime to fully delve into a complicated subject while trying to live our lives.

    • @kimmieutsunomiya1457
      @kimmieutsunomiya1457 8 месяцев назад

      It’s also why people focus on what they don’t have rather than what they do have.

  • @jockez3581
    @jockez3581 8 месяцев назад +33

    Watching this video it's pretty clear that you know very little about Russell Brand. No well informed person would lump him together with the likes of Andrew Tate who clearly is a scam artist. Russell has been very open about his past as both a drug addict as well as a sex addict. Today he is a married man with children and seemingly not struggling with his addictions. People do change believe it or not.
    I have personally been watching Russell for a while and for those of us who do it's very clear that he is not one of those guys blaming women for all societies problems (nor the jews) and if he did I wouldn't be watching him. As a matter of fact he never mentions women in that way. His sole focus are the mega corporations, political leaders, non-governmental organisations, news companies, the ultra rich etc. He's very clear about not believing in the way society is constructed and that he wants a more decentralized power structure and a smaller communities type of world.
    I don't believe in every single word that comes out of his mouth but he brings to light the topics that the mainstream media are totally ignoring or reporting on in what seems to be a very biased way. In hence the media are not fulfilling the very important function that they are supposed to have in a well functioning society.
    You say that we should demand the media to do better but gave no thoughts on how that could be done. Have you no knowledge about the ownership structure in these companies? Sadly I think independent journalism seems like a rareity these days.
    The mainstream media seems to take every single chance they can to put all their focus on this one single person who allegedly has done wrong and to me it seems like they are grabbing every single opportunity they can not to focus on the larger picture of what's going on in the world. Sadly I think you were doing the same in this clip.
    You don't really know Russells real intentions with his channels nor do you know if he's guilty of the allegations. Why didn't you make a video pointing out where he's factually wrong or explaining how we could change the media instead of jumping on the character assasination attempt?
    I assume this was a waste of my time but there you go. Hope it got you thinking.

    • @Felineintuition
      @Felineintuition 8 месяцев назад +4

      So... who is Russel? Isn't he a rich man, made by BBC and Hollywood? Isn't he living the life with the money he made through mainstream media? Isn't he in the spotlight *because* of social media? Funny how he's against what made him. And going forward with that... has he shared his wisdom? Has he started naming names, backed-up his claims with facts, e-mails, "receipts"? If he's so powerful and knowledgeable and the mainstream media is coming after him to silence him, where's the trail of bodies left by his big truth? Seems to me (please advise if my conclusion is wrong) that he's speaking about the same platitudes found at every street corner or bodega but he's speaking about it like it's just been uncovered. Boooring! Opression is real, corporate greed is real, politicians are power and money hungry, the ultra rich really do rule the world, mainstream media is there to keep your mind occupied with constant "drama", gossip and "reality" shows and is definitely used as a political tool. I want someone to tell me something new. This is old news since the 50's. Discussed about ad-nauseam, disected in every way possible and yet... no new information comes up.
      As for the allegations against him... he doesn't have to be a woman hater to do these things. One simply has to think themselves above the law, rich enough to be untouchable, arrogant enough to get away with anything simply because the people on his side (the mainstream media that made him) will make it all go away before it even makes it to the screen. Isn't that what he's preaching? Seems like his friends from back in the day really did that for him. How lucky he was to live the life he wanted and avoid the punishment for it. Like that friend of Ashton Kutcher who got 30 ywars in prison but was everyone's best friend. Are you paying any attention at all to how these things happen and stay under wraps for decades while the victims are terrorized and too scared and traumatized to speak up?
      The only truth here is that we don't know these people. We know what their "social" mask portrays, just like with anyone else. "Be the change you want to see in the world", don't look up to the "change" on RUclips or Hollywood or Twitch and nod along while changing nothing about yourself or doing nothing for the surrounding community. There is no saviour.

    • @2Question-Everything
      @2Question-Everything 8 месяцев назад +1

      How many addicts out there don't have anything to atone for? It's one of the steps in the 12 step program. Shall we get a time line of the allegations and when he went into recovery for the sex addiction? Perhaps things will look different. No one is saying he did any of this stuff yesterday. And if the allegations are from his time as an addict-why would you automatically trust a 'using' addicts version of things?
      Doing 'good' things NOW doesn't mean you didn't do 'bad' things THEN. And if you weren't one of the people treated badly, what say should you have in any 'amends'?

    • @jockez3581
      @jockez3581 8 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@2Question-Everything​The text under her video is "So, Russell Brand is a creep." Seems like she's saying he's guilty... You're also assuming someone was treated badly which we don't know.
      He might have been a creep but doesn't seem like one to me at this moment.

    • @2Question-Everything
      @2Question-Everything 8 месяцев назад +2

      I unsubscribed from Russell's channel months ago because...he wasn't implementing ways of doing things different for the new world he talks about-just flapping his jaws and asking for money.
      Looking back at his performances when the mainstream media was making him famous, creepy is very apt. I have yet to find someone who has put the timeline together that shows what was happening (the accusations) before and after he went into treatment for his admitted sex addiction, which was apparently later than the treatment for drugs and alcohol. Kinda by definition addicts make poor choices. This is a kindness I am extending to RB. He is still responsible for his behavior but we can view it from the viewpoint of a 'using' addict.
      Can we extend your logic-I don't see that person murdering anyone at the moment so that rules them out as a murderer......@@jockez3581

    • @smoothtalkerguitarsuk4431
      @smoothtalkerguitarsuk4431 7 месяцев назад

      Hey, either he is guilty of the things that have been brought forward or he isn't. Him being honest about his shitty behaviour doesn't make him innocent in the least. Let's see where it goes... Wonder what you would be saying if the 16 year old was your sister...

  • @carolynclitheroe3588
    @carolynclitheroe3588 8 месяцев назад +5

    Brand and Tate could not be more different

  • @knittenkitten8269
    @knittenkitten8269 8 месяцев назад +348

    Truth doesn’t exist in a world where everyone creates their own reality. Good content. I appreciate your opinion/ view point.

    • @toppedtop5787
      @toppedtop5787 8 месяцев назад +4

      Did it ever acaully exist?

    • @iankclark
      @iankclark 8 месяцев назад +10

      Truth exists. Just not in your 'rational' mind. But it's out there, same as reality.

    • @iankclark
      @iankclark 8 месяцев назад

      You live as if it does. @@toppedtop5787

    • @toppedtop5787
      @toppedtop5787 8 месяцев назад

      @@iankclark what in religeon , spirituality and self reflection sure.

    • @EyeOfTheTiger777
      @EyeOfTheTiger777 8 месяцев назад

      Water is wet, so truth exists. Enough with this hyper relativism. Don't embrace it, shun it, but requires rigorous thinking which is something most humans aren't willing to do, they're content in their preferred reality bubble.

  • @BillieDixon
    @BillieDixon 8 месяцев назад +24

    Absolutely so glad I came across your channel! The most concerning aspects of this alternative non woke media is there are some objective truths to their claims. There is a military industrial complex that has been allowed to go unchecked since the 9/11; there are concerns with the elite and the World Economic Forum's ideologies while large tech and other corporations control our politicians. I do get that individuals need to mirror the world we'd like to see, but there are elements that are out of our control that impact our day to day life that do need some of our focus and concern.

  • @Unkuuu
    @Unkuuu 8 месяцев назад +318

    This situation is just mind boggling to me. The same people who campaign for male leadership and responsibility are now questioning/blaming a then 16 year old for the abuses she endured during her involvement with a then 31 man. So when and under what circumstances are men (not all, just the ones that do THIS) to be held accountable for these acts?
    Kid is right. These people don’t care. All these alternative media people suddenly become very Qanon-y when they are under investigation.

    • @Rig0r_M0rtis
      @Rig0r_M0rtis 8 месяцев назад +22

      I think there is an overlap of people who watch Carlson, Brand, Rogan, Owen, Tate etc. Since they're all trying to attract the same people it makes sense they are similar in core. As mainstream media is getting more liberal, the Fascisticus Potentialicus are more and more pushed towards the alternative media. Remember Sucker Carlson was mainstream media just a couple years ago.

    • @joebrookesPatch
      @joebrookesPatch 8 месяцев назад +10

      "male leadership and responsibility" yeah I think this might just mean, having a lot of money and trying and stay in shape.

    • @theelement6255
      @theelement6255 8 месяцев назад

      None of them care. You just coming to that? Wow

    • @fancyhitchpin8675
      @fancyhitchpin8675 8 месяцев назад +25

      It's mind boggling that people don't just believe accusations promoted in the corporate media?

    • @bums009
      @bums009 8 месяцев назад +8

      But IF it isn't true and you think an agenda is being pushed against you, what else would you say?
      I don't believe one or the other in this situation because there is no way for me to know, but his response is surely to be expected either way.

  • @happypartylifetvyoulike5518
    @happypartylifetvyoulike5518 8 месяцев назад +29

    A clear tone of oratory modesty. Thank you for making sense out of all these gymnastic media play.

  • @brandonb9764
    @brandonb9764 8 месяцев назад +97

    I love listening about alternative media from alternative media 😊

    • @iankclark
      @iankclark 8 месяцев назад +28

      yep. I hope she will see the irony.

    • @JerseyLynne
      @JerseyLynne 8 месяцев назад +3


    • @6lack5ushi
      @6lack5ushi 8 месяцев назад +4

      using big words to sound photosynthesis whilst their at it...

    • @nousernamewhatsoever
      @nousernamewhatsoever 8 месяцев назад +8

      It's some kind of inception...I was left confused

    • @selenophile5256
      @selenophile5256 8 месяцев назад +7

      But isn't she recognising it too ?

  • @ryanthomasosullivan2
    @ryanthomasosullivan2 8 месяцев назад +98

    u perfecly encapsulated my feelings in this video. i shifted my attention away from mainstream media a few years back as i was frustrated at how they used emotionally manipulative tactics and regularly spread lies without much accountability. i found myself engaging with alternative media for a brief moment until i realised that they were beginning to use the exact same tactics the mainstream media were. i just want transparency & solution based reporting. im fed up of the antagonism and doomsday reporting from every media source.

    • @matten_zero
      @matten_zero 8 месяцев назад +16

      She's also part of this ecosystem. The whole "I'm aware that I'm also part of the problem" is just a way to dismiss her involvement without actually addressing her participation.
      Basically trust no one. They are ALL grifters. Even those who don't make ad revenue have their own motives (ie. "some men just want to watch the world burn")

    • @GrayGhostDog1
      @GrayGhostDog1 8 месяцев назад +2

      I hear you when you say solution based, but most(if not all) entities were not in play to put forth solutions. For example, the news’ most basic premise was to keep us informed. At this point, it is very clear to me that most governing bodies are not in it to come up with solutions…

    • @just83542
      @just83542 8 месяцев назад

      @@matten_zero But there are plenty of men who want the protect the world, to be able to host the things they value and care for. This is the tenants of the long-abused "patriarchy" the woke feminist pseudoleftists have demonized for so long.
      Even in this video, kidology makes an absurd stretch to imply that Candace Owens is blaming sax trafficking on women, which undermines the actual point she made which was valid: the western/"1st world" is promoting to irrational emotional decision making along with its misandrist take on accountability.
      Tate should not be used as ammunition in a culture war that was just as happy to target Aziz Ansari. If women are truly equal or superior, then their responsibility should be equal. If they are generally victimized by male presence and masculinity in general, then the premise of feminism is fundamentally flawed and should be considered soundly refuted, unless the true goal has always been to punish or abolish all males because the extreme 1% have been in a position to abuse their power in the Western World. The same pseudoleft will criticize western Liberal values as being sexist and anti LGB+++ while advocating for Islamic majority or Socialist states, because they against the westernorder, despite it being the very foundation of the liberties they take for granted.

    • @just83542
      @just83542 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@GrayGhostDog1 The very nature of contemporary political government is contrary to the founding values of the enlightenment West. I used to value Kidology for touching on the nature of democracy, which I feel has been largely corrupted and misinterpreted in the popular understanding, but it seems that my understanding of the problem and solution isn't worth pursuing. both the "left" and the "right" despise my attempts to bring back the original intent as the solution to awful politicians and talking heads.

    • @kimmieutsunomiya1457
      @kimmieutsunomiya1457 8 месяцев назад +3

      @@matten_zeroHer involvement is very negligible. She isn’t selling you a product, she’s just giving her opinion, and showing you how to think critically.

  • @pega7us
    @pega7us 8 месяцев назад +4

    Do you think a person should lose their source of income over allegations? Any person. A youtuber, a truck driver, man, woman, etc.

  • @akshayde
    @akshayde 8 месяцев назад +27

    Russell claims he was addicted to drugs and sex.. But clearly his real addiction is attention. And he has no chip for that one.

    • @georgecisneros5281
      @georgecisneros5281 8 месяцев назад

      Which is, of course, his prerogative…and says little about any propensity to subvert the will of helpless women in his pursuits of said “addiction”.

    • @akshayde
      @akshayde 8 месяцев назад

      @@georgecisneros5281 plus him willingly saying that he was a promiscuous back in the day doesn't mean that he is being fully honest about everything that happened. Everybody lies and everybody hides. So he may have just told us the truth about what society can accept and forgive, not the more nefarious parts of that time. He is definitely getting taken out because his guru grift is getting out of hand.

  • @CurvaceousElite
    @CurvaceousElite 8 месяцев назад +39

    "MLM Scam" was the best damn metaphor to describe this. I'm so glad you likened this contrarian media hook, line and sinker tactic to this business scheme.

    • @misterl0gic
      @misterl0gic 5 месяцев назад

      I've been watching these people for 5 years and haven't spent a dime on anything they sell. Throw in the fact that yes, they've exploded in growth almost overnight, I would suggest that that has so much more to do with their consumer base having already existed and for quite some time with very strong hunger pangs for the messaging that they deliver which is almost impossible given the notoriously suspicious attitudes. They're walking a fine line, but that's the thing - they walk it.

  • @danielledowner7885
    @danielledowner7885 8 месяцев назад +19

    I think if you actually listen to what they're saying, instead of focusing on their character, or whether they "care" about you or not. You realize that they have a point. The critique they have of politicians is usually very valid. For eg Russel Brand talking about politicians corporate conflict of interest.
    There are many unaccused rapists right now that are being supported and covered for. I know it's very emotional but seriously, does someone have to have a good character for you to listen to what they have to say? This was a thorough but very emotional analysis in my opinion. As a black female 😂

    • @CatharticCreation
      @CatharticCreation 8 месяцев назад +4

      Thank you!

    • @nerdyali4154
      @nerdyali4154 8 месяцев назад

      When he tells egregious lies about bioweapons labs in Ukraine, supposed Ukrainian nazism and basically repeats every bit of "populist" garbage about the war in Ukraine you end up with serious potential consequences. He is either a dupe or a very cynical liar. His delivery style is very manipulative and conspiratorial. He is drawing you into his circle to wake up to the lies the "normies" believe. Of course when pressed he is "just asking questions, exercising critical faculties". A cynic would suspect that he read the room some time ago and has been building up a cult following to protect himself.

  • @OlgaRykov
    @OlgaRykov 8 месяцев назад +47

    Kidology, I rather question the wording YOU choose, as per your own criticism of others. Right off the bat, the phenomenon of mainstream to alternative is either a recent pipeline or a long recurring event. To imply (which you do) that this phenomenon never existed in another form other than hosted by a social media platform is misleading. It did exist extensively. Only it wasn't a pipeline directed at platforms that could amplify an individual's voice. An individual, who would have left the mainstream mouthpiece conveyor belt. If you dig deeper than the last 20 years you will find that our celebrity history, both in entertainment and other industries, is filled with ostracised individuals, or as you call them, contrarians, only they didn't have the power to publicly voice their reasons for veering off the mainstream path.
    0:20 Lazy? Then you say "permeated the integrity". Monopoly is anything BUT lazy. They invest most of their resources into keeping the monopoly going. If it means distorting, slandering and outright lying they will do so to keep the monopoly going. "Permeated the integrity" is putting it extremely lightly. Moreover, it is not "this permeation" that is dividing the society, as you said in 0:39, it is a deliberate business strategy of creating conflict and then offering that divided society solutions for a pay. You should know this by now. Anybody who has finished highschool should understand this very obvious strategy that they're not even hiding.
    1:00 So why not promote the ones that try their best in the "increasingly godless landscape"? Why instead of, say, showing us some works of Sabby Sabs, or Garland Nixon, are you going to feed your audience more of the "more successful form of alternative media, that is doing anything BUT trying its best"? I could argue with your ambiguous idea of what "trying one's best" looks like to you, or me. But ultimately I just don't understand why you're devoting your and our precious time to looking at someone, who, in your opinion isn't trying their best. Kidology, do you not see how you're not contributing to the bright future of those, who ARE trying their best?
    1:20 Failed actors, directors, and writers... So, according to you having any sort of past that isn't part of your present is a failure? Does it not occur to you that, say, an actor, who starts off too young to even have the ability to opine maybe wants to change the course of their life and decides to become something else? Are you a failed novelist yourself? Does this channel's audience consist of failed scientists, athletes, musicians, dancers, since we all were outstanding in something in our childhood, or even youth years? Or do you reserve the adjective "failed" only for those who don't share your opinion or ideology? You, if anything, are acting exactly like the mainstream media, tinkering with words to smear your "opponent".

    • @OlgaRykov
      @OlgaRykov 8 месяцев назад +20

      3:38 You're confusing "questioning everything" with "not believing anything". A common mistake for a person who is able to only think in one extreme or another.
      3:40 claims of abuse aren't "ought to" induce any outpourings, Kidology. They are ought to induce investigations and perhaps court hearings. It's the "outpourings" that you're such a fan of that bring nothing but divisiveness to our society, which makes me suspect that you're not doing your best either.
      4:05 Do you assume that people watching, say, Russel Brand, or the Wire, have to find purpose on these channels, because they inherently don't have a purpose according to you? Would you say the same about the audience of your channel? And what would you say about people like me, who watch either "side", or watch a selection of "contradicting" channels? Is part of your audience that dares to watch those you disagree with, or those you, perhaps, despise, is that part of your audience lacking purpose in life? You're implying nasty things, Kidology, in case you haven't noticed it yourself.
      4:40 Why is your redefenition of feminism more important than the original definition of feminism that I stick to, and why does that give you the right to call me (as part of a "contrarian's" audience) - anti-feminist? Can I slander you with MY own redefenitions as well, or does this treatment only go one way? Since your modern day redefenition of feminism allows biological men in the same changing room as little girls can I call those who stand for it - childphobic? Or until mainstream sanctions such a redefinition I'm not supposed to throw it around so liberally?
      4:57 OUR post-modern, or modern world? This has never been my world, Kidology, where mainstream media is omitting news that are vitally important to us, like the news about fellow Hawaiian citizens struggling against the government, or about the Canadian truckers. Where the mainstream media is supporting war, murder of millions of people overseas under the guise of some "humane" ideology, hiding information that could put criminals in leadership in jail. This is NOT my world since I was 12, when upon immigrating to Canada from Belarus I heard so much lies and slander on CBC about my president and my country, things that I was a witness to NEVER taking place, that I learned even at that tender age to question everything. Something, I see, many adults can't get under their belt. I would not claim this "world" you're defending for myself, Kidology, and I would advise any person with a conscious mind and a caring soul not to claim this current world as it is for themselves.

    • @OlgaRykov
      @OlgaRykov 8 месяцев назад

      5:34 Are you assuming that all "normies" are white, heteronormative and so on? Are you not falling upon your own sword with these assumptions?
      7:09 Why are you prefacing a statement about Russel Brand with images of Candace Owens talking to Andrew Tate, while describing the "hypocrisy" and "lies" of some ambiguous "subset of alternative media"? You're mixing them into the same entity whilst very vaguely calling them a "subset". 7 minutes in and I still don't understand what this "subset" is. So far you didn't give a list of channels you put into this category. But what you consistently have done for 7 minutes is play clips from the Wire and Russel Brand. Even if Russel Brand was wrong at 2:45 saying "is there another agenda at play?", you are personally handing him the power to say so with your disingenuous presentation.
      7:20 yes, he IS where he is thanks to the media. Just like all of us are where we are and carry the knowledge we have thanks to being a part of not only all things good, but also all things bad. I was part of academia, and only thanks to being a part of academia did I learn how it is riddled with conformity, cowardice, lies, corruption, abuse, identity politics, and human-hating ideology. You don't say it outright, because that would sound incredibly stupid, won't it, but you practically imply that he shouldn't be against mainstream media because it made him a celebrity and gave him power. And yes, he will make money talking about it, because coming from that community makes him an expert on the topic of mainstream corruption. And, let's not forget, that not only did HE make money off of mainstream media, but he was a mainstream media monkey himself, earning them millions and, hence, forcing them to pander to him, when, perhaps, he didn't deserve it as a person. But you omit THIS reality as well, intentionally making the situation look very lop-sided, as if he just took advantage of the poor, defenceless media. Are YOU quality-checking yourself, Kidology?
      9:39 What's the purpose of your rant about youtubers calling to subscribe to their channels or newsletters, equating them to MLM scams? This issue has been acute when youtubers first started making capital being on this platform about 15 years ago and genuine content makers turned into subscription beggars. Why are you focusing on it now, when it's a normal part of the platform and nobody bats an eye anymore, why are you focusing on it with reference to people, who don't share your ideology? Are you going to blame me for bringing up the pointlessness of such a rant and tell me my problem is "a young" woman? Does that comeback work in this situation for you?
      11:30 Being "apathetic and annoyed" at the same time? I won't mince words, I'll just say outright that you might have cognitive dissonance. And I'm not saying this to attack you, and I hope I'm wrong. But thinking you can be apathetic and annoyed at the same time is suspicious at best.
      11:50 your agenda goes far beyond pointing out how alternative media is just a less accountable mainstream media. Your agenda is to blow up the young woman's experience of abuse to be greater than what it is. And before you bury me under rotten eggs and tomatoes, let me mention that I spent my 20s exposing the abuse of young women to the best of my very powerless abilities. In fact, I have an 18-minute video (albeit in russian, for a russian audience) about exposing the abuse the levels of which my compatriots haven't heard of, and please consider that I am NOT a social commenter, I am not a professional youtuber making a living off of giving statements on youtube and I'm not even aggregating a following. BUT, I am not going to put deaths of millions of people in a war that mainstream media takes part in instigating BELOW women being abused in my priorities list. And no, alternative media characters aren't even close to having that say in the world events like mainstream media does. They aren't less accountable by choice, they are less accountable by the circumstance of not being a mouthpiece for weapon dealers, human traffickers, and bioweapon producers, which mainstream media representatives ARE buddies with. So if you want your agenda to be all about preventing women's abuse - I'm all for that. But then you have to try your best and be genuine in presenting that, and not taking some detours, talking about things you clearly don't care to even research about.
      If you want to make an accusatory video about Russel Brand, or mainstream media, or alternative media in lieu of women's abuse, then do so. Don't beat about the bush for 12 minutes, making ambiguous claims, demonstrating your annoyance whilst claiming apathy, trying to match up unrelated clips to some smearing statements, and then bringing everything down to the one issue that concerns you. It's unprofessional, irresponsible, lazy, and pretentious.
      With all due respect, you can absolutely do much better than that. Much better.

    • @prouddegenerates9056
      @prouddegenerates9056 8 месяцев назад +8

      Gloriously based! Great criticism.

    • @valfanclub
      @valfanclub 8 месяцев назад +7

      ​@@OlgaRykovgreat response. I will add that alternative media and" contradictarians " were a saving grace at a time when what was happening in my city was being misreported and shockingly one-sided. There was no voice but that of misinformed virtue signalling po role around me, as I have always been a true liberal. But no longer, having seen the truth being distorted to an inch of its existence, and being in the impossible position to even raise concern about what I was being told. So I say thank god for alternative views, and I couldn't care less if those voicing them were narcissists. At least someone was saying something...different, and engaging into a conversation. It kept me sane.

    • @georgecisneros5281
      @georgecisneros5281 8 месяцев назад +3


  • @CaligulavVv
    @CaligulavVv 8 месяцев назад +10

    Those in glass houses! The irony 🤣

  • @malik_alharb
    @malik_alharb 8 месяцев назад +80

    Some truth in what Kid is saying. Too many people idolize media figures. However it would be naive to just believe any allegation. Especially when we see that many have turned out not to be true

    • @manamancer
      @manamancer 8 месяцев назад +24

      She's not saying to just believe any allegation. This one, specifically, involves many women over the span of many years. It's a lot of smoke, for there to not be a fire.

    • @100Percent_Zeero
      @100Percent_Zeero 8 месяцев назад +8

      can i jump in here? Imo, we lost the ability to extend empathy in both directions. But that's the closest to objectivity we can get.
      In my family, 1 person has accused another- I don't negate either story. I listen to how hard it must be to have to go through that, to both.
      I know.
      As for Russell: it's unlikely that he did no harm during that period of his life.
      My heart goes out to the alleged victims.
      But the timing is suspicious.
      It's like when Rogan was deemed antivaxx, & then we hear that 10 years ago he sounded raycist.
      Just bc your guilty, don't mean they're not after you.

    • @ShimmerBodyCream
      @ShimmerBodyCream 8 месяцев назад +12

      We shouldn't immediately believe anything someone is saying - but we also should not be giving more weight to a man's voice who is famous than multiple women making allegations who visited Rape Crisis Centers years ago and have evidence for it.

    • @ShimmerBodyCream
      @ShimmerBodyCream 8 месяцев назад +11

      @@100Percent_Zeero Don't enable a predator in your family because the predator 'had it hard' too. You need to confront the situation and not enable an abuser to abuse.

    • @100Percent_Zeero
      @100Percent_Zeero 8 месяцев назад

      @@ShimmerBodyCream I genuinely appreciate your statement. But I am not enabling anything.
      My intellectual and empathetic approach is that: The accused is innocent until Proven Guilty. And the accuser is honest until Proven Deceitful.
      This is with figures personal or public. Oftentimes there is no decisive answer. I'm ok with that.
      I'm Gen-X so I'm not convinced that condemnation is the path to a better society.
      I believe those folks were called Christian Conservatives or The Religious Right... now everyone is doing it...

  • @manamancer
    @manamancer 8 месяцев назад +6

    The overarching narrative is always given priority over individual facts. With so many diverse opinions online, the more aggressive narratives get pushed farther in the algorithms of almost any social media site, likely because they get interactions from those in agreement and those in disagreement. This system is inadvertently maximizing the amount of divisiveness online, and I don't see it changing as long as these online town squares exists solely for profit.

  • @bvoz17
    @bvoz17 8 месяцев назад +25

    I agree with some of your points, especially that the system around the "alt-media" operates in the same way the mainstream media does and people have lost the ability to question the pursuit of a so called "truth" by figures operating on these platforms that just make money the same way as anything else. Staying aware, balanced and questioning motives here is key.
    I haven't seen the documentary, but you emphasise "allegedly" in your description of Russell Brand's actions and here's where I'd like to raise a point. It's obvious to see how people will view a system where criminal accusations go to the media BEFORE being reported to the police as being dubious...commercially and more importantly, socially. This happened in Australia recently in a high profile case where the media broke a story about an alleged sexual assault in political staff ranks and it descended in an absolute shit show where the public staked its bets, politicians spoke in Parliament giving their support, and then the case was thrown out of court after the reality of what the public shit storm had rendered in the case. The accused was essentially un-triable after all the media and political meddling.
    Questioning the role of mainstream media and public figures commenting on criminal allegations that haven't yet been heard in court is surely another sane proposition that needs to be made in the current discussions. I'm not questioning making an allegation or these allegations being heard...I'm questioning the route in which these allegations go down. You can see why some people went to these "alt-media" figures in the first place.

    • @likepocketsjingling
      @likepocketsjingling 8 месяцев назад +1

      In fairness many creators do say "alleged" crimes (that have yet to be concluded in court) not to cast aspersions on the claimants but to protect themselves from being sued. Overall in agreement though

    • @nerdyali4154
      @nerdyali4154 8 месяцев назад +1

      "Alleged" is meaningless in reality. Take the Jian Ghomeshi case. Even after he was shown unequivocably to be the victim of collusion between personality disordered liars there were activists publicly demonstrating their disgust at his acquittal. Once an allegation of sexual misconduct is made the damage can be permanent. It can't be stressed enough in an environment where there is pressure to remove long standing protections of the accused from men that there is an enormous power imbalance between the accuser and accused. The accused has the power of the state and it's law enforcement arrayed against him while being limited to only the resources he can afford for his defence.

  • @1three7
    @1three7 8 месяцев назад +14

    I disagree that we should default to compassion for anyone claiming to be a victim of sexual assault. Plenty of people lie about that and even more convince themselves it was an assault when they were happy to consent at the time. Shouldn't we also have compassion for someone who is a victim of defamatory lies?
    I'm not saying I know for sure what happened with Brand, but I'm not going to blindly assume allegations are true either. I do lean heavily towards skepticism though given there was nothing mentioned anywhere about it when he loudly spoke in favor of the accepted leftist narrative. They only came up after he got a following while questioning the new version of it.

    • @BigHenFor
      @BigHenFor 8 месяцев назад

      Oh please, can the partisan stuff. It's about personalities like Brand providing distraction from the very real problems we face, and stealing our attention from looking at ways to change things. After all if nothing was wrong, what would they talk about? Nothing. They're not interested in fixing anything, because then they would have no audience. Just like the news, happy stories garner far less views, so it's conflict, paranoia, and misery all the way. Is that helping? Or hindering us?

    • @EyeOfTheTiger777
      @EyeOfTheTiger777 8 месяцев назад +3

      If someone really came for him after his shameful conspiracy theory grift, that actually gives me hope. The body is fighting the infection and taking out the trash, our collective immune system is working well. ❤️

    • @1three7
      @1three7 8 месяцев назад

      @@EyeOfTheTiger777 silencing people you don't like with false rape allegations isn't a good thing. It's pretty wild I need to explain that to you. I know you enjoy two minute hate but Orwell wasn't giving you ideas for new hobbies. It was a warning

  • @VladVexler
    @VladVexler 8 месяцев назад +9

    This essay is really nicely done, touching on our epistemological apocalypse, on the crisis of institutions and on the rudderless entrepreneurialism of their opponents. My first time seeing your work here. Solidarity and good wishes.

    • @Romana6794
      @Romana6794 8 месяцев назад

      VLAD! Totally didn't expect to stumble upon you here in the comments but it's a very pleasant surprise. I have followed your work daily over the past nearly two years and think that you are expanding the horizons of what's possible to be done by a creator in this medium. A medium that becomes evermore influential and important to the general informational ecosystem of millions of people.
      I am highly impressed by this particular video by kidology. Though even quite a while back The thought came to my mind that you specifically would be a fantastic person to have a conversation with kidology given the overlap between your areas of interest and educational background. If I'm not mistaken kidology spent time studying political philosophy at either Oxford or Cambridge. After watching her video that criticized the online left, and woke discourse on social media, I thought to myself that you would be a perhaps a bit older and a bit more rigorous in your expectations of yourself as a public intellectual would be something that I otherwise a talented content creator could benefit from.
      Also just off the top of my head, your fundamental concern about the health and sustainability of Western democracies in the digital era and your opposition to Russian disinformation narratives that claim the inevitable decline of the West and of democracy itself is a topic that I think the two of you would find much to discuss. While on the other hand ology identifies as 'apolitical', dismisses Democratic institutions as mechanisms for meaningful change as structurally impossible cause...'bureaucracy'... While framing politicization in society as a destructive , divisive force that can only precipitate in self destructive societal tribalism in a manner that borrows from a worryingly cavalier interpretation of Carl Schmidt's authoritarianism.
      But I feel that she represents a very popular strand of thought within those in her age range who are confronted with an evermore bewildering digital informational environment.
      But nevertheless, the reactionary feminism that she is partial to is quite amenable to Russian propaganda justifying the invasion to Ukraine as a act of self-defense and at times lending creedence to Putin's rhetoric of inevitable Western decline into a postmodern a moral technocapitalist dystopia.
      Bringing to light the importance of democracy as a essential foundation of maintaining modern western ideals of self-governance and the rule of law to those who naively think that liberal democracy as a virtually new value whatsoever and that it's decline should be celebrated is something that I think your voice could provide an alternative perspective and illuminate some essential points that need to be addressed

    • @devilsolution9781
      @devilsolution9781 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@Romana6794chill bro, we good

  • @PossibleBat
    @PossibleBat 8 месяцев назад +74

    So important that people research and have a "take it with a pinch of salt" mentality when it comes to stuff they know nothing off. Spread out, search for different sources and from all political spectrum to find out what’s the truth under maybe propaganda or brainwashing. Critical not only for political matters but for life itself. Not all that glitters is gold and the grass is always greener on the other side. Remember this. Thanks Kid for all the research you do that keeps us intellectually fed ❤

    • @matten_zero
      @matten_zero 8 месяцев назад +24

      This also applies to Kidology. Esp as she gets more famous and viewers of those channels who want to remain true to their anti-postmodern world view.
      Basically she will/is exactly what she's critiquing. Just better at pretending and seeming like shes the more nuanced/truth-ier truth seeker.

    • @theelement6255
      @theelement6255 8 месяцев назад +4

      @@matten_zero THIS COMMENT. Finally, someone said it

    • @justenjoy-rr7ho
      @justenjoy-rr7ho 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@matten_zero Exactly, her truth is just as elusive as the people she's talking about.

    • @ak-zxr0358
      @ak-zxr0358 8 месяцев назад +1

      You're absolutely right@@matten_zero But that's one thing I appreciate about her video she didn't outright make any claims and present them as the truth as most media do. Just pointed out the flaws in others. "Critical thinking" means make your own judgement with ALL evidence presented to you, as opposed to regurgitating borrowed thoughts. She presents a more holistic perspective rather than a one-sided, absolute answer.

    • @matten_zero
      @matten_zero 8 месяцев назад

      @@ak-zxr0358 fair enough

  • @heartpath1
    @heartpath1 7 месяцев назад +2

    Russell Brand’s analysis of the Covid response and the military industrial complex are quite insightful. That said, if he’s found guilty of committing a crime he should be punished accordingly.

  • @nathanielbables8652
    @nathanielbables8652 8 месяцев назад +47

    You are spot on about Tucker Carlson, Andrew tate, daily wire, and Candace owns. I've been very skeptical of Russell's takes recently( specifically Ukraine). But I have to be skeptical we've been down this road with Johnny Depp, Marilyn Manson, Michael Jackson, Armie Hammer, and Andrew Cuomo. So I'm going to remain neutral and skeptical. But yah alternative media is a jungle, proceed with caution.

    • @6lack5ushi
      @6lack5ushi 8 месяцев назад +8

      information today is the jungle... A rose by any other name, but today cant even agree what we are looking at forget what we call it.

    • @frolicsomgaiety
      @frolicsomgaiety 8 месяцев назад +1

      Russel is the best of them all, probably

    • @Trollika_Devi
      @Trollika_Devi 8 месяцев назад +2

      While I'm quite skeptical of Russell ,I like a lot of the things he says . He is quite likely full of shit but I'm on the fence regarding the allegations. He's too cunning to incriminate himself like that when he has always been an attention double you aich O are Eeeee

    • @georgecisneros5281
      @georgecisneros5281 8 месяцев назад

      I see. So she’s “spot on” about all the figures you personally have a gripe with. But the ones you’re fond of or could otherwise take or leave…not so much so. Sound logic there.👍🙄

    • @nathanielbables8652
      @nathanielbables8652 8 месяцев назад

      @georgecisneros5281 with Russell Brand 50/50, all the guys in the list have either been cleared (Johnny Depp, Andrew Cuomo, Armie Hammer) or have sense had strong evidence revealed pointing to their innocents.

  • @DrunkenBoatCaptain
    @DrunkenBoatCaptain 8 месяцев назад +6

    While I generally agree with your points, I think the contrarians are also conduits for a new platform of diverse opinions. Russell Brand has interviewed people from across the political spectrum as well as spiritual figures and scientists. These guests are often suggested by his followers and are given long form exposure. That diversity and depth is terrifying to the old soundbite media. The 'truth' is to think for yourself, guided by this new milieu.

    • @nerdyali4154
      @nerdyali4154 8 месяцев назад +1

      Personally, I think one should accept that the "truth" may often be out of one's reach and that "diversity and depth" are often euphemisms for fringe and whacko. I've seen too many erudite individuals who sound plausible until one finds a rigorous philosophical or scientific debunk which rapidly exposes obvious gaping holes. The simple fact is that on most subjects most of us are ill-advised to "think for ourselves" and expect to reach any kind of "truthful" conclusion.

  • @leigh7507
    @leigh7507 8 месяцев назад +6

    One day there will be an expose on Kideology. Its sad but fans turn on people they once idolise and even though she may have only made small mistakes, those mistakes will be known. The price of success.

  • @the569
    @the569 8 месяцев назад +4

    Honestly when I hear some person online who constantly says "truth", I click off because I know they're going to lie or say something wildly offensive

  • @DragonGoddess18
    @DragonGoddess18 8 месяцев назад +4

    Perception has a "funny" way of shaping reality
    That being said, lying about something will hurt the liar,even if the consequences aren't immediate. Sooner or later,the truth DOES reveal itself

  • @ArchiduquesaMA
    @ArchiduquesaMA 8 месяцев назад +33

    I think everything went to shit when people stopped believing "innocent until proven guilty" basic principle of justice

    • @Babyblue115
      @Babyblue115 8 месяцев назад +12

      And when is someone proven to be guilty? Is it when another person speaks up? Is it when multiple people speak up? "innocent until proven guilty" is just another way to tell r*pe victims that we won't believe you until you have solid proof of your abuse. Do you know how hard it is to prove to someone that you have been r*ped or sexually assaulted? Sexual assault doesn't have to include physical violence, it's the act itself of touching someone, groping them etc. How are you going to prove that to other people? For me this whole "innocent until proven guilty" reads as: sorry about your sexual assault but until you can actually prove that this person groped you, which you probably can't if you didn't record the incident happening, then the person who did this to you is innocent in my mind. I'm sorry but is that the world we want to live in???

    • @dianamiller3307
      @dianamiller3307 8 месяцев назад

      Innocent until proven guilty is for matters of the court. There's no reason we have to assume anyone is innocent outside of jury service.
      Brand is obviously a grifter, no doubt he's a rapist too. The man has no moral compass. He's a garbage person and always has been

    • @Babyblue115
      @Babyblue115 8 месяцев назад

      Innocent until proven guilty is an abusers dream because they can inflict psychological abuse or sexual abuse and get away with it. "Who is going to believe you", "You have no proof", "It's just your word against mine". The only way to prove a r*pe is with a "r*pekit" and that's a traumatic and humiliating experience to go through after you have been r*ped. And not only then can you prove that it was non-consensual. But hey who cares about r*pe victims when we have the "innocent until proven guilty" principle!

    • @darrellwilliams9168
      @darrellwilliams9168 8 месяцев назад +5

      ⁠@@Babyblue115do you want to live in a world where no burden of proof is needed in any circumstances? Just by someone saying something you can be charged and jailed. That sounds pretty dangerous imo

    • @EyeOfTheTiger777
      @EyeOfTheTiger777 8 месяцев назад +1

      ​​@@darrellwilliams9168Well, there are two alternatives. A) Let rapists go scott free and therefore normalize rape. B) If multiple people say the same thing, then the person is probably guilty of something. Serve them a dish of justice.
      So, which of these two is the lesser evil? Mass rape and normalizing rapists, or occasionally bagging one, even if by mistake?

  • @heartpath1
    @heartpath1 7 месяцев назад +2

    What does the person talking to me want from me? Start there and proceed with caution.

  • @leeboy9338
    @leeboy9338 8 месяцев назад +50

    Here is my predictions:
    1. The early 2020 will be seen as the backlash to progressive rhetoric.
    2. The lesson: Like most things obtaining quality information is "slow and hard".
    3. Don't easily trust something that confirmed your biases, "they are not your friends".
    I can't find the person who said this but he said: "With the rise of media the challenge will be to discern quality from quantity information". Stay safe out there guys 💙.

    • @janexerikus8021
      @janexerikus8021 8 месяцев назад

      early 2020? You mean the summer of 2020? MSM lying and putting out misinformation, and what did that bring? Rioting, people died and millions of people were left almost homeless because their jobs got destroyed by those antifa thugs.

    • @spacedebris566
      @spacedebris566 7 месяцев назад

      stay free

  • @malorie22
    @malorie22 8 месяцев назад +84

    I have a pretty steady diet of alternative media (independent podcasters, RUclipsrs, etc.). I follow a few figures who I think are honest, thorough, and trustworthy. I like to think I have a pretty good BS-o-meter, but it can definitely be difficult to figure out who's a charlatan when there is no institutional credibility to go off. Then again, I moved to alternative media because institutions have not proven particularly trustworthy in my lifetime.
    Always enjoy your videos, Kid. Always interesting, insightful, and empathetic.

    • @darkfeign
      @darkfeign 8 месяцев назад

      Most alternative media doesn't do any real investigation though, that's where they fall short. They're just giving opinions without any evidence.

    • @GordonCaledonia
      @GordonCaledonia 8 месяцев назад +3

      It all gets tiresome, though, watching these alt/conspiracy people. I did it for 15 years then just went, "time to stop, this is just more media, more chatter."

    • @rigelb9025
      @rigelb9025 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@GordonCaledonia I guess it basically comes down to its entertainment/inspirational value. If it no longer does it, might as well put it aside for a while.

    • @georgecisneros5281
      @georgecisneros5281 8 месяцев назад +1

      Have you ever been made familiar with the refrain, from the Bhagavad Gita: “Fight, Arjuna, fight!”?

    • @GordonCaledonia
      @GordonCaledonia 8 месяцев назад

      @@rigelb9025 It used to be entertaining, now it's all about depopulation, baby-eating Jews, child rape, etc. but none of that is happening in my street, so yeah, time to lay that shit aside. Peace.

  • @clayformations1638
    @clayformations1638 8 месяцев назад +3

    You just put into words exactly how I feel. These contrarians are not really telling me anything I don't already see and know. It seems as though I'm being manipulated by them as much as mainstream media.

    • @georgecisneros5281
      @georgecisneros5281 8 месяцев назад

      As much? Really…AS MUCH?! Relative brand (pun somewhat intended) new comers, only recently having become adept (if the assertion is even accurate) at the game of strategic dishonesty, and, when it comes to the intensity of that deceptiveness, they’re already “as much” so as the smoothest operators in all of human history, who’s tradition of lies goes back to…as long as we’ve kept records?! Seriously, now?! I don’t know. Almost sounds to me like someone’s actually HOPING this Alt-media space will end up somehow being just as bad as the enemy, simply to absolve themselves of any semblance of guilt or shame for lacking the resolve to “remain on the field”, as it were. And thereby justifying their abandoning of those who steadfastly stayed with their weapons in hand against the coming onslaught. But that’s just my take.🤨🤔🙄

    • @pimmspimms5462
      @pimmspimms5462 8 месяцев назад

      @georgecisneros5281 “Stayed with their weapons”… “coming onslaught”… George, you’ve fallen down a rabbit hole and sound paranoid and extremely unwell.

    • @georgecisneros5281
      @georgecisneros5281 8 месяцев назад

      @@pimmspimms5462 Perhaps you’ve found yourself traveling down something of a “rabbit hole”, of your own, with your so confidently equating “paranoid” with “unwell”. Perhaps…

  • @superhydroyeast
    @superhydroyeast 8 месяцев назад +38

    "where intellectual culture has rotted itself to the core" *shows clip of FD Signifier* 🤣

    • @Darth_Bateman
      @Darth_Bateman 8 месяцев назад +1

      I missed that, lemme rewind.

    • @dcgmizzell
      @dcgmizzell 8 месяцев назад +1

      I was confused by that. Do the two channels have beef? I personally like both?

    • @Darth_Bateman
      @Darth_Bateman 8 месяцев назад

      @@dcgmizzell FD and a few other members of breadtube saw Kidologys video on “kindly do better “, decided it was transphobic, and basically got the people who followed both to unfollow Kidology and did massive damage to her channel.
      F.D. Wasn’t the last lefty to do this, but basically this all comes back to the purity spiral.
      Lefties cannot “do better” because that would give power to conservatives and FD and all of these breadtubers basically know their audience would turn against them if they aren’t seen as pure enough.

    • @TSDT
      @TSDT 8 месяцев назад +13

      ​​@@dcgmizzellKid's "Kindly Do Better" video was basically roasted by FD with his online buddies. Kid did a series of responses to it which culminated in FD and her having a livestream conversation that was generally cordial barring some ugly moments from FD being rather aggressive. Sometime after something else happened where Kid said she lost all respect for him.
      That's basically it in a nutshell without going back through hours of rather rambling livestreams.
      Fwiw, I also watch both channels but they've solidified my opinion that video essays > streaming

    • @dmystfy
      @dmystfy 8 месяцев назад +6

      3:34 💀

  • @blackrider7631
    @blackrider7631 8 месяцев назад +5

    This is the analysis we need! It’s just a shame many many have pinned their colours to the mast and no matter what evidence is presented, they won’t budge.
    Fantastic video

  • @wombat6177
    @wombat6177 8 месяцев назад +4

    This is very well done. Thanks for taking the time to put this together. I hope more people see it.

  • @XavierJAlexander
    @XavierJAlexander 8 месяцев назад +17

    Russell Brands hatred of the mainstream media conveniently coincides with when no one was booking him for TV or film anymore.

    • @pimmspimms5462
      @pimmspimms5462 8 месяцев назад +8

      Precisely, thank you. Russell Brand had been rejected by his industry and the comedy circuit. The comedian, Katherine Ryan, confronted him openly and accused him of being a predator during the filming of Roast Battle. He was finished. His ‘mainstream’ career was over. Like all narcissists, he assumed a new facade - as a well-being guru and, effectively, a cult leader - to ensure the continuation of attention, fame and money. It’s tragic that his followers think he is fighting for their rights and won’t ever see how he has manipulated them. 😔

    • @pjbpiano
      @pjbpiano 8 месяцев назад +1

      These are what would simply constitute a little ad hominem.
      His points on his channel can simply be dismantled if you have the time, but you would rather look at his person.
      I’m not here to support Brand, but since this is a channel that supports critical thinking, I find it interesting to observe comments like these.

  • @bojidaralexandrov2113
    @bojidaralexandrov2113 8 месяцев назад +29

    I can’t express how much of a breath of fresh air your channel is.
    I have noticed how those of my friends who consume alternative media and claim to be “sceptical” and “free-thinkers” are the ones who are the least capable of actual critical thinking. Some of them would truly believe one of the less-obviously-fake The Onion headlines.

    • @matten_zero
      @matten_zero 8 месяцев назад +10

      Isn't Kid also in this space of "freethinkers". Everyone grifts in this space. She's trying to grow her channel as well by proclaiming her truth is "more nuanced and self-aware". The self-awareness is just virtue signalling and just the next part of the grift.
      That's what I don't like about this vid. It attempts to sound holier-than-though. But that's exactly where the irony is. Basically shes positioning herself as some nuanced anti-anti-postmodernist.

    • @kimmieutsunomiya1457
      @kimmieutsunomiya1457 8 месяцев назад

      @@matten_zeroYou’re over thinking this video in an attempt to make your anti establishment thought leaders look better. It’s not working. Not everyone is a grifter. It’s pretty obvious to see who is, and who isn’t. The anti establishment freaks have been the ONLY grifters in this social media space.

    • @Trollika_Devi
      @Trollika_Devi 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@matten_zeroYou make a very valid point.

    • @CatharticCreation
      @CatharticCreation 8 месяцев назад

      lol literally one of the first things we learn in philosophy class in college is that there’s no such thing an unbiased opinion. EVERYBODY thinks that they are the critical thinkers and not being swayed by agendas. it’s pretty rare that anyone on either side is immune to that natural human bias of believing what they want ot believe.

  • @pistolen87
    @pistolen87 8 месяцев назад +67

    Kidology, what makes you any different from of the alternative media you castigate?

    • @BM-UK
      @BM-UK 8 месяцев назад +16

      Exactly , i question anyone who does not question mainstream media

    • @cassidya.963
      @cassidya.963 8 месяцев назад +42

      @@BM-UKbut she does question it. Did you watch the video? She just doesn’t blindly believe in pundits just because they advertise themselves as counter to the mainstream.

    • @geckojinn1604
      @geckojinn1604 8 месяцев назад +17

      I get the impression that she's slipping deeper and deeper into "blackpill" territory. I don't think she'll ever outwardly admit to being blackpill in any way, at least not on camera, but she strikes me as someone profoundly disappointed in the world around her. Most internet pundits will never be blackpill because they are too financially invested in funneling money out of their audiences. I get the impression that she's reluctant to follow in their footsteps.

    • @iankclark
      @iankclark 8 месяцев назад

      Nope. She's no different, really. Her moral grandstanding at the end of the video is the "vague" idealism she's complaining about. Mostly she's pissed that women are getting blamed for a lot of our current ills.@@cassidya.963

    • @iankclark
      @iankclark 8 месяцев назад

      I agree. But she's young and it's hopefully just a phase. You could feel her anger more than usual in this one because she's pretty sensitive about women getting scrutinized and called out for their culpability. @@geckojinn1604

  • @xMXWLx
    @xMXWLx 8 месяцев назад +17

    a russell hit piece disguised as a fair critique of alt media 😂 ya got me

    • @smoothtalkerguitarsuk4431
      @smoothtalkerguitarsuk4431 8 месяцев назад +4

      Hit piece? Hahaha, Jesus wept. Shame poor well behaved Russell... He can't have done anything wrong, cause he has always told us he used to be a bad boy anyway... so that means he never did anything bad... 'cause he was transparent about all the bad that he did... I think you need to read just a liiiiiitle bit more about our darling Russell...

  • @DanAdlingtonOnline
    @DanAdlingtonOnline 8 месяцев назад +1

    Speaking as someone who would be considered right wing. Woke minded people or left leaning people on this thread need to understand one thing. "Right wing minded people don't think about sexuality, gender, race or feminism". We just get on with our lives. I am 48 and I've never been aware of any sexual harassment, racism or general nastiness. I was just minding my own business working my job, playing music and writing when this all blow up. Feminists go on about Sexual harassment and rapes. I've had many long term very good relationships with women and I've great women friends. None of them had ever talked about it. It just came from no where.

  • @pottshott2220
    @pottshott2220 8 месяцев назад +14

    If this all turns out to be BS, can we count on a proper apology from you Kidology?

    • @aishaluminsa6505
      @aishaluminsa6505 8 месяцев назад

      For what? She has just opened your mind to the fact that two things can be the truth.

    • @Galvvy
      @Galvvy 8 месяцев назад +6

      #Believe all propogandists with no evidence

    • @GitanAnimex
      @GitanAnimex 8 месяцев назад

      For what is her opinion

    • @coldpotatoes2556
      @coldpotatoes2556 8 месяцев назад

      She’s already acting in bad faith 3 minutes in. What a head twister. 3:28 ‘the idea of staying free and not believing anything.’ Russell never said that, you’re acting in bad faith and implying ideas he never said. 3:40 ‘even claims of abuse which ought to induce outpourings of human compassion’, yeah instead of going to the police the alleged victims made a sensational documentary with dramatic soundtrack spliced with his onstage comedy to crucify him in public without anything as yet being proven IN A COURT OF LAW. Nice try kiddo but only your wet behind the ears friends will buy into your half baked bias ideas, come back in 10 years when you’ve seen enough tyranny to have something honest to say, you’ll have a few more wrinkles and battle scars and you’ll see that human tragedy isn’t an academic essay.

  • @alexandermcclain5561
    @alexandermcclain5561 8 месяцев назад +85

    I may disagree with a lot of the stuff in this video, but I don't wanna be in an echo chamber, and you're extremely charming and intelligent, so I really liked this video.
    I've been a fan for a long time, thank you for the content.

    • @alafolieee
      @alafolieee 8 месяцев назад +19

      i would love to hear what you disagree with and why

    • @iankclark
      @iankclark 8 месяцев назад +31

      Kid is treading dangerously close to being a parody of what she is criticizing. Her declaration at the end of the video is no different from what I've heard any of these 'personalities' say, and many of these 'personalities' (including Brand, Peterson) ARE trying to live up to their moral exhortations. @@alafolieee

    • @matten_zero
      @matten_zero 8 месяцев назад +25

      ​@@iankclarkexactly. She attempts to pretend to be aware of the irony, but counts on that awareness as some sort of pass to absolve herself or gain moral high ground.

    • @deadbutworking
      @deadbutworking 8 месяцев назад +11

      @@iankclark i just think as you start sitting over a growing empire (that Peterson and Brand have) you start to lose touch with what is right and begin to chase capital. For some reason I have low faith in what they espouse, they have all the incentive to hook me on to their content.

    • @theelement6255
      @theelement6255 8 месяцев назад +4

      Ditto. Including knowing that she doesn’t really care either. BUT it’s a solid take

  • @bressanyoss
    @bressanyoss 8 месяцев назад +8

    I appreciate you for putting into perfect words what my soul has been wanting to stress for so long. Sincerely, thank you.

  • @Brielle312
    @Brielle312 8 месяцев назад +29

    Well said! Thank you! I just had this realization how utterly insulting it is of Russell to say it’s the “system” or this “Illuminati” or the “powers that be” out to get him for speaking the “truth” instead of him owning his actions… it seems that’s the go to

    • @savoirfaire6181
      @savoirfaire6181 8 месяцев назад +5

      He always said he was a drug and sex addict who had recovered. Everything that's come out from victims lines up with what he said. I'd like some basic overview of what went on with Epstein's client list to match that.

    • @lolo_bird
      @lolo_bird 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@savoirfaire6181hmmmm he never admitted to raping or sexually assaulting anyone and still hasn’t. There are sex addicts out there who only have consensual sex. It is never an excuse.

    • @pimmspimms5462
      @pimmspimms5462 8 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you for this comment. It’s exceptionally sick and manipulative that he is trying to twist the allegations into a conspiracy theory.

    • @savoirfaire6181
      @savoirfaire6181 8 месяцев назад

      @@pimmspimms5462 "Theory?" LOL. Duh, isn't it just the definition of conspiracy when the UK govt. is threatening the company that allows him an income due to decade old allegations? Used to be people were innocent until proven guilty and the courts would handle stuff like this. If a govt. backed lynch mob isn't a conspiracy I don't know what is. Not sure where theory fits into it.

    • @CatharticCreation
      @CatharticCreation 8 месяцев назад +2

      lol when has RB ever mentioned the illuminati?

  • @teeldd
    @teeldd 8 месяцев назад +22

    Perhaps the issue is rather we are at the edge of our epoch, therefore we must critique what's behind us before we can articulate a vision of what is ahead?

    • @iankclark
      @iankclark 8 месяцев назад +1

      Good point, and, many do try to live up to their moral exhortations, including Brand.

  • @CodingwithGPT
    @CodingwithGPT 8 месяцев назад +4

    Whether or not he is a creep and a rapist Russel is definitely not anti woke or anti post modern at all, he is inclusive in his rhetoric above anything else.
    His message is genuinely anti establishment and from what I can tell a genuine opinion (not based on team left or team right)
    It also appears likely that the allegations are true and just as likely that there are powerful interests out to get Russell . . . so this is an interesting story. You just need to watch at least couple hours of his recent content even attempt to have a fair take on the situation

    • @ZechsMerquise73
      @ZechsMerquise73 8 месяцев назад

      Sounds like you're arbitrarily buying into both messages at once just to avoid seeing yourself as right or left. Nobody is "out to get" this fuckboy. He's lived a long life of debauchery and privilege. I guess banging prostitutes on the French riviera is protecting him from drone strikes and poison umbrella tips.

    • @CatharticCreation
      @CatharticCreation 8 месяцев назад +1

      whatever he is, he has been chosen to be made an example of by those in power who do not like what he says.

  • @aanchaallllllll
    @aanchaallllllll 8 месяцев назад +1

    0:09: 📰 Alternative media challenges the lazy monopoly of mainstream interests and highlights the lack of accountability and responsibility in modern journalism.
    2:58: ✨ The video discusses the importance of staying free in a post-truth world and the negative effects of not believing anything.
    6:34: 📰 The mainstream media has lost credibility, leading to increased reliance on alternative media outlets.
    9:27: 📺 The video discusses how media personalities and influencers prioritize their brand over the truth and their audience.
    12:37: 😳 The video discusses how emotional arguments in commercials and the mainstream media can manipulate people's perception of truth, and mentions Russell Brand's controversial behavior and his portrayal as a rebel Jesus being persecuted by the mainstream media.
    Recap by Tammy AI

  • @mandymagassouba4412
    @mandymagassouba4412 8 месяцев назад +3

    What do they want? Simple: debate. Of course for proper debate to take place, you must allow for alternative points of view, views that are increasingly being suppressed by the mainstream. I do not know if the 'contrarians' care about me but that's all right: the traditional orthodox media doesn't either. Of course, if our institutions had allowed actual debate instead of focusing on control and propaganda, we might have better 'alternative speakers' . As it is we're stuck with those who present themselves.

  • @malhenning1608
    @malhenning1608 8 месяцев назад +3

    relational aggression (which we are seeing with the current attacks on Joe Rogan and Russell Brand) goes way to far. If as it looks like the MSM have done, it involves not immediately reporting a criminal that is going to commit more crime

  • @aaaccciiiddd
    @aaaccciiiddd 8 месяцев назад +8

    the fd signifier shade hahahahahahaha

  • @lsour8546
    @lsour8546 8 месяцев назад +4

    Girl I am so glad I found your channel. It is a breath of fresh sanity

  • @MatthewHartsuch
    @MatthewHartsuch 8 месяцев назад +2

    for every argument there is and should be a counter argument.

  • @lewisflynn7018
    @lewisflynn7018 8 месяцев назад +17

    Brand tells his audience, me included, inconsistencies in the reporting of events in mainstream media. The appeal to people such as myself is that if you understand how liars operate, if you keep asking questions long enough and the right questions as well, eventually the story unravels and the truth will be revealed. I have the opinion that you prefer your information stream/news to be a complete and concise story with a conclusion. Quite an interesting contrast considering the fans of these alternative media spaces understand that news stories seem to continue on over time and if the media has a noticeable change in the very narrative it presented only a short time ago, then the inconsistency breeds scepticism and those sceptics will naturally gravitate to a source that will question the "official" narrative and certainly when the host of that media outlet shows sources, bibliographies, receipts etc. and certainly if they have a history of exposing the media of their sometimes blatant fraud or lies.

    • @GitanAnimex
      @GitanAnimex 8 месяцев назад +3

      He can do that and also being abusive and dont forget he is also making money with it he doesnt question fox news inconsitence, he doesnt questions candance owens claming to be a conservative christian while supporting a self claim pim proudly owner of web-cam company that broke lonely men

    • @EyeOfTheTiger777
      @EyeOfTheTiger777 8 месяцев назад +3

      Yet he's parroting the Russian media 100% and never questions their narrative. Weird.

  • @jenxi1759
    @jenxi1759 8 месяцев назад +8

    I wouldn't say Brand is anti-woke or anti-feminist. Definitely anti- establishment. I don't know if he's guilty of the crimes, I'll wait to see what happens. I'm indifferent about Brand, but I think your coverage of this felt more like a frustrated rant, than any actual meaningful discussion. All of the assumptive accusations you've thrown at those figures could be made about all journalists and creators, including YOU. I wouldn't be too quick to throw stones from your glass house, why are you so arrogantly sure you're not a different package of the same things you criticise?

    • @superturkle
      @superturkle 8 месяцев назад +6

      i got the exact same conclusion you did. im feeling a little disappointed in her

    • @valfanclub
      @valfanclub 8 месяцев назад

      Agreed. She is not wrong on some points but Daily Wire is Very different from Russell Brand, or Joe Rogan, or the Tates etc. They are all different people, with different agenda. Also, what's that girl's agenda? I mean, anyone on social media platform is potentially a narcissist or career fast climber. Or both. Also, do we care whether thise people care about us? I don't, and I see no correlation between what they say being interesting and whether they want to save the world. At a time when critical thinking is becoming a sin, hearing alternative view point is healthy. That's all.

  • @deanthroop8054
    @deanthroop8054 8 месяцев назад +1

    I watched Brand's RUclips for a bit because he was rolling back some things that just did not make any sense and because he says regularly that he wants to build communities and more importantly, small communities focused on dealing with real problems people face every day. The facts of that though is that while he says that line all the time, his actions and all the other things he says or does pushes that basically he is the Messiah and everyone should be listening to what he is saying and do what he tells them.
    When I pushed back in the "community" to highlight what is being said goes against the community principles, the best that happened was being ignored.
    Thank you for your content and sharing your thoughts. I appreciate what you are doing and exposing yourself to the negative side of the Internet. Positive thoughts for you and those close to you.

  • @Fletch21
    @Fletch21 8 месяцев назад

    Thank you for this! It’s crazy they all say the truth but really it’s vindictive out of being hurt and with no solutions to help anyone

    • @georgecisneros5281
      @georgecisneros5281 8 месяцев назад

      They would be grifters if the DID offer solutions. As there are plainly no such things (at least outside of oneself). So I fail to see how them leaving it to you to decide what actions you should take in response to their message, is somehow taken as a sign they are manipulating. For me, that should be the first sign they likely aren’t quite so much so, certainly in contrast to the “Mainstream” which pumps out prescriptions upon subscriptions to all those who listen to them on a regular basis. Honestly, that’s a bit of a baffling paradox of thinking to me. But whatever.🤷🏻

  • @cabudagavin3896
    @cabudagavin3896 8 месяцев назад +8

    Im not going to lynch anyone who is claimed to have abused someone.
    There is a magical thing called evidence, this is necessary.

    • @BigHenFor
      @BigHenFor 8 месяцев назад +3

      This video is not a call to action to lynch anybody. If anything it's a call to not be involved with online personalities while I was neglecting your own growth, thinking, and meaning. After all, if Brand is getting do close to the truth why doesn't he just spill the beans? But really, perhaps we should question our reliance on media personalities for "truth"? Perhaps we need to orient ourselves, starting where we are, than look to others? And back away from those craving our attention, and start asking how they are helping us? What exactly are they offering us? Is it useful? Helpful? Empowering us? Or is it more a case of misery enjoys company? You see, while we're watching these alternative voices, very little is being changed. In fact, nothing is being changed. Indeed, they seem to be getting worse. And distraction is a pretty powerful weapon. It can neutralise by sapping the drive to get up and actually confront things. We're not being asked to really question anything, nor do something about what worries us. We're just being diverted from action. Just saying.

    • @cabudagavin3896
      @cabudagavin3896 8 месяцев назад +3

      @@BigHenFor Yeah that is what media is, nothing changes, but media is also information transfer. Russell was on the winning side of the vaccine debate, that is information/coordination.
      No Russell is not the Arbiter of truth, nor did he ever claim to be, infact, his philosophy is "strong beliefs loosely held". This belief is essentially my standard for listening to someone.
      And yeah, I know this is not a lynching video, but it needs to be said.
      Above all, I watch him for entertainment. If I want news, I perform my own science, using of course science. (my own since science in the process has not been weeded yet, im sure youve heard that every five years most of the science will be proven wrong/ not nuanced enough).

    • @TheSapphireLeo
      @TheSapphireLeo 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@BigHenForBecause of colonial damage control and bismerching and/or thrts?

  • @JenniferMcMahonhawaii78
    @JenniferMcMahonhawaii78 8 месяцев назад +36

    Alternative media is definitely needed, because it can give you a debate factor between the main stream media

    • @pimmspimms5462
      @pimmspimms5462 8 месяцев назад

      There’s no debate, that’s the problem. The people who have fallen down the rabbit hole of alternative media are entrenched in their positions - paranoid and angry - and can’t be reached or debated with. In the Russell Brand case, they will not consider the evidence. They even started to defend him BEFORE the allegations were published.

  • @tyronekerr8622
    @tyronekerr8622 8 месяцев назад +2

    It important to view everything objectively and see reality for what it is, rather than getting emotionally invested iin the mass manipulation from both the media and alternative media. Just don't engage with and focus on mastering you own life. Everybody journey is different and everyone's reality is different. Like you said stop wasting the precious time we have in this life time engaging with the social engineering of society or the extreme radical views of alternative media. Focus on reaching for your higher yourself and cultivate and refine yourself to be the best version of you. Move through this life with greater awareness of yourself and the world we live in. Formulate your own critical and rational views which will change with time and be happy, humble and content.

  • @hondsdol7671
    @hondsdol7671 8 месяцев назад +1

    There are many reason why silicone sexdolls getting populair nowadays. Can you imagine how terrible women have to be to make this sexdoll industry possible?

  • @paradice7703
    @paradice7703 8 месяцев назад +3

    Media buy the people.
    No outlet, app, internet site, has any true hopeful resonance.
    There is only the written word and art that goes unobserved. 100s of years from now, maybe they dig through the rubble. But it's unlikely any of us currently living have the hope of understanding any truth larger than that we are being lied to by everyone. I, somehow within my immense cynicism, still believe in love; but on a very one to one scale. Best wishes to us all.

    • @EyeOfTheTiger777
      @EyeOfTheTiger777 8 месяцев назад

      As Osho remarked once, "But the people are retarded."

  • @aclaylambisabirdman6324
    @aclaylambisabirdman6324 8 месяцев назад +4

    Honestly, both sides drive me up a wall sometimes, figuratively speaking, because I don't want to hear about how evil they think someone else is. I want to listen to people talking about the actual state of the world today and not just solutions for the problems that become clear as they do but tangible steps being taken to address them. That's the problem with some independent news sources: they make a living getting people riled up and never have to do anything meaningful afterward. That being said, I would be careful grouping all of them together; some people care more about making the world a better place than others.

  • @zeromonster3381
    @zeromonster3381 8 месяцев назад +4

    Narcissism, pure and simple. Attention-seeking profiteers (as you mentioned) refusing to face the wreckage of their past and the wreckage of the present that they create. These types re-write the narrative so that they are the perpetual victims. They reinvent themselves as the messiahs of "truth" in a world that no longer makes sense to them. Classic.

  • @ionamcbrid
    @ionamcbrid 8 месяцев назад +1

    Great video! I was subscribed to Brand but got tired of being shouted at and having my emotions stirred to finally find myself on the other side of a duality, when he had initially started off with talk of healing divides.
    There’s a lot of grifting going on everywhere, that’s for sure.
    There is still one essential point that I believe we need to address as a society and people like him garnered support for doing it, and that was acknowledging the obvious shift away from journalism and into government PR that took place during COVID. I experienced a massive loss of faith in MSM and I see no changes for the better.
    It’s got to the stage where I just allow the contradictions to swirl around me while I turn inward. Every attempt to bring people together gets co-opted in some way.

  • @greciamendez7375
    @greciamendez7375 8 месяцев назад +18

    And what is your truth? I would hope that part of it would be to constantly analyze why you think the way you think. Now as for Russel Brand, lately he was going a different direction, he definitely can connect to a lot of people though, I believe he has a gift, and I think it would be good if you can see that sometimes its not manipulative but a gift or better yet that you can separate these "normies" as you call them and look at them as they are, different individuals. Never did I see he attack or showed any type of misogyny so yeah I think that was a malicious intent from your part, I mean you have to really dig deep and be looking for it, that was not the basis of his channel at all... Russell Brand is a creep, hahaha, you sure you wasn't waiting for these allegations? you sure?

    • @iankclark
      @iankclark 8 месяцев назад +9

      Yes. You can tell Kid was triggered that women are now being scrutinized for their cultural influence.

    • @greciamendez7375
      @greciamendez7375 8 месяцев назад +4

      @@iankclark yes for sure, she definitely does not want to have that discussion. So why discuss it at all?

    • @charrrbee
      @charrrbee 8 месяцев назад

      Yes, Brand truly has a great gift, a man who raped a 16 year old girl, his words are truly wise

  • @penelopehughes-jones5265
    @penelopehughes-jones5265 8 месяцев назад +19

    I follow Russell and I'm certainly not anti-feminist, anti-woke or whatever, I just listen to various people and news sources and make up my own mind. Re the accusations, Russell is innocent until proven guilty. Trial by media is truly terrifying and something we need to stand up against Disagree re vague, Russell is very specific and always gives evidence. He has never, to my knowledge, ever tried to make people dislike women. He has never tried to preach, the person you are discussing here seems really different to the person I've watched over the last few decades. Russell just gives information and asks what the audience think. To lump him in with the vile Tate honestly makes no sense to me. (BTW Russell always says, "Stay free".)

    • @wilbertwallace6655
      @wilbertwallace6655 8 месяцев назад +3

      She had no idea that Russel is an actual human with opinions and values that are important to him, and that he might be motivated by those genuine opinions and values.

    • @penelopehughes-jones5265
      @penelopehughes-jones5265 8 месяцев назад

      @@wilbertwallace6655 Seems so. I'd rather take my chances with garnering information than this "accept the one truth or you're a loser" kind of mindset. We don't have to agree with anyone or anything, we just need to think for ourselves...and not decide someone is guilty before they've even had a court date set.

    • @Bevtone
      @Bevtone 7 месяцев назад +1

      He is the king of vague, and a pseudo intellectual at best! He is always been anti establishment I see no issue there but its pretty damn obvious he appeals to a certain demographic of people, its a grift but not for money he is an attention seeker and what better way than to parrot other youtube grifters, him and tate are absolutely comparable its just tate is far more obvious whilst brand acts purposely obtuse. He is one of those "im just asking questions" guys which a pretty obvious dog whistle for those who know better.

  • @mitsusousa1385
    @mitsusousa1385 8 месяцев назад

    absolutely loved this take! I came across your work by watching you on Triggernometry. You've got a new fan in this Gen X (51), gay, mix-raced Angolan (living in London for the last 32 years), politically homeless (just escaped wokeness), woman. Thank you!

  • @PedroPanzer
    @PedroPanzer 8 месяцев назад +3

    I'm just gonna wait before I judge.

  • @odenoki9571
    @odenoki9571 8 месяцев назад +1

    In the realm of politics, some claim neutrality while their actions paint a different portrait. They may disavow labels, but their choices silently echo a political stance, revealing the subtle dance between intention and impact

  • @stizanley3987
    @stizanley3987 8 месяцев назад +20

    I had no idea Russel Brand was alt-right now. I thought he was super left leaning.

    • @bayleyasher
      @bayleyasher 8 месяцев назад +8

      he was, as recently as like 3 years ago; michael brooks used to defend and laud him up and down, and in my opinion correctly so.
      then around COVID time, he started doing interviews with like jordan peterson and candace owens -- and while he would initially field their right-wing populist tendencies and respond to them with his left-wing populism, in doing so he became increasingly popular more and more exclusively with right-wing audiences, and his editorial selection and slant became increasingly subject to audience capture, until basically all he was doing was feeding the conspiracy narratives of right wing audiences
      i gave up on him completely when i saw dude was doing extremely friendly interviews with tucker carlson

    • @dianamiller3307
      @dianamiller3307 8 месяцев назад +2

      New Developments in Horseshoe theory ...

    • @bums009
      @bums009 8 месяцев назад +7

      ​@@bayleyasher so does he have alt right views or did he just interview some people on the right and has fans who are on the right?
      Surely there is a distinction there or are you so dense as to believe that someone's views are solely defined by who they converse with and who finds them to be engaging??

    • @Devi_Seona
      @Devi_Seona 8 месяцев назад +12

      No he loves money, and alt right / conspiracy theories content is big money making. All those people are money hungry more than anything, they’ll go where the money is.

    • @beewest5704
      @beewest5704 8 месяцев назад +1

      Cause he is on his 6th grift. I would admire his jumping on trends to make money if I did not find those type of ppl vile. Sneako is going to be Russel if he is around in the next 20 years.

  • @sadiemakesmesmile
    @sadiemakesmesmile 8 месяцев назад +19

    Hi Kidology, I’ve been following Russell’s channel from the Trews onwards - more than 10 years. And the only term I relate to in your indictment of who his posse is …is that I’m anti-establishment. I am a feminist and have been for many years, and I won’t say I’m anti-woke as I see the value in many of those ideas. Obviously these allegations are shocking to me as a fan and a feminist but I’m waiting for the evidence to come out before I make any decisions. I also believe in forgiveness and Russell has worked hard to change his ways. That shows conscientiousness.

    • @janexerikus8021
      @janexerikus8021 8 месяцев назад +6

      Wokeism and fascism uses many of the same tactics. Division and hatred. Being woke is negative, the same way that being a nazi is negative, because both have race-based ideas about "superior" vs "inferior", "oppressor" vs "the oppressed". Feminism is actually part of that ideology, wokeism in itself is negatve because it put people against people, based on gender, sex or race."White, straight males are always the oppressor" for example. This kind of thinking and this kind of ideology are dangerous for everyone, not just the so-called "oppressor".

    • @janexerikus8021
      @janexerikus8021 8 месяцев назад

      @@BrianSWhite-yr1vs Wokeism is based on race, sex, gender and sexual orientation. Pretty much dividing people into groups based on those things, just what the nazis did. "The oppressed" vs "the oppressor", based on race, sex, gender or sexual orientation. This is why I see woke people as my enemies, cuz they see me as their enemies. It is that simple! Anything more you want to know?

    • @maigpl2
      @maigpl2 8 месяцев назад


    • @iankclark
      @iankclark 8 месяцев назад +1


    • @slowbowz6383
      @slowbowz6383 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@BrianSWhite-yr1vswhy do people think this is a gotcha? Wokeism is just communism and the theories it spawned.

  • @Samsgarden
    @Samsgarden 8 месяцев назад +1

    Before the internet, there were books on anarchism. The medium is distinct from a Brand figure, who represents a necessary contrarianism against a pervasive monotheism. His influence is almost negligible and it’s meaningless pointing out his flaws if you’re not willing to apply criticism universally.

  • @dcgamer1027
    @dcgamer1027 8 месяцев назад +1

    Sometimes rationality can help you control and manipulate your own emotions so that it is slowly easier and easier to behave like a good person. But just as often the opposite can happen where your emotions hijack your rationallity can make your unreasonable actions seem like the pinnacle of logic.
    Not that emotions are always bad nor reason always good of course, just that often they can and obscure each other.

  • @careerintransit
    @careerintransit 8 месяцев назад +8

    In my estimation, it would be hubristic and unwise that you failed to acknowledge your own existence as an internet essayist. Your KPI is the same, viewership. The lack of self awareness in this video is almost unbelievable.

  • @drastically143
    @drastically143 8 месяцев назад +50

    Russel Brand, Carlson and things like that aren't alternative media, it's literally just not-that-mainstream normie tier bullshittery.

    • @ImortalZeus13
      @ImortalZeus13 8 месяцев назад

      They're just anti-mainstream. Sneako-esq. If CNN says something, they have to indicate the opposite. Its more or less that simple. They're not alternative media, they're just inverted mainstream.

    • @nevisysbryd7450
      @nevisysbryd7450 8 месяцев назад

      They are not not-mainstream, either, they exist within the Overton Window and most of the mainstream has SOME level of awareness of them. They are not part of the _dominant_ part of the mainstream.

  • @Simouno
    @Simouno 6 месяцев назад

    Everyone in front of a screen is performing, there is no authenticity to be showcased behind a filter. Once you understand this, everything becomes clear

  • @sole__doubt
    @sole__doubt 8 месяцев назад +1

    Where is the truth? In books written over thousands of years, and when you find the answers, you rarely are impressed.

  • @kuibeiguahua
    @kuibeiguahua 8 месяцев назад +4

    Every couple months I chance upon your channel and decide to give your video a go.
    I keep thinking, this video will be the one when it’s revealed Kidology is nothing but another demagogue or whatever you might call those spokespersons for different ideological causes (backed by money that is not their own)
    But even now, I still see the same young woman full of integrity, levelheadedness, careful utilization of language, and uncompromised directness.
    So thank you, Kidology! May all things go your way (or be worthy of a lesson lol)

  • @heidemandshow
    @heidemandshow 8 месяцев назад +5

    Unsubscribed. 😬 what was the actual point of this video?

  • @ForestFamilies89
    @ForestFamilies89 7 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for this. Ive become quite skeptical of the mainstream media but the fact that im suddenly meant to trust or even like individuals such as Russel Brand, Andrew Tate or Candace Owens has never sat well with me.

  • @odenoki9571
    @odenoki9571 8 месяцев назад

    Within the realm of ideals, some profess impartiality, yet their deeds unveil the subtle brushstrokes of a political canvas. They may shy from labels, yet their choices quietly resonate with the cadence of conviction, navigating the nuanced waters of a politicized existence

  • @Fake_Robot
    @Fake_Robot 8 месяцев назад +21

    Brand had a peak era that was pretty good. It seemed like he’d become a more wise and thoughtful person for a minute, and that perhaps he was remorseful about his past treatment of women. I doubt it’s still out there, but his interview with Ed Snowden was probably the closest to this elusive “truth” that Russell Brand has ever been. It was also a total rebuke of the type of content he’s developed a rabid following from. By that, I mean Snowden talks about real, damaging conspiracies, such as the War on Terror, the surveillance state, and class war, all of which he backs up with receipts and contrasts to the QAnon-adjacent bullshit that fuels Tucker and Brand.

    • @CaligulavVv
      @CaligulavVv 8 месяцев назад +7

      Why do you Marxists continually cite QAnon? I immediately feel the user of this 'insult' has been subverted.

    • @borjaslamic
      @borjaslamic 8 месяцев назад +5

      ​@@CaligulavVv Because of how prevalent and far reaching Q-bs has become, because of how many topics it covers, and the number of people, and especially people in power, who parrot the same statements and sentiments.
      And the same question could be asked of you, why would you call a commentor on a youtube video a Marxist, when their response is barely relevant to the ideas disgused by Marx?

    • @CaligulavVv
      @CaligulavVv 8 месяцев назад

      @borjaslamic Because I only hear about this QAnon nonsense from radical leftists.
      Nobody with a modicum of critical thinking believes that 'QAnon' is a threat

    • @triumphant39
      @triumphant39 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@borjaslamicHe mentions class war.

    • @Fake_Robot
      @Fake_Robot 8 месяцев назад

      @@CaligulavVv I’ve scrolled the comment sections of a number Brand’s videos. It just seems the appropriate label for the audience he’s dogwhistling to now. I had no idea I wasn’t supposed to talk about QAnon. Is it just that you people are so embarrassed at what a far-reaching fraud that was among Trump’s base that now you must pretend it never existed?

  • @hodgeyhodge8414
    @hodgeyhodge8414 8 месяцев назад +3

    "You can't trust these people, they have an agenda. I don't." But is this Brand, or Kidology? 11:20

    • @dalek604
      @dalek604 8 месяцев назад

      Yeah it's the neither left or right shtick, needs to do better.

  • @joeshmoe0136
    @joeshmoe0136 7 месяцев назад

    Do you know who else was transparent about their lives?
    Jimmy Saville was transparent
    Bill Cosby was transparent
    R Kelly was transparent
    We all know the game now, we can't use ignorance as an excuse to allow abusers to gr00m in plain sight

  • @DJarry394
    @DJarry394 6 месяцев назад +1

    It’s refreshing to hear an actual intellectual analysis on media. I am so tired of the screamers on the left and right, they all sound alike.

  • @mcziggydelamcmuffin5016
    @mcziggydelamcmuffin5016 8 месяцев назад +6

    Spent years religiously consuming alternative media until about a year ago when I decided to try thinking for myself. As I watched this I looked up one of my old favs Paul Joseph Watson and had the biggest sigh. I just about decided to click on one out of curiosity till you said, right at the end, think for yourself they don't care about you. Took me a long 5 seconds of deep introspection to close that tab. It's weird how inviting the rabbit hole is, especially when you already know it never goes anywhere.

    • @spacedebris566
      @spacedebris566 7 месяцев назад

      Kid cares about you though so much so she points out the others that don't care about you. I only care about the youtubers who care the most.

  • @gogudelagaze1585
    @gogudelagaze1585 8 месяцев назад +23

    Incredibly well said. I've been watching these people (and others, especially streamers) gain traction over the years with great concern. They are taking turns in polarizing their bases for their own personal gain for the most part, and the interesting thing is that as one extreme gains momentum, this mobilizes the other to do so as well, creating a very dangerous feedback loop.

    • @Mistical1982
      @Mistical1982 8 месяцев назад

      The division gets wider and wider, until someone snaps….

    • @georgecisneros5281
      @georgecisneros5281 8 месяцев назад

      Umm…that’s a process you call “shoring up your defenses”. You know…for the battle to come. And, rest assured…there is a battle to come. Whether you like it or not.🤷🏻

    • @yota8325
      @yota8325 8 месяцев назад +1

      You don't think this video is also for personal gain?

    • @nerdyali4154
      @nerdyali4154 8 месяцев назад

      Used to be the religious fundies and Swift Boaters like Jerome Corsi being crazy and lying through their teeth, then the left turned crazy and outdid the right with postmodern critical theory "victimhood trumps all" rabidity. Now the conservatives have responded with a host of conspiracy theories and "atheists be evil" rhetoric.