After playing this game, I can say it's definitely one of my favorite games. The story was a bit wacky, but by no means bland. It's there for those who are looking for it. My favorite part about the game was the soundtrack though. The XIII trilogy's music is by far the best music the Final Fantasy franchise has pumped out, minus XII. Combat was very engaging and challenging, if you don't download the DLC outfits that is. Lots of replay value, a "New Game+" for those of you who are familiar with iterations of that feature in past FF games, several nods to past games, definitely a beautiful world to explore, lots of costumes to put on Lightning (including a super-skimpy Warrior outfit *blush*), tons of content, two superbosses, and so, SO much more. A fitting end to an already epic trilogy. Now if only they would release FFXV already... >.>
Amen to that. I finished this game earlier this week and it was a beautiful tribute to the FFXIII series and brought a lot of closure. I really liked the Epilogue.
BEGONE HATTERS! seriously, just don't even comment or look at this trailer if all you're going to do is hate on it. I don't give a shit what people think about the XIII series, i'm still buying this game.
can't wait for the XIII series to be released on PS4 man. even tough XIII wasn't that nice in my opinion, i still enyoed it and loved XIII-2 and LR even more.
Man that Lightning, she always going Commando. And boy is she a Ravager. But don't be a Saboteur, be a Synergist. And if you prove to be a good enough Sentinel, she'll be your Medic by the end of the night
+Cassie Belanger 500 years have passed. Snow isn't really evil, he's just consumed with 500 years of guilt regarding serah or whatever, so he's a little rough around the edges. He's still a good person, just more anti-hero this time. He acts like he does toward Lightning because he'd rather die to get rid of his pain than search for hope or seek help. Post XIII-2, Snow discovered the town in this cinematic and began helping it and soon became the towns patron. Over the years though, he's become consumed by guilt, regret, and remorse, so he locked himself away in his palace and had tremendous parties like a Great Gatsby of Final Fantasy.
I cannot stress enough how the story is one of the most complexed stories ever created in the Final Fantasy franchise, which is quite refreshing. I don't know what it is about people nowadays and their constant need to compare 13 trilogy and 7. Granted, 7 was one of the most applauded games in the FF series, but 13 had already caught my eye even when everyone else rejected it. The character developments are flawless, I see personality in them. The story would make complete sense if you were to play all three games in order and you would see how it's not completely fucked up, it's like a series of episodes wherein you see more characters to interact and understand. I enjoyed 13, 13-2, and I'm hoping to enjoy Lightning Returns. I understand that it's nothing like the former games Final Fantasy has somehow molded in the years it's been alive, but shouldn't we be excited because it's nothing like the former games Final Fantasy would usually create? I mean..c'mon...
Final Fantasy XIII was the first Final Fantasy game I ever played. Now, I'm dedicated to playing any new Final Fantasy games Square Enix releases. I can't wait to get my pre-order for this game!
snow pissed me off in 13 "serah your hero is coming" "serah your hero is here" "im serahs hero" "im a hero" "hero hero hero" "hero hero hero hero hero" that's all i bloody heard from him.
In FF13 the 1st one, Lightning goes on the quest 2 find her sister which was turned 2 crystal. They complete their mission n everything goes back 2 normal but the real ending was that they were all suppose 2 die which didnt happen and that caused the timeline 2 mess up and that leads 2 part 2 where now lightning's sister has 2 find lightning. Now this game has 2 do with the fact that Lightning was frozen n she woke up 4rm her crystal sleep now 2 find her sister again, point blank bt IM DYING 2 PLAY IT
Can't wait for this. The first two FFXIII was awesome to me, and it was the first FF game I played, so I don't get it what people complain about, and actually I don't care. Come to me february
I personally enjoyed the timer. It kept me on my toes. I play XIII-2 when I want to explore and take my time but with LR I like the challenge of getting everything done in time.
FFXIII: They saved the world and solved the fear of Pulse FFXIII-2: They time traveled to save Etro and failed/succeeded?? (questionable) FFXIII Lightning Returns: The world (and the trilogy) is finally ending and Lightning must redeem everyone's soul They're all awesome and I'm psyched to see how this ends but...COME ON!?! Why must they complicate this even more?
KATintheBLACK athest7 13-2.. they timed traveled to stop the actions of gaius and to stop the death of many people so the chaos wouldn't pour into there world(of course they failed miserably)
arnaldo vargas Well actually most of the actions done by Serah & Noel are are just to prevent the fall of Cocoon, they only learn of Caius' plan to unleash Valhalla's chaos to all the timelines in the very end and subsequently fail as the fight in Valhalla "has already happened". Etro's heart in Caius was essentially the final thing keeping chaos at bay so when Serah & co. "killed" Caius, they actually released the chaos to the timelines themselves. ....But, why did you reply to me and tell that?
Andrew Johnson It was planed to be multiple games from the beginning. they even made a video about how the world was created and about the actors that are working behind the scenes.
Andrew Johnson Thats why they added an open world and side missions in this one, for a more "feel" of a final fantasy game so to say (also a new combat system)... even though it has a time limit (doomsday clock) in the game. I just hope that time limit does not hinder the exploration TOO much, because then what would be the point in putting that much open world content if we can't explore it all in the first place? But I'll know tomorrow when I pick it up at gamestop. I swear, if this game doesn't have a happy ending i'm going to murder them.
I already saw alot of copies at the retail shop. I was damn excited. But when I check the cover, it was japanese version. And the retail staff said, english version is still release nx year feb. Haiz... cant wait to finish this ff series and move on to the nx gen!!!
I... am so confused. I've completed both XIII and XIII-2 and I'm just lost now. When did Snow become evil? Who is this Luminous? Serah died before she could give birth to a child lol xD But seriously, I love this trailer, and I can't wait to play Lightning Returns. I just don't understand anything that just happened. Mostly as to why Snow is a villain hosting sexy parties. ._.
I pre-ordered this game to get the cloud strife dlc set, am currently playing FFXIII, getting FFXIII-2 for Christmas, and waiting till Feb 11th to buy this game
For all of those people who want Square to release FF 7 I have an announcement. The released it already and it is called FF 7 for Playstation, I suggest you get
MDMA4LIFE My comment is a jab at people who keep calling for a FF 7 remake and even those who want a sequel to 7. All I am saying is if you want FF 7 then go get because it is available.
I understand how you feel, I played every one till 10. But I own both 13 and 13-2. never played through. Too long and kind of borish, except for 13-2. Played for over 5 hours before quitting. Still sits on my shelves to this day. :D
It's the shared backstory and mythology Square-ENix wrote for his Fabula Nova Chrystallys projects (aka everything FF related from FFXIII and afterwards,except for FFXIV). I believe they only truly showed it to Japan fans in untranslated material and their own Japan-exclusive game events but you can find about it in the Final Fantasy wikia, they have a lot of information about the FFXIII mythology and about the backstory that was only available in light novels (like Fang and Vanille's past).
2 months, just 2 months until this comes out and concludes what, for me has been a great trilogy. FFXIII and FFXIII-2 are among the best of the FF games I've played which includes FFVII (which is good but overrated), FFVIII (probably the worst FF I've played but till decent) and FFX (my first and favorite FF game ever). Can't wait for this, it's going to be awesome.
Alright people look. Final Fantasy 13 is kinda complicated I agree but if u havent at least seen the ending of the first game and play through the second game and seen all the cutscene, u will be completely lost and shouldn't even worry until u catch up. In order to even have the slightest idea of wats happening u have to play the second game and see all endings and secret endings and lightnings dlc ending and secret ending... dont be so quick to judge if u dont know whats going on :/
jahdel duval ...Really? FFVII got a movie, two mobile games, a spin-off/sequel and some of its central characters even appear in Kingdom Hearts, and you're complaining about it not getting spin-offs? Don't make me laugh.
Well, it IS part of the Nova Crystallis Saga. Which basically means they're meant to have similar themes, but not directly tied. I don't know why it never seems to be mentioned anywhere, since it would explain a lot to people who didn't know about it. While still possible, I do hope it isn't more tied in then that, since I miss having entirely new settings, stories, and characters with each game.
Dear Square, I will give you a million billion dollars if you let me play FF games with the original Japanese audio plus subs, or hell, even with no voice acting at all.
The only thing i didn't like with 13 was the linearity. and in 13-2 they made the areas more open, and here finally it looks like it's gonna be open-WORLD. so i actually have high hopes for this.
Am I the only person who hates open-world? I get lost easily, my sense of direction is terrible, and it gets really tiring running around trying to figure out where the f*** I'm supposed to go. 13 was quite a hallways it's true, but 13-2 was a nice happy medium.
***** I'm with you, not that big a fan of open world. The only game I liked it was in Zelda: A Link Between Worlds and it was somewhat tolerable in Infamous. I also don't get why people complain about how linear XIII is when X is pretty much just as linear.
***** Open-Word is generally always better no matter what.. For those people that get lost easily the creators of the game should make it easy to figure out where you need to go to make sure that cannot occur. When they get that right you can then go anywhere with knowing where to go giving you the choice to explore or go straight through the story :).
Lumina would be one of two things: the final result of fusion of the souls of Yeul and Serah as a Fal'Cie beyond of time and space, or a clone with the resemble of Serah and the power of Yeul, created by someone linked with Etro behind of the scenes. Yeul always said that Serah and herself are the same, but she don't explained in that sense they are. Perhaps Yeul was an incomplete alter-ego of Serah in the future that she nedded to become a complete been...It's impossible to know.
Lighting is the savior basically, the world is going to end so she's got a job to do given by god to save souls until the new world comes. She used to be the Knight of the Goddess, and was in the military before that.
While I have only started playing the game I think Sarah's death has a lot to do with why snow is an enemy. That and luminia probably has something to do with it. I have no real answer about Noel the protagonist of the last game other then the guess that he has an alternative perception of the whole savior thing since he believes he has to kill her. No idea what side vanielle (sp) is on yet considering details about her are not shown in trailers and I only so her in one scene where she seems to be in a position of power. Fang is an ally I assume based on a video I saw. Hope is helping still.
TheVideogameEmperor I don't think any are evil though like I said I only recently started playing. Based on what I have seen so far I think Noel just has an alternative idea on the role of the savior. He also did not believe the prophecy until lighting showed up right on cue.
No there are just a lot of factors that led to X13 - 3 and the whole end of the world in 13 days. I had typed up an explanation of sorts twice, but they cleared before I could post it up when I went to look up some information.
Just finished this demo a few hours ago and even though I'm more of a fan of the old school FF series, lightning returns isn't a bad game. The schema rotation is cool. It's like a better version of the horrible dress sphere idea from FFX2. The voice acting is good, but the dialogue is awful. Hope: "Light you have been chosen as the savior. If you die then you won't be able to save snow or the world." "Light, you should be able to jump over that platform" Me: "-_- you don't say?????" I'm planning to get this game, but it's not worth $65 in my opinion.
OH MY LORD JESUS, THAT MIGHT BE EXACTLY IT! IT MAKES SENSE! XV is indeed a part of Fabula Nova Crystallis, along with XIII trilogy and Type-0. What you just said, hat's off to you for thinking it.
Exactly! I don't know why the Fabula Nova Crystallis (I've been mistakenly calling it the Nova Crystallis Saga) isn't really mentioned anywhere, since it kind of explains a lot.
Graphics & "story" is all they focus on in FF these days. I miss the open worlds that were filled with monsters and secrets. What about the towns where every town was different and you could buy weapons, items, and find out about the history of the town. Most importantly turn based should be an option. I'm sure alot of people like the new action rpg its turn into but there should be an option for people who like turned based. btw enough of this chapter FF. Final fantasy x only went to x-2 so this shit needs to end.
Michael Hunt ok i can admit it that ff13-2 is better than ff 13 better gameplay and better music ,ok.But its still has that lame storyline and characters that are in my opinion boring .Ive benn in a lot of FF stuff in the past and that game just dont give me happines -its crappy for me .
I just played the demo As a guy who didn't even bother with 13 and didn't play that many Final Fantasy games(Only FF 6,7,8 and 10. 6 and 10 were my favorite) I have to say I quite enjoyed it. Reminded me of "Tales of" combat
Oh and while I respect your opinions I must say this. Not everyone thought the ending to 13 or 13-2 was bad. Also we don't even know if this will be a bad game. Based on gameplay this game is looking to be quite the comeback. It will all come down to the story (which broke the previous two games).
Lol, well, if you REALLY want to know why the world is like that, well, Etro caused the first paradox which destroyed everything making the game weird, Etro dies which causes the timeline to go unstable which also means, chaos rules the timeline. Nobody is born, nobody dies (From old age, of course.) So the world is ending, Lightning has to 'save' people, which is also, taking there souls for the next life which KILLS them BUT they go to the NEXT life cause the world is ending :P And Lumina is some broke down chick treating the world like a toy, freaking game's these days. Also, Lightning plays a Savior role in this game. Yeah, this series is pretty OUT there. I have to get this game though cause, ONCE I START A SERIES, I GO ALL THE WAY. That also means I got to get Tales of Xillia 2 >:P
Toby Danh what the hell that story about traveling through time have to do with FFXIII?the part about claire disappearing after the death of the maker at the end of FFXIII is nonsensical to me there was not even a hint about it through the game its not a pausible reason for all that crap,and now LR will be 500 years after the events of FFXIII-2 again its another complete story compared with the prequel,FF dont used to be stupid like this.
For people confused. After Etro the goddess of death who gave the gift or mortality to man died. Nobody was able to die after the fact. This is 500 years later when lightning awoke from crystal sleep. Bhuni- a god. Told lightning she needs to gather souls to save them. Snow is like that because he loved serah so much but he's unable to save/find her for over 500 years. So he kind of wants death to see serah, rather than be saved.
you're wrong. There are 4 hubs that are huge, and connected, have the mission structure is free-lance. You can go to wildlands first and so a party of the main story there instead of going to yusnaan first. It's open world if you can choose where you want to go, and do what quests you want to do, and in what order. Plus NPC's don't repeat the same habits daily on the same loop. So it gets nicely mixed up. You can do w/e you want the second the game starts and go wherever you want=open world
Its the Chaos. Hes either closely linked or heavily inflicted by it. Hes also depressed by him not saving Serah. You should check out FF Wikia for the info...
Me too. I always wanted to know what happened with Yeul, after herself showed up in front of Lightning and Serah's soul said her that her own sacrifice was necessary for bring her back: we saw how Lightning attempted kill Yeul for realase Serah's soul without fulfill it, and after of that, Yeul and Serah's soul dissapeared enigmatically. I hope that Yeul and Serah reappears in this game: many mysteries would be solved if themselves or someone more reveals if they becomed a goddess or not.
Calm down guys, we'll soon have Final Fantasy 15. Have you seen the trailer with bits of gameplay? It'll be awesome!! Maybe, not like VII or XII, but I have great expectations about it.
I believe this take place in the world Novis Particus(might be wrong on the spelling) but this world is in the Void beyond liked in XIII-2 and being consume by Chaos. Even tho 500 years has past since the end of XIII-2 I being time is very different in the Void as we saw. End of time it's self is coming due to the Chaos consuming the Void/Cacoon and Grand Pulse along with Valhalla at the end where Goddess Etro shrine is.
yeah exactly what I was thinking. I vaguely remember something about it, but nothing exactly conclusive as to the exact reason. When he left on his own in FF13-2. It was for more than the reason he gave, I know for a fact. What found me strange is no one mentioned it. Serah saw it, dont know if Noel knows anything about that.
Most of Final Fantasy games are separate stories set in entirelly different worlds with only certain references connncting them. Bassically: Most of FF games that increase in number after the title are unrelated with each other. FF1 is set in different world from FF2 and FF2 in different one from FF3 and so on. SOME games get sequels though, but they do not break the numbering system (For example Final Fantasy 10 had sequel "FInal Fantasy 10-2") Ligthning Returns is essentially Final Fantasy 13-3. Since its a sequel knowledge of 13 and 13-2 is needed to understand the game a Lightning Returns is essentially a huge revisit of all the leftover plotlines from those two games.
Exactly! Try new things and that's what I applaud XIII for. It took a risk for better or worse. And that's what at least 12, 11, 9, 8 and 7 did. All those were so different, 8 had junction and draw system which people seem to either love or hate, 7 was the first step in the 3d. 9 was step back from the more modern fantasy to fantasy and more cartoony look. 12 was kind of like 11 in some of its mechanics but in single player. New experiences, but without taking all those great stuff away.
I think little mysterious appearances from them would be awesome. See one or both of them several times through out the game but only get told minimal about them would be nice, like an easter egg or something
I completely agree people are just really big babies who complain when nothing is exactly what they want. I love each and every final fantasy game for each unique story and characters.
Awesome game, awesome story. No one should judge a game they haven't even played
After playing this game, I can say it's definitely one of my favorite games. The story was a bit wacky, but by no means bland. It's there for those who are looking for it. My favorite part about the game was the soundtrack though. The XIII trilogy's music is by far the best music the Final Fantasy franchise has pumped out, minus XII. Combat was very engaging and challenging, if you don't download the DLC outfits that is. Lots of replay value, a "New Game+" for those of you who are familiar with iterations of that feature in past FF games, several nods to past games, definitely a beautiful world to explore, lots of costumes to put on Lightning (including a super-skimpy Warrior outfit *blush*), tons of content, two superbosses, and so, SO much more. A fitting end to an already epic trilogy. Now if only they would release FFXV already... >.>
Amen to that. I finished this game earlier this week and it was a beautiful tribute to the FFXIII series and brought a lot of closure. I really liked the Epilogue.
BEGONE HATTERS! seriously, just don't even comment or look at this trailer if all you're going to do is hate on it. I don't give a shit what people think about the XIII series, i'm still buying this game.
can't wait for the XIII series to be released on PS4 man. even tough XIII wasn't that nice in my opinion, i still enyoed it and loved XIII-2 and LR even more.
They should make a new movie with Lightning.
Square you need to hire this person they know what they're talking about
Man that Lightning, she always going Commando. And boy is she a Ravager. But don't be a Saboteur, be a Synergist. And if you prove to be a good enough Sentinel, she'll be your Medic by the end of the night
+Cassie Belanger
500 years have passed. Snow isn't really evil, he's just consumed with 500 years of guilt regarding serah or whatever, so he's a little rough around the edges. He's still a good person, just more anti-hero this time. He acts like he does toward Lightning because he'd rather die to get rid of his pain than search for hope or seek help. Post XIII-2, Snow discovered the town in this cinematic and began helping it and soon became the towns patron. Over the years though, he's become consumed by guilt, regret, and remorse, so he locked himself away in his palace and had tremendous parties like a Great Gatsby of Final Fantasy.
Lightning had an amazing career
Lightning is soooooooo beautiful and so complex!!!! :3
I'm sooo excited!!! Final fantasy XIII was also my first Final Fantasy :)
I just finished the game yesterday and I have to say I love it. Also the ending and how luminaries basically played one of the most important roles.
I cannot stress enough how the story is one of the most complexed stories ever created in the Final Fantasy franchise, which is quite refreshing. I don't know what it is about people nowadays and their constant need to compare 13 trilogy and 7. Granted, 7 was one of the most applauded games in the FF series, but 13 had already caught my eye even when everyone else rejected it. The character developments are flawless, I see personality in them. The story would make complete sense if you were to play all three games in order and you would see how it's not completely fucked up, it's like a series of episodes wherein you see more characters to interact and understand. I enjoyed 13, 13-2, and I'm hoping to enjoy Lightning Returns. I understand that it's nothing like the former games Final Fantasy has somehow molded in the years it's been alive, but shouldn't we be excited because it's nothing like the former games Final Fantasy would usually create? I mean..c'mon...
Seriously, Snow totally went for the wrong sister ;)
DeepbloodFang Lulz i laughed my ass off thank you sir XD
DeepbloodFang Hahahahaha LOL well that's life hahahahaha
He went to the right sister. Cause Lightning Claire Farron is mine Kupo! ^^
pft, fang already took lightning :p
RobustPhysics if it's Fang, I am totally cool with it.
Final Fantasy XIII was the first Final Fantasy game I ever played. Now, I'm dedicated to playing any new Final Fantasy games Square Enix releases. I can't wait to get my pre-order for this game!
The stories in Final Fantasy have always been amazing, including the 13 games.
snow pissed me off in 13
"serah your hero is coming"
"serah your hero is here"
"im serahs hero"
"im a hero"
"hero hero hero"
"hero hero hero hero hero"
that's all i bloody heard from him.
I love FF13! : D
I want this game D:> lightning is so cool!!
Aw man, Snow's an enemy? This makes me sad, he was my favorite character in XIII. :(
This game was worth the wait for... HECK YEAH
In FF13 the 1st one, Lightning goes on the quest 2 find her sister which was turned 2 crystal. They complete their mission n everything goes back 2 normal but the real ending was that they were all suppose 2 die which didnt happen and that caused the timeline 2 mess up and that leads 2 part 2 where now lightning's sister has 2 find lightning. Now this game has 2 do with the fact that Lightning was frozen n she woke up 4rm her crystal sleep now 2 find her sister again, point blank bt IM DYING 2 PLAY IT
Teofil Borconi U have no life thinking like that. Wow. Is this the type of fun u are into? I guess people dont have 2 try too hard 2 make u laugh
I don't understand what it's trying to say. Maybe the universal greeting will help.
Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah Wheep Ni Ni Bong
none of u can joke
Snow, you put way too much time into your hair, but this is definitely better than that whack style you had in XIII-2.
***** Took around 500 years to sort of fix that... lol.
Can't wait for this. The first two FFXIII was awesome to me, and it was the first FF game I played, so I don't get it what people complain about, and actually I don't care. Come to me february
If you guys pre-order the game you could get a free dlc its called final fantasy 7 costume for lightning with the buster sword
I love this game. It's a real gem no matter what anyone says. Yes the clock/timer is a set back but the game itself epic to me.
I personally enjoyed the timer. It kept me on my toes. I play XIII-2 when I want to explore and take my time but with LR I like the challenge of getting everything done in time.
Jphile D I really wanted to explore Lightning Returns but the story is very engaging and I love the epic end battle.
Definitely. The pacing of the story is great too.
Jphile D I could use a PS4 Re-release :D
In the UK from today, it is 13 days until this is released! ;)
Square Enix i will pay you to make a Final Fantasy 7 for Xbox One, PC and Playstation 4 HD remake
I for some reason cannot get tired of watching this O.o its soo epic. I cannot wait for it to be released next feb.
Huh, I scrolled down to the comments expecting tons of XIII hate but I guess people tolerate XIII now.
Omg I had a eye-gasm i love the 13 fanchise :) can't wait.
FFXIII: They saved the world and solved the fear of Pulse
FFXIII-2: They time traveled to save Etro and failed/succeeded?? (questionable)
FFXIII Lightning Returns: The world (and the trilogy) is finally ending and Lightning must redeem everyone's soul
They're all awesome and I'm psyched to see how this ends but...COME ON!?! Why must they complicate this even more?
It's more in-depth than that.
DreadMarauder More in-depth, yes. But hardly any more complicated.
KATintheBLACK athest7 13-2.. they timed traveled to stop the actions of gaius and to stop the death of many people so the chaos wouldn't pour into there world(of course they failed miserably)
arnaldo vargas Well actually most of the actions done by Serah & Noel are are just to prevent the fall of Cocoon, they only learn of Caius' plan to unleash Valhalla's chaos to all the timelines in the very end and subsequently fail as the fight in Valhalla "has already happened". Etro's heart in Caius was essentially the final thing keeping chaos at bay so when Serah & co. "killed" Caius, they actually released the chaos to the timelines themselves. ....But, why did you reply to me and tell that?
wasnt the chaos the thing that warped the timelines and created paradoxes? athest7 my bad..
A FF where it was Lightning vs Sephiroth would be an awesome thing to play.
How do we go from saving Cacoon, to saving the Space Time continuum, to whatever that was? I'm at a complete loss.
You're not the only one
Blame Square Enix, personally the ending of FF13 was just fine.
Dragonk116 I blame the fanbase. They complained so much square gave them what they wanted and they still complained
Andrew Johnson It was planed to be multiple games from the beginning. they even made a video about how the world was created and about the actors that are working behind the scenes.
Andrew Johnson Thats why they added an open world and side missions in this one, for a more "feel" of a final fantasy game so to say (also a new combat system)... even though it has a time limit (doomsday clock) in the game. I just hope that time limit does not hinder the exploration TOO much, because then what would be the point in putting that much open world content if we can't explore it all in the first place? But I'll know tomorrow when I pick it up at gamestop. I swear, if this game doesn't have a happy ending i'm going to murder them.
I already saw alot of copies at the retail shop. I was damn excited. But when I check the cover, it was japanese version. And the retail staff said, english version is still release nx year feb. Haiz... cant wait to finish this ff series and move on to the nx gen!!!
I... am so confused. I've completed both XIII and XIII-2 and I'm just lost now. When did Snow become evil? Who is this Luminous? Serah died before she could give birth to a child lol xD But seriously, I love this trailer, and I can't wait to play Lightning Returns. I just don't understand anything that just happened. Mostly as to why Snow is a villain hosting sexy parties. ._.
"The Key For Both Us" lightning and firion scene
lighting : "can you keep it safe for me"
Firion :" i will..i promise"
Dissidia012 Duodecim
Maybe it's just me, but Lumina's voice really reminds me of Vanille's...
And she looks like Serah. Weird!
I pre-ordered this game to get the cloud strife dlc set, am currently playing FFXIII, getting FFXIII-2 for Christmas, and waiting till Feb 11th to buy this game
For all of those people who want Square to release FF 7 I have an announcement. The released it already and it is called FF 7 for Playstation, I suggest you get
FF7 has been released on steam for PC dude, been under a rock much?
MDMA4LIFE My comment is a jab at people who keep calling for a FF 7 remake and even those who want a sequel to 7. All I am saying is if you want FF 7 then go get because it is available.
This video has reminded me how stunning and well done the character interactions in the ff xiii games are I'm now interested in this one
Looks amazing! Can't wait to play this shit!
The graphics is beautiful and Lightning's character design is just perfect.
I really want to play this, but I haven't even played the first agghhh so many games to play...
I understand how you feel, I played every one till 10. But I own both 13 and 13-2. never played through. Too long and kind of borish, except for 13-2. Played for over 5 hours before quitting. Still sits on my shelves to this day. :D
yeup. xD
Just got this as a valentine's day gift. Best. Valantine. Ever!
¡¡¡¡¡Best game ever !!!!!
Calem Yeah!
It's the shared backstory and mythology Square-ENix wrote for his Fabula Nova Chrystallys projects (aka everything FF related from FFXIII and afterwards,except for FFXIV). I believe they only truly showed it to Japan fans in untranslated material and their own Japan-exclusive game events but you can find about it in the Final Fantasy wikia, they have a lot of information about the FFXIII mythology and about the backstory that was only available in light novels (like Fang and Vanille's past).
Lightning rules!! ^___^~
Lightening looks so freaking hot.
Lighting is basically Jesus saving souls and shit
Savior Of Souls
2 months, just 2 months until this comes out and concludes what, for me has been a great trilogy. FFXIII and FFXIII-2 are among the best of the FF games I've played which includes FFVII (which is good but overrated), FFVIII (probably the worst FF I've played but till decent) and FFX (my first and favorite FF game ever). Can't wait for this, it's going to be awesome.
lighting remind me of mila Jovovich
Alright people look. Final Fantasy 13 is kinda complicated I agree but if u havent at least seen the ending of the first game and play through the second game and seen all the cutscene, u will be completely lost and shouldn't even worry until u catch up. In order to even have the slightest idea of wats happening u have to play the second game and see all endings and secret endings and lightnings dlc ending and secret ending... dont be so quick to judge if u dont know whats going on :/
Favorite FF GAME :)
I was 15 hours into the first one and I regret putting it down cause I don't remember where I left off so now I gotta start all over again. :(
jahdel duval ...Really? FFVII got a movie, two mobile games, a spin-off/sequel and some of its central characters even appear in Kingdom Hearts, and you're complaining about it not getting spin-offs? Don't make me laugh.
Well, it IS part of the Nova Crystallis Saga. Which basically means they're meant to have similar themes, but not directly tied. I don't know why it never seems to be mentioned anywhere, since it would explain a lot to people who didn't know about it. While still possible, I do hope it isn't more tied in then that, since I miss having entirely new settings, stories, and characters with each game.
Dear Square, I will give you a million billion dollars if you let me play FF games with the original Japanese audio plus subs, or hell, even with no voice acting at all.
It's no more the classic Final Fantasy that I used to play but this one is far from being the "betrayal" some people say, it's a pretty nice game.
Ikr she is so.... well Lumina 😉😝😏
i regret putting the game down after only playing 15 hours. Now I gotta go back and do it all over again. : (
The only thing i didn't like with 13 was the linearity. and in 13-2 they made the areas more open, and here finally it looks like it's gonna be open-WORLD. so i actually have high hopes for this.
Am I the only person who hates open-world? I get lost easily, my sense of direction is terrible, and it gets really tiring running around trying to figure out where the f*** I'm supposed to go. 13 was quite a hallways it's true, but 13-2 was a nice happy medium.
***** I'm with you, not that big a fan of open world. The only game I liked it was in Zelda: A Link Between Worlds and it was somewhat tolerable in Infamous. I also don't get why people complain about how linear XIII is when X is pretty much just as linear.
***** Open-Word is generally always better no matter what.. For those people that get lost easily the creators of the game should make it easy to figure out where you need to go to make sure that cannot occur. When they get that right you can then go anywhere with knowing where to go giving you the choice to explore or go straight through the story :).
Lumina would be one of two things: the final result of fusion of the souls of Yeul and Serah as a Fal'Cie beyond of time and space, or a clone with the resemble of Serah and the power of Yeul, created by someone linked with Etro behind of the scenes.
Yeul always said that Serah and herself are the same, but she don't explained in that sense they are. Perhaps Yeul was an incomplete alter-ego of Serah in the future that she nedded to become a complete been...It's impossible to know.
i have no idea wtf is going on, anyone help?
Lighting is the savior basically, the world is going to end so she's got a job to do given by god to save souls until the new world comes.
She used to be the Knight of the Goddess, and was in the military before that.
While I have only started playing the game I think Sarah's death has a lot to do with why snow is an enemy. That and luminia probably has something to do with it.
I have no real answer about Noel the protagonist of the last game other then the guess that he has an alternative perception of the whole savior thing since he believes he has to kill her.
No idea what side vanielle (sp) is on yet considering details about her are not shown in trailers and I only so her in one scene where she seems to be in a position of power.
Fang is an ally I assume based on a video I saw.
Hope is helping still.
Well. You should play Final Fantasy XII and XII-2 and then you may understand it.
TheVideogameEmperor I don't think any are evil though like I said I only recently started playing.
Based on what I have seen so far I think Noel just has an alternative idea on the role of the savior. He also did not believe the prophecy until lighting showed up right on cue.
No there are just a lot of factors that led to X13 - 3 and the whole end of the world in 13 days. I had typed up an explanation of sorts twice, but they cleared before I could post it up when I went to look up some information.
This is coming out on my Birthday ,YYEEAAAAHH!!!
snow looks like marluxia from kingdom hearts
i still cant beleive this game happened
Just finished this demo a few hours ago and even though I'm more of a fan of the old school FF series, lightning returns isn't a bad game. The schema rotation is cool. It's like a better version of the horrible dress sphere idea from FFX2. The voice acting is good, but the dialogue is awful.
Hope: "Light you have been chosen as the savior. If you die then you won't be able to save snow or the world." "Light, you should be able to jump over that platform"
Me: "-_- you don't say?????"
I'm planning to get this game, but it's not worth $65 in my opinion.
It's only Gamestop and Ebgames that are selling $64.99. Other retailers are selling at the normal price $59.99.
$65 is including tax. I think its 59.99 everywhere,
OH MY LORD JESUS, THAT MIGHT BE EXACTLY IT! IT MAKES SENSE! XV is indeed a part of Fabula Nova Crystallis, along with XIII trilogy and Type-0. What you just said, hat's off to you for thinking it.
snow look's badass xD
i like this one since i played the ffxiii,ffxiii-2 i will try this one too :) look's more intresting than the ffxiii-2
Exactly! I don't know why the Fabula Nova Crystallis (I've been mistakenly calling it the Nova Crystallis Saga) isn't really mentioned anywhere, since it kind of explains a lot.
Graphics & "story" is all they focus on in FF these days. I miss the open worlds that were filled with monsters and secrets. What about the towns where every town was different and you could buy weapons, items, and find out about the history of the town. Most importantly turn based should be an option. I'm sure alot of people like the new action rpg its turn into but there should be an option for people who like turned based. btw enough of this chapter FF. Final fantasy x only went to x-2 so this shit needs to end.
i would leave thant on"graphics" cose it dosent have good story
dude final fantasy XIII-2 had all of that
Michael Hunt It had Pay-For-Your-Ending DLC too. YAY!
Michael Hunt ok i can admit it that ff13-2 is better than ff 13 better gameplay and better music ,ok.But its still has that lame storyline and characters that are in my opinion boring .Ive benn in a lot of FF stuff in the past and that game just dont give me happines -its crappy for me .
Okay I'll give you that lol. To me the final boss had a more Kingdom hearts type feel opposed to the other final fantasy games for some reason
I just played the demo
As a guy who didn't even bother with 13 and didn't play that many Final Fantasy games(Only FF 6,7,8 and 10. 6 and 10 were my favorite) I have to say I quite enjoyed it. Reminded me of "Tales of" combat
Marry me lightning! dammit
Oh and while I respect your opinions I must say this. Not everyone thought the ending to 13 or 13-2 was bad. Also we don't even know if this will be a bad game. Based on gameplay this game is looking to be quite the comeback. It will all come down to the story (which broke the previous two games).
Ok how come lightning has all these fucking spin offs but ff7 doesnt? I mean come on this is bull shit
I am so certain that this game will be a must have final fantasy
Jesus Christ, what happened to FFXIII? The series just got weird.
We have to pray that FFXV dont follow the same example i want to see a FF game with a deep story and the gameplay again.
Lol, well, if you REALLY want to know why the world is like that, well, Etro caused the first paradox which destroyed everything making the game weird, Etro dies which causes the timeline to go unstable which also means, chaos rules the timeline. Nobody is born, nobody dies (From old age, of course.) So the world is ending, Lightning has to 'save' people, which is also, taking there souls for the next life which KILLS them BUT they go to the NEXT life cause the world is ending :P And Lumina is some broke down chick treating the world like a toy, freaking game's these days. Also, Lightning plays a Savior role in this game. Yeah, this series is pretty OUT there. I have to get this game though cause, ONCE I START A SERIES, I GO ALL THE WAY. That also means I got to get Tales of Xillia 2 >:P
Toby Danh what the hell that story about traveling through time have to do with FFXIII?the part about claire disappearing after the death of the maker at the end of FFXIII is nonsensical to me there was not even a hint about it through the game its not a pausible reason for all that crap,and now LR will be 500 years after the events of FFXIII-2 again its another complete story compared with the prequel,FF dont used to be stupid like this.
BoxxyFan Did you like the first 13 game?
Kame Senin FFXV is probably going to be the best FF game yet.
For people confused. After Etro the goddess of death who gave the gift or mortality to man died. Nobody was able to die after the fact. This is 500 years later when lightning awoke from crystal sleep. Bhuni- a god. Told lightning she needs to gather souls to save them. Snow is like that because he loved serah so much but he's unable to save/find her for over 500 years. So he kind of wants death to see serah, rather than be saved.
The final fantasy fan base is the worse fan base in the gaming community
sonic fans are worse
Got it fully paid off & ready for Day 1 pickup. This video just made the wait that much harder.
Worst squaresoft character award. Umaro is more interesting
Snow has always been my favorite character...
they always know how to make a great cinematic scenes
you're wrong. There are 4 hubs that are huge, and connected, have the mission structure is free-lance. You can go to wildlands first and so a party of the main story there instead of going to yusnaan first.
It's open world if you can choose where you want to go, and do what quests you want to do, and in what order. Plus NPC's don't repeat the same habits daily on the same loop. So it gets nicely mixed up.
You can do w/e you want the second the game starts and go wherever you want=open world
Its the Chaos. Hes either closely linked or heavily inflicted by it. Hes also depressed by him not saving Serah. You should check out FF Wikia for the info...
I'll just come out and say that Lumina/Serah is pretty cute.
Me too. I always wanted to know what happened with Yeul, after herself showed up in front of Lightning and Serah's soul said her that her own sacrifice was necessary for bring her back: we saw how Lightning attempted kill Yeul for realase Serah's soul without fulfill it, and after of that, Yeul and Serah's soul dissapeared enigmatically.
I hope that Yeul and Serah reappears in this game: many mysteries would be solved if themselves or someone more reveals if they becomed a goddess or not.
Calm down guys, we'll soon have Final Fantasy 15. Have you seen the trailer with bits of gameplay? It'll be awesome!! Maybe, not like VII or XII, but I have great expectations about it.
Ah, damn. Where did snow get all those levels?! I barely played with him in the game...
thanks for the reply! I'm very curious for this one and Final Fantasy XV
I believe this take place in the world Novis Particus(might be wrong on the spelling) but this world is in the Void beyond liked in XIII-2 and being consume by Chaos. Even tho 500 years has past since the end of XIII-2 I being time is very different in the Void as we saw. End of time it's self is coming due to the Chaos consuming the Void/Cacoon and Grand Pulse along with Valhalla at the end where Goddess Etro shrine is.
A: Play the first two games
B: Watch the cutscenes here on good ol' RUclips. There're a million different compilations, they won't be hard to find
yeah exactly what I was thinking. I vaguely remember something about it, but nothing exactly conclusive as to the exact reason. When he left on his own in FF13-2. It was for more than the reason he gave, I know for a fact.
What found me strange is no one mentioned it. Serah saw it, dont know if Noel knows anything about that.
I'm planning to buy this game... this will be my first final fantasy... how can I catch up with the story?
Most of Final Fantasy games are separate stories set in entirelly different worlds with only certain references connncting them.
Bassically: Most of FF games that increase in number after the title are unrelated with each other. FF1 is set in different world from FF2 and FF2 in different one from FF3 and so on.
SOME games get sequels though, but they do not break the numbering system (For example Final Fantasy 10 had sequel "FInal Fantasy 10-2")
Ligthning Returns is essentially Final Fantasy 13-3. Since its a sequel knowledge of 13 and 13-2 is needed to understand the game a Lightning Returns is essentially a huge revisit of all the leftover plotlines from those two games.
Exactly! Try new things and that's what I applaud XIII for. It took a risk for better or worse. And that's what at least 12, 11, 9, 8 and 7 did. All those were so different, 8 had junction and draw system which people seem to either love or hate, 7 was the first step in the 3d. 9 was step back from the more modern fantasy to fantasy and more cartoony look. 12 was kind of like 11 in some of its mechanics but in single player. New experiences, but without taking all those great stuff away.
I think little mysterious appearances from them would be awesome. See one or both of them several times through out the game but only get told minimal about them would be nice, like an easter egg or something
Can't wait for this game. I'm currently playing FFXIV:ARR on PS3 and loving it. Square Enix may have won me back from the initial release of FFXIII.
I really need to finish the first Final Fantasy 13 now.
I can't wait to play this... just wow.
Every time I question whether to buy LR square shows something like this and I get all excited. Great marketing!
I completely agree people are just really big babies who complain when nothing is exactly what they want. I love each and every final fantasy game for each unique story and characters.