Udělala jsem chybu! Sorry, I made a small mistake in question #2...although at least we got the answer correct. Thank you to everyone who pointed it out!
@@toruvalejo6152 yesterday was uploaded different edit of the video and something was missing (I haven't seen it, check out Jens community tab for details) She decided to take it down and upload newer version, sadly all the comments and views are lost Also Jen, I noticed mistake in the first question edit, but not in the second one.
Cochtan is a given name of one particular "vodnik" which is a mythical being from czech folklore that lives inside a pond and sometimes drowns people that fall in to add to its collection of souls that it keeps in glass jars, it's a green man often pictured with a pipe. My guess is the beer is called Cochtan because it has a still clear surface like a pond.
Prázdniny mají děti když mají volno od školy, dovolenou mají dospělí když mají volno od práce. A když má dovolenou celá rodina to většinou znamená že jedou na dovolenou někam do zahraničí 😁
"Jan Hus didn't light himself on fire. He had HELP." --- This is almost as good joke as "Bye bye, Lidice!". I recommend to pour beer in the glass over glass - nalévat do sklenice po skle. Btw: Ethymology of šnyt is "schnitt" in German language - this is the beer you drink before last 22 leaves. Hladinka = level. The word Mlíko instead of Mléko is not specific for Prague, it is used in Czech land widely, although maybe not in Moravia.
Čochtan is a famous water sprite (vodník) from the musical Divotvorný Hrnec by Jan Werich and Jiří Voskovec (an adaptation of the Broadway musical Finian's Rainbow), played by Jan Werich. I'm not certain about the relation between the beer and a water sprite. I've heard suggestions like the clear surface of the beer looking like a pond.
Ne každý ví, že římský kalendář začínal cca 1. března (i když to bylo různě), proto se anglicky-latinsky měsíce jmenují September=7th, October=8th, Novem=9th, Decem=10th. Juli je podle Julia Caesara - a hádejte, kdo nemohl zůstat pozadu - Augustus zavedl/přejmenoval August. A nesměl být kratší než Juli, proto má také 31 dnů. Přestupný den není 29. února, jak mnozí soudí, ale vložený den je 25. únor. Protože dny se určovaly nejen po kalendě (a idě), ale také (maximálně) 3 dny do kalendy, podobně jako římské číslice mají IV - jedničku do pěti. Mnemotechnical trick: V září sluníčko ještě září.
ale sami římané ho zrušili cca 150 př. n. l. a přešli na 1. ledna na tzv. konsulský rok, kdy se volili noví konsulové, což mi přijde vrcholně vtipný, že si to podrželi jak křesťani, tam my, a že nový rok tak začíná pomalu na začátku zimy, docela ironie, co? 😆
@@happylady9965 jaaaasně a do školy se chodí, protože se tam dobře sedí na židlích. kup si radši kalendář, je tam napsaný: "Nový rok." 31. prosinec je poslední den v roce, kdežto 1. leden je začátek dalšího roku, už to chápeš? taky se mění letopočet, teď to bylo z 2020 na 2021.
@@petr_ix myslím, že to bylo myšleno jinak. Oficiálně Nový rok skutečně začíná 1.1., astronomicky ale už ne. A podle pohanských zvyků nový rok začíná 22.12. - tedy první den po zimním slunovratu, první den, kdy se opět začíná prodlužovat den a slunce začíná nový cyklus. Naprosto logicky - co významného se v astronomii děje pravidelně 1.1.? Vůbec nic.
Dobrá ještě jednou. Honzík Hus byl první kosmonaut co uhořel při startu. Chudák. Jinak pro zajímavost po SSSR a USA jsme my Čechoslováci byly třetí národ ve vesmíru. Pan Remek v roce 1978.
@@procprotoc Ale já vím. Když jsme se poprvé ve 4. třídě učili o Husovi, ten dětský mozek to prostě neuměl pochopit, proč se radši nechal upálit, když se mohl zachránit, kdyby svoje učení odvolal. Nevím, jak u vás ve škole, ale u nás padlo hodně hlášek, jestli byl sebevrah, jestli se chtěl nechat upálit. Podobný hlod jsem neslyšela do prohlášení, že Horáková přece nemohla být justiční oběť, když se přece přiznala. A pak slyším takové bezelstné, že Hus se upálil sám. Nemohla jsem si pomoct, ale v ten moment mi to přišlo jako strašně podobná logika, i když v případě tohohle videa šlo o nevinnou záměnu.
Just to clarify the difference between Děda Mráz and Mrazík. Děda Mráz gives Christmas presents in Russia and Mrazík is a main character of a russian fairytale commonly known and liked in CZ (in some families, it is also some kind of tradition to see this film during Christmas holidays, but i think it is not as popular as Tři oříšky pro Popelku)
Regarding Valentyn - we kinda have our own Lover event day (1st of May) that fills the shoes of Valentyn so people on 14th of February either go for some romantic walk and just enjoy the company of the significant other (which we do on 1st of may too except cherries blossom and you can actually enjoy weather) OR they remember the Allied bombing of Prague in 1945 (mostly people from Brno do that tho). Also Hladinka means level. It is the usual, common 1/3-ish foam, rest beer kind of serving. Mliko is favoured by people that just do not drink fast. It is sweeter and I have met some people that like it. Snyt is just weird, pretty much reversed Hladinka. It stays fresh longer but I have never met anyone who likes it but apparantely Karel Capek liked it. Cochtan is slowly gaining popularity, but you need to drink it fast otherwise it changes to kapak (flat beer). It does not survive longer than a pilot in WWI. It lets you enjoy all the hops and the flavours of the beer but for very limited time. Hence why it is not as favourite - Czech drink beer to enjoy the beer AND get drunk, not just to get drunk.
Šnyt is basically just small beer in regular glass that stays fresh longer. I usually order šnyt when I have to drive in few hours or I'm too full to drink regular beer. Also good at lunch time to enjoy beer with your guláš or svíčková and stay fresh for work afterwards.
@@VanBourner No, ani ty ostatní moc ne. Nepamatuji si, krom jednoho frikulína, co byl hned po objednávce z hospody vyhozen, že by si někdo objednal něco jiného, než standardní pivo, někdo objednal.
I said it before and I'll say it again. You both are really cute and entertaining trying to speak in Czech. So again you made me laugh (in a good way :-) ) thumb up :-)
Čochtan je jméno postavy - vodníka, z divadelní hry - muzikálu "Divotvorný hrnec", uvedené v Osvobozeném divadle (Voskovec & Werich) v r. 1948, která byla adaptací amerického muzikálu "Finian's Rainbow" (původně postava skřítka Og). Jak autor adaptace, Jan Werich, jméno vymyslel nevím, možná někde existovalo podobné slovo v krajovém nářečí. Laicky se mi zdá, že ve slově lze nalézt slova Čech, cachtat se (ve vodě), případně lachtan. Vodník je typická pohádková bytost, žijící u vody nebo ve vodě, většinou lidské podoby. Jméno Čochtan časem zobecnělo jako jedno z běžných jmen vodníků.
Asi to tak bude. Ale osobně jsem si říkal, že to může být od slova ČUCHTAT - rýpat se v něčem, zdržovat práci. Takže pivo bez pěny, je prostě dlouho a špatně natočené. uČUCHTANÉ. Tak čochtan. Ale spíše má pravdu Marek Vašků.
Jízda Králů není svátek, ale tradice na Slovácku (Kunovice, Vlčnov a další), kdy jedou chlapci na ozdobených koních a mezi nimi je jeden král, víc poví google :)
I'd swap the translations of dovolená and prázdniny. Prázdniny are seasonal holidays (school holidays, primarily) and a dovolená is a vacation (either at home, but usually at some other place). Other than that, very good as always. :-)
Funny think, we gave our gifts on 25th as well, but based on old Czech time/calendar system when the day start by sunset (you can find it on orloj) . So thy why we fast till sunset, and then eat a diner and give gifts..
I don't know about the ethymology of "ČOCHTAN" but it must be derived from the verb "čochtat" in my opinion, which means to dip in water, it can by used for small children and it describes the action they do in kiddie pools, it's when you go into a pool or any other body of water, but you don't swim, just flap around and enjoy your time. I don't know how it relates to beer though. Also, "HLADINKA" is the diminutive of "hladina", which is the surface of a liquid. In this case I know the relation to the beer. It means that the beer is poured in such a way that the foam creates a nice straight foamy layer, without big bubbles up to the edge of the glass and if you let the foam to set back into beer, its volume will be exactly the ordered volume (0.5 l traditionally). Usually you have the volume marks on the glasses, so if you let the foam set, and the beer's surface is exactly at the mark, you can tell that this was "HLADINKA" and you weren't cheated by the barman by giving you too much foam. EDIT: "ŠNYT" is actually the one that isn't a czech word, coming from the german "Schnitt". It is something between a large and a small beer, poured into a glass fro large beer. "MLÍKO" works the same way as "hladinka" except for the fact that the desired end-volume of beer is 0.3 l in a 0.5l glass (i.e. small beer in a large glass, where the foam is up to the edge of the glass)
The bonus beer question was new to me too. I've never heard the word "čochtan" before. Šnyt (originally "der Schnitt) mean "cut" (noun) in English and hladina/hladinka means "surface of a liquid".
In CZ prázdniny (holidays) - time off when you are at school. Dovolená (vacation) - when you work and you have to book your time off (from the verb dovolit - to allow/approve - your boss has to approve the time off). In English: Holidays can also mean days in the year that nobody works (and shops can be closed), set by the govt - that in CZ is státní svátek.
Awesome video :-) I like those test-videos, it is so interesting to see how you are passing the questions. And sometimes to check my own knowledge :-D Kraslice question, I know, sometimes words can get tricky with the conjugation. The word "(se) zdobí" means "it gets decorated". The infinitive of the verb is "zdobit". And the fourth question is the one I almost failed. I missed the little detail about the independence of the "Czech state" and I confused it with independence of Czechoslovakia. Which happenes to be in autumn just three weeks before the right answer. Nice one. You got it right, I got confused. By the way, the victory day is not related to the Great War (armistice 11th November) but to the second one (8th May). For the bonus question I can help with the word "hladinka". It is diminutive to the word "hladina", the water surface. In this context hladinka means there is the right amount of the beer in the glass. The surface of the beer corresponds with the sign on the side of the glass. But I am not familiar with the origin of the word čochtan, I really don't know that one. The 24th December can be tricky for some people from outside, considering how often it is celebraten on 25th December. But there is a fun-fact about it. Many centuries ago the begining of a new days wasn't at midnight, but at the sunset. So the christmas eve (being after the sunset) was considered as 25th December, so basicaly all people used to have the celebration on the same date. The only difference was some people did it before sleep and some after sleep. Then the begining of a new day shifted to the midnight and we ended up with different dates of celebration.
I personally view November 17th in Czechia as our independence day (fight for freedom and democracy). For me this is the most important national holiday in Czech Republic - its like the 4th of July in the USA, but with no fireworks. We light candles - Narodni Trida.... Have you even gone to Narodni trida in Prague on or around November 17th? .... so many candles. Love this funny witty video.
Čochtan, at least in my days, was a name for the catch of the drip from the beer tap. The bartenders used to put an empty glass under the tap when this was not in use to prevent the beer from dripping on the counter. The result was a glass full of flat, watery, muddy tasting liquid. Hence the reference to "vodnik" (see comments below). Čochtan was often given for free to the homeless and watching them drink it was a source of entertainment and feeling of superiority for the patrons who were able to pay for their own vice.
hahaaa... :D I have no idea what holiday is when... :D i am always like so surprised a week before, when I look at the calendar and see there's a state holiday coming :D :D :D
Hi Jen I'm thinking about translation of Štědrý den in answers in question #3. In UK (and USA probably too) is our Štědrý den called Chrismas Eve (24 December) and Chrismas Day is on 25 December we call it Boží hod or První svátek vánoční. However this video is great.
"Jízda králů" is a traditional festival that is celebrated in the south-east of Moravia (Slovácko - Moravian Slovakia).
3 года назад+1
tak to je boží to video, strašně mě i pobavilo a super výslovnost uplně koukám, umíš toho víc než většina čechů o České historii :D u těch piv znám jen šnyt což je natočený na takzvaně jeden dech :D a tak se čepuje v zahraničí běžně, hladinku (od slova hladina (vody,piva atd)) jinak dovolená je většinou když si vezmeš dovču v práci, prázdniny maj děcka v létě 2 měsíce, když není škola (červenec,srpen) :D ale můžeš mít dovolenou o prázdninách, když řekneš, že o prázdninách jeden s rodinou na dovču do Italie :D teda aspon u nás na moravě to tak říkáme :D A dušičky bože ty fakt miluju ♥ to je užasnej svátek a děsně se mi nelíbí halloween :P
17. listopad není zas tak generický, spíše historický ve více ohledech :) v roce 1939 byl během demonstrace smrtelně zraněn Jan Opletal, po nepokojích k jeho pohřbu nacisté zavřeli české vysoké školy, některé studenty popravili a 1200 jich zavřeli do koncentračních táborů. Dva roky po této události byl tento den celosvětové vyhlášen Mezinárodním dnem studentstva. V památce na to v roce 1989 proběhla další velká, ale poklidná demonstrace studentů, kterou se ale komunisté pokusili násilně potlačit, a to vedlo ke konci komunistického režimu. 17. listopad je pro Čechy nesmírně významný a taky zajímavý, moc doporučuju se na tento den zaměřit a třeba si i udělat procházku po důležitých místech obou historických událostí :)
To bude tím, že katoličtí vykukové nám všechny pohanské svátky nevymítili, protože je neměli jak překrýt těmi svými,aby lide zapomněli, tak to dělá každé náboženství či světská vláda /totalitní/
Dobrý den, udělala jste velikou chybu - otázka č.4 -odpověď’ měla znít : A -28.říjen - den vzniku Československé republiky v roce 1918 , děkuji za opravu
by the way i love ur channel cuz i got really close friend in cork, ireland. yeah could be said that i am member of IRA.. saves their lifes. i want to thank u cuz ur good
I always look forward to these quiz videos! :-) Great job with the numerals! If you want a pronunciation advice, you keep saying ktěrý instead of který. :-) Jízda králů is a local tradition from Moravia which is listed in UNESCO. BTW I never drink those unusual beers.
Čochtan bylo jméno. ktré vymyslel známý český hersc Jan Werich pro jeho ztvárnění vodníka v jeho muzikálu Divotvorný hrnec - jeho překladu muzikálu Finley Rainbow. Velice úspěšný muzikál hraný v Praze Karlíně s orchestrem Karla Vlacha před rokem 1948 nž to comunisti zam kázali.
As a Slovak person, I always remember "září" by students doing the leaving cert exams. Those who succeed "září" (radiate (happiness)) and those who fail "v Září" (in September (they repeat them in September)). Někdo září, někdo v Září.
Václav was probably stabed with a sword. Legends say he was able to defend himself against his brother Boleslav (who planed the assassination) and spared his life and that's when Boleslav's crewmates stormed him. Lots of people actually celebrate St. Valentine's Day nowadays, but there is obviously commercial incentive. Our OG holiday of love is 'první Máj'. Yes, May the 1st. As our famous poet wrote "Byl pozdní večer první máj, večerní máj je lásky čas." The tradition is to kiss you loved one under the blooming cherry tree. Exclusive Prague tradition is to go for a walk to Petřín :) I agree that Ježíšek comes through the window.
Čochta is a shoe, čochtaní is a specific type of slow walking deforming shoe. Čochtan is a theatrical character. He talked a lot, his beer stood for a long time and was without foam.
Mlíko beer is actually very good and tasty. The foam on mlíko beer is not the same as on regular beer. This foam is more creamy and smooth. 🙂 Jste moc roztomilí, i s Tobíkem. 🙂
Hi Jennifer, Sir_Mac here, as always! What the heck had happened that you had to post the video once again? I wrote almost an elaborate about explaining the things, which you didn't understand or seemed weird to you in the video... And I can't make it again now :-(
I just focus on the accent based on the video of yours, where you said that the misunderstanding comes from giving emphasis on some part of the word while czech speak as monotone as they can. I have to say it fits. Except from " ř " which is completely understandable, your pronunciation is great, the different speak pace makes it weird to the ears. btw, I have never heard of čochtan :D but thats the little differences between west and east part of Czech rep.
Čochtan, as others pointed out was a given name of a vodník character from a play. It comes from the verb "čochtat se" which usually means "to swim" or just "to hang out in water", afaik the expression itself then comes from a Moravian dialect where it originally meant something like "to nibble into something". Today, the word "čochtan" may be used to describe someone who loves to hang out in water, i.e. spends a whole day in pool or likes a bath with water up to the edge. The same goes with the beer, it's all fluid and no foam.
Hi, you are so hilarious in a good way ;) hlad - hunger hrad - castel hladinka - (small) surface normaly it's hladina - from the word hladký - smooth - also used for alcohol intoxication - the level of alcohol in your blood
Mlíko - It is recommended to drink it in one go. After first gulp, you will surprisingly feel the taste of beer. But smoother and mainly sweeter. Thats why it is mostly favourited between women, but also habitues drink it sometimes after fourth or fifth beer instead of shot, because it will make you fresher or wake you up.
Oh wow, am I the only one who noticed the mistake in the first question? You name option B, while the highlighted answer is actually A? Also, the second question (and here comes a Ukrainian speaker pretending to know Czech): isn't "vacation" supposed to be "holiday" and other way round?
Well, prazdniny is a free time from school, dovolena is a free time from job. So, you as an adult can go on dovolena during prazdniny, but our kids aren't able to go on dovolena yet...
"Hladinka" is diminutive of "hladina", which means (water) surface/level. "Hladinka" can also mean someones alcohol level (mám hladinku). "Čochtan" is bohemian slang synonym to Vodník a fairytale being in slavic mythology, often called also a Vodyanoy. They can be good or evil. Live in rivers, ponds and drown people whose souls then they store in cups with lids. The can speak with and transform into fish. Have water related magic and can create a mist. Most notable use of Čochtan is by actor/writer Jan Werich.
Jan Hus: První kosmonaut, který však uhořel při startu. And čochtan is a Czech word. No, we don't drink any such beers (except hladinka). It is just for really drunk young people. Also čochtan can be used for vodník and in transferred meaning for a person who spends a lot of time in bathing.
Udělala jsem chybu! Sorry, I made a small mistake in question #2...although at least we got the answer correct. Thank you to everyone who pointed it out!
Hi Jen, the Old Quibbler at your service. :) Where have all those comments gone, yesterday time passing...? :/
@@toruvalejo6152 yesterday was uploaded different edit of the video and something was missing (I haven't seen it, check out Jens community tab for details)
She decided to take it down and upload newer version, sadly all the comments and views are lost
Also Jen, I noticed mistake in the first question edit, but not in the second one.
Just, you made a mistake in the first question. Not in the second. But I guess I misunderstood.
even if I dont get the citisenship I know my beer...priorities 🤣🤣🤣
@@alcupone6462 I did. There were no scrolls with answers. Pity I did not saved my comment - was pretty long (as usual)... :D
"Jan Hus didn't set himself on fire - he had help." I love Honsa's sharp wit.
To je prostě dokonalé...
That's simply awesome...
Yeh. He had help was brilliant.. :)). And "dvacáteho čtvrtého prosince" deserves a medal.. :)
Yeah, that was pure gold. I think he couldn't have better reaction. :D
Jojo, Honzovi to pálí jak Husovy nohy.
Cochtan is a given name of one particular "vodnik" which is a mythical being from czech folklore that lives inside a pond and sometimes drowns people that fall in to add to its collection of souls that it keeps in glass jars, it's a green man often pictured with a pipe. My guess is the beer is called Cochtan because it has a still clear surface like a pond.
And the same taste :-)
Opravdu???? Wow, thanks for the explanation!
Ve skleněných hrníčcích? Já měl vždy za to, že jsou porcelánové 🤔
@@kinimodkilhu jo to jsem mozna poplet
Taky máte rádi frťana 😂
Geniální Jan Werich
"Jan Hus didn't light himself on fire, he had help." :D
Musím reagovat, neb mi to nedá:) Čochtan vážně vyslovit umíš a na víc i dušičky! Jsi boží:)
Prazdniny is s term used when kids are off School. Usually summer holidays or half term holidays
Aha, that makes sense, thanks!
Prázdniny mají děti když mají volno od školy, dovolenou mají dospělí když mají volno od práce. A když má dovolenou celá rodina to většinou znamená že jedou na dovolenou někam do zahraničí 😁
"Jan Hus didn't light himself on fire. He had HELP." --- This is almost as good joke as "Bye bye, Lidice!".
I recommend to pour beer in the glass over glass - nalévat do sklenice po skle.
Btw: Ethymology of šnyt is "schnitt" in German language - this is the beer you drink before last 22 leaves.
Hladinka = level.
The word Mlíko instead of Mléko is not specific for Prague, it is used in Czech land widely, although maybe not in Moravia.
Even here in Morava.
Humorous as always, you two just complement each other beautifully .
Čochtan is a famous water sprite (vodník) from the musical Divotvorný Hrnec by Jan Werich and Jiří Voskovec (an adaptation of the Broadway musical Finian's Rainbow), played by Jan Werich.
I'm not certain about the relation between the beer and a water sprite. I've heard suggestions like the clear surface of the beer looking like a pond.
Ne každý ví, že římský kalendář začínal cca 1. března (i když to bylo různě), proto se anglicky-latinsky měsíce jmenují September=7th, October=8th, Novem=9th, Decem=10th.
Juli je podle Julia Caesara - a hádejte, kdo nemohl zůstat pozadu - Augustus zavedl/přejmenoval August. A nesměl být kratší než Juli, proto má také 31 dnů.
Přestupný den není 29. února, jak mnozí soudí, ale vložený den je 25. únor. Protože dny se určovaly nejen po kalendě (a idě), ale také (maximálně) 3 dny do kalendy, podobně jako římské číslice mají IV - jedničku do pěti.
Mnemotechnical trick: V září sluníčko ještě září.
ale sami římané ho zrušili cca 150 př. n. l. a přešli na 1. ledna na tzv. konsulský rok, kdy se volili noví konsulové, což mi přijde vrcholně vtipný, že si to podrželi jak křesťani, tam my, a že nový rok tak začíná pomalu na začátku zimy, docela ironie, co? 😆
Augustus hlavně nechtěl, aby jeho měsíc měl sudý počet dní. To nosilo smůlu.
@@petr_ix novy rok nezacina 1. ledna. 1. ledna pouze menime kalendare a den předtim tuto vymenu slavime.
@@happylady9965 jaaaasně a do školy se chodí, protože se tam dobře sedí na židlích. kup si radši kalendář, je tam napsaný: "Nový rok." 31. prosinec je poslední den v roce, kdežto 1. leden je začátek dalšího roku, už to chápeš? taky se mění letopočet, teď to bylo z 2020 na 2021.
@@petr_ix myslím, že to bylo myšleno jinak. Oficiálně Nový rok skutečně začíná 1.1., astronomicky ale už ne. A podle pohanských zvyků nový rok začíná 22.12. - tedy první den po zimním slunovratu, první den, kdy se opět začíná prodlužovat den a slunce začíná nový cyklus. Naprosto logicky - co významného se v astronomii děje pravidelně 1.1.? Vůbec nic.
Dobrá ještě jednou. Honzík Hus byl první kosmonaut co uhořel při startu. Chudák. Jinak pro zajímavost po SSSR a USA jsme my Čechoslováci byly třetí národ ve vesmíru. Pan Remek v roce 1978.
Co to plácáš? Ježiši seš nametenej?😳
@@minaminova4725 Když se podíváš na video možná že pochopíš.
Sebeupálení Husa ... pomohli mu 😁
Asi jako když se Horáková přece přiznala.
@@tsevca Takhle to fungovalo i za války. Buď to budeš dělat dobrovolně nebo kulka.
@@procprotoc Ale já vím. Když jsme se poprvé ve 4. třídě učili o Husovi, ten dětský mozek to prostě neuměl pochopit, proč se radši nechal upálit, když se mohl zachránit, kdyby svoje učení odvolal. Nevím, jak u vás ve škole, ale u nás padlo hodně hlášek, jestli byl sebevrah, jestli se chtěl nechat upálit. Podobný hlod jsem neslyšela do prohlášení, že Horáková přece nemohla být justiční oběť, když se přece přiznala. A pak slyším takové bezelstné, že Hus se upálil sám. Nemohla jsem si pomoct, ale v ten moment mi to přišlo jako strašně podobná logika, i když v případě tohohle videa šlo o nevinnou záměnu.
u guys are hillarious, and your chemistry and your chill .. oh. wonderful to experience
Haha. When me and my siblings were kids, we thought Jezisek flew down in a spaceship. 🛸🌌
I've never heard anything saying that he didn't!
Socialistické děti :))). Gagarin, Remek a Ježíšek :)).
i imagined him swimming through pipes in central heating 🤣🤣🤣
Just to clarify the difference between Děda Mráz and Mrazík. Děda Mráz gives Christmas presents in Russia and Mrazík is a main character of a russian fairytale commonly known and liked in CZ (in some families, it is also some kind of tradition to see this film during Christmas holidays, but i think it is not as popular as Tři oříšky pro Popelku)
Loved the Big Bang Theory reference! I think Howard said it for all of us when he asked "Who the hell is Sfaty Vaklaf?" :D
Poučné i pro nás,rodilé Čechy.Hezky udělané.
Regarding Valentyn - we kinda have our own Lover event day (1st of May) that fills the shoes of Valentyn so people on 14th of February either go for some romantic walk and just enjoy the company of the significant other (which we do on 1st of may too except cherries blossom and you can actually enjoy weather) OR they remember the Allied bombing of Prague in 1945 (mostly people from Brno do that tho).
Also Hladinka means level. It is the usual, common 1/3-ish foam, rest beer kind of serving. Mliko is favoured by people that just do not drink fast. It is sweeter and I have met some people that like it. Snyt is just weird, pretty much reversed Hladinka. It stays fresh longer but I have never met anyone who likes it but apparantely Karel Capek liked it. Cochtan is slowly gaining popularity, but you need to drink it fast otherwise it changes to kapak (flat beer). It does not survive longer than a pilot in WWI. It lets you enjoy all the hops and the flavours of the beer but for very limited time. Hence why it is not as favourite - Czech drink beer to enjoy the beer AND get drunk, not just to get drunk.
Šnyt is basically just small beer in regular glass that stays fresh longer. I usually order šnyt when I have to drive in few hours or I'm too full to drink regular beer. Also good at lunch time to enjoy beer with your guláš or svíčková and stay fresh for work afterwards.
Čochtana nikdo nepije. Je to špatně natočené, nebo nepřijaté pivo, co se snaží znovu prodat. Nikdy bych to nezkoušel.
@@PavelSkollSuk Kapáka nikdo nepije
@@VanBourner No, ani ty ostatní moc ne. Nepamatuji si, krom jednoho frikulína, co byl hned po objednávce z hospody vyhozen, že by si někdo objednal něco jiného, než standardní pivo, někdo objednal.
Tento pár je tak sympatický ! Působí na mě také inteligentně, líbí se mi jejich sofistikovaný humor, video pobavilo :)
Tohle je neuvěřitelně vtipné video! Smál jsem se skoro celou dobu. 😂
Tak ještě jednou - Jen, miluju Tvůj smích 👍🏻😁
I said it before and I'll say it again. You both are really cute and entertaining trying to speak in Czech. So again you made me laugh (in a good way :-) ) thumb up :-)
Čochtan je jméno postavy - vodníka, z divadelní hry - muzikálu "Divotvorný hrnec", uvedené v Osvobozeném divadle (Voskovec & Werich) v r. 1948, která byla adaptací amerického muzikálu "Finian's Rainbow" (původně postava skřítka Og). Jak autor adaptace, Jan Werich, jméno vymyslel nevím, možná někde existovalo podobné slovo v krajovém nářečí. Laicky se mi zdá, že ve slově lze nalézt slova Čech, cachtat se (ve vodě), případně lachtan. Vodník je typická pohádková bytost, žijící u vody nebo ve vodě, většinou lidské podoby. Jméno Čochtan časem zobecnělo jako jedno z běžných jmen vodníků.
Asi to tak bude. Ale osobně jsem si říkal, že to může být od slova ČUCHTAT - rýpat se v něčem, zdržovat práci. Takže pivo bez pěny, je prostě dlouho a špatně natočené. uČUCHTANÉ. Tak čochtan. Ale spíše má pravdu Marek Vašků.
Jste naprosto super :) díky za skvělá videa! Mimochodem pivo bez pěny znám spíš pod názvem "koza"
Máte recht,u nás se také říká "koza"
You are both absolutely wonderful! Greetings from Ostrava.
Páni vy máte tak dobrou výslovnost! :O
Y’all make awesome videos! Great team!
Jízda Králů není svátek, ale tradice na Slovácku (Kunovice, Vlčnov a další), kdy jedou chlapci na ozdobených koních a mezi nimi je jeden král, víc poví google :)
great video as always
Trošku mi připomínáte herečku Annu Gunn ze seriálu "Perníkový táta" :)
I'd swap the translations of dovolená and prázdniny. Prázdniny are seasonal holidays (school holidays, primarily) and a dovolená is a vacation (either at home, but usually at some other place). Other than that, very good as always. :-)
You must be British. Because American children get a vacation, not a holiday.
Parádní video :) jen tak dál !
"Jan Hus didn't set himself on fire - he had help."😂😂😂 That was so funny
just a little detail Stedry den/vecer je Xmas Eve but wow your knowledge is amazing.
Funny think, we gave our gifts on 25th as well, but based on old Czech time/calendar system when the day start by sunset (you can find it on orloj) . So thy why we fast till sunset, and then eat a diner and give gifts..
I don't know about the ethymology of "ČOCHTAN" but it must be derived from the verb "čochtat" in my opinion, which means to dip in water, it can by used for small children and it describes the action they do in kiddie pools, it's when you go into a pool or any other body of water, but you don't swim, just flap around and enjoy your time. I don't know how it relates to beer though.
Also, "HLADINKA" is the diminutive of "hladina", which is the surface of a liquid. In this case I know the relation to the beer. It means that the beer is poured in such a way that the foam creates a nice straight foamy layer, without big bubbles up to the edge of the glass and if you let the foam to set back into beer, its volume will be exactly the ordered volume (0.5 l traditionally). Usually you have the volume marks on the glasses, so if you let the foam set, and the beer's surface is exactly at the mark, you can tell that this was "HLADINKA" and you weren't cheated by the barman by giving you too much foam.
"ŠNYT" is actually the one that isn't a czech word, coming from the german "Schnitt". It is something between a large and a small beer, poured into a glass fro large beer.
"MLÍKO" works the same way as "hladinka" except for the fact that the desired end-volume of beer is 0.3 l in a 0.5l glass (i.e. small beer in a large glass, where the foam is up to the edge of the glass)
The bonus beer question was new to me too. I've never heard the word "čochtan" before. Šnyt (originally "der Schnitt) mean "cut" (noun) in English and hladina/hladinka means "surface of a liquid".
Guys, first of all, I love your improvement in Czech language. I wish to speak English at the same level.
In CZ prázdniny (holidays) - time off when you are at school. Dovolená (vacation) - when you work and you have to book your time off (from the verb dovolit - to allow/approve - your boss has to approve the time off). In English: Holidays can also mean days in the year that nobody works (and shops can be closed), set by the govt - that in CZ is státní svátek.
Awesome video :-) I like those test-videos, it is so interesting to see how you are passing the questions. And sometimes to check my own knowledge :-D
Kraslice question, I know, sometimes words can get tricky with the conjugation. The word "(se) zdobí" means "it gets decorated". The infinitive of the verb is "zdobit".
And the fourth question is the one I almost failed. I missed the little detail about the independence of the "Czech state" and I confused it with independence of Czechoslovakia. Which happenes to be in autumn just three weeks before the right answer. Nice one. You got it right, I got confused.
By the way, the victory day is not related to the Great War (armistice 11th November) but to the second one (8th May).
For the bonus question I can help with the word "hladinka". It is diminutive to the word "hladina", the water surface. In this context hladinka means there is the right amount of the beer in the glass. The surface of the beer corresponds with the sign on the side of the glass. But I am not familiar with the origin of the word čochtan, I really don't know that one.
The 24th December can be tricky for some people from outside, considering how often it is celebraten on 25th December. But there is a fun-fact about it. Many centuries ago the begining of a new days wasn't at midnight, but at the sunset. So the christmas eve (being after the sunset) was considered as 25th December, so basicaly all people used to have the celebration on the same date. The only difference was some people did it before sleep and some after sleep. Then the begining of a new day shifted to the midnight and we ended up with different dates of celebration.
I personally view November 17th in Czechia as our independence day (fight for freedom and democracy). For me this is the most important national holiday in Czech Republic - its like the 4th of July in the USA, but with no fireworks. We light candles - Narodni Trida.... Have you even gone to Narodni trida in Prague on or around November 17th? .... so many candles. Love this funny witty video.
Hladinka is the diminutive form hladina - surface (of a liquid) or level.
Hej, já na to video zrovna koukal, když jste ho smazali! :D
Čochtan, at least in my days, was a name for the catch of the drip from the beer tap. The bartenders used to put an empty glass under the tap when this was not in use to prevent the beer from dripping on the counter. The result was a glass full of flat, watery, muddy tasting liquid. Hence the reference to "vodnik" (see comments below). Čochtan was often given for free to the homeless and watching them drink it was a source of entertainment and feeling of superiority for the patrons who were able to pay for their own vice.
Jsi moc milá a svými videi (např. to při ochutnávání nápojů) a povahou (přístupem) Češka už dávno jsi.
my dear jen u are czech u are great remind me one girl friend of mine. she is from norway. wish u all the best
hahaaa... :D I have no idea what holiday is when... :D i am always like so surprised a week before, when I look at the calendar and see there's a state holiday coming :D :D :D
Great video, but I am a Czech so I am gonna nitpick...
Štědrý den is Christmas Eve. Christmas Day is Boží hod ;-)
Great job homies! Would have taken me the same amount of guesswork and I have a feeling my total score would have been pretty iffy.
Hi Jen I'm thinking about translation of Štědrý den in answers in question #3. In UK (and USA probably too) is our Štědrý den called Chrismas Eve (24 December) and Chrismas Day is on 25 December we call it Boží hod or První svátek vánoční.
However this video is great.
"Jízda králů" is a traditional festival that is celebrated in the south-east of Moravia (Slovácko - Moravian Slovakia).
tak to je boží to video, strašně mě i pobavilo a super výslovnost uplně koukám, umíš toho víc než většina čechů o České historii :D u těch piv znám jen šnyt což je natočený na takzvaně jeden dech :D a tak se čepuje v zahraničí běžně, hladinku (od slova hladina (vody,piva atd)) jinak dovolená je většinou když si vezmeš dovču v práci, prázdniny maj děcka v létě 2 měsíce, když není škola (červenec,srpen) :D ale můžeš mít dovolenou o prázdninách, když řekneš, že o prázdninách jeden s rodinou na dovču do Italie :D teda aspon u nás na moravě to tak říkáme :D A dušičky bože ty fakt miluju ♥ to je užasnej svátek a děsně se mi nelíbí halloween :P
You can order Plzeň everyvhere in Czechia except the city ofPlzeň. There you have to order Urquell or simply Dvanáctku and everyone will know ;)
a ked si objednam ležák, co dostanem? :D
17. listopad není zas tak generický, spíše historický ve více ohledech :) v roce 1939 byl během demonstrace smrtelně zraněn Jan Opletal, po nepokojích k jeho pohřbu nacisté zavřeli české vysoké školy, některé studenty popravili a 1200 jich zavřeli do koncentračních táborů. Dva roky po této události byl tento den celosvětové vyhlášen Mezinárodním dnem studentstva.
V památce na to v roce 1989 proběhla další velká, ale poklidná demonstrace studentů, kterou se ale komunisté pokusili násilně potlačit, a to vedlo ke konci komunistického režimu.
17. listopad je pro Čechy nesmírně významný a taky zajímavý, moc doporučuju se na tento den zaměřit a třeba si i udělat procházku po důležitých místech obou historických událostí :)
Zajímala by mne tvoje/vaše recenze na filmy o Winnetouovi. ;-)
18:12 Náš Svátek zamilovaných je odjakživa prvního Máje. ❤️
To bude tím, že katoličtí vykukové nám všechny pohanské svátky nevymítili, protože je neměli jak překrýt těmi svými,aby lide zapomněli, tak to dělá každé náboženství či světská vláda /totalitní/
Dobrý den, udělala jste velikou chybu - otázka č.4 -odpověď’ měla znít : A -28.říjen - den vzniku Československé republiky v roce 1918 , děkuji za opravu
Pardon, je to otázka č. 4
"Ježíšmarjá"..6:32. priceless 😆
Wenceslaus is the latin version of the Czech name Václav. So that's where English language got it from.
Good work
You order "Plzeň" but here in Plzeň we just order beer :D
Christmas Day's on the 25th, and in Czech it is called Boží hod. Štedrý den is on 24th - isn't that called the Christmas Eve?
by the way i love ur channel cuz i got really close friend in cork, ireland. yeah could be said that i am member of IRA.. saves their lifes. i want to thank u cuz ur good
When you said "jezis mariá" you passed the czech citizenship!
Co se stalo, že bylo potřeba původní verzi smazat? / What was wrong with the first version, that it had to be reuploaded?
Chyběla grafika - otázky a odpovědi.
You could also correct the graphics in the first question, there is wrong answer selected.
@@jakubsolc the translation of the question is wrong, it should be: Ve kterém z těchto měsíců začíná na základních školách v Česku školní rok?
I always look forward to these quiz videos! :-)
Great job with the numerals!
If you want a pronunciation advice, you keep saying ktěrý instead of který. :-)
Jízda králů is a local tradition from Moravia which is listed in UNESCO.
BTW I never drink those unusual beers.
jen to v tomhle videu moc sekne! a je taková rozverná, že by měl honza štědrý den? :-)
2c) Prazdniny means when the "school is out for summer" as Alice Cooper sings. Typically July and August.
Čochtan bylo jméno. ktré vymyslel známý český hersc Jan Werich pro jeho ztvárnění vodníka v jeho muzikálu Divotvorný hrnec - jeho překladu muzikálu Finley Rainbow. Velice úspěšný muzikál hraný v Praze Karlíně s orchestrem Karla Vlacha před rokem 1948 nž to comunisti zam kázali.
As a Slovak person, I always remember "září" by students doing the leaving cert exams. Those who succeed "září" (radiate (happiness)) and those who fail "v Září" (in September (they repeat them in September)). Někdo září, někdo v Září.
Já znám hvězdy září v září :D
They dont radiate, they SHINE :D.
In Gilmore Girls also they said "Vaklaf". :-D
V Gilmorových ďoučatech též říkali Vaklaf.
Václav was probably stabed with a sword. Legends say he was able to defend himself against his brother Boleslav (who planed the assassination) and spared his life and that's when Boleslav's crewmates stormed him.
Lots of people actually celebrate St. Valentine's Day nowadays, but there is obviously commercial incentive. Our OG holiday of love is 'první Máj'. Yes, May the 1st. As our famous poet wrote "Byl pozdní večer první máj, večerní máj je lásky čas." The tradition is to kiss you loved one under the blooming cherry tree. Exclusive Prague tradition is to go for a walk to Petřín :)
I agree that Ježíšek comes through the window.
Children have "prázdniny", working parents have got "dovolená"
Ha! I was wondering yesterday if you completely gave up on editing the video :D And here's a new version.
Čochta is a shoe, čochtaní is a specific type of slow walking deforming shoe. Čochtan is a theatrical character. He talked a lot, his beer stood for a long time and was without foam.
Mlíko beer is actually very good and tasty. The foam on mlíko beer is not the same as on regular beer. This foam is more creamy and smooth. 🙂 Jste moc roztomilí, i s Tobíkem. 🙂
“Mlíko” beer drink children😂 my 7y old doughter loves it🤩
Zkus prosím udělat další video o tom jaká je policie v L.A vs v české republice.
Hi Jennifer,
Sir_Mac here, as always!
What the heck had happened that you had to post the video once again?
I wrote almost an elaborate about explaining the things, which you didn't understand or seemed weird to you in the video... And I can't make it again now :-(
I just focus on the accent based on the video of yours, where you said that the misunderstanding comes from giving emphasis on some part of the word while czech speak as monotone as they can. I have to say it fits. Except from " ř " which is completely understandable, your pronunciation is great, the different speak pace makes it weird to the ears.
btw, I have never heard of čochtan :D but thats the little differences between west and east part of Czech rep.
Když byla dcera malinká, myslela si, že Ježíšek vypadá jako ježek...😁
Čochtan, as others pointed out was a given name of a vodník character from a play. It comes from the verb "čochtat se" which usually means "to swim" or just "to hang out in water", afaik the expression itself then comes from a Moravian dialect where it originally meant something like "to nibble into something". Today, the word "čochtan" may be used to describe someone who loves to hang out in water, i.e. spends a whole day in pool or likes a bath with water up to the edge. The same goes with the beer, it's all fluid and no foam.
Hi, you are so hilarious in a good way ;)
hlad - hunger
hrad - castel
hladinka - (small) surface normaly it's hladina - from the word hladký - smooth
- also used for alcohol intoxication - the level of alcohol in your blood
Mlíko - It is recommended to drink it in one go. After first gulp, you will surprisingly feel the taste of beer. But smoother and mainly sweeter. Thats why it is mostly favourited between women, but also habitues drink it sometimes after fourth or fifth beer instead of shot, because it will make you fresher or wake you up.
Načepovat mi někdo mlíko, tak mu ho vrátím. Brrr, to někdo cíleně pije? Nebo teda spíš... to někdo cíleně čepuje?
@@hanka8790 To se čepuje na vyžádání. Stejně jako šnyt. A proti gustu, žádný dišputát.
@@hanka8790 Já myslím, že byste byla překvapená, jak je to dobré, pokud je to načepované správně. Ta pěna je pak jak našlehaná smetana. 🙂
@@eliskadolivkova8005 Ne, díky, velice ráda si to nechám ujít.
Prazdniny is more like dedicated free days for some time off. Not exactly a holidays. Say kids school break would be good example I think.
Čochtan looks like větrák from word zvětralý which means stale ?
Oh wow, am I the only one who noticed the mistake in the first question? You name option B, while the highlighted answer is actually A?
Also, the second question (and here comes a Ukrainian speaker pretending to know Czech): isn't "vacation" supposed to be "holiday" and other way round?
Jízda králů: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ride_of_the_Kings
Ve vyhledavači zadáte jízda králů a vyskočí odkazy na vysvětlení.
Prazdniny applies to School holidays, midterms, etc..
Well, prazdniny is a free time from school, dovolena is a free time from job. So, you as an adult can go on dovolena during prazdniny, but our kids aren't able to go on dovolena yet...
"Hladinka" is diminutive of "hladina", which means (water) surface/level. "Hladinka" can also mean someones alcohol level (mám hladinku). "Čochtan" is bohemian slang synonym to Vodník a fairytale being in slavic mythology, often called also a Vodyanoy. They can be good or evil. Live in rivers, ponds and drown people whose souls then they store in cups with lids. The can speak with and transform into fish. Have water related magic and can create a mist. Most notable use of Čochtan is by actor/writer Jan Werich.
ano, není to od slova "hlad" 😉👍
ačkoliv se v česku říká, že "hlad je převlečená žízeň" 😂
FYI : Tři králové is the Czech equivalent of Epiphany
hi Jen , you got some mistakes...dovolena = vacation , svátek = hollyday( holiday) , dušičky = halloween , čochtan ))) = starý zvětralý pivo ....)))
You know your beer! You've already passed your citizenship 😊😀
"Pilznr Ercle" hurts in my German ears and sounds more like a sitcom Steve Urkel than a beer.
Jan Hus: První kosmonaut, který však uhořel při startu.
And čochtan is a Czech word.
No, we don't drink any such beers (except hladinka). It is just for really drunk young people.
Also čochtan can be used for vodník and in transferred meaning for a person who spends a lot of time in bathing.
you are missing one type of beer - Řezané
So Jen, is this your husband?
Till this day it makes me laugh when u say ježek 😂😂😂 instead of Ježíšek 😂