  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024

Комментарии • 483

  • @DreamPrague
    @DreamPrague  2 года назад +10

    Go to to get 70% off a 2-year plan plus 1 additional month free, only €3.15 per month. It’s risk-free with Nord’s 30-day money-back guarantee!

    • @vitozana8659
      @vitozana8659 2 года назад

      další hezká české sloveso: lanařit (hodit někomu lano = dát nabídku k zaměstnání)

  • @dumpsterfire4177
    @dumpsterfire4177 2 года назад +174

    Jen! Vila Tugendhat položila základy moderní architektury. To že v Kalifornii dnes lidé žijí v domech, které vypadají takto je částečně zásluhou tohoto domu. Byla navržena v roce 1928, v době kdy nebylo obvyklé mít tak velká skleněná okna otevíraná na dálku, betonový skelet a klimatizaci. To je velká zásluha tohoto domu:)

    • @MarvinCZ
      @MarvinCZ 2 года назад +4

      Ano. Pro soudobou vilu z Kalifornie se člověk může podívat třeba na Adamson House v Malibu.

    • @MarvinCZ
      @MarvinCZ 2 года назад

      @B D Co konkrétně?

    • @MarvinCZ
      @MarvinCZ 2 года назад +4

      @B D Takže vůbec nic k této diskusi?

    • @ingridlaskova1878
      @ingridlaskova1878 2 года назад

      V Californii žili lidé i v teepee.

  • @mortisCZ
    @mortisCZ 2 года назад +119

    The thing about Tugenhadt is that it might look quite average today but it was built in late 1920s' and it was quite radical for its time.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад +11

      Yeah, I can see how it would be radical!

    • @marekvasku5610
      @marekvasku5610 2 года назад +11

      Tugendhat, vila ve funkcionalistickém stylu, je z roku 1928. Co se stavělo v Kalifornii za domy v roce 1928? :D

    • @Pidalin
      @Pidalin 2 года назад +12

      Only one stone wall in Tugendhat costs same like one normal family house. 🙂

    • @Trpaslika
      @Trpaslika 2 года назад +10

      and the inside is amazing, beautiful stonework and lighting

    • @jammmy30
      @jammmy30 2 года назад +5

      @@DreamPrague wish you luck on the test from the bottom of my heart.
      PS. And please remember you aren’t doing it just for you, but also for all of us who always secretly wanted to live in Prague but never dared to...

  • @paulinemably9572
    @paulinemably9572 2 года назад +22

    I am so jealous of the test you take. In Slovakia we are given an article and have to summarise it and then have a conversation about the article and then about Slovak culture and ourselves so it is utterly subjective and impossible to revise for!!! We can apply for citizenship after only 7 years here though and it's only 5, if like me, you are married to a Slovak of the opposite gender. I have been here for 10 years so I want to improve my language enough this year to consider applying at the end of the year. You are very inspiring. Veľa štastia

  • @pokiseek
    @pokiseek 2 года назад +135

    Občanství si zasloužíte už jen za Vaše krásná a milá videa o naší zemi.

    • @tigroussibirak8006
      @tigroussibirak8006 2 года назад +4


    • @deliq9607
      @deliq9607 2 года назад

      SuperPokox Naše země je vydrancovaná díra! Řikám jí asfaltové peklo (nevzhledné silnice a města) kombinované s hovnama (všudypřítomné hnědé pole). Hovna a asfalt = ČR.

    • @lukascerny1802
      @lukascerny1802 2 года назад

      Co si misliš to nejsou češi a zapomeň že mužou diky oočanstvi volit tuhle vladu korespondenčňe uvédom sii že je to podvot z volbama fiala je zruda jasny ! A hlasi s ameriki češi neuznaji

    • @deliq9607
      @deliq9607 2 года назад

      @@lukastrojak4566 No jak asi ty trubko, naše země není krásná a milá!! Byla taková pouze v minulosti, než došlo k TOTÁLNÍ DEVASTACI lidskými imbecilními stvůrami!!!

    • @tigroussibirak8006
      @tigroussibirak8006 2 года назад

      @@deliq9607 Jo, Americane se o to postarali a pak sem nejaky blbecek napise, ze Americanka, presne tak arogantni a sebestredna jako je u nich bezne, si zaslouzi ceske obcanstvi. Pritom se vubec neobtezuje mluvit cesky a kazdy, kdo ma rozum, vi, co se da cekat. Ta videa dela kvuli sobe a ne kvuli Ceske republice, ktera by ji za to mela neco dluzit. Podobna videa dela kazdy turista, ktery nekam prijede na tyden. Lidska blbost je opravdu nekonecna. A to nezminuji, ze tvrdi jednu blbost za druhou, vzdyt American vi vsechno nejlepe.

  • @rpxmob171
    @rpxmob171 2 года назад +35

    Just for foreigners, the second Oscar-winning film by Miloš Forman was Amadeus :)

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад +11

      I can't believe I missed that one. I like that movie!

    • @smarter_in_5_mins
      @smarter_in_5_mins 2 года назад +4

      @@DreamPrague It was filmed in Prague; even though Miloš Forman was emigrant and "communists' enemy", foreign money (called devízy) won. I have a video about movies filmed in Prague.

    • @martinoliva6490
      @martinoliva6490 2 года назад +6

      @@DreamPrague Forman to natočil v Praze. Točil to také ve Stavovském divadle,které patří k nejstarším divadlům v Evropě a myslím jediné, které si zachovalo podobu z časů premiery opery Don Giovanni od Mozarta.

    • @davidknichal6629
      @davidknichal6629 2 года назад

      Not only in Prague but in Kroměříž (Eastern Moravia) too. My mother witnessed shooting of that movie back then

  • @vsevedouci
    @vsevedouci 2 года назад +20

    Jen jen k tomu Hrabalovi. Mrkni na pár filmů natočených podle jeho novel. Ale jsem si jist, že alespoň některé znáš.
    - Ostře sledované vlaky
    - Skřivánci na niti
    - Postřižiny
    - Slavnosti sněženek
    - Něžný barbar
    - Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále
    - Sběrné surovosti
    - Perličky na dně

    • @TvrdakTom
      @TvrdakTom 2 года назад

      I would recommend the movie I served King of England. My best movie recommendation for foreigners.
      I served King of England in Sydney 👌

  • @martindurrer9044
    @martindurrer9044 2 года назад +38

    Wow, you did better than me and I am a Czech citizen since 1993! :-D Moreover, I used to be a Czechoslovak citizen before that.
    BTW, the garden of vila Tugendhat is the place where Václav Klaus and Vladimír Mečiar torn Czechoslovakia into two pieces. But the reason why it is on the UNESCO list is because it is one of the greatest examples of the functionalist architecture. Its probably most famous feature is a translucent wall in the living room made of brown-gold Moroccan onyx.

    • @sydneydve
      @sydneydve 2 года назад +2

      Tak to se máte opravdu čím chlubit. Ten test je dělanej tak, že 99 % otázek musí normální Čech prostě vědět.

  • @vrbka2692
    @vrbka2692 2 года назад +97

    Právě ve vile Tugendhat bylo domluveno rozdělení Československa. Klaus vs. Mečiar.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад +15

      to je fascinující!

    • @marekvasku5610
      @marekvasku5610 2 года назад +30

      a pod tím stromem, kde seděli, dodnes tráva neroste :(

    • @jardatridentone1859
      @jardatridentone1859 2 года назад +20

      Z vily Tugendhat udělali památku, aby tou jedinou Brněnskou nebylo vězení a vycpaný krokodýl.

    • @veny9213
      @veny9213 2 года назад

      @@DreamPrague Historická zlodějna ,nic fascinujícího😂

    • @martinherak4286
      @martinherak4286 2 года назад +5

      @@jardatridentone1859 náhodou....ještě tam jsou super hodiny...černý, krásně tvarovaný ....přímo na náměstí.

  • @MartyOfEarth
    @MartyOfEarth 2 года назад +16

    Walking at night between villages is really common (at least where I live.) We have friends in different villages and the last bus leaves at like 8pm. Sometimes it's quicker to go through forest, but sometimes you just go along the road. At summer you have this parties (zábava) and it's in every village here in Morava. A lot of young people go there to drink and dance with friends and a lot of them walk. I especially like it because it's fun to chat with friends and on the way back you save money on taxi and sober up. Sometimes we went went like 10km 😅 But mostly it's 2-5.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад +7

      Well, walking is certainly better than driving drunk, which a lot of people in the US would do. I'm sure in the summer it's a lovely evening stroll.

  • @peterswin
    @peterswin 2 года назад +87

    žil v USA 😀👍 od České babičky bych to čekal, ale slyšet to od Američana, to je naprosto skvělý ❤️

    • @peterretep9900
      @peterretep9900 2 года назад

      To sú naozaj také ľahké otázky pre Slováka sú iné? Mám vplane požiadať tiež

    • @Mirinovic
      @Mirinovic 2 года назад

      @@peterretep9900 Nezlobte se ale nebýt událostí 1992 tak o žádné občanství žádat nemusíte 🙂

  • @CyclingSasquatch
    @CyclingSasquatch 2 года назад +10

    2:54 - "If your favorite pub is in the next village..."
    Now you're thinking like a Czech, lol. You totally got this.

  • @TalLikesThat
    @TalLikesThat 2 года назад +9

    I have recieved my czech citizenship without a test, as a descendent of persecuted Jews who fled the country in WW2. I am now starting to learn czech, saving money and trying to acquire a profession so I can move to prague and get closer to my roots.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад +3

      That’s so cool, there is some really interesting Jewish historical areas in Prague. I wish you luck!

    • @davidknichal6629
      @davidknichal6629 2 года назад +2

      You are always welcome in Cz. Welcome home son

  • @peteblazar5515
    @peteblazar5515 2 года назад +12

    Note. The Good Soldier Švejk is most translated book of Czech literature (over 60 languages ... 29th position worldwide, Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are 22nd). ;-)

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад +2

      Wow, I had no idea! Thanks for the info. :)

    • @ewanmclaren9639
      @ewanmclaren9639 2 года назад +1

      @@DreamPrague I think it was huge all over Europe, as an anti-war book after WWI.

  • @ludek5610
    @ludek5610 2 года назад +27

    Bravo-za tyto otázky by mnoha Čechům museli občanství sebrat,protože by moc nevěděli.Jsou to ti,co pak chtějí křikem na náměstí ostatním život řídit.A teď si to přeložte.Ahoj Luděk.Jste super.

    • @hanselvogis5142
      @hanselvogis5142 2 года назад +2

      Škola je to měla naučit.

    • @smajla82
      @smajla82 2 года назад

      uprime otazka ohledne noseni reflexnich prvku me dost prekvapila v testu o ceskem obcanstvi :O :O cumim jak puk

    • @NightVisitor101
      @NightVisitor101 2 года назад

      @@smajla82 Je to důležitá znalost pro přežití. 🙂

  • @mikaela793
    @mikaela793 2 года назад +5

    With the reflective elements, it's not just night time, but when the visibility is low, and that can be as soon as 4pm in the winter months, or it can be foggy for example. In my father's village the bus stop is located outside of the village on the highway so the bus doesn't loose time exiting the highway and driving into the village, so you have walk on the highway for a little bit before you reach the village, so you can be returning from work or anywhere else not just the pub 😁😁

  • @filipes1024
    @filipes1024 2 года назад +30

    No, lehké to tedy rozhodně není. Některé odpovědi bych bez možnosti výběru z hlavy nedal.
    Jinak opět skvělé video. 👍🙂

  • @MacGyver5AF
    @MacGyver5AF 2 года назад +10

    Hi Jennifer,
    Sir_Mac here, as always!
    The "vila Tugenhadt" is located in Brno, and in the VERY GARDEN of this vila Tugendhadt, Václav Klaus and Vladimír Mečiar (slovak prime minister of that time) they signed the documents to SPLIT Czechoslovakia into Czech Republic and Slovakia. So vila Tugendhadt is beautiful, but sad place in the terms of the Czech history.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад +1

      Fascinating, Sir Mac! That ads a whole new perspective, thanks!

    • @TheFonzor
      @TheFonzor 2 года назад +3

      Miloš Mečiar => Vladimír Mečiar (Miloš Mečíř = bývalý slovenský tenista)

    • @MacGyver5AF
      @MacGyver5AF 2 года назад

      @@TheFonzor Díky, nějak jsem si nemohl vzpomenout na křestní jméno!

    • @toruvalejo6152
      @toruvalejo6152 2 года назад +1

      @@DreamPrague Hi Jen, the Old Quibbler at your service again! ;) Vila Tugendhat may seem bland from today's perspective - except for it was built in 1929-30 and its architecture design was so ahead of time that it looks like it was build few years ago and it still fits most of today's standards of living... U made a great mistake not to go there first because it takes loooong time spent in waiting list to get there! ;) In first covid year it was easier as there were less tourists (best to go there in sunny late afternoor/evening - the onyx wall looks astonishing against the sun). Anyway if U keen on architecture I can recomend you a few more interesting houses-museums to visit in Brno and Prague (and less crowded). :)

    • @TheFonzor
      @TheFonzor 2 года назад

      @@MacGyver5AFPohoda 👍

  • @georgiancrossroads
    @georgiancrossroads 2 года назад +6

    I got about half. (With your translation help.) And I know very little Czech, but more about their history. Děkuju.

  • @matushorvath
    @matushorvath 2 года назад +5

    What's so special about this place: First, the interior is amazing. Really, check out some pictures of the inside. Second, when it was built, in the late 20's, it was quite unique. Yes, there are many buildings that (try to) look like this today. And many of them were inspired by Vila Tugendhat.
    Also, speaking about Václav Klaus, Vila Tugendhat was the place where he and Vladimír Mečiar negotiated the splitting of Czechoslovakia. It's a small country, everything's connected.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад

      Thanks for the tips! that's really fascinating. Now I definitely want to visit there.

    • @an9559
      @an9559 2 года назад +1

      @@DreamPrague Jen, moc doporučuji vilu navštívit. Chce to ale plánovat dopředu, zamluvit prohlídku, bývá obsazeno měsíce dopředu.

  • @conceptalfa
    @conceptalfa 2 года назад +42

    Doing great Jen and Honza, don't worry, you'll pull it off!!! 👍 👍 👍

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад +4

      Thank you for the shot of confidence!

  • @janmarek971
    @janmarek971 2 года назад +5

    Označit české silnice za "highway" je veeeeeeliká nadsázka xD

  • @thamirivonjaahri6378
    @thamirivonjaahri6378 2 года назад +3

    Maybe somebody pointed it out already (rather usual occurence), the "Výuční List" can translate into something like "Apprenticeship certificate" and is equivalent to lower degree high school diploma.
    To clarify, there are several degrees of high school diplomas, most are nowadays no longer used, or are very rare, where commonly issued are:
    - "Maturita" (4 year lenght, sorta like a full degree, relying heavily on theoretical learning, concerning mostly white collar jobs) and
    - "Výuční list" (3 year long, focused on practical side of learning and concerning mostly manual occupations, like shopseller, butcher, car mechanic and plethora of more while it is frowned upon by some cus being perceived as "lesser of education", it is still necessary and in case of certain proffessions even mandatory item).
    You can notice the difference in certain series, movies documents etc. where would-be-students may be reffered to as "apprentices"(učni) and they address their teacher as "Master" ie. Pane Mistr/Paní Mistrová. This is also kinda odd part, since the term itself is used in archaic manner. When addressing the Master, one does not address him/her "Pane Mistře", but instead uses the direct second person form "Pane Mistr", which is sorta ancient way of addressing people, yet it's still in use in some sectors...
    There are also several more high school degrees as far as i can remember, but this area is kinda vague for me....

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад

      This is totally new info for me, thanks for the explanation!

  • @jih5370
    @jih5370 2 года назад +20

    Oba jste skvělí a určitě to zvládnete. A pak už budete "Češi jako poleno". 🍀✊🙂

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад +3

      zapomněla jsem ten výraz, dík!

  • @MrMajsterixx
    @MrMajsterixx 2 года назад +6

    yes Vila tugendhat looks like a casual modern house, the thing is, it was built in 1928 thats the most imporant fact about that house.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад +1

      I can see why that would make it special.

    • @MrMajsterixx
      @MrMajsterixx 2 года назад +2

      @@DreamPrague dont worry, i saw it the same way when i was younger and your reaction is the same as most of foreigners when they see it for the first time.

    • @janaklusackova9116
      @janaklusackova9116 2 года назад

      @@DreamPrague Jen, you like movies - the perfect acquaintance with Villa Tugendhat - a movie "Skleněný pokoj" (2019) was made in the villa - based on Simon Mawer's novel "The Glass Room". There is also a famous onyx wall, illuminated. I think you might enjoy finding out the history and details of this villa - interesting not only for its construction, but especially for the technical background and equipment of the house, which was really revolutionary at the time.
      Tip: if you go to Brno, book the tour in advance - the dates are usually sold out. Or it is possible to at least walk through the garden (without ordering / 50 CZK) and see the villa at least as follows.
      And good luck with the test!

  • @janjoska2549
    @janjoska2549 2 года назад +2

    Hi, Jen. Your deduction about necessity of wearing reflective elements was flawless.

  • @vendlor
    @vendlor 2 года назад +2

    Teda koukám na vaše videa poprvé. KLOBOUK DOLŮ! Čeština není nic jednoduchého, natož pro lidi, co nejsou Slovani. Přijde mi to milé, protože někteří lidi ani neví kde je Česká Republika nebo že existuje. :D Ať se daří!

  • @petrforman206
    @petrforman206 2 года назад +8

    My deepest respect, Jen, for your language skills and knowledge about our little country. To both of you... Its insane, many Czechs would not pass 🙈, I guess. My 14 year-old son would definetely not 😀

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад +4

      Thanks Petr! Well, neither Honza nor I would probably pass the US citizenship test. Becoming a citizen of another country takes a little extra curiosity I guess! Have a lovely day :)

  • @JanHurych
    @JanHurych 2 года назад +8

    Den vítězství. You may know it as the "Day of victory in Europe" or the VE day. May 8 (1945).

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад

      Thanks! I looked it up after the video. So many holidays to learn!

    •  2 года назад

      @@DreamPrague When you get our citizenship, you'll have to know your holidays. Cause that's the time you don't need to work and we (Czechs) do care. 😀

    • @JanHurych
      @JanHurych 2 года назад

      @@DreamPrague I thought you have it too in the US. Might be one of the few that match.

  • @tsevca
    @tsevca 2 года назад +2

    No, you cannot win a Nobel after death. There is a story Karel Čapek was a strong candidate and was actually supposed to win, but since he died before it was announced, he could no longer win.

  • @Aedar
    @Aedar 2 года назад +2

    Re. q 1: Often the villages are really close, let's say only a few hundred meters, so it's not a long walk, and when you're a teenager and your friends, girlfriend, etc. live in the next village, sometimes you stay there a bit late... Not to mention early nights during winter...

  • @Wolf6119
    @Wolf6119 2 года назад

    Jan Švejnar is an economist who currently lives in the US and works at Columbia University - he was the main candidate to stand against Vaclav Klaus in the 2008 election (the last election in which the President was elected by the Senate, before they switched the system to a direct popular vote in 2011) and came quite close to winning. Pretty cool dude in person.
    Vladimir Špidla was, quite briefly, the Prime Minister from 2002 to 2004.

  • @frantisekjandik7339
    @frantisekjandik7339 2 года назад +17

    Jste neuvěřitelní 👍🙂 a už se přiznejte, že jste Češi převlečení za Američany 🙂 držím Vám palce i když Vy to zvládnete s přehledem

  • @ixb1
    @ixb1 2 года назад +22

    Jen - suverénně nejznámější žadatelka o občanství ČR :)

    • @jancech6882
      @jancech6882 2 года назад

      To každopádně.:-P

    • @jammmy30
      @jammmy30 2 года назад

      But what is “obce”? Isn’t there a word which they use - silnice ? Like Whats the difference between “obce “” and “ silnice “ ?
      Ps. Sounds a bit like they used “ obce “ just to make it more complicated for foreigners

    •  2 года назад +1

      @@jammmy30 obec means settlement/village/town here, without being specific about the type. (In other contexts it may also mean the whole of the people in a community, such as a church, but that's rarer. The adjective obecný then means general, common.)
      Silnice is a road.

    • @janadamcak445
      @janadamcak445 2 года назад +1

      @@jammmy30 "obec"= village (one of the synonyms) nominativ singular (1st case) x "obce" genitiv singular (2nd case) /outside the territory of the village/; "silnice" road (not highway, that's dálnice) nominativ singular (also vocativ 5th, and some plural cases 1,4,5). They are declinated by different patterns (feminine nouns) accordin to the ending in notably "píseň" and "růže", so the -e ending is purely coincidental.

    • @jammmy30
      @jammmy30 2 года назад

      @ a-ha! I see! Community is probably the closest English word and it can also be used in church context

  • @alookabab4810
    @alookabab4810 2 года назад

    Well done to both of you! Your 'ř' is really good I must say, not an easy letter to pronounce. 👍
    We had to do a similar test to get a UK citizenship. My husband acquired a Czech citizenship in 2005 and at that time the only test you had to do was from Czech language. When he came to the office, the lady was just giving him some instructions during the process and asked a few questions. So he was getting ready to be grilled in his knowledge of Czech language and she says: "Congratulations, you are now a Czech citizen." He was like: "Am I not going to do the language test?" And she said: "You've just done it." 😁

  • @blankawhite93
    @blankawhite93 2 года назад +3

    Wow getting the US citizenship was so much easier in comparison. I think I studied out of 100 questions and only had to answer 10 . You guys are doing awesome and I am sure you will pass.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад +2

      I'm really shocked by that! I though the US one was so much harder!

  • @karelhp762
    @karelhp762 2 года назад +14

    Při cestách po Latinské Americe zavítal prezident Václav Klaus i do Chile, kde se mu, mimo jiné, zalíbilo i tamní protokolární pero.видео.html

  • @smarter_in_5_mins
    @smarter_in_5_mins 2 года назад +24

    Hi Jen, no need to take an exam. Just show them few of your videos and you get that citizenship instantly, even for Honza 😀

  • @Vojtaniz01
    @Vojtaniz01 2 года назад +3

    13:20 Jan Švejnar was an unsuccessful candidate for president in 2008 (but Klaus got elected for the second time) and Vladimír Špidla was the prime minister in 2003.
    P.S.: Good luck at the test! :-)

  • @golden.trio.edits.1
    @golden.trio.edits.1 2 года назад

    Jste oba dva úžasní! Na to, že jste původně z Ameriky Vám jde čeština opravdu dobře, opravdu klobouk dolů. A je moc hezké, jak mluvíte o naší zemi, všichni si toho vážíme. Jaká byla vaše motivace k tomu, že se přestěhuje zrovna sem, do České republiky?
    (dluh je, když si např. půjčíte z banky určitou částku a pak máte dluh, který ji musíte splatit. A význam slova,, smí" znamená,, může" (moct udělat určitou věc, mít to dovoleno

  •  2 года назад +3

    The word "dluh" is a pretty important to know. Especially when it comes to money. Dluh means "debt". Hope you googled it afterwards.
    Vymáhání dluhu - debt collection.
    Kdo smí vymáhat dluh? - Who is allowed to collect the debt?

    • @Kirarak
      @Kirarak 2 года назад

      Mají správné překlady v tom videu, takže počítám, že vědí :)

  • @CZghost
    @CZghost 2 года назад +1

    I wouldn't say highway, more like freeway, but not even that, because most roads between towns and villages are single lane in each direction. It's just that, a road. Highway is the speed road that's connecting major cities. For example, you can get on a D8 highway from Prague on the way to Saxony in Germany, along the way you will encounter exits to Litoměřice for example, or Trmice and Ústí nad Labem. There's a thing that's called motor vehicles road (in my honestly bad attempt to translate the official name), motorway in short basically (although, motorway is the same thing as highway in British English), that's what I would call a freeway, though it's not exactly the same thing as your American freeways to be honest, and in a lot of ways it looks almost like a highway. Most of highways and freeways in Czech Republic is double lane in each direction, with some sections having one or more additional lanes.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад

      yeah, I definitely misspoke on that one. We'd call it a road too.

  • @martinherak4286
    @martinherak4286 2 года назад +6

    Czech republic need such great, clever and nice people, like you are. So good luck!

  • @lukaskimr4000
    @lukaskimr4000 2 года назад

    I must say I do not think the citizenship test will be a problem. "Why do you need to walk to the next village at night? --> What if your fav pub is in the next village." - very natural czech thinking :D

  • @rehorekMichal
    @rehorekMichal 2 года назад +1

    It's so funny and relieving to me that when you are translating from Czech to English you make mistakes. :D ... "What Czech writer..." :)

  • @vizzwizz
    @vizzwizz 2 года назад +1

    when the inevitable umpteenth schweik film adaptation happens, honza would be perfect for the part

  • @markosxd2412
    @markosxd2412 2 года назад

    Nice to watch since i am from Czech Republc... Good luck ať the quiz!

  • @orechvbubline
    @orechvbubline Год назад

    I very much recommend visiting villa Tugendhat if you haven't already, it was designed by the german-american architect Mies van der Rohe, and during its visit I am sure you will be able to appreciate what is special about the building and its setting 😊
    The spatial arrangement, technological advances and especially-materials used are unmatched not only in the time of its construction, but even compared to today’s standards.

  • @georgebarnadze2020
    @georgebarnadze2020 2 года назад +4

    Wish you best of luck on exam, I'm waiting in patients for mine still couple years to go, meanwhile I got 10/10 on all of your test videos and I'm gonna miss them definitely, would you please share where are you doing this tests?
    Thank you for really great content.

  • @katarinanelibova2062
    @katarinanelibova2062 2 года назад +4

    Hi Jen, thanks for the video . I am actually taking the test myself in March, so this has motivated me to start studying for the test :) when are u taking it? If its March 12th in Prg 6, I may see you there.... good luck!

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад

      Katarina, that’s fantastic! I wish you luck!

  • @zbynekbecvar8703
    @zbynekbecvar8703 2 года назад +2

    Just saw your interview with Bronek, in Brno. It was very good. I was surprised you were not able to think of some words Czech have challenges with regarding pronunciation. I can think of several. Love (lav), international (internejšinal), Seattle (sítl), Los Angeles (los engels), Lake Louise (lejk luis). The thing thing that I am surprised about is that Czechs want to be "international", but tv sports announcers still change foreign athletes names to Smithova, Williamsova, and change names that have ova to ovova like in Sarapova to Sarapovova, and not change oriental women's names, and not change some Czech women's names like athletes Jessica Evans, or Katerina Nash to Evansova and Nashova. It's all a mess.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад

      I think I was caught off guard with that question. Also, I have this handicap because I am so accustomed to Czech pronunciation that I don't even notice any mispronunciation anymore!

  • @KMarik
    @KMarik 2 года назад +5

    Jen, please, do read some Bohumil Hrabal. That one really hurt. Other than that one you have my endorsement.

    • @zdenekrubes6411
      @zdenekrubes6411 2 года назад +2

      To Jen: nebo se podívej na filmy podle jeho knih. "Ostře sledované vlaky" (Oscar!), "Postřižiny", "Slavnosti sněženek", "Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále".

    • @marekvasku5610
      @marekvasku5610 2 года назад +1

      a trezorový "Skřivánci na niti"

    • @hanaskoumalova9175
      @hanaskoumalova9175 2 года назад

      @@zdenekrubes6411 Z těch filmů bych doporučila jenom Ostře sledované vlaky (Closely watched trains). Ty ostatní jsou kýče a Hrabala dost zkreslují.

  • @BryansVideoBun
    @BryansVideoBun 2 года назад

    Mies Van Der Rohe was one of the most influential architects ever. He was working in Germany still (I believe) at the time and had yet to become the leader of the Bauhaus school in Weimar. He left Germany in 1937 and became the head of the Illinois Institute of Architecture and designed the first "modern" glass and steel skyscraper (seagrams building) along with many other buildings. Right up there with the best of the world's architects and extremely influential in his lifetime...

    • @BryansVideoBun
      @BryansVideoBun 2 года назад

      That's why the villa tugendhut is listed on unesco. It was one of the first of its type and California wouldn't be the same without it...

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад

      That's so fascinating Bryan! Also I displayed my total ignorance when it comes to architecture. Everyone's comments about it have made me incredibly interested in going there in person. Thanks for taking the time to comment!

  • @axnarthema
    @axnarthema 2 года назад +5

    Miloš Forman - Amadeus

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад +1

      Yes! I totally forgot about that one! I loved that movie when I was a kid.

  • @simonspacek3670
    @simonspacek3670 2 года назад +3

    Já chodil na noční směny po silnici a po tmě to byla síla. Neměl jsem reflexní prvky, ale čelovku, světlo na batohu a ještě baterku v ruce, protože to nejdůležitější je být vidět a nedostat ránu autem.

    • @breznik1197
      @breznik1197 2 года назад +1

      Po tmě už je to dobrý, horší je to potmě.

    • @simonspacek3670
      @simonspacek3670 2 года назад

      @@breznik1197 Po tmě jsem se vracel :D Potmě jsem šel do práce.
      Ach, ta čeština je ale krásná řeč.

    • @breznik1197
      @breznik1197 2 года назад

      @@simonspacek3670 Všiml jsem si v posledních letech epidemie rozkladu příslovečných spřežek. Mám pocit, že na ní má trochu podíl googlovský převod hlasu na text. Celkově googlovskou češtinu tvoří nějací pologramoti.

  • @sicksixsixsix27
    @sicksixsixsix27 2 года назад +1

    Seems so nice to call our "silnice" as highways😅😅

  • @erikalaznova5252
    @erikalaznova5252 2 года назад +2

    Again an excellent video. Thank you! And Jen, I know you will smash it the test! In Czech we say zvládneš to levou zadní!

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад +1

      Thanks for the vote of confidence, Erika!

  • @tonyc6331
    @tonyc6331 2 года назад +1

    Wow , you did great 👍 I was born in Czech and I have to say that my US citizenship test wasn't that hard as your Czech one😀 Wishing you best of luck! I'm sure you guys both will pass !

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад +1

      Wow, really? I always thought the US test was so hard!

    • @tonyc6331
      @tonyc6331 2 года назад

      There is about 100 questions that you have to get prepared for but most of them are from US history. Then you only get total of 10 questions and you have to answer at least 6 correct. I mean yeah lots of questions that you have to learn but it wasn't that bad and they also give about 2 months to get ready for it. They also send me a book and audio disk for learning

  • @bohuslavkanovsky4345
    @bohuslavkanovsky4345 2 года назад +1

    Good luck!
    I guess US citizenship test is easier, though it is more about the language there. Well if you are older than 65 or so, no need to do the test I think. The most funny moment is the celebration when all should sing the US anthem, that is really difficult and only the immigration officer knows it, so he has a solo.
    By the way, be careful about the taxes. The citizen has also duties, for example americans have to tax all foreign incomes over $120k also in US. Well it is easy to get rid of the citizenship if absolutely necessary, it takes just couple of minutes to drop the passport to the embassy and to sign some papers.
    Anyway, I wish you the best!

    • @rehurekj
      @rehurekj 2 года назад

      I read somewhere its not really so easy to renounce US citizenship. Theres hefty fee( over 2 thousand?) plus you need to cover all outstanding US taxes and even to pay extra one from your assets if your annual income or income tax is over certain threshold. And its irreversible, one who renounced US citizenship cannot get to back, like ever, so the US practice of nationality instead of residence based taxation is bummer but i guess for average person paying average tax renouncing US citizenship seems to be quite extreme step.

  • @wikkinnie
    @wikkinnie 2 года назад

    Já měla vždy ráda češtinu, historii a tak dále, takže otázky mi problém nedělaly, ale na cizince mi tedy přišly docela těžké... Jste skvělí, že jste to zvládli, klobouk dolů! Určitě test zvládnete, znáte mnohem víc věcí než půlka lidí v mém okolí :-D Člověk se toho v cizí zemi musí tolik naučit, zajímalo by mě, jak těžký je test na "citizenship" právě v USA, když pomineme to, že je skoro nemožné se tam usadit. :-D

    • @ivanostry3359
      @ivanostry3359 2 года назад +1

      Test na Americké občanství je v porovnání s tím českým velice snadný. Můžete si dokonce přivést i tlumočníka. Musíte správně odpovědět na alespoň 6 z deseti otázek vybraných ze 100 možných. Otázky jsou z historie, dějin, geografie a státního zřízení. Mně například z angličtiny vůbec nijak nezkoušeli protože v té době jsem už byl ve Spojených Státech 35 let a bylo mi 60 let (ten můj věk v tom, tuším, taky hrál roli). Mě to prostě přišlo směšně snadné. Když tak tady ty dva sleduji, tak nevím, jestli bych ten český test/pohovor zvládnul.

  • @jardatridentone1859
    @jardatridentone1859 2 года назад +1

    Please, When will You manage your '"Jara da Cimrman" video? I'm so much curious...

  • @paisano-mf2yx
    @paisano-mf2yx 2 года назад +1

    You did better than my wife (she was born Czech). You and I tied but I would be lost without the translations. You got this, Jen! Best of luck 🤞🤞🤞

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад

      Thank you! This was not our finest display of pronunciation nor interpretation. Shows my study pause was a little too long last fall.

  • @strakos66
    @strakos66 2 года назад +1

    Jaroslav Seifert psal úžasnou poezii. Hora Říp je nádherná, je ale otázka, jestli její význam pochopí cizinec.

  • @martinhampl1997
    @martinhampl1997 2 года назад

    Hello, Jen. :) I understand that you see nothing special about Villa Tugendhat, but that's a typical sign of functionalist architecture - when you're looking at it from the outside, you mostly see nothing but stark concrete. But if you were inside the villa, I'm sure you would be amazed. The villa was way ahead of its time with its design, interior and technical equipment. Consider visiting the villa if you have the possibility to do so, you won't regret.
    Nevertheless, thanks for the video. :) I don't know why, but your videos are kind of heartwarming. You have earned a new subscriber. I'm sure you would pass the test with your eyes closed. :)

  •  2 года назад +1

    I know Czechs who would have struggled to pass :) You were awesome ❤️

  • @Warpmikey
    @Warpmikey 2 года назад

    I love the video and I think your idea of doing one on the dissolution of Czechoslovakia is a good one. Perhaps then you'll know better who Jan Švejnar is :) It was exactly his book chapter on the CR-SR split that I read from him for the first time. Perhaps you'll like his chapter or the whole book: Svejnar, J. (2000). Explaining Czechoslovakia’s Dissolution: Assessing Economic Performance Before and After the Breakup. Irreconcilable Differences? Explaining Czechoslovakia’s Dissolution, 183-99.

  • @mathesik
    @mathesik 2 года назад

    "Why do you need a walk to the next village at night?" "If your favourite pub is in the next village" :D :D :D :D :D Congratulations! Youre officialy Czech :D :D

  • @Diana-xm5wq
    @Diana-xm5wq 2 года назад +1

    Video o rozdělení Československa by bylo skvělé. :)

  • @alzbetamarkova4308
    @alzbetamarkova4308 2 года назад +2

    The picture of Villa Tugendhat was really badly chosen. I definitely recommend visiting it.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад

      We will for sure visit it the next time we're in Brno!

    • @Pidalin
      @Pidalin 2 года назад

      @@DreamPrague goog luck, tours are reserved for like 6 months to the future, it's massively visited by architects and students from whole world

  • @Pidalin
    @Pidalin 2 года назад

    we mostly don't have highways between villages, we call it road if you know something like that in USA where everyhing is BIIIIG 🙂 BTW, many people walk between villages when it's dark, there is dark outside already in like 4PM in winter so sometimes you can't avoid that, or when you miss your last train and you have to go to different village by bus and walk to your home another few km or something, it's completely normal thing. And ofcourse, many people are going to pub and walk drunken at night on village roads, so you have to be carefull when you drive a car.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад

      Yeah, I guess it makes total sense. Just as a driver and already being scared to drive at night without street lights, I would find it terrible scary to walk!

    • @Pidalin
      @Pidalin 2 года назад

      @@DreamPrague It is scary even when you drive a bicycle. 🙂 You go with lights and boom, some drunken pub cyclist is in front of you without any warning. 🙂 In Czechia, you have some village every few hundred meters, so walking or using bikes is very common here, it's not always worthy to start a car when you have supermarket 500m from you, but it's in different village.

  • @Mihhoni
    @Mihhoni 2 года назад

    Funny is Tugenhat question came right after Klaus question.

  • @theDoctorwitTardis
    @theDoctorwitTardis 2 года назад

    Den vítězství is on 8th of May - the celebration of the end of WW2. Means Day of Victory of course.

  • @skadrys
    @skadrys 2 года назад

    Just FYI, you can apply for czech citizenship after 5 years (but you have to have permanent residence in czech republic during that time; 3 years for other EU citizens with same rules; or 10 years if you got permanent residence like recently). I know that because I worked at Ministry of interior in department approving citizenships.

  • @romantosner2183
    @romantosner2183 2 года назад +1

    Tak držím palce, milá Jen, aby Vám to vyšlo a stala se českou občankou. 👍🌹

  • @armyjamescz4662
    @armyjamescz4662 2 года назад +1

    Thanks, thats really helps me

  • @SneakyBadAssOG
    @SneakyBadAssOG 2 года назад

    Technically, the first question is right even when choosing D option. When you are walking or moving as a pedestrian on a road, you should always have reflective elements on your clothing, even during the day. It can rain, get foggy, or some other way lower visibility for other drivers. It's certainly mandatory to do so for drivers if they exit the car on a road, even during the day. Usually by wearing reflexive vest.

    • @breznik1197
      @breznik1197 2 года назад +1

      Technically - the question was about duty, not necessity or usefulness. However, the act says "za snížené viditelnosti" which can be also during the day. Visibility is always reduced at night, only sometimes during the day.

    • @zenniegaming9608
      @zenniegaming9608 2 года назад

      ...well then I hope it was not a law back when I was hitchhiking all over the Czech Republic. Even now I'd probably break the law by not waering it :(

    • @breznik1197
      @breznik1197 2 года назад

      @@zenniegaming9608 Another interesting fact is that the law does not specify at all what kind and size of the "reflective element" it should be and what degree of reflectivity it should have. If a person is not a black hole, he is always at least a little reflective.

    • @MarvinCZ
      @MarvinCZ 2 года назад

      @@breznik1197 The law specifies that you must have retroreflective elements. That's not "anything that reflects light," that's a specific technology.

    • @MarvinCZ
      @MarvinCZ 2 года назад

      @@zenniegaming9608 It's a *really* good idea to have some retroreflective elements on you when out on a road at night. Not to be legal. To be safe. There are many options you could put on your backpack and never have to think about again.

  • @matejlanda4586
    @matejlanda4586 2 года назад

    I am kind surprised, that the test is sometimes kind of difficult. I can imagine that a lot of Czech people would not know how to answer the questions about Czech law.

  • @KVEmer-is9il
    @KVEmer-is9il 2 года назад

    Jan Švejnar is a United States-based, Czech-born economist. Who was an unsuccesfull presidential candidate BECAUSE for many Czechs he is "an American". :D

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад +1

      one more Yankee facing discrimination. 😂

  • @ultramarinus2478
    @ultramarinus2478 2 года назад

    Výuční list is kind of certification in work profficiency for manual workers

  • @alenavykydalova5160
    @alenavykydalova5160 2 года назад +2

    Držím Vám pěsti!!!

  • @intothewild9705
    @intothewild9705 2 года назад +2

    i thought it only takes 5 years before you can apply for citizenship..

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад +8

      5 years is for permanent residency, which I already have. 10 years is full citizenship!

    • @intothewild9705
      @intothewild9705 2 года назад

      it's clear now, thank you so much..

  • @anna-gj1eo
    @anna-gj1eo 2 года назад

    Wow, your Czech is SO good! Good luck with your test, it seems it's not gonna be a problem for you.

  • @annar6294
    @annar6294 2 года назад

    you're killing it Jen! I wonder if it's expensive to get the Czech citizenship? I've been living in the UK for 15 years but I think that the price tag of around £1500 to become a citizen is a tad high so I'm in no rush to do it.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад +1

      That does seem a bit high, though I think the US because of legal fees it's a lot higher. And besides, unlike all those brits, you have EU citizenship! (assuming you are Czech :)

    • @annar6294
      @annar6294 2 года назад +1

      @@DreamPrague I'm Polish, found your channel completely by chance and stayed cause it's great fun and it's always nice to learn about other countries 😁 my hometown in Poland is closer to Prague than to Warsaw so it's nice to learn more about old next door neighbour. I do like languages and quite enjoy trying to guess what the question in Czech means before reading the translation 😁Good luck on your test!

  • @StanTee183
    @StanTee183 2 года назад

    Vždy ma zaujímalo prečo sa to nevolá Citizen card ale iba ID card, príde mi to ako keby nás nebrali ako ľudí ale ako stroje ktoré majú nejaké číslo

  • @ewanmclarenbazaar8323
    @ewanmclarenbazaar8323 2 года назад

    I strongly recommend Hrabal's I Served the King of England in a great translation by Paul Wilson

  • @MichalTrachta
    @MichalTrachta 2 года назад +1

    Jane, ty už jsi českou občankou, za to co jsi udělala 🙂 Jsi připravená, já bych občanství nedostal za tyhle blbé otázky. 😀

  • @zuzanahornichova5669
    @zuzanahornichova5669 2 года назад

    If you'd like to know more about Vila Tugendhat, I recommend this book called The glass room by Simon Mawer. The story's inspired by the fate of this building and its original owners.

  • @joshuaehlers6925
    @joshuaehlers6925 2 года назад

    Can you become a dual citizen of Czech and America? Or do you have to give up your citizenship in the USA?

  • @davidnavratil1809
    @davidnavratil1809 2 года назад

    Respekt, jste úžasná, určitě to k dnešnímu 16.únoru máte v kapse. ;)

  • @foxioff
    @foxioff 2 года назад

    7:16 I study at Jaroslav Seifert’s school so this question make my really proud :D

  • @Lefiath
    @Lefiath 2 года назад

    "Jan Švejnar, who's that?" You don't even know how funny that is, because that's what most of the people asked when he ran for the presidency. I'm also proud to say I've never heard about Tugendhat and I think this is the one that a damn tourist might know rather than somebody who has lived their whole life in ČR.

  • @libork8106
    @libork8106 2 года назад

    Jen, you already passed the test in my books. I was born in CZ and may have one or two answers correct. I have feeling that a big part of CZ population would flank this test ....
    Anyway, good luck to you , you will do just fine ....

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад

      Thanks Libor! I hope you're right.

  • @michaelsefcik3217
    @michaelsefcik3217 2 года назад

    Some questions are pretty hard though. For instance: the landlord was allowed to require 6 months deposit some time ago (after the New Civil Code started being effective). Prior to the New Civil Code only 3 months deposit was possible, now it is 3 months deposit again.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад

      Oh no! They better not change the answers again before I take the test!

  • @blackbird8982
    @blackbird8982 2 года назад

    Funny thing is, that in time when I am watching this, I have the same feeling, because next morning I have an exam from programming on university...

  •  2 года назад

    It is against the law to have fixed duration lease for more than one year, I think. If you have more than one year lease, it is considered as indefinite lease that is much harder to terminate by the land lord. For this reason you are almost exclusively offered only one year lease that is extended every year.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  2 года назад

      Interesting, I didn't know that. I think I probably could have negotiated it down to one year, but I was so desperate to get the flat that I was fine accepting their terms.

  • @JClouseauB
    @JClouseauB 2 года назад

    Good luck! Will be nice to have you here as co-citizen :))

  • @pompoz1202
    @pompoz1202 2 года назад +2

    Drzime palce.

  • @tsevca
    @tsevca 2 года назад

    Or when you need to go to the bus stop to get to work for morning shift? There are many reasons. Living in Prague, you are not the target group of this rule, but many are.

  • @mattchalup
    @mattchalup 2 года назад

    I havent been following as much as I should, but its April now, so Jen did you end up writing it? If so is there a video of how it went?

  • @peterinvestor
    @peterinvestor 2 года назад

    3 years lease is not that common and seems sketchy to me. On the other hand you at least you dont have to worried about new place if you have a decent place.