Stealth Calvinism Tactic by John MacArthur with John Piper

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 802

  • @SchubertAloysius
    @SchubertAloysius 2 месяца назад +12

    Whenever i hear MaCarthur and Paul Washer something happens internally for me, I feel sad and grieved. I come out very depressed.

    • @LisaHadeler3
      @LisaHadeler3 Месяц назад

      I do to. They preach deception.

  • @fantasia55
    @fantasia55 Год назад +115

    John MacArthur’s favorite Gospel passage is when a man asked Jesus what must he do to gain eternal life, and Jesus tells him there is nothing to be done because his eternal fate was pre-determined before he was born.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Год назад +23

      Yep, good one! If MacArthur and Piper were always consistent to their doctrine that is exactly what they would have to say.

    • @ShowCat1
      @ShowCat1 Год назад +11

      I saw what you did there. So true.

    • @Scripturesdude6361
      @Scripturesdude6361 Год назад

      That if you shall confess with your mouth Adonai Yahusha, and shall believe in your heart that Elohiym has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto yeshu`ah. For the Scripture says, Whosoever believes on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Yahudiy and the Yavaniy: for the same Yahuah over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of Yahuah shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? ROMAIYM 10:9-14.
      And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Besorah of peace, and bring good news of good things! But they have not all obeyed the Besorah. For Yesha`yahu says, Yahuah, who has believed our report? So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of Elohiym. ROMAIYM 10:15-17.

    • @Scripturesdude6361
      @Scripturesdude6361 Год назад

      Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of Elohiym? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor sodomiym, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the Kingdom of Elohiym. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of Adonai Yahusha Ha'Mashiach, and by the Ruach of our Elohiym. All things are powerful unto me, but all things are not profitable: all things are powerful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any. Food for the belly, and the belly for food: but Elohiym shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for Yahuah; and Yahuah for the body. And Elohiym has both raised up Adonai, and will also raise up us by his own power. QORINTIYM RI'SHON 6:9-14.

    • @DanOBrien888
      @DanOBrien888 Год назад +7

      That is a great comment. The whole argument in a nutshell. There's a good chance I may use it sometime in the future. It's been predetermined.

  • @carlolapuz3776
    @carlolapuz3776 2 месяца назад +14

    I've been sounding the alarm here in our community of pastors in the Philippines. It's hard but we are gaining grounds. Pray for me as I am bombarded by hate and name calling by fellow pastors and believers. To God be the glory!!!

    • @Red766t
      @Red766t Месяц назад

      So sorry to hear - I’ll be praying for you there

    • @carlolapuz3776
      @carlolapuz3776 Месяц назад

      @@Red766t thank you. Shalom

    • @wisdomcry2101
      @wisdomcry2101 Месяц назад

      Me too

  • @mikem3789
    @mikem3789 Год назад +38

    Brian, it occurs to me that some Calvinists like John MacArthur, use the same deceptive tactics as Mormons, JW’s and other cults. How many times have you met some young, zealous Mormon, that might be reading from the King James bible, and doesn’t really know everything the Mormon church teaches or believes? It’s like they slowly reel them in and then out of fear or community rejection, they continue to immerse themselves in the false teachings without testing all things by scripture. It’s tragic! 🙏

    • @elizabethl6187
      @elizabethl6187 Год назад +2

      They use the same tactic as Progressives trying to infiltrate and take over organizations in their Long March through the institutions.
      Nobody’s conscience is bothered at all by their intolerance, deception, and need to control.
      It’s all the same Spirit.

    • @fantasia55
      @fantasia55 Год назад +3

      @@elizabethl6187excellent point

    • @lolersauresrex8837
      @lolersauresrex8837 Год назад +1

      Well surprise surprise, all three of the systems in discussion are parasitic to Christianity in that they cannot exist without it, but Christianity has and will continue to exist when they waste away into obscurity.

    • @beautifulbuds
      @beautifulbuds Год назад +3


    • @troycarpenter3675
      @troycarpenter3675 Год назад +4

      I've seen the same out of the" you can lose your salvation " believers.

  • @ashermarcus5242
    @ashermarcus5242 Год назад +61

    I started attending a reformed church after walking away from a Pentecostal church which seemed more concerned about entertaining and church numbers. However I was shocked to find out that there were people there who had no idea about Tulip or calvanism. I know I only got to know of it because when I started attending I made it clear I was coming from a Pentecostal church and was only interested in the gospel and not into being entertained. They started teaching me Tulip which at first I agreed with. That didn't last long. I left after 5 weeks. Thankyou Holy Spirit for getting me out quick.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Год назад +6

      Praise the Lord! Just 5 weeks! That was quick. God bless you!

    • @ntlearning
      @ntlearning Год назад +6

      My Pentecostal church doesn’t entertain. Steak words every Sunday. No salad sandwiches. Lots of Pentecostal churches like that. We are not Calvinists. Sounds like your Pentecostal church was a dud. And, I have noticed Calvinism is moving into some Pentecostal churches which is quite unusual.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Год назад +7

      Adding to these thoughts, I am a Baptist and there are Baptist churches that are heavy on entertainment. I once heard this joke... what is the difference between a Baptist church and a nondenominational church? Answer: A smoke machine. In reality, the desire to entertain and get more people in the doors has affected many denominations. Some offer both a traditional service (early) and a contemporary service. Jump forward 10 years and that early traditional service will likely be gone. It's sad. I love the old hymns and the congregation singing in harmonious worship with all the lights on. That is the KJV IFB in me, more so than the ESV SBC we so often see.

    • @The_redeemed7
      @The_redeemed7 Год назад

      I was raised Catholic but at 10 years old was drawn to a quaint Pentecostal church for a short time then forgot about it for years and it wasn’t until I God answered my prayers at 19 where I was invited to another church “Rhema” church - the Pastors have been amazing there’s no flakiness at all but deep trust in the Lord not taking lightly their commission as Pastors. Always saying Holy Spirit have your way. Great word teaching - Spirit and in truth.

    • @ashermarcus5242
      @ashermarcus5242 Год назад +2

      @@faithonfireministries I also attend a Baptist Church now but can already see they also are concerned about entertainment and numbers but not as much as the penticostal church. Deep down inside I know I felt more at Gods house in the reformed church because they seem more sober minded in sermons nd worship. I wish all churches would adhere to praising the Lord with humbleness and humility. I go to church firstly to beg for His forgiveness and thanks for all He is....the Almighty God. I also feel the old Hyms are more biblical and appropriate for the church environment. The other music we can listen to at home.

  • @mikelyons2831
    @mikelyons2831 Год назад +17

    Great expose' (exposing "Stealth Calvinists") Brian. It breaks my heart that so many Pastors have succumbed to this false doctrine & teach it from pulpits.
    Think about that?? 👿 introduced this herecy of God randomly chosing some for redemption (for His egoic narcissistic glory) & arbitrarily condemns much of the world with no hope of salvation. That's the complete antithesis of Matthew 11::28-29, Luke 9:56, John 3:17, Acts 17:26-31,Romans 10:13, Titus 2:11, Revelation 22:17 (to name but a few that clearly show any, all, everyone CAN be saved).

  • @bbartlow0307
    @bbartlow0307 Год назад +32

    I followed JM back in the day. Great Bible studies. Had NO idea he was a 5-pointer. Now I know why. You've done a great service by finding this Freudian Slip of his...THANK YOU!

    • @johndisalvo6283
      @johndisalvo6283 Год назад +4

      @@AbBowhunter Your comments describe MacArthur and clan to a T! Why do you have this fatal attraction to him? Why do you blindly come to his rescue? Are you that infatuated with him??? Or are you a relative? If you can’t handle the triggering, maybe you should fight the urge to watch this channel and save yourself a lot of needless frustration.

    • @gregorylatta8159
      @gregorylatta8159 9 месяцев назад +5

      He is a wolf in sheep's clothing!!!

  • @cherylalexander6513
    @cherylalexander6513 9 месяцев назад +14


  • @kevinjanghj
    @kevinjanghj Год назад +27

    John McArthur, John Piper, and RC Sproul, along with Justin Peters, are as five-point Calvinist as they come.

    • @cathydimartino3463
      @cathydimartino3463 Год назад +2

      Call them whatever you like God has given you free will and our country so far has granted you free speech, but if the wisdom of God's word comes from their preaching, then throw my name into the hat Fifty years and a Berian mind set has showed me that these men speak the truth. I love you brother even if we disagree,,,,,,,Frank Di Martino

    • @kevinjanghj
      @kevinjanghj Год назад +4

      @@cathydimartino3463 I am Eastern (Orthodox); Christian. They don't see me as a Christian.

    • @JesusWept1999
      @JesusWept1999 Год назад +5

      ​@@kevinjanghjanybody that prays to Mary is not Christian. It's pagan to pray to someone that's not GOD. Please come out of her bro. Salvation comes from faith in CHIRST JESUS.

    • @kevinjanghj
      @kevinjanghj Год назад +4

      @@JesusWept1999 I believe and pray to Jesus Christ. Stop making your blind assumptions.

    • @dankmartin6510
      @dankmartin6510 Год назад

      Fellow Orthodox it is a rough going out in this wilderness that seems so Christian but is clearly as pagan as it comes. @@kevinjanghj

  • @garyleuba3036
    @garyleuba3036 11 месяцев назад +9

    Justin Peters’ comment about MacArthur makes me cringe inside!

  • @Brotheral-pb1oj
    @Brotheral-pb1oj 6 месяцев назад +7

    Faith on Fire does an excellent job of exposing and explaining the deceptive doctrine of Calvinism. It may be a crucial mistake for a person to believe that Jesus "DID NOT" die for the sins of "ALL" humanity. That doctrine seems to fall into the category of "ANOTHER GOSPEL". Last I checked, Paul was implying that there is no salvation in a "PERVERTED" Gospel. I thank God that I'm not anyone's judge, yet I have the urge to warn anyone who will listen, being that these issues are matters of life and death! Bless you Faith on Fire!

  • @ems5886
    @ems5886 Год назад +17

    When your theological systematic becomes an idol.

  • @cecilspurlockjr.9421
    @cecilspurlockjr.9421 Год назад +13

    They don't worship the Bible brother. They worship the erroneous philosophy that's built off of the Bible. There's not one texts that explicitly backs up even one letter of their TULIP because it's built solely on philosophy of the texts instead of what the texts actually say themselves.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Год назад +4

      Excellent point! Thanks. I was trying to convey how that crowd makes an idol out of the Bible for show but does not actually follow what the Bible says as it is God's Word and they deny God's Word so often.

    • @marcellespencer124
      @marcellespencer124 Год назад

      @@faithonfireministries what do you think about the American pastor Gino Jennings. Thank you 🇬🇧

  • @melissaschubert1653
    @melissaschubert1653 Год назад +27

    You know, he did not want to cut the cords! He did not want people not to follow him, so he lied and woven in deceptively. He did not want to accept that people did not believe in Calvinism when told straightforward, so he did it in a very stealthy sneaky way… Not godly character = “Bring them along”?? Let’s use the right word here, manipulation.

  • @scottthong9274
    @scottthong9274 Год назад +14

    And the kicker is that they PRIVATED the video once people started sharing and remarking on their dishonest methods! Thanks for this bro, replacing the dead link in my blog post.

  • @constellations3756
    @constellations3756 5 месяцев назад +12

    KInd of shocking to hear MacArthur acknowledge deception!! I had followed him for some time, then began digging into
    Calvinism and "tulip" a bit, and was stunned....I abandoned ship quickly, so to speak as it ascribes an evil nature to a loving Creator, and limits the redemptive power of the cross.

  • @WendellRussell-n2v
    @WendellRussell-n2v 2 месяца назад +4

    Thanks for posting this video. As I watched the clip you played of Piper and McArthur it was almost like watching a comedy skit show where it would be 2 people having a "serious conversation " just to get some laughs from the audience.
    What I found so sad about the clip is that the audience found so much humor in the way calvinist leaders deceive the people, afterall the end justifies the means!

  • @polskigirl8547
    @polskigirl8547 Год назад +15

    Just because Justin Peters believes it about Johnny Mac doesn’t make it truth…..

    • @johndisalvo6283
      @johndisalvo6283 Год назад

      Peters is a hireling and a pastor puppy lap dog for MacArthur! Buries all MacArthur’s blunders while exposing all others! These people are wolves!!!

  • @boxercourage4384
    @boxercourage4384 Год назад +11

    There’s something that I can’t really explain particularly about Calvinist women I’ve interacted with that just intuitively doesn’t sit right with me. It’s not one specific thing but rather a vibe that I would describe as “brainwashed” or mildly “culty” that I never picked up on until visiting openly Calvinist churches. I was nearly convinced of Calvinism, but always noticed this whatever it was- “off-ness” about them that got me digging deeper. Don’t know if anyone else has experience the same, but it’s specific that “something isn’t right here but I can’t put my finger on it” vibe that got me questioning the whole thing.

    • @bucky91361
      @bucky91361 Год назад +1

      Do you always base your belief in the Bible on a "vibe"?

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Год назад +12

      That "something just isn't right feeling" was discernment from the Holy Spirit alerting you. However, say "vibe" instead of "discern" and even though most everyone knows exactly what you mean, the longstanding Calvinist critics of my channel like Bucky are watching zealously eager to pounce on every word they do not approve because Calvinists are the word police and have nothing better to do with their time and take great pride in their finger pointing.

    • @bucky91361
      @bucky91361 Год назад

      @@faithonfireministries if you think it's ok to base your Christianity on a vibe and think the Holy Spirit is guiding you instead of being a "word policeman"and defending scripture you're further from the truth than I feared.
      The Word of God or Bible worship, like you called it, is the only basis for our understanding of God.
      I have no problem being a "word policeman" and calling you out on every false assertion and mistake you make as long as you post them and allow comments.
      Christianity is too important to allow false teachers like you to pollute others.
      I still want a shot at a better answer to you question about Romans, btw.

    • @boxercourage4384
      @boxercourage4384 Год назад +3

      @@bucky91361no, but there’s a difference between the word of God and being able to “read” a room & social interactions. To cast off intuition when interacting with humanity is foolish.

    • @bucky91361
      @bucky91361 Год назад +1

      @@boxercourage4384 so you turned reading a room wrong into reading scripture wrong. Good for you.
      Maybe you should put your feelings aside and read both again.

  • @WJCharliee
    @WJCharliee Год назад +11

    Another insight that I just thought about. It goes in line with the pathological lying thing. In the Koran, Muslims and people of Islam it’s not considered a sin to lie to an infidel or to lie in the name of God. John MacArthur is a Muslim in this regard since he was lied, for the sake of his God Calvin.😮🤔✝️🎯

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Год назад +4

      Yes, I have noticed that Calvinists defenders always lie in order to try to win a theological disagreement and I can only conclude that this is because they view that the ends justifies the means, and their ends is trying to convert people to Calvinism.

    • @WJCharliee
      @WJCharliee Год назад +2

      @@faithonfireministries during the inquisition, the Catholics always said that it’s OK to lie to a heretic. Very similar to how the Muslims in the Koran have that verse as well as many of the Democrats lie on CNN and MSNBC because the end justifies the means. It’s all the same, SOP standard operating procedure that Satan has used ever since the dawn of time.👍🙏🤔

  • @chava2uk150
    @chava2uk150 6 месяцев назад +6

    Family members and to church in McArthur's group for years and didn't realise despite our warnings. So it isn't obvious even now. Thankfully their eyes were opened and they have left.

  • @honestchristianity936
    @honestchristianity936 2 месяца назад +3

    Another great video Brian. I love your earnest desire to raise the alarm that is Calvinism.

  • @thomasb24
    @thomasb24 5 месяцев назад +6

    You just said what I’ve been thinking for a long time. It’s good to hear someone say it out loud.

  • @alenasvarkulys2810
    @alenasvarkulys2810 Год назад +10

    Calvinists worship men for sure they put Augustine, Calvin , MacArthur and others the list could go long on the worship altar and hold to those doctrines these calvinist gods produced above the bible and the gospel.

  • @markperry562
    @markperry562 Год назад +4

    I think Calvinism and the Reformed tradition actually worship, not the Bible, but the confesions of their churches. If they really taught sola scriptura, they would be more open to understanding. The fountain of their misunderstanding is the later writings of Augustine

  • @chuckpodruchny6048
    @chuckpodruchny6048 Год назад +10

    They are embarrassing 🤦‍♀️especially Justin Peters🤦‍♀️Jesus addressed these types of people in revelation… the church at Sardis

  • @MalaikaLele
    @MalaikaLele Год назад +9

    What baffles me the most is how professed Christians do not understand that if a person like John MacArthur is idolized, deeply respected, even feared or deified by malignant Narcissists like JDHall, Phil Johnson, Rosebrough, Peters and other Calvinists, that means he IS way WORSE than them. That means a man like that can NEVER be a servant of the True God. Do you know what it means for a Narcissist to behave obsequiously (like those men, especially Peters, towards MacArthur) towards another person? Do you know what a real Narcissist is? and by definition if a Narcissist bows down to another man, what do you think that man can be?? Christians are too ignorant and gullible nowadays, how can anybody think that man has anything to do with God is what saddens me the most.Don't you people know anything about the spiritual world??? What do you study in your American churches or Bible studies every week?

  • @mustaffa1611
    @mustaffa1611 9 месяцев назад +4

    This video is great. I was posting it to some people on a facebook discussion about calvinism. I can't wait to see their replies.

  • @Jebron_G
    @Jebron_G Год назад +7

    It's baffling what keeps old smart men like them in that false doctrine? Is it deceit or arrogance, or do they truly believe Calvinism?

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Год назад +8

      Does the magician that fools the entire audience know the trick? Certainly! The best magicians have mastered the illusion.

    • @losnfjslefn8857
      @losnfjslefn8857 Месяц назад +1

      I think, for some of them at least, they truly believe Calvinism, and they're not willing to humble themselves enough to consider or accept that the doctrine they've been following for so long is, flawed at best, and outright evil and worst.

    • @StarAccount-km1rt
      @StarAccount-km1rt 7 дней назад

      Keep in mind the drug of fame these false teachers crave is addictive. The money they have amassed. Net worth estimates of MacArthur is north of $24 million and Piper north of $14 millions. Now it become simple to understand doesn't it!?

  • @johnmoore3521
    @johnmoore3521 Год назад +10

    Brian, those who just follow their creatures need someone like you to speak out.
    Amen on pastors standing up against these liars, I agree it's bad for both parties.

  • @billymoretti8437
    @billymoretti8437 Год назад +21

    Thank you Brian for bringing this heresy to light! I feel physically sick watching MacArthur and Piper Laughing at bringing doctrines of demons sneakily into their congregation....

    • @de629
      @de629 Год назад

      If you studied Protestant history you would find you're the heretic.
      The Dutch, English, and Scottish churches all held a Reformed confession. The Pilgrims that landed on this continent were Calvinists.

  • @victormiller1334
    @victormiller1334 Год назад +5

    I ask this to a calvinist. If total inability is true. Why is its that scripture says to rise a child in the ways of the Lord when its impossible to do so?
    Why is it that God has commandmened all men everywhere to repent if they dont have the ability to do so?
    Why is it that a child or a person can only worship a pagan god an not freely chose to worship God?
    Since children are born totally depraved and with total inability. Yet God commanded parents to raise a child in the ways of God? If that be the case. When does total inability kick in ? In thier teens? 20's or 30's?

  • @OrlandoVergelJr
    @OrlandoVergelJr Год назад +20

    Thank you for the work you do here on RUclips. I came so close to completely falling for this garbage (Calvinism) but I am so thankful to the Lord for delivering me out of it after three years. The best thing to do is continue giving scripture in full proper context; that’s what really opened my eyes.

    • @SimplySurrender
      @SimplySurrender Год назад +5

      Amen 🙏 praise God

    • @OrlandoVergelJr
      @OrlandoVergelJr Год назад +4

      @@SimplySurrender 🙌🙌🙌

    • @ShowCat1
      @ShowCat1 Год назад +5

      I was in Calvinist hell for 23 years

    • @SimplySurrender
      @SimplySurrender Год назад +4

      @@ShowCat1 Well thank God you're not anymore 🌹🙏🤗

    • @randyharrell496
      @randyharrell496 Год назад +3

      It has to be all free will or We make God out to be a big dictator

  • @douggauzy6258
    @douggauzy6258 Год назад +4

    It’s about the Money ! Success ! People fall over Mcauther . No one should hang on any preacher . Mcauther is the one who told people to take the mark of the beast . Calvinism is complete foolishness . If you haven’t notice their is a group who hang together promoting one another all the time . It’s Business in the name of Jesus . Piper is one of them . The people are the consumer .

  • @polskigirl8547
    @polskigirl8547 Год назад +12

    Most of the mainstream cults will never be up front with their belief systems….I know…I was in a cult for 10 yrs…..and we never were up front about the belief that Jesus Christ is not God…..(I believeJC is God) and many other beliefs….

    • @de629
      @de629 Год назад +1

      You must not have been a JW, they freely preach he's not.

    • @polskigirl8547
      @polskigirl8547 Год назад +1

      @@de629 I was in the cult of TWI…..very much the same theology of the JW’s

    • @de629
      @de629 Год назад +3

      I was in JW cult for only a year, but believed every thing they taught. I came to believe in the deity of Christ and was ashamed of myself and repented.
      Now I'm a hardcore Trinitarian.

    • @polskigirl8547
      @polskigirl8547 Год назад +4

      @@de629 once I left the cult 25 yrs ago I renounced everything I was indoctrinated with…..started all over learning the bible

  • @stacyray25
    @stacyray25 11 месяцев назад +5

    I have to say, Amen brother!! I have a hard time trying to find a good church because I grew up in a Pentecostal church and yes I believe in the Holy Spirit but I do find that it is a “ works” based religion by some accounts because I feel that many believe if you aren’t speaking in tongues, God doesn’t hear you which I know isn’t true because I have felt the Holy Ghost in my life when I couldn’t even know what to say as a prayer!! I knew that God knew what my heart needed!! I am just having difficulty with knowing which theology to dive into!
    I just don’t understand how a true Calvinist can be evangelical because what is the point in teaching the gospel when it is already decided who would accept it!

    • @kkgoucher9135
      @kkgoucher9135 9 месяцев назад +1

      I can relate to how hard it is to find a church with a pastor that preaches what the text says, expository preaching. I say it this way; there are those who use the Bible to preach and then there are those who preach/teach the Bible. Using and making every text some how applicable to us today is imo a great disservice to the BoC/body of Christ and to any true seeker. Preach and teach what the text says, to whom, how God was dealing with mankind (when; time past, but now, or ages to come), and why. Recently I came across Pastor Tom Bruscha of Grace Bible Church in Warren, Michigan. YT channel Grace Bible Church. I'm going through his verse by verse study of Acts and have listened to many other teaching by him and others from the channel. Just thought I'd share.

  • @waitingandwatching9328
    @waitingandwatching9328 Год назад +6

    If God predestined everything ...why the need for deception???

  • @andrewlineberger7544
    @andrewlineberger7544 Год назад +13

    Just naming his Seminary "The Masters" is suspect

    • @toddnetland366
      @toddnetland366 Год назад +5

      The Masters much better fits the pro golf tournament in Augusta, Georgia.

    • @davidspebble
      @davidspebble Год назад

      That's where he stole it

  • @tigerjazz61
    @tigerjazz61 Год назад +7

    Bryan, I’m Catholic but am very appreciative of your exposing the heresy of the Calvinist teachings!

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Год назад +6

      Thanks! I always appreciate your comments and support, but I must warn you... one of these days I might end up doing a video on Catholic doctrines and you might not be so happy with me anymore. I have friends I've known most of my life who are Catholic and born again believers without a shadow of doubt in my mind. While they remain Catholics, attending Mass regularly and have no desire to leave, they do not agree with all Catholic doctrines and they affirm the Bible as highest authority, rather than the Catholic Church, Pope or Catechism.
      That said, I watched a video recently from a popular online Catholic Priest named Mike Schmitz. I won't call him "Father" because Jesus specifically said to not do that in Matthew 23: 9. Anyway, he said these are the 4 steps of being saved, and he went through them. Only one point was to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. He had 3 others steps as well which if I recall was works based rather than faith based, and if my memory is correct I believe one of his points was very specific to a purely Catholic experience, which could mean he was saying if you are not a Catholic you can't be saved.
      I believe in the Bible and the Bible alone establishes how one gets saved. I believe that anyone believing in the true Gospel of Christ, trusting in Him alone for our salvation and knowing that he died, was buried and rose from the dead conquering sin and death on our behalf, that person is saved based upon God's Word. A person who comes to believe the true Gospel is saved and receives the gift of grace from God regardless if they are a Baptist like me, something else, a Calvinist, a Catholic, a Methodist, Anglican, Lutheran, a Messianic Jew, Nondenominational, etc. There are no denominations mentioned in the Bible, only followers of Christ who are born again believers who all belong to one Body. God bless you!

    • @tigerjazz61
      @tigerjazz61 Год назад +2

      @@faithonfireministries Bryan, thank you for your charitable response as a Christian. All I will say is that you can certainly do a video on the problems with the Catholic Church beliefs and teachings. My challenge to is to not straw man your comments on Catholics. You my friend do not actually know what Catholics really believe. You know what you have heard and from people like James White and Justin Peters. I invite you to read the whole Catholic Catechism. We do NOT worship Mary, we do NOT worship saints, We exist in accordance with Christ’s teachings as documented in the gospels. I advise you to read the early Church fathers. What do you call your dad? Father??? This has been taken out of context for ever!!

    • @tigerjazz61
      @tigerjazz61 Год назад

      @@faithonfireministries I invite you and your followers to read the book “The Imitation of Christ” The Protestant doctrines of Sola Fide and Sola Scriptura are not found in the Bible.

  • @reg7916
    @reg7916 8 месяцев назад +9

    I'm so glad i found this honest assessment of stealth calvinism i knew it was out there and is deceptive and dangerous! Thank you for standing for truth🌻

  • @TeresaMichelle1970
    @TeresaMichelle1970 3 месяца назад +2

    My husband and I were members of a baptist church for many years and our long time pastor moved to another city and the pastor who came in was a Calvinist and just as you said he started to slowly indoctrinate us and then no longer hid their beliefs so we left immediately. It’s so hard because Calvinism is everywhere

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад +2

      Yes, sadly it has infiltrated a lot of Christian churches, Bible colleges and seminaries since the early 2000's and has been on the rise but it will start to fade away soon. It will pass away again for a time because it comes and goes in cycles and is simply not a long lasting sustainable Christian view because it is unbiblical for one, but also it teaches God's determinism is set in stone and unchangeable which is really just a thin Bible veneer placed over a pagan Fatalism view. And when Calvinism is not only preached but put into practice it breeds uncertainty of one's salvation, hopelessness, cynicism about God and a shipwrecked faith, lack of prayer because God already determined whatsoever will come to pass anyway, and ultimately Calvinism kills itself and it fades away for a time once again.

  • @Letstalktheology1
    @Letstalktheology1 9 месяцев назад +3

    To think that Calvinism, a stance that teaches that individuals are saved or not BEFORE birth, somehow made its way into the mainstream, is incredible. It’s such a contradiction to the scriptures. It saddens me.

  • @Stryper1
    @Stryper1 Год назад +10

    Here’s something interesting…John Pipers site is “Desiring God.” How is it that a fully controlled, scripted, predestined human can even have a “desire” in the first place??? It would be a preprogrammed thought by God according to their TULIP belief!!!!

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Год назад +3

      Nice one! I like that.

    • @Stryper1
      @Stryper1 Год назад +1

      @@AbBowhunter Yes…being born again spiritually happens when one believes in the finished work of Christ on the cross, believing He’s done all the work for us!!!

    • @Stryper1
      @Stryper1 Год назад +1

      @@AbBowhunter We are a new creation after we believe in the finished work of Jesus on the cross…not before!!!

    • @Stryper1
      @Stryper1 Год назад +1

      @@AbBowhunter I’m not moving any goal posts. I’m stating the same thing…new creation…new heart…new desires, etc., is what happens when one believes in the complete work of Christ. You’re just nit picking words that are interchangeable in our belief. But this is typical of the Calvinist.

    • @Stryper1
      @Stryper1 Год назад

      @@AbBowhunter What inconsistencies are you referring to??? List them please.

  • @gintas38
    @gintas38 Год назад +9

    Beware of wolfs comming in sheep clothing… comes also from the sermon of the mount. Also says something about piper who sayd it is wise… i thougt in english it should be called “insidious”. But not sure about my english…
    Experienced recently a stealth calvinist overtake recently in europe in our previous church. And actually the candidate was asked to reply in written form whether he is a calvinist… from reply no one could understand…
    Worth reading a bit about ernest reisinger- prebyterian who “reformed” southern baptist… at least un wikipedia. Also worth reading his pamphlets or books of practical guidelines how to “reform” an unsuspecting church - just google reisinger “SOME PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CONTEMPORARY SCENE” or “Walking Without Slipping: Instructions for Local Church Reformation”

      @R.L.KRANESCHRADTT Год назад +2

      Gintas, thanks for posting. Never heard of Reisinger, but a Bapt. friend's home church has been under a stealth takeover for several years... he felt compelled to resign his long held position as head deacon under the last 'mistake' The Pastor announced it was over a 'non-essential' doctrine argued over for centuries🤦🏻‍♂🤦🏻‍♂belittling him in front of the congregation.... NOW, that pastor has left and he's been appointed to the new search committee.... which also has Calvinist leaning members on it. He knows more how to ask the 'right' questions but these people will lie to your face about TULP to get the job. And his son, the youth pastor, was indoctrinated to Calvinism in college a few years ago... so it's been the elephant in the prayer closet at every family dinner...

    • @gintas38
      @gintas38 Год назад +1

      @@R.L.KRANESCHRADTT it seems it is not confined to baptista anymore but it spreads to pentecostals and others, even menonnites now make videos against calvinism. There are bit of resources against stealth calvinism like prof olson (there is even on article in ny times some time ago where he raised that issue), dr nelson price, then of course youtubers like kevin thompson… you probably know all of them. Reisinger was news for me too, but he was behind founders ministries, quite an influential calvinist organisation. But he was more practically oriented how to spread calvinism and overtake churches, not a theological figure. Reading a bit his articles one gets a general idea abiut general strategy and patterns, which can be recognised in different takeovers. Of course they improvise. Aftter seeing non- reformed elders resign for different reasons, one gets a catechism introduced with one question each week on church flyers, one day comes a question - did Jesus die for all - no, only for elect; reformed resources appear more and more often on slides; when billy graham passed away - no announcement, when rs sprould passed - all get an e-mail, … and so on… long procesa and very toxic… any different views/interpretations become less and less welcone till atmospjere becomes toxic… it is really good that people like here in this channel raise this issue more and more clearly to raise awareness.

      @R.L.KRANESCHRADTT Год назад +2

      @@gintas38 Yes, to all. I had become reacquainted with an old friend from many years ago in college. One day I experienced a personal tragedy.. he called to 'encourage' me by saying "at least you can find comfort knowing this is "God's Best" for you to day"🤔... Really caught me off guard. .. He'd become a Calvinist. I've been a Christian for 60yrs, never knew much about Calvinism but knew the Bible quite well. We began having long conversations about what he believed... I knew it was nonsense, but couldn't put my finger on it. It took me 2yrs to figure out we were using different dictionaries!!!! I'd never encountered anyone twisting the scriptures that way before. Thanks to Dr. Flowers and K.Thompson and others I began to get the context back in view. They were able to help articulate what I already knew to be true.
      Along the way, I held many long distance conversations with my oldest friend whose son was away at college... he was fascinated by my focus on Calvinism.... it puzzled him. He wasn't a Calvinist but had listened to MacArthur/Sproul for years and hadn't picked up on it.... THEN his son came home a 5-point Piper follower and began 'reforming' their home church s the new youth pastor along with the new 'stealth' Calvinist pastor they hired by mistake...
      NOW my friend 'gets it' but after what they've been through the past few years it's going to be a long uphill battle to "unlearn" many of the people the indoctrination they've already received.
      Calvinism is a 'tool'. One of many which Satan uses to get Believers off-track. It appeals to certain types who might find the seduction to much to resist in claiming to understand something eternal which others do not. (it's warmed over gnostic enlightenment). Calvinism offers the greatest of all plausible deniability... because God "did it" to them and they had nothing to do with it😎.

    • @gintas38
      @gintas38 Год назад

      @@R.L.KRANESCHRADTT sorry to hear about your personal tragedy… indeed augustinianisn/calvinism is a tool for dark forces… though was aware of it as by opening media you hit them almost immediately, it never stuck to me. Would probably stayed that way if not the stealth overtake. However, some things positive came to that as similarly to you made some search and found ways how to express why this view is not (or is anti) biblical. Though i new a bit on inductive Bible study approach, was useful to see the crucial influence of presuposition (kevin thompson makes good points, david bauer has a online intro on inductive).
      Was surprising to discover that there were two reformations- protestant and radical (anabptists). Bible interpretation was discussed then extensively between two camps - already then luther and calvin (protestant) camp were insisting on reading the Bible not alone but through lenses (can provide some sources for that). Interstingly those who supported violence in faith matters came out as heroes (protestants of 16th century), while those who were drowned for adult baptism, were killed and tortired but refused to use violence and focused on holy life are almost completely forgotten.
      Was also interesting to discover early, especially antinicene (before martiage of state and church) christianity and their views, including issies pertaining to calvinism. Here flowers/wilson and david bercot i believe are very helpful for starting.
      So someone intended for bad, but some good things can come out of there.
      As a response, some mennonites use Scripture as the primary authority and take antinicene christian interpretation - so pushing back. Wesleyans oficially adhere to arminiasnism, though while not being an arminian myself, i admit it prevents calvinist to enter the denomination. Other evangelicals try to stick to sola scriptura or version of prima scriptura, but here often calvinism has been considered as one of interpretatuons among others and if not welcomed then legitimately accepted as one of interpretations. Listening to calvinist public figures or experiencing how they overtake the churches, they practically consider calvinism much more than just interpretation among others…
      Hopefully the Lord will provide the way…here john wesley comes to mind
      “Answer all [the Calvinists’] objections, as occasion offers, both in public and private. But take care to do this with all possible sweetness both of look and of accent… Make it a matter of constant and earnest prayer, that God would stop the plague” (quote found by search engine from website examiningcalvinism - refer only as for source of quote - not to relate to the other website’s content at all…)

  • @Finch1993
    @Finch1993 Год назад +20

    Keep it up Brian! We need more faithful God fearing brothers in this fight! 🎉

  • @josephdennison4890
    @josephdennison4890 3 месяца назад +2

    You can't honestly be a Sola scriptura and deny the gifts of the Spirit.

  • @titounoundici
    @titounoundici Год назад +8

    16:15 whaaaaatttt??? Behind the appearance of a clean cut kid, mr. Peters sounds like a flattering polite obedient butler. I regret having too little english to speak my thought and opinions. Surely, I guess I know english enough to say that I was totally stunned when I did happen to hear from both Peters and McArthur some of the worst jaw-dropping heresies and [seemingly] deliberately twisted teachings, taken from their own thinking rather than from an appropriate exegesis. Of course they ought to do likewise, in order to fit with the word of God as best they could. They might even cheat on those simple faithfuls, unaware of the shortsighted biblical interpretations heard by these unreliable "teachers", but their bad and wrong doctrine doesn't slip from the mind of people who knows what bible is about.

  • @barbarasimmons4158
    @barbarasimmons4158 6 месяцев назад +3

    What a shame...he referred to the people as "his constituency"

  • @raymatthews4471
    @raymatthews4471 Год назад +7

    We should love the Bible because it is God's word. However when one cherry-picks certain verses (which is what the Calvinists do) they really don't love what God has said. Like someone said once, "You don't become a Calvinist by reading the Bible, you become one by reading books." Notice how they recommend books by the Calvinist authors they idolize.

  • @krissyyoung9264
    @krissyyoung9264 11 месяцев назад +4

    I would LOVE to hear J.M.’s response to your question! How can he justify his preaching method of ‘slowly bringing them along’ without contradicting the “T”?

  • @gregoryrelationshipcoach9229
    @gregoryrelationshipcoach9229 Год назад +11

    They consider him the Pope of the evangelical community. Say anything negative about his teachings And they all flare up without even checking if it is there in the bible.

    • @davevandervelde597
      @davevandervelde597 Год назад +1

      I am amazed at how the anti calvinists accuse us of mean or hateful comments. Not what I see. Instead, I see things like this.
      None of them bother to look up the text. Hmmm, how could you possibly know that?

    • @gregoryrelationshipcoach9229
      @gregoryrelationshipcoach9229 Год назад +2

      @@davevandervelde597 m not sure what is your definition of hateful comments. But the bible cautious believers of false teachers And to grow in discerning their teachers. Perhaps you should take a closer look at some of the comments And you tubes made by some calvinists on charasmatics And you will get a better understanding of what is hateful comments.
      And btw, you just proved me right.

  • @Axisearth
    @Axisearth Год назад +7

    Great video, Brian!

  • @Bentoto97
    @Bentoto97 Год назад +3

    Excuse me, what do you teach in your channel on how to be saved and go to heaven?

  • @markbarnes7331
    @markbarnes7331 5 месяцев назад +3

    Keep exposing the false teachings of the Tulip!

  • @shawnlusby1538
    @shawnlusby1538 Год назад +11

    There was definitely some hero worship going on with John Piper towards John MacArthur. To put it politely, his lips were firmly attached to John MacArthur's posterior

    • @Stryper1
      @Stryper1 Год назад +4

      He almost appeared like a schoolgirl gushing over the starting QB in high school!!! Yuck!!!!

  • @TheHarvestisReady-media
    @TheHarvestisReady-media 4 месяца назад +2

    Your explanation makes so much sense. Keep up the work. To the glory of God.
    The ironic thing is that they believe that they aren't reading man's doctrine into the text. Yes most of the proof texts are isolated texts not presented in context.
    The only exception is Romans 9 which misinterpreted and again taking one or two verses in the passage to interpret the text.
    God bless

  • @AlaskanMissions
    @AlaskanMissions 3 месяца назад +2

    Calvinist get their doctrines from reading the writings of first, second, and third John.
    John Calvin
    John MacArthur
    John Piper

  • @melissaschubert1653
    @melissaschubert1653 Год назад +8

    JM comes from a legacy of FREE MASONRY. Judy FYI - and he is the one putting a system on people - Love how he watches all the criticism on line, and then uses the same terms to describe others. He is the one putting a system over the Bible and since he has been described as someone putting a system on things he’s using that for his “opponents”.

    • @ivanodosreis4921
      @ivanodosreis4921 Год назад

      I know he is a Calvinist but a free mason? If that is true then I wonder how his fanatics are gonna defend him.

    • @melissaschubert1653
      @melissaschubert1653 Год назад +4

      @@ivanodosreis4921 I don’t know if he is a Freemason, but when he talks about his legacy, his grandfather and great grandfather were masons. One of the two I think were the grandmaster on Prince Edward Island… He just never mentions it…

    • @ivanodosreis4921
      @ivanodosreis4921 Год назад

      @@melissaschubert1653 Eish. 😬😬

    • @GracieDontPlayDat
      @GracieDontPlayDat 4 месяца назад

      @@melissaschubert1653. Wonder how many more pastors who signed the Chicago Statement on Inerrancy have that lineage? Testing people’s faith when they realize the Bible is probably more inspired than inerrant seems like a wicked larkers’ game.

  • @karenwood5502
    @karenwood5502 Год назад +10

    Johnny mcgarbage is not interested in people believing in Jesus but in calvinism.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Год назад +4

      Too funny! I should have thought of that. However, it brings up an interesting thought and explains why people listening to MacArthur get indoctrinated into Calvinism and end up regurgitating the same nonsense to others... Simple concept: Garbage in, garbage out.

    • @karenwood5502
      @karenwood5502 Год назад +4

      I've been born again for 41 years. I let church 3 years ago due to the teachings
      I'm closer to the Lord more now than the 38 plus years being in church.

  • @josephdennison4890
    @josephdennison4890 3 месяца назад +1

    When John hid his true beliefs makes him a deceiver and a liar . That's the very nature of Satan

  • @Erika-g5e
    @Erika-g5e Год назад +7

    People have the ability to trust and believe in Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, mormansism, aliens, themselves, etc..... hell they even have the ability to believe in a false Jesus, they just don't have the ability to believe in the true Jesus of the Bible...ts totally rational and makes complete sense to me!

    • @The_redeemed7
      @The_redeemed7 Год назад

      Actually your spot on…
      The bible says come, listen, have ears to hear, come those who are thirsty, weary and heavy laden….
      Is God just crying out to himself laughing that his word is just an echo with none to hear?
      On the contrary, He sends His Word to accomplish the thing for which it was sent.
      I don’t think God speaks words for them not to be able to be heard - why on earth therefore should he give us ears, and a heart and a mouth and a will.
      I like that He didn’t just say if you have the Will to come then come….
      He speaks to our hearts - are you heavy? Our needs - are you thirsty…. and He means spiritually, we must know spiritual hunger for truth …
      He is so compassionate and lovely altogether wonderful.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Год назад +6

      The_redeemed7, I hate to burst your bubble, but God did in fact say if you have the Will to come then come. Revelation 22: 17 says, "And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." It is the "whosoever will" part of that which specifically means anyone who is willing may come and receive the gift of God's grace through faith in Christ.

    • @The_redeemed7
      @The_redeemed7 Год назад +1

      @@faithonfireministrieslol ah my bubble isn’t burst because He says that and more…😃
      Amen so even if you just have the will to … amen.

    • @1234tellmewhatyourlookingfor
      @1234tellmewhatyourlookingfor Год назад

      Then why do the pretend to?
      For personal gain?
      Why don't they critize
      The religions you mentioned,instead of the Body of Christ.

  • @stephaniebergmann80
    @stephaniebergmann80 5 месяцев назад +3

    What I think beside his deception is the congregation laughing over this.

  • @MichaelAndrews-uy1gl
    @MichaelAndrews-uy1gl Год назад +4

    John and Justin are scratching a lot of "itching ears", and telling them what they want them to believe, even though it is false. The sheep are getting ravaged, and it is tragic and sad.

  • @RaymondIrizarry-rk1ts
    @RaymondIrizarry-rk1ts 4 месяца назад +2

    Thank you very musch for exposing John’s contradiction of the “T”.

  • @Brotheral-pb1oj
    @Brotheral-pb1oj 6 месяцев назад +2

    Calvinists know in their hearts that what they believe is heretical.That's why they are so subtle about teaching the TULIP doctrine. The reason they hold to this doctrine is because of their loyalty and their awe of "MEN"! Such as John Calvin himself. If you'll notice, all calvinist teachers are worshipped by their blind followers. These people put False Teachers like John McArthur, Voddie Baucham, John Piper, RC Sproul, Charles Spurgeon, etc, on pedestals that over-shadows Christ Himself! The cult of calvinism! True born-again believers do not glory in any man, and do not hope in any political party. We are witnesses to the salvation of souls through faith in Christ, that we should not perish . This is the hope for ALL MEN! Anything other than that is a false gospel and has no effect concerning the Kingdom of God!

  • @pascalpowers
    @pascalpowers 2 месяца назад +2

    This video and the comments show me how common an experience it is to become frustrated with misguided charismatic churches and wind up in a reformed church. I actually am Pentacostal, but three churches we tried in a row were clearly gone astray and in disenchanted frustration we went to a Baptist church. We were about to join officially until we found out in the membership class that they were hard-line Calvinists. What a crazy ride. We did find a good church a couple months later.

  • @paulklenknyc
    @paulklenknyc 9 месяцев назад +2

    Brian, thank you for introducing me to Pastor Charles Lawson. His sermons and his spirit are strong and Godly.
    I wanted to thank him, but sadly learned today that he went to be with the Lord fourteen months ago, at age 83.
    I will continue to listen to his sermons, and may reach out to Temple church.

    • @paulklenknyc
      @paulklenknyc 9 месяцев назад

      Oh dear, and on December 12:
      The Rev. Clarence Sexton, longtime Temple Baptist Church pastor and president of Crown College, has died, his family announced. He was 75.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  9 месяцев назад

      Paul, Pastor Charles Lawson of Temple Baptist Church in Knoxville, TN is still alive. I think you must have seen that news regarding someone else.

    • @paulklenknyc
      @paulklenknyc 9 месяцев назад

      @@faithonfireministriesUh oh, I sent them my condolences.

    • @paulklenknyc
      @paulklenknyc 9 месяцев назад

      Oh no X 2: Sexton was pastor of TBC in Powell. Whoops! Glad to know, Brian, thank you!

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  9 месяцев назад

      I would like to have seen the face of the person who read that one! But now you got me worried because usually their Sunday morning services are already out on the RUclips channel zion4131 but they haven't uploaded anything yet today. I'll feel more relieved once they do and see that man standing at the pulpit again. God bless you!

  • @rettpanda6203
    @rettpanda6203 Год назад +3

    Johnny boy is a cult leader...a cult of his own making

  • @johnmoore3521
    @johnmoore3521 Год назад +2

    This makes my skin crawl.
    Everyone clapping ya hoo you fooled them.
    I would love to ask him face to face. What have you ever taught to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
    When you watch these pseudo ministers speak together, it's nothing but a pat on the back, admitting themselves being liars.
    Then, with Peters worshipping his Idols it makes me sick.
    Judgment is coming soon by way of passing on or our Lord's return.
    All of us will be judged.
    Free Will is God's gift to mankind.

  • @stephaniebergmann80
    @stephaniebergmann80 Год назад +8

    That was my thinking he deceived his congregation.

  • @chuckpodruchny6048
    @chuckpodruchny6048 Год назад +3

    Ain’t that amazing the predestination believing John MacArthur had to help God bring them alone to believe without dropping tulip on them at one time😜😂😜 just a little deception…he thought labels too soon with short circuit them… Must not believe too strongly in predestination🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ and John Piper said… That’s very wise these guys are very dangerous

  • @adams1625
    @adams1625 Год назад +3

    Do they realize what unbelievable amount of confusion, frustration, and harm they are putting on other people?
    "God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar;"
    "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."
    "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:"
    I got a long road ahead of me lol to actually learn what is true from The Bible

  • @nitewhalk
    @nitewhalk Год назад +8

    The five points of deception that is what the five of Calvinism is. Calvinism is a damnable doctrine. It is a man-made teaching.

  • @franroxburgh6055
    @franroxburgh6055 6 месяцев назад +2

    "The end justifies the means." Funnily enough, Islam teaches exactly the same thing!!! It's OK to lie and deceive people as long as it's in the cause of Allah.
    We need to teach and live out that God's purposes are NEVER advanced using ungodly methods.

  • @chava2uk150
    @chava2uk150 6 месяцев назад +1

    Another thought, a well known lady in YT was in New Age. She had a vision of Jesus and that led to her conversion. Calvanists have convinced her it was a demon.
    Is amazing how many in that circle are ex hyper charismatics.
    Out of the frying pan into the fire!

  • @athb4hu
    @athb4hu 26 дней назад +1

    I don't usually comment on videos, but I really liked your insight here on what is going on. I am a Brit living in Hungary, and Calvinism is not so much of a problem here, yet. Maybe it will be, as whatever is happening in America gets here sooner or later. I hope I can be equipped to fight what may be coming.

  • @titounoundici
    @titounoundici Год назад +16

    When I first heard John McArthur - Europeans like me do not know him - I thought he was a Christian. Guess what? I was wrong: he is calvinist!!! Oh, poor man.

    • @de629
      @de629 Год назад +1

      Calvinists are Christian's, don't let Brian deceive you...

    • @jimkraft9445
      @jimkraft9445 Год назад +1

      Calvinist trust in that they were chosen, not the gospel. They are deceived. If they knew they were deceived they would not be deceived. The great commission. Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. The gospel. First Corinthians 15:1-4. That Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures, that He was buried and rose again on the third day, according to the scriptures.
      First Corinthians 1:21. For after that, by the wisdom of God, the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God, by the foolishness of preaching, to save them that BELIEVE.
      Romans 1:16. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the POWER of God unto salvation to EVERYONE THAT BELIEVETH, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
      Calvinism and Arminianism is another gospel that cannot save.
      Galatians 1:6-9 Though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received from us, LET HIM BE ACCURSED. As we said before, so say I again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received from us, LET HIM BE ACCURSED. John 3:16-18. Jesus said it, we believe it, and that settles it. John 6:47. God cannot lie.

    • @toddnetland366
      @toddnetland366 Год назад

      @@de629 they are not. They preach a perverted gospel.

    • @josieb1991
      @josieb1991 Год назад +2

      I had never even heard of the guy and I am from US. For me it took one video from some guy named Justin peters to know he was off, but thats how I heard who MacArthur was and when I learned about what Calvinism was and how they follow a man Named Calvin and his teaching.

    • @de629
      @de629 Год назад +2

      @@josieb1991 I'll just tell you this and you can believe what you want. Calvinism is just a nickname for the Doctrines of Grace, it not believing all Calvin said, but holding to the synod of Dort.

  • @mrnoedahl
    @mrnoedahl Год назад +2

    John MacArthur has a video called, “The most Hated Doctrine”. In which he says it is Total Depravity.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Год назад +3

      Yep, thanks. That is the sermon I was thinking of. He did the same basic sermon around 7 years ago in which he called disagreeing with Total Depravity the number one threat to Christianity. Ligonier Ministries (RC Sproul started that) is a Calvinist Presbyterian PCA organization that still holds conference and produces articles and materials. They published an article that said exactly the same thing in their defense of Total Depravity. That means these Calvinists think that the true Gospel which is good news to the whole world being preached by real Christians and missionaries are what they think is the big threat to Christianity. That is sad. That just proves how much they are only wolves in sheep's clothing.

    • @mrnoedahl
      @mrnoedahl Год назад +1

      @@faithonfireministries I really like John MacArthur and love his ministry, but when I heard him twist scripture in order to support his Calvinism it really made me sad. I could not believe what I was hearing. He is not the man he use to be unfortunately.

  • @penprop01
    @penprop01 Год назад +2

    Aka Undercover Calvinist…..What verses say “ye must be Regenerated”? Decretal Theology, Devine Decree-onlyism. Ever Sin committed was by Devine Decreed by God. Bible says God doesn’t tempt you to sin, but God decrees you to sin?

  • @zeljkonedimovic206
    @zeljkonedimovic206 5 месяцев назад +1

    JMCA and the team openly tell them lies, and the community laughs!? So sad!
    Keep fighting for the truth bro, support from Kragujevac, Serbia

  • @laserfalcon
    @laserfalcon 9 месяцев назад +4

    Brian, you nailed it

  • @beatsintime
    @beatsintime Месяц назад +2

    Calvinist Doctrine is the main cause for this generation of deconstructionalists.
    I've had the opportunity to discuss with deconstructionalist their reasoning for rejection of religion. They ALL said it was because of certain doctrines that are all the lies of reformed theology.
    Some, I was able to show the actual, in context, scripture that refutes the lies they heard, and they were brought back to faith.
    But many would not even give me the time of day, because so many had lied to them that claimed they were Christians.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад

      I also believe Calvinism sends many people to hell because it is a great deception from Satan. Calvinism has influenced millions of people who are not yet saved but are seeking truth and take an interest in understanding who Jesus Christ is and what Christianity is all about, only to be intercepted by those wolves first, and so this person's exposure and understanding of Christianity and Jesus Christ is actually a massive perversion of the truth and therefore they get all the wrong ideas and they assess this is just purely man-made religious elitism and nonsense, not worth pursuing further and they drift on to something else.
      That is why as Christians we need more people including brave pastors to stand on the Word of God regardless of the backlash they will get from Calvinists and they need to call it out as a cult that masquerades as Christianity but is anything but that, and is only a deception from Satan designed to destroy lives.

  • @WJCharliee
    @WJCharliee Год назад +3

    Another great video! I also responded to your comment you did on a month old video about unconditional election and limited atonement. However, I wanted to reiterate here also. My grandpa used to say about “the wrong with this younger generation as they get too big for the britches.” MacArthur is kind of a reminder of how the Jesuits or politicians are- “It’s not a sin to lie, it is only a sin if you get caught.” In constrast, The old school ancient tent revival preachers called it as it is. They didn’t worry about diplomacy like John Rice, or Bobby Joe Senior. They just read what the Bible said, and stuck with it. Their sons and grandsons are more like politicians and lawyers. They’re not really interested in discipleship they’re more interesting in selling tickets. I don’t think it’s just by accident that JMac is in Los Angeles, which is the capital of the porn world, Hollywood, and the original Disney - LA’s evil Trinity. “Birds of a feather flock together.” Even though this may sound strong, I’m gonna say it anyway: there’s lying, and then there’s pathological lying. It’s very obvious from JMac testimony that he is a pathological liar. Remember what pathological means: it means you follow procedure or practice a.k.a. you “follow the path”. John Mac has been in the closet just like gay frisbee was in Calvary Chapel. Unfortunately, this makes Christians look very duplicitous and very hypocritical. But of course, this is been a testimony of Calvin and Luther and Zwingli, because they persecuted the anabaptist brethen who we are more in line with theologically. You never go by what people say you go by what people do. I went to a Bible Church, in which there was this one man a five point Calvinist, who informed me that John MacArthur was a five point fatalist too. Everybody in the church liked the man because he was a very pleasant fellow. He reminded me a lot of Ned Flanders on the Simpsons very sweet, very simple, but also very stupid. However, he was a college professor, so he’s very eloquent. Because two of the three pastors were closet, five point fatalist, he had his own Sunday school class. Even though most people in the church thought he was weird and strange, and they used to talk about them all the time in that Manner. The only difference is that he was honest and not a liar. However, John MacArthur is.🤔🙏✝️

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Год назад +1

      Okay, I hear you. I love that explanation of "pathological liar." I had not thought of it in those terms before but that makes a lot of sense. However I can't say I agree with you on Frisbee. I have read his 3 books about his life and ministry and he hardly portrays himself as perfect... far from it, but never as a homosexual. He warned against that lifestyle including a very accurate prophetic warning that it will be a future challenge infiltrating into the Christian church. He died in 1991. Homosexuality acceptance in churches was nonexistent back then but isn't that true today with all these worldly compromising churches!
      The people who are Cessationists have demonized Frisbee because they cannot have a person like him being legitimate or that in itself proves all of them to be false teachers who spoke against the work of the Holy Spirit demonstrated in the life and ministry of Frisbee. In order to preach the Cessation view, it requires that they also find a way to debunk absolutely everyone in ministry who has operated in those gifts in our day, otherwise it is the Cessationists who are not legitimate.
      The people who don't have an axe to grind against Lonnie Frisbee and worked closely with him in ministry until he died of Aids all claim he was NOT a homosexual and all claimed he was amazingly used by God in ministry. I could be wrong about him because I was not there and never knew him personally, but I'm siding with those who did know him personally and didn't just use him and then throw him away when miraculous things happened in their churches and the people came in droves launching them from obscurity into massive church growth, with thousands coming to find Christ and be saved.
      Keep in mind, Frisbee never got rich (was often in abject poverty), never sought riches unlike a lot of big name ministers today, and he often was in ministry barely surviving but always operating in faith for God to provide all the while being financially abused by churches that held money people had donated to help him be a missionary around the world. Also, history and science proves to us that many people in the 80's and 90's contracted HIV Aids through other means besides being gay.

  • @cvent8454
    @cvent8454 Год назад +7

    I so appreciate your content. I consider myself a Provisionist a la Leighton Flowers (Soteriology101). God provides provision for all to be saved. It was very difficult listening to these two and MacArthur dragging in RC (Sproul). The audience laughing made me think that I don’t think God is laughing. I think MacArthur, Piper, et al are going to be shocked just as RC was one day. James tells us that teachers and preachers are held to a higher standard since they can lead so many astray. That is what thse two are doing. So many of those "deconstructing" their faith are former Calvinists. Any wonder. My God is not so small and weak that He has to control everything in the universe to be sovereign and that only a select few are chosen while the rest of us were "predestined " to burn for His glory. How can any rational Christian believe these lies? Thank you for your work on this serious issue. God bless you and keep you safe from the demons like MacArthur and Piper.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Год назад

      Amen! Blessings to you!

    • @bucky91361
      @bucky91361 Год назад +2

      "MY God is not so small and weak that he has to control everything in the universe....."
      Are you serious? I'm not sure what is worse.... The MY God idolatry or your believing that God is not in control of everything.

    • @Stryper1
      @Stryper1 Год назад +1

      @@bucky91361 Here’s a question for you….the clothes you are wearing right now….was that by your choosing or God’s??? Remember…you said control of EVERYTHING…that would include your attire….I’ll wait for your response!!!

    • @bucky91361
      @bucky91361 Год назад

      @@Stryper1 good question. My choice and my choice alone. But, God knew what my choice was going to be because of His omniscience and He allowed it. Just like EVERYTHING else that happens..... ever.
      That's what the Bible says.
      Nice try.

    • @Stryper1
      @Stryper1 Год назад +1

      @@bucky91361 Nope….you cannot have it both ways. It’s either your choice completely or it’s completely ordained and scripted by God that you would wear those clothes….nice try. So I ask again, are the clothes you’re wearing your choice or Gods predestined, predetermined will, ordained and decreed before time began??? I’ll wait again….

  • @Demru_1
    @Demru_1 8 дней назад

    There's a difference between a debate and an argument,
    Personally I still haven't heard a proper argument even from seminar theologians and professors of the anti-reformed theological camp
    What a faithful pastor in John MacArthur, faithful for over 60yrs consistently teaching the good news. A family and personal life without controversy, loves his church members, and no compromise of truth during COVID.
    I have been in the pentecostal/charismatic for over 32yrs served in every ministry and position but I have never met 1 person because it will be rare but in my 3yrs following reformed faith I have met more leaders like MacArthur's calibre.

  • @arkrainflood
    @arkrainflood Год назад +2

    Ephesians 4:15 "...speaking the truth in love...." calvinists do neither.
    regarding "ends justifies the means", is hypocrisy for calvinists in that they affirm God is in meticulous control (God controls everything, down to the last atom), but then have to "help Him out" using deceptive tactics.
    the bible is replete with blowback for those who took shortcuts to help out God: Jacob and Abraham come to mind.
    lastly, i have commented many times that a calvinist will never preach tulip in prisons, hospices, funerals, and street corners because they know it will be rejected, which means fewer congregants which means less $. its all about the benjamins.

  •  Год назад +7

    I totally agree, yesterday I had a bit of an exchange of opinions on my community group about “the total depravity” and oh boy, to this day my head hurts, it is incredible that no one was aware about this doctrine based on Romans 3 up until the pastor mentioned and I had the courage by the grace of God to speak up even when they were interrupting me all along so I look like I did not know what I was saying and on top of that they perceived my speech on this matter as me trying to “let them know that they were wrong and I have the truth” when in reality all I was trying to do was to explain what I believe on that subject.
    We have to learn how to listen, how to respect everyone’s take on different doctrines since God is the one who reveals things when we seek after the truth not after a man or movement set of doctrines. The Bible states that we don’t know everything like we should, so there is a margin of error in all of us so no one can boast and to keep us HUMBLE. It is okey not to agree but that feeling of “we are the ones ” can be dangerous because it can lead us to hate those that don’t agree with us and as we can see, because of that, people don’t know which “denomination” has the truth, oh Lord have mercy on us and help us to bring fruit. Let us not to forget that the same thing happened with the pharisees, they boast on the fact that they were the elect ones and that the truth could only comes from them.
    To your point on idolatry… The idolatry is very settled, dangerous and real, if you take notice, some of them have status and portraits of a non infallible man most of the time on their place of study…
    I just want to cry… It is very saddening…
    God bless

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Год назад +1

      Good points. Yep, men can be idols just as objects can be idols if people aren't careful.

  • @dpaul6610
    @dpaul6610 9 месяцев назад +1

    You are not saved by grace? It's not a gift from God? It's by your own choosing? Great! Upon death I will remind God that you led me to this conclusion!!! Thanks a million!!!

    • @revivingfaith6123
      @revivingfaith6123 7 месяцев назад

      You have access by faith into grace (Romans 5:2), not by grace unto faith

  • @stephenbaughman3006
    @stephenbaughman3006 Год назад +1

    Truth is that MacA (like Piper) was NOT a Calvinist in the 70's until he got on the wave like others.

  • @truth7416
    @truth7416 Год назад +3

    When John MacArthur came out of Christianity the World would have been better off if he had became an Atheist, Mormon or Muslim or a homosexual!
    Why oh why did he have to choose the Cult of Deformed 5-Point Calvinism?
    Truth in Love
    Well done Brian keep up this important work!

  • @Gerri_Liz
    @Gerri_Liz Год назад +2

    One thing I noticed about John MacArthur in this video, he kept says I. Unless I missed it, he never mentioned God.

  • @pastorandymcdaniel4512
    @pastorandymcdaniel4512 Год назад +4

    another great teaching and showing of the heart of these deceivers. Indeed they "slip" this stuff in because most people would never listen to it if they knew what was actually being taught. It is shameful the tactics they use, but after 22 years in ministry, I have never seen it done any other way. They are never upfront, they always hide it until they have gotten in the door.

  • @ZZ-eg7to
    @ZZ-eg7to Год назад +2

    Brian, you should consider attending the G3 conference it would help you immensely!

  • @phillipwhite659
    @phillipwhite659 9 месяцев назад +3

    He was not leading them along he was deceiving the along wolf in sheep clothing. 😮

  • @jorgemoreno5007
    @jorgemoreno5007 11 месяцев назад +3

    I totally agree with you.

  • @osowers6755
    @osowers6755 2 месяца назад

    Many years ago I used to listen to John MacArthur and enjoy his messages on grace. After some time he progressed into arrogance and a "hierarchy" of him as the best bible preacher. This came through his messages pretty clearly. This is where he would sometimes mention he was better than everyone else at expounding the Bible, .etc... At that time I had no idea he had progressed in the Calvinism but I knew I couldn't stand listening to him any longer. Now after all these years he doesn't even hide it, he openly is arrogant.

  • @Zb-uo2bl
    @Zb-uo2bl 2 месяца назад

    We must all keep in our mind and hearts, that Every scripture is True, but one by one are never mutually exclusive! Scripture cannot Cancel Scripture, but must alway agree! This is the Word we are speaking of, as in "The Word Became Flesh and dwelt among us!! Are we Allowed, to "Add To, or Take Away"?
    Therefore, it is All True, in Harmony and Balance! If doctrine and Scripture collide, doctrine WILL BREAK!! AMEN, GLORY TO GOD!!

  • @henrypahl51
    @henrypahl51 4 месяца назад

    Romans 10:20 (ESV)
    20 Then Isaiah is so bold as to say,
    “I have been found by those who did not seek me;
    I have shown myself to those who did not ask for me.”

  • @jameslowrance5009
    @jameslowrance5009 Год назад +12

    Using the accent of Elmer Fud, "Be vewy, vewy quite because my Calvinism is a secwut" - said McArthur. It's almost like secret societies do in acting as if they have truth greater than anyone else among Christian denominations knows about. Just as they did for John Calvin, they will now do for McArthur ... he will be further exalted into a near worshipful teacher. It's a fruit irrefutably showing him to be false! (Matthew 7:16).

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Год назад +4

      Yep, well said. Great cartoon reference too. That certainly brings back some memories! God bless you!

    • @toddnetland366
      @toddnetland366 Год назад +2

      Just like gnostics.

  • @chuckpodruchny6048
    @chuckpodruchny6048 Год назад +2

    The crazy thing is people were clapping and cheering at their admittance to deception🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ if you serve a god that’s got to deceive people to win them. That tells me that’s not the God of the Bible.