Exploring Abandoned Villages 🍃 Welcome to Our 200+ Year-Old Village Church. Живот На Село! (Part I)

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • Welcome to our 200+-year-old church in our semi-abandoned Village (Село)!
    Духът на забравеното ни село поддържа старата църква “ Св. Константин и Елена” с над 200 годишна история! И така, затаете дъх!
    Hi guys!
    My name is Laurie and I swapped city life (Manhattan, New York) for a simple life in a semi-abandoned village (Село) in the Balkan Mountains (Eastern Europe).
    I literally woke up one morning and realized NYC wasn’t for me. I booked a ticket (the same day!), packed a little suitcase, and moved to my beloved teeny-tiny Bulgarian farm… lost in time. And when I say lost in time I mean LOST-IN-TIME. No time-crunching jobs, no watching the clock, hardly any internet service at all, really. Imagine a village from the Middle Ages… that’s pretty much what you get here. And I’m loving every second of it!
    I went from living in a city of 8 million to living on an old, historic farm… population: under 40. From skyscrapers to crumbling abandoned houses. From fast food takeout to barrel grill cooking. The advantages of village life are endless…
    Update: My boyfriend and I have saved up and begun renovating our abandoned ancestral homestead (farmhouse). It hasn’t been easy but definitely interesting and extremely rewarding. There is nothing better than farming, harvesting and foraging for our own food… and keeping tradition alive. 🌱
    ЗА МЕН:
    Аз съм Лори, на която всички се чудят как замени градския живот (Манхатън, Ню Йорк) със спокоен живот в малко полуизоставено село в България.
    Събудих се една сутрин и осъзнах, че Ню Йорк не е за мен. Купих си билет (същият ден!), стегнах си малкото куфарче, и се завърнах в България… в бащиното ми селце, там, където животът е спрял, и там, където разбираш кои неща наистина имат смисъл! Забравих какво е стрес, напрежение и нареждане на деня спрямо часовника! Часовник, какво е това? За да ползваш телефона си, отиваш до специално място, където има обхват, и така говориш! Чувстваш се така, сякаш живееш в годините от Възрожденския ни период! Обожавам и ценя всеки миг, прекаран тук!
    Всички се чудят не е ли трудно да живееш в село с по-малко от 40 души, отчитайки, че идвам от град с 8 милиона жители! От небостъргачи до рушащи се изоставени къщи…От доставки на бързи храни до готвене на жар и весели чевермета! Предимствата да живееш на село са безкрайни... На първо място трябва да осъзнаеш какво дава то на душата ти, защото тя е най-важна! След това да забравиш за клишето, че няма реализация!
    В момента: Моят приятел и аз обновихме изоставената къща на предците ни! Пригодихме я така, че да не ни липсва каквото и да е удобство! Не беше лесно, но определено интересно и изключително възнаграждаващо. Няма нищо по-добро от земеделието, отглеждането и търсенето на собствена храна... и поддържането на традицията жива. 🌱
    #exploringabandonedhistoricalplaces #abandonedplaceschurch #животнасело #villagelifevscitylife #abandonedchurch #storiesaboutabandonedplaces
    Do you want to support my work? patreon.com/Si...

Комментарии • 58

  • @MemphisMikeOFFICIAL
    @MemphisMikeOFFICIAL 3 месяца назад +5

    WOW! This was great! Забавно и образователно! I've been wondering when you'd get a chance to show the church. Вижте вие ​​млади дами с народни носии! Толкова хубаво! Please give the малки принцеси a big ol' ХОУДИ! from me, and feel free to share with the rest of Gadje's fam! I can't wait to share this with my friends! Good job ladies!!!!!!

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад +2

      Thank you so much Mike! I was reallyyyyy looking forward to making this video and hope it goes far 😃 Thanks so much for sharing it with your friends!! Long live Selo! 🍃

  • @ChefEarthenware
    @ChefEarthenware 3 месяца назад +2

    This was great. So very interesting. I adore seeing other peoples' culture like this.

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад

      Thank you so much! I’ve been working on this video for a while now and am very excited to have finally posted it. Thank you so much for watching and commenting! 😊😊😊

  • @cami0076
    @cami0076 3 месяца назад +3

    Много сте готини с фолклорните носии! :)Презентацията на църквата също ми харесва

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад

      Благодаря многооо 😊
      Винаги съм искала да се снимам с носията на баба ❤️. Сбъдната мечта!

  • @futurekron
    @futurekron 3 месяца назад +3

    I love the guided tour! What a beautiful spot. And, your traditional garments are lovely. I see so many beautiful Bulgarian textiles in the old abandoned homes....very colorful. Someone could make a killing on cleaning them up and reselling them!

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад

      Thank you so much for this comment! I really mean it because I put my heart and souls into this video. I see a few things that I will work to improve on in my future videos over time (mainly, telling my awesome camera girl to move slower and film closer to us so that the sound is solid/ scenes clear…. And work on relaxing in from of the camera). I’m still new to the world of video making and hope to improve with time but overall I am very pleased with the result. Seeing comments like yours gives me the boost of co finance I need! Thank you for that! 😊😊😊

  • @piccalillipit9211
    @piccalillipit9211 3 месяца назад +3

    *THE LITTLE GIRL* was unbelievably cute

  • @milofrazier3604
    @milofrazier3604 3 месяца назад +3

    great video. you looked great. more video's like this

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад

      Thank you so much! We put extra love into this one. Part II is coming next week 😃 and I will be sure to make more like this. Thanks for letting me know you’d like to see more! 😃

    • @milofrazier3604
      @milofrazier3604 3 месяца назад

      @@sistersofbulgaria9396 thank you for responding. just keep making great video's. i started watching you to see the old stone buildings i am not much interested in the cooking but i am sure there is people how do just make what ever kid of video's that get you the most views. i will watch all your video's

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  2 месяца назад

      Thank you so much for the support! I appreciate it very much 😊
      Honestly, I hadn’t intended on making cooking videos in the beginning but I keep getting requests for traditional recipes. I will be sure to make more videos on the village and stone houses since that is what you enjoy most (I love that topic too)!

  • @johndayan7126
    @johndayan7126 3 месяца назад +1

    Absolutely fascinating! Thank you so much for sharing this. Beautiful in so many ways and a magnificent testimony to the faith of your families and your community. Peace be with you friend. 💖🥀🌻🐦🐝

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад +1

      Thanks so much! We put a lot of love and effort into this video and hearing you like it fills me with so much joy! Wishing you nothing but the best! 😊🍃💙 🐞

  • @slimdusty6328
    @slimdusty6328 3 месяца назад +1

    Very beautiful , wow

  • @36euphoria
    @36euphoria 3 месяца назад +1

    Really enjoyed seeing inside the church. Thank you

  • @antoniodelrey164
    @antoniodelrey164 3 месяца назад +1

    Funny story again for you. My first time in Bansko I visited the church that was close to the family house and this church is approximately the same age as yours. . When I came home, I told my I visited the church and she asked me which one? The old or the new? The new one was the one I visited and the old one was and still is by the cemetery and it’s even older! Can you imagine an over 200 year old church being referred to as the new one? Over the entrance door is a painted Orthodox cross and to the side of it a Crescent Moon to pacify the Turks…the seating was also interesting with a woman’s section and best seats were just like at a sports stadium. The more you paid, the better the seat! I love watching your videos and being reminded of how life once was there and how things still are. The icons are amazing and so is the fine wood carvings…

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад +1

      Omg can you imagine the history!? The 200 year old church is the new one!! 😮😃
      I am working on gathering as much history as I can about our village and will make a video about it. This is actually the “new” village (just like in your case with your 200 year old “new” church” 😃). The original village was on the other side of the river but was moved because of the Plague.. so in a way this is the “new church”. Bulgaria is amazing with so much history.
      What you just told me about paying for seating is INSANE!! I have never heard this before! Thanks so much for sharing.. I just learned a very cool and crazy piece of history from you 😃

    • @antoniodelrey164
      @antoniodelrey164 3 месяца назад

      @@sistersofbulgaria9396 Talking with the elders or their children will give you probably the best history. What a great thing to do as you are planning. It’s a country with such a rich history but all of it not so good especially loosing lands after wars but I guess that’s all part of the history too. Yeah, I was surprised when my Baba told me about the price of seats in the church too. The women had a section in the back that had a lattice type wall to kind of shield them if the Turks came in or something like that. I’ll look into it more when I get back hopefully this fall. Leka Nosh, leka…. Bansko lingo. 😉 Bansko dialect.

  • @RuinsRebuilt
    @RuinsRebuilt 3 месяца назад +1

    ❤❤❤❤❤So amazing sweetheart ,thank you for sharing🙏❤️🙏Loved it😊

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад +1

      Thank you so much for watching! I hadn’t heard from you for a while and missed you! I hope you guys are having an amazing time in Bulgaria ❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️

  • @user-qu1fi6ri5f
    @user-qu1fi6ri5f 2 месяца назад +1


  • @ivar-22
    @ivar-22 3 месяца назад +1

    The Church is really amazing. Your traditional outfits are very beautiful and colorful , the main attraction is the cute little girl 😊 she looks gorgeous 😅

  • @jadecraig9830
    @jadecraig9830 3 месяца назад +1

    Your church is really amazing ... even if I saved from greedy Foreigners much higher level of icons ... But the atmosphere for a village's church is GREAT ! Protect it at any cost !)

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад

      Thank you so much! We are very proud of our church and I definitely plan to protect it ❤️

  • @jadecraig9830
    @jadecraig9830 3 месяца назад +2

    Very moving video ! ( I am an old French man married to a Bulgarian woman and living in Plovdiv since 2002 ... Where I collected old antiques of Bulgaria and restored them ).

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад

      Thank you so much! What an amazing job/ hobby you have! I also collect old Bulgarian antiques but am not skilled in restoring them. It’s amazing that you have such a skill!
      I was in Plovdiv the other day. It is one of the most beautiful cities in Bulgaria 🇧🇬

  • @fff5081
    @fff5081 3 месяца назад +1


  • @ccaswick
    @ccaswick 3 месяца назад +1

    I suspected you were Orthodox -- thanks for sharing your church, it is beautiful. I am Orthodox as well and would welcome more videos on the history of your church as well as the traditions/foods. Your channel is great.

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад

      Yes 😊 we are Eastern Orthodox and overall Bulgaria is a pretty religious country. So amazing to hear that you are Orthodox as well! I’m sorry if I asked before but where are you from?
      Thank you SO MUCH for letting me know what you’d like to see more of. It gives me loads of inspiration and I will be sure to keep creating such videos. Thank you even more for the kind words about my channel. It means so much! 😊😊😊

    • @ccaswick
      @ccaswick 3 месяца назад

      Chicago, born in Clevelannd to Carpatho-Rus grandmother. Mom married a Polish man, so raised in both Catholic and Orthodox churches. I chose Orthodoxy as an adult.

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад

      Oh wow! What an interesting background you have. I love it.

  • @antoniaantonov9594
    @antoniaantonov9594 3 месяца назад +1

    Hi again no problem i totally understand what you have told me and i agree ,maybe one day it will happen by luck ,love to you all❤

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад

      Yes! I hope one day the locals will agree. Thank you so much for understanding. If it does, you will be the first to know! Much love to you and your family! ❤️🌞

  • @ericg1971
    @ericg1971 3 месяца назад +1

    Correct me if i misunderstood but seven days to build ? That's a lot of stone to put up never mind bring to the location ..........but the irony...... those who persecuted they did fall , yet the stones stand ever tall ,absolutely love the architecture in it's own unique style , ........something about natural stone just feels right , well done

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад

      Yes! Can you believe it?? The villagers built it in secret over the course of only 7 nights. I couldn’t believe it either when I first learned this but that’s how motivated they were to keep their faith strong. I couldn’t agree more about the natural stone… there is life in it.

  • @derekbilston9290
    @derekbilston9290 2 месяца назад +1

    Been very busy with canvassing etc in the British General Election to be held on the 4th of July. Didnt recognise you in the traditional Bulgarian attire. 😊

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  2 месяца назад

      Oh that’s right! I didn’t realize elections were right around the corner for you. Here in Bulgaria we had our elections a few weeks ago.

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  2 месяца назад

      Haha that attire was recently given to me by Baba Nina! Now we wear this whenever we are having a good day and want to really feel like we are living 200 years ago 😃

  • @olivierdupiton7
    @olivierdupiton7 3 месяца назад +1

    Very nice ❤thanks for sharing. What village is it?

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад +1

      Thank you so much Olivier! 😊
      I have been asked by the locals not to share the name of the village. They seem to be afraid that my bringing attention to the village may threaten the rural nature of the region 😕 I will be honest, at first I was a bit confused but after thinking about it I can see where their fears are coming from. The majority of the people here are elderly and live on extremely low pensions. They fear that if people start visiting the price of living will go up and they would no longer be able to sustain themselves. I’m so sorry I couldn’t answer your question exactly.. I just love and respect the people here too much to break my promise..

  • @antoniaantonov9594
    @antoniaantonov9594 3 месяца назад +1

    Wow thanks for today,s vedeo i have seen churches and monasteries but it looks quite old and the story interesting too , haven,t been in one without any windows at all i wish to know the name of your village if you can name it maybe one day we will be passing from near by and can have a look . Thanks goes to your helpers too ❤ love and blessings to all .❤

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад

      Thank you so much! I am so thrilled that you like our precious church. It took an incredible amount of work and determination to build and it’s our job to keep it safe and alive.
      I really wish I could share the name of our village but I have been asked by the locals not to share the name of the village. They seem to be afraid that my bringing attention to the village may threaten the rural nature of the region 😕 The majority of the people here are elderly and live on extremely low pensions. They fear that if people start visiting the price of living will go up and they would no longer be able to sustain themselves. I’m so sorry I couldn’t answer your question exactly.. I just love and respect the people here too much to break my promise..
      I have been getting a lot of requests from amazing people who wish to visit and it would fill me with so much joy to welcome and host them. I am talking with the locals to see if we can come to agreement where we welcome a few people to the village. Perhaps we can organize tours. They are still hesitant but I’m hoping that with time we can come to an agreement. If they do agree, you will be the first to know! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @Daytona2
    @Daytona2 3 месяца назад +1

    What a hidden gem !
    Interested to know the waves of immigration & invasion in the area. The Ottomans sound nasty.

    • @masubg
      @masubg 3 месяца назад

      When the ottomans invaded our lands a nasty turk will see a church and would order to be destroyed but a smart turk will see a church and would order to be converted into mosque

    • @piccalillipit9211
      @piccalillipit9211 3 месяца назад

      Bulgaria is the gateway between Europe and the Middle East - it was invaded endlessly by people from every direction. I found 2 Roman bracelets in my garden, a spear tip, an ancient Greek annular broach, some bits of Roman armour, a neolithic axe head, a quern stone, the place is just chock full of stuff - its highly illegal to sell any to try and stop organised crime robbing the country's history

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад +1

      It really is! I will work on adding more history about Bulgaria and the region in future videos ☺️ Thank you for this comment.. you gave me great ideas!

  • @FullTimeFM
    @FullTimeFM 3 месяца назад +2

    Can you still visit the church? Do they still do sermons?

    • @piccalillipit9211
      @piccalillipit9211 3 месяца назад +1

      Almost certainly yes and yes - its a VERY religious country. The idea that communism banned religion is a Western myth. Every church I know of is active and in my area of the town they are building a NEW church.

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад +1

      Actually no… sadly this is not an active church. It stays locked up and is opened only when the village gets visitors (something like a museum).

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад +1

      I wish it was an active church… but it’s not 😔. It stays locked up to preserve the interior and is only opened from time to time for visitors.