Exploring Abandoned Villages 🍃 Welcome to Our 200+ Year-Old Village Church. Живот На Село! (Part II)

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • Welcome to our 200+-year-old church in our semi-abandoned Village (Село)!
    Духът на забравеното ни село поддържа старата църква “ Св. Константин и Елена” с над 200 годишна история! И така, затаете дъх!
    Hi guys!
    My name is Laurie and I swapped city life (Manhattan, New York) for a simple life in a semi-abandoned village (Село) in the Balkan Mountains (Eastern Europe).
    I literally woke up one morning and realized NYC wasn’t for me. I booked a ticket (the same day!), packed a little suitcase, and moved to my beloved teeny-tiny Bulgarian farm… lost in time. And when I say lost in time I mean LOST-IN-TIME. No time-crunching jobs, no watching the clock, hardly any internet service at all, really. Imagine a village from the Middle Ages… that’s pretty much what you get here. And I’m loving every second of it!
    I went from living in a city of 8 million to living on an old, historic farm… population: under 40. From skyscrapers to crumbling abandoned houses. From fast food takeout to barrel grill cooking. The advantages of village life are endless…
    Update: My boyfriend and I have saved up and begun renovating our abandoned ancestral homestead (farmhouse). It hasn’t been easy but definitely interesting and extremely rewarding. There is nothing better than farming, harvesting and foraging for our own food… and keeping tradition alive. 🌱
    ЗА МЕН:
    Аз съм Лори, на която всички се чудят как замени градския живот (Манхатън, Ню Йорк) със спокоен живот в малко полуизоставено село в България.
    Събудих се една сутрин и осъзнах, че Ню Йорк не е за мен. Купих си билет (същият ден!), стегнах си малкото куфарче, и се завърнах в България… в бащиното ми селце, там, където животът е спрял, и там, където разбираш кои неща наистина имат смисъл! Забравих какво е стрес, напрежение и нареждане на деня спрямо часовника! Часовник, какво е това? За да ползваш телефона си, отиваш до специално място, където има обхват, и така говориш! Чувстваш се така, сякаш живееш в годините от Възрожденския ни период! Обожавам и ценя всеки миг, прекаран тук!
    Всички се чудят не е ли трудно да живееш в село с по-малко от 40 души, отчитайки, че идвам от град с 8 милиона жители! От небостъргачи до рушащи се изоставени къщи…От доставки на бързи храни до готвене на жар и весели чевермета! Предимствата да живееш на село са безкрайни... На първо място трябва да осъзнаеш какво дава то на душата ти, защото тя е най-важна! След това да забравиш за клишето, че няма реализация!
    В момента: Моят приятел и аз обновихме изоставената къща на предците ни! Пригодихме я така, че да не ни липсва каквото и да е удобство! Не беше лесно, но определено интересно и изключително възнаграждаващо. Няма нищо по-добро от земеделието, отглеждането и търсенето на собствена храна... и поддържането на традицията жива. 🌱
    #exploringabandonedhistoricalplaces #abandonedplaceschurch #животнасело #villagelifevscitylife #abandonedchurch #storiesaboutabandonedplaces
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Комментарии • 48

  • @zoranpavlovski1352
    @zoranpavlovski1352 3 месяца назад +6

    God bless the soul of Baba Stefana. ( i presume she passed away)
    What a beautiful church! And i cant not but not to noticed how much more of tradition vilage where you are from is having. Just following you for a while.
    But whow, this church is amazing! So much of effort of werry skiled people of that time, under the otomans.
    Thank you so much for showing us all of this! Im loving Bulgaria more and more with every your new video!

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад +2

      Thank you so much for saying this! Baba Stefana was a very respected member of our village and we all loved her very much! I am so so happy you enjoyed this video and even happier that you love Bulgaria! Come visit one day soon! 😊😃

    • @zoranpavlovski1352
      @zoranpavlovski1352 3 месяца назад +1

      @@sistersofbulgaria9396 Im comming for sure. But how soon i cant promise.

  • @FortressofLugh
    @FortressofLugh 3 месяца назад

    Very lovely. Thank you for sharing this.

  • @michelroofthooft4362
    @michelroofthooft4362 3 месяца назад +1

    That was interesting, thank you, love the traditional clothing 😊

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад +1

      Thank you! I’m soo happy you enjoyed. This tradition wear is called “nosiya”. The one I am wearing is a “Trakiyska Nosiya”. The one Hrisi is wearing is a “Shopska Nosiya”. 😊😊

  • @VS-vk2ct
    @VS-vk2ct 2 месяца назад

    Amazingly beautiful!!! So peaceful! I feel the history, hear the whispers of all the people that passed through there and celebrated their life events! So many births, christenings, weddings and passings… and everyone has left a mark and a piece of their soul! Thank you Laurie for making us a part of your world!!! ❤🍀🌳

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  2 месяца назад

      Wow 😮. Your words are so touching and powerful… you summed up perfectly the feeling I get in this church, and in our beloved Selo in general!
      Thank you so much for becoming a part of my world! ❤️🌞🍃🐞

  • @SP-sj7uc
    @SP-sj7uc 2 месяца назад

    Прекрасна църква, много са ви красиви и носиите! Продължавайте така 🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  2 месяца назад

      Благодаря много! Баба скоро ми даде нейната (шопска), и много се зарадвах! Скоро ще празнуваме рождения ми ден и “дрес кода” е да сме всички с носии! 😃 🇧🇬 😃🇧🇬😃🇧🇬😃 Всичко ще снимам и ще го кача 🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬

  • @johndayan7126
    @johndayan7126 3 месяца назад

    Beautiful and fascinating. Thank you so much for these wonderful videos. I love learning about your wonderful village, it's history, people, and especially your journey in this new life. Amazing. I always enjoy seeing the various plants and gardens as well. Peace be with you friend. 💖🙏🥀🌻🐦🦋

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  2 месяца назад +1

      Thank you so much John! This video was particularly exciting to make and it fills me with so much joy to know that you enjoyed it. I plan to making many more videos like this, discussing the history of our village. Best wishes to you and your family! 🐞🍄🌞

  • @mitkodimitrov8396
    @mitkodimitrov8396 3 месяца назад

    Bravo gurls,you keep Bulgaria and our spirit alive.Healt and happynes

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад

      Wow! Thank you for this absolutely beautiful comment! You really made my day 😊 🇧🇬

  • @dirtyleeds1088
    @dirtyleeds1088 3 месяца назад +1

    its so beautiful

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад

      Thank you so much! I’m very happy you enjoyed. The church is truly one of a kind 😊

  • @Daytona2
    @Daytona2 3 месяца назад

    It's great to have it on film as a historial archivei 😊

  • @MemphisMikeOFFICIAL
    @MemphisMikeOFFICIAL 3 месяца назад +2

    Браво дами! Баба Стефанка ще се гордее с работата, която сте свършили! ❤🇧🇬

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад +1

      P.S- I’m very sorry for not responding to our other chat. It’s a long story but my hospital experience ended up being much more intense than I had imagined. I will respond tomorrow and tell you all about it! 😮

    • @MemphisMikeOFFICIAL
      @MemphisMikeOFFICIAL 3 месяца назад

      @@sistersofbulgaria9396 ❤ hope you're ok kiddo!

    • @VS-vk2ct
      @VS-vk2ct 9 дней назад

      I am volunteering to help you translate this book in english if you like ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @futurekron
    @futurekron 3 месяца назад

    I would love to read a historical book on Bulgaria, especially the one you're working on. There's so much hidden history there (IMO) that's fascinating. To understand how the Bulgarian culture was affected by a foreign occupation is something we should all know about.

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  2 месяца назад

      Thanks so much for letting me know! I’m going to work on publishing the book. Baba Stefana wrote it years and years ago and it is full of hidden treasures about the region.. and Bulgaria in general. I feel it needs to be preserved 🍃

  • @ChefEarthenware
    @ChefEarthenware 3 месяца назад

    Very interesting.

  • @antoniaantonov9594
    @antoniaantonov9594 3 месяца назад

    A hidden treasure as you said, it would be nice to open more about it and your village and i would be interested to read the book but be careful as too much exposure will ruin your village and your beautiful peace .God bless ❤

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  2 месяца назад

      Thanks so much! And thank you for letting me know you would be interested in such a book. I feel there is so much history that should be preserved but at the same time you are very right about needing to protect our village from over exposure. I made a promise to the locals not to reveal the name of the village and hope it’s charm lives on for years to come ❤️

  • @dilqnayordanova855
    @dilqnayordanova855 24 дня назад

    Здравей, много се радвам, че млади хора като вас. Поздрвления
    Можете ли даа кажете как се казва книгата❤

  • @panchamjeetsingh960
    @panchamjeetsingh960 3 месяца назад

    So beautiful dress and very very beautiful mam 💞💞💞💞❤❤

  • @KF-qj2rn
    @KF-qj2rn 2 месяца назад +1

    Young people need this structure and goal setting expectations, this would have been ideal for me, but in the US it's 'anything goes' and individualism more than tribe or team, which causes falling out and division, plus no guidance or mentoring. "Not my job" seems to be the unspoken mantra.
    I saw 1806 on the fresco i believe...

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  2 месяца назад +1

      I couldn’t agree with you more….
      There’s really not much more to say.. you summed up the sad truth. “Not my job” is the new motto and no one seems to care about working together and helping each other out.
      Yes! This church was built in 1806. If you haven’t seen it already, you can check out part 1. We explain a lot of the construction history here.

  • @derekbilston9290
    @derekbilston9290 2 месяца назад


  • @ingevansand9180
    @ingevansand9180 3 месяца назад

    I would love to read the book in English!

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад

      Thank you for letting me know! I will work on publishing it. 😊

  • @ninetpetersons6272
    @ninetpetersons6272 3 месяца назад +1

    Beautiful church and gorgeous you! We afre heading to Bulgaria next week. How do we find that church?

    • @piccalillipit9211
      @piccalillipit9211 3 месяца назад +2

      Which part of Bulgaria are you coming to? I live in Burgas just south of sunny Beach

    • @piccalillipit9211
      @piccalillipit9211 3 месяца назад +2

      BTW - Very hot here at the moment and hotter next week, 36ºC next week.

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  3 месяца назад +1

      Thank you so much! 😊❤️
      How exciting!! This church is not active and stays closed up in order to preserve the interior. We had tourists coming at one point but at the moment it is not active. This is why it took me so long to get access to make this video. That said, I strongly recommend visiting the church “Sveta Sofia” and “Boyana Church” (both are in Sofia). Boyana Church is similar to ours in size, structure and design. It is found a bit up the mountain and there is a beautiful park you can explore after. Just make sure to bring comfortable shoes. Also make sure you bring a lot of sunscreen and light clothes because it is very very hot here right now! Next week will be even hotter… but the good news is it is not humid 😊

    • @ninetpetersons6272
      @ninetpetersons6272 3 месяца назад

      @@sistersofbulgaria9396 Thank you for the reply. We are trying to avoid touristy areas and will not fly to Sofia. We are more attracted to small villages (partly due to your channel).

  • @derekbilston9290
    @derekbilston9290 2 месяца назад

    An English version would be good because of the large number of people in Europe who now speak English.

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  2 месяца назад +1

      Thanks for letting me know! I’m going to work on publishing a copy 😊

  • @user-nh6tu6pm5o
    @user-nh6tu6pm5o 2 месяца назад

    I'm from India 🇮🇳 My father health not good please pray 🙏🙏

    • @sistersofbulgaria9396
      @sistersofbulgaria9396  2 месяца назад +1

      My prayers are with you and your wonderful father! We are all wishing him a quick and full recovery!!

    • @user-nh6tu6pm5o
      @user-nh6tu6pm5o 2 месяца назад

      @@sistersofbulgaria9396 thank You and God bless You !!