You don't know it hasn't been depolluted first with it's fluids removed. Many scrapyards are at docks, just go to Liverpool where most of the business along the docks seems to be scrap metal. It's exported, mainly to China, where there is a thriving manufacturing industry and it fetches a high price.
Writing on the bus. "Deze bus rijdt miljeuvriendelijk", This bus drives environment friendly. Natural gas containers on the roof. They no doubt have been bleeded.
Nope not really, just their steel industry requires import of ferrous scrap for melt (they are predominantly EAF based) as they can't collect enough domestic scrap. Not the case with China...they have enough domestic scrap...(turkey import 24mt, China, about 4mt)
Keep going 👍
"Wait, where am I--is this my stop? Must have fallen asleep."
Interesting video.... but poor VanHool :( :(
You don't know it hasn't been depolluted first with it's fluids removed. Many scrapyards are at docks, just go to Liverpool where most of the business along the docks seems to be scrap metal. It's exported, mainly to China, where there is a thriving manufacturing industry and it fetches a high price.
That operator got sum fucking skillzzz!!
toute mes condoléances pour se VanHool A300😥😥😥
La girouette c'est ce qui te donne de l'extérieur la destination du bus =)
wow, that bus looks 14 times more modern then the buses in canada.... and its already being scrapped!
Such a good bus was how many people it transported, why break it, you can keep it in museums, leave it, and let it stand next to other retro buses.
That's not demolition! it's just moving a bus by a learner crane driver
Incorrect, most ferrous metal is shipped in bulk to Turkey, with the rest spread between India/China/Taiwan and Korea.
😔😔😔😔😔tadin trabalhou tanto na cidade e essa e a recompensa.
I don't know why but I feel sad, the bus looks recent. Why did they decide to dump it?
The crane hook looks like a Tyrannosaurus rex.
So is there a large manufacturing industry in Turkey? I guess there must be.
so where exactly were they polluting the water?........
Der arme Bus!!!!! :'(
Writing on the bus. "Deze bus rijdt miljeuvriendelijk", This bus drives environment friendly. Natural gas containers on the roof. They no doubt have been bleeded.
Et delijn c pr quand ?😁
Quiero saber más sobre máquinas demoledoras de vehículos.
Nope not really, just their steel industry requires import of ferrous scrap for melt (they are predominantly EAF based) as they can't collect enough domestic scrap. Not the case with China...they have enough domestic scrap...(turkey import 24mt, China, about 4mt)
Van Hool A300!!!! :'(
Au moins il a bien servit :)
I think the Crane Operator need's some lessons how to operate.
maybe hes camera shy
Pour VanHool A300 bus.
Deze bus rijdt milieuvriendelijk. Je kan beter zeggen reed.
gag les roues n'etaient pas visses?
Les roues sont récupérées pour être réutilisées.
Someone could have made that into a home.
You don't make double decker buses that way!
T'a la carte grise du bus pour dire ca? l'apparence ne veut rien dire si sa trouve yavait même plus de moteur dedans ...
the operator opened pandoras box
It still has the LPG tanks on the roof, bunch of amateurs!
so where is the demolition? yes, lets pollute the water some more!!!
amature. liebherr are the best!
SCRAP!!!!!!! OH NO IT’S RUINED!!!!!!
c quoi les truc rouge decu
apprend à écrire
Les bouteilles de gazs: GPL ou GNV.
Nature friendly way of scrap...
Le devis de ce genre de réparation dépasse rapidement le prix du véhicule d'origine.
Um, I think I missed my stop.
"Attendez--c'est la ou je descend...?
@wimpie25 Haha ja inderdaad
Não vir nada de demolição não tá errado o título
Ebb ING by TV 6 mom
Y en qué momento lo demolieron
VanHool A300 GPL!!!!!
Isso que chama de demolição ? não vi nada de mais !!! =/
+Ariel Piffer eu tambem nao
C'est triste
d'une quinzaine d'année...
best job in the world?
mais il avait laire en bonne etat se bus enfin il y en a qui roule encore et qui sont vraiment bon pour la poubelle ...
"The claw
это больной автобус,у него на крыше какие-то страшные прыщи
Van Hool :´(
They are recykling...
a eso le llaman chatarra, aqui donde vivo hay autobuses 20 veces mas viejos que esos y siguen en funciones
Ne me dit pas qu'ils n'ont pas enlevé la girouette ??
Si pourquoi ?
Le matériel qu'ils auraient pu récupérer!!!!
é vc quer distruir qualquer coisa mas vai ficar querendo
laisser il sont bête
nimporte quoi pourquoi lavoir detruit pfff ils ont rien comprit a la vie ceux la ils aurait du lenvoyer a l'etranger
laisser il sont bête